Manchester Historical Society
20—MANCHESTER HERALD, Wednesday, (kt. 11, 1989 HOMES HOMES HOMES APARTMENTS MISCELLANEDUS CARS HD FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR RENT I SERVICES FDR SALE School Capital A win BOLTON - Last Chance! Spcciolisii M A N C H E S T E R - 3 bed GSL Building Mainte 1983 CHRYSLER Le- $154,900. Yes, you can room, newer duplex, nance Co. Commercl- Barpn - 4 cylinder, 5 afford a home In Bol MANCHESTER I'/z baths, wall-to-wali al/ResIdentlal building speed, standard. Nice ton. This well kept 5 Reduced for immedi carpeting, appliances. repairs and home Im buy, $1,995. 646-1313. Board approves Pro-abortion side room ranch features an ate sale, immaculate $775 m onthly. Call 643- provements. Interior CHEVROLET 1980 Ma Liut strong in goal 1823.__________________ and exterior painting, open kItchen-dInIng 5 year old L shaped libu - 4 door, good light carpentry. Com areo, plus 3 bedrooms. L IK E p rivate home. 3'/2 condition. $1,250. 643- budget guidelines/3 claims 2 victories/6 Also, a full walk-out Cape. 6 rooms, sky plete lanitorlal ser as Whalers triumph/11 lights, oil heat, natu rooms. Lease. Secur 5484. basement with wood ity. Working single vice. Experienced, rel stove. All on 5 acres of ral woodwork, oak iable, free estimates. 1984 HONDA Civic Wagon m ale preferred. 643- - 646-0767 or 649-4554, woodlands. Plenty of cabinets, well insu 2880. 643-0304. CARPENTRY/ ELECTRICAL Jack. MANCHESTER room for your horses. lated, full basement, Flano Real Estate, 646- REMODELING 1986 JEEP Wagoneer Li $134,900 5200.
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