Global Matters

The newsletter of the Office of International Affairs Volume 22, January — February 2013

Spring 2013 World AIDS Awareness Week Lecture Series

The On Tuesday December Project CHAMPS spoke about TTUHSC World 4, the student organizations and HIV/AIDS education and commu- AIDS Day Aware- OIA screened “A Closer Walk,” nity support for patients and their ness Week was a the first feature-length film to ad- loved ones. “Project CHAMPS fantastic success. dress the global AIDS works to improve The American crisis. “A Closer Walk” the quality, availa- explores the intricate bility, and organi- 12:00 Noon CT Medical Student Association relationship between zation of ACB 110 health, dignity, and healthcare and (AMSA), Interna-  Tuesday tional Medicine human rights, and support services January 22 Club (IMC), Stu- demonstrates the for individuals with Ambassador Tibor Nagy dent National Medical Association harsh realities of HIV infections and State of the World (SNMA), and Office of Internation- AIDS in the world. The film in- their families. The program is  Wednesday cludes incisive interviews with used to develop or enhance ac- February 6 al Affairs (OIA) teamed up to host Dr. Yan Zhang; a variety of events the first week individuals from all walks of life, cess to a comprehensive continu- Traditional Chinese of December. Donations were including the Dalai Lama, Kofi um of high quality, community- Medicine accepted throughout Annan, and Bono, based care for low-income individ-  Tuesday the week and pro- combined with stories, uals and families with the HIV February 26 portraits and vignettes disease.” During the CHAMPS Dr. Lakshmi Karan with ceeds went to a Riders for Health local organization of children, women, presentation, the attendees made and men living with bracelets to send to individuals  Wednesday involved in HIV/AIDS March 6 work. AIDS on four continents. All these affected by AIDS in Africa. TBA elements woven together create a For more information about Pro- On Monday December beautifully crafted film about a  Wednesday ject CHAMPS, please visit their March 20 3, the student organizations held deadly infectious disease and the website. Cynthia Hester, RN a meeting featuring Dr. Richard human condition. This film is International Experiences Winn, Chief of Infectious Disease available for check-out through  Thursday at UMC Lubbock. Dr. Winn provid- the OIA library. March 28 ed interesting David Sacks, PhD On Wednes- NIAID insight into his day December 5, the Tuesday career choice  student organizations April 9 and work with Dr. Mohamed Bailor HIV/AIDS. He and OIA teamed up with Barrie spoke about the TTU Dr. Bernard Well Body Alliance the initial Harris Pre-Medical Soci-  Wednesday detection of ety to host The Flower April 17 Wall. Red carnations Marie Leiner, PhD HIV in the U.S. and how at that Mental Health & Children time it was considered a death were available to place on the wall on theUS/Mexico Border sentence. Now thanks to ad- in honor or remembrance of indi-  Wednesday vancements in technology and viduals with HIV/AIDS or in a May 1 general act of support for HIV/ Michael D. Parsa, MD education, a person with HIV can Challenges of Short-Term live a full life when provided con- AIDS awareness. The wall was Medical Missions tinuous treatment. He also dis- later moved to the HSC campus cussed stereotypes surrounding and was on display the remainder Presentations with hyperlinks of the week. were recorded and can be HIV/AIDS now and in the past and viewed on the OIA website or myths concerning how HIV is The World AIDS Day checked out from the OIA transmitted and spread. Dr. Win- library. events concluded on Thursday n’s presentation was exceptional. December 6. Representatives of TTUHSC Global Matters | 2 1. InternationalSierra Leone Medicine4. Nigeria Club Column 2. Ghana 5. Cameroon Available 3. Liberia 6. Côte d'Ivoire Shooting for the Stars bling the space station and cooperation between current from the By Kristin Harrington, taxiing equipment, supplies, leaders in space exploration can OIA Library School of Medicine, experiments, and astronauts be said to exist largely due to good relations in the political Class of 2015 to the ISS. The American space shuttles and the Rus- arena. Political disagreements or The following re- sian Soyuz were the two differing opinions have been THE BEGINNING sources are available vessels taking astronauts to known to stop collaboration on In October 1957, the USSR sent for check-out: the ISS. However, the entire international space projects in waves throughout the world world has had to rely more their tracks. when it launched the first satel- heavily on the Russian Fed- Book lite into space. The success of eral Space Agency due to In the 1990s, China started its The Immortal Life of the satellite, Sputnik, launched the retirement of the Ameri- own space program, the China Henrietta Lacks the space race between the US can space shuttle program. National Space Administration By Rebecca Skloot and USSR, as well as the space Now, every astronaut going (CNSA). Since the CNSA's birth, age. to the space station launch- the Chinese have sent astro-

