Sequence Wiz Strengthen your hips while training your balance Sample Practices

Strengthen your hips while training your balance

Deepen the breath to IN/EX: 6 sec /6 cycles. Then add slight pauses after inhale and exhale: Inhale 6 sec, hold 2 sec, exhale 6 sec, hold 2 sec (6:2:6:2) /6 1 4 breaths cycles.

IN A. B. IN EX A. 4br Chakravakasana/Adho Mukha Svanasana. To warm 2 B. 4 cycles up the hips, back, shoulders and legs. EX IN EX

EX A. B. EX IN A. 4br /Ardha . To warm up the back, 3 B. 4 cycles hips and legs. IN EX IN

EX IN A. "marching" /4 A. B. cycles IN EX B. Tadasana "marching"/ 3. To stretch 4 Tadasana/Virabhadrasana and strengthen the hip flexors and hip extensors, to 3 combo /4br train balance. Stay C. Virabhadrasana 3 /6 br (Breath: 6:2:6:2)

A. EX IN A. 4br in each direction. Sun Sweeps/. To 5 B. 4 br compensate for #4, to stretch the hips, to prepare for IN #6. B. EX

EX A. B. C. A. Outward leg circles /4br, IN switch sides Tadasana/Vrkshasana. To stretch and strengthen the 6 B. Tadasana "passe" /4 br hip abductors and external rotators, to train balance. C. Tree pose /6 br (Breath: 6:2:6:2)

EX IN EX A. Repeat 4x alternating Prasarita Padottanasana adaptation. To compensate 7 sides for #6, to stretch hip adductors. B. Stay 4 br B.

EX IN A. B. A. Tadasana "pendulum" /4br, switch sides IN EX Tadasana/. To stretch and strengthen the 8 B. Back /4br hip abductors and adductors, to train balance. C. Garudasana /6 br Stay (Breath: 6:2:6:2)

powered by Sequence Wiz Strengthen your hips while training your balance

IN EX IN . To compensate for #8, to mobilize the hips, 9 3 cycles back, shoulders and neck. EX

IN A. B. IN Vimanasana. To compensate for the asymmetrical EX A. 4br 10 B. 2 cycles work above, to stabilize the sacrum and strengthen hip abductors. EX IN EX

IN IN A. B. EX EX A. 4br Urdhva Prasarita Padasana/Supta Prasarita 11 B. 4br Padangusthasana. To compensate for # 10, to stretch IN C. 4br and strengthen hip adductors. C. EX

EX Jathara Parivrtti. To compensate for #11, to prepare 12 2x on each side. for #13, to rotate the spine, stretch the outer hips and IN mobilize the neck.

13 6 br (Breath: 8:2:8:2), then Ardha . To rotate the spine and switch sides. stretch the abductors.

14 6 br (Breath: 8:2:8:2) forward bend. To compensate for #13, to stretch the adductors.

IN Repeat 4x, alternating the Dvi Pada Pitham. To compensate for #13 and #14, 15 Stay arm movement. Then hold balance out adduction/abduction and flexion/extension EX for 6 br (Breath: 8:2:8:2). relationship.

16 3-5 min Savasana. Rest, relax the hips

Nadi Shodhana. Inhale 10 sec, exhale 10 sec /2 full cycles. Inhale 12 sec, exhale 12 sec /2 full cycles. Inhale 12 sec, hold 2 sec, exhale 10 sec, hold 2 sec /2 17 . full cycles. Inhale 10 sec, exhale 10 sec /2 full cycles. Then breathe comfortably and observe the effect of the practice.

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