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■ ;» N ■' - ..!’ ,,f ,,.n Slaitnnt ^ 4NP7 eii«al«tloB oCiBBB '- 4 , -ft' M B A L D for k-J a W l u a x M 3,709

m u s a o M ft W M ^iM iT lo r s i i t m . x m N a 177 MibUAod a M i^iokir m ii MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, A P m 2T, 19?1. BMltbllShod a Dill7 l%1fi. ttpartfoM I REFUSES TO ACCEPTr™'^ EOiiES TOlEIIGANPItlSONEI

HELP OF H E FARMEHS ESCAFES) •••'■■ • FROM-V' '• ■RIISSU •- c ■ 'T . r'h- OF DR. SIMONSWill Stand SoBdl; Beinnd Obtain Coo|ier Says Soviets Has $12,000,000,000) but a total of Baidrs in Extensions Atm in Power to 20b,000,000,000 gold marks is pro­ mised by the time that all the inter- of Credits. Stay. ‘est payments are made. No definite f— ittii-’ time was fixed for the expiration of IndeaBily Offer — Sam- the payments. > FARMERS ASSURED OF AID AMERICANS STILL THERE Hanfiog G o v e r n o r ' • ''i Germany proposes that she parti­ cipate in the reconstruction of North­ MANY NEWSPAPERS FAONG mary

