


KV¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥V¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥V¥¥¥¥V ¥¥¥¥¥¥« Trout and Salmon >? INCHESTER REPEATING SHOT GUNS jz r jz ? jz ? FISHING. are cheap in price, but in price only. “ Take Down ” guns list at $27.00 and Solid Frame guns at $25.00, but X5he Rangeley Lake House, they will outshoot and outlast the highest priced double barreled guns, and they are as safe, reliable Rangeley LaKes, Rangeley, Me. and handy besides. Winchester Shot Guns are made of the very best materials that can be procured, a thoroughly modern system of manufacture permitting Send for 1901 Illustrated B o o k , free, to - them to be sold at buyable prices. & & & FREE—Send name and address on a posta! card ior 164 page illustrated catalogue. J. B. MARBLE, President, WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., NEW HAVEN, CT. Rangeley L-aK.es Hotel Co., »? »? Rangeley, Maine.

THE RANGELEY * * Fishing In the * LAKES £ * RANGELEY LAKE5 Is On. * If you want to catch a big No Other Make of Rifle at the Price Are the most Popular * Are BROOK TROUT or COMPARES WITH OUR FAVORITE. Unsurpassed pishing Grounds With open sights, $6. With target sights, $8.50. for their * Numerous LANDLOCKED SALMON All dealers in sporting goods handle our complete line. m Our Complete Catalogue fun of valuable Information upon request. SUMMER in Maine. J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, RESORTS * Go to the Rangeley Lakes, Buy Tickets No. 155 Broadway, - Chicopee Falls, Mass. •I à «.In number and size, £ to Farmington. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ D I T H D D D ' the trout and salmon * iV v«'iV lr< O i v Jl) v^taken each year from For Book and Map, free, address, HOTELS AND CAMPS & F. N. BEAL, Phillips, Me. FLETCHER POPE, Phillips, Me. On Rangeley l a k e . FALLS LINE?,hesetrT,sur‘| passed In the State. Mingo Spring Camps. Supt. S R. R. R. Gen. Man’g’r. P. & R. R. R. Located on Mingo Point, Rangeley Lake Runs Direct to the ;J Besf of salmon and trout fishing; cosy cot­ All points quickly and G M VOSE, Kingfield, Me., Supt. F. & 1*1. Ry. tages; open lires; the famous Mingo Spring Heart of the Rangeley^ water; pine and balsam groves. Everything easily reached via for the comfort and convenience o f Sportsmen steamer from and summer hoarders. Send for circular. Region. io Chas. E. Be l c h e r , Rangeley, Me. ONLY 41 HOURS’ RIDE FROM PORTLAND. 1 BEMIS.

a t MONMOUTH, M E., Cobbosseecontee Lake. Through Pullman Parlor Cars *** Cood Hotels and Camps Unexcelled black bass, white perch and pickerel flailing al'l summer; also trout and EACH WAY DAILY, 8ETWEEH POFti&M dü(l BCDlÎS th!,<>uShout the Lakes landlocked salmon in May and June. Chas. Brown’s Farm House, line accommodation DURING THE TOURIST SEASON. * for the accommoda for sportsmen, ladies as well, on shore of TICKETS to all parts of the RANGELEY REGION via the \ r tion of lake. Four miies from Monmouth K. R. sta­ RUMFORD FALLS LINE on sale at all principal ticket offices in tion on M. C. R. It., from Lewiston; beautiful New England and . Buy your Tickets via this line. S P O R TS M E N •n location. Address, It furnishes the It makes the , and Ch a s . B r o w n , Monmouth, Me. SHORTEST ROUTE. QUICKEST TIME. 8 TOURISTS. Rangeley La k e s . These ponds are situated twenty seven It la tb« Only Line running Through Cars, without chen$e, between Portland »sd the Rangeley Lakes. I Camp Bemis and Birches. Write fox free cir­ f miles from Rangeley and are reached hv We mall, free of charge, a book showing half-tone cuts of the hotels at cular. Ca r t . F. C. B a r k e r , Prop’r, B em is. | backboard to Keimebago lake, thence by all Rangeley Lake points. Folders mailed on application. I steamer across the lake and again by buck- Periland A Bmnford Fall» Railway. B. C. BRADFOBD. Traffic Manager, Portland, Me. SEASON OF 1901. Be l g r a d e M i l l s , M e . j aoard to our camps at Beaver Bond the cen­ The Belgrade. Situated in the heart of an tre of the Seven Ponds region. excellent fishing a* d hunting region. The new buck board road is not new enough Address Tile Belgrade,Belgrade Mills, Mo. I to be dangerous, and constant work upon it I is rapidly reducing the number of deaths re- Via Rangeley of Be m is. | ported to us daily. From our Camps upon Plckfords’ Camps Mountain View House. | Beaver pond excellent trails afford easy ac­ WAY DOWN EAST !| | | Situated at the Outlet of cess to *a number of ponds where splendid fjOu the share of Rangeley L ike. Modern I trout fishing is an unfailing certainty and L >g Camps. min s lrom Range ey village. Is to Be Found Welokennebacook Lake, the capture of an occasional fish quite a com­ O.ien fireplac s. On best fishing grounds. mon occurrence. No expense lias been spared N > mosouiloes or black flies No Hay Fever. is just the place for fishermen. Here they always fiudjthe best of fishing and in securing the grandest mountain and lake H'gh altitude Air C*>ol and invigorating SALMON FISHING scenery for the exclusive use of our guests, For terms and circulars, address it also holds tne record of the largest trout taken in the Rangeley*. Five neat for which no charge is made. Trout rise H. E. & S. S. PICKFORD, little Log Cottages adjoin the main house, thus parties cm be by themselves freely to the fly during the entire season and Rangeley Lakes, « Rangeley, Maine $ or tiny can have rooms in the house. Main house contains office, parlor and “ mles” of 10-pounders are constantly heard That Is Great. flapping in the guides’ quarters. Game of all dining room, winch seats seventy-five people. Pure spring water, cuisine un­ kinds is so abundant as to be a positive nui­ Via Bingham, Me. surpassed. Boats and guides furnished at short notice. My steamers connect sance and the following may be hunted in Write to— the open season; Minges, Moose,* Caribou, Rowe Pond Camps. Jwith all boats, trains and stages. Catamounts, Bears, Deer, “Draw-Poker,’* Hedgehogs, “Hearts,” House Flies, Part­ Parties and families desirious of getting the THE SUNRISE ROUTE, For e.rculars, address, ridges, Ducks, Drakes, “ Seven up,” Weasles, ot'st fishing for square tailed trout and land­ Wardens and other small game. locked salmon, clean, comfortable cabins, Box M. 59, CART. E. F. COBURN, Here is situated a Hotel ot rare attractive- While Black flies and Mosquitoes are very g->od boats, and good fare, should write for i ness in beautiful location for summer board- rare, tar ointment is served at every meal descriptive booklet giving full particulars, to Calais. - Maine. ers and at the same time In close proximity and is deservedly popular. An excellent • WiTHAM & MAXF1ELD, Prop’rs, to the best places for fishing on Rangeley table is kept, upon which more or less food is Bingham, Maine. lake. Hunters in the season also find plenty served, most of which is consumed by our & Middledam, - Rangeley Lakes, - of deer, partridge and woodcock near the g lests without abusive language. Good beds hotel. The cuisine here is such as to lioict are not unknown; while every luxury to be The Finest Fishing patrons year after year, the rooms are m hat, f urad in any modern hotel, may be called L v w w v a w w w w v % . % % ^ people from the cities like, large, well lighted f >r. Anything that a third-class camp trying On Moosehead Lake. and pleasant. We serve vegetables, berries, to pass itself off as a comfortable well kept one, finds it necessary to promise, we do, to is found at the famous eastern outlet, within fish and game at appropriate times m the a stone’s throw of the Moosehead House. It is year and the table is always supple d witu any extent. We seek patronage from anyone lio desires to visit the real backwoods and here that the record strings, both in size and excellent fresh milk and cream. Per - water | numbers, are taken Comfortable cabins for runs to the house from a spring ahov e. ffiis , who is not afraid to take desperate chances. Board and boats furnished at reasonable fatal y parties. Extensive territory. Write is a particularly good place for safe and | for circular, to pleasant boating and the drives and walks rates. Guides furnished on application. are unsurpassed. Croquet and lawn tennis Parties wishing to visit this place will please CHARLES E. WILSON, Hoosehead. Me. grounds adjoin the house. Write for a tree write in advance so that we can have camps circular to in readiness. The railroads will sell excur­ L. E. R o w l e y , Mountain \ lew House, sion tickets at reduced rates from Boston to Knapsacks for Mountain View, Rangeley Lakes, Me. Ask anyone about Beaver Pond Camps and if they don’t speak well of us, then address and Guides. Eustis, Me ., us direct for any desired information. Snowshoes made to order and repalreo Round Mountain Lake Camps. Ed . Grant & Son. Beaver Pond, Me. G ois repaired. Boots and shoes repaire,. Fishing and Hunting—Trout rise to the ny Harness repaired. Chairs repaired am every day in the season. 2800 ft. elevation. a t F a r m i n g t o n . b Homed. Also harness supplies. Preserve of 2340 acres. No hay fever bend Hotel WHloWs. Pleasantly located for hunt- | W. E. Twombly, Rangeley, Me. for circular. Chxs. L. Bl y . Successor to ing and fishing parties. Guides furnished at j Edgar smith & C o . ______short notice. Delightful scenery and drives. In Dead Rive r Region . Clean Camps. Good beds. Inquire of Hotel Blanchard. Hunting, Fishing. J. S. C. A . M a h o n e y , P ro p ’r, DUBRELL, Proprietor, Stratton, Me. At E l a g s t a f f . , P h i l l i p s M e . Lake House and Camp. Camp is reached from Phillips Hotel, near station, new furniture, hotel bv boat. Great hunting. Moose and electric lights, steam heat. deer seen daily. S. C. Du k h e l l , Flagstaff, Me. A. L. M a t t h e w s , Prop’r. R angeley La k e s , „ Bald Mountain Camps are near the Mioiue Grounds. Shark Grounds and Stony Batter B a n g o r , M a i n e . and as convenient as other public camps, lor Windsor Hotel. Headquarters for sportsmen Little Mud pond, Big Mud pond, Kennebago Table first-class. Free carriages. F. river. Steamboat accommodations O. K. DURCUN, Prop’r. M o o d y B r o s ., Clerks. Telephone at the camps. Two mails daily. You’ll get a reply right back, if youAvrite for free circular to Amos El lis, 1 ro]op’r, A t F a r m i n g t o n . Haines Landing, Maine. ____ Stoddard House _ ^ . .. . . , Most central location. Electric lights and NORCKOSH, Me. , „ . . electric hells. Heated in the summer by hot Sourdnahunk Camps are pleasantly situated air and in the winter by hot water. in the Mt. Ivatahdin region. Nineteen splen­ W i l l H . M c D o n a l d , P ro p ’r. did trout ponds within three miles oi Kidney Pond Camps. New trail from camps to Mt. Katahdin three miles, to Sourdnahunk Mts. Co n v e n i e n t f r o m r a n g e l e y . one and one-half miles. This region lias re­ Camp Among The Clouds. Excellent hunting cently been opened up and is a big fish and and fishing. Good accommodations. Take \ game country. For particulars. Address. your own cook. Inquire of I. O. Hu n t , Prop., Norcross, Me. C. H. Neal, Rangeley, Me.

P in e P o in t , M e . Burnham Cottage. Situated two miles from Old Orchard. Finest duck shooting in the Best of Early Fishing world. Lobsters and clams-fresh everyday. A most desirable place for summer boarders. At Spring Lake ForSalmon, Address. Jas. P. Haynes, Pine Point, Me. Trout and Togue that F o r k s , M e . Moxie Fond, 23 miles from Bingham. Good Weigh from 2 to 9 lbs. road. Largest trout in the Kennebec waters. One day’s ride from Boston. Only 2%, miles Moose and deer plenty. Excellent accommo­ of buckboard road. Lake 3% miles long, IK dations for ladies. Write for circulars. miles wide, surrounded by mountains cov­ C. M. J o n e s, The F ork s, Me. ered with green woods Cabins, beds and boats are new, and are furnished and kept Y ia B in g h a m . up-to date. Best of stream fishing m ar. We have canoe trips that take yoii by some of the Greene’s Farm House and Cottages. Carry Ponds Camps. grandest scenery in Maine, with good fishing One of the most popular resorts of the Dead River region, plenty of brook trout fishing MAINE WOODS If you are looking for a place to go fishing, all the way. Telephone connections at home near the house and three ponds on the farm stocked with trout and salmon. All kinds o camps with main line and doctor’s office. or to spend the hot months of summer, or a This is an ideal place to spend the summer game in near vicinity. Deer seen near the house. Several cottages well furnished and Publishes News hunting trip next fall, write to Henry J. Lane with your family. Terms reasonable Cor­ pleasantly located furnish accommodations for guests. Cuisine equal to any hotel in Maine Fishing and Bingham, Me,, for descriptive circular of his respondence solicited Elevation 1,600 feet. Hay fever unknown. Excellent teams connected with house. resort at Carry Ponds. Good accommoda­ JOHN B. CARVILLE, Stratton, Me. I. W. GREENE. Prop’r., Coplin, Me. Hunting Resorts. tions for ladies. (Continued on page 2.) 2 MAINE WOODS, JUNE 21, 3901. RANGELEY LAKE HOUSE. HOTELS AND CAMPS SPECIAL NOTICES- SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. I SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES TO THE GUIDES. Dear Sik—1026 Sportsmen were sent to Arrivals and Departures For the Maine Jast season »hrough the Sportsman’s Information Bureau. We were obliged to Shot Shells Loaded to Order. Lewiston, Maine. «end them all to Guides now wearing our Past Week. Maine Guides’ Badge. Hundreds of Sports­ Hotel Atwood, opposite Lower Maine Central men ah over the States are now making ar­ rangements with u« for Spring Fishing and Du Pont’s R. R. station. Thoroughly renovated, re­ Kali Shooting. Send in your Registered Number and enclo-e i$1.00) and we will for­ Fish Record Shows Hood Number furnished, new proprietor. All modem ward you your Badge, with nomber on it. If Gunpowder conveniences. First-class table, cosy rooms. you are not already on our book, send for of Fish Taken. information blanks to till out. Yours truly, When in Lewiston give us a call. H. B l a n c h a r d Maine Guides Agent. AND Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] 157 Washington St. Cor Cornhiil, Boston, Mas5. Mr. A. H. Whitney of Morristown, N. J., P. R. Nevens, Proprietor. tie of the representatives of the arnegie Co. ¡State of Maine. Smokeless n New York, accompanied by Mrs. Whitney I.ewiston, Maine. Augusta, June 7,1901. and Mr. Livingston Whitney, left for home Permission is hereby granted the citizens Powder Friday after enjoying a couple^oQweeks’ fish- of Franklin to erect and maintain a screen at the outlet of Mount Blue pond, In Avon, in ng. Their names figure very conspicuously said county, to prevent the fish escaping from said pond. « For Shot Guns and Rifles. o n the fish record. On Mooselookmeguntic La k e . Mrs. Schieren, wife of ex-Mayor Schieren of Witness our hands the day and year above written. , Miss Schieren, Mr. Schieren, Jr., Mooselookmeguntic House, situated in the heart of tli8 best fishing L. T. Carleton, ) For sale by nd Miss Jones arrived Saturday. district of the Rangeley lakes. The hotel is HENRY O. Sta n l e y ,! Commissioners. Chas. E. Oa k , ) We are glad to welcome among us once 2,000 feet above sea level at*d hay fever is J. C. Corson, W ilton, Me. m ore Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bradley and Miss guaranteed to be absolutely unknown. Address, from November until May, Theo Hazard of Washington VD. C. L Pag e, Proprietor Senate Cafe, Washington, To ¡Slimmer Tourists. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Leech and Miss K. Leech D.C. After May 1. Haines’ Landing, Me. For spring and early summer trout fishing DUPONT de NEMOURS & CO., Wilmington, Delaware. the King and Bartlett and Spencer Stream I jhall open my cottage, known as Lake o f Washington arrived Monday night for the region has proved its supremacy. The large Grove, situated on the shore of Webb lake, nuimer. Via Dead Riv e r . in the town of Weld, Maine, on July 1, to size, the great numbers, the gameness and remain open until October 1. Plenty of pure Mr. A. H. Proctor and friends, who have Dead River Dam Camps. Boats and Canoes, the eating qualities of these clear water, water at the cottage, beautiful scenery and Goin’ Campin’ this Summer? been enjoying a stay at Mr. Proctor’s camp» also Camps at Lang Falls. THE place for spotted trout art w i hy of special mention. trouting. Write for particulars to Landlocked salmon are coming to Hie fly at bracing mountain air. Excellent boating returned home Wednesday, accompanied by S. A. PARSONS, Prop., Dead River, Me. King and Bartlett nowadays. This is the and splendid fishing in Webb lake. Twenty Do You Ever Get Tired? Mrs. Bowdoin and Miss Steeves. place to catch a big lake trout. Address minutes walk to church. Free mail delivery. Harry M. Pierce, Eustis, Me., for particulars The Dixfleld-Weld stage passes the door “ Stored Energy” is a Concentrated Food, quickly allays fatigue, in Among the guests now arriving, come the Eustis, Me . every day. Address. M r s . E. S. T a i n t e r , asual number of June brictal parties, who al­ Tim Pond Camps. . and circulars. Boston correspondent, F. H. Dixfield, Maine. In the Dead River region. Fly fishing: anda Lathrop, 72 Rutland St. box, fits the pocket, by mail io cents. “ Coffee Jell” 30 cups in Tube, fits ways cause a ripple of excitement. Mr. and square tailed trout guaranteed every day in Mrs. R. H. Hinckley, Jr., of Boston head the the season. Game plenty. 2000 feet above the Moxy Ledge Cottage To Let. pocket, 30 cents. Write us, sea level. Send for circular. 1 st. J ulian K. Vile s, Eustis, Me. V ia Ran geley. For present season, cottage at head of Peloubet Manufacturing: Co,, The recent arrivals are: York’s Camps. Rangeley lake—no more beautiful site on the M o n d a y . June 10. Mrs. W. R. ICissam, Mrs. Loon Lake, within 5 miles of Rangeley vil­ lake—six rooms with cookhouse and dining 69 Barclay Street, - New York. M. M. Wells, H. J. Chisholm, C. D. Moss, New YIA COLEBROOK, N. H. room in adjoining buildings, all furnished. Y ork; Edw. P. Thayer, Boston; John E. lage. There are ten ponds within two miles; Terms reasonable to right party. Address, Maguire, Haverhill; Harry E. Mason, W. M. Manadnock House, A modern, up-to-date good &_____ fishing____ in ... .ail...... and for...... hunting.. „it can’t...... be __ Harry P. Dil l , ORIGINAL IDEAS IN New Prices, New Catalog. Stephenson, Portland; Lawrence K. Ford, house, situated in the midst of unsurpassed t , ram m npat ami paph nartv lias a cimni Port Hope, Ontario. Wooclsville N. H ; A. J. l ike, . O. Quiinby, mountain scenery and near excellent trout | »eat. camps neat ana each part> lias a camp Send fir it. by themselves. Those with families who SLEEPING BAGS Concord, N.’ H.; J.’ f . Hollis, Hingham, Mass ; fishing. Pure spring water. Hay fever un­ T. C. PHELPS, j * A. P. Loomis,- • -■Boston. Mr. and Mrs. H. Clark, known. Parties met at Errol boat upon no­ wish to spend the summer mon'hs in the Mrs. W FISHING ALL RIGHT. Baltimore; Mrs. Eugene Lynch, tice in advance. Write for circulars to Maine woods can find no better place than TENTS, ETC 1 Central 5t , • 3 u t i i Tass Packard, Boston; L. M. Harlow, Lewiston, T. G. Rowan & Co., j F . B erry, Boston; A. M. Palmei, Portland, York’s Camps. For further particulars, ad­ Colebrook, N. H. Mr. and Mrs. D. Porter, Miss K E. Porter, dress E. zvt. w m r OLD T O W N , ME Malden; P. Woodruff, East Orange; Mrs. J. *. Angler Loses Rig Fish and and Dodging R. S. Y ork, Prop’r, Rangeley Me. Speech, Miss K. O. Leech and maid, Waslnng- Stop Cutting Wood Smoke. ,\ MANUFACTURER OF Via Rangeley. With It Part of His Rod, ^Tuesday June 11. H. H. Field, Phillips; Kennebago Lake House, on the shore of Ken- FINE CANVAS CANOES, 3E G Gay, Farmington; U. N. Nash, S. C. nebago lake. The best fly fishing in the COCKER SPANIELS FOR SALE. [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods] GampComfnrtalily made with cedar ribs and linings, free from all im Bang, Portland;...... Mrs. "G. S. Stone, Brookiilie; Brookline; j | countrycountry everyevery dayday ini the year. High altitude. Liver White and ticked Cocker Spaniel Air and Mrs W. Jones, H. T. Cook, Boston,- J D , M ooselookmeguntic h o u s e , perfections and second to none in the market. A1 No hay fever. Pure water. Game in abun­ Dogs and Pups. Beauties. H a i n e s La n d in g , M e ., TAKE A sizes built to order and tho(e not in stock, will be made P. S. Newbegin, Houlton; J. D. Loomis, R. A. W fftVftT- Pur< June 19, 1901. at short notice. Also manufactures poles, paddles, B r a g g , Portland; C. M- Potter, Brunswick; dance. Richardson Bros., Proprietors. J. A. KING, Holeb. Maine. 53. M.Tkerry, A.a T*R. ITnt/vltfKnight, Lewiston;T GWlClDD ’ lr.G. (rG The unusual crowd for this season of the KHOTAL STOVE chairs, etc. Witham, Farmington; R. B. Stratton, Rum­ year which has almost filled the hotel to or d Falls ; S. Chapman, N. K. Morgan, C. K. WITH YOU. Billings, Hartford, Conn. MOUNTAIN VIEW NOTES. THE SPORT AT BILLY'S overflowing this week was a great surprise to BURNS KEROSENE Wednesd vy, June 12 L. J. Fassett, Ware, everybody. People have been arriving ail WITHOUT WICK, H. M. B AR R ETT, Weld, Me. Mass.; H. H. Oaspary, Mrs. W . P. Eaton, New the week from different parts of the country SMOKE OR SOOT. Builder of FINE CEDAR BOATS. York; Abd H.P octor, Sa’em, Mass.; Francis State Road From Mountain Vi« w Lantern From Dewey’s Flagship and today finds the house well filled with S£F“Write for price list and descriptive Wells, Windsor, Conn.; E. T. Hatch, Poitland, Regulated to Any Desired Temperature. Catalogue. Me.; L. A. Emery and wife, Ellsworth, Me.; lively sportsmen. Some are accompanied by W . A. Logan, Boston, Mass. to Haines Landing. Welcomes Vis tors. their Jamilles, while others come alone for PRICE $3.75. Thursday June 13 A. J. Newton Boston ; 1hesolepurpo.se of fishing. The fishing is E. S. TW A D D LE, Mrs. William White, New York; W. J. Mlnt- [Special correspondence to the M a in e W oods.] still very good in Mooselookmeguntic waters mev, Boston; Miss N. M. Ripley, Miss A. Rip­ Guests Have a Large Flotilla to SIZE, 81^x844—WEfGHT, 4^ lbs. BOATS AND CANOES, WELD, MAINE. ley, Miss * dilli G. Hollis, Hingman; S. *. Mountain V i e w , June 19,1901. There have been good catches made all the Clark, Portland; F. B. Simpson, New York; week and all felt well paid for their trouble Send for Descriptive Catalogue No. 3. 