Messages Compiled from September, 2016

How One Demonic Strategy Can Ruin Your Whole Life/Spiritual Warfare 8 September 1, 2016

Once again, dear Heartdwellers, Jesus is leading us out of the traps of the enemy, and if we really take this lesson to heart, our messy lives are going to turn 180 degrees around.

After a very sweet time of worship to Terry MacAlmon and Kari Jobe songs, the Lord indicated that He wanted to speak with me. I came and sat down here and said, "Here I am, Sweet Lord. Oh, how I want to be close to You, tucked in and hidden away. Purified and filled with Your love. Thank You for holding my head over Your heart and allowing me to see You."

Then my mind (as it usually does...) drifted off and I was thinking how nice it would be to get all the names of demons to bind them like a friend of mine does.

I said, “No, Lord, only the gifts you want me to have. I don't want anything beyond what you have given me. Unless you put the desire in my heart.”

Jesus replied, “That is very wise, My Dove. Very wise indeed. Others do not know what My servants suffer to carry the gifts that are so coveted. If they did? They wouldn’t dare ask for them.

"But that is not what I wanted to speak with you about tonight.

"Oh, how I love My Body, yet she is continually ripping and tearing at herself. And I mean to put a stop to that for once and for all, to those who will hear, listen and obey.

"There is a reason why a lying spirit of calumny has such an amazing influence. Oh, dear children, you have no idea this trap that’s been set for you and exactly how far reaching it really is.

"The demons will take an ‘appearance’ of evil and turn it into a fact in your head. Once it becomes established as a fact, it will color all your thinking. Everyone will be suspect. Because of this guarded state of mind, you will automatically filter these suspicious characteristics in order to protect yourself. Once you’ve discovered someone with these traits, you will think the worst about them. The very moment you do, the door to the demonic dimension swings wide open. Lying spirits will then come flooding through to draw you into deeper states of suspicion and isolation.

"The point is not who is involved, the point is getting you to sin. You, in that state, are in survival mode, protecting yourself and operating out of deep seated fear. The demons amplify that by suggesting a plethora of threats associated with these people. Two people may be guilty, but in your mind, because of the influence of the filter, there are actually twenty who you judge to be tied in and guilty.

1 "Having condemned 18 innocent people, you are now embroiled in a full-scale war with the demons flooding into every door you opened with each soul. Do you see how deceptive and destructive that is?

"What is worse is that as the mind is conditioned to spot the truly guilty ones, and with each day the attributes that cause suspicion grow, and your criteria becomes so broad - almost everyone you know is judged by you to be guilty. In a very real sense you become who you despise, because you are so deeply steeped in that mentality. It becomes your focus and colors all your thinking.

"What is the cure? It is too simple for the ‘intelligent’ to grasp. Keep your eyes on Me, focus on Me, know that I am protecting you. As you focus on Me, you become more and more like Me. You learn that I 'have your back' so to speak. You learn that it doesn’t matter who your enemies are, all that matters is that you love them. The fear drops away, because you are looking at Me and trusting in Me. Fear is the engine that drives this kind of judgment. Once the fear is gone, the need to judge in order to survive is also gone.

"That is why people who teach focus on Me, intimacy in prayer, knowing and hearing My voice, are so targeted for persecution. When you listen to Me, I navigate you around the reefs of judgment and now their door-opener will no longer be effective.

"This is why it is so effective. A fear demon lays the groundwork, then coupled with a sense of self-preservation, you set up a screening device looking for certain characteristics in people.

"Whether real, imagined or deliberately distorted by the enemy, this screen will capture many who might have the outward appearance of the enemy, so that you will accuse them falsely and open the doors for the demons to oppress you with many maladies.

"Knowing this, if you act in accordance with what I have told you, and make Me the center of your reality, this will never happen. It won’t matter to you whose side they are on."

Forgive me, Lord, but what about during the Tribulation?

"Well, that is another story. In that case, you will be seeing everyone outside of your inner circle as suspect, until proven otherwise. In that sense, your survival instinct is appropriate. But if you’ve been taught not to judge, you will hold in abeyance passing any judgment, and develop a 'wait and see' attitude, with caution guiding you.

"But this is entirely different, Clare. You are not living in those times in this country quite yet - there is a ways to go. What I am talking about is an imbalance in thinking that continually has you on the alert to danger. This mindset, as you well know from experience, is very, very tiring and exhausting. And very much opposed to personal holiness and brotherly love.

"Even if you suspect a person to be working with the enemy, your kindness to them will still be effective."

Lord, how does a person extricate themselves from this deadly trap?

2 "First, you must repent of the most serious and destructive sin of judgment. As I have told you before, when you judge, that thought goes out and stabs that person in the back. They may become depressed, sick at heart and feel insecure, not knowing what the issue behind those feelings are. When you judge, you hurt others, you debilitate them, set them up for self- condemnation and cause an unidentified sense of anxiety. This is serious. That’s why I have taught you not to do this; it is so destructive. What’s worse, if you are dealing with non- Christians, you are effectively pushing them away from Me.

"Do not think for one moment that people are ignorant of what goes on in your mind about them. They are not. Not only do they perceive that in your expression and tone of voice, the demons whisper in their ears, as well. You will not get off Scott-free. If nothing else, they will develop an aversion to you, holding you at arm's length, and the most basic need in human relationships, trust, has been destroyed. You cannot go far with a relationship that has been damaged by betrayal; there will always be a guard before the person you betrayed. You may never, ever get their trust back. Only I can restore what’s been broken.

"So, number one: you must repent of passing judgment. As the Scripture says, As you have judged, so shall you be judged…Matt 7:2.

"Then you must ask Me to help you. Depending on how long you have lived with this state of mind, it will take time for Me to help you turn away from this habit. You know this first hand as you and Ezekiel are still fighting this insidious habit."

Yes, Lord, I hate it.

"So, you pray for a guard over your lips, your mind, your heart. And when you do open your mouth, you do so mindfully, being sure not to cast a slur on anyone for any reason at all. And from this point onward in your life, you put down every evil imagining about others, rebuking it soundly and refusing to hear or repeat any negativity about anyone. Those suggestions NEVER come from Me. They always come from the devils. That's their source.

"If it is a matter of Christian doctrine, be careful. You do not know everything. Many put forth opinions they've learned in their churches - that are not sound Scripturally. They put them forth as truth, declaring any difference in interpretation heresy.

"But if you believe it is clearly in error, speak your peace in love - but do not enter into useless arguments and bantering, ever. Truth has its own anointing. Truth will triumph. You might have to wait for Heaven, but it will triumph in the end.

"You will notice that much talk is gossip and negative. That will give you the inspiration to not engage in conversations that do nothing to edify. As prayer warriors, when you see sin, remember: you have done worse - and pray with the compassion you have had with yourself in your own weaknesses. Many, many times I will indeed bring you souls with a sin in their lives that you also have, but have not yet discovered. This is a great leveling influence to protect you from pride and judgment.

3 "My Darling Bride, be righteous, even as I am righteous. Remember, I am the only One fit to discern the true motives of men. Even under the appearance of evil, a soul may believe themselves doing good for others, though it looks bad to you.

"I alone know the whys and wherefores of their behavior. And your best posture is one of being a quiet, virtuous example and blessing those who hurt you…not from your lips, but from your heart, where I dwell.

"Please, My people. Purge this deadly poison from your lives. You will see that, as you flush this evil from your system, your life will turn around for the good. Oppression will become less and less, your light will be as the noonday."

And then He quickened these Scriptures to me:

The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart; whose tongue utters no slander, who does no wrong to a neighbor, and casts no slur on others; will dwell in My tent. Psalm 15:2-3

Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife, and in striking each other with wicked fists. You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high. Isaiah 58:4

Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Isaiah 58:6

If you do away with the yoke of oppression, with the pointing finger and malicious talk, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become as noonday. Isaiah 58:9b

The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Isaiah 58: 11

Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help, and he will say: Here am I. Isaiah 58:8-9a

Wow. Those are some beautiful promises I am looking at here. "The Lord will guide you always and He'll satisfy your needs." “Sun-scorched land.” "And He'll strengthen your frame."

Oh boy, I think we all want that! "You'll be like a well-watered garden." How beautiful and fresh! "And your waters will never fail." Really, really beautiful, beautiful promises here.

And all of that revolves around this teaching, of what He's taught us tonight. “To cast no slur, to point no finger and to not engage in malicious talk. Not to listen to it and certainly not to repeat it.

The Lord bless you, Heartdwellers. And thank you so much for your prayers and support. We truly appreciate it. May the Lord give you the strength to follow what He's taught us tonight. And I certainly want that strength, as well.

4 Binding Prayer Instructions September 2, 2016

The Lord is our Light and our Salvation, Heartdwellers. Whom shall we fear? Certainly nothing on Earth or in Heavens above.

And so I've worked on a new Binding Prayer today, considering the changes and understanding that the Lord is giving us, is expanding us on. So, I'm going to share that with you now.

It begins with the new prayer instructions. We highly recommend praying or singing in tongues between each prayer. In this way, Holy Spirit will rebuke the demons you missed. If you have not received empowerment from Heaven, been Baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues, please - seek this gift immediately. It is best to pray in tongues continuously throughout the day, as Holy Spirit moves you. If this gift were not important, it would NOT be the very last command recorded in Scripture that Jesus spoke to His apostles before He ascended.

"And behold, I am sending the promise of My Father upon you. But remain in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high." Luke 24:49

And Paul boasted, "I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you." I Cor. 18:14

Before the apostles set off to preach, they were told to wait until they received this gift. Then they went out fully equipped. We need this same equipping, guys. That's why Satan attacks and lies against this gift. It IS his undoing. Holy Spirit knows exactly how and when to address him, and that's why he hates this gift.

I recommend that you pray in tongues in sections, as you pray the Binding Prayer out loud. It's very important to give voice to the Holy Spirit, because when He speaks, it's God speaking in His own language. And He rebukes the enemy, He binds things up, He looses things, He heals...He does so many things through tongues. That's one of the reasons why the enemy has so slandered this gift. He's very afraid of it, because it's tremendously powerful.

And what we're doing when we're praying it in tongues, the Holy Spirit lives and dwells in our heart with Jesus and God the Father. Wherever you have one Person of the Trinity, you have all three. And so, we know by Scripture that Jesus dwells in our hearts, and Holy Spirit is with us always.

So, when you pray in the Holy Spirit, He is speaking in His own native tongue, and you're giving Him permission to use your mouth to speak the words. And as He speaks the words, He addresses the issues directly. You know, unless you have absolutely incredible discernment - which is usually a gift from praying in tongues... Unless you have incredible discernment, you're gonna miss some things. And Holy Spirit doesn't miss a thing! He knows exactly what to pray for and what to target. So, you can't go wrong by praying in the Spirit, any time of the day.

5 So, here's the re-written prayer. And as far as receiving the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues - just ask for it. Ask Him to give you that gift. And trust Him. And you can go to a church or someone else who speaks in tongues and have them lay hands on you, but that's not totally necessary. Once you've asked for it, He's going to answer you.

Before we pray the Binding Prayer, there's a preparation.

The Binding Prayer August 2, 2016 Preparation: Blessed Holy Spirit, I come before You as a child still learning; please teach me to see and hear You clearly. Please search my heart & reveal to me the doors I have opened and help me to repent and direct these prayers so they are effective. (Open doors: did I pass judgment or criticize in my heart or mind, falsely accuse, gossip or cast a slur? Did I steal, cheat or lie, spend money meant for other things, take something that belonged to another? Did I covet, over-eat or lust, or listen to/see something sinful? Did I disrespect my spouse or parents? Was I arrogant, proud or jealous, did I disobey You? Forgive Me, Lord, and deliver me from evil.). Jesus, please remove these doors with their demons & excrement to the abyss, and grant me the grace to sin no more.

Father, I forgive and bless from my heart those people who have chosen to be our enemies, and pray that Your love would heal and convert them. “Forgive them for they know not what they do.” Guide me so I am not the cause of another man’s sin, but a blessing, leading them to You.

As a child of Almighty God, Elohim, I call upon the Holy Ministering and Warring Angels to pray these prayers with me, and the Mighty Warring Angels to enforce them. I declare the word “US” to include our Angels, my husband & I, our children, our pets and staff, Heartdwellers and all our works for the Lord. In the Sovereign Name of Jesus Christ the King, I block all retaliation against us, our spiritual & physical children & volunteers. I cover us all with the blood of Jesus and request strong angelic protection and Holy Spirit guidance for each of us.

Deliverance: Warring Angels, please come to our aid & enforce these directives. In the authority of the Sovereign Name of Jesus, I command every demon working against us to be bound. Take back your excrement, undo your devices, release us. I bind and silence you - go directly to the Abyss, never to be released. Every Energy Vampire demon, in Jesus’ Name, take back your excrement. Return what you have stolen. I bind & silence you – go directly to the Abyss, never to be released.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, every evil force against us: I permanently destroy your energy corrals, blocks, walls and unrecognized devices: Come down never to be replaced! I call upon the Holy Angels to go before us and demolish every weapon isolating Heartdwellers from us and one another, from God and their families. I disable & silence all those who have created these, their leaders, backup, and forces of retaliation in Jesus’ Name and call upon the Warring Angels to dispatch them directly to the Abyss, never to be released or replaced.

6 In the authority of the Name above all Names, Jesus the Christ, I cancel all permissions for oppression against US. I break and forever disable every evil: inter-dimensional, spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental connection to US, including all written words, likenesses, or representations. x3 I break and disable every assignment, projection, link, cloak, curse, hex, evil wish, spell, seal, restraint, devilish wile, and stronghold against us, in the authority of Jesus' Name.x3 It is written: 'No weapon formed against US will prosper.' I pray that what You do allow, we will conquer with Your grace.

Protection: Lord, please send Your Holy Angels to stand guard and make a complete sweep, removing every demon and evil practitioner from our borders. Block every projection, disable every cursed object, device of evil, and intercept every force aimed at US, fortifying and making impenetrable the globe of angelic protection surrounding US, wherever we go. With the Blood of Jesus, I seal off every portal: air, earth, fire, water and inter-dimensional on this property. Please send Your Holy Angels to stand guard and stop our enemies or cursed objects and forces of evil from entering. Holy Spirit, please quicken truth and block the enemy’s attempts to confuse, sow lies and discord. Thank you, Holy Angels, for enforcing these prayers. Lord deliver US from evil, silence all tormenting voices, the tyranny of memories and sever the cords and projections of the wicked. Please realign, heal and reconnect our body, soul & spirit, removing any demons & their excrement from our bodies.

Healing From Our Sins and Attacks: Holy Spirit would you please pass over us: spirit, soul and body with Your Glory and increase our love for God and for others. Heal and restore our mind, faith, memory, health, vigor, endurance, focus, courage, peace and joy to the places the enemy, the world and our own flesh have defiled. Lord, what you have not restored, we offer to You for the work of converting the lost, and the healing and conversion of every worker of inequity.

The Glory: Lord, I humbly ask you to fortify, sustain and bless mightily our angels in their battles against evil. Release the Glory and protection that You sent with Your People, Israel - fire in the midst of them wherever they went and restore seven-fold all the enemy has stolen from US.

Favor: I speak Divine and Supernatural favor with God and man, Double favor, Additional favor, Abundant favor and Extended favor over our angels, over US and our "works" for the Lord. Jesus, I trust in You x3

Faith Without Works is Dead September 3, 2016

May the Lord’s peace be with you, and may our hearts be open to His instruction to keep our peace.

Just a quick announcement. I wanted to let you know that Love Letters To My Bride volume 3 is now for sale on Amazon. I have already used it for rhemas and I love the messages the editor, Mike Peralta, put together, they truly are choice.

Tonight, the Lord wanted me to be quiet with Him and we

7 listened to the crickets together. I love this time of the year when the crickets make their lovely sounds at night.

He began, "Speaking about world events. Things are going to get turbulent, Clare. But I want My people to remain calm. Steady as she goes.

"I have given assignments and some have done wonderfully. For instance, Leah and the Water of Life music.”

That's a site that I had checked out today. Leah had written me an email. I went to go and listen to her site. She's been really, really in love and on fire for the Lord. And she's written some beautiful music with Him, wonderful songs. Songs that really minister. And her name is Leah Catherine at - her website.

The Lord continued, "She has moved forward with Me in obedience to My mandate to use her gifts. Heartdwellers, she is a good example for you.

"Some of you who have been expecting the Rapture have not been using your gifts, because you have presumed there wasn’t time. I am asking you, My people, please do not let Me down. Get busy, there is time - you have been deceived.

"Many have said, 'Well, since the Rapture isn’t for three years, I can just take it easy.' You who are thickening on your lees - you will not be taken."

I looked up that word, LEES: “A word in the KJV that describes that undisturbed and thick portion of wine that naturally falls to the bottom of the vat. The dregs that settled at the bottom of wine jars and wineskins. The word is used to express spiritual lethargy and the decadence of Moab (Jer. 48:11), the indifference of Israelites to spiritual realities (Zeph.1:12), and the bitterness and inevitability of God’s wrath on the wicked (Ps.75:8). Zephaniah 1:12 records that they are “thickening upon their lees” who say that Jehovah will do nothing. Jeremiah 48:11 says that Moab has “settled on his lees”; that is, they have settled down in contentment with their circumstances."

"Though I love you with all My heart, I am giving you a serious warning; please hearken to My call. I need you to use your gifts while you are waiting. I need your focus to be bringing others to salvation, not how soon the Rapture will happen and soon you can get off this Earth. Shall I reward you with the same reward given to those who are laboring to bring in the harvest - knowing that they have yet a little time to bring forth fruit? I have no desire to leave you behind, but that is what is going to happen with the servants that buried their talents. Please do not be one of them.

"Moving on to world events. Birth pains are continuing in the world. They are closer together now, because they are coming to a climax. But I will continue to leave venues up to reach souls around the world. In fact, the Internet is going to flourish with spiritual vigor and life. Take advantage of this time to spread the Gospel.

"You see, your faith is holding the world together. You who have given your lives to Me to spread the Gospel know that I am a faithful God and I would not commission you to work if all the doors

8 were going to close. This is what the enemy wants. But for now, it is not possible and will not succeed. This is something they have wanted to do for a long time, but put it off. Now it’s too late, because the world has woken up.

"There will be numerous attempts to throw everything into chaos, here and abroad. I will thwart them all for those souls who are riveted on Me and not looking to the left or right. "Some of you are new to this channel. I have made it a point to tell everyone that I do not want them watching the news and Youtubes that keep abreast of the chaos. Why? Because you, by your negative thinking, will spread negativity and instability. Do you all understand? Even the ‘good’ Christian channels that broadcast what’s happening are working against the stability of the world. Unknown to them, some of the information they have is deliberately slanted to throw people into a panic. But those of you who are expecting Me to keep you in peace are in fact part of what is holding this world together. That is why you must be removed before all the plans they have can be implemented.

"Your nervousness about the times has for its motive: fear. That is what is being broadcast, because fearful people are easier to control. I have told you when the season for the Rapture will be ripe. So you can relax and reject that fear, staying busy for Me and resting in Me.

"Many of you do not know what it means to enter into My rest. It means leaving off with your own devices, motivated by fear. Should a Tsunami come, I will take you Home and you will be first to be raptured. Should an earthquake come, still I will take care of you. If you release all your anxiety about your bodies and the salvation of your relatives, and just focus on steady application of your gifts to bring souls to Me, you will have PEACE. My PEACE.”

"As it is written: The work of righteousness will be peace, And the service of righteousness, quietness and confidence forever. Isaiah 32:17

"You can never adequately cover for yourself. There will always be tension over the 'one more thing' you don’t have. The latest ‘prophecy’ of when the comet will strike, when the war will begin. Don’t you see that you are being worked up to a frenzy every time a new date is set? Dear ones, really! Don’t you see you are being manipulated? You are playing into the hands of the enemy. You can never adequately prepare, but I am always prepared to bring you to safety.

"The more insecure you get, the more you focus on yourselves, the less you do for the Kingdom. This is so very selfish. I have taught you that if you focus on Me alone and obey what’s been given to you to do, I will cover for you. You can walk in freedom. Now you are in bondage to all these dates being set. They have stolen your gifts by causing you fear and apprehension, even though I have consistently told you not to listen to the voice of the world.

"Please listen to My voice alone - wherever you hear it. In church, on other channels, in your prayer time - wherever you hear it, let it be settled in your mind and enter into My rest. Then, no matter what happens, you will have My peace and assurance that I will for cover you.

"This is a struggle against faith. You are being manipulated to forsake your faith and turn to your own devices. And this is precisely how they will drive you into the net that’s been prepared for you. 'Come to us, we have food, water, blankets, medicine…come.' And it will be a trap to incarcerate and eventually do away with you.

9 "You need to practice your faith and trust in You need to be an example of My watchful You need to be spreading the gospel by living it NOW, so that those who are left behind will have an example to remember."

Lord, I don't understand - how this is stealing people's faith? He continued, "Because you are getting worked up with fear, and the flesh rises up to overpower the spirit. Fear is a most powerful weapon. It is not only making your bodies sick, but your souls as well. You cannot hear My still small voice when your head is filled with the din of the world.

"As it is written: In repentance and rest you will be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength. But you were not willing, And you said, 'No, for we will flee on horses,' Therefore you shall flee! 'And we will ride on swift horses,' Therefore those who pursue you shall be swift.…Isaiah 30:16

He who said to them, "Here is rest, give rest to the weary," And, "Here is repose," but they would not listen. Isaiah 28:12

"Do not be among the unbelieving but believe. Let your faith shine through the works I have given you to do. While all the world is stressing, you will be creating. It’s in your hands, it’s your choice.

Then He quickened James to me “…faith by itself, if not complemented by action, is dead. But someone will say, “You have faith and I have deeds.” Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds.…” James 2:17

God's Will for You Involves Your Heart Dreams September 6, 2016

The Lord has not forgotten the precious things lingering in our hearts, Heartdwellers. What a wonderful message tonight on our dreams and opportunities!

