Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Getting Started 7 Roambi workflow 7 System requirements and specifications 8 Supported versions of IBM Cognos 8 Single sign-on support 8 Setting up an IBM Cognos portal 8 Chapter 2: Roambi Publisher 9 View compatibility matrix 9 Source file data limits 13 Logging in to Roambi Publisher 13 Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher 16 Opening an existing Roambi file 19 Accessing video tutorials for a Roambi View 23 Recalling an RBI file 24 Obtaining the URL for a Roambi report 27 Downloading a Roambi report 30 Publishing a view 33 Adding title and summary information to a Roambi analytics report 34 Emailing copies of your Roambi analytics report via Roambi Cast 34 Choosing a report refresh option 35 Setting an expiration date for a Roambi analytics report 36 Changing the destination folder for the Roambi analytics report 38 Changing the personal information associated with the Roambi analytics report 39 Chapter 3: Cardex View 41 Recommended data sources for a Cardex View 41 Best practices for creating a Cardex View 41 Cardex View limitations 41 Creating a Cardex View 42 Creating a report for a Cardex View 42 Refining and publishing a Cardex View 43 Cardex View example: Multiple groups per card 48 Chapter 4: CataList View 50 Recommended data sources for a CataList View 50 Best practices for creating a CataList View 50 CataList limitations 51 Creating a CataList View 51 Creating a report for a CataList View 51 Refining and publishing a CataList View 52 CataList View example: Multiple column groups 60 CataList View example: Column group with two values in a Compare Chart 61 CataList View example: Multiple measures in columns 62 Chapter 5: Elements View 65 Recommended data sources for an Elements View 65 Best Practices for creating an Elements View 65 Best Practices for list data sources for Elements Views 65 Best Practices for crosstab data sources for Elements Views 65 Best Practices for graph data sources for Elements Views 66

Elements View limitations 66 Creating an Elements View 66 Creating a report for an Elements View 67 Refining and publishing an Elements View 71 Chapter 6: Layers View 77 Recommended data sources for a Layers View 77 Best practices for creating a Layers View 77 Layers limitations 78 Creating a Layers View 78 Creating a report for a Layers View 78 Refining and publishing a Layers View 79 Chapter 7: PieView 85 Recommended data sources for a PieView 85 Best Practices for creating a PieView 85 Best Practices for list data sources for PieViews 85 Best Practices for crosstab data sources for PieViews 85 PieView limitations 86 Creating a PieView 86 Creating a report for a PieView 86 Refining and publishing a PieView 87 PieView with multiple groups per slice 92 Chapter 8: Pulse View 94 Recommended data sources for a Pulse View 95 Best Practices for creating a Pulse View 95 Pulse View limitations 95 Creating a report for a Pulse View 95 Refining a Pulse View 96 Importing the report for the Pulse View 96 Refining the Grid layout 98 Refining the Comparison Sets 101 Refining the Report Filters 112 Publishing a Pulse View 114 Chapter 9: Squares View 116 Recommended data sources for a Squares View 117 Best Practices for creating a Squares View 117 Squares View limitations 117 Creating a report for a Squares View 117 Creating the report 118 Mapping the source data to a Squares View 119 Refining a Squares View 120 Importing the report for the Squares View 120 Refining the Grid layout 122 Refining the Comparison Sets 125 Refining the Report Filters 128 Publishing a Squares View 131 Chapter 10: SuperList View 133

Recommended data sources and best practices for a SuperList View 133 SuperList limitations 133 Creating a SuperList View 133 Creating a report for a SuperList View 134 Refining and publishing a SuperList View 134 Chapter 11: Trends View 139 Recommended data sources for a Trends View 139 Best Practices for creating a Trends View 139 Trends View limitations 139 Creating a Trends View 139 Creating a report for a Trends View 140 Refining and publishing a Trends View 141 Chapter 12: Blink View 146 Chapter 13: Data Management 147 Configuring Auto-synchronization 147 Enabling Auto-synchronization for folders 147 Manually synchronizing folders 150 Specifying a root folder for client devices 151 Setting up Batch processes 154

Chapter 1: Getting Started

This guide will teach you how to use IBM Cognos with SAP Roambi Publisher to publish reports created in IBM Cognos to your iPhone or iPad mobile devices. You will also learn many of SAP’s recommended best practices to help you achieve optimum results when using IBM Cognos as your data source for your Roambi reports. The following subjects are covered in this guide:

 An introduction to SAP Roambi

 An overview and introduction to using IBM Cognos as a data source (See the IBM documentation for comprehensive instructions on using this application.)

 Instructions for designing and publishing reports in Roambi Publisher

 A series of chapters containing comprehensive sets of instructions for designing Roambi-compatible IBM Cognos reports and refining those reports in Roambi Publisher. (Each Roambi View has its own chapter.)

 Instructions for System Administrators on how to configure several Roambi Publisher features for Publisher users SAP Roambi workflow SAP Roambi has three components, which all work together to publish Roambi analytics reports to mobile devices:

 Roambi ES: The server component interacts with your Business Intelligence (BI) tool, such as IBM Cognos, and provides security features for your Roambi reports.

 Roambi Publisher: Use this web-based application to design and publish Views to your mobile devices.

 Roambi Visualizer: Use this mobile device application to view your Roambi analytics reports or Views and to drill through and analyze your data.

The following diagram shows how these three components work with IBM Cognos so that you can publish your data to your mobile devices: Chapter 1: Getting Started

1. Design your reports in IBM Cognos with Query Studio or Report Studio. 2. Using the IBM Cognos portal that your Administrator set up on the Roambi server, import your report to Roambi Publisher. 3. With your IBM Cognos report as your source data, design and publish your Roambi View in Roambi Publisher. 4. View the Roambi View on your mobile device using Roambi Visualizer.

System requirements and specifications This section describes the requirements and specifications to use IBM Cognos with SAP Roambi ES. See the SAP Roambi ES Installation Guide for a comprehensive list of all system requirements for Roambi ES.

Supported versions of IBM Cognos Roambi currently supports the following versions of IBM Cognos:

 Cognos 8.3, 8.4, 10.x, or 11.x

 Cognos reports built with Query Studio or Report Studio

Single sign-on support You can configure Siteminder as a Single Sign-on (SSO) solution for IBM Cognos and Roambi ES. See the SAP Roambi ES Installation Guide and Administration Guide for instructions on integrating this SSO solution with Roambi.

Setting up an IBM Cognos portal See the SAP Roambi Installation Guide for instructions on how to set up and configure an IBM Cognos portal for Roambi.

- 8 - Chapter 2: SAP Roambi Publisher

This chapter discusses the basic process of importing a report from IBM Cognos to SAP Roambi Publisher, and then refining and publishing that report. Subsequent chapters contain detailed information about building reports in IBM Cognos that are compatible with Roambi Views and instructions on refining Views in Roambi Publisher: 1. Planning your IBM Cognos report using the View compatibility matrix. 2. Logging in to Roambi Publisher. 3. Creating an IBM Cognos report (see the individual chapter for your View). 4. Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher. 5. Refining a View (see the individual chapter for your View). 6. Publishing a view

View compatibility matrix The following table provides a snapshot of which IBM Cognos report formats work best with various Roambi Views. For more details on designing views and view mapping, see the individual section within this chapter for the view that you are interested in.


Roambi Recommended Description Example Comments View data source(s) A view that presents your data in organized, categorized

content. This is

an excellent view when you need to Cardex reference Crosstab contacts, customers, employees, vendors, and

more. To learn

more, see Cardex

View. A view that presents your data in a hierarchical format using a robust library of charts. It allows

you to perform CataList Crosstab quantitative analysis for each dimension value using swipe and drill movements. To learn more, see CataList View.

A dashboard- style view that converts static tables and charts Report generated by from your original Supports Report Studio source report into importing Elements interactive data containing Lists, Crosstabs, and basic reports with elements. These multiple charts, such as bar elements allow components. and pie charts. you to browse data and/or zoom in on data to view deeper details

- 10 - using simple tap movements. To learn more, see Elements View.

A view that provides contractible and expandable charts and lists Layers that you can Crosstab manipulate to fit your data and analysis. To learn more, see Layers View.

An interactive

view that

graphically Pie summarizes List, Crosstab discrete data. To

learn more, see Pie View.

This view helps you visualize key Pulse performance Table iPad only indicators over time.

- 11 - l

This view provides a snapshot of your business across dozens of performance metrics. Squares Squares can connect List, Crosstab iPad only directly to an OLAP data source or use a Cognos-based report. To learn more, see Squares View.

A versatile spreadsheet List, Table, Tablix, Matrix view that presents your SuperList data in a table List structure with rows and columns. To learn more, see SuperList View.

A view that presents you with a general picture of how your data Trends has developed Crosstab and changed over time. To learn more, see Trends View.

- 12 -

This view

connects directly to an OLAP data Supported source and allows Not supported with Blink with OLAP you to instantly IBM Cognos data sources navigate up to four dimensions of a single data set.

Source file data limits A View can contain up to 999 columns or fields. This limit is also dependant on the View and hierarchy and will a factor of 999. The following table shows the field limitations for each View:

View Limitation Cardex 999 /number of hierarchy levels (2 hierarchy levels = 448 columns) CataList 999/ number of hierarchy levels (3 hierarchy levels = 333 fields) Layers 1024 / number of hierarchy levels (4 hierarchy levels = 256 fields) Pie 999 columns SuperList 999 fields Trends 999/ number of periodicities (3 periodicities = 333 fields)


Logging in to SAP Roambi Publisher SAP Roambi Publisher is the web-based application where you will import, edit, and publish the reports that you created in IBM Cognos. To log into Roambi Publisher: 1. In your web browser, navigate to the server that is hosting Roambi Publisher to display the Publisher login screen:

- 13 -

2. On the Publisher login screen, select the IBM Cognos portal, and type your IBM Cognos Username and Password. Click Login. Roambi displays a list of available portals for your user credentials:

- 14 -

3. Click the Roambi Publisher tab in the upper-right of the screen to launch Publisher:

You can now select a view and import your IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher. See Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher.

- 15 - Importing an IBM Cognos report to SAP Roambi Publisher After creating a report in IBM Cognos (see the chapter for your Roambi View for instructions on how to best create a report in IBM Cognos) and logging in to Roambi Publisher (see Logging in to Roambi Publisher), you can import that report into Roambi Publisher to be used as a data source for a Roambi View. To import an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher: 1. Click through the Views in the carousel on the Roambi Publisher home page until the View that you want is in front.

2. Once the View is in front, click the View to select it. Publisher displays an introduction to and an example of the selected view.

- 16 - l

3. Click the Select This View button to go to the Import step:

4. From the list of Locations on the left, select the IBM Cognos portal. A list of folders available to the portal displays:

- 17 -

From this screen, you can also access video tutorials for the selected view. See Accessing video tutorials for a Roambi View.