3P. B. Stratton, C. H. McKenzie, Run ford As the season advames the people are get­ Select From. when iliey came in with a beautiful string of ting settled for the summer. Mountain View Falls, Me. [Special Correspondence to the M a in e W o o d s .] trout and salmon, which has been the luck THE HYDROCARBON BURNER CO., Friday, June 14 Mrs. E. Seheester, Mr. and has been quite lively the past week. all the week. M rs. C. A. Clapp, Boston; Mrs. J. J. Hicks, Pleasant Island Camps, Mr. J a c o b H Ho lit of Boston, is having i97jFulton St., New York. Dr. H. E. Rice, E. D. Rice, H. W. Clarke and HAINES LANDING, MB.. Mrs. Fred Potier, Mrs. N. Smi'-h, New Bed­ their guides have gone into Kennebago for a some fine sport H has taken five salmon f o r d , Mass.; Chas. A. Viali, Chas. W . Tidd, J .ne 19, 1901. since hts arrival, Wednesdav, that weighed BOSTON—The Globe Gaslight Co., 77 & 79 Miss C. T. Crosby. Phillips; Mr. and Mrs H. C. few days. Among the recent arrivals at Billy’s are Dr. from 2 to 5’i pounds each. He also had quite Union Street. Dennison, New Bedford, Mass.; Miss A. L. Mr. E. A. Wheelock lias returned to Put an adventure Saturday, when he hooked a Dewey, Queclier VI.; E. D. Kingman, Nov Almon Cooper, Brookline, Mass.;- Mr. and big fish which after a field, of about twenty- B e d fo r d , Mass.; Mrs. G. L .Stone, Mr. and nam, Conn., after a stay of two weeks and Mrs C. T. Cutter, Malden ; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. five-minutes, broke Mr. Heclit’s rod near the M rs.,W . Jones, John E. Pu lite, Roy Pushee, was accompanied by Mrs. L. E. Bowley, who Martin, E. H. Martin, Florence, Mass.; G. A. second rip. Frank Chick, Mr. Hecht’s guide, Every Success Is Imitated. Mrs. H. A. Robbia, H. A. Robbin, Master thinks he would weigh 9 or 10 pounds. A. J. HALEY, H. W Robbin, Boston; Mrs. C. A. Seiner, n, will spend two or three weeks visiting Barcher, A. T. Dean, S. H. Patterson, F. B. friends in Connecticut and Massachusetts. Mr. Summit L. Hecht of Bott on, a nephew Miss Schieren, Miss Jones, H. V. Schieren, Simpson, New York; A. A. Peary, Somerville; of Mr. Ja‘ ob H. Hecht, is having good luck Contractor and Builder. New York; H. M. Curtis, Boston; W. P. Den­ Many people are to come in the next week J. E. Hamilton, C. R. Hamilton, St. John, N. THEi m n n g •¡ToV; firiiit g. His catch during the week was ten nis, Portland. for the season. Today Mr H. A. Blakiston B.; C H. Pratt, J. N. Jewett, W A. Logan, Dr. sa'ivoti and trou- H's larg,st fish was a 5- Y ears of experience TROLLINC BAIT, Saturday, June 15 Abel H- Proctor, Salem. and family arrived from Philadelphia, to oc­ p< unit salmon, which was one of the prettiest Mass.; J. F. Leech, Washington, D. K H. L. T. Foss, Boston; Sharon Robinson (‘‘SI-- »a luoti to t Lave been taken this season in the Rangeley Lake “THE IRRESISTIBLE,” Kidder, Mr. and Mrs. Steele, B- ston j 1». M. cupy' their old rooms for the season. cum”) and wife, Ease Sumner; Freeland fiom 1 he Moosel okmegunttc lake. Mr region in the construc­ Bradley, Miss F. M. Hazard, Washington, Mrs. W. T. Packard of the Birches, w fe of Howe, H. F. Richardson, Norway; Mr. and Hecht thinks of having Mr. Nash mount his not excepted, but it lias no equal. Dishonest D. C.; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sedeguls-, Boston; the popular clerk, was visiting friends at tion of cabins, cottages- Mrs. C. E. Billings, Silas Chapman, Jr., N. K. a- gest s iiim n, »ising the new method which dealers even resort to copying my box labels -J. W. Brack It, Phillips. Mountain View on Tuesday Mr. N tMt has made such an improvement in. and hotels, which I to deceive the unwary. DON’T B£ FOOLED by Sunday, June 19 Mr. and Mrs. J. Riley, Liv- Mr. L. E. Bowley is in Lewiston for a few Morgan, Hartford; E. G. Gay, Farming! n ; E. Mr. Flo-d Cranska of M >osup, Conn., and cheap imitations. Note the difference in the -ermore Fal's; Frank N. Riley. Bo-ton; Annie days on business. M. Blanding, Bangor; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Mr. tiiank Cranska of No'wlch, Conn., are take pleasure in referring to as the quality of the goods. See that my name is Neill, Norths nipt >n, M as.; Floyd Orsnska, Tne road commissioners of Range ey have Emtry, Ellsworih; G. M. E«ty, Rangeley; A. having g od fishing. Saturday, they landed best class of work that has been stamped on every spoon. Frank Cranska,Moosup. Conn.; J. H. Bridges, had about twenty-five men r.-pairiig the ab> u‘ five salmon and trout that weighed “ THE IRRESISTIBLE” insures a big catch Boston; F. E .Ballard,------, W. C. ballarci, . Lexing- , , - J. Crossman, F. A. Crossman, Providence, R. from ;o 4,y pout ds each. Most all of them done in this region. Camps and of all game fishes, especially salmon and ton, Mass. ; F, A. Quimby, A. J. Pia er, Con­ road between Rangeley and Haines Land! g for the past week and the road is in fine con I.; Frank Hargraves, Noith Adams, Mass.; were «a rnon. Mr. F. Cranska also lost a cabins a specialty. For further in­ large trout, l’riee §1.00 and $1.25 each. By cord. N. H.; L. K. Foni, Woodjyiile,^ N dltion - We understand that the piece ol Mr. and Mrs. W. W. 8heaff, Boston; Mr. aid large full and a p u t of Ms rigging. Mr. mail to any address. Send for handsomely Miss C. T. Crosby, Phillips; Edw. road be’ ween Mountain View and Haine Mrs. C. C. Blanchard, Lynn; Dr. N. K. Foster Oanska is v t v mu h pleased with rite place formation apply to illustrated booklet—FREE. H. E. Rice, Sprint fiel11, Miss.; A. Trainoi, Landing has been selected to be the state and 1 Link« fishing better than at any place H. H. Cr »spanv, F.' Simpson, New \o k: road, and as this has always bee»' in b ir aid s n, Peab' dv, Mas« ; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. li • lias visite t. CEO. H. BURTIS, M ’f’r Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Blancr ar \ Mr. and Mrs. shape, especia’ly in the spriDg when th> Keene. Mr. and Mrs. L. H n'11 zheobeit, Mr. A . J . H a l e y , Rangeley, Me. ft. R. Tay or, A. Blanchard, Miss T. MorrisoD, Mr J. B. Sleigh of Sp ingfield, Mass., with of the celebrated Burtis Flies and Rods, Stratton, Me.; W. E. James, Boston. Worcester, - Mass. Below is the fish record for the w eek: June 11. R. H Hinckley, Jr, Boston, Si- AN “OFF” DAY WITH FISH. pound salmon, Ed Lowell, guide. P. S- Gal- atti, New York, 5-pound salmon, Hall Grant, Hand Made guide. O. K. Dexter, Lowell, 31-pound salm­ Trout and on, Ned Hinkley, guide. C. B. Contrell, Trout Entertain Gnesfs by Day Brooklyn, 6-pound salmon, E. Simons, guide. Salmon Flies, June 12. A. R. Whitney, Morristown, 7, 6- ami Foxes by Night Double Snell and Hook. pound salmon, Frank Porter, guide. Mrs. Best wearing FLY made A. R. Whitney, Morristown. 3i-pound salmon, [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods] nRS. H. H. DILL, Rangeley, rialne. Frank Porter, guide. O. K. Dexter, Lowell, ■3, 3J-pound salmon, Ned Hinkley, guide. Kennebago La k e , June 19.1901. W s. Patten, 1 owell, 6, 3-pound salmon, N. SEND $1.00 for one dozer of fine trout Hinkley, guide. Livingston Whitney, Morris­ The fishing here has been generally good flies. State f-lze wanted. town, 3-pound salmon, E. Hinkley, guide. the past week but of course the fish have in 4 Joanna Wolcott, Rome, N Y A. R. Whitney, Morristown, 5£-pound salmon. F. Porter, guide. Mrs. A. R. Whitney, Morris ‘ off” days here as well as elsewhere. Alt town, 3}-pound salmon, F. Porter, guide. ‘off” day, however, means that only twenty- June 13. Livingston Whitney, Morristown, five fl-lt can be taken when there should be a Dr. Cantrell’s 5J, 5, 3J, 3-pound salmon, E. Hinkley, guide. hundred. <3. B. Contrell, New York, 6f-pound salmon, E3. Snowman, guide. Mr. and£ pounds. Mr. Viles has fixed up Dr. and Mrs. Carr'ngt»>n, Conn.; Otis Hay- Berry with their families, spent Thursday at Sunday, June 16. Goo. M. Esty, Miss Georgia last week at his cottage, Marsquamosy the camps and put in a fireplace and has ford, Canton, George Pottle and wife, Lewis­ Lake Webb. M. Estv, Rangeley; Geo. K. Mavor, Rumford done quite a lot on the road ton; F. M. Simpson, Bangor; James Plum­ W. W Goodwin and T. A. Schofield caught a Falls; Edward Ward, Kennebunk. I Lodge, on Rangeley lake. His guests were mer, Joseph K. Shaw, Augusta; H. C. Dunton, I all members of Governor Hill’s council, Mr. H. M. Thompson of Lowell, with his good string of fish at Lake Webb the first of Monday, June 17. P. C. New»begin, P. &. R. son, H. E. Thompson, is here to remain till Rumford Falls; Miss Cornelia T. Crosby, the week. One Person, $1.00 per day and upward. j They found the fishing on Saturday fairly Phillips; F. Schilde, Rumford Falls; Mr, and . Two Persons, $1.50 per day and upward. F, R. R.; Geo. A. Tooker, W. N. Cooper, E. E. October 1. Mr. Thompson has been here for M's. James Riley, Livermore Falls, M e.;! A very large black bear was seen a short Patterson, New» York; J. F. Berry, Boston; I good and lauded a few pretty good ones. fourteen seasons. From South Terminal,—Take North Sta­ Following is a list of the party: H011. C. S Frank L. Ktlev, Boston, Mass ; Miss Annie 1‘ ¡'ne ago in Tyler Hutchinson’s pasture. We tion Cars to Elm St. O. II. Curran, Wliitefield, N. H.; E. A. Wheel­ Mr. S. E. Chapman, C, ock and wife, Putnam; Mrs. L. E. Bowley. Cook, chairman of the council, Portland; E. Billings and Mr. Neill, Northampton, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. think bears will be plenty In ibis vicinity From North Stat ion,—Take Subway Cars Mt. View; J. M. Taylor, Cape Elizabeth; 1 Hon. Henry W. Mayo, Hampden; Judge Ed Morgan of Hartford, are trying the Tim» ipond 11. E. Barnes, Brookline, Mass.; F. W. Goss I fnls fall. Seven or eight were shot and to Scollav Sq., or surface cars to lilm St. ward E. Chase, Bluehill; Hon, Don A. II. trout. Ed and Ellis Jones and Eben Cars:ey and wife, 1-ewi ton ; C. B. Caldwell, Augusta; ! trapped here last fall. Quite a good showing Horace Atwood, Hampden, Charles George, are their guides. C. A. JONES, Prop. Bangor. Powers, Houlton; Dr. M. C. Wedge wood, Lew­ W. S Johnson and wife, Miss Ethel Johnson, 1 for a place that has never been boomed for iston; Col. C. H. Prescott, Biddeford. Mr. F H. Whit.lesy of Haitford, also here Putman, Centi. sportir g purposes. •WlNCHFSTFR.’ MAINE WOODS, JUNE 21, 1901 3 %

SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. I SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. HOTELS AND CAMPS. / HOTELSAND CAMPS* ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Jackman’s New Hotel. jLAFLIN & RAND Smokeless Powder, j Ammunition That Has Excelled. Mr. I red Henderson wishes to announce to friends, patrons and a true sportsmen that lie will open a new hotel in Jackman, Maine, for the Won the THE 1901 WINNER Pf t h e Indoor Championship U. S. accommodation of sportsmen and summer boarders. This hotel will be for 1900. first-class in every respect. The Grand Military 1 he first floor will consist of Office, Private Office, Reading. Room GRAND AMERICAN HANDICAP Contests at Sea Girt, 1901. etc. The second floor will comprise Ladies’ Parlor, Bath Room and Sleep­ The Revolver Matches ing Rooms. at Sea Girt, 1900, and ? Silver Cup and $600 cash as first prize won by an ♦ A good livery will be connected with the house. Excellent spring; many other:greatContests. jamateur, Mr. E. C. Criffith, Pascoaej, R. I. Four of <► LOADED WI1 H water will be furnished the guests, in fact, everything will be combined to Jthe succesful contestants shooting; 25 straight, <► King’s Semi=Smokeless Powder make this an ideal spot for casting the fly or ff>r repose during the warm J Messrs. E.S. Johnson, F.S. Parmelee, E. C. Criffith <► summer months. I shall be prepared to furnish sportsmen with all neces­ Thi Great Ja n d H . C. Koegel, used L. & R. Smokeless. Their ♦ sities for camping either for hunting or fishing. This hotel is located in in Rifle, Revolver and pistol- Shooting Records ♦ powder charge was ♦ i the center oi a vast hunting and fishing region and anyone desiring early of America Were Made For Target Shooting and Hunting j fishing will do well to visit Jackman. From the hotel one can car.oe |0 ♦ With This ♦ 42 CRAINS OF L. & R. miles thiough lakes and rivers where the scenery is unsurpassed in Maine. ♦ They are Immeasurably Superior. Ammunition. ♦ I his house will be open from May ist to Dec. 15th and will be run in ♦ Loaded in a medium grade shell. connection with the Heald Pond Camps. : Y L * ! #1 « . I Loaded With . . . P I Si P P H KIIiG’s SMOKELESS POWDER Up-to-Date Ammunition. For further information, address, ♦ 1110 lUOIII Is Perfection for the Shotgun. ♦ * * * t TH E PETERS CARTRIDGE CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. FRED HENDERSON, LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO , Eastern Department 80 CHAMBERS ST., NEW YORK, T. H. Keller, Manager. Jackman. = Maine. 99 CEDAR STREET, - - NEW YORK CITY, i week ago to enjoy a rest, and the success of FLY ROD’S NOTE BOOK. Mr. Morse as a disciple of Isaak Walton has MINGO SPRING CAMPS, j ARRIVALS AT COBURN’S. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* been so pronounced that fisli has become a i drug on the market in the district. Saving Salmon to Do Missionary i Smelts to the Number of 68 In The first day he spent on the lakes he Good Catches ot Trout and Salm» TAXIDERMISTS. I TAXIDERMISTS. Salmon’s Stomach. landed 42 t rout, averaging 6 pounds each in Work In the City. weight, and with increasing skill as a ma­ ou Are Made. nipulator of the rod and line he last week [Special oonespondeuce to the Maine Woods] I [Special correspondence to the M aine W oods.3 accomplished the remarkable feat of hook­ FRAZAR & CRITCHLEY, Maine Woods Commended hy a Ran g eley, Me ., June 19,1901. ing over 60 trout, including a few 8-pounders. Middledam, oune 19, 1901. Mr. Belcher took a 5J-pound salmon last Correspondent. Mr. Morse’s success as an angler has been Taxidermists and dealers in mounted specimens of all kinds, Heads? Friday, while he was fishing from the wharf. Mr. H. S. Howe and H. S. Wood of Brooklyn _ remarkable.” Rugs, Birds, Game Panels, also Fishing Tackle, Golf goods and Sporting He has placed it in the pond so that Mr. 1 N. Y., at B pond caught fourteen trout th a t “ Forty-two trout averaging 6 pounds each.’ I would average about 2 pounds each; largest. Conant may take it home with him, should | goods in general, as well as a large variety of high class Souvenirs. Flies That Cover Rangeley Lake That is a fish story no one who knows fany- j 3 pounds. W. C. Holt, guide. he not have a fish on hand when he goes Call and see us at our new store, the largest and finest of its class in thing about the speckled beauties, would j Dr. I. Arthur Gage of Lowell caught a 6- home. He would do this just to convert a pound salmon from tne pool below the dam, Named by Prof. Howard. ever think of reeling off. America. few skeptics. Mrs. Wm. Howard White of New York All are glad that Mr. Derby, whose com­ Moral: For real fish facts read Maine Tiie fisli record for the past w eek: caught a 3-pound salmon. munication appeared in M I i.nk Woods re­ Woods. FRAZAR & CRITCHLEY, Rangeley, Me. Mr. Belcher, 5J-salmon; Mrs. E. E. Par­ Mr. Geo. B. Bearce of Lewiston was here cently is interested in the enforcement of The vast number of flies that covered the tridge, 3], 4J-pound salmon; West-ley Jones, with Clayton Swett for guide. He caught our laws, and hope he will inform on those lakes, in many places tor acres, have been 2}, 3-pound salmon; L. W, Conant, 24-pound three salmon and one trout that weighed 12 pounds. The largest was a 5-pound salmon. persons he knows are violating them. If it discussed and spoken of by all who have sean salmon. Mr. W. S. Living Aon of Netv York, who is THE S. L. CROSBY CO., TAXIDERMISTS. is a fact Iliac landlock salmon feed upon them What Wore they? and where did they Late arrivals are: E. D. Rice, H. C. Rice, Springfield, Mass.; here with his family7 for the summer, ha We will this year have the best line of souvenir goods we have ever shown. Under the young trout we shall all regret it. I have come from? was i.he question so o f’en asked A. Sprague, John Tliibedeau, guide; OtisE. fished some with very'good success. never yet known of a young trout being and no one could answer. Mr. F. S. Dickson, Putnam, Worcester, Mass., Leon Haley, Recent arrivals are: new management we will guarantee goods and will fill orders at precisely the time agreed guide; Loring Coes, Fred Searle, Worcester, E. M. Blanding. Bangor; Geo. B. Bearce* upon. Our work will be ke^t up to the high standard of excellence for which the company Walter Twombly, guide; W. J. Lewis, New Lewdston, C. Sw7ett, guide; J. F. Leech, Wash­ has always been noted. In addition to our business, Mr. W. L. Stewart will bo with us at Bedford, Orrie Haley, guide; Wm. R. Dres­ ington, D. C.; T. B. Stewart, New York; Mr. Rangeley. Mr. Stewart is the leading painter in Maine of fish, game, etc. He will make a ser, Stephen L. Bartlett, Boston, Reuben and Mrs. C. P. Stevens, William Lee and Wilber, guide; H.E. Rice. Springfield, Lila daughter, Vive Vale Camp; E. B. Whorff, specialty of souvenir decor wed paddles, fish and game scenes, etc. His work is all painted Howe, Paris, A. L. Sprague, guide; E O. I Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Livingston, four by hand and in oil. The S. L. CROSBY CO., Bangor, Tie. Noyes. Brockton, Mass., Arthur Oakes, children and maid, New Y ork; J. B. Sleigh, guide; Westley Jones, Boston, G. M. Carlton, W. B. Sleigh, Springfield, FI. J. Ham den, C. 8 . Winch, Manager; K. H. Cobb, Manager of Rangeley Store. We also have branch guide; M. R. Emerson, Boston, Chas. Haley, guide; Walter W. Smith, South Arm. Stores at Greenville and Northeast Carry in the Moosehead Region. guide; W. J. Lewis, New Bedford, Mass., Orrie Haley, guide; Loring Coes, Worcester; Joseph Leviseur, Boston; Geo. D. Sternfield, TAXIDERMIST. Trout riezzo Hie only aj Otto M. Sternfield, New York, Frank Stew­ tistic method of mounting fish oy which the art, VYilmot Patterson, guides. natural color is preserved. Work oi every description clone in the highest style of the art J. Waldo NASH, Norway, Maine Fish Notes Fiom Andover. FOR *** [Special correspondence to the MAINE WOODS.] KING AND B iK T L ST V C A 31 PS. A n d o v e r Me ., June 17, 1901. If you wish to fisli in Ellis River or its tributaries, you must do it, Tuesdays, Thurs­ On© Hundred Trout in Three days, and Saturdays. Frank Porter of Andover, went on Sawyer Hours. brook Tuesday, last week, and took out ‘150 SALE. [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods] AROOSTOOK COUNTY CAMP SCENES. nice trout in three and one-lialf hours. Courtesy of Bangor & Aroostook Railroad. “ Fsihing never was better than now,” said SPencer, Me., June 17, 190’ . Mr. Porter. John Hewey, also, took 150 from MANY FISH IN SIGHT. We are having just as good fishing in here same place. The famous Knowlton Soda and now as we could ask for. Sulphur Springs. Situated in South Mr. Walter Kerr and his brother, Charles found in the stomach of a salmon, but not who as all know, takes an interest in every­ Str ng, ai lie, about three mi les Fish’s Mouth and Eye Brought Kerr went out on King and Bartlett lake last long ago I was where a salmon which if I thin« about the Rangeleys, filled a box with Do Squirrels Kill Partridges. Saturday and caught over one hundred trout these fiies which he forwarded to the United from the picturesque little village o remember correctly weighed 4ipounds and Mr. Frank Chich of Madrid claims that if a In, but Ho ly Escaped. and salmon in three hours time. by actual count just sixty-eight small smelt States Division of Entomology at Washing­ law were enacted that would forbid hunters Si rong. We have over thirty people now In camp were taken from its stomach. May the big ton. Prof. L. O. Howard, the entomologist, shooting any other deer than bucks, there The water from these springs is'of and parties are coming in almost every day. sent Mr. Dickson a letter which answers the would not be so many men killed, for the ¡Sportsmen Interested to Have square tail trout, the handsomest fish that reason that hunters would very soon form exceptional purity and contains un­ Big King lake is just full of salmon and trout ever took a fly, never be a thing of the past question and which we take pleasure in the habit of looking for the antlers. Mr. Hatchery at Upper Dam. this year. The one hundred fish taken by in the Rangeley waters. copying. It was as follow s: Chick also advances the theory that red usual medicinal properties. A sure the two gentlemen above mentioned, would "U 11 tid States Department of Agriculture, squirrels sometimes kill litt.'e partridges. He cure for Dyspepsia, Piles, Stomach [Special correspondence to the MAINE WOODS.] Division of Entomology, Washington, D. C. says lie has noticed the extermination of average about one pound each. Mr. H. Tyler of Boston in another commu­ whole flocks where it could n< t have < eeu the Liver and Kidney Troubles. Ui'PEK D a m J u n e 17,1901. Mr. Pierce has just completed the camp nication asks “what has become of the Mr. Frederick S. Dickson. work of either loxes or hawks but where the Maueskooti.k, Rangeley, Me. Fur circulars, analysis, testimoni­ There is a mrve on foot to establish a fish for Appleton Webb, Esq., and it is a beauty. trout?” In the good old times of which we red squirrels were very plenty. D e a r Sik— Your letter'addressed to Mr. als and any further information, ad­ hatchery here at Upper Dam and there is The main camp is 18 feet square, with a read and delight to hear the a Id fisherman Covil.e of this department, and accompanied considerable interest in the project among large stone fireplace and chimney, it has a tell how few fished in these waters, not one by a t ox full of tiles found in great numbers dress, upon tha'lakes in your region has been re­ the sportsmen from out of the state, tli-* bedroom in the rear twelve feet square person to where now a hundred come to go Cottage Building. guides in the whole region and residents of ferred to me hy Mr. Coville. which contains