SpanEmo: Casting Multi-label Classification as Span-prediction

Hassan Alhuzali Sophia Ananiadou National Centre for Text Mining Department of Computer Science, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom {hassan.alhuzali@postgrad.,sophia.ananiadou@}

Abstract fication (Ying et al., 2019; Baziotis et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2018; Badaro et al., 2018; Mulki et al., (ER) is an important task 2018; Mohammad et al., 2018; Yang et al., 2018) in Natural Language Processing (NLP), due to its high impact in real-world applications do not effectively capture emotion-specific associa- from and well-being to author profiling, tions, which can be useful for prediction, as well consumer analysis and security. Current ap- as learning of association between emotion labels proaches to ER, mainly classify inde- and words in a sentence. In addition, standard pendently without considering that emotions approaches in emotion classification treat individ- can co-exist. Such approaches overlook poten- ual emotion independently. However, emotions tial ambiguities, in which multiple emotions are not independent; a specific emotive expression overlap. We propose a new model “SpanEmo” casting multi-label emotion classification as can be associated with multiple emotions. The span-prediction, which can aid ER models to existence of association/correlation among emo- learn associations between labels and words in tions has been well-studied in psychological the- a sentence. Furthermore, we introduce a loss ories of emotions, such as Plutchik’s wheels of function focused on modelling multiple co- emotion (Plutchik, 1984) that introduces the notion existing emotions in the input sentence. Exper- of mixed and contrastive emotions. For example, iments performed on the SemEval2018 multi- “” is close to “” and “”, instead of label emotion data over three language sets “” and “”. (i.e., English, Arabic and Spanish) demon- strate our method’s effectiveness. Finally, we present different analyses that illustrate the # Sentence GT benefits of our method in terms of improving S1 well my day started off great anger, dis- the model performance and learning meaning- the mocha machine wasn’t gust, joy, ful associations between emotion classes and working @ mcdonalds. sadness words in the sentence1. S2 I’m doing all this to make sure joy, love, 1 Introduction you smiling down on me bro. optimism

Emotion is essential to human communication, thus Table 1: Example Tweets from SemEval-18 Task 1. GT emotion recognition (ER) models have a host of ap- represents the ground truth labels. plications from health and well-being (Alhuzali and Ananiadou, 2019; Aragon´ et al., 2019; Chen Consider S1 in Table1, which contains a mix of et al., 2018) to consumer analysis (Alaluf and Il- positive and negative emotions, although it is more louz, 2019; Herzig et al., 2016) and user profil- negative oriented. This can be observed clearly via ing (Volkova and Bachrach, 2016; Mohammad and the ground truth labels assigned to this example, Kiritchenko, 2013), among others. in this where the first part of this sentence only expresses a area has given rise to new NLP approaches aimed positive emotion (i.e., joy), while the other part ex- at emotion classification, including single-label presses negative emotions. For example, clue words and multi-label emotion classification. Most ex- like “great” are more likely to be associated with isting approaches for multi-label emotion classi- “joy”, whereas “wasn’t working” are more likely to be associated with negative emotions. Learn- 1Source code is available at hasanhuz/SpanEmo ing such associations between emotion labels and


Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1573–1584 April 19 - 23, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics words in a sentence can help ER models to predict tions into a single score for each token. We then the correct labels. S2 further highlights that certain used the scores for the label tokens as predictions emotions are more likely to be associated with each for the corresponding emotion label. The green other. Mohammad and Bravo-Marquez(2017) also boxes at the top of the FFN illustrate the positive observed that negative emotions are highly asso- label , while the red ones illustrate the negative ciated with each other, while less associated with label set for multi-label emotion classification. We positive emotions. Based on these observations, we now turn to describing our framework in detail. seek to answer the following questions: i) how to enable ER models to learn emotion-specific associations by taking into account label informa- CLS C1 C2 ... Cm SEP W1 W2 ... Wn tion and ii) how to benefit from the multiple co- existing emotions in a multi-label emotion data Feed Forward Network set with the intention of learning label correlations.

