Stereoscopic Image Display Method and Apparatus Stereoskopisches Bildanzeigeverfahren Und -Gerät Méthode Et Dispositif D’Affichage D’Images Stéréoscopiques
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Europäisches Patentamt *EP000744872B1* (19) European Patent Office Office européen des brevets (11) EP 0 744 872 B1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.7: H04N 13/00 of the grant of the patent: 02.10.2002 Bulletin 2002/40 (21) Application number: 96303592.8 (22) Date of filing: 21.05.1996 (54) Stereoscopic image display method and apparatus Stereoskopisches Bildanzeigeverfahren und -gerät Méthode et dispositif d’affichage d’images stéréoscopiques (84) Designated Contracting States: • Sudo, Toshiyuki, c/o Canon K. K. DE ES FR GB IT NL Ohta-ku, Tokyo (JP) • Morishima, Hideki, c/o Canon K. K. (30) Priority: 22.05.1995 JP 14811195 Ohta-ku, Tokyo (JP) 03.07.1995 JP 18979995 • Inoguchi, Kazutaka, c/o Canon K. K. 27.02.1996 JP 6550896 Ohta-ku, Tokyo (JP) (43) Date of publication of application: (74) Representative: 27.11.1996 Bulletin 1996/48 Beresford, Keith Denis Lewis et al BERESFORD & Co. (73) Proprietor: CANON KABUSHIKI KAISHA 2-5 Warwick Court, Tokyo (JP) High Holborn London WC1R 5DH (GB) (72) Inventors: • Taniguchi, Naosato, c/o Canon K. K. (56) References cited: Ohta-ku, Tokyo (JP) EP-A- 0 354 851 EP-A- 0 540 137 • Hoshi, Hiroaki, c/o Canon K. K. EP-A- 0 570 179 EP-A- 0 588 332 Ohta-ku, Tokyo (JP) WO-A-95/05052 US-A- 5 132 839 • Sugawara, Saburo, c/o Canon K. K. Ohta-ku, Tokyo (JP) Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention). EP 0 744 872 B1 Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR) 1 EP 0 744 872 B1 2 Description the parallax barrier 103 using a control means such as a microcomputer 104, thus allowing a stereoscopic view BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION according to the principle of the parallax barrier method. [0006] In order to display a two-dimensional image Field of the Invention 5 (non-stereoscopic image) on this apparatus, the entire image display region of the electronic parallax barrier [0001] The present invention relates to a stereoscopic 103 is set in a transparent state without forming any bar- image display method and a stereoscopic image display rier stripes thereon. In this manner, both stereoscopic apparatus using the same and, more particularly, to a and two-dimensional images can be displayed unlike in stereoscopic image display method using a spatial light 10 the stereoscopic image display method using the con- modulation element as a parallax barrier or a slit pattern ventional parallax barrier method. for controlling the directivity of light coming from back- [0007] Fig. 35 is a schematic sectional view showing light, and a stereoscopic image display apparatus using principal part of a stereoscopic image display apparatus the method. constituted by a liquid crystal display panel and an elec- 15 tronic barrier disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Related Background Art Laid-Open No. JP 5122733. In this stereoscopic image display apparatus, two liquid crystal layers (TN) 115 and [0002] The technique of a stereoscopic image display 125 are respectively sandwiched between two pairs of method using a parallax barrier method is disclosed by polarizing plates 111 and 118, and 121 and 128, so that S.H. Kaplan ("Theory of Parallax Barriers", J.SMPTE, 20 the liquid crystal layer 115 serves as an image display Vol. 59, No. 7, pp. 11 - 21, 1952). In this method, each means, and the liquid crystal layer 125 serves as an of a plurality of parallax images is divided into stripe pix- electronic barrier forming means. Note that the appara- els, the stripe pixels constituting the right and left paral- tus shown in Fig. 35 also comprises a glass (spacer) lax images are alternately arranged on a single screen 102, upper glass substrates 112 and 122, lower glass to form and display a stripe image, and the correspond- 25 substrates 117 and 127, common electrodes 113 and ing parallax images are observed by the right and left 123, spacers 114 and 124, and pixel electrodes 116 and eyes of an observer via a slit (called a parallax barrier) 126. In this apparatus as well, in order to display a two- which is arranged at a position separated by a prede- dimensional image (non-stereoscopic image), the entire termined distance from the stripe image and has prede- image display region of the electronic parallax barrier termined light-transmission portions, thereby obtaining 30 125 is set in a transparent state without forming any bar- a stereoscopic view. rier stripes thereon. In this manner, both stereoscopic [0003] However, such conventional apparatus cannot and two-dimensional images can be displayed. be used as a two-dimensional image display apparatus [0008] In the prior art disclosed in Japanese Patent such as a normal television apparatus. Application Laid-Open No. JP 3119889, the image dis- [0004] In view