President's Visit Is Nod to TN Education
10A THURSDAY, JANUARY30, 2014 LAURA HOLLINGSWORTH, President and Publisher MARIA DE VARENNE, Executive Editor and Vice President/News TED RAYBURN, Editorial Page Editor FRANK DANIELS III, Community Conversations Editor JOHN SEIGENTHALER, Chairman Emeritus TENNESSEE VOICES OUR VIEW A‘Year of the Horse’ wish President’s Minority groups must get more involved in U.S. life visit is nod to By Ming Wang, M.D., Ph.D. The Chinese New Year is ar- riving soon, and this year will TN education be the “Year of the Horse.” On behalf of the Tennessee Chi- Today, President Barack state’s schools were harboring nese Chamber of Commerce Obama makes his first visit to amisconception that students and the Tennessee Immigrant Nashville since 2008, when he were performing better than and Minority Business Group, I was presidential nominee they actually were. That led wish everyone a happy new Obama debating Republican Gov. Phil Bredesen and his year! contender John McCain on the successor, Bill Haslam, to America has been undergo- campus of Belmont Univer- make education reform their ing a tremen- sity. priority, with the added incen- dous amount of While reports suggest secu- tive of a half-billion dollars in change in re- rity and scheduling con- “Race to the Top” funds from cent decades, straints will make the chief ex- the federal government to most impor- ecutive’s visit brief, it is sig- make it all happen. tant of which is nificant that the president has President Obama’s pres- the increasing chosen to make Middle Ten- ence here today is in part a rec- amount of cul- nessee one of his first stops af- ognition of the hard work that tural and eth- ter his State of the Union ad- state leaders, educators and Wang nic diversity dress — and that the setting students throughout Tennes- due to the rise will be McGavock, a public see have put in to reverse their in population of minority high school in a state that has fortunes.
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