a good brass bedstead, with a-fishing. It seems to me that if we had no The flies ail belong to the same species, Frank Jacobs of Rangeley, has about fin­ Rumford Falls. It is proposed to raise some a good matress and fine wollen and Indian more anglers at the Rangeleys now, than in namely, Uiltio ¡jlIIiyes say It is rather a com­ ished a frame cottage on the Reuben Wilbur money, perfect an organization and push the made blankets. Then there is the dressing- mon fly, the lai vae of which are found in the “good old times” they would have as farm on the Kennebago road for Mr. Edward J. 8 KNOWLTON, work forward at o' ee. There is no better case and wash stand. The floor, is furnished the , aitti feeding upon soil humus, and pos . with rugs and it is a very cosy bedroom. good fishing. True not all who fish, catch sibly o some slight extent upon the roots P. Bliss of Lexington, Mass. Mr. Jacobs will location for a ha ehery than just be ow the The main camp or living room,’ contains a fish, but think of the hundreds and hundreds of living vegetation. build a camp on Cupsuptic lake for a New dam here and considerable cash has already good couch, flue easy chairs, three tables, Tne specimens found upon the water had York parly during the summer. and the fioorfis covered with rugs. The walls of fishermen who now come and of the many evidently issued from the puparia of maggots Proprietor, been pledged are decorated with fish rods, rifles, guns trout they catch. Does it look as if “good which had existed la great numbers in ttie Mr. Arthur R. Train of Duxbury, Mass., and and pistols, snowshoes and all kind of|lndian fishing” at the Rangeleys was a thing of The earth upon the banks of the lakes. Mr. Stephen G. Train of Broolcine, M iggs, Madison; Stephen D. Bearee of Lewiston, caught a salmon June 14 Mr. John Daggett and family of New Vine­ Perry, New Bedford; F. E. Timberlake, Phil­ that weighed 8] pounds. yard were at the Ledge House and Cabins lips ;'E. A. Maxwell, Portland; Henry Hud- Following is a list of late arrivals: the past week. They had a good time and son, Guilford; N. P. Noble, Phillips; A. R. got all the trout they wanted. Miss Ethel Knight, E. B. Taylor, Lewiston; A. P. Web­ June 9. W. E. Emery, New York: .T. E. ster, Auburn; C. E. Baker, Bangor; G. M. Brodhead, Flemington, N. J.; Clias. Meyers, Harlow went back home with them for a two Courtesy of Inland Fish and Game Commissioners. weeks’ visit with Miss Olive Daggett. Yose, Kingfield; E. E. Patten, Boston; P. H. New York. Winslow, Gardiner; N. H. Keller, New York; June If Freelon Howe, Norway; Miss Messrs. H. B. Brown and A. H. Presson of L. J. Farrett, Ware, Mass.; S. R. Perkins, Bos­ The Brook Trout and the Lewis Gordon, Atlanta, Ga.; Richard C. Farmington are here for their annual fish­ ton ; C. H. Prescott, Amesbury ; J. A. Mooers, Slatir, Nashville, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. C. ing trip. They are having some fine fun and correct and careful to try and give its Skowhegan. Determined Angler. Williams, New York City; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. are getting lots of trout. Mr. Presson was Comfort Cottage Arrivals. F. E. Timberlake, Phillips; H. S. Wing, called home for a couple of days on business, readers true and correct fish records as is Turtle, Pittsfield; Z. A. Reese, Philadelphia. Kingfield; Henry Hudson, Guilford; H. E. By Chas. Barker Bradford. Pa.; T. A. Richmond, II. A. Pratt. Middle- but he has got back again and is still eating the M a in e Woods it would be a good thing. Cornish, Brunswick; Francis Wiggin, Port­ boro, Mass. ; Henry Clark and wife, Balti­ trout. This is the fourth or fifth year they Late arrivals at Comfort Cottage, land: Henry L. Chapman, Brudswick; George more, Md.; Mrs. H. W. True, Brighton, Mass. have been here both for hunting and fishing. W. Robertson, Augusta; Geo. M. Warren, June 11. A. G. Staples, Auburn; J. A. Mr. Brown of Lowell, Mass., and a party of Last night I received a letter from a w e ll-1 Phillips, are: Castine; W. J. Knowlton, Portland; W. W. Walsh, Lewiston. four are down the river for a few days’ fish­ known Boston angler who has for many ! Stetson, Augusta; Dr. F. J. Taylor and wife, Tuesday, June 11. Herbert H. Niles, Dirigo Pittsfield; J as. D. Bradbury, Saco; Chas. G. June 12. Moses It. Emerson, D. W. Far- ing. Hermon Harlow is guide. Mr. Brown seasons fished at the Rangeleys, which quliar. Boston; Owen Lovejoy, R. L. Melclier, has been here several times before and al­ Telephone Co.; H. L. Wlieelden, L. F. Marsh, Chick, Boston; Herbert Harris, Bangor; Wm. Andover; O. B. Hobart, Portland; John S. ways had good luck. He is an expert at fiy pleased me much. He said “ I could not re- j Edgar Jackson, Farmington; Sumner C.Lang, E. Walker and wife, Wm. N. Parker and wife, fisli ing. Taunton; J. F. Hill, M. IL, Waterville; H. H. Doane and wife, James Mulcaby, Boston; sist the temptation to forward you the en-i Portland. J. S. Casey, Lynn; Arthur R. Traine, Dux­ Mr. A. L. Jackson of New Portland and his Howard, Worcester; W. W. Morang, Boston; closed clipping from one of our daily papers | C. W. Rich, Orange, Mass.; D. D. O. Maloney7, bury Mass; .Stephen G. Train, Brookline. daughter were also here two days. Wednesday, June 12. Sumner C. Lang, Mass,; Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Crane. Boston; J. j. G. Harlo w . knowing as I do and as you do something ' Waterboro,Mass.; F. W. Southard, Boston; J. Brownlow, Brookline, Mass.; T. J. Brown, about the fishing in good old Rangeley j Portland; H. B. Reed, South Weymouth, Joel Wilbur, Avon; A. P. Webster, Auburn; John H. Clark, North Hadley; Geo. B. Boston, Portland; C. P. Eaton, Rumford Falls; waters. Of course this comes from some | Mass.; G. I. Allen and wife, Kennebunk; William A. .Brownlow, Brookline, Mass.; B. K. Shepard, Bangor. G. H. Locke, C. A. Murray, Boston; P. H. John M. Cheeney, Soutlibridge, Mass.; C. W. Camp Sites Sold to Bickers. fertile brain.” Now if the Ma in e W oods I Winslow, Gardiner; H. E. Mason, T. F. Clark, Whitney, O. A. Whitcomb, E. P. Kimball, should ever print—but it will not—sucli an | Thursday, June 13. A. L. Perham, A. Up- Portland; L. W. Stone. Boston; Dana Mc­ The firm of Hiram Ricker & Sons, proprie­ Gregor. Bangor; J. M. Choate, Boston; Wm. Troy, N. H.; W. S. Hurlbut, Cambridge, Mass . item without comment, what would Its j ham, Farmingtonmgt ; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Blancli- tors of the Poland Spring House, have bought ard, Mrs. W. N. Sheaflf, Boston. H. Stockbridge, Harry F. Merrill, Mrs. F. H. A Literary Gem—The most successful book a few cottage lots of Mr. Decker on the shore readers think? This is the item. Palmer, Miss Henrietta D. D. Rice, Portland; on gentle fishing since Izaak Walton Jay People Do Fishing. or Mooselookmeguntic l ike and it is ex' “Many of the friends of Mr. Julius C. | Friday, June 14. W. S. Hough, Jr., Provi­ C. L. Gorham, Wm. J. Whitney, Boston; gave us the Complete Angler. dence; R. S. Ford, H. J. Newton, Boston; Etta Gifford’s Orchestra, Lewiston; J. H. Coffin, “The most pleasantly written, the most peeted that tfiey will build something there Morse, of the firm of Leopold Morse & Co., | [Special correspondence to the MAINE WOODS.] Calden, Mrs. Henry E. Mayo, Salem. Jr., Boston; T. F. Norton, Lawrence; B. K. sensible and practical and instructive vol­ this season Ii is understood that the place have within the past few days been made Shepard, Bangor; W. F. Stearns, W. M. ume I have ever seen of Its kind.’’—Grover N o r t h J a y , June 19,1901. j Saturday, June 15. J. F. Hough,Redington; will be used as a resoit for the Poland guests the recipients of some splendid specimens of ! Blakesley. E. E. Patten, Boston; T. H. W il­ Cleveland. ^ „ Maurice Morse of this town and his brother j who want a lit t e taste of camp life to go C. H. Morse and wife, Starks; P. F. Bonney liams, Southington, Conn.; A. B. Butler, Lew­ “ Fully deserves this endorsement."—N. Y, Eddie of Boston went up to Carihage the lOtli with their Poland Spring summer. the angler’s spoil which that gentleman had and wile, Cambridge; W. E. Pease, Salem; iston; H. G. Drew, C. H. Landers, Boston; Herald, September 22, I960. and brought home 150 brook trout. John charmed from their watery homes in the j R. N. Campbell, Nettie Royal, Rangeley; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Scott, Portland; J. A. James Mitchell, Redington. A genuine bit of literature for the gentle- Axu^l went the same day and got 33 nice Rangeley7 lakes. Goldstein, E. E .»Connor. New York; P. F. mams library. Illustrated. ones. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Goodwin, Boston; P. E. Waugh, Brockton; Mr. Morse, with his brother, Mr. J. R. Monday, June 17. E.S. Johnson, Farming- AH cloth hound copies, price 60 cts. With Chas. Briggs got two nice salmon at Wilson ton; J. W. Maxwell, Portland; Elmer Voter, E. C. Hyde and wife, Freeport; Geo. M. R. Notice is inserted by the commissioners oi Morse, started for the Rangeley district Maine Woods, one ye»r, $1.50 address lake last week. Inland Fisheries and Game. Rangeley: Morse, W. D. Conklin, New York. orders to J. W. Brackett, Phillips, Me 4 MAINE WOODS, JUNE 21, 1901 WFEK AT SPRING LAKE. The Kennebago Trout. THERE ARE NO “ DULL DATS: RACED WITH A SALMON. TRANSPORTATION MAINE WOODS. You may fi -h the coa«t of Florida And catch a silv’ry king, TIME - TABLE. Or take a codfish from the sea, Clothes a Handicap In Swimming, Fish Large and Small Brought to Or a Moosehead togue bring in, Though There Are Fish in the Or even hook a Ran eley fish— Published Weekly at Phillips, fie Net by Guests. A salmon fierce and stout, So Fish Won Out. SANDY RIVER R. R. But you’ll fail at times unless you try Lake to Burn, Yet The Kennebago trout. Some big fish have been landed from Monday, June 2 1,1901. Deer Seen Daily at Salt J ick Mooselookm°guntic but last week’s catch News of the North flame Woods From early morn till late at night— was a record breaker. Í and Country. Across the Lake. Whether it rain or shine— Sportsmen Are Saving Them For Tr’n 1 Tr’n 3 Tr’n E It matters not what place you go— Mr. George D. Sternfeld of New -York is North. A. M. A. M. j P. M. Or where you cast yourjine, stopping at the Birches, and on Saturday he [Special correspondence to Main e Woods.] You’re pretty sure to get a rise; Those Who Come After. went trolling on the Shark grounds. He is Advance Subscription Rates. F l a g s t a f f , June 15,1901. The kind you may not doubt, an experienced fisherman and was out for a Farmington...... 6 60 One Year,...... $1.00 There’s nothing in these waters hut [Special Correspondence to the Maine Woods] 11 55 4 50 Messrs. Dayfoot, Nicholson and Fraw from The Kennebago trout. good day’s sport. Just about a quarter of a Six Months...... 50 Boston left the lake last week for home, Birch es, Me., June 17,1901. mile from Aflerton Lodge be got a big strike. So. Strong,...... Three Months,...... 25 Both great and small—especially small- The fish came up and jumped. George saw after a successful and enjoyable stay. The Tlie good weather that we implored you to his head; it was a salmon with a head like a Strong,...... \ ar 7 40 P. M. Single Copies...... 3c Will condescend to rise. (lv 7 50 12 28 5 20 gentlemen were greatly pleased with every Their number cheerluily substitutes send has come in earnest. For t he past week bul 1 dog’s. Subscription price when not paid within There was a yank. The pole bent double; Phillips,...... ar 12 45 5 40 thing in general, and with the fishing in par­ For what they lack in size. we’ve had it in abundance, and with it came 8 20 three months, $1.50 a year. Of course they all expect to feed the reel spun out like a top; there was a ticular, as they captured their share of th>- The one who pulls them out, more patrons for the gamy trout and salmon grinding, rasping sound and the reel broke three varieties of fish that run in the; e But not be taken from the place— and also to partake of the beautiful pure air, j Tr’n 2 Tr’n 4 Tr’n 6 Credit for remittance on subscriptions is waters in such abundance, i. e., salmon, These Kennebago trout. Mr. Sternfeld was quick to think and act, given on yellow slip on paper. If this is not the glorious scenery and to enjoy the hospi­ To follow with the boat was inr ossible as South. A. M. P. M. J P. M. oorrect notify the Maine Woods. We do not square tail trout and lake trout. They occu' The ibis red, their favorite, tality of the Birches and enjoy its camps, the fish was going too fast. He wanted that pied while here one of the artistic cabins *on Will catch their hazel eyes. quietness and the excellent cuisine. salmon. Holding the rod in his teeth he mail receipts. dove in and swam for the fish. Mr. Sternfeld The Maine Woods is glad to' receive com­ the bluff of first point, called ‘‘Gee Whiz,” They often leap a foot in air Phillips...... lv 7 20 1 25 4 30 To reach the gaudy prize. Captain Barker has a -‘knack,” so to speak, is an expert swimmer but the salmon whs not munications from its readers upon topics of from which a view of the entire lake, three public interest, but the name of the author They seldom heed a landing net, of mak ing his patrons feel at home immedi­ dressed and the fisherman was, and trousers Strong,...... 7 40 1 40 B 20 must in all instances accompany the commun miles in length and one mile wide, can be But choose to flop about, ately upon their arrival and with his small and shoes are a big handicap. II was a close And get the leader in a snarl— race. Several times the salmon had to jump So. Strong,...... ication, not necessarily for publication, but obtained by “ locating” on the veranda. fleet of steamers and his obliging, employees out of the water to escape him but at last he as a guarantee of good faith. These Kennebago trout. Spring lake is one of the most beautiful D. E. HEYWOOD. the summer visitor is unable to find a dull won out. Mr. Sternfeld was safely landed in Farmington,...... 8 10 2 15 ! 6 00 The Maine Woods does not hold itself re­ sheets of water in all of Maine. The waters tlie boat without the use of a net. 1 sponsible for, nor does It necessarily endorse day to put in his diary. Side trips can be are cool and clear as crystal and are the feed­ the views of its correspondents. made to all parts of the lake on short notice, WESTON LEWIS Tres. F. N. BEAL, Supt. When ordering the address of your paper ings of cold springs almost entirely. The OXFORD COUNTY HORSES. and woods lunches cooked by able guides, of changed, please.give the old as well as new most remarkable feature being evident, that wliichJiere there are plenty, makes one feel Fish ami Game Notes. address. only one small inlet or brook can be counted^ after participating in one of these picnics, Messrs. E. C. Hurley and Geo. Dart of Tuxe­ Remember that the publisher must be while hundreds of small threads of ice cold Maine Woods Correspondent Sets do, N. Y., have been at the Border City Hotel Time-Table. notified by letter when a subscriber wishes j that life is really worth living. These make hls |)aper stopped. All arrearages must be water come tumbling down their tioy Some Good Ones. the thought of returning back to business and for a few days enjoying the salmon fishing courses from springs boiling up on the moun­ j the dust and noise, hustle and bustle of city in the Calais pool. PHILLIPS l RANGELEY R. R. The price of $1.00 per year for the Maine tain sides that extend away from the lake in [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods. ] j life, the very last things to think of, and “ we The only all-rail route to Rangeley Lake. The quickest and easiest route to the Dead Woods applies only to subscriptions paid in ad­ every direction. While only one outlet also Andovep, June 17,19( 1. I shall return another season and bring our Rev. J. A, Westln and Claus Johnson of New vance. All arrearages must be paid at the rate friends” is always heard as the steamers River Region via Dead River Station. Stage of $1.50 a year. Do not expect any deviation exists, and that a tumbling, clattering cur­ Andover is famous for good horses and it leave for Bemis and the dusty railway. Sweeden recently made a very successful connection with every tlirougl train for from this rule. rent that growls and thunders over great was there that I saw Julien, owned by F. A. And again you find the true sportsman with fishing trip to Square lake. They secured Stratton, Eustis and all points inland. J. W. BRACKETT, Publisher. bowlders, with here and there steep falls to Russell and eared for by F. L. Patch. Julien us, for save what fish the sportsman desires five togue and three trout, the largest weigh­ On and after May 6, 1901, trams on the Phil for himself, all are put hack in the la're to ing five pounds. .Tips <& Rangeley railroad will run as follow s join, a mile away, the Dead river. This is 3 years old, seal brown, with small star in help make fishing ke p go d and possibly to until further notice: brook inns through dense and picturesque The Edition of Maine Woods forehead. Is 15.2 in height and weighs 1000 please other fishermen. * BAST. A M P M P M woods, clear to the river. In fact, it is hard pounds; is very stylish and up headed and, I see that in last week’s issue of the Maine Messrs. J. R. Ha'ey and Aaron Burnell of Phillips, Lv 1 , 1.85 5.30 to find anything here but dense woodlands; by the way, he trotted one-eighth of a mile Woods someone made a g eat noise aboutj Sebago had good luck at Peabody pond a »Madrid, . . . . 9 05 1.50 5.45 This Week is 5,280. anything like clearings are traceable to the fishing being poor. Now-1 am wonderin_ as a 2 years old on the Andover track in 18 few days ago. They caught several red spot­ »Reed’s Mill, . . . 9 15 2.00 5.56 either the thrifty lumberman and his ax, or where lie fished. It could not have been »Sanders’ Mill, . . . . . 935 2.10 6 05 seconds. He will be handled this season by around Mooselookmeguntic. Well, anyway, ted trout and a fine 12-pound salmon. the forest fires that have in many places Redington Mills, . . i ar 10.00 2 35 6.30 FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1901. devastated extensive and valuable holdings Wm. Gregg. Julien is by Victor Patelier, he has my sympathy, f r to use the words of 1 de 1< 05 2.35 6.30 of timber. The water that one finds to drink the street urchins, we have “ fish to burn.” Messrs, H. L. Small, Hal. Beckett of Calais •Loir irack No. 2, . . . . 10.20 2.45 6.40 here surpasses any I have ever taken. An dam by Von Moltke. Send him down post haste to see us and our Dead River, . 10 40 2.55 t6.50 analysis shows less than one per cent of veg­ guides will not have to half try to show him and L. Adams of Lubec, have returned from Rangeley, ar 11.30 3.10 7.05 etable or animal matter and is so cold in that fish do still thrive in large numbers and a few days’ fiishing at Cathance lake with MAINE WOODS ADDS NAMES I wi .1 say right here that I saw Alciyone WEST. P M A M P M summer that you are forced to take it in are only waiting for a chance to steal bait of good strings of salmon and trout. “ sips” to enjoy it while I was at Andover and he is looking any kind. Wliv, the children cab li trout Rangeley, Lv . . . . . 6.10 11 30 1.45 Deer seem to be like herds of sheep. No fine. He is at “ The Pines,” ihe beautiful and right off the floats with their iittl hooks, and Dead River, . 6.22 11.42 2.00 fair sized om s, too. Mr. H. C. Harden, wife an 1 daughter of »Log Track No. 2, 6 34 11.54 2.16 evening passes that from one to half a dozen productive farm of Mr. William Gregg. He Increase Averaged Over Forty a can not be plainly seen on ihe shore opposite Among the more fortunate ones this w ee', Redington Mills, . . . j ar 6 45 P M 2.35 lias been with Mr. Gregg two years. Alc-ly- Howard, R. I., are spending a few weeks at 1 de 6.45 12 05 2.40 where they “lick” up the brine that our Mr. Ba<-ry brought in two 4-p >mid salmon, J. C. Littlefield’s, Waldo Station. Mr. Little­ host, Mr. Fred Drew, thoughtfully saturates one is still owned by S. W. Parlin, as is also and with his friends caught, fitly’ s linon ami »Sanders’ Mill, . . . 12.23 3.10 field goes out often and c-atches a few trout ‘ Reed’s Mill, ...... 7.10 12 30 3.25 Week Since March. the soil with once a week. They also appear “ Oc'one,” by Alciyone, and he is at “ Toe trout, bu*-brought in only five fl h. Si y n at intervals ail dav in ones, twos and threes. see they bt-lieve in leit ng live, to<>. Mr. »Madrid, ...... 7.15 12 35 3 35 Pmes,” too. Oetone can step a 2.30 gait, is Phillips, ar . . . . . 7.30 12 50 4.00 This sight is of interest to the lady guests as Leviseui caught one. 7-pound salmon and sev- A lot of very large bass were taken from The rate at which subscriptions to well as to the “tenderfoot” and inexperi­ dark chestnut, 15.2K Ugh, has one white eial smaller one®. Mr. Bartle i caught sev­ •Trains stop on signal or notice to eon- enced hunter who is at present devoted to ankle and small star in forehead and weighs eral 3 and 4-pound trout as did also Mr. Wayne pond a short time ago by a party of d ictor. the M a in e ^Woods are coining in is a the sport that interested one Isaac Walton. 1015 pounds. His dam, Stellacta, by Alleetus, Dresser. Mr VV. Lew-is took seventeen fish, several. There were twenty-nine fish, each Fl e t c h e r Pope, Gen. Man’g’r. Some beautiful pictures have been taken 2nd dam, Stella, 2.15, by Woodbrino. Oetone ihe hugest, 5 pctmdsl No on came in Satur H. H. Field. G p . & T. A. source of great gratification to the man­ nas some very good colts. Alciyme is hav­ day without several. one of which would weigh more tha . 