Angmering Parish Council The Corner House The Square Angmering West , BN16 4EA

Telephone/Answerphone 01903 772124 E-mail: [email protected] Website:

Established 1894


Present: Councillors Nikki Hamilton-Street; Lee Hamilton-Street; Mike Jones; Alison Reigate (Chairman); Norma Harris; Rhys Evans; David Marsh, Paul Bicknell and Alan Evans

In attendance: Tracy Lees, Committee Clerk; Sam Fraser, Administrator; Julia Phelon and Judith Cross, representatives of Angmering In Bloom

Acronym: Angmering In Bloom: AIB, Angmering Parish Office: APC, Anti-Social Behavior : ASB, County Council: WSCC, South Down National Park: SNDP, PCSO: Police Community Support Officers

AGENDA MINUTE ACTION ITEM NO. FOR 1 20/036 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None. 2 20/037 DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY AND NON-PECUNIARY INTERESTS IN ITEMS ON THE AGENDA. None. 3 20/038 APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the committee from Wednesday 26 August 2020 were agreed and will subsequently be signed by the Chair. 4 20/039 ANGMERING IN BLOOM (AIB) The Representatives from AIB talked through their report, no questions were asked. The report can be found in the supporting papers.

Cllr. Reigate made comment regarding the pumpkin donation and that these would be coming from Roundstone Pick Your Own.

The AIB representatives wanted to add the following to their report: • They had attended the St Barnabas Open Gardens event which they provided some plants for them to sell for charity. • Regarding the Information Board at St Nicolas Garden to show the work that was done during the archaeological dig. AIB have submitted a request to Angmering Heritage Trust for the cost of the board and installation and would also now be asking APC to consider funding for this project and would be asking for a grant form.


• Update on the roundabout at Cala Homes was given – this will be planted up hopefully w/c 5 October 2020 with a selection of wall flowers and bulbs.

Cllr. Bicknell suggested that something should be kept in the library to support the work that had been done in St Nicholas Gardens. The AIB representatives commented that they were working with the Archaeological Society that undertook the dig and they will work together to work out what should go on the plaque/information board, i.e. pictures etc. Cllr. N Hamilton-Street suggested that there could already be something in the Library and that this would be looked into and will be reported back on. Action: Contact Library to see what, if anything, is held there and report APC back. 5 20/040 PUBLIC CONSULTATION No members of the public were present, and no questions had been sent in. 6 20/041 THE COMMITTEE CLERK’S REPORT ON ANY MATTERS NOT INCLUDED ON THIS AGENDA The Action List was received; an update on current actions was given. No questions were asked. 7 20/042 COMMUNITY EVENTS The Committee Clerk advised nothing more to report on the action list and that all outstanding actions had now been started.

Sam Fraser updated the committee on the Volunteer Litter Picking initiative and explained the work that had been done regarding risk assessments, which was commended by Cllr. Jones. She went on to advise that various items were needed such as Hi-Vis volunteer tabards and small bottles of hand sanitiser to give to each volunteer. Sam explained the cost for the tabards was £189.90 and the cost the hand sanitiser was £54.98 for 24 bottles – Cllr. Bicknell suggested as hand sanitiser was always used that there should always be spare bottles in stock and that more bottles should be ordered.

Action: Order to be placed for Hi-Vis volunteer tabards and small bottles of SF hand sanitiser.

Tracy Lees advised the virtual Pumpkin Carving Competition was now live and that APC were looking forward to seeing all the carved pumpkin pictures.

The Blenheim Play Park opening was the next item to be discussed. Tracy Lees referred to the supporting paper for information on what had been planned and that APC were still hoping to have the park handed back to them on Friday 2 October 2020. No questions were asked.

The supporting paper regarding the plans for Remembrance Sunday were talked through. Discussions around what else could be done to mark 11:00 were talked through but it was agreed that what had been outlined in the supporting paper should be followed, all agreed.


