Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data Introduction - Cover page - Overview

Critical Capabilities for Deploying Enterprise Analytics and Mobility Applications

Report generated on October 2, 2017

This information represents the opinions of MicroStrategy based on its assessment of the products listed.

1 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data Introduction - Why MicroStrategy - Overview

Why MicroStrategy

Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with and Platform Oriented architecture catalogs contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused across the Reusability every aspect of the BI project. Objects can be combined to create higher level objects (e.g., business. Data assets, attributes and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, and prompts make KPIs, dimensions, up a document; documents, and other reports can be embedded into a users, reports, and document - all of which are stored as "metadata objects"), and this dashboards are all together delivers a single BI project or a data model. stored in a central • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be location as unique securely reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, without logical objects to any duplication of effort. support reusability. • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers filters, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and documents - making it possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects multiple times across any application and BI project. • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata automatically proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates the need to manually update the changes across the deployment, which is particularly helpful for larger BI projects. • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased platform scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single version of the truth. Data Unique definitions to The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with the Governance every dimension and right privileges to promote new and external content to the Server and tie it metric bound together to a certified data model, all with easy workflows. by strict rules that are • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as the defined by a logical cube level, giving users the flexibility to control the data that is published to model, thus ensuring a the model. single version of the • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, even truth external non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record that users can trust--while also delivering flexibility to end users. • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers granular security features that allow project owners and data stewards to grant permissions and privileges to the right people. This delivers data security and also personalizes reports and dashboards to end users. • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote external data into the system of record, combined with the flexibility of the system to deliver self-service access to business teams will increase the overall adoption of the BI platform. User Security Roles and privileges The security model within the MicroStrategy platform is built around users that assign restrictions and user groups, which are represented as logical metadata objects. This to users and groups ensures that data is secured at the most granular levels. ensure that end users • Security filters based on dimension values help ensure that users are only see personalized restricted to only see data that is relevant to them. This eliminates the and relevant content need to build multiple copies of the same application, and makes it and are only able to possible to optimally scale. perform authorized • With MicroStrategy's tools, administrators can apply Access Control Lists actions. (ACLs) to large user groups, restricting the range of data objects they can access or actions they can perform, and specifying the scope of their privileges in the environment. • With Usher, it is possible to provide secure digital authentication options, including geo-fencing and time-fencing capabilities, making it possible to restrict user access based on location and time. Scalability Deliver analytics to MicroStrategy is optimized in its design for enterprise scale and speed; as everyone across the such, the platform can support the analytical reporting needs of 100s of enterprise, and beyond. thousands of users across the enterprise. Allow 1000s of users to • The platform can be clustered with up to 8 nodes with work- and user-

2 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data Introduction - Why MicroStrategy - Why MicroStrategy

Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with and Platform Oriented architecture catalogs contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused across the Reusability every aspect of the BI project. Objects can be combined to create higher level objects (e.g., business. Data assets, attributes and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, and prompts make KPIs, dimensions, up a document; documents, and other reports can be embedded into a users, reports, and document - all of which are stored as "metadata objects"), and this dashboards are all together delivers a single BI project or a data model. stored in a central • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be location as unique securely reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, without logical objects to any duplication of effort. support reusability. • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers filters, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and documents - making it possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects multiple times across any application and BI project. • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata automatically proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates the need to manually update the changes across the deployment, which is particularly helpful for larger BI projects. • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased platform scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single version of the truth. Data Unique definitions to The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with the Governance every dimension and right privileges to promote new and external content to the Server and tie it metric bound together to a certified data model, all with easy workflows. by strict rules that are • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as the defined by a logical cube level, giving users the flexibility to control the data that is published to model, thus ensuring a the model. single version of the • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, even truth external non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record that users can trust--while also delivering flexibility to end users. • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers granular security features that allow project owners and data stewards to grant permissions and privileges to the right people. This delivers data security and also personalizes reports and dashboards to end users. • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote external data into the system of record, combined with the flexibility of the system to deliver self-service access to business teams will increase the overall adoption of the BI platform. User Security Roles and privileges The security model within the MicroStrategy platform is built around users that assign restrictions and user groups, which are represented as logical metadata objects. This to users and groups ensures that data is secured at the most granular levels. ensure that end users • Security filters based on dimension values help ensure that users are only see personalized restricted to only see data that is relevant to them. This eliminates the and relevant content need to build multiple copies of the same application, and makes it and are only able to possible to optimally scale. perform authorized • With MicroStrategy's tools, administrators can apply Access Control Lists actions. (ACLs) to large user groups, restricting the range of data objects they can access or actions they can perform, and specifying the scope of their privileges in the environment. • With Usher, it is possible to provide secure digital authentication options, including geo-fencing and time-fencing capabilities, making it possible to restrict user access based on location and time.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Scalability Deliver analytics to MicroStrategy is optimized in its design for enterprise scale and speed; as everyone across the such, the platform can support the analytical reporting needs of 100s of enterprise, and beyond. thousands of users across the enterprise. Allow 1000s of users to • The platform can be clustered with up to 8 nodes with work- and user- leverage analytics fencing options to help ensure performance and reliability across the entire without sacrificing user population. performance and • The platform has no restrictions on data size for either direct or in- without restrictions on memory access to data data size. • MicroStrategy customers are leveraging the platform to store data using in-memory cubes with over 2 billion rows while delivering sub-second response times to their end-users. • MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive analytics vendor that supports big data analytics with native connectors to HDFS to access petabytes of data in real time. Performance Publish and deliver MicroStrategy employs a variety of strategies to increase the overall information to end-users performance of the platform, making it possible to deliver sub-second with quick response response times - even with large datasets. times, and deliver • MicroStrategy was among the first BI vendors to support push-down analytics without being analytical functions across all leading databases. This capability helps impeded by data size. drive computations intelligently to the database when needed, thereby improving the overall response time to end users. • The platform can create multiple parallel threads to the database, increasing the speed at which data is fetched from the warehouse. • Whereas other BI vendors attempt to implement caching at a single level, MicroStrategy implements self-tuning strategies that create caches at key points within the query flow. The Server caches data in the following crucial areas: Metadata object caching, attribute element caching, database connection caching, result caching, and document caching. • The platform is based on an in-memory architecture that can partition cubes and process data in parallel, making it possible to process larger cubes than other vendors in the market. • VLDB settings are available to fine-tune and optimize connectivity for every type of data source, delivering custom settings to organizations with unique deployments. Automation Reduce burden on IT • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to maintain and administrators, upgrade systems, automate workflows, and ensure superior data quality especially with large and security, without redundancies. scale deployments, by • The platform allows admins to reduce the time and effort spent on routine cutting down on routine maintenance and administrative tasks, like moving assets from test to or redundant tasks. production environments, to checking the data quality between upgrades, and scheduling health checks and tasks with workflows. • Beyond administrative tasks, data uploads/refreshes and scheduled deliveries can be automated as well, which removes the burden from IT and helps reduce overall TCO.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Monitoring Easily monitor, maintain, • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to monitor every manage, fine-tune, and environment in a MicroStrategy deployment, across multiple projects and automate actions and even server machines - both on-premises and in the cloud. workflows to ensure the • The interface enables administrators to quickly and easily view usage health of the system. patterns, system resources, uptime, and alerts across environments. Eliminate redundant • The platform collects information from each environment’s Health Center, tasks to reduce overall and presents key usage and performance indicators using graphs and TCO. charts. • Administrators can define thresholds for system usage and performance that automatically trigger alerts when threshold criteria are met or exceeded. • Beyond the 100s of OOTB reports and dashboards available with the platform, administrators can build their own reports with custom KPIs to measure platform usage. Deployment Options to deploy on MicroStrategy delivers flexible options for deploying analytics across the any infrastructure, enterprise with on-premises, cloud, and hybrid options for teams of any regardless of size, team, size. or hardware resources, • The platform is supported on both Windows and Linux, and can be thus reducing overall clustered with up to 8 Server nodes. TCO and maintenance • Partnering with AWS, the leading cloud vendor, MicroStrategy allows required. organizations around the world to spin up instances for enterprise analytics and mobility in minutes, allowing companies to start small and expand as needed. • Pre-configured environments in the cloud can be created, managed, maintained, and upgraded with self-service consoles, enabling extremely low TCOs. High Robust architecture that • With MicroStrategy, users across the organization can access reliable Availability provides the highest analytics delivered on a robust architecture that is designed for enterprise uptime for users to scale, performance, and stability. always have access to • Disaster recovery and failover options allow organizations to avoid the system, with downtimes for end-users. System administrators have the choice to setup provisions and tuning hot, warm, or cold failover strategies (for backup nodes) depending on the mechanisms for hardware resources available to them. increased system • Clustering and work fencing capabilities make it possible to proactively stability and better prevent server crashes by deflecting heavy jobs to specific servers or time failover management. periods. • Reliable governors at every level of the query path make it possible to avert system crashes, even under peak user and data loads. In-memory Architecture that can • The MicroStrategy platform enables organizations to take advantage of Architecture host terabytes of data in-memory cube technology, which increases performance by reducing the in-memory making it need to access data directly from the data warehouse. available to end-users • MicroStrategy in-memory cubes can be quickly loaded with data using with faster response parallel threads from the database which can also be optimized and fine- times. tuned for specific databases. • Dynamic sourcing is a platform capability that automatically routes queries to the fastest available data source—whether it’s a cache, a cube, or the original relational source, thus helping maximize performance and throughput. • MicroStrategy's parallel processing and partitioning capabilities differentiate it from other vendors, helping to boost processing speeds in situations where there are terabytes of data stored in memory.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Enterprise Self-Service Intuitive workflows for MicroStrategy differentiates itself from other point solutions by combining Analytics Data end-users to access, the ease-of-use of data exploration with enterprise capabilities including Discovery visualize, analyze, and scalability, performance, security, and governance, in a single platform. share insights without • MicroStrategy Desktop and Web provide access to 80+ data sources, the support of IT. from Excel spreadsheets, to relational sources, big data, Cloud services, Hadoop, and more. • Built-in tools are available for data preparation, as well as the ability to blend data across multiple sources. • It provides the ability to visualize data with any chart or graph natively and offers workflows to include D3, Highcharts, Google Charts, and other libraries (including open source and NLG options) • Includes easy sharing options (PDF, email, send to file location, print, and more), and workflows to promote external data into a governed model. Also supports options to export to PDF and email options. • MicroStrategy is compatible with Mac and Windows PC. Analysts can quickly set up and install MicroStrategy without IT support. • The platform supports advanced analytics with 350+ out-of-the-box functions, and can also integrate with R. Optimized Drivers and gateways • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data sources, Data that deliver instant and from Excel spreadsheet to relational databases, cloud systems, HDFS and Connectivity reliable access to a more. variety of data sources • Organizations can also build their own connectors to custom data assets and information in any with APIs, allowing them to connect to any new source available in the format, regardless of market. size. • Each connector is optimized for high performance, with the ability to intelligently push-down calculations to the databases when needed, generate multi-pass SQL, load parallel threads simultaneously, and can load data without restrictions on size or type. • Easy workflows are available to business users to blend data on their own without IT support. • VLDB parameters are available to fine-tune and optimize SQL generation specific to each database. • MicroStrategy leverages an aggregate-aware SQL generation engine to transparently navigate aggregate tables, dynamically directing queries to summary tables, without the user having to specify the use of the table when creating the query. • MicroStrategy can generate multi-pass SQL to answer analytical questions that cannot be answered with a single SQL query block, covering scenarios that include: set analysis, split metrics, and calculations at different levels of aggregation. Data Transform and arrange MicroStrategy offers built-in data wrangling and blending capabilities and Preparation data to make it better is supported across all data sources. and Blending suited for visual • End users can perform transformations on data prior to visualizing exploration, with the information using dozens of functions available via graphical interfaces ability to create joins and without exporting out to Excel. across tables from • Data wrangling and blending is possible by business users across disparate sources. spreadsheets, relational sources, HDFS, cloud systems, and other popular databases. • Users can split columns, identify spelling errors, perform text and numeric facets, eliminate white spaces, pivot tables, and perform dozens more transformations based on intelligent recommendations from the product. • History lists are automatically recorded, so when more current data is available, the actions do not need to be repeated.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Enterprise Options to view large • MicroStrategy provides a flexible reporting environment that leverages Reports volumes of data in an OLAP functionality to give end users the ability to quickly slice and dice easy-to-read grid data from across multiple sources, using a variety of options: sorting, format, with tools to pivoting, page-by, drill down, drill anywhere, totals and subtotals, one-click perform ad-hoc analysis metrics, derived elements, view filters, lock headers, switch between for improved decision- grid/graph, fit to content/window, and more. making. • With the ability to publish banded reports, the platform can roll up and present dynamic aggregates for large volumes across 100s of pages of data. • With MicroStrategy, developers can quickly design operational reports and statements using drag-and-drop functionality and flexible formatting in order to structure large amounts of data into a natural hierarchy for maximum readability and ease of navigation. • MicroStrategy enables parameter-driven reports by supporting more types of user prompts than any other vendor, allowing users to input selections at runtime to alter the contents of the reports. Options include simple dimension prompts, hierarchy prompts, list prompts, object prompts, value prompts, level prompts. Dashboards Highly formatted options • MicroStrategy delivers graphical WYSIWYG designer tools to create and to author, visualize, and pixel-perfect documents, invoices, statements, scorecards, and interactive documents interact with data to real-time dashboards, all from a single design editor. identify trends and • All styles of BI described above support responsive design and can be outliers and make consumed on any browser or mobile device. efficient decisions. • Dashboards are built on the metadata model, so they are secure and personalized for each user, and support transactions, offline consumption, and can be delivered in any desired format. • Dashboards support ad-hoc data discovery across 100s of options and let users visualize data with access to native and third-party charting libraries. • Transactional workflows can be embedded to enable write-back capabilities for both web and mobile applications. Mobile Consume reports and • Mobile is fully integrated into the MicroStrategy analytics platform, so Analytics dashboards on mobile organizations can leverage existing visualizations, reports, and devices, with complete dashboards to instantly deploy BI on mobile devices. interactivity, in order to • MicroStrategy Mobile enhances the mobile experience on iOS and perform analytics and Android by delivering native apps that let users take full advantage of the make decisions while on unique capabilities of their mobile devices when interacting with their data, the go. while also being able to rely on transaction and offline capabilities. • With flexible, code-free tools and a click-to-configure development canvas, organizations can mobilize business workflows and deliver a highly responsive, native user experience with apps that can be built in record time and at a fraction of the cost. Real Time The ability to deliver MicroStrategy delivers the ability to visualize data from external streaming Analytics instant analytics and applications and trigger alerts from these sources. insights where data is • The platform can instantly ingest real-time feeds from Storm, Spark, and available in real-time. Kafka. For other relational systems, the platform can also support data refreshes at the smallest intervals, and can perform at the speed of incoming information. • MicroStrategy can manage real-time information and give an instant view of the data. • The application can also send threshold-based alerts to any device allowing decision-makers to take instant and proactive action, all in real time. • MicroStrategy can also integrate with visualizations and widgets that support real-time mapping of information on both Web and Mobile.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Predictive Advanced algorithms With minimal help from IT, MicroStrategy users can create and visualize Analytics and and workflows for users advanced metrics and perform the most complex calculations. Machine to be able to perform • End users can build sophisticated statistical and mathematical models Learning summarizations, with the native library of functions available directly with MicroStrategy. optimizations, They can generate predictive, scoring, or training metrics using natively predictions, statistical available algorithms. calculations, or create • MicroStrategy offers over 350 native functions, out of the box, so that custom groups, training, business users are able to perform data mining and create highly and scoring metrics. advanced statistical algorithms on their own, with minimal support from IT. • Users can integrate MicroStrategy with data mining models from other applications by importing Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML), SAS, and SPSS into the metadata repository. • The platform integrates with third-party options like R using graphical interfaces. Big Data Access data from MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive platform that supports access to Analytics Hadoop and other big data with native connectors to HDFS while also providing built-in distributed file systems workflows for data preparation on top of Hadoop data. without limitations on • Whether it’s a personal spreadsheet or a dispersed Hadoop Distributed size and without File System (HDFS), users can easily connect to their data without relying experiencing drops in on IT and without limits on data size. It's easy to access data from any performance. flavor of Hadoop, including Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR, with comprehensive support for Spark, Kerberos, and the top file formats. • With MicroStrategy, users can leverage information from click streams, web activity, call center logs, and ID scans - and blend it with data from other sources using graphical workflows. • MicroStrategy connects to big data sources and NoSQL options such as MongoDB and Cassandra, and also connects to HDFS via native connectors to Cloudera Hive, Impala, MapR Drill, Pig scripts, Spark SQL, and more. • With MicroStrategy, users can also limit and manage the amount of data imported from HDFS, or perform aggregations on top of the data prior to importing it into MicroStrategy for analysis. • Users can also apply advanced functions and filters to control and restrict the amount of data.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Automated Distribute reports, MicroStrategy is designed for high-volume, automated delivery of reports Distribution dashboards, and and dashboards. and Alerting documents to large • The platform makes it possible to scale distribution of analytical content audiences in a to 100s of thousands of users, with the ability to automate and schedule personalized and the delivery of reports and dashboards, based on time-, event-, and automated manner. This threshold-based alerts. helps to ensure the on- • MicroStrategy supports the widest variety of delivery methods, with time delivery of optimal formatting for each device and application. information to end-users • MicroStrategy provides bursting capabilities to deliver slicing or page-by so they can make executions, allowing a single report to be extracted from the data timely, informed warehouse that can be parsed into sub-reports for individual subscribers. decisions. This avoids having to run different reports for different recipients while still being able to generate personalized reports. • Alerting capabilities can monitor KPI values when new data is available and send detailed reports or alert messages when thresholds are reached. • Security filters and ACLs set on the user level guarantees personalized and secure information to 1000s of users with the delivery of a single dashboard. • MicroStrategy leverages segmentation capabilities to manage resource utilization in large scale report delivery deployments by analyzing the list of subscriptions to determine if several subscriptions share the same combination of security and personalization and grouping them into buckets since they receive the same content. From bursting and smart pagination for PDF exports to the delivery of highly personalized content, MicroStrategy delivers sophisticated distribution capabilities that make it possible to publish data and insights across the organization without the need to invest in other technologies. Enterprise Transactional Write-back capabilities • MicroStrategy provides mobile write-back capabilities that let users Mobility Workflows that allow mobile users update systems of record from the field. Users can change data on the fly, to submit transactions to insert new information, and view updated reports and dashboards. ERP, CRM, or other • These transactions can include one-tap approvals and denials, inputs for operational systems. capturing new information, and editing existing information in ERP systems, CRM systems, and other operational databases. • App developers can create smart forms that are contextual and conditional, based on a user’s permissions or location. • MicroStrategy offers a broad set of input controls, including barcode scanners, signature capture, star rating, text and number fields, calendar, camera, steppers, sliders, and more. • Transaction Services can also auto-capture additional information alongside the user inputs to further streamline business processes. For example, the user’s profile information as well as latitude, longitude, and a time stamp can be included in a transactional submission without requiring additional work by the user. • Users can access transactional inputs and forms regardless of connectivity. When offline, transactions are queued for submission and executed when the user next connects.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Embedded Ability to download and • MicroStrategy provides in-app viewing of multimedia content including Multimedia view multimedia files videos, PDFs, images, presentations, spreadsheets, documents, email, online and offline, such and web content—all seamlessly embedded in the mobile app. as presentations, • As is the case for other content in the app, multimedia can be pre-cached videos, PDFs, and or stored for convenient, offline access. ePUB books on mobile • There are two ways to include multimedia in apps: HTML containers and devices. the Multimedia Widget. • HTML containers enable access to any web content by placing it directly in the app's iFrame. URLs provide links to pull up entire documents or web pages. • The Multimedia Widget provides a framework in which to download, consume, and store multimedia files. WebDAV folder integration enables users to dynamically browse and view existing files and folders in a WebDAV folder, for example in Microsoft SharePoint. This makes it easy for traditionally non-technical people, for example in Marketing or HR, to distribute updated versions of collateral or training videos to employees in the field. • MicroStrategy also provides a widget that is especially designed for videos. The interactive, elegant Video Player Widget (that leverages the native OS video player) loads and plays a video from a remote location or from the local cache. The widget can display: videos from a streaming service such as YouTube, videos from a file server location, or a cached video from the WebDAV cache. If the mobile device is online, the Video Player Widget loads the video from the remote location but is smart enough to check first if a local cache already exists on the device’s WebDAV cache store. Geospatial Ability to display • MicroStrategy abstracts all the geospatial analysis capabilities from the Analysis geospatial data overlaid base map layer, so customers can leverage whichever base map they on an interactive map want, depending on existing map investments or preferences. (ESRI, Google Maps, • MicroStrategy Mobile provides support for building map visualizations on and custom images). ESRI and Google Maps, as well as custom images as maps with the Image Layout Widget. These maps render seamlessly on the appropriate native mobile map (Apple Maps on iOS and Google Maps on Android). • Both ESRI and Google Maps display geospatial data overlaid on an interactive map. Users can swipe, scroll, and zoom in directly on the map, or even filter the data shown by selecting elements within their mobile app. Data can be displayed using a pin marker, a density map, or a bubble to provide multiple types of analysis within each map. In addition, ESRI maps can display data from a custom geographical region, such as the counties of a state or districts within a city. The image layout widget allows app developers to include visualizations representative of different geographic regions such as countries, states, and regions, or visualizations that represent custom spatial analyses like a store layout. Offline Access Ability to support • MicroStrategy Mobile apps can be configured to work entirely offline. This applications in offline includes support for analytics, visualizations, multimedia, and transactions. mode regardless of • MicroStrategy provides advanced offline functionality, including: prompt connectivity. This panels that display valid caches for multiple prompt scenarios; visual cues includes interactivity such as an offline mode indicator and shading to indicate availability; a with data, multimedia view of transaction queues; and the ability to delete or edit transactions content, and before a connection is reestablished. In a situation where a user wants to transactional workflows. avoid using data, the user can manually switch to offline mode using the app settings. • While users are in offline mode, mobile usage stats are still captured and submitted to the server once the user reconnects. Additionally, data-at-rest is highly secured. The stored data is encrypted; the app can still require credentials, and the offline cache can be set to expire at a desired time.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Mobile Client Ability to cache data on • MicroStrategy offers three main caching strategies that customers can Caching for the device to optimize leverage when configuring their apps: automatic caching (devices check High app performance. for new and updated content and sync content in the background), pre- Performance Deliver sub-second caching folders (a set of objects are pre-cached when the app starts), and response times even adaptive mobile caching (the app prioritizes background cache loading when dealing with large based on where the user is and downloads content the user will likely want volumes of data, to see before they tap on it). numerous concurrent • MicroStrategy has a sophisticated analytical engine within the mobile users, or slow, client, so the mobile client itself can perform computations on locally unreliable connectivity. cached data without having to go back to the server. Because the computations can be done locally on the device, this also helps to speed app performance. • As a 100% native app, MicroStrategy uses OpenGL frameworks available on the mobile OS which help to achieve maximum app performance. All of the drawings (renderings) of visualizations leverage native device drawing capabilities which are optimized for high performance. Personalized Ability to send alerts to • MicroStrategy’s scalable alerting engine provides personalized alerts to Alerts via mobile users in the form every user. Push of push notifications. • The alerting engine is based on a robust distribution server that supports Notifications These notifications monitoring multiple data sources 100s of 1000s of times every minute and should be triggered by creating personalized alerts for mobile users when a set condition has preset thresholds, or be been met. available on demand. • Thresholds can be set on any metric on any report. • Alerts are handled through the device’s native push notification system in one of three forms: a badge (a graphic associated with the application), a home screen notification (a message which the user can view and interact with), and/or a sound. • Smart badges can show metric values or the number of alerts. Instant Update and publish • MicroStrategy lets app developers make updates and publish changes to Updates to changes to custom apps their mobile apps without the need to recompile (in Xcode for iOS and in Custom Apps without having to Android Development Studio for Android) and redistribute apps. Any with No recompile and change in functionality or configuration is instantly reflected in the mobile Recompilation redistribute. Changes app without requiring the user to upgrade the app on the mobile device. are distributed and This flexibility is very powerful when users are trying to operate on an agile available to users development cycle, where users need to access the changes instantly without requiring an app without having to constantly upgrade their app. update. • MicroStrategy also provides a drag-and-drop interface to migrate apps from development, to test, to production by using MicroStrategy Object Manager. Customize / Ability to rebrand the • The Mobile SDK provides app developers with a multitude of White Label mobile app by including customization options. This includes a code-free approach to white- customized icons, as labeling and rebranding any MicroStrategy Mobile app. well as splash, launch, • Customization includes changing icons, as well as splash, launch, and and login screens. login screens. It enables developers to match corporate branding and look- and-feel standards.

Native Native SDK integration • MicroStrategy's native mobile security features provide extensive Integration with leading EMM capabilities to protect sensitive company data, but MicroStrategy provides with EMM vendors AirWatch, the flexibility to leverage additional third-party capabilities, including those Vendors MobileIron, and provided by EMM vendors. Blackberry Dynamics, • MicroStrategy offers native SDK integration on iOS with three EMM and AppConfig providers: MobileIron, Blackberry Dynamics, and AirWatch. MicroStrategy community guidelines. offers native SDK integration on Android with AirWatch. • MicroStrategy Mobile also supports EMM capabilities via implementation of the AppConfig guidelines, natively on both iOS and Android.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Mobile App Ability to collect mobile • Mobile app client-side monitoring captures personalized analysis every Usage usage statistics and time a user taps on an app screen. Statistics are gathered on time spent Monitoring populate a database for on each app screen, exploration paths, GPS location, app usage, device analysis. type, operating system version, and cache usage. • With this information, app developers can track overall app adoption and geo-location of usage, perform cohort analysis, support continuous development cycles, analyze app performance, spot network issues, and track adoption rates of new devices, operating systems, and clients. These statistics are critical to driving app enhancements and to honing the app experience. • Mobile usage stats are captured even while a user is offline. Once the user reconnects, the stats are submitted to the server. Embedded Create The ability to modify and • A key component of an enterprise-class platform is the ability to modify Analytics Custom Web extend existing and extend existing functionality to meet the unique needs of an Applications functionality, organization. For building customized applications, a robust BI platform create a custom web must provide access to all of its functionality through APIs. The application, embed MicroStrategy BI platform is a modern, sophisticated service-oriented content in portals, or architecture that is designed for flexibility and extensibility so that it can simply change the look grow with the demands of enterprise applications. and feel with personalized branding • The MicroStrategy Web SDK enables developers to build a full-fledged and logos through web application or change the look and feel of an existing web application application with an intuitive customization tool. The Web Customization Editor is programming interfaces integrated with the most widely used Java IDE, Eclipse. With over 5000 (APIs). classes exposed in the Web API, this integration not only simplifies development, but also allows developers to write their code without modifying any source code or out-of-the-box configuration files. This approach is helpful in maintaining and upgrading customizations. • The Web SDK also allows developers to write their own Web Services that encapsulate MicroStrategy functionality and expose this functionality to third-party applications. Since the services use standard protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS and generate a response in standard W3C-compliant formats such as XML or JSON, any third-party application (web or mobile) can consume these services and embed MicroStrategy functionality into their product. MicroStrategy's service-oriented architecture guarantees efficiency for each service or component with no code redundancy. This architecture is in stark contrast to the service-oriented architectures of other BI vendors, which are a product of disparate, separately developed architectures, inherited from mergers, and mashed together.

• In addition, MicroStrategy provides a plug-in architecture that enables developers to extend out-of-the-box MicroStrategy Web code with stand- alone customizations without the need to change the source code, thus, making upgrades without recoding possible. MicroStrategy supports the following languages for Web SDK: Java, XML/JSON, JavaScript, and .NET.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Create The ability to create • The MicroStrategy Mobile API enables mobile app developers to Custom customized mobile customize MicroStrategy Mobile apps on Android and iOS mobile devices Mobile applications, embed BI by changing the look and feel of the app, or developing new Mobile apps Applications in in third-party apps, or that use MicroStrategy BI content. MicroStrategy provides different APIs iOS and rebrand the mobile app for Android and iOS devices. The flexibility of the Mobile APIs enable Android by including customized developers to build custom mobile applications to accommodate growing icons, as well as splash, needs of the organization. launch, and login screens. • The Mobile SDK for iOS consists of Xcode projects that allow developers to compile and distribute custom MicroStrategy Mobile apps. With one of the Xcode projects, users can rebrand the app by adding icons, splash screens, and an app name through simple configuration changes. In addition, the Mobile SDK for iOS enables users to embed MicroStrategy in an existing application or build custom widgets that can consume MicroStrategy data. • The Mobile SDK for Android lets users customize the MicroStrategy Mobile application to match corporate branding requirements. It also allows users to preconfigure the application to allow multiple instances of the application to exist on a single device. • MicroStrategy supports the following programming languages for Mobile SDK: iOS - Objective C, Swift; Android – Java. Embed Third- The ability for third-party • Organizations are always looking to connect to a variety of sources that Party Data as applications to push may not be natively supported with the platform. Using the Push API, Datasets data directly into a BI organizations can push external data in JSON format using REST APIs application for use in into in-memory cubes on the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, so users dashboards or reports. can readily consume, process, and analyze the corresponding data. • MicroStrategy makes it possible for organizations to leverage new data assets by enabling applications such as ETL tools that connect to these data sources and move data into MicroStrategy. • The Push API enables third-party vendors to generate MicroStrategy datasets, thus, unlocking new end-user workflows and opportunities for partner integrations. Create The ability to embed or • MicroStrategy integrates with third-party and open source JavaScript Custom create custom HTML5 visualizations, so users can tell even more compelling stories with their HTML5 visualizations with open data. Visualizations source libraries such as • MicroStrategy provides APIs, tools, samples, and documentation to help D3, that can be users build custom HTML5 visualizations using open source and deployed on top of data commercial libraries like D3 and Google Charts. sources. • Users can build out support for functionality including selectors, drop zones, color palettes, and thresholds. It is also possible to transform visualizations into text-based narratives by integrating with native language generation (NLG) platforms, such as those offered by Automated Insights and Narrative Science. Extract The ability for custom • With RESTful APIs, organizations can use MicroStrategy as a data Subsets of third-party web source to quickly extract subsets of pre-processed data in JSON Data Using applications to use the format. This addresses the needs of large enterprises and OEM partners RESTful APIs BI platform as a data that consume data through MicroStrategy's governed and secured source to extract architecture via customized business applications. subsets of data from a report or existing cube.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Create The ability to create a • With new and updated data sources being published by database Custom Data custom data source that vendors almost weekly, organizations need fast access to connect to and Connectors users can connect to use the data stored in these various data locations. and leverage in their • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data sources reports and dashboards. and continues to enhance connectivity with each database upgrade. • MicroStrategy also allows organizations to build their own connectors to custom data assets with the Data Connector SDK. Organizations can leverage HTML and JavaScript to build custom connectors for the MicroStrategy Data Import interface and build their own customized integrations for these data sources within MicroStrategy, thus, providing users access to any data source without waiting for them to be certified by the platform. Multitenancy The ability to deploy a • Multitenancy enables an OEM’s various customers to experience custom Support single instance of a applications, all built on a single architecture. Sharing resources results in software application to less administrative overhead, reduced resource consumption, and low serve multiple overall TCO. customers, where each • MicroStrategy supports a spectrum of multitenant architectures from high customer is called a isolation to high sharing. In addition, MicroStrategy allows for tenant. personalization in a shared project such as custom branding and logos for each tenant, personalized object names, and internationalization capabilities. Enterprise Simplified The ability to easily • MicroStrategy on AWS will enable customers to deploy enterprise Cloud Enterprise deploy an enterprise networks that are fully configured and ready to use in less than 30 Deployment cloud environment minutes. This saves users time and money by eliminating the need to without IT support. download, install, and configure the environments themselves. Users can choose from different instance types and sizes based on cost or usage requirements. • Cloud environments can also be deployed directly into a customer's AWS account for maximum control. • Users can launch 3 different environment types, ranging from an all-in- one system to an enterprise-grade distributed and redundant system.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Global The ability to deploy • MicroStrategy Cloud can deploy distributed and redundant systems in Availability environments globally. over 42 AWS Availability Zones in 16 geographic regions around the world. Global options make it This includes countries across , South America, Asia, easy for customers to Europe, and Australia. This enables organizations to deploy MicroStrategy deploy their closer to its users. This decreases latency and enables faster response environments closer to times. By having data centers closer to home, it also allows the data enters home so they can meet to comply with local laws and regulations. performance, compliance, and data requirements. Region and Number of Availability Zones •AWS GovCloud (2) •US West Oregon (3), Northern California (3) •US East Northern Virginia (5), Ohio (3) •Canada Central (2) •South America São Paulo (3) •Europe Ireland (3), Frankfurt (2), London (2) •Asia Pacific Singapore (2), Sydney (3), Tokyo (3), Seoul (2), Mumbai (2) •China Beijing (2) •New Regions (coming soon) Paris Ningxia

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score API Enabled JavaScript frameworks • The MicroStrategy Cloud API gives customers unlimited flexibility to Operations that provide a number of create their own custom workflows. Customers have the ability to build APIs to help customers personalized user interfaces for deploying and managing their cloud build applications. environments. This empowers developers to automate their MicroStrategy Cloud capabilities. • Through APIs, it is possible to launch 1000 MicroStrategy instances with a single line of code, resize them to any size, and then terminate them once done. Without APIs, this would be a manual process. It’s easy to integrate with other automation tools and the API works with any programming language. Cloud Specific APIs we support: •Retrieve or search for environments •Create new environments •Get Environment Contact Details List •Resend Email to the owners of the environments •Restart environment/s •Start environment/s •Get Environment States •Stop environment/s •Terminate environments •Find environment details by environmentID •Update Environment Contact Details •Update expiration date for environment •Find all the instances in an environment by environmentID •Find all the instances state in an environment by environmentID •Restart Instance •Start Instance •Stop Instance •Find schedules by environment id •Create schedule for environment •Inactivate the selected schedule by schedule id and environment id •Find schedule by schedule id and environment id •Update schedule for environment •Resize all server instance or selected server instance of an environment •Create new environments Disaster Clustered servers that • MicroStrategy Cloud clusters enterprise deployments with multiple Recovery and restore backups after nodes, and gives organizations the flexibility to add additional nodes. Failover failure so no work or • Clustered nodes provide load balancing, high availability, failover, and time is lost. redundancy. Each node synchronizes metadata information, history lists, and report caches. In case of disaster or failure, MicroStrategy backups are stored redundantly across multiple availability zones and can be accessed and restored in an alternate availability zone. This affords zero downtime and users can always access their MicroStrategy environment. Centralized A single interface that • MicroStrategy allows the customer to start, stop, and restart an AWS Administration provides all the environment while retaining its contents. Customers can take advantage of administration tools to stopping their environments to save on costs, especially during non-peak manage and monitor an hours. enterprise cloud • The new Environment Manager tool allows users to schedule these environment. routine tasks to occur at specific dates and times. • For POC or development purposes, an administrator can stop these machines during non-peak hours to reduce costs. • Customers only pay for what they use.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Auto Scaling The ability to resize • MicroStrategy Cloud customers have the ability to scale their cloud environments environment up or down with over 6 different instance size options from based on the conditions AWS ranging from 4 vCPU and 15.25 GiB to 64 vCPU and 488 GiB of the customer defines. memory. • Environments can scale on-demand or schedule based on usage patterns, application usage patterns, and data size. Customers can add new users at any time and deploy multiple environments and projects as they see fit. • Customers pay for what they use according to length of time. Seamless Upgrade the platform By moving to the MicroStrategy Cloud, customers can ensure that they Upgrades and corresponding have the latest platform and version release, allowing them to take servers without any advantage of the latest platform security and feature enhancements. With downtime or additional the new Cloud Environment Manager, customers can schedule upgrades work. during non-peak hours to guarantee seamless upgrades with zero downtime. Testing and health checks are automatically performed to help ensure a successful upgrade. High Maintain high • Each MicroStrategy deployment is in a single-tenant, private cloud. This Performance performance and allows organizations to customize the software to meet their needs. and Reliability reliability without Queries run by customers will not affect others. Each instance is isolated sacrificing user from others for maximum privacy. experience or security. • The MicroStrategy Cloud operations team has the cloud experts and support to help ensure high performance and reliability. We are backed not only by AWS’s world-class infrastructure, but also AWS experts who helped design and automate our cloud deployment. Our Cloud environment was built with the latest AWS technology and according to AWS’s best practices. Our team proactively patches infrastructure, operating systems, and applications to optimize performance while deterring security threats. We have processes in place so that systems are monitored, including the analytics and mobility servers. • MicroStrategy allows organizations to cluster up to 8 server nodes. Beyond being able to further scale in volume of analytics content, this will improve overall SLAs by reorganizing large clusters for higher availability and faster service recovery, reduce TCO by consolidation of multiple environments, and remove friction to deploy new applications and increase user capacity. Data Services for customers • MicroStrategy provides data connectivity and data warehouse solutions Connectivity looking to move their to meet customer needs. Customers may choose to migrate their data into and Migration data into the cloud or the cloud. We offer options to migrate into Amazon Redshift, SQL Server connect their on-prem Enterprise, SQL Server Standard, MySQL, or Aurora DWH platforms. data to their cloud When customers choose this option, MicroStrategy builds the chosen environment. DWH within the same VPC as the rest of the BI cloud environment. MicroStrategy works with customers to select the correct size (CPU/RAM) DWH machine that meets their needs. ETL options are also available. • If a customer chooses to maintain their database on-prem or in another cloud data source, a typical implementation involves establishing a VPN connection between the MicroStrategy Cloud and its database or data. The performance of this architecture can vary based on a variety of factors, including the physical distance between the MicroStrategy Cloud data center and the customer data source, the latency of the data connection, the bandwidth of the connection, the amount of usage, its query intensiveness, the query-response latency of the customer data source, and other variables.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Data Security Security to protect • MicroStrategy Cloud security meets or exceeds industry standards and customer data best practices. MicroStrategy implements strong control practices to 24/7/365. effectively maintain the security and availability of the MicroStrategy Cloud and associated data. We help ensure that your data is secure at network and application levels from any attacks. We follow the latest industry standards on many compliances and certifications such as SOC I & II, HIPAA, PCI, and Privacy Shield. Enterprise Digital Badge Use a single digital • MicroStrategy, via Usher, delivers smartphone-based digital badges that IoT identifier to track, report, provide seamless access to physical and logical assets across the and manage all user enterprise. interactions with • Digital badges replace physical badges, key fobs, passwords, and other enterprise assets. The identifiers with digital credentials delivered via a mobile app. Badges are badge verifies identities branded by the issuing organization and are dynamically and securely prior to granting access linked to an individuals' privileges and access rights. to enterprise assets. • Badges can be remotely issued and revoked nearly instantaneously. They are provisioned via secure, out-of-band means, and their use can be gated by biometric, geographical, or temporal constraints. • The digital badge provides a unique identifier that can be used by any single badge to validate the identity of any other badge. It also provides one-time passcodes for a second factor of authentication. Physical Control and manage • MicroStrategy provides smartphone-based physical access functionality Access access to any entryway pre-integrated with leading PACS vendors. Usher works to consolidate across an enterprise multiple physical access control systems throughout an enterprise. using a digital badge to • With an OpenAPI model, MicroStrategy can integrate with partner enhance or replace physical access control systems, building automation systems, existing access cards manufacturing systems, Internet of Things (IoT) grids, and networks and for employees, management systems to deliver more advanced functionality and contractors, and visitors. implementation options to customers. Logical Access all types of • MicroStrategy provides secure digital identity that allows users to access Access digital assets in an nearly any system in an enterprise (devices, applications, and VPNs) from organization including BI a single point. In order to both protect the current IT investments of applications, web corporations as well as enable future investments, logical access with applications, VPNs, and MicroStrategy is compatible with both industry-standard protocols like workstations from a SAML and RADIUS as well as emerging standards such as OpenID single point. Connect. Bluetooth Enable contextual • In the MicroStrategy platform, Usher’s Bluetooth (BLE 4.0) integration Sensing interactions, security, enables real-time micro-locational awareness of enterprise assets as well and seamless user as touch-free physical and logical access. experiences via • This allows thousands of users to project their identity and move about a Bluetooth delivering corporate environment accessing doorways and systems securely with real-time locational drastically decreased amounts of friction. The Bluetooth sensing capability awareness of enterprise can also be configured to log proximity at a particular place and time. assets. Barcode Track • The integrated barcode scanner in MicroStrategy badges can scan Scanner enterprise assets by virtually any kind of QR or barcode tag, securely logging a linkage between scanning barcodes or an employee and a product, machine, or any valuable enterprise asset. QR codes whenever a • This capability allows the tracking of offline assets using labels and tags user interacts with them. with bar or QR codes and can improve process auditing and enforcement This ability sets the for customer service, maintenance, and more. Scanning barcodes helps foundation for seamless take data from multiple components and systems and combine them to repair, maintenance, improve the predictability of performance issues that arise in day-to-day and inventory business operations. management of enterprise assets.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Communication Empower management • The Usher out-of-the-box productivity application allows managers to & and decision-making to quickly identify, verify, coordinate, and communicate with other users – Collaboration be more timely, either in-person or by remote location. informed, and • Users have the capability to exchange messages from any client collaborative through interface via the Identity server as the intermediary. This feature supports a direct, in-app 2-way number of use cases including employee safety, support, and coordination, messaging based on particularly for field workforces or during special events. location and systems access. Real-time Generate consumable • With MicroStrategy Usher badges, user presence and actions create Telemetry real-time intelligence via real-time telemetry via an Apache Kafka Cluster – an open-source digital identity program delivering a distributed, partitioned, and replicated commit log interactions with all service supporting real-time data processing and big data volumes. This types of enterprise telemetry data is a rich and underutilized source of information that is the assets (physical and key to unlocking a smarter, more productive workforce. To expedite value logical) and creation, MicroStrategy helps organizations efficiently create and harness constituents. massive amounts of timely information arriving from EIoT devices. OTB Deploy reporting based • Usher Analytics is a MicroStrategy project included out-of-the-box with a Reporting on telemetry, pulling badge implementation. MicroStrategy takes care of the ETL processes so Module data from all assets and access and authorization data generated on the back-end is automatically access points to deliver loaded into a data warehouse and leveraged by a pre-built data schema. insight into operations This project includes multiple dashboards and a mobile application for and compliance in a visibility into interactions between enterprise constituents and assets. unified, “single source of truth” dashboard. Reports should be customizable with the ability to blend data from other enterprise repositories. Integration Synchronize to directory • Within the MicroStrategy platform, Usher Network Manager has pre-built with Directory services as the directory integrations with Microsoft Active Directory, AWS Directory Services authoritative source for Services, and Okta Universal Directory. Usher is also compatible with the employee records and OpenLDAP standard. This allows MicroStrategy to quickly issue attributes. Support the standardized credentials to all users, even in organizations which utilize enforcement of directory multiple identity repositories - or even manually add temporary users who provisioning for do not exist in any repository. authorization (privileges, entitlements, and restrictions). Identity Server Manage a network of • The MicroStrategy Usher identity server, which assigns and issues digital users by configuring twins to users in the form of badges, is FIDO Alliance-certified on a UAF relationships that protocol for delivering password-free authentication based on public key prompt, enable, or cryptography. It is strongly resistant to phishing and can make user access secure interactions subject to geographic and temporal constraints. among employees and assets within the The Usher server architecture is built to ensure that only authorized badge network. Identity users communicate with the identity server, and only from authorized Servers enable devices. The Usher server has the sole authority to convert a mobile administrators to create, device into an authorized device through a process that helps ensure that configure, distribute, rogue devices or applications will not be able to communicate with the revoke, and manage identity server. The identity server provides support for encryption of data digital identities with at rest and in transit, encryption key management, and transaction logging user badges. tied to an individual user’s identity.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Enterprise 100% Focus Core business is • MicroStrategy is dedicated to a single business line, exclusively focused Partner on Enterprise exclusively focused on on enterprise analytics and mobility software. Analytics enterprise analytics. • MicroStrategy’s mission is to provide enterprise customers with a world- class software platform and expert services so they can deploy unique intelligence applications.

Platform Cohesion is an • MicroStrategy 10 has a unified platform architecture uniquely suited Cohesion important concept in to deliver high-performance applications that are highly reusable and software design secure, and can meet the business intelligence demands of various users because it reduces and organizations. complexity, enhances • Since its inception, MicroStrategy has been developing its platform system maintainability technology 100% organically. and increases reusability, which together promote performance, scalability and elegance. Visionary CEO anticipates and • MicroStrategy’s CEO, Michael Saylor, has anticipated technology trends CEO drives technology trends such as mobile technology’s transformation of business operations, and in the enterprise led the company through multiple waves of innovation such as client- analytics industry. server, web, mobile, cloud and enterprise internet of things. • Mr. Saylor is also the author of The New York Time’s best-selling book, “The Mobile Wave.”

CEO CEO engages directly • MicroStrategy’s CEO directly engages with customers around the world Engagement and substantially with by personally participating in a majority of the 100+ Symposium events with customers around the that MicroStrategy holds per year in 35 different countries, in addition to Customers world. other customer meetings and events on a regular basis.

Tenured Executive team has • MicroStrategy’s CEO and CTO collectively have over 50 years of Executive extensive experience in experience in enterprise analytics and mobility. Team enterprise analytics and • Additionally, MicroStrategy’s CEO has science degrees from MIT and mobility. more than 50 patents to his name, and has been the driving force behind MicroStrategy’s technology since its inception.

Shareholder Principal shareholder • Mr. Saylor, the company’s Chairman of the Board, President & CEO, Alignment and management founded MicroStrategy in 1989 and has been the company’s controlling interests are aligned shareholder since its inception. Accordingly, shareholder and management with the company’s interests are fully aligned in pursuing MicroStrategy’s vision and long-term long-term success. success.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Tableau Qlik IBM SAP MSFT Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Score Sense Cognos BO PowerBI Score Score Score Score Score Score Publicly With greater • Having gone public 18 years ago, MicroStrategy is a mature publicly Traded transparency, stability traded company. Company and access to funding, a publicly traded company generally has a stronger management team, instills greater confidence in customers and has more financial levers. Strong A profitable organization • MicroStrategy has been profitable over the last 13 years, with combined Financials with a strong balance net income of $197 million over the last 2 fiscal years and an operating sheet can better margin of 21% for 2016. withstand market • In addition, MicroStrategy’s balance sheet is strong with zero debt. volatility and fluctuations.

Worldwide Company has the ability • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of Sales to directly engage with the world. Presence organizations around the world.

Worldwide Company has the ability • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of Services to provide support and the world. Presence services to customers around the world.

21 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Tableau - Overview - Overview

Critical Capabilities - Tableau Scores

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Index Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Workflows Custom Web Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Discovery Applications Deployment Analytics Create Optimized Custom 2 Data Data Embedded Mobile Global Physical Platform Governance Connectivity Multimedia Applications in Availability Access Cohesion iOS and Android Data User Preparation Geospatial Embed Third- API Enabled Visionary 3 Security and Analysis Party Data as Operations Logical Access CEO Blending Datasets Create CEO Enterprise Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers Mobile Client Extract Dashboards Caching for Subsets of Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and High Data Using Administration Scanner Executive documents Performance RESTful APIs Team

Mobile Personalized Create Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics Alerts via Push Custom Data Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications Connectors

Instant Real Time Updates to Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded with No Company Recompilation Predictive Analytics Customize / High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment and White Label Performance Module Financials Machine and Reliability Learning Native High Big Data Integration Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics with EMM Connectivity Directory Sales Vendors and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution Usage Data Security Identity Server Services and Alerting Monitoring Presence

22 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Tableau - Overview - Critical Capabilities - Tableau Scores

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Index Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Critical Tableau Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Workflows Custom Web Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Discovery Applications Deployment Analytics Create Optimized Custom 2 Data Data Embedded Mobile Global Physical Platform Governance Connectivity Multimedia Applications in Availability Access Cohesion iOS and Android Data User Preparation Geospatial Embed Third- API Enabled Visionary 3 Security and Analysis Party Data as Operations Logical Access CEO Blending Datasets Create CEO Enterprise Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers Mobile Client Extract Dashboards Caching for Subsets of Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and High Data Using Administration Scanner Executive documents Performance RESTful APIs Team

Mobile Personalized Create Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics Alerts via Push Custom Data Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications Connectors

Instant Real Time Updates to Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded with No Company Recompilation Predictive Analytics Customize / High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment and White Label Performance Module Financials Machine and Reliability Learning Native High Big Data Integration Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics with EMM Connectivity Directory Sales Vendors and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution Usage Data Security Identity Server Services and Alerting Monitoring Presence

23 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Tableau - Details by Capability - Overview

Why Not Tableau

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with and • Tableau’s solution for a “semantic layer” is Platform Oriented architecture catalogs contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused across the accomplished with Tableau Data Sources. The Reusability every aspect of the BI project. Objects can be combined to create higher level objects (e.g., Tableau Data Source is the document that business. Data attributes and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, and prompts make connects to the data repository, joins the data, assets, KPIs, up a document; documents, and other reports can be embedded into a and maintains additional calculations. Building a dimensions, users, document - all of which are stored as "metadata objects"), and this together Tableau Data Source is done in Tableau Desktop, reports, and delivers a single BI project or a data model. used to create visualizations, dashboards, and dashboards are all • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be reports. stored in a central securely reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, without location as unique any duplication of effort. • Tableau Data Source needs to be published logical objects to • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers separately from the Tableau Workbook, otherwise support reusability. filters, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and it becomes embedded and not reusable documents - making it possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects multiple times across any application and BI project. • Users are advised to publish the Tableau Data • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata Source to the Tableau Server from the Desktop automatically proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates the tool. Then, create a new Tableau Workbook need to manually update the changes across the deployment, which is document and connect to that Tableau Server particularly helpful for larger BI projects. Data Source. This published Data Source • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased becomes what Tableau calls the semantic layer. platform scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single Rules and calculations can be maintained here. version of the truth. Multiple Tableau documents can be created, all pointing to this Tableau Data Source, and reusing the same metrics. • Tableau deployments typically involve multiple data models each tied to a specific data source. With this fragmented approach, users are unable to leverage "metadata" objects across all the data sources. • Tableau users have limited ability to reuse metadata objects tied to specific data sources (such as calculated metrics, custom groups, hierarchies) across workbooks and underlying data extracts. For instance, a filter object cannot be reused to define a metric, and a metric cannot be used within a filter definition.

• If Tableau users need different types of joins to analyze data, they need to create specific cubes for each dashboard. This necessitates more work to maintain synchronization, and increases memory usage. • Fields in the data model, such as calculations and parameters, can be copied and pasted into other data models, but it’s a manual process.

• Tableau’s limited object reusability forces developers to repeatedly create the same object definitions, which is highly inefficient. They then must redefine those definitions in multiple places any time a common business definition changes, creating a tedious change management process. Data Unique definitions to The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with the • Unlike MicroStrategy, Tableau does not support Governance every dimension and right privileges to promote new and external content to the Server and tie it a certified, enterprise-wide logical data model and metric bound to a certified data model, all with easy workflows. is not architected for enterprise deployments. together by strict • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as the Tableau enables individual users to explore data,

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with and • Tableau’s solution for a “semantic layer” is Platform Oriented architecture catalogs contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused across the accomplished with Tableau Data Sources. The Reusability every aspect of the BI project. Objects can be combined to create higher level objects (e.g., Tableau Data Source is the document that business. Data attributes and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, and prompts make connects to the data repository, joins the data, assets, KPIs, up a document; documents, and other reports can be embedded into a and maintains additional calculations. Building a dimensions, users, document - all of which are stored as "metadata objects"), and this together Tableau Data Source is done in Tableau Desktop, reports, and delivers a single BI project or a data model. used to create visualizations, dashboards, and dashboards are all • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be reports. stored in a central securely reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, without location as unique any duplication of effort. • Tableau Data Source needs to be published logical objects to • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers separately from the Tableau Workbook, otherwise support reusability. filters, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and it becomes embedded and not reusable documents - making it possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects multiple times across any application and BI project. • Users are advised to publish the Tableau Data • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata Source to the Tableau Server from the Desktop automatically proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates the tool. Then, create a new Tableau Workbook need to manually update the changes across the deployment, which is document and connect to that Tableau Server particularly helpful for larger BI projects. Data Source. This published Data Source • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased becomes what Tableau calls the semantic layer. platform scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single Rules and calculations can be maintained here. version of the truth. Multiple Tableau documents can be created, all pointing to this Tableau Data Source, and reusing the same metrics. • Tableau deployments typically involve multiple data models each tied to a specific data source. With this fragmented approach, users are unable to leverage "metadata" objects across all the data sources. • Tableau users have limited ability to reuse metadata objects tied to specific data sources (such as calculated metrics, custom groups, hierarchies) across workbooks and underlying data extracts. For instance, a filter object cannot be reused to define a metric, and a metric cannot be used within a filter definition.

• If Tableau users need different types of joins to analyze data, they need to create specific cubes for each dashboard. This necessitates more work to maintain synchronization, and increases memory usage. • Fields in the data model, such as calculations and parameters, can be copied and pasted into other data models, but it’s a manual process. • Tableau’s limited object reusability forces developers to repeatedly create the same object definitions, which is highly inefficient. They then must redefine those definitions in multiple places any time a common business definition changes, creating a tedious change management process.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Data Unique definitions to The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with the • Unlike MicroStrategy, Tableau does not support Governance every dimension and right privileges to promote new and external content to the Server and tie it a certified, enterprise-wide logical data model and metric bound to a certified data model, all with easy workflows. is not architected for enterprise deployments. together by strict • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as the Tableau enables individual users to explore data, rules that are defined cube level, giving users the flexibility to control the data that is published to regardless of the source or validity of that data. by a logical model, the model. As users generate their own "siloed" data thus ensuring a • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, even models, the potential for proliferating invalid or single version of the external non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record that inconsistent data across the enterprise greatly truth users can trust--while also delivering flexibility to end users. increases. • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers granular security features that allow project owners and data stewards to • Tableau lacks the centralized user administration grant permissions and privileges to the right people. This delivers data needed to enforce data security. Unlike security and also personalizes reports and dashboards to end users. MicroStrategy, Tableau has no overarching, • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote external automated mechanism to continuously ensure data into the system of record, combined with the flexibility of the system to that users see only the data appropriate for them, deliver self-service access to business teams will increase the overall based on their roles and privileges. adoption of the BI platform. • Tableau Desktop is used to create the logical data model, but its Web implementation does not have the same parity. Data model editing is not supported on the server. Stories cannot be created or modified on the server. Web authors can create new workbooks only from data sources published to Tableau Server, and can connect to published data sources only. • Tableau has announced plans to launch Tableau Certified Content, a data governance capability, by late 2017/early 2018. This will supposedly enable IT to certify data sources in Tableau Server, but it will likely be a highly manual process, and will not necessarily enforce data governance across an entire enterprise deployment.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score User Security Roles and privileges The security model within the MicroStrategy platform is built around users • Unlike MicroStrategy, Tableau lacks centralized that assign and user groups, which are represented as logical metadata objects. This user administration to enforce data security on an restrictions to users ensures that data is secured at the most granular levels. enterprise-wide basis. There is no overarching, and groups ensure • Security filters based on dimension values help ensure that users are automated mechanism to continuously ensure that end users only restricted to only see data that is relevant to them. This eliminates the need that users see only the data appropriate for them, see personalized to build multiple copies of the same application, and makes it possible to based on their roles and privileges. and relevant content optimally scale. and are only able to • With MicroStrategy's tools, administrators can apply Access Control Lists • User-level security can be implemented on an perform authorized (ACLs) to large user groups, restricting the range of data objects they can ad-hoc basis, but it requires extra manual work by actions. access or actions they can perform, and specifying the scope of their the developer to set up in the Tableau Server data privileges in the environment. source and/or Tableau workbooks that use a • With Usher, it is possible to provide secure digital authentication options, particular Tableau Data Extract. including geo-fencing and time-fencing capabilities, making it possible to restrict user access based on location and time. • User-level security can also be implemented using security filters that "join" to a "security table." Again, this option requires action by the developer, and it would have to be defined redundantly for every Tableau Data Source. These security filters cannot be reused across the entire deployment. Also, this approach will not automatically stay synchronized with changes to the user population. • Tableau supports row-level security (RLS) only. MicroStrategy not only supports row-level security, but also enforces security on individual metadata objects, enabling much more granular control over data access and user capabilities. Scalability Deliver analytics to MicroStrategy is optimized in its design for enterprise scale and speed; as • Tableau is not architected to function as an everyone across the such, the platform can support the analytical reporting needs of 100s of enterprise-scale, system-of-record analytics enterprise, and thousands of users across the enterprise. platform; it is really designed for departmental beyond. Allow 1000s • The platform can be clustered with up to 8 nodes with work- and user- users to visualize data and share dashboards. It of users to leverage fencing options to help ensure performance and reliability across the entire is not designed or intended to support 100s of analytics without user population. thousands of users, thousands of simultaneous sacrificing • The platform has no restrictions on data size for either direct or in-memory reports, or automated report distribution across performance and access to data the enterprise. without restrictions • MicroStrategy customers are leveraging the platform to store data using on data size. in-memory cubes with over 2 billion rows while delivering sub-second • Tableau Server can be installed in a single-node response times to their end-users. or multi-node configurations. Unlike • MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive analytics vendor that supports MicroStrategy, Tableau does not support big data analytics with native connectors to HDFS to access petabytes of clustering or work-fencing. data in real time. • As of version 10.0, Tableau Server is only available in a 64-bit version.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Performance Publish and deliver MicroStrategy employs a variety of strategies to increase the overall • Tableau is not architected to serve as an information to end- performance of the platform, making it possible to deliver sub-second enterprise-scale analytics platform; it is designed users with quick response times - even with large datasets. for departmental users to visualize data and share response times, and • MicroStrategy was among the first BI vendors to support push-down dashboards. Enterprise systems must support deliver analytics analytical functions across all leading databases. This capability helps drive 10,000s of users, process 1,000 of report without being computations intelligently to the database when needed, thereby improving simultaneously, and distribute personalized impeded by data the overall response time to end users. reports and alerts to thousands. Tableau does size. • The platform can create multiple parallel threads to the database, not operate at that level. increasing the speed at which data is fetched from the warehouse. • Whereas other BI vendors attempt to implement caching at a single level, • In Tableau v10, users can perform wildcard MicroStrategy implements self-tuning strategies that create caches at key unions and cross-database joins on the fly, join points within the query flow. The Server caches data in the following crucial cross-departmental data across multiple Excel areas: Metadata object caching, attribute element caching, database workbooks, as well as build and adjust connection caching, result caching, and document caching. visualizations on the fly. If users need different • The platform is based on an in-memory architecture that can partition types of joins to analyze data, they will need to cubes and process data in parallel, making it possible to process larger create specific cubes for each dashboard; this cubes than other vendors in the market. requires additional maintenance to ensure • VLDB settings are available to fine-tune and optimize connectivity for synchronization and leads to more memory usage every type of data source, delivering custom settings to organizations with and performance degradation. unique deployments. • Large in-memory extracts in Tableau often experience poor performance, which requires modeling in a separate database. This may improve performance, but consumes even more resources and creates potential governance issues. • Tableau does not support multi-pass SQL, so performance in a query-intensive environment is likely to suffer. (Tableau creates and modifies its own SQL queries ‘on the fly’ which may result in degraded performance). Automation Reduce burden on IT • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to maintain and • Tableau is not an enterprise-scale, system-of- administrators, upgrade systems, automate workflows, and ensure superior data quality record business intelligence platform. It is especially with large and security, without redundancies. designed for departmental users to visualize data scale deployments, • The platform allows admins to reduce the time and effort spent on routine and share dashboards with minimal IT by cutting down on maintenance and administrative tasks, like moving assets from test to administration. As such, Tableau offers little in routine or redundant production environments, to checking the data quality between upgrades, terms of automated administration. tasks. and scheduling health checks and tasks with workflows. • Beyond administrative tasks, data uploads/refreshes and scheduled • Tableau provides very limited capabilities to deliveries can be automated as well, which removes the burden from IT and build automation workflows using a graphical user helps reduce overall TCO. interface. It provides a basic command line utility to perform a limited set of administration tasks.

