Page 10A THE TOWNS COUNTY HERALD August 18, 2010 Towns County Sports Town’s County’s Leader In Sports T • E-mail:
[email protected] Rogers Brothers win big at Atlanta Dragway Fuzion Dance Company performs The Fuzion Dance Com- pany, having completed their award winning second sea- son, has appeared throughout the community this summer at several events. Earlier this summer, they performed at benefit programs for the Pea- cock Playhouse and the Towns County Food Pantry. This past Saturday they brought their exciting style to the Hayesville Town Square for their annual Blaine Rogers Family Fun Fest. If you missed these per- L-R: Easton Payne, Lindy Hollingshead, Ginny Rhoads, Sarina formances, the Fuzion Dance Kurrimbukus, Taylor Vardeman, Katherine Buck, Ansley Vardeman Company will be appearing at and Caitlin Sheffield. Young Harris’ first Arts Festi- val on Sunday, August 29th in communities. We always wel- Hip-Hop, Ballet, Pointe, Lyri- Mayors Park, and also at the come the opportunity to sup- cal & Contemporary. We hope end of September on the square port our community at local that you will be able to join us in Hiawassee at “Summer’s events, whether we’re dancing this fall for this exciting pro- Last Kiss.” The members of on grass or pavement, but you gram! Watch for more infor- the Company come from all won’t want to miss the chance mation as the date approaches. parts of our community in- to see them on stage in full If you are considering cluding Towns, Union, Chero- costume and make-up in Oc- dance classes for your student, kee & Clay Counties and have tober at their annual Hallow- this is a great time to enroll.