Unified Parallel C for GPU Clusters: Language Extensions and Compiler Implementation
Unified Parallel C for GPU Clusters: Language Extensions and Compiler Implementation Li Chen1, Lei Liu1, Shenglin Tang1, Lei Huang2, Zheng Jing1, Shixiong Xu1, Dingfei Zhang1, Baojiang Shou1 1 Key Laboratory of Computer System and Architecture, Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China {lchen,liulei2007,tangshenglin,jingzheng,xushixiong, zhangdingfei, shoubaojiang}@ict.ac.cn; 2 Department of Computer Science, University of Houston; Houston, TX, USA lei.huang@mail.uh.edu 5 Abstract. Unified Parallel C (UPC), a parallel extension to ANSI C, is designed for high performance computing on large-scale parallel machines. With General-purpose graphics processing units (GPUs) becoming an increasingly important high performance computing platform, we propose new language extensions to UPC to take advantage of GPU clusters. We extend UPC with hierarchical data distribution, revise the execution model of UPC to mix SPMD with fork-join execution model, and modify the semantics of upc_forall to reflect the data-thread affinity on a thread hierarchy. We implement the compiling system, including affinity-aware loop tiling, GPU code generation, and several memory optimizations targeting NVIDIA CUDA. We also put forward unified data management for each UPC thread to optimize data transfer and memory layout for separate memory modules of CPUs and GPUs. The experimental results show that the UPC extension has better programmability than the mixed MPI/CUDA approach. We also demonstrate that the integrated compile-time and runtime optimization is effective to achieve good performance on GPU clusters. 1 Introduction Following closely behind the industry-wide move from uniprocessor to multi-core and many-core systems, HPC computing platforms are undergoing another major change: from homogeneous to heterogeneous platform.
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