• Tableau does not have a tool equivalent to MicroStrategy Integrity Manager for automated regression testing or data and report consistency checking.

• Dashboard and report consistency checking have to be performed manually.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Monitoring Easily monitor, • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to monitor every • Tableau is not an enterprise-scale, system-of- maintain, manage, environment in a MicroStrategy deployment, across multiple projects and record business intelligence platform. It is fine-tune, and even server machines - both on-premises and in the cloud. designed for departmental users to visualize data automate actions • The interface enables administrators to quickly and easily view usage and share dashboards with minimal IT and workflows to patterns, system resources, uptime, and alerts across environments. administration. As such, Tableau provides only ensure the health of • The platform collects information from each environment’s Health Center, basic server usage monitoring, such as reports on the system. and presents key usage and performance indicators using graphs and user activity, traffic, load times, and tasks, as well Eliminate redundant charts. as Windows Performance Server monitoring, tasks to reduce • Administrators can define thresholds for system usage and performance server processes, and resource utilization. overall TCO. that automatically trigger alerts when threshold criteria are met or exceeded. • Beyond the 100s of OOTB reports and dashboards available with the platform, administrators can build their own reports with custom KPIs to measure platform usage. Deployment Options to deploy on MicroStrategy delivers flexible options for deploying analytics across the • Tableau Server is supported for Windows (and any infrastructure, enterprise with on-premises, cloud, and hybrid options for teams of any as of 10.3 Linux). It does not support AIX, or regardless of size, size. Solaris. team, or hardware • The platform is supported on both Windows and Linux, and can be resources, thus clustered with up to 8 Server nodes. •Tableau has 2 offerings available on the cloud, reducing overall TCO • Partnering with AWS, the leading cloud vendor, MicroStrategy allows AWS Marketplace and Tableau Online--and both and maintenance organizations around the world to spin up instances for enterprise analytics have significant flaws. Tableau does not provide a required. and mobility in minutes, allowing companies to start small and expand as version of its product that is optimized on AWS needed. Services, and both are watered down-versions of • Pre-configured environments in the cloud can be created, managed, the full product. maintained, and upgraded with self-service consoles, enabling extremely low TCOs. •Tableau on the AWS marketplace is server only. Users must still download and install a Desktop version of Tableau on their own local machines to publish and interact with dashboards. High Robust architecture • With MicroStrategy, users across the organization can access reliable • Tableau does not offer formal service-level Availability that provides the analytics delivered on a robust architecture that is designed for enterprise agreements (SLAs). highest uptime for scale, performance, and stability. users to always have • Disaster recovery and failover options allow organizations to avoid • Tableau supports a rudimentary failover access to the downtimes for end-users. System administrators have the choice to setup configuration using dedicated servers in a hot- system, with hot, warm, or cold failover strategies (for backup nodes) depending on the standby mode, but this is not comparable to the provisions and tuning hardware resources available to them. sophisticated clustering and work-fencing mechanisms for • Clustering and work fencing capabilities make it possible to proactively capabilities in a MicroStrategy deployment. increased system prevent server crashes by deflecting heavy jobs to specific servers or time stability and better periods. failover • Reliable governors at every level of the query path make it possible to management. avert system crashes, even under peak user and data loads.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score In-memory Architecture that can • The MicroStrategy platform enables organizations to take advantage of • Tableau does support in-memory cubes in the Architecture host terabytes of in-memory cube technology, which increases performance by reducing the form of "Data Extracts" dedicated to specific data data in-memory need to access data directly from the data warehouse. sources, but the implementation is siloed in making it available to • MicroStrategy in-memory cubes can be quickly loaded with data using nature – it is not an enterprise-scale mechanism. end-users with faster parallel threads from the database which can also be optimized and fine- response times. tuned for specific databases. • Tableau "Extracts" are tied to individual data • Dynamic sourcing is a platform capability that automatically routes queries sources, resulting in a proliferation of small, to the fastest available data source—whether it’s a cache, a cube, or the stand-alone cubes that may be duplicative and original relational source, thus helping maximize performance and consume resources. In contrast, MicroStrategy in- throughput. memory cubes combine data from a multitude of • MicroStrategy's parallel processing and partitioning capabilities sources and have enterprise-wide scope, differentiate it from other vendors, helping to boost processing speeds in enabling high-performance reporting throughout situations where there are terabytes of data stored in memory. the organization. • Large in-memory Extracts in Tableau often experience poor performance, which requires modeling in a separate database. This may improve performance, but consumes even more resources and creates potential governance issues. • Tableau’s support for incremental loads, slowly changing dimensions, and updates to existing rows is minimal to non-existent. Enterprise Self-Service Intuitive workflows MicroStrategy differentiates itself from other point solutions by combining • Tableau leverages its proprietary visual query Analytics Data for end-users to the ease-of-use of data exploration with enterprise capabilities including language (VizQL) that simultaneously describes Discovery access, visualize, scalability, performance, security, and governance, in a single platform. how to query data and present it visually. analyze, and share • MicroStrategy Desktop and Web provide access to 80+ data sources, • As users drag and drop measures and insights without the from Excel spreadsheets, to relational sources, big data, Cloud services, dimensions, Tableau creates and modifies its own support of IT. Hadoop, and more. SQL queries ‘on the fly’ which may result in • Built-in tools are available for data preparation, as well as the ability to degraded performance. blend data across multiple sources. • Users can drag and drop tables into the Join • It provides the ability to visualize data with any chart or graph natively area. and offers workflows to include D3, Highcharts, Google Charts, and other libraries (including open source and NLG options) • Includes easy sharing options (PDF, email, send to file location, print, and more), and workflows to promote external data into a governed model. Also supports options to export to PDF and email options. • MicroStrategy is compatible with Mac and Windows PC. Analysts can quickly set up and install MicroStrategy without IT support. • The platform supports advanced analytics with 350+ out-of-the-box functions, and can also integrate with R.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Optimized Drivers and • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data sources, • Users can transform and enhance underlying Data gateways that deliver from Excel spreadsheet to relational databases, cloud systems, HDFS and data models, create calculated measures, define Connectivity instant and reliable more. custom groups, and create hierarchies, but they access to a variety of • Organizations can also build their own connectors to custom data assets are typically not able to leverage metadata data sources and with APIs, allowing them to connect to any new source available in the objects across all the data sources with the same information in any market. ease as MicroStrategy. format, regardless of • Each connector is optimized for high performance, with the ability to • In Tableau Web, Web authors, can create new size. intelligently push-down calculations to the databases when needed, workbooks only from data sources published to generate multi-pass SQL, load parallel threads simultaneously, and can Tableau Server, and can connect to published load data without restrictions on size or type. data sources only. As of the Tableau 10 release, • Easy workflows are available to business users to blend data on their Tableau Web cannot combine data from end- own without IT support. users with data from a central DWH. • VLDB parameters are available to fine-tune and optimize SQL generation • Users cannot use a data source from Tableau specific to each database. Server in a cross database join or use a Tableau • MicroStrategy leverages an aggregate-aware SQL generation engine to Extract as a source for cross database joins. transparently navigate aggregate tables, dynamically directing queries to Users cannot perform conditional joins with ease. summary tables, without the user having to specify the use of the table • Fields used in the cross database joins must be when creating the query. of the same data type. • MicroStrategy can generate multi-pass SQL to answer analytical • Any data source is constrained to a single star questions that cannot be answered with a single SQL query block, covering schema. scenarios that include: set analysis, split metrics, and calculations at • The cube data sources supported in Tableau are different levels of aggregation. Oracle , Teradata OLAP, Microsoft Analysis Services (MSAS), SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse, Microsoft PowerPivot, Analytical Views in SAP Hana • Cube data sources are supported only for Tableau Desktop on Windows—not for the Mac. • While Tableau works great with granular data, it stalls when trying to build dashboards on cubes and many basic features of Tableau can’t be used in such cases, for example in MSAS drill-down actions defined in the cube are not available in Tableau. , aggregation functions, such as SUM(), AVG(), and CNT() are not supported, Data source filters are not available for cube data sources, etc. Data Transform and MicroStrategy offers built-in data wrangling and blending capabilities and is • Basic data cleansing can be performed in Preparation arrange data to supported across all data sources. Tableau Data Interpreter, for example, removing and Blending make it better suited • End users can perform transformations on data prior to visualizing empty cells or flattening cross-tabbed data. for visual exploration, information using dozens of functions available via graphical interfaces and • A small number of formulas are available, but with the ability to without exporting out to Excel. more advanced operations such as fill-downs are create joins across • Data wrangling and blending is possible by business users across typically done through a third-party like Alteryx. tables from disparate spreadsheets, relational sources, HDFS, cloud systems, and other popular • Each data source is constrained to a single star sources. databases. schema; multiple fact tables within the same • Users can split columns, identify spelling errors, perform text and numeric physical data source are not supported and must facets, eliminate white spaces, pivot tables, and perform dozens more be created elsewhere when needed. transformations based on intelligent recommendations from the product. • Automated data profiling and transformations • History lists are automatically recorded, so when more current data is are not supported. available, the actions do not need to be repeated.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Options to view large • MicroStrategy provides a flexible reporting environment that leverages • Tableau does support for pixel-perfect reports or Reports volumes of data in OLAP functionality to give end users the ability to quickly slice and dice banded reports. an easy-to-read grid data from across multiple sources, using a variety of options: sorting, • There are no OTB scheduling and/or publishing format, with tools to pivoting, page-by, drill down, drill anywhere, totals and subtotals, one-click capabilities. perform ad-hoc metrics, derived elements, view filters, lock headers, switch between • Tableau does not support report bursting. analysis for improved grid/graph, fit to content/window, and more. • Tableau way of ‘drilling-down’ is by filtering decision-making. • With the ability to publish banded reports, the platform can roll up and multiple visualizations. present dynamic aggregates for large volumes across 100s of pages of data. • With MicroStrategy, developers can quickly design operational reports and statements using drag-and-drop functionality and flexible formatting in order to structure large amounts of data into a natural hierarchy for maximum readability and ease of navigation. • MicroStrategy enables parameter-driven reports by supporting more types of user prompts than any other vendor, allowing users to input selections at runtime to alter the contents of the reports. Options include simple dimension prompts, hierarchy prompts, list prompts, object prompts, value prompts, level prompts. Dashboards Highly formatted • MicroStrategy delivers graphical WYSIWYG designer tools to create • Tableau uses a workbook and sheet file and options to author, pixel-perfect documents, invoices, statements, scorecards, and interactive structure, much like Microsoft Excel. A workbook documents visualize, and real-time dashboards, all from a single design editor. contains sheets, which can be a worksheet, a interact with data to • All styles of BI described above support responsive design and can be dashboard, or a story. A worksheet contains a identify trends and consumed on any browser or mobile device. single view along with shelves, legends, and the outliers and make • Dashboards are built on the metadata model, so they are secure and Data pane. A dashboard is a collection of views efficient decisions. personalized for each user, and support transactions, offline consumption, from multiple worksheets. and can be delivered in any desired format. • Tableau does not support in-place dashboards. • Dashboards support ad-hoc data discovery across 100s of options and In order to create a dashboard users have to let users visualize data with access to native and third-party charting create a separate blank sheet and then add pre- libraries. created visualization on the blank sheet. • Transactional workflows can be embedded to enable write-back capabilities for both web and mobile applications. Mobile Consume reports • Mobile is fully integrated into the MicroStrategy analytics platform, so Analytics and dashboards on organizations can leverage existing visualizations, reports, and dashboards • Tableau provides a hybrid mobile solution that mobile devices, with to instantly deploy BI on mobile devices. serves as a companion to Tableau Server and complete • MicroStrategy Mobile enhances the mobile experience on iOS and Tableau Online. Tableau supports apps for both interactivity, in order Android by delivering native apps that let users take full advantage of the iOS and Android. to perform analytics unique capabilities of their mobile devices when interacting with their data, • Multimedia content is not supported. Tableau and make decisions while also being able to rely on transaction and offline capabilities. does not provide transactional (write-back) while on the go. • With flexible, code-free tools and a click-to-configure development capabilities. canvas, organizations can mobilize business workflows and deliver a highly • There is no flexibility to create custom responsive, native user experience with apps that can be built in record workflows. time and at a fraction of the cost. • There is limited offline interactivity since Tableau provides only snapshots of dashboards for offline support (iPad and iPhone only), which offers limited interactivity with offline data. • There is no mobile-specific activity monitoring – it is supported at the Tableau server level. • There is no client-side (mobile-device specific) activity monitoring capability.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Real Time The ability to deliver MicroStrategy delivers the ability to visualize data from external streaming • Tableau Data Extracts (TDEs) do not include a Analytics instant analytics and applications and trigger alerts from these sources. live connection to the source. This means that insights where data • The platform can instantly ingest real-time feeds from Storm, Spark, and TDEs are not useful for providing “real-time” data is available in real- Kafka. For other relational systems, the platform can also support data in a Tableau visualization. Also, if the refresh time time. refreshes at the smallest intervals, and can perform at the speed of of a TDE is more than the desired data refresh incoming information. time, then TDEs aren’t feasible. When using live • MicroStrategy can manage real-time information and give an instant view connection, a lot of analytical capabilities are of the data. limited compared to TDE approach. • The application can also send threshold-based alerts to any device allowing decision-makers to take instant and proactive action, all in real • Refreshing TDEs puts more load onto Tableau time. Server, which can impact the performance of • MicroStrategy can also integrate with visualizations and widgets that visualizations. Therefore, it may be preferable to support real-time mapping of information on both Web and Mobile. do the work to make the underlying source fast enough to use a live connection rather than implementing the extra hardware and configuration needed to make the TDE refresh fast enough. • When publishing a data source, Tableau will save it as a TDS (Tableau Data Source) for live connection or TDSX (Tableau server Data extracted) for extract based connections. TDS is a file which exists in silos. It can be used by multiple reports and dashboards but it is not a common semantic layer in the context and scale of MicroStrategy. Predictive Advanced algorithms With minimal help from IT, MicroStrategy users can create and visualize • R and Python integrations are supported, as well Analytics and and workflows for advanced metrics and perform the most complex calculations. as statistical files. However, Tableau does not Machine users to be able to • End users can build sophisticated statistical and mathematical models offer many OTB functions. Learning perform with the native library of functions available directly with MicroStrategy. summarizations, They can generate predictive, scoring, or training metrics using natively optimizations, available algorithms. predictions, • MicroStrategy offers over 350 native functions, out of the box, so that statistical business users are able to perform data mining and create highly advanced calculations, or statistical algorithms on their own, with minimal support from IT. create custom • Users can integrate MicroStrategy with data mining models from other groups, training, and applications by importing Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML), scoring metrics. SAS, and SPSS into the metadata repository. • The platform integrates with third-party options like R using graphical interfaces.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Big Data Access data from MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive platform that supports access to • Tableau supports a range of connectors to Analytics Hadoop and other big data with native connectors to HDFS while also providing built-in Cloudera Hadoop, Google BigQuery, distributed file workflows for data preparation on top of Hadoop data. Hortonworks, Hive, HP Vertica, IBM BigInsights, systems without • Whether it’s a personal spreadsheet or a dispersed Hadoop Distributed MapR, Spark SQL, and Splunk. limitations on size File System (HDFS), users can easily connect to their data without relying and without on IT and without limits on data size. It's easy to access data from any experiencing drops flavor of Hadoop, including Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR, with in performance. comprehensive support for Spark, Kerberos, and the top file formats. • With MicroStrategy, users can leverage information from click streams, web activity, call center logs, and ID scans - and blend it with data from other sources using graphical workflows. • MicroStrategy connects to big data sources and NoSQL options such as MongoDB and Cassandra, and also connects to HDFS via native connectors to Cloudera Hive, Impala, MapR Drill, Pig scripts, Spark SQL, and more. • With MicroStrategy, users can also limit and manage the amount of data imported from HDFS, or perform aggregations on top of the data prior to importing it into MicroStrategy for analysis. • Users can also apply advanced functions and filters to control and restrict the amount of data. Automated Distribute reports, MicroStrategy is designed for high-volume, automated delivery of reports • Tableau does not offer functionality to do Distribution dashboards, and and dashboards. traditional production type reporting. Users can’t and Alerting documents to large • The platform makes it possible to scale distribution of analytical content create static layouts or data tables, and it doesn’t audiences in a to 100s of thousands of users, with the ability to automate and schedule the offer features related to distribution, or scheduling personalized and delivery of reports and dashboards, based on time-, event-, and threshold- and notification of reports. Users can subscribe to automated manner. based alerts. a workbook or view. A snapshot of the view is This helps to • MicroStrategy supports the widest variety of delivery methods, with then emailed to them on a scheduled basis, so ensure the on-time optimal formatting for each device and application. they can see the latest updates without having to delivery of • MicroStrategy provides bursting capabilities to deliver slicing or page-by sign into Tableau Server. information to end- executions, allowing a single report to be extracted from the data • Neither exception-based or proactive users so they can warehouse that can be parsed into sub-reports for individual subscribers. notifications are supported out-of-the-box. make timely, This avoids having to run different reports for different recipients while still • Event-based delivery is not supported out-of- informed decisions. being able to generate personalized reports. the-box. • Alerting capabilities can monitor KPI values when new data is available • Data-driven (threshold) alerts will be supported and send detailed reports or alert messages when thresholds are reached. in beta starting with version 10.3 • Security filters and ACLs set on the user level guarantees personalized and secure information to 1000s of users with the delivery of a single dashboard. • MicroStrategy leverages segmentation capabilities to manage resource utilization in large scale report delivery deployments by analyzing the list of subscriptions to determine if several subscriptions share the same combination of security and personalization and grouping them into buckets since they receive the same content.

From bursting and smart pagination for PDF exports to the delivery of highly personalized content, MicroStrategy delivers sophisticated distribution capabilities that make it possible to publish data and insights across the organization without the need to invest in other technologies.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Transactional Write-back • MicroStrategy provides mobile write-back capabilities that let users update • Tableau mobile does not provide data input or Mobility Workflows capabilities that allow systems of record from the field. Users can change data on the fly, insert database write-back capabilities. mobile users to new information, and view updated reports and dashboards. • Out-of-the-box Tableau prevents writing or submit transactions • These transactions can include one-tap approvals and denials, inputs for altering SQL entirely, so some workarounds (i.e. to ERP, CRM, or capturing new information, and editing existing information in ERP systems, URL actions) that people have implemented suffer other operational CRM systems, and other operational databases. from vulnerabilities in terms of performance, systems. • App developers can create smart forms that are contextual and security, and limited functionality. conditional, based on a user’s permissions or location. • MicroStrategy offers a broad set of input controls, including barcode scanners, signature capture, star rating, text and number fields, calendar, camera, steppers, sliders, and more. • Transaction Services can also auto-capture additional information alongside the user inputs to further streamline business processes. For example, the user’s profile information as well as latitude, longitude, and a time stamp can be included in a transactional submission without requiring additional work by the user. • Users can access transactional inputs and forms regardless of internet connectivity. When offline, transactions are queued for submission and executed when the user next connects. Embedded Ability to download • MicroStrategy provides in-app viewing of multimedia content including • Tableau does not support embedded multimedia Multimedia and view multimedia videos, PDFs, images, presentations, spreadsheets, documents, email, and content. files online and web content—all seamlessly embedded in the mobile app. • Some people use a workaround (using URL offline, such as • As is the case for other content in the app, multimedia can be pre-cached actions) to embed an online image, sound, or presentations, or stored for convenient, offline access. YouTube video. This provides only limited videos, PDFs, and • There are two ways to include multimedia in apps: HTML containers and functionality and can only be accessed when the ePUB books on the Multimedia Widget. user is online. mobile devices. • HTML containers enable access to any web content by placing it directly in the app's iFrame. URLs provide links to pull up entire documents or web pages. • The Multimedia Widget provides a framework in which to download, consume, and store multimedia files. WebDAV folder integration enables users to dynamically browse and view existing files and folders in a WebDAV folder, for example in Microsoft SharePoint. This makes it easy for traditionally non-technical people, for example in Marketing or HR, to distribute updated versions of collateral or training videos to employees in the field. • MicroStrategy also provides a widget that is especially designed for videos. The interactive, elegant Video Player Widget (that leverages the native OS video player) loads and plays a video from a remote location or from the local cache. The widget can display: videos from a streaming service such as YouTube, videos from a file server location, or a cached video from the WebDAV cache. If the mobile device is online, the Video Player Widget loads the video from the remote location but is smart enough to check first if a local cache already exists on the device’s WebDAV cache store.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Geospatial Ability to display • MicroStrategy abstracts all the geospatial analysis capabilities from the Analysis geospatial data base map layer, so customers can leverage whichever base map they • Tableau does not integrate OTB with ESRI or overlaid on an want, depending on existing map investments or preferences. Google Maps. Tableau only supports integration interactive map • MicroStrategy Mobile provides support for building map visualizations on with Mapbox, limiting flexibility for enterprise (ESRI, Google Maps, ESRI and Google Maps, as well as custom images as maps with the Image customers who want to leverage existing mapping and custom images). Layout Widget. These maps render seamlessly on the appropriate native investments or have different preferences. mobile map (Apple Maps on iOS and Google Maps on Android). • Both ESRI and Google Maps display geospatial data overlaid on an interactive map. Users can swipe, scroll, and zoom in directly on the map, or even filter the data shown by selecting elements within their mobile app. Data can be displayed using a pin marker, a density map, or a bubble to provide multiple types of analysis within each map. In addition, ESRI maps can display data from a custom geographical region, such as the counties of a state or districts within a city. The image layout widget allows app developers to include visualizations representative of different geographic regions such as countries, states, and regions, or visualizations that represent custom spatial analyses like a store layout. Offline Access Ability to support • MicroStrategy Mobile apps can be configured to work entirely offline. This • Tableau provides only snapshots (images) of applications in offline includes support for analytics, visualizations, multimedia, and transactions. dashboards for offline support (iPad and iPhone mode regardless of • MicroStrategy provides advanced offline functionality, including: prompt only), resulting in limited interactivity when offline. connectivity. This panels that display valid caches for multiple prompt scenarios; visual cues • The update process consists of snapshots being includes interactivity such as an offline mode indicator and shading to indicate availability; a view refreshed in the background at a variable with data, multimedia of transaction queues; and the ability to delete or edit transactions before a frequency. Users can tap a screenshot to get a content, and connection is reestablished. In a situation where a user wants to avoid live view. transactional using data, the user can manually switch to offline mode using the app • Offline snapshots are available only for Tableau workflows. settings. Online or Tableau Server 9.0.6 and later. For • While users are in offline mode, mobile usage stats are still captured and versions 8.2–9.0.5, the Favorites tab supports live submitted to the server once the user reconnects. Additionally, data-at-rest views only. is highly secured. The stored data is encrypted; the app can still require • There is no caching or offline access on the credentials, and the offline cache can be set to expire at a desired time. Android version of Tableau Mobile. Mobile Client Ability to cache data • MicroStrategy offers three main caching strategies that customers can • The iOS version of Tableau Mobile caches non- Caching for on the device to leverage when configuring their apps: automatic caching (devices check for interactive snapshot images of favorite workbooks High optimize app new and updated content and sync content in the background), pre-caching and sheets as well as metadata about favorite Performance performance. Deliver folders (a set of objects are pre-cached when the app starts), and adaptive workbooks and sheets, such as name, owner, and sub-second mobile caching (the app prioritizes background cache loading based on last-modified date. response times even where the user is and downloads content the user will likely want to see • There is no caching on the Android version of when dealing with before they tap on it). Tableau Mobile. large volumes of • MicroStrategy has a sophisticated analytical engine within the mobile data, numerous client, so the mobile client itself can perform computations on locally concurrent users, or cached data without having to go back to the server. Because the slow, unreliable computations can be done locally on the device, this also helps to speed connectivity. app performance. • As a 100% native app, MicroStrategy uses OpenGL frameworks available on the mobile OS which help to achieve maximum app performance. All of the drawings (renderings) of visualizations leverage native device drawing capabilities which are optimized for high performance. Personalized Ability to send alerts • MicroStrategy’s scalable alerting engine provides personalized alerts to • Mobile alerts are not supported. Tableau does Alerts via to mobile users in every user. not interact with the native alerting features Push the form of push • The alerting engine is based on a robust distribution server that supports available in iOS or Android devices. Notifications notifications. These monitoring multiple data sources 100s of 1000s of times every minute and • There is an open-source solution available notifications should creating personalized alerts for mobile users when a set condition has been called VizAlerts that enables threshold-driven be triggered by met. alerting via email and SMS, but this is not a native preset thresholds, or • Thresholds can be set on any metric on any report. app alert. This open-source solution is not be available on • Alerts are handled through the device’s native push notification system in supported by Tableau technical support, so it's a demand. one of three forms: a badge (a graphic associated with the application), a use-at-your-own-risk add-on. home screen notification (a message which the user can view and interact with), and/or a sound. • Smart badges can show metric values or the number of alerts.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Instant Update and publish • MicroStrategy lets app developers make updates and publish changes to • Since the Tableau mobile app can't be Updates to changes to custom their mobile apps without the need to recompile (in Xcode for iOS and in customized (must use the OTB app in public app Custom Apps apps without having Android Development Studio for Android) and redistribute apps. Any stores), there is no app that a customer would with No to recompile and change in functionality or configuration is instantly reflected in the mobile update or compile. Recompilation redistribute. app without requiring the user to upgrade the app on the mobile device. Changes are This flexibility is very powerful when users are trying to operate on an agile distributed and development cycle, where users need to access the changes instantly available to users without having to constantly upgrade their app. without requiring an • MicroStrategy also provides a drag-and-drop interface to migrate apps app update. from development, to test, to production by using MicroStrategy Object Manager. Customize / Ability to rebrand the • The Mobile SDK provides app developers with a multitude of • Tableau does not provide an SDK and does not White Label mobile app by customization options. This includes a code-free approach to white-labeling allow customization of branding in the mobile app. including customized and rebranding any MicroStrategy Mobile app. • With the open source Mobile App Bootstrap icons, as well as • Customization includes changing icons, as well as splash, launch, and (MAB), customers can create custom mobile apps splash, launch, and login screens. It enables developers to match corporate branding and look- with their own personalization and branding for login screens. and-feel standards. iOS as a workaround; however, this capability is not supported by Tableau's technical support. MAB also does not support rebranding and customized logos/splash screens in Android. Native Native SDK • MicroStrategy's native mobile security features provide extensive • Tableau provides APIs for integration, but does Integration integration with capabilities to protect sensitive company data, but MicroStrategy provides not directly support native integration with third- with EMM leading EMM the flexibility to leverage additional third-party capabilities, including those party products such as MobileIron or Vendors vendors AirWatch, provided by EMM vendors. AirWatch. Tableau is using the AppConfig MobileIron, and • MicroStrategy offers native SDK integration on iOS with three EMM approach to support AirWatch and MobileIron. Blackberry providers: MobileIron, Blackberry Dynamics, and AirWatch. MicroStrategy • The API for AppConfig-based integration is only Dynamics, and offers native SDK integration on Android with AirWatch. available for iOS, not Android AppConfig • MicroStrategy Mobile also supports EMM capabilities via implementation community of the AppConfig guidelines, natively on both iOS and Android. guidelines. Mobile App Ability to collect • Mobile app client-side monitoring captures personalized analysis every • Some limited server-side usage information is Usage mobile usage time a user taps on an app screen. Statistics are gathered on time spent on available, but there is no mobile client-side activity Monitoring statistics and each app screen, exploration paths, GPS location, app usage, device type, monitoring capability. populate a database operating system version, and cache usage. for analysis. • With this information, app developers can track overall app adoption and geo-location of usage, perform cohort analysis, support continuous development cycles, analyze app performance, spot network issues, and track adoption rates of new devices, operating systems, and clients. These statistics are critical to driving app enhancements and to honing the app experience. • Mobile usage stats are captured even while a user is offline. Once the user reconnects, the stats are submitted to the server.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Embedded Create The ability to modify • A key component of an enterprise-class platform is the ability to modify • Tableau's Web application is not on par with Analytics Custom Web and extend existing and extend existing functionality to meet the unique needs of an Tableau's Desktop tool; the features and Applications functionality, organization. For building customized applications, a robust BI platform capabilities available in Web are very limited. create a custom web must provide access to all of its functionality through APIs. The Tableau's APIs do not allow developers to application, embed MicroStrategy BI platform is a modern, sophisticated service-oriented rebrand web applications with customized logos content in portals, or architecture that is designed for flexibility and extensibility so that it can or colors, extend or customize existing Web simply change the grow with the demands of enterprise applications. functionality, or the ability to create a new web look and feel with application from scratch. personalized • The MicroStrategy Web SDK enables developers to build a full-fledged branding and logos web application or change the look and feel of an existing web application through application with an intuitive customization tool. The Web Customization Editor is programming integrated with the most widely used Java IDE, Eclipse. With over 5000 interfaces (APIs). classes exposed in the Web API, this integration not only simplifies development, but also allows developers to write their code without modifying any source code or out-of-the-box configuration files. This approach is helpful in maintaining and upgrading customizations. • The Web SDK also allows developers to write their own Web Services that encapsulate MicroStrategy functionality and expose this functionality to third-party applications. Since the services use standard protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS and generate a response in standard W3C-compliant formats such as XML or JSON, any third-party application (web or mobile) can consume these services and embed MicroStrategy functionality into their product. MicroStrategy's service-oriented architecture guarantees efficiency for each service or component with no code redundancy. This architecture is in stark contrast to the service-oriented architectures of other BI vendors, which are a product of disparate, separately developed architectures, inherited from mergers, and mashed together. • In addition, MicroStrategy provides a plug-in architecture that enables developers to extend out-of-the-box MicroStrategy Web code with stand- alone customizations without the need to change the source code, thus, making upgrades without recoding possible. MicroStrategy supports the following languages for Web SDK: Java, XML/JSON, JavaScript, and .NET. Create The ability to create • The MicroStrategy Mobile API enables mobile app developers to • Tableau does not have their own native APIs to Custom customized mobile customize MicroStrategy Mobile apps on Android and iOS mobile devices customize mobile branding. Mobile applications, embed by changing the look and feel of the app, or developing new Mobile apps • With the open source Mobile App Bootstrap Applications in BI in third-party that use MicroStrategy BI content. MicroStrategy provides different APIs (MAB), customers can create custom mobile apps iOS and apps, or rebrand the for Android and iOS devices. The flexibility of the Mobile APIs enable with their own personalization and branding for Android mobile app by developers to build custom mobile applications to accommodate growing iOS as a workaround, however this capability is including customized needs of the organization. not supported by Tableau's technical support. icons, as well as • MAB also does not support rebranding and splash, launch, and • The Mobile SDK for iOS consists of Xcode projects that allow developers customized logos/splash screens in Android. login screens. to compile and distribute custom MicroStrategy Mobile apps. With one of the Xcode projects, users can rebrand the app by adding icons, splash screens, and an app name through simple configuration changes. In addition, the Mobile SDK for iOS enables users to embed MicroStrategy in an existing application or build custom widgets that can consume MicroStrategy data.

• The Mobile SDK for Android lets users customize the MicroStrategy Mobile application to match corporate branding requirements. It also allows users to preconfigure the application to allow multiple instances of the application to exist on a single device.

• MicroStrategy supports the following programming languages for Mobile SDK: iOS - Objective C, Swift; Android – Java.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Embed Third- The ability for third- • Organizations are always looking to connect to a variety of sources that • Tableau's REST API allows data to be received Party Data as party applications to may not be natively supported with the platform. Using the Push API, in XML or JSON format. As long as third-party Datasets push data directly organizations can push external data in JSON format using REST APIs into application data is in one of those formats, into a BI application in-memory cubes on the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, so users can Tableau can import it. for use in readily consume, process, and analyze the corresponding data. dashboards or • MicroStrategy makes it possible for organizations to leverage new data reports. assets by enabling applications such as ETL tools that connect to these data sources and move data into MicroStrategy. • The Push API enables third-party vendors to generate MicroStrategy datasets, thus, unlocking new end-user workflows and opportunities for partner integrations. Create The ability to embed • MicroStrategy integrates with third-party and open source JavaScript • Tableau allows users to embed D3 visualizations Custom or create custom visualizations, so users can tell even more compelling stories with their within Tableau. However, there is no way for a HTML5 HTML5 data. developer to create their own custom Visualizations visualizations with • MicroStrategy provides APIs, tools, samples, and documentation to help visualizations with minimal coding by importing a open source libraries users build custom HTML5 visualizations using open source and D3 script. such as D3, that can commercial libraries like D3 and Google Charts. be deployed on top • Users can build out support for functionality including selectors, drop of data sources. zones, color palettes, and thresholds. It is also possible to transform visualizations into text-based narratives by integrating with native language generation (NLG) platforms, such as those offered by Automated Insights and Narrative Science. Extract The ability for • With RESTful APIs, organizations can use MicroStrategy as a data source • Tableau's APIs do not support Tableau to be Subsets of custom third-party to quickly extract subsets of pre-processed data in JSON format. This used as a data source. There is currently no way Data Using web applications to addresses the needs of large enterprises and OEM partners that consume to extract data from Tableau to be used in custom RESTful APIs use the BI platform data through MicroStrategy's governed and secured architecture via web applications. as a data source to customized business applications. extract subsets of data from a report or existing cube. Create The ability to create • With new and updated data sources being published by database vendors • Tableau's Web Data Connector SDK provides a Custom Data a custom data almost weekly, organizations need fast access to connect to and use the mechanism for creating custom data connectors. Connectors source that users data stored in these various data locations. However, it requires the schema to be defined. can connect to and • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data sources There is no way to automatically detect leverage in their and continues to enhance connectivity with each database upgrade. dimensions or measures, which requires manual reports and • MicroStrategy also allows organizations to build their own connectors to effort. dashboards. custom data assets with the Data Connector SDK. Organizations can leverage HTML and JavaScript to build custom connectors for the MicroStrategy Data Import interface and build their own customized integrations for these data sources within MicroStrategy, thus, providing users access to any data source without waiting for them to be certified by the platform. Multitenancy The ability to deploy • Multitenancy enables an OEM’s various customers to experience custom • Tableau uses compartmentalized containers Support a single instance of a applications, all built on a single architecture. Sharing resources results in called sites for multitenancy. There is no sharing software application less administrative overhead, reduced resource consumption, and low or communication between sites, so each site has to serve multiple overall TCO. to have its own user administration. There is also customers, where • MicroStrategy supports a spectrum of multitenant architectures from high no way to add a tenant's branding or logo to a each customer is isolation to high sharing. In addition, MicroStrategy allows for site. called a tenant. personalization in a shared project such as custom branding and logos for each tenant, personalized object names, and internationalization capabilities.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Simplified The ability to easily • MicroStrategy on AWS will enable customers to deploy enterprise •Tableau has 2 offerings available on the cloud, Cloud Enterprise deploy an enterprise networks that are fully configured and ready to use in less than 30 minutes. AWS Marketplace and Tableau Online, and both Deployment cloud environment This saves users time and money by eliminating the need to download, have significant flaws. Tableau does not provide a without IT support. install, and configure the environments themselves. Users can choose from version of its product that is optimized on AWS different instance types and sizes based on cost or usage requirements. Services. Both are watered-down versions of the • Cloud environments can also be deployed directly into a customer's AWS full product. account for maximum control. • Users can launch 3 different environment types, ranging from an all-in-one •Tableau on the AWS marketplace is server only. system to an enterprise-grade distributed and redundant system. Users must download and install a Desktop version of Tableau on local machines to publish and interact with dashboards. •Tableau Online requires users to download and install Desktop. As of 10.3 Tableau can now support hybrid connectivity mode. Global The ability to deploy • MicroStrategy Cloud can deploy distributed and redundant systems in • Tableau does not have the ability to launch a Availability environments over 42 AWS Availability Zones in 16 geographic regions around the world. fully configured dedicated and redundant system globally. Global This includes countries across North America, South America, Asia, in the AWS Data centers. Tableau on the AWS options make it easy Europe, and Australia. This enables organizations to deploy MicroStrategy Marketplace only allows the launching of a simple for customers to closer to its users. This decreases latency and enables faster response single node environment which is not suitable for deploy their times. By having data centers closer to home, it also allows the data enters enterprise organizations. environments closer to comply with local laws and regulations. to home so they can meet performance, compliance, and Region and Number of Availability Zones data requirements. •AWS GovCloud (2) •US West Oregon (3), Northern California (3) •US East Northern Virginia (5), Ohio (3) •Canada Central (2)

•South America São Paulo (3)

•Europe Ireland (3), Frankfurt (2), London (2)

•Asia Pacific Singapore (2), Sydney (3), Tokyo (3), Seoul (2), Mumbai (2)

•China Beijing (2)

•New Regions (coming soon) Paris Ningxia

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score API Enabled JavaScript • The MicroStrategy Cloud API gives customers unlimited flexibility to •Tableau does not provide any APIs at the cloud Operations frameworks that create their own custom workflows. Customers have the ability to build infrastructure level. Organizations can't create provide a number of personalized user interfaces for deploying and managing their cloud custom codes for even the most basic APIs to help environments. This empowers developers to automate their MicroStrategy infrastructure tasks such as starting and stopping customers build Cloud capabilities. instances. Tableau users must manually initiate applications. • Through APIs, it is possible to launch 1000 MicroStrategy instances with a these tasks which takes additional time and single line of code, resize them to any size, and then terminate them once effort. done. Without APIs, this would be a manual process. It’s easy to integrate with other automation tools and the API works with any programming language. Cloud Specific APIs we support: •Retrieve or search for environments •Create new environments •Get Environment Contact Details List •Resend Email to the owners of the environments •Restart environment/s •Start environment/s •Get Environment States •Stop environment/s •Terminate environments •Find environment details by environmentID •Update Environment Contact Details •Update expiration date for environment •Find all the instances in an environment by environmentID •Find all the instances state in an environment by environmentID •Restart Instance •Start Instance •Stop Instance •Find schedules by environment id •Create schedule for environment •Inactivate the selected schedule by schedule id and environment id •Find schedule by schedule id and environment id •Update schedule for environment •Resize all server instance or selected server instance of an environment •Create new environments Disaster Clustered servers • MicroStrategy Cloud clusters enterprise deployments with multiple nodes, •Tableau does not provide any automated way to Recovery and that restore backups and gives organizations the flexibility to add additional nodes. configure disaster recovery. It is a manual Failover after failure so no • Clustered nodes provide load balancing, high availability, failover, and process and a burden on its users. Manually work or time is lost. redundancy. Each node synchronizes metadata information, history lists, setting up Disaster Recovery for Tableau is prone and report caches. In case of disaster or failure, MicroStrategy backups are to human errors and is unreliable for enterprise stored redundantly across multiple availability zones and can be accessed deployments. If anything were to happen to and restored in an alternate availability zone. This affords zero downtime Tableau customer data and disaster recovery was and users can always access their MicroStrategy environment. not set up, all data will be lost. Centralized A single interface • MicroStrategy allows the customer to start, stop, and restart an AWS • Centralized administration is supported, but Administration that provides all the environment while retaining its contents. Customers can take advantage of Tableau users must manually scale environments administration tools stopping their environments to save on costs, especially during non-peak up or down. There is no support for scheduling to manage and hours. routine administrative tasks. Tableau users are monitor an enterprise • The new Environment Manager tool allows users to schedule these limited to the AWS console, which is complicated cloud environment. routine tasks to occur at specific dates and times. for end users to understand. • For POC or development purposes, an administrator can stop these machines during non-peak hours to reduce costs. • Customers only pay for what they use.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Auto Scaling The ability to resize • MicroStrategy Cloud customers have the ability to scale their environment • Tableau does not provide automated scaling of cloud environments up or down with over 6 different instance size options from AWS ranging environments. Administrators must manually based on the from 4 vCPU and 15.25 GiB to 64 vCPU and 488 GiB of memory. scale the environments up or down. Users are conditions the • Environments can scale on-demand or schedule based on usage forced to use the AWS console built for customer defines. patterns, application usage patterns, and data size. Customers can add developers and power users, which may be too new users at any time and deploy multiple environments and projects as complicated for business users. they see fit. • Tableau cannot cluster 8 nodes. Large • Customers pay for what they use according to length of time. enterprise organizations may need to cluster up to 8 nodes to support hundreds of users and petabytes of data. Seamless Upgrade the platform By moving to the MicroStrategy Cloud, customers can ensure that they • Upgrading Tableau Cloud involves many manual Upgrades and corresponding have the latest platform and version release, allowing them to take steps and operations. Users must download and servers without any advantage of the latest platform security and feature enhancements. With install the new version themselves or deploy the downtime or the new Cloud Environment Manager, customers can schedule upgrades latest version on the AWS Marketplace before additional work. during non-peak hours to guarantee seamless upgrades with zero manually migrating objects from an old downtime. Testing and health checks are automatically performed to help environment to a new one. ensure a successful upgrade. • Users must manually upgrade Desktop and Server. • The new major version doesn't replace an existing major version on the machine. This causes confusion as users will have multiple versions of Tableau and may not know which version to use. This will also create version control issues. High Maintain high • Each MicroStrategy deployment is in a single-tenant, private cloud. This • Tableau on the AWS Marketplace and Tableau Performance performance and allows organizations to customize the software to meet their needs. Online do not have high performance and and Reliability reliability without Queries run by customers will not affect others. Each instance is isolated reliability because they are a single instance on a sacrificing user from others for maximum privacy. multitenant environment. As a result, a customer's experience or queries may impact performance for all other security. • The MicroStrategy Cloud operations team has the cloud experts and customers on the same tenant. If the single node support to help ensure high performance and reliability. We are backed not goes down, the whole environment will be only by AWS’s world-class infrastructure, but also AWS experts who helped inaccessible. If the customer decides to cluster design and automate our cloud deployment. Our Cloud environment was machines, it will be a manual process which will built with the latest AWS technology and according to AWS’s best practices. require installing and configuring additional nodes Our team proactively patches infrastructure, operating systems, and and take additional time, resources and applications to optimize performance while deterring security threats. We expertise. have processes in place so that systems are monitored, including the • Tableau online is a multitenant environment. As analytics and mobility servers. a result, a customer's queries may impact performance for all other customers. • MicroStrategy allows organizations to cluster up to 8 server nodes. Beyond being able to further scale in volume of analytics content, this will improve overall SLAs by reorganizing large clusters for higher availability and faster service recovery, reduce TCO by consolidation of multiple environments, and remove friction to deploy new applications and increase user capacity.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Data Services for • MicroStrategy provides data connectivity and data warehouse solutions to • While the server can be hosted in the cloud, Connectivity customers looking to meet customer needs. Customers may choose to migrate their data into the Tableau requires its Desktop product for data and Migration move their data into cloud. We offer options to migrate into Amazon Redshift, SQL Server model authoring. This isn't a true cloud model and the cloud or connect Enterprise, SQL Server Standard, MySQL, or Aurora DWH platforms. When will require end users to download and install their their on-prem data to customers choose this option, MicroStrategy builds the chosen DWH within product on their own computers. their cloud the same VPC as the rest of the BI cloud environment. MicroStrategy • Web is limited to interacting with published environment. works with customers to select the correct size (CPU/RAM) DWH machine dashboards and creating new dashboards and that meets their needs. ETL options are also available. sheets. • No migration plans to move to on-prem. Users • If a customer chooses to maintain their database on-prem or in another have to choose to stay on-prem or move to cloud data source, a typical implementation involves establishing a VPN cloud. connection between the MicroStrategy Cloud and its database or data. The performance of this architecture can vary based on a variety of factors, including the physical distance between the MicroStrategy Cloud data center and the customer data source, the latency of the data connection, the bandwidth of the connection, the amount of usage, its query intensiveness, the query-response latency of the customer data source, and other variables. Data Security Security to protect • MicroStrategy Cloud security meets or exceeds industry standards and customer data best practices. MicroStrategy implements strong control practices to 24/7/365. effectively maintain the security and availability of the MicroStrategy Cloud and associated data. We help ensure that your data is secure at network • Physical Security – SAS-70 certified Data and application levels from any attacks. We follow the latest industry Center standards on many compliances and certifications such as SOC I & II, • Tableau Single Sign On (SSO) is the access HIPAA, PCI, and Privacy Shield. control system that provides secure authentication to systems including Tableau Website, Tableau Customer/Partner Portal, Tableau Forums and Tableau Online. • SSL Encryption • Permissions can be added to workbooks and data sources to govern the capabilities available to specific users and groups. • Users can only define additional security in workbooks and data sources by adding User Filters and Data Source Filters.

Enterprise Digital Badge Use a single digital • MicroStrategy, via Usher, delivers smartphone-based digital badges that • Digital badges are not provided in Tableau. IoT identifier to track, provide seamless access to physical and logical assets across the MicroStrategy is the only BI platform that offers report, and manage enterprise. password-free login via a mobile app. all user interactions • Digital badges replace physical badges, key fobs, passwords, and other with enterprise identifiers with digital credentials delivered via a mobile app. Badges are assets. The badge branded by the issuing organization and are dynamically and securely verifies identities linked to an individuals' privileges and access rights. prior to granting • Badges can be remotely issued and revoked nearly instantaneously. They access to enterprise are provisioned via secure, out-of-band means, and their use can be gated assets. by biometric, geographical, or temporal constraints. • The digital badge provides a unique identifier that can be used by any single badge to validate the identity of any other badge. It also provides one-time passcodes for a second factor of authentication.

43 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Tableau - Details by Capability - Why Not Tableau

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Physical Control and manage • MicroStrategy provides smartphone-based physical access functionality • Physical access is not supported. Tableau does Access access to any pre-integrated with leading PACS vendors. Usher works to consolidate not support OTB integration with leading PACS entryway across an multiple physical access control systems throughout an enterprise. vendors on mobile devices. enterprise using a • With an OpenAPI model, MicroStrategy can integrate with partner digital badge to physical access control systems, building automation systems, enhance or replace manufacturing systems, Internet of Things (IoT) grids, and networks and existing access management systems to deliver more advanced functionality and cards for employees, implementation options to customers. contractors, and visitors. Logical Access all types of • MicroStrategy provides secure digital identity that allows users to access • Tableau does not offer logical access to digital Access digital assets in an nearly any system in an enterprise (devices, applications, and VPNs) from systems other than its own BI suite. Tableau can organization a single point. In order to both protect the current IT investments of be configured to use SAML (security assertion including BI corporations as well as enable future investments, logical access with markup language) or OpenID Connect for applications, web MicroStrategy is compatible with both industry-standard protocols like password-free logins/single sign-on, but this applications, VPNs, SAML and RADIUS as well as emerging standards such as OpenID requires a third-party authentication solution. and workstations Connect. from a single point. Bluetooth Enable contextual • In the MicroStrategy platform, Usher’s Bluetooth (BLE 4.0) integration • Tableau does not integrate with Bluetooth. Sensing interactions, security, enables real-time micro-locational awareness of enterprise assets as well and seamless user as touch-free physical and logical access. experiences via • This allows thousands of users to project their identity and move about a Bluetooth delivering corporate environment accessing doorways and systems securely with real-time locational drastically decreased amounts of friction. The Bluetooth sensing capability awareness of can also be configured to log proximity at a particular place and time. enterprise assets. Barcode Track • The integrated barcode scanner in MicroStrategy badges can scan • Tracking assets with barcode scanners is not Scanner enterprise assets by virtually any kind of QR or barcode tag, securely logging a linkage between supported in Tableau. This is in part due to scanning barcodes an employee and a product, machine, or any valuable enterprise asset. Tableau not providing a digital badge for use in or QR codes • This capability allows the tracking of offline assets using labels and tags interacting with the Enterprise Internet of Things. whenever a user with bar or QR codes and can improve process auditing and enforcement interacts with them. for customer service, maintenance, and more. Scanning barcodes helps This ability sets the take data from multiple components and systems and combine them to foundation for improve the predictability of performance issues that arise in day-to-day seamless repair, business operations. maintenance, and inventory management of enterprise assets. Communication Empower • The Usher out-of-the-box productivity application allows managers to • For Tableau, this is not offered outside of & management and quickly identify, verify, coordinate, and communicate with other users – annotations and collaboration for dashboards in Collaboration decision-making to either in-person or by remote location. its BI interfaces. Since Tableau does not provide a be more timely, • Users have the capability to exchange messages from any client interface digital twin that is carried by users with them in a informed, and via the Identity server as the intermediary. This feature supports a number mobile form-factor at all times, it further lacks a collaborative through of use cases including employee safety, support, and coordination, convenient means of reaching users in a timely direct, in-app 2-way particularly for field workforces or during special events. fashion. Additionally, this means there is much messaging based on less contextual information available about users location and systems in any given point in time to influence the direction access. of communiques.

44 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Tableau - Details by Capability - Why Not Tableau

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Real-time Generate • With MicroStrategy Usher badges, user presence and actions create real- • Tableau Data Extracts (TDEs) do not include a Telemetry consumable real- time telemetry via an Apache Kafka Cluster – an open-source program live connection to the source. This means that time intelligence via delivering a distributed, partitioned, and replicated commit log service TDEs are not useful for providing “real-time” data digital identity supporting real-time data processing and big data volumes. This telemetry in a Tableau visualization. Also, if the refresh time interactions with all data is a rich and underutilized source of information that is the key to of a TDE is more than the desired data refresh types of enterprise unlocking a smarter, more productive workforce. To expedite value creation, time, then TDEs aren’t feasible. assets (physical and MicroStrategy helps organizations efficiently create and harness massive • Refreshing TDEs puts more load onto Tableau logical) and amounts of timely information arriving from EIoT devices. Server, which can impact the performance of constituents. visualizations. Therefore, it may be preferable to do the work to make the underlying source fast enough to use a live connection rather than implementing the extra hardware and configuration needed to make the TDE refresh fast enough. • Tableau's lack of a digital badge prevents it from generating comprehensive, real-time telemetry stemming from the interactions between enterprise assets and constituents. OTB Deploy reporting • Usher Analytics is a MicroStrategy project included out-of-the-box with a • OTB reporting for an access-centric EIoT Reporting based on telemetry, badge implementation. MicroStrategy takes care of the ETL processes so implementation is not supported by Tableau. For Module pulling data from all access and authorization data generated on the back-end is automatically Tableau to deliver dashboards that show a assets and access loaded into a data warehouse and leveraged by a pre-built data schema. converged log of physical and logical transactions points to deliver This project includes multiple dashboards and a mobile application for by each user in an enterprise, a significant insight into visibility into interactions between enterprise constituents and assets. amount of labor (connecting, ETL-ing, operations and architecting, dashboarding) would need to occur. compliance in a unified, “single source of truth” dashboard. Reports should be customizable with the ability to blend data from other enterprise repositories. Integration Synchronize to • Within the MicroStrategy platform, Usher Network Manager has pre-built • Tableau provides authentication and security with Directory directory services as directory integrations with Microsoft Active Directory, AWS Directory support via Microsoft Active Directory, SAML, Services the authoritative Services, and Okta Universal Directory. Usher is also compatible with the oAuth and a native authentication managed by source for employee OpenLDAP standard. This allows MicroStrategy to quickly issue Tableau Server. However, it integrates natively records and standardized credentials to all users, even in organizations which utilize with fewer third-party identity repositories attributes. Support multiple identity repositories - or even manually add temporary users who compared to MicroStrategy. the enforcement of do not exist in any repository. directory provisioning for authorization (privileges, entitlements, and restrictions).

45 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Tableau - Details by Capability - Why Not Tableau

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Identity Server Manage a network of • The MicroStrategy Usher identity server, which assigns and issues digital • Tableau does not provide OTB support for users by configuring twins to users in the form of badges, is FIDO Alliance-certified on a UAF identity servers. User and asset administration in relationships that protocol for delivering password-free authentication based on public key Tableau is limited to controlling BI applications prompt, enable, or cryptography. It is strongly resistant to phishing and can make user access and environments. secure interactions subject to geographic and temporal constraints. among employees and assets within the The Usher server architecture is built to ensure that only authorized badge network. Identity users communicate with the identity server, and only from authorized Servers enable devices. The Usher server has the sole authority to convert a mobile device administrators to into an authorized device through a process that helps ensure that rogue create, configure, devices or applications will not be able to communicate with the identity distribute, revoke, server. The identity server provides support for encryption of data at rest and manage digital and in transit, encryption key management, and transaction logging tied to identities with user an individual user’s identity. badges. Enterprise 100% Focus Core business is • MicroStrategy is dedicated to a single business line, exclusively focused • Tableau was designed as a self-service data Partner on Enterprise exclusively focused on enterprise analytics and mobility software. discovery and visualization solution aimed at and Analytics on enterprise • MicroStrategy’s mission is to provide enterprise customers with a world- adopted primarily by teams and departments. analytics. class software platform and expert services so they can deploy unique • Tableau has multiple gaps as an enterprise intelligence applications. solution. Platform Cohesion is an • MicroStrategy 10 has a unified platform architecture uniquely suited • Tableau has started to meld together disparate Cohesion important concept in to deliver high-performance applications that are highly reusable and technologies to try to fill gaps in its solution. software design secure, and can meet the business intelligence demands of various users • In 2015, Tableau acquired Infoactive, which because it reduces and organizations. specializes in infographics. complexity, • Since its inception, MicroStrategy has been developing its platform • In 2016, Tableau acquired HyPer, an in-memory enhances system technology 100% organically. database research project that never launched maintainability and commercially. According to Tableau’s roadmap, it increases reusability, plans to use HyPer to replace Tableau’s data which together extracts in order to support larger datasets. promote performance, scalability and elegance. Visionary CEO anticipates and • MicroStrategy’s CEO, Michael Saylor, has anticipated technology trends • Adam Selipsky was appointed Tableau’s CEO in CEO drives technology such as mobile technology’s transformation of business operations, and led September 2016 and has no significant prior trends in the the company through multiple waves of innovation such as client-server, experience leading or managing an analytics enterprise analytics web, mobile, cloud and enterprise internet of things. business. industry. • Mr. Saylor is also the author of The New York Time’s best-selling book, • Mr. Selipsky was previously in marketing and “The Mobile Wave.” sales, and isn’t a visionary in the analytics industry. CEO CEO engages • MicroStrategy’s CEO directly engages with customers around the world • Tableau offers only a limited number of CEO Engagement directly and by personally participating in a majority of the 100+ Symposium events that attended conferences. with substantially with MicroStrategy holds per year in 35 different countries, in addition to other Customers customers around customer meetings and events on a regular basis. the world. Tenured Executive team has • MicroStrategy’s CEO and CTO collectively have over 50 years of • Tableau’s CEO was hired less than a year ago, Executive extensive experience experience in enterprise analytics and mobility. and has no prior experience in the analytics Team in enterprise • Additionally, MicroStrategy’s CEO has science degrees from MIT and industry. analytics and more than 50 patents to his name, and has been the driving force behind • Tableau’s CEO and Chief Development Officer mobility. MicroStrategy’s technology since its inception. collectively have only 14 years of experience in the analytics industry. Shareholder Principal shareholder • Mr. Saylor, the company’s Chairman of the Board, President & CEO, • Tableau’s CEO holds less than 1% ownership Alignment and management founded MicroStrategy in 1989 and has been the company’s controlling interest in the company. interests are aligned shareholder since its inception. Accordingly, shareholder and management • In 2016, Tableau was reportedly in discussions with the company’s interests are fully aligned in pursuing MicroStrategy’s vision and long-term with an investment bank to explore a potential long-term success. success. sale of its business.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why Not Tableau Tableau MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Publicly With greater • Having gone public 18 years ago, MicroStrategy is a mature publicly • Tableau has been publicly traded for only 4 Traded transparency, traded company. years. Company stability and access to funding, a publicly traded company generally has a stronger management team, instills greater confidence in customers and has more financial levers. Strong A profitable • MicroStrategy has been profitable over the last 13 years, with combined • Tableau reported a combined net loss of $228 Financials organization with a net income of $197 million over the last 2 fiscal years and an operating million for the last 2 fiscal years. strong balance sheet margin of 21% for 2016. • Tableau’s operating margin for 2016 was -17%. can better withstand • In addition, MicroStrategy’s balance sheet is strong with zero debt. market volatility and fluctuations. Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of the • Tableau only has offices in 10 countries. Sales ability to directly world. • Tableau has no direct presence in the Middle Presence engage with East or LATAM. organizations around the world. Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of the • Tableau only has offices in 10 countries. Services ability to provide world. • Tableau has no direct presence in the Middle Presence support and services East or LATAM. to customers around the world.

