Newsletter B.A.1. Project “Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America” Edition August 2015

The B.A.1. project “Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America” aims to contribute to the reduction of violence against women, including its most extreme manifestations, such as women trafficking and feminicide, through interventions on the factors that are conducive. This regional effort is part of the component preventing violence in the Central American Security Strategy (ESCA), it is executed by SG-SICA, Technical Secretariat for Women of the Council of Ministers for Women of Central America and Dominican Republic (STM COMMCA), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and International Organization for Migration (OIM).

B.A.1 project presents advances to the Subcommittee on Prevention of Violence of Central American Security Commission

San Salvador, El Salvador. August 11, 2015.

The regional Technical Coordination Unit (CTU) of B.A.1 "Prevention of Violence Against Women in Central America" presented the progress in the implementation of project B.A.1 from the regional, national and local perspective to the Subcommittee on Prevention of Violence, as part of the celebration of the fifty-eighth session of the Central American Security Commission, held on August 12, 2015 at the headquarters of the General Secretariat of SICA.

B.A.1. IN

Community festivals for the Prevention of Violence against Women.

Puntarenas, Costa Rica. August 5, 2015.

Through various activitities aimed at the community in general and specially young people, were held workshops, cinema forums, communication strategies, campaigns, etc. promoting a life free of violence againts women. Among these activities is the festival held in Puntarenas in order to promote the organization of joint youth networks that add a gender perspective to its agenda under the model of peer education, both in the formal education sector at Community level, to approach issues such as violence during courtship, sexual abuse prevention, gender equality, among others.

The activity described is part of B.A.1 project. Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America.

The festivals have been held in three of the 10 areas prioritized by the project: , Coto Brus and Puntarenas.

Costa Rica celebrates Community Festival "Building Equality: for a life without violence against women" San Vito, Coto Brus. Costa Rica. August 12, 2015. Within the framework of B.A.1 project Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America, was held the Community Festival "Building Equality: for a life without violence against women".

In the activity participated adolescents of schools in the area, among them Vocational Technical College (VTC) Umberto Melloni, Liceo de , Colegio Ítalo Costarricense, as well as women and men of San Vito, staff of public and private institutions, the Municipality, Network Prevention and Violence against women and domestic violence of Coto Brus.

The event includes various activities whose main objective was to say no to violence against women, including: theater, music, dance, and the presentation of the work produced by the people involved in the process of raising prevention violence against women.

One of the most important activities was the construction of portraits of women in the community, with powerful messages of respect for the integrity and the lives of all women. These portraits are part of a traveling exhibition that expects to reach the 10 territories where it is working on B.A.1 Project.

The activity was organized by the National Institute for Women (INAMU), the Ministry of Justice and Peace, the Ministry of Government and Police, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security and the Judicial Power, with the active participation of Network Prevention and Violence against women and domestic violence, the Municipality and the Cantonal Committee of Young People of Coto Brus.

Constructing new masculinities through the Workshop on gender, sexism and violence prevention

Desamparados, Costa Rica. August 5, 2015.

Within the framework of B.A.1 project Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America, National Institute for Women (INAMU), Femenist Information and Action Center (CEFEMINA) and Costa Rican Institute for Education and Research of Masculinity, Partnership and Sexuality (WEM) conducted a workshop on gender and machismo in .

The workshop aims to promote positive masculinities that encourage men and generate skills in the culture of peace and gender equity. The themes aim to develop skills that are incompatible with machismo, including: affective paternity, care of health, respect for human rights, communication with partners and family, etc. Also it aims to prevent violence against women through the development in men of cognitive, emotional and practical skills. Among the learned topics are, anger management, management of jealousy, separation, sexual violence prevention, prevention of violence against women, building positive masculinities among others.

CTraining of officials from the Ministry of Education on the issue Workshop Management of Jealousy without violence.

Positive masculinity. Costa Rica. August 24, 2015. Desamparados, Costa Rica. August 24, 2015. 22

Workshop "Construction of femininity and Working with adolescents in prevention of violence masculinity."Alajuelita, Costa Rica. August 10, against women. 2015. Alajuelita, Costa Rica. August 13, 2015.

Working with public officials and community on positive masculinities. Puntarenas, Costa Rica. August 7, 2015.

