
there is FREEDOM Tapiwa Simon Mudapakati fear religion addiction chains doubt insecurity pain

there is FREEDOM


rage death lust witchcraft anxiety ego hell Copyright © Tapiwa Simon Mudapakati, 2020

First published in New Zealand, 2020 First paperback edition September 2020

Paperback ISBN 978-0-473-54076-0 Ebook ISBN 978-0-473-54077-7

Printed by YourBooks Ltd.

All parts of this book may be reused without the express written permission of the author.

To find out more, visit: BirthpainsandthereturnofJesusChrist.com For Laila

And for the new-borns


If you want to bring life, stop entertaining yourself with death. Sin results in death. Eternal death. We sin, we die. God is pure and righteous, and cannot bear sin. God sent Jesus Christ to take our sin. Jesus has already done everything for us, and all we have to do is to repent and accept him as our Lord and Saviour. That is all you have to do to enter heaven. There are obstacles cast by those who have already been sentenced to the lake of fire without a second chance. They come in the form of demons, and Satan, and fallen angels. They present themselves as sentient beings, they cause us pain, they plant thoughts in our minds of lying, of hatred, and of fear. They want to deceive us, so we do not realize this gift of redemption we have been given. They can’t go to heaven, so they don’t want us going there either. They want to deceive and corrupt mankind. They cause much of the chaos and the suffering and the corruption of this world, as well as spurring a majority of the various religions we have today. The mental illness, the lawlessness, the crime and unruliness, the foul language, the nightmares. None of us are immune, as we have all succumbed at some stage. They hunt us down and haunt us, but there is freedom in the name of Jesus Christ. He says, “Come to me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”



1. where God is not 11. there is Pain. 111. where God is 1v. there is Freedom. v. now God is v1. Building a new house v11. He shows us how To end the warfare, v111. And we shall dwell in His presence forever.


1. I sing

11. I Cry for the world 111. He came to seek and to save The lost 1v. Who am I?

v. I Will not forget v1. to live Simply v11. what is there left to Say? v111. “I’m sorry.”





1. be prepared to Drown

11. how the devil kills Us 111. In the closing minutes 1v. Your flood v. Love. warns v1. Blessed v11. do not Be deceived v111. Your name.

PART ONE For Laila 1.


od is pure and righteous, and God made us pure and perfect. Being made perfect by God, it is not natural that we die. But death Gwas brought into the world by Lucifer and the fallen angels. These fallen angels – including Lucifer – sinned against God, and as such, they were sentenced to eternal damnation. There is no ransom for them. Having been angels, and having been in the presence of God, there is no second chance for them. They are just waiting to be thrown into the lake of fire. So, we see that this is the result of sin. We have all sinned, and by righteous judgement we deserve the same ending because God cannot have sin in His presence. These angels never had a permanent physical body as we do, and as such, they are just there in spirit and in dark places waiting to be thrown into the lake of fire. But we have a physical body. When sin enters the physical body, the body becomes corrupted, and consequently, there is death. We all have sinned, and by righteous judgement we deserve death. All

flesh is accursed to die because of sin. But the soul and

spirit, that is a different matter. Having been half human, the giants (the children of

3 THERE IS FREEDOM the fallen angels) had a physical body like we do. They also die(d) physically. But no one dies spiritually and in the soul. Not us, and not the Nephilim. Once we die physically, we too are waiting to be judged and thrown into the lake of fire, having sinned at one stage or another during our lives. Whether in hell or in heaven or resting in the grave, every sinner is ‘there’ in spirit waiting to be judged. The spirits of the dead giants roam the earth. The angels that had children by the daughters of men; these angels are bound in chains of darkness. But these are not all the angels that left their estate in heaven. The children of the fallen angels, they too are filled with sin, and they do not have a ransom. They are bound to the lake of fire in every way. Their bodies may die, but their spirits live on. What do you do when you have been sentenced to eternal fire but the day to begin your sentence has not yet arrived? You break things. You are angry. You beg and plead, and when that doesn’t work out, you seek revenge. You mess with what belongs to God. They no longer belong to God. They belong in the lake of fire. God, having

4 FROM LUST made the world perfectly; and they, having disobeyed and thereby corrupted His righteous creation; in His righteous judgement they deserve death. As do we. These beings are angry and filled with hatred towards God. That is why they mess with us. They cannot do anything directly towards God, but they can do many things to us, and in that way, they will try to get back at God. They know that regardless of what they do, their sentence is the lake of fire. They have nothing else to do, and they will seek revenge until the day of their judgement. The spirits of these fallen offspring, they are led by Satan, as the angels that bred the giants are bound. But there are other fallen angels still at work too.

The children of the fallen angels do not get a chance at redemption because they are not of God. They were not made in the natural way in which God ordained, and therefore they are sin. Because of this, they have no chance at redemption. But us, having been made in the natural course, and having been made in the image of God; although we are sinners, we are shown mercy. We are shown mercy because we were the deceived, and not the deceivers. We have been deceived into sin in

5 THERE IS FREEDOM an attempt to have us share this same punishment as the devil and his host. But God is merciful towards us and allows us a way out if we stop falling for this deception. Sin is deception, and it is direct enmity towards God. For this reason, we are called to sin no more, because the reward for sin is death. God is pure and Holy, and sin is corruption and forms a barrier between God and man. In the Old Testament, people would have to bring sacrifices to God as an atonement for their sin. To spill blood, because life is in the blood. A perfect animal had to be killed as an atonement for sin. Why? Because sin is death. And the death of an animal was required as a replacement for the death owed to the person for having committed that sin. It had to be a pure and spotless animal, too. Then comes Jesus. Jesus was promised to us from the happening of the very first sin in the garden of Eden. God promised Adam and Eve that He would send a Redeemer, to redeem mankind of their sin. Before sin, there was no death for humankind. But after sin, we were bound to death, and we were not able to live past a day. A day to God is like a thousand years, and no man having been clothed in sin has ever lived

6 FROM PARANOIA a thousand years. The most any man has lived was 969 years, and there were a number of others who also lived over 900 years. We cannot live to a day old in God’s eyes because we are clothed in sin, and the reward for sin is death under righteous judgement. We deserve death for our sin, but God loved us so much that He was willing to serve this sentence for us. He took the penalty for us. This is through Jesus, who lived a perfect and blameless life, and committed no sin. As in the Old Testament when the atonement for sin was a perfect sacrifice, Jesus became that perfect sacrifice and offered us all a ransom through that. Death has no power over someone righteous and blameless and sinless. Death cannot touch someone who has no sin. Jesus, having died while sinless, defeated death, as the punishment for sin was poured out on the cross. Death cannot touch him. He is without sin and is therefore able to be in the presence of God. We can pour out our sin onto him because he conquered death, and thereby satisfied the penalty that a righteous God demands of us. He offers us life in the perfect and blameless body of Jesus Christ, who is God in the flesh. Why? Because God is going to do away with sin for good. There is fast

7 THERE IS FREEDOM approaching a day when the sin of this world will be judged, and the wrath of God will be poured out on sin; this wrath being the lake of fire that burns forever. God is going to do away with sin.

God says, “Behold, I make all things new.”

God will not have sin dwell in His presence. The sin of this world will be purged out, and only the righteous will remain. No man in this world is righteous by their own doing. By righteous judgement, only Jesus is worthy to stand in the presence of God. But God’s love and favour towards us allows us to wash ourselves clean through the sacrifice of Christ. He longs to dwell with us, but this cannot happen unless we wash ourselves anew and become blameless in His sight. The bounds of sin are death and judgement, but there is freedom in Jesus Christ.

We have a way out, but there are those that do not. There are those that know their ending, and their existence now is in waiting for this time. What do you do when you have been sentenced to eternal fire, but the day to begin your sentence has not yet arrived?


You break things. You are angry. You beg and plead, and when that doesn’t work out, you seek revenge. You mess with what belongs to God. They no longer belong to God. They belong in the lake of fire. They are aimless, and they have no redemption. Satan, the spirits of the Nephilim, and the fallen angels. The only thing they can do is to try and bring you to that lake of fire with them. The only way they can try to get back at God is through us, whom God so dearly loves and has shown favour to. They want to corrupt humanity. They work both day and night to corrupt humanity. Just as Satan lied and caused Eve to sin in the perfect garden of Eden, and just as some fallen angels later on mixed their DNA with our DNA; they want to bring sin and corruption. Satan and the horde of Nephilim spirits that now follow him continue to do the same work. They want you in that lake with them because you are beloved of God. God is righteous in His judgement, and whether He loves you or not, sin is sin and God cannot allow sin. So, they want us to be filled with sin. They want you filled to the brim with sin. They will do anything to turn you away from the redemption we have through Jesus Christ. They hate us because they

9 THERE IS FREEDOM hate God, and God lives within us in Spirit. Our bodies may be corrupted, but God lives within us in the Spirit.

The spirits of the devil and his host play all sorts of games to taunt and torture us. To mislead us, to deceive us, to harass us. To destroy the presence of God in us. From persuading us to do all the things that are not good for us, to influencing our speech and behaviour. From corroding our thoughts and triggering rash emotions, to tempting us with the desires of the sinful flesh. From approaching us in our sleep, to attacking us in the daytime. From shouting a lie, to whispering wicked words. From blinding our eyes, to making us hate the truth which is Jesus Christ. From inciting fear, to triggering fits of rage. From clouding our souls with a lust for misery, to outright rewriting our genetic makeup. From appearing as sentient beings and spirit guides, to appearing as Hindu gods. From hiding the truth of the way things are, to creating false doctrines that take that place. From persuading men that there is no hell, to convincing them to want to go there. The world is going to hell. Their deception runs so deep.


My heart is heavy. The ultimate goal is to turn us away from being made in the image of God. Jesus was promised to us from when the very first sin was committed in the garden. God promised Adam and Eve that He would send them a Messiah to free them from their sin. But the world will not accept this gift. There are enough demons to go around, believe me. There are enough spiritual forces to cover everyone’s eyes twice over so that people do not see the truth. It is an overwhelming thing when those scales fall off from the skin of your eyes.



God is not; God is not anxiety. God is not suffering. God is not hatred. God is not rage. God is not war. God is not sin. God is not violence. God is not sleep paralysis. God is not fear. God is not shame. God is not hoarding. God is not religion. God is not looting. God is not sadness. God is not in your nightmares. God is not against you. God is not letting you go alone. God is not fame. God is not deception. God is not able to lie. God is not genocide. God is not bullying.


God is not suicide. God is not expensive. God is not a swear word. God is not late. God is not dead. God is not bound to man’s opinion. God is not disconcerted. God is not going to change whether you believe in Him or not. God is not mocked. God is not able to nor wanting to stop loving you. God is not waiting for you to find evidence. God is not selfish. God is not fraud. God is not abuse. God is not worry. God is not terrorism. God is not in the words that come from the lips of men today. God is not confusion. God is not confusion. God is not confusion. God is not pain.


Demons bring guilt. Demons bring shame. Demons bring hatred. Demons bring anger. Demons bring fear. Demons bring the feeling of failure. Demons bring a new meaning to walking on eggshells. Demons bring discontentment. Demons bring hatred towards one another. Demons bring convulsions. Demons bring leprosy. Demons bring schizophrenia. Demons bring chaos. Demons bring sorrow.



God is not rational. The word ‘rational’ comes from the word ‘ratio,’ which means weighing something against something else. But God stands next to no one. He is above even the bounds of time. God stands alone, and there is none like Him. Therefore, God is not rational, as there is no one to measure Him against, nor can there be. How great is God? So great He made the heavens and the earth, and all the things that dwell in them. God is without a speck of sin. He is Holy, yet He welcomes sinners; but only those who are repentant, and those who are contrite with their sin. He welcomes those who seek to be with Him, and those who are willing to forsake their sin. Sin barres us from God, because God is Holy, but He loves us so much that He sends us His Son to be our purification. We have to be contrite to sin if we love God. We have to be remorseful for our sin. We have to not remain in love with the world, because judgement is coming to the world. As if God could not have made it any easier for us, He sends us the Holy Spirit as a testimony of Jesus Christ, to convict us, to make us aware of when we do wrong, and to plant in us an understanding of His ways. This is

15 THERE IS FREEDOM nothing radical. Instead, it is the working of a Holy and righteous God, who loves us; His creation. He does not just leave us be. He sends His son to seek and to save the lost, and He sends His Spirit to guide and protect us. God is not going to leave you alone if you do not forsake Him. He allows hard times to fall upon us so we can turn to Him, and that His name may be glorified. All things work for the greater good of those who love the Lord. God is not without chastisement. He chastises those He loves, much like a parent. He often lets us get into trouble following our own way so we can see that only His ways are true and righteous. He lets us go astray only to return again, so that He can use our testimony to seek and to save those who are also lost. He plants a spirit of urgency within the hearts of those that have their eyes on Him. He tells us that His Kingdom is near so we are ready and do not miss it, and so that we can be a witness to those who may not know this truth. How great is our God? He says, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the

16 FROM FEAR lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”



I have some things to ask you, so answer me if you can;

Child of God, you’ve gone astray. Why must you forgo your refuge and strength? Why must you follow the way of the fallen? Why must you heed the voice of the serpent, And forsake the path of righteousness?

Child of God, For what will you do these things? For what glory or honour? For what dominion and estate? For what pleasure or reward?

Child of God, Where shall your end be? Where shall you find rest on this earth? Where shall you stand and not be shaken? Where shall you lay your head and not be woken up?

Child of God, Whom shall you please? Whom shall you love and not leave in death?


Who shall bear the weight of your iniquity? Or lift up the fog that befalls your eyes?

Child of God, When shall you return to your place of refuge? When shall you leave the darkness for light? When shall you divorce death, and love life?

Child of God, When shall you loose your bounds, And find that there is freedom? Sweet soul, why must you go where God is not? For where God is not;


anity of vanities. All is vanity. All we do is vanity, and vanity brings a certain hollowness, which in turn brings pain. VEverything. All of it. Everywhere. All that we do, all that we want and all that we work for will pass away. Assuredly, it will all pass away. There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after. I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. On the day of judgement, one cannot bargain with money. Nor can one bargain with good works nor their having said kind words. Therefore, seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and then all else shall be sought thereafter. Preserve that which you take to the grave; salvation and the gift of resurrection to eternal life. All else is vanity and vexation of heart. Forgo superficiality, because it will not serve your cause on the day of judgement. Neither shall you regard flippancy, and I plead you forgo the mud road of backsliding. Rather, regard your faith with all seriousness until the end. Cast out the devils within, for they:


They put a veil over our eyes. They are as slippery serpents. They deceive constantly. They oppress, and they haunt. They follow you. They make you sad. They tear you apart. They make you break yourself down. They cause depression and anxiety. They make you numb. They have easier access to you when you are hooked on substances. They make talk of demons taboo. They torment. They are very real. They exist in the spiritual realm. They make the world appealing. They put themselves as gods. They are a punch in the gut. They are very unsettling when you know they are there. They do not want you to know that they are there. They guide people away from God.


They work to shut that door. They know that God needs only a sliver of faith to reveal His workings to man. They hide the truth and preach a lie. They are heavy. They are strongholds. They are many of the voices in our heads. They want our demise. They are emptiness. They must be cast out. They love assumptions. They have no compassion. They hate people, and when they are within you, you will also hate people. They hate God, and God’s creation. They are not widely acknowledged. They are horror movies. They are blasphemous thoughts. They are temptation. They are scary. They are scared of He who dwells in us. They bind themselves to people. And where they are, there is pain.


There is no sin that we commit against ourselves. All sin is against God. When demons tempt us to sin, we sin against God, and we are held accountable because we are the ones that have committed the sin. Even if the sin is to hurt ourselves, that sin is against God because we are the creation of God. They bind themselves to people, like so; The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering? And ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the sabbath day? Luke 13:15-16

Dark energies wreck your life. They darken your soul over time, and bring with them a heavy burden. When you do not know what these dark forces are, you fall into a deep and hellish state. You have questions, but no answers. You have longing for liberation, but no Redeemer. You feel like you have no way out but to take your own life to make it all stop. In comes suicide. The value for life

24 FROM DOUBT becomes non-existent, because these spirits have no value for life, and would destroy it all if the Spirit of God was not in the world.