Her name was Henrietta es in the Russian Soyuz out nauts into space, joining the Lacks, but scientists know The competition between the US of Kazakhstan. United States and Russia as the her as HeLa. She was a and the USSR spurred innova- only nations to accomplish this poor black tobacco farmer tion and led to a successful Despite the reliance of the task independently. With the whose cells —taken with- American satellite launch in Jan- out her knowledge in 1951 world on the Russian Feder- United States’ retirement of the uary 1958. A year later, the Na- — became one of the most al Space Agency to provide space shuttle program, China is tional Aeronautics and Space important tools in medicine, the vehicle and launch site one of two nations that has the Administration, better known as vital for developing the to access the ISS, the crew capability of sending astronauts NASA, was formed. polio vaccine, cloning, gene is still diverse. Currently, a into orbit. In 2011, the Chinese mapping, and more. Henri- Canadian, two Americans launched their own space mod- etta’s cells have been The space race established the and three Russians are on ule, Tiangong-1. One short year bought and sold by the United States and the USSR, board. Each crewmember later, the nation docked a billions, yet she remains now Russia, as the leaders in virtually unknown, and her serves six months at the manned spacecraft, Shenzhou-9, space exploration. As compelling family can’t afford health end of which new astro- with the space module. as competition is, collaboration insurance. This phenome- nauts, representing new can lead to even greater heights. nal New York Times best- nations, are rotated in. When the ISS was established, seller tells a riveting story Ground communications CNSA did not have the technolo- of the collision between THE ISS between the ISS and the gy to contribute to the creation of ethics, race, and medicine; In 2000, work started on the space agencies are split the space station and was not of scientific discovery and International Space Station equally between the United included in the ISS. As the Chi- faith healing; and of a (ISS). This, twelve-year-old daughter consumed with States and Russia. The nese space program grew, it did spacecraft is a collaboration of questions about the mother physicians of current ISS not want to collaborate with other some of the nations largest she never knew. astronauts also come and nations, keeping CNSA a military space programs. stay at the Johnson Space endeavor. Yet, the Chinese gov-

Movie Center in Houston, Texas. ernment is now willing to pool Starting in 1981 and running for Doctor’s Diaries resources with international part- twenty years, NASA’s space THE POLITICAL GAME ners to help achieve its lofty shuttles explored low earth orbit Over the past 21 years, The tide of international goals of building a space station NOVA has followed a and were instrumental in assem- group of seven doctors Continued on the bottom of page 3. from their first day at Har- vard Medical School in Space Agency Location of Main Complex 1987. All young, bright and accomplished, none of them could have predicted National Aeronautics and Space Administration Houston, Texas what it would take, person- (NASA) ally and professionally, to become a member of the medical tribe. In this spe- Russian Federal Space Agency Moscow, Russia cial two-part program, NO- VA returns one last time to Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Longueuil, Canada get an update on the kind of doctors, and people, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Tokyo, Japan they have become.

For more information about European Space Agency (ESA) Noordwijk, the Netherlands the resources available from the OIA library, visit our website. Table 1 – Space agencies collaborating on the International Space Station.

