REPORT TO: Executive Board

DATE: 16th July 2001

REPORTING OFFICER : Executive Director, Environment and Development

SUBJECT: Rail Re-franchising - Transpennine Express

WARDS: -wide


1.1.1 To inform the Executive Board about the on-going re-letting of rail franchises with particular reference to the new Transpennine Express Franchise (TPE) that extends from to the North East via , Piccadilly, Leeds and .

1.1.2 To inform on the position the authority has taken to date and more importantly seek approval for future responses, particularly in relation to our Merseybelt partners (), Warrington Borough Council and (GMPTE/PTA).


(1) the general principles expressed in this report regarding the Transpennine Express Franchise be endorsed; and

(2) the Operational Director, Highways and Transportation be authorised, in consultation with the Executive Board member for Development, Planning and Transportation to respond to further issues of rail re-franchising which impact upon the Borough.


3.1 In 1997 the Government of the time privatised the rail industry and the old British Rail network was split into separate operating areas. These operating areas were awarded to a variety of Train Operating Companies as franchises, most of which were to initially run for 7 years.

3.2 The current round of re-franchising (for franchises to commence in 2004) is under way and is being led by the newly formed Strategic Rail Authority, who to date have announced preferred bidders on 3 franchises in the South of . It is reported that the Transpennine franchise has been advanced to preferred bidder status and this will impact on the Borough of Halton.

3.3 The current Transpennine service is operated by Arriva Trains and operates through Halton on the Line (CL) via and , with

EXB/16/7/8935/sah only 12 stopping services a day. Residents from the Borough wishing to travel to Leeds, York or the North East currently change at either Warrington Central or Manchester Piccadilly.

3.4 In January representatives from all local authorities on the Transpennine route were invited to a series of presentations from the 3 shortlisted bidders for the TPE Franchise, Arriva Trains, Connex and First Group. All 3 shortlisted bidders propose an improved TPE service with fast 'inter city' style services connecting the major cities in the North of England and direct services to Manchester Airport. However it is in the routing of these trains between Liverpool and Manchester where the 3 bidders differ. Connex and First Group are proposing to run their trains on the Chat Moss Line (i.e. not through Halton) and will use Manchester Victoria, Arriva intend to continue running on the CL, retaining Piccadilly as their Manchester hub.

3.5 The implications for Halton of a switch to Victoria would be the loss of the 1 train a day from Widnes to Leeds, but more importantly the loss of connections at either Warrington Central and Manchester Piccadilly. Connections across the Pennines would only be available by transferring in Manchester (via tram, bus or taxi) between Piccadilly and Victoria Stations.

3.6 All 3 Merseybelt partners are supportive of Piccadilly and the use of the CL for TPE services. GMPTE believes Piccadilly is the best hub offering connections for passengers travelling east-west/north-south and using local services. Warrington Borough Council is very keen to retain Piccadilly as a switch to Victoria would mean the loss of the current hourly Transpennine service that calls at Warrington Central. Merseytravel would like to see TPE on the CL so it can serve the new station that is to be constructed at Allerton Interchange, which is to become an important gateway to Liverpool Airport. These views have been expressed to the SRA through the Transpennine Rail Group. This body being a representative group of local authorities and PTE's on the Transpennine Corridor.

3.7 It is the case that on the Cheshire Line route there are operational conflicts between the aspirations to speed up long distance services whilst improving local service patterns and opening additional stations in Widnes. The Borough will need to ensure that on whatever route the TPE runs, local rail services are not detrimentally affected and future developments are not prejudiced. This will require close monitoring of the re-letting of the Franchises for the Northern, Central, Wales & Borders and Merseyrail Electric's services. It is suggested that when it appears necessary to protect the Council’s position that appropriate representations are made by the Operational Director in consultation with the Executive Board Member.

3.8 It is anticipated that a preferred bidder for the TPE Franchise will be announced towards the end of this year. However there have been rumours followed by press reports that Connex has been announced as the preferred bidder for the 20 year Franchise. These rumours provoked a strong response from GMPTA/PTE who have been vocal in their objections to Connex's proposals and have involved their local MP's. Merseytravel and Warrington

EXB/16/7/8935/sah BC also feel this to be a retrograde step and have written to the SRA and/or considering further levels of response.

3.9 Both Halton and Warrington Councils have written to the new Minister for Transport, John Spellar MP, voicing concerns about the Connex bid. Copies have been sent to all local MP's and MEP's.


4.1 There are no policy implications


5.1 If Connex is awarded the Transpennine Franchise it will mean that travelling by rail to either Yorkshire or the North East by rail from Halton will become more difficult. This will run contrary to the objectives of the Halton Rail Strategy within the Local Transport Plan, which aims to improve journey opportunities and rail services to/from the borough.


6.1 There are no background papers