5. Browse to the folder where you saved your report and select the report that you want to import. 6. Click the Import button to import the report to your selected View: Roambi Publisher imports your data and displays an Import Complete screen:

- 18 - l

Click Quick Publish or Publish to publish the report as-is, or click Continue to refine your report. See the following sections to learn how to refine reports for different views: l Refining and publishing a Cardex View l Refining and publishing a CataList View l Refining and publishing an Elements View l Refining and publishing a Layers View l Refining and publishing a PieView l Refining a Squares View l Refining and publishing a SuperList View l Refining and publishing a Trends View See Publishing a view to learn about publishing options for your view.

Opening an existing Roambi file After you have created and published a Roambi analytics report (RBI file), you can access that report to make changes and re-publish it through Roambi Publisher. To open an existing Roambi file: 1. Click through the Views in the carousel on the Roambi Publisher home page until Open Existing Roambi is in front.

- 19 -

2. Once Open Existing Roambi is in front, click the phone preview to select it.

Publisher displays a preview for the Open an Existing Roambi option:

3. Click Select This View to select the option. Publisher displays the Import Your Data screen, which you can use to browse to your existing Roambi reports: - 20 - l

4. Under Locations, select the portal/file server where you stored the report, then when the file system opens on the right, browse to the report that you want to open:

When you select an RBI file, four buttons giving additional options in the lower-left corner become enabled:

- 21 -

These options are now available via the four buttons: l Help: Access video tutorials. (See Accessing_video_tutorials.) l Recall: Recalls a published report from users' mobile devices. (See Recalling_ an_RBI file .) l Get URL: Displays the URL for the RBI file (for use with Roambi Cast or social media) or the URL to be used by the Launchpad API. (See Obtaining_the_ URL_for_a_Roambi_report.) l Download: Download the HTML file for the report. (See Downloading_a_ Roambi_report.) 5. If you do not click one of the buttons mentioned in the previous step, click Import to import the RBI file: Roambi imports the RBI file and displays the Import Complete screen:

- 22 -

6. You can now edit the report or re-publish the report:

 To edit the report, see the topic on refining the report for the individual Roambi View for the report. l To publish the report, see Publishing a view.

Accessing video tutorials for a Roambi View You can access the video tutorials on the website from the Import Your Data screen for any View, including when opening an existing view. Click the ? button in the lower-left corner of this screen to be re-directed to the tutorial page for the View on

- 23 -

Recalling an RBI file You can recall a published RBI file from users' mobile devices from Roambi Publisher. Once an RBI file has been recalled, the report will no longer appear in users' Roambi libraries. To recall a published RBI file: 1. Click through the Views in the carousel on the Roambi Publisher home page until Open Existing Roambi is in front.

- 24 -

2. Once Open Existing Roambi is in front, click the phone preview to select it.

Publisher displays a preview for the Open an Existing Roambi option:

3. Click Select This View to select the option. Publisher displays the Import Your Data screen, which you can use to browse to your existing Roambi reports:

- 25 -

4. Under Locations, select the portal/fileserver where you stored the report, then when the file system opens on the right, browse to and select the report that you want to recall:

5. In the lower-left corner, click the Recall button:

- 26 -

Roambi displays a prompt asking if you are sure that you want to recall the report:

6. Click Recall to recall the report. Roambi displays a confirmation that the report was recalled:

7. Click OK.

Obtaining the URL for a Roambi report You can obtain the URL for the RBI file corresponding to a published Roambi report through Roambi Publisher. You can then use this URL on a social media site, email the URL manually to other users, or obtain the URL used by the Launchpad API for Roambi. (Keep in mind that only users with credentials to access the portal where the file is stored will actually be able to access the report.) To obtain the URL for a Roambi report: 1. Click through the Views in the carousel on the Roambi Publisher home page until Open Existing Roambi is in front.

- 27 -

2. Once Open Existing Roambi is in front, click the phone preview to select it.

Publisher displays a preview for the Open an Existing Roambi option:

3. Click Select This View to select the option. Publisher displays the Import Your Data screen, which you can use to browse to your existing Roambi reports:

- 28 -

4. Under Locations, select the portal/fileserver where you stored the report, then when the file system opens on the right, browse to the report whose URL you want to obtain:

5. In the lower-left corner, click the Get URL button:

- 29 -

Roambi Publisher displays the URL and Launchpad URL for the report:

6. Click Close to close the window or Launch to open a browser-based preview of the report. Downloading a Roambi report You can download an HTML file version of a Roambi report from Roambi Publisher. After downloading, you will still need to have access to the portal where the file was originally stored to open the file in a web browser. To download a Roambi report: 1. Click through the Views in the carousel on the Roambi Publisher home page until Open Existing Roambi is in front.

- 30 -

2. Once Open Existing Roambi is in front, click the phone preview to select it.

Publisher displays a preview for the Open an Existing Roambi option:

3. Click Select This View to select the option. Publisher displays the Import Your Data screen, which you can use to browse to your existing Roambi reports:

- 31 -

4. Under Locations, select the portal/fileserver where you stored the report, then when the file system opens on the right, browse to the report that you want to download:

5. In the lower-left corner, click the Download button:

- 32 -

6. Roambi opens a file explorer window so that you can browse to a location on your computer to save the HTML file.

Publishing a view Roambi provides numerous options to customize how you publish a View in Roambi Publisher: l Adding title and summary information to a Roambi analytics report l Emailing copies of your Roambi analytics report via Roambi Cast l Choosing a report refresh option l Setting an expiration date for a Roambi analytics report l Changing the destination folder for the Roambi analytics report l Changing the personal information associated with the Roambi analytics report

These options are available from the Publish Your Report tab (when you reach this step) in Roambi Publisher (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher to get started on the publishing process):

- 33 -

Adding title and summary information to a Roambi analytics report You have the option of adding a title and summary information to your Roambi Analytics report before you publish the report. To add a title and summary information to a report: 1. From the Publish Your Report step, click the Publish Options tab to display the Publish Options screen:

2. Under Title, type a unique, descriptive name for your report. 3. Under Summary, type a brief summary of the report contents. 4. If you want to publish your report now, click the Publish button; otherwise, see the other topics in this section for more publishing options. Emailing copies of your Roambi analytics report via Roambi Cast The Roambi Cast feature enables you to email copies of a finished Roambi analytics report to other Roambi users.

- 34 - If a recipient does not have the type of portal enabled where the report was created, Roambi Cast will automatically create that portal on the user's mobile device. To email a Roambi analytics report using Roambi Cast: 1. From the Publish Your Report step, click the Publish Options tab to display the Publish Options screen:

2. Under Email a Copy, type the email address of the report recipient. Separate multiple email addresses with commas. 3. Under Subject, type the subject header for the email. The default subject is "Check out my Roambi!" 4. If you want to publish your report now, click the Publish button; otherwise, see the other topics in this section for more publishing options. Choosing a report refresh option You can choose a report refresh option for recipients of your Roambi analytics report: To choose a report refresh option: 1. From the Publish Your Report step, click the Publish Options tab to display the Publish Options screen:

- 35 -

2. From the Roambi Updates drop-down list, select one of the following report refresh options:  Not available: The report is static, and the data cannot be refreshed.

 Manual refresh: The recipient will manually need to refresh the report data.

 Auto refresh: Any time that recipients access the report, the report will automatically contain up-to-date data. 3. If you want to publish your report now, click the Publish button; otherwise, see the other topics in this section for more publishing options. Setting an expiration date for a Roambi analytics report If you want to ensure that recipients of your Roambi analytics report are not looking at old data, you can set an expiration date for your report as a publishing option. File expiration works on a per-device basis. When a user opens an RBI with a file expiration attached, a timer starts for that RBI. If the user then leaves the RBI (for example, to view another RBI or to open another application) and then tries to come back after the expiration time, the user will get a "tap to download" message in the Roambi library. The user will then need to re-download the RBI. (If time expires while a user is viewing the report, the user will not need to re-download the report until he or she leaves the report and tries to return to it.)

- 36 - As a Publisher user, keep the following recommendations in mind when setting file expirations:

 If you are going to set File Expiration on an RBI, SAP recommends using Roambi Cast to communicate to the RBI recipients that the file will have an expiration date/time. In the Roambi Cast email, include a reminder that they can re-download the report, if needed.

 You can view the file expiration settings for an RBI file by opening the file in the Open an Existing Roambi option and then going to the Publish settings.

To set an expiration date for a Roambi analytics report: 1. From the Publish Your Report step, click the Publish Options tab to display the Publish Options screen:

2. At the bottom of the screen, click the File Expiration button. A Roambi Security window opens:

- 37 -

3. On the Roambi Security window, select the number of weeks, days, hours, or minutes before the report is to expire and will be inaccessible to users. 4. Click Save to save your changes. 5. If you want to publish your report now, click the Publish button; otherwise, see the other topics in this section for more publishing options. Changing the destination folder for the Roambi analytics report By default, Roambi saves your newly-created analytics report to the same folder that contained your source data. However, you have the option of changing this destination folder at the publishing step. To change the destination folder for your Roambi analytics report: 1. From the Publish Your Report step, click the Change Location tab to display the locations screen:

- 38 -

2. From the list of servers on the left, choose a server.

3. From the list of folders on the right, choose the folder where you want to publish your report. 4. If you want to publish your report now, click the Publish button; otherwise, see the other topics in this section for more publishing options. Changing the personal information associated with the Roambi analytics report Roambi Publisher provides you with the option to edit the personal information that you have associated with a Roambi analytics report. To change the personal information associated with a report: 1. From the Publish Your Report step, click the My Info tab to display the Edit My Information screen:

- 39 -

2. Edit the following fields as appropriate for your personal information:

 Name

 Phone

 Email

 Title

 Department 3. If you want to publish your report now, click the Publish button; otherwise, see the other topics in this section for more publishing options.

- 40 -

Chapter 3: Cardex View

The Roambi Cardex View displays your data as a virtual file cabinet. This View is ideal for data that you would like to quickly flip through, such as a long list of potential customers, or sales by store locations.

Recommended data sources for a Cardex View The best source for a Cardex View is a crosstab. If you choose to use a list data source, define your criteria sort order in the same order that the table columns are displayed.

Best practices for creating a Cardex View The following list describes the best practices for creating a report via crosstab that is to be used as a data source for a Cardex View in Roambi Publisher:

On your crosstab, arrange the names of your Cardex Tabs and Card titles in your first

two columns on the left.

If you have more than one data type and need to separately chart them (for example, one time series per measure) and you have more than one non-measure (attribute) field on columns, Roambi Publisher will combine all attributes. You will then need to refine your data in Publisher. To facilitate the refinement step, try regrouping your data in the very first step after you import it.

Roambi Publisher does not support sections. Roambi will ignore these fields

when performing aggregations.