Officials Training of the National System of Care and Prevention of Domestic Violence and Violence against Women, on Human Trafficking issues.

Costa Rica, august 10 and 11, 2015.

Within the framework of the B.A.1 project was performed a training at national level addressed to key technical staff of the institutions of the National System of Care and Prevention of Violence against Women on the issue of human trafficking, as a violence against women topic, for the incorporation of this perspective into the plans, policies and services that are established in their organizations.

The activity was called Workshop on Conceptual and Operational Actualization on Human Trafficking: Trafficking in women is a form of violence against women, was facilitated by Luis Fernando Centeno and Ana Carcedo, and included key topics taught by INAMU representatives, General Directorate of Immigration and International Organization for Migration.

Participating in the event Mrs. Alejandra , Minister for the Status of Women, Mr. Victor Morales, Deputy Minister of Justice and Peace.

Initiates training for the assignment of Seed Capital to women victims of violence in Alajuelita and Desamparados.

Alajuelita, Costa Rica. From 17 to August 21, 2015.

The National Committee of Management of Project B.A.1 in Costa Rica has hired Fundación Mujer to lead the provision of Seed Capital for women victims of violence, the providing process begins with a technical training for women who have been identified as possible beneficiaries, who will develop a business plan that will allow them to optimize the assigned resources.

The training has been initiated with 175 women from Desamparados and Alajuelita, remaining La Cruz, Upala and Santa Cruz.

Workshop Equity Seeds, preparing teachers to empower girls and young people.

Desamparados, Alajuelita, Heredia; Costa Rica. August 17 and 18, 2015.

With the participation of 45 teachers from the regions of Desamparados, Alajuelita and Heredia, was held the Workshop Equity Seeds, whose main objective was to promote capacity building for the promotion of a culture of peace from a gender perspective.

Among the topics discussed are the types of violence, myths and realities around gender issues, development of road maps in cases of violence, among others.

This activity seeks to develop and implement programs to empower girls and young women in the formal education system (schools) of the priority areas as well as programs to prevent bullying (bullying) and abusive sexual behavior in school students and colleges. The training is part of the strategy of primary prevention, driven by INAMU.

Taller para educadores/as que trabajan con Working with Local Network of Attention and primera infancia en metodologías para el trabajo Workshop for educators who work with early Prevention of Violence against Women. Empowering of en prevención de la Violencia contra las childhood methodologies for work in prevention of girls and young girls. Upala, Costa Rica. August 3, 2015. Mujeres. Puntarenas, Costa Rica. 06 de agosto violence against women. Puntarenas, Costa Rica.

de 2015. August 06, 2015.

Training on the legal approach to situations of violence against women from a gender perspective.

Costa Rica. August 26, 2015.

In order to analyze fundamental aspects for legal approach of situations of violence against women from a gender perspective, a training was held aimed to lawyers who work in areas benefiting from the project.

The training was facilitated by Deputy Prosecutor of sexual offenses and domestic violence, Eugenia Salazar, Deputy Judge of the Third Chamber, Elena Gomez; and Roberto Camacho, Judge of Domestic Violence; Rosey Lopez, representative of INAMU area of violence.

Working with educators in the prevention of violence against women in adolescent population Upala, Costa Rica. August 5, 2015.

Within the framework of B.A.1 project in Costa Rica works with women’s organizations to strengthen them, through the provision of a continuous process of working with institutions providing psychosocial and legal support to women affected by violence to promote the analysis of quality of existing utilities for this purpose.

Work session group of Work session with group of women Working session with women of women. Limón, Costa Rica. organized in Alajuelita. Alajuelita, Costa the coastal zone. La Cruz, Costa

August 7, 2015 Rica. August 22, 2015. Rica. August 2, 2015.

Photographic campaigns Prevention of Violence Against Women

Embroidering Femicide Stories.

B.A.1. IN GUATEMALA Communicators of 10 municipalities sensitized and trained on issues of violence against women.

Ensure that leaders and communicators in the 10 municipalities prioritized by B.A.1 project are multiplying entities of themes on violence against women, femicide and trafficking with a focus on Human Rights and with cultural relevance, it was the target of a series of workshops conducted within the framework of this project, which were organized by the Presidential Secretariat for Women (known as SEPREM) and taught by the Social Communication and Public Relations at SEPREM.