Jesus was most encouraging as I pressed into worship. The past two days have been filled with domestic engineering…so please forgive the delay on getting the message out.

Lord, what is on Your heart tonight?

He answered, "Patience. My children and My people have great need of patience, as we embark on this journey into a new day. I will be bringing you all into unfamiliar territory. You have been going through a period of cleansing in preparation for this. You are coming out of a period of exhausting work. Now I have called you to put your hands to the plow with your new gifts.

"Some of you are aware of what these gifts are and others are not. I am asking you to follow your heart. I am planting desires in your hearts that have begun the rooting process and now

10 they will begin to come forth. But these gifts will never take shape if you fill your lives with busy work and stay out of touch with Me.

"How will you recognize them? You are going to feel a desire, a very quiet, deep desire down in your soul, which is in the area of your umbilical cord."

Wow, I remember being called to the bedside of a woman who was passing and I saw a brilliant tunnel-like shaft of light, similar to an umbilical cord, stretching down from the heavens, resting on her stomach.

"Yes, that’s the tunnel. All believers are prepared to exit that way, and it is also the seat of the soul."

I thought You lived inside our hearts, Lord?

"I do, but the soul is the door leading out from the body. They are intimately connected, just as in anatomy the stomach and bowels are intimately connected with the heart. It is merely a general location, not cast in concrete. That’s why you get a gut-level feeling about things; it is an interaction with the conscience, which resides in that general area, as well."

I'm reminded of the Scripture about the "bowels of Mercy."

"Further, the brain cells in the stomach communicate with the mind through electronic impulses, which help a person to determine their choices in life. Oh, the body is intimately and gloriously knit together, and is the crown of My creation!

"Back to your hearts... or rather, should I say heart and soul? You will find what you are looking for there. You will find Me there, as well. That’s why you are heartdwellers: your hearts are one with Mine, My heart is one with yours."

"Abide in the vine, My children, and you will bring forth much fruit". John 15

"In the vine you will find My still small voice directing you. You will feel a sparkle in your soul when something important is mentioned to you. For instance, you received a gift recently that rekindled a suppressed desire and now you are well on your way journeying with that gift. That twinkle, spark, illuminated moment was a Rhema, an illumination of something important to you, My will for you.

"Oh, I love it when you spend hours and hours alone with Me, Clare! Your mind is so much clearer afterwards."

Yeah, that's true. Tonight I was in worship for QUITE a long time, thank the Lord.

"Truly, dealing with administration is a murky process, just too entangled."

“No soldier gets entangled in civilian pursuits, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him.” 2 Timothy 2.

11 "Please - touch it lightly and get out. You will find that dealing with the gross elemental concerns of the world desensitizes you for prayer. That’s why prayer is its best first thing in the morning. No clutter to clear out first. You are fresh.

"Well, back to My point. All of you have hidden little dreams that you’ve written off as just your own mind and will, wandering. If these desires are not vain and worldly, they may very well be from Me. Desires of the world carry a certain bitterness and noise with them. Desires from Heaven are very quiet and sweet. Very often I draw you into art, music, writing and ministry this way, or helping the helpless.

"Some of you have very different dreams but are limited by your lifestyle and its demands. All you have to do is dream, and if your dreams and My dreams for you are the same, eventually they will become opportunities.

"But here is the danger. If your life is so filled with busy-ness and the world, you will walk on past your dreams to a dry, desert destination. You must be still and quiet by the living waters in My presence in order to feel that certain indescribable joy that lingers there under a pile of disappointments and failed purposes. Very often these are the things that were important to you in childhood and in your earlier years, and now you are ready to embark on that journey.

"That is what this period of time before you is about. You are putting your hands to the plough in a very new way, you are setting sail for the Land of Uncertainties - and possible failure. Do you know that fear of failure is your most deadly enemy?

"It truly is well spoken that 'Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.' That 'something else' is the substance of your dreams, and within that is contained the DNA code for you to attain impossibilities with My Grace. Will you trust Me to lead you there and through the process? Or will you choose the safe and familiar route, musty and stale as it is?"

I went to look up the source of that quote. A Rhema popped up on my screen that said, “No matter how you feel in this moment…I do not disappoint good wills.” Wow...that's a good rhema!

Well, how was I feeling just now? My gut was quivering, partially in anxious anticipation of finishing the painting and the song and presenting them to you together as the Lord has requested. And partly from the fear of how easily my time is gobbled up in things that have no eternal value, but must be done, nonetheless - and knowing that they daily steal time and energy from that goal.

And yet Ezekiel and I are being taught that the Goal Driven Life is not the God Driven Life. That when the needs of a soul are sent to your doorstep and you have discerned it is NOT a trap from the enemy, but a gift from God - no matter how it hurts or frustrates you, you must lay down your ‘accomplishment’ agenda and embrace the sacrament of the moment. One of our very first videos was on the Goal Driven Life. It's in the Wounding Waters series, if you want to listen to it. Boy, in that one, the Lord really pins it down with some beautiful Scriptures.

12 And then I was thinking - after all, is it not true that our egos are needy and we are eager to get that pat on the back, even if it is only from God? How good it feels to finally finish a project that you have done your best on!

Yet, if you've ignored the legitimate needs of a soul, even just for fellowship, you have failed the test of charity and have proven that your accomplishment means more to you than loving your brother as yourself. And this is one of the things that I really try to bring home. In marriages where the yoke is not quite equal yet, because you want to devote yourself to prayer so much - sometimes you cut off your husband. Or vice versa, you cut off your wife, because you want that time alone with the Lord. And that's not pleasing to Him. If you do it to any great degree. He's really directed me on that point, and told me that Ezekiel is my covering and he deserves time and attention.

Or if you're in the other situation, your wife deserves your time and attention and you don't want to make her jealous of God by constantly turning her down. Even if it's a simple thing like going for a walk in the park.

So, getting back to the test of charity. This is a stiff trial! But I have resolved in my heart not to let the Lord down…yet even at that, I know sometimes I do. Back to You, Lord.

"Yes, My Bride, I send you numerous trials to see where your heart is. Is it for Me or for yourself? That is a nugget of wisdom which you should carry forward.

"But here, I am talking about the new directions I am calling you all into. If opportunity comes knocking and you feel a tender joy in your heart about it, by all means do not let it pass you by. I gave you that touch, that feeling so that you would recognize My will for you…and by following that, you will attain to the abundant, joy-filled life.

"So, in this moment, patience is no longer a boring and overworked word. It is the very vehicle that will take you to the destination of your dreams for as long as you are here. You may not reach into that destination as far as you would like in the time left to us, but you will find joy in every step of the journey, knowing that in Heaven the very pinnacle of that desire will be attained - of that, you can be sure.

"Nothing worth doing comes easily. But I have taken your hand and it shall come through My anointing on your courageous steps forward."

My Sin & God's Mercy, Spiritual Warfare 9 September 7, 2016

The Lord is Merciful to sinners like me, Heartdwellers…and so you can be assured He will be merciful to you.

I have been told that I have to tell you what I did today. I am very ashamed of myself… Please, it’s ok, I’m not looking for sympathy - I’m acting under obedience.

13 Because what I did, many of you are doing.

When we were raising sheep, we always had a 'fence walker'…one or two sheep that always wanted to get out of the pen, even though they had fresh, premium feed and water inside the pen. They ended up being eaten by a mountain lion.

So, here is what happened.

I’m in the process of cleaning the closets, so to speak…and the pantry in our kitchen was a monumental mess. We eat a lot of natural foods that we buy in bulk, so there were all kinds of bags of oatmeal, sunflower seeds, brown rice, etc. etc. These old adobe houses don’t have cupboards or closets - it's crazy! The kitchen is about 8x8 feet - really tiny. And I had put up some shelving where I kept all these odds and ends in very small cardboard boxes. It was messy, worn out, unsanitary, and I could never find anything. Open to the dust, as well - which is very thick in New Mexico.

Well, finally the day came for us to clean it up, but I didn’t have anywhere to put things once I got them out of these old cardboard boxes and bags. So, I went looking on the Internet and found plastic drawers that were big enough, yet would fit on the shelves. From the very start, I had a check in my spirit. But I am stubborn. I pretended I didn’t, because I just had to have this organized! After all - it wasn’t sanitary.

So, I asked Valerie to get these for me at Walmart. In the meantime, that very little vestige of intestinal trouble that the Lord left as an occasional offering for Ezekiel - flared up.

Now, I want to make it really clear. He has had a major healing, and it’s nothing like it was before, not at all. But between that and the fibro, because today another storm came in, his fibro was off the charts - and he had to go back to bed.

I looked at him in bed with an ice pack and thought to myself, 'Lord, is this my fault? Did I open a door by trying to get these drawers, knowing that I had a check in my spirit, and it might not be pleasing to You?' I had checked with the Bible Promises, and He hadn't given me ANY negative readings. But I had a check in my spirit. I wanted to dismiss it, but the more I thought about it, the worse I felt.

So, I called one of my prayer partners and asked her to seek the Lord on my behalf, hoping she’d come back with a word that it wasn’t my fault and I didn’t open a door. And this pain he had was intercessory.

After I did that I decided to go to the Bible Promises one more time, because the first three readings I got were ambiguous. I said, "Lord, if this is my fault, please let me open to ‘guilt.’ Guess what I opened to? Yup, Guilt. So, immediately I called Valerie and said, "Please don’t get anything else on that list." She answered that she was able to get everything but the drawers, there were a couple of other small items that I could have limped along without and she did get those.

Well, then I get a call from this prayer partner and she told me, “The Lord said that you shouldn’t be asking me that question; you should know.” She also said she was under heavy

14 conviction the moment she asked, because she, too, had some issues that the Lord was warning her about.

Needless to say, I was very convicted and came to Him repenting. Lo and behold, in the next few minutes Ezekiel ’s pain went away.

Well, that cinched it.

I prayed, “Holy Spirit, please help us organize this in a clean and secure way without the drawers.” 'Cause really, guys - I was so frustrated. I thought, 'How am I gonna do this without any drawers?' No place safe to put them where they were away from the mice.

Then a friend showed up to help me and we discovered some large, flat Sterlite containers that would fit on the shelves. So, we went to work for 5 hours and finally got everything either thrown out or cleaned and organized in the containers. Holy Spirit had helped me work it out without the drawers I insisted I needed.

Later, after worship…I didn’t see the Lord, so I asked Him, "Are You there? I wouldn’t blame You for not speaking to me… after I pushed the line today."

He began very clearly and softly, “I can’t trust you.” (My heart fell...) “I need more obedience, even if you are being tempted and especially when you are being tempted. You have to say to yourself firmly, 'Don’t do it.' Why can’t you stop yourself, Clare?"

I sighed. I felt like a little child being scolded by her father. I thought about it and answered, "Pride. My stubborn attitude: 'But I really need these!'"

He answered, "See, how we made do without? And very well, I might add. When are you going to learn to trust Me?"

“Lord, I didn’t see that alternative and I didn’t want to go back to cardboard boxes, and mice, and ratty, old bags, and layers of dust!”

He answered me very compassionately, “I understand. I really do.” And for the first time in hours, His face became visible to me. It was so tender. I could see plainly that He loved me dearly, and He did understood. But I had hurt Him.

He replied, “Even when you can’t see an alternative and feel like you just HAVE to have it - especially then - you must trust Me, and not insist on your own way.”

Unhhhh (groan)... This is hard for me, it really is! There's know, this compulsion to have everything neat and orderly. It's just hard...

Anyway, I was thinking about how Ezekiel was the one that suffered over this. And that our Youtube family would never understand - rather they’d think God was a harsh, punishing tyrant.

The Lord answered my thoughts, “But I have taught them about opening doors, and we ARE going to talk about this. We must. I have a whole group out there that are doing the very same

15 thing, and I want it to stop, for their own good. They are getting severely buffeted and not ready for promotion. I want them to have the tools to understand why they are under attack, so they can make an informed choice. That’s why I want to talk openly about this. NOT just to embarrass you."

He continued, “You see, Beloved Heartdwellers, I am not the mean one here. Satan is stalking you, like a lion crouching. His tail twitching - just waiting for you to take the bait and sneak out of the sheep fold. He knows you are in the safety of the sheep pen, and that he must lure you out before he can attack you. So, he sends a spirit of LUST, to inflame you to want your way.

As the Scripture teaches: "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world — the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life — is not from the Father but from the world. The world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God remains forever.…” 1 John 2:15-17

And I just want to add here that, if you have to have something in the world - you just HAVE to have it! Even though you sense that the Lord doesn't want you to have it. Then you love the world more than you love Him. And that's the place I was in today. I loved my neat and orderly kitchen more than I loved the Lord, or I never would have told Valerie to get those for me.

And it's funny, I just got that reading in the Bible Promises Book. "Lust" And that's the Scripture under Lust. Another sigh. "I am so embarrassed."

He continued, “This is not about a harsh, relentless God; this is about staying alive, staying safe, staying out of reach of your enemies and moving forward in your equipping and calling.

"You see, I cannot graduate you to another level until you are trustworthy under pressure and temptation at the level you're at now. If I do that prematurely, you will get slammed, and those you are leading will suffer as well. Once you learn and stand up under pressure, then I can give you the gifts I want to give you for souls. So many of you yearn for the gift of healing and of knowledge, but they come with a price.

"We are in the process of learning now. Please, Heartdwellers, I do not deny you certain things because I am mean or petty. I hold them back from you because I know in the end they will be harmful and you will feel great remorse.

"So, the lesson here is: Trust Me. As a very wise soul once said, 'Whatever God does not provide for you, is of no use to you.' Trust Me. If I am convicting you of sin and you are playing deaf, as though you can’t hear Me, you are only opening more doors for the demons to sift you. It doesn’t have to end in tragedy and suffering if you will only hearken to My voice and stop sinning. Your life does not have to be sterile and void of fruit, lukewarm and the same old, same old.

"You can break out of this place and your key is to listen to what whisper, and I put in your heart…'

"Don’t do it."

16 I Am Serving The Fine Wine Last September 8, 2016 The Lord is here to empower and encourage us, Heart dwellers. He is asking us to examine our faith in what we hear from Him on this channel and make an informed commitment. He is standing before us with a treasure chest overflowing with the riches of His grace…we have only to believe in order to receive.

And I saw this treasure chest! I was trying to put into words what I was sensing from the Lord, and He showed me this huge treasure chest, overflowing with all kinds of gems and gold and just...the riches of Heaven!

Jesus began, “I need My Bride to expect results for all her efforts. What you are all about to undertake with your talents is going to be amazingly successful. I am going to bless you beyond your expectations.

"Why? Because this is a rough season and you moved ahead strictly on faith. You didn’t feel like it, you didn’t have confidence, inspiration has been attacked, your energy is low. You're coming off serious disappointment and some of you doubt the veracity of this vessel. To you I say, look at the fruit in your life. If you have grown, then the influence could not be from Satan - all he does is kill, steal and destroy and teach you to go in wrong directions. Look at the things in your life that matter; have you grown?

"I say this to you, independent of her knowledge, because I need you to believe in Me. I need you to be convinced that I am speaking through her so that your plans will succeed based on your faith. If you doubt the vessel, you doubt if it is Me, you doubt if you should move forward and you’re still treading water waiting for war and the Rapture. If you continue to stay in this place, you will grow old and stale. I want to see a vibrant, productive and excited Bride…not a worn out has-been. I want to see fresh fruit when I come for you, not what you harvested and dried last year.

"Please, Beloved, go over the messages, look at your life. Read the comments people leave about their lives and make a settled determination that either you are hearing from Me or you are not. If you are not, you don’t need to be here; it will make you double-minded. Better to find another vessel you truly believe in and follow Me through them. OK?

"That settled, lets move on with you who are convinced.

"This is no ordinary time in your lives. This is a time of vitality and productivity. I will bless everything you put your hand to for Me. I will inspire and execute whatever projects you have undertaken for Me, by My inspiration. Remember what I said about a

17 vibrant Bride? Have you ever seen anyone at the very top of their game? Life is exciting, challenging, hopeful, anticipatory. Some of you can look back on your earlier years and see that. Well, this is the time of the best wine served last."

“Everyone serves the fine wine first, and then the cheap wine after the guests are drunk. But you have saved the fine wine until now!” John 2:10

As an aside, I wanted to add something. Several times today, I saw myself in my twenties when I was highly successful as a photographer. Today they call it ‘trending.’ In fact, I had a dream last night that I had received an assignment from a very large corporation, just as I did in the old days when I did photography for the Levi Strauss in San Francisco. The Lord was bringing that up for a reason, and I didn't understand why until He gave this message.

Jesus continued, “You have suffered, grown, matured, seasoned, mellowed down to the things that really do matter in life. You are done with youthful pride and competition with those around you. Now is a time when these worldly attitudes have been worked out of your system. In a word, you are much purer. Therefore, I can use you to minister. You aren’t on an ego trip to prove yourself or excel beyond your brother. Rather, you are on a love trip where you recognize the needs of hurting humanity and want to use your talents to bring them comfort and into the Kingdom.

"Do you see how much you have grown? This is the season when I can trust you with marvelous results, because your motives are pure. Press in to your time with Me. Come out inspired and filled with My anointing. Don’t change your focus for worship to get something; give to Me glory and praise, tuck into My shoulder and love Me single- heartedly. Then when it is time, I will release you to work with Me and you will be exceedingly fruitful."

And I just want to make an aside here, and this is - this applies to people who are in school as well. And you help someone out, let's say. Or you're working with the elderly. Or you tutor somebody without charging them. And you work with the elderly in your neighborhood, if someone needs to go to the store or doctor. This applies to everything. People are going to see Jesus in you, because you spend time with Him and you love Him, and He anoints you. And they're going to sense His presence in you, no matter what you do. So that's the success He's talking about - people will be able to see Him, in you.

I remember, back in the day when I was buying my first piece of property. A Mennonite realtor was taking me around to different places and I noticed that he was so meek and gentle, and so taken up with my needs. And yet doing a good job for the owner of the house. And I was extremely impressed by that. I was used to the New York mentality, San Francisco mentality, just "city" mentality. And this man was anything but. He was just so gentle and meek.

18 I remember sitting in the car with him while I was driving and thinking, 'There is something really different about this person - and it's beautiful! I want to have that.' I really didn't know what it was until I was saved. And then I realized it was the presence of Jesus in this man that attracted me to him. It may not be the kind of result you're looking for, but it is the kind of result that Jesus is looking for. He's touching people through you.

The Lord continued, "Do not look at the obstacles ahead of you, rather focus on the knowledge that what I require of you is simply faith and all the things necessary to you will follow. Trust that I have good things in store for you or I never would have commissioned you to act and work with Me. Remember that demons of fear, doubt and scrutiny are assigned to every good work. Do not indulge them. Rather, take those thoughts captive as it is written: The weapons of our warfare are not the weapons of the world. Instead, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We tear down arguments, and every presumption set up against the knowledge of God; and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.…2 Corinthians 10:4-5

"So, you see you must act on faith, believing that the commission you have received is indeed from above and will produce fruit everlasting in Heaven. All of you who act in this way bring down the favor of the Father, for their unyielding obedience to the Son. Therein is the secret of copious fruit you will bear. You have taken the word in faith and committed your way to Me. You have stood against the nay-sayers and taken every thought captive. You’ve put your hand to the plow and refused to look back.

"This is what I expect of you, My Glorious Bride. Why? Because I have anointed you to bring glad tidings to the poor and suffering. And I go forward with you to instruct and equip. Rely more on My anointing than on your own devices. Move over and let Me take control as you apply yourself - what will happen will amaze you, because it is from Me. Be sure to give Me all the credit for each success, pray for those who are struggling and lift them up with your praise reports. Much encouragement and substantial prayer support is necessary. In this way, you will partake of the rewards of all you prayed for.

"It is a truth that the one who is visible is empowered by those who are invisible. Therefore, take part in each good work by praying for your brothers and sisters. How beautiful is the economy of Heaven, its fruits are everlasting. Know that as you are receiving these words in faith, I am empowering you. Together, we shall do marvelous things."

19 The Journey of Holiness September 9, 2016

Well, my dearest Heartdwellers, we came under attack today, with new weapons of destruction sent by the enemy. Something we'd never experienced before, and for a while there it was difficult. But I am coming to learn that though we be alone, (in the sense that Ezekiel and I were outnumbered) no matter the odds against us, there are five present - and three of them are the Godhead. And Satan cannot win any fight against the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And one little believer - no matter how puny - still outnumbers legions of the enemy when God is present and fighting for them. But we do not rejoice that the demons are subject to us, but that our names are written in the book of life.

As it is written: See, I have given you authority to tread on snakes and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy. Nothing will harm you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven. Luke 10:19-20

No matter how difficult the opposition, Heartdwellers, God will not permit you to be tried beyond your strength. Stand still and see the glorious salvation of God!

Even as Moses said to the people, "Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the LORD which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again. The LORD will fight for you while you keep silent.”…Exodus 14:13:14

"Clare, I only do what is necessary, to bring all of you around to a new holiness of life. The Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom. I take My role as God very seriously. When a soul cries out to Me to become holy, consistently, I take them at their word and do whatever is necessary to bring them into that happy estate.

"Yes, it is a happy estate. It is a place of rest from striving, contamination, with a pure conscience. One that can shoulder the gift of the cross imparted to them, without complaint. There is nothing more beautiful, more exquisite to behold than a holy soul.

"But getting there is an arduous journey and most stop only half-way. I am calling you all to go the full nine yards with Me. Nothing in this world is worth having more than Me! And next after that, is a pure and holy conscience which is not troubled by sin.

"A soul who has chosen the vocation of holiness cannot afford to have any attachments but Me. Yes, love for his neighbor; but preferences, opinions, wants, must all be aligned with what I am doing in their lives."

Jesus, I recognize that I have a terribly long way to go.