If you are using more than two data fields, Roambi will group the outermost fields.

If you are creating a chartable Cardex, set at least three columns to be grouped together. Assign one for the Tab, one for the Card, and individual members from the

third one in the chart group.

Cardex View limitations For specifications and limitations for Roambi Cardex, see the Roambi Publisher User Guide.

- 41 - Chapter 3: Cardex View

Creating a Cardex View To create a Cardex View in Roambi Publisher using IBM Cognos as a source: 1. Create the report for the View in IBM Cognos (see Creating a report for a Cardex View). 2. Log in to Roambi Publisher (see Logging in to Roambi Publisher). 3. Import your data to Publisher (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher). 4. Refine and publish the report in Publisher (see Refining and publishing a Cardex View).

Creating a report for a Cardex View This example creates a crosstab report in IBM Cognos Report Studio that is ready to be imported to a Cardex View in Roambi Publisher. The sample data in this example is from the GO Data Warehouse (analysis) data set. To create a report for a Cardex View: 1. Create a new empty report in Report Studio. 2. From the data source tree on the left pane, go to GO Data Warehouse > Sales & Marketing > Sales. 3. Add the following fields to the columns of the report:

 Products > Product Line

 Products > Product Type

 Sales fact > Revenue

 Time > Year

 Time > Month (numeric)

4. Add the following fields to the rows of the report:

 Time > Year

 Sales fact > Revenue

 Sales fact > Gross profit

 Sales fact > Product cost The completed crosstab should look like the following example:

5. Click the Save button to save the report. Save the report to a folder that can be accessed by Roambi Publisher.

- 42 - Refining and publishing a Cardex View

When you import this report into Roambi Publisher, the Product Line column will become the card tabs, the Product Type column will become the card titles, and Revenue,Gross profit, and Product cost will become time series charts on the individual cards.

Refining and publishing a Cardex View After you have imported your IBM Cognos report to a Cardex View (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher), you can refine the View to alter how the Roambi Analytics report will appear on mobile devices. This example continues to use the report generated in Creating a report for a Cardex View. To refine a Cardex View: 1. In Roambi Publisher, start from the Import Complete screen:

2. Click the Regroup Data button. Regrouping your data for this example causes Revenue, Gross profit, and Product cost to display as separate groups on the individual cards. If you did not regroup your data, each individual year (for example, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007) would display as separate groups on the individual cards. 3. Click Continue to go to the Tab Title screen:

- 43 - Chapter 3: Cardex View

By default, Roambi has selected the Product Line column to be the tab title. Because this setting makes the most sense for this report, leave this setting as the default. 4. Click Continue to go to the Card Title screen:

By default, Roambi has selected the Product type column to be the card title. Because this setting makes the most sense for this report, leave this setting as the default.

- 44 - Refining and publishing a Cardex View

5. Click Continue to go to the Layout screen:

Use the Layout screen to modify which entries are visible in your report. For example, if you wanted to hide the Product cost group, you could do that from this screen. 6. For this example, leave all of the groups visible. Click Continue to go to the Options screen:

- 45 - Chapter 3: Cardex View

You can use the Options screen to change the names of the groups in the Cardex View. Do not change the default settings for this example. 7. Click Continue to go to the Charts screen:

Use the Charts screen to convert the data that will appear on each card to chart form. For this example, use a Line Chart. 8. To convert the groups to line charts, click the first group header (Revenue), then click the Column Chart button on the left. Scroll down and repeat this for each group:

- 46 - Refining and publishing a Cardex View

9. Click Continue to go to the Publish screen:

See Publishing a view to learn about publishing options.

10. Click the Publish button to publish the Cardex View to your mobile device. Roambi Publisher displays a confirmation that the view was published:

- 47 - Chapter 3: Cardex View

You can now retrieve the published Cardex View from your mobile device.

Cardex View example: Multiple groups per card In addition to the basic example shown in Creating a report for a Cardex View and Refining and publishing a Cardex View, you can also set up your Cognos report so that when you import it, the Cardex View displays multiple groups on each card. To set up a Cognos report to have multiple groups on each card, your report in Report Studio should look similar to the example below:

After regrouping the data and assigning chart types to the individual groups, this report will import to a Cardex View as shown in the following sample views:

- 48 - Cardex View example: Multiple groups per card

- 49 -

Chapter 4: CataList View

The Roambi CataList View organizes your data into categorized lists that you can navigate through down to detailed summary cards. The CataList View provides the option of using microcharts, which provide quantitative analytics for each dimension value. At its lowest level of detail, a CataList View features a robust library of charts and tables for visualizing any combination of trends, comparisons, and qualitative information.

Recommended data sources for a CataList View The best sources for a CataList View are list or crosstab reports. A crosstab report can provide a drillable path through your data with chartable information at the end, which is perfect for a CataList View. A crosstab can also provide lists of data, if you are planning to create a simpler CataList View. The example in this chapter uses a crosstab that was created in Report Studio as its data source. If you choose to use a list data source, use the following guidelines for the best results in your CataList View:

Define your criteria sort order in the same order that the table columns are displayed.

Only one drill level is supported.

Place your measured data at the end of the table; these data will be the measures

displayed by the CataList at the end of the drill.

Best practices for creating a CataList View The following list describes the best practices for creating a report in Report Studio to be used as a data source for a Cardex View in Roambi Publisher:

In your list or crosstab reports, use groups to segment the report into hierarchical levels.

Using subtotals within groups will enable microcharts in the CataList View.

Roambi uses column groups to define the swipe path for the CataList View.

On your crosstab, arrange your drillable path on rows.

Place your measured data in columns. If you use multiple measures, such as "Sales

Revenue" and "Number of Units", place each measure in a separate column group.

- 50 - Chapter 4: CataList View

A CataList can have an unlimited number of groups, and each section of a report can

have multiple elements to represent different aspects of the report.

You can import a chart into a CataList View. Roambi places an image of the imported chart at the summary level.  Roambi supports Line Charts, Bar Charts, Column Charts, Pie Charts, and Combination Charts.

 If you try to import unsupported chart type, Roambi will convert the chart to a supported type.

CataList limitations For specifications and limitations for Roambi CataList, see the Roambi Publisher User Guide.

Creating a CataList View To create a CataList View in Roambi Publisher using IBM Cognos as a source: 1. Create the report for the View in IBM Cognos (see Creating a report for a CataList View). 2. Log in to Roambi Publisher (see Logging in to Roambi Publisher). 3. Import your data to Publisher (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher). 4. Refine and publish the report in Publisher (see Refining and publishing a CataList View).

Creating a report for a CataList View This example creates a crosstab in IBM Cognos Report Studio that is ready to be imported to a CataList View in Roambi Publisher. The sample data in this example is from the GO Data Warehouse (analysis) data set. To create a report for a CataList View: 1. Create a new empty crosstab report in Report Studio. 2. From the data source tree on the left pane, go to GO Data Warehouse > Sales & Marketing > Sales. 3. Add the following fields as rows to the empty report:

 Time > Year

 Sales fact > Product Cost

 Sales fact > Revenue

 Sales fact > Gross profit 4. Add the following fields as columns to the empty report:

 Retailers > Region

 Retailers > Retailer Country

 Products > Product Line

- 51 - Refining and publishing a CataList View

5. Using the Summarize menu (on the top tool bar), add totals to the Region, Retailer Country, and Product Linefields. Your finished report should look similar to the following example:

6. Click the Save button to save the report. Save the report to a folder that can be accessed by Roambi Publisher. When you import this report into Roambi Publisher, the Retailer Type column will become headers on the first page of the report, and you will be able to drill down to view data by Retailer Country and Product Line.

Refining and publishing a CataList View After you have imported your IBM Cognos report to a CataList View (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher), you can refine the View to alter how the Roambi Analytics report will appear on mobile devices. This example continues to use the report generated in Creating a report for a CataList View. To refine a CataList View:

- 52 - Chapter 4: CataList View

1. In Roambi Publisher, start from the Import Complete screen:

2. Click Regroup Data so that when a user drills down on the published report, Product Cost, Revenue, and Gross Profit will all have time series charts. 3. Click Continue to go to the Card Title screen:

- 53 - Refining and publishing a CataList View

Use the Card Title screen to indicate which heading should appear when a user drills past the first page of the report. For this example, the Product line column becomes the card title. Do not change the default settings for this example. 4. Click Continue to go to the Layout screen:

Use the Layout screen to hide or show groups. For this example, do not change the default values. 5. Click Continue to go to the Options screen:

- 54 - Chapter 4: CataList View

Use the Options screen to change the names on the group headers or to compress the entries under each header. For this example, leave the Options settings as their defaults. 6. Click Continue to go to the Charts screen:

- 55 - Refining and publishing a CataList View

Use the Charts screen to convert the data in each group on the phone preview to a chart. Visually, charts help you get a sense of your data "at a glance" faster than looking at a list of numbers. To convert the data in each group to a chart: a. On the phone preview on the right, select the Product cost group. b. From the list of chart types on the left, select Column Chart. Roambi converts the data in the Product cost group to a time series column chart:

c. Repeat the previous two steps for each group in the phone preview so that all of the groups' data have been converted to column charts. 7. Click Continue to go to the List Layout screen:

- 56 - Chapter 4: CataList View

Use the List Layout screen to modify the appearance of the report. From this screen, you can hide the All and Summary entries at the top of the preview and hide or show growth icons for a chart. a. Under Micro Chart Options, toggle the Show Growth Icons button to On, which displays growth trends for the data:

- 57 - Refining and publishing a CataList View

b. Repeat the previous step for each chart available from the Available Charts drop-down list. 8. Click Continue to go to the Swipe screen:

- 58 - Chapter 4: CataList View

Keep the default settings for Swipe.

9. Click Continue to go to the Publish screen:

See Publishing a view to learn about publishing options.

10. Click the Publish button to publish the CataList View to your mobile device.

Roambi Publisher displays a confirmation that the view was published:

- 59 - CataList View example: Multiple column groups

You can now retrieve the published CataList View from your mobile device.

CataList View example: Multiple column groups In addition to the basic example shown in Creating a report for a CataList View and Refining and publishing a CataList View, you can also set up your Cognos report so that when you import it, the CataList View displays multiple column groups when you drill through the View. To set up a Cognos report to have multiple column groups, your report in Report Studio should look similar to the example below:

After assigning chart types to the individual groups, this report will import to a CataList View as shown in the following sample views. Note that you can use different charts for each group:

- 60 - Chapter 4: CataList View

CataList View example: Column group with two values in a Compare Chart In addition to the basic example shown in Creating a report for a CataList View and Refining and publishing a CataList View, you can also set up your Cognos report so that when you import it, the CataList View has a column group with two values that are compared via Roambi Compare Chart. To set up a Cognos report to have a column group with a Compare Chart, your report in Report Studio should look similar to the example below:

After assigning chart types to the individual groups, this report will import to a CataList View as shown in the following sample views.