Our contributions are summarised as follows: BERT Encoding I. a novel framework casting the task of multi-label emotion classification as a span-prediction prob- lem. We introduce “SpanEmo” to train the model CLS C1 C2 ... Cm SEP W1 W2 ... Wn to take into consideration both the input sentence and a label set (i.e., emotion classes) for select- Classes (C) Input (Si) ing a span of emotion classes in the label set as the Figure 1: Illustration of our proposed framework output. The objective of SpanEmo is to predict emo- (SpanEmo). tion classes directly from the label set and capture associations corresponding to each emotion. 2.2 Our Method (SpanEmo) II. a loss function, modelling multiple co-existing N emotions for each input sentence. We make use of Let {(si, yi)}i=1 be a set of N examples with the the label-correlation aware loss (LCA)(Yeh et al., corresponding emotion labels of C classes, where m 2017), originally introduced by Zhang and Zhou si denotes the input sentence and yi ∈ {0, 1} (2006). The objective of this loss function is to represents the label set for si. As shown in Fig- maximise the distance between positive and nega- ure1, both the label set and the input sentence were tive labels, which is learned directly from the multi- passed into the encoder BERT (Devlin et al., 2019). label emotion data set. The encoder received two segments: the first cor- III. a large number of experiments and analyses responds to the set of emotion classes, while the both at the word- and sentence-level, demonstrating second refers to the input sentence. The hidden T × D 2 the strength of SpanEmo for multi-label emotion representations (Hi ∈ R ) for each input classification across three languages (i.e. English, sentence and the label set were obtained as follows: Arabic and Spanish). The rest of the paper is organised as follows: sec- Hi = Encoder([CLS] + |C| + [SEP] + si), (1) tion2 describes our , while section3 where {[CLS], [SEP]} are special tokens and |C| de- discusses experimental details. We evaluate the notes the size of emotion classes. Feeding both proposed method and compare it to related meth- segments to the encoder has a few advantages. ods in section4. Section5 reports on the analysis First, the encoder can interpolate between emotion of results, while section6 reviews related work. classes and all words in the input sentence. Second, We conclude in section7. a hidden representation is generated both for words 2 Methodology and emotion classes, which can be further used to understand whether the encoder can learn associa- 2.1 Framework tion between the emotion classes and words in the Figure1 presents our framework ( SpanEmo). Given input sentence. Third, SpanEmo is flexible because an input sentence and a set of classes, a base en- its predictions are directly produced from the first coder was employed to learn contextualised word segment corresponding to the emotion classes. representations. Next, a feed forward network 2T and D denote the input length and dimensional size, (FFN) was used to project the learned representa- respectively.

1574 We further introduced a feed-forward network where α ∈ [0, 1] denotes the weight used to control (FFN) consisting of a non-linear hidden layer with the contribution of each part to the overall loss. a Tanh activation (fi(Hi)) as well as a position D 3 Experiments vector pi ∈ R , which was used to compute a dot product between the output of fi and pi. As 3.1 Implementation Details our task involved a multi-label emotion classifica- We used PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2017) for imple- tion, we added a sigmoid activation to determine mentation and ran all experiments on an Nvidia whether classi was the correct emotion label or not. GeForce GTX 1080 with 11 GB memory. We It should be mentioned that the use of the position also trained BERT utilising the open-source vector is quite similar to how start and end vec- BASE Hugging-Face implementation (Wolf et al., 2019). tors are defined in transformer-based models for For experiments related to Arabic, we chose “bert- question-answering. Finally, the span-prediction base-arabic” developed by Safaya et al.(2020), tokens were obtained from the label segment and while selecting “bert-base-spanish-uncased” devel- then compared with the ground truth labels since oped by Canete˜ et al.(2020) for Spanish. All three there was a 1-to-1 correspondence between the la- models were trained on the same hyper-parameters bel tokens and the original emotion labels. with a fixed initialisation seed, including a feature

