Photos from the Community Art Project A Bomb took place on Saturday April 14 at the Riverfront Arts Center in Stevens Point.

Many people knitted and crocheted yarn pieces and brought them to the RAC in the past several weeks. Through word of mouth and facebook and some great community groups we had lots of pieces to work with by Saturday. People showed up and began piecing the project together and it took on a life of its own. There was no stopping – the tree, the sign, the bike rack, more trees, and on…it was great fun. This was done to create awareness of our upcoming exhibit “Common Threads” that opens on April 20 and runs through May 27 and to involve the community in a project. The result was excitement and color outside the Riverfront Arts Center. Yippee!!!!!

A HUGE Thank you to all who helped!


Community Art Project In connection with “Common Threads” Fiber Art Exhibition, April 20 - May 27, at the

Guerilla knitting is a type of that employs colorful displays of knitted or crocheted cloth rather than paint or chalk. This knitting phenomenon was initially about reclaiming and personalizing sterile or cold public places. It has since developed within knitting groups worldwide, each with their own agendas. Our agenda is to put some color into the landscape near the RAC and draw attention to the exhibition and to involve the community, in having fun and making a public art piece.