47 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Qlik - Overview - Overview

Critical Capabilities - Qlik Scores

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Index Critical Qlik Critical Qlik Critical Capability Qlik Critical Capability Qlik Critical Qlik Critical Qlik Critical Qlik Capability Score Capability Score Score Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Custom Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Discovery Workflows Web Applications Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Deployment Analytics Create Custom Data Optimized Data Embedded Mobile Global Physical Platform 2 Governance Connectivity Multimedia Applications in iOS Availability Access Cohesion and Android

User Data Embed Third-Party API Enabled Visionary 3 Security Preparation Geospatial Analysis Data as Datasets Operations Logical Access CEO and Blending

CEO Enterprise Create Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers

Dashboards Mobile Client Extract Subsets of Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and documents Caching for High Data Using Administration Scanner Executive Performance RESTful APIs Team

Mobile Personalized Alerts Create Custom Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics via Push Data Connectors Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications

Real Time Instant Updates to Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps with Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded No Recompilation Company

Predictive Analytics and Customize / White High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment Machine Label Performance Module Financials Learning and Reliability

High Big Data Native Integration Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics with EMM Vendors Connectivity Directory Sales and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Usage Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution and Monitoring Data Security Identity Server Services Alerting Presence

48 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Qlik - Overview - Critical Capabilities - Qlik Scores

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Index Critical Qlik Critical Qlik Critical Capability Qlik Critical Capability Qlik Critical Qlik Critical Qlik Critical Qlik Capability Score Capability Score Score Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Custom Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Discovery Workflows Web Applications Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Deployment Analytics Create Custom Data Optimized Data Embedded Mobile Global Physical Platform 2 Governance Connectivity Multimedia Applications in iOS Availability Access Cohesion and Android

User Data Embed Third-Party API Enabled Visionary 3 Security Preparation Geospatial Analysis Data as Datasets Operations Logical Access CEO and Blending

CEO Enterprise Create Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers

Dashboards Mobile Client Extract Subsets of Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and documents Caching for High Data Using Administration Scanner Executive Performance RESTful APIs Team

Mobile Personalized Alerts Create Custom Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics via Push Data Connectors Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications

Real Time Instant Updates to Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps with Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded No Recompilation Company

Predictive Analytics and Customize / White High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment Machine Label Performance Module Financials Learning and Reliability

High Big Data Native Integration Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics with EMM Vendors Connectivity Directory Sales and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Usage Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution and Monitoring Data Security Identity Server Services Alerting Presence

49 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Qlik - Details by Capability - Overview

Why Not Qlik

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with and contains • Qlik Sense lacks a single reusable Platform Oriented architecture catalogs objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused across the BI project. Objects metadata layer. Each Qlik application is Reusability every aspect of the can be combined to create higher level objects (e.g., attributes and metrics make up essentially a standalone self-contained business. Data assets, a report; reports, filters, and prompts make up a document; documents, and other app. With this fragmented approach, KPIs, dimensions, reports can be embedded into a document - all of which are stored as "metadata users are unable to leverage "metadata" users, reports, and objects"), and this together delivers a single BI project or a data model. objects from across all data sources. dashboards are all • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be securely stored in a central reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, without any duplication of • Qlik Sense is limited in its ability to location as unique effort. reuse metadata objects (such as logical objects to • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers filters, calculated measures, custom groups, support reusability. reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and documents - making it hierarchies) across workbooks and possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects multiple times across any application underlying data extracts since they’re and BI project. tied to specific data sources. • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata automatically proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates the need to manually • Qlik Sense users must make changes update the changes across the deployment, which is particularly helpful for larger BI to any data field, data model, or projects. business formula directly in each • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased platform individual application, creating a tedious scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single version of the truth. change management process. Data Unique definitions to The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with the right • Unlike MicroStrategy, Qlik Sense does Governance every dimension and privileges to promote new and external content to the Server and tie it to a certified not support a certified, enterprise-wide metric bound together data model, all with easy workflows. logical data model. Qlik Sense by strict rules that are • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as the cube level, dashboards are self-contained with data defined by a logical giving users the flexibility to control the data that is published to the model. and metadata, regardless of the source model, thus ensuring a • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, even external or validity of that data. As users single version of the non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record that users can trust--while generate their own "siloed" data models, truth also delivering flexibility to end users. the potential for proliferating invalid or • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers granular inconsistent data across the enterprise security features that allow project owners and data stewards to grant permissions greatly increases. and privileges to the right people. This delivers data security and also personalizes reports and dashboards to end users. • Qlik Sense lacks the centralized user • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote external data into administration needed to enforce data the system of record, combined with the flexibility of the system to deliver self- security. Unlike MicroStrategy, Qlik service access to business teams will increase the overall adoption of the BI Sense has no overarching, automated platform. mechanism to continuously ensure that users see only the data appropriate for them, based on their roles and privileges. User Security Roles and privileges The security model within the MicroStrategy platform is built around users and user • Unlike MicroStrategy, Qlik Sense lacks that assign restrictions groups, which are represented as logical metadata objects. This ensures that data is centralized user administration to to users and groups secured at the most granular levels. enforce data security on an enterprise- ensure that end users • Security filters based on dimension values help ensure that users are restricted to wide basis. There is no overarching, only see personalized only see data that is relevant to them. This eliminates the need to build multiple automated mechanism to continuously and relevant content copies of the same application, and makes it possible to optimally scale. ensure that users see only the data and are only able to • With MicroStrategy's tools, administrators can apply Access Control Lists (ACLs) to appropriate for them, based on their perform authorized large user groups, restricting the range of data objects they can access or actions roles and privileges. actions. they can perform, and specifying the scope of their privileges in the environment. • With Usher, it is possible to provide secure digital authentication options, including • With Qlik Sense, admins must create geo-fencing and time-fencing capabilities, making it possible to restrict user access and maintain Section Access tables that based on location and time. hold information on user access privileges and then reference these tables from the script of each Qlik Sense document to incorporate row-level security, which is a lot of redundant work. • Qlik Sense supports row-level security (RLS) only. MicroStrategy not only

50 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Qlik - Details by Capability - Why Not Qlik

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with and contains • Qlik Sense lacks a single reusable Platform Oriented architecture catalogs objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused across the BI project. Objects metadata layer. Each Qlik application is Reusability every aspect of the can be combined to create higher level objects (e.g., attributes and metrics make up essentially a standalone self-contained business. Data assets, a report; reports, filters, and prompts make up a document; documents, and other app. With this fragmented approach, KPIs, dimensions, reports can be embedded into a document - all of which are stored as "metadata users are unable to leverage "metadata" users, reports, and objects"), and this together delivers a single BI project or a data model. objects from across all data sources. dashboards are all • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be securely stored in a central reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, without any duplication of • Qlik Sense is limited in its ability to location as unique effort. reuse metadata objects (such as logical objects to • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers filters, calculated measures, custom groups, support reusability. reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and documents - making it hierarchies) across workbooks and possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects multiple times across any application underlying data extracts since they’re and BI project. tied to specific data sources. • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata automatically proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates the need to manually • Qlik Sense users must make changes update the changes across the deployment, which is particularly helpful for larger BI to any data field, data model, or projects. business formula directly in each • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased platform individual application, creating a tedious scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single version of the truth. change management process. Data Unique definitions to The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with the right • Unlike MicroStrategy, Qlik Sense does Governance every dimension and privileges to promote new and external content to the Server and tie it to a certified not support a certified, enterprise-wide metric bound together data model, all with easy workflows. logical data model. Qlik Sense by strict rules that are • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as the cube level, dashboards are self-contained with data defined by a logical giving users the flexibility to control the data that is published to the model. and metadata, regardless of the source model, thus ensuring a • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, even external or validity of that data. As users single version of the non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record that users can trust--while generate their own "siloed" data models, truth also delivering flexibility to end users. the potential for proliferating invalid or • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers granular inconsistent data across the enterprise security features that allow project owners and data stewards to grant permissions greatly increases. and privileges to the right people. This delivers data security and also personalizes reports and dashboards to end users. • Qlik Sense lacks the centralized user • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote external data into administration needed to enforce data the system of record, combined with the flexibility of the system to deliver self- security. Unlike MicroStrategy, Qlik service access to business teams will increase the overall adoption of the BI Sense has no overarching, automated platform. mechanism to continuously ensure that users see only the data appropriate for them, based on their roles and privileges.

51 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Qlik - Details by Capability - Why Not Qlik

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score User Security Roles and privileges The security model within the MicroStrategy platform is built around users and user • Unlike MicroStrategy, Qlik Sense lacks that assign restrictions groups, which are represented as logical metadata objects. This ensures that data is centralized user administration to to users and groups secured at the most granular levels. enforce data security on an enterprise- ensure that end users • Security filters based on dimension values help ensure that users are restricted to wide basis. There is no overarching, only see personalized only see data that is relevant to them. This eliminates the need to build multiple automated mechanism to continuously and relevant content copies of the same application, and makes it possible to optimally scale. ensure that users see only the data and are only able to • With MicroStrategy's tools, administrators can apply Access Control Lists (ACLs) to appropriate for them, based on their perform authorized large user groups, restricting the range of data objects they can access or actions roles and privileges. actions. they can perform, and specifying the scope of their privileges in the environment. • With Usher, it is possible to provide secure digital authentication options, including • With Qlik Sense, admins must create geo-fencing and time-fencing capabilities, making it possible to restrict user access and maintain Section Access tables that based on location and time. hold information on user access privileges and then reference these tables from the script of each Qlik Sense document to incorporate row-level security, which is a lot of redundant work. • Qlik Sense supports row-level security (RLS) only. MicroStrategy not only supports row-level security, but also enforces security on individual metadata objects, enabling much more granular control over data access and user capabilities. Scalability Deliver analytics to MicroStrategy is optimized in its design for enterprise scale and speed; as such, the • Qlik Sense is not architected to everyone across the platform can support the analytical reporting needs of 100s of thousands of users function as an enterprise-scale, system- enterprise, and across the enterprise. of-record analytics platform; it is really beyond. Allow 1000s of • The platform can be clustered with up to 8 nodes with work- and user-fencing designed for departmental users to users to leverage options to help ensure performance and reliability across the entire user population. visualize data and share dashboards. analytics without • The platform has no restrictions on data size for either direct or in-memory access Qlik Sense is not equipped to support sacrificing performance to data 100s of thousands of users, thousands and without restrictions • MicroStrategy customers are leveraging the platform to store data using in-memory of simultaneous reports, or automated on data size. cubes with over 2 billion rows while delivering sub-second response times to their report distribution across the enterprise. end-users. • MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive analytics vendor that supports big data • Qlik Sense has a distributed analytics with native connectors to HDFS to access petabytes of data in real time. architecture of independent nodes, known as Sites. While Sites can scale linearly with data volumes by adding hardware elements, they do not have enterprise-wide scope. The result is a "siloed" analytics deployment which increases the potential for proliferating invalid or inconsistent data across the enterprise.

• Unlike MicroStrategy, Qlik Sense does not support workload or user fencing. Qlik can't scale horizontally or split processing of a query to several nodes.

52 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Qlik - Details by Capability - Why Not Qlik

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Performance Publish and deliver MicroStrategy employs a variety of strategies to increase the overall performance of • Qlik Sense apps are self-contained and information to end- the platform, making it possible to deliver sub-second response times - even with essentially carry their own data and users with quick large datasets. metadata with them, and that data can response times, and • MicroStrategy was among the first BI vendors to support push-down analytical be compressed by up to 90%. These deliver analytics functions across all leading databases. This capability helps drive computations data-heavy app packages consume without being impeded intelligently to the database when needed, thereby improving the overall response large amounts of RAM when opened, so by data size. time to end users. large scale deployments will suffer • The platform can create multiple parallel threads to the database, increasing the performance degradations unless speed at which data is fetched from the warehouse. they’re supported by multiple high-end • Whereas other BI vendors attempt to implement caching at a single level, servers with massive amounts of RAM. MicroStrategy implements self-tuning strategies that create caches at key points within the query flow. The Server caches data in the following crucial areas: Metadata object caching, attribute element caching, database connection caching, • Analysis in Qlik Sense always occurs result caching, and document caching. while the app is not directly connected to • The platform is based on an in-memory architecture that can partition cubes and its data sources. So, to refresh the data, process data in parallel, making it possible to process larger cubes than other users need to reload the script, which vendors in the market. creates a considerable workload and • VLDB settings are available to fine-tune and optimize connectivity for every type of consumes time. This limits the practical data source, delivering custom settings to organizations with unique deployments. frequency of data updates in the case of larger data volumes. • Qlik Sense does not support real-time queries to data sources, and its Direct Discovery does not support complex queries or multi-pass SQL. Automation Reduce burden on IT • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to maintain and upgrade • Qlik Sense is not an enterprise-scale, administrators, systems, automate workflows, and ensure superior data quality and security, without system-of-record business intelligence especially with large redundancies. platform. It is designed for departmental scale deployments, by • The platform allows admins to reduce the time and effort spent on routine users to visualize data and share cutting down on routine maintenance and administrative tasks, like moving assets from test to production dashboards with minimal IT or redundant tasks. environments, to checking the data quality between upgrades, and scheduling administration. As such, Qlik Sense health checks and tasks with workflows. offers little in terms of automated • Beyond administrative tasks, data uploads/refreshes and scheduled deliveries can administration. be automated as well, which removes the burden from IT and helps reduce overall TCO. • Qlik Sense has only limited capabilities to build automation workflows using a graphical user interface. Qlik does not have a tool equivalent to MicroStrategy Integrity Manager for automated regression testing.

• The Qlik Sense Scalability Tool contains a set of tools for creation, execution, and analysis of load/performance tests; however, Qlik does not provide maintenance and support services for the tool.

• Dashboard and report consistency checking has to be performed manually.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Monitoring Easily monitor, • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to monitor every environment in • The Qlik Sense Operations Monitor maintain, manage, fine- a MicroStrategy deployment, across multiple projects and even server machines - provides rudimentary monitoring in the tune, and automate both on-premises and in the cloud. form of service logs covering the actions and workflows • The interface enables administrators to quickly and easily view usage patterns, performance history of hardware, active to ensure the health of system resources, uptime, and alerts across environments. users, proxy connections, task reloads, the system. Eliminate • The platform collects information from each environment’s Health Center, and errors, and warnings. redundant tasks to presents key usage and performance indicators using graphs and charts. reduce overall TCO. • Administrators can define thresholds for system usage and performance that • Data in the Operations Monitor is automatically trigger alerts when threshold criteria are met or exceeded. updated when the app is reloaded - it is • Beyond the 100s of OOTB reports and dashboards available with the platform, not live. administrators can build their own reports with custom KPIs to measure platform usage. • Qlik Sense does not have tools equivalent to MicroStrategy Integrity Manager, Command Manager, or Object Manager for automated regression testing. Deployment Options to deploy on MicroStrategy delivers flexible options for deploying analytics across the enterprise • QS Server is Windows only. It does not any infrastructure, with on-premises, cloud, and hybrid options for teams of any size. support Linux, AIX, or Solaris. regardless of size, • The platform is supported on both Windows and Linux, and can be clustered with team, or hardware up to 8 Server nodes. • Qlik Sense Cloud is SaaS only. resources, thus • Partnering with AWS, the leading cloud vendor, MicroStrategy allows organizations Currently, Qlik data centers are only reducing overall TCO around the world to spin up instances for enterprise analytics and mobility in limited to North America, Ireland, and and maintenance minutes, allowing companies to start small and expand as needed. Sydney. This will cause additional work required. • Pre-configured environments in the cloud can be created, managed, maintained, and pain for customers not in these and upgraded with self-service consoles, enabling extremely low TCOs. regions as it will increase latency. Security and compliance laws will be different as well. • While Qlik has the ability to manually launch a single node into any AWS data center, they don’t have the ability to launch a fully-configured, dedicated and redundant system. This is a manual process which will take additional time and expertise from customers.

High Robust architecture • With MicroStrategy, users across the organization can access reliable analytics Availability that provides the delivered on a robust architecture that is designed for enterprise scale, performance, • Qlik does not offer formal service-level highest uptime for and stability. agreements (SLAs). users to always have • Disaster recovery and failover options allow organizations to avoid downtimes for access to the system, end-users. System administrators have the choice to setup hot, warm, or cold • Qlik Sense does support clustering with provisions and failover strategies (for backup nodes) depending on the hardware resources configurations with load-balancing tuning mechanisms for available to them. across the servers. Unlike increased system • Clustering and work fencing capabilities make it possible to proactively prevent MicroStrategy, these clusters do not stability and better server crashes by deflecting heavy jobs to specific servers or time periods. have enterprise-wide scope, nor do they failover management. • Reliable governors at every level of the query path make it possible to avert include features such as work fencing or system crashes, even under peak user and data loads. governors to ensure reliability under peak user and data loads across all forms of enterprise reporting.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score In-memory Architecture that can • The MicroStrategy platform enables organizations to take advantage of in-memory • Qlik Sense does support in-memory Architecture host terabytes of data cube technology, which increases performance by reducing the need to access data operation, since every dashboard in-memory making it directly from the data warehouse. application essentially contains its own available to end-users • MicroStrategy in-memory cubes can be quickly loaded with data using parallel data, metadata, and visualizations. But with faster response threads from the database which can also be optimized and fine-tuned for specific the implementation is fundamentally times. databases. siloed in nature – it is not an enterprise- • Dynamic sourcing is a platform capability that automatically routes queries to the scale mechanism and there’s no concept fastest available data source—whether it’s a cache, a cube, or the original relational of a single metadata. source, thus helping maximize performance and throughput. • MicroStrategy's parallel processing and partitioning capabilities differentiate it from other vendors, helping to boost processing speeds in situations where there are terabytes of data stored in memory. Enterprise Self-Service Intuitive workflows for MicroStrategy differentiates itself from other point solutions by combining the ease- • Qlik's associative data engine Analytics Data end-users to access, of-use of data exploration with enterprise capabilities including scalability, understands the links between various Discovery visualize, analyze, and performance, security, and governance, in a single platform. data sources and can suggest share insights without • MicroStrategy Desktop and Web provide access to 80+ data sources, from Excel previously unsuspected relationships. the support of IT. spreadsheets, to relational sources, big data, Cloud services, Hadoop, and more. • XIF color codes data sources to • Built-in tools are available for data preparation, as well as the ability to blend data indicate the relationship they have with across multiple sources. data sources already being used. Green • It provides the ability to visualize data with any chart or graph natively and offers indicates a data source is already being workflows to include D3, Highcharts, Google Charts, and other libraries (including used, white means there is an open source and NLG options) association, and gray indicates there is • Includes easy sharing options (PDF, email, send to file location, print, and more), no relationship., and workflows to promote external data into a governed model. Also supports • Qlik Sense 3.0 features a creative options to export to PDF and email options. Smart Search capability and Visual • MicroStrategy is compatible with Mac and Windows PC. Analysts can quickly set Search for finding published charts. up and install MicroStrategy without IT support. • The platform supports advanced analytics with 350+ out-of-the-box functions, and can also integrate with R. Optimized Drivers and gateways • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data sources, from • Qlik Sense offers few native data Data that deliver instant and Excel spreadsheet to relational databases, cloud systems, HDFS and more. connectors. Most of the connectors to Connectivity reliable access to a • Organizations can also build their own connectors to custom data assets with data sources are either ODBC or Web variety of data sources APIs, allowing them to connect to any new source available in the market. connectors. and information in any • Each connector is optimized for high performance, with the ability to intelligently • During the data load, Qlik Sense format, regardless of push-down calculations to the databases when needed, generate multi-pass SQL, identifies common fields from different size. load parallel threads simultaneously, and can load data without restrictions on size tables (key fields) to associate the data. or type. The resulting structure of the data in the • Easy workflows are available to business users to blend data on their own without app can be monitored in the data model IT support. viewer. • VLDB parameters are available to fine-tune and optimize SQL generation specific • Changes to the data structure can be to each database. made by renaming fields to obtain • MicroStrategy leverages an aggregate-aware SQL generation engine to different associations between tables. transparently navigate aggregate tables, dynamically directing queries to summary tables, without the user having to specify the use of the table when creating the query. • MicroStrategy can generate multi-pass SQL to answer analytical questions that cannot be answered with a single SQL query block, covering scenarios that include: set analysis, split metrics, and calculations at different levels of aggregation.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Data Transform and arrange MicroStrategy offers built-in data wrangling and blending capabilities and is • Qlik Sense uses a data load script, Preparation data to make it better supported across all data sources. which is managed in the data load and Blending suited for visual • End users can perform transformations on data prior to visualizing information editor, to connect to and retrieve data exploration, with the using dozens of functions available via graphical interfaces and without exporting from various data sources. In the script, ability to create joins out to Excel. the fields and tables to load are across tables from • Data wrangling and blending is possible by business users across spreadsheets, specified. disparate sources. relational sources, HDFS, cloud systems, and other popular databases. • It is also possible to manipulate the • Users can split columns, identify spelling errors, perform text and numeric facets, data structure by using script statements eliminate white spaces, pivot tables, and perform dozens more transformations and expressions. based on intelligent recommendations from the product. • In Qlik Sense 3.0, in the Associations • History lists are automatically recorded, so when more current data is available, view of the data manager, tables are the actions do not need to be repeated. illustrated visually, but tables added via script cannot be associated with tables added via data manager, and multiple QVD tables cannot be loaded at the same time. • The associative engine in Direct Discovery still works, but there are limitations to blending it with the in- memory data. Many of their main features don't work. You can query to multiple data sources with Direct Discovery, but blending from these different data sources is reportedly weak. Enterprise Options to view large • MicroStrategy provides a flexible reporting environment that leverages OLAP Reports volumes of data in an functionality to give end users the ability to quickly slice and dice data from across • Qlik Sense and QlikView do not easy-to-read grid multiple sources, using a variety of options: sorting, pivoting, page-by, drill down, drill provide OTB WYSIWYG dashboard format, with tools to anywhere, totals and subtotals, one-click metrics, derived elements, view filters, lock reports. Instead, they integrate with perform ad-hoc headers, switch between grid/graph, fit to content/window, and more. NPrinting (a Qlik acquisition requiring a analysis for improved • With the ability to publish banded reports, the platform can roll up and present separate server/license) decision-making. dynamic aggregates for large volumes across 100s of pages of data. • Banded reports and scheduling are • With MicroStrategy, developers can quickly design operational reports and only supported through NPrinting. statements using drag-and-drop functionality and flexible formatting in order to • Qlik uses the NPrinting Client to build structure large amounts of data into a natural hierarchy for maximum readability and report templates, which access the data ease of navigation. fields from Qlik apps, reports, and • MicroStrategy enables parameter-driven reports by supporting more types of user documents. The template is uploaded to prompts than any other vendor, allowing users to input selections at runtime to alter the NPrinting Server to run on a the contents of the reports. Options include simple dimension prompts, hierarchy scheduled or event-triggered basis, prompts, list prompts, object prompts, value prompts, level prompts. using XML files. The generated documents are then distributed according to the methods defined in the template (email, network location, etc.). • QS Customers would need these components in order to have a full reporting solution: Qlik Sense Server, NPrinting Server, NPrinting Client, and relevant user licenses/tokens.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Dashboards Highly formatted • MicroStrategy delivers graphical WYSIWYG designer tools to create pixel-perfect • There is no clear separation between a and options to author, documents, invoices, statements, scorecards, and interactive real-time dashboards, dashboard application and the data documents visualize, and interact all from a single design editor. model. The dashboards are self- with data to identify • All styles of BI described above support responsive design and can be consumed contained with data, metadata, and trends and outliers and on any browser or mobile device. visualizations. make efficient • Dashboards are built on the metadata model, so they are secure and personalized • Visualizations in Qlik Sense feature decisions. for each user, and support transactions, offline consumption, and can be delivered in drag-and-drop-style exploration with any desired format. good dashboards and storytelling • Dashboards support ad-hoc data discovery across 100s of options and let users capabilities (i.e. combining graphics, visualize data with access to native and third-party charting libraries. text, and infographics together to • Transactional workflows can be embedded to enable write-back capabilities for support a hypothesis or finding). both web and mobile applications. • In Qlik Sense, a user can assemble images, individual interactive worksheets, shapes, and text onto a canvas. Text can be a simple annotation or a paragraph explanation. Mobile Consume reports and • Mobile is fully integrated into the MicroStrategy analytics platform, so • Qlik Sense is accessed through a Analytics dashboards on mobile organizations can leverage existing visualizations, reports, and dashboards to responsive, touch-based HTML5 devices, with complete instantly deploy BI on mobile devices. browser client that adapts layout, interactivity, in order to • MicroStrategy Mobile enhances the mobile experience on iOS and Android by information, and functionality for the perform analytics and delivering native apps that let users take full advantage of the unique capabilities of device in use. Browser-based mobile is make decisions while their mobile devices when interacting with their data, while also being able to rely on not suitable for delivering rich dashboard on the go. transaction and offline capabilities. apps on smaller screen devices. Qlik • With flexible, code-free tools and a click-to-configure development canvas, Sense mobile apps provide limited organizations can mobilize business workflows and deliver a highly responsive, development flexibility because of the native user experience with apps that can be built in record time and at a fraction of web browser architecture. the cost. • There is no support for delivering multimedia content. • Qlik Sense does not provide transactional (write-back) capabilities. • Qlik Sense mobile apps provide limited development flexibility because of web browser architecture. • There is no support for offline interactivity. Real Time The ability to deliver MicroStrategy delivers the ability to visualize data from external streaming • Qlik needs the data to be extracted in Analytics instant analytics and applications and trigger alerts from these sources. order to process it and "associate" it insights where data is • The platform can instantly ingest real-time feeds from Storm, Spark, and Kafka. within its in-memory "cube." This is a available in real-time. For other relational systems, the platform can also support data refreshes at the two-stage process that precludes any smallest intervals, and can perform at the speed of incoming information. real-time queries to data sources. • MicroStrategy can manage real-time information and give an instant view of the • It also means Qlik reports and data. dashboards are not real-time or even • The application can also send threshold-based alerts to any device allowing near-real-time with data updates. Users decision-makers to take instant and proactive action, all in real time. can schedule refreshes. • MicroStrategy can also integrate with visualizations and widgets that support real- time mapping of information on both Web and Mobile.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Predictive Advanced algorithms With minimal help from IT, MicroStrategy users can create and visualize advanced • Qlik has no predictive analytics Analytics and and workflows for metrics and perform the most complex calculations. support; simple forecasting and Machine users to be able to • End users can build sophisticated statistical and mathematical models with the clustering are not supported in Qlik Learning perform native library of functions available directly with MicroStrategy. They can generate Sense. summarizations, predictive, scoring, or training metrics using natively available algorithms. • While there are some statistical optimizations, • MicroStrategy offers over 350 native functions, out of the box, so that business functions as part of the Qlik Sense predictions, statistical users are able to perform data mining and create highly advanced statistical function library, there is no ability to call calculations, or create algorithms on their own, with minimal support from IT. out to an R script. This is on the product custom groups, • Users can integrate MicroStrategy with data mining models from other roadmap. training, and scoring applications by importing Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML), SAS, and • Advanced chart types, such as metrics. SPSS into the metadata repository. decision trees, are not natively • The platform integrates with third-party options like R using graphical interfaces. supported, but could be added via an extension. • There is no PMML support. Big Data Access data from MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive platform that supports access to big data • Qlik supports a range of connectors to Analytics Hadoop and other with native connectors to HDFS while also providing built-in workflows for data Splunk, Mongo DB, HortonWorks, distributed file systems preparation on top of Hadoop data. Cloudera Impala, Apache SOLR, and without limitations on • Whether it’s a personal spreadsheet or a dispersed Hadoop Distributed File Apache HIVE. size and without System (HDFS), users can easily connect to their data without relying on IT and • Qlik Sense uses Direct Discovery, and experiencing drops in without limits on data size. It's easy to access data from any flavor of Hadoop, a special script syntax, DirectQuery, to performance. including Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR, with comprehensive support for Spark, bring in very large data sets. Once the Kerberos, and the top file formats. Direct Discovery structure is established, • With MicroStrategy, users can leverage information from click streams, web Direct Discovery fields can be used activity, call center logs, and ID scans - and blend it with data from other sources alongside in-memory data to create Qlik using graphical workflows. Sense objects. • MicroStrategy connects to big data sources and NoSQL options such as • Direct Discovery is only useful when MongoDB and Cassandra, and also connects to HDFS via native connectors to users query big data with specific Cloudera Hive, Impala, MapR Drill, Pig scripts, Spark SQL, and more. parameters and context after doing data • With MicroStrategy, users can also limit and manage the amount of data imported discovery with Qlik Sense on regular from HDFS, or perform aggregations on top of the data prior to importing it into data sources. Data is left in Hadoop, MicroStrategy for analysis. meaning the workload is pushed down • Users can also apply advanced functions and filters to control and restrict the to Hadoop. Data is queried on the fly, amount of data. and the queried data can be cached (comparable to MicroStrategy). • Direct Discovery is less capable than the MicroStrategy SQL Engine, and there are limitations to what it can do. For example, it can't do complex queries or multi-pass SQL.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Automated Distribute reports, MicroStrategy is designed for high-volume, automated delivery of reports and • No out-of-the-box support for Distribution dashboards, and dashboards. threshold- or exception-based alerts. and Alerting documents to large • The platform makes it possible to scale distribution of analytical content to 100s of Organizations must use Qlik Nprinting. audiences in a thousands of users, with the ability to automate and schedule the delivery of reports personalized and and dashboards, based on time-, event-, and threshold-based alerts. automated manner. • MicroStrategy supports the widest variety of delivery methods, with optimal This helps to formatting for each device and application. ensure the on-time • MicroStrategy provides bursting capabilities to deliver slicing or page-by delivery of information executions, allowing a single report to be extracted from the data warehouse that to end-users so they can be parsed into sub-reports for individual subscribers. This avoids having to run can make timely, different reports for different recipients while still being able to generate personalized informed decisions. reports. • Alerting capabilities can monitor KPI values when new data is available and send detailed reports or alert messages when thresholds are reached. • Security filters and ACLs set on the user level guarantees personalized and secure information to 1000s of users with the delivery of a single dashboard. • MicroStrategy leverages segmentation capabilities to manage resource utilization in large scale report delivery deployments by analyzing the list of subscriptions to determine if several subscriptions share the same combination of security and personalization and grouping them into buckets since they receive the same content. From bursting and smart pagination for PDF exports to the delivery of highly personalized content, MicroStrategy delivers sophisticated distribution capabilities that make it possible to publish data and insights across the organization without the need to invest in other technologies. Enterprise Transactional Write-back capabilities • MicroStrategy provides mobile write-back capabilities that let users update • Qlik Sense mobile does not provide Mobility Workflows that allow mobile users systems of record from the field. Users can change data on the fly, insert new transactional (write-back) capabilities. to submit transactions information, and view updated reports and dashboards. • There are some third-party extensions to ERP, CRM, or other • These transactions can include one-tap approvals and denials, inputs for capturing available to purchase that allow operational systems. new information, and editing existing information in ERP systems, CRM systems, customers to enable write-back from and other operational databases. Qlik Sense. But these provide limited • App developers can create smart forms that are contextual and conditional, based functionality, and Qlik Sense mobile, on a user’s permissions or location. being an HTML5 app (instead of native), • MicroStrategy offers a broad set of input controls, including barcode scanners, doesn't take advantage of native mobile signature capture, star rating, text and number fields, calendar, camera, steppers, input controls (i.e. camera to write back sliders, and more. a photo). • Transaction Services can also auto-capture additional information alongside the user inputs to further streamline business processes. For example, the user’s profile information as well as latitude, longitude, and a time stamp can be included in a transactional submission without requiring additional work by the user. • Users can access transactional inputs and forms regardless of internet connectivity. When offline, transactions are queued for submission and executed when the user next connects.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Embedded Ability to download and • MicroStrategy provides in-app viewing of multimedia content including videos, • Qlik mobile does not support Multimedia view multimedia files PDFs, images, presentations, spreadsheets, documents, email, and web content— embedded multimedia content. online and offline, such all seamlessly embedded in the mobile app. • There are some extensions available as presentations, • As is the case for other content in the app, multimedia can be pre-cached or stored on Qlik Branch to embed a limited videos, PDFs, and for convenient, offline access. number of multimedia file types, but ePUB books on mobile • There are two ways to include multimedia in apps: HTML containers and the users may encounter issues with file devices. Multimedia Widget. type incompatibility when viewed on a • HTML containers enable access to any web content by placing it directly in the mobile device. app's iFrame. URLs provide links to pull up entire documents or web pages. • The Multimedia Widget provides a framework in which to download, consume, and store multimedia files. WebDAV folder integration enables users to dynamically browse and view existing files and folders in a WebDAV folder, for example in Microsoft SharePoint. This makes it easy for traditionally non-technical people, for example in Marketing or HR, to distribute updated versions of collateral or training videos to employees in the field. • MicroStrategy also provides a widget that is especially designed for videos. The interactive, elegant Video Player Widget (that leverages the native OS video player) loads and plays a video from a remote location or from the local cache. The widget can display: videos from a streaming service such as YouTube, videos from a file server location, or a cached video from the WebDAV cache. If the mobile device is online, the Video Player Widget loads the video from the remote location but is smart enough to check first if a local cache already exists on the device’s WebDAV cache store. Geospatial Ability to display • MicroStrategy abstracts all the geospatial analysis capabilities from the base map • Map capabilities on Qlik Sense mobile Analysis geospatial data layer, so customers can leverage whichever base map they want, depending on are inherited from the desktop/server. overlaid on an existing map investments or preferences. • Mobile location is derived from the interactive map (ESRI, • MicroStrategy Mobile provides support for building map visualizations on ESRI and browser and does not leverage the Google Maps, and Google Maps, as well as custom images as maps with the Image Layout Widget. native device GPS. custom images). These maps render seamlessly on the appropriate native mobile map (Apple Maps on iOS and Google Maps on Android). • Both ESRI and Google Maps display geospatial data overlaid on an interactive map. Users can swipe, scroll, and zoom in directly on the map, or even filter the data shown by selecting elements within their mobile app. Data can be displayed using a pin marker, a density map, or a bubble to provide multiple types of analysis within each map. In addition, ESRI maps can display data from a custom geographical region, such as the counties of a state or districts within a city. The image layout widget allows app developers to include visualizations representative of different geographic regions such as countries, states, and regions, or visualizations that represent custom spatial analyses like a store layout. Offline Access Ability to support • MicroStrategy Mobile apps can be configured to work entirely offline. This includes • Qlik Sense does not support offline applications in offline support for analytics, visualizations, multimedia, and transactions. interactivity since they do not have a mode regardless of • MicroStrategy provides advanced offline functionality, including: prompt panels that native app, only an HTML5 connectivity. This display valid caches for multiple prompt scenarios; visual cues such as an offline implementation. includes interactivity mode indicator and shading to indicate availability; a view of transaction queues; • Only QlikView offers some level of with data, multimedia and the ability to delete or edit transactions before a connection is reestablished. In offline access (for iPad only). content, and a situation where a user wants to avoid using data, the user can manually switch to transactional offline mode using the app settings. workflows. • While users are in offline mode, mobile usage stats are still captured and submitted to the server once the user reconnects. Additionally, data-at-rest is highly secured. The stored data is encrypted; the app can still require credentials, and the offline cache can be set to expire at a desired time.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Mobile Client Ability to cache data on • MicroStrategy offers three main caching strategies that customers can leverage • Qlik Sense is accessed through a Caching for the device to optimize when configuring their apps: automatic caching (devices check for new and updated touch-based web browser application, High app performance. content and sync content in the background), pre-caching folders (a set of objects and there is no client app on the device Performance Deliver sub-second are pre-cached when the app starts), and adaptive mobile caching (the app to participate in the caching process. response times even prioritizes background cache loading based on where the user is and downloads • The browser-based mobile experience when dealing with large content the user will likely want to see before they tap on it). is not suitable for delivering rich volumes of data, • MicroStrategy has a sophisticated analytical engine within the mobile client, so the dashboard apps on smaller screen numerous concurrent mobile client itself can perform computations on locally cached data without having devices and is largely dependent on users, or slow, to go back to the server. Because the computations can be done locally on the browser performance and the quality of unreliable connectivity. device, this also helps to speed app performance. internet connectivity. • As a 100% native app, MicroStrategy uses OpenGL frameworks available on the mobile OS which help to achieve maximum app performance. All of the drawings (renderings) of visualizations leverage native device drawing capabilities which are optimized for high performance. Personalized Ability to send alerts to • MicroStrategy’s scalable alerting engine provides personalized alerts to every user. • Mobile alerts are not supported. Alerts via mobile users in the • The alerting engine is based on a robust distribution server that supports • Qlik Sense relies on an web browser Push form of push monitoring multiple data sources 100s of 1000s of times every minute and creating for mobile. As a result, it does not Notifications notifications. These personalized alerts for mobile users when a set condition has been met. interact with the native notification notifications should be • Thresholds can be set on any metric on any report. features available in iOS or Android triggered by preset • Alerts are handled through the device’s native push notification system in one of devices. thresholds, or be three forms: a badge (a graphic associated with the application), a home screen available on demand. notification (a message which the user can view and interact with), and/or a sound. • Smart badges can show metric values or the number of alerts. Instant Update and publish • MicroStrategy lets app developers make updates and publish changes to their • Instant updates to app are not Updates to changes to custom mobile apps without the need to recompile (in Xcode for iOS and in Android supported. Custom Apps apps without having to Development Studio for Android) and redistribute apps. Any change in functionality • Qlik Sense is essentially a "viewer" for with No recompile and or configuration is instantly reflected in the mobile app without requiring the user to dashboards; it is not a platform for Recompilation redistribute. Changes upgrade the app on the mobile device. This flexibility is very powerful when users enterprises to build customized apps are distributed and are trying to operate on an agile development cycle, where users need to access the with embedded content. There is no available to users changes instantly without having to constantly upgrade their app. mechanism for populating a mobile app without requiring an • MicroStrategy also provides a drag-and-drop interface to migrate apps from with content or subsequently updating app update. development, to test, to production by using MicroStrategy Object Manager. that content. Customize / Ability to rebrand the • The Mobile SDK provides app developers with a multitude of customization • As a web browser-based solution, White Label mobile app by including options. This includes a code-free approach to white-labeling and rebranding any there is no app to customize in Qlik customized icons, as MicroStrategy Mobile app. Sense. well as splash, launch, • Customization includes changing icons, as well as splash, launch, and login • There is also no OTB mechanism for and login screens. screens. It enables developers to match corporate branding and look-and-feel reskinning Qlik Sense dashboards. standards. Native Native SDK integration • MicroStrategy's native mobile security features provide extensive capabilities to • There is no native SDK integration Integration with leading EMM protect sensitive company data, but MicroStrategy provides the flexibility to leverage available for Qlik Sense. with EMM vendors AirWatch, additional third-party capabilities, including those provided by EMM vendors. • QlikView may support some level of Vendors MobileIron, and • MicroStrategy offers native SDK integration on iOS with three EMM providers: integration with AirWatch via AppConfig Blackberry Dynamics, MobileIron, Blackberry Dynamics, and AirWatch. MicroStrategy offers native SDK on iOS. They offer no support for other and AppConfig integration on Android with AirWatch. leading EMM vendors. community guidelines. • MicroStrategy Mobile also supports EMM capabilities via implementation of the • There is no support for Android. AppConfig guidelines, natively on both iOS and Android. Mobile App Ability to collect mobile • Mobile app client-side monitoring captures personalized analysis every time a user • As a web browser-based solution, Usage usage statistics and taps on an app screen. Statistics are gathered on time spent on each app screen, there is no mobile client that would be Monitoring populate a database exploration paths, GPS location, app usage, device type, operating system version, capturing mobile app usage statistics. for analysis. and cache usage. • With this information, app developers can track overall app adoption and geo- location of usage, perform cohort analysis, support continuous development cycles, analyze app performance, spot network issues, and track adoption rates of new devices, operating systems, and clients. These statistics are critical to driving app enhancements and to honing the app experience. • Mobile usage stats are captured even while a user is offline. Once the user reconnects, the stats are submitted to the server.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Embedded Create The ability to modify • A key component of an enterprise-class platform is the ability to modify and extend • Qlik does not offer any APIs that allow Analytics Custom Web and extend existing existing functionality to meet the unique needs of an organization. For building developers to rebrand web applications Applications functionality, customized applications, a robust BI platform must provide access to all of its with customized logos or colors, extend create a custom web functionality through APIs. The MicroStrategy BI platform is a modern, sophisticated or customize existing Web application, embed service-oriented architecture that is designed for flexibility and extensibility so that it functionality, or the ability to create a content in portals, or can grow with the demands of enterprise applications. new web application from scratch. simply change the look and feel with • The MicroStrategy Web SDK enables developers to build a full-fledged web personalized branding application or change the look and feel of an existing web application with an and logos through intuitive customization tool. The Web Customization Editor is integrated with the application most widely used Java IDE, Eclipse. With over 5000 classes exposed in the Web programming API, this integration not only simplifies development, but also allows developers to interfaces (APIs). write their code without modifying any source code or out-of-the-box configuration files. This approach is helpful in maintaining and upgrading customizations. • The Web SDK also allows developers to write their own Web Services that encapsulate MicroStrategy functionality and expose this functionality to third-party applications. Since the services use standard protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS and generate a response in standard W3C-compliant formats such as XML or JSON, any third-party application (web or mobile) can consume these services and embed MicroStrategy functionality into their product. MicroStrategy's service- oriented architecture guarantees efficiency for each service or component with no code redundancy. This architecture is in stark contrast to the service-oriented architectures of other BI vendors, which are a product of disparate, separately developed architectures, inherited from mergers, and mashed together. • In addition, MicroStrategy provides a plug-in architecture that enables developers to extend out-of-the-box MicroStrategy Web code with stand-alone customizations without the need to change the source code, thus, making upgrades without recoding possible. MicroStrategy supports the following languages for Web SDK: Java, XML/JSON, JavaScript, and .NET. Create The ability to create • The MicroStrategy Mobile API enables mobile app developers to customize • As an HTML5 implementation, there is Custom customized mobile MicroStrategy Mobile apps on Android and iOS mobile devices by changing the look no mobile app to customize. Customers Mobile applications, embed BI and feel of the app, or developing new Mobile apps that use MicroStrategy BI have to deploy the app on a Qlik server, Applications in in third-party apps, or content. MicroStrategy provides different APIs for Android and iOS devices. The and then access the app with an HTML5 iOS and rebrand the mobile app flexibility of the Mobile APIs enable developers to build custom mobile applications capable browser from either an iOS or Android by including to accommodate growing needs of the organization. Android device. Thus, Qlik offers no customized icons, as APIs that allow developers to either well as splash, launch, • The Mobile SDK for iOS consists of Xcode projects that allow developers to create a customized mobile app, or build and login screens. compile and distribute custom MicroStrategy Mobile apps. With one of the Xcode custom widgets to consume Qlik data. projects, users can rebrand the app by adding icons, splash screens, and an app name through simple configuration changes. In addition, the Mobile SDK for iOS enables users to embed MicroStrategy in an existing application or build custom widgets that can consume MicroStrategy data.

• The Mobile SDK for Android lets users customize the MicroStrategy Mobile application to match corporate branding requirements. It also allows users to preconfigure the application to allow multiple instances of the application to exist on a single device.

• MicroStrategy supports the following programming languages for Mobile SDK: iOS - Objective C, Swift; Android – Java.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Embed Third- The ability for third- • Organizations are always looking to connect to a variety of sources that may not • Qlik's REST Connector enables Qlik Party Data as party applications to be natively supported with the platform. Using the Push API, organizations can push Sense to load data from any REST data Datasets push data directly into external data in JSON format using REST APIs into in-memory cubes on the source. a BI application for use MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, so users can readily consume, process, and in dashboards or analyze the corresponding data. reports. • MicroStrategy makes it possible for organizations to leverage new data assets by enabling applications such as ETL tools that connect to these data sources and move data into MicroStrategy. • The Push API enables third-party vendors to generate MicroStrategy datasets, thus, unlocking new end-user workflows and opportunities for partner integrations. Create The ability to embed or • MicroStrategy integrates with third-party and open source JavaScript • Qlik allows users to embed D3 Custom create custom HTML5 visualizations, so users can tell even more compelling stories with their data. visualizations within Qlik Sense and HTML5 visualizations with • MicroStrategy provides APIs, tools, samples, and documentation to help users develop Qlik Sense extensions from Visualizations open source libraries build custom HTML5 visualizations using open source and commercial libraries like d3.js. such as D3, that can D3 and Google Charts. be deployed on top of • Users can build out support for functionality including selectors, drop zones, color data sources. palettes, and thresholds. It is also possible to transform visualizations into text- based narratives by integrating with native language generation (NLG) platforms, such as those offered by Automated Insights and Narrative Science. Extract The ability for custom • With RESTful APIs, organizations can use MicroStrategy as a data source to • Qlik cannot be used as a data source Subsets of third-party web quickly extract subsets of pre-processed data in JSON format. This addresses the by custom web applications. Data Using applications to use the needs of large enterprises and OEM partners that consume data RESTful APIs BI platform as a data through MicroStrategy's governed and secured architecture via customized business source to extract applications. subsets of data from a report or existing cube. Create The ability to create a • With new and updated data sources being published by database vendors almost • Qlik supports the creation of custom Custom Data custom data source weekly, organizations need fast access to connect to and use the data stored in data connectors. However, there is no Connectors that users can connect these various data locations. support for the auto detection of schema to and leverage in their • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data sources and objects, which requires manual effort. reports and continues to enhance connectivity with each database upgrade. dashboards. • MicroStrategy also allows organizations to build their own connectors to custom data assets with the Data Connector SDK. Organizations can leverage HTML and JavaScript to build custom connectors for the MicroStrategy Data Import interface and build their own customized integrations for these data sources within MicroStrategy, thus, providing users access to any data source without waiting for them to be certified by the platform. Multitenancy The ability to deploy a • Multitenancy enables an OEM’s various customers to experience custom • Qlik offers Section Access, which is Support single instance of a applications, all built on a single architecture. Sharing resources results in less used to control column- and row-level software application to administrative overhead, reduced resource consumption, and low overall TCO. security based on the data loaded into serve multiple • MicroStrategy supports a spectrum of multitenant architectures from high isolation the app. Each tenant is given their own customers, where each to high sharing. In addition, MicroStrategy allows for personalization in a shared app; however, there is no way to add a customer is called a project such as custom branding and logos for each tenant, personalized object tenant's branding, logo, or schema. tenant. names, and internationalization capabilities.

63 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Qlik - Details by Capability - Why Not Qlik

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Simplified The ability to easily • MicroStrategy on AWS will enable customers to deploy enterprise networks that • For the "Enterprise" option, users must Cloud Enterprise deploy an enterprise are fully configured and ready to use in less than 30 minutes. This saves users time go through Qlik each time they need a Deployment cloud environment and money by eliminating the need to download, install, and configure the fully configured environment or manually without IT support. environments themselves. Users can choose from different instance types and sizes install and configure the platform. This based on cost or usage requirements. will slow down development and • Cloud environments can also be deployed directly into a customer's AWS account increase waiting time. for maximum control. • Qlik for the enterprise requires a ‘token’ • Users can launch 3 different environment types, ranging from an all-in-one system model which does not allow unlimited to an enterprise-grade distributed and redundant system. usage of its product and limits the number of times a user can run queries and reports. The token model is confusing and organizations must estimate how often their users will use Qlik to allocate the number of tokens per user. • There is an additional fee for sharing. This limits collaboration and distribution. Global The ability to deploy • MicroStrategy Cloud can deploy distributed and redundant systems in over 42 • While Qlik has the ability to manually Availability environments globally. AWS Availability Zones in 16 geographic regions around the world. This includes launch a single node into any AWS data Global options make it countries across North America, South America, Asia, Europe, and Australia. This center, they don’t have the ability to easy for customers to enables organizations to deploy MicroStrategy closer to its users. This decreases launch a fully-configured, dedicated and deploy their latency and enables faster response times. By having data centers closer to home, it redundant system. This is a manual environments closer to also allows the data enters to comply with local laws and regulations. process which will take additional time home so they can meet and expertise from customers. performance, • Qlik data centers are only limited to compliance, and data Region and Number of Availability Zones North America, Ireland, and Sydney. requirements. This will cause additional work and pain •AWS GovCloud (2) for customers not in these regions as it will increase latency. Security and •US West compliance laws may vary by Oregon (3), Northern California (3) country/region. •US East Northern Virginia (5), Ohio (3) •Canada Central (2)

•South America São Paulo (3)

•Europe Ireland (3), Frankfurt (2), London (2)

•Asia Pacific Singapore (2), Sydney (3), Tokyo (3), Seoul (2), Mumbai (2)

•China Beijing (2)

•New Regions (coming soon) Paris Ningxia

64 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Qlik - Details by Capability - Why Not Qlik

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score API Enabled JavaScript frameworks • The MicroStrategy Cloud API gives customers unlimited flexibility to create their • Qlik does not have any cloud-specific Operations that provide a number own custom workflows. Customers have the ability to build personalized user APIs. This does not give users the of APIs to help interfaces for deploying and managing their cloud environments. This empowers flexibility to create custom workflows. customers build developers to automate their MicroStrategy Cloud capabilities. Users must use the Qlik interface and applications. • Through APIs, it is possible to launch 1000 MicroStrategy instances with a single are unable to personalize their own user line of code, resize them to any size, and then terminate them once done. Without experience. Because of no cloud- APIs, this would be a manual process. It’s easy to integrate with other automation specific APIs, Qlik users are unable to tools and the API works with any programming language. automate any processes. Cloud Specific APIs we support: •Retrieve or search for environments •Create new environments •Get Environment Contact Details List •Resend Email to the owners of the environments •Restart environment/s •Start environment/s •Get Environment States •Stop environment/s •Terminate environments •Find environment details by environmentID •Update Environment Contact Details •Update expiration date for environment •Find all the instances in an environment by environmentID •Find all the instances state in an environment by environmentID •Restart Instance •Start Instance •Stop Instance •Find schedules by environment id •Create schedule for environment •Inactivate the selected schedule by schedule id and environment id •Find schedule by schedule id and environment id •Update schedule for environment •Resize all server instance or selected server instance of an environment •Create new environments Disaster Clustered servers that • MicroStrategy Cloud clusters enterprise deployments with multiple nodes, and •There is no automated disaster Recovery and restore backups after gives organizations the flexibility to add additional nodes. recovery and failover options with Qlik; it Failover failure so no work or • Clustered nodes provide load balancing, high availability, failover, and redundancy. is entirely a manual process that time is lost. Each node synchronizes metadata information, history lists, and report caches. In involves backing up files and case of disaster or failure, MicroStrategy backups are stored redundantly across applications to a new server. In a case multiple availability zones and can be accessed and restored in an alternate where a customer does manually availability zone. This affords zero downtime and users can always access their configure a multi-node deployment of MicroStrategy environment. Qlik Sense on a server, there are limitations and additional changes that need to be made and this requires heavy IT involvement. Centralized A single interface that • MicroStrategy allows the customer to start, stop, and restart an AWS environment • The Qlik Deployment Console (QDC) is Administration provides all the while retaining its contents. Customers can take advantage of stopping their used to create and manage Qlik Sense administration tools to environments to save on costs, especially during non-peak hours. sites that are deployed in cloud manage and monitor • The new Environment Manager tool allows users to schedule these routine tasks computing environments. an enterprise cloud to occur at specific dates and times. environment. • For POC or development purposes, an administrator can stop these machines during non-peak hours to reduce costs. • Customers only pay for what they use.

65 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Qlik - Details by Capability - Why Not Qlik

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Auto Scaling The ability to resize • MicroStrategy Cloud customers have the ability to scale their environment up or Qlik is unable to cluster 8 nodes. Large cloud environments down with over 6 different instance size options from AWS ranging from 4 vCPU and enterprise organizations may need to based on the 15.25 GiB to 64 vCPU and 488 GiB of memory. cluster up to 8 nodes to support conditions the • Environments can scale on-demand or schedule based on usage patterns, hundreds of users and petabytes of customer defines. application usage patterns, and data size. Customers can add new users at any time data. and deploy multiple environments and projects as they see fit. • Customers pay for what they use according to length of time. Seamless Upgrade the platform By moving to the MicroStrategy Cloud, customers can ensure that they have the • Upgrades are not a seamless process. Upgrades and corresponding latest platform and version release, allowing them to take advantage of the latest Customers on Qlik Sense Enterprise servers without any platform security and feature enhancements. With the new Cloud Environment must download and manually apply the downtime or additional Manager, customers can schedule upgrades during non-peak hours to guarantee upgrades themselves. This will require work. seamless upgrades with zero downtime. Testing and health checks are automatically heavy IT knowledge and may cause performed to help ensure a successful upgrade. errors to happen. • There is Qlik on the AWS Marketplace but it isn't the latest version. Qlik is not serious about its cloud offering on AWS. High Maintain high • Each MicroStrategy deployment is in a single-tenant, private cloud. This allows •Qlik Cloud a multitenant environment. Performance performance and organizations to customize the software to meet their needs. Queries run by As a result, a customer's queries may and Reliability reliability without customers will not affect others. Each instance is isolated from others for maximum impact performance for all other sacrificing user privacy. customers. experience or security. • The MicroStrategy Cloud operations team has the cloud experts and support to help ensure high performance and reliability. We are backed not only by AWS’s world-class infrastructure, but also AWS experts who helped design and automate our cloud deployment. Our Cloud environment was built with the latest AWS technology and according to AWS’s best practices. Our team proactively patches infrastructure, operating systems, and applications to optimize performance while deterring security threats. We have processes in place so that systems are monitored, including the analytics and mobility servers. • MicroStrategy allows organizations to cluster up to 8 server nodes. Beyond being able to further scale in volume of analytics content, this will improve overall SLAs by reorganizing large clusters for higher availability and faster service recovery, reduce TCO by consolidation of multiple environments, and remove friction to deploy new applications and increase user capacity. Data Services for customers • MicroStrategy provides data connectivity and data warehouse solutions to meet • Qlik recently announced Qlik Sense Connectivity looking to move their customer needs. Customers may choose to migrate their data into the cloud. We Enterprise, but it is not optimized on and Migration data into the cloud or offer options to migrate into Amazon Redshift, SQL Server Enterprise, SQL Server AWS. Qlik Enterprise is being offered as connect their on-prem Standard, MySQL, or Aurora DWH platforms. When customers choose this option, deployable both on-premises or in the data to their cloud MicroStrategy builds the chosen DWH within the same VPC as the rest of the BI cloud. Customers must deploy Qlik environment. cloud environment. MicroStrategy works with customers to select the correct size enterprise themselves or go through Qlik (CPU/RAM) DWH machine that meets their needs. ETL options are also available. to do it for them. • If a customer chooses to maintain their database on-prem or in another cloud data source, a typical implementation involves establishing a VPN connection between the MicroStrategy Cloud and its database or data. The performance of this architecture can vary based on a variety of factors, including the physical distance between the MicroStrategy Cloud data center and the customer data source, the latency of the data connection, the bandwidth of the connection, the amount of usage, its query intensiveness, the query-response latency of the customer data source, and other variables.

66 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Qlik - Details by Capability - Why Not Qlik

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Data Security Security to protect • MicroStrategy Cloud security meets or exceeds industry standards and best • Qlik Sense Cloud relies on AWS customer data practices. MicroStrategy implements strong control practices to effectively maintain infrastructure for secure physical 24/7/365. the security and availability of the MicroStrategy Cloud and associated data. We access, redundant (fault tolerant) help ensure that your data is secure at network and application levels from any infrastructure, and scalability. attacks. We follow the latest industry standards on many compliances and • Additional security for Qlik Sense certifications such as SOC I & II, HIPAA, PCI, and Privacy Shield. Cloud is implemented through the use of AWS services and third-party solutions in a virtual private cloud (VPC). There is a lack of granular security and the ability to create workgroups. • Any app in the My Shared Cloud area is considered shared and can be seen by all followers. It is not possible to just share one app with a particular user. Enterprise Digital Badge Use a single digital • MicroStrategy, via Usher, delivers smartphone-based digital badges that provide • Digital badges are not provided in Qlik. IoT identifier to track, seamless access to physical and logical assets across the enterprise. MicroStrategy is the only BI platform report, and manage all • Digital badges replace physical badges, key fobs, passwords, and other identifiers that offers password-free login via a user interactions with with digital credentials delivered via a mobile app. Badges are branded by the mobile app. enterprise assets. The issuing organization and are dynamically and securely linked to an individuals' badge verifies identities privileges and access rights. prior to granting access • Badges can be remotely issued and revoked nearly instantaneously. They are to enterprise assets. provisioned via secure, out-of-band means, and their use can be gated by biometric, geographical, or temporal constraints. • The digital badge provides a unique identifier that can be used by any single badge to validate the identity of any other badge. It also provides one-time passcodes for a second factor of authentication. Physical Control and manage • MicroStrategy provides smartphone-based physical access functionality pre- • Physical access is not supported. Qlik Access access to any entryway integrated with leading PACS vendors. Usher works to consolidate multiple physical does not support OTB integration with across an enterprise access control systems throughout an enterprise. leading PACS vendors on mobile using a digital badge to • With an OpenAPI model, MicroStrategy can integrate with partner physical access devices. enhance or replace control systems, building automation systems, manufacturing systems, Internet of existing access cards Things (IoT) grids, and networks and management systems to deliver more for employees, advanced functionality and implementation options to customers. contractors, and visitors. Logical Access all types of • MicroStrategy provides secure digital identity that allows users to access nearly • Qlik does not offer logical access to Access digital assets in an any system in an enterprise (devices, applications, and VPNs) from a single point. In digital systems other than its own BI organization including order to both protect the current IT investments of corporations as well as enable suite. Qlik can be configured to use BI applications, web future investments, logical access with MicroStrategy is compatible with both SAML (security assertion markup applications, VPNs, industry-standard protocols like SAML and RADIUS as well as emerging standards language) for password-free and workstations from such as OpenID Connect. logins/single sign-on, but this requires a a single point. third-party authentication solution. Bluetooth Enable contextual • In the MicroStrategy platform, Usher’s Bluetooth (BLE 4.0) integration enables • Qlik Sense does not integrate with Sensing interactions, security, real-time micro-locational awareness of enterprise assets as well as touch-free Bluetooth. and seamless user physical and logical access. experiences via • This allows thousands of users to project their identity and move about a corporate Bluetooth delivering environment accessing doorways and systems securely with drastically decreased real-time locational amounts of friction. The Bluetooth sensing capability can also be configured to log awareness of proximity at a particular place and time. enterprise assets.