"This is true, but consider: you have chosen to be on the way. You have chosen to stay on the way and that means everything to Me. Most souls quit very early on the path, because the

20 world’s agenda pulls them away from Me. They are not taught as young children the things that are most important. Rather, they are pulled in every other direction: competition, popularity, affluence, power and prowess, beauty. All this, all these values are worked into children very early in life as they observe their parents, who very often lead them in the paths they wanted for their own lives, but failed to succeed at.

"So, to have a soul ready to give up everything for My sake is a rare gift. I take them at their word and though they have no idea of the cost involved, I lead them steadily up the mountain, sometimes even carrying them. But there are junctures of reassessment. Times when the temptation to quit becomes very attractive, because what is being asked of them is beyond what they are willing to give. Holding onto some fancy or idea brings Me to a point where I must find another way to coax them to keep climbing. I do this, because I love you so much. I know what you want at the end of your life and I want you to have it. So, I find ways to get you beyond your protests and keep you climbing. It isn’t easy, but it’s rewarding. And nothing that is sacrificed is regretted at the end of your journey.

"So, for you right now, we are still climbing the mountain of brotherly love and learning to trust and yield to Me in the journey. I am constantly expanding your faith and trust in Me. I know what you long for, Clare. I know your reluctance, and I know you will yield.

"Human nature is an inexplicable and inexhaustible well of conflicting emotions and thoughts competing for dominance in your life. Yet, when I take over, I sort these out and make them work to the soul’s advantage.

"I have imparted so many dormant gifts to the soul at the beginning of their journey, they have no idea the wonder of what lies hidden inside of them. Yet, it is My part to reveal to them and motivate them to pick up the tools. But first, I must strengthen their frame, their moral and ethical frame, their love for Me and for others, before I release them into their gifts.

"It’s a tempering process and requires many trips through fire and ice. Yet the souls that say 'yes' at every juncture of the journey, at the end, shine like diamonds illuminating a murky, grey world; bringing hope, inspiration and a vision of Heaven because they are a likeness of Me.

"It is a vastly immense concept. Only those who have graduated truly understand the journey. When you are in the midst of it you can’t see more than a few feet ahead of you. But at the end, you see from My perspective and the brilliant light you’ve shed from your earthly light.

"And that light never goes out. It serves as a beacon to all who are searching for the Truth. That is truly what I am calling you to be. Your accomplishments working with Me are secondary. What is truly important was the character of your life. Not what you did, but who you became when you died to yourself.

"So, My dear ones, I know this is difficult for you to grasp. All I can promise you is supreme happiness and fulfillment at the end of the journey. You have My word on it. If you die in Me, you will be raised to eternal life with Me."

And that reminded me of a Scripture:

21 11If we died with him, we will also live with him 12if we endure, we will also reign with him.10Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. 2Timothy 2

Bring Me Your Lowliness September 11, 2016

How gracious is Our Lord Jesus, Heartdwellers. He spares nothing to bring His Bride into the fullness of her calling. He is truthful yet tender, in all His ways, which are perfect.

Today, I received a very special grace as I came into prayer. I began to see myself as I truly am: terribly poor before the Lord, lacking in every grace and virtue. It was a crushing experience, yet so sweet - because I felt that I was being given the grace to see myself as I truly am: in heart-wrenching poverty. It cut me to the very core of my being.

All I could do is weep before the Lord, because He is pure glory. So magnificent and beyond human imagining, and I feel so little in my misery. I just couldn't stop weeping. I just had to ask, "How the world can You love me the way You do? How can I possibly approach You anyway other than on my knees? And how do I dare to look at You?"

And yet I understood, even while I was thinking that. When Jesus came to Earth, He walked with man as a man and He interacted with people as a normal person. This grace of being able to see Him and talk to Him is another side of His divinity, the reason He came to Earth. An invitation to pure intimacy, an invitation to become like Him, meek and humble of heart. How can we become like Him if we don't experience His human side?

Some people think it is blasphemous to be in His presence as His Bride. But this has never been about us being worthy. Rather, it is all about His love, which longs to fellowship with His creation.

I can never get close enough to you, Lord, unless I live in Your Heart!

He began, "That’s the whole idea…be a walking 'Me.' Yet still the little ‘you.’"

Oh, Jesus, how can I even approach you? I am such a low creature.

He answered me, “I don’t know, but I’m glad you do. Maybe because you know how much I love and need you, Clare. I need your affection, your worship, your company. Poor as you are, it is a comfort to Me. You may be only a tiny drop in a great ocean, but you’re My drop. And I would miss you if you didn’t come to Me, though you see yourself so clearly.

"Still, even as the king permitted Esther to approach - I am so in love with you in your poverty, your lack and littleness. I can’t stay away and I even long for the time we spend together."

22 Oh, Jesus, is this You? (It certainly felt and sounded like Him.) But it was so sweet, it was hard to believe.

He became visible at that moment. "What do you think…?"

A tear drop came rolling down His cheek, “Don’t hurt Me with your unbelief. I know how you see yourself and it is good; it is indeed accurate. But it doesn’t matter to Me, Clare. All that matters to Me is that you want to be Mine as much as I want to be yours.

"Who do you think is richer: the queen in all her splendor? Or the little Cinderella crying out from among the ashes for Mercy? Recognizing your extreme poverty of virtue qualifies you for My most tender affections and raising you to the appropriate stature of My Bride, because I know you will not presume.

"This is what I truly wish to discuss with all My Heartdwellers tonight. By the way, if you do not know what a Heartdweller is, it is one whose joy it is to live and breath in My Heart, capturing My thoughts, feelings and desires. That’s all it is.

"I have taken great pains in the last two years to make it very, very clear that I love littleness. I love hiddenness. I love those who long for My company above any one else’s in this world. I love the rag lady, the poor and lowly plumber, the carpenter, the street cleaner, the shepherd... What can I say to convince you?

"You cannot earn My affections. It is Who I Am. And I look upon each of you with the greatest tenderness. I especially delight in those souls who are little in their own eyes. Did I not live that example before you? I could have resurrected right before their very eyes, even calling legions and legions of angels to accompany Me as I freed Myself from the Cross in glory.

"But no, I chose instead to die an ignominious death between two thieves, to be taken down by mere men, bathed, anointed and laid in a tomb. Oh, the heart-wrenching finality they felt when the stone was rolled into place!

"The darkest moment in the history of the Earth, when all the hope of mankind had left, was snuffed out, sealed in a dismal tomb behind a cold stone. Nothing notable, just cold and barren rock, snuffing out the Light of the world.

"Those who were without faith did not understand I would rise again. Rather, they fell into despair that their hope for the Messiah was in vain, that truly if anyone were ever the Messiah, it was Me. But now, I was ‘dead’ and what was left? Shock, dismay, confusion, agony, hopelessness.

"So, you see, these men were no different than you, Clare, or any other Heartdweller. They all had their doubts, fears, confusions proposed to them by lying demons. They all fell short in perfect faith, perfect fidelity, perfection as I lived it. Yet still they clung to the hope that perhaps what I told them could be true, incredulous as it was.

"I am not looking for those who are qualified in their own eyes. I am looking for those who know they are nothing -and I shall crown them with My Glory. Those of you who doubt that you are fit

23 for Me, stop. Stop trying to qualify, stop waiting to be worthy, stop trying to accomplish something fit for the King. Only rend your hearts open with great poverty in your being. This is the place where My Glory bursts into your hearts and heals you, raising you to the appropriate stature of My soon-to-be wed Bride.

"Oh, how sublime is your poverty and lack! Do you not see how perfect your littleness is for Me? Can you take the credit for anything? Do you lack worldly qualifications? So much the better! Those who were great in the eyes of the world take more time to realize how truly pitiful they are before Me, but nonetheless, their value to Me is not diminished, not even an iota.

"Don’t you see? Your substance, who you are, your spirit, came from Me. Yes, you were made in My image: spirit, soul and body. Not only in physical appearance, but in components, each expressing a different side of your nature. How lovely is My dwelling place! Not the courts of elaborate palaces, but the heart who has left behind all significance to embrace only Me.

"Yes, your hearts must be cleansed of the world: it’s values, ever-present opinions, condemnations, judgments - that hold such sway over your every action. All of that must be emptied; then we can begin to work on humility. Such an arduous journey, attaining humility! How treacherous and fearful is this work of removing the facade of self-worth from your souls. It seems like it takes forever for you to see yourself as you appear in My mirror. How dangerous to see yourself as nothing, headed for oblivion, but saved by grace. How difficult to understand that the world has it upside down, backwards and even inside out, as it teaches souls error from their very earliest years.

"Removing this elaborate interior structure and replacing it with your infinite value to Me takes many years of maturing and coming to know Me. Your safest posture, My precious loves, is that of a very little child about to cross a rush hour freeway. Your only recourse, “Daddy, help me.” Do you know how pleasing that posture is before Me?

"The snow-capped peaks are magnificent to behold, but as the snow melts, water flows downwards until it comes to rest in the lowliest places, producing much fruit. And so the lofty heights are barren, but the lowly valleys are fruitful. And so the more lowly you are, the more fruitful you will become.

"I say this to you, because many of you have reservations about how I can use you. What I am saying to you now is that the more worthless you are in your own eyes, and truly believing you are the least of all, the more precious the gift of yourself is to Me. No one will assign you as the author of your deeds, but they will clearly see it is Me.

"So, My beloved ones, do not be dismayed at your lack of talent, intellect, experience, status before men - for all those things are useless to Me.”

"Heaven is My throne, and Earth is My footstool. What house could you possibly build for Me? And what place could be My home? My hand made all these things, and so they all came into being. This is My declaration, I will look favorably on this kind of person: one who is humble, submissive in spirit, and trembles at My word. Isaiah 66:1-2

24 In Over My Head September 12, 2016

The Lord is teaching us to navigate waters over our heads, resting in Him, dear Heartdwellers.

And last night, when I came into prayer, I had an experience with the Lord involving the armor of God, and putting on the armor of God before we pray, which a dear friend and prayer partner has shared with me and an experience she had.

And I was waiting on the Lord for a confirmation, so that I could share it with you. And He confirmed it. So that's what I'm working on right now, and hope to have it done by tonight. And afterwards I came to sit down and talk to you. I asked the Lord what was on His heart and He began describing the armor of God and the purpose of each piece. And I didn't get a chance to finish it.

But I do have something that I want to share with you tonight, from Lana Vawser. And I will be putting up the Armor of God message, God willing! Later on for tomorrow. But I wanted you to have something today, because this truly is going on in the Body of Christ right now. And her message is a true confirmation.

So, this is from Lana Vaswer:

"This morning as I sat just being with the Lord, I was prompted to turn on the song 'In Over My Head' by Jenn Johnson (Bethel Music). As the words played and I saw where situations have been ‘crashing upon’ God’s people over and over, the Lord was now coming to 'crash in over His people' to catapult them into the most beautiful 'in over their head' places of peace, joy, freedom, strength and stability in His presence.

“You crash over me, I'm right where you want me to be, I am going under, I’m in over my head. Whether I sink, whether I swim, it makes no difference when I’m beautifully in over my head..” (In Over My Head Lyrics – Jenn Johnson – Bethel Music)

"There is a breaker anointing that the Lord is releasing right now that is breaking the pressure and heaviness of the situations that have crashed upon you. He is going to suddenly catapult you into a deeper place of knowing His peace, His covering, that He’s got this, and you are completely SAFE and SECURE in His presence.

"This season has seen many in the body of Christ moving into unfamiliar territory. Places they have never been before and there hasn’t been much “direction” in the natural in knowing how to navigate this new place but just the continual deep sense of the heart of God calling out to TRUST Him even when you feel like you are walking blindly.

"I saw many you continually following Him deeper and deeper into unknown places. Moving into places you haven’t been before but you can feel the drawing of His Spirit to

25 come and walk out on the water and trust even when you don’t know where He’s leading or what He’s doing. The hunger and desperation to have more of Him and all He has for you has kept you moving forward even when the giants have raised up their ugly heads and have been screaming and intimidating you more in this season than ever before."

Boy! Don't we all know THAT one!

"Your radical ABANDONMENT to Him, is not only going to see the greatest promotion of your life and breakthrough explode into your life that you have ever experienced, but there is a gloriously beautiful level of intimacy with Jesus that you are about to enter into.

"This new level of intimacy with Jesus was so beautiful. There was so much life, there was so much joy, so much stability, peace and accuracy in HEARING from Him and knowing His heart. There was a GIDDINESS of JOY and excitement bubbling up in hearts. This level of intimacy was the answer to the radical hunger that many have been experiencing to just know Him deeper than ever before.

"The DOORWAY to this new level of intimacy was that place of being “IN OVER YOUR HEAD”. The place of relinquishing any control completely to Him. It was a level of surrender that says what Jenn Johnson so beautifully sings in this song 'Whether I sink, whether I swim, it makes no difference when I’m beautifully in over my head…' It was in the 'letting go' that the 'cares' were going to suddenly fall away and the burning convicting revelation of His goodness and that you are HELD by Him, you are SAFE in Him and what is before you, even though you don’t see it or understand what He is doing.. IT IS GLORIOUSLY GOOD and BETTER than you have ever dreamt (Ephesians 3:20). In the 'letting go' the cares will fall away and in the 'in over your head' in His presence, the deep, deep trust and letting go, you are being positioned for one of the greatest catapults into your promised land."

Wow, guys. And just as an aside here from Lana. All the dreams that you have. You know what we've been talking about and the Lord's been saying - bring up your dreams, those hidden things from childhood or adolescence. Dreams of things that you wanted to do. Yeah. Bring those up. And that's what He's getting ready to do with us.

"There is a HUGE door of the NEW before you, but to enter it requires your complete 'YES' of trust. In this NEW door before you, in this place of 'letting go' and 'relinquishing control' He is going to show you again, His faithfulness, His extravagant provision, His strength, His alignment, His promotion, His favor, His healing and His goodness and never-ending, mind-blowing kindness. You are going to be IN OVER YOUR HEAD at the GOODNESS and KINDNESS OF JESUS!

"Many of you have been looking at the feeling of being 'out of control' and not knowing what’s going on as a bad thing. The Lord is shifting your focus. In your LETTING GO, your place of DEEP TRUST you are moving into a level of freedom you have NEVER known, a place of JOY you have never known, and in that 'in over your head place' you will receive

26 exactly what you need in a MOMENT to carry you in and through the catapult into your promised land.

"The 'letting go' will build such a deep strength in you of who Jesus in, that when you move into your promised land and the giants rise up and scream, you will not be moved, you won't be intimidated, confused or shrink back in fear, but move forward with conviction and resolve and overcome them by the power of His Spirit with greater ease than ever before."

And that's the message from Lana Vawser.

I just wanted to share that with you. The Lord bless you, Heartdwellers. I'm going to go back to working on the full Armor of God and get it out to you as soon as it's done. Pray behind me, because I really want to get everything the Lord has for us.

And I wanted to share with you - Ezekiel is doing really well with his music. He's got a new song that he's working on. He's going to take a little time to finish it, but when he does, we'll get it up to you.

Thank you for praying for us, and thank you so much for your support. It makes it possible for us to be here for you, totally, 100% of the time, with our heart off of the distractions of the world.

The Lord bless you, Dear Ones.

The Armor of God September 13, 2016

Well, Heartdwellers, the enemy may be increasing in numbers and in strength, but the Lord is increasing our equipping to protect ourselves. Amazing.

I confess that today I was dealing with irritations in a way that was not becoming of a Bride of Christ. I realized I was whining and complaining. Immediately, I repented and thanked God that I had a floor to sweep, dishes to do, etc. etc. I truly was ashamed of my attitude.

I had been talking to one of my prayer partners earlier and she mentioned how important the Armor of God was and that it was a gift we could ask for. I have to confess that I've never taken it very seriously. I always thought it was a good allegory, but not something that you take real seriously. So, this gave me pause for thought.

In truth, I didn’t feel worthy to even ask. It seems that the requirement may be a heart of love and caring for others, just as His heart is. I will ask Him more about this. But apparently we have to be prepared to receive it. Our hearts must be at least wanting to be right towards Him and others. There seems to be the necessity of a REAL relationship with Him and then asking for the gift. Knowing that I was not worthy, I asked anyway.

27 Then, later that day, I had a communion service and the Lord placed a full set of armor on my body, right after I received communion. I was profoundly humbled.

When I came to speak with Him, in our time together, I began, "Thank you for the armor, Lord!! How beautiful. Oh, Jesus, You are so good to me. Forgive me for my ungrateful, surly attitude tonight. I won’t make any excuses…how lame would that be?"

"Very.” (He said tongue in cheek)

And then He said, "Oh, no, it wasn’t tongue in cheek at all, it came right out of My mouth."

You’re making me smile, Lord.

"It’s worth it to Me to make you smile, dear one. Rough day huh? Persevere, it’s going to get better."

In what way?

"In every way. The armor will help you, but please, put it on before you pray."

I did that tonight before I prayed over our dreams and sleep and a rush of Holy Spirit chills swept through my body. Which was a confirmation to me that, this was real. And He really DID equip me with this armor.

He continued, “It will help immensely and make your prayers more effective."

Oh, Lord, I really don’t want to be a warrior. I want to be a lover.

I felt led to look up the Scripture that Paul wrote about the Armor of God. It's in Ephesians 6, starting at verse 10.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:10-17

At that point, the Lord began speaking about the Armor of God. He began with the helmet.

28 "When you are wearing the Helmet of Salvation, you know that you do not belong to the world - you are now a citizen of Heaven. You go into battle as one who is already victorious, because you are reborn and redeemed by a power much higher than the minions of Satan. There is no question about who is going to win; your mind is protected against the wiles of the enemy. You know that I live in you, you know that I have over-come all things. You know that the enemy is on a leash. But the most important knowledge of all is that you belong to Me and I have already won every battle against the darkness. No matter how it looks to you.”

And then He went on about the Breastplate.

"The Breastplate of Righteousness protects that inner place, your heart, where I have taken up residence. Your conscience, if it is clear and clean with Me, has nothing to accuse you. The accuser, as he is called, cannot cause you to become faint of heart.

"It is in matters of the heart that man is weakened…the sucker punch. The place of the soul, where it abides, as in the bowels of mercy. These organs affect your emotions and if they are vulnerable you will collapse in battle.

"That is why it is SO important to examine your conscience, confess your sins and repent before going into battle. When you have done this properly, you know you are right with Me, nothing can stop you. No lie, accusation, bluff, psychological weapon can penetrate those tender areas and cause you to curl up in a ball and retreat.

"All your limbs rely on the proper functioning of your internal organs. When they are not in shape, the rest of the body is weak and vulnerable, unable to stand up against powerful onslaughts. And so the breastplate of being right with God is your protection that the whole system is able to operate at an optimum level. You have been washed clean in My Blood and are now wearing My Righteousness.

"It also protects your relationship with Me. No one can steal Me out of your heart."

But, Lord, how is it possible for anyone to steal You out of their heart?

"You have not come before Me in repentance, you are holding something back which is sinful, you question if I will protect you because of that. The enemy lulls you to sleep…'oh come on, just this one time, He’ll forgive you.'

"So, you continue the sin and pretty soon you are walking in sin and have turned your back on Me. Then you become lukewarm and your relationship with Me is lackluster, sick and dying. There is a coldness, where there was once joy. This can and does go on for years in some souls. The desire to be ‘righteous’ that is ‘right with Me’ keeps you from sinning more. When you fall, you come and repent and I restore you and lift you back up."

At this point, I looked up the Belt of Truth and I found out that it carries the scabbard for the sword, so I can see how it relates to the armor.

What else does it signify, Lord?

29 He continued, “Action proceeds from the loins, but before you can move forward you must be in a state of readiness. 'Girding up your loins' was a way to tuck your garment out of the way so you wouldn’t trip over it. But more importantly, the Belt of Truth, has the function to carry the Sword of Truth. And without truth, you will not win the ultimate battle. If truth is not on your side, no matter how ready you think you are, you are only a reed swaying in the wind.

"The Sword of the Spirit. Literally, My words written through the apostles and prophets enables you to defeat error with My very words. There is no question of what is right and what is wrong; it is given you in My Word. You are able to divide truth from error down to the very marrow of a bone with the help of My Spirit. There are so many levels of truth that abundantly illustrate right from wrong. Truth is always weighed and examined through the Scriptures, but your heart must be right with Me and guided by My Spirit or you will concoct your own truth, apart from Me. It will look and sound good to man, but be full of error.

"The Shield of Faith carries the emblem of the finished work of the Cross, where all your graces come forth. It is what you defend yourself with. Your faith in your citizenship and who your Sovereign is, that you are commissioned and in good standing, that all your actions proceed from truth and charity. That your feet carry the message of peace, forgiveness and good will for all men. All must be defended by faith that each item is real and true - so true, you are willing to die for it, just as I did. With the Shield of Faith you are protected from the fiery darts of the enemy, who desires to cut you off from Me and isolate you. He uses underhanded tactics, lies, half-truths - twisting and manipulating you until you fall for his lies.

"The knowledge of your salvation is protected by the Helmet, your heart is right with Me - the Breastplate, you are sworn to truth above all opinions - belt and scabbard - and your path is one of peace and brotherly love Sandals. If your feet are not properly shod, you will do more harm than good with the sword. The order in which you put these things on has significance.

"The sword is the last thing you take up for defeating the wiles of the enemy and every false notion that raises itself up to steal your Heavenly citizenship."

And there I felt led to look up this quote:

For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. II Corinthians 10:3-5

Jesus continue, "When you speak My words, you are speaking as one who is creating or bringing into being, even as I spoke the world into existence. Therefore, your mighty weapon penetrates weapons of the air and dismantles what has been constructed by the demons and renders it powerless against you."

Continuing on, He quoted, For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double- edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

30 "You can just imagine what Paul was up against." the Lord continued. "Here is a man zealous to defend the truth, so much so that he gladly had people put to death for what he perceived to be error. Once he knew the truth, he became an enemy of the establishment. The truth in him had to be so solid that he would give his very life for it. Further, he had the unenviable job of refuting the teachings of the Pharisees and pulling down the religious norms of the Romans. He was an enemy of the State and an enemy of the Jewish tradition and at first glance…of the law of Moses.

