CEPAL CEPALREVIEW REVIEW 77 • AUGUST 77 2002 25 Growth, instability and the convertibility crisis in Argentina José María Fanelli Centro de Estudios de Estado The Argentine economy is currently going through the y Sociedad (CEDES), Buenos Aires deepest and most prolonged recession of the postwar period:
[email protected] a devastating panorama that contrasts vividly with its significant growth in 1991-1998. In this article we will analyse the macroeconomic dimensions of the crisis which led to the abandonment of convertibility. Firstly, we will identify some structural weaknesses of the Argentine economy that are a source of macroeconomic instability. In particular, we will study the role of the imperfect access to international capital markets, the limited openness, the lack of financial depth and the nominal and policy rigidities, as well as the role of the errors in expectations and volatility. Secondly, we will examine the sequence of disturbances (shocks) in 1998-1999, concluding that the simultaneity of many of them aggravated their effects and that, under the convertibility régime, the economy was not prepared to face such consequences. Finally, we will briefly outline the policies that the country should apply in order to restore macroeconomic and financial stability. GROWTH, INSTABILITY AND THE CONVERTIBILITYAUGUST CRISIS2002 IN ARGENTINA • JOSÉ MARÍA FANELLI 26 CEPAL REVIEW 77 • AUGUST 2002 I Introduction The Argentine economy is currently undergoing the capacity is roughly the same as in late 1998, when the deepest and longest recessionary process of the postwar recession began. We frequently hear people saying period. This process began in late 1998 and, as time “How can this be happening if there was no war that passed and the successive stabilization attempts failed, destroyed our productive capacity!” the agents increasingly perceived that the country was In a nutshell, if we were to assume that per capita entering the obscure realm of economic depression.