And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out, Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy One of God. And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold thy peace, and come out of him. And when the unclean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud voice, he came out of him. And they were all amazed, insomuch that they questioned among themselves, saying, What thing is this? what new doctrine is this? for with authority commandeth he even the unclean spirits, and they do obey him. Mark 1:23-27

We all are like this man. There are various demonic powers that have a hold over us, but we have power in the Holy name of the Son of God.

And at even, when the sun did set, they brought unto him

25 THERE IS FREEDOM all that were diseased, and them that were possessed with devils. And all the city was gathered together at the door. And he healed many that were sick of divers diseases, and cast out many devils; and suffered not the devils to speak, because they knew him. Mark 1:32-34

The demons within us know Jesus very well. They need no introduction to him.


While the Western world disregards the spiritual realm, the East engages in it in a way that is very far from the truth. This is primarily led by these fallen spirits that come as guides and present various beliefs and doctrines. No matter how they are packaged, and no matter how they appear, they are all essentially the same thing. Those of the Western world who long for spirituality are starting to learn from these spirits. The world wonders why the rate of suicide is increasing so rapidly, but you know now. You have the answers now. Where they are, there is pain. But where God is, there is freedom.


And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Revelation 21:4


Be prepared spiritually, mentally, and physically, because what is at stake is eternal. Because the coming trials and tribulations are extreme. There has never been a time like it in the history of the world, and there never again will be a time as troublesome as this. Worse than any World War. Worse than any single natural disaster. Worse than any rogue government. Worse than any holocaust. Worse than any bubonic plague or Spanish flu. And above all, no greater presence of demonic powers has ever been on this earth. This is their last push before they bow out and are condemned forever. It is important to be prepared now more than ever because it is a time of increasing fear, doubt and confusion. A time of incomparable deception, so now more than ever it is vital to have the Spirit of

27 THERE IS FREEDOM discernment residing within you. It is important to be armed with the Holy Spirit, so you do not step on dangerous ground and get carried away in the mud. Finally, it is important to be prepared spiritually and mentally because most people are not. Most people are walking the way of the wide road that leads to destruction, and it is important now more than ever to avoid that path because its destination is just around the corner. The truth is that we do not have to fear because we know what is coming and we know that when we abide in Him, we are given an Almighty peace in the midst of turmoil. You can rejoice in persecution because you know where you belong. You do not fall for flattery because you stand rooted in the truth. You do not let Satan have his way with you because you have a two-edged pure-fire sword which is the Word of God, and is freedom, and is Jesus Christ. While the world is in pain and is searching in vain, you know;




od is the light that shines within us. God is brilliant and powerful. God is love and purity. GGod is peace and comfort. God is going to do away with sin. God is going to judge righteously. God is in our spirit and in nature. God is the healer and Redeemer of men. God is seeking your repentance. God is wanting to be with you. God is not fooled by false repentance. God is the giver of good gifts. God is here to seek and to save the lost.


Lucifer fell because he wanted to be God; he wanted all of His power. God could have created Lucifer and all the angels in a way that they would have to obey Him. But that’s not love. Love is a choice. God is love, and God gives us the choice to love Him. Otherwise, we would be like robots. God is all-knowing. He gives us the choice, and makes

31 THERE IS FREEDOM it known to us the consequence. He does not just destroy those of us who disobey, but God is merciful and righteous to forgive us our sins. The choice has always been ours, as to whether we serve God or we serve Satan. Whether we serve ourselves, or whether we serve God. So many people want to be worshipped, and they feel as though they need to be regarded as gods, or as something superior and all-powerful; thereby repeating the mistake of Satan. The same thing happens when people want to think that they know everything. We all have this god complex. We have this wanting, to be as gods, and this wanting to think that we are in control and all-powerful. The God of heaven keeps the stars in the sky, and we cannot even keep up a diet. The first thing that happens when you come to Christ is that your ego just disappears. There is a realization that you are in the hands of an everlasting force of immeasurable brilliance, and that realization is the best thing that will ever happen to you. You realize that the once-limitless and the now-intermittent joys of this world were made for us. And our joy is the joy of God. Have you ever hugged a puppy and just felt a strong feeling of

32 FROM ISLAM love that you could not explain?

The first shall be last and the last shall be first. The plight of wanting to be as gods to ourselves, and the blasphemy of thinking we are in control. You were born into this world, and you will bow out of this world in death. What power, then, do you have? It is not that God wants to be overpowering over us. It is that God wants to give us all power and glory and honour. But we cannot get that if we try to get it our own way. We cannot hold it together if we try to hold it all in our own hands. In a strictly physical world, as many are deceived into believing, the concept of love cannot exist. In a strictly scientific world, only things of a tangible nature are explainable. How wretched and blind we are to entertain this notion of the devil! You love someone. In your heart you feel it. Such lost people we are to think love is just a ‘thing that happens,’ or that it is simply due to a hormonal or chemical reaction. We are in a spiritual battle of darkness and light, and when God ends it, He will end it for good.

God gives us the choice of whether or not to follow Him.


His ways are righteous and more prosperous than we could ever hope for or achieve on our own. He loves us and He wants to give us everything. But everything is not in this world, which is tarnished by sin. Whatever pleasures we may attain on this earth, God wants to give us even greater things in heaven. But when we try to make ourselves out to be as gods, thinking we can attain all glory on this earth, we deceive ourselves and we end up feeling empty and unfulfilled for now, and out of the presence of God forever, because we made ourselves out to be gods. Through our own disobedience, and with us having forsaken the ways of God, the devil now has control of the world. This is why one of the trends of this world is self-love. Because Satan is the god of this world for now. But God is willing to forgive us if we turn back to Him. Trying to rationalize to ourselves how the world came to be without the acknowledgement of Father God is making ourselves out to be all-knowing. When we do not even know anything besides what is placed in our field of vision. I no longer pity the fool who does not see the beauty and wonder of the sky. Instead, my heart breaks for the

34 FROM HOPELESSNESS souls that will find themselves in that lake of fire because their hardened hearts would not budge. Because they made themselves to be as gods, all-knowing and all-wise in their own eyes, not knowing that sin is the reason we do not see God with our eyes. We do not see the wonder of His creation for what it is. But there is freedom in the blood of Jesus Christ. God is willing to make us new. God is wanting to purify us and to give us new bodies that are not corrupted by sin. He wants to clothe us in new heavenly bodies that do not age and die.



God is in us, and with us. God is above all created things. God is wanting to take us home to be with Him. God is hurting because not everyone wants to be with Him in return. But, God is patient and faithful. And God is merciful towards us even when we do not deserve it, nor want it. God is merciful to murderers. God is merciful to adulterers God is merciful to sodomites. God is merciful to liars. God is going to end this now-wretched world.

He says, “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” Jesus is God in the flesh. Focus on Jesus. Put your trust in him, and only him, because where Jesus is;



he spirit of infirmity: And when Jesus saw her, he called her to him, and said unto her, Woman, thou art Tloosed from thine infirmity. And he laid his hands on her: and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God. Luke 13:11-13

God sent us Jesus Christ, and in him we have power over sin, death, and all efforts and bounds of the devil and his spirits. In their rage and hatred, they may hold us in disillusion. But we have the power to break free through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit which guides and protects us.

Satan thinks he is God. He loves to mimic God. He loves to take the things of God, and to twist them into his own. Like humans; he wants to twist us into hybrids.

There is freedom from demons. Especially in the end times, when demons come out in full force. There is freedom in the name of Jesus Christ. As suicide skyrockets, and lawlessness, fear, hatred and mental illness increase.


As the bounds of demonic oppression increase. As the doctrines of the fallen gain popularity, and as confusion and disorientation abound. There is freedom in the name of Jesus Christ. God saw what these beings were doing to us, and how they were trying to lead us astray. In our sin and in our falling away, God had mercy on us. There is power in Jesus’ name.


Oftentimes, and usually with much regret, we find that experience is the best teacher. I am going to put in Leah’s testimony here because I believe it explains some of the process of how people can be led astray and lose their spiritual freedom. This testimony highlights the dangers of the supernatural, and how so many get led astray.

Leah: “I think anyone would agree that we live in a supernatural universe. There are things beyond our understanding that play an intricate role in our lives, and in the things that we experience. There is a very supernatural underlying cause to all of it. If you truly believe that we create our own reality based

40 FROM WITCHCRAFT on our belief systems, based on our vibration and what we attract; I am telling you I would choose this reality that I have come into hands down every time, over anything else that I have experienced. I want to share my story with you because I truly believed in the star-seed mission; that we were here to enlighten humanity and take them out of their fear-based thinking. I was on this ascension path, I was doing things to raise my vibration, I was meditating every day, I was working on my shadow, and I had significant experiences through this movement, which I think we could all agree would be called New Age. The New Age thought doctrines. I had out-of-body experiences, I met with spirit guides, I met with angels, I had direct line to my ‘higher self.’ I received guidance from my ‘higher self’ almost every day. It took me a while to get to that point, and it was a process of building trust and releasing fears and doing all these various things. I was also manifesting this reality, this dream lifestyle. I was coming into this world, and I would manifest things like that. If there was something that I would want, it would be there. I had learned all these skills, and I was getting ready to really share that with others, so that they could do the

41 THERE IS FREEDOM same, because I truly believed that it was helping me, and I also wanted to help others. It was helping me with my anxiety, and depression, and all these things, and I really wanted that for other people. So, I really hope you can come into this with an open mind, and I want to share this incredibly supernatural experience I had. It was unlike anything I have experienced, and I have been to the ‘astral planes,’ I have been on ‘rainbow planes.’ I have done some incredible things and I have had some really incredible experiences. Everything that I am about to say does not take away from those experiences. Those experiences were real. All these things are real. There are multiple dimensions. I am just going to get into what happened. I follow this girl, she knows who she is, and I thank her. She posted a video on her story, and I don’t remember the title exactly, but it was something about the dangers of meditation, it was something along those lines. I saw it, and I thought, ‘That’s so crazy.’ I thought, ‘Meditation has helped me so much on my journey, I have discovered so much about myself through meditation. How could it possibly be dangerous, how could it possibly be a bad thing?’


I don’t know why, but I clicked on this video, and I’m sitting there and I’m watching it – I have a very open mind, and I hope you can hear this with an open mind as well. I have a very open mind, so I’m just listening, there is no judgement. It was such an indescribable thing that happened, but it felt like the hand of God was reaching down, and it was like it was lifting the scales from my eyes. That is the best way I can describe it. I’m watching this, and I’m thinking, ‘What?’ I felt like I saw this truth in what this man was saying that I had never seen before. It was like a totally new viewpoint. It was like I saw the truth. I was thinking, ‘Oh goodness. Is what he’s saying real?’ I was, in that moment, it was like the scales were lifted. It was like I could see everything for the truth. And if you know what I’m talking about, you know what I’m talking about. I was thinking, ‘What is going on?’ I was really confused. I was just confused, I was thinking, ‘What?’ It was just so shocking, the veil being lifted and this truth being revealed to me, that’s how I can explain it. It was so

43 THERE IS FREEDOM shocking that I couldn’t speak for the rest of the day, I was in a state of shock. People would say something to me, and I would be like, ‘Mhhm.’ And they would say something, and I would be like, ‘Wha…’ I was just so out of it. And then I started thinking about all of these things, and I was thinking, ‘Oh…’ All these things started to be revealed to me, but that night… I understand people say your vibration can attract negative entities, and this is not that. I am telling you, I was ‘high vibe.’ I was living my dream life, I was happy, I was manifesting things, I was talking to angels, I was talking to my spirit guides, and looking into my past lives, and all these things were so real to me. And then, when I started to see this truth, it was like all of these entities that I had been connecting to were like, ‘We can’t fool her anymore.’ And they were really mad. They were very mad, and it was downright spiritual warfare. I don’t want to scare anyone, or fearmonger, but nobody was warning me, nobody was telling me this, I had been in this all alone, I

44 FROM PSYCHOSIS was like, ‘Lalala,’ all in my happy-land. And then, all of a sudden, boom, I see the truth, and then all of these entities are like, ‘We can’t fool her anymore, so we’re just going to mess with her.’ And, this dream, what happened to me that night… I don’t even want to say. I don’t want to say what they did to me. I don’t want to say what they showed me, I don’t think I could ever say that. It was so messed up. It was so messed up. It was like a dream, but it was so real. It was like they dragged me to hell. If hell exists, I was in it. And this was not anything from any subconscious fears. This was not anything from like any subconcious or weird desires. No. This was so messed up, what they did to me. It was just downright absolute pure evil, and I’m telling you, I was not involved in any type of low-vibrational activities; nothing. I wasn’t doing anything that would attract that to me, and that is what I was realizing, that all of these interactions and things were all lies. It was all lies. It was all deception, and it was all to keep me from seeing the real truth. I had just kept thinking, ‘You know, there is no real truth. It’s just this journey of discovery,’ and, ‘It’s an inner truth.’ But now, it was like I had found the real truth, and there

45 THERE IS FREEDOM is nothing that can convince me otherwise at this point. It has been about a week since this happened, just over a week. I have been processing it a lot. I am going to keep going, because there is more to this story, obviously. So, while this is happening, I was up and I was just terrified at this point. I was messed up. I was like, ‘I don’t know what’s going on, I don’t know what to believe, I don’t know what’s happening.’ We went to my parents’ house that weekend, and all the while there was still all this spiritual warfare happening, there were a lot of things that were happening. But, we went there, and I remember I was just on the beach. I was just confused, I was cleaning up trash. I was just picking up trash, and there was just such a sick feeling in my stomach, and I was thinking, ‘I don’t know what’s going on. I don’t know what to believe. I don’t know what’s happening.’ And, I cannot make this up. I hear this voice in my head that, if you connect with your ‘higher self,’ and your ‘angels,’ you hear these voices that tell you things, and give you guidance. So, I heard this familiar voice, and these entities that

46 FROM TRICHOTILLOMANIA give you guidance, they have a feeling to them. They have a vibration to them, it’s like you can feel them in your field. And I felt him in my field, or whatever it was. And it was just like, ‘Why don’t we sit down and meditate, and connect with your higher self, and ask your higher self how this all feels and how it resonates? Find your inner truth about all of this that’s going on.’ I don’t know what made me think of this, but I was just like, ‘Well, what do you think of Jesus of Nazareth?’ And this entity was gone! Gone so fast from my mind. I didn’t even feel its presence anywhere, it was gone; quiet, silence. I was thinking, ‘Oh my goodness gracious… oh… what is happening…’ I was thinking, ‘What is happening? What is going on?’ I got down on my knees, and I prayed to God. I was like, ‘I’m so confused, I don’t know what’s going on, I just want to know the truth.’ That’s all I prayed for. I said, ‘I just want to know the truth, just show me the truth. And I cannot even make this up, it felt like this energy that came over me was like this… it was atmospheric, and it was the most powerful thing I have ever felt, and it was very stern. It was not mad, it was not angry, it was not

47 THERE IS FREEDOM hostile, it was not fearful. I was not afraid in a ‘fear’ sense, but it was very stern. And I literally felt like it pushed me down, and I was thinking, ‘Woah.’ I was thinking, ‘Woah, yes, okay.’ I was like, ‘You are the God. You are God, you are King, oh my gosh. Oh my goodness. Woah…’ And I prayed, and I was just like, ‘I just want to know the truth. I just want to know the truth.’ And then, just the other day, I was just doing a couple of things, and I was thinking, ‘I’m just so confused, I don’t know what’s going on.’ And I took a shower, I get out of the shower and I’m sick on the floor, I don’t know what is going on. And then I started praying to Jesus, and I was like, ‘Jesus, I just want to know the truth, that’s all that I want to know.’ I’m like, ‘Just please show me the truth, show me who you really are. Show me who you really are, and not this Christ consciousness that we talk about in the New Age movement, and not this guru that came to enlighten us. I want to know the real you, and I don’t want anything else. I want to know what’s going on, and I want to know you, and I want to know the truth.’