ˆy = sigmoid(FFN(Hi)), (2) of 786, a batch size of 32, a dropout rate of 0.1, an early stop of 10 and 20 epochs. 2.3 Label-Correlation Aware (LCA) Loss Adam was selected for optimisation (Kingma and Following Yeh et al.(2017), we employed the label- Ba, 2014) with a learning rate of 2e-5 for the BERT correlation aware loss, which takes a vector of true- encoder, and a learning rate of 1e-3 for the FFN. binary labels (y), as well as a vector of probabilities It should be mentioned that we tuned our method (yˆ), as input: only on the validation set and further report on the analysis of the effect of parameter α in section 5.4. 1 X L (y, yˆ) = exp (yˆp − yˆq) , (3) Table2 summarises the hyper-parameters used in LCA |y0| |y1| (p,q)∈y0×y1 our experiments. where y0 denotes the set of negative labels, while 1 Parameter Value y denotes the set of positive labels. yˆp represents the pth element of vector yˆ. The objective of this Feature dimension 768 loss function is to maximise the distance between Batch size 32 positive and negative labels by implicitly retaining Dropout 0.1 the label-dependency . In other words, Early stop patience 10 the model should be penalised when it predicts a Number of epochs 20 pair of labels that should not co-exist for a given lr-BERT 2e-5 example. lr-FFN 1e-3 Optimiser Adam 2.4 Training Objective Alpha (α) 0.2 To model label-correlation, we combined LCA loss Table 2: Hyper-parameter values. lr: refers to the Learn- with binary cross-entropy (BCE) and trained them ing rate. jointly. This aimed to help the LCA loss to focus on maximising the distance between positive and negative label sets, while at the same time taking 3.2 Data Set and Task Settings advantage of the BCE loss through maximising the In this work, we chose semEval2018 (Mohammad probability of the correct labels. We experimentally et al., 2018) for our multi-label emotion classifica- observed that training our approach jointly with tion, which is based on labelled data from tweets those two loss functions produced the best results. in English, Arabic and Spanish. The data was origi- The overall training objective was computed as nally partitioned into three sets: training set (Train), follows: validation set (Valid) and test (Test) set. Following M the metrics in Mohammad et al.(2018), we run our X L = (1 − α)LBCE + α LLCA, (4) experiments on micro F1-score, macro F1-score i=1 1575 and Jaccard index score3. Table3 presents the sum- these label relations into the loss function. DATN mary of all three sets for each language, including proposes a dual transfer network to im- the number of instances in the train, valid and test prove multi-label emotion classification with the sets. In addition, the number of emotion classes and help of sentiment classification, while NTUA is the percentage of instances with varying numbers ranked the top-1 model of the SemEval2018 compe- of classes (co-existing) are included. It is worth tition as it relies on different pre-training and fine- noting that these percentages do not include the tuning strategies. RERc defines a ranking emotion neutral instances. relevant loss focused on incorporating emotion rela- tions into the loss function to improve both emotion Info./Lang. English Arabic Spanish prediction and rankings of relevant emotions. Both