- 61 - CataList View example: Multiple measures in columns

CataList View example: Multiple measures in columns In addition to the basic example shown in Creating a report for a CataList View and Refining and publishing a CataList View, you can also set up your Cognos report to have multiple measures in its columns. To set up a Cognos report to have multiple measures per column, your report in Report Studio should look similar to the example below:

After assigning chart types to the individual groups, this report will import to a CataList View as shown in the following example:

- 62 - Chapter 4: CataList View

Note the data grouping in this example. If you want the data to be grouped so that you can view a year's worth of data together, regroup the data after importing the report but before going to the "refine" step. The following example shows the same data, but regrouped:

- 63 -

CataList View example: Multiple measures in columns

- 64 -

Chapter 5: Elements View

The Elements View provides a way for you to page through your information via a flat, paging- style list. You can search for and bookmark items in an Elements View report.

Recommended data sources for an Elements View You can use Report Studio lists, crosstabs, and the most common IBM Cognos graph views as data sources for an Elements View. An Elements View can use multiple lists, crosstabs, and graphs as a data source.

Best Practices for creating an Elements View The best practices for creating an Elements View differ slightly depending on whether you are using a list, crosstab, or graph as your data source. You can have a single section in your Cognos report. If you only have one section, you will be able to select members of the section in the Roambi Elements report on your mobile device. If you do not have any separate sections, Roambi will list all blocks as a single report-level section. The example in this chapter uses a report created in Report Studio that contains a list, a pie chart, and a column chart.

Best Practices for list data sources for Elements Views Use the following guidelines when creating your list data sources for Elements Views:

Use groups to help the Elements View map a drillable analysis. The drillable

analysis enables you to drill a specific path all the way to the most detailed level.

If you use no groups in a list, Elements maps the Cognos list to a simple list. (An

Elements list allows you to select key fields and apply different sort orders.) Best Practices for crosstab data sources for Elements Views Use the following guidelines when creating your crosstab data sources for Elements Views:

- 65 - Chapter 5: Elements View

A crosstab maps to an Elements View drillable analysis. The drillable analysis enables

you to drill a specific path all the way to the most detailed level.

Set your drillable path on rows.

Set your detail information in columns.

If you have more than two non-measured data columns, Roambi will combine them for

each group. Best Practices for graph data sources for Elements Views The Roambi Elements View supports the most common graph types in IBM Cognos, although Roambi performs some conversions with some graph types. Use the following guidelines when creating your graph data sources for Elements Views:

Do not apply extra formatting to your graphs.

Use the most simple option for each graph.

Elements View limitations For specifications and limitations for Roambi Elements, see the Roambi Publisher User Guide.

Creating an Elements View To create an Elements View in Roambi Publisher using IBM Cognos as a source: 1. Create the report for the View in IBM Cognos (see Creating a report for an Elements View). 2. Log in to Roambi Publisher (see Logging in to Roambi Publisher). 3. Import your data to Publisher (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher). 4. Refine and publish the report in Publisher (see Refining and publishing an Elements View).

Note: Roambi Publisher is not able to retrieve data from the new Visualization object in Cognos 11. To support an Element View, you need to redesign your Cognos reports and Roambi views by using a List object instead of a Visualization object and name the object the following way:

