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The following sets out the “Announcement on Bid-winning of a Major Project of Railway Construction Corporation Limited” published by China Railway Construction Corporation Limited (the “Company”) on the website of the Stock Exchange and newspapers in the PRC on 23 April 2020, for your reference only.

By order of the Board of Directors China Railway Construction Corporation Limited CHEN Fenjian Chairman

Beijing, the PRC 23 April 2020

As at the date of this announcement, the Board comprises Mr. CHEN Fenjian (Chairman and Executive Director), Mr. ZHUANG Shangbiao (President and Executive Director), Mr. CHEN Dayang (Executive Director), Mr. LIU Ruchen (Executive Director), Mr. WANG Huacheng (Independent Non-executive Director), Mr. Patrick SUN (Independent Non-executive Director), Mr. CHENG Wen (Independent Non-executive Director) and Ms. Amanda Xiao Qiang LU (Independent Non-executive Director).

– 1 – Stock Code: 601186 Stock Short Name: CRCC Announcement No.: Lin 2020–044


The board of directors of the Company and all directors warrant that there are no false representations or misleading statements contained in, or material omissions from this announcement, and severally and jointly accept responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of this announcement.

Recently, a consortium comprising China Railway Construction Kunlun Investment Group Co., Ltd. (中國鐵建昆侖投資集團有限公司 ) and other subsidiaries of the Company won the bid for the projects of the Guangnan (from Guangyuan to ) to Nanguang (from Nanchong to Guang’an) section of Nanchong Transit Expressway and Nanchong-Tongnan (in ) Expressway. The two projects have a total estimated investment of RMB10,870 million, of which, the Guangnan (from Guangyuan to Nanchong) to Nanguang (from Nanchong to Guang’an) section of Nanchong Transit Expressway with a total length of around 42.1 km accounts for approximately RMB4,874 million; and Nanchong-Tongnan (in Sichuan) Expressway with a total length of around 61.54 km accounts for RMB5,996 million. BOT model will be adopted for the projects. The projects will have a construction period of 3 years, and a toll collection period of 24 years and 219 days.

The project capital accounts for not less than 25% of the total investment of the projects. Other funds apart from the project capital will be raised by the project company through bank loans.

The bidding for the aforesaid projects was considered and approved at the 36th meeting of the fourth session of the board of directors of the Company.

Announcement is hereby given.

The Board of Directors of China Railway Construction Corporation Limited 23 April 2020

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