Cllr. L Hamilton-Street commented that 2020 was the 100th year anniversary of the war memorial being placed in the village square he and would like to see this being communicated. All agreed. Action: Prepare communication to be sent out close to Remembrance Day. APC

Tracy Lees asked the committee to consider ideas for how the Memory Tree event could be run this year. A representative from AIB suggested that something could be done via the All About Angmering magazine. It was also suggested that APC could see how St Barnabas held their Sunflower display this year as they had come up against similar issues as APC were now facing. Action: Email in ideas as to how this event could be run in 2020. Cllrs. Action: Look at the St. Barnabas event. APC 8 20/043 RESILIENCE Nothing to report. 9 20/044 PLAY PARK STRATEGY AND PRIORITY MATRIX Cllr. Reigate commented that due to Covid-19 the pop-up sessions that had previously been discussed to gauge public consultation/opinion regarding Braeburn and Pippin play parks could no longer take place and a new way forward needed to be thought about.

Cllr. Bicknell asked if the Strategy and Matrix document could be sent out with the next agenda. Action: Include the Play Park Strategy and Priority Matrix in the supporting TL papers for the October meeting.

Cllr. N Hamilton-Street commented that the Discovery play park should be discussed under the Mayflower Park Working Group, all agreed. 10 20/045 MAYFLOWER PARK WORKING GROUP Cllr. N Hamilton-Street reported back on the walk round that had taken place in this area and what had been discussed. Various items had been talked about such as car parking. A Zoom meeting will be held in the next two weeks and an update will be given at the next CLEW meeting in October. Action: Add to Octobers agenda. TL 11 20/046 COMMUNITY CENTRE DRAGONS TEETH Cllr. A Evans gave his thoughts regarding the state or repair of some of the Dragons Teeth and his possible solutions.

A discussion then took place regarding various options such as different types of dragons teeth, installing embankments, planting trees/shrubs and also about what their purpose is. Various suggestions were made including replacing wooden dragons teeth with concrete ones as and when required.

Cllr. N Hamilton-Street wanted to draw the committees attention to the potential costs involved and that this has come up several times in the last few years. She commented that if all the dragons teeth were replaced around the community center then nothing else would be possible in the coming financial year.


It was agreed that investigation into the various options should be done again and reported back at a later meeting yet to be decided. Action: Look back at previous options and explore other alternatives. APC 12 20/047 REPAIR OF PLAY PARK EQUIPMENT AT DISCOVERY PLAY AREA The committee were referred to the supporting paper and asked for their thoughts. A discussion took place.

Cllr. Bicknell commented that he felt the best way forward was to undertake a full repair, whereas Cllr. Reigate felt a part repair was needed.

Cllr. L Hamilton-Street asked about the difference between the two quotes as he felt this was not clear enough for a decision to be made at this meeting.

Discussion continued and it was agreed by all that a third option should be explored. This was to investigate the cost of removing the item and making good the area that it stood on. Cllr. N Hamilton-Street suggested that the information was obtained and then emailed round to the committee with a view to the final decision being made via email responses. All agreed. Action: Obtain cost for the removal of this piece of play equipment etc. and APC inform the committee via email. In conversation with the Clerk the following day it was advised that confirmation by email was not possible. Financial Regulations - 1.14. In addition the council must: • approve any grant or a single commitment in excess of £1,000 For transparency – this should be done at an open meeting. 13 20/048 MATTERS REQUIRING CONSIDERATION AT FUTURE MEETINGS OF: 1) This Committee – None. 2) Full Council – None. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The Committee’s next meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday 28 October 2020 at 19:00.

The meeting concluded at 20:02.

...... Date...... Chairman

Please note: The supporting papers referred to in these minutes can be found on the Angmering Parish Council website, along with the meeting agenda or copies can be requested from the Clerk.