"So, he was one man with Me against the world. You’d better believe he knew how to arm and prepare himself for confrontations and debates with the establishment. Yet filled with the Spirit, (I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you. I Corinthians 14:18) and ready to come before all civil authorities with the knowledge that the answers would be given him when they were needed.”

But when they arrest you and hand you over, do not worry beforehand what to say. Instead, speak whatever you are given at that time, for it will not be you speaking, but the Holy Spirit. Mark 13:11

Jesus continued, "He was more prepared for spiritual battle than a Roman Centurion was for physical combat. The temptations that he got in the spirit, and the attacks from the dark side in the spirit were far more severe than anything bodily that he suffered.

So, he left these instructions behind for you. A man seasoned in battle has left you the very same weapons he used to spread the Gospel and spread it.

"So, go, My dear ones. Live by them and you, too, will find yourself defeating every foe and standing upright till the very day I come for you. Fully equipped, fully alive, fully prepared for the onslaught of lying demons, who by your hand will be brought to nothing but the disrepute they fully deserve.

"I am with you. Go forward in confidence, wearing this armor, defending the truth that you live by.

Interview With Ezekiel, Part 1 of 3 September 16, 2016

The Lord bless you all, Heartdwellers.

Forgive me for being a little late on a message, but I had family in town, thank the Lord. It was a very sweet time. And we're back now.

I wanted to share with you an interview with Ezekiel. A second interview, because the first one that we did - he had a real interesting experience with the Lord and a healing. And that healing continued. But he had to contend for it. And so, I wanted him to share some of that with you tonight. Because many of you have had healings and even relationships that you're contending for. I want to encourage you, because he's had some amazing breakthroughs. We've had a LOT

31 of opposition against us. A LOT of opposition. Demonic opposition. But as always, the Lord goes back to "open doors". If you open a door, some things can come back or you can get lying symptoms. So, in order to maintain the gifts that He gives us, we need to adjust our behavior so that we don't open doors again.

So, explain to me what happened. How did it go for you.

EZ: Everything's still holding where it was as far as just the phenomenal healing, and almost like a re-conversion in many different ways: in my heart and mind, my spirit. My body and my soul.

Clare: So, you got a major healing. It had to do with your abdomen, and you were having problems with obstructions, because you have a medical condition, that you had a surgery for. And that was healed - totally. A lot of scar tissue on the intestine that was causing constrictions, the enemy was really taking advantage of that and just really trying to hurt you. In fact, you even saw a ball of poison.

EZ: Like the weirdest thing I ever saw. This little ball starts at my chest and goes down my shirt, down about to my abdomen - you can see it descending just whoomp - my shirt goes flat. And whatever this thing, it's like a bolus or something.

Clare: A bolus of poison - that's a satanic attack.

EZ: This was a physical thing! Not just in the spirit or...

Clare: Yeah - a coven is not fond of us that we are praying for. The Lord, finally, He delivered you of that poison. I mean, that made you really sick. That poison.

EZ: Oh, man. I have never....

Clare: And it was after your healing, right?

EZ: That poison hit me before the big healing.

Clare: Then you had an attack right after that first major healing, and you felt like you were gonna die - and the Lord told you to get up, get out of bed. You know - get up off your pallet and walk. You did and everything lifted and you wrote a new song.

A couple days after that you got attacked again.

EZ: Yeah, within two days, I was just flying like a kite, you know. Well, dead, brought back to life. This man has been in prison, sentenced to death - he gets paroled and he's free! You know, after so many years. It's phenomenal! But within 48 hours, BAM! I started to get some of the, you know, the old symptoms back. And I'm going, 'oh, man! No, no, no...this is NOT happening, this cannot be happening!' No, I'm not going to HAVE it, nope, won't have it, don't want it. I prayed everything I could pray, I rebuked and bound. Clare prayed for me.

Clare: Well, the good news is that you didn't have any constrictions.

32 EZ: Right. That's the difference this time.

Clare: You were absolutely healed of those adhesions that were causing the constrictions. Causing everything to back up and causing so much pain.

EZ: Yeah, the healing remained, but there was all this staticy, cluttery stuff that started to happen. Basically to scare me..

Clare: Another attack, yeah.

EZ: make me afraid that I had lost my healing, maybe even make me doubt that I ever had a healing, sometimes.

Clare: Right, right. And it was some kind of an infection that was in your system.

EZ: it would start taking some very familiar patterns. I'd get up feeling good, go in have my time with the Lord, turn on the recording console and get all the equipment ready. And just get started with something really special and, you know, BOOM! This really awful, sickie - almost poison-y feeling, you know?

Clare: Right. And so you had to stop. Like two or three nights in a row, you had to stop recording.

EZ: Very, very frustrating. Very discouraging! And the reason I'm telling you this, is ultimately - they're shooting blanks. These phantoms look really real, they feel real. And I'm just about convinced that maybe half of them, if not all of them are lying symptoms. But whatever they are, remembering that all things are in God's hands and He's GOT this! Like Lana Vawser said, - He's got it. Nothing's gonna escape His hand or His will or the work - and especially for the elect.

I had a title, a working title that kept flashing back to me for a couple of days. And it was basically, "Hills, Valleys and Mountain." You know, I figured I was healed and I was free to go and man that was it: BOOM! And two days later, here comes another valley. But what it's produced, and I'll talk about that a little later, is the kind of mountain I've never experienced in my life.

Clare: It's been four days since you got that second major healing. But we found out that there was an open door. Right?

EZ: Yeah, that's the real important point. It's not how many days you were or weren't, but what was the thing, the key that's holding that in place. Where was the opening? How did they get permission to come back in and buffet me with this stuff? And serious stuff, you know?! I mean,

Clare: Like peritonitis - serious.

EZ: Yeah. peritonitis, were you have little punctures in your intestines and then the toxins begin to go out into your body cavity and at the worst of the worst, just before the Lord just blew it all out - I could feel it. Start going up to my heart, like someone had a hold on your heart, just grabbing and pulling it. But there's almost like a white, hot, fire burning pain that's going on.

33 Now, that's a real allegory, because we're supposed to be like fire-tried gold. "Many will be saved, though not all, and some as by going through the fire."

Clare: We're going through the fire.

EZ: Yeah. And many times, it's about us. It's not that we're the glorious intercessor setting people free or across the globe - it all starts in your heart.

Clare: So, you opened a door. Do you remember what the door ...

EZ: Didn't have a clue until a good friend, who again is a prayer partner, you know - things that you really don't want to hear. They're like, "ow!" Sting-y moments... Brought up Pride and all my readings in Scriptures were about Humility. And I'm goin' "What?? What?? What???" I mean, I'm healed!

Clare: That attitude in itself is indicative of something going on underneath the surface.

EZ: Yes! It was almost like the first time was the beginning of the incisions to open some things up, to bring some things up into the light that could be exposed and healed and scraped off like the dross, you know?

When I was a kid, we used to make duck decoy weights. Decoys were Clorox bottles, and the weights - we'd take my Mama's soup spoon, get a bunch of dirty old tire weights from a gas station. And we'd kind of melt them, and they'd come out looking like sterling silver when they were hot! But there was this thing of grease and yuck and muck that would come up to the top, and we'd skim that off and then scoop the scooper, put a little nail in - and these were our duck decoy weights. But they were really cool looking! We thought we had silver or something.

And I know that I know that I know - that when the Lord turns the heat up, that's when that stuff comes up into the Light. It can be seen. And that dross skimmed off.

Clare: Yeah, the findings. yeah. EZ: The words that she (Lana) came forth with and that's He's been reinforcing with us for the last couple of weeks, for sure, were Obedience. I mean OBEDIENCE, Obedience, Obedience. Once you know, and He's confirmed that that's Him speaking - not to eat can be little things. A lot of times little things. Don't do this. Take more of that. Go here. Go there. Do it. Once He's confirmed it's Him - He's not waiting for you...Go do it! And it's a loving thing. But He doesn't waste any time. I mean, grass doesn't grow under His feet. He's moving. He's doing things.

Clare: Well, for one - He wants to give us new giftings. But before we could be trusted with those, we have to have overcome some of the things in our nature know, need purification.

So, once you were convicted about those things, I was convicted, too. Then what?

EZ: Well, the Pride. He began to show me very clearly, we all do it. There's, we've just been conditioned, most of us, most of our lives to kind of think for ourselves. And even when we give

34 it all to the Lord, and we want Him to make our decisions we still have this inbred condition thing that our mind, there's a knee-jerk reaction to... If He says something, something flips in you mind or your will or something, that says, "That's not right! That's kinda hard!" or "There's an easier way, or there's a better way." And the bottom line of that is, many, many, many times it's just Laziness. You know?

Clare: And Pride and Self-will.

EZ: It's like, "I think I know better than God?"

Clare: So, what happened after you confessed that? You went into prayer the next time and we all got together to pray.

EZ: Well, things started to ease up, the physical - it's amazing how once you "get it" you get the point, whatever the symptom is, or whatever He's tapping you with. Little electric fences, or whatever. You get it, the fence gets turned off and you're, "Oh, Okay! Ouch! Yeah - got that!" It's not because He's being mean. It's a loving thing. He knows we need to be corrected strongly enough, and shown and taught strongly enough that we'll remember. It'll become part of our nature, our behavior. Out of love and from love. From the heart.

(end of part one)

Interview with Ezekiel, part 2 of 2 September 17, 2016

EZ:... the fence gets turned off and you're, "Oh, Okay! Ouch! Yeah - got that!" It's not because He's being mean. It's a loving thing. He knows we need to be corrected strongly enough, and shown and taught strongly enough that we'll remember. It'll become part of our nature, our behavior. Out of love and from love. From the heart.

So, the next conversation, the Lord's showing me Judgment. Yeah...He's showing me judgment.

Clare: Judgment? You've been working on that really hard for the last few weeks.

EZ: He's going deeper and deeper and deeper into things that we don't even know are there sometimes. But they are there!

Clare: That's not what you're trying to suppress with your mouth, it's what's going on in your heart.

EZ: Totally!

Clare: 'Cause that's already damaged. Damaging to yourself, damaging to others. And you went through another experience where you just wanted to die, because the pain was were so discouraged and the pain was off the charts. When you recognized that there were open

35 doors and you repented of those, and we got more prayer for you, then that started to break. That whole sense of hopelessness. The Lord actually came in, TOTALLY took away every symptom of the peritonitis, took it all away. Every little symptom. And he started feeling really good. You got your motivation back, to write music, play music. And in fact, you've been physically active, swimming - it's just awesome!

EZ: Oh man, I've been digging cellos and violins and all kinds of stuff out of walls, a microphone that I needed for a long time.

Clare: We took care of that, we got you a microphone.

EZ: Yeah, directional microphone that'll pick up the acoustic instruments.

Clare: And then the Lord started sending you all these little love notes and drawing you deeper and deeper into prayer. Just that anointing, you know, for prayer. Just fell, and you just wanted to tuck up away with Him.

EZ: A box of Macy's chocolates comes up. And by the way, the night before, the very first song the Lord ever danced to me with...Some years back, I used to go up to the front chapel that we have, and I'd just keep a night vigil with the Lord by myself, 'till gosh, I don't know, 3 in the morning or 'till daybreak or whatever. I just loved Him and it was just good to be in His presence.

And one night, during a vigil, a group called the Cantinos from Samoa have a song called "Believe"

Clare (singing): "Gotta believe..."

EZ: Yes, it's like "If you choose to believe.." He just held me over His heart and swayed gently to the music with me. And it was just really sweet and intimate. And that went on for about 3 weeks.

Clare: And pure. I mean He was holding you like a brother and swaying back and forth.

EZ: yeah - just really, really pure, you know? Like brothers would back in the Hebrew days, you know, when they'd put their arms around each other's shoulders. That song, after so many years, starts playing through my head all night. The night before this contending finally broke a few days ago. And I wake up the next day, and I mean up to 36 hours of not being able to eat or drink hardly anything at all, no matter what I took - nothing would touch it. I mean nothing would touch it. And I could feel I was running... I could kinda feel a low-grade fever, but on the inside I could feel a pressure like I was burning up, like my whole body was just burning up.

Clare: You didn't have any - the adhesions were healed.

EZ: These little punctures that had happened, and then the toxins going out into an open cavity. I was told by the doctor friend in NY - you've probably got about a 2% chance of making it. She's also a strong believer and she said, "However, that's what we used to say in medical school and the hospitals. I know now the Lord can do anything. So 2%? That doesn't mean a thing to me. I know He's using this and He's gonna get you through it and raise you back up!"

36 Which is exactly, exactly what he did.

Clare: And then as he mentioned before, He sent all these little love signs, yeah.

EZ: Aw, man - here's this song playing, the night before, song's playing through my head. I felt well enough to get up and go in the room and put that song on and kinda just stand there, just kinda sway to the music. I felt like I was right back there with the Lord. It was just so sweet and so good. And I go to bed feeling really comforted...and then comes the REAL, HEAVY-DUTY burning out from this poison, this peritonitis I guess. And by all rights any dummy would have called an ambulance and gone on to the hospital long before. But the Lord just kept - there was such a peace about - "just Trust Me."

And here, again, you're looking at two people, you're looking at the two people you love the most in the world, if you have your helpmate and your heartmate, as your husband or wife there. Or children. And you can see the pain and anguish in their face, the fear, the faith, the strength and the weakness - all the gamut that they're going through. And you can't make it better for them, and you can't make it better for you. And you all go through it together. A lot of you know what I'm talking about.

On the last night, when this set in hard, and she surprised me with her answer. I said, "Clare, I've tried to protect you from this for a long time. And I've been honest with you." 'Cause a lot of times she'd say, "You feeling, are you telling me the truth?" And I would. But I told her, "I think I'm dying this time. And you have to let me go."

And her answer was not anything like... I asked her to sit down, she said, "I don't need to - I feel fine."

I said, "You might want to sit down."

She said, "No. What is it?"

I said, "I'm dying." I mean, to hear those words from your spouse: I'm dying. "I'm just trying to tell you the truth, I'm being honest with you." And I said, "You've gotta let me go."

And she said, "I'm not gonna let you go! I'm not letting you go at all! This is stupid."

Clare: The Lord's made promises to us. And I'm standing on those promises. It was just a test in faith and obedience. If the Lord hadn't made it so clear that He didn't want you to go to the hospital, I was gonna call an ambulance. But He made it very clear that He didn't want you going to the hospital. So...

EZ: This wasn't about death and dying. This was about, kinda like Lana Vawser's...

Clare: Death and dying, not of the body, but to sin.

EZ: Right. Kinda like Lana Vawser's thing recently, going in "over my head", you know. The song she talked about and we watched the singer - I forget the lady's name, but very good.

37 Clare: Jenn Johnson, Bethel music

EZ: In fact, I got in - I've had a couple of glorious days. It was awesome, I had a couple of experiences today of just letting go like that. Just...blind free-falling. And we never are blind or free-falling when we fall into the Lord. We're not falling into oblivion, we're falling into perfect freedom.

So, anyway. I wanted to encourage some of you guys.

Clare: Contend for your healing. Look for the doors, you know, that got opened. And when he was in the worst throes of this pain, I just came and laid hands on him and prayed for Mercy.

EZ: Right.

Clare: Mercy, Lord. Mercy, Lord. Mercy. You know, with all my heart and soul, I prayed for Mercy. And the Lord gave him Mercy - that's what, combined with the repentance, recognizing what had opened the door and repentance and praying for your healing. Just praying for Mercy. I mean, I could have prayed all kinds of specific things - against infection, against all of it, the peritonitis and perforations and all these different things. I could have prayed against. But the one thing that is so beautiful about the Lord is that, you just come to Him and ask Him for Mercy. You don't have to have the name for everything. EZ: Right, right. It can kind of get to be a compulsive science, you know. A new way to pray and a new way to bind. And many times, the key pin, I mean - the Scriptures say "Judgment starts in the house of the Lord." So, hey. If He wants to judge us, correct us, do whatever and clean us up so that we don't have spot or wrinkle, and we are the shining Bride. He's getting us ready. You know, three years isn't a long time. In fact, it's not three years anymore. Two years and how many ever months.

So, whatever He tends to do within these next 3 years - man. Get excited about your gifts and your talents and your vision and get out there and make hay while the sun's shining. Let's go out in a flame and not a sputter! What do they say, "I'd rather burn out than rust out." But He won't let you burn out. You'll just go from Glory to Glory - from strength to strength. And lately I've been asking Him - please give me YOUR strength, and Your wisdom. Your heart beating, Your blood in my veins.

But when it came down to the final throes of it, it just didn't make sense. I just couldn't connect that the Lord was going to take me out. Even though my body was shutting down and everything else. Just didn't make sense.

When she said, "mercy" - everything changed. Everything changed. It was like the simplest prayer you could pray. Not even, "Oh, Lord Jesus, Son of God, Savior...please grant my..." Nope, just, with tears in her eyes, hands on her husband and she's saying, "Mercy, Lord. Please. Mercy."

Clare: Well, I just want to take a moment and summarize this interview with Ezekiel. Really, the Lord is taking us to new levels of faith and abandonment to His providence. Letting go and falling back into His arms. And new levels of obedience. Life and death situations requiring obedience and knowing His will.

38 I'd like to encourage all of you, Heartdwellers, to really pay close attention to what the Lord's doing in your life. And the challenges and trials and the tests that He puts in front of you, because He's trying to increase our faith. And see it as that, because that's really an intensification now. And I believe it's because of the intensification of evil on the Earth. And the times that we're in are coming to a head. It's going to require more faith just to live every day, and I know He's trying to prepare us for that.

So, when these trials come, rather than seeing them as tragedies or inconveniences, look at them as exercises in faith and trust and abandonment to His Providence, to His hands and to His goodness.

The Lord bless you all, Heartdwellers. Thank you so much for tuning in. And we'll have more for you tomorrow. Thank you for your prayers. They're very effective. And thank you for your support. God bless you.

How To Receive My Anointing For Your Life Everyday September 17, 2016

The sweet blessing of the Lord's presence in your life everyday, be with you, Heartdwellers.

Well, I started off with that blessing, because due to pressures from family, doing an interview with Ezekiel and other things that just kept piling up on me - I didn't get a chance to really listen to the Lord for the current message each day for the last 3 days. Wow, have I been feeling a vacuum in my heart! A real emptiness and an insecurity, kind of like...floating out there somewhere, not tethered to the Lord, which I normally feel very strongly.

So, this morning when I got up, I told the Lord, "This is my first priority - to be with You, Jesus."

I came into prayer immediately and asked that He would speak with me, 'cause I needed to be settled in my heart. And the first thing He said to me was, "Well, you wanted a little break."

Well, that was true. I had a bunch of things I needed to do. Not the least of which was family showing up. I just really felt the void of not speaking to Him every day.

It was awful.

So, I answered Him, "It was AWFUL, Lord!"

He answered me, "You had to find that out for yourself. Clare, you will never find your peace in anything or anyone but Me, even things ordered by Me.”

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. No branch can bear fruit by itself. It must remain in the Vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me. I am the Vine. You are

39 the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit. Apart from Me, you can do nothing. John 15:1-5

Lord, do you want to use this as your topic for today?

"You know I make the best of every situation, why should this be any different? You see, My dear ones, there is a tendency to put off time with Me in order to get something else accomplished…more time for other things you’ve been wanting to do. And when you leave off with Me, you actually disconnect from the source of life.

"I am the life that brings forth fruit in your life. To think that you can run on the inspirations of yesterday - old manna - and still feel fulfilled is an illusion. Everyday I must fill you with fresh inspiration, because everyday you will face new trials and forks in the road. When the anointing resides as a living force in you, refreshed every day, then you meet these challenges and joy - in My Spirit, not in the flesh.

“The Earth has grown very old, indeed. Sin swathes it spiritually like a filthy vapor and just as barometric pressure affects physical life, so does spiritual filthiness bring pressure to bear upon your spirits. This is why so many of this new generation seem to be equipped more spiritually, they must be able to navigate the turbulent times of proliferating sin.

"You, My Beloveds, are under a tremendous cloud of uncleanness which causes not only your discernment and thinking-spirit-soul connection to be tattered and worn thin, but it affects your body and aging as well. Just as in My Being I have three parts: Father, Son and Holy Spirit - you, too, have three parts: spirit, soul and body. These must be in agreement, in alignment, in unity. The pressures of your spiritual atmosphere are so thick and contaminated, that these easily are displaced out of alignment with one another.

"In Heaven, there is no such lack of alignment or pressure. That is why My Children in Heaven are so brilliant and filled with fresh life. They are immersed in a holy atmosphere where no evil can approach or affect life there. Nothing comes under the influence of degenerative forces and all live forever in perfect health, both spiritually and physically, in resurrected bodies.

"If you grasp this concept deeply, you will come to understand how essential our time together is, and that you receive instruction from Me on a daily basis. If you feel that you do not hear Me clearly, use the Scriptures as your interface, until you feel more secure in our connection.

"I am not a far away God! I live right inside of you, where your conscience resides. I live and breathe and impart wisdom, knowledge and new life right there inside of you. Yes, you can travel to Heaven and experience My Heavenly Abode. But remember that all of Heaven and Creation reside within your heart as another dimension, because I live there and it is by My love that Heaven and all creation is held together. This is the reason that you may enter Heaven through your heart, by coming into the Throne room where I reside. As you come closer and closer to Me, and even enter into the dimension of My Heart where Heaven exists, the portal to Heaven is open to you.” “In Him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 7:28

40 He continued, "Where I am taking you, My Beloved ones, is to drink from the source of living waters, everyday, without exception. Many of you are still confused about how I speak with you. Indeed, it is a still small voice coming from your hearts. Tuning is essential to reception, just as in a radio frequency.

"However, when you are not yet comfortable with that, you may enter into My wisdom and guidance through the Scriptures. I will indeed illuminate words of counsel and understanding as you read the Living Word. How, You ask? Reading between the lines. In other words, as you read you are recognizing words and putting their meanings together to form sentences. At the same time you are recognizing the meaning of those sentences at face value.