67 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Qlik - Details by Capability - Why Not Qlik

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Barcode Track • The integrated barcode scanner in MicroStrategy badges can scan virtually any • Tracking assets with barcode Scanner enterprise assets by kind of QR or barcode tag, securely logging a linkage between an employee and a scanners is not supported in Qlik. This is scanning barcodes or product, machine, or any valuable enterprise asset. in part due to Qlik not providing a digital QR codes whenever a • This capability allows the tracking of offline assets using labels and tags with bar or badge for use in interacting with the user interacts with QR codes and can improve process auditing and enforcement for customer service, Enterprise Internet of Things. them. This ability sets maintenance, and more. Scanning barcodes helps take data from multiple the foundation for components and systems and combine them to improve the predictability of seamless repair, performance issues that arise in day-to-day business operations. maintenance, and inventory management of enterprise assets. Communication Empower management • The Usher out-of-the-box productivity application allows managers to quickly • For Qlik Sense, this is not offered & and decision-making to identify, verify, coordinate, and communicate with other users – either in-person or outside of annotations and collaboration Collaboration be more timely, by remote location. for dashboards in its BI interfaces. Since informed, and • Users have the capability to exchange messages from any client interface via the Qlik does not provide a digital twin that is collaborative through Identity server as the intermediary. This feature supports a number of use cases carried by users with them in a mobile direct, in-app 2-way including employee safety, support, and coordination, particularly for field workforces form-factor at all times, it further lacks a messaging based on or during special events. convenient means of reaching users in a location and systems timely fashion. Additionally, this means access. there is much less contextual information available about users in any given point in time to influence the direction of communiques. Real-time Generate consumable • With MicroStrategy Usher badges, user presence and actions create real-time • Qlik's lack of a digital badge prevents it Telemetry real-time intelligence telemetry via an Apache Kafka Cluster – an open-source program delivering a from generating comprehensive, real- via digital identity distributed, partitioned, and replicated commit log service supporting real-time data time telemetry stemming from the interactions with all processing and big data volumes. This telemetry data is a rich and underutilized interactions between enterprise assets types of enterprise source of information that is the key to unlocking a smarter, more and constituents. Further, Qlik would not assets (physical and productive workforce. To expedite value creation, MicroStrategy helps organizations have the capability to handle this data in logical) and efficiently create and harness massive amounts of timely information arriving from real-time due to its need to have data be constituents. EIoT devices. extracted and processed prior to analysis. OTB Deploy reporting based • Usher Analytics is a MicroStrategy project included out-of-the-box with a badge • OTB reporting for an access-centric Reporting on telemetry, pulling implementation. MicroStrategy takes care of the ETL processes so access and EIoT implementation is not supported by Module data from all assets authorization data generated on the back-end is automatically loaded into a data Qlik. For Qlik to deliver dashboards that and access points to warehouse and leveraged by a pre-built data schema. This project includes multiple show a converged log of physical and deliver insight into dashboards and a mobile application for visibility into interactions between logical transactions by each user in an operations and enterprise constituents and assets. enterprise, a significant amount of labor compliance in a unified, (connecting, ETL-ing, architecting, “single source of truth” dashboarding) would need to occur. dashboard. Reports should be customizable with the ability to blend data from other enterprise repositories. Integration Synchronize to • Within the MicroStrategy platform, Usher Network Manager has pre-built directory • Qlik Sense supports Active Directory. with Directory directory services as integrations with Microsoft Active Directory, AWS Directory Services, and Okta However, it integrates natively with fewer Services the authoritative source Universal Directory. Usher is also compatible with the OpenLDAP standard. This third-party identity repositories for employee records allows MicroStrategy to quickly issue standardized credentials to all users, even in compared to MicroStrategy. and attributes. Support organizations which utilize multiple identity repositories - or even manually add the enforcement of temporary users who do not exist in any repository. directory provisioning for authorization (privileges, entitlements, and restrictions).

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Identity Server Manage a network of • The MicroStrategy Usher identity server, which assigns and issues digital twins to • Qlik does not provide OTB support for users by configuring users in the form of badges, is FIDO Alliance-certified on a UAF protocol for identity servers. User and asset relationships that delivering password-free authentication based on public key cryptography. It is administration in Qlik is limited to prompt, enable, or strongly resistant to phishing and can make user access subject to geographic and controlling BI applications and secure interactions temporal constraints. environments. among employees and assets within the The Usher server architecture is built to ensure that only authorized badge users network. Identity communicate with the identity server, and only from authorized devices. The Usher Servers enable server has the sole authority to convert a mobile device into an authorized device administrators to through a process that helps ensure that rogue devices or applications will not be create, configure, able to communicate with the identity server. The identity server provides support for distribute, revoke, and encryption of data at rest and in transit, encryption key management, and manage digital transaction logging tied to an individual user’s identity. identities with user badges. Enterprise 100% Focus Core business is • MicroStrategy is dedicated to a single business line, exclusively focused on • Qlik’s roots are in a point solution for Partner on Enterprise exclusively focused on enterprise analytics and mobility software. data discovery and visualization and not Analytics enterprise analytics. • MicroStrategy’s mission is to provide enterprise customers with a world-class in enterprise analytics. software platform and expert services so they can deploy unique intelligence applications. Platform Cohesion is an • MicroStrategy 10 has a unified platform architecture uniquely suited to deliver high- • Qlik has started to meld together Cohesion important concept in performance applications that are highly reusable and secure, and can meet the disparate technologies to try to fill gaps software design business intelligence demands of various users and organizations. in its solution. To do this, Qlik has because it reduces • Since its inception, MicroStrategy has been developing its platform technology acquired a number of other complexity, enhances 100% organically. technologies, including the ones below. system maintainability • In 2014, Qlik acquired Datamarket, a and increases data analytics company. reusability, which • In 2015, Qlik acquired Vizubi and its together promote product NPrinting, which is a report performance, generation, distribution and scheduling scalability and application for the Qlik platform. elegance. • In 2016, Qlik acquired Industrial CodeBox, the company behind QVSource, so that Qlik Sense users could include data from cloud-based sources. • In 2017, Qlik acquired Idevio, a provider of geographical-related software and services, so that Qlik Sense users could add maps to their apps. Visionary CEO anticipates and • MicroStrategy’s CEO, Michael Saylor, has anticipated technology trends such as • Qlik’s CEO reports to a private equity CEO drives technology mobile technology’s transformation of business operations, and led the company firm. Private equity firms typically focus trends in the enterprise through multiple waves of innovation such as client-server, web, mobile, cloud and on improving cash flow and tightly analytics industry. enterprise internet of things. controlling operations, rather than • Mr. Saylor is also the author of The New York Time’s best-selling book, “The fostering innovation. Mobile Wave.” • Qlik’s CEO isn’t a technologist and prior to Qlik, served primarily in financial roles in non-software companies. CEO CEO engages directly • MicroStrategy’s CEO directly engages with customers around the world by • Qlik offers only one worldwide user Engagement and substantially with personally participating in a majority of the 100+ Symposium events that conference, and doesn’t offer any other with customers around the MicroStrategy holds per year in 35 different countries, in addition to other customer large-scale conferences where Customers world. meetings and events on a regular basis. customers can engage with its CEO.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Qlik Qlik MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Tenured Executive team has • MicroStrategy’s CEO and CTO collectively have over 50 years of experience in • Qlik’s executive team represents the Executive extensive experience in enterprise analytics and mobility. interests of a private equity firm that Team enterprise analytics • Additionally, MicroStrategy’s CEO has science degrees from MIT and more than 50 doesn’t focus on the analytics industry. and mobility. patents to his name, and has been the driving force behind MicroStrategy’s • Following the acquisition by the private technology since its inception. equity firm, a number of executives responsible for the development of Qlik Sense, including Donald Farmer, VP of Innovation and Design, departed the company. Shareholder Principal shareholder • Mr. Saylor, the company’s Chairman of the Board, President & CEO, founded • In August 2016, Qlik was acquired by Alignment and management MicroStrategy in 1989 and has been the company’s controlling shareholder since its the private equity firm Thoma Bravo. interests are aligned inception. Accordingly, shareholder and management interests are fully aligned in Private equity firms typically focus on with the company’s pursuing MicroStrategy’s vision and long-term success. short-term financial growth in the hopes long-term success. of quickly selling off companies at a profit. • Even before then, Qlik’s larger shareholders were investment management companies. Publicly With greater • Having gone public 18 years ago, MicroStrategy is a mature publicly traded • Qlik is privately held by a private equity Traded transparency, stability company. firm. Company and access to funding, • Qlik’s financials aren’t transparent. a publicly traded • By going private, Qlik lost credibility company generally has and transparency with customers. a stronger management team, instills greater confidence in customers and has more financial levers. Strong A profitable • MicroStrategy has been profitable over the last 13 years, with combined net • In the 2 fiscal years before going Financials organization with a income of $197 million over the last 2 fiscal years and an operating margin of 21% private, Qlik had a combined net loss of strong balance sheet for 2016. $61 million. can better withstand • In addition, MicroStrategy’s balance sheet is strong with zero debt. • In Qlik’s last reported fiscal year-end market volatility and financials, it had an operating margin of fluctuations. -2%. Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of the world. Sales ability to directly • While Qlik has a similar global Presence engage with presence as MicroStrategy, there are organizations around reports of downsizing following the the world. private equity acquisition. • Historically, Qlik was more regionally focused, and, based on its last public financial filings, it continued to generate a majority of its revenue from non-U.S. markets. Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of the world. • While Qlik has a similar global Services ability to provide presence as MicroStrategy, there are Presence support and services to reports of downsizing following the customers around the private equity acquisition. world. • Qlik’s professional services revenue in 2015 was a much smaller percentage of total revenues than MicroStrategy’s.

70 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs IBM Cognos - Overview - Overview

Critical Capabilities - IBM Cognos Scores

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Critical IBM Critical IBM Critical IBM Critical IBM Critical IBM Critical IBM Critical IBM Index Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Score Score Score Score Score Score Score 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Custom Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Workflows Web Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Discovery Applications Deployment Analytics Create Custom Data Optimized Embedded Mobile Global Physical Platform 2 Governance Data Multimedia Applications in Availability Access Cohesion Connectivity iOS and Android Data User Preparation Geospatial Embed Third- API Enabled Visionary 3 Security and Analysis Party Data as Operations Logical Access CEO Blending Datasets CEO Enterprise Create Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers Mobile Client Extract Dashboards Caching for Subsets of Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and High Data Using Administration Scanner Executive documents Performance RESTful APIs Team

Mobile Personalized Create Custom Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics Alerts via Push Data Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications Connectors

Instant Updates Real Time to Custom Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Apps with No Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded Recompilation Company Predictive Analytics Customize / High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment and Machine White Label Performance Module Financials Learning and Reliability

High Big Data Native Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics Integration with Connectivity Directory Sales EMM Vendors and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution Usage Data Security Identity Server Services and Alerting Monitoring Presence

71 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs IBM Cognos - Overview - Critical Capabilities - IBM Cognos …

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Critical IBM Critical IBM Critical IBM Critical IBM Critical IBM Critical IBM Critical IBM Index Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Capability Cognos Score Score Score Score Score Score Score 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Custom Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Workflows Web Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Discovery Applications Deployment Analytics Create Custom Data Optimized Embedded Mobile Global Physical Platform 2 Governance Data Multimedia Applications in Availability Access Cohesion Connectivity iOS and Android Data User Preparation Geospatial Embed Third- API Enabled Visionary 3 Security and Analysis Party Data as Operations Logical Access CEO Blending Datasets CEO Enterprise Create Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers Mobile Client Extract Dashboards Caching for Subsets of Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and High Data Using Administration Scanner Executive documents Performance RESTful APIs Team

Mobile Personalized Create Custom Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics Alerts via Push Data Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications Connectors

Instant Updates Real Time to Custom Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Apps with No Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded Recompilation Company Predictive Analytics Customize / High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment and Machine White Label Performance Module Financials Learning and Reliability

High Big Data Native Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics Integration with Connectivity Directory Sales EMM Vendors and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution Usage Data Security Identity Server Services and Alerting Monitoring Presence

72 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs IBM Cognos - Details by Capability - Overview

Why Not IBM Cognos

Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with and • Cognos does support some reusability of Platform Oriented architecture catalogs contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused across the BI metadata objects, but not all objects can Reusability every aspect of the project. Objects can be combined to create higher level objects (e.g., attributes be re-used. It’s difficult to migrate existing business. Data assets, and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, and prompts make up a document; objects to new projects, and its change KPIs, dimensions, documents, and other reports can be embedded into a document - all of which management features are limited. users, reports, and are stored as "metadata objects"), and this together delivers a single BI project or dashboards are all a data model. • Cognos Analytics 11.0.5 introduced stored in a central • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be securely support for linked data modules, which location as unique reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, without any duplication allows users to reuse a data module to logical objects to of effort. build new ones with a link to the original support reusability. • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers filters, data. Content objects, such as reports, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and documents - making it dashboards, stories, data sets, and possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects multiple times across any application modules can be shared with a URL that and BI project. opens the content object directly. While • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata automatically users can reuse layout objects across proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates the need to manually multiple reports, they cannot reuse query update the changes across the deployment, which is particularly helpful for larger objects across reports. BI projects. • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased platform • Objects in IBM Cognos can only be scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single version of the truth. migrated from the content store in packages. Users have to create the packages, upload them to the content store, and then move them to the new project. This multiple step, manual process increases the chance for errors and inconsistencies on object definitions. • Cognos does not have an automated or comprehensive change management process to ensure that changes to metadata objects automatically ripple through to all dependent objects.

Data Unique definitions to The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with the right • Cognos Analytics and TM1 cubes still Governance every dimension and privileges to promote new and external content to the Server and tie it to a require their own unique sets of metadata, metric bound together certified data model, all with easy workflows. creating a fragmented metadata situation by strict rules that are • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as the cube which can lead to inconsistent object defined by a logical level, giving users the flexibility to control the data that is published to the model. definitions and reporting inconsistencies. model, thus ensuring • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, even a single version of the external non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record that users can • Any metadata changes (i.e. level name truth trust--while also delivering flexibility to end users. changes) require the TM1 cube to be • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers granular reimported into Framework Manager. The security features that allow project owners and data stewards to grant level names will not automatically refresh permissions and privileges to the right people. This delivers data security and themselves in Cognos BI. Developers also personalizes reports and dashboards to end users. must define level names first before • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote external data publishing the cubes to Cognos BI, into the system of record, combined with the flexibility of the system to deliver creating more manual work and increasing self-service access to business teams will increase the overall adoption of the BI the likelihood of errors. platform. • In contrast, MicroStrategy’s unified architecture runs on a single metadata, single server, and a single code base that enables a certified and flexible data model.

• In 11.0.5, only relational, dynamic query mode packages are supported in data modules; dimensionally modeled relational

73 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs IBM Cognos - Details by Capability - Why Not IBM Cognos

Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with and • Cognos does support some reusability of Platform Oriented architecture catalogs contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused across the BI metadata objects, but not all objects can Reusability every aspect of the project. Objects can be combined to create higher level objects (e.g., attributes be re-used. It’s difficult to migrate existing business. Data assets, and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, and prompts make up a document; objects to new projects, and its change KPIs, dimensions, documents, and other reports can be embedded into a document - all of which management features are limited. users, reports, and are stored as "metadata objects"), and this together delivers a single BI project or dashboards are all a data model. • Cognos Analytics 11.0.5 introduced stored in a central • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be securely support for linked data modules, which location as unique reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, without any duplication allows users to reuse a data module to logical objects to of effort. build new ones with a link to the original support reusability. • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers filters, data. Content objects, such as reports, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and documents - making it dashboards, stories, data sets, and possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects multiple times across any application modules can be shared with a URL that and BI project. opens the content object directly. While • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata automatically users can reuse layout objects across proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates the need to manually multiple reports, they cannot reuse query update the changes across the deployment, which is particularly helpful for larger objects across reports. BI projects. • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased platform • Objects in IBM Cognos can only be scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single version of the truth. migrated from the content store in packages. Users have to create the packages, upload them to the content store, and then move them to the new project. This multiple step, manual process increases the chance for errors and inconsistencies on object definitions. • Cognos does not have an automated or comprehensive change management process to ensure that changes to metadata objects automatically ripple through to all dependent objects.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Data Unique definitions to The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with the right • Cognos Analytics and TM1 cubes still Governance every dimension and privileges to promote new and external content to the Server and tie it to a require their own unique sets of metadata, metric bound together certified data model, all with easy workflows. creating a fragmented metadata situation by strict rules that are • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as the cube which can lead to inconsistent object defined by a logical level, giving users the flexibility to control the data that is published to the model. definitions and reporting inconsistencies. model, thus ensuring • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, even a single version of the external non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record that users can • Any metadata changes (i.e. level name truth trust--while also delivering flexibility to end users. changes) require the TM1 cube to be • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers granular reimported into Framework Manager. The security features that allow project owners and data stewards to grant level names will not automatically refresh permissions and privileges to the right people. This delivers data security and themselves in Cognos BI. Developers also personalizes reports and dashboards to end users. must define level names first before • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote external data publishing the cubes to Cognos BI, into the system of record, combined with the flexibility of the system to deliver creating more manual work and increasing self-service access to business teams will increase the overall adoption of the BI the likelihood of errors. platform. • In contrast, MicroStrategy’s unified architecture runs on a single metadata, single server, and a single code base that enables a certified and flexible data model. • In 11.0.5, only relational, dynamic query mode packages are supported in data modules; dimensionally modeled relational (DMR) and OLAP metadata are not yet supported in data modules.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score User Security Roles and privileges The security model within the MicroStrategy platform is built around users and • Cognos supports user authentication and that assign restrictions user groups, which are represented as logical metadata objects. This ensures some role-based data access controls, but to users and groups that data is secured at the most granular levels. it has a limited range of security privileges ensure that end users • Security filters based on dimension values help ensure that users are restricted and requires too many manual/redundant only see personalized to only see data that is relevant to them. This eliminates the need to build multiple processes. and relevant content copies of the same application, and makes it possible to optimally scale. and are only able to • With MicroStrategy's tools, administrators can apply Access Control Lists • While Cognos 11.05 allows the creation perform authorized (ACLs) to large user groups, restricting the range of data objects they can access of Cognos groups and the addition of actions. or actions they can perform, and specifying the scope of their privileges in the Active Directory groups/users, the security environment. settings cannot be reused across the • With Usher, it is possible to provide secure digital authentication options, entire deployment and have to be defined including geo-fencing and time-fencing capabilities, making it possible to restrict redundantly for every user group. user access based on location and time. • Modules in Cognos Analytics (Cognos 11) can be saved to a folder with role and group security, but they do not currently support hierarchies or row-level security. Developers can implement row-level security, but it has to be configured within the database. • Column-level security requires manual coding from Framework Manager and can be applied only for user groups. In contrast, MicroStrategy not only supports row-level and column-level security, but also enforces security on individual metadata objects, enabling much more granular control over data access and user capabilities. • Users are authenticated by directly connecting to any v3 LDAP, including Active Directory. Cognos provides an out- of-the-box audit solution to monitor when and how users interact with the platform.

Scalability Deliver analytics to MicroStrategy is optimized in its design for enterprise scale and speed; as such, • Cognos enables scalability and everyone across the the platform can support the analytical reporting needs of 100s of thousands of performance via load balancing through enterprise, and users across the enterprise. various administrator controlled settings beyond. Allow 1000s • The platform can be clustered with up to 8 nodes with work- and user-fencing that optimize resource availability. of users to leverage options to help ensure performance and reliability across the entire user Additionally, Cognos pushes down analytics without population. analytical functions to the database, and sacrificing • The platform has no restrictions on data size for either direct or in-memory provides multilevel caching and aggregate performance and access to data awareness. without restrictions on • MicroStrategy customers are leveraging the platform to store data using in- data size. memory cubes with over 2 billion rows while delivering sub-second response • IBM Cognos can scale vertically (by times to their end-users. using more powerful servers), or scale • MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive analytics vendor that supports big data horizontally by adding more servers and analytics with native connectors to HDFS to access petabytes of data in real time. balancing the processing load among the servers.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Performance Publish and deliver MicroStrategy employs a variety of strategies to increase the overall performance • IBM Cognos does not dynamically information to end- of the platform, making it possible to deliver sub-second response times - even generate multi-pass SQL. Therefore, it users with quick with large datasets. cannot fully leverage the processing power response times, and • MicroStrategy was among the first BI vendors to support push-down analytical of the database to answer complex deliver analytics functions across all leading databases. This capability helps drive computations queries; instead it must place the burden without being impeded intelligently to the database when needed, thereby improving the overall on the analytical engine in the middle-tier. by data size. response time to end users. Multi-stage calculations, such as • The platform can create multiple parallel threads to the database, increasing the percentage to total, and contribution speed at which data is fetched from the warehouse. metrics need to be handled at the report • Whereas other BI vendors attempt to implement caching at a single level, level, which will degrade performance. MicroStrategy implements self-tuning strategies that create caches at key points within the query flow. The Server caches data in the following crucial areas: • MicroStrategy’s multi-pass SQL queries Metadata object caching, attribute element caching, database connection provide greater analytical power and caching, result caching, and document caching. minimizes the amount of data that is pulled • The platform is based on an in-memory architecture that can partition cubes and back to the mid-tier. process data in parallel, making it possible to process larger cubes than other vendors in the market. • VLDB settings are available to fine-tune and optimize connectivity for every type of data source, delivering custom settings to organizations with unique deployments. Automation Reduce burden on IT • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to maintain and upgrade • IBM Cognos Analytics (v11) does not administrators, systems, automate workflows, and ensure superior data quality and security, provide automated command line scripts especially with large without redundancies. for administrative tasks. scale deployments, by • The platform allows admins to reduce the time and effort spent on routine cutting down on maintenance and administrative tasks, like moving assets from test to production • Cognos does not automatically and routine or redundant environments, to checking the data quality between upgrades, and scheduling comprehensively check for dependencies tasks. health checks and tasks with workflows. when changes in metadata objects occur, • Beyond administrative tasks, data uploads/refreshes and scheduled deliveries as it does not support metadata content can be automated as well, which removes the burden from IT and helps reduce across the entire product set. overall TCO. Monitoring Easily monitor, • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to monitor every • Cognos BI provides metrics for checking maintain, manage, environment in a MicroStrategy deployment, across multiple projects and even the performance of the system, servers, fine-tune, and server machines - both on-premises and in the cloud. dispatchers, or services. Admins can set automate actions and • The interface enables administrators to quickly and easily view usage patterns, thresholds for metrics to identify when the workflows to ensure system resources, uptime, and alerts across environments. performance exceeds or falls short of the health of the • The platform collects information from each environment’s Health Center, and expected ranges and notify anyone who system. Eliminate presents key usage and performance indicators using graphs and charts. should be made aware of the problem redundant tasks to • Administrators can define thresholds for system usage and performance that when a performance issue occurs. reduce overall TCO. automatically trigger alerts when threshold criteria are met or exceeded. • Beyond the 100s of OOTB reports and dashboards available with the platform, • Cognos Analytics also provides an out- administrators can build their own reports with custom KPIs to measure platform of-the-box audit solution to monitor when usage. and how users interact with the platform.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Deployment Options to deploy on MicroStrategy delivers flexible options for deploying analytics across the • Cognos is available in a cloud any infrastructure, enterprise with on-premises, cloud, and hybrid options for teams of any size. environment, but customers are not able to regardless of size, • The platform is supported on both Windows and Linux, and can be clustered launch a cloud server with IBM Cognos team, or hardware with up to 8 Server nodes. Analytics already installed on it. This will resources, thus • Partnering with AWS, the leading cloud vendor, MicroStrategy allows require users to install and configure the BI reducing overall TCO organizations around the world to spin up instances for enterprise analytics and platform themselves, which will take time and maintenance mobility in minutes, allowing companies to start small and expand as needed. and additional resources. In contrast, required. • Pre-configured environments in the cloud can be created, managed, MicroStrategy enables organizations maintained, and upgraded with self-service consoles, enabling extremely low around the world to spin up instances for TCOs. enterprise analytics and mobility in minutes. • IBM Cognos Analytics supports a number of operating systems including AIX, Linux, Solaris, and Windows, and supports a number of open standards. High Robust architecture • With MicroStrategy, users across the organization can access reliable analytics Availability that provides the delivered on a robust architecture that is designed for enterprise scale, highest uptime for performance, and stability. • IBM Cognos offers 99% system users to always have • Disaster recovery and failover options allow organizations to avoid downtimes availability for the enterprise offering access to the system, for end-users. System administrators have the choice to setup hot, warm, or cold with provisions and failover strategies (for backup nodes) depending on the hardware resources • In terms of SLAs, the availability of the tuning mechanisms for available to them. cloud service during a contracted month increased system • Clustering and work fencing capabilities make it possible to proactively prevent depends for each applicable offering. stability and better server crashes by deflecting heavy jobs to specific servers or time periods. failover management. • Reliable governors at every level of the query path make it possible to avert system crashes, even under peak user and data loads. In-memory Architecture that can • The MicroStrategy platform enables organizations to take advantage of in- Architecture host terabytes of data memory cube technology, which increases performance by reducing the need to • Cognos Dynamic Cubes are modeled in-memory making it access data directly from the data warehouse. with a designated tool called IBM Cognos available to end-users • MicroStrategy in-memory cubes can be quickly loaded with data using parallel Cube Designer, which requires additional with faster response threads from the database which can also be optimized and fine-tuned for schema work instead of directly leveraging times. specific databases. the already-built schema model. Due to • Dynamic sourcing is a platform capability that automatically routes queries to their idiosyncrasies, Dynamic Cubes have the fastest available data source—whether it’s a cache, a cube, or the original not yet been widely adopted. relational source, thus helping maximize performance and throughput. • MicroStrategy's parallel processing and partitioning capabilities differentiate it from other vendors, helping to boost processing speeds in situations where there are terabytes of data stored in memory. Enterprise Self-Service Intuitive workflows for MicroStrategy differentiates itself from other point solutions by combining the • Cognos Analytics users can author Analytics Data end-users to access, ease-of-use of data exploration with enterprise capabilities including scalability, reports based on models created in either Discovery visualize, analyze, and performance, security, and governance, in a single platform. Modules (Cognos 11) or the Framework share insights without • MicroStrategy Desktop and Web provide access to 80+ data sources, from Manager (Cognos 10.2.2) interface, but the support of IT. Excel spreadsheets, to relational sources, big data, Cloud services, Hadoop, and dashboards can only be authored against more. the new data modules. • Built-in tools are available for data preparation, as well as the ability to blend data across multiple sources. • It provides the ability to visualize data with any chart or graph natively and offers workflows to include D3, Highcharts, Google Charts, and other libraries (including open source and NLG options) • Includes easy sharing options (PDF, email, send to file location, print, and more), and workflows to promote external data into a governed model. Also supports options to export to PDF and email options. • MicroStrategy is compatible with Mac and Windows PC. Analysts can quickly set up and install MicroStrategy without IT support. • The platform supports advanced analytics with 350+ out-of-the-box functions, and can also integrate with R.

78 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs IBM Cognos - Details by Capability - Why Not IBM Cognos

Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Optimized Drivers and gateways • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data sources, from Data that deliver instant and Excel spreadsheet to relational databases, cloud systems, HDFS and more. • Cognos users can create data models Connectivity reliable access to a • Organizations can also build their own connectors to custom data assets with based on relational data sources and variety of data sources APIs, allowing them to connect to any new source available in the market. some Hadoop-based data sources and information in any • Each connector is optimized for high performance, with the ability to intelligently (Cloudera Impala, IBM Big Insights, Hive), format, regardless of push-down calculations to the databases when needed, generate multi-pass but not from applications such as Twitter or size. SQL, load parallel threads simultaneously, and can load data without restrictions Salesforce, or OLAP data sources. These on size or type. data sources are supported in Framework • Easy workflows are available to business users to blend data on their own Manager models. without IT support. • VLDB parameters are available to fine-tune and optimize SQL generation specific to each database. • MicroStrategy leverages an aggregate-aware SQL generation engine to transparently navigate aggregate tables, dynamically directing queries to summary tables, without the user having to specify the use of the table when creating the query. • MicroStrategy can generate multi-pass SQL to answer analytical questions that cannot be answered with a single SQL query block, covering scenarios that include: set analysis, split metrics, and calculations at different levels of aggregation. Data Transform and MicroStrategy offers built-in data wrangling and blending capabilities and is • IBM Cognos Analytics does not provide Preparation arrange data to make supported across all data sources. access to unstructured/ semi-structured and Blending it better suited for • End users can perform transformations on data prior to visualizing information data sources. visual exploration, with using dozens of functions available via graphical interfaces and without exporting • It is not possible to transform and clean the ability to create out to Excel. data from the spreadsheet during the load joins across tables • Data wrangling and blending is possible by business users across process. from disparate spreadsheets, relational sources, HDFS, cloud systems, and other popular • The size of Excel, .txt, .csv, and simple sources. databases. data files is capped at 100 MB. • Users can split columns, identify spelling errors, perform text and numeric • The data must be in columnar form--no facets, eliminate white spaces, pivot tables, and perform dozens more pivot tables or crosstabs. transformations based on intelligent recommendations from the product. • History lists are automatically recorded, so when more current data is available, the actions do not need to be repeated. Enterprise Options to view large • MicroStrategy provides a flexible reporting environment that leverages OLAP • The platform supports formatted reports, Reports volumes of data in an functionality to give end users the ability to quickly slice and dice data from authored by IT or business users, with easy-to-read grid across multiple sources, using a variety of options: sorting, pivoting, page-by, drill scheduling and distribution. Banded format, with tools to down, drill anywhere, totals and subtotals, one-click metrics, derived elements, reports are supported. perform ad-hoc view filters, lock headers, switch between grid/graph, fit to content/window, and • There are several reporting tools: self- analysis for improved more. service reporting and analysis are done decision-making. • With the ability to publish banded reports, the platform can roll up and present through IBM Cognos Query Studio and dynamic aggregates for large volumes across 100s of pages of data. IBM Cognos Analysis Studio, and • With MicroStrategy, developers can quickly design operational reports and scheduled reports are created in IBM statements using drag-and-drop functionality and flexible formatting in order to Cognos Analytics. structure large amounts of data into a natural hierarchy for maximum readability • Reports can be authored against existing and ease of navigation. Framework Manager models as of v11. • MicroStrategy enables parameter-driven reports by supporting more types of • Banded reports are supported. user prompts than any other vendor, allowing users to input selections at runtime • IBM supports report distribution via PDF to alter the contents of the reports. Options include simple dimension prompts, or XLS, and based on user-defined hierarchy prompts, list prompts, object prompts, value prompts, level prompts. business events such as sales below target. However, this is not supported for dashboards.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Dashboards Highly formatted • MicroStrategy delivers graphical WYSIWYG designer tools to create pixel- and options to author, perfect documents, invoices, statements, scorecards, and interactive real-time • Reports can run in limited interactivity or documents visualize, and interact dashboards, all from a single design editor. full interactivity mode. Any report can be with data to identify • All styles of BI described above support responsive design and can be set to either mode by the author using the trends and outliers consumed on any browser or mobile device. ‘Run with full interactivity’ report property. and make efficient • Dashboards are built on the metadata model, so they are secure and • By default, new reports are fully decisions. personalized for each user, and support transactions, offline consumption, and interactive (‘Run with full interactivity can be delivered in any desired format. default’ set to ‘Yes’). The author can limit • Dashboards support ad-hoc data discovery across 100s of options and let the interactivity by setting ‘Run with full users visualize data with access to native and third-party charting libraries. interactivity’ to ‘No’. • Transactional workflows can be embedded to enable write-back capabilities for • By default, existing C10 reports run with both web and mobile applications. limited interactivity to ensure the reports have the same behavior as the previous release. The author is able to set them to full interactivity. Mobile Consume reports and • Mobile is fully integrated into the MicroStrategy analytics platform, so • Mobile capabilities depend on the type of Analytics dashboards on mobile organizations can leverage existing visualizations, reports, and dashboards to content created. Dashboard content is devices, with complete instantly deploy BI on mobile devices. accessed and interacted with primarily via interactivity, in order to • MicroStrategy Mobile enhances the mobile experience on iOS and Android by an HTML browser-based interface. perform analytics and delivering native apps that let users take full advantage of the unique capabilities • Only reports created in Report Studio make decisions while of their mobile devices when interacting with their data, while also being able to and Cognos Workspace can be viewed on on the go. rely on transaction and offline capabilities. mobile. In addition, these reports have to • With flexible, code-free tools and a click-to-configure development canvas, be specifically formatted for mobile organizations can mobilize business workflows and deliver a highly responsive, devices, which creates multiple silos of native user experience with apps that can be built in record time and at a fraction information. of the cost. • For offline content and use within a native app, the report must be explicitly designed as an Active Report; dashboards are not supported offline. Furthermore, only active reports (reports created in Report Studio) are supported offline (from iPads only). • Cognos Mobile for Android (not a native app) does not support offline reporting. • Users can’t perform transactions or access multimedia offline. Real Time The ability to deliver MicroStrategy delivers the ability to visualize data from external streaming • While IBM offers real-time computing via Analytics instant analytics and applications and trigger alerts from these sources. IBM Stream Computing, it is not yet native insights where data is • The platform can instantly ingest real-time feeds from Storm, Spark, and Kafka. to Cognos. available in real-time. For other relational systems, the platform can also support data refreshes at the • IBM Stream Computing offers a solution smallest intervals, and can perform at the speed of incoming information. with a development environment, and • MicroStrategy can manage real-time information and give an instant view of the analytics toolkits such as natural language data. processing, image/voice recognition, and • The application can also send threshold-based alerts to any device allowing spatial-temporal analysis. decision-makers to take instant and proactive action, all in real time. • MicroStrategy can also integrate with visualizations and widgets that support real-time mapping of information on both Web and Mobile.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Predictive Advanced algorithms With minimal help from IT, MicroStrategy users can create and visualize Analytics and and workflows for advanced metrics and perform the most complex calculations. • IBM Cognos Analytics lacks out-of-the- Machine users to be able to • End users can build sophisticated statistical and mathematical models with the box capabilities for embedded advanced Learning perform native library of functions available directly with MicroStrategy. They can generate analytics. There is no basic forecasting or summarizations, predictive, scoring, or training metrics using natively available algorithms. advanced analytics. For these optimizations, • MicroStrategy offers over 350 native functions, out of the box, so that business requirements, customers would need to predictions, statistical users are able to perform data mining and create highly advanced statistical use either IBM Watson Analytics or calculations, or create algorithms on their own, with minimal support from IT. Framework Manager models, integrated custom groups, • Users can integrate MicroStrategy with data mining models from other with IBM SPSS. training, and scoring applications by importing Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML), SAS, and • IBM Cognos only integrates with SPSS. metrics. SPSS into the metadata repository. • IBM Cognos Analytics still doesn’t fully • The platform integrates with third-party options like R using graphical integrate with IBM Watson. interfaces. Big Data Access data from MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive platform that supports access to big • IBM allows users to create data models Analytics Hadoop and other data with native connectors to HDFS while also providing built-in workflows for based on relational data sources and distributed file data preparation on top of Hadoop data. some Hadoop-based data sources systems without • Whether it’s a personal spreadsheet or a dispersed Hadoop Distributed File (Cloudera Impala, IBM BigInsights, Hive). limitations on size and System (HDFS), users can easily connect to their data without relying on IT and without experiencing without limits on data size. It's easy to access data from any flavor of Hadoop, drops in performance. including Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR, with comprehensive support for Spark, Kerberos, and the top file formats. • With MicroStrategy, users can leverage information from click streams, web activity, call center logs, and ID scans - and blend it with data from other sources using graphical workflows. • MicroStrategy connects to big data sources and NoSQL options such as MongoDB and Cassandra, and also connects to HDFS via native connectors to Cloudera Hive, Impala, MapR Drill, Pig scripts, Spark SQL, and more. • With MicroStrategy, users can also limit and manage the amount of data imported from HDFS, or perform aggregations on top of the data prior to importing it into MicroStrategy for analysis. • Users can also apply advanced functions and filters to control and restrict the amount of data.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Automated Distribute reports, MicroStrategy is designed for high-volume, automated delivery of reports and • Time-based alerts are supported but Distribution dashboards, and dashboards. conditional alerts are not. and Alerting documents to large • The platform makes it possible to scale distribution of analytical content to 100s audiences in a of thousands of users, with the ability to automate and schedule the delivery of personalized and reports and dashboards, based on time-, event-, and threshold-based alerts. automated manner. • MicroStrategy supports the widest variety of delivery methods, with optimal This helps to formatting for each device and application. ensure the on-time • MicroStrategy provides bursting capabilities to deliver slicing or page-by delivery of information executions, allowing a single report to be extracted from the data warehouse that to end-users so they can be parsed into sub-reports for individual subscribers. This avoids having to can make timely, run different reports for different recipients while still being able to generate informed decisions. personalized reports. • Alerting capabilities can monitor KPI values when new data is available and send detailed reports or alert messages when thresholds are reached. • Security filters and ACLs set on the user level guarantees personalized and secure information to 1000s of users with the delivery of a single dashboard. • MicroStrategy leverages segmentation capabilities to manage resource utilization in large scale report delivery deployments by analyzing the list of subscriptions to determine if several subscriptions share the same combination of security and personalization and grouping them into buckets since they receive the same content. From bursting and smart pagination for PDF exports to the delivery of highly personalized content, MicroStrategy delivers sophisticated distribution capabilities that make it possible to publish data and insights across the organization without the need to invest in other technologies. Enterprise Transactional Write-back capabilities • MicroStrategy provides mobile write-back capabilities that let users update • Unlike IBM Analytics desktop, the mobile Mobility Workflows that allow mobile systems of record from the field. Users can change data on the fly, insert new client does not support transactional users to submit information, and view updated reports and dashboards. (write-back) capabilities from mobile transactions to ERP, • These transactions can include one-tap approvals and denials, inputs for devices. This limits users' ability to take CRM, or other capturing new information, and editing existing information in ERP systems, action directly from their devices and operational systems. CRM systems, and other operational databases. automatically apply changes to datasets. • App developers can create smart forms that are contextual and conditional, based on a user’s permissions or location. • MicroStrategy offers a broad set of input controls, including barcode scanners, signature capture, star rating, text and number fields, calendar, camera, steppers, sliders, and more. • Transaction Services can also auto-capture additional information alongside the user inputs to further streamline business processes. For example, the user’s profile information as well as latitude, longitude, and a time stamp can be included in a transactional submission without requiring additional work by the user. • Users can access transactional inputs and forms regardless of internet connectivity. When offline, transactions are queued for submission and executed when the user next connects.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Embedded Ability to download • MicroStrategy provides in-app viewing of multimedia content including videos, • IBM Cognos mobile analytics limits Multimedia and view multimedia PDFs, images, presentations, spreadsheets, documents, email, and web content accessibility to multimedia content by only files online and offline, —all seamlessly embedded in the mobile app. allowing users to download selective such as presentations, • As is the case for other content in the app, multimedia can be pre-cached or content. videos, PDFs, and stored for convenient, offline access. ePUB books on • There are two ways to include multimedia in apps: HTML containers and the mobile devices. Multimedia Widget. • HTML containers enable access to any web content by placing it directly in the app's iFrame. URLs provide links to pull up entire documents or web pages. • The Multimedia Widget provides a framework in which to download, consume, and store multimedia files. WebDAV folder integration enables users to dynamically browse and view existing files and folders in a WebDAV folder, for example in Microsoft SharePoint. This makes it easy for traditionally non- technical people, for example in Marketing or HR, to distribute updated versions of collateral or training videos to employees in the field. • MicroStrategy also provides a widget that is especially designed for videos. The interactive, elegant Video Player Widget (that leverages the native OS video player) loads and plays a video from a remote location or from the local cache. The widget can display: videos from a streaming service such as YouTube, videos from a file server location, or a cached video from the WebDAV cache. If the mobile device is online, the Video Player Widget loads the video from the remote location but is smart enough to check first if a local cache already exists on the device’s WebDAV cache store. Geospatial Ability to display • MicroStrategy abstracts all the geospatial analysis capabilities from the base • Though IBM Cognos supports Mapbox Analysis geospatial data map layer, so customers can leverage whichever base map they want, depending integration, functionality is only limited to overlaid on an on existing map investments or preferences. dashboards. Furthermore, Google and interactive map (ESRI, • MicroStrategy Mobile provides support for building map visualizations on ESRI ESRI map rendering is unavailable for Google Maps, and and Google Maps, as well as custom images as maps with the Image Layout Cognos Analytics Mobile via active custom images). Widget. These maps render seamlessly on the appropriate native mobile map reports. (Apple Maps on iOS and Google Maps on Android). • Street-level mapping analysis is • Both ESRI and Google Maps display geospatial data overlaid on an interactive not supported. map. Users can swipe, scroll, and zoom in directly on the map, or even filter the • Custom geospatial features such data shown by selecting elements within their mobile app. Data can be displayed as sales regions, flight or driving using a pin marker, a density map, or a bubble to provide multiple types of routes, sensor locations, etc. are not analysis within each map. In addition, ESRI maps can display data from a custom supported. geographical region, such as the counties of a state or districts within a city. The image layout widget allows app developers to include visualizations representative of different geographic regions such as countries, states, and regions, or visualizations that represent custom spatial analyses like a store layout. Offline Access Ability to support • MicroStrategy Mobile apps can be configured to work entirely offline. This • Offline support for reports and applications in offline includes support for analytics, visualizations, multimedia, and transactions. dashboards is available for iPads only. mode regardless of • MicroStrategy provides advanced offline functionality, including: prompt panels • Transactions (not supported in mobile), connectivity. This that display valid caches for multiple prompt scenarios; visual cues such as an geospatial analysis, and multimedia includes interactivity offline mode indicator and shading to indicate availability; a view of transaction content are not supported in offline mode. with data, multimedia queues; and the ability to delete or edit transactions before a connection is • Cognos Mobile for Android does not content, and reestablished. In a situation where a user wants to avoid using data, the user can support offline reporting. transactional manually switch to offline mode using the app settings. workflows. • While users are in offline mode, mobile usage stats are still captured and submitted to the server once the user reconnects. Additionally, data-at-rest is highly secured. The stored data is encrypted; the app can still require credentials, and the offline cache can be set to expire at a desired time.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Mobile Client Ability to cache data • MicroStrategy offers three main caching strategies that customers can leverage Caching for on the device to when configuring their apps: automatic caching (devices check for new and • Cognos Mobile analytics apps do not High optimize app updated content and sync content in the background), pre-caching folders (a set provide a resilient caching infrastructure. Performance performance. Deliver of objects are pre-cached when the app starts), and adaptive mobile caching (the There is a limitation to the maximum sub-second response app prioritizes background cache loading based on where the user is and number of pages stored on mobile devices times even when downloads content the user will likely want to see before they tap on it). for each report. IBM Cognos suggests dealing with large • MicroStrategy has a sophisticated analytical engine within the mobile client, so using the default of 5 unless the mobile volumes of data, the mobile client itself can perform computations on locally cached data without environment only includes iPad mobile numerous concurrent having to go back to the server. Because the computations can be done locally clients. In that case, the default can be set users, or slow, on the device, this also helps to speed app performance. up to 50 pages. Pages over the specified unreliable connectivity. • As a 100% native app, MicroStrategy uses OpenGL frameworks available on limit are automatically discarded. the mobile OS which help to achieve maximum app performance. All of the • Furthermore, there is also a limit of 999 drawings (renderings) of visualizations leverage native device drawing days to store a report in the database. If a capabilities which are optimized for high performance. report exceeds this limit, it is removed from the mobile device. Personalized Ability to send alerts to • MicroStrategy’s scalable alerting engine provides personalized alerts to every • IBM Cognos has limitations on its alerting Alerts via mobile users in the user. capabilities for the mobile product. Users Push form of push • The alerting engine is based on a robust distribution server that supports can receive push notifications from Notifications notifications. These monitoring multiple data sources 100s of 1000s of times every minute and Cognos Analytics servers for iOS only. notifications should be creating personalized alerts for mobile users when a set condition has been met. Cognos mobile does not provide alerts or triggered by preset • Thresholds can be set on any metric on any report. push notifications to Android users. thresholds, or be • Alerts are handled through the device’s native push notification system in one of available on demand. three forms: a badge (a graphic associated with the application), a home screen notification (a message which the user can view and interact with), and/or a sound. • Smart badges can show metric values or the number of alerts. Instant Update and publish • MicroStrategy lets app developers make updates and publish changes to their • Instant updates to apps are not Updates to changes to custom mobile apps without the need to recompile (in Xcode for iOS and in Android supported. Custom Apps apps without having to Development Studio for Android) and redistribute apps. Any change in • IBM Cognos mobile does not provide with No recompile and functionality or configuration is instantly reflected in the mobile app without users the flexibility to instantly view active Recompilation redistribute. Changes requiring the user to upgrade the app on the mobile device. This flexibility is very reports in the mobile app, as the active are distributed and powerful when users are trying to operate on an agile development cycle, where reports have to be manually imported in available to users users need to access the changes instantly without having to constantly upgrade the app via mail, iTunes, web server, or file without requiring an their app. storage. app update. • MicroStrategy also provides a drag-and-drop interface to migrate apps from development, to test, to production by using MicroStrategy Object Manager. Customize / Ability to rebrand the • The Mobile SDK provides app developers with a multitude of customization • Cognos does not provide any APIs for White Label mobile app by options. This includes a code-free approach to white-labeling and rebranding any iOS or Android that allow app developers including customized MicroStrategy Mobile app. to customize the look and feel of the icons, as well as • Customization includes changing icons, as well as splash, launch, and login mobile app, or embed Cognos BI content splash, launch, and screens. It enables developers to match corporate branding and look-and-feel into an existing mobile application. login screens. standards. Native Native SDK • MicroStrategy's native mobile security features provide extensive capabilities to • IBM does not test or support EMM Integration integration with protect sensitive company data, but MicroStrategy provides the flexibility to "wrapping" tools, like MobileIron or with EMM leading EMM vendors leverage additional third-party capabilities, including those provided by EMM AirWatch, but they claim that Cognos Vendors AirWatch, MobileIron, vendors. Mobile customers have successfully used and Blackberry • MicroStrategy offers native SDK integration on iOS with three EMM providers: those products. Dynamics, and MobileIron, Blackberry Dynamics, and AirWatch. MicroStrategy offers native SDK • IBM's Cognos Mobile customers have AppConfig community integration on Android with AirWatch. provided feedback that they have guidelines. • MicroStrategy Mobile also supports EMM capabilities via implementation of the deployed using MobileIron, AirWatch, AppConfig guidelines, natively on both iOS and Android. Citrix, MaaS360, and Mocana, and have demonstrated partial compatibility with AppConfig. IBM does not confirm or validate the accuracy of this list.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Mobile App Ability to collect • Mobile app client-side monitoring captures personalized analysis every time a • IBM Cognos Mobile Analytics limits its Usage mobile usage statistics user taps on an app screen. Statistics are gathered on time spent on each app support to basic log files for debugging Monitoring and populate a screen, exploration paths, GPS location, app usage, device type, operating purposes. database for analysis. system version, and cache usage. • IBM monitors user behavior within the • With this information, app developers can track overall app adoption and geo- mobile app itself but offers limited location of usage, perform cohort analysis, support continuous development monitoring of security, performance, and cycles, analyze app performance, spot network issues, and track adoption rates operational statistics. of new devices, operating systems, and clients. These statistics are critical to driving app enhancements and to honing the app experience. • Mobile usage stats are captured even while a user is offline. Once the user reconnects, the stats are submitted to the server. Embedded Create The ability to modify • A key component of an enterprise-class platform is the ability to modify and • The IBM Cognos SDK is a separate Analytics Custom Web and extend existing extend existing functionality to meet the unique needs of an organization. For installation that allows the integration of Applications functionality, building customized applications, a robust BI platform must provide access to all Cognos BI content into other applications. create a custom web of its functionality through APIs. The MicroStrategy BI platform is a modern, Users can automate tasks that include application, embed sophisticated service-oriented architecture that is designed for flexibility and scheduling, changing permissions, and content in portals, or extensibility so that it can grow with the demands of enterprise applications. displaying Cognos reports in a custom simply change the web application. However, the Cognos look and feel with • The MicroStrategy Web SDK enables developers to build a full-fledged web SDK does not allow users to modify portal personalized branding application or change the look and feel of an existing web application with an pages, login screens, branding, or any and logos through intuitive customization tool. The Web Customization Editor is integrated with the other user interface widgets. application most widely used Java IDE, Eclipse. With over 5000 classes exposed in the Web programming API, this integration not only simplifies development, but also allows developers interfaces (APIs). to write their code without modifying any source code or out-of-the-box configuration files. This approach is helpful in maintaining and upgrading customizations. • The Web SDK also allows developers to write their own Web Services that encapsulate MicroStrategy functionality and expose this functionality to third-party applications. Since the services use standard protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS and generate a response in standard W3C-compliant formats such as XML or JSON, any third-party application (web or mobile) can consume these services and embed MicroStrategy functionality into their product. MicroStrategy's service- oriented architecture guarantees efficiency for each service or component with no code redundancy. This architecture is in stark contrast to the service-oriented architectures of other BI vendors, which are a product of disparate, separately developed architectures, inherited from mergers, and mashed together. • In addition, MicroStrategy provides a plug-in architecture that enables developers to extend out-of-the-box MicroStrategy Web code with stand-alone customizations without the need to change the source code, thus, making upgrades without recoding possible. MicroStrategy supports the following languages for Web SDK: Java, XML/JSON, JavaScript, and .NET.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Create The ability to create • The MicroStrategy Mobile API enables mobile app developers to customize • Cognos does not provide any APIs for Custom customized mobile MicroStrategy Mobile apps on Android and iOS mobile devices by changing the iOS or Android that allow app developers Mobile applications, embed look and feel of the app, or developing new Mobile apps that use MicroStrategy to customize the look and feel of the Applications in BI in third-party apps, BI content. MicroStrategy provides different APIs for Android and iOS devices. mobile app or embed Cognos BI content iOS and or rebrand the mobile The flexibility of the Mobile APIs enable developers to build custom mobile into an existing mobile application. Android app by including applications to accommodate growing needs of the organization. customized icons, as well as splash, launch, • The Mobile SDK for iOS consists of Xcode projects that allow developers to and login screens. compile and distribute custom MicroStrategy Mobile apps. With one of the Xcode projects, users can rebrand the app by adding icons, splash screens, and an app name through simple configuration changes. In addition, the Mobile SDK for iOS enables users to embed MicroStrategy in an existing application or build custom widgets that can consume MicroStrategy data. • The Mobile SDK for Android lets users customize the MicroStrategy Mobile application to match corporate branding requirements. It also allows users to preconfigure the application to allow multiple instances of the application to exist on a single device. • MicroStrategy supports the following programming languages for Mobile SDK: iOS - Objective C, Swift; Android – Java. Embed Third- The ability for third- • Organizations are always looking to connect to a variety of sources that may not • Cognos does not have a way for third- Party Data as party applications to be natively supported with the platform. Using the Push API, organizations can party applications to push data as cubes. Datasets push data directly into push external data in JSON format using REST APIs into in-memory cubes on Thus, customers can only use the limited a BI application for the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, so users can readily consume, process, data sources that are certified by Cognos. use in dashboards or and analyze the corresponding data. In order to use any other data source, reports. • MicroStrategy makes it possible for organizations to leverage new data assets customers would have to wait until it's by enabling applications such as ETL tools that connect to these data sources included as a part of the platform. and move data into MicroStrategy. • The Push API enables third-party vendors to generate MicroStrategy datasets, thus, unlocking new end-user workflows and opportunities for partner integrations. Create The ability to embed • MicroStrategy integrates with third-party and open source JavaScript • Currently, Cognos does not support Custom or create custom visualizations, so users can tell even more compelling stories with their data. integration with D3 visualization or the HTML5 HTML5 visualizations • MicroStrategy provides APIs, tools, samples, and documentation to help users ability for customers to create a new Visualizations with open source build custom HTML5 visualizations using open source and commercial libraries HTML5 visualization. IBM Cognos libraries such as D3, like D3 and Google Charts. Visualization Customizer lets users only that can be deployed • Users can build out support for functionality including selectors, drop zones, customize the visualizations available on top of data color palettes, and thresholds. It is also possible to transform visualizations into through IBM. sources. text-based narratives by integrating with native language generation (NLG) platforms, such as those offered by Automated Insights and Narrative Science. Extract The ability for custom • With RESTful APIs, organizations can use MicroStrategy as a data source to • Only the reports published as a web Subsets of third-party web quickly extract subsets of pre-processed data in JSON format. This addresses service can be consumed by other Data Using applications to use the the needs of large enterprises and OEM partners that consume data applications. There is no way for custom RESTful APIs BI platform as a data through MicroStrategy's governed and secured architecture via customized web applications to extract subsets of data source to extract business applications. (based on filters) from existing cubes or subsets of data from a reports. report or existing cube.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Create The ability to create a • With new and updated data sources being published by database vendors • IBM Cognos Analytics does not provide Custom Data custom data source almost weekly, organizations need fast access to connect to and use the data any APIs for customers to create their own Connectors that users can connect stored in these various data locations. data connectors. to and leverage in • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data sources and their reports and continues to enhance connectivity with each database upgrade. dashboards. • MicroStrategy also allows organizations to build their own connectors to custom data assets with the Data Connector SDK. Organizations can leverage HTML and JavaScript to build custom connectors for the MicroStrategy Data Import interface and build their own customized integrations for these data sources within MicroStrategy, thus, providing users access to any data source without waiting for them to be certified by the platform. Multitenancy The ability to deploy a • Multitenancy enables an OEM’s various customers to experience custom • IBM Cognos provides built-in multi- Support single instance of a applications, all built on a single architecture. Sharing resources results in less tenancy capabilities. However, there is no software application to administrative overhead, reduced resource consumption, and low overall TCO. way to customize an environment with the serve multiple • MicroStrategy supports a spectrum of multitenant architectures from high tenant's branding, logo, or personalized customers, where isolation to high sharing. In addition, MicroStrategy allows for personalization in a schema. each customer is shared project such as custom branding and logos for each tenant, personalized called a tenant. object names, and internationalization capabilities. Enterprise Simplified The ability to easily • MicroStrategy on AWS will enable customers to deploy enterprise networks that • There is no way a user can provision a Cloud Enterprise deploy an enterprise are fully configured and ready to use in less than 30 minutes. This saves users new cloud environment with Cognos Deployment cloud environment time and money by eliminating the need to download, install, and configure the already installed on it. Users must go without IT support. environments themselves. Users can choose from different instance types and through IBM each time they need a fully sizes based on cost or usage requirements. configured environment or manually install • Cloud environments can also be deployed directly into a customer's AWS and configure the platform. This will slow account for maximum control. down development and increase waiting • Users can launch 3 different environment types, ranging from an all-in-one time. system to an enterprise-grade distributed and redundant system.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Global The ability to deploy • MicroStrategy Cloud can deploy distributed and redundant systems in over 42 IBM Cognos utilizes their own data Availability environments globally. AWS Availability Zones in 16 geographic regions around the world. This includes centers. IBM geographic coverage is Global options make it countries across North America, South America, Asia, Europe, and limited to the USA, Canada, UK, easy for customers to Australia. This enables organizations to deploy MicroStrategy closer to its users. Netherlands, Germany, and Australia. This deploy their This decreases latency and enables faster response times. By having data may cause additional work and effort for environments closer to centers closer to home, it also allows the data enters to comply with local laws customers outside these regions because home so they can and regulations. it increases latency. Security and meet performance, compliance laws may vary by compliance, and data country/region. requirements. Region and Number of Availability Zones •AWS GovCloud (2) •US West Oregon (3), Northern California (3) •US East Northern Virginia (5), Ohio (3) •Canada Central (2) •South America São Paulo (3) •Europe Ireland (3), Frankfurt (2), London (2) •Asia Pacific Singapore (2), Sydney (3), Tokyo (3), Seoul (2), Mumbai (2) •China Beijing (2) •New Regions (coming soon) Paris Ningxia

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score API Enabled JavaScript • The MicroStrategy Cloud API gives customers unlimited flexibility to create their • IBM does not have cloud APIs that allow Operations frameworks that own custom workflows. Customers have the ability to build personalized user its users to launch a fully configured IBM provide a number of interfaces for deploying and managing their cloud environments. This empowers Cognos environment. This requires users APIs to help developers to automate their MicroStrategy Cloud capabilities. to install and configure the BI platform customers build • Through APIs, it is possible to launch 1000 MicroStrategy instances with a themselves which will take time and applications. single line of code, resize them to any size, and then terminate them once done. additional resources. Without APIs, this would be a manual process. It’s easy to integrate with other automation tools and the API works with any programming language. Cloud Specific APIs we support: •Retrieve or search for environments •Create new environments •Get Environment Contact Details List •Resend Email to the owners of the environments •Restart environment/s •Start environment/s •Get Environment States •Stop environment/s •Terminate environments •Find environment details by environmentID •Update Environment Contact Details •Update expiration date for environment •Find all the instances in an environment by environmentID •Find all the instances state in an environment by environmentID •Restart Instance •Start Instance •Stop Instance •Find schedules by environment id •Create schedule for environment •Inactivate the selected schedule by schedule id and environment id •Find schedule by schedule id and environment id •Update schedule for environment •Resize all server instance or selected server instance of an environment •Create new environments Disaster Clustered servers that • MicroStrategy Cloud clusters enterprise deployments with multiple nodes, and IBM Cognos for the Enterprise only allows Recovery and restore backups after gives organizations the flexibility to add additional nodes. 500GB of user storage and 500GB for Failover failure so no work or • Clustered nodes provide load balancing, high availability, failover, and disaster recovery backup. If anything were time is lost. redundancy. Each node synchronizes metadata information, history lists, and to happen for large enterprise corporations report caches. In case of disaster or failure, MicroStrategy backups are stored where there is more than 500GB of data, redundantly across multiple availability zones and can be accessed and restored organizations will not be able to recover it. in an alternate availability zone. This affords zero downtime and users can always This will cause incredible pain for access their MicroStrategy environment. customers, resulting in wasted time and resources. Centralized A single interface that • MicroStrategy allows the customer to start, stop, and restart an AWS IBM Cognos on the cloud does not support Administration provides all the environment while retaining its contents. Customers can take advantage of the ability to start and stop the cloud administration tools to stopping their environments to save on costs, especially during non-peak hours. environment. This will increase costs for manage and monitor • The new Environment Manager tool allows users to schedule these routine POC or development as users are paying an enterprise cloud tasks to occur at specific dates and times. for live instances during unused times. environment. • For POC or development purposes, an administrator can stop these machines during non-peak hours to reduce costs. • Customers only pay for what they use.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Auto Scaling The ability to resize • MicroStrategy Cloud customers have the ability to scale their environment up or • IBM Cognos does not provide automated cloud environments down with over 6 different instance size options from AWS ranging from 4 vCPU scaling of environments. Administrators based on the and 15.25 GiB to 64 vCPU and 488 GiB of memory. must manually scale the environments up conditions the • Environments can scale on-demand or schedule based on usage patterns, or down. customer defines. application usage patterns, and data size. Customers can add new users at any • IBM Cognos is unable to cluster 8 nodes. time and deploy multiple environments and projects as they see fit. Large enterprise organizations may need • Customers pay for what they use according to length of time. to cluster up to 8 nodes to support hundreds of users and petabytes of data. Seamless Upgrade the platform By moving to the MicroStrategy Cloud, customers can ensure that they have the • IBM manages administration, monitoring, Upgrades and corresponding latest platform and version release, allowing them to take advantage of the latest ongoing maintenance, and upgrades. servers without any platform security and feature enhancements. With the new Cloud Environment downtime or additional Manager, customers can schedule upgrades during non-peak hours to guarantee work. seamless upgrades with zero downtime. Testing and health checks are automatically performed to help ensure a successful upgrade. High Maintain high • Each MicroStrategy deployment is in a single-tenant, private cloud. This allows •IBM Cognos Enterprise only offers a Performance performance and organizations to customize the software to meet their needs. Queries run by 99.75% uptime SLA, which is below and Reliability reliability without customers will not affect others. Each instance is isolated from others for industry standards. Every minute counts sacrificing user maximum privacy. for large enterprise customers, and any experience or security. downtime can be catastrophic. 99.75% is • The MicroStrategy Cloud operations team has the cloud experts and support to unacceptable for enterprise customers. help ensure high performance and reliability. We are backed not only by AWS’s world-class infrastructure, but also AWS experts who helped design and automate our cloud deployment. Our Cloud environment was built with the latest AWS technology and according to AWS’s best practices. Our team proactively patches infrastructure, operating systems, and applications to optimize performance while deterring security threats. We have processes in place so that systems are monitored, including the analytics and mobility servers. • MicroStrategy allows organizations to cluster up to 8 server nodes. Beyond being able to further scale in volume of analytics content, this will improve overall SLAs by reorganizing large clusters for higher availability and faster service recovery, reduce TCO by consolidation of multiple environments, and remove friction to deploy new applications and increase user capacity. Data Services for • MicroStrategy provides data connectivity and data warehouse solutions to meet •After importing data into IBM Cognos, Connectivity customers looking to customer needs. Customers may choose to migrate their data into the cloud. We users can only refresh data from one data and Migration move their data into offer options to migrate into Amazon Redshift, SQL Server Enterprise, SQL source at a time. This increases time and the cloud or connect Server Standard, MySQL, or Aurora DWH platforms. When customers choose is unintuitive for enterprise users looking to their on-prem data to this option, MicroStrategy builds the chosen DWH within the same VPC as the refresh multiple data sources at once. their cloud rest of the BI cloud environment. MicroStrategy works with customers to select •IBM Cognos analytics customers can environment. the correct size (CPU/RAM) DWH machine that meets their needs. ETL options connect to most on-premises or cloud data are also available. sources. •IBM Cognos analytics customers can start • If a customer chooses to maintain their database on-prem or in another cloud on-premises, move to a hybrid cloud data source, a typical implementation involves establishing a VPN connection option or to a private cloud, or move back between the MicroStrategy Cloud and its database or data. The performance of and forth among multiple deployment this architecture can vary based on a variety of factors, including the physical options. distance between the MicroStrategy Cloud data center and the customer data source, the latency of the data connection, the bandwidth of the connection, the amount of usage, its query intensiveness, the query-response latency of the customer data source, and other variables.

