PLUS Society N ow Society BY NUMBE rs ENERGY AND WAstE ESRCow RESEArcH MAKING AN IMPAct SUMMER 2012 ISSUE 13 Sixty years of change Britain during the Queen’s reign Seven days Under Voices: of science: pressure: The changing Showcasing Regulating face of charities research emotions and giving Welcome to the Summer issue of Society Now, the ESRC’s regular magazine which showcases the impact of the social science we fund. As the UK and the Commonwealth marked Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee this 18 Summer, ESRC experts give their views on the great changes that have taken place in British society in the 6o years since she was crowned. Academics offer their views on how the socioeconomic gap in university attendance can be reduced and, in the run-up to Rio+20, examine the multiple pathways that are needed to meet global sustainability challenges. We highlight the new Seven Days of Social Science videos that showcase the breadth of our 10 22 research, and take a look at a BBC online test that uses ESRC-funded research to investigate how people handle tasks under stress. And Professor Cathy Pharoah explains how recession has affected charities and considers how generous we are. I hope you find the magazine enjoyable and informative. Please do email us with your photography © Alamy unless otherwise marked feedback or ideas for content. 24 26 Society Now Nick Stevens, Editor -
[email protected] All In this issue Features 10 Sixty years of change How has Britain changed in the 60 years REGULARS since Queen Elizabeth II was crowned and