AGENDA 5, Enc Ii) PRUDHOE TOWN COUNCIL DRAFT Minutes of Ordinary Meeting, with Budget, Held in the Spetchells Centre at 6:00Pm, 25Th January 2017
AGENDA 5, Enc ii) PRUDHOE TOWN COUNCIL DRAFT Minutes of Ordinary Meeting, with Budget, held in The Spetchells Centre at 6:00pm, 25th January 2017 PRESENT Cllr Mrs J McGee (Chair), Cllr G Simpson, Cllr B Futers, Cllr A Gill, Cllr G McCreedy, Cllr A Piper, Cllr Ms J Rose, Cllr A Reid, Cllr Mrs E Burt, Cllr Mrs C Cuthbert, Cllr D Couchman, Cllr N McGee, Cllr G Price, County Cllr Mrs A Dale 1617/136 Apologies for Absence Cllr E Dobson 1617/137 Declarations of Interest Cllr A Reid – member of West Area Planning Committee so will not take part in any discussion relating to planning applications. 1617/138 Youth Service Provision in Prudhoe John Smith (Northumberland County Council, Youth Service Manager) and Sharron Pearson (Northumberland County Council, Senior Manager Specialist Services) in attendance Cllr Mrs J McGee read 2 items of correspondence; the first was the initial email from Mike Robbins (NCC Estates) that advised the East Centre would be closed and youth service provision moved to The Fuse; the second and most recent email stating that plans had been ‘put on hold’. Cllr Mrs J McGee said that the young people of Prudhoe had been very vocal in their objections and brought this to everyone’s attention and as well as thanking them for attending acknowledged that they deserved a pat on the back. Cllr Mrs McGee restated that the email received from Mike Robbins on 4th January 2017 was the first the Town Council had heard about the plans. County Cllr Mrs Anne Dale advised that she also was not aware of the sale; this was echoed by Cllr Reid and Cllr Mrs Burt.
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