1. Name: DR. DITAMULÜ VASA 2. Designation: Assistant Professor (Archaeology) 3. Department: Department of History & Archaeology University, Campus, Meriema. Kohima-797004, Nagaland. Email: [email protected] Ph No: +91 9402868628 4. Professional experience & Year of joining: Teaching & Research (1997 to date) Department of History & Archaeology , Kohima Campus, Meriema. 5. Education: • B.Sc.: Anthropology (Hons.), , , North Eastern Hill University. • M.A: Department of Archaeology, Deccan College (Post-Graduate & Research Institute), Pune. • UGC NET (Archaeology) • PhD: Department of Archaeology, Deccan College (Post-Graduate & Research Institute), Pune Title of Thesis: Traditional Ceramics Among the Nagas: An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective (2011).

6. Professional Society Memberships: • Indian Society for Pre-historic & Quaternary Studies (ISPQS) • North East History Association (NEIHA) • Anthropological Society of Nagaland (ASN)

7. Projects completed & On-going: • 2007: Pottery traditions among the Chakhesang and the Pochury Nagas, under the project on “Dying and Vanishing Art of ” funded by North East Zone Cultural Centre, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India.


• 2007-08: Archaeological Investigation at Chungliyimti, , Nagaland as part of the Major Research Theme Cultural History, Ethnography and Physical Characteristics of the Nagas of Nagaland, a joint undertaking of the Anthropological Society of Nagaland (ASN) and Directorate of Art & Culture, Govt. of Nagaland (Phase-I). • 2010: Bark Weaving Tradition: Traditional weaving craft of the Khiamniungan Naga Tribe under the project on “Dying and Vanishing Art of Northeast India” funded by North East Zone Cultural Centre, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. • 2012: Carnelian Crafts of South Asia – Studies on Social System supporting the ‘Tradition’. Funded by Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. • 2016: Equality and Inequality: Social differentiation on northern-central Europe Neolithic monuments comparing Nagaland Megaliths. Funded by German Research Foundation Priority Program. • 2018: Cultural Aspect of Bead Ornaments in South Asia- Study on its trade and values. Funded by Promotion of Joint International Research Fostering Joint International Research (B)) of KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific research) Japan

8. Publications: i. Journals & Book Chapters: • 2000 (with T. Jamir). A Report on the Burial Ground at Jotsoma Village, in Proceedings of North East India Association (NEIHA) 20th Session, pp. 181-185. : University. • 2001 (with T. Jamir). Further Excavation at Jotsoma, Nagaland, in Proceedings of North East India History Association (NEIHA) 21st Session, pp. 40-54. : University. • 2008 (with T. Jamir). Archaeology of Local Cultures: New Findings and Interpretations in Nagaland, in Naga Identities: Changing Local Cultures in the North East of India (Michael Oppitz et al. Eds.), pp. 323-338. Ethnographic Museum of Zürich University: Snoeck Publishers. • 2018 (with T. Jamir). Archaeological evidence of beads from Naga ancestral sites: Implications for regional exchange networks in Trade and Values of Carnelian Ornaments in South Asia- Study on Change in Tradition and Social System (Koiso, M & H. Endo eds), pp. 3-12. Kobe Yamate University, 6-5-2, Nakayamate-dori, Chuo-ku, Kobe, 650-004, Japan. • 2009: A Reflection on the Pottery Tradition of Nagaland in Seminar on the Spirit of North East India. Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts, New . • 2009: Enduring Pottery Tradition of Nagaland. The Potter’s Newsletter. Kaagaz International. . Pp 6-7. • 2014: Experimenting with the non-material Aspect of Pottery of Nagaland: Some theoretical and historical considerations. In 50 years after Daojali Hading: Emerging


