2021 NHRSC Bylaws Committee Report Note: Amendments 6, 7, & 8 were withdrawn by sponsors

Amendment 1

Name: William Smith City: Exeter County: Rockingham County

What is your proposed amendment to the NHGOP Bylaws?

Special focus on voter fraud prevention

What is your rationale behind the proposed amendment?

Voter Fraud: It probably cost Pres. Trump the state.

Executive Committee Reccomendation: Unanimously does not recommend (not germane to NHRSC Bylaws) Amendment 2

Name: Christopher Maidment City: Peterborough County: Hillsborough County

What is your proposed amendment to the NHGOP Bylaws?

Amend Article IV, Paragraph I to strike "Non-officer" from the line stating "Non-officer voting members of the Executive Committee may designate a surrogate, in writing, to attend the Executive Committee meetings on their behalf and to vote in their stead."

What is your rationale behind the proposed amendment?

All members of the Executive Board should have equal access to ensure their vote is counted at an Executive Board meeting.

Executive Committee Reccomendation: Unanimously Recommends Adoption Amendment 3

Name: James Morgan City: Derry County: Derry Town

What is your proposed amendment to the NHGOP Bylaws?

ARTICLE IV: The Executive Committee

1. Composition:

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman; the National Committeeman; the National Committeewoman; the Finance Chairman; the Treasurer; the Assistant Treasurer; the Secretary; the Assistant Secretary; the Assistant to the Chair for Recruitment; the five Regional Vice Chairmen; the ten County Chairmen; the City Chairmen who qualify under Article VI; the President of the New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women; the President of the New Hampshire Young Republican Federation; the Chairman of the New Hampshire ; the Chairman of New Hampshire ; representatives, designated in writing, of each Republican member of the Senate and the House of Representatives; of the Republican Leader of the New Hampshire State Senate, selected by a majority vote of the Republican Caucus; of the Republican Leader of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, selected by a majority vote of the Republican Caucus; of the Republican Governor and one Republican member of the Executive Council (chosen among themselves). Non-officer voting members of the Executive Committee may designate a surrogate, in writing, to attend the Executive Committee meetings on their behalf and to vote in their stead.

What is your rationale behind the proposed amendment?

Log Cabin Republicans in the 2020 cycle raised over $50,000 promoting and supporting our Candidates across the State. We were very helpful with the State Senate races and several State House seats. We helped over 20 candidates and helped in the victories of 18. Our organization believes there is value to have a voice at the table.

Executive Committee Recommendation: Voted to recommend adoption

Amendment 4

Name: Ralph G. Boehm City: Litchfield County: Hillsborough County

What is your proposed amendment to the NHGOP Bylaws?

State party needs to censure high ranking individuals, or former State GOP ranking individuals when they give their support to Democrat candidates. And censure in this case means not giving any support to them.

What is your rationale behind the proposed amendment?

Over the many years (44) that I've been a Republican in NH, I've seen traitors to the party. 4 years ago it was Jennifer Horn and Kelly Ayotte. This past year it was Steve Duprey. And now the party is allowing Kelly Ayotte to give speeches etc. It is Kelly Ayotte's fault that the NH Congressional delegation is Blue. She gave her seat to Hassan. She was also responsible for Frank Guinta losing his seat. We need to crack down on these traitors to the party.

Executive Committee Recommendation: Unanimously voted against adoption Amendment 5

Name: Norman J Silber City: Gilford County: Belknap County

What is your proposed amendment to the NHGOP Bylaws?

No person who is not registered on the applicable checklist as a member of the Republican Party immediately prior to the date any Republican Party Primary election is to be held shall be given a ballot of the Republican Party for such party primary election or permitted to vote in that Republican Party primary.

What is your rationale behind the proposed amendment?

Candidates planning to run under the Republican banner should be selected in primary elections only by registered Republicans.

Executive Committee Recommendation: Voted against adoption

Amendment 9

Name: Joseph James Barton City: Dover County: Strafford County

What is your proposed amendment to the NHGOP Bylaws?

(b) Call by Petition: The Chairman shall call a Special Meeting within ten days of receipt of a petition for such a meeting signed by Fifty (50) members of the State Committee or at least 1/3rd of the Executive Committee. To be valid, any such petition must: (i) Bear the signature of each signatory followed by the printed name of the signatory and, (ii) Specify the purpose of the meeting and set forth the specific language of the motion, resolution, or other action that the petitioners will present at the Special Meeting.

(c) Unless the Chairman’s notice of a petitioned Special Meeting explicitly states otherwise, the business of any such meeting shall be limited to: (i) Credentialing the members, (ii) Adoption of proposed rules for the Special Meeting, (iii) The consideration of the motion, resolution, or other action as stated in the petition. (d) The Chairman shall: (i) Provide notice of any such meeting in accordance with the preceding subsection (a). (ii) Schedule the meeting within Forty (40) days of receipt of the Petition.