of this problem, Japanese Patent Ap- 35 play surface 101 displays a single stripe image obtained plication Laid-Open Nos. JP 3119889 and JP 5122733 by dividing at least two parallax images into stripe pixels disclose a stereoscopic image display apparatus, which and alternately arranging the stripe pixels of these two electronically forms a parallax barrier using, e.g., a parallax images. Therefore, the stereoscopic resolution transmission type liquid crystal element, and electroni- of the image display apparatus is reduced to at least 1/2 cally controls to change the shape and positions of bar- 40 that of original parallax images. rier stripes. [0009] Furthermore, in the above-mentioned prior art, [0005] Fig. 34 is a schematic diagram of a stereoscop- since the stripe image constituted by the vertical stripe ic image display apparatus disclosed in Japanese Pat- pixels displayed on the image display surface 101 is not ent Application Laid-Open No. JP 3119889. In this ap- synchronized with the parallax barrier pattern formed on paratus, an electronic parallax barrier 103 comprising a 45 the electronic parallax barrier 103, crosstalk between transmission type liquid crystal display element is ar- the right and left images is generated, and flicker noise ranged on an image display surface (panoramagram or is often generated, resulting in an eyesore. stereogram) 101 via a transparent glass/acrylic spacer [0010] On the other hand, since the display positions 102 having a thickness d. A plurality of parallax images of the barrier stripes remain the same unless the view obtained by picking up an image from two or more di- 50 point position of the observer moves, the luminance de- rections are displayed on the image display surface 101 creases in a localized stripe pattern. as a stripe image obtained by dividing each of the par- [0011] Furthermore, when the image display means allax images into vertical stripe pixels, and alternately comprises, e.g., a liquid crystal, the image display sur- arranging the stripe pixels of the plurality of parallax im- face has a stripe-shaped pixel structure, and such im- ages in a predetermined order. On the other hand, ver- 55 age must be observed via similar barrier stripes, thus tically elongated barrier stripes are formed at arbitrary easily causing Moire fringes. positions on the display surface of the electronic paral- [0012] Furthermore, in the prior art disclosed in Jap- lax barrier 103 by designating the X and Y addresses of anese Patent Application Laid-Open JP 5122733, since 2 3 EP 0 744 872 B1 4 the apparatus uses a total of four polarizing plates, the stripe image of said display, of said slit pattern of luminance lowers due to absorption by these plates. said spatial light modulation element are synchro- [0013] In addition, in these prior arts, when the ob- nously driven successively, or that the respective server horizontally moves by only the interval between pixels of said stripe image of said display and the his or her eyes (inter-ocular distance), a pseudoscopic 5 respective pixels, corresponding to the respective view is prevented by replacing the display positions of pixels of said stripe image of said display, of said the right and left eye images of the stripe image. How- slit pattern of said spatial light modulation element ever, the apparatus cannot cope with a change in view are synchronously driven successively. point position in the back-and-forth direction with re- spect to the apparatus. 10 [0018] The following effects can be attained by the [0014] Furthermore, in order to prevent the pseudo- embodiments of the invention, described hereinafter, scopic view, a change in view point position of the ob- server is followed so that normal parallax images are (1-1) If the switching operation between the first and always incident on the eyes, and the observed stereo- second stripe images and the switching operation scopic image always remains the same. Thus, a "round- 15 between the first and second parallax barrier pat- about or wraparound stereoscopic view effect" that can terns are performed in synchronism with corre- obtain smooth stereoscopic feeling cannot be obtained. sponding pixels or scan lines to display such imag- es and patterns at high speed, crosstalk can be min- SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION imised, and the respective parallax images can be 20 recognised on the entire display surface of a display [0015] It is an object of the present invention to pro- at high resolution without any omission; vide a stereoscopic image display method and a stere- (1-2) since the conventional apparatus uses four oscopic image display apparatus using the method, polarizing plates, the luminance lowers due to ab- which can reduce crosstalk between the right and left sorption by these polarizing plates, while if the parallax images and can eliminate flicker noise and 25 number of polarizing plates is be reduced by one , Moiré fringes.