Scottish Limited BT Murrayfield EH12 5PJ

+44 (0)131 346 5000

I am delighted to enclose a copy of our Annual Report for 2018-19, which highlights a historic year for Scottish Rugby, where we achieved record turnover and a debt-free position. I would like to firstly start with a thank-you. Through your support and encouragement, we have made great progress in the last year. Since our last Annual Report our turnover has grown once again, this year by £3.9m to £61.1m following an increase in our ticketing, broadcast and other income. We are also pleased to report that we are now free of debt, putting the organisation in a strong financial position. We experienced our most successful season ever for matches with more than 400,000 fans attending Scotland games. Capacity crowds for the Autumn Tests and Guinness Six Nations meant that BT Murrayfield has now witnessed 14 sell-out Tests in a row. Creating sustainable clubs to ensure rugby thrives in Scotland remains our focus as we continue to increase investment into the grassroots game. This was the first season where the Rugby Development team were in place under a new regional model and £3.1m has been invested across club rugby this year. Scotland’s dramatic retention of the for the first time in 35 years was the standout moment of the season, which also saw the national team record victories over Canada, Argentina, Fiji and Italy. Scotland Women welcomed new sponsors and a broadcast deal this season, as they continue to work towards qualification for Women’s Rugby World Cup 2021. Scotland 7s won the Challenge Trophy in the HSBC Sevens Series, in Las Vegas and Hong Kong, and Scotland Women 7s were runners-up in the World Rugby Women’s Sevens Series Qualifiers. It was another memorable campaign for Warriors, who reached the Guinness PRO14 Final at , narrowly losing to defending champions Leinster in front of 47,128 supporters. Both and Edinburgh made progress in Europe, reaching the quarter-final stages of the Heineken Champions Cup following some stand-out performances in the group stages. Scotland U20 experienced a disappointing campaign at the U20 Six Nations and Junior World Cup but we have reacted positively to these setbacks and put plans in place to address them, ensuring our future talent continues to develop. The Fosroc is part of that plan and is successfully preparing young players for professional rugby. This season we saw six more Academy players sign senior professional contracts. The Mitsubishi Motors UK Schools & Youth Conferences continue to thrive, with 795 teams taking part this year from 273 schools and clubs. Within the Annual Report you can also read about the increase in professional rugby referee appointments, the work of our High Performance teams and significant initiatives in training and education. Once again please accept our thanks for all the great support you give myself, my team and Scottish Rugby. We look forward to continuing to work together and I thank you for your interest and support. Yours,

Mark Dodson Chief Executive, Scottish Rugby

Registered in Scotland No. 132061

Leadership . Engagement . Achievement . Enjoyment . Respect