3 here during the past week of the catches of fish pounds. A L. Ro b e r t s o n . Superintendent. agement. The paper has grown from a made, notably, some arranged and “snap­ ing the best class of mares. Pen are here The staunch little niptha launch, the shotted” by Mrs. H. H. Landers of Stratton, now from Boston. Dr. Geo. H. Bailey of Port­ cricket, owned by M -. H. C Kennedy, is now- land, has two brood maies at “The Pines;” small country newspaper to a paper of that proves her to be clever and painstakii gin on the lake and looks as pretiy and neat as Mr. George W. Paul of Hallowell took two this art. Mrs. Eastman received, last wee k, Geo. H. Bearce, of Bearce & Wilson. Lewis- usual. nice trout from Cobbosseeeontee one day several views of a handsome “ morning’s tjn, has two, one the dam of Eddie B, 2.14f; FRANKLIN t MEGANIIC RY. national, if not world-wide reputation. K. At Wood, New York, has Mellette, 2 2U4 ; Late arrivals are: last week. Tlie fish weighed 4 and 5£ pound's catch” she made, while Mrs. Landers was a respectively. hortest, and easiest route to Eustis and Dead As the Phillips Phonograph it gave guest at Spring Lake, as did also Cliff Wing, William L. Watson,- Ut ea, N. Y., lias a 10- June 10. W. J. Lewis, New Bedford; J. J. her guide. lia. d mare heie by Landmark; Geo. Heath, McNulty, M. F. Gavin, M D., D. E. Barry, J. River region. Auburn, is breeding Ruby Mac, 2.21K; Henry J. O'Keefe L W. S'attery, Boston; w. K. Mr. Ralph II. Jordan of Portland caught attention to the news of North Frank­ Mrs. Eastm n captured a 4-pound, square L. Taylor, Portland, has a fine looking cli'-st- tail on a four ounce rod and fly. She and her Enigrv, New York; J. E. Brodhead, Fleming one of the largest pickerel ever taken from nut mare; Dr. H. F. Hamilton has one; D-. ton, N. J. Lake Auburn recently. The fish measured lin especially. Then, as the fish and two guides, Messrs. Warren and Cliff Wing, Stanwood, Rumford Falls, has Lallali Rook»*, In Effiect June 1901. made the trip down the river to Grand falls exactly a yard in length and weighed when *4, 2.31K; D. W. Withee, Rumford Falls, one; IV. June 11. G. W. Omtis, Lisbon Fal's; J. P. dressed 9 pounds and 7 ounces. It is thought game interests grew in importance, and up Big Spencer stream last week. She H. < rack ti, Dixfield, two; Ed and Arthur Morse and wife. Miss E. Jus e Rogers, H. B. SOUTH. A JVI A M PM reports fair luck, considering it rained nearly Rogers, Brockton. that the fish before it was dressed would lxburn, Midd edam, one e. eh; Dr Millett, have wei_h d fully 12 pounds. Bigelow, lv 11 00 7 00 news fromj the hunting and fishing all the last half of the time spent on the trip; Brockton, Mass., has Harebell. She was the June 12. William Lewis. Mabel B Lewis, and that one who misses going to see Gr ind Cairabassett, 11 20 7 20 first z years old in Maine to take a record in New Bedford; H. A. Hildreth, Portland; H. K. (ar 11 50 7 50 grounds were given proper notice. This fall' after such a glorious trip by canoe down 2.45. H r trotting recoid is 2 30£ She is the Parties in Piscataquis county are doing a the Dead river, has missed half the pleasure Foster and son, Peabody; O. M. Sternfeld, Kingfield, { P 31 dam of Glory, 2.14, trotting, and lias a colt at New York. profitable business digging out foxes and ( lv 6 50 12 45 oalled to the list many who visited the to be experienced in the Maine woods. Mrs. selling them to the Dover fox farm. Eastman takes in Long falls and Black brook foot by Alciyone, and has been bred back. June 13. H. Clarke and wife, Baltimore, *No. Freeman, lv 6 55 12 55 Rangeley region. And so the subscrip­ this week and returns to New Yoik next There are thirty other mares at “ The Md.; Mr«. E. Lynch, C. W. Tidd, Boston; \ '. Salem, 7 10 1 05 Pines,” besides tnose 1 have named to be Tmtie, Pittsfield, Mass.; Mr. Magee and w-ife, *W. Freeman, lv 7 25 1 15 week, having had an all around successful Two fine deer are making themselves at Strong, ar tion list has grown. Papers go to Eng­ and most enjoyable trip of three weeks. She bred to Alciyone. M-\ Gregg wintered iliirty- Boston; E. M. Jtlandin?, Bangor; (’ . W. Whit home on the farm of Dr. Inn is of Houlton. 7 35 1 30 talks of purchasing the “ New York” cabin. eight horses last winter and six cows, and ney, O. O. Whitcomb, E. W Kimball, Troy, N. NORTH. A M P M cuts hay enough for them all. He makes a H.; W. S. Hurl but, Cambridge. Strong, lv land and Cuba each week. A big bull moose was seen around camp by specialty also ot pure bred Berkshire swiue. 8 15 5 25 several guests this past week. June 14. W. T. Patten, O. K. Dixie, Lowell Five deer were seen in one herd in Bethel *W. Freeman, lv 8 25 5 35 Perhaps readers may remember a 1 saw a couple of young w-oodohucks in a a few days ago. Salem, Mr. Walter Kerr of East Orange, N. J., one cage here, smooth as otters, and could caper June 15. Mrs. W. H. Wlilte, G. E. Dudley 8 40 5 50 and family. A large" moose came into the garden of *No. Freeman, lv 8 50 5 55 letter which was published in the of New York’s bankers, and his brother, Mr. over the wires as handily as monkeys. Mr. C. L. C. Kerr, of Newburgh, N. Y., paid us a John F. Hapgood, one day last week, and Kingfield, jja^ 9 00 6 10 Gregg lias been a very successful horseman when first seen was browsing an apple tree. 9 15 6 10 M a in e W oods not very long ago in short i-it last week while en route to King and is known by the horse fraternity all over He was only 50 yards from Mr. Hapgood’s and Bartlett by canoe down Dead river and the state. It is said by his townsmen, -‘If a Carrabassett, 9 45 6 35 house. Moose tracks have been seen near Bigelow, ar 10 15 6 55 which the writer told of picking from up Spencer stream. horse has any speed, Billy can find it.” ED G KANT’S FISH TAKEN lus premises for several seasons. Mr. John J. Boyle and wife, from Portland, j •Flag stations. Trains Stop on notice the reading table of a Paris hotel a copy with Mr. John McLaughlin and wife, spent | conductor. fMixed trains. a couple of days here last week, guided by Vivrò» WIUICLWDII xn Ulrtwr OtJTOilg W1IX Gcod Horses Around Tlie Falls. By the Hundred, and Seeing Edward J. Hunt and M. H. Rideout of Ban­ of the paper. D. C. Durrell and P. A. Rogers of Dead River. trainato and from Phillips, Farmington. Port These gentlemen and ladies captured some [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] gor were arraigned in tlie municipal court land and Boston. last week charged with illegal fishing in Since March 1, 621 names have been good fish and enjoyed every moment of then- R u m f o r d F a l l s , J u n e 17,1901. Lots of Deer. Stage eonneetions at Carrabasset for Eustii si ay. The average weight of fish was good, Green lake last spring. II was claimed by and Dead River Region. Daniel Spaulding of Ridlonville has a fine, [Special Correspondence to the Maine Woods.] tlie state that the ice had not entirely left, added to the list, making an average of while several weighing 2£, 2] and 3 pounds GEO. M. VOSE, S uperintkndent . were to their credit. clean driv er, black as a c mi, siietl by Ecia r, the lake at that time. They were fined $11 J r, by Eclair, dam, a M rgan mare that Bf a v f r Po n d , June 18,1901. and costs each. They’ appealed. 41£ a week. This is against 96, or 6 ^ a Dr. Kittredge from Farmington spent two could go a.ong wel'. He weighs 800 pounds, days of last week here with Ansel Eames as k nd and pie .s mt for a lady to diive, but Sportsmen are enjoying excellent fishing at week in the same time last year. The guide. The doctor carried away as hand­ plenty of nerve and energy. the Seven ponds. I; is exc. ptionally go id at & some a catch as one could wish to see, several Long and Secret ponds, also at the far famed fiy. smallest number were added in the fine square tails and a fancy salmon of 4 What Has Become of the Trout? D i r e c t L in e t o R a n g e l e y ’ L a k e s . D W Estes, proprietor of Opera House Meadow Grounds. pounds being among the catch. B o s t o n , June 15, 1901. week ending May 3, when 11 names Cafe corner of Exchange and River streets, Messrs. J. Seymour of New York and F. E. Through Time-table, ln Effect May 6, 1F( Mr Robert Phillips of St atton was at R mi rd Fal.s. owns a gray • mare by Straw To the Editor if the Maine Woods. Spring l ake Tuesday of this week. Mr. Phil­ Ballard and son, Walter, ot Lexington, have h r o u g h were put on. The largest addition was Boy. by Almost, dam by Gen Custer that My recent letter was written for the pur­ £ OMMODIOUS PLENDI] lips, mi l u g and well known as the general been having very good iuek, Mr. Ballard, Sr., T RAINS. v- ' OACHK8. S EBVICE. manage of the entire Meganiic Club Pre­ c n go down the street a 40 gait any day. 15.2J pose of starting a discussion. I note that made the past week, when the subscrip­ in height and weighs lOUO pounds. A n tlier, capturing two liundied and fifty Friday, av­ GOING 8 OUTH. A. M. A. M. P. M serves, which x>os tion he held for eleven a pacer by Roy M, by Messenger Wilk s, another correspondent used the very same years, is now engaged in protecting the eraging one pound. Leave Bemis, 7 55 1 25 tion list was increased by 87. dam by Daniel Boone, has a matk ot 2 35L language—“ Wlmt has become of the trout?” “ Rumford Falls, game. Mr. Phillips has friends ever j where 15.3 high weighs 960 pounds, color, seal Signs of game are plentiful; deer in goodly 9.10 2.40 and his popularity is dt served. I also note your editorial. Now as to the “ Mechanic Fails, 6.55 10.39 4.07 brown. I had i he pleasure of a ride behiu-i numbers are seen coming into the numerous Arrive, Lewiston,M. C. Upper On e of the most dramatic murder Mr. W. I . Perry and Mr. F C. Bunih in < f each of these fine li rses. ponds daily, thus denoting a fine hunting authenticity of your “ fish stories” no doubt Station, 7.40 11.25 4.50 Hartford, Conn., artived last week. These season. they are all correct; but even so,-—the days “ Portland, Union cases ever tried in Maine has just been gentlemen are annual visitors to Spring of good fishing at the Rangeleys have Lake, usually making two trips, one for fish­ But it does beat all the fishing you ever Station, 8.35 12.20 5.46 concluded. Edward Graffam and Wil­ Some. Kingfield Horses. saw at the Meadow Grounds. On thr e p issed. If not forever, then only for the P. M. P. M. ing and one for hunting. Bo'h gentlemen rods in three hours 800 trout were taken. Of moment. Let us find the cause and accom­ liam Hands were on trial for the mur­ haver cords as skilful “ fly and rod men,” [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods] “ Boston,] IN­ 12.45 4.10 course they weren’t killed, though. Many of plish a restoration. 12.40 4.00 9.05 and have so far sustained tli-ir reputations, K i n g f i e l d , June 18,1901. the fi'h weighed as high as 2 pounds. There If you please, I will start the discuscion In­ der of Clifford Mosher on January 12, having taken some fine square tails of 2% GOING NORTH Mr. W. G. Doyen has two colts by St. Croix never was anything like it any where I have stating my belief that tlie existing method P. M A. M. P. M and 3 pounds weight. been. 1 W Div last. Hands turned state evidence and that are good ones. Only one of them lias of liberating tlie hatching house fry, is Leave Boston, l E 8.30 1.16 The r* cord of weighed fish for the week is simply a means of supplyind food to the big 9.00 12.30 pleaded guilty to the charge of man­ as follows; been handled any’, and lie can step a quarte fish. In other words, the fry should not be “ Portland M. C. R. R., A. M. P. M. slaughter. Graffam was found guilty Walter Kerr, three lakers, 2 pounds each, in .40 at the trot. The other is just being liberated till they are two years old. Union Station, 8.30 12.55 6.16 one square tail, 2 pounds, one salmon, 2 broken and is a good actor. Now let the wise-acres talk. “ Lewiston M. C. R. R., of murder in the first degree by the NEW CAMP JUST THE THING Yours Upper Station, 9.20 1.56 pounds; Messrs Boyle and McLaughlin, Another good colt belongs to Simeon Arrive Mechanic Falls, 6.06 tnree 1'kers, 2J,'.J 3 pounds, two salmon,IK Morse. He is five years old and can pace a H. T y l e r . 10 03 2.39 6.4 S jury, who were out but a little over two and 3K pounds, aiso five slightly under that “ Rumford Falls, 11.30 4.10 quarter in 40 seconds. He is by Mountain “ Bemis, __ hours. Throughout the entire trial, weight; Dr. J. R. Ki' tridge, four salmon. 1, 4 Ledo and is gray- in color. Lakers and Spotted Trout Taken 12 40 6.20 pounds, 2 pounds, 3 pounds, four square tails, Trains run dally except Sundays, except < Graffam maintained the same stoical 3 pounds each, and several small-r lakers; Abram Hunnewell’s chestnut colt is a good at Carry Ponds. TRANSPORTATION. otherwise noteo. Mr. J. K. Adams, two salmon, IK pounds; actor, is coming right up to time. He is Through Pullman Parlor Cars bet wee indifference. just being broken. Tlie colt is by Merry Dr. Brimigion, two lakers 1J pounds eaeh; [Special Correspondence to the M aine W oods.] Portland and Bemis, commencing May 13,19« Mrs. Lou Brown, one laker, 2£ pounds, one Monarch, sire of Belle P, 2.16J. This Is the only standard gauge all rail III The state assessors give an encour­ square tail, 2J pounds, one salmon, \\ George Vose has a handsome horse by B i n g h a m , M e ., Ju n e 18,1901. direct to the heart of the Rangeley Lakes. pounds; Mr«. Eastman, one salmon, 5 pounds, Baron Wilkes, 2.18, that goes well at a trot. E. L. LOVBJOY, 8upt., Rumford Fails, M aging report of the condition of the eight from IK to 3 pounds, one square tail, 4£ The fishing at Carry ponds is at its best. Mr. Daniel Coshnian has a good colt by Red­ Greene’s Stase Line R C. Br ad fo rd . Traffic Mgr.,Portland, Me. pounds, several 3 pounds, and a number of J. P. Carpenter of Boston is having all the state. The country towns, especially, wood Boone, black as a coal and pretty as a lakers and twenty-eight brook trout from picture. He weighs an even 1000, stands 16 | sport he wants by spending a few hours each Dead River to Eustis. are giving evidence of greater prosper­ Spencer stream. hands high and can take you over tlie dusty j day with his fly- rod. Guests for the past week: roads in a wagon at a three minute gait. ity. When the farmers are prosperous, | Mr. Harry Fletcher and son of P rtland. C. C. Butler, Flagstaff; Walter Kerr, East Quite a number of good horses in | with R. V. Ham, guide, had fine luck at West The only Stage Line in the Dead the nation and state are in a flourishing Orange; c. L. C. Kerr, Newburgh. N. Y.; j Carry, taking seven beauties in one day, four Frank Savage and Percy Day guides. t wn have changed hands during the River region that connects with the Y ^ A U - R Q A a condition. , lakers .'and three spotted trout. The former Warren Wing; John J. Boyle and wife, Port­ past few days. Raven Wilkes, by weighed 2 pounds each and the latter 4 early train for Boston. W ill make land Me.; John McLaughlin and wife, Pott Abbott Wilkes, 2.11)£. has been sold to pounds. Mr. Fletcher came again Saturday land; D. C. Durrell and P A. Rogers, Dead ARRANGEMENT OF TRAINS. Webster Williams of North A d s o d . He ] with a party from Portland to make another connections with trains on and after FISHING AT MIDDLED!». River, guides. Dr. J. K. Kittridge. Farm­ ! trip to West Carry. In E f f e c t , Mo n d a y , N o v . 12, 1900. ington. Me., Ansel A. Fame“, guide. Roy S. is a great horse and although green can Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars between Carl Heald and wife; Geo. H. Lincoln; Mrs. Lou | Tlie new camp and boats at West Carry are May i i , 1901. bon and Btngor on train leaving Caribou at go in 2.30 now. It is probable that he proving just what was needed, and tlie new Brown; S. B. Longley, Flagstaff, Me.; J. R. will star: in the circuit here. 6.25 a. m. and Bangor at 3.10 p. m. B Pond and Pond in River Yield­ Adams; Dr. T. W. Brimigion, Stratton, M“ .; \ trail shortens tlie distance a third, making it I. W. GREENE, Prop’r, 7.00 A. M.—For and arriving at Lagrange at W. L Perry ; F. C. Burnham, Hartford, Conn ; Among the horses at Potles’s stables an easy trip of about one and a half hour’s 8.16 a. m., Milo 8.36 a. m., Brownville 8J>5 a. m., A. L. Savage, guide; Robert Phillips, Strat­ for handling are two from Rumford walk from East Carry. Katahdin Iron Works 10.00 a. ni.. Norcross9.4€ ing up Their Treasures. ton. Coplin, Maine. a. m., Millinocket 10.06 a m, Sherman 10.50am, Falls. Celclay H, owned b y j. F. Hall Patten 11 15 am , IslandFalls 11.15 a m, Smyrna Special Correspondence to the Maine Woods] came this week, and F. 6. Walker’s | Mil's 11.50 a m.Weekshoro 12.15 p m, Masardis, MlDDLEDAM, Matne, June 17,190. Visitors at Redington. green horse is one of the new arrivals. STATE OF MAINE. 108pm, Ashland 1.35 p m, Houlton 12.15 p m, Allie Davenport of Gardiner s taking RANGELEY LARES STEAMBOAT CO. Presque Isle 2.02, p. m.. Caribou 2.30 p. m., Everything is booming at Middledam, the [Special correspondence to the M a in e W oods.] TlflE - TABLE, New Sweden 3.03 p. m., Van Buren 4.05 p. m., house has been well filled with guests for the care of Pottle’s horses and shows that PUBLIC NOTICE. Fort Fairfield 2.20 p. m..Limestone 3.25 p m, R f d i n g t o n , Me ., June 18,1901. ay 6 , I901. Dover, 9.10 a. m.t Guilford 9.35 a. m., Monson past week and as usual everyone is making he knows his business. In conformity with the provisions of Chap­ Mr. William Millett is entertaining many DOWN TRIP. .Junction 9.53 a. m..Greenville 10.50 a m. very satisfactory catches. fishermen at, the Redington House, and al­ Onen Tufts sold a nice four-years old ter forty-two o‘f the Public Laws ot eighteen 3.10 P M. For and arriving at Milo 4.31 p. m., The fly fishing at B pond, in the pools below though he has been there Imt a short time he mare to Mr. Scribner of Farmington. hundred and ninety-nine, and upon the peti­ Daily except Sun. Sun only Brownville 4.42 p. m., Norcross 5.38 p.m , MilII- is getting tilings in good shape and everybody tion of five or more citizens of the state, and nocket 5.52 p m, Sherman 6.40 p m. Patten the dam and the trolling in Pond in the Chalmer Vose disposed of two last | deeming it tor tlie best interest of the state, AM PM PM AM PM is being well taken care of. week. One went to Geo. French of Rangeley Iv 7.54 3 30 7 15 8.25 2 00 7.03 p m. Island Falls, 7.03 p m, Houlton 8.00 p River have been very fine the past week and Among those recently there are Dr. E. C. the Commissioners of Inland Fisheries and R L. H. wharf lv 8 00 3.35 7.20 8.30 2 05 m , Mars Hill and Blaine 9 12 p. ni., Presque some record catches have been made. Merrill, Farmington; E. M. Chandler, Wilton ; Phillips and the other to Mr. Wey­ Game, after due notice to all persons inter­ Mt View Iv 8.40 4.15 8.00 9 10 2.45 Isle 9.47 p. m. Caribou 10.15 p. m., Fort Fair- ested in the subject matter of said petition, Rangeley Outlet ar 8.45 4.20 9.15 2.50 field 10.C5 p. m. J. H. Cocliey, J. E. Cocliey and J. T. Apple- C. M. Carr, Strong; John Locke, William mouth of Portland. Mr. Vose is hand­ and public hearing ihereon in the locality to Locke, Portland; G. H. Locke, Boston; C. C. ling a 'ot of hors’=•. Lewiston parties 4.45 P. M —For and arriving at Lagrange ton have taken their allowance of fish with Murray, Boston; H. F. Beedy and wife, D. F. be affected, and deeming it necessary and UP TRIP. 6 05 P. m., Milo 6 35 p. m , Brownville 6.45 p. the fine average of 2J pounds. Mr. George Field and wife, Phillips; William B. Smart, have taken a good six years-old bay proper for the protection and preservation of Daily except Sun. Sun only m., Katabdin Iron Works 7.25 p. m., Dover Ridlon made some very good catches with a the well-known journalist of Boston. mare from Frj,tt Wood. She is a goot tlie inland fish of tlie state, hereby adopt tlie and Foxeroft, 6 55 p. m , Guilford 7 19 p m., following needful Rules and Regulations re­ A M P M P M A M P M Monson Junction 7 55 p. m , Greenville 8.30 p. 6- pound salmon at the head. H. S. WoodMr. and Smart is a regular yearly visitor. The actor. Another good one was sold by lating to the times and places in which and Rangeley Outlet lv ’ 0 00 5 00 10 30 4.30 H. S. Hayes of Brooklyn caught fifteen trout Mt View lv 10.05 5 05 8.15 10.35 4.35 m..Quebec 1.30 p. m .. Montreal 8.35a.m. fishing lias been good and most of the above Wallace Safford. the circumstances under which inland fish ARRIVALS. at B pound whose average weight was 2 named went out last Monday, taking with mav be taken in the waters of Kennebago Rangeley ar 10.50 5.E0 9.00 11.20 5 20 pounds, largest 4 pounds. C. E. Clark, A. T. them a fine lot of trout. The interest in the circuit events is and Rangeley Streams in Franklin County. 9.20 A. M.—Leaving Montreal 8.05 p. m., Que­ Willard and E. C. Atkinson of Coos, N. H., re­ running up pretty well. Preparations The above time-table shows ’ime boats bec 2.40 p. m., Greenville at 6.30 a. m., turned home with a good number of line fish. may be expected to arrive and depart from for the races which wi 1 be trotted here RULES AND REGULATIONS. the several points, but is not guaranteed. Monson Junction 6.25 a m .Guilford 6.42 a. m., Mr. C. W. Dunham of West Paris caught a Willows Hotel. Dover 7.00 a. m., Katahdin Iron Works 6.20 a 7- pound salmon, a 3J-pound salmon and a 2£- June 29, are completed. Not much in Section 1. In addition to the present law H H. FIELD, Gen’l Man’g’r. m, Brownville 7.20 a. m., Milo 7.30 a. m .La­ pound trout in one half day below the dam i’11 on the above described waters, relating to grange 7.57 a. m. [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods.] regard ' o the en ries can be said yet, fishing, it shall be unlaw ul to fish for, take the big pool. but it is probql Is that there will be 1.05 P. M.—Leave Caribou 6.25 a. m. Presque Some of the recent arrivals are: F. D. New­ F a r m in g t o n , June 18, 1901. or catch any fish at any time In Kennebago Isle 6.52 a. m., Fort. Faiifield 6.30 a. ni., H011I- comb, New London ;J. II. Cochey, J. F. Cocliey present all the horses and the races will Stream in tlie County of Franklin, from the ton 8.26 a. m., Ashland 7 10 a. m., Masardis not lack for interest. source of said Stream in Kennebago Lake to Teams of All 7.36 a. m., Weeksboro 8 28 a. m , Smyrra Mills Lynn; J. T. Appleton, Salem; Geo. W. Ridlon, Recent arrivals at the Willows Hotel a point opposite tlie boat house or the Oquos- West Paris; Dr. D. 1). Snyder, Lowe'l; W. W. It is probable that Alice L, who is 8.61 a. m., Island Falls 9.23 a. in., Patten 9.16 a. Smith, Springfield; H. J. Hatlieway, Portland; are: soc Angling Association at Indian Rock, ex­ in., Sherman 9.46 a. m., Millinocket 16.33 a. Mrs. S. Boothbv, Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Robin­ P. H. Wins’ow, Gardiner ; Ed Tavlor, Chas. being ha. died by I. W Pottle, and cept in the ordinary method of fishing with m.t Ncrcross 10 45 a. m., Brownville 11.36 a. rod and artificial flies, for a period of four Descriptions. m., Milo 11.45 a. m. son. Portland; Lewis Parkliurst, Boston; Hodgman, Kingfield; J. Rosenthal, C. H. owned by H. J. Lessard of Portland years from July 1st, A. D.. 1901; provided, H. B. Houghton, G. W, Burgess, Bnrre, VI.; Bowclon, S. Simpson, A. T. Loomis, Boston; will be one of the starters. 7.20 P. M.—Leaving Greenville 3.36 p. m. C. L. Ripley, Andover; Chas.HsrasTson, Rum- F. A. Russell, D. J. Norton, Wilton; Don A. H. however, that from tlie time flic ice is all out Monson Junction 4.30 p.m..Guilford 4.47 p. m.t ford Fails; H. S. Hayes, H. S. wood,Brooklyn; Powers, Moulton; L. L. Hubbard, Brunswick; These classes are popular, 2.29 and 2.40 in the Spring to July 1st of each year, it shall Parties desiring teams o f any kind Dover 5 05 p m.,Limestone 10.40a nr, Van Buren Dr. Arthur Gage, Lowell; F G. Parsons, Cole- be lawful to troll in the ordinary manner for 10 05 a. m., New Sweden H.07 a. m., CaribcE W. A. French, Winthrop; John Hennings, and will each be for a purse of $100. fish, from said point opposite said boat house to any point in this region can be ac­ brook. N. H.; Chas. E. Clark, A. F. Willard, Portland; E. E. Chase, Bluehill; D. O. Iles- Then there will be a ball game fora 11.60 a., m., Presque Isle 12.20 p. m. Fort Fair- T. C. Atkinson, Coos, N. H.; T. B. Simpson, cock, Boston; E. L. Savage, Lewiston; W. P. up to the sign on the tree at the Lower * alls. commodated by notifying field 11.15 a. m., Houlton 2.06 p. m., Island New York; Wm. Scott, H. P. Aleott, Boston; Dennis, W. C. Jordan, Ed A. Hall, L. B. purse of $25. Music for tl e day, and Se c t io n 2. It shall be unlawful to fish in Falls 3.02 p. m., Patten 2.55 p ni Sherman 3.26 Seldon Sawtelle, Lowell; J. G. Giberson, Waugh, Portland; W. E. Moody, Augusta; good music too, will be furnished by any way in Rangeley Stream, except in the p. m. Millinocket, 4.15 p m, Norcross 4.28 p m, »Groveton ; G. R. Waters, Errol, N. H.; T. H. ordinary m e hod wit h rod and artificial Hies, HUNTOON & OAKES, Katahdin Iron Works 3 00 p m, Brownville T. 8. Norton, Lawrence; A. B. Carter, Bangor; the Kingfield band. Special train serv for four’ years from July 1st, A. D., 1901. Hanley, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Clouston. Boston; C. E. Lewis, Lewiston ; E. P. Chase, Orange; ice on the railroads will be given. A PROPRIETORS. 5.27 p m, Milo 5.37 p m, Lagrange 6.05 p m. L. P. Morse, Shelburne, N. H.; I.. W. Stiek- U. N. Nash, L. L. Hubbard, Dover; J. Henry Dated this Tenth day of June, A. I)., 1901. GEO. M. HOUGHTON# ney, Calais, Vt.; F. A. Curtis, Guildhall, V t.; Rice, Walter Murphy, S. E. Dustin, Rockland; good time is assured, for Kingfield L. T. Ca r l ,e t o n , 1 Commissioners Stable next to Oquossoc H ouse. Gen’l Passenger and Ticket Agert. Mrs. Wm. H. White, New Y ork; A. B. Rock- John S. Heald1 Portland; J. P. Dudley, Strat­ nerer fails. H e n r y O St a n l e y , | o f Inland W, M. BROWN, Superintendent. wood, Lewiston. ton. Ch a r l e s E. Oa k , ) Fisheries and Game. Rangeley, - - Maine. Bangor, Me., Nov. 7. 1900. MAINE WOODS , JU N E 21, 1901 &