GLOBAL MATTERS TTUHSC Global Matters | 3 Riders for Health Mark Your coming to OIA’s Global Health Lecture Series February 26 Calendar for the Riders for Health was tics.” They achieve this by employment, and sustainabil- established by Barry, a corre- “managing vehicles on a relia- ity for future generations. OIA Film Series spondent and feature writer, ble, predictable and cost- Riders for Health and Andrea Cole- effective basis, to currently has programs locat- man, a former support the work of ed in seven sub-Saharan Afri- motorcycle-racer. our partners whose can countries: Kenya, Leso- They traveled to remit is to reach rural tho, Malawi, Nigeria, The Africa and were communities with Gambia, Zambia, and Zimba- shocked by the health care and other bwe. terrible state of vital services.” You’re invited to join the roads used to The organi- For more information, please Office of International Affairs reach remote vil- zation, in unison with visit the Riders for Health as we host a screening of one lages. They also noticed nu- Save the Children and local website. of the many films from our library. merous abandoned motorbikes governments, not only provides in desperate need of repair left motorcycles, refrig- Please join the Office of 12:00 Noon by previous aid workers. Riders erated trucks, International Affairs for CST for Health was created to ad- minivans, and am- the exciting opportunity ACB 240 dress these issues in practical bulances, they also to hear from a member  Thursday ways. train local health of Riders for Health on January 24 Their mission is “to care workers to February 26 in ACB strengthen health systems by operate and main-  Thursday 110. February 28 addressing one of the most tain the vehicles.  Thursday The training results neglected, yet vital, aspects of For more information, March 7 development for the health of in faster health please visit the OIA  Thursday Africa — transport and logis- care service, local website. April 25  Thursday May 9

International Medicine Club Column Cont. February Feature film: and going to the moon and This, along with limited free- the CNSA is able to fly to the Mars. dom of speech and limited pri- moon, it will outshine NASA’s February One vacy, put the two nations at past accomplishments. Germany and Russia have al- odds. Based largely on firsthand ready worked together on pro- The space age was sparked by accounts and rare archival jects with China and would be THE FUTURE competition with a nation at footage, February One willing to allow the CNSA to join It is excellent that the United odds with the US. Perhaps the documents one volatile winter in the International Space Station. States is standing up for the Greensboro, North Carolina, that political disagreements with Chi- The United States, however, has human rights it believes all not only challenged public hindered the CNSA’s ability to men, women and children na will result in another space accommodation customs and race, pushing the US to recom- state laws, but served as a join. The US is leery of the mili- should have. However, with the blueprint for the wave of non- tary technology that China could aggressive progress of CNSA mit to manned space exploration violent civil rights protests that gain from such a collaboration and the retirement of the space and challenging NASA to create swept across the South and the and of the possibility that China shuttle, the United States is at new technologies. Regardless of nation throughout the 1960’s. will use the technology against risk for losing its edge in the what the future holds, countries . the US. Another concern is the space program. NASA has throughout the world will look to differing views of China and the already gone to the moon and US on human rights. There have many politicians do not see it each other, forging new allianc- Attendees are welcome to bring es and creating new competi- their own lunch. been reports of the mistreatment as something to attempt again. of Tibetan minorities by the Chi- However, it has been over four tions, all in order to solve the Free snacks will be provided! nese government for attempting decades since Neil Armstrong question of how to shoot for the to further human rights in China. took that fateful first step and if stars. TTUHSC Global Matters | 4 International Students Bring $21.8 Billion to U.S. When in… Economy Romania

“International students and their families contributed more than $21.8 billion to the U.S.  The most usual greet- economy during the 2011-2012 academic year, according to a new NAFSA report. California, ing is a handshake, but New York, and Texas welcomed the largest number of international students, and those and oth- a Romanian man may er states across the country saw substantial benefits from spending by these students and their kiss a woman’s hand. It families on living expenses, tuition, and fees.” is not uncommon for close male friends and family to hug. Texas