• “Roambi:BAR_CHART:” • “Roambi:STACKED_BAR_CHART:<title>” • “Roambi:LINE_CHART:<title>” • “Roambi:AREA_CHART:<title>” • “Roambi:PIE_CHART:<title>” • “Roambi:BAR_LINE_CHART:<title>” </p><p>“<title>” is what would appear as the Chart Type. </p><p>When using List objects for chart objects, List cannot include a Summary Total row. </p><p>- 66 - </p><p>Creating a report for an Elements View This example creates a report containing a list, a pie chart, and a bar chart in IBM Cognos Report Studio. The sample report is ready to be imported to an Elements View in Roambi Publisher. The sample data in this example is from the GO Data Warehouse (query) data set. To create a report for an Elements View: 1. Create a new empty report in Report Studio. 2. Choose List as the report type. 3. Add the following columns to the empty </p><p> report:  Retailers > Retailer Type </p><p> Retailers > Retailer Country </p><p>- 67 - Creating a report for an Elements View </p><p> Sales fact > Revenue </p><p>4. Insert a Pie Chart that shows sales revenue by Retailer type: a. Select the report area. b. From the left pane, click the Toolbox tab to display a list of insertable objects: </p><p> c. From the list of insertable objects, drag Chart over to the right of the List that you just created. An Insert Chart prompt opens. </p><p> d. From the Insert Chart prompt, select a Pie chart, and click OK. </p><p>Report Studio inserts a template for a Pie chart below the List: </p><p>- 68 - Chapter 5: Elements View </p><p> e. On the left pane, click the Source tab to display the available data columns again. f. Drag the Sales fact > Revenue column to the Default measure box on the pie chart. g. Drag the Retailers > Retailer Type column to the Series box on the pie chart. </p><p>- 69 - Creating a report for an Elements View </p><p>5. Insert a Bar Chart that shows sales revenue by Retailer country: a. Select the report area. b. From the left pane, click the Toolbox tab to display a list of insertable objects: </p><p> c. From the list of insertable objects, drag Chart over to the right of the Pie Chart that you just created. An Insert Chart prompt opens. </p><p> d. From the Insert Chart prompt, select a Column chart, and click OK. Report </p><p>Studio inserts a template for a Column chart to the right of the List: </p><p>- 70 - Chapter 5: Elements View </p><p> e. On the left pane, click the Source tab to display the available data columns again. f. Drag the Sales fact > Revenue column to the Default measure box on the column chart. g. Drag the Retailers > Retailer Country column to the Categories (x-axis) box on the column chart. </p><p>6. Click the Run button to run the report. The pie and column charts will be at the very bottom of the report: </p><p>7. Close the report viewer. 8. In Report Studio, click the Save button to save the report. Save the report to a folder that can be accessed by Roambi Publisher. </p><p>- 71 - Refining and publishing an Elements View </p><p>When you import this report to an Elements View in Roambi Publisher, the List will be the first page of the report. When you swipe the first page, you will be taken to the pie chart and then the column chart. </p><p>Refining and publishing an Elements View After you have imported your IBM Cognos report to an Elements View (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher), you can refine the View to alter how the Roambi Analytics report will appear on mobile devices. This example continues to use the report generated in Creating a report for an Elements View. To refine an Elements View: 1. In Roambi Publisher, start from the Import Complete screen: </p><p>2. Click Continue to go to the Layout screen: </p><p>- 72 - Chapter 5: Elements View </p><p>Use the Layout screen to reorder the subreports in the Elements View. This example report created the subreports in the order that makes the most sense for the Elements View. Leave the subreports in their default order. 3. Click Continue to go to the Titles screen: </p><p>- 73 - Refining and publishing an Elements View </p><p>Use the Titles screen to change the titles of the subreports. For this example, change the generic subreport titles to more meaningful titles. 4. To change the titles of the subreports, select the first subreport (List1), then type the new name in the Item Title text box. Change the subreport names for this example as follows: </p><p> Change List1 to Sales Revenue. </p><p> Change Pie Chart1 to Sales Revenue by Retailer Type. </p><p>- 74 - Chapter 5: Elements View </p><p> Change Combination Chart1 to Sales Revenue by Country. </p><p>5. Click Continue to go to the Chart Options screen: </p><p>6. Use the Chart Options screen to modify the color themes, if available, for the charts. For this example, do not change the chart themes. </p><p>- 75 - Refining and publishing an Elements View </p><p>7. Click Continue to go to the Publish screen: </p><p>See Publishing a view to learn about publishing options. </p><p>8. Click the Publish button to publish the Elements View to your mobile device. </p><p>Roambi Publisher displays a confirmation that the view was published: </p><p>- 76 - Chapter 5: Elements View </p><p>You can now retrieve the published Elements View from your mobile device. </p><p>- 77 - </p><p>Chapter 6: Layers View </p><p>The Layers View provides a way to view charts, trends and metrics that easily expand or contract depending on your data and analysis. </p><p>Recommended data sources for a Layers View The best source for a Layers View is an IBM Cognos crosstab. The example in this chapter uses a crosstab created in Report Studio as its data source. If you choose to use a list data source, use the following guidelines for the best results in your Layers View: </p><p>Define your criteria sort order in the same order that the table columns are displayed.</p><p>The list should contain a hierarchy up to six levels deep.</p><p>Place your data measures at the end of the list; these data will be displayed by the </p><p>Layers View at the end of the drill.</p><p>Best practices for creating a Layers View The following list describes the best practices for creating a crosstab report in IBM Cognos to be used as a data source for a Layers View in Roambi Publisher: </p><p>On your crosstab, arrange your drillable path on rows.</p><p>The crosstab should contain a hierarchy up to six levels deep.</p><p>Chartable information should be on your innermost column.</p><p>If you have more than one data measure and need to separately chart them (for example, one time series per measure) and you have more than one non-measured (attribute) field on columns, Roambi Publisher will combine all attributes. You will then need to refine your data in Publisher. To facilitate the refinement step, try regrouping your data in the very first step after you import it.</p><p>Roambi Publisher does not support table prompts and sections. Roambi will ignore </p><p> these fields when performing aggregations.</p><p>- 78 - Chapter 6: Layers View </p><p>If you are using more than two measure fields, Roambi will group the outermost fields.</p><p>Set your drillable path on any grouped component of your crosstab.</p><p>Layers limitations For specifications and limitations for Roambi Layers, see the Roambi Publisher User Guide. </p><p>Creating a Layers View To create a Layers View in Roambi Publisher using IBM Cognos as a source: 1. Create the report for the View in IBM Cognos (see Creating a report for a Layers View). 2. Log in to Roambi Publisher (see Logging in to Roambi Publisher). 3. Import your data to Publisher (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher). 4. Refine and publish the report in Publisher (see Refining and publishing a Layers View). </p><p>Creating a report for a Layers View This example creates a crosstab in IBM Cognos Report Studio that is ready to be imported to a Layers View in Roambi Publisher. The sample data in this example is from the GO Data Warehouse (analysis) data set. To create a report for a Layers View: 1. Create a new empty crosstab report in Report. 2. From the data source tree on the left pane, go to GO Data Warehouse > Sales & Marketing > Sales. 3. Add the following fields as rows to the empty report: </p><p> Time > Year </p><p> Sales fact > Product Cost </p><p> Sales fact > Revenue </p><p> Sales fact > Gross profit </p><p>4. Add the following fields as columns to the empty report: </p><p> Retailers > Region </p><p> Retailers > Retailer Country </p><p> Products > Product Line 5. Using the Summarize menu (on the top tool bar), add totals to the Region, Retailer Country, and Product Linefields. Your finished report should look similar to the following example: </p><p>- 79 - Refining and publishing a Layers View </p><p>6. Click the Save button to save the report. Save the report to a folder that can be accessed by Roambi Publisher. When you import this report into Roambi Publisher, the Retailer Type column will become headers on the first page of the report, and you will be able to drill down to view data by Retailer Country and Product Line. </p><p>Refining and publishing a Layers View After you have imported your IBM Cognos report to a Layers View (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher), you can refine the View to alter how the Roambi Analytics report will appear on mobile devices. This example continues to use the report generated in Creating a report for a Layers View. To refine a Layers View: 1. In Roambi Publisher, start from the Import Complete screen: </p><p>2. Click Regroup Data so that when a user drills down on the published report, Product Cost, Revenue, and Gross Profit will all have time series charts. </p><p>- 80 - Chapter 6: Layers View </p><p>3. Click Continue to go to the Global Settings screen: </p><p>Use the Global Settings screen to set the maximum number of rows that a column header can display. For this example, leave Global Settings with the default values. 4. Click Continue to go to the Layout screen. </p><p>- 81 - Refining and publishing a Layers View </p><p>Use the Layout screen to modify which entries are visible in your report. For this example, do not change the default layout. 5. Click Continue to go to the Options screen: </p><p>- 82 - Chapter 6: Layers View </p><p>Use the Options screen to change the name of the group headers in the report. For this example, leave the headers with their default values. 6. Click Continue to go to the Charts screen. </p><p>Use the Charts screen to convert the data that will appear on each card to chart form. For this example, use a Line Chart. 7. To convert the groups to line charts, click the first group header (Product cost), then click the Line Chart button on the left. Scroll down and repeat this for each year/group header: </p><p>- 83 - Refining and publishing a Layers View </p><p>8. Click Continue to go to the Publish screen: </p><p>See Publishing a view to learn about publishing options. </p><p>- 84 - Chapter 6: Layers View </p><p>9. Click the Publish button to publish the Layers View to your mobile device. </p><p>Roambi Publisher displays a confirmation that the view was published: </p><p>You can now retrieve the published Layers View from your mobile device. </p><p>- 85 - </p><p>Chapter 7: PieView </p><p>The PieView is a fully interactive pie chart that provides a visual overview of your data and enables you to drill down to detailed summary cards. </p><p>Recommended data sources for a PieView You can use either IBM Cognos lists or crosstabs as data sources for a PieView: </p><p>If you simply want to chart percentages of the different entries in a category, such as </p><p>Product Type or Retailer Type, you can use a list as your data source.</p><p>If you need to chart some measures and break them down across different dimensions, </p><p> you will need to use a crosstab as your data source.</p><p>A Roambi PieView can display up to 10 pie slices. Roambi will use the 9 largest slices as-is, then combine the remaining "slices" into a single 10th slice labeled "other". You can drill down into the "other" slice to see the breakdown within that slice. </p><p>Best Practices for creating a PieView The best practices for creating a PieView differ slightly depending on whether you are using an IBM Cognos list or a crosstab as your data source. </p><p>Best Practices for list data sources for PieViews Use the following guidelines when creating your list data sources for PieViews: </p><p>Set your slices as a single list attribute. Do not add subtotals.</p><p>All required data measures should be in the list.</p><p>Do not use list prompts or sections.</p><p>Best Practices for crosstab data sources for PieViews Use the following guidelines when creating your crosstab data sources for PieViews: </p><p>Set your slices on rows.</p><p>Set your data measures on columns. Also set any other dimensions that you want to </p><p> break your data down by on columns.</p><p>- 86 - Chapter 7: PieView </p><p>Do not use table prompts or sections.</p><p>Roambi ES does not combine member names on columns to uniquely identify them. </p><p>However, you can rename columns during the publishing process.</p><p>PieView limitations For specifications and limitations for Roambi PieView, see the Roambi Publisher User Guide. </p><p>Creating a PieView To create a PieView in Roambi Publisher using IBM Cognos as a source: 1. Create the report for the View in IBM Cognos (see Creating a report for a PieView). 2. Log in to Roambi Publisher (see Logging in to Roambi Publisher). 3. Import your data to Publisher (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher). 4. Refine and publish the report in Publisher (see Refining and publishing a PieView). </p><p>Creating a report for a PieView This example creates a list in IBM Cognos Report Studio that is ready to be imported to a PieView in Roambi Publisher. The sample data in this example is from the GO Data Warehouse (analysis) data set. To create a report for a PieView: 1. Create a new empty list report in Report Studio. 2. From the data source tree on the left pane, go to GO Data Warehouse > Sales & Marketing > Sales. 3. Add the following field as a column to the empty report: </p><p> Retailers > Retailer country </p><p> Sales fact > Revenue </p><p> Sales fact > Product cost </p><p> Sales fact > Gross profit The list should look the same as the following sample report: </p><p>4. Click the Save button to save the report. Save the report to a folder that can be accessed by Roambi Publisher. </p><p>- 87 - Refining and publishing a PieView </p><p>When you import this report into Roambi Publisher, the Retailer country column will become slices of the pie chart, and you will be able to drill down on a pie slice to view details about revenue, product cost, and gross profit for each country. </p><p>Refining and publishing a PieView After you have imported your IBM Cognos report to a PieView (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher), you can refine the View to alter how the Roambi Analytics report will appear on mobile devices. This example continues to use the report generated in Creating a report for a PieView. To refine a PieView: 1. In Roambi Publisher, start from the Import Complete screen: </p><p>2. Click Continue to go to the Pie screen: </p><p>- 88 - Chapter 7: PieView </p><p>Use the Pie screen to modify which field in the report should be the slices of the pie in the PieView. For this example, leave the default value of Retailer country. 