Round communicators training started in Jutiapa

Jutiapa, Guatemala. August 6, 2015.

The round of five workshops began in Jutiapa, prioritizing the municipality of Jalpatagua. These trainings mark an important step in the work done by Guatemala to prevent and eradicate violence against women in their territories.

The activity called "Prevention of violence, human trafficking and femicide" aimed to sensitize journalists on issues of violence against women, femicide and trafficking with a cultural approach to human rights of women and relevance to be included in their daily work and the information they provide to the population.

Workshop for Journalists in Chiquimula

Chiquimula, Guatemala. August 7, 2015.

The workshop entitled "Communication, Gender and Interculturality", was held in the department of Chiquimula, and is the second in a series of workshops at departmental level run by the Social Communication and Public Relations Directorate at Presidential Secretariat for Women. This training is part of activities of project B.A.1, Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America, which is running on seven countries of SICA (Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama).

The activity was aimed at sensitizing social communicators of Chiquimula, prioritizing the municipalities of Camotán and Esquipulas on three issues: violence against women, femicide and human trafficking with a focus on human rights of women with cultural relevance.

Sensitizing journalists in Coban

Coban, Guatemala. August 11, 2015.

The Workshop held for journalists was given in the department of Alta Verapaz, Coban, prioritizing the municipalities of Panzos and San Miguel Tucurú.

The participants expressed their satissfaction and acknowledged the need to continue informing and training more professionals on prevention of violence against women.

Workshop taught in San Jose Pinula and Palencia

Guatemala City, Guatemala. August 13, 2015.

"Communication, Gender and Interculturality" was nominated the workshop for social communicators for prioritized municipalities of San Jose Pinula and Palencia, within the framework of B.A.1 Project, Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America.

The training, organized by the Presidential Secretariat for Women (SEPREM), aimed to work with communicators a Decalogue to generate information for the prevention of

violence against women, an instrument that suggests a more humane informative treatment, with a gender focus and respect for the dignity of women in the four indigenous peoples: Maya, Garifuna, Xinca and mestizo.

Finalization of Journalists Training in Huehuetenango

Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Septembre 28, 2015.

Within the framework of B.A.1 project. Prevention of Violence Against Women in Central America, took place in Huehuetenango the fifth workshop for social media in Guatemala.

The event was promoted by the Management Committee BA1 project. in Guatemala, and also organized by the Presidential Secretariat for Women (SEPREM). The importance of the workshop for SEPREM is that the media contribute to the disclosure of related information with institutions that provide legal and psychological counseling and support to women victims of violence in all its manifestations.


Initiate training for the granting of seed capital in Honduras

Honduras, August 19, 2014

The B.A.1 "Prevention of violence against women in Central America," which is part of the Central American Security Strategy (ESCA) executed by SICA countries and SG-SICA, implements the strategy of granting seed capital for women victims of violence or at risk in Honduras.

As a support for starting their own business and strengthen their social welfare, women who are at risk as a result of violence at national level, will receive seed capital and technical assistance, enabling them to start a new life plan.

The Sub secretariat of Security Prevention of the Republic of Honduras accompanies this process of strengthening, through a series of trainings currently taking place in the cities of Ocotepeque, Santa Rosa de Copan and Copan Ruinas, taught from the perspective of violence prevention and economic empowerment.

Among the topics covered during the technical assistance provided to women include the capacity to negotiate, entrepreneurship, business environment, cooperativism and associativity, market and customers, production processes, financial management and accounting control.

The lectures are taught by specialists who use practical activities to involve participants, based on content of easy to understand, and designed to encourage the retention of relevant concepts, concluding with the preparation of a business plan that allows them the identification of the equipment needed for the emergence of small businesses.

The Government of the Republic of Honduras through the "Plan of All for a Better Life" continues its mission of prevention through processes like this, that also materializes, with sustained joined work with the National Commission of BA1 Project Management, formed by the Ministry of Security in the Office of Prevention, National Institute for Women (INAM), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Fund for Population (UNFPA).

Women in Tela begins training for the granting of seed capital.

Tela, Honduras. August 31, 2015. One hundred and five women from the city of Tela, from the communities Tornabé and Triunfo de la Cruz participated in the training which aims to teach women victims of violence the process for undertaking new business and choose to be beneficiaries of seed capital.