Perspectives in the Archaeology of Northeast India, essays in honour of T.C. Sharma. Dr. Tiatoshi Jamir and Manjil Hazarika (Ed) New Delhi, Research India Press pp 206-217. • 2016: Indigenous Pottery: A cultural Heritage of Nagaland in Proceedings of a National Seminar on Heritage of Nagaland organized by the Department of Anthropology Kohima Science College (Autonomous) Jotsoma, in collaboration with Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS) (National Museum of Mankind), An Autonomous organization of the Ministry of Culture, Government of India, (in press). • 2018: Indigenous Pottery making Techniques of Nagaland in Nagaland University Research Journal (A Multi-disciplinary Journal), 10, 91-98. Nagaland University, Headquarters: Lumami. • 2019: Wood Engravings as Cultural Memories of the Chakhesang Nagas in Queenbala Marak (Ed),Megalithic Traditions of Northeast India (pp. 224-235). New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company Ltd. • (in press) Indigenous house types of Nagaland in Proceedings of a National Seminar on Eastern Himalayan Domestic Architecture in India’s Northeast organized by Global Open University, Nagaland. . • (in press) Pottery Manufacturing Technique of Wui village, Tuensang district Nagaland. In Pratnamani felicitation volume of Prof. Vasant Shinde. Dr. Prabodh Shirvalkar and Esha Prasad (Ed). New Delhi B.R. Publishing House: (in press) ii. Books: • 2008 (with Anungla Aier). Pottery Traditions among the Chakhesang and the Pochury Nagas. Published by North East Zone Cultural Centre, Ministry of Culture, Government of India • 2008 (with Musrif-Tripathy, V. et al.). Human Skeletal Remains from Jotsoma, Nagaland: Osteobiographic Studies. Published by Centre for Archaeological Studies &Training, Eastern India. . • 2014 (with Tiatoshi Jamir, David Tetso). Archaeology of Naga Ancestral Sites: Recent Archaeological Investigations at Chungliyimti and Adjoining sites (Vol-1). Department of Art & Culture, Govt. of Nagaland. Dimapur: Heritage Publishing House.

9. External Participation in Excavation/Survey Program: • 1994-95: Participated in the Excavation of Chalcolithic site at Balathal, Udaipur district (Rajasthan). • 1995: Participated in a study tour for study of Ancient Monument, Art and Architecture at Ajanta & Ellora, Aurangabad. • 1995-96: Participated in the excavation at a Chalcolithic site of Balathal in Udaipur district, Rajasthan. • 1996: Participated in the Vijayanagra Metropolitan Survey, Karnataka in February 1996. • 1999-2000, 2000-2001: Excavation at Jotsoma Village, , Nagaland. • 2001: Exploration at Leshemi Village, , Nagaland, March, 2001.


• 2001: Excavation at Kikruma village, Phek district, Nagaland, April, 2001. • 2016: Field visit to , , Sechu, , Runguzu, Ruzazho, Khusomi, Mesulumi and Zhavame villages, 20th Feb-17th March 2016 with Prof. Johannes Muller, Dr. Knut Rassmann, RGK and Maria Wunderlich, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel in connection with a research collaboration under the German Research Foundation priority program and the Department of History &Archaeology, Nagaland University.

10. Participation & Papers presented in Conference/Seminars/Workshops/Symposia: • 1998: Participated in the Nineteenth Session of Annual Conference of North East India History Association, Nagaland University. • 1999: Participated and presented a paper in the Twentieth Session of North East India History Association, Dibrugarh University. • 2002: Participated in a National Seminar on Economy and Society in Pre-colonial N.E. India organized by Department of History, North Eastern Hill University, , March 2002. • 2004: Participated in the XXIVth Session of North East India History Association, Gauhati University. • 2009: Participated and presented a paper in a National Seminar organized by the Indira Gandhi National Center for Arts on the theme Spirit of North East India, New Delhi, January, 2009. • 2011: Participated in a one day workshop on Pottery making organized by the Department of Archaeology, Deccan College, Post Graduate and Research Institute, Pune, March, 2011. • 2014: Participated in a Regional workshop on ‘Experimental Lithic Knapping &Microwear Studies’ jointly organized by the Department of History & Archaeology, Nagaland University and the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR), New Delhi, 15-22nd March, 2014. • 2014: Trade and values of Carnelian Ornaments in South Asia- Study on Social System Supporting Tradition, Part 1: Nagaland, Paper jointly presented in Indian Society for Prehistoric and Quaternary Studies (ISPQS-42nd), Deccan College Post Graduate & Research Institute, (Deemed University), Pune, 6-9 October, 2014. • 2014: An Account of Rock Carvings at Kigwema and Wakching Village, Paper presented in the National Workshop Multi-Disciplinary Survey, Research and Documentation of Rock Art in North-East India. North Eastern Hill University, Shillong, , 2014. • 2015: Earthenware vessels and social information of the Nagas, Paper presented in the 15th International Conference of the European Association for Southeast Asian Archaeology (EURASEAA), Paris, France, 6-10th July, 2015. • 2016: Indigenous house types of Nagaland, Paper presented in the National Seminar Eastern Himalayan Domestic Architecture in India’s Northeast, Organized by the Global Open University, Nagaland, Dimapur, 5-6th February, 2016.