 Outside of the major Total Number of Foreign Students: 61,511 cities, strangers in the street will say “Buna Contribution from Tuition and Fees to State Economy: $886,513,000 ziua” (“good day”), and you should return the Contribution from Living Expenses: $953,672,000 gretting. Total Contribution by Foreign Students: $1,840,185,000  Communities are close Less U.S. Support of 27.8%: - $510,840,000 knit, so a villager will assume that you must Plus Dependents’ Living Expenses: + $26,193,000 be staying with some- one he or she knows, and therefore you de- serve a welcome. Net Contribution to State Economy by Foreign Students & their Families: $1,355,538,000

 In conversation, few subjects are off limits, Foreign Student Contribution from Tuition/Fees and Living Expenses so don’t be surprised if you are asked about Institution # of Foreign Tuition & Fees Living Expenses Less U.S. Total your age, politics, in- Students (thousands) & Dependents Support Contribution come, or religious be- liefs. (thousands) (thousands) (thousands) Texas Tech 2149 $34,448 $33,607 $28,081 $39,973  Keep your knife and University * fork in your right and left hand, respectively, University of 5324 $133,090 $101,431 $83,277 $151,243 at all times; don’t put Texas down your knife to eat with your fork. Baylor University 550 $15,668 $10,889 $7,201 $19,356

 Keep your hands on the Texas A&M 5013 $89,782 $89,897 $77,294 $102,281 table, but not your el- University bows. Southern 1175 $36,173 $24,820 $20,080 $40,913 Methodist  Drinks are served with- out ice unless specifi- University cally requested. Texas Christian 558 $18,262 $11,258 $5,622 $23,897  To make a toast, say University “Noroc” (“Cheers”). University of 2869 $38,576 $39,477 $24,709 $53,344

North Texas  Before eating it is polite to wish your compan- ions “Pofta bu- * TTU statistics include TTUHSC students. na” (“Good appetite”). Taken from the National Association of Foreign Student Advisors (NAFSA) website.

Delhi New 8. Dhabi Abu 6. Ottawa 4. Berne

 Drinking any alcohol 2.

Ankara 7. Canberra 5. Belmopan 3. Rabat

and driving is illegal. 1.