"Yet there is another dimension - reading the intent, the more subtle message - the between-the- lines meaning. In this process, you are applying what is written to your present time life and circumstance. And these are answers for you, directly from me.

"When I anoint something for you, when you pray for guidance from My Holy Spirit and begin to read, something will catch your attention as being especially relevant to your present situation."

I know for me, sometimes, when that happens I say, "Wow! This sounds exactly like what I'm going through right now. Bingo!" It is, and that's how He's answering me.

He continued, "You will feel it in your heart. That is a illuminated word for you to apply to current living situations. Once you begin to grasp that, you are coming closer to the tuning that is necessary to hear My Voice from your heart directly.

"When you sit and write or type a letter to Me, I listen and understand very clearly what you are saying. This is entering the foyer of My throne room. As you finish your sentences and expect Me to reply, even asking in faith, “Lord, what do You have to say about this?” I then reply, and you may begin typing as I speak.

"Don’t allow fear and scrutiny to get in the way. Just write what you feel I am saying to you. If you are bitter, in a state of anger or retaliation, and the words you write that you think I am saying - if they too are angry or retaliatory, you are hearing from yourself or a demon. But if the words bring peace and resolution…then, you are most likely hearing from Me.

"When you are done typing, go back and read what you wrote and apply the rules of discernment you have learned on this channel. I am never haughty or degrading towards anyone. I am always tender, meek and mild, unless I am having to give a serious exhortation to turn someone from sin. But even then, I am never haughty or degrading, but just adamant and firm, leaving a way out for those I am addressing.

"These are the living waters you MUST be nourished on everyday. Even if it is only a simple “‘I’m here.” Still, it will settle your soul and bring you peace.

"Some of My servants and Brides have offered Me the gift of hearing My voice daily for the edification of another who would not normally hear My voice - just to get them started and established in hearing from Me.

41 "But for you who are just starting out on this journey, I am here for you and I long to exchange words from My heart to you daily, if only you will take the time to tune in to Me and maintain it. After all, what more precious gift can you have than the love of My heart, accompanied by loving words and counsels.

"But let this brief time of not receiving fresh manna be a lesson to all, that you do not live by bread alone but by every word that comes forth from My mouth."

Then the two Scriptures that came to mind were:

"He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the LORD. Deuteronomy 8:3

"It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone.'" Luke 4:4

Jesus continued, "Seek Me daily, without fail, and you shall live the abundant life I have promised to all of those who love Me. A spiritual life, filled with wisdom and joy. Follow Me. Listen to Me daily and take My words to heart. Live in obedience to those words. And truly your life will bear much fruit.

"I love you, My sweet Bride. I am coming for you. Don't let that vision slip away. Tuck it away in your hearts and meditate on it frequently. You are indeed My Bride and My Love, and I will come for you. In the meantime, seek Me daily and lead your life in My anointing."

Sneak Previews, portrait of Jesus and Song - rough September 18, 2016

Well, my precious Family, I just couldn't resist. Knowing that I tend to be a perfectionist, and that I have quite a bit more work to do on this song and on the portrait. The Lord asked me to put the two together.

And rather than deprive you of at least a HINT of what He had in mind for both the song and the portrait, I decided to share it with you, even though it's not finished. Just a little bit of it. It's not a full size, it's just a little snippet. It's the essence of how He feels, it's His eyes you know, that are so important.

In case you're wondering, He's the one who put the lilt to His eyebrows, because I was going to do them normally. The proportions pretty much fit the Shroud of Turin. But one night, out of frustration, I asked the Lord, "Please, help me!" And Ezekiel anointed me and prayed behind me. And all of a sudden, these eyebrows came into being and this expression came - and it was the Lord. And I knew it was the Lord.

42 The first picture was kind of cartoonish, and I tried to change the eyebrows, 'cause I thought, 'Well, that's kind of funny. I don't know if I really want them that way...' And when I did, I messed it up. So I changed it back again to what He wanted. And I'm just resting in that.

But I still have a lot of work to do on His hair and the background and His shirt and everything. So, it's going to take a little bit of time more. But I wanted to share with you the sweet, sweet expression that He has on His face. And I also wanted to share the song with you, which I'm still working on with the piano with broken chords. So, I'm going to ignore the perfectionism and I'm gonna just sing it for you. Just so you can get an idea of the message that He had in mind, to go with the portrait.

I love you, Oh, how sincerely I love you. Oh, how securely I hold you to My heart. Hoping only for your trust in Me, Trust in Me, in Me.

I need you, Although I'm God I still need you. For Who I Am when you praise Me, From your heart. For the ones who've turned away from Me. Oh, comfort Me, comfort Me.

I love you, Lean on the One in love with you. I hear you searching and calling out to Me. I'm here, right here, oh can't you see? It's truly Me. Look at Me.

I'm waiting for you, When you ignore Me you wound Me. When you forget all that I have promised you, That together we shall do. And you question if My words are true. I promised you, promised you.

That's the first draft of the song. And I'll get my voice in order and get the piano in there. And I just couldn't resist sharing a little bit of what He's been working on.

43 Supernatural Power-The Communion Service September 19, 2016

The Lord bless and keep you, Heartdwellers, especially in His peace, with His supernatural strength.

Jesus began speaking to me about a communion service celebrated with great intention, sincerely and focusing on the elements of the service, especially His death and His shed blood and resurrection.

He began, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” And I felt prompted at that point to look up the Scripture.

He took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave to them, saying, “This is My body, given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” Luke 22:19

And Paul also repeated this,

For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” I Corinthians 11:23-24

Jesus continued, “If only you knew the power of the service worthily celebrated and the gift you’ve been given in it. Watch chains burst asunder, Clare. Watch Me turn tragedy into good, watch Me move through this service. Copious, copious graces flow out from a communion well said. You just don’t know the power you hold in your very hands.

"But the enemy surely does and he makes light of it, to downplay how powerfully it works against him. It looks so lackluster and hidden - yet it's so powerful. However the powers of darkness know what it represents and they make a mockery of it in their own ceremony."

At that point, one of our intercessors called and asked for a special prayer and I felt led to have a communion service for them. They were getting retaliation for all their deliverance prayers for others. They texted me about 10 minutes after I had finished… all the oppressive demons left them, one by one. And the terrible blanket of sorrow and sadness they had been feeling was gone.

Oh, how powerful is the remembrance of Our Lord’s sacrifice on the Cross!

Jesus continued, “There is no force on Earth that can trump communion said with earnest faith and deep remembrance of My Passion. What I have given you, Clare, is far more powerful than even the words that come from your mouth. The intension of your heart, covered with the blood of sorrows from My death and resurrection, contains all that is necessary to defeat evil.

"It is so simple, so uncomplicated, yet so very prodigiously powerful. You, My love, must get rid of this ambivalence about its efficacy.

44 "There’s an agony that goes on in Heaven when a communion service is said with great reverence and focus on My Passion. It is like a shiver that passes through everyone as it goes to the throne, touching each like a minuscule bold of lightening. It’s a current of remembrance and graces come swiftly pouring out from the Throne Room. Like a shock wave, flipping a switch that opens the doors of grace.

"Clare, what I did on the Cross will never, ever be forgotten, because God Himself allowed man to crucify Him on that day. And spoke the words, “Do this in remembrance of Me.” This indeed was the finished work of the Cross. To recall My suffering on that day sends this shiver through all in Heaven. Never underestimate the power of that shiver, for all in Heaven understand what it was about, even more than you who are still on Earth. It penetrates the gates of grace and they open to shower graces upon those needy and crying out.

"Remember this, Daughter. Pray these prayers with great intention and reverence, and behold the transformations that will come as a result. Not only within you, but also with those you lift up in the service.

"Go now and elevate this practice to the place of greatest dignity and power. Surely, I will bless all who celebrate it worthily and harken to their petitions."

And that was the end of His message.

And I just wanted to share with you that we have a video about having a communion service at home, a very simple way to celebrate it. And I receive the Lord every day in the holy, consecrated bread and wine. Every single day I receive Him. I have consecrated hosts set aside, so that I can receive without having a full communion service.

So, it's very, very important. And it was amazing that I got texted immediately after the service, all these demons just disappeared, one by one. And how the terrible blanket of depression just evaporated.

So, dear Heartdwellers, use our website search engine about communion, and it'll take you to the videos that are about communion. And that'll help you get an idea of how to go about it. If you're new to the Channel, that is. And for all of us who've been here with us full-time, we need to understand that this is a highly, highly honored practice and grace. And it can be used to break all kinds of manifestations of evil.

So, let's put it in its rightful place and use it. This is a great gift that He's given us and is definitely a weapon that the enemy fears, and that's why he puts it down and minimalizes it.

Thank you for listening in, thank you for your prayers. And thank you so much for your support. We love you!

45 Spiritual Attacks, Prayers for Our Enemies September 20, 2016

May the Peace and Endurance of Jesus be with us all.

The Lord began speaking to me about the days past and I had questions about why new issues come up just on the heels of resolving and healing other issues. It can be discouraging at times - I almost feel like a duck in a shooting gallery. But giving up is not an option. Ever.

My time with Him began: Lord, You know my struggles with faith and the many things that pop up out of nowhere. No sooner do we get one issue resolved than something else takes its place. Please help me.

"I know what you’re thinking," He said, "I can hear your ruminating. I also hear the enemy whispering and insinuating. There are many who wish much evil and death on you both, but they will go unsatisfied. In fact, I am arranging trials for them that will take their attention off of you. But you know, Clare, there are always more haters and nay-sayers. I appreciate your prayers for them; truly they are dark souls in need of Me.

"I want to give them My love, but they reject it, turn away and prefer anger, bitterness, and all things dark. This is where they get their ‘high.’ From the devils, satanic worship and the pains inflicted on others. They are distorted, twisted souls, Clare. My heart aches for them."

If only they knew You, Jesus.

"They know enough about Me to know they don’t want Me."

But how could they NOT want You as their friend?

"It is complicated and has its source in woundings, (mixed with lies blaming Me) over and over again. So much has been heaped on the original incidents and buried, that they don’t even know what will make them happy. You were correct in saying there is no such thing as a 'happy' Satanist. Even if they think they are happy now, they will find out it was all an illusion and that Satan hates their guts - just like they hated everyone else.

"It is a truth that the character of the leader filters down all the way to the littlest member. This alone should tell them. Satan is all about hatred, and they are being used. When they are no longer useful, then they will discover how this arch-demon really regards them. What happened when John Ramirez asked Satan for a time of rest because he was tired? He was blinded for an entire year. That tells you how Satan really feels about his puppets."

Lord, that pains me deeply. What a horrible deception!

46 "It is just, Clare. They know better in the beginning, they know not to hurt others - but they ignore what is being told to them through their conscience. Over and over and over again they do these things to hurt others, until there is no consciousness of right or wrong; just what feels good. And hurting others feels good, really good.

"There is no reasoning with them. This is not a function of thought, it goes much deeper. It is deep, deep hurt and rejection gone into retaliation against all humankind. Hatred. Sheer, pure, unadulterated hatred, until Satan takes over the soul and they live only to satisfy his cravings for inflicting pain and death.

"I hate talking about this." Jesus concluded.

Me, too! Can we please change the subject? I really want to understand more about healing and faith. I wake up with attacks against faith, lies that healing does not work, even though I've SEEN it work.

Jesus replied, "I know, Beloved. I know. You have to work with Me. You have to declare it and believe it for it to take root. This is not an endeavor for just Me, I must have your full cooperation.

"I want you to believe what the Spirit tells you I am doing in your body. I want you to reaffirm it everyday, because everyday you are under attack. I have set your body to heal certain maladies that you are aware of. Not all, but particular ones - truly I have. Now you must set your mind to believe in that healing process and denounce any contrary suggestions.

"Healing is a very complex and delicate subject. But for the soul who has complete faith (too rare even to mention) healing can be accomplished more easily when it is My will.

"For the rest of the souls who are struggling with faith, it is a battle and can make you weary. But you just have to confess, 'This particular problem in my body has been set to heal and I will see it accomplished.' Then you mustn’t give into unbelief or doubting.

"Doubts will come, sometimes like a flood from the Enemy. But you, My dear Daughter, must reject them the very moment they enter your mind. Do not allow them to stick there. Refute them, and rebuke the demons.

"For the other sufferings, which I have allowed for the sake of Mercy on the world and mankind, I will give you the grace to continue moving forward, in spite of them.

"Everything I do with you, Clare, has its source in Love. There are so many things that you could be suffering, and I have protected you from. And these things are but a small token of your love for Me, offering them up for the lost souls. And especially the workers of iniquity. I deeply appreciate your prayers for the workers of iniquity. You will indeed see fruit from these prayers.

"I bless you now, My Daughter. I bless you all. Understand that faith works hand-in-hand with My Grace and you are the anchor to continue the work of healing. We do this together."

47 How We Miss Our Breakthroughs September 21, 2016

Well, dearest family, I realize now that I have been missing the greatest opportunities to breakthrough to my higher calling. I’ve been wading through the muck of a swamp to get to the pristine waters, and it’s always a wearying, long journey, by the way I’ve gone about it.

The good news is that the Lord is clarifying this for us, and if we obey and are consistent and diligent, we are going to see marvelous changes in our productivity for the Kingdom of Heaven each day. That includes with our family, as well.

Many of you don't need this lesson. Many of you've got it right. But I needed this lesson.

It all began when Ezekiel was under attacked again, with yet another, strange malady that we couldn't diagnose. We had no idea what it was! We just knew that the Lord was allowing it as a correction, because we got God's Correction in the Bible Promise Book. And He's always faithful to show us that.

Anyway, the subject of pride came up. And I realized that somehow, we had opened the doors to Pride, and I soon found out that pride was the culprit for both of us. Ezekiel recognized his sin, but I couldn’t see mine. Oh, I knew it was there, alright. I know I've got a lot of pride, and it surfaces when I lose my temper or get angry. I realize that that's complaining against God, because He allows these circumstances. And I know I've got lots of pride. I didn't know what manifestation of my pride the Lord was trying to draw my attention to.

“Create in me a clean heart, oh Lord. Let me be like you in all my ways.” I kept singing that over and over again, really feeling conviction, but not being able to identify its source.

I came into prayer asking Him: Lord, I just don't understand what you mean by 'pride'? I'm blind to it just doesn't make sense. Please reveal it to me.

I realized it must be serious, because I don't see it and I think whenever pride is the worst it's invisible to us. I was a little confused and hurt, and I didn't understand.

I had a communion service, and after I received the Lord, I saw His face before me and He held my face tenderly in His hands. I was thinking of all the times when I didn't obey Him, when I had an inkling that He wanted something but I didn't obey. And I didn't ask, because I didn't want to be told 'no'. I began repenting and feeling very badly, seeing clearly that that was at least one area of pride.

As I listened for His voice, I could not believe the words that were coming from His mouth, “You honor Me with your lips, but where is your heart? You put other things before Me, Clare. Every morning I wait for you, yet there is always something more important that comes first.

48 "This, I want to stop. You said it yourself: watch what a person does with their time and you will see where their heart is."

This was so amazing to me, because I had noticed, when I was cleaning house and trying to get everything ship-shape so I could get into prayer - that very admonition came back to me. And it was in my mind. I thought at the time, 'Uh oh. I am not living what I'm teaching. This is NOT good.'

And the vision I'm about to relate to you also came to mind.

After He said that, I remembered the vision He gave me about how I made Him wait. He showed me a ship coming into port with the great King to see His bride - who, of course, was supposed to meet Him there. But she got restless and went shopping, looking for a new outfit. In the meantime, He came and she wasn't there.

I was that Bride. I couldn't believe I could be so disrespectful, but I realize now that I have been putting other things first - reasoning that if I get everything out of the way, I can really spend time with the Lord. But that's a deception, because you never get everything out of the way; there's always something else that demands time. And anyway, by that time, you're very tired and not your best. I realized the messages have suffered, my prayer life has suffered, the painting suffered, my music, especially, has suffered because I was so caught up in the Martha, Martha run-around. I truly was putting the world first.

Jesus continued, “I want to be first, first, first in your life. After bodily functions like the bathroom, a fire and something simple to eat. Then Me. Not the dog, not this one or that one, or checking emails."

Lord, what about serving my husband? You have always taught me to honor his needs, even when it is inconvenient.

"He, too, can wait. I want to be first, before your husband, before your dog, before anything but the direst necessity."

And I had been taking my puppy out in the morning, because he was restless. But I can see now that he can wait. He has a free access to going outside, so that's not the issue. It's more an issue of he wants to play.

The Lord continued, "I promise you, if you put Me first, you will see a real turn around with music and messages and art. Everything will then fall into order and you won’t be chasing your tail all day, trying to get it all done before you can do what I considered the most important thing.

"Your house comes LAST. Floors, dishes, you name it - it comes absolutely last. Not first, Clare, not first. If you honor Me in this way, I promise you, everything else will fall into place. Ministry, painting, music... oh, my what a turn around for you! This is where your headstrong pride becomes most evident. Do away with this and I will indeed be a very happy Jesus."

Lord, am I to teach this to people with little children and responsibilities?

49 "Yes, of course. And you know how to manage that. You did it with My help for all those years you were a single mother."

Gosh, I’ve been feeling like I needed to make this change for a long time, but I just couldn’t seem to do it. One huge issue was getting up late in the morning, because I would work until 6 am. When I got up at 2 pm things were clamoring for my attention. People at the door, communicating with helpers who had normal hours, etc. etc. But now my hours are a little more sane and it could easily work. At least the first four hours devoted to prayer, the message and music.

The Lord went on, “You’ve been blocked and blinded - but again, it’s your materialistic side that wants everything in order. That’s why I gave you the money-changers in the Temple for a Scripture reading. You’ve been living for the externals and that’s why you are majorly frustrated and disappointed with the most important tasks.”

Lord, what about playing the flute?

"I want you to practice your flutes, it is good for your soul and your breathing. But certainly no more than an hour a day. 45 minutes is best. It really will improve your breathing and singing.

"And this IS Me, Clare."

And as an aside, someone sent me a flute in the mail. By the way, thank you, whoever you were - that was very much a gift from Holy Spirit. It was nice! But I also sought permission from the Lord to get a pennywhistle and an Egyptian flute, because the sounds were something I wanted to use in my music. We discerned it was the Lord and bought them from Erick the Flutemaker. They are absolutely marvelous instruments made from bamboo, the one is - the Egyptian and the pennywhistle is from wood.

But you know how it is when you get something special; you get permission and you think it's okay, and then the devils start pounding you with false guilt, telling you that you should have given the money to the poor. So, there was always this false guilt in the back of my mind, and I thought, 'What if we didn't discern right?'

The Lord addressed that. He said, “Stop ducking your head, I gave you those flutes. This is Me.”

Oh, boy... That was the end of the false guilt!

And I've kind of been thinking I should do the full communion service with Scripture readings from the Psalms, the New Testament, the Old Testament. You know, kind of a well-rounded communion service. And I found a missal that I use, it's very nice. It's a Sunday missal from one of the liturgical churches, and it really helps. It puts all the readings together by subject. So I've been using that for my communion service.

So I asked Him: What about a full communion service with all the Scripture readings and prayers?

50 He answered, "Every day. You are a leader, a mother. You have children you must cover in prayer. When you lift them up to Me in the communion service, I cover them with My blood, My kisses, My protection, My concern for their daily needs. There is nothing you can do that is more important than the communion service.

"This is Me! There's nothing you can do. I don’t care how you feel, it is your obedience that I will bless. Remember: even a communion service poorly said will still bring forth fruit. I meant that. Yet none of your services need to be poorly done."

He lifted my chin, “Clare, this is Me, all of this is Me. I mean it. Me first, a communion service with readings and prayers, then the world and its doings. Please…this must be."

Yes, Lord, with your help, yes!! I’m sorry doesn’t get it, nevertheless, I am very sorry.

"I forgive you, spouse of My Heart. I forgive you. Now you will see things turning around. This has been a major issue out of place. Now that you’ve repented we can go forward."

Do you want me to teach this, Lord?

"Yes, of course! What do you think? You’ve been majoring on minors. Now you will be majoring on majors. You're not the only one. Don't you think this is something important to pass on?"

I do, Lord.

The fog started to clear from my head and everything became clear and made sense again.

Jesus said, "See, already you are feeling better. It was also bad for your health, because you were under constant pressure to get ‘all’ these things done in order to have time with Me."

Lord, just as a sign to me that this is truly You and not a demon, could you please take this fibro pain way back to a three?

"We’ll see. How badly do you want your husband to be up and around?"

Oh Lord, You know the answer to that.

"Then be satisfied with a four. Right now, you’re at a five heading towards a six. If I reduce it to four, then he will also have what he needs to be able to get up and work."


He held me tightly to His heart. "Oh Clare, know that I love you so very deeply and I need your cooperation in these matters. That is why I am bringing them forth to you for resolution. We don’t have time for this…you’ve been missing substantial breakthroughs, because of your priorities. And you knew better. So, what happened? You put the world first, very simply. And now you are going to shove it back where it belongs, the last of the last of the last thing of the day."

51 And that was the end of His message.

Well, Heartdwellers, I cannot possibly stress to you the importance of what He is saying. And by the way, my fibro pain went way back to a "4". Ezekiel got up and just lit into his music and had a wonderful night of prayer and music. So, I've determined, as usual, this really is the Lord speaking to my heart.

I got up this morning and went straight into prayer. Wow. What a difference.

If you don’t put Him first, you are not going to have the fruit to show for it. By the end of the day, your mind is swimming in the muck of the world. Somehow you have to stop that Ferris wheel and get off. It's really hard, but when you get up first thing in the morning and devote that time to Him, your mind is clear. You don't have to fight all the thoughts that come rushing in.

I used to do this without fail and it worked wonderfully. I’d go to bed at 8 o'clock at night and get up at four in the morning and I had a good three hours before my children woke up to do the things I needed before homeschooling.

