THE Our Exhibitions FA IRFIELD at Museum of COLLECTION Collection exhibition The Fairfield Collection exhibition showcases objects, archive material and on display in the Croydon Now people’s memories from the , alongside artwork inspired by the Gallery on the first floor Halls made by children from Park Hill Junior School. A specially commissioned film about the Fairfield Collection project is also available to view. Art of Fairfield on display in the Exhibition Gallery Many of the items on display were removed from the venue prior to its closure on the ground floor for refurbishment in July 2016. Next to The oral histories included in the exhibition capture the memories of audience members, staff, volunteers, performers and the wider community.

They were collected as part of FAB Croydon’s Heritage Lottery funded project, to preserve the history of Fairfield Halls and celebrate the on-going Katherine Street role it plays in the spirit and identity of Croydon. Croydon CR9 1ET Highlights of the exhibition include a bust of Sir Arthur Davison, Fairfield’s own Town Crier uniform, an Evening Standard Award presented to Dame Tuesday - Saturday , and the signature book signed initially by Her Majesty the 10.30am - 5pm Queen Mother, followed by many of the performers at the venue.

UNTIL SATURDAY 4 NOVEMBER 2017 FREE ENTRY Artwork inspired by the Ashcroft Safety Curtain by children from Park Hill Junior School is on display in the Croydon Now Gallery. This piece by Nishika 4M