Quiz Capitals Country

GLOBAL MATTERS TTUHSC Global Matters | 5 Freedom Riders A movie review By Shamini Parameswaran, School of Medicine, Class of 2014 When in… Romania In 1961, the Congress of group thought being told to leave a town ment had come to an end, until one Racial Equality (CORE) decided to vio- was the worst that could happen. They bright young woman stepped in. Diane Cont. late the segregation laws of the Deep never fathomed the events that were Nash, a student attending a university in South by putting both black and white about to unfold. Nashville, was determined that the  If you decline food, citizens into buses. CORE felt that the After passing through Atlanta, the first bus movement would continue. She gath- your host may assume segregation of public transportation must arrived in Birmingham, Alabama; however, ered her classmates and friends and told you are being polite come to an end, and they created what it never made it out (for more details, view them they had two choices this semes- and serve you anyway, would become the Freedom Riders this documentary!) Their journey contin- ter: continue with final exams and get a so it is important to movement. They planned to ued through other towns where the lousy summer job or drop out of school distinguish between a begin their journey in Washing- riders faced beatings, violence, and and join the Freedom Riders. Before polite refusal and a ton DC on May 4th and arrive in even jail time. However, it was she knew it, willing students lined up to genuine one. New Orleans by May 17th, with imperative to them that they fight participate and the second Freedom Riders journey began. a big celebration. Some of the back with nonviolence; not once  Smoke is inescapable, The story of the Freedom riders interviewed in the PBS when the riders were hit or beaten and although the gov- Riders continued with a new group of film Freedom Riders admitted did they respond. The leaders of the ernment recently brave individuals. What seemed impos- just how naïve they were in movement wanted the nation to banned smoking in sible now became possible. After thinking they could complete the know that they would not be over- public places, this is months of hard work, oppression, being journey in two weeks without any prob- come with violence, and to parallel MLK’s often ignored. jailed, beatings, and abuse, the Free- lems. philosophies, they would respond with The journey began in Wash- only love, patience, and nonviolence. dom Riders reached their dream: segre-  Bathrooms are often ington DC as planned. Over the first few This incredible journey was gation laws were banned from all buses marked “Femei” for days, the riders didn’t experience any eventually brought to a halt in Mississippi. and trains throughout the Deep South. women and “Barbate” problems. They were excited about and One thing is certain, if I ever One morning, the bus driver stated that he for men. satisfied with the outcome. At the time, ride the Greyhound bus again it will could no longer drive the group. He wasn’t the press was limited to a few local black a Freedom Rider, and he didn’t want never mean the same. It is no longer a reporters. As a result, there was no na- trouble for himself or his family. He fled, form of transportation, but a symbol of  Violent crime is low tional coverage so many citizens weren’t leaving the riders sitting in an empty bus. freedom and radical change during one relative to the rest of aware of what was happening. Also, they It appeared the Freedom Riders’ dream of the hardest moments in our country’s Europe, but petty had no protection. The riders would have journey had come to an end. Without a history. crime is widespread. to fend for themselves, and they were driver how could they continue on to New The most common is “The buses are a com’n…oh the buses quite aware of the potential risks they Orleans? The leaders slowly withdrew and pickpocketing, money are a com'n…” might encounter. However, the naïve for a moment it seemed that the move- changing scams, and con artists posing as “tourist police.” (There is no such thing. Say Country Close-up* *every issue OIA will select another country to feature no and walk away.)

Only use taxis with the Chewa, represent about 33%. The World Fact Book, “The government  approved taxi sign. Republic of Lomwe, the second largest, repre- faces many challenges including Arrange the fee before sents 18%. The Yao and Ngoni developing a market economy, you begin your jour- Malawi represent 14% and 12% improving educational ney. respectively. The major- facilities, facing up to envi- The republic of Malawi is ity of the population is ronmental problems, deal-  Smart, casual clothing located in Southern Africa just east Christian, about 83%, ing with the rapidly growing is adequate for most of Zambia. Slightly smaller than while 13% is Muslim. problem of HIV/AIDS, and situations outside of Pennsylvania, it has a population of Malawi is satisfying foreign donors business, although you about 16.3 million. Over half the among the world’s least developed that fiscal discipline is being tight- should dress up more to go to the theater or Malawian population speak Chiche- ened.” countries as well as one the most a restaurant. wa, the official language . densely populated. The economy According to Riders for Established in 1891, the is heavily reliant on agriculture with Health and CIA World Fact Book  It is customary to bring British protectorate of Nyasaland a largely rural population. The statistics, the life expectancy at a small gift when visit- became the independent tobacco sector is crucial to birth is 52 for males and 53 for ing someone’s home nation of Malawi in 1964. short-term growth since it ac- females. HIV/AIDS rates are high, — an odd number of The country was lead by counts for more than half of with 80,000 people dying of AIDS flowers, chocolates, or President Hastings Kamuzu exports. Other exported goods every year. At present, 11% of the a bottle of wine.

Banda until 1994 when are cotton, peanuts, wood population are estimated to be President Bingu wa Mathari- products, and apparel. The living with the disease and 600,000  You should tip 10 per- ka was elected and started economy depends on substan- children across the country have cent in restaurants for good service. his own party, the Demo- tial inflows of economic assis- been orphaned as a result. Some of

cratic Progressive Party, in tance from the IMF, the World the leading causes of death are Taken from Behave Your- 2005. Bank, and individual donor food or waterborne diseases, ma- self! By Michael Powell Malwai has a very diverse nations. laria, plague, and schistosomiasis. ethnic population. The largest, the According to the CIA TTUHSC Global Matters | 6

International Flavor New Year’s Traditions Around the World

New Year’s traditions vary from country to country. Here are a few interesting traditions from around the world.