DRV AND FANCY GOODS. I DRY AND FANCY GOODS. they have helepd to more healthful liv­ IN AND ABOUT STRONG. SPECIAL NOTICES ing. “ The Death-Bringing House Fly” gives housekeepers sientifle reasons for dreading this summer pest. A new Ball Games Saturday Call Out a Lost. DYSPEPSIA source of pleasure is opened to readers Saturday, between post office and Frank who profit by the plain instructions on Good Crowd. Savage’s house in Avon, a wallet containing a sum of money. Finder will be rewarded “ The making of Plaster Casts.” The [Special correspondence to Maine Woods.] by leaving same at Maine Woons office. recipe departments are devoted largely Phillips, Me., June 17.T90L St r o n g , June 19, 1901. to different ways of serving the fruits Foowtear. of the season aud by their aid many The toothpick mill will shut down to­ G ood man wanted in this locality by entirely new and tempting desserts may day for the summer. A. T. Morris, Cincinnati, O. Write me I be made. Ladies’ Boots. J. C. Tirrell had a good catch of fish Notice. on the Valley brook one day last week. Tills is to certify that my wife, Leona IX Calvin Gray caught a basketful of Horne, deserted my bed and board, her eh i Queen, $15o Died Under Anesthetic. dren and home, on the 28tli day of October nice trout on Crosby brook, Saturday. Without any cause whatever, and after th James Lynch, who lives at the corner date, I will not be responsible for any b i l Buttercup, 2.00 Later, with P. W. Mason, 135 fair sized that she may contract. G. If. HoiiSTE. of Cherry and Mulberry streets, Provi­ Black and Russet. ones were caught. Weld, June 1,1901. dence, died June 7 at noon while under­ R. S. Johnson and W. L, Guild found Help Wanted. Riverton, 2.50 m going an operation for the removal of about sixty fish in Day Mountain pond f <* the index flrjger of his left hand. Some Young lady to do writing in an office. Pa 5? Black and Russet. and the neighboring brooks. $9.00 a week and board. Address, B., Ma INK My DYSPEPSIA CURE positively months ago, while playing with a dog, Several parties have seen deer just Woods office, Phillips. cures ail forms of indigestion or stom­ Lynch had his finger bitten. The fam­ above the village during the past few Oxford Shoes. ach trouble. It rejuvenates worn-out ily physician, Dr. Clinton H. Crocker, Notice. stomachs. It builds up stomachs that was called in and not being a surgeon days. They were of good size. All persons indebted to the firm of D. F, have been weakened by powerful cath­ Field & Co., are requested to settle their a c­ Black, Russet and Wine, from C to EE wide, be called Dr. Clarence Budlong, after Mrs. Merrill aud Mrs. Record are back counts either by cash or by note within 3 artics and old-fashioned nostrums. making an examination of the injured for the summer. days. D. F. F i e l d , Phillips N at’l Bank. prices, $1.00 to §2.00. iUutiyou’ e Dyspepsia (lure corrects bleatingof finger. Since that time Lynch has been the stomach, palpitation of the heart, shortness of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McKeen fished up Boston School Shoe, $1.25 'o $1.50. breath, and all affections of the heart caused by in­ under the care of Dr. Budlong. Shoe and Rubber Repairing. digestion, wind on the stomach, belching wind or Friday it was decided to amputate the valley for two aud a half hours and Misses Oxford Ties, Black and Russet, 61 00. sour food,bad taste, offensive breath, loss of appetite, secured twenty-six beauties. All hut I have opened a shoe and rubber repairing faintness or weakness of the stomach, improper cir­ the finger. It had not healed as it Fitzu— A good, stylish shoe for Gents. Black culation, coated tongue, heart-burn or water-brash. should have and there were signs of three of them were so large that they shop under Bates block and shall be pleasecS His Headache Cure stops headache in 3 minutes. blood poisoning. Chloroform was ad­ had to be bent before they would go in­ to recieve a call from all who need work in and Wine, $3.50 Munyon’s Pile Ointment cures all forms of piles. ministered to Lynch and the operation my line. Munyon’s Blood Cure corrects all blood impurities. to the basket. Munyon’s Liver Cure corrects headache, bilious­ was performed, but tbe patient did not Ge o . H. Y o u n g . ness, jaundice, constipation and all liver diseases. come out of if, and it was found that he A. R. Knight and F. A. Look got forty Phillips, April 1, 1901. ¿f? * if? Munyon’s Female Remedies are a boon to women. had died while under the influence of trout in one day’s fishing. Munyon’s Asthma Cure andHerbs.areguaranteedto Notice. relieve asthma in three minutes and cure in five days. the anesthetic. Herbert Dyer of Cambridge, is visit­ Munyon’s Catarrh Remedies never fail. Medical Examiner Perkins -was sum­ I am prepared to do all kinds of wood work: Munyon’s Vitalizer restores lost powers to weak moned and made an investigation of the ing his grandfather, Wm, Dyer. at the prevailing prices. New work done by 0. B. SEDGELEY. men. Price, $1. 0 order. All work .guaranteed. Shop over H, Munyon has a cure for every disease. The Guide case. After acquainting himself with C. V. Starbird has his new 100 horse A. Staples’s blacksmith shop. to H onlth (free) tells of them. Cures, mostly 25 cts. the facts the medical examiner came to power boiler in place. He expects to George Harnden. Munyon, New York and Philadelphia. Phillips, Maine. the conclusion that Lynch probably start up next Monday. MUNTON’S INHALER CURES CATARRH. died of heart failure brought on by poison from the bite of the dog. Edwin Hitchc#3k has returned from C. W. BELL, M. D. Lynch had been married scarcely a his visit to Boston. Literary Notes. Physician and Surgeon, year and was 23 years of age. Deputy Sheriff J. B. Noble of Phil­ The June Cosmopolitan opens with The young man referred to above was (Office at residence of J. H. BeU.) lips, was in town Monday. an article on “ The Artist and His formerly a resident of Phillips and was STRONG, . - . MAINE. known as “ Mike” Lynch. It will be Dr. Harry Hitchcock of Farmington, Model,” by Gustav Kobbe. The best Telephone connection remembered that his brother, Jerry, was visiting friends here Saturday. Every Woman models, the writer states, are the Amer­ died about a year ago. Mr. Harry Stubbs returned, Monday, ican born children of foreigners, as the from his studies at Harvard Medical Cheap Prices In Fall and Winter f better care and nourishment received in school. Styles of I America tend toward a more perfect Saves Two From Death. Mrs. Claries Gilkey of Farmington, Loves 3eauty, physical development. In “ A View of “ Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Lucy Wall Paper | Pierpont Morgan and His Work,” E. C. bronchitis,” writes Mrs. W. K. Havi- Pratt. — AND Macliers gives a new idea of the V*ril- land of Armonk, N. Y., “ but, when all Miss Ethel Purington of the Normal liaut financier. He regards Mr. Morgan other remedies failed, we saved her life spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Curtains as an intensely Democratic American with Dr. King’s New Discovery. Our j Values Comfort, niece, who had Consumption in an ad­ Leona Fogg. who may yet become an important fac­ vanced stage, also used this wonderful Next Sabbath the presiding elder will c. E. DYERS ) tor in bringing about more harmonious medicine and today she is perfectly preach in the Methodist church. Drug Store, relations between capital aud labor well.” Desperate throat and lung di­ Children’s day will be observed at the “ The Youngest Soldiers In the World,” seases yield to Dr. King’s New Discov­ Strong, Haine. Appreciates Economy, ery as to no other medicine on earth. Methodist church June 30. by Allen Sangue, describes the valorous j Infallible for Coughs and Colds. 50c Mr. Arthur Norton aud family of deeds of the Boer youngsters, some of and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by W. A. Farmington are visiting at Ernest whom are veterans at fourteen or fif D. Cragin. Trial bottles free. BLACKSMI THING. Taylor’s. teen. “ Ancassin and Nicolete,” the Roy Taylor, who has been visiting at It Is About Timeto sweet old French song story, is retold So There is a Treat in Examination of Teachers for E. H. Long’s has returned to his home Get Your . . . by Richard Le Gallieune. Ian Mac- in Auburn. Laran has a story called ‘ ‘The Bailie’s State Certificates. Store for Women who A few evenings ago the pupils of the Mowing Machines Double” and Tudor Jenks furnishes an The annual examination of teachers Grammar school gave their teacher, AND amusing sketch entitled ‘ ‘The Umbrella for state certificates will occur Friday, Mrs. Daisy Worthley, a surprise party. of Justice.” August 23. 1901. H ave Not Worn a Pair of They spent a very pleasant evening at The places at which examinations her home. Dr. G. Frederick vv'right of Ob-rlin, will be held will be so arranged, as far The people of Strong who enjoy a ball “ fashion’s contributes to the June McClure’s an as practicable, that every teacher taking game were provided with two of them interesting and readable article on the examination can leave home in the “ Geology and the Deluge.” The recent last Saturday. In the forenoon the Favorite.” morning, take the examination in full, Button and remarkable geological discoveries in Strongs played the Phillips High school. Asia are described and the harmony be and return the evening of the same day. Queen tween the biblical aud geological stories Public announcement of the places se­ Considering the amount of practice that Quality clearly shown. In “ The World of lected will be made in due season and each team had the game was a good one. Lace Shoes, Graft” series Josiah Flini discourses of special notice thereof will be sent to all A number of good plays were made. Horse Rakes. Oxfords, the present condition of Boston, which registering before August 5 The home team came in ahead and tin be calls a plain-clothes-man’s tovMi be­ The subjects in which candidates will score stood 14 to 13. In the afternoon a From the light and dainty $2.50. cause the criminals are kept constantly be examined are reading, writing, spell­ large crowd gathered to witness a gatuu on the alert. Vice does not flourish so ing, arithmetic, geography, English between the Farmington High School dress shoes to the more Light Flexible Sole, openly as in Chicago or New York, aud grammar, U. S. histoiy, physiology and team and a team picked from Strong organized gambling has been done away hygiene, elementary science or nature and Phillips. This was an interesting Medium Heel. with, but there is still some room for studies, civil government, theory and game but the victory lay with the down substantial boot, “ crooks” in Boston. John Burroughs practice of teaching, and school law. river boys. The score was 19 to 7. Other Styles for Street, has a poem “ Bobolink” —and E. S. The last meeting of the North Fra; k Dress, House, Outing. Martin a light and pi asing essay on lin Pomona grange was held with the At $3 .00. “ Women.” The fiction is contributed Seven Years In Bed. | Aurora grange in Strong Two new Exact Reproduction of this Style Shoe. by Rudyard Kipling, Sarah Orne Jewett ] members were taken in. No very im- We have the neatest thing out in a scytho —who has a pretty story with her usual “ Will wonders ever cease?” inquire grinder Come and see it. the friends of Mrs. L. Pease of Law­ j portant business was transacted. The insight into New England character,— j different granges gave their reports Robert Barr, David Gray and Ellsworth rence, Kan. They knew she had been C. E. Rideout, New Lawns, New Prints, New Ginghams. unable to leave her bed in seven years which were of an encouraging nature. Kelley. There is also a Wall street It was voted to accept the invitation of PHILLIPS, - MAINE. tragedy by Lefevre. on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debil­ the grange at Rangeley to hold the next Prices to suit all customers in Capes, Jackets, Suits, Wrappers. Sum­ ity; but, “ Three bottles of Electric Bit­ meeting with them, July 27. Of the We are sorry if the average American ters enabled me to walk,” she writes, charter members only two were present, Iron and Wood Work. mer Corsets at 45 cents. Job lot 5 1-2 to 9 Cotton Hose at 13 cents, at Mrs. Henry Allen and Mrs. Lionel True. woman has such a poor reputation for “ and in three months I felt like a new I am now prepared to do all kinds paying her dressmaker’s bills as Mr. person.” Women suffering from Head­ of carriage, iron and wood work and Bok’s editorial in the June Ladies’ ache, Backache, Nervousness, Sleepless­ Home Journal would have us believe. ness, Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy S. L. Savage, painting. All kinds oi hard w ood SHEPARD’S. But the cases which he cites will make Spells will find it a priceless blessing. Carriage work and wood work oi ever; lumber, and all kinds of repairs each feminine reader resolve that Try it. Satisfaction is guaranteed description done in a workmanlike mannei kept on hand. Heavy farm wagons promptness in such matters shall be her by W. A. D. Cragin. Only 50c. Lower floor connecting with Rideout’s nav My store will close at 6 30 on Tuesday and Friday during July and August, blacksmith shop. built to order. Horseshoeing and invariable rule in the future. Consider­ job work a specialty. able space is devoted to the fascinating am now able to attend the work myself, story of “ The Dashing Kate Chase and Flagstaff. Her Great Ambition.” In “ Love Sto­ Rev. Mr. Johnson preached at 3 p. m., We Have Left a Few T. R. WING, ries of the Zoo,” Mr. Clifford Howard Sunday mnd will hold a service here and tells of some tragic courtships and one at Dead River every Sunday through More of Those Phillips, - Maine. shows the almost human affection of the summer. which some animals are capable. “ The Mr. and Mrs. Walter Newell have re Young Gentleman of the Woodshed” FISHING RODS and was a mischievous tame crow who had a turned from Camp Chimes and have Cotton Rubber white pigeon for his valet. Needle- rented A. B. Douglass’s house for the which we mentioned last week. summer. workers will enjoy the page given to They won’t last much longer, Garden and Lawn lace collars and ties, while housekeep­ On the sick list are Mr«. Ruth Bur­ ers of all degrees will find much of in­ bank, Mrs. SyIvina Taylor and Mrs. though. terest in the various departments on Sarah Wright. Do you know we have had flowers, cooking and fashions. Several people from the village went to fight to keep for our own use HOSE! to Spring Lake Saturday. The American Kitchen Magazine has At a meeting of those interested in one of tho e “ Cincinnati Bass” a description of “ Native Housekeeping- the order of the Eastern Star, June 8, hooks? They are the neatest Lawn in Lao, Upper Siam,” which ought to the date of Tuesday, June 25, was make Americans contented with their chosen as the day for organizing, when thing in the world for brook lot. For however much they might some of the grand lodge officers will be trout. Have had to get another Sprinklers, Etc., present. look with longing toward the land supply. where the wages of a ten dollar buffalo Mr. Frank Cox of Eustis is doing the AT — support a family in comfort, where mason work on Carroll Viles’s house. housework is reduced to a minimum Mr. Charles Harris is finishing the Fremont Scamman, and garments cut by layiDg the person rent under Masonic hall. H. I. SPINNEY’S.' to be fitted down on the cloth and mark­ PHILLIPS, MAINE. ing around him all these advantages The mail route from Carrabas Quality and Prices Right. might be offset by the dread of having sett to Flagstaff has been bidden off by Connected with both Eastern and Pirigo a wild elephant pull down one’ s house, Mr. Alvah Durophy of Dead River and Tel. Lines. Cor. Broadway and Pleasant St , will change hands July 4. and the children would object to the Farmington, - Maine. custom of having the youngest child to Sportsmen are plenty coming and go­ do all the dirtiest work. The various ing from Spring Lake, where nice TAPE departments of this practical little mag­ catches of salmon and togue are made. In The Near azine maintain their usual excellence. Letters received from Ray Yiles, who is in the Maine General hospital at WORMS “ A tape worm eighteen feet long at The July Delineator is a noteworthy Portland, report Yiim as gaining rapidly. least came on the scene after my taking two Future. number. It has an article on the color CASCARETS. This I am sure has caused my bad health for the past three years. I am still scheme of the Exposition at Buffalo. taking Cascarets, the only cathartic worthy of I shall be in your town with my The illustrations printed in colors, are Tory Hill, Phillips. notice by sensible people.” If your dealer does not carr^ them write to Taunton lion Works, made from the sketches of C. Y. Turner, Geo. W. Bowles, Baird, Miss. 1901 spring and summer line of the director of color to the exposition. Frank Adams is visiting friends on . Taunton, M a ss. Sold by The paper giving plain directions for the hill. CANDY woolens. The largest and best as­ WILFRED McLEARY, making the new shirt waists and skirts W. B. Hoyt was oyer the hill on busi­ r m. CATHARTIC sortment I have ever had at the same Farmington, - - Maine. will greatly assist the borne dress­ ness last Monday. maker, and the new fashions are, as Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Robbins are visit­ low prices. A ll work guaranteed. usual, illustrated in great variety. ing at George Hood’s. L m m o o Don’t place your order till you have Mrs. William Moores and little daugh­ TRADE MARK REOISTIRED FIRE. “ Women Who Dignify Household ter visited friends in Madrid last week. looked me over. Labor,” is the title of the opening arti­ Are you a business man? Are you a house orms? Mrs. W. H. Bunnell and children of holder? Are you afraid of Are? Your anx cause sickness, and sometimes death, in^- cle in for June. children, before their presence is suspect­ East Monmouth are visiting at L. B. Pleasant. Palatable, Potent, Taste Good. Do FRED C. MOWER, ety will be relieved' if you carry Are insur ed. Give them a few doses of Mrs. Lincoln, Miss Parloa, Mrs. Ewing Good, Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c, 50c. ance in The Home, Aetna, German-America! and other well known women are Bunnell’s. or Niagara Fire Insurance companies. TRUE’S pin worm ELIXIR ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... TAILOR,, If worms are present they will be expelled. among those mentioned, and a little Mrs. A. E. Bunnell and children vis­ Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, New York. 313 HARRY F. BEEDY, Agent, |\ A ¿armless vegetable tonic. 35c. at druggi»ts. knowledge of their personality will he ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Revere Block, - - Auburn, rialne Phillips, nalne Dr. J. F. TRUE A CO., Auburn. Me. Hit T il D IO Sold and guaranteed by all drng- eagerly sought by the thousands whom Carvi 11 at Kingfield one day last week. RU* I U'OAv gists to C1JISE Tobacco Habit. «■ 6 MAINE WOODS, JUNE 21, 1901