Date Agenda Minute Title Action Required Action to be taken Comments & Next steps Delegated Completed No: No: To Date 26.02.20 12 19/145 A259 Tree Planting Contact WSCC and ask about costs, Make contact Contact made with Matt Southern Tara licenses and if trees need to be provided Review email sent by NHS re past history - TL on 12.03.20 - Trees will cost £150 by WSCC forwarded to TG each from WSCC.

29.07.20 15 20/015 Further investigation to be undertaken Ongoing KH/TL

29.07.20 7 20/007 Public Consultation - AIB Regarding the overgrown trees, shrubs, Work with local tree surgeon on a plan and Contact tree surgeon and work on a KH/RS hedges and verges around the village, implement. plan. Waiting quote on 17/08/2020. asked if there was a program of works to Roy arranged 2 further tree make sure these areas were properly surgeons 22/09/2020 maintained. 26.08.20 5 20/024 Public Consultation - AIB Schedule or works regarding overgrown Cllr. Reigate to contact the member of the public Meeting with AIB has taken place AR areas was requested and arrange a village walk round. Next step is for an internal meeting to take place to consider APC options - Chased up meeting on 19.10.20 26.08.20 15 20/034 Mayflower Park Improvement Email to be sent out to arrange first NHS Ideas meeting 30.09.20 4 20/039 AIB - St Nicks Contact Library to see what if anything on TG the archaeological dig is held there and report back 30.09.20 7 20/042 Memory Tree Email in ideas as to how this event could Cllrs. be run in 2020 30.09.20 7 20/042 Memory Tree Look at the St. Barnabas Sunflower event SF and how they held it

KEY Task has been started Task not yet started Deferred Task: Remain on the deferred list as future work required (see separate sheet) ANGMERING IN BLOOM ASSOCIATION


Recent activities

We have now completed our Winter/Spring planting of the 4 stone seat planters on the village green, the APC planters and at the Community Centre 6 trugs and 5 planters.

We have increased the naturalistic planting of foxgloves, forget me nots and primroses at the far end of Swanbourne Park.

The CALA homes roundabout was finally weeded by their contractor but prior to planting the team had to spend time clearing some of the bindweed left behind. We then planted wallflowers and forget me nots to add some Spring colour.

We have started planting the Spring flowering bulbs in areas North of the Village at Palmer Road and Bewley Road and also 3 areas on Bramley Green.

We had our meeting with Vicky Foster-Lewis from St Wilfrid’s school and agreed to clear and plant up their front bed. Our Committee agreed to do the bed in a red, white and blue theme to complement the WW1 soldier. We are hoping to have all the autumn planting complete for Remembrance Day.

We are making progress with the funding for the Information board for St Nicholas garden. We submitted a request to the Angmering Heritage Trust for £1257.60 which covers the cost of the board and installation. They have however asked if we are planning to approach APC for some grant funds. We will be applying to APC for a grant for the artwork which is a cost of £453.60 and hopefully it will be scheduled for the next Full Council meeting in November.

We have produced a Draft Information Board showing the details that are likely to be included and plan to agree the content with Worthing Archaeological Society who have said they are happy to give us the originals of the photos shown. I have attached a copy of this.

We are grateful that three more of our Sponsors have agreed to continue to Sponsor us and we have also approached the new owners of the Spotted Cow who have also responded positively.

Future activities

We will continue to plant Spring flowering bulbs in areas identified around the Village.

We have agreed that the Beehive bed on the corner of Lansdowne Road and Road will be planted to encourage wildlife. Work on this will start after bulb planting and St Wilfrid’s bed are complete.