And again, it was a different experience, but it was the most supernatural thing I have ever experienced in my entire life. It was again atmospheric, it was this atmospheric twinkle that came down, and it was the most peaceful thing I have ever felt, seen, or experienced. It felt like it was all around me. This was not coming from inside, this was not coming from inside myself, this was outside myself. This was atmospheric, and I felt like it was Jesus revealing himself to me in this way. And it was so peaceful. It was the most peaceful thing I have ever experienced, ever in my life. Mind you, and I will tell you this right now, I don’t know a lot of Christian doctrine. I just started reading the Bible. I don’t know these things, but I can tell you that I have this inner knowing, it felt like the Holy Spirit went inside my body. It felt like the Holy Spirit went inside my body, and from that moment, everything has changed. Everything has changed. I thought I could see the truth before, but when this Holy Spirit comes inside me, I was like, ‘Oh my… goodness.’ I was like, ‘Oh… Woah… Woah.’ The things that were revealed to me, it was like one revelation after another revelation. I was so… it’s been the craziest week of my life. It has been very intense. It was just the most supernatural thing I have ever experienced.


And my behaviour changed. Immediately. I was like apologizing for things. It was bizarre, I was having no desire for gluttonous foods. I love sugar, and I would always just pig out on sugary treats after dinner, like vegan chocolates and stuff. I wanted nothing to do with that. I was like, ‘I’m good, I’m good, I’ve got everything I need.’ My behaviour has changed, and I can say that I was a completely different person a week ago. Before this all happened, I would look at people, I would call these people ‘Jesus people.’ I would say, ‘These crazy Jesus people.’ No! Like, now I just feel like all I want to do is talk about Jesus. All I want to do is talk about what he’s done for me. All I want to do is say what he’s done for me. All I want to do is be like, ‘Look around you!’ Why can’t we see this?! I’m so blessed, I feel so blessed because it was that hand of God that revealed this to me. It was revealed to me. I totally understand if you think, ‘I can’t. I’m not there. I can’t get there.’ But if this is slightly resonating with you at all, just start praying. Just start praying for the truth. If we were able to create our own reality based on our belief systems, I would still choose this hands down. Hands

50 FROM JEALOUSY down, I have never felt so peaceful. I have never felt so much peace in my whole life. And I’m telling you, it took me a long time to build this connection with my ‘higher self.’ But this was instantaneous, and I feel the Holy Spirit with me, I feel Jesus with me, and I feel like I am connected with God. I feel like I’m building a relationship, a tangible relationship. Tangible. I can feel their presence, I can feel them working in my life, I can feel them changing things around me. I can feel all of this. And I wake up, and I feel the Holy Spirit with me. I go to sleep, and I feel the Holy Spirit with me. I feel it all the time, and I never felt like that with my ‘higher self.’ I always had to sit down and meditate and connect with my ‘higher self’ and receive guidance. So, this revelation, it just revealed that this law of attraction and all of these things; they are dangerous practices. Incredibly dangerous. We have no idea what we are getting ourselves into. And also, I follow so many spiritual people on , and I am going through my feed and I am just like, ‘Aaahhh.’ Like, ‘No!… That’s so wrong…’ I just saw everything so differently. I’m a mentally sane person. You can think I’m crazy, I

51 THERE IS FREEDOM don’t care what anybody thinks of me, because I have God in my life now, and I want that for everyone, and I want everyone to know that we are being deceived. We are being deceived and we have no idea. I just started to see it. I started to see all these red flags in the spiritual movements that I couldn’t see before, because I was really in it. I had sold my soul, I was in it. There is a woman that I follow, she has a beautiful family, she does beautiful videos, and she was sitting there, and she was saying, ‘We have manifested all of our dreams, and, you know, I am still kind of feeling like ‘meh.’’ And that is because we have a hole inside us that only Jesus can fill, because we are living in the devil’s playground. That’s what I have come to see. Everything is the devil’s playground, and he is so good at manipulating us, and I am telling you, there is truth behind all of these New Age practices and ‘shadow work.’ You find real tangible healing from it, because there has to be that mix of healing and good vibes and these feelings of love, because it keeps people coming back, it pulls them in more and more. But there is a truth, and the truth will set you free. I never understood that until now. It will set you free. I feel so free, I can’t even explain it.”



This is the story of my life, and like her, I am now chained to the Gospel. It is so humbling and sobering, and everything falls into place.

But, going back to demons, and the devils army: They are perverse. They are perversion. When you think of all the perverted things that people do, like raping children, Epstein Island, men who just one day decide to kill their families, and all these kinds of things, do not be fooled into thinking that people are of this behaviour. It starts with these creatures. People who do these things have either lost a spiritual battle and fallen under the full control of these spirits, or they have had a taste of evil and fell in love, and thus were blinded by it. In this same way, there are some people who do evil things to a lesser degree but then think that it is nothing of concern. Examples of this are sloth, fraud, indulging in racist thoughts, jealousy, and practicing materialism. Engaging in any of these things is losing a spiritual battle. There is only one way out, and you will not find it in a statue of Vishnu. You will not find it in a science

53 THERE IS FREEDOM textbook, and you may not find it in asking your friends and family or in talking to a hundred different therapists, doctors, spiritual healers or whatever else you might try. It is highly likely that Leah was sexually abused in her sleep, and I have had this happen to me when I was coming to Christ. It is the most evil and disgusting thing, and the thought is enough to make your skin crawl. Think of someone who people would describe as, “A good father, a kind man who cares for and loves his family.” One day, he goes and buys a gun and shoots them all. This is the kind of spiritual attack that would have been planned and crafted and schemed, and the devil would have gathered demons together in the dozens to execute. They would have launched at the man and overwhelmed him. They have no reason not to. It is all they have, and it is all they can do, and it is all that is left of them. I am not making an excuse for the killer, but I am saying that these acts are not found written in our God-ordained nature. Ask yourself, what’s in a wet dream?



Jesus is stronger than any demons, stronger than all of them combined. They must bow down to him. They flee from his presence. If his presence is within you, they must flee from you too. This is not to say they may nottry again to attack you, but the name of Jesus Christ is a rod of authority over these beings, and they cannot stay where they are cast out in Jesus’ name. Jesus is far greater than any witchcraft, or any psychic, or any medium. All these are very real, but the power of Jesus Christ brings them to nothing. All gods regarded by men – Hindu gods, Pagan gods, spirit guides, Buddhas – are like lint to his white linen, which he blows away without thought. These gods are fallen angels and demonic spirits and dark forces, which he has the power to extinguish. There is none like our God, who is God over you and I, and all the inhabitants of the earth. Both man and beast alike. There is none like Him, nor has there ever been before Him, nor will there ever be. Time itself trembles in His presence, and the earth is shaken at His command as He marks out the end from the beginning. Where Jesus is, there is freedom. He wants that for us, so;


ow God is preparing a place for us. Now God is gathering His people. Now God is sending out a warning of Nthings to come. Now God is pouring out His Spirit upon the world. Now God is calling us to repentance. Now God is equipping us. Now God is preparing us. Now God is empowering us to preach the Gospel. Now God is calling you home. Now God is opening our eyes to the forces working against us. Now God is sending us out into the world. Now God is calling on us to put our trust in Him. Now God is giving the people of this world over into the hands of those that do not love them. Now God is sending us out to find the lost. Now God is strengthening us. Now God is training us in faith. Now God is working within you and me. Now God is sending people to find people. Now God is wanting to be your friend. Because He loves you like you are His newborn daughter.


Now God is wanting to know you. God says, “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock.” Jesus knows everyone on this earth; who has been on this earth, and who will be on this earth. But this other ‘knowing’ that Jesus talks about here is more than just an acknowledgement of his existence. Rather, it is an intimate relationship, a deep experience and understanding, and a longing to dwell with him and abide by him and to do his will. It is not so much that we get to know God, but that we allow Him to reveal Himself to us, whereby we really get to intimately know God. There are those that know of God, but do not know God. God wants to make Himself known to us, and we must also want to know Him. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of

58 FROM DEPRESSION the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: they who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. Romans 1:20-25

Sin leaves a blood-red gash that separates us from God. To know God, we must heal that wound and present ourselves whole and righteous before Him. This we do through the blood of Jesus Christ, which makes us as new. We cannot piece ourselves together by our own strength.


Is truth fact? I beg to differ. In John 8, Jesus is talking to some Jews. They say that they are of Abraham’s seed, but Jesus calls them the children of the devil. What is truth and what is fact? The fact is that they are descendance of Abraham. But the truth is that they are children of the devil. Truth and fact are not mutually exclusive, and neither are they synonymous. The Gospel is offensive because it exposes sin. But it is so very vital for salvation. Jesus did not preach with flattery nor with eloquent words. When looking at salvation, something being a fact does not necessarily make that same thing out to be ‘truth.’ Yes, outwardly and in the flesh, they were the children of Abraham. But in the spirit, they were of the devil, and their souls belonged to the devil. This concept is important and applies to all of us. Just because some people go to church and attend service and go to prayer meetings among other things; this does not make them children of God. God searches men’s hearts and knows you for who you really are. We fool ourselves and make ourselves out to be hypocrites

60 FROM IDOLATRY by believing that we are saved because we say we are Christians. God is not fooled by outward appearances, righteous proclamations and lengthy prayers of empty words. Furthermore, Jesus rebukes this type of notion because it is often made by those who are not in line with the truth of God. Only God is the judge of all things.


Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. James 2:19 Even the demons believe in God’s existence. We are no better than demons if we only believe that God exists. Many people worship the creation of God, rather than God Himself. The creation of God being us, and other people, and animals, and nature, and the sun and moon and stars, and anything that exists in this world. Simply knowing of God’s existence is not enough. The fact is that someone believes in Shiva, while the truth is that their soul belongs to and is held captive by the devil. The fact is that someone worships and acknowledges Krishna, while the truth is that they

61 THERE IS FREEDOM worship and acknowledge a fallen angel and a demonic spirit. God is the same God over all people. No matter who you are or what you believe; God is God over all creation, and He is the same God that has been from the beginning, and will be forever more. Now God is going to do away with this world that has fallen to sin, and He is building a new house to dwell with those who love Him and follow His ways.


Now God is sending signs of His return. God is showing those who know Him that Jesus is going to return soon to set up a new and everlasting Kingdom. God is showing signs that things are not okay the way they are. His Word tells us how things will play out because He loves us, and He wants us to be ready at His return. Though we stumble, we get back up by His strength.



We feel like Moses, We feel like footsteps among dead roses. We feel like we’re hypocrites. We feel like we know the target, But somehow keep missing it. We feel like lonesome. We feel like the whole world turned to an igloo. I feel like Jonah, I feel like running far, I feel like a goner. You’d probably say me too. We feel like He will find us wherever we flee to. We don’t look eye to eye, We see things spiritual. I feel like the question is straight-forward, straight Biblical. I feel like His rhetoric is something to fear though. I know that I can’t judge. I know that some hearts are that; dead and gone. Stone-cold and can’t budge; dead and gone. I pray that I’m heading home. I pray that you’re not too late. I pray I can save a soul. I pray that I reach you now, I pray He won’t let you go.

– For Týnka


Now God is asking us questions. Not because He does not know the answer – for He knows all things – but because He wants to convict us of our sin so we come to repentance, and so we do not have to be away from Him forever. He wants to strengthen us, and to make us pure and Holy as He intended us to be. He wants to grow our faith, because faith can move mountains, and His glory can shine through our faith. He wants us to be a testimony of His love and mercy. He is asking us why we are afraid. He is asking us why we are in love with the world. He is asking us if we really love Him. He is asking us where we want to go at the end of time. He is asking us if we will abide in Him. He is asking us if we will receive His gift of salvation. Now God is building a new house for those that will accept His grace. The old will be torn down very soon, because God is;



nd whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave Aone to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God hath made known to the king what shall come to pass hereafter: and the dream is certain, and the interpretation thereof sure. Daniel 2:43-45 The fallen; they shall mingle their seed with the seed of men. They seek to corrupt us. Their kingdom and reign on this earth will not last. That stone that is cut out without hands is Jesus Christ, and he is returning so soon. God says,“And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the

67 THERE IS FREEDOM haughtiness of the terrible.” Isaiah 13:11 And they shall be afraid: pangs and sorrows shall take hold of them; they shall be in pain as a woman that travaileth: they shall be amazed one at another; their faces shall be as flames. Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. Isaiah 13:8-9 The purpose is to purge out sin and all sinners, and to be done with sin altogether. The fallen angels are cast out into this world, and the spirits of their offspring roam the earth seeking to possess. God will purge out sin and bring judgement on these and their followers, and on their willing and unwilling victims. He will pour out His wrath onto this sinful world, and will separate the wheat from the chaff, such that His pure and everlasting Kingdom shall reign. But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. Isaiah 59:2


And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. John 3:19 This is the judgement, and the need to do away with the world. I say repent, so He may show you His great glory. I say repent, so you can laugh at the weakness of death, and say, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” There is none like the King of kings, who conquered death. And there is none like the Lord of lords, who reigns forever. Every hour, every second, each and every millisecond; let us sing ‘til the power of the Lord comes down.


God wants to build a new house. He is not a huge fan of the traditional church system, quite evidently. This will aggravate many people, but herein lies the condemnation; that light came into the world, but the world loved darkness rather than light.


For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. John 3:20

Here is the message, from a girl named Marilee: Marilee: “I want to share with you a few things that the Lord has shown me, about how He views the organized church system of today and how He delivered me from that. I was really involved in church. I was in leadership, I was on the worship team, I went on mission trips, and really, I did anything you could think of that you would do in church. I thought all these things were glorifying to God, and I thought I was serving Him with my entire life, yet when I actually came to know Him, He showed me it was all just for nothing. It was for my own glory. My works in church, that I thought I was doing for Him, they were just a bunch of filthy rags. When I was getting to know Jesus, I still had confusion on why we were being separated from the church. I wasn’t sure what was so wrong about church, and with being a part of it, so I asked for clarity and I prayed and I was just pleading to the Lord that He would show me how He

70 FROM HELL views the church. And one night I had a dream about the church system, which He views as a whorehouse. And this was my dream: I met this very mysterious man on the street, and he said, ‘I have a job for you.’ And I said, ‘Okay.’ I followed him to this warehouse, and he showed me inside the main seating area, and in the middle, there was an aisle that led to a stage that was decorated very beautifully. All along the aisle, there were these chairs and tables that were seated in the dark. The tables in the dark had paper and pens on them. Then, all of a sudden, the room was full of people. There were all these people sitting in the dark, and I didn’t know why they were in the dark. But anyway, all of a sudden, one whore at a time would walk down the aisle, do a little dance or show, get up on the stage, do something that would try to attract the audience, and then, you know, the next whore would come, and the next one. And as each whore came down, you would see the people in the audience writing on their paper which whore they wanted to sleep with; which one they liked, which one appeased them. And this would be the whore they would bid for and pay money to in order to be with.