G E N T ’ S F U R N IS H IN G S . js CALL ON Jt TALK OF NORTH FRANKLIN. CIRCUIT EVE NTS —Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Mannis and D. S. AUSTIN, young son arrived in town Wednesday. Kingfield Driving Association Phillips Hardware Co., —Mr. and Mrs. George Noble and Will Open the Season at Kingfield, June 29th, LARRABEE BLOCK, family are at the home of Mr. Noble’s With classes and purses as iollow s: 2.29 class, trot and pace, purse $100; 2.40 class, trot for all kinds o f Hardware, Paints, father, J. B. Noble. a ad pace, purse $100. $25 offered lor baseball game See entry blanks for conditions. Oils and Varnishes. Crockett’s pre­ —The High school nine will play Address S J. WYMAN, Kingfield, Me. KINGFIELD, - - MAINE, either the Kingfields or Farmingtons at PANTS. servative ior hardwood doors, W H. Toothaker park, Saturday afternoon. Somerset Agricultura! Society Has full line of John’s asbestos house paint, Doors —Saturday evening the members of Will Open the Season at Madison, June 22. and Windows. Stoves, the Glen- Sandy River Lodge, No. 115 K. of P., wood range that makes cooking so and their families spent a social even Groceries, easy, the Round Oak and W onder ing at their hall. North Anson Trotting Association —On the 8th inst., the High School Will celebrate the 4tli of July with a with Grand Blowout, Horse Trot, Fantasties, Noise heating stoves, Agricultural Inipli and Fun. ball team played a team from Rangeley, Admission to each event, 25cts. ments, etc. at Toothaker park. The game was Boots and We buy in large quantities, pay one-sided and rather devoid of excite­ spot cash, get all the discounts there ment from the first as the scores were NEWS OF KINGFIELD. almost entirely on one side. At the Shoes, Flour, are, and will give our customers the close of the game the score stood 35 to benefit of the same. Story of Sermons, Town Meeting I FOURTH OF JULY 5. —Advertisements in the Ma in e and Coining Races. Phillips Hardware Co., W oods are read. Every week adver­ AT Tinware, etc. tisers leport sales as a result of their [Special correspondence to the Maine Woods] j NO. 7 BEAL BLOCK. advertising the proceeding week. K in g f ie l d , Me., June 18, 1901. —E. P. Clayton Post No. 134, and FARillNGTON. E. P, Clayton Corps No. 4, of Strong, Geo. D. Huntoon of Rangeley, was j New Stock. Prices Right. will observe Childrens’ day with Mr. here on a business trip Monday. Arrangements have been made by the and Mrs. George T. Jacobs at their Mrs. Mary Norris returned Saturday I narrow gauge lines of Franklin county, Give us a call. Don’t Wait. home ou the Milo Square, Saturday, night front a visit to her brother and j to leave a very few people at home to Are your June 29. Picnic dinner will be served look after things, while everybody else S ^ O ur Teas, Coffees and Spices at 12 M. All are invited. Department sister in Massachusetts. goes to Farmington to celebrate the Commander Wm. Y. Clayton is ex­ Mr. B. G. Quimby of Lowell, is ex- j Glorious Fourth. a specialty. pected to be present. pected on a visit to Mr. Sewall Potter, j The rates are to be made very low Mowing Machines —The members of the executive com­ and will try the fishing. Mr. ^Quimby and the train service to accommodate in running order? Don’t wait till mittee of West Phillips and Madrid everybody. Social union, are requested to meet at has not been here for three years. you commence haying before order­ the Union church, West Phillips. June R. L. Butler is giving some good | Round Trip Tickets will We do not think it neces­ ing repairs. Let us know what you 20, at 2 o’clock. If the day is stormy Paint! Paint! Paint! trades at his store this week. be sold as follows. need for the W alter A , W ood and meet next fair day at same time and DO NOT FORGET THE NAME sary to tell the readers of Deering machines. place. Miss Jane Austin of Farmington, was —A regular meeting of North Frank in town over Sunday visiting her1 All points on the line of the Phillips & Rangeley road to Farmington and re­ Maine W oods where to buy E. C. LUFKIN, lin Pomona Grange, P. of EL No 22, brother, D. S. Austin. Mr. Austin’s turn only $1; Phillips to Farmington will be held with Oquossoc grange, brother, Frank, is to assist him through and return, 50c; Strong to Farmington pants. They know already. Phillips, - . Maine. Rangeley, Thursdny, June 27, at 10 a.m. Is the kind to buy, as it wears long the summer. and return, 30c; Salem to Farmington Picnic dinner. Cl a r a A. Fr e n c h , and is sold at the right price. Sec’y. _ Messrs. Sewall Potter, Chalmer Vose, and return, 50c; Kingfield to Farming- What we wish to do is to ton and return, 75c; Carrabassett and —The King’s Daughters will meet this Ardiue Henderson and Malcolm Brown Bigelow to Farmington and return, $ 1. L. L. nitchell, Druggist, tell how and where WE buy Friday evening with Mrs. J. F. Hilton. went to Long falls, Saturday, and spent At this meeting will occur the election TRAIN SERVICE. of officers for the coming six months. Sunday and Monday. AGENT, them. As the regular meetings are to be sus­ Dr. O. W. Simmons is having his Leave Rangeley at 3 a. m., 10 a, m., Kingfield, - - Maine. pended thi’ough the months of July and house wired for electric lights. 11.30 a. m. ; Phillips, 7.20 a m., 12 M., To get the best results we August, it is especially requested that a Miss Lydia Woodard spent Sunday l. 25 p. m. ; Bigelow, 6 a. m., 11 a. m ; large number may be present on this Carrabassett, 6.20 a. m., 1120 a. m.; R. D. SIMONS, M. D., buy early in the season. By evening. with her parents in New Portland. Kingfield, 6.50 a. m., 12 45 p. m. ; Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Fairbrother of North Physician and Surgeon. —Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Morse of Atlan­ 7.40 a. m., 12.2S p. m., 1.40 p. m.; arriv­ KINGFIELD, so doing we get a larger as­ tic City, N. J., arrived in Phillips and Anson, were in town Sunday. ing at Farmington at 8.10 a. m., 1.15 p. Telephone. MAINE. stopped at Phillips Hotel, Wednesday The town is putting in a sewer for the m. and 2.15 p. in. sortment to pick irom than night, on their way to Rangeley. They benefit of residents on High street. Returning, leave Farmington at 4.50 diove up from Brettun’s Mills on that p. m. for Phillips, Kingfield, Bigelow if we boughr late. day and to Rangeley, Thursday evening. Mrs. Voter returned Saturday eve and Rangeley and at 6 p. m., or after W, S. Dollier, Kiiiiield. Machinist. Mr. Morse has been at Buffalo, where from a two week’s trip with her hus­ \ the races, for Phillips and Rangeley and Machine work o f all kinds. Bicy­ he has charge of the New Jersey School band. ; at 10 p. m., or after the fireworks, for and Forestry exhibits. cle repairing a specialty. Full line Postmaster G. H. Winter has reno- Phillip“, Kingfield and Bigelow. Freight —Allie M., wife of Hon. L. T. Carle- trains on above date are cancelled. of Bicycle Sundries on hand. Bring ton, died at her home in Winthrop, Sat­ vated the interior of the post office with all kinds of machine work to my urday, after a long and painful illness paint, and has made a big change in the F. N. BEAI , FLETCHER POPE, Q. n VOSE Supt Qen’ l Man’g’ r. Supt. shop. caused by a cancer. Mrs. Carleton was appearance of the room. W e’ll be ready for C AM P born in Winthrop fifty years ago. She Dr. O. W. Simmons and wife spent by I P . M. for I found all was preeminent in the Woman’s Relief Alarm Clocks . . . Corpr. She leaves, besides her hus­ two days in Farmington last week visit­ versalist church. The following pro- theCanned Goods, Evap­ band, a mother and several other rela­ ing friends. I gram was rendered: as well as all other articles found in a orated Fruits. Pickles, Opening Song,—Praise Ye the Lord. first-class jewelry store can be obtained of tives. Mr. G. F. Lowell, the jeweler, went to Condensed Milk, etc. at —The state assessors, Messrs. Otis Scripture Reading. Portland to spend Sunday with his par­ Prayer. C. F. LO W ELL. Hayford, James Plummer, and George Song by School —Summer Sun. Edgar R. Toothaker’s. Pottle were in Phillips the first of the ents. Recitation, Carleton Hutchins.P. O. Block, - Kingfield, Me. Song, Blanche Saunders. First-Class Repairing. week meeting the selectmen of the sur­ Professor Guy Small, the popular Recitation, Donald Norton. rounding towns. They held meetings pr|nc|pai 0f the village school, will Song by school—When the Heart Is Full of in Oxford county, then went up the T _ , . _ . “ . Love. spend his vacation in Portland, where Recitation, Mabel Hutchins. E. C. STANLEY lakes and thence to Phillips. They re­ Motion song. I. No. 3 port a good feeling all over the state he wifi be conductor on one of the Recitation by three children. I is prepared to furnish his customers especially among the farmers. Money street car lines. Garland of Gladness. Recitation, Robert Saunders.with ice cream and the best of soda. is easier. Timber owners are more en­ Miss Edith Talcott, teacher of the In­ Solo, Mrs. Ballou. couraged. From here they went to Recitation, Verna Glidden. Call and see him. Farmington where they held a meeting, termediate department, wifi spend a Our Sisters. Beal Block part of her vacation at the Pan-Ameri­ Duet and chorus—Oh Send Them the Gospel. Wednesday. Recitation, Blanche Saunders.Kingfield, - - Maine. Nbw A dvertisements . can exposition in Buffalo, and visiting Solo, Mrs.Simmons. See prices ou footwear in G. B. Sedge- friends at Nunda, N. Y. Sermon by one of the children. Is the place to buy ley’ s ad. The schools close this week. Abner Mayo and wife of Salem, spent W. A. D. Cragin adverthes fishing Alhambra Lodg1', K. of P., will oh- rien’s Over Shirts, 50c. tackle. Sunday with friends in town. serve Pythian Sunday at the Universal- j We buy of the largest Anniversary, S;mdy River R. R. change of time. If you haven’ t done your spring paint- jst church Sunday afternoon at 2 30. Men’s Fancy Negligee Shirts Change of time on Franklin & Megan- ing you surely want to call on L. L. pants manufacturing firm tic R. R. Mitchell, the druggist, and get a stock Birthday and Shepard advertises Queen Quality Obituary. at 50c, 75c, and $l.oo. in the United States, We shoes. of Masury’s paint, E. C. Lufkin advertises mowing ma­ The firemen wifi have a grand bail in The illness of Mr. Hiram Chapman mentioned in the last issue of the j buy in large quan lities and Wedding chines. French’s hall, June 29, in the evening Bamford Er os change tbeir ad. M a in e W oods has terminated fatally. Full Assortment of Over­ George Staples changes his ad. after the races. The proceeds are to Though in failing health for some time pay prompt cash. U. M Hunt, Strong, advertisos wire go for the benefit of the fire department. Mr. Chapman was confined to his bed Presents washboards. The rubber coats and bats which were only seven days, passing peacefully alls, Coats, Underwear, These few items, although away Friday, June 14, aged 76 years, j Arbo C. Norton, Farmington, adver­ furnished by the town arrived last week. tises summer goods. His two daughters, Stella, a profes- . and Hosiery. they may seem small, are OF R L. Butler, Kingfield, advertises Col. Wm. Dolbier is slowly recovering sional nurse in Lewiston, and Tena, j men’ s shirts. from an operation for strangulated now wife of Dr. Guy Smith of Water- very important, and are just D. S. Austin, Kingfield, inserts an ad. hernia which he underwent at the bands ville, were summoned early and were Furniture, Circuit events at Kingfield, Madison of Drs. Simons and Spear. The age of with their father to the end, Dr. Srqith R. L. BUTLER, the reasous why we sell bet­ and No th Anson are advertised. the colonel, which is over eighty, is also arriving on Thursday. D. F. Hoyt & Co. advertise pants. much against him but he is doing ex­ Deceased leaves a wife, two daugh­ ter made, better quality, A. S. McECeen changes bis ad. ceptionally well for a man of his years. ters, as just mentioned, three sisters, K. of P. Block, Silverware L. L. Mitchell, Kingfield, changes his All are hoping for his recovery. two of them in the west and one the better fitting pants at lower ad. wife of Rev. Leonard Hutchins of East Kingfield, Maine. Bradford, Oonant & Co., Lewiston, In this issue Mr. D. S. Austin, the New Portland, besides a very large and Jewelrv. offer big bargains in carpets. enteipiising young grccer, calls your circle of relatives and friends to mourn prices than you can buy ¡Something of interest to farmers. attention to his tine stock of groceries, their loss. See M. W. Reoords’s ad. etc. He is a hustler and pleases his The funeral of the deceased took elsewhere. The Sandy River, Phillips & Rangeley customers. j place on Sunday morning at 11 o’ clock CALL. when a sermon was“ preached by his and Franklin & Megantio R R.’s adver­ A town meeting is called for Monday, W e have a full line of Fishing tise excursion rates to Farmington 4th June 24, to see if the town wifi vote to 1 pastor, Rev. A. E. Saunders, from the A- M. Greenwood, of July. accept the streets laid out by the select­ text II Timothy, iv, 7. Tackles, 5 and 10 cent counters, 10 men. The town is also asked to con­ At his side sat the other pastors of cent Glassware, Fancy Goods, sider bow to protect the land and road Kingfield, Rev. Messrs. Ward, Ballou, Twitchell & Champlin’s Finest Con­ near Jerry Larrabee’s farm. The river and Davis, all of whom participated in fectionery, always fresh, Ice Cream, w SORES AND bends in at this point and threatens to j the exercises, services having been sus­ take out the highway unless something pended in their own churches on this Fruit and Soda. First-class book ULCERS. ’ s done to prevent it right away. It is occasion. counter Mail orders for books of proposed to put in a straight wing dam The Free Baptist choir rendered very any description promptly attended to. '/o Sores and Ulcers never become chronic and dig across the gravel bed, thus giv­ appropriate and excellent music, one Unless the blood is in poor condition— is ing the river a different course. Another ! selection at the grave being especially J. A. LINSCOTr, J r ’ -- sluggish, weak and unable to throw off article calls for action to see if the town touching and beautiful. Kingfield, - Maine. m the poisons that accumulate in it. The will put in another hydrant near W. F. Deceased was an active member of the system must be relieved of the unhealthy Norton’s. One of the important mat- j Free Baptist church of this place for matter through the sore, and great danger ters to come up at this time is to see if about thirty-six years and during all to life would follow should it heal before the town will contract with the Huse that time kept the faith. the blood has been made pure and healthy Spool and Bobbin company for electric It was one of the largest if not the and all impurities eliminated from the sys­ lights to light the streets. largest funeral ever held in Kingfield tem. S.S.S. begins the cure by first cleans- Shirt Waists Sunday afternoon the Universalist and showed the high esteem in which ing and invigorating the blood, building church was well filled, the occasion be­ the deceased was held by all. Mr. Wil­ up the general health and removing from ing the annual sermon before the Jr. liamson was director. I n f S A CONSTANT DRAM O. U. A. M. The pastor, Rev. W. S. At Half P rice. effitemaUer'. UPON THE SYSTEM. Ballou, preached on American Citizen­ ship from the te x t, “ With a great sum A Good Cough Medicine. Present prices 25 and 5OC. Send your Laundry to the FRANKLIN When this has been accomplished the dis­ obtained I this citizenship.” Acts xxii, STF.AM LAUNDRY, Farmington, Me. All charge gradually ceases, and the sore ox It speaks well for Chamberlain’s 28. We give briefly the substance of Cough Remedy when druggists use it in work guaranteed. ulcer heals. It is the tendency of these old the sermon. “ American citizenship HENRY W . TRUE, Agent,Phillips, Me^ indolent sores to grow worse and worse, their own families in preference to any Ladies’ White Shirt purchased with the blood and treasure other. “ I have sold Chamberlain’s and eventually to destroy the bones. Local of the Revolution and the great Rebel Waists, Lawns and applications, while soothing and to some Cough Remedy for the past five years lion is worth preserving at the cost of with complete satisfaction to myself and extent alleviatepain, cannot reach the seat eternal vigilance on the part of Ameri piques, from 98c to of the trouble. S. S. S. does, and no matter customers,” says Druggist j . Gold can citizens. Duty to the nation begins smith, Van Etten, N. Y. “ I have al­ $1.49. how apparently hopeless your condition, with faithfulness to all the borne insti­ «ren though your constitution has broken ways used it in my own family, both for tutions. in the desire to make of the ordinary coughs and colds and for the Line of Ladies’ Print D. F. HOYT down, it will bring relief when nothin) home town the prettiest, most health­ else can. It supplies the rich, pure bl cough following la grippe, and find it ful, morally and physically, and the very efficacious.” For sale by W. A. Suits, $1.25. necessary to heal the sore and nourish best governed town in the state. It the debilitated, diseased body. Cragin, Phillips; E. H. Whitney, Range Our Best Wrappers Mr. T. B. Talbert, Lock Box *45, Winona, Miss ends in the conscientious endeavor to ley; Dyer’s Drug Store, Strong; Lester aays 1 Six years agogo my leg from the knee t make of ourselves the best possible men L. Mitchell, Kingfield. _ - fr cost only $1 and 1.25. & the foot was one solidId tore,sore aererai physicians and women, physically, intellectually CO., treated me and I madeide two trips to Hot SrSprings, but found no relief. I was induced to try S. 8. S., and spiritually. Except the Lord build nd it made a complete cure. I have been a per- the bouse they labor in vain that build Lang Plantation. Here is the Best Trade ?ectly well man ever since. ” it.” The regular choir, composed of F. A. Furber of Madison was in town tS f& N is the only purely reg- Mrs. O. W. Simmons, Mrs. W. S. Ballou, «table blood purifier one day last week. You Ever Saw. No. 5 Beal Block, Miss Elizabeth Porter, Mr. W. G. Doyen known — contains no and Mr. C. O. Wilkins, furnished excel­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Harris are L j P L ® poisonous minerals to lent music for the occasion. The mem­ visiting friends and relatives in Range- ruin the digestion and bers of the council were well pleased ley. Men’s Shoes, Marine and Granite Monuments. add to, rather than relieve your suffer­ with the sermon and service. Christopher Putnam of Winthrop is Phillips, Maine. I solicit an opportunity of showing you ings. If your flesh does not heal readily visiting old friends and relatives in this my collection of new and artistic designs of when scratched, bruised or cut, your blood Sunday evening about thirty-five Monuments. Statuary, Tablets, Markers, etc. children from the different Sunday place. Mr. Putnam lias not been on the 98 cts. a Pair. Estimates furnished on Cenletery Work to|be is in bad condition, and any ordinary sore river before for about forty years. Agency for the Universa erected anywhere in this vicinity. is apt to become chronic. schools rendered pleasingly the chil­ Send for our free book and write our dren’s concert exercise entitled “ Gar Floyd Taylor is at Chain of Ponds, PHILLIPS MARBLE WORKS, lands of Gladness.” A congregation of clearing the grounds, and painting the S. J. WYMAN, physicians about your case. We make ao Steam Laundry. W. B, Hoyt, Proprietor, charge for this service. about two hundred people attended the camp recently built for P. C. Wiggin of THE 8WIFT SPECIH0 00« ATLANTA, GA. exercises which were'keld in the Uni- Boston. Kinefield, - - Maine. Box 308, - - Phillips, Me. MAINE WOODS, JUNE 21, 1901 7