90 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs IBM Cognos - Details by Capability - Why Not IBM Cognos

Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Data Security Security to protect • MicroStrategy Cloud security meets or exceeds industry standards and best • IBM Cognos focuses on enforced customer data practices. MicroStrategy implements strong control practices to effectively standards, tested processes, and 24/7/365. maintain the security and availability of the MicroStrategy Cloud and associated dedicated tools. data. We help ensure that your data is secure at network and application levels • It monitors a global security incident from any attacks. We follow the latest industry standards on many compliances process 24/7/365. and certifications such as SOC I & II, HIPAA, PCI, and Privacy Shield. • Data centers that host IBM Cognos cloud deployments are all SOC II compliant. Enterprise Digital Badge Use a single digital • MicroStrategy, via Usher, delivers smartphone-based digital badges that provide • Digital badges are not provided in IBM IoT identifier to track, seamless access to physical and logical assets across the enterprise. Cognos. MicroStrategy is the only BI report, and manage all • Digital badges replace physical badges, key fobs, passwords, and other platform that offers password-free login via user interactions with identifiers with digital credentials delivered via a mobile app. Badges are branded a mobile app. enterprise assets. The by the issuing organization and are dynamically and securely linked to an badge verifies individuals' privileges and access rights. identities prior to • Badges can be remotely issued and revoked nearly instantaneously. They are granting access to provisioned via secure, out-of-band means, and their use can be gated by enterprise assets. biometric, geographical, or temporal constraints. • The digital badge provides a unique identifier that can be used by any single badge to validate the identity of any other badge. It also provides one-time passcodes for a second factor of authentication. Physical Control and manage • MicroStrategy provides smartphone-based physical access functionality pre- • Physical access is not supported. Access access to any integrated with leading PACS vendors. Usher works to consolidate multiple Cognos does not support OTB integration entryway across an physical access control systems throughout an enterprise. with leading PACS vendors on mobile enterprise using a • With an OpenAPI model, MicroStrategy can integrate with partner physical devices. IBM's IoT products also do not digital badge to access control systems, building automation systems, manufacturing systems, provide such functionality. enhance or replace Internet of Things (IoT) grids, and networks and management systems to deliver existing access cards more advanced functionality and implementation options to customers. for employees, contractors, and visitors. Logical Access all types of • MicroStrategy provides secure digital identity that allows users to access nearly • IBM Cognos does not offer logical access Access digital assets in an any system in an enterprise (devices, applications, and VPNs) from a single to digital systems other than its own BI organization including point. In order to both protect the current IT investments of corporations as well suite. Cognos can be configured to use BI applications, web as enable future investments, logical access with MicroStrategy is compatible SAML (security assertion markup applications, VPNs, with both industry-standard protocols like SAML and RADIUS as well as language) for password-free logins/single and workstations from emerging standards such as OpenID Connect. sign-on, but this requires a third-party a single point. authentication solution. Bluetooth Enable contextual • In the MicroStrategy platform, Usher’s Bluetooth (BLE 4.0) integration enables • Cognos does not integrate natively with Sensing interactions, security, real-time micro-locational awareness of enterprise assets as well as touch-free Bluetooth. In the EIoT context, a customer and seamless user physical and logical access. would need to make an investment in experiences via • This allows thousands of users to project their identity and move about a IBM's Watson IoT platform to acquire Bluetooth delivering corporate environment accessing doorways and systems securely with drastically Bluetooth capabilities. real-time locational decreased amounts of friction. The Bluetooth sensing capability can also be awareness of configured to log proximity at a particular place and time. enterprise assets. Barcode Track • The integrated barcode scanner in MicroStrategy badges can scan virtually any • Tracking assets with barcode scanners Scanner enterprise assets by kind of QR or barcode tag, securely logging a linkage between an employee and is not supported in Cognos. This is in part scanning barcodes or a product, machine, or any valuable enterprise asset. due to Cognos not providing a digital QR codes whenever a • This capability allows the tracking of offline assets using labels and tags with bar badge for use in interacting with the user interacts with or QR codes and can improve process auditing and enforcement for customer Enterprise Internet of Things. The Watson them. This ability sets service, maintenance, and more. Scanning barcodes helps take data from IoT platform can pull data collected by the foundation for multiple components and systems and combine them to improve the predictability third-party barcode scanners, but these seamless repair, of performance issues that arise in day-to-day business operations. are distinct products with separate maintenance, and licensing and integration processes. inventory management of enterprise assets.

91 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs IBM Cognos - Details by Capability - Why Not IBM Cognos

Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Communication Empower • The Usher out-of-the-box productivity application allows managers to quickly • For Cognos, this is not offered outside of & management and identify, verify, coordinate, and communicate with other users – either in-person annotations and collaboration for Collaboration decision-making to be or by remote location. dashboards in its BI interfaces. Since more timely, informed, • Users have the capability to exchange messages from any client interface via Cognos does not provide a digital twin that and collaborative the Identity server as the intermediary. This feature supports a number of use is carried by users with them in a mobile through direct, in-app cases including employee safety, support, and coordination, particularly for field form-factor at all times, it further lacks a 2-way messaging workforces or during special events. convenient means of reaching users in a based on location and timely fashion. Additionally, this means systems access. there is much less contextual information available about users in any given point in time to influence the direction of communiques. Real-time Generate consumable • With MicroStrategy Usher badges, user presence and actions create real-time • While IBM offers real-time computing via Telemetry real-time intelligence telemetry via an Apache Kafka Cluster – an open-source program delivering a IBM Stream Computing, it is not yet native via digital identity distributed, partitioned, and replicated commit log service supporting real-time to Cognos. Cognos' lack of a digital badge interactions with all data processing and big data volumes. This telemetry data is a rich and prevents it from generating types of enterprise underutilized source of information that is the key to unlocking a smarter, more comprehensive, real-time telemetry assets (physical and productive workforce. To expedite value creation, MicroStrategy helps stemming from the interactions between logical) and organizations efficiently create and harness massive amounts of timely enterprise assets and constituents. To constituents. information arriving from EIoT devices. accomplish some of this with IBM, customers purchase licenses and servers for a separate product (Watson IoT) that is not fully integrated with Cognos. OTB Deploy reporting • Usher Analytics is a MicroStrategy project included out-of-the-box with a badge • OTB reporting for an access-centric EIoT Reporting based on telemetry, implementation. MicroStrategy takes care of the ETL processes so access and implementation is not supported by Module pulling data from all authorization data generated on the back-end is automatically loaded into a data Cognos. Although Cognos can integrate assets and access warehouse and leveraged by a pre-built data schema. This project includes with Watson IoT to pull in sensor data, for points to deliver multiple dashboards and a mobile application for visibility into interactions Cognos to deliver dashboards that show a insight into operations between enterprise constituents and assets. converged log of physical and logical and compliance in a transactions by each user in an enterprise, unified, “single source a significant amount of labor (connecting, of truth” dashboard. ETL-ing, architecting, dashboarding) would Reports should be need to occur. customizable with the ability to blend data from other enterprise repositories. Integration Synchronize to • Within the MicroStrategy platform, Usher Network Manager has pre-built • In Cognos, users are authenticated by with Directory directory services as directory integrations with Microsoft Active Directory, AWS Directory Services, directly connecting to any v3 LDAP, Services the authoritative and Okta Universal Directory. Usher is also compatible with the OpenLDAP including Active Directory. An out-of-the- source for employee standard. This allows MicroStrategy to quickly issue standardized credentials to box audit solution monitors when and how records and attributes. all users, even in organizations which utilize multiple identity repositories - or users interact with the platform. However, Support the even manually add temporary users who do not exist in any repository. it integrates natively with fewer third-party enforcement of identity repositories compared to directory provisioning MicroStrategy. for authorization (privileges, entitlements, and restrictions).

92 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs IBM Cognos - Details by Capability - Why Not IBM Cognos

Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Identity Server Manage a network of • The MicroStrategy Usher identity server, which assigns and issues digital twins • IBM Cognos does not provide OTB users by configuring to users in the form of badges, is FIDO Alliance-certified on a UAF protocol for support for identity servers. User and relationships that delivering password-free authentication based on public key cryptography. It is asset administration in Cognos is limited to prompt, enable, or strongly resistant to phishing and can make user access subject to geographic controlling BI applications and secure interactions and temporal constraints. environments. As it pertains to the EIoT, among employees IBM has a separate offering (Watson IoT) and assets within the The Usher server architecture is built to ensure that only authorized badge users which allows for the provisioning and network. Identity communicate with the identity server, and only from authorized devices. The configuration of relationships between Servers enable Usher server has the sole authority to convert a mobile device into an authorized connected sensors and devices (though administrators to device through a process that helps ensure that rogue devices or applications will these are generally not used as identity create, configure, not be able to communicate with the identity server. The identity server provides extensions for employees). distribute, revoke, and support for encryption of data at rest and in transit, encryption key management, manage digital and transaction logging tied to an individual user’s identity. identities with user badges. Enterprise 100% Focus Core business is • MicroStrategy is dedicated to a single business line, exclusively focused on • IBM is a conglomerate with 5 distinct Partner on Enterprise exclusively focused on enterprise analytics and mobility software. business segments, none of which focus Analytics enterprise analytics. • MicroStrategy’s mission is to provide enterprise customers with a world-class on enterprise analytics. software platform and expert services so they can deploy unique intelligence • IBM has two dozen categories of product applications. solutions, and Cognos (acquired by IBM in 2008) is merely one of many products offered under one of the categories. • Cognos isn’t even mentioned in IBM’s most recent annual report. Platform Cohesion is an • MicroStrategy 10 has a unified platform architecture uniquely suited to deliver • Cognos is the result of efforts to meld Cohesion important concept in high-performance applications that are highly reusable and secure, and can meet disparate technologies. software design the business intelligence demands of various users and organizations. • Before IBM acquired Cognos in 2008, because it reduces • Since its inception, MicroStrategy has been developing its platform technology IBM had nothing in the area of analytics. complexity, enhances 100% organically. • Cognos itself represents the system maintainability amalgamation of numerous other third- and increases party technologies that were acquired by reusability, which Cognos over many years. together promote • After acquiring Cognos, IBM acquired performance, another analytics provider, SPSS. scalability and • Watson Analytics is being developed elegance. separately from the Cognos base platform, with limited integration between the two. • Cognos must compete for attention and funding within the IBM conglomerate. Visionary CEO anticipates and • MicroStrategy’s CEO, Michael Saylor, has anticipated technology trends such • The attention of IBM’s CEO is divided CEO drives technology as mobile technology’s transformation of business operations, and led the among 5 business segments that are trends in the company through multiple waves of innovation such as client-server, web, mobile, advertised to comprise a “cognitive enterprise analytics cloud and enterprise internet of things. solutions and cloud platform company, industry. • Mr. Saylor is also the author of The New York Time’s best-selling book, “The with a focus on industry capabilities and Mobile Wave.” expertise.” It’s unclear what the CEO’s vision is for Cognos, particularly with IBM’s recent marketing activities around Watson. CEO CEO engages directly • MicroStrategy’s CEO directly engages with customers around the world by • Cognos is a very small portion of IBM’s Engagement and substantially with personally participating in a majority of the 100+ Symposium events that conglomerate business. Given the large with customers around the MicroStrategy holds per year in 35 different countries, in addition to other number of IBM business segments and Customers world. customer meetings and events on a regular basis. product solutions, its CEO can’t be focused on engagement with Cognos customers.

93 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs IBM Cognos - Details by Capability - Why Not IBM Cognos

Technical Critical Critical Capability IBM MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not IBM Cognos Cognos Score Score Tenured Executive team has • MicroStrategy’s CEO and CTO collectively have over 50 years of experience in • Enterprise analytics isn’t the core Executive extensive experience enterprise analytics and mobility. background of any member on IBM’s Team in enterprise analytics • Additionally, MicroStrategy’s CEO has science degrees from MIT and more than senior executive team. and mobility. 50 patents to his name, and has been the driving force behind MicroStrategy’s technology since its inception. Shareholder Principal shareholder • Mr. Saylor, the company’s Chairman of the Board, President & CEO, founded • IBM’s stock ownership is dispersed and Alignment and management MicroStrategy in 1989 and has been the company’s controlling shareholder since its larger shareholders are investment interests are aligned its inception. Accordingly, shareholder and management interests are fully management companies. with the company’s aligned in pursuing MicroStrategy’s vision and long-term success. • IBM’s management collectively holds long-term success. less than 1% ownership interest in the company. Publicly With greater • Having gone public 18 years ago, MicroStrategy is a mature publicly traded • IBM is a publicly traded company, but Traded transparency, stability company. Cognos’s financial performance is Company and access to funding, unknown because it’s such a small portion a publicly traded of IBM’s overall business and IBM doesn’t company generally separately report on it. This makes it more has a stronger difficult to predict IBM’s plans for Cognos management team, and creates significant uncertainty for instills greater customers. confidence in customers and has more financial levers. Strong A profitable • MicroStrategy has been profitable over the last 13 years, with combined net • IBM’s revenues have been shrinking for Financials organization with a income of $197 million over the last 2 fiscal years and an operating margin of each of the last 20 quarters. strong balance sheet 21% for 2016. • IBM is a conglomerate, and the financial can better withstand • In addition, MicroStrategy’s balance sheet is strong with zero debt. performance of Cognos is unclear. market volatility and fluctuations. Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of the • While IBM has offices in a number of Sales ability to directly world. countries, IBM is a conglomerate Presence engage with business, and the extent to which those organizations around offices support enterprise analytics sales the world. and customers is unclear. Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of the • While IBM has offices in a number of Services ability to provide world. countries, IBM is a conglomerate Presence support and services business, and the extent to which those to customers around offices provide enterprise analytics the world. services is unclear.

94 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs SAP BO - Overview - Overview

Critical Capabilities - SAP BO Scores

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Critical SAP Critical SAP SAP SAP Critical SAP Critical SAP Critical SAP Index Capability BO Capability BO Critical Capability BO Critical Capability BO Capability BO Capability BO Capability BO Score Score Score Score Score Score Score 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Custom Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Discovery Workflows Web Applications Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Deployment Analytics

Data Optimized Data Embedded Create Custom Global Physical Platform 2 Governance Connectivity Multimedia Mobile Applications Availability Access Cohesion in iOS and Android

User Data Embed Third-Party API Enabled Visionary 3 Security Preparation Geospatial Analysis Data as Datasets Operations Logical Access CEO and Blending

CEO Enterprise Create Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers

Dashboards Mobile Client Extract Subsets of Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and documents Caching for High Data Using Administration Scanner Executive Performance RESTful APIs Team

Mobile Personalized Alerts Create Custom Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics via Push Data Connectors Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications

Real Time Instant Updates to Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps with Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded No Recompilation Company

Predictive Analytics and Customize / White High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment Machine Label Performance Module Financials Learning and Reliability

High Big Data Native Integration Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics with EMM Vendors Connectivity Directory Sales and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Usage Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution Monitoring Data Security Identity Server Services and Alerting Presence

95 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs SAP BO - Overview - Critical Capabilities - SAP BO Scores

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Critical SAP Critical SAP SAP SAP Critical SAP Critical SAP Critical SAP Index Capability BO Capability BO Critical Capability BO Critical Capability BO Capability BO Capability BO Capability BO Score Score Score Score Score Score Score 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Custom Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Discovery Workflows Web Applications Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Deployment Analytics

Data Optimized Data Embedded Create Custom Global Physical Platform 2 Governance Connectivity Multimedia Mobile Applications Availability Access Cohesion in iOS and Android

User Data Embed Third-Party API Enabled Visionary 3 Security Preparation Geospatial Analysis Data as Datasets Operations Logical Access CEO and Blending

CEO Enterprise Create Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers

Dashboards Mobile Client Extract Subsets of Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and documents Caching for High Data Using Administration Scanner Executive Performance RESTful APIs Team

Mobile Personalized Alerts Create Custom Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics via Push Data Connectors Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications

Real Time Instant Updates to Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps with Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded No Recompilation Company

Predictive Analytics and Customize / White High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment Machine Label Performance Module Financials Learning and Reliability

High Big Data Native Integration Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics with EMM Vendors Connectivity Directory Sales and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Usage Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution Monitoring Data Security Identity Server Services and Alerting Presence

96 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs SAP BO - Details by Capability - Overview

Why Not SAP BO

Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with and Platform Oriented architecture catalogs contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused across the BI • SAP does define and describe business object Reusability every aspect of the project. Objects can be combined to create higher level objects (e.g., types and their methods in a Business Object business. Data attributes and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, and prompts make Repository (BOR), but there are significant assets, KPIs, up a document; documents, and other reports can be embedded into a limitations into how those objects can be reused dimensions, users, document - all of which are stored as "metadata objects"), and this together and expanded upon. reports, and delivers a single BI project or a data model. dashboards are all • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be • Local reporting objects are not shareable among stored in a central securely reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, without users: Many calculations, conditions, and prompts location as unique any duplication of effort. are typically created new for each report and logical objects to • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers cannot be easily used as building blocks for other support reusability. filters, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and reporting objects. documents - making it possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects multiple times across any application and BI project. • Report developers cannot create standalone • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata automatically report objects and reuse them across different proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates the need to reports. This creates extra work and generates manually update the changes across the deployment, which is particularly many redundant objects that serve the same helpful for larger BI projects. purpose. • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased platform scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single • While there is some interoperability on the data version of the truth. source and data access levels between SAP BOBJ 4.2 and SAP BOBJ Cloud, content created by one platform cannot be promoted to or reused by the other. Data Unique definitions to The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with the • BusinessObjects is a collection of several BI Governance every dimension and right privileges to promote new and external content to the Server and tie it tools that are not fully integrated together, creating metric bound to a certified data model, all with easy workflows. a fragmented and inconsistent metadata together by strict • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as the environment. In contrast, MicroStrategy’s BI rules that are defined cube level, giving users the flexibility to control the data that is published to platform is organically developed from the ground- by a logical model, the model. up, providing a single, unified metadata that thus ensuring a • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, even enables a single version of the truth. single version of the external non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record that users truth can trust--while also delivering flexibility to end users. • Data lineage and impact analysis is not • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers supported in either SAP Lumira or the SAP granular security features that allow project owners and data stewards to BusinessObjects platform out of the box. It grant permissions and privileges to the right people. This delivers data requires another tool, the SAP Information security and also personalizes reports and dashboards to end users. Steward. It is not consistent and varies, for • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote external instance, whether the semantic layer "universe" is data into the system of record, combined with the flexibility of the system to used or not. deliver self-service access to business teams will increase the overall adoption of the BI platform. • While data modeling in SAP Lumira is designed for business users, modeling in the universe, SAP Hana views, or SAP Business Warehouse queries remains an IT-centric task.

• Lumira does not inherit all of the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise platform capabilities to better support the governed and decentralized data discovery use cases. For instance, Lumira documents can be shared on the platform, and Design Studio can create content that is then exported to Lumira. Scheduling and alerting are not supported in Lumira but they are supported in SAP BOBJ. User Security Roles and privileges The security model within the MicroStrategy platform is built around users • SAP BOBJ supports user authentication and that assign and user groups, which are represented as logical metadata objects. This role-based data access controls, but these have restrictions to users ensures that data is secured at the most granular levels. limited granularity and often require redundant

97 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs SAP BO - Details by Capability - Why Not SAP BO

Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with and Platform Oriented architecture catalogs contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused across the BI • SAP does define and describe business object Reusability every aspect of the project. Objects can be combined to create higher level objects (e.g., types and their methods in a Business Object business. Data attributes and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, and prompts make Repository (BOR), but there are significant assets, KPIs, up a document; documents, and other reports can be embedded into a limitations into how those objects can be reused dimensions, users, document - all of which are stored as "metadata objects"), and this together and expanded upon. reports, and delivers a single BI project or a data model. dashboards are all • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be • Local reporting objects are not shareable among stored in a central securely reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, without users: Many calculations, conditions, and prompts location as unique any duplication of effort. are typically created new for each report and logical objects to • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers cannot be easily used as building blocks for other support reusability. filters, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and reporting objects. documents - making it possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects multiple times across any application and BI project. • Report developers cannot create standalone • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata automatically report objects and reuse them across different proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates the need to reports. This creates extra work and generates manually update the changes across the deployment, which is particularly many redundant objects that serve the same helpful for larger BI projects. purpose. • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased platform scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single • While there is some interoperability on the data version of the truth. source and data access levels between SAP BOBJ 4.2 and SAP BOBJ Cloud, content created by one platform cannot be promoted to or reused by the other. Data Unique definitions to The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with the • BusinessObjects is a collection of several BI Governance every dimension and right privileges to promote new and external content to the Server and tie it tools that are not fully integrated together, creating metric bound to a certified data model, all with easy workflows. a fragmented and inconsistent metadata together by strict • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as the environment. In contrast, MicroStrategy’s BI rules that are defined cube level, giving users the flexibility to control the data that is published to platform is organically developed from the ground- by a logical model, the model. up, providing a single, unified metadata that thus ensuring a • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, even enables a single version of the truth. single version of the external non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record that users truth can trust--while also delivering flexibility to end users. • Data lineage and impact analysis is not • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers supported in either SAP Lumira or the SAP granular security features that allow project owners and data stewards to BusinessObjects platform out of the box. It grant permissions and privileges to the right people. This delivers data requires another tool, the SAP Information security and also personalizes reports and dashboards to end users. Steward. It is not consistent and varies, for • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote external instance, whether the semantic layer "universe" is data into the system of record, combined with the flexibility of the system to used or not. deliver self-service access to business teams will increase the overall adoption of the BI platform. • While data modeling in SAP Lumira is designed for business users, modeling in the universe, SAP Hana views, or SAP Business Warehouse queries remains an IT-centric task.

• Lumira does not inherit all of the SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise platform capabilities to better support the governed and decentralized data discovery use cases. For instance, Lumira documents can be shared on the platform, and Design Studio can create content that is then exported to Lumira. Scheduling and alerting are not supported in Lumira but they are supported in SAP BOBJ.

98 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs SAP BO - Details by Capability - Why Not SAP BO

Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score User Security Roles and privileges The security model within the MicroStrategy platform is built around users • SAP BOBJ supports user authentication and that assign and user groups, which are represented as logical metadata objects. This role-based data access controls, but these have restrictions to users ensures that data is secured at the most granular levels. limited granularity and often require redundant and groups ensure • Security filters based on dimension values help ensure that users are implementation processes. that end users only restricted to only see data that is relevant to them. This eliminates the need see personalized and to build multiple copies of the same application, and makes it possible to • Reportedly SAP BusinessObjects offers limited relevant content and optimally scale. granularity for administrators to set groups and are only able to • With MicroStrategy's tools, administrators can apply Access Control Lists user privileges. In contrast, MicroStrategy not only perform authorized (ACLs) to large user groups, restricting the range of data objects they can supports row-level and column-level security, but actions. access or actions they can perform, and specifying the scope of their also enforces security on individual metadata privileges in the environment. objects, enabling much more granular control over • With Usher, it is possible to provide secure digital authentication options, data access and user capabilities. including geo-fencing and time-fencing capabilities, making it possible to restrict user access based on location and time. • Security must often be defined in at least three tools: Universe Designer or Information Design Tool, Central Management Console, and Business View Manager, creating extra manual work and "spread-mart" issues. Scalability Deliver analytics to MicroStrategy is optimized in its design for enterprise scale and speed; as • SAP BO can deliver analytics to a large number everyone across the such, the platform can support the analytical reporting needs of 100s of of users, but requires expensive hardware and enterprise, and thousands of users across the enterprise. multiple servers for heavier needs. beyond. Allow 1000s • The platform can be clustered with up to 8 nodes with work- and user- of users to leverage fencing options to help ensure performance and reliability across the entire analytics without user population. sacrificing • The platform has no restrictions on data size for either direct or in-memory performance and access to data without restrictions • MicroStrategy customers are leveraging the platform to store data using in- on data size. memory cubes with over 2 billion rows while delivering sub-second response times to their end-users. • MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive analytics vendor that supports big data analytics with native connectors to HDFS to access petabytes of data in real time.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Performance Publish and deliver MicroStrategy employs a variety of strategies to increase the overall • SAP BusinessObjects does not have a scalable information to end- performance of the platform, making it possible to deliver sub-second ROLAP engine across the product set in the form users with quick response times - even with large datasets. of a multi-pass, aggregate-aware dynamic SQL response times, and • MicroStrategy was among the first BI vendors to support push-down generation engine. The BOBJ ROLAP engine deliver analytics analytical functions across all leading databases. This capability helps drive provides limited capabilities to generate multi-pass without being computations intelligently to the database when needed, thereby improving SQL statements, and therefore forces many impeded by data the overall response time to end users. calculations to be performed in the middle-tier size. • The platform can create multiple parallel threads to the database, server, which degrades performance. increasing the speed at which data is fetched from the warehouse. • Whereas other BI vendors attempt to implement caching at a single level, • In contrast, MicroStrategy's multi-pass SQL MicroStrategy implements self-tuning strategies that create caches at key engine provides greater analytical power and points within the query flow. The Server caches data in the following crucial minimizes the amount of data that is pulled back to areas: Metadata object caching, attribute element caching, database the mid-tier, helping to accelerate performance. connection caching, result caching, and document caching. • The platform is based on an in-memory architecture that can partition • BusinessObjects SQL engine does not support cubes and process data in parallel, making it possible to process larger automatic aggregate awareness; thus, it is unable cubes than other vendors in the market. to map a single attribute to many fact tables and • VLDB settings are available to fine-tune and optimize connectivity for every then select the most efficient table to obtain the type of data source, delivering custom settings to organizations with unique data during run-time. deployments. • SAP Micro Cube loading will often require more time to build than a comparable MicroStrategy query due to the non-optimized SQL that was generated, the extensive raw data which must be retrieved, and the inefficiency of performing data processing on desktop or a web server. Automation Reduce burden on IT • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to maintain and administrators, upgrade systems, automate workflows, and ensure superior data quality and • Unlike MicroStrategy, especially with large security, without redundancies. SAP BusinessObjects does not provide workflow scale deployments, • The platform allows admins to reduce the time and effort spent on routine automation tools out of the box. by cutting down on maintenance and administrative tasks, like moving assets from test to routine or redundant production environments, to checking the data quality between upgrades, • SAP's multiple server installations require tasks. and scheduling health checks and tasks with workflows. multiple points of administration, placing an • Beyond administrative tasks, data uploads/refreshes and scheduled additional burden on IT and increasing the deliveries can be automated as well, which removes the burden from IT and potential for errors. helps reduce overall TCO. • SAP’s lack of reusable metadata objects results in higher maintenance efforts and increases the total cost of ownership. Monitoring Easily monitor, • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to monitor every • SAP provides a basic level of system health maintain, manage, environment in a MicroStrategy deployment, across multiple projects and monitoring, but lacks more sophisticated fine-tune, and even server machines - both on-premises and in the cloud. monitoring tools for ensuring metadata automate actions • The interface enables administrators to quickly and easily view usage consistency and for recommending performance and workflows to patterns, system resources, uptime, and alerts across environments. improvements. ensure the health of • The platform collects information from each environment’s Health Center, the system. Eliminate and presents key usage and performance indicators using graphs and • SAP does not automatically check for redundant tasks to charts. dependencies when changes in metadata objects reduce overall TCO. • Administrators can define thresholds for system usage and performance occur, as it does not support metadata content that automatically trigger alerts when threshold criteria are met or exceeded. across the entire product set. • Beyond the 100s of OOTB reports and dashboards available with the platform, administrators can build their own reports with custom KPIs to • SAP does not provide any Cube Advisor tool that measure platform usage. would recommend in-memory ROLAP cubes to reduce database processing and response times.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Deployment Options to deploy on MicroStrategy delivers flexible options for deploying analytics across the • SAP BusinessObjects can be supported on a any infrastructure, enterprise with on-premises, cloud, and hybrid options for teams of any size. variety of hardware platforms, and on the cloud as regardless of size, • The platform is supported on both Windows and Linux, and can be a SaaS offering. But, interoperability between team, or hardware clustered with up to 8 Server nodes. those environments is limited. resources, thus • Partnering with AWS, the leading cloud vendor, MicroStrategy allows reducing overall TCO organizations around the world to spin up instances for enterprise analytics • SAP BusinessObjects supports Windows, Linux, and maintenance and mobility in minutes, allowing companies to start small and expand as AIX, and Solaris. SAP BOBJ Cloud is SaaS only. required. needed. • Pre-configured environments in the cloud can be created, managed, • Interoperability between SAP BusinessObjects maintained, and upgraded with self-service consoles, enabling extremely Enterprise and SAP BusinessObjects Cloud low TCOs. remains limited. The two platforms share some interoperability on data source and data access level; however, the content created by Enterprise cannot be promoted to or reused by Cloud and vice versa. High Robust architecture • With MicroStrategy, users across the organization can access reliable • SAP BusinessObjects Cloud offers an SLA of Availability that provides the analytics delivered on a robust architecture that is designed for enterprise 99.5% system availability. highest uptime for scale, performance, and stability. users to always have • Disaster recovery and failover options allow organizations to avoid access to the downtimes for end-users. System administrators have the choice to setup system, with hot, warm, or cold failover strategies (for backup nodes) depending on the provisions and tuning hardware resources available to them. mechanisms for • Clustering and work fencing capabilities make it possible to proactively increased system prevent server crashes by deflecting heavy jobs to specific servers or time stability and better periods. failover • Reliable governors at every level of the query path make it possible to management. avert system crashes, even under peak user and data loads. In-memory Architecture that can • The MicroStrategy platform enables organizations to take advantage of in- • SAP Business Objects makes heavy use of SAP Architecture host terabytes of memory cube technology, which increases performance by reducing the High-Performance Analytic Appliance (SAP data in-memory need to access data directly from the data warehouse. HANA), an in-memory database that complements making it available to • MicroStrategy in-memory cubes can be quickly loaded with data using BOBJ’s in-memory analytics capabilities. end-users with faster parallel threads from the database which can also be optimized and fine- response times. tuned for specific databases. • Dynamic sourcing is a platform capability that automatically routes queries to the fastest available data source—whether it’s a cache, a cube, or the original relational source, thus helping maximize performance and throughput. • MicroStrategy's parallel processing and partitioning capabilities differentiate it from other vendors, helping to boost processing speeds in situations where there are terabytes of data stored in memory.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Enterprise Self-Service Intuitive workflows for MicroStrategy differentiates itself from other point solutions by combining the • SAP BOBJ Enterprise leverages SAP Analytics Data end-users to access, ease-of-use of data exploration with enterprise capabilities including BusinessObjects Design Studio to build multi- Discovery visualize, analyze, scalability, performance, security, and governance, in a single platform. dimensional data visualizations and connect to and share insights • MicroStrategy Desktop and Web provide access to 80+ data sources, from SAP BW and SAP HANA data. Design Studio without the support of Excel spreadsheets, to relational sources, big data, Cloud services, Hadoop, caters to professionally authored dashboards and IT. and more. applications that provide a very guided and • Built-in tools are available for data preparation, as well as the ability to structured data analysis experience. blend data across multiple sources. • SAP Lumira is the more common tool for self- • It provides the ability to visualize data with any chart or graph natively and service data discovery and dashboards (a.k.a. offers workflows to include D3, Highcharts, Google Charts, and other 'Stories') creation. libraries (including open source and NLG options) • SAP Lumira offers a drag-and-drop UI to create • Includes easy sharing options (PDF, email, send to file location, print, and visualizations, can connect to and blend multiple more), and workflows to promote external data into a governed model. Also data sources in the same view, and can display supports options to export to PDF and email options. data using interactive maps and visuals. • MicroStrategy is compatible with Mac and Windows PC. Analysts can • SAP Lumira Server runs on top of HANA. It quickly set up and install MicroStrategy without IT support. supports web-based authoring of SAP Hana- • The platform supports advanced analytics with 350+ out-of-the-box based stories. The solution, however, has certain functions, and can also integrate with R. limitations. For example, transformations such as converting date to day-of-week is a manual process. Users cannot conditionally change the size of a bar in a bar chart. • SAP Lumira storyboards offer limited interactivity and cross-component interaction. There is no full screen mode for Story consumption (only preview). Input Control affects all visualizations in a Story (in MicroStrategy users can control which visualizations are affected by a filter). Optimized Drivers and • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data sources, • SAP BOBJ Enterprise data access capabilities Data gateways that deliver from Excel spreadsheet to relational databases, cloud systems, HDFS and are comparable to MicroStrategy. Connectivity instant and reliable more. • Live access for in-database queries is available access to a variety of • Organizations can also build their own connectors to custom data assets for the on-premises SAP HANA and SAP HANA data sources and with APIs, allowing them to connect to any new source available in the Cloud Platform, with hybrid connectivity to information in any market. Business Warehouse and S/4HANA planned for format, regardless of • Each connector is optimized for high performance, with the ability to Q1, 2017. size. intelligently push-down calculations to the databases when needed, generate multi-pass SQL, load parallel threads simultaneously, and can load data without restrictions on size or type. • Easy workflows are available to business users to blend data on their own without IT support. • VLDB parameters are available to fine-tune and optimize SQL generation specific to each database. • MicroStrategy leverages an aggregate-aware SQL generation engine to transparently navigate aggregate tables, dynamically directing queries to summary tables, without the user having to specify the use of the table when creating the query. • MicroStrategy can generate multi-pass SQL to answer analytical questions that cannot be answered with a single SQL query block, covering scenarios that include: set analysis, split metrics, and calculations at different levels of aggregation.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Data Transform and MicroStrategy offers built-in data wrangling and blending capabilities and is Preparation arrange data to make supported across all data sources. • SAP Agile Data Preparation supports automatic and Blending it better suited for • End users can perform transformations on data prior to visualizing profiling of acquired data and also identifies the visual exploration, information using dozens of functions available via graphical interfaces and content type of data within columns. The identified with the ability to without exporting out to Excel. content type drives subsequent preparation in create joins across • Data wrangling and blending is possible by business users across cleansing, matching duplicate records, and tables from disparate spreadsheets, relational sources, HDFS, cloud systems, and other popular removing duplicate data. It supports business user sources. databases. joins, data mashup, data modelling, and data • Users can split columns, identify spelling errors, perform text and numeric enrichment. facets, eliminate white spaces, pivot tables, and perform dozens more • Data prep in Lumira comes with certain transformations based on intelligent recommendations from the product. limitations. For example, transformations such as • History lists are automatically recorded, so when more current data is converting date to day-of-the week is a manual available, the actions do not need to be repeated. process. Enterprise Options to view large • MicroStrategy provides a flexible reporting environment that leverages • BusinessObjects has two tools for operational Reports volumes of data in an OLAP functionality to give end users the ability to quickly slice and dice data reporting – Web Intelligence and Crystal Reports. easy-to-read grid from across multiple sources, using a variety of options: sorting, pivoting, • Crystal Reports has an online catalog of report format, with tools to page-by, drill down, drill anywhere, totals and subtotals, one-click metrics, templates that can be used as a starting point. perform ad-hoc derived elements, view filters, lock headers, switch between grid/graph, fit to Crystal Reports does not offer web users a way to analysis for improved content/window, and more. edit and format the report while viewing it (with a decision-making. • With the ability to publish banded reports, the platform can roll up and real-time view of their changes). The design present dynamic aggregates for large volumes across 100s of pages of changes are done on the desktop version, and data. Web is used just for consumption. • With MicroStrategy, developers can quickly design operational reports and • Web Intelligence does not provide out-of-the-box statements using drag-and-drop functionality and flexible formatting in order report templates. to structure large amounts of data into a natural hierarchy for maximum • Lumira customers can share a URL to a web- readability and ease of navigation. based version of a Lumira visualization, or • MicroStrategy enables parameter-driven reports by supporting more types alternatively create a PDF from the visualization. of user prompts than any other vendor, allowing users to input selections at runtime to alter the contents of the reports. Options include simple dimension prompts, hierarchy prompts, list prompts, object prompts, value prompts, level prompts. Dashboards Highly formatted • MicroStrategy delivers graphical WYSIWYG designer tools to create pixel- • SAP Design Studio supports interactive pixel- and options to author, perfect documents, invoices, statements, scorecards, and interactive real- perfect dashboards with the possibility of having documents visualize, and time dashboards, all from a single design editor. multiple tables or graphs displayed in different interact with data to • All styles of BI described above support responsive design and can be tabs as needed. identify trends and consumed on any browser or mobile device. • SAP Crystal Reports software enables report outliers and make • Dashboards are built on the metadata model, so they are secure and authors to transform data from any source into efficient decisions. personalized for each user, and support transactions, offline consumption, pixel-perfect, data-rich documents and deliver and can be delivered in any desired format. them to external and internal consumers. • Dashboards support ad-hoc data discovery across 100s of options and let • SAP Lumira 2.0, currently in beta, will eventually users visualize data with access to native and third-party charting libraries. merge with Design Studio to combine • Transactional workflows can be embedded to enable write-back functionality. capabilities for both web and mobile applications.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Mobile Consume reports • Mobile is fully integrated into the MicroStrategy analytics platform, so • There are some rudimentary caching capabilities Analytics and dashboards on organizations can leverage existing visualizations, reports, and dashboards for the SAP Mobile App. The app will cache mobile devices, with to instantly deploy BI on mobile devices. reports during an active session, but the cache will complete interactivity, • MicroStrategy Mobile enhances the mobile experience on iOS and be cleared once the session is over. Users can in order to perform Android by delivering native apps that let users take full advantage of the manually add reports to a "my items" page, which analytics and make unique capabilities of their mobile devices when interacting with their data, will permanently cache the report on the device, decisions while on while also being able to rely on transaction and offline capabilities. making them accessible offline. the go. • With flexible, code-free tools and a click-to-configure development canvas, • If a cached report is subsequently modified on organizations can mobilize business workflows and deliver a highly the server, it is not automatically updated on the responsive, native user experience with apps that can be built in record time mobile app. Rather, the user just gets an alert that and at a fraction of the cost. the report needs to be updated. • SAP BO Mobile supports geoanalysis, although the map interactions are rudimentary. • It shows points of interest (bubble/marker), which lets users click on them for additional information. • It does not have more advanced interactivity such as using a map-as-filter tool, using lasso tools to drill into specific areas, expanding/collapsing markers as users zoom in and out, etc. Real Time The ability to deliver MicroStrategy delivers the ability to visualize data from external streaming • Real-time streaming in dashboards is supported Analytics instant analytics and applications and trigger alerts from these sources. with the SAP Event Stream Processor, or SAP insights where data • The platform can instantly ingest real-time feeds from Storm, Spark, and HANA Smart Data Streaming, and SAP Design is available in real- Kafka. For other relational systems, the platform can also support data Studio 1.4. time. refreshes at the smallest intervals, and can perform at the speed of incoming • SAP Lumira (optimized for HANA) also supports information. real-time streaming. • MicroStrategy can manage real-time information and give an instant view of the data. • The application can also send threshold-based alerts to any device allowing decision-makers to take instant and proactive action, all in real time. • MicroStrategy can also integrate with visualizations and widgets that support real-time mapping of information on both Web and Mobile. Predictive Advanced algorithms With minimal help from IT, MicroStrategy users can create and visualize SAP offers a tool (SAP Predictive Analytics) which Analytics and and workflows for advanced metrics and perform the most complex calculations. is basically a user interface that leverages the Machine users to be able to • End users can build sophisticated statistical and mathematical models with SAP HANA function library to tap into data mining Learning perform the native library of functions available directly with MicroStrategy. They can and statistical functions. In addition, HANA can summarizations, generate predictive, scoring, or training metrics using natively available integrate R functions. Without this option, SAP can optimizations, algorithms. use basic statistical functions, mainly in web. predictions, statistical • MicroStrategy offers over 350 native functions, out of the box, so that calculations, or business users are able to perform data mining and create highly advanced create custom statistical algorithms on their own, with minimal support from IT. • With Lumira, some embedded advanced groups, training, and • Users can integrate MicroStrategy with data mining models from other analytics features, such as advanced analytics scoring metrics. applications by importing Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML), SAS, visualizations or advanced predictive analysis, are and SPSS into the metadata repository. not yet available. • The platform integrates with third-party options like R using graphical • There is a limited number of built-in statistical interfaces. functions in Lumira. • Forecasting is supported. • Clustering is not natively supported. • There is no native integration with R.

There is a significant investment in AI, machine learning, and IoT underway by SAP. The product code name is Leonardo (IoT), which heavily leverages HANA.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Big Data Access data from MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive platform that supports access to • In-memory computing is optimized for use on Analytics Hadoop and other big data with native connectors to HDFS while also providing built-in SAP HANA. distributed file workflows for data preparation on top of Hadoop data. • SAP offers a good integration with Hadoop via systems without • Whether it’s a personal spreadsheet or a dispersed Hadoop Distributed HANA--users can run batch jobs in Hadoop to load limitations on size File System (HDFS), users can easily connect to their data without relying information into HANA and mine raw data that is and without on IT and without limits on data size. It's easy to access data from any flavor either schema-less or where schema changes experiencing drops in of Hadoop, including Cloudera, Hortonworks, and MapR, with over time. performance. comprehensive support for Spark, Kerberos, and the top file formats. • Data has to go through SAP HANA, so • With MicroStrategy, users can leverage information from click streams, customers need licenses and the integration to web activity, call center logs, and ID scans - and blend it with data from other leverage the HDFS connector. sources using graphical workflows. • MicroStrategy connects to big data sources and NoSQL options such as MongoDB and Cassandra, and also connects to HDFS via native connectors to Cloudera Hive, Impala, MapR Drill, Pig scripts, Spark SQL, and more. • With MicroStrategy, users can also limit and manage the amount of data imported from HDFS, or perform aggregations on top of the data prior to importing it into MicroStrategy for analysis. • Users can also apply advanced functions and filters to control and restrict the amount of data. Automated Distribute reports, MicroStrategy is designed for high-volume, automated delivery of reports • SAP BusinessObjects has limited dynamic Distribution dashboards, and and dashboards. distribution capabilities across their product set. and Alerting documents to large • The platform makes it possible to scale distribution of analytical content to Administrators must define fixed distribution lists audiences in a 100s of thousands of users, with the ability to automate and schedule the and cannot use conditions to dynamically alter a personalized and delivery of reports and dashboards, based on time-, event-, and threshold- recipient list. automated manner. based alerts. • Limited support for the scheduling and This helps to • MicroStrategy supports the widest variety of delivery methods, with distribution of dashboards. ensure the on-time optimal formatting for each device and application. • Crystal Reports supports exception-based delivery of • MicroStrategy provides bursting capabilities to deliver slicing or page-by alerting. However, Web Intelligence does not. information to end- executions, allowing a single report to be extracted from the data warehouse • Web Intelligence report users cannot set up users so they can that can be parsed into sub-reports for individual subscribers. This avoids proactive notifications based on threshold make timely, having to run different reports for different recipients while still being able to conditions. informed decisions. generate personalized reports. • Even though a part of the SAP Analytics • Alerting capabilities can monitor KPI values when new data is available portfolio, Lumira does not inherit all of the SAP and send detailed reports or alert messages when thresholds are reached. BusinessObjects platform capabilities - it does not • Security filters and ACLs set on the user level guarantees personalized support scheduling and alerting. and secure information to 1000s of users with the delivery of a single dashboard. • MicroStrategy leverages segmentation capabilities to manage resource utilization in large scale report delivery deployments by analyzing the list of subscriptions to determine if several subscriptions share the same combination of security and personalization and grouping them into buckets since they receive the same content.

From bursting and smart pagination for PDF exports to the delivery of highly personalized content, MicroStrategy delivers sophisticated distribution capabilities that make it possible to publish data and insights across the organization without the need to invest in other technologies.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Enterprise Transactional Write-back • MicroStrategy provides mobile write-back capabilities that let users update • Write-back capabilities are available with Mobility Workflows capabilities that allow systems of record from the field. Users can change data on the fly, insert limitations. They are optimized for SAP BW, SAP mobile users to new information, and view updated reports and dashboards. ERP systems, and SAP HANA. The SAP FIORI submit transactions • These transactions can include one-tap approvals and denials, inputs for interface allows for the blending of BI data and to ERP, CRM, or capturing new information, and editing existing information in ERP systems, some write-back capabilities. other operational CRM systems, and other operational databases. systems. • App developers can create smart forms that are contextual and conditional, based on a user’s permissions or location. • MicroStrategy offers a broad set of input controls, including barcode scanners, signature capture, star rating, text and number fields, calendar, camera, steppers, sliders, and more. • Transaction Services can also auto-capture additional information alongside the user inputs to further streamline business processes. For example, the user’s profile information as well as latitude, longitude, and a time stamp can be included in a transactional submission without requiring additional work by the user. • Users can access transactional inputs and forms regardless of internet connectivity. When offline, transactions are queued for submission and executed when the user next connects. Embedded Ability to download • MicroStrategy provides in-app viewing of multimedia content including • SAP BO Mobile does not support embedded Multimedia and view multimedia videos, PDFs, images, presentations, spreadsheets, documents, email, and multimedia content. files online and web content—all seamlessly embedded in the mobile app. • Due to the lack of an in-app viewer in the SAP offline, such as • As is the case for other content in the app, multimedia can be pre-cached BO Mobile app, users are limited to linking to an presentations, or stored for convenient, offline access. SAP Mobile Documents App that is designed to videos, PDFs, and • There are two ways to include multimedia in apps: HTML containers and store the multimedia content . This approach ePUB books on the Multimedia Widget. results in a poor user experience and performance mobile devices. • HTML containers enable access to any web content by placing it directly in issues. the app's iFrame. URLs provide links to pull up entire documents or web pages. • The Multimedia Widget provides a framework in which to download, consume, and store multimedia files. WebDAV folder integration enables users to dynamically browse and view existing files and folders in a WebDAV folder, for example in Microsoft SharePoint. This makes it easy for traditionally non-technical people, for example in Marketing or HR, to distribute updated versions of collateral or training videos to employees in the field. • MicroStrategy also provides a widget that is especially designed for videos. The interactive, elegant Video Player Widget (that leverages the native OS video player) loads and plays a video from a remote location or from the local cache. The widget can display: videos from a streaming service such as YouTube, videos from a file server location, or a cached video from the WebDAV cache. If the mobile device is online, the Video Player Widget loads the video from the remote location but is smart enough to check first if a local cache already exists on the device’s WebDAV cache store.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Geospatial Ability to display • MicroStrategy abstracts all the geospatial analysis capabilities from the • SAP BO Mobile supports geoanalysis through Analysis geospatial data base map layer, so customers can leverage whichever base map they want, SAP Lumira, although map interactions are overlaid on an depending on existing map investments or preferences. rudimentary. interactive map • MicroStrategy Mobile provides support for building map visualizations on • It shows points of interest (POI) as bubbles or (ESRI, Google Maps, ESRI and Google Maps, as well as custom images as maps with the Image markers; users can click on a POI for additional and custom images). Layout Widget. These maps render seamlessly on the appropriate native information. mobile map (Apple Maps on iOS and Google Maps on Android). • SAP Mobile does not have more advanced • Both ESRI and Google Maps display geospatial data overlaid on an interactivity such as using a map as a filter, using interactive map. Users can swipe, scroll, and zoom in directly on the map, or lasso tools to drill into specific areas, expanding or even filter the data shown by selecting elements within their mobile app. collapsing markers as you zoom in/out, etc. Data can be displayed using a pin marker, a density map, or a bubble to • SAP Mobile does not support Google Maps and provide multiple types of analysis within each map. In addition, ESRI maps only offers ESRI support through Lumira for 4 out can display data from a custom geographical region, such as the counties of of 9 base maps. a state or districts within a city. The image layout widget allows app • Geo maps are not supported offline. developers to include visualizations representative of different geographic regions such as countries, states, and regions, or visualizations that represent custom spatial analyses like a store layout.

Offline Access Ability to support • MicroStrategy Mobile apps can be configured to work entirely offline. This SAP supports offline mobile consumption with applications in offline includes support for analytics, visualizations, multimedia, and transactions. limitations on how users download and interact mode regardless of • MicroStrategy provides advanced offline functionality, including: prompt with Lumira stories while offline. connectivity. This panels that display valid caches for multiple prompt scenarios; visual cues • Furthermore, portrait mode and different color includes interactivity such as an offline mode indicator and shading to indicate availability; a view pallets are not supported. SAP only supports the with data, multimedia of transaction queues; and the ability to delete or edit transactions before a Lumira color pallet. content, and connection is reestablished. In a situation where a user wants to avoid using • SAP limits access to certain database/big data transactional data, the user can manually switch to offline mode using the app settings. sources such HANA Online and Hadoop when workflows. • While users are in offline mode, mobile usage stats are still captured and offline. submitted to the server once the user reconnects. Additionally, data-at-rest is • Accessing Lumira through SDK is not supported. highly secured. The stored data is encrypted; the app can still require •Users cannot render ESRI maps or use animation credentials, and the offline cache can be set to expire at a desired time. for bubble markers. Users cannot take advantage of trellis for all charts or reference lines when offline. Mobile Client Ability to cache data • MicroStrategy offers three main caching strategies that customers can • There are some rudimentary caching capabilities Caching for on the device to leverage when configuring their apps: automatic caching (devices check for for the SAP Mobile App. The app will cache High optimize app new and updated content and sync content in the background), pre-caching reports during an active session, but the cache will Performance performance. Deliver folders (a set of objects are pre-cached when the app starts), and adaptive be cleared once the session is over. Users have sub-second mobile caching (the app prioritizes background cache loading based on to manually add reports to a "my items" page to response times even where the user is and downloads content the user will likely want to see pertain to certain caching capabilities which when dealing with before they tap on it). permanently cache reports on the device. large volumes of • MicroStrategy has a sophisticated analytical engine within the mobile • Caching is limited to static content in hyperlinks, data, numerous client, so the mobile client itself can perform computations on locally cached dashboards, Lumira Cloud, and Server. concurrent users, or data without having to go back to the server. Because the computations can • There is no evidence of any "adaptive" caching slow, unreliable be done locally on the device, this also helps to speed app performance. based on user location. connectivity. • As a 100% native app, MicroStrategy uses OpenGL frameworks available on the mobile OS which help to achieve maximum app performance. All of the drawings (renderings) of visualizations leverage native device drawing capabilities which are optimized for high performance.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Personalized Ability to send alerts • MicroStrategy’s scalable alerting engine provides personalized alerts to • SAP limits its ability to send push notifications Alerts via to mobile users in the every user. to users by allowing them to be configured only for Push form of push • The alerting engine is based on a robust distribution server that supports document updates, inbox documents, and Notifications notifications. These monitoring multiple data sources 100s of 1000s of times every minute and broadcast messages. notifications should creating personalized alerts for mobile users when a set condition has been • Furthermore, thresholds cannot be set for any be triggered by met. metric on any report, prohibiting alerts on metrics preset thresholds, or • Thresholds can be set on any metric on any report. based on conditions. be available on • Alerts are handled through the device’s native push notification system in demand. one of three forms: a badge (a graphic associated with the application), a home screen notification (a message which the user can view and interact with), and/or a sound. • Smart badges can show metric values or the number of alerts. Instant Update and publish • MicroStrategy lets app developers make updates and publish changes to • SAP Mobile does not support instant updates to Updates to changes to custom their mobile apps without the need to recompile (in Xcode for iOS and in mobile apps. Custom Apps apps without having Android Development Studio for Android) and redistribute apps. Any change •Furthermore, users need to constantly upgrade with No to recompile and in functionality or configuration is instantly reflected in the mobile app without their apps to view recent changes to their data. Recompilation redistribute. Changes requiring the user to upgrade the app on the mobile device. This flexibility is are distributed and very powerful when users are trying to operate on an agile development available to users cycle, where users need to access the changes instantly without having to without requiring an constantly upgrade their app. app update. • MicroStrategy also provides a drag-and-drop interface to migrate apps from development, to test, to production by using MicroStrategy Object Manager. Customize / Ability to rebrand the • The Mobile SDK provides app developers with a multitude of customization • An SDK is available for basic app rebranding White Label mobile app by options. This includes a code-free approach to white-labeling and rebranding such as changing the default icon and app name, including customized any MicroStrategy Mobile app. as well as customizing the launch screen, home icons, as well as • Customization includes changing icons, as well as splash, launch, and screen, and getting started guide. splash, launch, and login screens. It enables developers to match corporate branding and look- • There is no SDK available for Android mobile login screens. and-feel standards. development, limiting the ability to customize/reskin mobile apps. Native Native SDK • MicroStrategy's native mobile security features provide extensive • SAP provides a limited level of integration with Integration integration with capabilities to protect sensitive company data, but MicroStrategy provides AirWatch. with EMM leading EMM the flexibility to leverage additional third-party capabilities, including those Vendors vendors AirWatch, provided by EMM vendors. • Mocana can be used as an app wrapping tool, MobileIron, and • MicroStrategy offers native SDK integration on iOS with three EMM but SAP does not provide native integration. Blackberry providers: MobileIron, Blackberry Dynamics, and AirWatch. MicroStrategy Dynamics, and offers native SDK integration on Android with AirWatch. AppConfig • MicroStrategy Mobile also supports EMM capabilities via implementation of community the AppConfig guidelines, natively on both iOS and Android. guidelines. Mobile App Ability to collect • Mobile app client-side monitoring captures personalized analysis every Usage mobile usage time a user taps on an app screen. Statistics are gathered on time spent on • SAP BO Mobile does not provide an extensive Monitoring statistics and each app screen, exploration paths, GPS location, app usage, device type, level of mobile statistics capture such as populate a database operating system version, and cache usage. geographic, user behavior, operational. for analysis. • With this information, app developers can track overall app adoption and geo-location of usage, perform cohort analysis, support continuous development cycles, analyze app performance, spot network issues, and track adoption rates of new devices, operating systems, and clients. These statistics are critical to driving app enhancements and to honing the app experience. • Mobile usage stats are captured even while a user is offline. Once the user reconnects, the stats are submitted to the server.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Embedded Create The ability to modify • A key component of an enterprise-class platform is the ability to modify and • SAP BusinessObjects is a combination of Analytics Custom Web and extend existing extend existing functionality to meet the unique needs of an organization. multiple tools such as Dashboard Design, Lumira, Applications functionality, For building customized applications, a robust BI platform must provide Crystal Reports, Web Intelligence, and more. create a custom web access to all of its functionality through APIs. The MicroStrategy BI platform There are SDKs for each of the tools, however, it application, embed is a modern, sophisticated service-oriented architecture that is designed for is very confusing for customers to choose which content in portals, or flexibility and extensibility so that it can grow with the demands of enterprise SDK to use for web customization. Also, the APIs simply change the applications. available are not robust enough to create an look and feel with enterprise-wide web application or extend/modify personalized • The MicroStrategy Web SDK enables developers to build a full-fledged existing functionality to any level. branding and logos web application or change the look and feel of an existing web application through application with an intuitive customization tool. The Web Customization Editor is programming integrated with the most widely used Java IDE, Eclipse. With over 5000 interfaces (APIs). classes exposed in the Web API, this integration not only simplifies development, but also allows developers to write their code without modifying any source code or out-of-the-box configuration files. This approach is helpful in maintaining and upgrading customizations. • The Web SDK also allows developers to write their own Web Services that encapsulate MicroStrategy functionality and expose this functionality to third- party applications. Since the services use standard protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS and generate a response in standard W3C-compliant formats such as XML or JSON, any third-party application (web or mobile) can consume these services and embed MicroStrategy functionality into their product. MicroStrategy's service-oriented architecture guarantees efficiency for each service or component with no code redundancy. This architecture is in stark contrast to the service-oriented architectures of other BI vendors, which are a product of disparate, separately developed architectures, inherited from mergers, and mashed together. • In addition, MicroStrategy provides a plug-in architecture that enables developers to extend out-of-the-box MicroStrategy Web code with stand- alone customizations without the need to change the source code, thus, making upgrades without recoding possible. MicroStrategy supports the following languages for Web SDK: Java, XML/JSON, JavaScript, and .NET. Create The ability to create • The MicroStrategy Mobile API enables mobile app developers to customize • An SDK is only available for iOS devices for Custom customized mobile MicroStrategy Mobile apps on Android and iOS mobile devices by changing basic app reskinning such as changing the default Mobile applications, embed the look and feel of the app, or developing new Mobile apps that use icon and app name, as well as customizing the Applications in BI in third-party apps, MicroStrategy BI content. MicroStrategy provides different APIs for Android launch screen, home screen, and getting started iOS and or rebrand the mobile and iOS devices. The flexibility of the Mobile APIs enable developers to guide. However, embedding BusinessObjects Android app by including build custom mobile applications to accommodate growing needs of the content into an existing app or building custom customized icons, as organization. widgets to consume BusinessObjects data is not well as splash, supported. In addition, there is no SDK available launch, and login • The Mobile SDK for iOS consists of Xcode projects that allow developers for Android, so Android users do not have the screens. to compile and distribute custom MicroStrategy Mobile apps. With one of the flexibility to customize or rebrand/reskin their apps. Xcode projects, users can rebrand the app by adding icons, splash screens, and an app name through simple configuration changes. In addition, the Mobile SDK for iOS enables users to embed MicroStrategy in an existing application or build custom widgets that can consume MicroStrategy data.