The next scene was me as a whore being behind the stage. I was talking with these girls, and I was so convicted that what we were doing was so wrong. I was so convicted that we were going to be in really big trouble if we continued to stay doing as we were doing; appeasing people, sleeping around, what we thought was good, and what we thought was just us ‘doing our job.’ I was feeling it was evil and wrong. I was trying to get them to come with me to leave. But, in my dream you knew that there was this certain expectation that you would be in deep trouble if you even tried to leave. There would be really big punishment if you tried to leave. I was trying to convince them to come with me, to leave, but none of them really wanted to. They all just said that I was overexaggerating, and that it wasn’t a big deal, and just to calm down, and that they wouldn’t leave because they didn’t want to get into trouble. But I was convinced that I needed to leave, so I got up and I started running down this empty floor, and I noticed that there was another girl running with me. There were these men, maybe 10 of them, chasing us, and they were trying to get us and bring us back into this whorehouse. And so, I had to fight very hard against them, and I had to

72 FROM CONFUSION punch and kick and squirm to try get out of their grips. I was noticing that this other girl was trying to fight hard, too, but eventually she just gave up and let them drag her back. I had to fight. I had to fight and fight until finally I was able to get out of this warehouse. And then I was free, I was liberated, and that was the end of my dream. Now, what Jesus showed me is that those that were in the audience, in the dark there writing on their pieces of paper; that is the congregation, the people in church. They are wanting to tithe and give their money to the church that appeases them, that says what they want to hear, and the church that they like. And they want to sit in the dark because they are full of sin, and they do not want their sin to be exposed. And the whore that would walk down the aisle to the stage is the leadership of a church. Not just the pastors, but all the leadership that is involved in a church. They would do their little dance and sing their little song in order to attract the people in the audience so that they could get their money, and so that they could gain popularity, and so that they could be the best whore. The danger that I felt about leaving the church is that when you try to go against and preach against this worldly

73 THERE IS FREEDOM and sinful church system, people fight against you. They want you to continue to stay plugged into some kind of church system, but the problem is that it is full of sin. And this is what Jesus has shown me. He showed me that the church systems are full of sin, and that they do not want to truly repent of all sin and live righteously for Jesus. They want to live for themselves, and they want to attend church, and play church, and give lip-service to Jesus, but they do not want to offer their life as a full sacrifice to Jesus. Being pleasing to him, it takes a lot of work to do, and you have to be willing to give everything for Jesus. You have to be willing to pick up your cross. You have to be willing to deny yourself, and carry all that for Jesus. That takes a lot of work, that’s not a piece of cake. The church system likes to just sit back and comfort each other in their sin, and that is just wrong. We cannot ‘okay’ sin. Sin is of the devil. If you sin, Jesus is not your Father, the devil is your father. Jesus has nothing to do with sin. They say that you can find Jesus in church, but Jesus is not there because Jesus has nothing to do with sin. He says, ‘What fellowship does light have with darkness? None at all.’ He also says he is the vine, and his true children are the

74 FROM DEMONIC OPPRESSION branches. And if you are not his true child, you will be cut off from that vine, and you will be thrown into the lake of fire. I know that I want to be pleasing to Jesus, and the biggest thing that he has convicted me of is that if I want to be pleasing to all these people, to my family, to my friends, to whoever else; I am not worthy of Jesus because I am putting them so far above Jesus, and I am so much more afraid of what they would think and what they would do that I cannot focus only on Jesus. That is wrong. I want to be pleasing only to Jesus, and I want to give him my life. I cannot participate in sin, and in the world of sin, and that is why I have been pulled out to be separate from that, and he does that for all of his children.”


It feels good when a hot curse word sizzles off the tongue, but it mars the soul and bruises the spirit, and it sends out an invitation to which the demons reply, “See you in your nightmares.” But, we have Jesus, and;


hrough God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies. Psalm 60:12 TWhen you are not of God, even when you are neutral, you belong to the devil. He has legal rights over you, so-to-speak. But, even the devil believes in and bows to the name of Jesus. Even the demons quake at his presence. But of course, they do not want you to know that this is the power you have over them. The Word of God is the strongest weapon there is. It is a two-edged sword; That slices the throats of demons. That cuts you from the grips of intoxication. That rips you out of a tormented dream, and allows you peaceful rest. That tells you what you need to hear, but not necessarily what you want to hear. That heals the soul from within. That gives rest to the restless. That gives strength to the weak, and is assurance to the doubtful. It is a soothing balm over heartache and spiritual wounds.


It is light in a world of darkness. It is an anchor in a turbulent sea. The Word of God is a voice that creates life. The Word of God declares death upon its enemies. Let that not be you. Let that only be the devil and his angels and demons.


And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, If ye do return unto the Lord with all your hearts, then put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and serve him only: and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines. Then the children of Israel did put away Baalim and Ashtaroth, and served the Lord only. 1 Samuel 7:3-4 Idolatry is a hinderance to freedom; whether we idolize ourselves, movies, other people, secularity, or follow the devil knowingly or unknowingly, or if we bow down to strange gods like Ganesha or Allah, or have the pope as our god, who represents everything to do with Ashtaroth.


If we put away these things, we are one step closer to ending this spiritual warfare. But we must be willing to be healed of our suicidal tendencies. We must be willing to be cured. Watch out, because God says: I will utter my judgments against them touching all their wickedness, who have forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other gods, and worshipped the works of their own hands. Jeremiah 1:16


Then said he unto me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words. Daniel 10:12 The moment we submit ourselves to the Most High God, and to our Creator, depression becomes a faded memory, worldly fear becomes a faraway concept, and confusion gives way to blessed assurance. He says: It is done. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning

79 THERE IS FREEDOM and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely. Revelation 21:6 God is gathering His lost children, and He is calling out to you. He says: If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people; If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place. 2 Chronicles 7:13-15


Keep your sword at hand, which is the Word of God. Focus on Jesus, now more than ever. Be in prayer. Live holy. Turn off the music and T.V. Turn your mind to Jesus. Remain faithful. The end is here. So be fierce in your faith. In order to get through the

80 FROM SORROW next few months, you will need Jesus. You will need Jesus. You will need Jesus. So, build your walls. Build your walls. The enemy will come. The enemy is not flesh and blood. There are spiritual forces behind the flesh. Fight the battle. Fight the good fight. We have to stay focused. We have to stay strong! We are at the end. We are not ready. Our time is so short. But do not fear. Trust in the Lord. Be at the feet of Jesus. Remember the season we are in. Find the lost. Bring them to Christ. Be patient, and know that many are lost, and many that do evil really do not know what they are doing, nor do they know what they have done in past times. So say, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they have done.” And then continue to pray for them. Pray for protection. Pray for discernment. Pray for protection and pray for strength to get through this which we must get through. He shows us how to end the warfare, with the sword that comes forth from his mouth. He is the Word of God!


Pray for the lost. Really pray for the lost. That fire is said to burn forever and ever. So pray for the lost. Pray for the lost, that the light of the Son might shine on them and pay for their sins. Do not trust in people. Not a pastor, nor a leader, nor a bishop, nor a minister. Trust in the Word of God, which is Jesus Christ. Him only shall you take up as your refuge. Him only shall you regard as your strength. Receive the Holy Spirit to be your guide and your knowledge and wisdom.

We end the warfare through: Prayer and fasting. Repentance. No more rebellion against God.

God is perfect in His timing, and He is coming sooner than we think. He is coming to take us home;



ou see, to build a new house, you must first lay bare the foundations of the old one, and pluck out the old from its root. One day, we willY account for all the things we have done, and only those who have washed their feet clean may enter into the house of the Lord. We say; Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice. Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine

85 THERE IS FREEDOM iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee. Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness. O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise. For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise. Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem. Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering: then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar. Psalm 51 The world is so great and vast, yet He wants to have a relationship with us. So small as we are, and there being billions and billions both dead and alive; yet He wants

86 FROM THE DESIRE TO SHED BLOOD to know each one of us like we are the only one in the world. What a God we serve. Declaring the end from the beginning; there is none like Him. He has already done it all. All we have to do is to repent and believe in Jesus, and abide under His faithful shield and grace. Death is but a shadow of the past, an echo of things gone by. He makes all things new. He will not abandon us. And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Revelation 19:6 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in Him will I trust. Surely He shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that

87 THERE IS FREEDOM wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. Psalm 91 The end is almost here, which for us is but a new beginning, for the former things will pass away, and there shall be no more sin, neither sinners, nor those that bring

88 FROM THE DEVIL HIMSLEF cause to sin. And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. Revelation 22:12-14 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away. And He that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And He said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful. Revelation 21:3-5


PART ONE Epilogue

For Laila,

You are more beautiful than a city made by the hands of man, because God made you. He made you. How much greater is God than man? Come home. You’ve been gone too long.

For Rikka,

The world is not what you think it is! God forbid you tiptoe around in fear, but do be careful not to love the world, nor the things in it. There is no happiness here! Look up. Jesus is the only way, and his return is almost here. Be of a sober heart and mind, and pray without ceasing.

For Little Tyna,

He loves you so very much. Pray for your healing. Just ask Him to show Himself to you if not just once. You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. I know this to be true and faithful; that His love is more real than anything in this world. If not for yourself, pray just once for Him to show Himself to you for my sake, because I don’t want to lose you.

For Ma,

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He shall be your peace and refuge, your comfort and your strength. Put your trust in the Lord, and lean not on your own understanding. And store up your treasures in heaven, for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Trust in the Lord and only the Lord. Look up to the sky, because your redemption draws nigh. They may have you down and out, but you know who ‘they’ are. Look up, because your redemption draws near.

PART TWO Supplication 1.


It’s a heavy burden. But it doesn’t have to be. You pray for me and I’ll pray for you. His name is King of kings and Lord of lords. Let us sing ‘til the power of the Lord comes down. * Jesus took the wheel before I crashed. Jesus took my pain before I broke. Jesus held me up. Jesus filled my cup. Jesus gave me love. Jesus is enough. * Lord, I pray you give me strength in these coming times of trouble. I pray you place your seal over me, and keep me from harm’s way. I pray you give me the strength to die for you if need be. I thank you that you laid your life for me, and I pray I am able to do the same for you.

* Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.


he devil comes only to kill, steal and destroy. If we do not resist him, we become his. If we do not fight, we become lost. If we do Tnot grab the outstretched arm of God on our way down, we fall forever. I cry for the world, That they have forsaken the way of the Lord And chosen to believe a lie. I cry for the world, That they have fallen for sweetened words, And the silver tongue of the serpent. I cry for the world, That they have professed themselves wise And righteous in their own eyes. I cry for the world, Because the world is on the edge, And those in it are shaken. I cry for the world, Because many just do not know, And their iniquity is made a veil. I cry for the world, Because salvation is so simple. I cry for the world,


Because there’s no going back, Once you’ve gone to the grave. I cry for the world, Because the world hates Jesus, When Jesus is their only hope. I cry for the world, And all the children in it. I cry for the world, That does not plead for help, Who can save them from the pit? I cry for the world, And I am filled with sorrow. I cry for the world, Who live and love today, But have no tomorrow.

I mourn for the world, Who have forsaken their only grace, Who have put out their lamp, early in the eve, Having no match to reignite. I mourn for the world, Who, when they shall think to eat, They have no one to provide.


I mourn for the world, Who choose iniquity, Over all that is divine, And over the most High God. I mourn for the world, Who, when they look up to the sky, They do not see the heavens, But to them is space; an empty plot. I mourn for the world, Who will not behold the stars, Who will not know what’s falling, Until it’s hit the ground. I mourn for the lost, Who, when they are sought, They hide further deep So that they may never be found. I mourn for the world, For they reject him who died for us. I am torn apart to think, It says be not deceived. I am broken when I learn of how, Many have not believed. That false Christs will rise,


Even as there are many now. I weep because blindness cannot see, Nor can the deaf in spirit hear, I choke on my sorrow, When I think of all their fear, That they shall one day face, because, They would not lend an ear. That light came unto darkness But the darkness knew it not.

I cry for the world who refuse to the whole armour of God, not knowing that the devil has a real, literal army of trained demons that come only to destroy our lives. I cry for the schizophrenics, who are told they are mentally ill. I cry for the schizophrenics who do not know they are possessed by demons. I cry for the world, because a mother lost her child to a demon, just the other day, a demon of suicide, and of depression. I cry for the world, who refuse to know the truth. I cry for the world who run from the truth of Jesus Christ, lest that truth should set them free. I cry for the world, who, when they are strictly possessed, they are called mentally ill. And fed on pills,

108 FROM GENERATIONAL CURSES lest they grow hungry for truth and eat the bread of life, and be healed. I cry for the world, because their mental illness could be cured in one word. I cry for the world, because the world does not cry out to Freedom.

And when I am done crying, I wipe my eyes and write more books. If anyone wants to kill themselves or is depressed; call on the name of Jesus Christ one time, and say, “In the name of Jesus Christ, I command the spirit of [depression, anxiety, suicide, lust, infirmity, cancer] to depart from me right now. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray for healing.”

Like sheep we have gone astray. But His love is a love that loves forever. When we could not be found, He sent His son. I cry for the world, because darkness hates light, and pain is coming upon all darkness. In these closing moments, this Light is urgently reaching out to free us. He is looking and calling to us, for;


f we could free ourselves by our own strength, I am sure many of us would have done so already. But we cannot. It takes the blood of Jesus Christ Iand the strength of the Holy Spirit to free us from all the things of this world. He came to seek and to save the lost, but the lost in this day do not even know nor acknowledge that they are lost. But sin is slavery. These same people – and I was once one of the them – do things that they do not want to do, but they cannot stop because they are a slave to sin. Demons love to dance, and so they will go to the club using your body. After the party, they will then leave you to nurse their hangover, and the regret you feel is a regret you cannot explain. How can you not feel regret? It wasn’t even your will to go out in the first place! When the next weekend comes around, demons too will come around, and without Jesus Christ defending you, you will be dragged off again and there will be nothing you can do to stop it. This is being lost. He came to seek and to save the lost, so that you do not have to do things against your will. There is power in his name.


And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. Luke 5:31-32 But the lost do not know that they are lost. The lost fall into pits of darkness, they are led into traps, and they are caught up in snares of confusion. Here is the story of my life: And the Lord said, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren. Luke 22:31-32 Here, the word ‘sift’ means to ‘shake violently.’ It is ‘inward agitation to try one’s faith to the verge of overthrow.’ And many do get overthrown, an example being someone who has become dependent on cigarettes to function. Someone who cannot live and breathe without them, and someone who cannot become free without tearing their body and mind apart through withdrawal. It is more than addiction, in that a demon has spiritually latched onto you, and it will follow you around and

112 FROM A LACK OF KNOWLEDGE will hardly let you go. You think you are fighting an inexplicably strong urge, but you are fighting the devil. This is being lost. Jesus prayed for Simon, and by this, Simon was delivered. Of course, Jesus did not need to pray as he and God are one, but he does this to show how we too can be made free. He came to seek and to save the lost. So pray! And end the warfare. Claim victory over your life, because the devil is there, and the devil wants to have you. He wants to break us down. He wants us to fall into insomnia and disease, but I am come to tell you that there is freedom from all of these things! The devil is the spirit of hatred, and he will use us to tear the next person down. But lo, whatever the devil thinks up in the spirit of evil, Jesus turns it and uses it for good. He lets us fall so that He may be glorified when we are raised up again, and by our uplifting, we can be a testimony to others and help to bring them out of their own darkness. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor

113 THERE IS FREEDOM his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. John 9:2-3 By the grace of God, I have prayed away the darkness in my life, and I am here now to show you that you can and must do the same. This spiritual warfare manifests into the physical world. Here is a man who is possessed: And always, night and day, he was in the mountains, and in the tombs, crying, and cutting himself with stones. Mark 5:5 This is the manifestation of demonic possession. Misery and self-harm. This man had a legion of demons living within him, with a legion being classified as a group ranging from 4,000 - 6,000. And when Jesus was come into the ship, he that had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him. Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee. And he departed, and began to publish in Decapolis

114 FROM NIGHTMARES how great things Jesus had done for him: and all men did marvel. Mark 5:18-20

Am I good enough? Why me? I hate myself. These thoughts are little vile creatures that crawl into your mind when your head is not buried in the love of the Holy Spirit. Only the sick need a physician. He came to seek and to save the lost, so stop running away from him! Confusion is being lost, hatred is being lost, lust is being lost, listening to secular music is like begging for spiritual blindness. Lost. He wants to clean you up and make you whole. These demons that we fight are the spirits that make a person pick up a razor and cut their own wrist, and we let them in through lying and stealing and swearing and fornicating. Through indulging in and taking pleasure in sin. Sin is sickness, and creation cries out to Christ because Christ is renewal. We are not designed to live in illness. Jesus will let you get all the way broken if that is what you want. He will let you go all the way if just to realize

115 THERE IS FREEDOM that sin has no joy. Do not take it too far to where you cannot come back, which is to die without having known Christ. You can wait until the third party in your marriage – a demon – tears you apart, you can wait until the drugs wreck your mind, you can wait until the doctor gives you a wrong and fatal dose. Or you can simply say, “Jesus help me,” and be done with it all. Get cleaned up, and be a candle in a world of darkness through your testimony. Walking blindly along the path of sin and confusion and trusting in the things of this world; this is for the people who have unknowingly made the devil their god through a love for sin. But God has saved a wretched wretch like me, and He can save a wretch like you also. And so we ask:



ord, I must continue to remove myself from the picture, and let your will be done. I must not hide away as I would like to do. I must Linstead profess to the world, and let your light shine through me, as the day will be dark very soon. I will let your will be done, and where you call, I will go, and what you say, I will do. Lord, I must not allow my sinful desires to overcome me. I must not let my speech be filled with iniquity. Who am I, that you should pay my fine? Who am I, that you should love me? Who am I, that you would talk to me like your child? Who am I, that you would hold me as the centre of your world? Who am I, that after many years of being lost, you would continue to seek me until you found me? Who am I, that after having forgiven me, you would increase my lot, and bless me with a heavenly inheritance? Who am I, that after all is said and done, you can still call me home? Who am I, that you would care for me? Who am I, that you would die for me? Who am I?



Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist. And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence. For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell; And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled

120 FROM FORNICATION in the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and unblameable and unreproveable in his sight. Colossians 1:12-22

We see God in all the things He created, and so none of us have an excuse to deny Him, having seen and heard and felt the things He made. To attribute the precision of His works to chance, He will not take lightly to that. You see, these demons are highly intelligent. They are extremely intelligent beings, and by ourselves we cannot fight nor withstand their attacks. By ourselves we cannot always discern their wicked lies. They are so smart that the first thing they would do is to convince the world that they do not exist. But I see them, and I pray that you will open your eyes to see them too. I see them lying through their victim’s teeth on the news. I see them rage at their victim’s children. I see them grip the nation. I see them nod your head at the thought of wholly inappropriate things. I see them in temptation. I see them use people, and fool people into hating the light.


I see them use people to laugh at Christianity. I see them curse and whisper to you dirty jokes. I see them rot our flesh. I see them all around. I see the way they work. How they plan and craft and scheme. I see them building barriers. I see them bury truth, and offer theory in exchange. I see them in all that is synthetic. I see them in your pride. They are disobedience. They make you think, “I can’t control it.” I hear them tell you that you are not good enough. You are good enough. You are not to be a child of death. I see them sway your thinking. I see them shape your identity. I see them as sin, but the world sees them as, “Life is just hard.” I see them cover your eyes. I see your soul, as it tries to break through. I see your spirit fighting. Do it. Crucify the flesh. Purge the carnal mind.


I see them wanting to lock you into a strictly physical reality, because the flesh is sin and death and corruption, and that is where they want you to remain. I see how they once convinced you of an accidental existence. I see how you once accepted it, because sin clings to sin, and sin breeds sin. I see how they could never answer your questions. I see how they never needed to, because the carnal mind itself is enmity towards God, and it is drawn to all that is evil. I see how they rush to explain the impossibility of how a clump of cells alone can result in what we call ‘eyesight.’ I see them scramble to piece together a diagram of how the small bone in your ear is a god unto itself in that it created itself and shaped itself that way through trial and error. They cannot explain what is not theirs, and so the theory remains a theory.

All glory to God. You will find the truth within you, and not without, because God has written His law in your heart and encoded His truth into your DNA. There is no hope in going at it alone, Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none

123 THERE IS FREEDOM other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12

Dear Lord, I love and praise you for all the things you have done, and;



o not try to do anything by yourself. Let God do it all. It is He that, when He speaks, all darkness trembles at His voice. DWhen I look back on my sin, I am convicted. When I look forward to His love, I cannot forget. I fear God. His wonder is something to behold, in both terror and awe. The grace of the heavens, the knowledge within the seas and the sky. The sun and the moon echo His greatness, and the birds sing His praises. I will not forget. The wisdom and judgement of men clothed in sinful flesh is as one trying to catch water in a sieve. A sieve! I will not forget that God is right, and I am wrong. I will not forget that Jesus is coming back with fire and vengeance. I will not forget to have on my full armour, buckled head to toe. I will not forget to give. I will not forget to pray. I will not forget to humble myself. I will not forget to fight temptation. I will not forget what He has done for me. I will not forget to keep watch.


I will not forget to love. I will not forget that it is by His will that I live. So I will not forget to thank Him. I will not forget to save my soul before I save money. No more doing what is best for me. It is time to do what is best for the Kingdom. Rise up. Tell everybody what God has done for you. Denial is a vile creature that takes hold of the heathen. In my coming and going, I will not forget that there are innumerable souls about to walk into an unquenchable fire, and for this my heart mourns.Whose love do I have if my heart does not break at this thought? I will not forget how this was once my fate. When they turn not at my reproof, I will not forget to cry out to them still. When tempted with rage, I will say, “Jesus help me.” Before I swear, I will say, “Jesus take these words from me.” When I am hurting, I will say, “Jesus wipe my tears.” Before I go, I will say, “Jesus walk with me.”



And I must go, because something isn’t right. Are you ready to run to the mountains? Persecution is coming. It will be the first thing that the son of perdition will do when he comes into power. I had a dream where I was being chased by dark shadowy creatures, and every time they got close to catching me, I would scream out, “Jesus.” They laid not one grey hand on me, because I called on the name of the Lord. This is how we must guard our souls in the midst of temptation, and in trouble and confusion. I had to call on the Lord, or else they would have caught me and done unimaginable things to me. Now God is training us, and preparing us for what is coming. I will not forget my calling. I am come to spread the Gospel to the lost. If you are that lost sheep that has now been found, go and find others trapped in darkness, as you were, and set them free in Jesus’ mighty name. God be with you. Selah.


I will not coddle myself in rest, nor pamper myself in want. I will not forget that:


The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the Lord: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, a day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers. And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like blind men, because they have sinned against the Lord: and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as the dung. Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord’s wrath; but the whole land shall be devoured by the fire of his jealousy: for he shall make even a speedy riddance of all them that dwell in the land. Zephaniah 1:14-18 But this is my cry to you: Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth, which have wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness: it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger. Zephaniah 2:3


What is fear to my God? He has already declared the victory, and by His love for me, I also share in this triumph. I have victory over all these things because there is one greater than all, who stands at the door of your heart and is just itching to break your chains if you would just let him! There is freedom and wrath, and you cannot taste both. The King is coming. Behold, he stands at the door. As I anxiously wait, I will not forget that I have divorced this world. In all its pain complexity, I will not forget;


And to know that Jesus is the answer.


“You might have to love somebody who you wouldn’t even like outside the Kingdom of God.”


I put my trust in you Lord.


I will not be downcast.


I’m blinded by you grace.


am convinced that the world hates Jesus and God because righteousness exposes sin. To submit yourself to God is to own up to your iniquity and Iperversion, and that is a thing that many, if not most, are not willing to do. It is a difficult thing to die to self and to live for Jesus Christ, but it is imperative. Denial is a seed sown by the serpent, such that it makes you almost believe that if you just ignore God, He will cease to exist. Almost. But God imparted unto us a conscience, and no matter how seared by sin it may get, there has always been and will always be a part deep down within us that reminds us of right and wrong, and convicts us of our disobedience. But, there is fast approaching a time where a certain point of no return can be reached. That is the time of the antichrist, where you may get no second chance to turn back. We all get lost in this world, and for this, he came to seek and to save the lost. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled

139 THERE IS FREEDOM to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. Romans 5:8-11

God says, “The people are coming to a turning point. A point beyond which they cannot turn back. They are on the precipice, and on the brink. Once they step in, they will not come out. It is deep. Deeper than they know. They teeter on the end, and they taunt gravity. Gravity will win, and they will fall. Have I not spoken of all these things? Have I not written them plainly? Yet their eyes have been blinded, their vision clouded and they cannot see. Their trust is in material things; Let material things save them! Their trust is in evil men; Let evil men save them! When you place your trust, you get on the ride, for better or for worse. For some, it will be worse. They know not where that ride will take them. But I know. I know where they are going, and I know how far they will fall. They go, and they do not call out for help. They fall, and they do not beg for rescue. My hand

140 FROM MISERY is stretched out still, that any may take hold. I am still knocking, and no one answers the door. I am still begging, and no one listens to me. They put their earmuffs on and they walk on by. They continuously turn their attention from me to anything else, and yet here I stand, heartbroken. I just want them to be mine. I would hold them so close, I would calm every fear, I would wash them in rivers of peace. I would make them clean like me. I would cherish them every day and give them all my affection. I would lavish them with gifts, more than they could fathom. I would take them in my arms, and protect them from evil, and never let them go if they would just let me.”


What is there left to say? Salvation is there for the taking. I shall love the Lord my God with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind. With all my strength and might, for He has given me everything. I shall do His will from this day forward, for His will is greater than my own will, and His will frees me from the trap of the wicked.


What is there left to say? I shall say this; Now when I sin, I feel a burden to the Lord. I feel I am hurting God. It is hardly a fear of hell that compels me to abide, but more the Lord allowing me to feel the burden He feels due to my sin. A big, “Why?” A, “Do you not love me?” A rhetorical question, which I need not answer. The burden of the Lord is so great. A sore heartache. Why must I hurt our Lord Jesus Christ, having known the truth, but choosing to doubt even for a second? For this I say,

142 v111. “I’M SORRY.” FROM SIN

’m sorry. Dear Heavenly Father. I am sorry on behalf of the world. I pray you have mercy on us in all our blindness and iniquity. IYou say, “I, even I, am he that comforteth you: who art thou, that thou shouldest be afraid of a man that shall die, and of the son of man which shall be made as grass?” And I say; Lord have mercy, They’re out to hurt me. What did I forget? Was I born again to die? God forbid! I shall live, For as long as I am born of the Spirit. And they said, “Lord, Lord.” But forgot the will of God. I beg you not to hide the darkness within, For there is nothing hidden That shall not see the light. The unpardonable sin. To die without a recompense. Who buys what is free? Or sells me what is already mine?


He loves you and me, Whether today or tomorrow, We’re going home this time.


You say, “Who forgettest the Lord thy maker, that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; and hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? And where is the fury of the oppressor?” And I say; I have been scared, Terrified, even. Compared myself to they, Even they, They that will surely die, Like all men who grace this earth and fall, For wickedness or weakness. We pick our poison and take no less, Than a thick and fatal dose. Yea, we are mud to your clean house. Bloodstains on white.


Crumbs to your footstool. We are no less than fools playing gods. For what? If it be wickedness, then that is our weakness, And if we be weak, then that itself is iniquity. I lament, and I pity the fool I am. For fear of man is fruitless, But fear of the great I AM is gain and bliss.


Why do I strive against God? Why do I go my own way? Why do I worry about whom and what I say my sayings to? If I fill my Temple with ruin, Is there any room for God? If I work with no end, Could I repay that hefty sum? Nay, there is no work here to be done. You could cry a flood at my death, For I, the dead and deceased. But there is life in the Spirit,


And there is power in the blood. There is freedom in that name. There is one who reigns forever. And ever. Why, oh heart of mine, Do I think to go alone? For if I go alone, Who will be my help? If I strive against God, Do I not condemn myself ? Yea, there is one who freed us all So why do I need to hide from death? Here is wisdom; there is life in Jesus Christ.


Could I hide what’s in my heart, From the one that made my heart? Could I cover my thoughts, And could I mask away my soul? Should I pay a tithe, And still be wicked and vile? God forbid I lie,


He sees behind your smirk and smile. Should I help the poor in flesh, And claim salvation of it? Am I not poor in spirit, If I claim a worldly profit? Salvation comes to all, To every house and corner. Both to the rich and poor, To all His sons and daughters. He knows our works and all our words, Who is and isn’t of this world. To us He gifted prayer, And granted supplication. So when my bones are growing weak, And when I have no words to speak, I shall say, “Jesus pray for me.”


When I grow sick of this world, I know there’s one who heals. I will not wait until I swerve, To say, “Jesus take the wheel.”


PART TWO Epilogue To think that by writing this book I have booked my seat in heaven is a lie. To think that I have found favour in God’s eyes by these works is to only deceive myself. For as long as I continue to sin, I add to the burden of God, and I am judged even more harshly having known right. A life in the flesh is no easy task, and it is a constant fight. Our souls are clothed in flesh, and the flesh is marred by sin. I repent for all the wrong that I have done. I repent for having trusted in myself and for having gone my own way, and for not realizing that His ways are greater and more fruitful. So much needless pain I let myself go through, not knowing that there was freedom. The truth is that I did know, and we all know, but I was trapped in sin and had a love for the world, and for this the Lord had me blinded. Having been there, I feel a great and deep sorrow for those who are still there. Whatever fun you are having in the world, it will surely not last, and it is like a paper plane compared to the Boeing 747 of God. There is so much more joy in Christ. There is so much more peace. There is so much more freedom. And there are so many things that we miss out on by choosing to go our own way. Whether we are applying for a new job, or choosing a partner, or any and everything else; put it in the hands of God. His plans are so much greater, and the way He works will have you in awe. He will make things happen that you never thought could happen, and He will save you from many things which you could not forsee. You will have so many, “Wow, I’m so glad I didn’t end up doing that or going there or seeing such and such,” moments. Leave it all to God in prayer. When you get attacked in the spirit, which happens daily to most people, rebuke that demon in Jesus’ name. I write this to you because I love you. I write this to you to tell you that there is freedom, even from death itself. But you have to choose life, a life in the Spirit. I too was once lost, and now I am giving my all to find those that are still lost. To say I am worthy or righteous in my own right is a lie, but by the grace of God He has redeemed me and saved me from myself. Any strength that I have is His strength. And every breath I breathe is by His grace and mercy, and by His divine creation. And so, for as long as I live, I serve as a witness that Jesus is freedom, and I can proclaim that Jesus will make a difference in your life. He will renew you and give you a clean heart. So live simply, and abide in Christ alone. You must forsake the world, the music, the news, the drama, the movies and shows, the vices, the drugs and alcohol, the lust, the addictions, the fear and anxiety, the busyness of life, the temptation, religion, and horoscopes, because all of this is rooted in sin. Live simply, live pure, live for Christ. If I do not see you again, I pray I see you in heaven.

With love,



Dear Jesus, Give us strength in the days of trouble that are fast approaching. Hold us together as the world falls apart. Break the hearts of those that say they love you, so that they may know your pain. Break the hearts of those that say they love you, so that they may want to do your work. Wake them up. Save us from ourselves, and save us from the enemy. Gift us with your spiritual gifts, that we may work the works of your Kingdom.

Dear Jesus, If creation sings your praises, then so will I. You found me when I wasn’t looking for you. You heard me before I asked. You reached out your Almighty hand, and you raised me up. You raised me up, so I can stand on mountains. Anoint me with eyesalve, so that I may see. Place your Word within me. Bless me with your knowledge, not for my glory, but for yours. I humble myself in your presence. Fill me with your light, so that I may be a beacon of your truth. Take away my pride, and chastise me if you will, so that I may learn your statutes. Purge my soul of wickedness, and rid me of all darkness. Fill me with your


Spirit so that I may shine your hope to the hopeless, and speak humility into the hearts of the proud and boastful. Send me to those that hate me, as your Father sent you to us.

Dear Jesus, I fall down at your feet. I humble myself in your presence. It is not what I have done, but what you have done for me. Flood me with living waters, that I may never thirst. Fill me with the bread of life. Let my weeping turn to joy, and let my lamentation turn to songs of praise. Let my grief turn to gladness. Now that I have found the truth, and true freedom, use me to find those that are still in chains.

Dear Jesus, I give my life to you, as you gave yours for me. Not because I was deserving, but because of your immeasurable love. Thank you for I have to eat. Thank you for the love you placed within me.

Dear Jesus, I pray you call to you those that you will. I pray you deliver those who call upon your name. I pray for the

159 THERE IS FREEDOM new-borns in spirit, I pray you guard them from the dead of old. Fence them in your love, and uplift them in all righteousness. I pray you start a fire in the soul of whoever is reading these words. It is by your mercy that you brought them here, and it is by your will that they breathe the breath they breathe. Start a fire in their heart, and let it be known to them the glory of your might.

Dear Jesus, I pray for Kim, that you may open her eyes to your truth. Guide her in all knowledge and truth, and guard her through famine and strife. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray. Amen.


Jesus let me fall in all my rage, so that the world could learn from my testimony. Well, this is my story, and this is my song. I will praise my Saviour for all the days of my life.