The activity took place in the House of Garifuna Women and is part of the activities of the B.A.1 Project, Prevention of Violence Against Women in Central America, implemented by the General Secretariat of SICA, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the Technical Secretariat of the Council of Ministers for Women of Central America and Dominican Republic (STM- COMMCA).

The training continued in the city of La Ceiba, where 22 women joined the initiative launched by the National Committee for Project Management in Honduras.

Among the topics addressed include the prevention of violence, reclaiming public spaces, human trafficking and culture of peace among others.

Project on Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America, trains men in Honduras on “Non-Violent Masculinity”

La Ceiba, Honduras. August 2015.

The training “Non- Violent Masculinity” was held in the Municipal facilities of La Ceiba, the training was aimed to of the Municipal Police, CONADEH, and fire department, Masculinity Group, Preventive Police, National Directorate of Special Investigation (DNSEI), Women Municipal Office and Municipality Staff.

The activity is part of the B.A.1 project called Prevention of violence against Women in Central America, which aims to develop and implement specialized programs to build non- violent masculinities and to prevent the violence against women, human trafficking and femicide.


Starts delivery of seed capital in Nicaragua

Within the framework of B.A.1 Project. Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America, Nicaragua's government began implementing the strategy of seed capital, providing financing to 147 women victims of violence.

The beneficiaries are women organized in 28 solidarity groups in the municipalities of Leon, Granada and Corinto. The total funds assigned for the first seed capital delivery amounts to $28,094.37 and was made through the program Zero Usury, which facilitates women's access to economic resources for entrepreneurship of small businesses, in addition to training in order to learn to develop their qualities and skills for basic business management from the perspective of gender and human rights.

Nicaragua launches campaign against human trafficking within the framework of B.A.1 project. Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America.

Nicaragua. August 2015.

Telephone line 133 was launched as main tool of the campaign against human trafficking promoted by the government of Nicaragua, through the Ministry of Family, Youth and Children (MIFAN), thanks to the support of B.A.1 Project. Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America.

The hotline which operates 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, will provide service to population requiring counseling, support in circumstances of violence and speed up of complaints, offering a friendly hand to and for Nicaraguans.

The treatment protocol starts from call receipt then the victims data will be taken, complainant data also if desired, information on the incident and the complaint will be sent to the appropriate district.

The line also includes transfer of victims of violence to areas equipped to provide accommodation when the need arises. The service is characterized by its confidentiality and immediacy.

Nicaragua improves attention to women victims of violence

Wasapán, Nicaragua. August, 2015.

In order to improve proactively, overcome weaknesses and improve care for victims of gender violence that occur in the city, a meeting was held in the city of Wasapán, Puerto Cabezas in the North Atlantic of the country.

Dacia Malespín departmental delegate of the Ministry of Family, Youth and Children, said that this meeting is to strengthen prevention work and bring services to respond to the population in cases of violence against women.

MINED and MIFAN explain actions to avoid "Bullying" in Schools

Nicaragua. August, 2015.

The head of the Ministry of Family, Marcia Ramirez, and the Minister of Education, Miriam Raudez, explained some of the actions and activities that will be taking place as part of the campaign to promote the values of coexistence and harmony in schools to prevent "Bullying".

Ramirez said that one of the first steps is to strengthen and support hotline 133, which aims to restore the rights of children and adolescents. She indicated that the campaign is to promote values to prevent bullying or situations that create a conflict or damage the self-esteem of children, adolescents and youth.

The campaign is carried out in several lines of action and approaches, first to inform families, educational communities, educators, social organizations, churches and other sectors on how bullying originates and how severe it might be when someone is victim of it. Another phase is the protagonist mobilization of every sector and particularly the youth in their communities, in their schools and municipalities, in order to strengthen capacities in promoting values and understand that a bad joke can hurt.


Start training on seed capital in Renacimiento

Renacimiento, Panama. August 26, 2015.

Trainings for the granting of seed capital aimed at boosting new ventures for the benefit of women victims of violence began in Renacimiento.

The training was provided by Foundation for Sustainable Development of Panama (known as FUNDESPA) organization chosen for the implementation of the strategy of granting seed capital, given within the B.A.1 Project. Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America implemented by SG SICA, UNFPA, IOM and STM COMMCA.