Train (#) 6,838 2,278 3,561 BERTBASE+DK and BERTBASE -GCN utilise the same Valid (#) 886 585 679 encoder as our own with the former considering Test (#) 3,259 1,518 2,854 additional domain knowledge (DK) and the latter Total (#) 10,983 4,381 7,094 capturing emotion relations through Graph Convo- Classes (#) 11 11 11 lutional Network (GCN), respectively. LEM intro- 1 co.emo (%) 14.36 21.38 39.11 duces a latent emotion memory network, in which 2 co.emo (%) 40.55 39.03 42.15 the latent emotion module learns emotion distribu- 3 co.emo (%) 30.92 29.85 12.76 tion via a variational autoencoder, while the mem- Table 3: Data Statistics. co.emo: refers to the percent- ory module captures features corresponding to each age of co-existing emotions. emotion. 3.3.2 Arabic To pre-process the data, we utilised a tool de- Arabic models consist of EMA (Badaro et al., 2018), signed for the specific characteristics of Twitter, Tw-StAR (Mulki et al., 2018) and HEF (Alswaidan i.e., misspellings and abbreviations (Baziotis et al., and Menai, 2020). EMA is the best performing 2017). The tool offers different functionalities, such model from the SemEval2018 competition on this as tokenisation, normalisation, spelling correction, set. It utilises various pre-processing steps (e.g. dia- and segmentation. We used the tool to tokenise the critics removal, normalisation, emojis transcription text, convert words to lower case, normalise user and stemming), as well as different classification mentions, urls and repeated-characters. algorithms. The Tw-StAR model applies some pre- 3.3 Multi-label Emotion Classification processing steps and then uses TF-IDF to learn fea- tures of a Support Vector Machine. HEF is based on We compared the performance of SpanEmo to some a hybrid neural network, including different word baseline as well as state-of-the-art models on all embeddings (e.g. Word2Vec, Glove, FastText) plus three languages. For experiments related to English, variations of RNN neural networks, such as Long we selected seven models, while we chose three Short-Term Memory and Gated Recurrent Unit. models for both Arabic and Spanish. We also in- clude the results of BERTBASE. 3.3.3 Spanish 3.3.1 English Spanish models comprise Tw-StAR (Mulki et al., 2018), ELiRF (Gonzalez´ et al., 2018) and MI- English models include JBNN (He and Xia, LAB (Mohammad et al., 2018). The ELiRF model 2018), DATN (Yu et al., 2018), NTUA (Bazi- applies some pre-processing steps while also otis et al., 2018), RERc (Zhou et al., 2018), adapting the tweet tokeniser for Spanish tweets. BERT +DK (Ying et al., 2019), BERT - BASE BASE MILAB is the best performing model from the GCN (Xu et al., 2020) and LEM (Fei et al., 2020). SemEval2018 shared-task on this set. JBNN introduces a joint binary neural network, which focuses on learning the relations between 4 Results emotions based on the theory of Plutchik’s wheel of emotions (Plutchik, 1980), and then performing Table4 presents the performance of our proposed multi-label emotion classification via integrating approach (SpanEmo) on all three languages, in terms of micro F1-score (miF1), macro F1-score 3jacS is defined as the size of the intersection divided by (maF1) and Jaccard index score (jacS), and com- the size of the union of the true label set and predicted label set. pares it to the baseline and state-of-the-art models

1576 discussed in section 3.3. among the three compared models. This corrobo- rates our earlier hypothesis that learning emotion- Language English specific associations is crucial for improving the