• The Mobile SDK for Android lets users customize the MicroStrategy Mobile application to match corporate branding requirements. It also allows users to preconfigure the application to allow multiple instances of the application to exist on a single device.

• MicroStrategy supports the following programming languages for Mobile SDK: iOS - Objective C, Swift; Android – Java.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Embed Third- The ability for third- • Organizations are always looking to connect to a variety of sources that • BusinessObjects does not have a mechanism for Party Data as party applications to may not be natively supported with the platform. Using the Push API, third-party applications to push data as cubes. Datasets push data directly organizations can push external data in JSON format using REST APIs into Thus, customers can only use the limited data into a BI application in-memory cubes on the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, so users can sources that are certified by BusinessObjects. In for use in readily consume, process, and analyze the corresponding data. order to use any other data source, customers dashboards or • MicroStrategy makes it possible for organizations to leverage new data would have to wait until it's included as a part of reports. assets by enabling applications such as ETL tools that connect to these data the platform. sources and move data into MicroStrategy. • The Push API enables third-party vendors to generate MicroStrategy datasets, thus, unlocking new end-user workflows and opportunities for partner integrations. Create The ability to embed • MicroStrategy integrates with third-party and open source JavaScript • SAP Lumira offers Visualization Extensions that Custom or create custom visualizations, so users can tell even more compelling stories with their data. allow D3 visualizations to be embedded in HTML5 HTML5 visualizations • MicroStrategy provides APIs, tools, samples, and documentation to help dashboards. However, this process involves Visualizations with open source users build custom HTML5 visualizations using open source and commercial significant coding and developer experience. It is libraries such as D3, libraries like D3 and Google Charts. not as simple as downloading a D3 visualization that can be deployed • Users can build out support for functionality including selectors, drop and importing it into a dashboard. There are also on top of data zones, color palettes, and thresholds. It is also possible to transform no APIs for users to create their own custom sources. visualizations into text-based narratives by integrating with native language visualization leveraging D3. In addition, support for generation (NLG) platforms, such as those offered by Automated Insights embedding HTML5 visualizations is only and Narrative Science. supported in SAP Lumira, and not in the other dashboard tools like Dashboard Design. Extract The ability for custom • With RESTful APIs, organizations can use MicroStrategy as a data source • Only reports published as a web service can be Subsets of third-party web to quickly extract subsets of pre-processed data in JSON format. This consumed by other applications. However, there is Data Using applications to use addresses the needs of large enterprises and OEM partners that consume no support for extracting a subset of data from a RESTful APIs the BI platform as a data through MicroStrategy's governed and secured architecture via cube or report to be used as a dataset in a custom data source to customized business applications. application. extract subsets of data from a report or existing cube. Create The ability to create a • With new and updated data sources being published by database vendors • This capability is only available in SAP Design Custom Data custom data source almost weekly, organizations need fast access to connect to and use the Studio (dashboard interface) through their Data Connectors that users can data stored in these various data locations. Source SDK. However, the data cannot be connect to and • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data sources and consumed by filters or crosstab components, thus, leverage in their continues to enhance connectivity with each database upgrade. limiting the workflows where the data can be reports and • MicroStrategy also allows organizations to build their own connectors to leveraged. dashboards. custom data assets with the Data Connector SDK. Organizations can leverage HTML and JavaScript to build custom connectors for the MicroStrategy Data Import interface and build their own customized integrations for these data sources within MicroStrategy, thus, providing users access to any data source without waiting for them to be certified by the platform. Multitenancy The ability to deploy • Multitenancy enables an OEM’s various customers to experience custom • SAP BO supports multitenant deployments Support a single instance of a applications, all built on a single architecture. Sharing resources results in where a tenant template can be defined to software application less administrative overhead, reduced resource consumption, and low manage tenants in a repeatable manner. Each to serve multiple overall TCO. tenant template consists of user groups, folders, customers, where • MicroStrategy supports a spectrum of multitenant architectures from high BI documents, universes, connections, and each customer is isolation to high sharing. In addition, MicroStrategy allows for personalization security settings. However, there is no way to called a tenant. in a shared project such as custom branding and logos for each tenant, customize each environment with the tenant's personalized object names, and internationalization capabilities. branding, logo, or personalized schema.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Enterprise Simplified The ability to easily • MicroStrategy on AWS will enable customers to deploy enterprise networks •SAP Business Objects cannot easily deploy their Cloud Enterprise deploy an enterprise that are fully configured and ready to use in less than 30 minutes. This own environment in the cloud. SAP wants too Deployment cloud environment saves users time and money by eliminating the need to download, install, much control and requires Technical Support to without IT support. and configure the environments themselves. Users can choose from change any configurations or settings. SAP different instance types and sizes based on cost or usage requirements. BusinessObjects cloud version does not support • Cloud environments can also be deployed directly into a customer's AWS the full scope of the on-premises features and account for maximum control. capabilities list. • Users can launch 3 different environment types, ranging from an all-in-one •SAP BusinessObjects Cloud is a separate system to an enterprise-grade distributed and redundant system. product despite the common name. Operations between SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise and SAP BusinessObjects Cloud is limited. •While there is some interoperability on data source and data access level, content created by one platform cannot be promoted to or reused by the other. Global The ability to deploy • MicroStrategy Cloud can deploy distributed and redundant systems in over •SAP BO Cloud data centers are limited to Availability environments 42 AWS Availability Zones in 16 geographic regions around the world. This Sterling, VA, Sydney Australia and St. Leon globally. Global includes countries across North America, South America, Asia, Europe, and Rot/Walldorf, Germany. This causes additional options make it easy Australia. This enables organizations to deploy MicroStrategy closer to its work and pain for customers outside these regions for customers to users. This decreases latency and enables faster response times. By having because it increases latency. Security and deploy their data centers closer to home, it also allows the data enters to comply with compliance laws will also be different. environments closer local laws and regulations. to home so they can meet performance, compliance, and data Region and Number of Availability Zones requirements. •AWS GovCloud (2) •US West Oregon (3), Northern California (3) •US East Northern Virginia (5), Ohio (3) •Canada Central (2)

•South America São Paulo (3)

•Europe Ireland (3), Frankfurt (2), London (2)

•Asia Pacific Singapore (2), Sydney (3), Tokyo (3), Seoul (2), Mumbai (2)

•China Beijing (2)

•New Regions (coming soon) Paris Ningxia

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score API Enabled JavaScript • The MicroStrategy Cloud API gives customers unlimited flexibility to create SAP Business Objects users are only able to Operations frameworks that their own custom workflows. Customers have the ability to build consume APIs through the SAP API management provide a number of personalized user interfaces for deploying and managing their cloud with a minimum 12-month subscription. The SAP APIs to help environments. This empowers developers to automate their MicroStrategy API Management solution runs through SAP data customers build Cloud capabilities. centers in Germany. This may not suitable for applications. • Through APIs, it is possible to launch 1000 MicroStrategy instances with a customers who do not want their data transmitting single line of code, resize them to any size, and then terminate them once through other countries. done. Without APIs, this would be a manual process. It’s easy to integrate with other automation tools and the API works with any programming language. Cloud Specific APIs we support: •Retrieve or search for environments •Create new environments •Get Environment Contact Details List •Resend Email to the owners of the environments •Restart environment/s •Start environment/s •Get Environment States •Stop environment/s •Terminate environments •Find environment details by environmentID •Update Environment Contact Details •Update expiration date for environment •Find all the instances in an environment by environmentID •Find all the instances state in an environment by environmentID •Restart Instance •Start Instance •Stop Instance •Find schedules by environment id •Create schedule for environment •Inactivate the selected schedule by schedule id and environment id •Find schedule by schedule id and environment id •Update schedule for environment •Resize all server instance or selected server instance of an environment •Create new environments Disaster Clustered servers • MicroStrategy Cloud clusters enterprise deployments with multiple nodes, •Disaster recovery is a manual process and it must Recovery and that restore backups and gives organizations the flexibility to add additional nodes. be configured by SAP administrators or partners. Failover after failure so no • Clustered nodes provide load balancing, high availability, failover, and This may cause delays due to additional back and work or time is lost. redundancy. Each node synchronizes metadata information, history lists, forth with SAP administrators or additional costs and report caches. In case of disaster or failure, MicroStrategy backups are with partners. stored redundantly across multiple availability zones and can be accessed and restored in an alternate availability zone. This affords zero downtime and users can always access their MicroStrategy environment. Centralized A single interface that • MicroStrategy allows the customer to start, stop, and restart an AWS • SAP is managed either by the customer or Administration provides all the environment while retaining its contents. Customers can take advantage of through professional services. The scheduling of administration tools stopping their environments to save on costs, especially during non-peak routine administrative tasks is not supported and to manage and hours. cloud environments must be started and stopped monitor an enterprise • The new Environment Manager tool allows users to schedule these routine manually. cloud environment. tasks to occur at specific dates and times. • For POC or development purposes, an administrator can stop these machines during non-peak hours to reduce costs. • Customers only pay for what they use.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Auto Scaling The ability to resize • MicroStrategy Cloud customers have the ability to scale their environment •SAP implementations cannot be automatically cloud environments up or down with over 6 different instance size options from AWS ranging scaled up or down. This is a manual process based on the from 4 vCPU and 15.25 GiB to 64 vCPU and 488 GiB of memory. which requires an engineer's time. IT will need to conditions the • Environments can scale on-demand or schedule based on usage patterns, be involved if a script is necessary to automate the customer defines. application usage patterns, and data size. Customers can add new users at process. Customers may choose to go through any time and deploy multiple environments and projects as they see fit. partners to resize their environments as well but it • Customers pay for what they use according to length of time. will be costly. •SAP is unable to cluster 8 nodes. Large enterprise organizations may need to cluster up to 8 nodes to support hundreds of users and petabytes of data. Seamless Upgrade the platform By moving to the MicroStrategy Cloud, customers can ensure that they have SAP does not support automated upgrades at this Upgrades and corresponding the latest platform and version release, allowing them to take advantage of time. Users must manually install and configure servers without any the latest platform security and feature enhancements. With the new Cloud the new version of the platform. This is prone to downtime or Environment Manager, customers can schedule upgrades during non-peak causing errors and will require expertise from IT additional work. hours to guarantee seamless upgrades with zero downtime. Testing and for upgrades. health checks are automatically performed to help ensure a successful upgrade. High Maintain high • Each MicroStrategy deployment is in a single-tenant, private cloud. This • SAP BusinessObjects does not support high Performance performance and allows organizations to customize the software to meet their needs. Queries performance and reliability for multitenant and Reliability reliability without run by customers will not affect others. Each instance is isolated from others environments. As a result, customer queries may sacrificing user for maximum privacy. impact performance for other customers. experience or Customers can opt for single tenant, but it must be security. • The MicroStrategy Cloud operations team has the cloud experts and requested since it is not an automatic support to help ensure high performance and reliability. We are backed not configuration. only by AWS’s world-class infrastructure, but also AWS experts who helped design and automate our cloud deployment. Our Cloud environment was built with the latest AWS technology and according to AWS’s best practices. Our team proactively patches infrastructure, operating systems, and applications to optimize performance while deterring security threats. We have processes in place so that systems are monitored, including the analytics and mobility servers.

• MicroStrategy allows organizations to cluster up to 8 server nodes. Beyond being able to further scale in volume of analytics content, this will improve overall SLAs by reorganizing large clusters for higher availability and faster service recovery, reduce TCO by consolidation of multiple environments, and remove friction to deploy new applications and increase user capacity.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Data Services for • MicroStrategy provides data connectivity and data warehouse solutions to Connectivity customers looking to meet customer needs. Customers may choose to migrate their data into the •SAP BusinessObjects' cloud does not connect to and Migration move their data into cloud. We offer options to migrate into Amazon Redshift, SQL Server most data sources. They are only able to connect the cloud or connect Enterprise, SQL Server Standard, MySQL, or Aurora DWH platforms. When to a handful of cloud data sources, and they are their on-prem data to customers choose this option, MicroStrategy builds the chosen DWH within limited to just SAP on-premises data sources. their cloud the same VPC as the rest of the BI cloud environment. MicroStrategy works Even then, users must purchase SAP HANA to get environment. with customers to select the correct size (CPU/RAM) DWH machine that everything connected. Most customers utilize meets their needs. ETL options are also available. other data sources outside of SAP, so if a customer is not already using SAP products, then • If a customer chooses to maintain their database on-prem or in another this product will cost more because it will be cloud data source, a typical implementation involves establishing a VPN necessary to purchase additional SAP products. connection between the MicroStrategy Cloud and its database or data. The performance of this architecture can vary based on a variety of factors, including the physical distance between the MicroStrategy Cloud data center and the customer data source, the latency of the data connection, the bandwidth of the connection, the amount of usage, its query intensiveness, the query-response latency of the customer data source, and other variables. Data Security Security to protect • MicroStrategy Cloud security meets or exceeds industry standards and • SAP BO Cloud provides several user role customer data best practices. MicroStrategy implements strong control practices to security options that can be applied to models and 24/7/365. effectively maintain the security and availability of the MicroStrategy Cloud dimensions. and associated data. We help ensure that your data is secure at network • For models based on HANA views, the analytic and application levels from any attacks. We follow the latest industry privileges imported from HANA can be granted or standards on many compliances and certifications such as SOC I & II, revoked for each user role. HIPAA, PCI, and Privacy Shield. • In addition, version security can be applied to a model thus restricting read and write access to public versions. • Admins can create and manage users or teams, i.e. groups of users, or import them from an active directory or file. Enterprise Digital Badge Use a single digital • MicroStrategy, via Usher, delivers smartphone-based digital badges that • Digital badges are not provided in Business IoT identifier to track, provide seamless access to physical and logical assets across the Objects. MicroStrategy is the only BI platform that report, and manage enterprise. offers password-free login via a mobile app. all user interactions • Digital badges replace physical badges, key fobs, passwords, and other with enterprise identifiers with digital credentials delivered via a mobile app. Badges are assets. The badge branded by the issuing organization and are dynamically and securely linked verifies identities to an individuals' privileges and access rights. prior to granting • Badges can be remotely issued and revoked nearly instantaneously. They access to enterprise are provisioned via secure, out-of-band means, and their use can be gated assets. by biometric, geographical, or temporal constraints. • The digital badge provides a unique identifier that can be used by any single badge to validate the identity of any other badge. It also provides one- time passcodes for a second factor of authentication. Physical Control and manage • MicroStrategy provides smartphone-based physical access functionality • Physical access is not supported. SAP BO does Access access to any pre-integrated with leading PACS vendors. Usher works to consolidate not support OTB integration with leading PACS entryway across an multiple physical access control systems throughout an enterprise. vendors on mobile devices. SAP's IoT products enterprise using a • With an OpenAPI model, MicroStrategy can integrate with partner physical also do not provide this functionality. digital badge to access control systems, building automation systems, manufacturing enhance or replace systems, Internet of Things (IoT) grids, and networks and management existing access cards systems to deliver more advanced functionality and implementation options for employees, to customers. contractors, and visitors.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Logical Access all types of • MicroStrategy provides secure digital identity that allows users to access • SAP BO does not offer logical access to digital Access digital assets in an nearly any system in an enterprise (devices, applications, and VPNs) from a systems other than its own BI suite. Business organization single point. In order to both protect the current IT investments of Objects can be configured to use SAML (security including BI corporations as well as enable future investments, logical access with assertion markup language) or Kerberos for applications, web MicroStrategy is compatible with both industry-standard protocols like SAML password-free logins/single sign-on, but this applications, VPNs, and RADIUS as well as emerging standards such as OpenID Connect. requires a third-party authentication solution. and workstations from a single point. Bluetooth Enable contextual • In the MicroStrategy platform, Usher’s Bluetooth (BLE 4.0) integration • Business Objects does not integrate natively Sensing interactions, security, enables real-time micro-locational awareness of enterprise assets as well as with Bluetooth. In the EIoT context, a customer and seamless user touch-free physical and logical access. would need to make an investment in SAP's experiences via • This allows thousands of users to project their identity and move about a Leonardo IoT platform to acquire Bluetooth Bluetooth delivering corporate environment accessing doorways and systems securely with capabilities. real-time locational drastically decreased amounts of friction. The Bluetooth sensing capability awareness of can also be configured to log proximity at a particular place and time. enterprise assets. Barcode Track • The integrated barcode scanner in MicroStrategy badges can scan virtually • Tracking assets with barcode scanners is not Scanner enterprise assets by any kind of QR or barcode tag, securely logging a linkage between an supported in BO. This is in part due to Business scanning barcodes employee and a product, machine, or any valuable enterprise asset. Objects not providing a digital badge for use in or QR codes • This capability allows the tracking of offline assets using labels and tags interacting with the Enterprise Internet of Things. whenever a user with bar or QR codes and can improve process auditing and enforcement for interacts with them. customer service, maintenance, and more. Scanning barcodes helps take This ability sets the data from multiple components and systems and combine them to improve foundation for the predictability of performance issues that arise in day-to-day business seamless repair, operations. maintenance, and inventory management of enterprise assets. Communication Empower • The Usher out-of-the-box productivity application allows managers to • For SAP BO, this is not offered outside of & management and quickly identify, verify, coordinate, and communicate with other users – either annotations and collaboration for dashboards in its Collaboration decision-making to in-person or by remote location. BI interfaces. Since SAP BO does not provide a be more timely, • Users have the capability to exchange messages from any client interface digital twin that is carried by users with them in a informed, and via the Identity server as the intermediary. This feature supports a number of mobile form-factor at all times, it further lacks a collaborative through use cases including employee safety, support, and coordination, particularly convenient means of reaching users in a timely direct, in-app 2-way for field workforces or during special events. fashion. Additionally, this means there is much messaging based on less contextual information available about users location and systems in any given point in time to influence the direction access. of communiques. Real-time Generate • With MicroStrategy Usher badges, user presence and actions create real- • Real-time streaming in dashboards is supported Telemetry consumable real- time telemetry via an Apache Kafka Cluster – an open-source program with the SAP Event Stream Processor, SAP HANA time intelligence via delivering a distributed, partitioned, and replicated commit log service Smart Data Streaming, and SAP Design Studio digital identity supporting real-time data processing and big data volumes. This telemetry 1.4. Nonetheless, Business Objects' lack of a interactions with all data is a rich and underutilized source of information that is the key to digital badge prevents it from generating types of enterprise unlocking a smarter, more productive workforce. To expedite value creation, comprehensive, real-time telemetry stemming assets (physical and MicroStrategy helps organizations efficiently create and harness massive from the interactions between enterprise assets logical) and amounts of timely information arriving from EIoT devices. and constituents. To accomplish some of this with constituents. SAP, customers purchase licenses and servers for a separate product (Leonardo IoT) that is not fully integrated with Business Objects.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score OTB Deploy reporting • Usher Analytics is a MicroStrategy project included out-of-the-box with a • OTB reporting for an access-centric EIoT Reporting based on telemetry, badge implementation. MicroStrategy takes care of the ETL processes so implementation is not supported by SAP Module pulling data from all access and authorization data generated on the back-end is automatically BO. Although Business Objects can integrate with assets and access loaded into a data warehouse and leveraged by a pre-built data schema. SAP Leonardo Bridge to pull in sensor data, for points to deliver This project includes multiple dashboards and a mobile application for Business Objects to deliver dashboards that show insight into visibility into interactions between enterprise constituents and assets. a converged log of physical and logical operations and transactions by each user in an enterprise, a compliance in a significant amount of labor (connecting, ETL-ing, unified, “single architecting, dashboarding) would need to occur. source of truth” dashboard. Reports should be customizable with the ability to blend data from other enterprise repositories. Integration Synchronize to • Within the MicroStrategy platform, Usher Network Manager has pre-built • SAP BO leverages Active Directory to assign with Directory directory services as directory integrations with Microsoft Active Directory, AWS Directory user privileges. However, it integrates natively with Services the authoritative Services, and Okta Universal Directory. Usher is also compatible with the fewer third-party identity repositories compared to source for employee OpenLDAP standard. This allows MicroStrategy to quickly issue MicroStrategy. records and standardized credentials to all users, even in organizations which utilize attributes. Support multiple identity repositories - or even manually add temporary users who do the enforcement of not exist in any repository. directory provisioning for authorization (privileges, entitlements, and restrictions). Identity Server Manage a network of • The MicroStrategy Usher identity server, which assigns and issues digital • SAP BO does not provide OTB support for users by configuring twins to users in the form of badges, is FIDO Alliance-certified on a UAF identity servers. User and asset administration in relationships that protocol for delivering password-free authentication based on public key Business Objects is limited to controlling BI prompt, enable, or cryptography. It is strongly resistant to phishing and can make user access applications and environments. As it pertains to secure interactions subject to geographic and temporal constraints. the EIoT, SAP has a separate offering (Leonardo) among employees which allows for the provisioning and configuration and assets within the The Usher server architecture is built to ensure that only authorized badge of relationships between connected sensors and network. Identity users communicate with the identity server, and only from authorized devices (though these are generally not used as Servers enable devices. The Usher server has the sole authority to convert a mobile device identity extensions for employees). administrators to into an authorized device through a process that helps ensure that rogue create, configure, devices or applications will not be able to communicate with the identity distribute, revoke, server. The identity server provides support for encryption of data at rest and and manage digital in transit, encryption key management, and transaction logging tied to an identities with user individual user’s identity. badges. Enterprise 100% Focus Core business is • MicroStrategy is dedicated to a single business line, exclusively focused on • SAP is a conglomerate with 4 distinct operating Partner on Enterprise exclusively focused enterprise analytics and mobility software. segments, none of which focus on analytics. Analytics on enterprise • MicroStrategy’s mission is to provide enterprise customers with a world- • SAP offers products in more than 10 different analytics. class software platform and expert services so they can deploy unique categories that range from invoice processing to intelligence applications. POS software. One of these product categories is “analytics,” which includes BusinessObjects (acquired by SAP in 2008) among more than 15 product types.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Platform Cohesion is an • MicroStrategy 10 has a unified platform architecture uniquely suited • BusinessObjects is the result of efforts to meld Cohesion important concept in to deliver high-performance applications that are highly reusable and secure, disparate technologies. software design and can meet the business intelligence demands of various users and • SAP acquired BusinessObjects in 2008 to because it reduces organizations. integrate BI capabilities more deeply in the other complexity, enhances • Since its inception, MicroStrategy has been developing its platform applications it offered. system technology 100% organically. • BusinessObjects itself represents the maintainability and amalgamation of numerous other third-party increases reusability, technologies that were acquired by which together BusinessObjects over many years, including promote Crystal Decisions in 2003. performance, • BusinessObjects must compete for attention and scalability and funding within the SAP conglomerate. elegance. Visionary CEO anticipates and • MicroStrategy’s CEO, Michael Saylor, has anticipated technology trends • The attention of SAP’s CEO is divided among 11 CEO drives technology such as mobile technology’s transformation of business operations, and led product categories, only one of which is analytics. trends in the the company through multiple waves of innovation such as client-server, It’s unclear what the CEO’s vision is for enterprise analytics web, mobile, cloud and enterprise internet of things. BusinessObjects. industry. • Mr. Saylor is also the author of The New York Time’s best-selling book, “The Mobile Wave.” CEO CEO engages • MicroStrategy’s CEO directly engages with customers around the world by • BusinessObjects is a small portion of SAP’s Engagement directly and personally participating in a majority of the 100+ Symposium events that conglomerate business. Given the large number of with substantially with MicroStrategy holds per year in 35 different countries, in addition to other SAP product solutions, its CEO can’t be focused Customers customers around customer meetings and events on a regular basis. on engagement with enterprise analytics the world. customers. Tenured Executive team has • MicroStrategy’s CEO and CTO collectively have over 50 years of • Enterprise analytics isn’t the core background of Executive extensive experience experience in enterprise analytics and mobility. any member on SAP’s senior executive team. Team in enterprise • Additionally, MicroStrategy’s CEO has science degrees from MIT and more analytics and than 50 patents to his name, and has been the driving force behind mobility. MicroStrategy’s technology since its inception. Shareholder Principal shareholder • Mr. Saylor, the company’s Chairman of the Board, President & CEO, • SAP’s stock ownership is dispersed. Alignment and management founded MicroStrategy in 1989 and has been the company’s controlling • SAP’s management holds only a small interests are aligned shareholder since its inception. Accordingly, shareholder and management percentage of the total ownership interest in the with the company’s interests are fully aligned in pursuing MicroStrategy’s vision and long-term company. long-term success. success. Publicly With greater • Having gone public 18 years ago, MicroStrategy is a mature publicly traded • SAP is a publicly traded company, but Traded transparency, company. BusinessObjects’s financial performance is Company stability and access unknown because it’s such a small portion of to funding, a publicly SAP’s overall business and SAP doesn’t traded company separately report on it. This makes it more difficult generally has a to predict SAP’s plans for BusinessObjects and stronger creates significant uncertainty for customers. management team, instills greater confidence in customers and has more financial levers. Strong A profitable • MicroStrategy has been profitable over the last 13 years, with combined • SAP is a conglomerate, and the financial Financials organization with a net income of $197 million over the last 2 fiscal years and an operating performance of BusinessObjects is unclear. strong balance sheet margin of 21% for 2016. can better withstand • In addition, MicroStrategy’s balance sheet is strong with zero debt. market volatility and fluctuations.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability SAP MSTR Solution Capability Description Why MicroStrategy Why Not SAP BO BO Score Score Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of the • While SAP has offices in a number of countries, Sales ability to directly world. SAP is a conglomerate business, and the extent to Presence engage with which those offices support enterprise analytics organizations around sales and customers is unclear. the world. Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of the • While SAP has offices in a number of countries, Services ability to provide world. SAP is a conglomerate business, and the extent to Presence support and services which those offices provide enterprise analytics to customers around services is unclear. the world.

118 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Power BI - Overview - Overview

Critical Capabilities - Microsoft Power BI Scores

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Index Critical PowerBI Critical PowerBI Critical PowerBI Critical PowerBI Critical PowerBI Critical PowerBI Critical PowerBI Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Workflows Custom Web Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Discovery Applications Deployment Analytics Create Optimized Custom 2 Data Data Embedded Mobile Global Physical Platform Governance Connectivity Multimedia Applications Availability Access Cohesion in iOS and Android Data User Preparation Geospatial Embed Third- API Enabled Visionary 3 Security and Analysis Party Data as Operations Logical Access CEO Blending Datasets Create CEO Enterprise Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers Mobile Client Extract Dashboards Caching for Subsets of Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and High Data Using Administration Scanner Executive documents Performance RESTful APIs Team Personalized Mobile Alerts via Create Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics Push Custom Data Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications Connectors Instant Real Time Updates to Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded with No Company Recompilation Predictive Analytics Customize / High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment and White Label Performance Module Financials Machine and Reliability Learning Native High Big Data Integration Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics with EMM Connectivity Directory Sales Vendors and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution Usage Data Security Identity Server Services and Alerting Monitoring Presence

119 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Power BI - Overview - Critical Capabilities - Microsoft Pow…

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Index Critical PowerBI Critical PowerBI Critical PowerBI Critical PowerBI Critical PowerBI Critical PowerBI Critical Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Workflows Custom Web Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Discovery Applications Deployment Analytics Create Optimized Custom 2 Data Data Embedded Mobile Global Physical Platform Governance Connectivity Multimedia Applications Availability Access Cohesion in iOS and Android Data User Preparation Geospatial Embed Third- API Enabled Visionary 3 Security and Analysis Party Data as Operations Logical Access CEO Blending Datasets Create CEO Enterprise Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers Mobile Client Extract Dashboards Caching for Subsets of Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and High Data Using Administration Scanner Executive documents Performance RESTful APIs Team Personalized Mobile Alerts via Create Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics Push Custom Data Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications Connectors Instant Real Time Updates to Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded with No Company Recompilation Predictive Analytics Customize / High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment and White Label Performance Module Financials Machine and Reliability Learning Native High Big Data Integration Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics with EMM Connectivity Directory Sales Vendors and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution Usage Data Security Identity Server Services and Alerting Monitoring Presence

120 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Power BI - Overview - Critical Capabilities - Microsoft Pow…

Enterprise PartnerEnterprise PartnerTechnical Solution CriticalPowerBIIndex PowerBI CapabilityScore Score 100% Focus on Enterprise1 Analytics

Platform2 Cohesion

Visionary CEO3

CEO Engagement with4 Customers

Tenured Executive5 Team

Shareholder Alignment6

Publicly Traded7 Company

Strong Financials8

Worldwide Sales9 Presence

Worldwide Services10 Presence

121 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Power BI - Details by Capability - Overview

Why Not Microsoft Power BI

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with Platform Oriented architecture and contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused • Power BI Desktop client is used as the starting point Reusability catalogs every across the BI project. Objects can be combined to create higher level of any development/modeling. Web (Power BI aspect of the objects (e.g., attributes and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, Service) is the interface for sharing and consumption. business. Data and prompts make up a document; documents, and other reports can assets, KPIs, be embedded into a document - all of which are stored as "metadata • In Power BI, metadata is stored in datasets which dimensions, users, objects"), and this together delivers a single BI project or a data model. can be reused but also comes with limitations. reports, and • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be Datasets can only be created by Power BI Desktop dashboards are all securely reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, but not in Power BI service. Datasets contain stored in a central without any duplication of effort. modeling features, cleansing features, connectors. location as unique • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers Datasets are tied to one report and must contain all logical objects to filters, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and source needed in a report. There is no joining support reusability. documents - making it possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects between datasets and refresh is limited and requires multiple times across any application and BI project. Data Gateways. • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata automatically proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates • There are also limitations inherent to the type of the need to manually update the changes across the deployment, which data sets used. is particularly helpful for larger BI projects. • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased • In Imported Datasets (in-memory), models are platform scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single stored using the same technology as SSAS Tabular version of the truth. models. Datasets can contain complex DAX (data analysis expressions) need for complex calculations and transformations. These datasets have some row level security. • Direct Query Mode Datasets store the query instead the data. They are only available for a few sources, mainly Microsoft, no Big Data source, ie. Big Data has to be all in memory.Very limited DAX and row level security is not advised. • Live Connect datasets are only averrable for SSAS. • Streaming options are based non Microsoft technologies and apply push capabilities.

• While Power BI users can manipulate, transform, and explore data, including creating calculated measures and columns, joining tables, or changing data types, they cannot reuse these objects beyond their local environment. • Power BI’s limited object reusability forces developers to repeatedly create the same object definitions, which is highly inefficient. They then must redefine those definitions in multiple places any time a common business definition changes, creating a tedious change management process. Data Unique definitions The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with • Power BI does not have a centralized semantic Governance to every dimension the right privileges to promote new and external content to the Server layer in the traditional sense, but instead relies on and metric bound and tie it to a certified data model, all with easy workflows. datasets (see above). Ultimately, this may result in together by strict • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as users creating multiple disconnected analytical silos, rules that are the cube level, giving users the flexibility to control the data that is increasing the potential for invalid or inconsistent data defined by a logical published to the model. to proliferate across the enterprise. model, thus • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, • Governance is hard to maintain due to various ensuring a single even external non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record degrees of user freedom in various tools with various version of the truth that users can trust--while also delivering flexibility to end users. capabilities and no central Admin• Governance • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers requires the use of Azure data catalog, Azure Data

122 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Power BI - Details by Capability - Why Not Microsoft Power BI

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with Platform Oriented architecture and contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused • Power BI Desktop client is used as the starting point Reusability catalogs every across the BI project. Objects can be combined to create higher level of any development/modeling. Web (Power BI aspect of the objects (e.g., attributes and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, Service) is the interface for sharing and consumption. business. Data and prompts make up a document; documents, and other reports can assets, KPIs, be embedded into a document - all of which are stored as "metadata • In Power BI, metadata is stored in datasets which dimensions, users, objects"), and this together delivers a single BI project or a data model. can be reused but also comes with limitations. reports, and • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be Datasets can only be created by Power BI Desktop dashboards are all securely reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, but not in Power BI service. Datasets contain stored in a central without any duplication of effort. modeling features, cleansing features, connectors. location as unique • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers Datasets are tied to one report and must contain all logical objects to filters, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and source needed in a report. There is no joining support reusability. documents - making it possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects between datasets and refresh is limited and requires multiple times across any application and BI project. Data Gateways. • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata automatically proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates • There are also limitations inherent to the type of the need to manually update the changes across the deployment, which data sets used. is particularly helpful for larger BI projects. • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased • In Imported Datasets (in-memory), models are platform scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single stored using the same technology as SSAS Tabular version of the truth. models. Datasets can contain complex DAX (data analysis expressions) need for complex calculations and transformations. These datasets have some row level security. • Direct Query Mode Datasets store the query instead the data. They are only available for a few sources, mainly Microsoft, no Big Data source, ie. Big Data has to be all in memory.Very limited DAX and row level security is not advised. • Live Connect datasets are only averrable for SSAS. • Streaming options are based non Microsoft technologies and apply push capabilities.

• While Power BI users can manipulate, transform, and explore data, including creating calculated measures and columns, joining tables, or changing data types, they cannot reuse these objects beyond their local environment. • Power BI’s limited object reusability forces developers to repeatedly create the same object definitions, which is highly inefficient. They then must redefine those definitions in multiple places any time a common business definition changes, creating a tedious change management process.

123 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Power BI - Details by Capability - Why Not Microsoft Power BI

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Data Unique definitions The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with • Power BI does not have a centralized semantic Governance to every dimension the right privileges to promote new and external content to the Server layer in the traditional sense, but instead relies on and metric bound and tie it to a certified data model, all with easy workflows. datasets (see above). Ultimately, this may result in together by strict • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as users creating multiple disconnected analytical silos, rules that are the cube level, giving users the flexibility to control the data that is increasing the potential for invalid or inconsistent data defined by a logical published to the model. to proliferate across the enterprise. model, thus • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, • Governance is hard to maintain due to various ensuring a single even external non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record degrees of user freedom in various tools with various version of the truth that users can trust--while also delivering flexibility to end users. capabilities and no central Admin• Governance • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers requires the use of Azure data catalog, Azure Data granular security features that allow project owners and data stewards lake, masterdata services (MDS) and data quality to grant permissions and privileges to the right people. This delivers services (DQS). data security and also personalizes reports and dashboards to end • In the context of a Microsoft’s ecosystem, Microsoft users. is keen on transferring data source ownership to IT for • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote stability and meet the needs for: critical applications external data into the system of record, combined with the flexibility of and broader support, size limits issues in Power BI, the system to deliver self-service access to business teams will security limitations, refresh rates of the dataset• A increase the overall adoption of the BI platform. transfer typically requires: rebuilding datasets in SSAS models to store Metadata; rebuilding data cleansing and joining with SSIS (ETL) • Users must be aware of lack of monitoring, as there is no god way o way of knowing who uses what sources and if there are duplicate datasets. To fully benefit from Power BI, typically several types of power users are need - Power BI champion for complex DAX; modelers to model, cleanse and create datasets and monitors to try and prevent anarchy.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score User Security Roles and privileges The security model within the MicroStrategy platform is built around • Unlike MicroStrategy, Power BI lacks centralized that assign users and user groups, which are represented as logical metadata user administration to enforce data security on an restrictions to users objects. This ensures that data is secured at the most granular levels. enterprise-wide basis. There is no overarching, and groups ensure • Security filters based on dimension values help ensure that users are automated mechanism to continuously ensure that that end users only restricted to only see data that is relevant to them. This eliminates the users see only the data appropriate for them, based see personalized need to build multiple copies of the same application, and makes it on their roles and privileges. and relevant possible to optimally scale. content and are • With MicroStrategy's tools, administrators can apply Access Control • Microsoft security relies heavily on Azure Active only able to perform Lists (ACLs) to large user groups, restricting the range of data objects Directory (AAZ). In Power BI, security is handled at authorized actions. they can access or actions they can perform, and specifying the scope the user level - a user’s Power BI login is used by on- of their privileges in the environment. premises Active Directory servers to map to a UPN for • With Usher, it is possible to provide secure digital authentication credentials. However, if a user connects to data options, including geo-fencing and time-fencing capabilities, making it sources using his or her credentials, then shares a possible to restrict user access based on location and time. report (or dashboard, or dataset) based on that data, users with whom the dashboard is shared are not authenticated against the original data source, and will be granted access to the report. • Row-level security (RLS) is available in Microsoft Power BI Pro, but cannot be used against SSAS. Using RLS, direct query performance may get worse, and not able to optimize query, which is why they advise to implement RLS in source. This can be applied using DAX or security Roles, however DAX is complex, and security roles require maintenance. RLS is applied per dataset, so it needs to be replicated per dataset. Due to DAX and bad query performance RLS is advised only for in-memory datasets unless implemented already on source

• In contrast, MicroStrategy not only supports row- level security, but also enforces security on individual metadata objects, enabling much more granular control over data access and user capabilities. If a user has access to a particular row of data, they can see all the columns of data for that row. • Column-level security (CLS) is not available in Microsoft Power BI.

125 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Power BI - Details by Capability - Why Not Microsoft Power BI

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Scalability Deliver analytics to MicroStrategy is optimized in its design for enterprise scale and speed; • Power BI was designed for departmental users to everyone across the as such, the platform can support the analytical reporting needs of 100s visualize and explore data; it is not architected for enterprise, and of thousands of users across the enterprise. enterprise-scale, system-of-record analytics. It beyond. Allow • The platform can be clustered with up to 8 nodes with work- and user- fundamentally lacks the scale and processing 1000s of users to fencing options to help ensure performance and reliability across the horsepower needed to support 100s of thousands of leverage analytics entire user population. users, thousands of simultaneous reports, or without sacrificing • The platform has no restrictions on data size for either direct or in- automated report distribution across the enterprise. performance and memory access to data without restrictions • MicroStrategy customers are leveraging the platform to store data • As a SaaS solution, Power BI is limited by the on data size. using in-memory cubes with over 2 billion rows while delivering sub- constraints of its underlying cloud infrastructure. second response times to their end-users. Currently, Power BI Desktop has a 10 million-row • MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive analytics vendor that limit, and there is a 1 GB limit, per dataset, that can supports big data analytics with native connectors to HDFS to access be imported into Power BI. petabytes of data in real time. • Power BI lacks an efficient SQL generation engine, so the number of Power BI users could impact performance when using DirectQuery for on-demand database access. • User fencing is available in Power BI Premium only. Performance Publish and deliver MicroStrategy employs a variety of strategies to increase the overall • Power BI performance is limited by the amount of information to end- performance of the platform, making it possible to deliver sub-second data that can be pulled into memory, and by its lack of users with quick response times - even with large datasets. an efficient SQL generation engine. response times, and • MicroStrategy was among the first BI vendors to support push-down deliver analytics analytical functions across all leading databases. This capability helps • Currently, Power BI Desktop has a 10-million row without being drive computations intelligently to the database when needed, thereby limit, and there is a 1-GB limit, per dataset, that is impeded by data improving the overall response time to end users. imported into Power BI. If users choose to keep the size. • The platform can create multiple parallel threads to the database, Excel experience, instead of importing the data, they increasing the speed at which data is fetched from the warehouse. will be limited to 250 MB for the dataset. • Whereas other BI vendors attempt to implement caching at a single level, MicroStrategy implements self-tuning strategies that create • Power BI limits storage to 10GB per user for Pro and caches at key points within the query flow. The Server caches data in 100 TB per capacity in Premium. Applications with the following crucial areas: Metadata object caching, attribute element greater data volumes can be built using Microsoft SQL caching, database connection caching, result caching, and document Server Analysis Services or Azure HD Insights, but caching. this can add to the deployment complexity and • The platform is based on an in-memory architecture that can partition ownership costs. cubes and process data in parallel, making it possible to process larger cubes than other vendors in the market. • Power BI does not support multi-pass SQL, so • VLDB settings are available to fine-tune and optimize connectivity for performance using DirectQuery is likely to suffer. every type of data source, delivering custom settings to organizations with unique deployments. Automation Reduce burden on • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to maintain and • Power BI provides very limited capabilities for IT administrators, upgrade systems, automate workflows, and ensure superior data quality building automation workflows using a graphical user especially with large and security, without redundancies. interface. scale deployments, • The platform allows admins to reduce the time and effort spent on by cutting down on routine maintenance and administrative tasks, like moving assets from • Power BI does not have a tool equivalent to routine or redundant test to production environments, to checking the data quality between MicroStrategy Integrity Manager for automated tasks. upgrades, and scheduling health checks and tasks with workflows. regression testing or data and report consistency • Beyond administrative tasks, data uploads/refreshes and scheduled checking. deliveries can be automated as well, which removes the burden from IT and helps reduce overall TCO.

126 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Power BI - Details by Capability - Why Not Microsoft Power BI

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Monitoring Easily monitor, • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to monitor every • The Power BI admin portal allows for only basic maintain, manage, environment in a MicroStrategy deployment, across multiple projects usage monitoring based on usage data for individual fine-tune, and and even server machines - both on-premises and in the cloud. users and groups. automate actions • The interface enables administrators to quickly and easily view usage and workflows to patterns, system resources, uptime, and alerts across environments. • Power BI does not have tools equivalent to ensure the health of • The platform collects information from each environment’s Health MicroStrategy Integrity Manager, Command Manager, the system. Center, and presents key usage and performance indicators using or Object Manager for automated regression testing. Eliminate redundant graphs and charts. Users have to manually check dashboards and tasks to reduce • Administrators can define thresholds for system usage and reports for consistency. overall TCO. performance that automatically trigger alerts when threshold criteria are met or exceeded. • Beyond the 100s of OOTB reports and dashboards available with the platform, administrators can build their own reports with custom KPIs to measure platform usage. Deployment Options to deploy MicroStrategy delivers flexible options for deploying analytics across the • Power BI is a cloud solution that runs on top of the on any enterprise with on-premises, cloud, and hybrid options for teams of any Microsoft Azure cloud. Default is multitenant and there infrastructure, size. is an option with Power BI Premium to have a regardless of size, • The platform is supported on both Windows and Linux, and can be reserved capacity model. Premium capacity is limited team, or hardware clustered with up to 8 Server nodes. to 16 cores, 100GB. resources, thus • Partnering with AWS, the leading cloud vendor, MicroStrategy allows reducing overall organizations around the world to spin up instances for enterprise • There are three ways of 'going on-prem' but there TCO and analytics and mobility in minutes, allowing companies to start small and also some limitations. maintenance expand as needed. required. • Pre-configured environments in the cloud can be created, managed, • Users can install an on-premises gateway which is maintained, and upgraded with self-service consoles, enabling currently supported only on 64-bit Windows operating extremely low TCOs. systems. It allows cloud users to connect to on-prem data. Multiple users can share and reuse the gateway, which could become a performance constraint. • With the purchase of Power BI Premium, users get dedicated capacity nodes in the cloud, and the Power Report Servre to use on-prem. User deploy with Power BI Report server on premises (private cloud) for hosting (publishing, managing and delivering) Power BI reports in a web browser, mobile or email.

• Users can also view on-premises Power BI reports with the Power BI mobile apps. High Robust architecture • With MicroStrategy, users across the organization can access reliable • The Power BI SaaS offering comes with a 99.9%- Availability that provides the analytics delivered on a robust architecture that is designed for uptime, financially backed service level agreement highest uptime for enterprise scale, performance, and stability. (SLA). This SLA only covers the cloud deployment. users to always • Disaster recovery and failover options allow organizations to avoid have access to the downtimes for end-users. System administrators have the choice to • High-availability options for the on-premises data system, with setup hot, warm, or cold failover strategies (for backup nodes) gateway are not yet available. provisions and depending on the hardware resources available to them. tuning mechanisms • Clustering and work fencing capabilities make it possible to proactively for increased prevent server crashes by deflecting heavy jobs to specific servers or system stability and time periods. better failover • Reliable governors at every level of the query path make it possible to management. avert system crashes, even under peak user and data loads.

127 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs Power BI - Details by Capability - Why Not Microsoft Power BI

Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score In-memory Architecture that • The MicroStrategy platform enables organizations to take advantage • Power BI includes an available xVelocity in-memory Architecture can host terabytes of in-memory cube technology, which increases performance by database engine that can compress data files and of data in-memory reducing the need to access data directly from the data warehouse. improve query responses. In practice though, Power making it available • MicroStrategy in-memory cubes can be quickly loaded with data using BI leverages DirectQuery for most data sources, in to end-users with parallel threads from the database which can also be optimized and which modelled data is not replicated into the in- faster response fine-tuned for specific databases. memory engine. times. • Dynamic sourcing is a platform capability that automatically routes queries to the fastest available data source—whether it’s a cache, a • Power BI files (.pbix) are compressed data files cube, or the original relational source, thus helping maximize used by xVelocity, but the maximum accepted file size performance and throughput. may still limit Power BI to subsets of enterprise data • MicroStrategy's parallel processing and partitioning capabilities warehouses. differentiate it from other vendors, helping to boost processing speeds in situations where there are terabytes of data stored in memory. Enterprise Self-Service Intuitive workflows MicroStrategy differentiates itself from other point solutions by • Power BI offers both desktop-based authoring and Analytics Data for end-users to combining the ease-of-use of data exploration with enterprise browser-based authoring, with applications shared in Discovery access, visualize, capabilities including scalability, performance, security, and governance, the cloud. Desktop is required for authoring complex analyze, and share in a single platform. data mashups involving on-premises data sources. insights without the • MicroStrategy Desktop and Web provide access to 80+ data sources, • Q&A is a search-like interface for users to generate support of IT. from Excel spreadsheets, to relational sources, big data, Cloud visualizations. services, Hadoop, and more. • Quick Insights automatically generates the most- • Built-in tools are available for data preparation, as well as the ability to meaningful charts. blend data across multiple sources. • OTB visualizations can be added to Power BI • It provides the ability to visualize data with any chart or graph natively reports, specified in Q&A, and pinned to dashboards. and offers workflows to include D3, Highcharts, Google Charts, and In addition, provides custom other libraries (including open source and NLG options) visuals to use in dashboards and reports. • Includes easy sharing options (PDF, email, send to file location, print, • Table displays with subtotals are still not supported. and more), and workflows to promote external data into a governed Customers create the tables in Excel and import the model. Also supports options to export to PDF and email options. content into Power BI. • MicroStrategy is compatible with Mac and Windows PC. Analysts can • Power BI limits data visualizations to only 3,500 quickly set up and install MicroStrategy without IT support. data points. It automatically filters any data points • The platform supports advanced analytics with 350+ out-of-the-box beyond that threshold. functions, and can also integrate with R. Optimized Drivers and • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data Data gateways that sources, from Excel spreadsheet to relational databases, cloud • Power BI Pro comes with over 20 prebuilt Connectivity deliver instant and systems, HDFS and more. applications (called "content packs") that include data reliable access to a • Organizations can also build their own connectors to custom data connectors, models, metadata, and out-of-the-box variety of data assets with APIs, allowing them to connect to any new source available dashboards. Prebuilt connectors (and content) include sources and in the market. Facebook, Salesforce, Dynamics CRM, Google information in any • Each connector is optimized for high performance, with the ability to Analytics, Zendesk, Marketo, etc. format, regardless intelligently push-down calculations to the databases when needed, • In Power BI, users can query cloud, relational, big of size. generate multi-pass SQL, load parallel threads simultaneously, and can data sources (Spark), and some on-premises data, load data without restrictions on size or type. but overall it functions with fewer data sources than • Easy workflows are available to business users to blend data on their MicroStrategy. own without IT support. • DirectQuery to analysis services on-premises now • VLDB parameters are available to fine-tune and optimize SQL includes connectivity to SQL Server Analysis generation specific to each database. Services, multidimensional OLAP cubes (SSAS MD), • MicroStrategy leverages an aggregate-aware SQL generation engine as well as tabular. to transparently navigate aggregate tables, dynamically directing • When a live connection/DirectQuery is in place (to a queries to summary tables, without the user having to specify the use of cube), it is not possible to connect to another data the table when creating the query. source. Without an underlying metadata layer, Power • MicroStrategy can generate multi-pass SQL to answer analytical BI is incapable of supporting a push-down query questions that cannot be answered with a single SQL query block, architecture that can span multiple dbs. covering scenarios that include: set analysis, split metrics, and • Power BI supports a limited number of vendors in calculations at different levels of aggregation. DirectQuery (SQL Server, Oracle), but cannot live connect to Web, OData, IBM DB2, MySQL, Sybase, SAP BW, IBM Informix Database, or ODBC. • Power BI Excel connectivity to multidimensional cubes is supported.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Data Transform and MicroStrategy offers built-in data wrangling and blending capabilities • Power BI works best if the data pulled in has already Preparation arrange data to and is supported across all data sources. been properly scrubbed and cleaned up. and Blending make it better suited • End users can perform transformations on data prior to visualizing • For more robust data cleansing capabilities, for visual information using dozens of functions available via graphical interfaces customers will need to find an alternate solution such exploration, with the and without exporting out to Excel. as Alteryx to cleanse and prep their data. ability to create • Data wrangling and blending is possible by business users across joins across tables spreadsheets, relational sources, HDFS, cloud systems, and other from disparate popular databases. sources. • Users can split columns, identify spelling errors, perform text and numeric facets, eliminate white spaces, pivot tables, and perform dozens more transformations based on intelligent recommendations from the product. • History lists are automatically recorded, so when more current data is available, the actions do not need to be repeated. Enterprise Options to view • MicroStrategy provides a flexible reporting environment that • Power BI Desktop is used for development. It is a Reports large volumes of leverages OLAP functionality to give end users the ability to quickly thick client, Windows only. and allows for the data in an easy-to- slice and dice data from across multiple sources, using a variety of importing, modeling and cleansing of data. Users can read grid format, options: sorting, pivoting, page-by, drill down, drill anywhere, totals and build reports in desktop but not dashboards. with tools to perform subtotals, one-click metrics, derived elements, view filters, lock ad-hoc analysis for headers, switch between grid/graph, fit to content/window, and more. • Power BI Service is a web client used to build improved decision- • With the ability to publish banded reports, the platform can roll up and reports and dashboards. There is no modeling or data making. present dynamic aggregates for large volumes across 100s of pages of cleansing available, only import of datasets. Reports data. created in Power BI service cannot be used in • With MicroStrategy, developers can quickly design operational reports desktop. and statements using drag-and-drop functionality and flexible formatting in order to structure large amounts of data into a natural hierarchy for • Power BI reports and dashboards cannot accept or maximum readability and ease of navigation. pass user, account, or other entity parameters. This • MicroStrategy enables parameter-driven reports by supporting more makes it impossible to create entity-specific types of user prompts than any other vendor, allowing users to input dashboards such as a dashboard for an account, selections at runtime to alter the contents of the reports. Options include opportunity, case, or campaign. Instead, dashboards simple dimension prompts, hierarchy prompts, list prompts, object are limited to aggregate views of entity data. prompts, value prompts, level prompts. • Dashboards and reports can only be shared with users who have the same email domains or email domains listed with the Office 365 tenant.

• While a dataset can include multiple data types, Power BI reports and dashboards can only source data from a single dataset. Similarly, Power BI cannot mix imported data with data accessed from real-time connections. It's one or the other. • Power BI doesn't support custom colors, dynamic reference lines or parameters, parsed dates, quick calculations, or dynamic tooltips. • Power BI is mainly used for parameterized reports and dashboards, not for enterprise operational reporting. Power BI is a separate product line from Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services • Banded reports are not supported.