Freeman Centre. THE SONS AND DAUGHTERS An Entire New Line of Mr. and Mrs. C. IT. Eustis are visiting IT IS GUARANTEED in Dixfleld. They will also visit in Of Weld Hold Fifth Annual Meet­ ----TO---- Farmington and Strong. Manufactured Linzie Thompson entertained his ing In Atlantic, Mass. friends a few nights ago, it being his Not Strictly In Season ive trength birthday. Lemonade Flavored With Weld Underwear, G S Gilbert EiiRtis fished on Gilkey brook Grown Fruits. with very good success, Saturday, June [Special correspondence to M a in e W o o d s .] To Weak Blood 8. He caught thirty-six trout which (Night Robes, Skirts, At l a n t ic C it y , Ma s s ., June 9, 1901. and Weak Nerves. weighed nearly fi p muds. Corset Covers, Etc.) Grass is looking fine and farmers are I'lie fifth reunion of the club was held We Admit— To cure Dyspepsia. To Give Sound looking forward to a good hay crop. at the residence of Mrs. Ida Houghton Also the largest line of Sleep. To brace you up in every wav Several young people of this place en­ Waterhouse, Atlantic, Mass., June 8, joyed a sociable at George Thompson’s 1901. About fifty members were in at­ Thursday evening. tendance, all sustaining a relationship Yet these carpet inducements are worthy of considera­ HOSIERY Smith’s Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Eustis visited rel­ to the beautiful town of Weld, Me., atives and friends in Dixfleld last week. either by birth, descent or^marriage. tion because of the high values at less than fair prices. If Shown in town, both fancy Green Mountain Rev. Mr. Ward of Salem, will preach The time intervening between dinner you have a parlor, dining room, hall and stairs or chamber, at the Centre schoolhouse, Sunday, and the business meeting was occupied and black. Renovator. June 23. in a renewal of old acquaintances and in that needs new floor covering, be assured that here is a ?noney Mrs. Hattie Tuttle of Strong, visited listening to many incidents of olden saving opportunity not to be let slip. Ask your druggist for Renovator. 50 cents days. MISS BANA BEAL, and one dollar. Write St. Albans Remedy her mother and brother in town over All W ool Carpets Co., St Albans, Vt.. about Guarantee. Men­ Sunday. In the absence of the president, Mrs. tion i his paper. Ellen Holt Beedy, the business meeting >- to close quantities 50 cents Phillips, Maine. was presided over by the vice president, Highest grades ) Salem. Mrs. Ida Houghton Waterhouse. The following officers were elected for the New Patterns 'I ; Mr. W. S. Dodge has been doing a big >- • 60 cents business at his mill this season. He ensuing year: President, Mrs. Ida Houghton Waterhouse; vice president, Best All W ool Carpets ) STILL ON HAND. ARBO G. NORTON, h is had ten men at work for him. For C. F. Smith & Co., he has sawed 250,000 Mrs. Ezra H. Wheeler; secretary, Sarah A FEW BARGAINS IN Farmington, Maine. Russell Wheeler; treasurer, Mrs. Clara soruce into boards and dimension stuff Phillips Jones. and has sawed 100,000 lathes. When N. B. Special Price for churches the season closes, he will have sawed Letters were read from absent mem­ Children’s 225,000 feet for himself. It will take bers and an interesting paper on about three weeks longer to complete “ Pioneers and Early families of Weld,” Underwear, the work. Mr. Dodge will deliver in compiled and read by Mr. Frank S? the city market about 300 cords of Pierce of Cambridge, Mass., a son-in- lodges and public places. spruce slabs which will net him a good law of Mrs. Sarah Russell Wheeler, was Hosiery and listened too with a great deal of inter­ sum. Already he has sawed 150,000 of est. A copy of the original deed for the W e shall have fifty new designs in high grade Tapestries w bite birch into squares. G. township, as spread on the records at Corded Waists. to show this week ; these were bought to sell at less than fair <• the state house, copied and furnished by All flillinery and Fancy Mr. Abel D. Russell of Augusta, Me., prices during vacation season, 75 and 85 cts. per yd. II. II. Rice and wife of Farmington, was also read. Goods Harked W ay were in town over Sunday. Many of the articles of food used Standard Body Brussels in great variety of designs and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beals visited in came from Weld. Potato salad was new colorings, $1.00 and $1.10. Down. town this week. made of potatoes from the farm of Mr. W. S. Corbett and mother took a trip George N. Coburn on Center Hill, Velvets, very desirable on account of their acknowledged to Paris, Me., this week. Weld, and the lemonade was flavored wearing qualities, S5 cts., $1.00 and up. Our teacher, Miss Sampson, attended A. F. Timberlake. with fruit juices made from fruit the Commencement exercises at Farm­ picked at Weld by Mrs. Sarah Russell No. 6 Beal Block. GOODS FROM ALL OVER ington, Thursday. Wheeler. 100 Rolls Matting at Mr. Mial Norton, who has been at Supper was served at 6 p. m., after No one country is drawn on for our w’ork for W. S. Dodge, bas returned which the company departed for their BUSINESS CARDS. immense stock of with his wife to Dead River. various homes feeling fully satisfied Silks, This place narrowly escaped a big fire that the fifth anniversary was a com­ Much Less Than Regular, Hosiery, Sunday. It caught on the roof of F. G. plete success. Mill’s house, burning quite a space, but E. B. CURRIER, M. D. Neckwear, Among those present were: Summer prompt action saved it. R oscoe. Mrs. Ida Houghton Waterhouse. Miss Lil­ 15 cts. to 50 cts. per yd. A ll desirable in quality. Underwear, lian M. Waterhouse, Mr. Georye W. Wheeler, Mrs. Sarah Russe11 Wheeler, Mr. Herbert R. The wisely economical can afford to anticipate their wants PHYSICIAN anil SDRGEON, Phillips. Me Dress Goods, Wheeler, Mr. Frank S. Fierce, Mr. Dean S. OFFICE HOURS, 1 to 2, and 7 to 8, P M. Parasols, Etc. Range ley. Swift, Mrs. lilai clie Houghton Swift, Miss i n the carpet line and take advantage of these special induce­ Addie C. Swift, virs. S. Frances Y'rk, Mrs. Office at residence. Telephone connection. Every country where the best of Jerry Oakes and Whiting Butler, it is Nellie York Joslin, Mrs. Georeie Hawes ments made only to our out o f town patrons for the next two Ramsdell, vtrs. Clara Houghton White, Mrs. these gojds are produced has sent understood, have exchanged residences, j Hannah Webster Wheeler, Mrs. Rebecca weeks. something pretty and serviceable. Mrs. Dr. Ross is suffering from a Webster Small, Mrs. Olive Bates Burlingame, C. L. TOOTHAKEIi. M. D. Miss Edith M. Burlingame, Mrs. Sarah San­ We Pay all Freight Charges. Not the least beautiful are made in severe shock of apoplexy. born Peirce, Mr. Joseph R. Farlin, Mrs. Joseph R. Far Jin, Master Robinson S. Farlin, Physician & Snrgeon, Phillips, Me. America. Myle cr quality ha-n’t The - Rangeley High school boys ; Mr. i). Frank Holt, Mrs Betsey Bartleti sent prices soaring. They are down played a game of baseball with the Phil­ Holt, Master John B. Ho t, Mr. J. H. Wyman, BRADFORD, CONANT & CO., Office at residence. Telephone connection. lips team at Phillips uu the 8th which Mrs. Jane Bartlett Wyman, vir. William E. to the usual low level here Littlefield, Mrs. Susan Hosiner Littlefield, A big bargain in neck ribbons, 15c resulted in a triumph for the Rangeleys, ! Mr. Robert C. Huntress, Mrs. Anna Hosiner 30 to 1. The Rangeley school boys Huntress, Mr. A. Robinson Houghton, Mrs. 199-203 Lisbon Street, F. E. TIMBERLAKE. K. P. R0BLX. a yard, very wide, all colors, worth recently won in a game played agaiust Ann Ireland Houghton, Mr. Levi M. Noyes, ?5 and 35c a yard. Mr-. Ella Houghton Noyes, Miss Clara E. the old Rangeley team. Noyes, Mrs. Clara Phillips Jom-s, Mrs. Minnie Lewiston, Maine, TIMBERLAKE £ NOBLE, Latest styles in belt buckles, 25c. Miss Florence Look has been unable Jones Dockendorff, Mr. Ezra H. Wheeler, Mrs. Anna H. Wheeler, Mr. Warren F. Scam- ATTORNEYS, Hatpins marked from 10c to 5c. of late to attend to teaching on account man, Mrs. Warren F. Scamman, Master Office, Beal Block, of illness. Miss Helen Haines is sub­ Charles F. Scamman, Miss Mabel L. Jones, Phillips, Mt. ALL NEW GOODS. stituting for her. Miss Maude E. Houghton Mr. Albert Storer. Mr. Setli Waterhouse, Mrs. Setli Waterhouse. Jeneral Law Practice and Fire Insurance. « A party from town consisting of Collections will receive prompt attention. The various cities and iowns repre­ Iron and Steel. Levans Nash, Fred Harris, Florence sented were Cambridge, Charlestown, Madrid. caring for Mrs. John Wing, returned to Hinkley, Inza Toothaker and Mr. and Stoneham, Reading, Worcester, Dor­ her home in Wilton the first of the I have the best line of blacksmilhs’ and Mr3. M, B. Skolfield went to Long pond J. C. Wells and Nathan Beedy have week. k'lig carriage rnakeis’ supplies t-ver kept in chester, Nabant, West Peabody, An­ HARRY F. BEEDY, Rangeley. Also agent for llie McCormick where they spent the night of the 15th dover, N‘>rwo‘>d, Brockton, Roxbury, gone to Upper Dam to erect fireplaces. John McKenney and wife are at home Harvesting Machines. Have secured an expe­ in camp. Watertown, Matiapan, East Bridge- Mrs. S. C. Huntington is slowly im­ for a short visit. Agent for the leading rienced blacksmith and am prepared to do The ladies recently gave an entertain­ Ernest Rowe visited friends in town all.ktnds of blacksmith and carriage work. water, Elmwood, Burlington, Boston proving. She is now doing a part of the Fire Insurance Companies ment at Furbish hall for the benefit of and Atlantic, Msss., Woodfords Me., recently. A. E. BLODQETT, Rangeley Me the library. The leading features were and Arkansas City, Kansas. housework. Grace Dunham is slowly recovering PHILLIPS, . . . HiAINE. extract readings from the book written Mrs. Lydia Rollins is stopping with from her seven months’ illness. She is by F. S. Dickson, ‘ The, Wilderness able to stand but unable to walk. Call and See My Heed’s Hill. her niece, Mrs John Wing, who is some Blossomed.” There were also singing Many repairs are being made on the better than she has been for a number There will be a flag raising at the Matthieu & Stevenson, and recitations. The entertainment new schoolhouse in Madrid, Friday af­ Line^of harnesses, roads. A granite stone pier is being of weeks. RUMFORD FAKES, MAINE, closed with a sociable. put in the centre of the county bridge. ternoon, June 2S. All are cordially in­ The Ladies’ circle met with Mrs. O. vited. From $8.00 Up. H. A. Furbish bas purchased the There will be a pie supper at Mr. A. Dunham on June 5. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. house of Amos Ellis on Lake street. It Solomon Dunham’s Saturday evening, What beautiful weather we enjoy! Summer and fall lap robes from 25 cents to will be occupied by his mother. June 29. All are cordially invited. West’s Mills. $4 50. Finest line of dress suit cases and Alonzo Hinkley and wife of Rangeley, hand satchels ever In town. Hammocks all Furbish, Oakes & Quimby sell the John Stinchfield is ill with the Warren Fish ruptured a blood vessel B. EM ERY PRATT, styles and prices. Goods sold at great bar­ mumps. were guests of S. C. Huntington, J. C. under his eye by blowing his nose Sun­ paint that wears twice as long as lead Wells and Solomon Dunham recently. Attorney at LawjLnf,SoIicitor in Equity gains for cash. and oil -D evoe lead and zinc. Ed Stinchfield, Ernest Smith and day last. It was first thought he would The roads and bridges are being re­ Practices in state and U. S. courts. Will J. W. CARLTON, Harry Meacham were callers in town have to go to the hospital for treatment gives personal attention to cases in supreme the last of the week". paired. but he is better. judicial, superior, probate, or municipal Upper Village, Phillips.' While blasting rocks in front of Mrs. Mr. M. R. Pink ham caught a trout re­ courts in Franklin,Oxford and Androscoggin Didn’t Marry For Money. The people of Reed’s Mill and vicinity counties, and to aDy bankruptcy cases. The Boston man, who lately married C. Hardy’s house, some of the stone were favored with a discourse on the cently 16 inches long and 4 inches Dirigo Telephone. Livermore Falls, Maine. a sickly rich young woman, is happy went through the window, breaking out 16th inst. by Mr. Hooper of Moose Hill, through. A bouncer wasn’t it? hotels and Camps now, for he got Dr. King’s New Life the glass and sash. i whose subject was “ Love.” Mrs. Elmira Willis has returned from Pills, which restored her to perfect Mr. Lewis Reed visited friends in Alonzo Huntington is still suffering Bangor, where she has been visiting her Supplied with health. Infallible for Jaundice, Bil­ NVw Sharon last week. from a bad lung trouble. son and family for the past ten weeks. Mesers. John and Jim Dunham and Lowell Perkins, Esq,, of Bar Harbor, iousness, Malaria, Fever and Ague and The pie supper at I. Dunham’s on the all Liver and Sromach troubles. Gentle C. Heath were fishing on the stream is in town, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. near David Wilber’s and caught an even 15th for obtaining a flag for the new M. Smith. Cloice Creamery Boiler but effective. Only 25c at W. A. D. schoolhouse was a success. Cragin’ s drug store. 400. Children’s Day exercises will be ob­ Mrs. Lydia A. Rollins, who has been served at our church, Sunday, June 23. North Freeman. Crass and and Sweet Cream. Mr. and Mrs. Stillman Berry cele­ brated the fifth anniversary of their wedding Thursday, June 13. About éé S A W RIVER CEEAMERY, For FRESH FRUIT, twenty-five were present. There was a pleasant social t me, appropriate re­ LIGHTNING” Bamford Bros. Prop’r, Ice Cream marks and prayer made by Rev. L. Carden Phillips, - - Maine. Hutchins. Good music was furnished, after which ice cream and cake was BREAD AND CAKE KNIVES and Candy, served. They received the following Why Don’t You presents: (Patented) are made on a New Principle and their marvelous cut­ Mr. and Mrs. L. Hutchins, china cake plate; go to your dsaler and get a wire washboard Made Daily. Call at Mr. K.L. Heath, m on ej; Mrs. R. L Heath, ting qualities are sure to surprise and please you. Forged from and save L\BOR, TIME and SOAP, in wash­ pair linen towels; large picture, Mrs. Della Seeds ing those dirty clothe*? Why not try one? Brim'gion, Gene Heath; pair stocking' knit Special S’ eel, Best Oil Temper, Cut both Fresh and Stale Bread If not sati factory your money will be paid HARLOW’S by Grandma H. ath, aged 83; Mr. S. E. B Try, back. Please read the follow ing testi­ one half dozen silver knives and forks; Mr. with wonderful ease and smoothness, and without crumbling, cut monials: and Mrs K. H Cunning 1am, silver sugar Strong, Me , May 3, 1901. Branch Store, Rangeley shell and butter knife; Mr. and Mrs Edgar cake without cracking frosting. Every blade warranted. After having used Mr. U. M. Hunt’s wash­ Wills, silver pie knife; Mr and Mrs. Thomas Of All Kinds board, I can say it proved very sailsfactory. Bradbury, out meal .‘ et; Mr and Mrs. Lufor- Mrs. J. I . Valller. who at reasonable rates will supply e t Ellswoith, $1 0 '; Mr and Mrs. Deo. Tash, Strong, Me., April 27, 1901 cottages in this region. Best assort­ glass pitcher; Mbs A v s Tash, one-half dozen Mr. Hunt: I am very ranch pleased with silver teaspoons: Miss Addie Bradbury, sof. your washboard It docs not take as much ment of Candy in county, Cigars, pillow; Miss Sulie Heath, table cloth; Mr. f ...... 7 f strength to wash on them as on the other Fordyce Heath, money; Mrs. Charles Oliver, kind, because you do not have to rub your Soda, etc. . cake plate. at clothes as hard, i would say to everybody, PRICE 50 CENTS EACH. try one. Mrs. M. Lewis When in Farmington go Births. Onr agents are now selling these knives, and with marked success, and our U. M. HUNT, M ’f’r., to H A R L O W ’S. Rumford Falls, June 13, to Dr. and Mrs. J. intention is to have their canvass thorough, but if any family is overlooked by Strong, . . . Maine. Abbott Nile, a son. them we will, upon receipt of price, mail one, postpaid, in a nice cartoD. East Wilton, June 15, to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Farnum, a son. Agents, especially Ladies, wanted. Liberal terms. Farmington, June 17, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ PHOTO STUDIO mund Roderick, a son. Stallion for Service. Farmington, May 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Manufactured Exclusively by Draft stallion, 1390 lbs., five years will close in two weeks. Make an W. Jones, a daughter. old. By Bangs horse, dam, Cana­ Farmington, May 31, to Mr. and Mrs. David cly appointment for some o f those O. Boone, a daughter. CLARK & PARSONS CO., S. G. HALEY’S, dian mare. Will make season, 1901, at subscribers stable. Terms to war­ New Pictures. Marriages. Î EAST WILTON, MAINE. rant, 85. W . T . IIIN D S . Dixfleld, June 12, at the residence of the j * j * A. S. McKEEN. bride’s father, by Rev: G. A. Chapman, Rich­ Phillips, - " Maine, Phillips, May 28. ard H. Reynolds of Jay and Miss E. G. Rus­ sell of Dixfield. Farmington, June 10, by Rev. Wilmont P Vail Heimont. NOT ALL THE CARRIAGES IN TOWN Lord, Adelbert F. Callahan and Miss Velina have been painted. I am still doiner painting M. White, both of Farmington. The high bred trotting stallion Van Hel- at the did stand over G. E Rideout s black­ New Sharon, June 11, at the residence of Something to Interest mont will make the season of 1901 as follow s : smith shop. If you are not using yours eighs the bride’s parents, by Rev. H. W. Kimball Mondays at Weld and the remainder of the now, bring them in and have them painted. of Skowhegan, Rev. Geo. A. Merrill and NOTICE. week at my stable in Phillips. Miss Emma A. George, both of New Sharon. Terms $10 to warrant, single service $5. CEORCE STAPLES, Wilton, June 13, Roscoe Dudley and Miss D r.J.R . Kittridge, Dentist, -» \ an Heimont is by Harbinger, he by Al- Altie Marion Ross, both of Wilton. mont, he by Alexander Abdallah, he by d h i i 1 IP S MAINE Phillips, June 19, by Rev. A. F. Earnsliaw, FARMERS. of Farmington, Maine. Rysdyks Hamiltonian; his dam by General G. F. Ford and Miss Anna H. Davenport, Knox, 2nd dam Old Hiram Drew. of Phillips. WILL BE AT 5 an Heimont is a very’ speedy horse. His Greenvale, by Rev. S. Wakeley, James I have secured this year the celebrated Sibley Solid Steel Scythe, iuossoc House, Rangeley, June 3, 4, 5 a. m„ record is 2.191 «md has proved himself a game Spinney of Rumford Falls, and Miss Mertie itel Blanchard, Stratton, June 6. race horse, although lie has not trotted a Height of Greenvale. is Scythe is made fiom the finest of English cast steel and is one of the aw House, Eustis, J one 7. race since his 7 year old form. Van Heimont ,ke House, Flagstaff, June 8. is 15.3 and weighs 1075 pounds. Heaths. est cutting scythes that has ever been produced. They are a strictly iwis Reed’s, Reed’s Mill, June 10 p. m. A careful examination of Van Helmont’s itel Franklin, Strong, June 11. pedigree will in part explain why he has Constipation, humar itv’s curse, Rumford Falls, May 26, Wm. H. Smith, aged rh grade goods and will hold an edge longer than any other scythe yet ,hn Trask’s, Weld, June 19 been so successful as a trotting sire. While 24 years, 9 mo«. C. McLain’s, Berry Mills, June 20 a. m. an illustrious ancestry is indispensable to a Than which there’s no malady Kingfield, June 14, Hiram Chapman. ind on the market. W ill cost you no more than some of the interior egalloway, Jut e 21 to 25. successful sire and no breeder should use in Amesbury, Mass., June 4, Mrs. Sarah M. flee closed from June 3 to June 12, and the stud any but a well bred stallion one worse, Cross, formerly of Embden, aged 88 years, 10 ides now on the market. Do not fail to secure one. W e have fffso the a June 18,2 p m., to July 5 other very essential requisite with the rest, mos. 11 operations pertaining to dentistry care- is gentleness of disposition, which Van Hel- Can be easily cured Providence, June 7, M. James Lynch, form- ebrated Black Diamond Scythe Stone, Hand Rakes, Drag Rakes, v performed. Special attention given to uiont possesses to a wonderful degree. \Vhen RIPANS are secured merly of Phillips, aged 23 years. serving the natural teeth. Teeth extracted Another peculiar excellence of Van Heimont Wihtlirop, June 15, Allie M., wife of Hon. irks, Snaths, both ash and cherry. Lower than the lowest. tiout pain a specialty. Artificial work of as a sire is the uniformity with which he And the cost is but slight on the L. T. Carleton, aged 50 years. kinds promptly and carefully done stamps his image and impresses all his own purse. New Vineyard, June 8, Mis. Velzora, wife remarkable qualities on liis offsprings. of R. Hanley Corbett, aged 41 years, 2 mos., We claim he gets more gentlemen’s driving 29 days. M. W. RECORDS, anteed. horses than any other stallion in Maine with 10 for 5 Cents Medford, Mass., June 6, Mrs, Dorothy Entrance 64 Maio St,, next door to C, E the same number of foals. I Walker Emmons, formerly of Wilton, aged 85 Maine. Marr’s drug store. W. J. Ross. Phil’lps, Me. At Drug Stores. years Phillips, - Upper Village, I


TALK OF NORTH FRANKLIN. Among the Churches. country; 2000 miles from north to south; RAILROAD HEARING. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. 1900 miles from east to west. It has an At the Union church Mr. E. L. area of 1,500,000 square miles, a popu­ —S. G. Haley is building an addition Hooper of the Cobb Divinity school lation of 300,000,000, 21 races and 35 Narrow Gauge Petitions for to his stable. preached in the morning in exchange nations speaking 50 languages. Nearly Location of Tracks. —Harry Bell is building a stable in with the pastor. 