3. Click Continue to go to the Pie Values screen: </p><p>Use the Pie Values screen to specify which columns are graphed on the charts that you can drill into from the pie slices. For this example, do not change the default values. </p><p>- 89 - Refining and publishing a PieView </p><p>4. Click Continue to go to the Layout screen: </p><p>Use the Layout screen to determine which columns are visible in the PieView report. For this example, do not change the visible columns. 5. Click Continue to go to the Options screen: </p><p>- 90 - Chapter 7: PieView </p><p>Use the Options screen to change the data in a group to compressed or uncompressed. For this example, leave the Options screen with the default settings. 6. Click Continue to go to the Charts screen: </p><p>Use the Charts screen to convert the display when a user drills down into a pie slice from raw data to a chart. For this example, convert the data to a Column Chart. 7. In the phone preview on the right, select Group1, then select Column Chart from the list of charts on the left. </p><p>- 91 - Refining and publishing a PieView </p><p>8. Click Continue to go to the Publish screen: </p><p>See Publishing a view to learn about publishing options. </p><p>9. Click the Publish button to publish the PieView to your mobile device. </p><p>- 92 - Chapter 7: PieView </p><p>You can now retrieve the published PieView from your mobile device. </p><p>PieView with multiple groups per slice In addition to the basic example shown in Creating a report for a PieView and Refining and publishing a PieView, you can also set up your Cognos report so that when you import it, the PieView displays multiple groups for each slice when you drill down into a slice. To set up a Cognos report to have multiple groups on each slice, your report in Report Studio should look similar to the example below: </p><p>After regrouping the data and assigning chart types to the individual groups, this report will import to a PieView as shown in the following sample views: </p><p>- 93 - PieView with multiple groups per slice </p><p>- 94 - </p><p>Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p>The Pulse View is designed for the iPad and gives end users the ability to use a common scale for comparing trend data. This View features an interactive dashboard that maintains simplicity of presentation while enabling users to gain knowledge and better understand trends through the use of visually powerful comparisons. In a single Pulse View, Roambi report authors can create a report that include as many comparison charts as needed. First, import BI report data and then refine that data to draw comparisons between values using either a combination or area chart layout. With the Pulse View, authors can accomplish the following analysis goals: </p><p>Compare two different measures for the same variable: For example, you can create a </p><p> combination chart that visually plots Sales versus Sales Target or Sales versus Units Sold.</p><p>Compare one base measure to a specific target value: For example, create a combination chart that visually plots Sales versus a specific Target Value or Returns </p><p> versus a specific Target Value.</p><p>Compare two different variable for a single base measure: For example, create an </p><p> area chart that visually plots Sales by comparing values for 2010 with values for 2011.</p><p>When refining chart data for a Pulse View, you must define at least two (2) dimensions. One dimension must be a Time Dimension (called "Trends Dimension" in Roambi), such as Year, and the other must be List Dimension, such as Product, for the X- and Y-axis of each chart. Next, define the specific comparison sets to include in the report. Last, define the report filters to trim unwanted dimension data from the report. Once published, iPad users who have installed Roambi Visualizer can view up to six (6) separate charts on a single screen at one time. If more than six (6) charts are included in a report, end users can scroll through remaining charts on the mobile device using a swipe motion. Additionally, when viewing an individual chart, slide controls give users the ability to scroll through the listed dimensions. Color codes are also applied to both chart and data elements to visually highlight the comparisons being made. The color codes are based on the thresholds defined by the View author, enabling end users to quickly pinpoint problems and opportunities. Note: The Pulse View can only be viewed on an iPad mobile device and cannot be viewed on an iPhone. </p><p>- 95 - Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p>Recommended data sources for a Pulse View The best source for a Pulse View is an IBM Cognos list report. You cannot use a crosstab as a data source for a Pulse View. The example in this chapter uses a list created in Query Studio as its data source. Keep in mind that the Pulse View was designed to perform best when source data points to an OLAP cube data source. Extra report filtering steps are required during the refinement process when your source report does not use a cube data source. </p><p>Best Practices for creating a Pulse View Source reports for a Pulse View should have the following characteristics: </p><p>A Pulse View should have a minimum of two dimensions (no maximum).</p><p>The first dimension in the report should be a list dimension. Subsequent dimensions </p><p> should be time dimensions.</p><p>A Pulse View should have a minimum of two measures (no maximum).</p><p>If you are using a non-OLAP data source to create a Pulse View, Roambi will force the report to use all of the columns, either as dimensions or filters for the report. If you have extra columns, Roambi will prompt you to create filters for them when you try to publish the report. </p><p>Pulse View limitations For specifications and limitations for Roambi Pulse, see the Roambi Publisher User Guide. </p><p>Creating a report for a Pulse View This example creates a list in IBM Cognos Report Studio that is ready to be imported to a Pulse View in Roambi Publisher. The sample data in this example is from the GO Data Warehouse (query) data set. To create a report for a Pulse View: 1. Create a new empty list report in Report Studio. 2. From the data source tree on the left pane, go to GO Data Warehouse > Sales & Marketing > Sales. 3. Add the following field as a column to the empty report: </p><p> Retailers > Retailer </p><p> Time > Month </p><p> Time > Year </p><p> Sales Fact > Quantity </p><p> Sales Fact > Revenue </p><p>- 96 - Refining a Pulse View </p><p> Sales Fact > Product cost </p><p> Sales Fact > Gross margin The list should look the same as the following sample report: </p><p>4. Click the Save button to save the report. Save the report to a folder that can be accessed by Roambi Publisher. When you import this report into Roambi Publisher, by default, the Retailer column will be used as the List Dimension, and the Month column will be used as the Trend (time) Dimension. You could also choose the Year column to be used as the Trend Dimension. </p><p>Refining a Pulse View The Publisher module for a Pulse View differs significantly from the Publisher modules for most other Roambi Views. For other Roambi Views, Publisher guides you along a linear path to fine-tune your View. However, the Publisher module for the Pulse View provides you with three tabs that you can use to modify different aspects of your Pulse View: </p><p>Grid: Choose which report components you would like to compare for your Pulse View. </p><p>You will need to select a List Dimension and a Trend (time) Dimension.</p><p>Comparisons: Define the measures to be compared for your Pulse View. Available </p><p> comparisons are Measure to Measure, Measure to Target, and Measure to Itself.</p><p>Filters: Add or remove filters from your Pulse View. If your source report has more than two </p><p> dimensions, you will be able to use any dimensions not chosen for the Grid as filters.</p><p>When you are ready to publish your Pulse View, you can click the Publish button at any time. This section uses the report created in Creating a report for a Pulse View and discusses the three tabs and their options for refining your Pulse View. </p><p>Importing the report for the Pulse View After you have imported your IBM Cognos report to a Pulse View (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher), you can refine the View to alter how the Roambi Analytics report will appear on mobile devices. This example continues to use the report generated in Creating a report for a Pulse View. </p><p>- 97 - Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p>Note that when you complete the import process for a Pulse View report from a Cognos data source, Roambi Publisher displays a message informing you that you will have to apply filters to any dimensions not immediately used in your Pulse View: </p><p>To refine a Pulse View: 1. In Roambi Publisher, start from the Import Complete screen: </p><p>- 98 - Refining a Pulse View </p><p>2. Click Continue to launch the Publisher module for the Pulse: </p><p>Refining the Grid layout After launching the Publisher module for the Pulse, Publisher displays the Grid tab by default: </p><p>- 99 - Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p>Use the Gridtab to choose which List Dimension and which Trend Dimension to use for your Pulse View. For this example, Retailer is chosen as the default List Dimension, and you will need to select a Trend Dimension: 1. On the main Grid preview, click the Trend Time Dimension box. A Choose Dimension window opens: </p><p>- 100 - Refining a Pulse View </p><p>2. For this example, click the Month dimension. The Grid displays your choice: </p><p>- 100 - Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p>If you wanted to change your List Dimension, you could click the Retailer square and choose a different dimension; however, for this example, leave the List Dimension unchanged. Now that you have set up the dimensions for the View, you can modify the Comparison sets in Publisher. </p><p>Refining the Comparison Sets This topic shows you how to refine the settings for the Comparisons in your Pulse View. These features let you define which measures are being compared in the View. To refine the Comparisons for your Pulse View: </p><p>- 101 - Refining a Pulse View </p><p>1. Click the Comparisons tab to display the Comparison Sets page: </p><p>Note that Publisher has chosen Quantity vs. Revenue as the default comparison. </p><p>2. Remove the default Quantity vs. Revenue comparison by hovering over its entry in the Comparisons column and then clicking the red circle with a line through it. 3. Click the + sign at the top-right of the Comparisons column to add a comparison. Publisher displays the available Comparison Types: </p><p>Currently, you can define the following comparisons: </p><p>- 102 - Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p> Measure to Measure: Compares one measure to another measure. </p><p> Measure to Target: Compares a measure to a set target value. </p><p> Measure to Itself: Compares values within a Trend Dimension, such as current year to prior year. 4. Click Measure to Measure to define a comparison between two measures. Publisher displays the Details pane for the new comparison: </p><p> a. Click the top Choose Base Measure button. Publisher </p><p> displays a list of measures to choose from: </p><p>- 103 - Refining a Pulse View </p><p> b. Click Revenue to select this measure. </p><p>The Details pane displays your selection: </p><p>- 104 - Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p> c. Click Done. d. Repeat the previous steps to select Product Cost as the second measure: </p><p>For this example, leave Comparison method as the default value (Percentage From). The following values are valid for Comparison method: </p><p> Difference From: Calculates the difference between the two chosen measures. </p><p> Percentage From: Calculates the percentage (Base-Target)/Target %. </p><p> Percentage Of: Calculates the percentage (Base/Target)%. Additionally, you can modify the Evaluation Methodafter you set the Comparison method (leave the default value for this example). The following values are valid for Evaluation Method: </p><p> Up is Good: Upward comparison is good. </p><p> Middle is Good: Neutral comparison is good. </p><p> Down is Good: Downward comparison is good. The colors in the comparison chart will be red, yellow, or green, depending on how you set Comparison method and Evaluation Method and the corresponding thresholds (in the text boxes below Evaluation Method). e. Click Done to add the comparison to the Comparisons pane: </p><p>- 105 - Refining a Pulse View </p><p>5. Define a Measure to Target comparison: a. Click the + sign at the top-right of the Comparisons column to add a comparison. Publisher displays the available Comparison Types: </p><p> b. Select Measure to Target to display the Details pane: </p><p>- 106 - Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p> c. Click the Choose Base Measure button to select the base measure: </p><p>- 107 - Refining a Pulse View </p><p> d. Click Gross Margin. The Details pane displays your selection: </p><p> e. In the Target Value field, change the target to 50. f. Click Done. Publisher adds the new comparison to the Comparison pane: </p><p>- 108 - Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p>6. Define a Measure to Itself comparison: a. Click the + sign at the top-right of the Comparisons column to add a comparison. Publisher displays the available Comparison Types: </p><p> b. Select Measure to Itself to display the Details pane: </p><p>- 109 - Refining a Pulse View </p><p> c. Click the Choose Base Measure button to select the base measure: </p><p> d. Click Quantity. The Details pane displays your selection: </p><p>- 110 - Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p> e. Click Done. Publisher adds the new comparison to the Comparison pane: </p><p>- 111 - Refining a Pulse View </p><p>Now that you have set up your comparisons, you can refine the report filters, as described in the next section. </p><p>Refining the Report Filters You can apply Report Filters to cut down the data set contained in the source report for the Pulse View being created. If you are creating a Pulse View using a source report that does not utilize a cube as a data source, you will need to apply filters to any dimensions that you are not using in your View. Manually apply report filters as described in this topic. When applying Report Filters, you can stack as many filters as desired. However, remember that filters permanently affect the data stored in the Roambi file format (*.rbi) , so end users will not have the option of changing these filters from their iPad device. To add Report Filters: 1. Click the Filters tab to go to the Report Filters screen: </p><p>2. Click the + sign at the right of the Filtered Dimensions column to go to the Choose Filter Dimension screen: </p><p>- 112 - Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p>For this example, create a filter to show data only for the year 2007. </p><p>3. Under Choose Filter Dimension, click Year. Publisher displays the list of valid years under Choose Dimension Members: </p><p>4. Under