• Users can print an entire dashboard, a dashboard tile, a report page, or a report visual from Power BI service. Reports can only be printed one page at a time. You cannot print the entire report at once.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Dashboards Highly formatted • MicroStrategy delivers graphical WYSIWYG designer tools to create • Power BI Desktop is used for development. It its a and options to author, pixel-perfect documents, invoices, statements, scorecards, and thick client, Windows only. and allows for the documents visualize, and interactive real-time dashboards, all from a single design editor. importing, modeling and cleansing of data. Users can interact with data to • All styles of BI described above support responsive design and can build reports in desktop but not dashboards. identify trends and be consumed on any browser or mobile device. outliers and make • Dashboards are built on the metadata model, so they are secure and • Power BI reports and dashboards cannot accept or efficient decisions. personalized for each user, and support transactions, offline pass user, account, or other entity parameters. This consumption, and can be delivered in any desired format. makes it impossible to create entity-specific • Dashboards support ad-hoc data discovery across 100s of options dashboards such as a dashboard for an account, and let users visualize data with access to native and third-party opportunity, case, or campaign. Instead, dashboards charting libraries. are limited to aggregate views of entity data. • Transactional workflows can be embedded to enable write-back capabilities for both web and mobile applications. • Dashboards and reports can only be shared with users who have the same email domains or email domains listed with the Office 365 tenant. • While a dataset can include multiple data types, Power BI reports and dashboards can only source data from a single dataset. Similarly, Power BI cannot mix imported data with data accessed from real-time connections. It's one or the other. • Power BI doesn't support custom colors, dynamic reference lines or parameters, parsed dates, quick calculations, or dynamic tooltips. Mobile Consume reports • Mobile is fully integrated into the MicroStrategy analytics platform, so • Power BI supports hybrid apps for iOS, Android, Analytics and dashboards on organizations can leverage existing visualizations, reports, and and Windows. Besides viewing Power BI dashboards mobile devices, with dashboards to instantly deploy BI on mobile devices. and reports, users can also leverage support for complete • MicroStrategy Mobile enhances the mobile experience on iOS and Power BI on Apple Watch. Users can annotate and interactivity, in order Android by delivering native apps that let users take full advantage of share a file, report, or visualization. It does not provide to perform analytics the unique capabilities of their mobile devices when interacting with a multimedia widget control similar to MicroStrategy. and make decisions their data, while also being able to rely on transaction and offline Power BI does not provide transactional (write-back) while on the go. capabilities. capabilities. • With flexible, code-free tools and a click-to-configure development canvas, organizations can mobilize business workflows and deliver a highly responsive, native user experience with apps that can be built in record time and at a fraction of the cost.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Real Time The ability to deliver MicroStrategy delivers the ability to visualize data from external • Power BI supports real-time streaming. The devices Analytics instant analytics streaming applications and trigger alerts from these sources. and sources of streaming data can be factory and insights where • The platform can instantly ingest real-time feeds from Storm, Spark, sensors, social media sources, service usage metrics, data is available in and Kafka. For other relational systems, the platform can also support and anything else from which time-sensitive data can real-time. data refreshes at the smallest intervals, and can perform at the speed of be collected or transmitted. incoming information. • There are three types of real-time datasets which • MicroStrategy can manage real-time information and give an instant are designed for display on real-time dashboards: view of the data. push datasets, streaming datasets, and PubNub • The application can also send threshold-based alerts to any device streaming datasets. Each comes with certain allowing decision-makers to take instant and proactive action, all in real limitations. time. Users cannot connect to push or streaming data sets • MicroStrategy can also integrate with visualizations and widgets that in Power BI desktop. support real-time mapping of information on both Web and Mobile. • Streaming datasets do not support filtering. For push datasets, users can create a report, filter the report, and then pin the filtered visuals to a dashboard. However, there is no way to change the filter on the visual once it's on the dashboard. • Live report files will not update in real-time as data is pushed in – users have to manually update the visualizations. • Modeling is not possible on a streaming dataset since the data is not stored permanently. However, it is possible to model a push dataset, as users can use the updated dataset/table REST APIs to add measures and relationships. • While a dataset can include multiple data types, Power BI reports and dashboards can only source data from a single dataset. Similarly, Power BI cannot mix imported data with data accessed from real-time connections. It's one or the other. Predictive Advanced With minimal help from IT, MicroStrategy users can create and visualize Analytics and algorithms and advanced metrics and perform the most complex calculations. • Power BI allows users to install a local R instance Machine workflows for users • End users can build sophisticated statistical and mathematical and embed an R script directly within Power BI Learning to be able to models with the native library of functions available directly with Desktop. perform MicroStrategy. They can generate predictive, scoring, or training metrics • Forecasting through a menu-driven option is not summarizations, using natively available algorithms. supported. optimizations, • MicroStrategy offers over 350 native functions, out of the box, so that • Power BI does not natively support decision trees predictions, business users are able to perform data mining and create highly and clustering, although third-party extensions are statistical advanced statistical algorithms on their own, with minimal support from available. calculations, or IT. • Statistical functions such as Data Analysis create custom • Users can integrate MicroStrategy with data mining models from other Expressions (DAX) are natively supported. groups, training, applications by importing Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML), • There is no support for PMML. and scoring SAS, and SPSS into the metadata repository. metrics. • The platform integrates with third-party options like R using graphical interfaces.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Big Data Access data from MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive platform that supports access • Power BI connects to Spark on Azure HDInsight via Analytics Hadoop and other to big data with native connectors to HDFS while also providing built-in DirectQuery. distributed file workflows for data preparation on top of Hadoop data. • The Power BI service only supports a configuration systems without • Whether it’s a personal spreadsheet or a dispersed Hadoop of Spark 2.0 and HDInsight 3.5. limitations on size Distributed File System (HDFS), users can easily connect to their data • Each action, such as selecting a column or adding a and without without relying on IT and without limits on data size. It's easy to access filter, sends a query back to the database, which may experiencing drops data from any flavor of Hadoop, including Cloudera, Hortonworks, and negatively impact performance. in performance. MapR, with comprehensive support for Spark, Kerberos, and the top file • Power BI Q&A is not available for DirectQuery formats. datasets. • With MicroStrategy, users can leverage information from click • Schema changes are not picked up automatically. streams, web activity, call center logs, and ID scans - and blend it with • Power BI supports 16,000 columns across all tables data from other sources using graphical workflows. within a dataset and, when working with a Spark data • MicroStrategy connects to big data sources and NoSQL options such source, users may encounter limitations. as MongoDB and Cassandra, and also connects to HDFS via native connectors to Cloudera Hive, Impala, MapR Drill, Pig scripts, Spark SQL, and more. • With MicroStrategy, users can also limit and manage the amount of data imported from HDFS, or perform aggregations on top of the data prior to importing it into MicroStrategy for analysis. • Users can also apply advanced functions and filters to control and restrict the amount of data. Automated Distribute reports, MicroStrategy is designed for high-volume, automated delivery of • Users can share content via the Power BI team site, Distribution dashboards, and reports and dashboards. but they cannot schedule the distribution of content and Alerting documents to large • The platform makes it possible to scale distribution of analytical via email or PDF on a time or event basis. audiences in a content to 100s of thousands of users, with the ability to automate and • Users can print an entire dashboard, a dashboard personalized and schedule the delivery of reports and dashboards, based on time-, event- tile, a report page, or a report visual from Power BI automated manner. , and threshold-based alerts. service. Reports can only be printed one page at a This helps to • MicroStrategy supports the widest variety of delivery methods, with time. You cannot print the entire report at once. ensure the on-time optimal formatting for each device and application. delivery of • MicroStrategy provides bursting capabilities to deliver slicing or page- information to end- by executions, allowing a single report to be extracted from the data users so they can warehouse that can be parsed into sub-reports for individual make timely, subscribers. This avoids having to run different reports for different informed decisions. recipients while still being able to generate personalized reports. • Alerting capabilities can monitor KPI values when new data is available and send detailed reports or alert messages when thresholds are reached. • Security filters and ACLs set on the user level guarantees personalized and secure information to 1000s of users with the delivery of a single dashboard. • MicroStrategy leverages segmentation capabilities to manage resource utilization in large scale report delivery deployments by analyzing the list of subscriptions to determine if several subscriptions share the same combination of security and personalization and grouping them into buckets since they receive the same content.

From bursting and smart pagination for PDF exports to the delivery of highly personalized content, MicroStrategy delivers sophisticated distribution capabilities that make it possible to publish data and insights across the organization without the need to invest in other technologies.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Transactional Write-back • MicroStrategy provides mobile write-back capabilities that let users • In contrast to Power BI desktop, the mobile client Mobility Workflows capabilities that update systems of record from the field. Users can change data on the does not support transactional (write-back) allow mobile users fly, insert new information, and view updated reports and dashboards. capabilities from mobile devices. to submit • These transactions can include one-tap approvals and denials, inputs transactions to ERP, for capturing new information, and editing existing information in ERP • This creates limitations for users, preventing them CRM, or other systems, CRM systems, and other operational databases. from making any revisions to data sets directly from operational • App developers can create smart forms that are contextual and their mobile devices. systems. conditional, based on a user’s permissions or location. • MicroStrategy offers a broad set of input controls, including barcode scanners, signature capture, star rating, text and number fields, calendar, camera, steppers, sliders, and more. • Transaction Services can also auto-capture additional information alongside the user inputs to further streamline business processes. For example, the user’s profile information as well as latitude, longitude, and a time stamp can be included in a transactional submission without requiring additional work by the user. • Users can access transactional inputs and forms regardless of internet connectivity. When offline, transactions are queued for submission and executed when the user next connects. Embedded Ability to download • MicroStrategy provides in-app viewing of multimedia content including • Mobile Power BI does not provide support for in-app Multimedia and view videos, PDFs, images, presentations, spreadsheets, documents, email, viewing of multimedia content including videos, PDFs, multimedia files and web content—all seamlessly embedded in the mobile app. images, presentations, and web content. online and offline, • As is the case for other content in the app, multimedia can be pre- such as cached or stored for convenient, offline access. • The lack of this capability is a limiting factor, making presentations, • There are two ways to include multimedia in apps: HTML containers it difficult for non-technical users (such as marketing videos, PDFs, and and the Multimedia Widget. or HR employees) to distribute updated versions of ePUB books on • HTML containers enable access to any web content by placing it sales enablement materials or new hire training mobile devices. directly in the app's iFrame. URLs provide links to pull up entire content to field employees. documents or web pages. • The Multimedia Widget provides a framework in which to download, consume, and store multimedia files. WebDAV folder integration enables users to dynamically browse and view existing files and folders in a WebDAV folder, for example in Microsoft SharePoint. This makes it easy for traditionally non-technical people, for example in Marketing or HR, to distribute updated versions of collateral or training videos to employees in the field. • MicroStrategy also provides a widget that is especially designed for videos. The interactive, elegant Video Player Widget (that leverages the native OS video player) loads and plays a video from a remote location or from the local cache. The widget can display: videos from a streaming service such as YouTube, videos from a file server location, or a cached video from the WebDAV cache. If the mobile device is online, the Video Player Widget loads the video from the remote location but is smart enough to check first if a local cache already exists on the device’s WebDAV cache store.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Geospatial Ability to display • MicroStrategy abstracts all the geospatial analysis capabilities from • Power BI offers limited maps support for their mobile Analysis geospatial data the base map layer, so customers can leverage whichever base map applications. There support is only limited to ESRI overlaid on an they want, depending on existing map investments or preferences. maps. However, the ArcGIS Maps for Power BI does interactive map • MicroStrategy Mobile provides support for building map visualizations not support "Publish to Web" functionality. Publish to (ESRI, Google on ESRI and Google Maps, as well as custom images as maps with the web or publish to email are crucial features. Without Maps, and custom Image Layout Widget. These maps render seamlessly on the these features, these maps have very limited value images). appropriate native mobile map (Apple Maps on iOS and Google Maps since they can't be shared. on Android). • Furthermore they do not support Google Maps. • Both ESRI and Google Maps display geospatial data overlaid on an Power BI users currently cannot sign in to access interactive map. Users can swipe, scroll, and zoom in directly on the their private organizational data so it isn't possible to map, or even filter the data shown by selecting elements within their gain access to extensive basemaps and reference mobile app. Data can be displayed using a pin marker, a density map, layers. or a bubble to provide multiple types of analysis within each map. In addition, ESRI maps can display data from a custom geographical region, such as the counties of a state or districts within a city. The image layout widget allows app developers to include visualizations representative of different geographic regions such as countries, states, and regions, or visualizations that represent custom spatial analyses like a store layout. Offline Access Ability to support • MicroStrategy Mobile apps can be configured to work entirely offline. Power BI provides limited rendering and data applications in This includes support for analytics, visualizations, multimedia, and manipulation functionality in offline mode, as users offline mode transactions. cannot filter, cross filter, sort, or use sliders on their regardless of • MicroStrategy provides advanced offline functionality, including: reports when offline. connectivity. This prompt panels that display valid caches for multiple prompt scenarios; includes interactivity visual cues such as an offline mode indicator and shading to indicate with data, availability; a view of transaction queues; and the ability to delete or edit • The background refresh capability, used to update multimedia content, transactions before a connection is reestablished. In a situation where a content in cellular networks, takes up to 24 hours, and transactional user wants to avoid using data, the user can manually switch to offline prohibiting users from accessing refreshed reports workflows. mode using the app settings. instantly. • While users are in offline mode, mobile usage stats are still captured • Multimedia content, such as entire Excel workbooks, and submitted to the server once the user reconnects. Additionally, and geospatial content, such as Bing map tiles, and data-at-rest is highly secured. The stored data is encrypted; the app can some custom tiles are not available offline. still require credentials, and the offline cache can be set to expire at a desired time. Mobile Client Ability to cache data • MicroStrategy offers three main caching strategies that customers can • Power BI mobile provides a limited client cache of up Caching for on the device to leverage when configuring their apps: automatic caching (devices check to 250 MB of data offline which impacts rendering and High optimize app for new and updated content and sync content in the background), pre- viewing of large datasets. Performance performance. caching folders (a set of objects are pre-cached when the app starts), •Their caching mechanism updates the mobile app Deliver sub-second and adaptive mobile caching (the app prioritizes background cache intermittently, which is why insights are a few hours response times loading based on where the user is and downloads content the user will out of date. even when dealing likely want to see before they tap on it). with large volumes • MicroStrategy has a sophisticated analytical engine within the mobile of data, numerous client, so the mobile client itself can perform computations on locally concurrent users, or cached data without having to go back to the server. Because the slow, unreliable computations can be done locally on the device, this also helps to connectivity. speed app performance. • As a 100% native app, MicroStrategy uses OpenGL frameworks available on the mobile OS which help to achieve maximum app performance. All of the drawings (renderings) of visualizations leverage native device drawing capabilities which are optimized for high performance.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Personalized Ability to send alerts • MicroStrategy’s scalable alerting engine provides personalized alerts • Power BI users have limited alert capabilities. Users Alerts via to mobile users in to every user. do not receive alerts with streaming data, alerts only Push the form of push • The alerting engine is based on a robust distribution server that work for tiles featuring a single number such as cards Notifications notifications. These supports monitoring multiple data sources 100s of 1000s of times every and gauges. notifications should minute and creating personalized alerts for mobile users when a set be triggered by condition has been met. preset thresholds, • Thresholds can be set on any metric on any report. or be available on • Alerts are handled through the device’s native push notification system demand. in one of three forms: a badge (a graphic associated with the application), a home screen notification (a message which the user can view and interact with), and/or a sound. • Smart badges can show metric values or the number of alerts. Instant Update and publish • MicroStrategy lets app developers make updates and publish changes • Power BI Mobile does not support instant updates to Updates to changes to custom to their mobile apps without the need to recompile (in Xcode for iOS apps. Therefore, any changes in functionality or Custom Apps apps without having and in Android Development Studio for Android) and redistribute apps. configuration are not immediately updated in the with No to recompile and Any change in functionality or configuration is instantly reflected in the mobile app. This lack of flexibility becomes a real Recompilation redistribute. mobile app without requiring the user to upgrade the app on the mobile stumbling block when users are trying to operate on Changes are device. This flexibility is very powerful when users are trying to operate an agile development cycle. Users need to access the distributed and on an agile development cycle, where users need to access the changes instantly without having to constantly available to users changes instantly without having to constantly upgrade their app. upgrade their app, so this limitation results in a without requiring an • MicroStrategy also provides a drag-and-drop interface to migrate apps negative customer experience. app update. from development, to test, to production by using MicroStrategy Object Manager. Customize / Ability to rebrand • The Mobile SDK provides app developers with a multitude of • Microsoft Power BI does not provide an SDK build White Label the mobile app by customization options. This includes a code-free approach to white- and does not allow customized branding of the mobile including labeling and rebranding any MicroStrategy Mobile app. app. customized icons, • Customization includes changing icons, as well as splash, launch, and as well as splash, login screens. It enables developers to match corporate branding and launch, and login look-and-feel standards. screens. Native Native SDK • MicroStrategy's native mobile security features provide extensive • Power BI does not provide native integration with Integration integration with capabilities to protect sensitive company data, but MicroStrategy any of the widely used EMM vendors, which limits with EMM leading EMM provides the flexibility to leverage additional third-party capabilities, popular benefits such as App tunneling, use of Vendors vendors AirWatch, including those provided by EMM vendors. existing VPN solutions, and much more. Enterprise MobileIron, and • MicroStrategy offers native SDK integration on iOS with three EMM mobility management ability is limited to Microsoft Blackberry providers: MobileIron, Blackberry Dynamics, and AirWatch. Intune (a separate product). Dynamics, and MicroStrategy offers native SDK integration on Android with AirWatch. AppConfig • MicroStrategy Mobile also supports EMM capabilities via community implementation of the AppConfig guidelines, natively on both iOS and guidelines. Android. Mobile App Ability to collect • Mobile app client-side monitoring captures personalized analysis • Power BI does not provide business users the Usage mobile usage every time a user taps on an app screen. Statistics are gathered on ability to view usage statistics. Users need to involve Monitoring statistics and time spent on each app screen, exploration paths, GPS location, app admin to view the usage statistics. Power BI does not populate a usage, device type, operating system version, and cache usage. provide a way to get usage logs in an automated database for • With this information, app developers can track overall app adoption fashion. analysis. and geo-location of usage, perform cohort analysis, support continuous • Auditing usage monitoring in Power BI is only a development cycles, analyze app performance, spot network issues, Power BI Pro feature (not standard using the free and track adoption rates of new devices, operating systems, and version) and auditing events are only available for clients. These statistics are critical to driving app enhancements and to Power BI Pro users, not the free version. honing the app experience. • • Mobile usage stats are captured even while a user is offline. Once the Furthermore, the maximum date range of usage is user reconnects, the stats are submitted to the server. limited to 90 days even with the Power BI Pro version.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Embedded Create The ability to modify • A key component of an enterprise-class platform is the ability to modify • Microsoft Power BI content can be embedded in Analytics Custom Web and extend existing and extend existing functionality to meet the unique needs of an custom applications through the Power BI Embedded Applications functionality, organization. For building customized applications, a robust BI platform Service. However, Power BI does not have a create a custom must provide access to all of its functionality through APIs. The comprehensive Web APIs that allow developers to web application, MicroStrategy BI platform is a modern, sophisticated service-oriented customize with branding, logos, or functionality. Most embed content in architecture that is designed for flexibility and extensibility so that it can people use Power BI for its Desktop tool and not for portals, or simply grow with the demands of enterprise applications. its web capabilities. change the look and feel with • The MicroStrategy Web SDK enables developers to build a full- personalized fledged web application or change the look and feel of an existing web branding and logos application with an intuitive customization tool. The Web Customization through application Editor is integrated with the most widely used Java IDE, Eclipse. With programming over 5000 classes exposed in the Web API, this integration not only interfaces (APIs). simplifies development, but also allows developers to write their code without modifying any source code or out-of-the-box configuration files. This approach is helpful in maintaining and upgrading customizations. • The Web SDK also allows developers to write their own Web Services that encapsulate MicroStrategy functionality and expose this functionality to third-party applications. Since the services use standard protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS and generate a response in standard W3C-compliant formats such as XML or JSON, any third-party application (web or mobile) can consume these services and embed MicroStrategy functionality into their product. MicroStrategy's service- oriented architecture guarantees efficiency for each service or component with no code redundancy. This architecture is in stark contrast to the service-oriented architectures of other BI vendors, which are a product of disparate, separately developed architectures, inherited from mergers, and mashed together. • In addition, MicroStrategy provides a plug-in architecture that enables developers to extend out-of-the-box MicroStrategy Web code with stand-alone customizations without the need to change the source code, thus, making upgrades without recoding possible. MicroStrategy supports the following languages for Web SDK: Java, XML/JSON, JavaScript, and .NET. Create The ability to create • The MicroStrategy Mobile API enables mobile app developers to • The ability to rebrand the mobile app, including Custom customized mobile customize MicroStrategy Mobile apps on Android and iOS mobile customized icons, splash screens, and login screens Mobile applications, embed devices by changing the look and feel of the app, or developing new is not yet supported. In addition, there is no support Applications in BI in third-party Mobile apps that use MicroStrategy BI content. MicroStrategy provides for embedding Power BI content in an existing mobile iOS and apps, or rebrand the different APIs for Android and iOS devices. The flexibility of the Mobile application or building widgets that consume Power BI Android mobile app by APIs enable developers to build custom mobile applications to data. including accommodate growing needs of the organization. customized icons, as well as splash, • The Mobile SDK for iOS consists of Xcode projects that allow launch, and login developers to compile and distribute custom MicroStrategy Mobile screens. apps. With one of the Xcode projects, users can rebrand the app by adding icons, splash screens, and an app name through simple configuration changes. In addition, the Mobile SDK for iOS enables users to embed MicroStrategy in an existing application or build custom widgets that can consume MicroStrategy data.

• The Mobile SDK for Android lets users customize the MicroStrategy Mobile application to match corporate branding requirements. It also allows users to preconfigure the application to allow multiple instances of the application to exist on a single device.

• MicroStrategy supports the following programming languages for Mobile SDK: iOS - Objective C, Swift; Android – Java.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Embed Third- The ability for third- • Organizations are always looking to connect to a variety of sources • Power BI does not have a mechanism for third-party Party Data as party applications to that may not be natively supported with the platform. Using the Push applications to push data as cubes. Thus, customers Datasets push data directly API, organizations can push external data in JSON format using REST can only use the limited data sources that are certified into a BI application APIs into in-memory cubes on the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, so by Power BI. for use in users can readily consume, process, and analyze the corresponding dashboards or data. reports. • MicroStrategy makes it possible for organizations to leverage new data assets by enabling applications such as ETL tools that connect to these data sources and move data into MicroStrategy. • The Push API enables third-party vendors to generate MicroStrategy datasets, thus, unlocking new end-user workflows and opportunities for partner integrations. Create The ability to embed • MicroStrategy integrates with third-party and open source JavaScript • Microsoft Power BI provides the ability to import D3 Custom or create custom visualizations, so users can tell even more compelling stories with their visualizations and create new custom visualizations. HTML5 HTML5 data. Visualizations visualizations with • MicroStrategy provides APIs, tools, samples, and documentation to open source help users build custom HTML5 visualizations using open source and libraries such as commercial libraries like D3 and Google Charts. D3, that can be • Users can build out support for functionality including selectors, drop deployed on top of zones, color palettes, and thresholds. It is also possible to transform data sources. visualizations into text-based narratives by integrating with native language generation (NLG) platforms, such as those offered by Automated Insights and Narrative Science. Extract The ability for • With RESTful APIs, organizations can use MicroStrategy as a data • There is currently no way to extract data from Power Subsets of custom third-party source to quickly extract subsets of pre-processed data in JSON BI to be used in custom web applications. Data Using web applications to format. This addresses the needs of large enterprises and OEM RESTful APIs use the BI platform partners that consume data through MicroStrategy's governed and as a data source to secured architecture via customized business applications. extract subsets of data from a report or existing cube. Create The ability to create • With new and updated data sources being published by database • Microsoft Power BI does not currently support the Custom Data a custom data vendors almost weekly, organizations need fast access to connect to creation of custom data connectors. Rather, Power BI Connectors source that users and use the data stored in these various data locations. provides support for only a set of data sources that can connect to and • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data are available for use. leverage in their sources and continues to enhance connectivity with each database reports and upgrade. dashboards. • MicroStrategy also allows organizations to build their own connectors to custom data assets with the Data Connector SDK. Organizations can leverage HTML and JavaScript to build custom connectors for the MicroStrategy Data Import interface and build their own customized integrations for these data sources within MicroStrategy, thus, providing users access to any data source without waiting for them to be certified by the platform. Multitenancy The ability to deploy • Multitenancy enables an OEM’s various customers to experience • Power BI recently introduced row-level security, Support a single instance of custom applications, all built on a single architecture. Sharing resources which is how they go about setting up a multitenant a software results in less administrative overhead, reduced resource consumption, environment. However, there is no way to customize application to serve and low overall TCO. each environment with a tenant's branding, logo, or multiple customers, • MicroStrategy supports a spectrum of multitenant architectures from customized schema. They have limited multi-tenant where each high isolation to high sharing. In addition, MicroStrategy allows for architecture offers as well. customer is called a personalization in a shared project such as custom branding and logos tenant. for each tenant, personalized object names, and internationalization capabilities.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Simplified The ability to easily • MicroStrategy on AWS will enable customers to deploy enterprise • Power BI is only a SaaS. It is not deployable as a Cloud Enterprise deploy an networks that are fully configured and ready to use in less than 30 single tenant. Organizations looking for enterprise Deployment enterprise cloud minutes. This saves users time and money by eliminating the need to grade performance should not use Power BI. environment without download, install, and configure the environments themselves. Users IT support. can choose from different instance types and sizes based on cost or usage requirements. • Cloud environments can also be deployed directly into a customer's AWS account for maximum control. • Users can launch 3 different environment types, ranging from an all-in- one system to an enterprise-grade distributed and redundant system. Global The ability to deploy • MicroStrategy Cloud can deploy distributed and redundant systems in • Power BI is a SaaS solution that runs on top of Availability environments over 42 AWS Availability Zones in 16 geographic regions around the Azure. Azure is generally available in 34 regions globally. Global world. This includes countries across North America, South America, around the world, with plans announced for 4 options make it Asia, Europe, and Australia. This enables organizations to deploy additional regions. easy for customers MicroStrategy closer to its users. This decreases latency and enables to deploy their faster response times. By having data centers closer to home, it also environments closer allows the data enters to comply with local laws and regulations. to home so they can meet performance, compliance, and Region and Number of Availability Zones data requirements. •AWS GovCloud (2) •US West Oregon (3), Northern California (3) •US East Northern Virginia (5), Ohio (3) •Canada Central (2) •South America São Paulo (3) •Europe Ireland (3), Frankfurt (2), London (2)

•Asia Pacific Singapore (2), Sydney (3), Tokyo (3), Seoul (2), Mumbai (2)

•China Beijing (2)

•New Regions (coming soon) Paris Ningxia

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score API Enabled JavaScript • The MicroStrategy Cloud API gives customers unlimited flexibility to • Users can leverage any programming language that Operations frameworks that create their own custom workflows. Customers have the ability to build supports REST calls to create custom Power BI provide a number of personalized user interfaces for deploying and managing their cloud dashboards with real-time data. However, customers APIs to help environments. This empowers developers to automate their are not able to launch a cloud server with Power BI customers build MicroStrategy Cloud capabilities. installed on it. applications. • Through APIs, it is possible to launch 1000 MicroStrategy instances with a single line of code, resize them to any size, and then terminate them once done. Without APIs, this would be a manual process. It’s easy to integrate with other automation tools and the API works with any programming language. Cloud Specific APIs we support: •Retrieve or search for environments •Create new environments •Get Environment Contact Details List •Resend Email to the owners of the environments •Restart environment/s •Start environment/s •Get Environment States •Stop environment/s •Terminate environments •Find environment details by environmentID •Update Environment Contact Details •Update expiration date for environment •Find all the instances in an environment by environmentID •Find all the instances state in an environment by environmentID •Restart Instance •Start Instance •Stop Instance •Find schedules by environment id •Create schedule for environment •Inactivate the selected schedule by schedule id and environment id •Find schedule by schedule id and environment id •Update schedule for environment •Resize all server instance or selected server instance of an environment •Create new environments Disaster Clustered servers • MicroStrategy Cloud clusters enterprise deployments with multiple • High availability options for the gateway are not yet Recovery and that restore nodes, and gives organizations the flexibility to add additional nodes. available. Failover backups after failure • Clustered nodes provide load balancing, high availability, failover, and • The Power BI service comes with a 99.9% uptime so no work or time redundancy. Each node synchronizes metadata information, history and a financially-backed service level agreement is lost. lists, and report caches. In case of disaster or failure, MicroStrategy (SLA). This SLA covers only the cloud deployment. backups are stored redundantly across multiple availability zones and can be accessed and restored in an alternate availability zone. This affords zero downtime and users can always access their MicroStrategy environment. Centralized A single interface • MicroStrategy allows the customer to start, stop, and restart an AWS • The admin portal allows for tenant management of Administration that provides all the environment while retaining its contents. Customers can take Power BI in the organization. It includes items such as administration tools advantage of stopping their environments to save on costs, especially usage metrics, access to the Office 365 admin center, to manage and during non-peak hours. and settings. monitor an • The new Environment Manager tool allows users to schedule these enterprise cloud routine tasks to occur at specific dates and times. environment. • For POC or development purposes, an administrator can stop these machines during non-peak hours to reduce costs. • Customers only pay for what they use.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Auto Scaling The ability to resize • MicroStrategy Cloud customers have the ability to scale their Power BI is a SaaS solution that runs on top of Azure. cloud environments environment up or down with over 6 different instance size options from Customers can load data in-memory, limiting them to based on the AWS ranging from 4 vCPU and 15.25 GiB to 64 vCPU and 488 GiB of just 10GB of data. Or, they can use DirectQuery, conditions the memory. which also comes with limitations. customer defines. • Environments can scale on-demand or schedule based on usage patterns, application usage patterns, and data size. Customers can add new users at any time and deploy multiple environments and projects as they see fit. • Customers pay for what they use according to length of time. Seamless Upgrade the By moving to the MicroStrategy Cloud, customers can ensure that they • Power BI is a SaaS solution that runs on top of Upgrades platform and have the latest platform and version release, allowing them to take Azure. Microsoft manages administration, monitoring, corresponding advantage of the latest platform security and feature enhancements. ongoing maintenance, and upgrades. servers without any With the new Cloud Environment Manager, customers can schedule downtime or upgrades during non-peak hours to guarantee seamless upgrades with additional work. zero downtime. Testing and health checks are automatically performed to help ensure a successful upgrade. High Maintain high • Each MicroStrategy deployment is in a single-tenant, private cloud. • Power BI is not recommended for an enterprise Performance performance and This allows organizations to customize the software to meet their cloud deployment. Power BI has a 10 million row and Reliability reliability without needs. Queries run by customers will not affect others. Each instance is limitation and a 10 GB per user limit per user. This sacrificing user isolated from others for maximum privacy. limits the amount of analytics a user can do and can experience or slow down the most common power user. There is security. • The MicroStrategy Cloud operations team has the cloud experts and also a 1 GB limit, per dataset, that is imported into support to help ensure high performance and reliability. We are backed Power BI. If you have chosen to keep the Excel not only by AWS’s world-class infrastructure, but also AWS experts who experience, instead of importing the data, you will be helped design and automate our cloud deployment. Our Cloud limited to 250 MB for the dataset. Enterprise data sets environment was built with the latest AWS technology and according to are typically much greater than 250MB so users will AWS’s best practices. Our team proactively patches infrastructure, not be able to do any type of analysis or dashboard operating systems, and applications to optimize performance while creation in Power BI. deterring security threats. We have processes in place so that systems are monitored, including the analytics and mobility servers. • Applications with greater data volumes can be built using Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services or • MicroStrategy allows organizations to cluster up to 8 server nodes. Azure HD Insights. However, this adds to deployment Beyond being able to further scale in volume of analytics content, this complexity and ownership costs. will improve overall SLAs by reorganizing large clusters for higher availability and faster service recovery, reduce TCO by consolidation of multiple environments, and remove friction to deploy new applications and increase user capacity. Data Services for • MicroStrategy provides data connectivity and data warehouse • Data in Power BI can only be migrated to Azure Connectivity customers looking solutions to meet customer needs. Customers may choose to migrate data sources. and Migration to move their data their data into the cloud. We offer options to migrate into Amazon • Data connectivity is limited to a handful of data into the cloud or Redshift, SQL Server Enterprise, SQL Server Standard, MySQL, or sources and most of them have to be queried and connect their on- Aurora DWH platforms. When customers choose this option, loaded into a file. In the Power BI service, users prem data to their MicroStrategy builds the chosen DWH within the same VPC as the rest cannot connect directly to a database and begin cloud environment. of the BI cloud environment. MicroStrategy works with customers to exploring its data (unless it is a tabular model select the correct size (CPU/RAM) DWH machine that meets their database). Users can, however, use Power BI needs. ETL options are also available. Desktop or Excel to query and load that logistics data into a data model and then save as a file. Users can • If a customer chooses to maintain their database on-prem or in then import that file into Power BI where a dataset is another cloud data source, a typical implementation involves created. This is difficult for customers not currently establishing a VPN connection between the MicroStrategy Cloud and its utilizing any Microsoft's data sources. This will add database or data. The performance of this architecture can vary based complexity and cost for most users. on a variety of factors, including the physical distance between the • There is no migration path back to on-premises and MicroStrategy Cloud data center and the customer data source, the vice versa. latency of the data connection, the bandwidth of the connection, the amount of usage, its query intensiveness, the query-response latency of the customer data source, and other variables.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Data Security Security to protect • MicroStrategy Cloud security meets or exceeds industry standards • The Power BI service is built on the Microsoft Azure customer data and best practices. MicroStrategy implements strong control practices cloud computing platform and takes advantage of 24/7/365. to effectively maintain the security and availability of the MicroStrategy Azure’s set of security technologies and practices. Cloud and associated data. We help ensure that your data is secure at • Power BI uses separate front-end and back-end network and application levels from any attacks. We follow the latest clusters, the gateway role, and a secure data storage industry standards on many compliances and certifications such as architecture to protect information. SOC I & II, HIPAA, PCI, and Privacy Shield. • Data is encrypted at rest and in transit. Enterprise Digital Badge Use a single digital • MicroStrategy, via Usher, delivers smartphone-based digital badges • Digital badges are not provided in Power BI. IoT identifier to track, that provide seamless access to physical and logical assets across the MicroStrategy is the only BI platform that offers report, and manage enterprise. password-free login via a mobile app. all user interactions • Digital badges replace physical badges, key fobs, passwords, and with enterprise other identifiers with digital credentials delivered via a mobile app. assets. The badge Badges are branded by the issuing organization and are dynamically verifies identities and securely linked to an individuals' privileges and access rights. prior to granting • Badges can be remotely issued and revoked nearly instantaneously. access to enterprise They are provisioned via secure, out-of-band means, and their use can assets. be gated by biometric, geographical, or temporal constraints. • The digital badge provides a unique identifier that can be used by any single badge to validate the identity of any other badge. It also provides one-time passcodes for a second factor of authentication. Physical Control and • MicroStrategy provides smartphone-based physical access • Physical access is not supported. Power BI does not Access manage access to functionality pre-integrated with leading PACS vendors. Usher works to support OTB integration with leading PACS vendors any entryway consolidate multiple physical access control systems throughout an on mobile devices. Microsoft's IoT products do not across an enterprise. provide this functionality. enterprise using a • With an OpenAPI model, MicroStrategy can integrate with partner digital badge to physical access control systems, building automation systems, enhance or replace manufacturing systems, Internet of Things (IoT) grids, and networks existing access and management systems to deliver more advanced functionality and cards for implementation options to customers. employees, contractors, and visitors. Logical Access all types of • MicroStrategy provides secure digital identity that allows users to • Microsoft Power BI does not offer logical access to Access digital assets in an access nearly any system in an enterprise (devices, applications, and digital systems other than its own BI suite. Power BI organization VPNs) from a single point. In order to both protect the current IT can be configured to use SAML (security assertion including BI investments of corporations as well as enable future investments, markup language) or OAuth for password-free applications, web logical access with MicroStrategy is compatible with both industry- logins/single sign-on, but this requires a third-party applications, VPNs, standard protocols like SAML and RADIUS as well as emerging authentication solution. In Windows 10 Mobile, and workstations standards such as OpenID Connect. Microsoft does provide some seamless/multi-factor from a single point. logical access capabilities to devices, VPNs, and third-party apps, though that is a different product entirely and is not interoperable with iOS/Android devices. Bluetooth Enable contextual • In the MicroStrategy platform, Usher’s Bluetooth (BLE 4.0) integration • Power BI does not integrate with Bluetooth. In the Sensing interactions, enables real-time micro-locational awareness of enterprise assets as EIoT context, a customer would need to make an security, and well as touch-free physical and logical access. investment into Microsoft's Azure IoT platform to seamless user • This allows thousands of users to project their identity and move about acquire Bluetooth capabilities. experiences via a corporate environment accessing doorways and systems securely Bluetooth delivering with drastically decreased amounts of friction. The Bluetooth sensing real-time locational capability can also be configured to log proximity at a particular place awareness of and time. enterprise assets.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Barcode Track • The integrated barcode scanner in MicroStrategy badges can scan • Tracking assets with barcode scanners is not Scanner enterprise assets by virtually any kind of QR or barcode tag, securely logging a linkage supported in Power BI. This is in part due to Power BI scanning barcodes between an employee and a product, machine, or any valuable not providing a digital badge for use in interacting with or QR codes enterprise asset. the Enterprise Internet of Things. The Azure IoT whenever a user • This capability allows the tracking of offline assets using labels and platform can pull data collected by third-party barcode interacts with them. tags with bar or QR codes and can improve process auditing and scanners, but these are distinct products with This ability sets the enforcement for customer service, maintenance, and more. Scanning separate licensing and integration processes. foundation for barcodes helps take data from multiple components and systems and seamless repair, combine them to improve the predictability of performance issues that maintenance, and arise in day-to-day business operations. inventory management of enterprise assets. Communication Empower • The Usher out-of-the-box productivity application allows managers to • For Power BI, this is not offered outside of & management and quickly identify, verify, coordinate, and communicate with other users – annotations and collaboration for dashboards in its BI Collaboration decision-making to either in-person or by remote location. interfaces. Since Power BI does not provide a digital be more timely, • Users have the capability to exchange messages from any client twin that is carried by users with them in a mobile informed, and interface via the Identity server as the intermediary. This feature form-factor at all times, it further lacks a convenient collaborative supports a number of use cases including employee safety, support, means of reaching users in a timely fashion. through direct, in- and coordination, particularly for field workforces or during special Additionally, this means there is much less contextual app 2-way events. information available about users in any given point in messaging based time to influence the direction of communiques. on location and systems access. Real-time Generate • With MicroStrategy Usher badges, user presence and actions create • Power BI supports real-time streaming with some Telemetry consumable real- real-time telemetry via an Apache Kafka Cluster – an open-source limitations. The devices and sources of streaming time intelligence via program delivering a distributed, partitioned, and replicated commit log data can be factory sensors, social media sources, digital identity service supporting real-time data processing and big data volumes. This service usage metrics, or anything else from which interactions with all telemetry data is a rich and underutilized source of information that is time-sensitive data can be collected or transmitted. types of enterprise the key to unlocking a smarter, more productive workforce. To expedite • While a dataset can include multiple data types, assets (physical value creation, MicroStrategy helps organizations efficiently create and Power BI reports and dashboards can only source and logical) and harness massive amounts of timely information arriving from EIoT data from a single dataset. Similarly, Power BI cannot constituents. devices. mix imported data with data accessed from real-time connections. It's one or the other. • Power BIs' lack of a digital badge prevents it from generating comprehensive, real-time telemetry stemming from the interactions between enterprise assets and constituents. To accomplish some of this with Microsoft, customers purchase licenses and servers for a separate product (Azure IoT) that is not fully integrated with Power BI. OTB Deploy reporting • Usher Analytics is a MicroStrategy project included out-of-the-box with • OTB reporting for an access-centric EIoT Reporting based on telemetry, a badge implementation. MicroStrategy takes care of the ETL implementation is not supported by Power Module pulling data from all processes so access and authorization data generated on the back-end BI. Although Power BI can integrate with Azure IoT in assets and access is automatically loaded into a data warehouse and leveraged by a pre- a fairly straightforward fashion to pull in sensor data, points to deliver built data schema. This project includes multiple dashboards and a for Power BI to deliver dashboards that show a insight into mobile application for visibility into interactions between enterprise converged log of physical and logical transactions by operations and constituents and assets. each user in an enterprise, a significant amount of compliance in a labor (connecting, ETL-ing, architecting, unified, “single dashboarding) would need to occur. source of truth” dashboard. Reports should be customizable with the ability to blend data from other enterprise repositories.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Integration Synchronize to • Within the MicroStrategy platform, Usher Network Manager has pre- • Power BI supports integration with on premise with Directory directory services built directory integrations with Microsoft Active Directory, AWS Active Directory servers mapping to a UPN for Services as the authoritative Directory Services, and Okta Universal Directory. Usher is also credentials. However, it integrates natively with fewer source for compatible with the OpenLDAP standard. This allows MicroStrategy to third-party identity repositories compared to employee records quickly issue standardized credentials to all users, even in MicroStrategy. and attributes. organizations which utilize multiple identity repositories - or even Support the manually add temporary users who do not exist in any repository. enforcement of directory provisioning for authorization (privileges, entitlements, and restrictions). Identity Server Manage a network • The MicroStrategy Usher identity server, which assigns and issues • Power BI does not provide OTB support for identity of users by digital twins to users in the form of badges, is FIDO Alliance-certified on servers. User and asset administration in Power BI is configuring a UAF protocol for delivering password-free authentication based on limited to controlling BI applications and relationships that public key cryptography. It is strongly resistant to phishing and can environments. As it pertains to the EIoT, Microsoft has prompt, enable, or make user access subject to geographic and temporal constraints. a separate offering (Azure IoT) which allows for secure interactions the provisioning and configuration of relationships among employees The Usher server architecture is built to ensure that only authorized between connected sensors and devices (though and assets within badge users communicate with the identity server, and only from these are generally not used as identity extensions for the network. Identity authorized devices. The Usher server has the sole authority to convert employees). Servers enable a mobile device into an authorized device through a process that helps administrators to ensure that rogue devices or applications will not be able to create, configure, communicate with the identity server. The identity server provides distribute, revoke, support for encryption of data at rest and in transit, encryption key and manage digital management, and transaction logging tied to an individual identities with user user’s identity. badges. Enterprise 100% Focus Core business is • MicroStrategy is dedicated to a single business line, exclusively • Microsoft is a conglomerate with 3 distinct business Partner on Enterprise exclusively focused focused on enterprise analytics and mobility software. segments, none of which focus on enterprise Analytics on enterprise • MicroStrategy’s mission is to provide enterprise customers with a analytics. analytics. world-class software platform and expert services so they can deploy • Within the Intelligent Cloud business segment, unique intelligence applications. Server Products and Cloud Services and Enterprise Services are the primary categories. Power BI is merely one of many products offered in the Cloud Services category (others include SQL Server, Windows Server and Azure). • Power BI isn’t even mentioned in Microsoft’s most recent annual report. Platform Cohesion is an • MicroStrategy 10 has a unified platform architecture uniquely suited • Released publicly in 2015, Power BI was the Cohesion important concept in to deliver high-performance applications that are highly reusable and amalgamation of several Microsoft Excel add-ins, software design secure, and can meet the business intelligence demands of various including Power Query, Power Pivot and Power View. because it reduces users and organizations. Power BI is a SaaS only solution delivered via the complexity, • Since its inception, MicroStrategy has been developing its platform Azure cloud, whereas Microsoft Reporting Services enhances system technology 100% organically. and Analysis Services make up Microsoft’s on- maintainability and premises solution. Presently, the integration between increases the two is limited. reusability, which • Microsoft acquired Datazen in 2015 to beef up together promote Power BI. performance, • Power BI continues to rely on Excel for certain scalability and functions, and enterprise customers often need to use elegance. other analytics tools in conjunction with Power BI. • Power BI has not been organically grown to serve as an enterprise analytics solution. • Power BI must compete for attention and funding within the Microsoft conglomerate.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Power BI PowerBI MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Visionary CEO anticipates • MicroStrategy’s CEO, Michael Saylor, has anticipated technology • The attention of Microsoft’s CEO is divided among a CEO and drives trends such as mobile technology’s transformation of business large number of business segments and product technology trends in operations, and led the company through multiple waves of innovation categories. It’s unclear what the CEO’s vision is for the enterprise such as client-server, web, mobile, cloud and enterprise internet of Power BI. analytics industry. things. • Mr. Saylor is also the author of The New York Time’s best-selling book, “The Mobile Wave.” CEO CEO engages • MicroStrategy’s CEO directly engages with customers around the • Power BI is a very small portion of Microsoft’s Engagement directly and world by personally participating in a majority of the 100+ Symposium conglomerate business. Given the large number of with substantially with events that MicroStrategy holds per year in 35 different countries, in Microsoft business segments and product categories, Customers customers around addition to other customer meetings and events on a regular basis. its CEO can’t be focused on engagement with the world. enterprise analytics customers. Tenured Executive team has • MicroStrategy’s CEO and CTO collectively have over 50 years of • Enterprise analytics isn’t the core background of any Executive extensive experience in enterprise analytics and mobility. member on Microsoft’s senior executive team. Team experience in • Additionally, MicroStrategy’s CEO has science degrees from MIT and enterprise analytics more than 50 patents to his name, and has been the driving force and mobility. behind MicroStrategy’s technology since its inception. Shareholder Principal • Mr. Saylor, the company’s Chairman of the Board, President & CEO, • Microsoft’s stock ownership is dispersed and its Alignment shareholder and founded MicroStrategy in 1989 and has been the company’s controlling larger shareholders are investment management management shareholder since its inception. Accordingly, shareholder and companies. interests are aligned management interests are fully aligned in pursuing MicroStrategy’s • Microsoft’s CEO holds less than 1% ownership with the company’s vision and long-term success. interest in the company. Even Bill Gates, the long-term success. company’s founder, only holds less than 2.5% of the company. Publicly With greater • Having gone public 18 years ago, MicroStrategy is a mature publicly • Microsoft is a publicly traded company, but Power Traded transparency, traded company. BI’s financial performance is unknown because it’s Company stability and access such a small portion of Microsoft’s overall business to funding, a and Microsoft doesn’t separately report on it. This publicly traded makes it more difficult to predict Microsoft’s plans for company generally Power BI and creates significant uncertainty for has a stronger customers. management team, instills greater confidence in customers and has more financial levers. Strong A profitable • MicroStrategy has been profitable over the last 13 years, with • Microsoft is a conglomerate, and the financial Financials organization with a combined net income of $197 million over the last 2 fiscal years and an performance of Power BI is unclear. strong balance operating margin of 21% for 2016. sheet can better • In addition, MicroStrategy’s balance sheet is strong with zero debt. withstand market volatility and fluctuations. Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of • While Microsoft has offices in a number of countries, Sales ability to directly the world. Microsoft is a conglomerate business, and the extent Presence engage with to which those offices support enterprise analytics organizations sales and customers is unclear. around the world. Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of • While Microsoft has offices in a number of countries, Services ability to provide the world. Microsoft is a conglomerate business, and the extent Presence support and to which those offices provide enterprise analytics services to services is unclear. customers around the world.

144 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs OBIEE - Overview - Overview

Critical Capabilities - OBIEE Scores

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Index Critical Oracle Critical Oracle Critical Capability Oracle Critical Capability Oracle Critical Oracle Critical Oracle Critical Oracle Capability Score Capability Score Score Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Custom Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Workflows Web Applications Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Discovery Deployment Analytics Create Custom Data Optimized Embedded Mobile Global Physical Platform 2 Governance Data Multimedia Applications in Availability Access Cohesion Connectivity iOS and Android

User Data Geospatial Embed Third- API Enabled Visionary 3 Security Preparation Analysis Party Data as Operations Logical Access CEO and Blending Datasets

CEO Enterprise Create Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers

Dashboards Mobile Client Extract Subsets Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and Caching for High of Data Using Administration Scanner Executive documents Performance RESTful APIs Team

Mobile Personalized Create Custom Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics Alerts via Push Data Connectors Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications

Real Time Instant Updates to Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps with Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded No Recompilation Company

Predictive Analytics and Customize / White High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment Machine Label Performance Module Financials Learning and Reliability

High Big Data Native Integration Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics with EMM Connectivity Directory Sales Vendors and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Usage Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution Monitoring Data Security Identity Server Services and Alerting Presence

145 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs OBIEE - Overview - Critical Capabilities - OBIEE Scores

Technical Enterprise Platform Enterprise Analytics Enterprise Mobility Embedded Analytics Enterprise Cloud Enterprise IoT Enterprise Partner Solution Index Critical Oracle Critical Oracle Critical Capability Oracle Critical Capability Oracle Critical Oracle Critical Oracle Critical Oracle Capability Score Capability Score Score Score Capability Score Capability Score Capability Score 100% Focus Object Self-Service Transactional Create Custom Simplified on 1 Oriented Data Workflows Web Applications Enterprise Digital Badge Enterprise Reusability Discovery Deployment Analytics Create Custom Data Optimized Embedded Mobile Global Physical Platform 2 Governance Data Multimedia Applications in Availability Access Cohesion Connectivity iOS and Android

User Data Geospatial Embed Third- API Enabled Visionary 3 Security Preparation Analysis Party Data as Operations Logical Access CEO and Blending Datasets

CEO Enterprise Create Custom Disaster Bluetooth Engagement 4 Scalability Reports Offline Access HTML5 Recovery and Sensing with Visualizations Failover Customers

Dashboards Mobile Client Extract Subsets Centralized Barcode Tenured 5 Performance and Caching for High of Data Using Administration Scanner Executive documents Performance RESTful APIs Team

Mobile Personalized Create Custom Communication Shareholder 6 Automation Analytics Alerts via Push Data Connectors Auto Scaling & Collaboration Alignment Notifications

Real Time Instant Updates to Multitenancy Seamless Real-time Publicly 7 Monitoring Analytics Custom Apps with Support Upgrades Telemetry Traded No Recompilation Company

Predictive Analytics and Customize / White High OTB Reporting Strong 8 Deployment Machine Label Performance Module Financials Learning and Reliability

High Big Data Native Integration Data Integration with Worldwide 9 Availability Analytics with EMM Connectivity Directory Sales Vendors and Migration Services Presence

In-memory Automated Mobile App Usage Worldwide 10 Architecture Distribution Monitoring Data Security Identity Server Services and Alerting Presence

146 / 167 Critical Capabilities for the Enterprise with New Data vs OBIEE - Details by Capability - Overview


Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with • Unlike MicroStrategy, Oracle does not offer a unified BI Platform Oriented architecture and contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused platform with a single code base. Reusability catalogs every across the BI project. Objects can be combined to create higher level • OBIEE is an attempt to integrate the former Siebel aspect of the objects (e.g., attributes and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, Business Analytics Platform, Hyperion BI, and Oracle business. Data and prompts make up a document; documents, and other reports can Business applications. This leads to overlaps in assets, KPIs, be embedded into a document - all of which are stored as "metadata functionality and requires significant maintenance efforts dimensions, users, objects"), and this together delivers a single BI project or a data model. between the different tools. reports, and • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be • There is no seamless integration between product dashboards are all securely reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, packages, such as Foundation Suite and Endeca data stored in a central without any duplication of effort. discovery. Solutions for visual analysis and advanced location as unique • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers analysis are separate from the suite. logical objects to filters, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and • Report developers cannot create standalone report support reusability. documents - making it possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects objects, such as metrics and filters, and reuse them multiple times across any application and BI project. across different reports/dashboards. This means too • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata many objects serve the same purpose, which leads to automatically proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates rework and makes it difficult to maintain. the need to manually update the changes across the deployment, which is particularly helpful for larger BI projects. • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased platform scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single version of the truth. Data Unique definitions The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with • Business users do not have the ability to drill anywhere Governance to every dimension the right privileges to promote new and external content to the Server across reports; all drill paths across cubes and reports and metric bound and tie it to a certified data model, all with easy workflows. must be manually defined by IT or report developers. together by strict • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as rules that are the cube level, giving users the flexibility to control the data that is defined by a logical published to the model. model, thus • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, ensuring a single even external non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record version of the truth that users can trust--while also delivering flexibility to end users. • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers granular security features that allow project owners and data stewards to grant permissions and privileges to the right people. This delivers data security and also personalizes reports and dashboards to end users. • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote external data into the system of record, combined with the flexibility of the system to deliver self-service access to business teams will increase the overall adoption of the BI platform. User Security Roles and The security model within the MicroStrategy platform is built around • OBIEE’s security controls are decentralized and must privileges that users and user groups, which are represented as logical metadata be manually configured in many places like Oracle BI assign restrictions objects. This ensures that data is secured at the most granular levels. Publisher, Oracle BI, Oracle Enterprise Manager, etc. to users and groups • Security filters based on dimension values help ensure that users are This increases the chances of human errors. ensure that end restricted to only see data that is relevant to them. This eliminates the • OBIEE offers administrators very limited flexibility or users only see need to build multiple copies of the same application, and makes it granularity for setting group and user privileges. It is not personalized and possible to optimally scale. possible to assign access control privileges on individual relevant content • With MicroStrategy's tools, administrators can apply Access Control metadata objects like metrics and attributes. and are only able to Lists (ACLs) to large user groups, restricting the range of data objects • Security settings cannot be reused across the entire perform authorized they can access or actions they can perform, and specifying the scope deployment and have to be defined redundantly for actions. of their privileges in the environment. every user group. • With Usher, it is possible to provide secure digital authentication • With Oracle 12c, users cannot link their on-premises options, including geo-fencing and time-fencing capabilities, making it Active Directory or other security setup to BICS, possible to restrict user access based on location and time. meaning that all users must be recreated as Oracle Cloud users. There’s also very limited support for multiple subject areas, access to on-premises data sources, and other “enterprise” characteristics of an Oracle BI platform.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Object An object-oriented MicroStrategy offers a centralized metadata repository that is built with • Unlike MicroStrategy, Oracle does not offer a unified BI Platform Oriented architecture and contains objects, as defined by developers, and can be reused platform with a single code base. Reusability catalogs every across the BI project. Objects can be combined to create higher level • OBIEE is an attempt to integrate the former Siebel aspect of the objects (e.g., attributes and metrics make up a report; reports, filters, Business Analytics Platform, Hyperion BI, and Oracle business. Data and prompts make up a document; documents, and other reports can Business applications. This leads to overlaps in assets, KPIs, be embedded into a document - all of which are stored as "metadata functionality and requires significant maintenance efforts dimensions, users, objects"), and this together delivers a single BI project or a data model. between the different tools. reports, and • The reusable model enables objects across the BI deployment to be • There is no seamless integration between product dashboards are all securely reused hundreds of times by users across the enterprise, packages, such as Foundation Suite and Endeca data stored in a central without any duplication of effort. discovery. Solutions for visual analysis and advanced location as unique • The model not only includes dimensions and metrics, but also covers analysis are separate from the suite. logical objects to filters, reports, prompts, custom groups, reports, dashboards, and • Report developers cannot create standalone report support reusability. documents - making it possible to flexibly reuse all of these objects objects, such as metrics and filters, and reuse them multiple times across any application and BI project. across different reports/dashboards. This means too • Changes or modifications made to any object in the metadata many objects serve the same purpose, which leads to automatically proliferates to all other dependent objects. This eliminates rework and makes it difficult to maintain. the need to manually update the changes across the deployment, which is particularly helpful for larger BI projects. • The reusable model helps ensure faster development times, increased platform scalability, efficient management, and also maintains a single version of the truth. Data Unique definitions The MicroStrategy metadata model makes it possible for anyone with • Business users do not have the ability to drill anywhere Governance to every dimension the right privileges to promote new and external content to the Server across reports; all drill paths across cubes and reports and metric bound and tie it to a certified data model, all with easy workflows. must be manually defined by IT or report developers. together by strict • It is possible to map the metadata at the dimension level, as well as rules that are the cube level, giving users the flexibility to control the data that is defined by a logical published to the model. model, thus • The platform supports governance for data from disparate sources, ensuring a single even external non-certified sources, that helps build a system of record version of the truth that users can trust--while also delivering flexibility to end users. • Beyond the ability to govern external data sources, the platform offers granular security features that allow project owners and data stewards to grant permissions and privileges to the right people. This delivers data security and also personalizes reports and dashboards to end users. • Workflows available with the MicroStrategy platform to promote external data into the system of record, combined with the flexibility of the system to deliver self-service access to business teams will increase the overall adoption of the BI platform. User Security Roles and The security model within the MicroStrategy platform is built around • OBIEE’s security controls are decentralized and must privileges that users and user groups, which are represented as logical metadata be manually configured in many places like Oracle BI assign restrictions objects. This ensures that data is secured at the most granular levels. Publisher, Oracle BI, Oracle Enterprise Manager, etc. to users and groups • Security filters based on dimension values help ensure that users are This increases the chances of human errors. ensure that end restricted to only see data that is relevant to them. This eliminates the • OBIEE offers administrators very limited flexibility or users only see need to build multiple copies of the same application, and makes it granularity for setting group and user privileges. It is not personalized and possible to optimally scale. possible to assign access control privileges on individual relevant content • With MicroStrategy's tools, administrators can apply Access Control metadata objects like metrics and attributes. and are only able to Lists (ACLs) to large user groups, restricting the range of data objects • Security settings cannot be reused across the entire perform authorized they can access or actions they can perform, and specifying the scope deployment and have to be defined redundantly for actions. of their privileges in the environment. every user group. • With Usher, it is possible to provide secure digital authentication • With Oracle 12c, users cannot link their on-premises options, including geo-fencing and time-fencing capabilities, making it Active Directory or other security setup to BICS, possible to restrict user access based on location and time. meaning that all users must be recreated as Oracle Cloud users. There’s also very limited support for multiple subject areas, access to on-premises data sources, and other “enterprise” characteristics of an Oracle BI platform.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Scalability Deliver analytics to MicroStrategy is optimized in its design for enterprise scale and speed; The Oracle BI Server multi-source engine does not everyone across as such, the platform can support the analytical reporting needs of dynamically decide the most optimal location to perform the enterprise, and 100s of thousands of users across the enterprise. a calculation; it will conduct the calculation in the beyond. Allow • The platform can be clustered with up to 8 nodes with work- and user- database where the attribute table resides. 1000s of users to fencing options to help ensure performance and reliability across the • The Oracle BI Server does not offer collaborative leverage analytics entire user population. processing between the database and the BI Server, but without sacrificing • The platform has no restrictions on data size for either direct or in- it will pull result sets back to the mid-tier to conduct all performance and memory access to data the processing. without restrictions • MicroStrategy customers are leveraging the platform to store data • The Oracle BI Server leverages a limited multi-source on data size. using in-memory cubes with over 2 billion rows while delivering sub- engine that does not provide an optimized retrieval of second response times to their end-users. multi-source data, as it cannot smartly and efficiently • MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive analytics vendor that select which is the best data source to query. The Oracle supports big data analytics with native connectors to HDFS to access BI Server does not support smart push-down technology petabytes of data in real time. and pulls all the information to the mid-tier for further analysis. • Oracle relies on the Aggregate Persistence Wizard to configure aggregate tables to be used within the schema layer. These tables have to be manually maintained over time. Performance Publish and deliver MicroStrategy employs a variety of strategies to increase the overall • Oracle features a limited multi-pass SQL engine with information to end- performance of the platform, making it possible to deliver sub-second no support for temporary data tables. This results in users with quick response times - even with large datasets. intermediate passes being pulled into the mid-tier level, response times, • MicroStrategy was among the first BI vendors to support push-down which stresses the network and hardware resources. and deliver analytical functions across all leading databases. This capability helps • OBIEE is limited in the extent to which resources can analytics without drive computations intelligently to the database when needed, thereby be optimally shared across a cluster, within a single being impeded by improving the overall response time to end users. server, or across multiple physical servers. data size. • The platform can create multiple parallel threads to the database, increasing the speed at which data is fetched from the warehouse. • Whereas other BI vendors attempt to implement caching at a single level, MicroStrategy implements self-tuning strategies that create caches at key points within the query flow. The Server caches data in the following crucial areas: Metadata object caching, attribute element caching, database connection caching, result caching, and document caching. • The platform is based on an in-memory architecture that can partition cubes and process data in parallel, making it possible to process larger cubes than other vendors in the market. • VLDB settings are available to fine-tune and optimize connectivity for every type of data source, delivering custom settings to organizations with unique deployments.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Automation Reduce burden on • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to maintain and • OBIEE does not provide a workflow automation tool. IT administrators, upgrade systems, automate workflows, and ensure superior data especially with quality and security, without redundancies. • OBIEE provides limited capabilities for migration large scale • The platform allows admins to reduce the time and effort spent on management and conflict resolution. These tools cannot deployments, by routine maintenance and administrative tasks, like moving assets from easily merge and reconcile metadata objects from one cutting down on test to production environments, to checking the data quality between product into another, thus increasing the work required routine or upgrades, and scheduling health checks and tasks with workflows. to prevent errors. redundant tasks. • Beyond administrative tasks, data uploads/refreshes and scheduled deliveries can be automated as well, which removes the burden from IT • OBIEE offers only limited integrity and regression and helps reduce overall TCO. testing capabilities. It does not provide a data integrity tool that can automatically uncover changes and errors introduced into the system while performing changes. This increases maintenance costs and significantly reduces IT's ability to find errors before business users. • With Oracle 12c, back-end features are only half- deployed within the 12c platform; there’s a lack of a robust RPD upload tool, BI modules, and services instances.