He is; The Alpha and Omega, The beginning and the end, The Prince of peace, The lover of my soul, Your Redeemer, Our only hope, Our eternal comfort, Our solace, Now and forever, Amen.



e prepared to run into the mountains. Be prepared to lose your life. Be prepared to starve. BBe prepared to die for Christ. Be prepared to be hated. Be prepared to be spit on. Be prepared to meet God. Be prepared to pray for your enemies. Be prepared to forgive. Be prepared to leave everything behind. Be prepared to give up your will to God. Be prepared to be chastised. Be prepared to leave church. Be prepared to lose friends. Be prepared to see death spill onto the streets. Be prepared to be an outcast. Be prepared to spread the Gospel. Be prepared to flee at a minute’s notice. Be prepared to fight demons. Be prepared to be hunted. Be prepared to be beheaded. Be prepared, and brace yourself. Be prepared to refuse the mark of death, for this is;


efore the end of time, Satan will again try to corrupt humanity. He will try to change our DNA, such that we will no longer be made Bin the image of God. Jesus warns of this, saying: And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:16-18

Satan will raise up his kingdom through lying and coercion, through manipulation and fear, and through a grain-of-rice sized microchip that goes into your right hand. He will enforce this mark in the midst of famine, and it will be a trade-off. The devil says, “You will not surely die.” The devil says, “You will have increased knowledge.” The devil says, “Take this mark and I will provide

167 THERE IS FREEDOM everything for you.” The devil says, “You will become greater than you were before.” The devil says, “You will be able to open many doors.”

The consequences of receiving this mark are more spiritual than physical, in that although you are physically setting yourself up as a node in the internet system of frequencies and waves, you also provide a gateway through which the devil can permanently reside in your body. There is no casting out the demons within you this time because the technology of the fallen angels will be all-the-way fused into your body, and will be bonded to your cells, creating new ones to their liking. The fallen will work to create a synthetic holy spirit within you through the injection of various nanotechnologies that will take over your body and work to change your DNA. This is the reason for the sudden and urgent need for worldwide vaccination programmes, because the mark is coming, and these two devices work together for the same goal. What we see in the physical world is a manifestation of the spiritual realm;


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Revelation 12:11-12

There will be very few that keep their bodies undefiled from these alien technologies, as it was in the days of Noah. From the very beginning, Satan has longed to be the centre of worship. He will finally achieve this through technology that allows for mind control, in both the unsuspecting victim and the wilful recipient. All those who receive his mark will become as drones, having given up their free will to him, and having polluted the Temple of God, which is our bodies. Here are the consequences: And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not

169 BE PREPARED find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them. Revelation 6:5 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Revelation 14:9-11 And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image. Revelation 16:1-2


Technologies such as Neuralink, Quantum dot vaccination tattoos with the Luciferase substance, and structures like the Georgia Guidestones will have the masses in awe. But, if you look closely, you will see that most people have no place in a world that has a population of 500,000,000. You will see that ‘leaving room for nature’ simply means disconnecting from it completely, and that ‘guiding reproduction’ leads to creating synthetic and altered human beings through the tampering of DNA.

People cannot see these things because God has them in a delusion, as they have chosen sin over righteousness, and chosen a lie over the truth. It perpetuates. The Bible says: And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 2 Thessalonians 2:8-12

And again: For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest

171 THERE IS FREEDOM at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. Matthew 13:15

Sin causes spiritual blindness, and people will not see these things because they are blinded by sin. Light has nothing to do with darkness, so those who love darkness will be left in the dark. But to those who seek righteousness, not through other people, but through the Holy Spirit, to them shall all things be revealed. The world cannot see nor hear nor understand the truth of these things because the world is trapped in sin. Likewise, the churches do not see nor understand the truth of these things because the churches are trapped in sin and pride.

Therefore, Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word

172 FROM IGNORANCE of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. 2 Peter 3:3-10

I must ask; Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1

Because; He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Psalm 2:4-5

God will give them over to a reprobate mind. They will do the things which are unseemly, and they will not be able to discern the times. These are murmurers, complainers, walking after

173 THERE IS FREEDOM their own lusts; and their mouth speaketh great swelling words, having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage. But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit. But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost. Jude 1:16-20

And you, having heard of salvation, must heed this as a warning to continue no more in sin, because by doing so, you place yourself in grave danger of falling into this same condemnation. Ever learning, but unable to come to a full understanding of the truth. These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame;

174 FROM STRIFE wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. Jude 1:12-13

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as

175 THERE IS FREEDOM their’s also was. 2 Timothy 3:1-9

Believe me, God is not mocked. He will not be fooled by fake repentance, and He will not be fooled by those who say they will wait until they are on their deathbed to repent. In His just and righteous anger, He will take your life when you do not expect it. He will give you over to a mind such as these, so that you do not see your error until the day you are called to stand before Him. Sin no more, therefore, because God is not mocked. Darkness has no part in light, and the Spirit of truth does not dwell in those who live a lie.

This is what has happened; And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were

176 cast out with him. Revelation 12:7-9

So hold firm in your faith, for we are; 111. IN THE CLOSING MINUTES FROM CONDEMNATION

Lord, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me; Many are saying of my soul, O“There is no salvation for him in God.” Psalm 3:1-2

If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you. John 15:18-19


And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. Acts 2:17

God is sending many people dreams, visions, and premonitions of the end, as He promised. Here is one of these:


Anne-Marie: “In 2016, I had an outer body experience that would be classified as a vision in the Bible. John the Revelator experienced this to write the book of Revelation, Daniel experienced this, and Paul and Peter also talk about the visions that they saw. To get this message out to you, I have suffered a great deal since it came to me in 2016. I have had to leave apartments, a kid, and jobs. But I am getting my child back. The Bible talks about this. It talks about those who have to leave things for His name’s sake. The enemy came after me to murder me, because this is big-time, what I experienced. He knows that getting this out to you could save your life, and save your soul. Jesus could save your soul before you have to experience these things. I was shown the great tribulation. I was shown very specific details about the great tribulation, and it wasin our generation, and in our lifetime. That is the way I can describe it to you. My family and I had been taken off the earth. We are believers, and we follow Christ. And, this is what I saw left behind. The way I can describe it to you is that it looked like the Hunger Games. Your thoughts and your heart had to be

180 FROM TERROR on Jesus Christ, number one. Even after we had left, God was giving a chance to the people that were on earth, but it was very, very hard, because as soon as your thoughts became polluted by something in the world, you would be harassed and possibly murdered by fallen devils. The fallen ones, demons, they were playing games with mankind. They were hunting them. Everything looked as it did now, but there were devils everywhere on the street. And the way to escape the wrath of them was to praise Jesus, bless his name, and be studying the Bible. Anywhere, even if you didn’t have the Bible, anything that you remembered from childhood, any verse you remembered, any Bible story, anything, just setting your heart on Jesus in your thoughts. This is an example; there was one woman left behind, and the devils had blown a whistle, they were taunting mankind. She started to think of her money over God, and she was pulled backwards to the pit. They took her to the pit. I saw the devils chasing mankind everywhere. I saw Martial Law, and demonized soldiers and demonized police coming into houses with machine guns and pulling people out of homes. They were putting them in different places, so you simply had no control.


The Bible says that when these things happen, Jesus will hide his people in the mountains. You wanted to praise Jesus, you wanted to get right with him straight away when this happened, because these creatures knew your thoughts. They could analyse your thoughts, and the Spirit of God wasn’t there. It was very, very cold. But, Jesus still was there, and he still had his hand on earth. He was still seeking those who really wanted to be right with him. I could see youth left behind, teenagers left behind. There were no children, I didn’t see anyone under the age of 12, give or take, but I saw high school kids left behind, and they were just in fear. They just looked like they were in shock. So yes, if you do not have Jesus as your personal Saviour, and are not following his commandments, the first one especially, loving the Lord God with your whole heart, soul body and mind, you could be left behind. Because listen; God’s Kingdom is about love, and loving your neighbour as yourself, and loving your brothers and sisters as yourself You’ve got to keep your heart pure towards God. So, these were the people that were left behind. They had put their mind on something else worldly, and they

182 FROM FALLEN ANGELS weren’t serving God with all their heart, soul, body and mind. I saw demonized military, there were demonized police just busting into houses. There were little toys of cars, little kids’ toys, and their belongings all left behind, so all the believers had been taken away. I also saw people worshipping this beast. Young people, even in their 20s, they were under a strong delusion, and they had taken the mark of the beast, the RFID implant, and they were all worshipping this beast. They were blaspheming God, and they were saying, ‘Look at God.’ They had the wrong idea of who God was completely, so they were all worshipping the beast, and they were all in one delusion. There was this group that was all just praising this beast as he was leading them, and they had lost their souls. I don’t know if they were ever Christians to begin with, but they had lost it, they had received the mark of the beast. So, there were many things going on; you had Martial Law and demonized military, and then you had people that had received the mark of the beast, and then you had people that were in shock and were scared to death. If you are left behind, you wanted to set your heart and

183 THERE IS FREEDOM mind on Jesus right away, and to think nothing of anything worldly. That was the way to fight it, to just keep your mind focused on Jesus, because God knew the people that wanted to be saved. He was still looking after them, but now they had some work to do on themselves. What the Lord just spoke to me is prayer, a lot of praying. I also saw demons running down the street, and they were going into people’s houses, and they were just running in there and murdering the people left behind in their homes who had rejected Jesus. They had rejected his message, and so the demons had full access to their homes. There was no safety. Well, there was safety; praying to Jesus. I just want to tell you that it is soon, too. It was in our lifetime. I hate horror movies, but it really did remind me of movies like The Others and the Hunger Games. It was real, and I also saw visions of hell. I saw people from earth, like Patrick Swayze, he’s one that many would know. I saw him in hell, and this was during another outer body experience, that I classify as a vision. I saw him being tortured horrendously by demons. They were throwing things at him in hell. And so, this is real, hell is real. To be absent from the

184 FROM THE COMING WOES body is to be present with the Lord as a believer, so I really pray that you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, and then keep His commandments. We are saved by grace, so if we make a mistake the grace covers us, but God still wants us to keep His commandments.

God also gave me the word ‘ripe,’ and what I believe He means by this is that the wheat and the tares are ripe. So, the wheat is God’s children, and they are ripe, and the tares are the devil’s children, and they are also ripe. Remember, in the end times we all grow up together. The wheat has been sown by God, and the tares have been sown by the devil, so we have got a big division in our society now. The angels are the reapers, and the angels are eventually going to come down and tie the devil’s children up in bundles and throw them into the fire, and then the angels are going to put God’s children in the barn to be with God forever. We are at the end of the end days, so let’s just be prepared.” Anne-Marie, 21 September, 2019


But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way. Matthew 13:25

Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn. Matthew 13:30

Jesus answered and said unto them, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.


Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear. Matthew 13:36-43


And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Habakkuk 2:2-3

And it will happen. God’s Word does not return void.

Here is another important vision: Estania: “I had a dream I want to share with you, and I want to share this dream because it was given to me in so much detail. It is about the locusts. I dreamt that I was out and about inside a home. It didn’t look like my original home, it looked like a different home. In this home, I was looking through a giant window.


The windows were really tall, as if I was in a penthouse or a high-rise hotel or something like that. These windows were huge. I don’t live in a house like that so, like I said, it was not my home, I was somewhere else. I looked outside, my distraction was outside, so that’s what I had to focus on. And when I looked outside, I saw this swarm. It was this darkness, a bunch of dark things started coming out of the sky. It looked like they were coming out of a portal or something like that. It was a swarm of these… creatures coming out of the sky. When I looked, it was all black. It was really, really dark. There was so much darkness coming right out of the sky. And then I started seeing them get closer and closer. When I saw them get closer, I screamed out loud, ‘OMG, those are locusts, it’s the locusts!’ I said it just like that. And when I saw one, it came right through the window. It was looking at me, and it was so ugly. I’m just being honest, this thing was so ugly. It was fat and chubby-looking, like if you get two hands and ball them up together; that was the size that I saw them. They were huge, they were not little. I saw them all in different shape and size and colour.


They had bright colours on them, and it was just crazy. Let me describe them; they had heads like human heads, I’m not going to lie. Their heads looked like human heads. They had tiny little wings on their backs. With the way their bodies were shaped, I don’t know how they were able to fly with those wings. It was as if you could not kill them. They were going around, not killing people, I didn’t see them kill anybody, but I saw them go into people’s homes, and rip into them, and bite them. They had these sharp ugly-looking teeth, and they were just, ughh. It looked like they had animal kind of teeth. They were just sharp. And their hair, you know, their hair kind of looked like ours, but it was very faded. It wasn’t thick or full or anything like that. It looked like it was just thin, very, very thin. I did not see crowns on their heads. I’m sure I would have remembered if I saw crowns on their heads. I don’t know why, but I didn’t see . But, they had some kind of protection. Their bodies were made out of some type of a very strong, hard shield of protection, because people tried to shoot them. No! They could not kill them. They could not kill those things. They tried to shoot them, but that didn’t work.


The military came in and tried to help the people because, like I said, they were just going around hurting people. People were running from these things, and people were yelling and screaming. There was a lot of chaos. I saw the bottoms of them. Their bottoms looked like they had something for stinging, and not like a scorpion, but more like a bee. It looked like they had a pointy little thing on their bottom. They all had that, a tiny little pointy long thing on their bottom, and they carried it the way a bee would carry it. I’m sorry, forgive me, but these things were not pretty. They were very hideous-looking, and they had all sizes. They were not too big though. The biggest size I would say would be about the size of a one-and-a-half-year-old, or a two-year-old child. That is the biggest one I saw there. I didn’t see anything bigger than that. Some were really skinny. Really, really skinny. They had hands like ours, and they had feet. Some had feet like ours, and some had what looked like animal feet. But, they had somewhat of an insect body, but not fully. It just looked like a mutation of some type of creature, with a human form of a face. It was just crazy. It was really, really crazy. Their faces kind of looked like ogres. They were just

190 FROM MISDIRECTION so real, it was ridiculous. And do you know what the people were calling them? They were calling them ‘aliens.’ People kept saying they were aliens. ‘These are the aliens attacking us!’ And I said, ‘No! These are not aliens, these are locusts! They are locusts!’ I kept screaming that out to people, and they were like, ‘No, those are the aliens, they are aliens.’ And I’m like, ‘No! They’re locusts, they’re locusts.’ It was crazy, you would see them, and the way they spoke, they had these different languages that they were speaking. I have never heard it, I don’t think anyone knew or understood what they were saying, but they were making fun of us. They were laughing at us. They were enjoying laughing at us. They were climbing walls and climbing buildings. The cities were devoured. Look, with these things, it looked like there were billions of them. There were billions of them out there. You knew there were billions of them. They were everywhere. They came into your home, and they would snatch you out. I saw that two of them went into somebody’s home, snatched the lady out, flew her all the way up in the air and then dropped her. And they were laughing at that. They

191 THERE IS FREEDOM were just laughing. ‘Gkgkgkgkg, hahahaha.’ They were making all kinds of funny noises. And you knew they were coming because of the wings they had on their backs. They made a loud whooshing noise. It was so loud, and they were so strong and so creepy. When you heard them coming, you just wanted to hide as far away as possible. So, as I was watching all of this, the ugly looking thing that was coming at me was facing the window. He tried to go through the window, but he couldn’t go through it, he couldn’t break it. It was like this window was completely strong, but I saw them go through other people’s windows, and man, they broke right through those things! This was a thing that was going on for a few months. I knew this was a seasonal thing, like it was going to pass, but that a second thing was coming after them. I knew there was a second woe that was comng right after them. As I was going through this dream, I was not in my original body, and I was not my former self. I am a woman, but in the dream I was a man. I was a Caucasian man who was in the military. I was in the military, I guess I was in the air force. I saw myself in uniform, American military uniform, and


I saw myself trying to escape. I was trying to escape these things, because this thing went on for months, and I was trying to leave. As I was trying to leave, I tried to take off with my kid. I had this boy, I had a son. Like I said, this was not me, I was in this man’s body, and it’s like I was able to feel everything and sense everything as this man did. Before I go into this role I was playing, I should point out that these things were strong. When I say these things were strong, I mean the military guys were trying to burn them off. The military would come in, and they would burn them. They had these blowers, and they were blowing them, and they would burn them. They tried to burn them because they couldn’t shoot them. Their weapons were not strong enough to kill them. It was nearly impossible to kill these things. They ripped you. I saw them biting people. Their sharp teeth were so strong. I didn’t see them killing anybody, but people were in so much pain from these things. You saw the pain in their eyes, the fear people had, they were so afraid of these things. But for the locusts, it was like a sport. It was like a sport, because they were laughing, they were giggling, and they were mocking us.