Choose Dimension Members, click 2007. </p><p>Publisher displays 2007as a filtered dimension. </p><p>- 113 - Refining a Pulse View </p><p>Repeat the previous steps for any additional dimensions. You have completed the process of refining your Pulse View; you can now publish this view, as described in the next section. </p><p>Publishing a Pulse View To publish a Pulse View: 1. Click the Publish button in the lower-left corner of Publisher. </p><p>See Publishing a view to learn about publishing options. </p><p>2. Click the Publish button to publish the Pulse View to your iPad. </p><p>- 114 - Chapter 8: Pulse View </p><p>You can now retrieve the published Pulse View from your iPad. </p><p>- 115 - </p><p>Chapter 9: Squares View </p><p>The Squares View provides a way for you to page through your information via a flat, paging- style list. You can search for and bookmark items in a Squares View.The Squares View transforms your source data into a tabular format dynamic heat map grid which enables end users to visually identify outliers in your data. Instead of having to navigate through a spreadsheet of columns of numbers, the Squares View lets end users quickly compare data values for multiple dimensions using color as a distinct visual cue. With the Squares View, Roambi report authors can plot a wide range of data. For example, a Roambi report author could create a Squares View to plot individual performance data into color-encoded squares (for example, gray, green, orange and red) so that end users can quickly look at the Roambi View to pinpoint who did well and who under-performed. The Squares View also provides end users with advanced navigation features, such as the fish-eye browser that magnifies squares when one hovers over an area. This feature lets users quickly review and pinpoint the data that they want to view in more detail. An ideal use for the Squares View would be to show revenues and discounts per product group for a company over the course of a year. Some other ways a business organization might use a Squares View could include: </p><p>Employee Attendance: Compare employee attendance within a company division. With the Squares View, low values (low attendance) could be encoded to display red, average </p><p> attendance (normal attendance) in orange, and high values (perfect attendance) in green.</p><p>Ratings and Survey Results: Compare customer satisfaction ratings and/or survey results to see the highest rated and lowest rated products for your organization's various product lines. Highly-rated products might be encoded to display in green, average-rated </p><p> products might display in orange, and low-rated products might display in red.</p><p>Performance Analysis: Compare the fast and slow moving products. Fast-moving products might display in green, average-moving inventory might display in orange, </p><p> and slow-moving products might display in red.</p><p>Note: The Squares View can only be viewed on an iPad mobile device and cannot be viewed on an iPhone. </p><p>- 116 - Chapter 9: Squares View </p><p>Recommended data sources for a Squares View The best source for a Squares View is an IBM Cognos list or a crosstab. The example in this chapter uses a list created in Query Studio as its data source. Keep in mind that the Squares View was designed to perform best when source data points to an OLAP cube data source. Extra report filtering steps are required during the refinement process when your source report does not use a cube data source. </p><p>Best Practices for creating a Squares View Using the Roambi Publisher tool, Roambi report authors can import a Cognos source report and then define which dimensions of the source report lie on the X- and Y-axis on the heat map. Authors can also define threshold values to encode each square with a particular color for quick visual identification. Authors can also define comparison sets and report filters. </p><p>When organizing row groups in a Cognos source report, be sure to position dimension-related rows in a hierarchy from left to right. For example, if you have several measures of a Time dimension (such as Year, Quarter, and Month), the row </p><p> groups should be placed in the Table data region of the source report from left to right.</p><p>In your report, metrics should be arranged as column groups. All data within a column should be in the same data format. For example, a column for "Sales </p><p>Total" should have all of its data in a "currency" data format.</p><p>Your Squares View should have no extraneous columns in your source report. If you are using a non-OLAP data source to create a Squares View, Roambi will force the report to use all of the columns, either as dimensions or filters for the report. If you have extra columns, </p><p>Roambi will prompt you to create filters for them when you try to publish the report.</p><p>For measure data, define both the format type and the format itself. In order for Roambi to detect measure data in a WebI report, you must define both the format type </p><p>(such as Number or Currency) and the format itself (such as $, -1,234, and so on).</p><p>Do not merge column header cells in a Cognos report. In order to create a </p><p>Squares View, Roambi requires each column header to reside in an individual cell.</p><p>Squares View limitations For specifications and limitations for Roambi Squares, see the Roambi Publisher User Guide. </p><p>Creating a report for a Squares View This example creates a list in IBM Cognos Query Studio that is ready to be imported to a Squares View in Roambi Publisher. The sample data in this example is from the GO Data Warehouse (query) data set. </p><p>- 117 - Creating a report for a Squares View </p><p>Creating the report To create a report for a Squares View: 1. Create a new empty report in Query Studio. 2. From the data source tree on the left pane, go to GO Data Warehouse > Sales & Marketing (query) > Sales (query). 3. Add the following columns to the empty report: </p><p> Time > Year </p><p> Time > Quarter (numeric) </p><p> Retailers > Retailer country </p><p> Products > Product Type </p><p> Sales fact > Revenue </p><p> Sales fact > Quantity </p><p>4. Click the Save button to save the report. Save the report to a folder that is accessible to Roambi Publisher. </p><p>5. Log in to Roambi Publisher, and import the report that you just created. (See Logging in to Roambi Publisher and Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher). </p><p>- 118 - Chapter 9: Squares View </p><p>Mapping the source data to a Squares View Using the example source report that you just created, determine how the fields in this report will map to a Squares View: </p><p>In the example above, note that row groups have been arranged so that records in the report will display Year, Quarter (numeric), Country, Product type, Revenue, and Quantity. When working with non-cube data sources, such as Cognos, remember to place all rows related to a specific dimension (for example, Time (Year/Quarter) or Product (Type/Product) in hierarchical order. Because the list above is not based on a cube data source, the Time dimension is not automatically made to be part of a hierarchy in Roambi, so when you place data rows in the IBM Cognos source report, be sure to start placing dimension-related rows in a column and then place related rows intended for the dimension to the right. For example, since Quarter (numeric) would be a subset of Year in a cube data source, place the Fiscal Year row group in the left-most position and Quarter (numeric) to the immediate right of Year. If the source report contained a Product dimension that was to be mapped into the grid hierarchy, Product Type might be placed to the far left and then a more granular Product to the right. However, in our example, the Product Type row group in the IBM Cognos source report is the only row related to product, so it will be interpreted by Roambi as the only member of the Product Type dimension. </p><p>- 119 - Refining a Squares View </p><p>When you import the sample data into the Squares View, you can define which dimension is applied to the heat map grid of the Squares View. For example, you can define the Year dimension to correspond to the X-axis and the Product Type dimension to correspond the Y- axis. Additionally, you can filter data appearing in the Squares View by applying a dimension filter. Using the example report, you could filter the list by the Country dimension, if you chose. </p><p>Refining a Squares View The Publisher module for a Squares View differs significantly from the Publisher modules for most other Roambi Views. For other Roambi Views, Publisher guides you along a linear path to fine-tune your View. However, the Publisher module for the Squares View provides you with three tabs that you can use to modify different aspects of your Squares View: </p><p>Grid: Choose which report components you would like to map along the X- and Y- </p><p> axis of your Squares View.</p><p>Comparisons: Define the benchmarks for your Squares View.</p><p>Filters: Add or remove filters from your Squares View.</p><p>When you are ready to publish your Squares View, you can click the Publish button at any time. This section uses the report created in Creating a report for a Squares View and discusses the three tabs and their options for refining your Squares View. </p><p>Importing the report for the Squares View After you have imported your IBM Cognos report to a Squares View (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher), you can refine the View to alter how the Roambi Analytics report will appear on mobile devices. This example continues to use the report generated in Creating a report for a Squares View. To refine a Squares View: </p><p>- 120 - Chapter 9: Squares View </p><p>1. In Roambi Publisher, start from the Import Complete screen: </p><p>2. Click Continue to launch the Publisher module for the Squares View: </p><p>- 121 - Refining a Squares View </p><p>Refining the Grid layout After launching the Publisher module for the Squares View, Publisher displays the Grid tab by default: </p><p>Use the Grid tab to modify which dimensions are mapped to the X- and Y-axis. For this example, map the Product Type dimension to the Y-axis instead of Quarter (numeric), as is the default setting. 1. To the left of the Y-axis, click Quarter (numeric). A Choose Dimension window opens: </p><p>- 122 - Chapter 9: Squares View </p><p>2. For this example, click the Product type dimension. A Choose Members window opens: </p><p>- 123 - Refining a Squares View </p><p>Use the Choose Members window to designate what data is actually mapped in the individual squares of a Squares View and designate whether high values are considered good or bad. Leave the default settings as-is in this window. You can also limit the data displayed to certain members. For example, you can limit the data to the "Binoculars" member of Product Type. 3. Click the Revenue field. A Choose Measure window opens: </p><p>- 124 - Chapter 9: Squares View </p><p>In this example, use the Choose Measure screen to determine whether the individual squares represent Quantity or Revenue. 4. Click Revenue. Publisher returns you to the Choose Members window. </p><p>5. Click the Back button to return to the Choose Dimension window. 6. Click anywhere outside of the Choose Dimension window to close the window and return to the Grid tab in Publisher. Now that you have set up the layout for the grid, you can modify the Comparison sets in Publisher. </p><p>Refining the Comparison Sets This topic shows you how to refine the settings for the Comparison Sets in your Squares View. These features let you define both the benchmarks and the comparisons that can be made to the benchmarks. Currently, you can define sets to make comparisons between two measures or between a measure and a target. To refine the Comparison Sets: </p><p>- 125 - Refining a Squares View </p><p>1. Click the Comparisons tab to display the Comparison Sets page: </p><p>Note that you can remove a benchmark by hovering over its entry in the Benchmark column and then clicking the red circle with a line through it. 2. Click the + sign at the top-right of the Benchmark column to add a bench mark. Publisher displays that Quantity is an available benchmark: </p><p>3. Click Quantity to add it as a benchmark to the Squares View: </p><p>- 126 - Chapter 9: Squares View </p><p>4. In the Benchmark column, click Revenue. The Vs. column displays the default comparison set: </p><p>5. In the Vs. column, click Vs. Quantity to display the comparison options: </p><p>- 127 - Refining a Squares View </p><p>Use this screen to specify a comparison method, specify an evaluation method, and set cut-offs for the color codes. For this example, leave the default settings as-is. </p><p>6. Click Done. Now that you have set up your comparisons, you can refine the report filters, as described in the next section. </p><p>Refining the Report Filters You can apply Report Filters to cut down the data set contained in the source report for the Squares View being created. If you are creating a Squares View using a source report that does not utilize a cube as a data source, manually apply report filters as described in this topic. When applying Report Filters, you can stack as many filters as desired. However, remember that filters permanently affect the data stored in the Roambi file format (*.rbi) , so end users will not have the option of changing these filters from their iPad device. To refine the Report Filters: </p><p>- 128 - Chapter 9: Squares View </p><p>1. Click the Filters tab to go to the Report Filters screen: </p><p>2. Click the + sign at the right of the Filtered Dimensions column to go to the Choose Filter Dimension screen: </p><p>For this example, create a filter to show data only for retailers in Canada. </p><p>- 129 - Refining a Squares View </p><p>3. Under Choose Filter Dimension, click Retailer country. Publisher displays the list of available retailer countries under Choose Dimension Members: </p><p>4. Under Choose Dimension Members, click Canada. </p><p>Publisher displays Canada as a filtered dimension. </p><p>- 130 - Chapter 9: Squares View </p><p>Repeat the previous steps for each filter dimension. You have completed the process of refining your Squares View; you can now publish this view, as described in the next section. </p><p>Publishing a Squares View To publish a Squares View: 1. Click the Publish button in the lower-left corner of Publisher. </p><p>See Publishing a view to learn about publishing options. </p><p>2. Click the Publish button to publish the Squares View to your iPad. </p><p>- 131 - Refining a Squares View </p><p>You can now retrieve the published Squares View from your iPad. </p><p>- 132 - </p><p>Chapter 10: SuperList View </p><p>The SuperList View is ideal for viewing tabular data. Use this view when you want to be able to reorder columns and have data that you want to be able to sort various ways. </p><p>Recommended data sources and best practices for a SuperList View The best source for a SuperList View is a list or a crosstab report. </p><p>The Key Column displays as a fixed column at the left of a SuperList. Users can </p><p> scroll through the report, but the Key Column remains static.</p><p>If you use a list data source, Roambi automatically selects a column with a unique </p><p> value in each row to be the Key Column for the SuperList.