Tortilla Española Make Some Noise recipe provided by  In ancient Thailand, guns were fired to frighten off demons. Kristin Mauldin, Office of International Affairs  In China, firecrackers routed the forces of darkness.  In the early American colonies, the sounds of pistol shots rang through the air. Ingredients:  Today, Italians let their church bells peal, the Swiss beat drums, and the North Americans  3/4 cup extra virgin olive oil sound sirens and party horns to bid the old year farewell.  6 medium sized potatoes; peeled, cut into quarters, and sliced into 1/8” pieces  1 yellow onion; peeled, Eat Lucky Food halved, and thinly sliced  In the southern US, black-eyed peas and pork foretell good fortune.  6 eggs  Eating any ring-shaped treat (such as a donut) symbolizes “coming full circle” and leads to  1/2 teaspoon salt good fortune.  The Irish enjoy eating pastries called bannocks. Instructions:  The tradition of eating 12 grapes at midnight comes from Spain.  Heat oil over medium-heat in  In India and Pakistan, rice promises prosperity. a 10” sauté pan.  Apples dipped in honey are a Rosh Hashanah tradition.  Add the potatoes and onions to the pan and cook until the  In Swiss homes, dollops of whipped cream, symbolizing the richness of the year to come, potatoes are soft, but not are dropped on the floors (and allowed to remain there!) brown.  Beat the eggs in a large bowl.  Drain the potatoes and on- Turn Over a New Leaf ions using a colander with a bowl underneath to catch the  The practice of making New Year’s resolutions, said to have begun with the Babylonians oil (it will be needed later). as early as 2600 B.C., is a way to reflect on the past and plan ahead.  Add the potatoes & onions  In Scotland, the custom of first-footing is an important part of the celebrations of Hogma- into the bowl with the eggs. nay, or New Year’s Eve Day.  Add salt to the mixture.  This practice holds that the first foot to cross a threshold after midnight will predict  Heat 1 tbsp. of the reserved the new year’s fortune. Although the tradition varies, those deemed especially for- oil in the same pan over me- tunate as “first footers” are new brides, new mothers, those who are tall and dark or dium heat. anyone born on January 1.  Pour the mixture in the pan; spread the potatoes evenly.  Cook uncovered until the bottom of the omelet is New Year’s Folklore browned. It will still be runny  On New Year’s Eve, kiss the person you hope to keep kissing. on the top.  If the New Year’s Eve night winds blow south, It betokeneth warmth and growth.  Place a large plate over the  For abundance in the new year, fill your pockets and cupboards today. pan and quickly turn the plate and pan over so the  If the old year goes out like a lion, the new year will come in like lamb. tortilla falls onto the plate.  Begin the new year square with every man (ie. pay your debts!)  Add 1 tbsp. oil to the pan and slide the tortilla back in (uncooked side down).  Cook until eggs are set (about 3 minutes). Taken from The Old Farmer’s Almanac.  Cut into wedges and serve.


Can you name the capitals of these countries?

1. Morocco 2. Switzerland 3. Belize 4. Canada

5. Australia 6. United Arab 7. Turkey 8. India Emirates

Answers on the bottom of page 4.