You could hear it in their voices how they were mocking us, because they knew how to talk. They spoke. You didn’t understand their language, but you can just tell when somebody is making fun of you in any kind of language. It doesn’t matter, you know when somebody is making fun of you. I was like, ‘What are they saying?’ It was just crazy. Something in my spirit was allowing me to understand that they were making fun of us. They were doing all these crazy things to us, and they were enjoying it, by the way. They were enjoying it. I saw that the grass was clean. I didn’t see them eating it. I don’t think these things were vegetarians, because the grass, the trees, nothing like that was harmed. It was still standing. But it was dark. It was a really bad, dark greyish day. I never saw sunlight. Not once did I see sunlight come out. It was always dark and greyish, and it just looked so dull. So, going back to the part where I was a military guy in the uniform, I was trying to take off because I knew the second wave was coming. I knew there was a second plague that was going to come, and it was going to be worse than these locusts. I knew it was going to be worse. So, I was trying to escape, I was trying to leave. I was

194 FROM STORMY WATERS trying to get out of America, but America was not the only place infested with these things. I knew it was all over the world. We were hearing from other troops from all over the world. We were hearing from other people, other world leaders, and they were all seeking help to destroy these things. And we knew that the second wave was supposed to be something worse. I was trying to take off. I had this helicopter and I had this other guy with me. There were two or three of us, and we were trying to take off, to take our families and go. By my family, I think my son was about 12 or 14, or something like that. He was a young teenager. The guy that I was in the dream, I was a tall caucasian man, and I had dark hair. I was pretty tan, probably Italian or Spanish-looking. This is what I saw, it is what the Lord allowed me to feel using someone’s spirit that was left behind. The guy that I was observing through was very intelligent, and he was going into the air force base. I saw him going into a helicopter, we all were in a helicopter, and those locusts came. Let me tell you how strong these things are. They are so strong they ripped the top of the helicopter, the propellor of the helicopter. They ripped it into pieces like it was some kind of little toy that you just break into pieces.


Man, it was crazy, I said ‘Oh my gosh, they are coming! They are coming!’ And when they did that, they were laughing. They were laughing and making fun of us. Every time they did something to irritate us, they were laughing. They always laughed. They were so wicked and so evil and so mean. So, while they were busy trying to destroy the helicopter we were trying to go into, we went into a second one, and I quickly started it up and we left. I was heading to Europe, and I was going to go to Austria. I don’t know why Austria, but I was heading to Austria and I was going to go to the mountains, and I was going to go hide there with my family and friends. We were going to go to the mountains and hide. That was our plan. We wanted to hide, not from the locusts, but because the locusts weren’t as bad as what was coming. I knew there was something really awful after the locusts. When I was discussing this, I knew I wanted to share this dream, but I thought, ‘Maybe I’ll share it in a week or two from now.’ I wasn’t thinking of sharing it any time soon. But then, I started to discuss it with the prayer group that I am in, and I was explaining to them everything. I was thinking, ‘I know I have read about the locusts,’ and stuff like

196 FROM HARSH WEATHER that, but I just couldn’t remember everything that was said. So, we went into reading about them. Revelation 9. Oh my Lord. When I was reading Revelation 8 and 9… when I say the Spirit was upon me… I was shocked. I was beyond shocked, at how everything it was saying was describing what I had been seeing. It was overwhelming. It was like, ‘Wow, all of this?’ I don’t know why I didn’t remember reading the part where it says they had faces of men. I had no idea their faces were like human faces. In the dream, they had the faces of human beings. It was crazy. I was like, ‘Wow! I saw them!’ And I mean it when I say they had all different colours on their bodies, and that they were bloated, chubby little- looking things, and how some of them were really thin. They had every size. They had all sizes, these things were just… wow. I wish I was able to see the second wave of what was coming, but as we were reading Revelation 9, I noticed that the second woe is supposed to be the four angels that were bound in the Euphrates river. Hmmm. Nobody wants to see them. And they are worse, because they are bringing


200 million with them from the armies of hell. Who wants to be here for this?! I woke up at the part where I took off from the airport heading to the other country, and when I woke up, I was like, ‘Man… na.’ Seriously, who wants to be here for all of this? I mean, do people not realize? Hell on earth is about to be loosed when the Holy Spirit is removed! And that His remnant, everyone who is serving Him is going to be taken out of here? When they are all removed, all of this stuff is going to be let loose! Pray on this. Pray that God gives you a revelation of the great tribulation. Pray that God gives you a dream or a vision. Something to show you how the tribulation is going to be. It is not going to be a walk in the park. Please, repent daily. Turn away from sin. Give your life to Jesus Christ. Do not continue in your sinful ways. We have to turn away from these things. I pray that you will heed these warnings. Pray that you are worthy, worthy to be taken out of here when all of this begins. God bless you.” Estania Louis, June 30, 2020


And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. Revelation 9:7-11

Do not fear if you are a truly repented follower of Christ, because these plagues are not for you.

And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of


God in their foreheads. Revelation 9:4

And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. And thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. Revelation 9:15-18

And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and

200 FROM DESPONDENCE hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? Revelation 6:15-17


Be prepared and be on the watch. Here is a final warning: Jade: “A lot of people are wondering what is happening right now, spiritually. There is a line. There is a whole slide; there is the beginning and there is the end. Jesus knows the whole thing, and he is the beginning to the end. But where are we in this line? That is the question. What do we need to be doing spiritually right now, and what do we need to see that has been hidden? Well, God revealed. How do I say this? I am going to say it without saying it. There are parts in the Bible right now that have spoken about the end times, and there is a for-sure falling away, which we have talked about. But there is another part in the Bible that says there are going to be false prophets arising.


Now, if you just read that text, you will think, ‘Okay well, going back, we know that the false prophets are usually the people who leave God and His truth, and they go into the realm of money and merchandising.’ But, here is the difference between those of that kind and the ones that we are going to be faced with very soon. There is a shift happening right now, and I am pretty sure everyone can see it. There is going to be a new set of false prophets arising, and a new wave of falling away. There is going to be a false church arising, and it is going to be led by people who are receiving money. Lots and lots of money. Now, originally, these people were going to be working for Jesus Christ, and they did. They originally started off working for Jesus. But what is happening – and I saw it in my dream, I have seen it – what is happening right now is that the mark of the beast is coming. Very soon. We have already seen it online, and we know that people have already got the mark. It’s not like an, ‘Oh my goodness,’ kind of thing. A lot of people have the mark, a lot of people have the mark and you don’t even know it. You understand? So, it is not, ‘When will everyone get it?’


A lot of people secretly already have it, and I am not talking about regular people. Regular people; they are going to be getting it soon. It is going to be implemented soon, and what is happening with these false prophets is that they are going to be getting paid thousands and thousands of dollars daily, some maybe even hourly, to lead the church into receiving the mark, telling them that it is okay to receive it. It is not. I rebuke it in Jesus’ name. Read Revelation, starting at chapter 13, and keep going until Revelation 14. If you get that mark, you will never inherit God’s Kingdom. So, people are going to be paid. People that were originally from the church, they are going to be paid large sums of money. A lot of them might bite and go for it, such that they tell God’s people to comply with the new things that are happening, and to go into these centres. Imagine these centres, like stores that you would regularly go into. Large stores, large shopping stores, the ones on the larger, grander scale that people regularly go to. I am not going to name names, but this is where people are going to have to go in order to get their food. It is going to be a thing, like, ‘Come down here, receive help here.’ When you get in there, there are two things that they

203 THERE IS FREEDOM want. There are two things that they want, and they are going to get people to explain how to do these two things, and this includes people who belong to the church. You have to make a decision right now; do you belong to Jesus Christ, or do you belong to this world, because the line has been drawn, and it is going to be coming manifest now. You need to decide; do you want your comforts, do you want this world and the money and the power and the position and the mark, or do you want Jesus Christ? Do you want the love of God, do you want eternal salvation found only in Christ Jesus? Do you want to be with Jesus Christ and all the saints and the heavenly angels for all eternity in heaven? You have got to fight the good fight, and you have got to be ready to let your life go. You have to be ready, if you are a prophet, if you are an evangelist, a minister, or whatever else you are doing for God’s Kingdom. Not everyone is going to be tempted or be classified as a likely person for this, but some might, and you have to be willing to make the decision. Are you going to bow down to the enemy, or are you going to stay strong and fight the good fight? Because times are changing, and it is all around us, and

204 FROM ALL CHAINS people are not even going to have enough money for food soon. People are losing their jobs. It is going to get worse and worse, and somebody is going to have to have the answer. The ‘answer.’ That is going to be the antichrist. So, there are two things that they are going to want people to do or have, and they will try and convince people of these things. There are two things that are going to happen in these centres. I saw, in the dream, it was some kind of a juice. A drink. They wanted to convince people that they needed to drink this drink. I am not sure what was inside this drink, but I am going to say that it was probably like some sort of mind altering thing that would make people a little stupid in the brain, if they drink this drink. And the second thing that was happening in these centres was that the mark was being implemented there. In the Bible, it says that all these kings of the earth; they are going to be in one mind, and it’s happened. They are in one mind. It is coming. The antichrist is coming. They are in one mind together. See, what happens is, when the chip comes, and when somebody gets it, they are gone. They are gone. Gone.


Their mind has no more option of heavenly things, and their mind is only concerned about one thing. You see, the devil wants to kill, steal, and destroy. Once somebody gets that chip, especially God’s people, they are killed. The devil doesn’t have to kill them to get them into hell. They could be breathing, and they are still going to be sentenced to eternal punishment, for all eternity in the lake of fire, because when they get that mark, it is over. I pledge my allegiance to Jesus Christ today, and I hope that you can do the same, no matter what amount of pressure or money is thrown at you. In all due respect, we all have our choice of whether we are going to go up or if we are going to go down. Are we going to give our lives to the Most High God, Jesus Christ, and follow him not based on what we think, but based on Biblical foundations and the truth of the scripture of Revelation 13, of the antichrist coming, and of God’s Kingdom? Do you believe? Are you a believer? If you do not believe, it says in the end times, ‘Let those who are righteous stay righteous, and those who are wicked stay wicked.’ You know, there is going to be a big separation now. Make your choice and stand in it. God be with you. Stay

206 IN JESUS CHRIST in the Word, stay focused, and love one another. Don’t let all this scare you. You need to focus right now on the commands of God. You need to focus right now on Jesus Christ and getting closer to him. You need to focus on being strong in the power of the Holy Spirit, and know who you are as a child of God. And get ready, because things are happening. Things are shaking, and things are changing. Get ready. Jesus is coming soon.” Jade Pistol, March 24, 2020

Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is

207 REST ON yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Matthew 24:29-34

We are that generation that sees all these things. Chaos will come swiflty and suddenly, and it is only for the grace and mercy of God that it has not come already, so that more souls could be reached out to and saved. We must keep our eyes only on Jesus, and go into hiding if need be, and remember; Ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Mark 13:13

Dear Lord, in light of the coming troubles, I pray you wash us pure in rivers of all love and righteousness. Drown us in;



Wash us in the blood

Cleanse us with your flood

Drown us in your love

You found us in the mud

You formed us in the dust

No one else we can trust

I was close, going overboard

Fallen over to a gust

I was close, giving up

That was back in Au-gust

Then I had to give it up

No one else I could trust, uh

No one else I can trust

Sleepin all through the service

He let me sleep on purpose!

No one else I can trust


Going back to the mud

He formed us in the dust

Wash us clean in your flood

Drown us in your love

Drown us in your grace

I was close, getting wrinkles though

Couldn’t keep a straight face

Frowned up in my eyes

Tongue sticking on ice

Devil scratching his head like,

Now he got all the lice.

Holy Spirit in my chest now

He won’t let me get my head down.

Only one at my funeral,

Had to watch my own death.

Flesh all in the grave.


Fire all in my breath.

I don’t know what we complainin bout we got the Gospel and we got the truth.

If you don’t know it I’ll share it will you.

The trumpets are blowing I’m hearing them loud.

You need some evidence, look at the clouds.

You need more evidence, that’s not enough?

You want some proof,

I’ll share it with you,



verything will burn. God has stored up wrath through all the years, and it will all be poured out. Satan’s kingdom will feel the Econcentration of it, as it is poured out without mixture. Sin has stacked up, as high as the heavens, and God’s righteous judgement is coming. Each and every single person that has ever lived, their destination is either heaven with God, or the lake of fire that burns forever. We will all stand before a Holy and righteous God one day. Here is some of what is coming very soon: There will be mass starvation. There will be great deception in all the churches. The economy will crash worldwide. There will be major earthquakes and tsunamis, and volcanoes going off like never before, including Yellowstone. There will be wars, and civil wars, and complete chaos on the streets. November 2020. This month will be very eventful to say the least. America will be destroyed from within and from without. Iran and other countries will attack Israel.


A whole class of new viruses and diseases will appear. Death. There will be death by the millions. We will live in a cashless society. Concentration camps will return. These will be FEMA style prison camps for Christians. True Christians will be hunted and persecuted and beheaded, while the lukewarm may turn and curse God. There will be a major peace treaty for Israel. ‘Jews’ along with pope Francis to build a temple for animal sacrifices, which will be destroyed thereafter. An EMP will hit. There will be a political figure who calls for peace among the chaos, who presents a ‘Final Solution.’ An ‘I can fix it all.’ Obama returns. He is not who you think he is! He is ‘that guy.’ He will turn out to be Satan incarnate, who is seeking to be worshipped, and is speaking with much flattery. A comet and many asteroids will strike, and will turn many waterways sour and undrinkable. There will be severe lockdowns, Noahide Laws, and Martial Law that does not end. We can say goodbye to . Things will go from bad to worse once Trump is ‘gone.’


So, we can also say goodbye to America. There will be an ‘alien invasion.’ But these aliens are not aliens as the average person thinks of them. Aliens are really the manifestation and physical embodiment of demons. Everything to do with aliens; all of this is to do with demons. Satan has managed to convince the world that ‘aliens’ are extraterrestrial, but these beings simply demons and fallen angels, and are not from outside this world. They are from right here on earth. Wormwood and bitter waters. They will try to microchip you in your right hand. The woes, entailing human-faced, baby-sized locusts. Human-eating demonic beings will be walking the earth, and men’s hearts will be failing them from fear of these things. A second sun-planet. Flaming hailstones. Whole cities burning. The sun and moon darkened.

Pain like you have never seen before. A Russia-China invasion on America. Confusion, and an acute sense of fear. Jesus returns to judge the world.



The events of the end of the world are found in many places in the Bible, including parts of Isaiah and Jeremiah, Ezekiel 6, 7, 38 and 39, Daniel, Habakkuk 2 and 3, Joel 2 and 3, Matthew 24, Luke 21, and all of Revelation. For any new believers, I would recommend reading first the book of John, then Revelation, and then Romans and 1 John. Those who receive Jesus receive knowledge of the truth, and those who receive knowledge of the truth are;



esus is Real Love. Love warns. Love never fails us. J Love wants us to submit to him, because what else is there besides him? Love heals. Love forgives. Love is humble, and lowly in heart. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love wants us to present ourselves before him as broken, and in need of healing. Love wants us to be love, and love says; Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called

221 REST ON the children of God. Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. Matthew 5:3-12

There is no love like the love of Jesus. There is no love like the love of God. There is no love like the love of being wrapped in the light of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing more calm and peaceful. There is nothing warmer. There is nothing that shines brighter than the Spirit of the Most High God.