</p><p>If you use a crosstab data source, Roambi searches for unique values in the various categories of the crosstab, and chooses a category with the most unique values as the </p><p>Key Column.</p><p>You can modify the Key Column after you import the report into Roambi Publisher.</p><p>In crosstabs or grouped tabular reports, grouped values display as separate values </p><p> in a SuperList.</p><p>The example in this chapter uses a list created in Query Studio as its data source. The SuperList does not import totals or subtotals from any data source. SuperList limitations For specifications and limitations for Roambi SuperList, see the Roambi Publisher User Guide. </p><p>Creating a SuperList View To create a SuperList View in Roambi Publisher using IBM Cognos as a source: 1. Create the report for the View in IBM Cognos (see Creating a report for a SuperList View). 2. Log in to Roambi Publisher (see Logging in to Roambi Publisher). </p><p>- 133 - Chapter 10: SuperList View </p><p>3. Import your data to Publisher (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher). 4. Refine and publish the report in Publisher (see Refining and publishing a SuperList View). </p><p>Creating a report for a SuperList View This example creates a list in IBM Cognos Query Studio that is ready to be imported to a SuperList View in Roambi Publisher. The sample data in this example is from the GO Data Warehouse (query) data set. To create a report for a SuperList View: 1. Create a new empty report in Query Studio. 2. From the data source tree on the left pane, go to GO Data Warehouse > Sales & Marketing (query) > Sales (query). 3. Add the following columns to the empty report: </p><p> Products > Product Type </p><p> Products > Product </p><p> Sales fact > Quantity </p><p> Sales fact > Revenue </p><p> Sales fact > Unit price 4. Click the Save button to save the report. Save the report to a folder that is accessible to Roambi Publisher. </p><p>5. Log in to Roambi Publisher, and import the report that you just created. (See Logging in to Roambi Publisher and Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher). </p><p>Refining and publishing a SuperList View After you have imported your IBM Cognos report to a SuperList View (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher), you can refine the View to alter how the Roambi Analytics report will appear on mobile devices. This example continues to use the report generated in Creating a report for a SuperList View. To refine a SuperList View: </p><p>- 134 - Refining and publishing a SuperList View </p><p>1. In Roambi Publisher, start from the Import Complete screen: </p><p>2. Click Continue to go to the Key Column screen: </p><p>By default, Roambi has chosen Product as the Key Column; however, a SuperList with a key of Product Type might be more interesting. </p><p>- 135 - Chapter 10: SuperList View </p><p>3. At the preview on the right, click the Product Type field to select that field as the key for the SuperList. The preview on the left refreshes to show the new key: </p><p>4. Click Continue to go to the Layout screen: </p><p>- 136 - Refining and publishing a SuperList View </p><p>You can use the Layout screen to add and remove columns from the report. To remove a column, click the minus sign next to the column on the preview phone. To add a column drag and drop the column from the left side to the preview phone. For this example, do not add or remove any columns. 5. Click Continue to go to the Options screen: </p><p>This screen allows you to modify the number of lines in the report header. Leave the Header as with the default settings for this example. 6. Click Continue to go to the Publish screen: </p><p>- 137 - Chapter 10: SuperList View </p><p>See Publishing a view to learn about publishing options. </p><p>7. Click the Publish button to publish the SuperList to your mobile device. </p><p>Roambi Publisher displays a confirmation that the view was published: </p><p>You can now retrieve the published SuperList View from your mobile device. </p><p>- 138 - </p><p>Chapter 11: Trends View </p><p>The Roambi Trends View helps you quickly and easily identify trends in your latest data. This view is perfect for determining trends in sales data and other data that can be mapped over time. </p><p>Recommended data sources for a Trends View Use an IBM Cognos crosstab created in Report Studio as a data source for a Trends View. The example in this chapter uses a Report Studio crosstab as its data source. </p><p>Best Practices for creating a Trends View Use the following guidelines when creating your crosstab data sources for Trends Views: </p><p>When creating your analytics report in Roambi Publisher, order your views from the </p><p> least granular (for example, year) to most granular (for example, day).</p><p>Place your time attribute as a row across the top of the crosstab.</p><p>Place your category and subcategory in columns.</p><p>If you are using multiple columns, Roambi considers the innermost column to be the subcategory and groups all other attributes as the category. You can regroup your </p><p> data in Roambi Publisher, if needed.</p><p>Trends View limitations For specifications and limitations for Roambi Trends, see the Roambi Publisher User Guide. </p><p>Creating a Trends View To create a Trends View in Roambi Publisher using IBM Cognos as a source: 1. Create the report for the View in IBM Cognos (see Creating a report for a Trends View). 2. Log in to Roambi Publisher (see Logging in to Roambi Publisher). 3. Import your data to Publisher (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher). 4. Refine and publish the report in Publisher (see Refining and publishing a Trends View). </p><p>- 139 - Chapter 11: Trends View </p><p>Creating a report for a Trends View This example creates a crosstab in IBM Cognos Report Studio that is ready to be imported to a Trends View in Roambi Publisher. The sample data in this example is from the GO Data Warehouse (analysis) data set. To create a report for a Trends View: 1. Create a new empty crosstab report in Report Studio. 2. From the data source tree on the left pane, go to GO Data Warehouse > Sales & Marketing > Sales . 3. Add the following fields to the columns of the empty report: </p><p> Time > Year </p><p> Time > Quarter </p><p> Time > Month 4. Using the Summarize menu (on the top tool bar), add totals to the Year, Quarter, and Month fields. 5. Add the following fields as rows to the empty report: </p><p> Retailers > Region </p><p> Products > Product Line </p><p> Retailers > Retailer country </p><p> Products > Product type </p><p>6. Add the following field as a measure to the empty report: </p><p> Sales fact > Revenue Your finished report should look similar to the following example report: </p><p>7. Click the Save button to save the report. Save the report to a folder that can be accessed by Roambi Publisher. When you import this report into Roambi Publisher, the Retailer country will become a drill-down option on the front of the report, and Year, Quarter, and Month will provide different time series options to drill through. </p><p>- 140 - Refining and publishing a Trends View </p><p>Refining and publishing a Trends View After you have imported your IBM Cognos report to a Trends View (see Importing an IBM Cognos report to Roambi Publisher), you can refine the View to alter how the Roambi Analytics report will appear on mobile devices. This example continues to use the report generated in Creating a report for a Trends View. To refine a Trends View: 1. In Roambi Publisher, start from the Import Complete screen: </p><p>2. Click Continue to go to the Periods screen: </p><p>- 141 - Chapter 11: Trends View </p><p>Use the Periods screen to modify your time series options. For this report, available periods are Year, Quarter and Month. Do not change these values for this example. 3. Click Continue to go to the Layout screen: </p><p>Use the Layout screen to add or remove the entries that appear on the first page of a Trends View. For this example, do not make any changes on this screen. </p><p>- 142 - Refining and publishing a Trends View </p><p>4. Click Continue to go to the Options screen: </p><p>Use the Options screen to color code the trends in your data. For example, you can tag a revenue time series with "Up is Good" or a costs time series with "Down is Good". For this example, leave the Options settings as their default values. 5. Click Continue to go to the Chart Options screen: </p><p>- 143 - Chapter 11: Trends View </p><p>Use the Chart Options screen to set the chart type as an Area Chart or a Step Chart or to modify the chart colors or abbreviations. For this example, leave the Chart Options settings as their default values. 6. Click Continue to go to the Publish screen: </p><p>See Publishing a view to learn about publishing options. </p><p>7. Click the Publish button to publish the Trends View to your mobile device. Roambi Publisher displays a confirmation that the view was published: </p><p>- 144 - Refining and publishing a Trends View </p><p>You can now retrieve the published Trends View from your mobile device. </p><p>- 145 - </p><p>Chapter 12: Blink View </p><p>SAP Roambi does not support the use of the Blink View with IBM Cognos portals. The Blink View can only be used with an OLAP data source. The following portal types include support for the Blink View: </p><p>Oracle Hyperion Provider Services (See the SAP Roambi ES Installation Guide for </p><p> supported versions.)</p><p>Microsoft Analysis Services (See the SAP Roambi ES Installation Guide for </p><p> supported versions.)</p><p>Because the Blink View is not supported with IBM Cognos, SAP recommends choosing a different View if you are using an IBM Cognos data source. </p><p>- 146 - </p><p>Chapter 13: Data Management </p><p>SAP Roambi ES provides several features to help manage the data used by Roambi analytics reports. These features can help automate data synchronization and report refreshing. The following sections describe how to set up and use these data and report management features: l Configuring Auto-synchronization l Specifying a root folder for client devices l Setting up Batch processes </p><p>Configuring Auto-synchronization Auto-synchronization automatically updates the content of folders with this feature enabled on client devices. Auto-synchronized folders ensure that users always access the most recent data on their mobile devices when they connect to a portal. Any user with Administrator rights in Roambi can enable auto-synchronization for a folder. </p><p>Enabling Auto-synchronization for folders To enable auto-synchronization for a folder: 1. Log in to Roambi using administrator credentials. 2. On the Administrator's Console, click the Portals tab to display the list of available portals on the left side of the screen. 3. From the list of portals, select the portal that you want to work with. The Console displays the Portal Details: </p><p>- 147 - </p><p>Chapter 13: Data Management </p><p>4. Above the Portal Details, click the Folders tab. </p><p>The Console displays the Portal Folders: </p><p>From this tab, you can set a root folder and specify folders to be auto-synchronized. </p><p>5. Under Sync Folders, click the Add Folder button. </p><p>- 148 - Configuring Auto-synchronization </p><p>An Add Sync Folder window opens. </p><p>6. From the folder list, browse to and select the folder that you want to auto-synchronize. 7. If you want to automatically delete Roambi files from the device after they are deleted from the server, check the Auto Delete box. 8. Click the Add Sync Folder button. The folder now appears in the list of auto-synchronized folders under Portal Folders: </p><p>- 149 - Chapter 13: Data Management </p><p>This folder will now automatically contain updated content when users connect to the portal from their mobile devices. </p><p>Manually synchronizing folders You can manually sync folders on client devices with those on the server if you have auto-synchronization set up. To manually sync folders: 1. On the Administrator's Console, click the Portals tab to display the list of available portals on the left side of the screen. 2. From the list of portals, select the portal that you want to work with. The Console displays the Portal Details: </p><p>3. Above the Portal Details, click the Folders tab. </p><p>The Console displays the Portal Folders: </p><p>- 150 - Specifying a root folder for client devices </p><p>4. Click the Sync Folder Names button to the right of the Portal Folders heading: </p><p>Specifying a root folder for client devices Setting a root folder for client devices ensures which folders users will see as a top-level folder for navigation when they connect to a portal from their mobile devices. In the context of IBM Cognos, a root folder should be an IBM Cognos folder that is available to all Roambi users on their mobile devices at the root level of the folder structure. Any user with Administrator rights to Roambi can specify a root folder for client devices. To specify that a folder should display as a root folder: 1. Log in to Roambi using Administrator credentials. 2. On the Administrator's Console, click the Portals tab to display the list of available portals on the left side of the screen. </p><p>- 151 - Chapter 13: Data Management </p><p>3. From the list of portals, select the portal that you want to work with. The Console displays the Portal Details: </p><p>4. Above the Portal Details, click the Folders tab. </p><p>The Console displays the Portal Folders: </p><p>From this tab, you can set a root folder and specify folders to be auto-synchronized. </p><p>- 152 - Specifying a root folder for client devices </p><p>5. Under Root Folders, click the Add Folder button. An Add Root Folder window opens. </p><p>6. From the folder list, browse to and select the folder that you want to set as a root folder. </p><p>7. Click the Add Root Folder button. The folder now appears in the list of root folders under Portal Folders: </p><p>When users now connect to this portal, this folder will display as one of the top-level folders in their folder list. </p><p>- 153 - Chapter 13: Data Management </p><p>Setting up Batch processes The batch process feature in SAP Roambi ES enables you to use an existing Roambi analytics report to create a new report but with a different data set. Batch processes can use IBM Cognos reports or Excel files stored via IBM Cognos as data sources. See the SAP Roambi ES Administration Guide for instructions and examples for creating batch process. </p><p>- 154 - </p> </div> </article> </div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript" async crossorigin="anonymous" src=""></script> <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script> var docId = '750d8536a368a75d863822c9470c65f1'; var endPage = 1; var totalPage = 155; var pfLoading = false; window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { if (pfLoading) return; var $now = $('.article-imgview .pf').eq(endPage - 1); if (document.documentElement.scrollTop + $(window).height() > $now.offset().top) { pfLoading = true; endPage++; if (endPage > totalPage) return; var imgEle = new Image(); var imgsrc = "//" + endPage + (endPage > 3 ? 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