History of St Nicholas’ Church, Angmering

The village of Angmering is mentioned as early as the Doomsday Book, where it is referred to as ‘Angemare’ or ‘Langemare’. Originally the local area was divided into three parishes each with its own church, representing East Angmering, West Angmering and Bargham. Of these three churches only St Margaret’s (West Angmering) is still in operation and little remains of the village’s second church, that of St Nicholas (East Angmering), only small amounts of foundation stone buried beneath the grassy area known as St Nicholas’ Gardens. St Nicholas was almost certainly founded during the Saxon period, some time prior to 1066. Little is known of its early beginnings but by the 12th century it would seem that the first church had been replaced by a typical Norman-style construction. The church was in use for some 400 years during which the buildings underwent several phases of adaptation and addition. However, by the late 16th century the church was closed and eventually demolished, with the stone likely being recycled into local Archaeological Dig building projects. Records show that St Nicholas’ was in active use until 1559 but from this point the East Angmering church fell into disuse as the three local parishes merged and St Margaret’s was adopted as the sole church. The ground on which St Nicholas’ once stood was transformed into a Rector’s garden. By the end of the 19th century it was being used as a playing field for the village school. Most recently the land has been bought by Council and designated by Angmering Parish Council as a site of recreation for the village.

Excavation by Owen Bedwin in 1974


The finds team were kept busy throughout the dig with a constant stream of artefacts arriving at the tent. The team identified pottery shards from the 12/13th century through to modern times, pieces of metal work, such as a small cross and a lovely horseshoe-shaped button, coins from many periods, including one from the reign of Edward I, painted wall plaster, stained glass and many clay pipes.

The 2015 Project Plan

The project provided a strong community objective. Both St Wilfrid’s and St Margaret’s schools spent time on site, as well as members of the local Home Schools Association. Each school group had the opportunity to work alongside archaeologists on site and take part in a range of activities to experience the process of archaeology. In addition, places on site, along with training, were offered to members of the local community.

The site lay undisturbed from the 16th through to the 20th century. In 1974 proposed building work threatened to destroy the remains of the church. Archaeologist Owen Bedwin undertook an examination of the site, focussing on establishing an overall floor plan and developing a timeframe of the various phases of its construction. Excavations were carried out using archaeolog- ical methods of the time, with the trenches being placed through a combination of onsite observation, old maps and records and a bit of guesswork. Today thanks to developments in technology, archaeology can map the church to a much finer degree of accuracy and in 2012 Worthing Archaeological Society was approached by the Angmering Parish Council to discuss the possibility of a renewed examination of the site.

Interpretation and Conclusion

The Angmering excavation of 2015 was a true success, all objectives were met and community involvement was excel- lent. Archaeologically the WAS team was able to identify the layout of St Nicholas’ Church in relation to Bedwin’s 1974 excavation and to further define areas such as the southern nave. Lastly the excavation demonstrated that the tower of the Norman Church once stood to the west of the site instead of the south; a feature observed in similar churches such as St Margaret’s. As well as volunteer diggers, students from local schools helped to uncover many aspects of the church along with lots of artefacts. From day one the site had the support of the wider community and a constant stream of visitors who showed their interest in the project. Trench Objectives

Trench A was placed in order to establish the SW corner of a feature labelled by Bedwin as the church porch. Trench B sought to establish the SE corner of Bedwin’s tower feature. In combination with trenches A and C this trench was used to rediscover the ‘footprint’ of St Nicholas’ Church. Facilitated by Angmering In Bloom with support and funding from Angmering Heritage Trust and Angmering Parish Council, Trench C – To establish the northern wall of the Norman church nave. with many thanks for all the help received from Worthing Archaeological Society. A full report on the 2015 dig can be found in the Trench D – To examine the area around the south side of the chancel, to define the relationship between the Norman and Angmering Library and through the website Saxon chancel walls. Angmering Parish Council The Corner House The Square Angmering West Sussex BN16 4EA

Telephone/Answerphone 01903 772124 E-mail: [email protected] Website:




Now the re-vamped play park has been installed we are able to plant additional trees in this area.

After considering the space available Angmering Parish Council feel there is enough space for 3 additional trees – suggestion positions marked below by a red cross.