If Jesus says you are free, you are free: And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord

222 HIS LOVE hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call. Joel 2:32

And God said unto Moses, “I AM THAT I AM: Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” And He has. I am here to tell you this;


o not be deceived, the lake of fire burns for eternity, and eternity is a long time. Do not be deceived, this punishment was Ddesigned for Satan and his angels, and was never meant for you. It will be greatly terrible and will never end if you go there. Do not be deceived, for every word you speak is recorded by the angels of heaven, and we will all give an account. Do not be deceived, hell is real, and there are people there right now. Do not be deceived, for hell and the lake of fire are not the same thing. At the end of time, hell itself gets thrown into the lake of fire. Do not be deceived, for there is no time in hell, and neither is there any rest. Do not be deceived, for you reap what you sow, and the punishment in hell is tailored to your vices. Do not be deceived, for the creatures of hell are sadistic, and are extremely intelligent, and the only feeling they get is in torturing people. Do not be deceived, for evil is a personal thing. There is no evil without persons, and the persons that bring evil are persons without bodies. These are spiritual beings

225 REST ON in the darkness of the unseen, but they are still persons. Legions up legions of wicked individual persons and personalities that bring the experience of evil. Do not be deceived, for the fallen angels that were once bound in chains of darkness are being let loose into this world. Do not be deceived, for these angels are greatly powerful, and are full of anger and darkness. Do not be deceived, for they will physically be manifest on this earth soon. They are the frog-eyed aliens that we have heard of. Revelation 16:13 Do not be deceived by anything they may say or throw at you, for you have power over every force of darkness in the name of Jesus Christ. Do not be deceived, for Jesus welcomes anyone and everyone if they would just turn to him. Come as you are. Do not be deceived, time is not on your side. Do not be deceived, for God’s wrath is fierce. Do not be deceived, for if God had no wrath, there would be no justice. Do not be deceived, child molesters will get their lot. Do not be deceived, for the charitable, kind, and well- to-do people who do not have Jesus will all go into the

226 HIS LOVE same lake of fire as child molesters, fallen angels, and Satan himself. God cannot bear sin, and even one lie in your entire life is worthy of eternal death. We all need to repent, and we all need Jesus. Do not be deceived, for to be lukewarm is to be spewed out of the mouth of God, and to be spewed out of the mouth of God is to go to the lake of fire. Do not be deceived, there is no middle ground. You are either hot for Jesus or hot for hell. Do not be deceived, for the death of the saints will be avenged. “Vengeance is mine,” says the Lord God. Do not be deceived by your own wicked mind, so as to make excuses and find lengthy justifications for sin. Do not be deceived, for it is possible to stop sinning. Do not be deceived, for the wrath of God is upon the sons of disobedience. Do not be deceived, for mindfulness exercises, yoga, meditation, chakras, hard and soft drugs, and cigarettes all open channels by which demons can enter into your life. Do not be deceived, these demonic forces of darkness are on the move, blinding people’s eyes, even the eyes of believers, and they are pulling out the seeds of righteousness that were once sown into many people.


Do not be deceived, for what people call enlightenment is ‘reaching Lucifer.’ Do not be deceived, for what they call ‘5D ascension’ is simply a state in which people are in touch with demons. Do not be deceived by Q Anon, or any ‘great awakening,’ for there is no such thing. Do not be deceived by what they call a ‘great extinction event,’ for it is simply a cover for God’s wrath being poured down. Do not be deceived, for Obama really did bring back a law that allows for beheadings, and there are many guillotines at the ready. Revelation 20:4, Revelation 6:11 Do not be deceived, for many false Christs shall rise, and shall deceive many. Do not be deceived, for there will be faked ‘raptures’ to fool those who believe in an early catching away. Do not be deceived, for once the chip goes in, the damage is already done. Do not be deceived by what you see or hear. Do not be deceived by a light show in the sky. Do not be deceived by any light or lightining that falls from the sky. Do not be deceived, for in Hebrew, ‘Baraq’ means


‘lighting,’ and ‘O’ means ‘of,’ and ‘Bamah,’ means ‘the heavens, high places, the sky.’ Luke 10:18 Do not be deceived by politics, or the blind leading the blind. Do not be deceived, for the devil has his army, and it reaches into every government. Do not be deceived, New Zealand and Australia are not safe hideouts, but rather, they are a testing ground for the devil’s various devices. Do not be deceived, the kids are not okay. Do not be deceived, for Satan is the prince of the air, and of sound, and of frequencies, radio and T.V. included. Do not be decieved, because movies and T.V. shows are for conditioning, and they leave callouses in your soul. Do not be deceived, for the conditioning is deep, and dark, and powerfully blinding over those who do not have the Holy Spirit. Do not be deceived, for the news is designed to aggravate you and steer your thoughts to madness. Do not be deceived, for Hitler really did take the seat of Satan, which is the alter of Zeus from Pergamum, and he fashioned it into his throne. Do not be deceived, for Apple’s apple is Adam’s apple,

229 REST ON and the bite taken out of it is the devil laughing in our faces. Do not be deceived, for Disney is entirely Satanic. Do not be deceived, for NASA has a big, big budget, and the fallen angels have far more advanced technology than we have heard of or know of. The two work together. Do not be deceived, for The Vatican’s telescope is called Lucifer. Do not be deceived, for there will be no peace until Jesus returns. Do not be deceived by the coming chaos, for it is God giving the world over to the devil whom they so love and worship, whether out of ignorance or confusion or a love for darkness. Do not be deceived by movements like , for such movements are powered by people who hate black people, and black people are simply collateral in starting a race war. Do not be deceived, for it is all a spiritual battle. Do not be deceived, tracking and tracing is tracking and tracing. Though he has many workers, the devil is not omnipresent. Do not be deceived by the Sustainable Development goals of death. Do not be deceived by the charade.


Do not be deceived, for the devil was a liar from the beginning. Do not be deceived, for all superhero, vampire, and werewolf movies, and movies centred around mutants are to warm your mind up to the idea of human hybrids. Do not be deceived, for through vaccines, they will mix the DNA of fallen angels into our DNA. Do not be deceived, for there will also be Porsches and Bentleys lining up at food banks. Stocks will hit the floor. Do not be deceived, for they will say, “No needle, no entry, no food.” Protect the Temple, and remain undefiled. Do not be deceived, for the people who receive these things will lose control of their own thoughts and minds. Do not be deceived by a virus and increasing regulations, for these things are simply stepping stones to the mark of the beast. Do not be deceived, for people will die simply due to a lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6 Do not be deceived by religion. Do not be deceived, the devil wants your soul. Do not be deceived, for modern Christianity stemmed from Catholicism, and Catholicism came from Paganism, and Paganism came from hell.


Do not be deceived, for the prosperity Gospel is deception. Do not be deceived, for the ‘once saved, always saved’ doctrine is also a strong deception. Do not be deceived, for the devil has now entered into many churches. Do not be deceived, because Satan comes as an angel of light. Do not be deceived, Muhammad spoke only to this angel of light. Do not be deceived, for you shall know them by their fruits, and their fruits are self-evident. Muhammad married a six-year-old in his 50s, and the paedophilia in the Catholic church is a testimony to the spiritual darkness that lies there. Do not be deceived, for the pope’s monstrance is a symbol for sun worship. Do not be deceived, for his mitre hat is an ode to Dagon the fish god, and this god is the cause for the no-meat-on-Fridays rule. Do not be deceived by religious traditions such as ‘Metzitzah b’peh.’ Do not be deceived, for idolatry is idolatry, whether it is to Jennifer Lopez or a football team.


Do not be deceived, you actually have to repent to enter the Kingdom of God. Do not be deceived, for it was the priests and religious leaders that sought to stone Jesus. Do not be deceieved, you will be thrown out of church if you preach the true Gospel. Do it anyway. Do not be deceived, for the truth is absolute. Do not be deceived, for the truth is greatly offensive. Do not be deceived, because church rules are not necessarily God’s rules. Do not be deceived, for you can never do enough if you do it by your own will. Do not be deceived, tithing will not save your soul. Do not be deceived into legalism. Do not be deceived, for conspiracy theories are as an endless loop, and the pursuit of such is as digging a bottomless pit; ever learning, but never able to come to the full knowledge of the truth. Jesus is the truth. Do not be deceived, for without the Holy Spirit guiding you, the Bible is just words on a page. Do not be deceived, for God will not let you go alone, and the Spirit will give you the words to say when you must speak to testify of Jesus.


Do not be deceived, for Jesus is the Word of God. The Bible is not part of the trinity, but a reference point in understanding God. Jesus will send you the Holy Spirit to guide you in all knowledge and understanding, and will write God’s complete law in your heart, and will convict you of sin when you are about to sin, and will warn you of danger when you are about to walk into danger, and will help you discern the spirits of this world, and will help you to pray, and will pray with you, and will be there with you and for you every minute of every day, as a Comforter, and as the voice of Wisdom. Do not be deceived, God keeps His promises, and we need only ask for the Holy Spirit. Do not be deceived, for repentance is a change of mind, and a turning away from sin. Do not be deceived, for a lot of Christians are going to hell. Do not be deceived, for a lot of pastors are going to hell for having misled thier flock. Do not be deceived, for both the deceived and the deceiver will perish. Do not be deceived into solidarity with the world, because God wants to set you apart from it.


Do not be deceived, for your pastor having a relationship with Jesus does not count as you having a relationship with Jesus. Do not be deceived, for if you do not present yourself as a living sacrifice for the glory of the Lord, He will not force you. He will, however, leave you to fight those demons alone. Do not be deceived, for not everyone you see is human. Jude 4 Do not be deceived, for God has no respect for our holidays, besides the ones He gave us Himself. Do not be deceived, for Christmas is not Jesus’ birthday, but the birth and death of the sun god Tammuz, and commemorates a union between Ashtaroth (Isis, Ishtar, Easter) and Nimrod (Horus, Ra). Do not be deceived, for easter bunnies and easter eggs are symbols for fertility regarding this union that births the Pagan sun god. At easter, at the spring equinox, the shadow of the obelisk (phallus) at The Vatican points directly towards the dome (womb) of Saint Peter’s Basilica, and nine months after this conception we have Christmas, the birth of Tammuz. Do not be deceived, for Jesus says there are those that

235 REST ON say they are Jews, but are not, and are the synagogue of Satan. Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9 Do not be deceived, for the real Jews were sold off on slave ships, to spiritual Egypt, which is Babylon, and is America. Do not be deceived, for only Jesus will set Judah free. Do not be deceived, before Jesus returns, Jerusalem will be populated by Gentiles, and heathens, and many Israelies are atheist. Do not be deceived, the push for abortion is strictly targeted, and is coupled with mass incarceration and institutionalized racism to destroy God’s chosen. It is to control and minimize the population of this specific group. Do not be deceived, for the sun and moon are the same size by design. God knows what He made. Do not be deceived, because no one is on your side but Jesus. Do not be deceived, for love is patient and love is kind. Do not be deceived, for we all need love. Even our enemies need it. Do not be deceived, for things will not carry on as they were before. Do not be deceived, for God’s wrath is wholly justified. Do not be deceived, for Jesus does not care about the

236 HIS LOVE things you do or don’t do for him. He simply wants to know you, intimately, so he can purify you and profess your name to his Father on your behalf. Do not be deceived, there are no atheists in hell, for they all now believe. Do not be deceived into anger when sharing the Gospel, but understand that people need love and prayer because the devil has blinded many eyes. Do not be deceived, for it is not okay to hold anger and rage and unforgiveness inside. Your unforgiveness towards others turns into God’s unforgiveness towards you. Receive the Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit makes holding these feelings in almost impossible. Do not be deceived, for demons are beginning to manifest stronger and stronger in people. Do not be deceived into placing much value into this life. Do not be deceived the way many Christians are, for many Christians are unprepared and are still unrepented. Do not be deceived, for all hell is about to break loose. Do not be deceived, for Jesus is the only truth there is. Jesus is pure Light, and the way to eternal life. He knows your worries and feelings, your wants and needs, and he even knows;


our spirit, your soul and your heart – they are like your house. If you are a hoarder of sin, if you cling onto addictions, if you fill yourselfY with the things of hell; you will be depressed, your life will be filled with sadness, with anxiety, and with everything that is not nice. You will not hear the calling that God has for your life, nor will you experience the full flourishing relationship that God desires to have with you. You will not be able to receive the things that God desires to give you, nor will you have any idea what is going on in the time of the end. You will turn to having an affair on your spouse, you will turn to drugs and alcohol, and you will be tempted by suicide; all because you are filling your home, your Temple, your life, with sin. In this day and age, sin is ‘cool,’ and is the popular thing to do. But do not be of this world, for this world is broken and lost, and it neither knows God nor loves God. Be careful, therefore, of what you allow to enter into your body, and be careful not to shut the door on your only saving grace, for God is calling out ot all of us, and He says, “Come now, and let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”



Remember that God is God, and what He says is, and what He says to do, do it, and what He says not to do, do not do it, and where He says to go, go there. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. Matthew 10:28

Go by the Spirit, and not strictly by the text, because the Spirit is sent to you by the Word of God, and the Word of God is Jesus Christ, who is perfect, and the total and complete law. The law was for people who couldn’t keep the law, and it was given to a people that were coming out of Egypt, a lair of idolatry and devil worship. This is evidenced with laws regarding even the mixing of fabrics. These people really needed looking after and safeguarding from sin, as they were in a place where any small thing

240 HIS LOVE could open a gateway to fall back into idolatry, pride and the ways of Egypt. But the Word of God, which is Jesus Christ, is the law completed. He is purity and righteosness in all its ways. Pray that he sends you the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide you in all truth and understanding. What is okay for one person in the law may not necessarily be okay for another person, and what is not strictly outlined in the law may be your cause for sin, and what is not outlined in the law may be the source of your confusion.

Go by the Holy Spirit, for it will gently chastise you, and will guide you, and will pray with you, and will speak to you every second of the day. It will send you places, it will fill you up, and it is what allows you to be in prayer with Jesus every minute of every day. It may seem as impossible, but it is possible to pray without ceasing, because the Holy Spirit will be there, praying for and with you.

Finally, Children of God, know that you will be hated and persecuted, because light cannot understand darkness,

241 REST ON and darkness has no part in light. But be gentle and kind in the face of hatred and persecution. By turning the other cheek, you further condemn the sinner if he is to strike you again. Fight aggressively in the Spirit, and pray with no end. The time is now. We are there. I will see you all soon, when we get home. Remember always. Remember his name. His name is Jesus. What a beautiful name. Call on his name. Rest on his love. He will deliver you. Amen.



And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean. And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. Revelation 19:11-16


PART FOUR Epilogue I am greatly aggrieved by what is coming. Not for my own sake, but for all the people that I know and don’t know that have not found Jesus. What is at the door is dark, and it will be severe. More severe than anything that has ever been. Our only protection is Jesus Christ, and he is mightier than whatever may come our way. Do not put your life first over Jesus. Do not love your life. Do not regard it even on your way to the guillotines. Many people will step from one horror in this life, into a worse reality as soon as they are dead. By this, I am greatly burdened. So, although I preach the Gospel, I do not take any glory from it. It is simply a necessity that is laid upon me. Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel! For there are souls in hell right now, crying out, and asking why we never told them that they were lost, and why we never told them how they could be made whole. Why do we not tell everyone we know?! The world sorely needs Jesus. There is so much turmoil and confusion, and it is only just starting. Tell everyone you know about Jesus, because if you can help just one person avoid the lake of fire and find true love, that is everything. For all the people you see stuck in confusion and misery, the problem will always be sin, and the solution will always be repentance and Jesus Christ. Be kind, be patient, be gentle. Remember that you were once also in that place of blindness, and understand how it was so easy to be trapped in that. Have plenty of supplies on hand. Have at least 3 months worth of food and water on hand because we will be locked down for a while. The enemy has been planning, and his plans are coming to fruition, and God will let them bud because all nations have been greatly disobedient. Humanity will be unrecognizable in just a few months from now, and none can deliver from the hand of God besides God Himself. Remember that a remnant is a very small part of something that was once bigger. The road to salvation is a narrow road, and very few will find it. Satan knows who has been marked, and he will send his best to torment us. But fear no man or spirit, even unto death, because greater is He that is in you. Seek first the Kingfom of God in all that you do, and everything starts to fall into place. Repent daily, focus only on Jesus, and be on your knees in prayer. May God be with you all. With love,

Tapiwa “We put on the whole armour of the King, So that we can stand and fight against the enemy, Though weapons may be formed, they won’t succeed, We already declared the victory. Let the Redeemed of the Lord tell their stories, By His grace, we are walking testimonies, For thine is the Kingdom and the glory, And we’ll praise you Lord, forever, Because you’re Holy.” -

Do not forsake such great a salvation.