It's a matter of making up your mind what is the most important thing in your life. If it's your housework and having a clean floor and a clean sink, you’re gonna wear yourself out - and what kind of story does that tell about the most important thing in your life? "The house comes first... and Jesus comes last. Your husband comes first... and Jesus comes later. Your children come first... and then the Lord."

I'm saying this to those of you who are very, very serious about having a profound relationship with God and bringing forth the fruit of that relationship. If that's what you want, you absolutely must prioritize your day to put Him first when you're awake, alert and in the stillness of uninterrupted solitude. To do it any other way shows that He is NOT the number one priority in your life.

You may have to sit your family down and explain it to them, telling them that you’ll be a MUCH better mother and wife if you put God first. You are also showing them what their priority should be from the time they are little until they leave home. And if they don’t follow that example, it won't be your fault.

Seek Him, dear Heartdwellers, and He will make a way for you. The Lord is going to do this for us. God bless you all.

52 Whisperings and Forebodings of Disaster September 21, 016

Precious Heartdwellers, may the Peace of Jesus which passes all understanding keep your hearts stayed on Him and your faithful assignments from Him. Remembering that unless the Lord guards the house…those who guard it, do so in vain. The Lord began, "I want to talk about whisperings. Things that do not bode well - but evil. One of the reasons you have been instructed not to peruse the Internet news and alternative news sites is because they are being used to disturb people’s peace. It creates a rush to cover oneself and survive what is supposedly coming. There are many people who profit financially from this. It is the worst kind of treachery inside the Christian prophetic community. Authentic prophets do not inspire you to go out and buy, they inspire you to seek Me and come into My peace, My instruction.

"Over half the things that are told to you on the Internet will NEVER happen. And when the other half does, you will not be here. There is a small segment of humanity, the remnant, that I am preparing for these times. But for the most part, preparations for the disasters that will occur, especially political, that are being made by the general population, will do them no good at all. There will be rioting and looting and if you have something - it will be taken from you, either by the government or desperate people.

"I do not say this to scare you, but to get your priorities straight. Unless the Lord guards the house he who guards it does so in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. (Ps. 127:1 NIV)

"My daughter, there are many among your listeners who are still perusing the daily hype about what’s coming and when. They are missing the point. Their attention is on self-preservation and fear. I would have them reaching out to others in ministry, not fear mongering. I am very unhappy with this behavior. I have told you all numerous times, I will watch over you and protect you if you are about My business.

"I would almost like to say, 'But if you’re busy about your own protection, I won’t interfere.' But then there is My mercy. I have gone through great pains to keep this group on track. What I give to you here is grain directly from My hand, not from the grain merchants - the ones who are spreading terror and fear.

"I abhor this practice. Can I say it any stronger? I hate, hate, hate false reports that spread fear. I love, love, love, those who ignore all of that and stay busy about My mission for their life. I will bless them over and over again and should they be caught in a conflagration, I will Myself be their deliverance. I will be faithful to them, because they were faithful to Me.

"Do you understand this, Clare? I am your one and only protection. Those who have chosen to protect themselves… well, I won’t interfere. Let them do as they please. While all around them

53 are souls that needed to be ministered to, they are busy gathering the latest hype and passing it on to others.

"Look at how many false alarms have been sounded since you’ve been on the Internet. Thousands, I tell you, thousands. And which ones have come to pass??? Not even one. Don’t you see? You who are mesmerized by these ‘supposed prophecies’ - you are being played by the devils. You didn’t obey Me and stay away from these false reports and now you are dying the thousand deaths of the coward while My faithful ones are rejoicing in the souls they are bringing to salvation.

"I ask you My children, who should I protect? The ones that are fear mongering? Or the ones that are oblivious and busy about ministry?

"So there you have it. If you could see who is really behind this, and their real motives, you would be shocked - totally shocked. Not that the ones who broadcast this stuff are concocting it, rather they are repeating what others have concocted to steer the gullible sheep all over the world.

"Yes, we are in the end times. Yes, there are things on the way. Yes, I will give you prayer burdens to change the course of history.


"So, even the most astute prognosticators and scientists may see what is, but they do not see Who I AM. They do not see WHAT I DO. They only see the hard evidence…not the One who created it and what He will allow and what He will not allow.

"Wake up, My people, produce fruits of repentance, worthy of being saved on that day. You’re chasing your tails people. You are wasting precious moments of time that has been granted to you for other souls. You will look back on what you did in your life and be distraught when you see the opportunities you passed for ministry, to the hurting and lost souls all around you, because you were so busy seeking the latest news on the latest comet.

"What else can I say to you, My Children? Please, stop this behavior and get busy with the lost. I am not fooling with you. I am dead serious. You are putting yourselves in harm's way by ignoring the real needs of My Kingdom. Ones that I send you daily. When the time comes for the worst humanity has ever seen I, Myself, will deliver you if you yourself are relying on Me and Me alone, and have put your attention on the souls I send you. I, Myself, will guard you.”

Oh, Lord, this is such a strong message.

He replied, "Good. I wanted to get the point across. I hope it sinks in. I am anointing it to produce repentance for the selfish way My people are behaving.

"Not too long ago you were in this group, but you repented and changed your ways. You may remain oblivious to it all: though you live in an adobe house, though you have threatening situations.

54 "I AM your God and you are living for Me now…and My angels have been assigned. You may rest in assurance, Clare, you have nothing to fear.

"And for those of you who are following this example, you also have nothing to fear."

They Will All Be Taught By God September 22, 2016

The Lord bless you, dear Heartdwellers.

The Lord had an interesting lesson today. He began immediately when I came to sit down and listen for the message.

He said, “I want to talk with you about obedience. My Children, My Bride, what good does it do you to hear My words, knowing My intentions for you and then not obeying? It is not of any benefit to you but is most surely a detriment. It is damaging to know the will of God which in itself is one GREAT grace and then not follow through with it.

“This channel is like a classroom. A great classroom. Each day I bring you a fresh lesson for you are in the school of holiness. The whole curriculum is tailored to prepare you for the day I take you to Myself. All the angels in your life are working in cooperation with My Spirit and arranging your lessons for the day. That is why you so often find yourselves getting the answer you asked Me for on this channel. You are in a great classroom, and I am your teacher. Clare is but a secretary passing on My message. Yet she has My heart on many things, not just the message of the day.

“So in a classroom, you come to be taught and you do your assignments so you can pass your tests and get an A, as well as graduating with honors. Yes, this is an honor class for those who have chosen to give Me their all. If you do your homework, you will pass in flying colors. So, I am asking you, My Children, to pay close attention to what I tell you in these lessons and do your homework. Follow these instructions.

“By the way, when I talk about obedience, you are never required to do anything against your conscience or your faith, to be obedient. There are times when you cannot obey those in your lives who you normally would. For instance, normally you would obey the custom’s rules when you are entering a country, but if Bibles are illegal, you are not required to obey the laws of men. You are fully in your rights to smuggle them in, for this is your obedience to Me.

“If your spouse tries to interfere with your faith and you’ve done everything in your power to appease them, but they are still striking at the heart of your faith, you are not required to obey. Even as the Scriptures say, “Wives obey your husbands, Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.” Ephesians 5 In another instance, there are some among you who have been called to prepare a refuge for the times ahead, so for you, these lessons about not preparing do not apply.

55 “But getting back to the point at hand. I only ask you to do or not to do something because it will result in good fruit in your life. You dwell in the vine…but if you cast away the vine to find another dwelling, you will not bring forth good fruit.

“I am the vine and you are the branches. The one who remains in Me, and I in him, will bear much fruit. For apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

“So, when I bring you these directives it is because I know they will result in good fruit in your lives.”

And at that point, I was just aching to say something. I said: Lord, may I say something?

He replied, “Go ahead.”

Heartdwellers, I have to tell you, I am merely doing my little part in bringing to you what the Lord puts on my heart. If He does not tell me about some event, I do not know anything about it. There may be warning spread far and wide over the Internet about this or that…asteroids, comets, earthquakes, tsunami's. But if He does not bring that to me, I have no knowledge beyond what He has given me, and I have learned to trust His judgment on what to give and what to withhold.

He is working with Heartdwellers in a certain way. He has things in mind for us, goals He wishes for us to accomplish. This is His will for this channel. He has anointed other channels for other things and each has a part in these end times, to prepare the Bride and His people. Some souls are here because God sent them; others are in other places where God has placed them. This channel is very focused in a peculiar way for those He sent here.

So, I must stick to His agenda for you. I cannot follow this one and that one and try to discern if what they are saying is true. I have no ability to do that and it’s not my mandate. So, if events occur that He has NOT told me of, it is for a good reason that I was not told. Or if someone brings me a word they believe should be shared on this channel and it doesn’t pass my discernment, I will not share it. I can be fallible, of course!!! But I must be obedient to the known will of God and He’s made His lessons so clear to me, I will not depart from them.

Jesus continued, “Clare, there is no reason for you to apologize, you are doing as I have asked. In all things I am leading you My way. And what I do not tell you, you have no knowledge of, and that is as it should be.

“And for all of you, My Dear ones, test the spirits and see if they be of God. When you peruse channels for the latest, see how much time you gave to that practice. Note how you feel at the end: are you satisfied, frustrated or disappointed? Confused? Are they actions that you're going to take next, motivated by fear, by love, by peace? All these things should be examined very closely, to see what the source is of what you listen to, lest you be led astray. Does it contradict your current direction in your life? Or does it support it? Do you feel like you've lost Me somewhere along the line and you're supposed to be going in a totally different direction? Or do you have peace? Because the enemy will use these things to cause severe confusion and to stop what you're doing, if it's anointed. These are all things you should examine very closely and know that the devil will continually try to divert your attention from your anointing and your calling. So

56 be on the lookout for that. And measure everything you do to make sure that it's consistent with what you KNOW I've told you to do in your heart. Judge the fruit and make a decision based on that. This is how I have taught you and it applies here as well.

“I love you, My dear ones. I withhold no good thing from you. I have a purpose for your life, and it pleases Me greatly when you follow the course I have laid out for you. How will you know this? By the fruit, of course."

And that was the end of His message.

Well, I wanted to share something very interesting with you. As I was giving you this message, Ezekiel overheard it and he was having his communion service. He opened to Acts 20:28. And this is what it had to say:

“Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood. I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. So be on your guard! Remember that for three years I never stopped warning each of you night and day. Acts 20:28-31”

I thought that was very interesting, because I know that these two messages are going to be contested by some people. And I understand why. But I just have to be obedient. You are the ones that must discern what is from God and what is not.

And I have an update for you. The Lord has stated clearly how my day should begin and what comes first. I’ve been doing that for three days now. I must say, the fruit is beyond what I expected and I am deeply satisfied with what I accomplish each day. The sink is full of dishes and the floors need sweeping…and I have planned time for that later. But I know my day is ordered by the Lord and I can’t describe to you the great peace that has resulted from my obedience.

May He order your days as well.

The Lord bless you all, dear Heartdwellers. And thank you for your prayers and support. We so appreciate you being on our Channel.

The Power of Communion Well Received September 23, 2016

May the blessing and true meaning of communion be given to all of us.

My dear ones, there are some among you who are from liturgical churches and as I have stated before, very clearly, you should continue to receive communion as you always have.

57 This teaching is for non-liturgical believers in Jesus. There's going to be a time in the future when there will be no way to receive communion in a church any longer, during the reign of the AntiChrist, when all churches will be censored.

It is the Lord’s heart that you should still draw near to Him in communion daily, and although it is not identical with the liturgical churches, communion still has much rich meaning and graces when received with the right heart. He has promised that for you who are not in the liturgical churches, and no longer have any way to receive communion in your church - He still wants to make a provision for you. He will bless this practice with graces that cannot be measured and that He will strengthen you for the journey.

I am not here to argue with anyone on the meaning of communion. This is not a channel that discusses doctrine. I am merely giving you the Lord’s own words about at least having your own time of intimate communion with Him if you do not wish to associate with liturgical churches.

The Lord began, "My People, you must come to communion expecting to receive all of Me. I have given Myself to you under the appearance of bread and wine, but with spiritual eyes you must unmask all the possibilities the sacrament contains.

"I did not give you just a little particle. I didn’t just give you My Mind and not My Body and vitality. I suffered all those things because I gave you My all. Therefore, you can expect to have My all when you receive Me in communion. If you come expecting little, only a little you will receive. If you come expecting everything I am and have, I will give all that is necessary to you right now in your life. There will not be an overabundance in you, but a perfect balance, if you come expecting all of Me.

"You see, there is no such thing as just a little of Me. The tiniest bit contains the entire Trinity and all that comes with the power of God. You do not receive all I can impart to you because you do not expect it, and you are not asking for it, so I am limited by your lack of faith in what I can impart to you, that will be active in your soul.

"The fact that you receive the tiniest part of Me means all is given but only a very little bit will be used. The rest is dissipated by your limited perceptions, yet there is much imbedded in you like a seed that grows into maturity when it is needed. That is why I am teaching you this. I have so much more to give you in communion. So much more. But you must prepare yourself worthily to receive it.

"I very much approve of the service James wrote in Jerusalem. Never mind which apostate churches use a similar form, please ignore the bath water and keep the baby."

Jesus continued, "When he wrote this, it was under the inspiration of My Spirit, and the whole progression of the service was to prepare your hearts to receive Me."

I don't have all the facts on this, but I just want to say that - in that day and time, it was the ordained ministers, the ones who'd had hands laid on them by the apostles, that actually celebrated the service of St. James. And these are our roots, our Christian roots, back to Jerusalem in the middle of the 1st century. These traditions and ordinations have been carried out throughout all time, and are still alive now in certain churches.

58 But the great problem is that some of these churches are apostate, and no longer believe as the early Christians did. Nonetheless, this service IS beautiful for preparing your heart to receive Jesus. The Lord continued, "I am not saying you must do all of this religiously, not at all. But I am asking you to capture the progression he laid out, because with it you will be well prepared to receive Me and all I have for you in communion.

"This is a solemn service, dear ones. It is the memorial of my Passion, which so few wish to commemorate. What a shame that you shy away from these memories."

Oh, Lord, forgive me. It is so painful to recall your passion, it makes my heart sick.

"Nevertheless it reminds you of what I suffered for your sins, Clare, and it prepares you to be courageous in facing the trials of your day. Behind that veil of sorrow is limitless joy. You must penetrate that veil into the heart of your God and see the great wonder and joy that was released as I redeemed you out of the slavery of sin and death.

"Once you glimpse the joy of My Father’s Heart and Mine as well, once you see - truly see and touch that - it will illuminate your being with divine love and make it so much easier for you to be charitable with the faults and shortcomings of others. In fact, your own character will be illuminated so well to you, that you dare not lift your head above others, ever.

"I do not say this to shame you, only to keep you in the last place where you have begged Me to keep you. Seeing how I suffered is sobering for you and acts also as an admonition to never complain. Never. And we are having a problem with that, aren’t we?"

Yes, Lord, forgive me. I am so sorry. I have so much to be grateful for. This pain makes me impatient and kind of crabby. Hopefully, I'll have the grace not to spill over on others with that attitude, but there are a few items that provoke me…little things…and bad habits from my past that spring up through my frustrations.

Jesus continued, "Nothing is little when you consider how much I suffered to give you peace and secure a place in Heaven for you. All these little things you grow so impatient with, including the pain, all of them are being used for others. Even as Simon’s contribution brought forth much fruit. Though he was not God, he aided Me in My hour of need as I was setting the captives free. And as such, he partakes in the work of the cross as well.

"Oh, the Divine economy leaves not one pain fall to the ground without taking root and producing its own fruit, and excludes no one from contributing. And this was to prepare the way for you, My Darling Brides. So that you, too, could have a share in My sufferings, even as they are intensified right now for the whole Earth.

"You all will be facing many trials, but if you cleave to Me you will have nothing to fear.

"And again returning to the service James wrote. And he did indeed write it. There was not another author other than My Spirit. You can see from the tenor of his writings that he was given to serious contemplation of those things that are most offending and render a man impure. He

59 was acutely aware of the disparity between man’s idea of holiness and My idea of holiness and for this reason left many expressions of Mercy in the service.

"But moving on, there is a difference between who has the service, in the sense that some are more holy, pure and reverent than others. Those who live their lives totally in My service, caring nothing for the laurels or accolades of the world. Those who spend substantial time in prayer for others and worship. Those who read My Word and study to show themselves approved. Those who give whole-hearted service without condemnation and judgment to the poor. Those who do these things as a way of life, bring more blessings and favor from My Father into a communion service."

And again I want to stress that this teaching is for the NON-liturgical churches. It is for people who do not, and cannot be a part of a liturgical church.

Jesus continued, "Nonetheless, the service carries great blessings, and it is My desire that you get the very most out of it. As I have shared with you before, confession of sin, and I don’t mean a quickie pass-over but a good look and true contrition for offending Me, as a daily practice. Reading from the Old Testament, New Testament, the Psalms, and the Gospels, prepares your hearts for action and gives you the continuity between the old and new covenants. Well rounded, and much to consider.

"And I do approve of relinquishing control to My Spirit in choosing the readings, although you will see that I also find ways to highlight things if you follow the chronology of readings. Do as you are led by My Spirit.

"But please, come to Me with contrition, expecting that I will forgive and nourish you on this bread of life. I give you all that I am My Bride. Receive Me with great reverence, expecting miracles of grace to be given you."

I Need MORE prayers! Sanctify Your Sorrows September 26, 2016

The Lord bless you, precious Heartdwellers.

There has been a tremendous amount of spiritual warfare going on for the past three days. It's really kept us very, very busy. A lot of prayer, a lot of intercession, a lot of warfare. And a lot of learning new things. And I'm going to be sharing that with you in the following messages. But that's the reason for my short absence. We were just overwhelmed. And we had one heck of a front come in here with cold weather, and I was in bed for an entire day with Fibro. So I wasn't able to get a message out that day.

But I'm back, and have more to share with you than ever.

So, let's get started.

60 I had asked Him: Lord, would You please tell me what is going on? War, rumor of war, comets and everything else. And I thought, 'Have I missed the boat?' And so I asked Him, Lord, please tell me what's going on?

And He answered me, "Nothing. Plans, but no actions. A lot of talk, a lot of divisive things, but nothing I can’t handle."

And I thought, 'Well, that's wonderful. That's right in line with what You told me before.'

This morning I encountered many trials to getting up and going straight into prayer. One thing after another called for my attention, but I continued fighting and returning to prayer. My only issue was that the day started off with the concerns of the world and not the concerns of My God. And I'd told you before, that He wanted time and attention with me before anything else. And I didn't get up quit early enough to cover that.

Anyway, as a result that roulette wheel of ‘to do’s’ kept spinning even as I came to worship. Again more distractions came lumbering through until I could see I was a Martha not a Mary, and I was highly discouraged by my lack of self control, and the ease with which the enemy took my mind off of worship. I knelt before the Lord and repented asking His forgiveness for going there. And I just said: Lord, is there any hope for me?' And I'll tell you, guys, I was very frustrated with myself.

You see, Ezekiel and I keep getting readings about "Go, sell all you have, then follow Me." When we were younger we would probably do exactly that! But we know that we are in a stable situation now and in a solid ministry, so it was perplexing us about what to do. We couldn’t understand what the Lord was saying exactly until He spelled it out clearly for us in that recent message. All these things, household things, were first in my life and He was last.

So, each day is a new adventure in making Him first. Oh, the challenges with that! Mostly I believe they can be avoided by getting up very early. But even that has been difficult.

So, when I came to repent before the Lord, I felt so hopeless.

And Jesus began, “I am never, ever going to let you go, Clare." He opened His heart like the fold of a garment and beckoned me to come inside.

"And this is where you belong forever, and ever, and ever. I will never abandon you. I many convict you, even as you have begged with tears for Me to do so. But leave you out in the cold or forget about you? NEVER! So, put your fears to rest…I will never let go of your love. You are secure here in My heart, forever. No matter what. So, stop crying and let's move on.”

He lifted my chin, “You are secure here, you are My Beloved, forever. Never mind that you feel so unworthy. I delight in the impoverished little ones that have so little to offer Me. They are My delight. They are so empty I have no choice but to fill them with Myself and lavish on them the graces they so desperately need."

61 And I was thinking, 'Yes, Lord - You know there's a lot of repentance going on right now and a lot of moves towards repentance.' I was thinking that earlier, and He answered that in this next paragraph.

"And yes, in the Body, there is a great move of repentance going on. There is such power in repentance. So much grace is released. You lose track of how sinful you really are, My People. You go from day to day, not recognizing how you have hurt and offended Me. I long to bring this to your awareness now, because it will not go well for you in those final moments if you have not come to Me daily, truly repenting and seeing yourself as you are.

"Humility. I am working with all My children to acquire true humility. There is so much I can do with a truly humble soul that I cannot do with one who is proud. There are so many tests and strengthening going on right now as I bring a new crop of ministers into their ministry. As I open the doors of My anointing, I must first bring them through trials of humility and meekness. No untried vessel can carry the anointing. And the more intense the anointing, the more intense the humbling must be."

And here I want to say that yesterday, when I went to say the binding prayer, there is a short segment that deals with sins, and I was going to skip over them, and decided instead to take a look carefully and see if I was guilty of anything.

Did I judge, criticize in my heart or mind, falsely accuse, gossip, cast a slur, steal, cheat or lie? Spend money meant for other things, take something that belonged to another? Did I covet, lust, or listen/see something sinful? Did I disrespect my spouse or parents. Was I arrogant, proud, or jealous? And did I disobey You, Lord?

And I won’t even tell you which ones I was guilty of, but suffice it to say, I was guilty of most of them in either thought or deed. So, I had to repent for a long time, and this Scripture came to mind.

“I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 5:20

And that's Jesus speaking.

The Lord continued, "There is nothing like heart-felt and searing repentance that draws Me to a soul. More than iron to a magnet, I come rushing to your aid with My forgiveness and mercy. You will never, ever wear out My mercy.

As it is written in the Scriptures: The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God, You will not despise. Psalm 51:17

"I never tire of hearing your confession of sin and weakness, that I may wash you white as snow.