WSCC are not able to supply trees as this only applies to trees within the highway limit plus orders need to be placed in July. Tree Options / Suggestions

A local tree company are able to supply us with tress, examples below along with costs. Additionally they can deliver, plant and protect with stakes etc. at a cost of £55 for each tree.

We have also received the following quote from a different company giving 3 different tree options:

Option1 – Trident Maple

To supply 3no Trident Maple trees 12-14cm girth (approx. 4-4.5m), to plant the trees at the agreed locations within the park area, trees to be planted with suitable tree compost, support stakes and ties and an irrigation pipe installed. This specie is ideal for the area as this is a slow growing specie which will reach a height of circa 10m. Cost to undertake the above works £1428.08 +VAT

Option 2 – Chinese Red Birch

To supply 3no Chinese Red Birch trees 12-14cm girth (approx. 4-4.5m), to plant the trees at the agreed locations within the park area, trees to be planted with suitable tree compost, support stakes and ties and an irrigation pipe installed. This specie will reach a height of 25m. Cost to undertake the above works £1164.42 +VAT Option 3 – East Asian Cherry

To supply and plant 3 no East Asian Cherry trees 12-14cm girth (approx. 4-4.5m) to plant the trees at the agreed locations within the park area, trees to be planted with suitable tree compost, support stakes and ties and an irrigation pipe installed. This specie will reach a height of 8m. Cost to undertake the above works £1115.10 +VAT

Option 4 – irrigation To attend to trees as required throughout growing season and irrigate with harvested grey water (rain water from company roofs) deliver a minimum of 50 litres of water per tree per occasion. Frequency of visits to be determined by local weather conditions and agreed between APC & Supplier. Cost to undertake the above per occasion £75.00

Sponsorship A number of companies have been approached to see if they were prepared to sponsor a tree in this area. If a sponsor is found, then a plaque would be put up to mark this donation.

Plaque Options Solid aluminium panel with printed vinyl face which is screwed directly into the tree trunk. The cost would be about £75 + vat fitted

A fixed substantial post in the ground (75mmx75mm - probably best done at time of planting or very soon thereafter) about 18" high with a solid aluminium board fixed to it at a slight angle with appropriate wording as a vinyl sticker. This would cost approx. £130 + vat fitted

Or either of the above items with an engraved brass plaque which would increase the cost from about £50+ vat in each case (depending upon size and quality of plaque etc)

Another alternative is a hard-plastic sign attached to the play park fence; approximate costing is £10 per sign. We would look to have two of these signs located by each gate.

Potential wording could be:

The trees in the area were donated by 1 2 3 Thanks go to our supporters who have helped us improve this area for the community.

Play Park Budget

£20,000 was moved across into the Playpark Renewal Programme. £18,008 was spent on the playpark £1992 left in the budget for this this playpark

Decisions Needed: To decide if trees should be purchased. If yes, how many trees should be brought? To decide on the location of the tree/trees To decide that if sponsorship is obtained that a plaque (as detailed above) should be purchased. Angmering Parish Council The Corner House The Square Angmering West Sussex BN16 4EA

Telephone/Answerphone 01903 772124 E-mail: [email protected] Website:



This supporting paper is made up of two section: Christmas Trees and Memory Tree Tags.

CHRISTMAS TREES Angmering Parish Council have been approached by Angmering Traders Association for assistance in supplying wall mounted lit Christmas Trees for all the shops that are part of the Angmering Traders Association. We also approached the shop owners at Downs Way and advised them that we were looking into funding for trees, should they wish to take part.

The idea is to make Angmering feel as festive as possible especially after the year we have had due to Covid-19.

Together we have identified that the following trees would be required:

Trees within the village centre = 16 Trees at Downs Way = 2 (one at each end) Total trees required = 18

Costs Taking into account the budget for Christmas events and the already budgeted amount for the 16ft tree for the village square and the tree for the Parish Office it was calculated that Angmering Parish Council would be able to contribute £30 to each tree required by the Traders Association and Downs Way shops. The actual cost of the tree is £85, the Angmering Traders Association and Downs Way shop owners will be responsible for the rest on the monies.