Monitoring Easily monitor, • MicroStrategy offers tools that allow administrators to monitor every • Oracle deploys Oracle Enterprise Manager to manage maintain, manage, environment in a MicroStrategy deployment, across multiple projects and monitor the performance and availability of fine-tune, and and even server machines - both on-premises and in the cloud. enterprise applications and their supporting automate actions • The interface enables administrators to quickly and easily view usage infrastructure in both enterprise private clouds and and workflows to patterns, system resources, uptime, and alerts across environments. traditional environments. ensure the health of • The platform collects information from each environment’s Health the system. Center, and presents key usage and performance indicators using Eliminate redundant graphs and charts. tasks to reduce • Administrators can define thresholds for system usage and overall TCO. performance that automatically trigger alerts when threshold criteria are met or exceeded. • Beyond the 100s of OOTB reports and dashboards available with the platform, administrators can build their own reports with custom KPIs to measure platform usage. Deployment Options to deploy MicroStrategy delivers flexible options for deploying analytics across • Oracle BI supports hybrid deployments and can be on any the enterprise with on-premises, cloud, and hybrid options for teams of deployed both on-premises or in the cloud. infrastructure, any size. regardless of size, • The platform is supported on both Windows and Linux, and can be • OBIEE can directly query on-premises data from the team, or hardware clustered with up to 8 Server nodes. cloud or migrate and extend on-premises data models resources, thus • Partnering with AWS, the leading cloud vendor, MicroStrategy allows and content to the cloud. reducing overall organizations around the world to spin up instances for enterprise • Oracle's main business analytics cloud products are BI TCO and analytics and mobility in minutes, allowing companies to start small and Cloud Service (BICS) and Data Visualization Cloud maintenance expand as needed. Service (DVCS). Both tools are designed for required. • Pre-configured environments in the cloud can be created, managed, departmental use-cases. The data model offered, as maintained, and upgraded with self-service consoles, enabling well as the limited administrative configuration options, extremely low TCOs. make them unsuitable for a full-scale enterprise business intelligence deployment.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score High Robust architecture • With MicroStrategy, users across the organization can access reliable • Oracle uses Fusion Middleware Control and Availability that provides the analytics delivered on a robust architecture that is designed for administrative tools such as Cluster Manager to manage highest uptime for enterprise scale, performance, and stability. system availability. users to always • Disaster recovery and failover options allow organizations to avoid have access to the downtimes for end-users. System administrators have the choice to system, with setup hot, warm, or cold failover strategies (for backup nodes) provisions and depending on the hardware resources available to them. tuning mechanisms • Clustering and work fencing capabilities make it possible to for increased proactively prevent server crashes by deflecting heavy jobs to specific system stability and servers or time periods. better failover • Reliable governors at every level of the query path make it possible to management. avert system crashes, even under peak user and data loads. In-memory Architecture that • The MicroStrategy platform enables organizations to take advantage • In-memory cubes are only supported on a limited list of Architecture can host terabytes of in-memory cube technology, which increases performance by Oracle databases as compared to MicroStrategy. These of data in-memory reducing the need to access data directly from the data warehouse. cubes are modeled in a built-for-purpose format, which making it available • MicroStrategy in-memory cubes can be quickly loaded with data using requires additional schema work instead of directly to end-users with parallel threads from the database which can also be optimized and leveraging the already-built schema model. faster response fine-tuned for specific databases. • OBIEE does not provide a tool that recommends and times. • Dynamic sourcing is a platform capability that automatically routes creates an optimal set of in-memory cubes based on the queries to the fastest available data source—whether it’s a cache, a usage pattern of the BI deployment. cube, or the original relational source, thus helping maximize performance and throughput. • MicroStrategy's parallel processing and partitioning capabilities differentiate it from other vendors, helping to boost processing speeds in situations where there are terabytes of data stored in memory. Enterprise Self-Service Intuitive workflows MicroStrategy differentiates itself from other point solutions by • With Oracle 12c, Visual Analyzer is a web-based tool Analytics Data for end-users to combining the ease-of-use of data exploration with enterprise that appeals to the installed base, but comes at extra Discovery access, visualize, capabilities including scalability, performance, security, and cost. Data Visualization Desktop Cloud Service (DVCS) analyze, and share governance, in a single platform. uses the Visual Analyzer Cloud Service as part of 12c, insights without the • MicroStrategy Desktop and Web provide access to 80+ data sources, making it available as a standalone tool that can be support of IT. from Excel spreadsheets, to relational sources, big data, Cloud installed on a Windows desktop, or run in Oracle Cloud services, Hadoop, and more. as a SaaS application. • Built-in tools are available for data preparation, as well as the ability to blend data across multiple sources. • Endeca, a legacy product, was acquired by Oracle • It provides the ability to visualize data with any chart or graph natively and is a separate enterprise data discovery platform. and offers workflows to include D3, Highcharts, Google Charts, and Endeca offers limited data discovery capabilities as other libraries (including open source and NLG options) compared to MicroStrategy, and it does not integrate • Includes easy sharing options (PDF, email, send to file location, print, with the rest of the OBIEE platform, only BI Publisher. and more), and workflows to promote external data into a governed Administrators cannot leverage any of the existing model. Also supports options to export to PDF and email options. administration or security configurations. In addition, • MicroStrategy is compatible with Mac and Windows PC. Analysts can Endeca is a separate product with its own associated quickly set up and install MicroStrategy without IT support. costs, installation, and configuration, and there is no • The platform supports advanced analytics with 350+ out-of-the-box support for mobile. It fails to offer built-in best practices functions, and can also integrate with R. for ad-hoc analysis and lacks a visualization suggestion mechanism.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Optimized Drivers and • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data • Native connectors for cloud data sources are limited to Data gateways that sources, from Excel spreadsheet to relational databases, cloud Oracle and Salesforce applications. Connectivity deliver instant and systems, HDFS and more. • While mashup analysis using multiple data sources is reliable access to a • Organizations can also build their own connectors to custom data possible, user-generated objects are not reusable — variety of data assets with APIs, allowing them to connect to any new source available only individual datasets are available to others. sources and in the market. • Users have to write SQL statements in order to join information in any • Each connector is optimized for high performance, with the ability to multiple tables in one data source connection. format, regardless intelligently push-down calculations to the databases when needed, • Extra work is required for inferences as data types of size. generate multi-pass SQL, load parallel threads simultaneously, and can must be manually adjusted. Several types of inferences, load data without restrictions on size or type. such as join and hierarchy inferences for date and • Easy workflows are available to business users to blend data on their geography, are not supported. own without IT support. • VLDB parameters are available to fine-tune and optimize SQL generation specific to each database. • MicroStrategy leverages an aggregate-aware SQL generation engine to transparently navigate aggregate tables, dynamically directing queries to summary tables, without the user having to specify the use of the table when creating the query. • MicroStrategy can generate multi-pass SQL to answer analytical questions that cannot be answered with a single SQL query block, covering scenarios that include: set analysis, split metrics, and calculations at different levels of aggregation. Data Transform and MicroStrategy offers built-in data wrangling and blending capabilities • Oracle does not offer end-to-end data preparation Preparation arrange data to and is supported across all data sources. capabilities natively. In version 12c, the new Big Data and Blending make it better • End users can perform transformations on data prior to visualizing Preparation Cloud Service (“BDP”) is a thin-client suited for visual information using dozens of functions available via graphical interfaces application within Oracle Cloud that's used for ingesting, exploration, with the and without exporting out to Excel. preparing, and enriching datasets that don’t have a ability to create • Data wrangling and blending is possible by business users across predefined schema. Users can upload files (.csv, .tsv, joins across tables spreadsheets, relational sources, HDFS, cloud systems, and other Excel, Word, .pdf) into Oracle Storage Cloud Service, from disparate popular databases. and BDP loads the files for preparation. The prepared sources. • Users can split columns, identify spelling errors, perform text and files are then written back to Storage Cloud Service. numeric facets, eliminate white spaces, pivot tables, and perform Users can then upload prepared files into BICS as a dozens more transformations based on intelligent recommendations data source for ApEx/Schema Service. There is no from the product. direct integration with Visual Analyzer. • History lists are automatically recorded, so when more current data is • There is no parity in Oracle’s Web and Desktop available, the actions do not need to be repeated. clients. Oracle’s data discovery tool cannot join data between different cubes into a single visualization. Enterprise Options to view • MicroStrategy provides a flexible reporting environment that • OBIEE 11g offers limited dynamic distribution list Reports large volumes of leverages OLAP functionality to give end users the ability to quickly capabilities. Therefore, administrators have to define data in an easy-to- slice and dice data from across multiple sources, using a variety of fixed distribution lists and cannot use conditions to read grid format, options: sorting, pivoting, page-by, drill down, drill anywhere, totals and dynamically conform the recipient list. Bursting with tools to subtotals, one-click metrics, derived elements, view filters, lock capabilities, or the scheduling/distribution of dashboards, perform ad-hoc headers, switch between grid/graph, fit to content/window, and more. is extremely limited. analysis for • With the ability to publish banded reports, the platform can roll up and improved decision- present dynamic aggregates for large volumes across 100s of pages of • Oracle released an Oracle BI Publisher for 12c in making. data. Q42015. The main change to Publisher was that in this • With MicroStrategy, developers can quickly design operational release (12.2.1), the look and feel of the user interface reports and statements using drag-and-drop functionality and was refreshed, which affects the presentation of features flexible formatting in order to structure large amounts of data into a on the home page. natural hierarchy for maximum readability and ease of navigation. • MicroStrategy enables parameter-driven reports by supporting more types of user prompts than any other vendor, allowing users to input selections at runtime to alter the contents of the reports. Options include simple dimension prompts, hierarchy prompts, list prompts, object prompts, value prompts, level prompts.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Dashboards Highly formatted • MicroStrategy delivers graphical WYSIWYG designer tools to create • With BI Publisher, users can view a report in interactive and options to author, pixel-perfect documents, invoices, statements, scorecards, and mode for lightweight analysis and generate pixel-perfect documents visualize, and interactive real-time dashboards, all from a single design editor. reports, documents for Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat, interact with data to • All styles of BI described above support responsive design and can Excel, and machine-readable files (EFT, EDI, etc.). identify trends and be consumed on any browser or mobile device. outliers and make • Dashboards are built on the metadata model, so they are secure and efficient decisions. personalized for each user, and support transactions, offline consumption, and can be delivered in any desired format. • Dashboards support ad-hoc data discovery across 100s of options and let users visualize data with access to native and third-party charting libraries. • Transactional workflows can be embedded to enable write-back capabilities for both web and mobile applications. Mobile Consume reports • Mobile is fully integrated into the MicroStrategy analytics platform, so • Oracle does not have a defined mobile strategy across Analytics and dashboards on organizations can leverage existing visualizations, reports, and its platform. Oracle Business Intelligence Mobile allows mobile devices, dashboards to instantly deploy BI on mobile devices. you to view OBIEE content on mobile, but only on with complete • MicroStrategy Mobile enhances the mobile experience on iOS and supported devices such as iPhone and iPad. Also, their interactivity, in order Android by delivering native apps that let users take full advantage of mobile solution doesn’t offer write-back, multimedia, or to perform analytics the unique capabilities of their mobile devices when interacting with offline capabilities. and make decisions their data, while also being able to rely on transaction and offline while on the go. capabilities. • With flexible, code-free tools and a click-to-configure development canvas, organizations can mobilize business workflows and deliver a highly responsive, native user experience with apps that can be built in record time and at a fraction of the cost. Real Time The ability to deliver MicroStrategy delivers the ability to visualize data from external • Real-time streaming in dashboards is supported with Analytics instant analytics streaming applications and trigger alerts from these sources. the Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine, which requires and insights where • The platform can instantly ingest real-time feeds from Storm, Spark, an additional license that's separate from OBIEE. data is available in and Kafka. For other relational systems, the platform can also support • Oracle also leverages Oracle Real-Time Decisions real-time. data refreshes at the smallest intervals, and can perform at the speed (Oracle RTD), a different product, for real-time of incoming information. analytics. • MicroStrategy can manage real-time information and give an instant view of the data. • The application can also send threshold-based alerts to any device allowing decision-makers to take instant and proactive action, all in real time. • MicroStrategy can also integrate with visualizations and widgets that support real-time mapping of information on both Web and Mobile. Predictive Advanced With minimal help from IT, MicroStrategy users can create and visualize Oracle can integrate with advanced analytics tools, but Analytics and algorithms and advanced metrics and perform the most complex calculations. with some limitations. Machine workflows for users • End users can build sophisticated statistical and mathematical • Oracle Advanced Analytics combines Oracle R Learning to be able to models with the native library of functions available directly with Enterprise (ORE) with Oracle Data Mining (ODM). This perform MicroStrategy. They can generate predictive, scoring, or training enables users to sort predictive analysis, statistical summarizations, metrics using natively available algorithms. computing, and interactive graphics inside the database. optimizations, • MicroStrategy offers over 350 native functions, out of the box, so that • In version 12c, customers can build advanced predictions, business users are able to perform data mining and create highly statistical functions using R libraries deployed in OBIEE, statistical advanced statistical algorithms on their own, with minimal support from or, alternatively, they can register R custom functions in calculations, or IT. BI Server, deployed in ORE. create custom • Users can integrate MicroStrategy with data mining models from Advanced analytical capabilities are only accessible groups, training, other applications by importing Predictive Model Markup Language through SQL and R programming languages. and scoring (PMML), SAS, and SPSS into the metadata repository. metrics. • The platform integrates with third-party options like R using graphical interfaces.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Big Data Access data from MicroStrategy is the only comprehensive platform that supports access • Oracle Big Data Cloud Preparation Service shares Analytics Hadoop and other to big data with native connectors to HDFS while also providing built-in functionality and underlying technology with Oracle Big distributed file workflows for data preparation on top of Hadoop data. Data Discovery – they both run on Hadoop and use systems without • Whether it’s a personal spreadsheet or a dispersed Hadoop Apache Spark for data processing, and both offer data limitations on size Distributed File System (HDFS), users can easily connect to their data transformation and wrangling features. In Oracle 12c, and without without relying on IT and without limits on data size. It's easy to access users can analyze big data in Hadoop only through experiencing drops data from any flavor of Hadoop, including Cloudera, Hortonworks, and Cloudera Impala. in performance. MapR, with comprehensive support for Spark, Kerberos, and the top file formats. • Oracles leverages Apache Spark for big data • With MicroStrategy, users can leverage information from click processing and transformation. Users can wrangle data streams, web activity, call center logs, and ID scans - and blend it with in place in Hadoop via a spreadsheet-style interface. data from other sources using graphical workflows. Data processing uses Apache Spark to profile, sample, • MicroStrategy connects to big data sources and NoSQL options such transform, and enrich big data across all the data nodes as MongoDB and Cassandra, and also connects to HDFS via native in the Hadoop cluster. connectors to Cloudera Hive, Impala, MapR Drill, Pig scripts, Spark SQL, and more. • With MicroStrategy, users can also limit and manage the amount of data imported from HDFS, or perform aggregations on top of the data prior to importing it into MicroStrategy for analysis. • Users can also apply advanced functions and filters to control and restrict the amount of data. Automated Distribute reports, MicroStrategy is designed for high-volume, automated delivery of • Users can interact and view reports online, publish to Distribution dashboards, and reports and dashboards. a portal, or using Delivery Manager schedule and deliver and Alerting documents to large • The platform makes it possible to scale distribution of analytical multiple documents independently to multiple audiences in a content to 100s of thousands of users, with the ability to automate and destinations (printers, e-mail, fax, WebDAV, or FTP). personalized and schedule the delivery of reports and dashboards, based on time-, • A single report can be burst with personalized content automated manner. event-, and threshold-based alerts. to multiple output formats and destinations on a This helps to • MicroStrategy supports the widest variety of delivery methods, with scheduled basis. ensure the on-time optimal formatting for each device and application. • Administrators have to define fixed distribution lists delivery of • MicroStrategy provides bursting capabilities to deliver slicing or page- and cannot use conditions to dynamically conform the information to end- by executions, allowing a single report to be extracted from the data recipient list. users so they can warehouse that can be parsed into sub-reports for individual • Delivery mechanisms agents provide targeted make timely, subscribers. This avoids having to run different reports for different analytics to users based on a combination of schedule informed decisions. recipients while still being able to generate personalized reports. and trigger events. • Alerting capabilities can monitor KPI values when new data is • Delivery can be executed through a variety of routes, available and send detailed reports or alert messages when thresholds including dashboard alerts or email. are reached. • To create an agent, Oracle Business Intelligence users • Security filters and ACLs set on the user level guarantees (with the Create Agent privilege) can define operations personalized and secure information to 1000s of users with the delivery that the agent is to perform. of a single dashboard. • MicroStrategy leverages segmentation capabilities to manage resource utilization in large scale report delivery deployments by analyzing the list of subscriptions to determine if several subscriptions share the same combination of security and personalization and grouping them into buckets since they receive the same content.

From bursting and smart pagination for PDF exports to the delivery of highly personalized content, MicroStrategy delivers sophisticated distribution capabilities that make it possible to publish data and insights across the organization without the need to invest in other technologies.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Transactional Write-back • MicroStrategy provides mobile write-back capabilities that let users • In contrast to the OBIEE platform (Enterprise Mobility Workflows capabilities that update systems of record from the field. Users can change data on the Dashboards), the OBIEE mobile client does not offer allow mobile users fly, insert new information, and view updated reports and dashboards. write-back capabilities, limiting users from providing to submit • These transactions can include one-tap approvals and denials, inputs updates directly from their mobile devices to the transactions to for capturing new information, and editing existing information in ERP database. In addition, Endeca, BI Publisher, or Visual ERP, CRM, or other systems, CRM systems, and other operational databases. Analyzer do not offer write-back capability. operational • App developers can create smart forms that are contextual and systems. conditional, based on a user’s permissions or location. • MicroStrategy offers a broad set of input controls, including barcode scanners, signature capture, star rating, text and number fields, calendar, camera, steppers, sliders, and more. • Transaction Services can also auto-capture additional information alongside the user inputs to further streamline business processes. For example, the user’s profile information as well as latitude, longitude, and a time stamp can be included in a transactional submission without requiring additional work by the user. • Users can access transactional inputs and forms regardless of internet connectivity. When offline, transactions are queued for submission and executed when the user next connects. Embedded Ability to download • MicroStrategy provides in-app viewing of multimedia content including Multimedia and view videos, PDFs, images, presentations, spreadsheets, documents, email, •OBIEE mobile client provides limited capabilities to multimedia files and web content—all seamlessly embedded in the mobile app. render and embed multimedia content in the mobile app. online and offline, • As is the case for other content in the app, multimedia can be pre- •Videos embedded in the dashboard do not work with such as cached or stored for convenient, offline access. mobile devices such as iPad or iPhone. App designers presentations, • There are two ways to include multimedia in apps: HTML containers have to manually change the video formats and replace videos, PDFs, and and the Multimedia Widget. the files in the webserver. ePUB books on • HTML containers enable access to any web content by placing it mobile devices. directly in the app's iFrame. URLs provide links to pull up entire documents or web pages. • The Multimedia Widget provides a framework in which to download, consume, and store multimedia files. WebDAV folder integration enables users to dynamically browse and view existing files and folders in a WebDAV folder, for example in Microsoft SharePoint. This makes it easy for traditionally non-technical people, for example in Marketing or HR, to distribute updated versions of collateral or training videos to employees in the field. • MicroStrategy also provides a widget that is especially designed for videos. The interactive, elegant Video Player Widget (that leverages the native OS video player) loads and plays a video from a remote location or from the local cache. The widget can display: videos from a streaming service such as YouTube, videos from a file server location, or a cached video from the WebDAV cache. If the mobile device is online, the Video Player Widget loads the video from the remote location but is smart enough to check first if a local cache already exists on the device’s WebDAV cache store.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Geospatial Ability to display • MicroStrategy abstracts all the geospatial analysis capabilities from Analysis geospatial data the base map layer, so customers can leverage whichever base map •OBIEE does not provide support to the most commonly overlaid on an they want, depending on existing map investments or preferences. used geospatial services and map types: ESRI, Google interactive map • MicroStrategy Mobile provides support for building map visualizations Maps, and Mapbox. (ESRI, Google on ESRI and Google Maps, as well as custom images as maps with the •Services are limited to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Maps, and custom Image Layout Widget. These maps render seamlessly on the MapViewer when incorporating maps and tiles from images). appropriate native mobile map (Apple Maps on iOS and Google Maps on Android). • Both ESRI and Google Maps display geospatial data overlaid on an interactive map. Users can swipe, scroll, and zoom in directly on the map, or even filter the data shown by selecting elements within their mobile app. Data can be displayed using a pin marker, a density map, or a bubble to provide multiple types of analysis within each map. In addition, ESRI maps can display data from a custom geographical region, such as the counties of a state or districts within a city. The image layout widget allows app developers to include visualizations representative of different geographic regions such as countries, states, and regions, or visualizations that represent custom spatial analyses like a store layout. Offline Access Ability to support • MicroStrategy Mobile apps can be configured to work entirely offline. • Oracle BI Mobile allows limited offline interactivity with applications in This includes support for analytics, visualizations, multimedia, and their dashboards and reports. Users have to refresh the offline mode transactions. data when the network connection has been re- regardless of • MicroStrategy provides advanced offline functionality, including: established. connectivity. This prompt panels that display valid caches for multiple prompt scenarios; includes visual cues such as an offline mode indicator and shading to indicate interactivity with availability; a view of transaction queues; and the ability to delete or data, multimedia edit transactions before a connection is reestablished. In a situation content, and where a user wants to avoid using data, the user can manually switch transactional to offline mode using the app settings. workflows. • While users are in offline mode, mobile usage stats are still captured and submitted to the server once the user reconnects. Additionally, data-at-rest is highly secured. The stored data is encrypted; the app can still require credentials, and the offline cache can be set to expire at a desired time. Mobile Client Ability to cache • MicroStrategy offers three main caching strategies that customers can • Browser-based access from mobile devices: OBIEE Caching for data on the device leverage when configuring their apps: automatic caching (devices mobile apps are based on HTML5 standards, which High to optimize app check for new and updated content and sync content in the does not permit users to cache data on devices and Performance performance. background), pre-caching folders (a set of objects are pre-cached when quickly retrieve them. Deliver sub-second the app starts), and adaptive mobile caching (the app prioritizes •The Mobile BI App Designer allows customers to build response times background cache loading based on where the user is and downloads native BI apps, but it is not yet widely adopted. even when dealing content the user will likely want to see before they tap on it). with large volumes • MicroStrategy has a sophisticated analytical engine within the mobile of data, numerous client, so the mobile client itself can perform computations on locally concurrent users, or cached data without having to go back to the server. Because the slow, unreliable computations can be done locally on the device, this also helps to connectivity. speed app performance. • As a 100% native app, MicroStrategy uses OpenGL frameworks available on the mobile OS which help to achieve maximum app performance. All of the drawings (renderings) of visualizations leverage native device drawing capabilities which are optimized for high performance.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Personalized Ability to send • MicroStrategy’s scalable alerting engine provides personalized alerts • Oracle BI Mobile applications can only render certain Alerts via alerts to mobile to every user. types of BI content. If the content associated with an Push users in the form of • The alerting engine is based on a robust distribution server that alert is not supported in the Oracle BI Mobile application Notifications push notifications. supports monitoring multiple data sources 100s of 1000s of times every (such as a briefing book), it allows the alert to be These notifications minute and creating personalized alerts for mobile users when a set included in the list of alerts but prohibits users from should be triggered condition has been met. actually being able to access it. by preset • Thresholds can be set on any metric on any report. thresholds, or be • Alerts are handled through the device’s native push notification available on system in one of three forms: a badge (a graphic associated with the demand. application), a home screen notification (a message which the user can view and interact with), and/or a sound. • Smart badges can show metric values or the number of alerts. Instant Update and publish • MicroStrategy lets app developers make updates and publish • OBIEE Mobile does not support instant updates to Updates to changes to custom changes to their mobile apps without the need to recompile (in Xcode apps. This becomes a challenge when an organization Custom Apps apps without having for iOS and in Android Development Studio for Android) and wants to operate on an agile development cycle, as with No to recompile and redistribute apps. Any change in functionality or configuration is users need to access changes instantly without having Recompilation redistribute. instantly reflected in the mobile app without requiring the user to to constantly upgrade their app. Changes are upgrade the app on the mobile device. This flexibility is very powerful distributed and when users are trying to operate on an agile development cycle, where available to users users need to access the changes instantly without having to without requiring an constantly upgrade their app. app update. • MicroStrategy also provides a drag-and-drop interface to migrate apps from development, to test, to production by using MicroStrategy Object Manager. Customize / Ability to rebrand • The Mobile SDK provides app developers with a multitude of • Oracle BI Mobile App Designer does not support White Label the mobile app by customization options. This includes a code-free approach to white- customized branding of mobile apps. including labeling and rebranding any MicroStrategy Mobile app. customized icons, • Customization includes changing icons, as well as splash, launch, as well as splash, and login screens. It enables developers to match corporate branding launch, and login and look-and-feel standards. screens. Native Native SDK • MicroStrategy's native mobile security features provide extensive • Oracle BI Mobile App Designer apps can be deployed Integration integration with capabilities to protect sensitive company data, but MicroStrategy using SSL and SSO, whereas Oracle BI Mobile HD with EMM leading EMM provides the flexibility to leverage additional third-party capabilities, leverages iOS and Android platform security features Vendors vendors AirWatch, including those provided by EMM vendors. such as password storage in encrypted on-device key MobileIron, and • MicroStrategy offers native SDK integration on iOS with three EMM stores and remote-wipe of devices. Blackberry providers: MobileIron, Blackberry Dynamics, and AirWatch. • Oracle has its own Mobile Security Suite (OMSS), Dynamics, and MicroStrategy offers native SDK integration on Android with AirWatch. based on the technology Oracle acquired from Bitzer AppConfig • MicroStrategy Mobile also supports EMM capabilities via Mobile. It primarily targets developers of iOS community implementation of the AppConfig guidelines, natively on both iOS and applications and organizations that use Macs. guidelines. Android. • Oracle can integrate with MDMs such as Good Technology, but this approach requires changes in the BI Mobile source code to accommodate Good’s APIs. If used incorrectly, this could jeopardize security and SSO integration. Mobile App Ability to collect • Mobile app client-side monitoring captures personalized analysis • OBIEE supports the collection of usage tracking data, Usage mobile usage every time a user taps on an app screen. Statistics are gathered on but it does not extend this capability to its mobile Monitoring statistics and time spent on each app screen, exploration paths, GPS location, app application. Users seeking this data need to involve populate a usage, device type, operating system version, and cache usage. admin to view the usage statistics, and OBIEE does not database for • With this information, app developers can track overall app adoption provide access to mobile usage logs in an automated analysis. and geo-location of usage, perform cohort analysis, support continuous fashion. development cycles, analyze app performance, spot network issues, and track adoption rates of new devices, operating systems, and clients. These statistics are critical to driving app enhancements and to honing the app experience. • Mobile usage stats are captured even while a user is offline. Once the user reconnects, the stats are submitted to the server.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Embedded Create The ability to modify • A key component of an enterprise-class platform is the ability to • Users can embed OBIEE objects from the Oracle BI Analytics Custom Web and extend existing modify and extend existing functionality to meet the unique needs of an Presentation Catalog, such as analyses and Applications functionality, organization. For building customized applications, a robust BI platform dashboards, in applications. create a custom must provide access to all of its functionality through APIs. The web application, MicroStrategy BI platform is a modern, sophisticated service-oriented • Users can embed reports, visualizations, and embed content in architecture that is designed for flexibility and extensibility so that it can dashboards created in Oracle BI Cloud Service in other portals, or simply grow with the demands of enterprise applications. applications and portals via iFrame. change the look and feel with • The MicroStrategy Web SDK enables developers to build a full- • Since the user interface in OBIEE is generated using personalized fledged web application or change the look and feel of an existing web scripts, skins and styles can be customized. OBIEE branding and logos application with an intuitive customization tool. The Web Customization ships with several styles, such as Skyros, BLAFP through application Editor is integrated with the most widely used Java IDE, Eclipse. With (browser look and feel), and FusionFX (fusion programming over 5000 classes exposed in the Web API, this integration not only applications). However, there is no way to extend or interfaces (APIs). simplifies development, but also allows developers to write their code customize existing web functionality, and there is no without modifying any source code or out-of-the-box configuration files. ability to create a new web application from scratch. This approach is helpful in maintaining and upgrading customizations. • The Web SDK also allows developers to write their own Web Services that encapsulate MicroStrategy functionality and expose this functionality to third-party applications. Since the services use standard protocols such as HTTP or HTTPS and generate a response in standard W3C-compliant formats such as XML or JSON, any third- party application (web or mobile) can consume these services and embed MicroStrategy functionality into their product. MicroStrategy's service-oriented architecture guarantees efficiency for each service or component with no code redundancy. This architecture is in stark contrast to the service-oriented architectures of other BI vendors, which are a product of disparate, separately developed architectures, inherited from mergers, and mashed together. • In addition, MicroStrategy provides a plug-in architecture that enables developers to extend out-of-the-box MicroStrategy Web code with stand-alone customizations without the need to change the source code, thus, making upgrades without recoding possible. MicroStrategy supports the following languages for Web SDK: Java, XML/JSON, JavaScript, and .NET. Create The ability to create • The MicroStrategy Mobile API enables mobile app developers to • The ability to rebrand mobile apps with custom icons, Custom customized mobile customize MicroStrategy Mobile apps on Android and iOS mobile splash screens, and login screens is not yet supported. Mobile applications, embed devices by changing the look and feel of the app, or developing new In addition, Embedded BI Publisher Reports, Mobile App Applications in BI in third-party Mobile apps that use MicroStrategy BI content. MicroStrategy provides Designer Apps, and other external content embedded iOS and apps, or rebrand different APIs for Android and iOS devices. The flexibility of the Mobile using iFrames is not supported. Android the mobile app by APIs enable developers to build custom mobile applications to including accommodate growing needs of the organization. customized icons, as well as splash, • The Mobile SDK for iOS consists of Xcode projects that allow launch, and login developers to compile and distribute custom MicroStrategy Mobile screens. apps. With one of the Xcode projects, users can rebrand the app by adding icons, splash screens, and an app name through simple configuration changes. In addition, the Mobile SDK for iOS enables users to embed MicroStrategy in an existing application or build custom widgets that can consume MicroStrategy data.

• The Mobile SDK for Android lets users customize the MicroStrategy Mobile application to match corporate branding requirements. It also allows users to preconfigure the application to allow multiple instances of the application to exist on a single device.

• MicroStrategy supports the following programming languages for Mobile SDK: iOS - Objective C, Swift; Android – Java.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Embed Third- The ability for third- • Organizations are always looking to connect to a variety of sources • OBIEE does not have a mechanism for third-party Party Data as party applications to that may not be natively supported with the platform. Using the Push applications to push data as cubes. Customers are Datasets push data directly API, organizations can push external data in JSON format using REST limited to only being able to use data sources certified by into a BI application APIs into in-memory cubes on the MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, so OBIEE. for use in users can readily consume, process, and analyze the corresponding dashboards or data. reports. • MicroStrategy makes it possible for organizations to leverage new data assets by enabling applications such as ETL tools that connect to these data sources and move data into MicroStrategy. • The Push API enables third-party vendors to generate MicroStrategy datasets, thus, unlocking new end-user workflows and opportunities for partner integrations. Create The ability to • MicroStrategy integrates with third-party and open source JavaScript • OBIEE allows the embedding of HTML and JavaScript Custom embed or create visualizations, so users can tell even more compelling stories with their custom visualizations. HTML5 custom HTML5 data. Visualizations visualizations with • MicroStrategy provides APIs, tools, samples, and documentation to open source help users build custom HTML5 visualizations using open source and libraries such as commercial libraries like D3 and Google Charts. D3, that can be • Users can build out support for functionality including selectors, drop deployed on top of zones, color palettes, and thresholds. It is also possible to transform data sources. visualizations into text-based narratives by integrating with native language generation (NLG) platforms, such as those offered by Automated Insights and Narrative Science. Extract The ability for • With RESTful APIs, organizations can use MicroStrategy as a data • With the BI Publisher REST API, users can only extract Subsets of custom third-party source to quickly extract subsets of pre-processed data in JSON data from an Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Data Using web applications to format. This addresses the needs of large enterprises and OEM (BIP) report. The BI Publisher REST API is a new RESTful APIs use the BI platform partners that consume data through MicroStrategy's governed and feature in the 12c version and functions only when as a data source to secured architecture via customized business applications. accessing a BIP 12c environment. extract subsets of data from a report or existing cube. Create The ability to create • With new and updated data sources being published by database • Oracle Business Intelligence does not currently support Custom Data a custom data vendors almost weekly, organizations need fast access to connect to the creation of custom data connectors. OBIEE provides Connectors source that users and use the data stored in these various data locations. support for only a limited set of data sources available can connect to and • MicroStrategy natively supports 100s of the most popular data for use. leverage in their sources and continues to enhance connectivity with each database reports and upgrade. dashboards. • MicroStrategy also allows organizations to build their own connectors to custom data assets with the Data Connector SDK. Organizations can leverage HTML and JavaScript to build custom connectors for the MicroStrategy Data Import interface and build their own customized integrations for these data sources within MicroStrategy, thus, providing users access to any data source without waiting for them to be certified by the platform. Multitenancy The ability to deploy • Multitenancy enables an OEM’s various customers to experience • A single OBIEE installation can run on one server, Support a single instance of custom applications, all built on a single architecture. Sharing allow for multiple app deployments, and serve multiple a software resources results in less administrative overhead, reduced resource customers on the same infrastructure. However, there is application to serve consumption, and low overall TCO. no way to customize an environment with the tenant's multiple customers, • MicroStrategy supports a spectrum of multitenant architectures from branding, logo, or personalized schema. where each high isolation to high sharing. In addition, MicroStrategy allows for customer is called a personalization in a shared project such as custom branding and logos tenant. for each tenant, personalized object names, and internationalization capabilities.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Enterprise Simplified The ability to easily • MicroStrategy on AWS will enable customers to deploy enterprise • Oracle BI Cloud Service (BICS) is aimed at Cloud Enterprise deploy an networks that are fully configured and ready to use in less than 30 departmental use cases such as sharing spreadsheet Deployment enterprise cloud minutes. This saves users time and money by eliminating the need to data, team reporting, and development sandboxes. It is environment download, install, and configure the environments themselves. Users a thin client and runs as part of Oracle Public Cloud, part without IT support. can choose from different instance types and sizes based on cost or of a wider Oracle PaaS (Oracle Analytics Cloud). BICS usage requirements. comes pre-bundled with Oracle Database Schema • Cloud environments can also be deployed directly into a customer's Service, a single-schema Oracle Database service. AWS account for maximum control. • It requires a minimum of 10 users, supports a single • Users can launch 3 different environment types, ranging from an all- DB schema, and offers only 50GB storage/300 GB of in-one system to an enterprise-grade distributed and redundant monthly data transfer. system. • Currently, it only provides a subset of on premise features. Major limitations include the following: it can only report against a single database source; it does not allow access to agents, BI Publisher, or Essbase; there is no automated usage tracking. Global The ability to deploy • MicroStrategy Cloud can deploy distributed and redundant systems in • Oracle Cloud is deployed in Oracle's data centers Availability environments over 42 AWS Availability Zones in 16 geographic regions around the across the globe. Presently, these cover US West, US globally. Global world. This includes countries across North America, South America, Central, US East, US Gov, US DOD, US HIPAA, UK options make it Asia, Europe, and Australia. This enables organizations to deploy North, UK South, UK Gov, EU, Germany West, US PCI, easy for customers MicroStrategy closer to its users. This decreases latency and enables ANZ East, ANZ Central, Singapore, China, Japan East, to deploy their faster response times. By having data centers closer to home, it also Japan South, Brazil, Middle East, Canada, Korea, India, environments allows the data enters to comply with local laws and regulations. and Turkey. closer to home so they can meet performance, Region and Number of Availability Zones compliance, and data requirements. •AWS GovCloud (2) •US West Oregon (3), Northern California (3) •US East Northern Virginia (5), Ohio (3) •Canada Central (2)

•South America São Paulo (3)

•Europe Ireland (3), Frankfurt (2), London (2)

•Asia Pacific Singapore (2), Sydney (3), Tokyo (3), Seoul (2), Mumbai (2)

•China Beijing (2)

•New Regions (coming soon) Paris Ningxia

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score API Enabled JavaScript • The MicroStrategy Cloud API gives customers unlimited flexibility to • Oracle does not have the ability to launch new Operations frameworks that create their own custom workflows. Customers have the ability to build environments with its API and does not enable provide a number of personalized user interfaces for deploying and managing their cloud administrators to control actions such as starting, APIs to help environments. This empowers developers to automate their stopping, restarting, and resizing an environment. customers build MicroStrategy Cloud capabilities. applications. • Through APIs, it is possible to launch 1000 MicroStrategy instances with a single line of code, resize them to any size, and then terminate them once done. Without APIs, this would be a manual process. It’s easy to integrate with other automation tools and the API works with any programming language. Cloud Specific APIs we support: •Retrieve or search for environments •Create new environments •Get Environment Contact Details List •Resend Email to the owners of the environments •Restart environment/s •Start environment/s •Get Environment States •Stop environment/s •Terminate environments •Find environment details by environmentID •Update Environment Contact Details •Update expiration date for environment •Find all the instances in an environment by environmentID •Find all the instances state in an environment by environmentID •Restart Instance •Start Instance •Stop Instance •Find schedules by environment id •Create schedule for environment •Inactivate the selected schedule by schedule id and environment id •Find schedule by schedule id and environment id •Update schedule for environment •Resize all server instance or selected server instance of an environment •Create new environments Disaster Clustered servers • MicroStrategy Cloud clusters enterprise deployments with multiple •Oracle Cloud provides triple mirroring of storage for Recovery and that restore nodes, and gives organizations the flexibility to add additional nodes. data redundancy, full system backup and restore, data Failover backups after • Clustered nodes provide load balancing, high availability, failover, and centers in multiple geographic locations, and industrial- failure so no work redundancy. Each node synchronizes metadata information, history strength physical and logical security. or time is lost. lists, and report caches. In case of disaster or failure, MicroStrategy •Oracle’s target uptime for Oracle Business Intelligence backups are stored redundantly across multiple availability zones and Cloud Service and Oracle Data Visualization Cloud can be accessed and restored in an alternate availability zone. This Service is 99.95%. affords zero downtime and users can always access their MicroStrategy environment.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Centralized A single interface • MicroStrategy allows the customer to start, stop, and restart an AWS • Oracle's main cloud business analytics products are BI Administration that provides all the environment while retaining its contents. Customers can take Cloud Service (BICS) and Data Visualization Cloud administration tools advantage of stopping their environments to save on costs, especially Service (DVCS). The data model provided by these tools to manage and during non-peak hours. as well as the lack of advanced administration monitor an • The new Environment Manager tool allows users to schedule these configuration options makes them more suitable as enterprise cloud routine tasks to occur at specific dates and times. departmental solutions, rather than full-scale enterprise environment. • For POC or development purposes, an administrator can stop these business intelligence deployments. machines during non-peak hours to reduce costs. • Even though new features such as BICS Data Sync • Customers only pay for what they use. and Remote Data Connector attempt to address these limitations, the lack of detailed administration and maintenance capabilities prevent many Oracle customers from moving complex environments to the cloud. Auto Scaling The ability to resize • MicroStrategy Cloud customers have the ability to scale their Auto scaling can be configured in Oracle Java Cloud cloud environments environment up or down with over 6 different instance size options from Service to automatically scale a cluster in or out based based on the AWS ranging from 4 vCPU and 15.25 GiB to 64 vCPU and 488 GiB of on CPU usage. conditions the memory. customer defines. • Environments can scale on-demand or schedule based on usage patterns, application usage patterns, and data size. Customers can add new users at any time and deploy multiple environments and projects as they see fit. • Customers pay for what they use according to length of time. Seamless Upgrade the By moving to the MicroStrategy Cloud, customers can ensure that they • Oracle BI Cloud Service supports rolling upgrades. Upgrades platform and have the latest platform and version release, allowing them to take That means that anyone subscribed to Oracle BI Cloud corresponding advantage of the latest platform security and feature enhancements. Service receives automatic upgrades as soon as new servers without any With the new Cloud Environment Manager, customers can schedule features become available. downtime or upgrades during non-peak hours to guarantee seamless upgrades with additional work. zero downtime. Testing and health checks are automatically performed to help ensure a successful upgrade. High Maintain high • Each MicroStrategy deployment is in a single-tenant, private cloud. • As part of the Oracle Cloud, the Oracle Database Performance performance and This allows organizations to customize the software to meet their Cloud Service is deployed on infrastructure that includes and Reliability reliability without needs. Queries run by customers will not affect others. Each instance is Oracle Engineered Systems for high performance and sacrificing user isolated from others for maximum privacy. availability, triple mirroring of storage for data experience or redundancy, and full system backup and restore. security. • The MicroStrategy Cloud operations team has the cloud experts and • Nonetheless, there are still limitations that impede support to help ensure high performance and reliability. We are backed performance at the enterprise level including support for not only by AWS’s world-class infrastructure, but also AWS experts only a single database schema and limits of 50GB for who helped design and automate our cloud deployment. Our Cloud storage, 300GB on monthly data transfer, and file sizes environment was built with the latest AWS technology and according to of 50MB. AWS’s best practices. Our team proactively patches infrastructure, • In addition, there are CPU memory limitations, as their operating systems, and applications to optimize performance while highest configuration is 120GB. deterring security threats. We have processes in place so that systems are monitored, including the analytics and mobility servers. • MicroStrategy allows organizations to cluster up to 8 server nodes. Beyond being able to further scale in volume of analytics content, this will improve overall SLAs by reorganizing large clusters for higher availability and faster service recovery, reduce TCO by consolidation of multiple environments, and remove friction to deploy new applications and increase user capacity.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Data Services for • MicroStrategy provides data connectivity and data warehouse Connectivity customers looking solutions to meet customer needs. Customers may choose to migrate and Migration to move their data their data into the cloud. We offer options to migrate into Amazon • With Oracle, there is no ubiquitous connectivity. into the cloud or Redshift, SQL Server Enterprise, SQL Server Standard, MySQL, or Organizations cannot take advantage of their existing connect their on- Aurora DWH platforms. When customers choose this option, on-prem directory services or other security models. prem data to their MicroStrategy builds the chosen DWH within the same VPC as the rest That means they have to recreate all of their users as cloud environment. of the BI cloud environment. MicroStrategy works with customers to Oracle Cloud users. Not only that, there is also very select the correct size (CPU/RAM) DWH machine that meets their limited access to multiple subject areas, on-prem data needs. ETL options are also available. sources, and some of the more enterprise-grade capabilities of the Oracle BI platform. • If a customer chooses to maintain their database on-prem or in another cloud data source, a typical implementation involves Furthermore, organizations looking to move their data establishing a VPN connection between the MicroStrategy Cloud and into the cloud are restricted to using Oracle data its database or data. The performance of this architecture can vary warehouses. based on a variety of factors, including the physical distance between the MicroStrategy Cloud data center and the customer data source, the latency of the data connection, the bandwidth of the connection, the amount of usage, its query intensiveness, the query-response latency of the customer data source, and other variables. Data Security Security to protect • MicroStrategy Cloud security meets or exceeds industry standards • Oracle BICS is built on top of Oracle’s identity customer data and best practices. MicroStrategy implements strong control practices management platform. BICS relies on a multi-tenant 24/7/365. to effectively maintain the security and availability of the MicroStrategy cloud approach, with each subscription identified by its Cloud and associated data. We help ensure that your data is secure at own Identity Domain. The Identity Domain in turn network and application levels from any attacks. We follow the latest specifies the Company Tenant ID. industry standards on many compliances and certifications such as SOC I & II, HIPAA, PCI, and Privacy Shield. Enterprise Digital Badge Use a single digital • MicroStrategy, via Usher, delivers smartphone-based digital badges • Digital badges are not provided in OBIEE. IoT identifier to track, that provide seamless access to physical and logical assets across the MicroStrategy is the only BI platform that offers report, and manage enterprise. password-free login via a mobile app. all user interactions • Digital badges replace physical badges, key fobs, passwords, and with enterprise other identifiers with digital credentials delivered via a mobile app. assets. The badge Badges are branded by the issuing organization and are dynamically verifies identities and securely linked to an individuals' privileges and access rights. prior to granting • Badges can be remotely issued and revoked nearly instantaneously. access to They are provisioned via secure, out-of-band means, and their use can enterprise assets. be gated by biometric, geographical, or temporal constraints. • The digital badge provides a unique identifier that can be used by any single badge to validate the identity of any other badge. It also provides one-time passcodes for a second factor of authentication. Physical Control and • MicroStrategy provides smartphone-based physical access • Physical access is not supported. OBIEE does not Access manage access to functionality pre-integrated with leading PACS vendors. Usher works to support OTB integration with leading PACS vendors on any entryway consolidate multiple physical access control systems throughout an mobile devices. Oracle's IoT products do not provide this across an enterprise. functionality. enterprise using a • With an OpenAPI model, MicroStrategy can integrate with partner digital badge to physical access control systems, building automation systems, enhance or replace manufacturing systems, Internet of Things (IoT) grids, and networks existing access and management systems to deliver more advanced functionality and cards for implementation options to customers. employees, contractors, and visitors.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Logical Access all types of • MicroStrategy provides secure digital identity that allows users to • Oracle does not offer logical access to digital systems Access digital assets in an access nearly any system in an enterprise (devices, applications, and other than its own BI suite. OBIEE can be configured to organization VPNs) from a single point. In order to both protect the current IT use SAML (security assertion markup language) for including BI investments of corporations as well as enable future investments, password-free logins and single sign-on, but this applications, web logical access with MicroStrategy is compatible with both industry- requires integration with a third-party authentication applications, VPNs, standard protocols like SAML and RADIUS as well as emerging solution. and workstations standards such as OpenID Connect. from a single point. Bluetooth Enable contextual • In the MicroStrategy platform, Usher’s Bluetooth (BLE 4.0) integration • OBIEE does not integrate with Bluetooth. In the EIoT Sensing interactions, enables real-time micro-locational awareness of enterprise assets as context, a customer would need to make an additional security, and well as touch-free physical and logical access. investment into Oracle's IoT platform to acquire seamless user • This allows thousands of users to project their identity and move Bluetooth capabilities. experiences via about a corporate environment accessing doorways and systems Bluetooth delivering securely with drastically decreased amounts of friction. The Bluetooth real-time locational sensing capability can also be configured to log proximity at a particular awareness of place and time. enterprise assets. Barcode Track • The integrated barcode scanner in MicroStrategy badges can scan • Tracking assets with barcode scanners is not Scanner enterprise assets by virtually any kind of QR or barcode tag, securely logging a linkage supported in OBIEE. This is in part due to Oracle not scanning barcodes between an employee and a product, machine, or any valuable providing a digital badge for use in interacting with the or QR codes enterprise asset. Enterprise Internet of Things. Through its mobile supply whenever a user • This capability allows the tracking of offline assets using labels and chain applications, Oracle's E-Business Suite can interacts with them. tags with bar or QR codes and can improve process auditing and deliver barcode scanning functionalities to a mobile This ability sets the enforcement for customer service, maintenance, and more. Scanning device, but these are distinct products that require foundation for barcodes helps take data from multiple components and systems and integration and separate licensing agreements. seamless repair, combine them to improve the predictability of performance issues that maintenance, and arise in day-to-day business operations. inventory management of enterprise assets. Communication Empower • The Usher out-of-the-box productivity application allows managers to • For OBIEE, communication and collaboration is not & management and quickly identify, verify, coordinate, and communicate with other users – supported outside of dashboards in its BI interfaces. Collaboration decision-making to either in-person or by remote location. Since OBIEE does not provide a digital twin that is be more timely, • Users have the capability to exchange messages from any client carried by users with them in a mobile form-factor, it informed, and interface via the Identity server as the intermediary. This feature lacks a convenient way of reaching users in a timely collaborative supports a number of use cases including employee safety, support, fashion. This also means that there is much less through direct, in- and coordination, particularly for field workforces or during special contextual information available about users at any app 2-way events. given point in time that could be used to influence messaging based communiques. on location and systems access. Real-time Generate • With MicroStrategy Usher badges, user presence and actions create • Real-time streaming in dashboards is supported with Telemetry consumable real- real-time telemetry via an Apache Kafka Cluster – an open-source the Oracle Exalytics In-Memory Machine. Nonetheless, time intelligence via program delivering a distributed, partitioned, and replicated commit log OBIEE's lack of a digital badge prevents it from digital identity service supporting real-time data processing and big data volumes. generating comprehensive, real-time telemetry interactions with all This telemetry data is a rich and underutilized source of information that stemming from the interactions between users and types of enterprise is the key to unlocking a smarter, more productive workforce. To enterprise assets. To accomplish some of this with assets (physical expedite value creation, MicroStrategy helps organizations efficiently Oracle, customers would need to purchase licenses and and logical) and create and harness massive amounts of timely information arriving from servers for a separate product (Oracle IoT) that is not constituents. EIoT devices. fully integrated with OBIEE.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score OTB Deploy reporting • Usher Analytics is a MicroStrategy project included out-of-the-box • OTB reporting for an access-centric EIoT Reporting based on telemetry, with a badge implementation. MicroStrategy takes care of the ETL implementation is not supported by OBIEE. OBIEE can Module pulling data from all processes so access and authorization data generated on the back- integrate with Oracle IoT in a fairly straightforward assets and access end is automatically loaded into a data warehouse and leveraged by a fashion to pull in sensor data for analysis. However, for points to deliver pre-built data schema. This project includes multiple dashboards and a OBIEE to deliver dashboards that show a insight into mobile application for visibility into interactions between enterprise comprehensive log of physical and logical transactions operations and constituents and assets. across an organization, a significant amount of labor compliance in a (connecting, ETL-ing, architecting, and dashboarding) unified, “single would be required. source of truth” dashboard. Reports should be customizable with the ability to blend data from other enterprise repositories. Integration Synchronize to • Within the MicroStrategy platform, Usher Network Manager has pre- • OBIEE supports integration with Oracle WebLogic with Directory directory services built directory integrations with Microsoft Active Directory, AWS Server LDAP directory, Oracle Internet Directory, and Services as the authoritative Directory Services, and Okta Universal Directory. Usher is also Active Directory to assign privileges to users. It can also source for compatible with the OpenLDAP standard. This allows MicroStrategy to integrate with an undisclosed number of third-party employee records quickly issue standardized credentials to all users, even in directories. and attributes. organizations which utilize multiple identity repositories - or even Support the manually add temporary users who do not exist in any repository. enforcement of directory provisioning for authorization (privileges, entitlements, and restrictions). Identity Server Manage a network • The MicroStrategy Usher identity server, which assigns and issues • OBIEE does not provide OTB support for identity of users by digital twins to users in the form of badges, is FIDO Alliance-certified on servers. User and asset administration in OBIEE is configuring a UAF protocol for delivering password-free authentication based on limited to BI applications and environments. As it relationships that public key cryptography. It is strongly resistant to phishing and can pertains to the EIoT, Oracle has a separate offering prompt, enable, or make user access subject to geographic and temporal constraints. (Oracle IoT) which allows for the provisioning and secure interactions configuration of relationships between connected among employees The Usher server architecture is built to ensure that only authorized sensors and devices (though these are generally not and assets within badge users communicate with the identity server, and only from used as identity extensions for employees). the network. authorized devices. The Usher server has the sole authority to convert Identity Servers a mobile device into an authorized device through a process that helps enable ensure that rogue devices or applications will not be able to administrators to communicate with the identity server. The identity server provides create, configure, support for encryption of data at rest and in transit, encryption key distribute, revoke, management, and transaction logging tied to an individual and manage digital user’s identity. identities with user badges. Enterprise 100% Focus Core business is • MicroStrategy is dedicated to a single business line, exclusively • Oracle is a conglomerate with 3 distinct business Partner on Enterprise exclusively focused focused on enterprise analytics and mobility software. segments, which are further divided into more than 5 Analytics on enterprise • MicroStrategy’s mission is to provide enterprise customers with a separate operating segments. None of these operating analytics. world-class software platform and expert services so they can deploy segments have enterprise analytics as a core focus. unique intelligence applications. • Oracle offers thousands of products in more than 20 different categories, including hundreds of products acquired from other companies, that range from IT infrastructure to content storage management. OBIEE is merely one of the thousands of products offered by Oracle.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Platform Cohesion is an • MicroStrategy 10 has a unified platform architecture uniquely suited • OBIEE is the result of efforts to meld disparate Cohesion important concept to deliver high-performance applications that are highly reusable and technologies. in software design secure, and can meet the business intelligence demands of various • Oracle acquired Siebel Systems in 2006 and Hyperion because it reduces users and organizations. Solutions in 2007 to fill out its BI product line. complexity, • Since its inception, MicroStrategy has been developing its platform • BI solutions from these different vendors were enhances system technology 100% organically. combined to form OBIEE. maintainability and • OBIEE must compete for attention and funding within increases the Oracle conglomerate. reusability, which together promote performance, scalability and elegance. Visionary CEO anticipates • MicroStrategy’s CEO, Michael Saylor, has anticipated technology • In addition to having more than one CEO, the attention CEO and drives trends such as mobile technology’s transformation of business of Oracle’s CEOs is divided among a large number of technology trends operations, and led the company through multiple waves of innovation business segments, operating segments, and product in the enterprise such as client-server, web, mobile, cloud and enterprise internet of categories. It’s unclear what the CEOs’ vision is for analytics industry. things. OBIEE. • Mr. Saylor is also the author of The New York Time’s best-selling book, “The Mobile Wave.” CEO CEO engages • MicroStrategy’s CEO directly engages with customers around the • OBIEE is a very small portion of Oracle’s conglomerate Engagement directly and world by personally participating in a majority of the 100+ Symposium business. Given the large number of Oracle business with substantially with events that MicroStrategy holds per year in 35 different countries, in segments, operating segments, and product categories, Customers customers around addition to other customer meetings and events on a regular basis. its CEOs can’t be focused on engagement with the world. enterprise analytics customers. Tenured Executive team has • MicroStrategy’s CEO and CTO collectively have over 50 years of • Enterprise analytics isn’t the core background of any Executive extensive experience in enterprise analytics and mobility. member on Oracle’s senior executive team. Team experience in • Additionally, MicroStrategy’s CEO has science degrees from MIT and enterprise analytics more than 50 patents to his name, and has been the driving force and mobility. behind MicroStrategy’s technology since its inception. Shareholder Principal • Mr. Saylor, the company’s Chairman of the Board, President & CEO, • Oracle’s stock ownership is dispersed. Alignment shareholder and founded MicroStrategy in 1989 and has been the company’s controlling • Oracle’s management holds less than a third of the management shareholder since its inception. Accordingly, shareholder and total ownership interest in the company. interests are management interests are fully aligned in pursuing MicroStrategy’s aligned with the vision and long-term success. company’s long- term success. Publicly With greater • Having gone public 18 years ago, MicroStrategy is a mature publicly • Oracle is a publicly traded company, but OBIEE’s Traded transparency, traded company. financial performance is unknown because it’s such a Company stability and access small portion of Oracle’s overall business, and Oracle to funding, a doesn’t separately report on it. This makes it more publicly traded difficult to predict Oracle’s plans for OBIEE and creates company generally significant uncertainty for customers. has a stronger management team, instills greater confidence in customers and has more financial levers.

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Technical Critical Critical Capability Why MicroStrategy Why NOT Oracle Oracle MSTR Solution Capability Description Score Score Strong A profitable • MicroStrategy has been profitable over the last 13 years, with • Oracle is a conglomerate, and the financial Financials organization with a combined net income of $197 million over the last 2 fiscal years and an performance of OBIEE is unclear. strong balance operating margin of 21% for 2016. sheet can better • In addition, MicroStrategy’s balance sheet is strong with zero debt. withstand market volatility and fluctuations. Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of • While Oracle has offices in a number of countries, Sales ability to directly the world. Oracle is a conglomerate business, and the extent to Presence engage with which those offices support enterprise analytics sales organizations and customers is unclear. around the world. Worldwide Company has the • MicroStrategy has offices in 26 countries across every major region of • While Oracle has offices in a number of countries, Services ability to provide the world. Oracle is a conglomerate business, and the extent to Presence support and which those offices provide enterprise analytics services services to is unclear. customers around the world.

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