Model/Metric miF1 maF1 jacS performance. Although BERTBASE+DK adopts the same encoder as our own and adds domain knowl- JBNN 0.632 0.528 - edge, our method still performs strongly, espe- RERc 0.651 0.539 - DATN - 0.551 0.583 cially for both macro F1- and jaccard score with NTUA 0.701 0.528 0.588 a marginal improvement of up to 2.9% and 1%, respectively. In short, capturing emotion-specific BERTbase 0.695 0.520 0.570 associations as well as integrating the relations BERTbase+DK 0.713 0.549 0.591 BERTbase-GCN 0.707 0.563 0.589 between emotions into the loss function, helped LEM 0.675 0.567 - SpanEmo to achieve the best results compared with SpanEmo (ours) 0.713 0.578 0.601 all models on almost all metrics. Arabic 4.1 Ablation Study miF1 maF1 jacS To understand the effect of our framework, we un- Tw-StAR 0.597 0.446 0.465 dertook an ablation study of the model performance EMA 0.618 0.461 0.489 under three settings: firstly, the model was trained only with BCE loss; secondly, it was trained only BERTbase 0.650 0.477 0.523 HEF 0.631 0.502 0.512 with LCA loss; and thirdly it was trained without SpanEmo (ours) 0.666 0.521 0.548 the label segment. The third setting is equivalent to training the model as a simple multi-label classifi- Spanish cation task, by only considering the input sentence. miF1 maF1 jacS Tw-StAR 0.520 0.392 0.438 Language English ELiRF 0.535 0.440 0.458 Model/Metric miF1 maF1 jacS MILAB 0.558 0.407 0.469 SpanEmo (joint) 0.713 0.578 0.601 BERT 0.596 0.474 0.487 base - L (LCA) 0.712 0.564 0.590 SpanEmo (ours) 0.641 0.532 0.532 - L (BCE) 0.698 0.583 0.582 - Label Seg. 0.695 0.520 0.570 Table 4: The results of multi-label emotion classifica- tion on SemEval-2018 test set. Arabic miF1 maF1 jacS As shown in Table4, our method outperformed all models on all languages, as well as on almost SpanEmo (joint) 0.666 0.521 0.548 all metrics, with a marginal improvement of up - L (LCA) 0.654 0.481 0.534 - L (BCE) 0.660 0.526 0.532 to 1-1.3% for English, 1.9-3.6% for Arabic and - Label Seg. 0.650 0.477 0.523 6.3-9.2% for Spanish. This demonstrates the util- ity and advantages of SpanEmo, as well as the Spanish label-correlation aware loss for improving the per- miF1 maF1 jacS formance of multi-label emotion classification in English, Arabic and Spanish. SpanEmo (joint) 0.641 0.532 0.532 Based on the empirical results reported in Ta- - L (LCA) 0.629 0.526 0.507 ble4, the following observations can be made. - L (BCE) 0.606 0.544 0.499 - Label Seg. 0.596 0.474 0.487 First, incorporating the relations between emo- tions into the models tends to lead to higher per- Table 5: Ablation experiment results. The second and formance, especially for macro F1-score. For ex- third rows from each group correspond to the removal ample, both DATN and LEM learn emotion-related of the respective loss function, whereas the last row cor- features and achieve better performance than NTUA responding to the removal of the label segment. and BERTBASE+DK. Additionally, ELiRF makes use of various sentiment/emotion features (i.e., learned Table5 presents the results. When SpanEmo was from lexica) and it yielded the best performance trained without the LCA loss, the results dropped

1577 Model/Metric miF1 maF1 jacS miF1 maF1 jacS miF1 maF1 jacS English L ≥ 1 co.emo ≥ 2 co.emo ≥ 3 co.emo

BERTbase BCE 0.703 0.515 0.587 0.712 0.521 0.596 0.692 0.509 0.554 SpanEmo BCE 0.716 0.563 0.599 0.737 0.578 0.629 0.748 0.597 0.639 SpanEmo Joint 0.724 0.590 0.613 0.746 0.606 0.648 0.753 0.624 0.643 Arabic L ≥ 1 co.emo ≥ 2 co.emo ≥ 3 co.emo

BERTbase BCE 0.656 0.459 0.527 0.668 0.471 0.531 0.682 0.485 0.555 SpanEmo BCE 0.689 0.518 0.565 0.709 0.536 0.586 0.745 0.567 0.629 SpanEmo Joint 0.689 0.534 0.565 0.710 0.551 0.587 0.746 0.584 0.626 Spanish L ≥ 1 co.emo ≥ 2 co.emo ≥ 3 co.emo

BERTbase BCE 0.603 0.476 0.526 0.567 0.461 0.441 0.518 0.432 0.364 SpanEmo BCE 0.653 0.528 0.561 0.646 0.528 0.519 0.663 0.566 0.508 SpanEmo Joint 0.662 0.565 0.581 0.655 0.568 0.530 0.644 0.570 0.490