"Nothing in this world causes a Christian to stand stronger than repentance. Yes, love is the highest of all, but repentance is based on love, the very best kind of love: Love of God. Love of Brother easily comes next in line once your hearts are right with Me. You can never go wrong with daily repentance that is authentic and not superficial. Why? Because today might be your

62 very last and you will be well prepared. Remember also to call to mind the offenses of others towards you and forgive them. This is the key to obtaining forgiveness from Me.

"Far too often, the very things you accuse your brother of are not valid. Rather, your impatience is the real sin."

When the Lord said that, it really struck me. I had to get up to find the right glasses for reading when I was typing His message. I went to look in the back room and ended up petting my animals as they looked up at me. That took a couple of minutes. Then I went in the sunroom to look for them and it was getting so hot, so I opened the windows.

When I came back, I finally discovered that my glasses were here to the left of my computer the entire time. When I sat down to continue the message, my mind drew a blank on what the Lord had last said to me. I was going to write it down, and I said, "Now, don't forget to write that down, after you find your glasses."

Then the Lord said, “Why did you get up?”

To get my glasses. Which I see now were here all the time.

"And now that I have had patience with you, do you think you can have more patience with your Brother?"

Yes, Lord, I see your point. I am very impatient.

"That comes with being fast, but not everyone is fast. For those who are, I must teach them humility and patience, if they will have it."

I see now, Lord, I get very impatient, several times a day!

He answered me, "You do. And that is a far worse sin than the simple shortcoming of being slow, which many cannot help."

I get it, Lord. I really do.

"I know you do, Clare. Just keep it in the forefront of your mind so that you can tame that critical and judgmental spirit, which is your downfall."

Really, it’s that big?

"It is. I want you to conquer your pride; this is a good place to begin. Others are not slow, Clare. You are impatient. And I say this to all of you, My Brides. More often than not, what you consider slow is normal and you are just impatient. Patience is such a heavenly virtue. If I did not have patience with you Heaven would just about be empty."

I know I wouldn't be there!

63 "I never say these things to shame you, but rather to convict you and encourage you onto greater holiness. And now is the time to repent for your country as well. I still carry the marks of her sins in My Body. The sins of this nation are very much like the sins of its citizens. In fact, the whole world is sin-infested and needs your prayers and supplications for repentance.

"Men make plans for war; I am making plans for peace. I am standing in the gap against those who wish to destroy the whole world and I am standing there armed with your prayers, and sacrifices. And repentance. I need MORE, My People, I need more. Your resolve is weakening and the atmosphere is growing darker and darker. In order to hold back the march of destruction, death and unspeakable horrors, I need MORE.

"You were told three years from the summer of 2016 would be another review, IF prayers and sacrifices were made for the reformation of your country and the world. And you went about your lives with new works to begin, and you are asking yourselves, 'Why so many trials? Why have they been allowed?' These are offerings to Me to continue to hold back the inevitable. I still need these, that was part of the agreement. Have you forgotten?

"So, now I want you to understand, sicknesses, accidents, loss, strife - all these things you normally suffer are being applied to this account to keep it open for three years. So, I am asking you to give these to Me with generosity of heart, not complaining and questioning why things have become so much harder. They are this way, because you are carrying the world on your backs.

"You made an offering of yourself to Me, and I am receiving these with gratitude. But it would be so much easier for you, if you could offer them without complaining. When you complain, you invite a spirit of bitterness into your souls. When that takes root - it doesn’t take long - it spreads to every area of your life. You need to renounce this bitterness and ask Me to remove it from your hearts."

Lord, forgive me. I renounce this bitterness. Please remove it from my heart. And give us the grace of patience. And gratitude.

"Each day you open more and more doors and it becomes more difficult for you. When you could sweeten the waters by merely committing it all to the stability of the world. Let it go. Sanctify your sorrows by offering them for the world.

"And in doing so, I will lift that ugly attitude from you and offer your sufferings to the Father for conversions."

And I'd like to say, as an aside here. I want to encourage those of you who have different illnesses that you're dealing with, long-term illness. Your sacrifice is very, very, very powerful. Let's say that you put in a week's worth of work on a project for the Lord, that you did a film or something large. And you worked and worked and did it, and got it done. Well, your sicknesses are just as powerful an offering as the film would be. Except your sicknesses are backing up the anointing in those things, and bringing those things to the people who really need to see and hear them. So, don't grow despondent with your sicknesses. That day that I was ill with Fibro, the whole entire day, I knew that it was an offering for the world. I knew that darkness was gaining on the world, and the Lord needed offerings to hold it back. And that makes it so much

64 more bearable. You understand that you're not useless, that this time is not wasted. It's well spent, because you're offering it to the Lord.

Jesus continued, "If you follow these instructions, your life will become much easier and more pleasant, because you are putting these trials and inconveniences to work - just as surely as if you had opened a savings account in Heaven for the world. Not for saving money, but for saving souls.

"So please, go forward now, embracing your crosses, knowing that I am allowing them to hold back the powers of darkness which are almost bursting at the seams wanting to take over and destroy everything. Be generous with Me, My Children. Be oh, so generous, that I may be merciful to you and the whole world."

And that was the end of His message.

I've discovered something in my worship time. The Lord keeps playing this song, over and over again. And I think I've got four hours of listening on this worship playlist? And He brings this song up every single day, sometimes even twice. And that song is Who Will Dwell. And it's based on the Psalms and the Proverbs and the Gospels. It's about dwelling in the Lord's tent. Who He will allow into that intimate, closeness with Him, to be able to dwell in His very own tent. Who will He allow to come near to Him? Who will stand in the midst of storms and never be shaken? This song is powerful, powerful for an examination of conscience. And I'm going to put a note on this video, so that it will come up for you.

The Lord bless you all. And let's be really, really committed to praying for the nation and repenting for the sins of our nation. This is a dark time and the Lord needs that repentance. song Who May Dwell in the Lord's Tent September 27, 2016

Who may dwell, who may dwell in Your holy tent?

He who walks righteously speaking truth from the heart. He who rejects dishonest gain, and stop his ears against plots of destruction, Who shuts his eyes against contemplating evil, who slanders not his neighbor, not harms another. And never defames a friend.

Who may dwell, who may dwell on Your holy mountain?

65 He who refuses to contemplate harming his brother, And keeps his tongue from evil, never using his lips to deceive. He who harbors not bitter envy and selfish ambition, who keep his heart free of judgment, And always speak well of others.

You will dwell on the heights, never to be shaken. You will dwell on the heights, never to be shaken.

He who forgives offences and is quick to confess his own fault. Who is lenient with the shortcomings of his brother, and is swift to correct the error of his own ways. He who spends not his life on worldly gain and pleasure, but looks after the needs of the poor, And the alien in his midst.

He who cares nothing for the praises of men, nor courts their favor, But considers his ways before God and seeks only His favor.

You will dwell, on the heights, never to be shaken. You will dwell, on the heights, never to be shaken.

He who gives thanks when things go well, as well as when things go badly. Who entrusts His life to the wisdom of the Almighty. He who forms no complaints in his heart, nor utters a deprecating word. But makes his heart a tabernacle of Praise and Thanksgiving to the Most High God, Always giving thanks for His benefits.

He will dwell on the heights and never be shaken. Your refuge will be the mountain fortress. Your bread will be supplied and water will not fail you. Your eyes will see the King in His Beauty, And view a land that stretches afar.

You will dwell on the heights, never to be shaken. You will dwell on the heights, never to be shaken

66 Binding Prayer Teaching, Spiritual Warfare 11 September 27, 2016

May the strength and endurance of our King Jesus, be with you all. May you conquer your flesh and your enemies…praying for their conversion and expecting the Almighty to save them. Amen

Well, my precious Heartdwellers, the Lord is teaching us more about spiritual warfare, courtesy of our priceless enemies. There have been four attempts on Ezekiel’s life, (not having anything to do with his digestion) and the Lord sovereignly intervened and claimed him from the jaws of death. Please pray for the three men responsible for some of those, whose names I cannot share, that their hearts will be healed of hatred, touched by God and converted.

One of the new additions to the binding prayer is the conversion of all workers of iniquity. Those who have chosen the dark side have strong spiritual natures and would make wonderful Christians. They would be reunited with the power that limits their influence joyfully fulfilled that they came back to Him. He would use them for mighty works as well as being witnesses to what His Love can do.

My dear enemies, look at the hands and feet of Jesus. There are three stakes driven through them, one for each of you. That’s how much He loves you. Don’t blame Him for the pain that caused you to choose dark power; the author of those mortal wounds to your soul is none other than the one you are now working for. He is the one who engineered that pain to ruin you. Jesus is the one who will heal you if only you turn a glance in His direction, you will find out all you ever thought about Him were lies.

If you think I am misinformed…consider listening to a few Near Death Experiences. You will never hear of one where a practitioner went to Hell, saw the kingdom Satan promises to those who serve him, and came back to tell about it. Why? Because when you are taken to Hell you will be locked in a cell with demons that will continually consume your flesh, over and over again as it grows back. You’ll have detestable things done to you and be tied to a stake in a cauldron of boiling oil…we have actually seen one of you in this state.

This is your future. Please consider that you’re serving the father of lies and he is delighted that someday after you’ve sacrificed and done so much harm to others, he will get to torture you for eternity. If you don’t believe me, I challenge you to find one legitimate NDE that actually proves me wrong.

My blessed Heartdwellers, bear with me when I speak to these souls, the Lord is wanting so badly to touch and heal them, even after all the murders and sorceries they’ve performed. He still loves them and wants them in Heaven with Him.

OK, now onto the binding prayer. The first change came about because we realized the Lord wanted us to petition Him formally. So that line reads:

67 Preparation: KNEEL: Blessed Father, Son & Holy Spirit, I come before You as a child still learning. Please teach me to see & hear You clearly.

In other words, as a subject coming before their king in an audience, they kneel before Him. For those of us who are used to dwelling prayer and even dancing with the Lord, this may feel a little awkward at first. But I am finding it to be a sweet place of petition and giving Him the honor He is due.

Even after approaching Him this way, He still took my hand during dwelling prayer and danced with me during worship. He was truly present to us as a man, a brother, when He took the form in a human body as Jesus, but since He is fully God we honor Him this way as well. So, for the part of the prayer addressed formally to God, we kneel in reverent respect.

You will also notice that I start each new paragraph off with bold italics…which will be evident in the PDF on the web site. I did this so we could scrunch everything together on ONE page. And putting in spaces with paragraphs would have made it much longer. So, everything is condensed. But you'll notice when it begins with bold italics, that that's the beginning of a new thought.

It won’t copy on Youtube but you can get it at

Moving onto doors and demon excrement. We have been shown that demons are sent or enter the space occupied by our bodies. They affect our health and leave behind their excrement, which also affects our health. Rick Joyner goes into a lot of detail about what that nasty stuff does. It sticks to us. So, when we open a door by sinning, with our ears or mouth, etc., a demon comes through and lands somewhere in our proximity and begins to affect us with whatever it was sent to do. It also leaves that nasty stuff behind. So, when we ask Jesus to take the door, we also ask for Him to take the demon and the excrement to the abyss, so we can clean up all the affects.

At this point, it is absolutely vital to come before Him repentant. The state of your soul, your holiness before God, depends on this. Look for the little things that could have offended Him, and ask Holy Spirit to help you recognize what you've done.

Please, take your time with this, dear ones. The effectiveness of the rest of this prayer depends on it.

After all the cleanup and repentance, we ask the Lord to suit us up in the full armor of God. I have tried to take that on myself, but I haven't seen it on me until the Lord placed it on me, and it manifested in the spirit and I saw it clearly. So, I ask Him to place it on me, before I pray against the enemy. And there are a lot of things that cannot be done to you, because you have that armor on.

Then to address the demons, I stand. I added : Holy Spirit guidance: For each of us, with ears open to instruction and an obedient will.

Now, that obedient will is absolutely key for living a holy life and the honor of God’s protection.

68 In the body of the prayer, the first thing I do is silence the demons so they cannot send for reinforcements. Then they must undo the damage, take back their excrement, be bound and sent directly to the abyss with the assistance of the Holy Angels.

I also demand that whatever energy was stolen by the energy vampire demons be returned. If you have a sudden feeling of fatigue, just a wave of fatigue that comes over you, or a wave of weakness, I recommend you pray this immediately and bind them from doing any more damage.

We are finding that energy barriers are highly effective, and that before I even pray for Ezekiel, I must pull them down. They consist of some kind of energy that rotates and creates a vortex around you, holding in whatever energy you might want to expend.

For instance, working on the portrait, music, talking to others about the Lord. If there is a block the communication or connection with it is interfered with. I believe that is why so many artists, writers and musicians deal with dryness. They feel cut off and disconnected even from something they really long to do and have the inspiration for. There just seems to be something in the way of connecting.

There are several different forms of blocks, walls, circumferential energy barriers and I am guessing there are those we have not discovered yet. So, I included that in the prayer.

We discovered that I had a corral, or barrier of Irritation around me, so that I would irritate other people. And my husband had a barrier around him, an energy vortex around him to make him easily irritated. So, it was a set up! The two of us would grate against each other. And we both felt it, but we didn't know where it was coming from, because that wasn't our heart. Until this was discovered.

And then the next change was: Holy Spirit, please quicken truth & block the enemy’s attempts to confuse, sow lies & discord. This is a major source of communication failures and demons of miscommunication.

So much trouble can get started over a simple word being twisted from the mouth of one to the ear of another. This is where patience and humility obtain the victory.

That happens with us a lot - Ezekiel and I. I'll say one thing, and he'll hear it a different way. But because we are so aware of these demons, we stop and make it very clear to one another, without any kind of rancor or anger or impatience. So, be on your guard for that, guys. Especially with your spouse. Or your children.

Then the next change is: Please realign, heal & reconnect our body, soul & spirit, removing any demons & their excrement from our bodies.

We have discovered that spirit, soul and body when attacked, loses its alignment and becomes disjointed, distorted, and out of synch. So you're not able to function in the wholeness that God

69 created you in: spirit, soul and body, all connected and working together. So, we ask the Lord to heal the damage done.

And finally, and most importantly, Thanksgiving: Jesus we praise, honor and adore You.

From the heart it is so very, very important, that we honor and love Him more and more everyday and acknowledge that He has handed over dominion to us that we can conquer all our enemies and even assist in their own salvation and conversion.

So, at this point, after I finished this, I asked the Lord, Do you have anything to add?

He replied, "Thank you for asking. Clare, I want this prayer to be said twice or even three times a day, as demons come in shifts. Once a day is not enough. I know it is long and can be tedious, but the suffering you will head off more than makes up the difference in the time you expend.

"Not everyone is going to obtain the same results from this prayer. My Children, it depends very much on your holy conduct and commitment to Me. Are you half Mine and half the world’s? Or have you forsaken the world to be entirely mine? Forsaking the world does not mean being walled up in a hermit’s cabin. It means making Me first and foremost in your life - in time, commitment, action and resources. If you are putting Me first, this prayer will indeed be powerful to overcome your enemies.

"But remember, I must allow a certain amount of suffering. Please do not grow weary. Come to Me when you are depleted and ask Me to rejuvenate you. Expect to feel better once I do. Expect to be enabled to do what I’ve asked you to do. Expect everything from Me and I will give everything.

"There will be times when others will need to pray this over you; that, too, is highly effective. I doubly honor the prayers and petitions for others. Not only do I honor those prayers, I move on the hearts of others to pray for you. My heart listens intently for the unselfish prayers of My children. They are written in Heaven as a testimony to your charity.

"I am with you, My People. And the more you serve, the more I protect. There is never a moment of the day when you cannot triumph over your enemies. Your prayers for them move My heart to pity and compassion. Not only will I answer them, but I will protect and bless you all the more for praying for them from your heart.

"These poor, misguided ones desperately need your prayers; they are immersed in utter darkness and deceived beyond anything you can imagine. How I wish they would take to heart NDE’s. I have specifically called those into being, because so many have no idea of what waits for them according to the fruits of their lives.

"Know that I have triumphed over death and the grave and all the power of the enemy. And you, too, have been given this anointing to set the captives free, and deliver others from evil.

"Go now, fully armed and do valiantly! I am with you and nothing shall overcome you if you totally rely on My power."

70 Ezekiel Snatched from The Jaws of Death September 28, 2016

The Lord bless you all with courage and hope.

Jesus wants me to tell you about the attack on Ezekiel's life the night before last. He asked me to do this because you will need to know what to do and how to handle it if it happens to you.

And just to add a little emphasis to this message, I got sucker punched, right before I went to record it, and it knocked me off course for about 4 hours. I think there's something important in this message!

Well, this is what happened two nights ago. We had just finished praying against open doors and demonic interference. It was a rather intense time of prayer, also curses were broken, against us in retaliation for setting certain captives free. And Ezekiel had been told earlier in the day that he was going to be called into intercession, so he wasn't feeling his greatest, he was lying down.

Right after we had finished intercession, all of a sudden he began to feel very strange and a numbness began at his feet and started going up his body, overtaking all feeling in every part it passed through. He became panicked and was really in a state of agony, and told me what was happening. I thought perhaps it was his heart, but his heart did not hurt.

Well the numbness kept coming, past his hips, his chest and all the way to his elbows and then it seemed to stop. I got together with intercessors, we prayed and I felt that I needed to call an ambulance. I got a "yes" on that, so I called an ambulance and we continued to pray. And just before the ambulance got here, he started to feel better. 'Cause I had called the intercessors and sent out an email, a quick email that I thought that Ezekiel was dying. And I really did, because this obviously was a major attack on his body, something was really, really wrong. And I really believed that he was dying, if something didn't intervene, if God didn't intervene - he was going to die.

So, everyone started praying. Holy Spirit revealed to someone it was an aneurism in his spinal cord. It had been sent by the enemy. Although I had already called an ambulance to have him transported to the hospital, but Jesus spoke to one of the intercessors and said that wouldn’t be necessary. He was taking it away and repairing the damage.

About 3 minutes later, feeling began to return to his arms then his legs and feet. His face, eyes and ability to talk came back. By then the ambulance had arrived. I told them, I think he’s going to be ok, whatever it was has been resolved. But they asked if they could check him out and I wanted to see what his vitals were like, so I said 'yes'.

71 Turns out, his blood oxygen was perfect, blood pressure perfect, blood sugar, perfect. Not a sign or symptom left in his body. All feeling had returned. But Jesus had told one of the intercessors that all his vitals would be perfect so they wouldn’t pressure us into transporting him. I had already made up my mind that I wasn’t going to disobey the Lord, who told us not to transport him.

Well, when all was said and done, I wondered how would we have handled this if the intercessors had not been present? And the Lord answered very simply, “Call on Me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you. You are mine. Just say, 'Jesus save me!' and I’ll do the rest, whether you say it out loud or in the spirit…'Jesus, save me!'

Later, it came out that a spirit of death was in the room trying to take Ezekiel but the Lord commanded it, “Get your hands off My son. Give Me back My son. You cannot have him, he’s Mine.” At that point, everything began to return to normal. And we really, really wanted to understand why the Lord had allowed this attack.

It seemed that it was a supreme test of obedience, to whether or not I was to trust the medics or was I to trust the Lord? Whether to go to the hospital or not?

Then Jesus began to explain that perilous times are coming upon the Earth and obedience will be MOST important, even the difference between life and death. And that we had to make a choice: choose to be obedient to the known will of God or choose the way of the world. That we are all at a crossroads and the Lord is calling us to a new level of obedience. Because a new level of opposition is coming, if it's not already here.

I don't know if you follow Lana Vawser, but she truly is a prophetess. And she talked about that, talked about the attacks on the Body, trying to take lives. Trying to kill people. Serious, serious attacks all over the world. And we've certainly experienced more than our share of that!

At this point, I couldn't remember everything from that night, so I said, 'Lord, will You please, will you fill us in?'

Jesus began, "One thing I want you to remember is to bless those who curse you. Immediately, when you come to your senses and it is revealed to you the source, pray for them. Your prayers at that time are most powerful.

"I was not about to allow Ezekiel to die. I have much work for him to do. I am God and not subject to any man or spirit, and I make the decision about who will live and who will die, not you. (There He was speaking of the demons and those who sent them.)

"It is true that obedience was the main lesson, because truly, if you had not obeyed and passed this test, you certainly wouldn’t pass others and I couldn’t give you that work to do. So you did pass, in flying colors. But as it is written, 'Do not rejoice that the demons obey you, rather rejoice that your names are written in the book of life.'

"I could not allow this to happen for many reasons, not the least of which is that you have been so faithful to serve Me, Clare.

72 "I wish for you all to take this as a lesson in obedience. You may have no other recourse than Me in that hour, and that is to your advantage. I will not allow the enemy to paralyze you into forgetting to call upon Me. Although I am living in each and every one of you, I want you to ask in faith when you need a miracle.

"I indeed hold the keys to life and death. I indeed am able to repair an assault on a body. Is there anything too hard for Me? No, the answer is emphatically, “NO!” I rebuked death and snatched him up out of its jaws.

"My children, this is no time for being at ease. This is a time of proliferated evil and expanding satanic covens. Now more than ever, you need to be on guard, prayed up and expecting an attack. Yes, I have given you a work to do. Yes, it is joyful and it will be fruitful, but you like Nehemiah MUST work with sword in one hand and tool in the others. There will be numerous attacks on all your lives. Some severe, some only coming close and not touching you.”

That Scripture, by the way, is in Nehemiah 4, starting in verse 16…From that day on, half of my servants carried on the work while half of them held the spears, the shields, the bows and the breastplates; and the captains were behind the whole house of Judah. (They were rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, by the way.)Those who were rebuilding the wall and those who carried burdens took their load with one hand doing the work and the other holding a weapon. As for the builders, each wore his sword girded at his side as he built, while the trumpeter stood near me.…Nehemiah 4:16-18

So, that's what the Lord's asking us, guys. He's asking us to be armed and on guard as we work at the beautiful job He's given us to do.