What is your rationale behind the proposed amendment?

My previous version included lineouts; this has the lineouts removed; I didn't realize they didn't show in the pasted text.

The purpose is to restore original language and preserve the rights of the minority; and avoid a Mob rule committee. The whole purpose of having this section is to give voice to the minority. Most HOAs have a similar provision but the threshold is only 5%. Restoring the original language is significantly higher than that; but still allows the minority to have a voice. With Zoom meetings; expense is not really a concern; and issues have rarely risen in the past under the original bylaw as it is.

Executive Committee Recommendation: Unanimously voted against adoption Amendment 10

Name: Mark Vincent City: Amherst County: Hillsborough County

What is your proposed amendment to the NHGOP Bylaws?

E. Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep ... An audit of all funds shall be conducted every twelve months and as directed by the Executive Committee. Such an audit shall be performed by a professional certified public accountant, chosen by the State Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee. The results of this audit shall be reported back to the Executive Committee.... replace with this:

"An audit of all funds shall be conducted every election year, and a review shall be conducted in all non-election years and as directed by the Executive Committee. Such audit and review shall be performed by a professional certified public accountant, chosen by the State Chairman with the approval of the Executive Committee. The results of this audit or review shall be reported back to the Executive Committee"

What is your rationale behind the proposed amendment?

What this amendment would do is make it so we only have to conduct an audit every other year and a review in the years without an audit. This will save the party a significant amount of money as audits usually cost us around $8000 dollars annually (which is essentially what it costs us to run a special election). A review by our accountant will cost about half that.

Executive Committee Recommendation: Unanimously Recommends Adoption Amendment 11

Name: Mark Vincent City: Amherst County: Hillsborough County

What is your proposed amendment to the NHGOP Bylaws?

Current Text: ARTICLE V: County and City Committees 3.Caucuses: A. The State Chairman will also call biennial meetings of the Party nominees and elected Party delegates for the purpose of holding a caucus to elect members of the State Committee. These meetings must take place during the period beginning immediately following the biennial election and ending by December 15th. All qualified registered Republicans nominated shall be included on the ballot for consideration of election at these meetings. All voting shall be conducted by printed ballot unless the race is uncontested. Replace with: ARTICLE V: County and City Committees 3.Caucuses: A. The State Chairman will also call biennial meetings of the Party nominees and elected Party delegates for the purpose of holding a caucus to elect members of the State Committee. These meetings must take place during the period beginning immediately following the biennial election and ending by December 15th. All qualified registered Republicans nominated shall be included on the ballot for consideration of election at these meetings. All voting shall be conducted by printed or electronic ballot unless the race is uncontested.

What is your rationale behind the proposed amendment?

Given our use of online (electronic) balloting for the 2020 caucuses, this amendment would allow this method to continue to be used even when a caucus is conducted in person. While in-person caucuses are preferable, the online voting method saved hours of time for larger committees and would still be useful whether a caucus is in-person or virtual.

Executive Committee Recommendation: Unanimously Recommends Adoption Amendment 12

Name: Mark Vincent City: Amherst County: Hillsborough County

What is your proposed amendment to the NHGOP Bylaws?

Alter this section of Article I:

3. State Committee Meetings and Biennial Convention: A. State Committee Meetings: (1) Composition: The State Committee shall comprise the members of the County and City Committees selected pursuant to Article V of these bylaws.

To read as follows: 3. State Committee Meetings and Biennial Convention: A. State Committee Meetings: (1) Composition: The State Committee shall be comprised of the members of the Executive Committee pursuant to Article IV of these bylaws and the members of the County and City Committees selected pursuant to Article V of these bylaws

What is your rationale behind the proposed amendment?

This amendment explicitly states that Exec Committee members are State Committee members. There has been confusion for many years about whether EBoard members are automatically voting state committee members. Some are and some are not. In the current bylaws, EBoard members who are not officers and are not County or City Chairs are not granted ex-officio membership in the NHRSC. That includes the following: the President of the New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women; the President of the New Hampshire Young Republican Federation; the Chairman of the New Hampshire College Republicans; representatives, designated in writing, of each Republican member of the United States Senate and the House of Representatives; of the Republican Leader of the New Hampshire State Senate, selected by a majority vote of the Republican Caucus; of the Republican Leader of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, selected by a majority vote of the Republican Caucus; of the Republican Governor and one Republican member of the Executive Council (chosen among themselves).

None of the individuals are considered State Committee members unless they have been elected as such by delegates at a city or county caucus. It makes little sense that someone who has a vote monthly on the EBoard would not have voting rights at an annual meeting. The number of members added to the NHRSC by this amendment is a small fraction of the current 500+ members.

Note: If adopted, these changes must be considered in the drafting of the 2024 Organization Report.

Executive Committee Recommendation: Unanimously Recommends Adoption