The workshop aims to teach women how to develop business plans that enable them to start a venture that enables their economic independence and a new plan of life for themselves and their families, it was organized by the National Institute for Women (INAMU).

Closure Certification Course "Intercultural and communication from the perspective of indigenous peoples"

Panama, August 28, 2015. With support of B.A.1 project Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America was included in the course a module on Legislation and Human Rights entitled “Intercultural and communication from the perspective of indigenous peoples”. The themes in the course included the prevention of violence against women, human trafficking and femicide. The rest of the modules correspond to: intercultural communication, organization and freedom; Production of alternative and digital media to share the theme of interculturality; and Human Security. It was encouraged the participation of print media (El Siglo), broadcast media (Radio Blast 104.1 y Plante 100.9) and audiovisual media (Telemetro Chiriquí), as well as participation of public relations of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Labor and Workforce Development in Chiriquí. All mass media participants were women.

BA.1. equips Centros de Atención Integral de la Mujer (CINAMU) Through BA1 Project contributes to the opening of the centers in the districts of La Chorrera, Chepigana, Changuinola and in Provincia de Los Santos within the framework of Cooperation Agreement on Technical Assistance between the National Institute for Women and Judicial Body. The difficulty in recognizing the signs of domestic violence and lack of knowledge of security measures provided by the Law, combined with a relationship of economic and psychological dependence, are the main reasons why many women do not report the violence they live, which in turn affects the statistics record, that it does not reflect the reality of this scourge in the country. In this sense, the work done by the service centers of the National Institute for Women is a key factor that along with the work done by gender links in municipalities and actors of Local Network for Prevention of Violence in Women, enhance efforts on prevention and protection from violence against women in the countryside. The donation includes technological equipment and furniture for each attention center: computers, printers, desks, office chairs, visitor chairs, filing cabinet, camera, phone and identification sign.

Supporting institutional strengthening to combat human trafficking through training on investigative techniques in Panama

Panamá. August, 2015

Within the framework of B.A.1 Project Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America of the Central American Security Strategy (known as ESCA) implemented by the SICA countries and the General Secretariat of SICA, UNFPA, IOM and COMMCA, was held a training on trafficking crime investigative techniques aimed at the entities that comprise the National Commission Against trafficking in Panama.

The aim of the training was to improve the capacity of analysis in cases of human trafficking, to ensure a solid research through knowledge of the techniques of collecting evidence and clues, as well as other measures and investigative techniques.

The training also includes techniques to improve the understanding of the needs of victims of crime and their families, revealing the mechanisms of attention, assistance and protection to victims and witnesses of human trafficking.

The workshop is part of the activities of the 2nd result of B.A.1 project Prevention of Violence against Women, which is aimed at strengthening the capacity of institutions at regional, national and local levels for the prevention and treatment of violence against women, trafficking of women and femicide.

Finishes Certification Course on “Migration, Gender and Violence Prevention” in Panama

Panama. August 25, 2015.

The phenomenon of the feminization of migration as well as its causes, migration as a human right, the problem of human trafficking in society, the differences between human trafficking and smuggling of migrants, as well as the reality of refugees in Panama, were the main topics during the course on "Migration, Gender and Prevention of Violence against Women", held between June 1 and August 21, 2015.

Thirty-four employees of the security sectors, as well as non-governmental organizations were the beneficiaries of this course. A result of the main theme, most students belong to the National Immigration Service.

The three modules developed until August 21, 2015 were specifically; Migration from a human rights and gender perspective; theory and public policy; followed by Migration – Gender and Rights, while the last developed was prevention of violence against women and migration.

The Certification Course was sponsored by B.A.1 Project. Prevention of Violence against Women in Central America and organized by the National Institute for Women (INAMU) of Panama, in coordination with the Ministry of Public Security, University of Panama, General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System, Technical Secretariat Council of Ministers for Women of Central America and Dominican Republic (STM COMMCA), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The information and pictures on this document has been generated by the Technical Coordinator Unit (TCU) of the B.A.1 Project, National Commissions Management of the 7 beneficiary countries, websites and social networks of national institutions that complies the Project Management National Commissions.