Table 6: Presenting the number of co-existing emotion classes. The best results in each language group are marked in bold. by 1-2% for macro F1- and jaccard score. In addi- attributed to the high percentage of single-label tion, the results of SpanEmo dropped by 1-2% for data, which is around (40%) for Spanish, while it two metrics apart from the macro F1-score when is lower than that for both English and Arabic. Ob- trained without the BCE loss. However, the removal viously, SpanEmo can be used without LCA loss, of the label segment led to a much higher drop of and still obtain descent performance. Nevertheless, 3-6%. The same patterns were also observed in training our method jointly with the LCA loss leads the Arabic and Spanish experiments. This supports to better results. our earlier hypothesis that casting the task of multi- label emotion classification as span-prediction is 5.2 Learning Emotion-specific Associations beneficial for improving both the representation 5.2.1 Word-Level and performance of multi-label emotion classifica- In this section, we present the top 10 words learned tion. by SpanEmo for each emotion class by extracting the learned representations for each emotion class 5 Analysis and all words in every input sentence, and then computing the similarity between them via cosine similarity. Finally, we performed this operation on 5.1 Prediction of Multiple Emotions all inputs in the SemEval2018 English validation We additionally validated the effectiveness of our set and then sorted all words for each emotion class method for learning the multiple co-existing emo- in ascending order. tions on English, Arabic and Spanish sets. Table6 Table7 presents the top-10 words per emo- presents the results, including BERTBASE. SpanEmo tion class. As shown in Table7, the words dis- demonstrated a strong ability to handle multi-label covered by our framework are indicative of the emotion classification much better than BERTBASE. corresponding emotion. This helps to show that

Since BERTBASE is trained only with binary cross- SpanEmo learns meaningful associations between entropy (BCE) loss, here we include the results emotion classes and words automatically, which of our method trained only with this loss func- can be beneficial for feature extraction and learn- tion. SpanEmo still achieved consistent improve- ing. Additionally, SpanEmo demonstrated that it ment as the number of co-existing emotions in- can learn diverse words as well as shareable words creases, showing the usefulness of our method across some emotions. For example, the words in learning multiple emotions. Improvement can {pissed, wrath, smashed} are associated with clearly be observed for English and Arabic experi- both anger and , demonstrating the ability of ments, but not as much for Spanish. This may be SpanEmo to learn the relations between emotions.

1578 Emotion Top 10 Words anger anger pissed wrath idiots dammit kicking irritated thrown smashed complain prediction planning mailsport assumptions upcoming waiting route waited frown ideas disgust disgusting smashed gross hate pissed wrath dirty awful vile dumb nervous fear terror frightening afraid frown terrifying scary dreading joy happy excitement joyful congratulations glad delightful excited adorable amusing smiling love love sweetness loved hug mate lucky carefree shine care gracious optimism optimism integrity persevere perspective bright effort glad lord hopeless frown disappointed weary dread despair depressing chronic sadness sadness frown depressing saddened hurt disappointed weary upset hate stunned awestruck shocking mailsport buster genuinely curious hardly believing integrity shine respect sign effort confident faith easy

Table 7: Top 10 words associated with each corresponding emotion.

anger anticipation disgust fear joy love optimism pessimism sadness surprise trust ' ' i i , is is of m m to up my not not the the but join this one and and only kind about about police happy fucked brother academy Figure 2: Visualisation on an example. The left presents the emotion labels, and the bottom presents the example. Each cell shows the cosine similarity value computed via using the hidden representation of each word and label. Lighter colour indicates higher similarity.