• 2016: Traditional Earthenware Vessels: A cultural heritage of Nagaland, Paper presented in the ICHR Sponsored National Seminar The Crises of Multiple Identities in Contemporary World, Organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology, , 15-17th February, 2016. • 2016: Archaeological evidence on the use of beads from Naga ancestral sites: A summary report, Paper presented in the 8th World Arcaheological Congress, 28th August-2nd Sept 2016 at Kyoto, Japan. • 2016: Observations on some unique Rock Art features of Nagaland, Paper presented in the National Seminar on Rock Art of Northeast India: Methodological and Technical Issues, Organized by Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts in collaboration with the Department of History & Archaeology NEHU, Tura Campus, Meghalaya, 5-6th October, 2016, • 2017: House Structures and Social Stratification, Paper presented in the International Open Workshop Socio-Environmental Dynamics over the Last 12,000 years: The Creation of Landscape-V, 20-24th March, 2017, Kiel University, Germany. • 2018: Ceramic ethnoarchaeology at the National Workshop on Archaeology: Methods and Approaches from 30th April – 7th May, 2018 organized by the Department of History &Archaeology, Nagaland University Kohima Campus: Meriema, sponsored by Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi and Nagaland University, Nagaland. • 2018: Participated in Training on Ceramic Studies organized by The Centre for Archaeological Studies &Training, Eastern India (An Autonomous Institution of the Govt. of West Bengal), Kolkata from 8th May - 18th June, 2018. • 2019: Participated in conference cum workshop on History, Science &Technology of Ancient Indian Glass organized by Indian Institute of Technology from 21st till 25th January, 2019 at IIT Gandhinagar.

11. Workshops/Seminars/Conferences/Symposiums Organized: • 2018: Organized PhD International Seminar & International Workshop on Building Big? Global Scales of Monumentality – an ethno-archaeological perspective & Hierarchy and Balance: the role of monumentality in European & North-East Indian Landscapes, jointly with University of Oslo, Norway, The Nordic Graduate School in Archaeology; Kiel University, Germany; Department of History & Archaeology, Nagaland University, 12th - 24th March, 2018, Kohima, Nagaland.

12. Active collaborative Research & Consultancies: • 2008: The Institute of Physics, Bhubaneshwar, Orissa on Atomic Mass Spectrometry (AMS), 2008. • 2008-10: Beta Analytic Inc., Miami, Florida (USA) on Atomic Mass Spectrometry (AMS) & Radiocarbon Dating of Naga Ancestral sites & Prehistoric sites in Nagaland, 2009-2010. • 2008-10: Birbal Sahni Instt. of Palaeobotany, on the Archaeobotany of Early Naga Ancestral Sites and Radiocarbon dating, 2008-2010.


13. Invited Lectures & Chairmanship at National/International Conferences: • 2009: Prehistoric Survival in Nagaland, Invited lecture to Tourist Guides under the Department of Tourism, Govt. of Nagaland on in November, 2009. • 2017: Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology of Northeast India: A Retrospect, Invited lecture in the Department of Anthropology, Kohima Science College, Jotsoma, 1st Sept, 2017. • 2018: Ceramic Ethnoarchaeology, Invited lecture in the National Workshop Archaeology: Methods & Approaches, jointly organized by the ICHR, New Delhi & Department of History & Archaeology, Nagaland University, 30th April -7th May, 2018.

14. Research Supervision of PhD Candidates: Sl. Name of Title of Thesis Sex Year of Status Year of No. Student Registration Award 1. S.J. Levi Keor Religion and Cultural M 2015 On-going - Identity of Sangtam Nagas of District 2. Yabangri Pottery Assemblages M 2015 -do- - Changkiri from Archaeological Sites in Nagaland 3. Henshu Aiehly Historical Significance F 2016 -do- - and Contemporary fusion: A study of Arts and Crafts of Phom Nagas 4. Bokali Shohe Continuity and F 2016 -do- - Transformation in the household of the Sumi Nagas

Last Updated: June, 2019