Intercolonial Convention, 1883
(No. 3.) . 1883. SESSION II. TASMAN I A. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. INTERCOLONIAL CONVENTION, 1883: REPORT OF THE PROCEEDINGS. Laid upon the Table by Mr. Moore, and ordered by the Council to be printed,. _18 December, l 883. - • I 1888. NEW SOUTH WALES. INTERCOLONIAL CONVENTION, 1883. REPQRT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERCOLONIAL. CONVENTION, . HELD IN SYDNEY, IN NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER, 1883. 1. MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS. 2. CORRESPONDENCE LAID BEFORE THE CONVENTION. 3. P .A.PERS LAID BEFORE THE CONVENTION. f:lYDNEY : THO~AS RICHARDS, GOVERN~1ENT PRINTElt. 1883. * 831- ,_ MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS OF TIIE INTERCOLONIAL c·oNVENTION, 1'883) HELD IN SYDNEY, NOVEMBEBr-DEOEMBER, 1883. At the Colonial Secretary's Office, Sydney. 28th NOVEMBER, 1883 . .(First Day.) THE undermentioned_ Gentlemen, Representatives of the Colonies of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, New Zealand, Tasmania, and Western Australia were present, and handed in their Commissions, which having been read, it was resolved that their substance should be published. New Sontli Wales: THE HoNORABLE ALEXANDER STUART, M.P., Premier ancl I Colonial Secretary. THE HoNORABLE GEORGE RICHARD DrnBs, M.P., Colonial Treasurer. THE HoNORABLE WILLIAM BEDE DALLEY, Q.C., M.L.C., A ttorney-_General. New Zeceland : THE HoNORABLE MAJOR HARRY ALmmT ATKINSON, M.P., Premier and Colonial Treasurer. THE HoNoRABLE ]'mmERICK WrrrTAKER, M.L.C., late Premier and Attorney-General. 'Queensland: TrrE HoNORABLE SAllIUEL WALKER GRIFr'ITIT, Q.C., M.P., Premier and Colonial Secretary. _ T1rn HoNORABLE JAMES FRANCIS GARRICK, Q.C., nf.L.C., Postmaster General. Soutli Australia : THE HoNoRABLE JOHN Cox BRAY, M.P., Premier and Chief Secretary.
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