5.2.2 Sentence-Level join the police academy” is associated with “antici- We visualised an example from the English val- pation”, which makes sense although this class is idation set annotated with four emotions, which not part of the correct label set. This demonstrates were anger, disgust, pessimism and sadness. Our the utility and advantages of our approach not only goal was to determine whether by adding emotion in deriving associations reported in the annotations, classes to the example, SpanEmo could learn their but also providing us with a mechanism to explore associations to each other (i.e., associations be- additional information beyond them. tween emotion classes and words in the example). 5.3 Label Correlations To compute the similarity between emotion classes and words in the example, we also followed the Since one of the research questions in this paper same process discussed in section 5.2.1. was to learn the multiple co-existing emotions from Figure2 presents the results, where lighter cells a multi-label emotion data set, we analysed the indicate higher similarity, while darker cells indi- learned emotion correlations from SpanEmo and cate lower similarity. As shown in Figure2, the compared them to those adopted from the ground learned representations capture the association be- truth labels in the SemEval2018 validation set. Fig- tween the correct emotion label set and every token ure3 presents the two emotion correlations as ob- in the example. Interestingly, we can also observe tained from the ground truth labels and from the that the word “happy” is usually expressed as a predicted labels, respectively. positive emotion, but, in this context, this word It can be observed that Figure3(b) is almost becomes negative and the model learns this contex- identical to3(a), demonstrating that our method in tual information. Moreover, the phrase “about to capturing the emotion correlations is in line with

1579 anger 0.9 emotions that are highly correlated. disgust fear 0.6 5.4 Influence of Parameter (α) pessimism SpanEmo was trained with BCE loss and with LCA sadness 0.3 joy loss via a weight (α), whose impact on the results love 0.0 is presented in Figure4. It should be mentioned optimism that this analysis was performed on the validation anticipation 0.3 surprise set of SemEval2018 data set. The lower bound trust 0.6 (i.e., 0.0) indicates that the model was trained only with the BCE loss, whereas the upper bound (i.e., joy fear love trust

anger 1.0) indicates that it was trained only with the LCA disgust surprise sadness

optimism loss. When the value of α increased from 0.0 to pessimism anticipation 0.5, the results first improved considerably and (a) Emotion correlations: GT then gradually deteriorated apart from the results 1.00 BCE anger of the macro F1-score. The results of loss disgust favoured the micro F1- and jaccard score, whereas 0.75 fear the results of LCA loss favoured the macro F1-score. pessimism 0.50 However, integrating LCA with BCE can balance the sadness joy 0.25 results across all three metrics, resulting in strong love performance. The best results were achieved on optimism 0.00 almost all metrics when the value of α was set to anticipation surprise 0.25 0.2. Thus, we set the value of parameter α to 0.2 trust for all experiments reported in this paper. joy fear love

trust 0.62 anger 0.60 disgust surprise sadness

optimism 0.58 pessimism maF1

anticipation 0.56

0.54 (b) Emotion correlations: Prediction 0.52 0.73 Figure 3: The top plot presents emotion correlations 0.72 0.71 miF1 obtained from the ground truth (GT) labels, whereas 0.70 the bottom plot presents emotion correlations obtained 0.69 from the predicted labels. 0.61 0.60

0.59 jacS

0.58 what the emotion annotations have revealed.3(b), 0.57 which was learned by SpanEmo, also highlights 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 alpha ( ) that negative emotions are positively correlated with each other, and negatively correlated with pos- Figure 4: Sensitivity analysis of parameter (α). Note itive emotions. For example, “anger and disgust” that α = 0.0 means that only BCE loss is used in train- share almost the same patterns, which is consistent ing SpanEmo, whereas α = 1.0 means that only LCA with the studies of Mohammad and Bravo-Marquez loss is utilised in training it. (2017) and Agrawal et al.(2018), both of which report the same issue with negative emotions of 6 Related Work “anger” and “disgust”, as they are easily confused with each other. This is not surprising as their man- There is a large body of NLP literature on emo- ifestation in language is quite similar in terms of tion recognition (Mohammad and Alm, 2015). Ear- the use of similar words/expression. We also noted lier studies focused on lexicon-based approaches, this finding when analysing the top-10 key words which make use of some words and their cor- learned by SpanEmo in section 5.2.1. In short, tak- responding labels to identify emotions in text, ing into account emotion correlations is crucial for e.g. NRC4 (Mohammad and Turney, 2013) and multi-label emotion classification in addressing the 4Bravo-Marquez et al.(2016) proposes an approach for ambiguity characteristic of the task, especially for expanding it for the language used in Twitter.