In the News, Around the World

 Safe Pregnancy and Birth Mobile App Hesperian’s comprehensive app on pregnancy and birth contains a wealth of information.  DIY Africa: Empowering a new Sierra Leone When Kelvin Doe, a then 13-year-old from Sierra Leone, saw that off-the-shelf batteries were too expensive for the inventions he was working on, he made his own.  40 CEOs call on countries to lift HIV travel bans Deportation. Detention. Barred entry. These are just some of the scenarios that people with HIV have to deal with when it comes to international travel.  One woman can spark change. Supported by a global sisterhood she becomes unstoppable. It is a rising from local communities all over the world as empowered women leaders train their sisters to find their voices. It is alive in an Internet café in the Congo, where women are venturing online for the first time to speak out against the violence in their country.  Would-Be Doctors will get more Opportunities to Study and Teach Abroad Fourth-year medical students would find it easier to spend a year abroad, and recent graduates could have student loans forgiven while training medical faculty in developing countries, under two new programs highlighted here at the annual meeting of the Associ- ation of American Medical Colleges.  Youth More Aware of AIDS, but Too Many Still Don’t Know Their HIV Status People ages 13 to 24 make up more than a quarter of new HIV infections in the U.S. each year, and over half of those youth infected with HIV are unaware that they are HIV-positive.  Afrobeats: The new sound of West Africa that’s going global Afrobeats is a West African style of music making waves internationally.  Mosquito Maven Takes Bite For Malaria Research Chiara Andolina, a malaria researcher in Thailand, feeds her mosquito colony by letting the insects bite her arm. These mosquitoes are picky and will dine only on live human blood.  Dangers of “”: Abuse of AIDS Drugs Stokes Resistance In South Africa, drug users are crushing HIV medications and mixing them with marijuana, heroin and other illicit drugs. workers worry that people who smoke so-called whoonga are helping fuel the rise of drug-resistant HIV.


01—New Year’s Day; International 11—Independence Manifesto Day; 23— Day; Islands 02—Carnival Day; Saint Kitts and Nevis Morocco 24—The Prophet’s Birthday; Sénégal 03—Revolution Day; Burkina Faso 12—Memorial Day; Turkmenistan 25—Revolution Day; Egypt 04—Independence Day; Myanmar 13—Liberation Day; Togo 26—National Day; Australia 05—Armenian Christmas Eve; Armenia 14—Coming of Age Day; Japan 27—Saint Dévote’s Day 06—Epiphany; Andorra 15—John Chilembwe Day; Malawi 28—National Hero’s Day; The Cayman Islands 07—Victory Day; Cambodia 19—Timket; Ethiopia 29—Martyrs’ Day; Nepal 09—Peace Agreement Day; South Sudan 20—Armed Forces Day; Mali 31—Independence Day; Nauru 10—Traditional Religions Day; Bénin 21—Martin Luther King Jr Day; USA International Holidays and Celebrations


01—Abolition Day; Mauritius 11—Carnival Monday; Aruba 22—Independence Day; Saint 03—Discovery of the Virgin of Suyapa; Honduras 12—Lunar New Year; Mongolia Lucia 04—Constitution Day; Mexico 13—Ash Wednesday; Jamaica 23—Motherland’s Defender’s Day; 05—Unity Day; Burundi 14—Liberation Day; Afghanistan Russia 06—National Day; New Zealand 15—National Day; Serbia 24—Independence Day; Estonia 07—Independence Day; Grenada 16—Independence Day; Lithuania 25—National Day; Kuwait 08—Day of Slovenian Culture; Slovenia 17—Revolution Day; Libya 27—Independence Day; Dominican 09—Saint Maroun’s Day; Lebanon 18—President’s Day; USA Republic 10—Chinese New Year; Brunei 19—Flag Day; Turkmenistan 28—Día de Andalucía; Spain

Language Lesson: West Africa Cultural Event Snow Coming in April! Afrikaans Sneeu Bosnian Snijeg Catalan Neu Join the Office of International Dutch Sneeuw Estonian Lumi Affairs to celebrate the enriching Esperanto Neĝo French Neige culture of a few West African German Schnee Nations Indonesian Salju Italian Neve Latin Nix Latvian Sniegs Malay Salji Come hear beautiful music, Navajo Yas Norwegian Snø eat West African cuisine, and Occitan Nèu enjoy other fun activities! Polish Śnieg Portuguese Neve Romanian Zăpadă Scots Snaw Spanish Nieve Turkish Kar Ukrainian Chir Walloon Nive Zazaki Vewre