Cost Breakdown 1 x 16ft Tree and 1 x tree for the parish office = £990 18 x trees at £30 each = £540 Total = £1,530.00

MEMORY TREE EVENT Due to Covid-19 we need to hold this event in a different way in 2020 as the normal event will not be able to take place.

Memory Tree Tags Suggestion: Include a tag in the December edition of the All About Angmering magazine. This could be a pre-made tag very similar to last year’s bauble design or a template that could be cut out of our Christmas newsletter.

2019 design 2020 suggested designs

If we were to supply the pre-made tags, we would need 3,800 as this is the number of magazines that get delivered. To keep costs down we could use the same design as last year but not laminate them. This would mean that it would be better if the tag were hung on an indoor tree rather than an outdoor tree or the large tree in the village square.

Costs: To produce exactly the same tag as 2019 = £780 + vat for 3,800 tags To produce a non-laminated version i.e. not suitable to be used outside = £680 for 3,800 tags To insert the tag into the magazine = £140 + vat (on off charge) To design the newsletter with a tag that can be cut out i.e. the template = £0

Last year we produced 200 tags for the 2019 event, the cost was £250.

Charity Element In past years, a charity has been invited to attend the Memory Tree event and collect donations. As this will not be possible this year the following has been put forward:

Set up a just giving page – this would be advertised in the All About Angmering magazine within the Christmas newsletter and via our Facebook page. No monies would need to be paid to Angmering Parish Council as the Just Giving page manages this and all donations would go straight to the chosen charity. This would allow people to still donate if they wished to.

Budget vs Cost The total budget available for Christmas Trees and Memory Tree Tags is £2,500. The total cost for Christmas Trees is £1,530. The total cost for tags assuming we use the same design and style as last year is £920. This gives a total spend of £2,450 – resulting in £50 below budget.

DECISIONS NEEDED: Christmas Trees To decide if a donation of £30 per tree (maximum 18 trees) should be given.

Memory Tree Tags To decide if we want to provide tags in the All About Angmering magazine. If yes, to decide if the tag should be inserted into the magazine or be a cut out i.e. template.

To decide if a charity element should be implemented this year. If yes, to decide what charity and the target to be reached.

Angmering Parish Council The Corner House The Square Angmering West Sussex BN16 4EA

Telephone/Answerphone 01903 772124 E-mail: [email protected] Website:



Every two years the trees in Rowan Way, Nursery Road and surrounding areas need to be pollarded to the previous pruning points. Each of the quotes have been supplied by reputable Tree Surgeons who have all carried out work for Angmering Parish Council in the past.

Each Tree Surgeon was given the same brief, with the quotes below reflecting their interpretation of the work required. You will see some have included extra work which they are recommending, this was identified as they walked round the areas concerned.

Quote 1

Quote 2

Quote 3

Nursery Road/Rowan way

Nursery Road Reduce 13 field/Norway maples back to previous pruning points Clear road signs and uplift over footpath/cycle lanes

Rowan Way Reduce back previous pruning points, four field maples, five Norway maples and two ash trees and one willow Clear road signs and uplift over footpath/cycle lanes Reduce 11 alder trees back to previous pollard points, removing all growth Remove waste

Total for this area £3680

The Pippins Reduce Willows to previous points Reduce all hedging plants to approx. 6ft from behind play park to entrance on Ashmore Ave Waste to be chipped into hedge row

Total for this area £2130

Kinleside Way Trim hedges on west side of green to previously cut height Cut mixed hedge and trees along north side of green to approx. 6ft leaving any specimen trees Cut bushes on east side of Green to approx. 6ft Remove waste

Total for this area £1840

Total for all work £7650

Budget 2020/2021 Contractor – Trees & Hedges - £9,030 – Remaining - £8705.00

DECISION NEEDED To decide which quote should be accepted.