1580 EmoSenticNet (Poria et al., 2014). Other methods tion of emotion classes to the input sentence, which treat the emotion recognition task as a supervised helped the model learn emotion-specific associa- learning task, in which a learner (e.g. linear classi- tions and increase its performance. Finally, train- fier based methods) is trained on the features of la- ing our method with LCA loss jointly led to better belled data to classify inputs into one label (Bostan results, showing the benefits of integrating the rela- and Klinger, 2018; Liew et al., 2016; Mohammad tions between emotions into the loss function. et al., 2015; Tang et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2012; The standard approach in a multi-label emotion Aman and Szpakowicz, 2007). classification problem often focuses on modelling More recently, several neural network mod- individual emotion independently. In this respect, els have been developed for this task, obtaining most existing methods do not take into account la- competitive results on different emotion data sets. bel dependencies while learning emotion-specific Some of these models generally focus on a single- associations. However, we demonstrated the effec- label emotion classification, in which only a sin- tiveness of including label information to the in- gle label is assigned to each input (Islam et al., put sentence when training SpanEmo, helping it 2019; Xia and Ding, 2019; Alhuzali et al., 2018b,a; achieve better performance and capture emotion Agrawal et al., 2018; Saravia et al., 2018; Felbo correlations. We that this study will inspire et al., 2017; Abdul-Mageed and Ungar, 2017). the community to investigate further the vital role Other models have also been proposed for multi- of learning label dependencies and associations label emotion classification, in which one or more corresponding to each emotion. labels are assigned to each input (see detailed de- scription in section 3.3). Acknowledgements Our work is motivated by research focused on We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers learning features corresponding to each emotion as and Chrysoula Zerva for their valuable feedback well as incorporating the relations between emo- and suggestions. The first author is supported by tions into a loss function (Fei et al., 2020; He and a doctoral fellowship from Umm Al-Qura Univer- Xia, 2018). Our work differs from these two works sity. in the following ways: i) our method learns features related to each corresponding emotion without re- lying on any external resources (e.g. lexicons). ii) References We further integrated the relations between emo- Muhammad Abdul-Mageed and Lyle Ungar. 2017. tions into the loss function by taking advantage EmoNet: Fine-Grained Emotion Detection with of the label co-occurrences in a multi-label emo- Gated Recurrent Neural Networks. In Proceedings tion data set. In this respect, our approach does of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), not rely on any theory of emotion. iii) We empir- pages 718–728. ically evaluated our method for three languages, demonstrating its effectiveness as being language Ameeta Agrawal, Aijun An, and Manos Papagelis. agnostic. In contrast to previous research, we focus 2018. Learning emotion-enriched word representa- tions. In Proceedings of the 27th International Con- on both learning emotion-specific associations and ference on Computational Linguistics, pages 950– integrating the relations between emotions into the 961. loss function. Yaara Benger Alaluf and Eva Illouz. 2019. Emotions in consumer studies. The Oxford Handbook of Con- 7 Conclusion sumption, page 239. We have proposed a novel framework “SpanEmo” Hassan Alhuzali, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed, and aimed at casting multi-label emotion classification Lyle Ungar. 2018a. Enabling deep learning of emo- as a span-prediction problem. We demonstrated tion with first-person seed expressions. In Pro- that our proposed method outperforms prior ap- ceedings of the Second Workshop on Computational Modeling of People’s Opinions, Personality, and proaches reported in the literature on three lan- Emotions in Social Media, pages 25–35. guages (i.e., English, Arabic and Spanish). Our em- pirical evaluation and analyses also demonstrated Hassan Alhuzali and Sophia Ananiadou. 2019. Improv- the utility and advantages of our method for multi- ing classification of adverse drug reactions through using sentiment analysis and transfer learning. In label emotion classification, specifically the addi- Proceedings of the 18th BioNLP Workshop and

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