Jesus continued, "The more committed you are to serving Me, becoming humble and obedient, the more I can trust you with: the more grace, the more fruit. And I might add, legions more of angels watching over you.

"Clare is in a teaching position so what happens to her filters down to you as lessons, and that is as it should be. By the way, your prayers for her move mountains, and believe me, she has many mountains to overcome, not the least of which are human faults.

"Out in this world at this time, with Cern releasing more and more blackness, and children of this world growing up more and more in abusive families without a father, the practice of black magic is growing more and more popular. It is seen as a way to protect yourself and get what you want. But the blindness of those that choose this path is something you have been called to counteract with My Love.

"Many, many of these practitioners come from horrendously abusive families, doing things to their children too wicked to name. As a result, the spirit is broken, demons of rejection, anger, bitterness and hatred come in and made a home. Then they draw the soul into retaliation and venues for hurting others as they have been hurt.

"I want to counteract that. I want to heal them with My Love. I, indeed, am their father, their brother and best friend. You must carry this light to dark places and convince them of who I Am by your love and faithfulness. Then they can be delivered and healed.

73 "When you do these things you will come under attack. But My protection will always be there to fight for you. It surely is NO coincidence that you are being taught spiritual warfare as intensely as you are in this hour. This is quite deliberate on My part. You need these weapons. You need to reform your lives and hearts to receive My full protection from the enemy.

"Remember, if you are a light-bearer, Satan will try to snuff you out. So, in order to be a light- bearer, your hidden life must be as holy as what people see on the outside. This is a decision and commitment I am calling all My People to make. My sons and daughters, when you come to serve the Lord, prepare yourselves for trials.”

And I looked that Scripture up, too. And it's in the New American Bible, in Sirach. “My son, when you come to serve the LORD, prepare yourself for trials. Be sincere ... Trust God and he will help you; make straight your ways and hope in him.” Sirach 2:1-2 (Wisdom Books) NAB

"I am bringing you from glory to glory," Jesus continued. "Though you cannot see the glory around you, the devils can and are taking notice as well as action against you. But if you keep doors from opening, it will go well with you and My protection will always be there.

"You do not have to commit to this war, I will still take you to Heaven, but with heavy casualties. Better that you should take up your armor and arms, and cast sin far from your lives and be prepared for the enemy attacks when you least expect him.

"I am with you in this and I will not allow trials beyond your ability to endure."

And that was the end of His message.

And when I was looking up the Scripture in Sirach, He gave me this Rhema:

Because he clings to Me, I will deliver him; I will set him on high because he acknowledges My Name. He shall call upon Me and I will answer him; I will be with him in distress; I will deliver him and glorify him with length of days. I will gratify him and show him My salvation. Psalm 91:14-16

The Will Of My Enemies September 29, 2016

May the mercy of God guard our lives, dear Heartdwellers.

We all sometimes fail to deliver a word exactly as the Lord gives it, because we are human with human emotions. Yesterday I was thrown off course by a word that suggested God would no longer come to my aid if I did not conquer my pride and wasn’t obedient.

In other words, He'd give me over to the will of my enemies and let me die.

74 That whole concept struck me to the heart. How do I know when I am acting in pride, if the Lord doesn’t show me? How can I know I am obedient? And for this He would abandon me into the hands of my enemies to kill me?

And I was being told this at a time when I have spent much time on my knees in prayer longing to be rid of my pride, which I rarely recognize. It was like telling a man, "I know you’re doing your best, but it isn’t good enough, you’re fired." There’s just no place to go with something like that but right into despair.

And that’s exactly what stopped me dead in my tracks.

That’s why you didn’t get the message earlier yesterday. I was repenting for any disobedience and pride on my part. And I did find room for improvement and I found guilt, but I must say I know I am a work in progress and the set of my heart is to be humble and obey, yet I wrestle sometimes with what to obey. There's nothing quite as frustrating than not knowing God’s will, yet the worst is still knowing His will for and NOT obeying.

This word suggested that, if I were dying, the Lord would let me die. And it just didn't seem to be His heart at all. I mean, it was really out of character for Him. So, I got together with a couple of other discerners and we decided that it really was out of character and that it wasn't quite right. But I have to say that I did a lot of soul searching. I have to be quick to look at myself before I look at any errors that might come from someone else. So, that's what I did.

I know I can't fill that bill of being perfectly obedient. I can try. I can work in that direction, but who knows the little things that offend God. We don't know everything that we do. And yet, I don't feel that we're accountable so much for the things that we don't know are wrong. The Lord looks at the intention of our heart.

So, I spent the evening and today repenting and begging for mercy.

The Lord made Himself visible to me in the Spirit and began speaking. This is what He said:

"I will NEVER, EVER give you over to the will of your enemies. Period. "There are consequences to disobedience, that is why I am training you in obedience. If you stay obedient to Me and follow that still small voice inside of you, you will avoid a LOT of heart aches. I cannot spare you of those, Clare, when you don’t listen to Me.

"But I will never, ever give you over to the will of your enemies. Ever. They are detestable to Me and what they stand for is detestable. Yet, if I could redeem their souls, I would be so very happy. That is why I ask you to pray for them.

"Come, My children, let us reason together. Some of you I have called up higher, very much higher and there is a price. If the longing of your soul is such and you have made that inner commitment not to back out or give up, totally trusting Me that I will equip you for every situation. If you are of this heart and mindset, I must tell you, there is a price. It is painful to the flesh, but delightful to the spirit."

75 And when He said that, I thought to myself, 'Okay. I'm familiar with the painful part. Ummm...which one is the delightful part?' And I didn't want to interrupt Him, so I didn't say anything.

But He said, "Go ahead, Clare, say what is on your heart."

Lord, where is the delightful part?

And He answered, "It is in knowing that I am profoundly grateful for your gift to Me.

"Clare, when you saw the life draining out of your husband, where was your heart?"

I’m not sure, Lord, can You help me there?

"You wanted to stop it, but there was an even deeper resolution in your heart, 'If this is what you require of me, so be it, I’m in Your hands Lord.' Truly, that was your inner conviction."

Lord, it was hard for me to contemplate that because of the promises You’ve made to me and the thousand times over You have told me, “That which I have said, I will accomplish.” And my understanding was that it was going to be a joint endeavor with him.

"When I said, 'It is in knowing that I am profoundly grateful for your gift to Me.' I was bringing you to the very heart of your walk with Me; our love relationship. And this is why you are so vehemently attacked. This relationship, when authentic and deep, will cause a person to do anything for the Beloved - just like a love for fame, money, power, jealousy, and hatred will motivate one to do evil to obtain it.

"But back to your motives. You have followed Me everywhere I have led you, because of your love for Me and My love for you. Haven’t I always stood up to the challenges and delivered you from evil?"

Yes, Lord. You have.

"Then what could be different about the future? Is it not My character to be faithful? You may have to suffer. Indeed, there is always suffering attached to genuine love, always. My people, when have you ever loved someone and not suffered for them? Love and suffering are synonymous; you cannot have one without the other. Life presents opportunities daily, challenges, that require effort and sacrifice.

"Nothing of any importance ever happens without sacrifice and difficulty. In fact, the more it is going to impact and influence people, the more resistance you'll get. That’s why so few people ever make substantial contributions that are lasting. The opposition can be horrendous. If you look at the percentage of people that have done something extraordinary with their lives, you will find it to be less than a half of one percent of the world population. It is a very tiny segment. Perhaps 10% have done something out of the ordinary with their lives, 30% have left some kind of impression. The rest of humanity is but a shadow in history.

76 "This is the world’s view, not how I see people - but the concept applies spiritually as well. Clare, the opposition to doing something good or great, even with My empowerment is still monumental. But nothing I cannot overcome if you are willing to go there with me. Just be informed; sacrifice and suffering is a given. Just a glance at the Cross, should tell you just how costly it is to do what is right and good.

"You will never suffer what I suffered on the Cross. What you saw was only a portion of what I suffered. Nevertheless, you will never suffer in the same way. But according to your love and devotion to Me, sacrifices will be required of you. Your best posture is one of resolution, that nothing in this world means as much to you as I do, and as much as satisfying My will for you. If you can find your rest in this place, you will be spared much torment.

"Most of what My children suffer when they come to serve Me is loss of something dear to them. So, if you are of the conviction that only I am dear to you, only pleasing Me is dear to you, you will suffer far less than having many things in your life, people included, that are dear to you."

And then this Scripture came to mind:

Peter said to him, “We have left all we had to follow you!” And Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, no one who has left home or wife or brothers or sisters or parents or children for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age, and in the age to come eternal life.” Luke 18:28-29

Jesus continued, "Yet I am not saying to isolate yourselves from love. On the contrary, I am calling you to live love and bring My love to all. If you are detached from the results of your endeavors, you will even find more freedom from suffering. I suffer when My children suffer, so never am I isolated from others. Rather I am totally immersed in their affairs and their sufferings. I feel their disappointments and losses keenly. Did I not cry when Lazarus died? Yes, indeed, My heart was rent in two for this precious soul whom I loved dearly and for the whole family who were the heart of My heart.

"So, there is no way to avoid suffering. Even when you came from Heaven and could return there at any time, even if you have a glorified body, your connection with humanity is so ingrained that you cannot help feeling their joys and sorrows most keenly. That is also why I promised you that I would wipe away every tear from your eyes. Every last tear would someday be gone. Oh, I do hope you hold onto this, My Love. Grasp this firmly and never let it go; it is your hope.

"So, now My Precious Heartdwellers, we have come to the place where the rubber meets the road. This is it. This is the very crux of your lives. If you want to take My hand and step into unimaginable glory, you must also be ready to be stripped of everything dear to you.

"I am not asking you to strip your lives, I am asking you to be ready to suffer anything for the love of Me. Not anything of your choosing, but what I choose for you. If you were to make your own choices, they would be the wrong ones. Wait for Me. Wait for Me to show you what is no longer necessary in your lives. Do not second guess Me. Rather, wait on Me and I will reveal it to you.”

77 And again, this Scripture came to mind: “…Join me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. A soldier refrains from entangling himself in civilian affairs, in order to please the one who enlisted him.” 2 Timothy 2:3-4

"And remember the sacrifice of Abraham," Jesus continued. "I tested his love for Me, yet I did not take his free will offering. I provided instead, My own. Remember that as you face challenges to let go. I am refining your love for Me. What I am looking for is your 100% commitment to Me, not necessarily what you think I am asking for.”

And again, this Scripture came to mind: He said, "Do not stretch out your hand against the lad, and do nothing to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me." (And this was God speaking to Abraham when he went to Mt. Moriah to sacrifice his son under obedience. It's in Genesis 22.) Then Abraham raised his eyes and looked, and behold, behind him a ram caught in the thicket by his horns; and Abraham went and took the ram and offered him up for a burnt offering in the place of his son. Genesis 22:12-13

So, in this case, the Lord didn't take his son. He was acting under obedience. He didn't take his son, He provided a sacrifice. But if you hear a voice telling you to do something like that, I'm sure it will not be the Lord. So, don't take it that far!

This is the posture of a heart that Abraham had. And this was necessary for us to follow the Lord without any reservations, or things holding us back.

I don't know how you feel about this message, Heartdwellers. But I know that I've had a very close brush with death. It's something that I'm really, really pondering and examining my heart to see where I'm at. And I'm having to make a leap in faith with the Lord, that whatever He allows in our lives, I'll be willing to give up.

We're on this journey together, dear Heartdwellers. Let's all lift one another up in prayer. And you know that I'll come back and share my heart with you, once the Lord has illuminated it further. And I hope you'll share your heart with me in the comments.

Thank you for your prayers and your support of our ministry. It means so much to us. Thank you.

Let His mercy be your hope.

The Precipice of Presumption September 30, 2016

May the grace of profound conviction & repentance penetrate our souls and discover any areas we are holding back from Jesus. Precious family, I am really bearing my soul to you in this message in the hopes that if you aren’t all 100% given to the Lord, you will take that step today.

For those of you who haven’t heard the previous three messages, my husband was dying suddenly before my very

78 eyes three days ago and the Lord saved him at the last moment, but it rocked my world.

Today, I simply could not enter into worship this morning; this was weighing so heavily on my heart. Jesus began speaking to me, knowing that worship just wasn’t possible this morning.

I’ve had time to think about why God the Father might say to me that "He has rescued me many times before, so I have had numerous warnings." This last one with Ezekiel beginning to die right before my very eyes, I hope and pray got the point across, permanently.

It’s that black panther again…call him Pride, because he embodies all the qualities of Pride: avarice, self will, presumption, call it what you will - it all leads to the precipice of presumption. I recognize now the warnings I have had when Ezekiel would get life-threatening sick, it was always tied to something I bought that was not God’s will.

You see He wants us to live very, very simply, more simply than most poor in this country, as a testimony to others that He is our all. We do have a staff to support, so that’s where our donations go.

Well, the details aren’t so important here, but I will say they were things that would contribute to our health and I thought were necessary. For those of you who are still young, you'll find out that when you age, you are almost consumed with improving your health. They were not superfluous things, but very practical. But in the last analysis, it wasn't God’s will.

They were things we struggled in discernment with and should have known that if there is no peace, you just don’t do it, no matter how you interpret your Rhemas. If you don’t have peace, don’t do it.

And it’s not about cost, because this last item was a very inexpensive rubber ball chair, because of the pain I get in my hips from sitting at the computer 12-16 hours a day. It truly is the little foxes that spoil the vine.

Satan knows how we think…”Oh, It's little, it's not a big deal.” Oh, yes, little IS a big deal. If we are not faithful in the little things, how can we be entrusted with the bigger ones??

And this last correction was the capstone on all the others, and in all honesty I don’t see how even the God of endless patience could allow any more presumption, because He’s gone way out of His way to warn me. I have to shape up, dear friends, because you are watching, and I am now accountable to the Body for my behavior. It just has to stop.

I suppose if you weren’t watching … and just God and Heaven were watching, I would be more tempted to give in. But you ARE watching, and because I love you all and want to be a better example of God’s grace at work, I just can’t let my vice go any further.

It has to stop here.

In our many years of ministry, we have seen the Lord open windows of opportunity for a soul to be converted, for them to give their poor, lack-luster lives into the hands of Jesus and allow Him to make it something beautiful. The elderly woman who was staying here had many years to

79 convert, as we shared the kindness and love of Jesus with her. And there have been others who Jesus was calling to let go and embrace Him with all their hearts, to leave the world and live for Him alone.

Only God knows the number of chances a soul will get before the window of opportunity closes on them. Only He knows what is fair and just. He invests tremendous amounts of grace in each of us to bring us to Him and then to move us along from glory to glory. But if we refuse the invitations to go deeper with Him, He will not be mocked, He will close the window and let that soul slide back into their swamp with their self-will fully intact.

I am not saying that will be their last chance, but I have seen it enough to know that He brings us into the lives of people to influence them, and if they waver and don’t die to their own lives, well, He moves on. That doesn’t mean there won’t be another chance for them, but I wouldn’t want to be the soul who had Jesus tugging on my heartstrings saying, “There is more, give Me your whole heart. Leave the world. What I have for you is wonderful beyond, way beyond what you had planned for yourself. But you must leave the world to have it. Please…please come to Me and leave your old life behind.”

Presumption whispers back, “Oh it’s ok, you’re a good person. You don’t need to make a change in your life, it’s going along just fine. Besides, if you change your mind, He’ll be there later.”

Oh, dear souls, that is presumption of the worst kind! You may not live to see the next invitation; you may not live through this year or the next if you don’t make the change.

And so we come back around to my situation, I’ve been playing with God…sticking my toe near the line and saying, "Can I have this? It’s just a little thing...and it is something I really need for my work? And usually it is.

And my next line of logic, “Lord, I work so hard for You, is that too much to ask? Look at all the times I do deny myself and say NO, you can't have that. No, you don't need that. No. No - because I want to honor You and You are trying to drown my very materialistic side, that likes nice useful things.”

You see when I told you I am truly a very, very bad sinner, I was not exaggerating in the least. How many people would treat Jesus that way after He had done so much for them, given so much, protected so much, spoken so much and revealed His loving heart so much for almost 30 years? How many people would act this way with Him, bargaining with God? This truly is the product of a prideful, arrogant, presumptuous sinner.

I’m sharing this with you, because if you see or hear yourself in this, please change before it’s too late. Please repent…as I am still repenting and broken hearted for letting Him down.

And for some of you, this is your LAST chance to give your life to Him, 100%. No more self, self dead and buried and born again…perhaps even born again, again. There is a tremendous grace unleashed in the Body of Christ right now, as we speak. The grace of a deeper conversion and a total re-make of our lives. And a whole-hearted yielding to God’s plan for our lives.

80 And I’m going to take it. I want it desperately. I want to be totally dead to myself. I can’t do it, but He can and I’ve given Him permission to do it anyway He has to.

What is your choice going to be?

The tender voice of Jesus broke in here, “You see, there are consequences for presumption. It’s not a punishment, although it feels that way. It’s a directive…a strong steering fence leading you away from disaster and the precipice which leads even to damnation.

“Though your heart is set on Heaven, the enemy can derail your course by cleverly manipulating you. He knows your faults and weaknesses so much better than you do. He knows where you stand and where you most surely will fall. He is extremely patient as he sets one trap at a time tat, unknown to you, will result in a mortal fall over a cliff. We are steering you away from the dangers of that precipice, where many have gone before."

And just so you know, when I say "we", He's talking about Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that they work together.

At this point I had a vision of two ledges, or precipices, separated by about 12 feet. But below, it was 400 feet to the bottom. A huge chasm, with the bones of all the sheep that didn’t make it.

“Shepherd’s bones are there, too.” Jesus continued. “We have most carefully steered you in the right directions, Clare, with great love and longing, for you to make it. But when you get headstrong and insist on your own way, we can do nothing. You are very strong willed. Very. Determined is another good word, and it is a wonderful quality as long as it is submitted to Me. But should your flesh get in the driver’s seat, it will most surely be your ruin..

“I know you are afraid."

And I just wanted to say there, THAT is an understatement. I’ve been pondering this for three days since Ezekiel almost died. I really am petrified that I will grow lukewarm again, sloppy and allow a desire to overtake me. Just one little button…’buy with one click.’ And it’s over. To say I’m afraid is truly an understatement.

Jesus continued, “I know you have no confidence in yourself. But I am here to help you. I know you’ve heard that before and still gone your own way, that is why the lessons are getting stronger, clearer, with more dire consequences. Clare, ask Sister Death.”

Here He is referring to Francis of Assisi who always asked himself, 'Is this something I will be proud of when I face the final moments of my life and sister death comes to take me?' In this way he avoided doing anything that he would be ashamed of in the end. So he always used to say, "Ask Sister Death."

Jesus continued, “She will never lead you astray. You have the ability to resist temptation. I am always coming to your aid and most of the time we do very well together.

"The reason we call this pride is because you think you know better. You think if you have something that I’ve put a check in your spirit about, it will make things better, you'll be able to

81 serve Me better. But if I don’t advise and approve of it, you’re fooling yourself and feeding the lust of the flesh.

"And you failed to run it by your covering."

Yeah, this time I didn't ask Ezekiel first.

"Right there and then, I would have intercepted it and it wouldn’t have happened. See, you have fail-safes, but when you manipulate yourself around them they don’t have a chance to work.

"Don’t you see, My Precious Bride, I am saying these things to you for your own good. "I have marvelous plans for you: things you have always wanted to do, dreams fulfilled. And you, like other souls around the world, have been maturing for years and now are at the point where I can use you. But you must be broken. You are still green in some areas and all of that could be resolved overnight if you just made the permanent decision to always submit to My wisdom. And when you know something is wrong…no matter what the counsel of others, no matter what the Bible Promises says, you know better.

"This inner place KNOWS better. You don’t need a confirmation, you only need to obey at face value."

Jesus took a long breath and let out a sigh. “I know well what you want. I know your soul and spirit man are over-riding your flesh, but you must be on guard when you are weak. Remember: what I do not provide for you, is of no use to me. Keep that in the forefront of your mind because it will steer you onto the right course and prevent you from taking the trail that leads to the precipice of presumption and the failures of all who’ve gone before.

"Oh, Clare, please embrace what I am telling you with all your heart, Beloved."

I answered Him, "Jesus, I do. But I am so afraid of my flesh, in a moment of weakness."

"Practice submission in every little thing and you will strengthen this virtue, so that in a moment of great weakness, when the devil is pushing, pushing, pushing you - you will turn away from him and whatever he is suggesting. That is the point of Pride We are trying to work out of you.

"Stand convinced: if I don’t provide it, you don’t need it. If I am against it, it is poison.

"Do that as a wedding present for Me? Oh, that would make Me so happy. What a beautiful gift, you are turning an occasion of sin into a beautifully wrapped wedding present. You are wrapping it in the most exquisite paper of obedience, which is adorned with love, faith, trust, deference, and honor. More and more they declare who I Am in your life and that speaks volumes to the world and those who operate according to the world’s value system and their flesh."

Lord, I am making that resolution right now.

"I see that. You will starve the panther. It’s been feeding on your pride all these years, but if you follow My counsel, it will starve to death. Wouldn’t you just love that?"

82 Indeed, I would!

"Starve the panther. Declare My sovereignty in your life. Above all, above all, above all created things and all your intellect and what you think you know better. Above ALL your reasoning, your knowledge, above it ALL. Declare to the world, 'Jesus knows best. I will follow Him and none other.'

"Come now, My Bride. You are making this resolution before all your brothers and sisters. Don’t scandalize them, rather declare, 'I can do all things through my Jesus, my Lord.'

"'Satan - you are not my lord. Flesh - you are not my lord. Intellect - you are not my lord. I renounce you all. Jesus is my Lord and He alone guides me. I renounce every other way. Lord, with your help I won't fall again.'

"You will do marvelously, Clare. I have every confidence in you, that next time, and every next time, you will choose Me over what you want or think would benefit you. Seal this with communion and I will grant you the grace to overcome yourself."

Thank You, Jesus. I believe in You.