77,000 have been gathered into the church. [Special correspondence to the MAINE WOODS ] the upper village. Mr. Hooper read I John, chapter iv, Iu these places and others not men­ A u g u s t a , June 17, 1901. —Mr. W. E, Miilett is running the and in announcing his subject said that tioned foundation wo^k has been done. The adjourned hearing was held Redington House. Churches have been (built, Christian it was that of the chapter read. With­ Thursday before the railroad commis —Mr. E. H. Keniston has been visit­ out selecting a special sentence for his schools established, hospitals built and in g friends in Lewiston and Lisbon. medical missionary work done. sioners on the matter of the petition of text he spoke upon the subject, “ Love,” Progress has been made in the face of the Franklin, Somerset & Kennebec —A. W. and M. W. Bean went fishing introducing it by the following incident: on one of the many brooks and caught almost insurmountable obstacles. In Railroad Co., for a connection with the 1833 Methodism bad but one foreign 100 trout. At a certain gathering of statesman, Maino Central and Sandy River rail­ toasts were being proposed, and one missionary. Now she has 506, not —Custom work at the cotton mill has reckoning native helpers. In 1819 roads in Farmington. Herbert M. “ SOME ARE BORN GREAT.1 ) foeen good this season. Messrs. Hescock gentleman in response to the word, Methodism gave $823.04 for missions. Heath appeared for the petitioners, & Atwood are much pleased with the America, said that it was bounded on In 1900, $1,173,582.12 for foreign and Seth M. Carter for the Maine Central run of trade. for home missions, $715,457.14, a grand the north by the Dominion erf Canada, and Leslie C. Cornish aud F. E. Timber- —Messrs. Truman and George Fair on the south by the Gulf of Mexico, on total of $1,992,599.70. We had but one banks have been doing a rushing busi­ home missionary in 1820; now we have lake for the Sandy River Railroad com­ some achieve greatness, and some have the west by the Pacific ocean. A ness shearing sheep with their shearing 3500. The membership of the Metho­ pany. machine. It takes about five minutes second, said that he deemed America of dist church in 1819 was 240,934; today The petitioning company claims that greatness thrust upon them.” Apropos to clip a sheep that is willing to be greater extent than the boundaries we have in the foreign fields a member­ by its charter it is authorized to build clipped. given would indicate. He should say, ship of 182,957. Methodism believes the hour lias and operate a line commencing at a of this, I want all the readers of M aine —Mike Mahoney went to Redington rather, that America was bounded on fishing Friday. He took about fifty come for a forward movement at home point at or near the terminal track of the north by the north pole, on the fish. One of the trout had evidently and abroad. The board of managers of the Maine Central and Sandy River W oods to be sure to notice my advertise­ our parent missionary society appeals been hooked before as one side of the south by the south pole, on the east by companies in Farmington through the low er jaw was torn so that it hung the rising, aud on the west by the set­ for $2,000,000 for missions in 1901. This ment in the Phillipian. The ad to which may appear at first impossible to different towns lying between there and osely. ting sun. A third arose, saying that achieve. But consider, we have a mem­ Waterville. It lias filed its location —Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Walker of Mad there was still an error in the bounda­ rid returned from Littleton, ST. H., last bership of 2,847,037 If 847,030 mem with the different boards of county I refer is full page and written by two of bers give nothing aud the 2,000,000 give Thursday. They have been visiting ries. America, in his judgement, was commissioners and claims it has a legal bounded on the north by the Aurora $1 each, we have the required amount. their son, Mr. C. E. B. Walker, who location between the two points. the bright young ladies who are seniors lives at Littleton with his wife and Borealis, on the south by the Precession Two cents a week will ouly be $1.04 a year. We cannot go “ from Greenland’s The petition states that the legisla­ child and is very well situated from a of the Equinoxes, on the east by Pri­ business standpoint. icy mountains to India’s coral strands” ture granted the right for the road to in the Phillips High school. Advertise­ meval Chaos, and on the west by the to preach the gospel, but we can send —Fremont Scammau of the upper make a physical connection with the Day of Judgment. To him the history our nickels snd our dimes and some ment writing is a profession in which few village has placed his order for guns and their dollars. The work of the church terminal track of the Sandy River road ammunition for September delivery and the future of America and her is to evangelize the world. To shirk and the Maine Central. The Maine with Wm. J. Whitney, who was here people was limitless in their po wer, our duty in this work is wrong and sin­ Central has refused to permit the peti­ excel and many fail, and for this reason I last week Not many changes in styles measureless in the far reaching extent ful. Let us give something to this are made this year but some of the tioners to enter the station grounds and of their influence. cause. “ It is more blessed to give than w'ish to call your particular attention to prices are a little lower. So it is with love. It can not be con­ to receive.” has torn up the tracks laid thereon. —C. Linwood Beedy, a graduate of fined by the bounds of time or of space. The petitioners claim that by their the Lewiston High school and at pres­ The sentiment of love, of affection for Valuable Collection of Minerals. cbaiter the road may become by law a the one above mentioned. It is great. ent a member of Bates college 1903, has or delight in some object is aroused iu received his appointment as an assist­ various ways. We speak of our love [Special correspondence to the M a in e W oods] connecting road with both of the other ant in the U. S. fish commission. Mr. lines and may receive from them equal And “ while you wait.” for the Phillip­ for amusement, our love for books aud A n d o v e r , June 17, 1901. Beedy has been assigned for service on for many things. We love that which facilities and dispatch in the transpor­ the U. S. steamer, Fish Hawk. He ministers to our pleasure or oomfort. Mr. Edmund Bailey of Andover, has tation of passengers and freight. ian buy your Fishing Tackle at the Cor­ w ill leave Lewiston July 1st to join his Again we love our friends because of the finest cabinet of minerals I ever Mr. Ileatli said that the legislature boat. meant that if the road was built of admirable qualities which they possess, saw, consisting of some of the rarest —From a personal letter received or because of the ties of kinship which standard guage it should have a connec­ ner Store. New stock just in. from Mr. C. H. Piper, who is very bind us to them, and where kind deeds stones and minerals, tourmalines and tion with the tracks of the Maine Cen­ pleasantly remembered here by nearly have been wrought for us, gratitude aquamarines, Maine tin ore from Dewey tral and if of narrow guage with the •everyone as having passed one summer enters into our affectionate regard. mine, Rumford Falls; petrified moss tracks of the Sandy River road. He said that was the only reasonable and ¡here, we learn that he is now located In our love for God, which is the from Niagara Falls, petrified wood from at East Rindge, N. IL, where he is on a supreme duty of man, all these ele fair interpretation and it should be in­ farm. Mr. Piper will go to the Look- ments combine. There is delight in Arizona, serpentines from New Jersey, terpreted in a manner fair to the people off House, Sugar hill, at the Wnite his works, gratitude for his blessings, lava from Vesuvius, scarlet quartz from of the state and not in behalf of any mountains, where he will work for the wonder and reverence for his attrib ites England, marbles from Tennessee, Ver corporation. This road is expressly authorized by the legislature to begin summer Mr. Piper writes that his of majesty, holiness and power, l ’he mont and France; malacite from Siberia, health is about the same as when he highest type of.love is seen in Jesus its tracks at the yard and at the track W. A. D. CRAGIN. was here. Christ who surpasses all other lovers quartz from the famous Comstock lode, of the Maine Central and the word track the world has ever known. It is the opals from Washington and Australia, as used in the charter means a legal love which sacrifices self for the good crystals from Italy, golden calcite from track which the Sandy River road has Letter to E. H. Shepard. a right to occupy, not a vanishing track of another. Missouri, green prehnite from New Corner Store, Phillips, Maine. Love is needed everywhere. It is the which the Maine Central can tear up as Jersey, garnets from all over the world, it has already done. Dear Sir: The house of H. B. Parker, charm of home, for copper from Arizona, Lake Superior “ Home is not mei'ely four square walls, The attorneys for the Maine Central undertaker, in Morris, N. Y., was Tlipugh witli pictures hung and gilded. and Chili, S. A .; asphalts from the painted nine years ago with Devoe, and Home is where affection calls island of Trinidad and corals from the and Sandy River roads asserted that the Filled with shrines the heart has builded Phillipines, slate from Pennsylvania and proposition to allow the tracks of the No. I Beal Block, Main Street, is in perfect condition to-day. Mr. #-#**#*#**# Parker’s present address is Sherburne, topaz from Oxford county, Me., and Franklin, Somerset & Kennebec rail­ Home is where there’s one we love, from Brazil, S. A. Mr. Bailey has a road to make a junction with their lines N. Y. Home is where there’s one to love us.” Lead and oil would have had to be right to feel proud of this collection, within the station limits at Farmington at least painted twice before now, as it Those who have returned to the home not only for the pleasure it has afforded was an impossibility. That the yard Phillips, Maine, only wears half as long as Devoe lead of childhood or youth, to meet a him, but also for its intrinsic va'ue, is now in so crowded a condition that and zinc. stranger at the door and fiud unfamiliar which would be many hundreds of dol­ business cannot be satisfactorily con­ faces in the rooms memory peopled lars. ducted. This being the condition at Yours truly, with their loved ones, know that not present the introduction of a new line F. W. Devoe & Co. “ roof or room” but the ones who loved On the evening of the 11th of June would make matters even worse espe­ P. S. W. A. D. Cragiit sells our paint aud were loved endeared the home. occurred the 25th anniversary of the cially as it is planned to place a new i n your section. And not alone in the home, but iu all marriage of Mr. and Mrs. A. M Roberts turntable and engine house near that 78. the relations of life it is love that solves if Andover. Fifty persons were present point. and some valuable mementos of the oc­ difficulties and softens the tr.als. With J. S. Maxcey and P. II. Winslow of love between nations there would cease casion were left with this happy couple. A fine lamp was presented, in a nice Gardiner, directors of the Sandy River Temple. wars aud causes for war. Co., were among those present as were The apostle Paul iu his letter to the little speech, by Rev. Mr Hannaford. A. Mitchell is visiting his brother, The occasion was very enjoyable for all. also John Atwood of Philadelphia, llenry Mitchell. Corinthians has told us some things F. N. Beal of Phillips, and Philip II. The children’s day service and con­ that love does, and does not do. “ Love Stubbs of Strong. Stephen C. Perry of West Phillips. Byron. suffereth long, and is kind. Beareth ce rt was very well attended. It was a Chester vi lie. Portland, was associated with Mr. Mr. Galie Severy of Dixfield and Miss H. H. Richards attended the meeting success. The house was handsomely all things, beheveth all things, hopeth Dr. B. O. McIntyre and family of Car­ Carter in behalf of the Maine Central. Mila Ellis of Weld, spent Sunday in i the state assessors at Rumford Falls decorated aiuFthe pieces were spoken all things, endureth ail things. Love The decision of the commissioners Phillips, the guests of Miss Ellis’s sister, last wetk. never faileth.” So much lias its times lisle, Perni., are at their cottage oeco well. was reserved. Mrs. Wesley Kempton. Mrs. V. B. Hamlin visited her son, of failure! So many can not endure all more for the summer season. They all | Geo. Thomas is finishing off a dance things! Even the great conquerors iu Mrs. Viola Lufkin is visiting in 1 ball iu his shed. Chester Hamlin, of Wilton. seem to be in the best of health. Rangeley for a few days. Mrs. Mabel Mannock is visiting her the struggles of the world have some­ A representative of the Maine W oods parents, Air. and Mrs. II. L. Sampson. times met defeat. Lee was overcome Dr. O. B. Head attended the meeting How’s This! Mrs. Nettie Reed and Daisy Smith of gave us a pleasaut call last week. Charlie Perkins visited his mother, by a Grant. The great Napoleon found of the Maine Medical association in We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for Madrid are working at Middledam. G. T. Hodson, road commissioner, Mrs. A. W. Norton last Sunday. his Wellington, even Hannibal, who led Portland last week. any case of Cararrh that cannot be cured by Miss Gustie Kempton aud Miss Ellis has got about through working on the his army triumphantly over the Alps, Hall’s Catarrh Cure. drove out from Rangeley, Saturday Bert Morse has his new barn up, F J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. highways. He has done some good met at last a Scipio. But love uever Bert will have a good one when he gets night. jobs this spring. faileth. No power of earth can over­ We, the undersigned, have known F. J. it finished. flieney for the last 15 years, and believe him Fred Knapp and E. C. Poland are come it. perfectly honorable In all business transac­ The Quarterly meeting held at this tions and financially able to carry out any A severe sprain will usually disable hauling hay to Rumford Falls. The X “ Love doth not behave itself un­ hay crop will be good this season. So many seemly, seeketh not her own, is not place last week was well attended. obligations made by their firm. the injured person for throe or four i easily provoked, thinketh no evil.” Mrtuy able speakers were present. We W est & Tritax, Wholesale Druggist«, Tole­ weeks. Many cases have occurred, how­ Swain & Reed are having their birch persons This last clause represents more goo 1 noticed among the speakers Revs. S. do, O. ever, in which a cure has been effected hauled away from their mill at Hop Wakely of Rangeley and J. B. Ranger W a l d in g , K innan & Ma r v in , Wholesale City to their mill in Roxbury. have hair than can be estimated. Thinketh no Druggists, Toledo, O. in less than one week by applying evil! Before the evil work, comes the of Phillips. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, act­ Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. For sale by Fishing is quite good in the river and that is evil thought. If, therefore, there be Don’ t forget to come to Cbesterville, ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur­ W. A. D. Cragin, Phillips; E. H. Whit­ brooks. Many fishermen are going to faces of the system. Price, 75c per bottle. ney, Rangeley; Dyer’s Drug Store, no thought of evil the hand will not be July 4, and celebrate. A grand time is Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. the lakes and Four Ponds w here they stubborn put forth to accomplish it. This, then, expected. Strong; Lester L. Mitchell, Kingfield. can get lots of them in a short time. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. and dull. is the secret of the Christian church, Everett Wells is working for C. E. Rich A Record are building a mill in the secret of each Christian life love. Wheeler. the west part of the town. They will It won’t It is this which has kept alive the Bigelow. manufacture all kinds of lumber. grow. church through all the centuries, the Chas. Stevens of North Fayette, is Eustis. The new mill is being pushed along working for Bert Morse on his new C. N. Porter lost a nice horse Mon­ as fast as Possible. Scarcity of carpen­ motive for all i s activities. When love barn. What’s shall have filled hearts of all men, we day. ters has interfered with plans some­ the reason? Hair shall be drawing near to the Potato bugs have begun t'e ir work Mrs. Benjamin Durrell is at w'ork for what. The company are negotiating for “ one far-off divine event, already on the potatoes. They are very Mrs. B. Blanchard. larger boilers to take the place of small needs "help just as Toward which the whole creation moves.’ thick. Mrs. S. R. Fuller is quite poorly. ones on hand, more power being needed anything else does at to run the extra machinery to be put in. Dr. Kittridge was in town last week. times. The roots re­ At the Methodist church, the pastor, I Another fall will see Bigelow booming. West Freeniau. By the looks of faces he must have been It will truly be “ the Portland of Dead Rev. J. E. Clancy took for his subject quite busy. quire feeding. When “ The Great Commission.” The text Mrs. Wm. Albee of Strong, is assist­ River” as once predicted. hair stops growing it was Mark xvi, 15, “ And he said unto ing Miss Etta Walker in her housework F. L. Porter lost a cow recently. A short term o school is beiD g taught them, Go ye into all the world and for a few' days. Peter Nedeau is building a piece onto in the compay’s building over the store, loses by Miss Reed of Stratton. preach the Gospel to every creature.” A. R. Sedgeley, O. P. Walker and S. one of his barns. its lus­ Methodism, from its inception, has Mrs. A. F. Waldron has returned been a missionary movement. Hence F. Brackley have put up a private tele- from a three weeks’ visit with her ter. It its phenomenal growth. It viewed the pnone line, with a switch board at Mr. The Best of All. mother. She was accompanied home looks great commission as mandatory. As Brackley’s house connecting them with Everyone who has used Baxter’s Man­ by her nephew, Aliyn Dockham of Man­ early as 1819 Methodism organized its chester, N. H. dead. the Eastern Telephone line, when de­ drake Bitters as a spring remedy, or for Mr. Bemis of Stratton met his new forces for systematic missionary work. sired. The four score and two years have wit­ coustipation, biliousness, foul stomach, housekeeper at the station last week. nessed marvelous triumph in the mis­ R. A. Dyar is buying wool this season sick headache, impure blood, pronounce A light frost Saturday and Sunday sion field. The world is the field. We as he has done for the past few years. it the “ best of all medicine” for those nights killed much of the garden crops. IT ’S NO USE— know more of the world and the differ­ Miss Nettie Brown, who has been ailments. If you have not used it, ask * A man simply c m’t m-'ke any sort acts almost instantly ent races than did Paul, the missionary stopping at O. P. Walker’s the past win­ of success in business u he’s tortured to the Gentiles. Six hundred men have ter, has returned to her home in Farm­ some of your friends about it; the Franklin County Beal Estate. with backache. on such hair. It lost their lives in exploring Africa. ington. chances are that the first person you The following are the latest real es­ That means if his kidneys are out of order. awakens new life in It was 400 years after the discovery Mrs. Lois Gordon of New Vineyard, ask will tell you that there is no medi­ tate transfers as recorded in the Frank­ of America before Lake Michigan was has been spending several weeks with cine so good for them as Baxter’s Man­ Backache is really kidney ache. the hair bulbs. The surveyed. Today, forty years after lin County Registry of Deeds: It is one of the first indications o f her niece, Mrs. Herbert Parting. drake Bitters. Get it at any drug store effect is astonishing. Lake Albert Nyanza in Central Africa S. F. Brackley made a business trip Rangeley.—Julia M. Hinkley and Austin E. kidney disease. It’s bad enough of was discovered, we find surveyors at for 25 cents. Guaranteed to cure or Hinkley to the Inhabitants of the town of itself, but it leads to a great deal to Rangeley a few days ago. Rangeley', land, $350 (quit); H A. Furbish, Your hair grows, be­ work locating every shore and harbor. money refunded. W. L. Butler and W. F. Oakes to Ora T. Haley, worse. comes thicker, and all Africa is a large field. It has a popula­ Mrs. Julia Whitney, who lias been in pew in church, $60 (war.): John W. Ross to Unless it is stopped. tion of 150,000,000 of blacks and 1,500, poor health for several months, has so Wm, H. Ellis, land, $1 and val. con., (war.) How? dandruff is removed. 000 whites. England, Germany, and far recovered as to ride out. Mrs. Avon. Avon.—Mary J. Wyman, Sarah J Brenn, Whitney’s son, Charles Whitney, of Carrie B. McCully and Emma S. Colvins to And the original France are the chief powers in Africa. Mrs. Lizzie Caban of Kittery is visit­ George H. Humphrey of Temple, half inter­ Doan’s Kidney Pills England controls 400,000 square miles Franklin, Mass., has returned . after a est in land, SI (quit ); Geo. H. Humphrey of color of early life is south of the Zambesi river. Here there short visit home. ing her sister Mrs. R. L. Hillgrove. Temple to Frank W. Butler of Farmington, There’s not a form of kidney trouble Mrs. Linnie Bubier and two children half interest in land, #1 and val. con. (quit); that this wonderful little remedy will restored to faded or are 8,000,000 blacks, and only 900,000 Wm. Hodgkins of Temple to Edwin Tilton whites. Our work began here in 1840. visited friends in town recently. and E. 1’. Hosmer of Temple, land, SI and val. not cure, and the people stay cured. gray hair. This is Heroic work and sacrifices have been Little Gladys Johnson of Kittery, con. (war.) Mr. John C. Melloou, grocer and always the case. done and made on this field. came Saturday night to visit her grand­ Kingfield.—A. M. Larson of Worcester, provision merchant at the corner of China has been upon the lips of tliou- Only 50 Cents parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vining. Mass., to B. Emery Pratt, of Jay, real estate, Bridge aud 7th streets, Lowell, Mass., $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. SI and val. con. (quit.) says:— sonds. It is a colossal empire compris­ to make your baby strong and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hardy of Temple Weld.—Willard M. Russell to Lizzie S. Rus­ “ I have used Ayer’s Hair Vigor, ing one-tenth of the inhabitable globe. sell, real estate, $1 and val. con. (quit.) “In the spring of 1896 I was forced, from and am really astonished at the well. A fifty cent bottle of visited tlteir parents Mr. and Mrs. Hill- severe pain in the hack, to procure Doan’s good it has done in keeping my It lias a population of 400,000,000. It grove last week. Farmington.—Clinton F. Parker to M. Cora Kidney Pills at Ellingwood & Co.’s d g hair from coming out. It is the is a stupendous work to bring these Parker, land with buildings, $1 and val. con. store, at the corner of Merrimack mid Cen­ best tonic I have tried, and I Charles Kennedy and wife of Temple (wrar.) millions who are wedded to the tradi­ Scott’s Emulsion Phillips.— to Chas. E. Dill of tral streets, and take a course of the treat­ shall continue to recommend it to tions of the past under the saving influ­ will spend the summer with his cousin, ment. It was speedily followed by absolute my friends.” will change a sickly baby to Benjamin Kennedy. Strong, land and buildings, S1900 (war.) relief, and up to date I have not had a symp­ M>ttie Holt, ence of the gospel, but it will be accom­ New Sharon.—Hattie F. Prince to Charles tom of a return.” Sept. 24, 1898. Burlington, N. C. plished. a plump, romping child. John Russell spent Sunday at home H. Adams and Albert H. Slmtlz of Farming- Only one cent a day, think with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ton, land, $1 and val. con. (war.) Doan’s Kidney Pills for sale by all Jajian is an inviting field. We com­ Wilton.—Julia A. Woodman to Burt L. Mr- dealers, or sent by mail on receipt of If you do not obtain all the benefits menced our work here in 1872. Less of it. Its as nice as cream. Russell. Keen of Perkins Plantation, land with build­ 4 you expected from the use of the Hair ings, SHOO (war.) price. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Vigor, write the Doctor about it. than one-half of 1 per cent is Christian, Send for a free sample, aud try it. Fred Morton was in Farmington last Carthage.—Geo. B. Bearee of Lewiston to Y., sole agents for the United States. Dr . J. 0. AYER, Lowell, Mass. SCOTT & BOWNK, Chemists, yet the work is going forward. week. Jt hn l. Harlow of Dixfield, land, SI and other Remember the name, Doan’s, and India has not oeeu forgotten. In 1850 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. eon (w .r.) 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. Sam Stone is at work for Nelson Jay.—C. R.Noyes of Boston to Sophronie take no substitute. we began our work here. It is a vast White. Merchant Bracliee of Jay, land, sl50 (war.) U.75