Abnormally high production wstst already upon Williams stated, remained the ppb-, -Wy fur- credltA in kb *^ u n d tor the supreme council beatt badly burned iuy'ailrfMme ishers’ chief problem. mdxm d s 'm here. bf neivy policy to mem- meeting Upon Saturday when Ger­ WM shot down in flames by the Cos­ ’’Certain industries,” he sAld, :'<)frer.’ . *nie foreign minister ~ in replying b%'the reserve system. man Indemnity will be discussed in sacks last July and I showed the ‘especially some that profited Ll]|l’ the piaposal he unisai fi'etated in the Inter- to some of his critics, revealed that Rediscount Bates. detail. It is expected that Great Brit- scars to the Russians saying that they mensely through the war and the SeeiMid, he tould fc^iiiii^ itto t ^ Service dispatches, an American lawyer had been called Opposition to lowering the redle- lan, France, Italy, Belgium an^ had been caused by hard work. Thby boom period, have tried to solve this allied governments offer is capitalized at couht rates hae been repeatedly ex­ Japan will be represented. , let ns pass. problem by simply closing their Third, forward thd^ gold marks (about (Continued on page pressed by the Federal Reserve Board Practically all of the morning and “ We worked in prison camps for plants and waiting until costs of pro­ the recommendation'ilvil' ii as a means of effecting the credit 8 months. During that tlaaa we got evening newspapers refrained from as a basis for fUftiier duction decrease. This naturally passing judgment on the German remedies oh, behalf of the fanners. a good chance to study conditions More Liberal Hum"'! the newspaper cannot do. Necessar­ note. It was evident that the editors The Board recently approved a drop among the Americans. If Mra. Har­ In commenting upoh ily a continuous business, the news­ wanted tinve to stndy the document in the rate for. the Boston reserve rison and kllpali^ct had not receiv­ bilities, officials p price for last year. Labor is at its OOO.OOO short of the amount dem si^ FRANCE MAY REJECT ceived by the American embassy to EIGHT HOUR RATTLE raigns Government for/Che very highest point knoWn In the ed by the allies at Paris. arrange for representation at , the Methods Adopted. newsDspcr business with further in­ As for the second posoible, ; ' a ists and Connnniffsts in REPARATIONS OFFER supreme council meeting. It was an­ IN COUNTY GALWAY creases granted in some scales re­ the consensus of opinion was- th|kt ported in the last sixty days. These nounced at the embassy that in the Washington, April 27.— Patriotism such a , procedure wouldi not ha. ^ Various Parts of Italy Dnr- are the conditions that prompted att absence of orders from Washington Officials Declare That New German and confidence in the government of keeping with either thO pott|ti1|0 One Policeman Killed and Two Mor­ experienced publisher recently to pre­ the Unitjed States will not be repre Proposals Are Not Acceptable in the United States will be sacrificed character o f Mr. HughOs .0^ this ai^ - i ing the Past 24 Honrs. tally Wounded When Britirfi dict that many newspapers will be­ sented. Their Present Foim. unless this nation gives Immediate tude taken by the ad^nistratit^ Forces Were Ambushed by Detacli- come bankrupt this year unless they justice to its war veterans. Senator that the United States .iiui/'a; v ip 27.— Many persons ment of 50 Sinn Feiners. devise means of securing additional Paris, Apr. 27.— The German in­ David I. Walsh, Democrat, Massachu­ interest in the prompt sSttlemsiit^Off Id ai^ wounded in new revenues.” demnity proposals in their present setts, declared in the Senate today. WIFE OF WAKEFIELD the reparations question,, ^. , ' : v the Fascist! (antJi- Dublin, April 27.— During an Williams called upon publishers to form are not acceptable to France Bitterly denouncing the methods Italy Will -''S ialists) and Communists in varl- eight-hour battle between 6inn Fein- lend their energies toward assisting it was declared today in official cir­ which the government has adopted ACCUSED SUMMONED AsBumiu|; Wter the. eli^nationhl Jbhs parts of Italy during tbe last 24 ers and Crown forces at Kilmilkin, “ our government in quickly estab­ cles. for the care of ex-service men. Sena­ any uncertainty as to mei^ng', flf 'Itbnrs. Three of the anti-Socialists County Galway, today Constable lishing peace throughout ihe world Officials said that the difference tor Walsh declared that he has made posslhUity of a. ‘‘Joker’* t^ t killed and several others wound- Boyland was killed and a constable and getting all back to productive Forty Witnesses Called Before Grand between the German offer and the al­ a personal investigation of conditions posal were found'reasonhblo to ih gn out-break at Turin. The com- and a sergeant were mortally wound­ work, in re-establishing trade and Jury Investigating Morder of lied demand for 226,000,000,000, and charges that “ invalid ex-service government, several obshifelei n x l| ^ t llk^ttnisto headquarters at Turin were ed. The casualties of the attacking commerce.” * Patrolman Preitton. gold marks with guarantees is so men have been and are today housed still remain in toe vfay burned. A Fasclsti student was kill­ force are not known. The crown Williams lauded the growth of co­ great that there is nothing left for In so-called hospitals under condi­ out the third possible ^ 4 ^ ^ ed while attending a funeral at Cal- forces were ambushed by a detach­ operation among publishers to 'meet Boston, April 27.— ^Mrs. Clarence France to do but reject the German ' i^ictta, .Sicily. The Socialists were ment of 50 Republicans. tions that a self respecting com W. Loud, wife of the acctlsed naur- cedure. ■ proposition. similar problems and to elim i^te Secretary Hughra laOffi^^Nchtockl ifes Attacked later and four persons were munlty would not tolerate its paupers derer of Patrolman James A. Pres The demand is made in parlia­ wasteful competition. be pretty well inforin^ Ym to\.tiio \tiUed-and 100 wounded. Order has to live.” ton, of Wakefield, has been summon­ mentary quarters that ’^strong and attitude o f to e alltiS^; reetored at Flume by troops re- CHAMPION DAYUGHT The government Is caring better ed to appear before the gran^ jury energetic penalties” be levied upon toward,toe, ircements. for immigrants who come to these tomorrow. Germany at once. Some parliamen SAVING STORY shores than for its ex-service men. TWO KILLED IN his oonferencettoft^. , tarians went so far as to suggest the In view of the constltiitional ptlvi- of those countries . iV “ -V Senator Walsh stated. He described lege a wife possesses of refusing to lean Millionaire military occupation of Frankfort, cases of tuberculosis soldiers housed AUTOMORILE S M A ^ today. , • Bremen and Hamburg as well as the Three Members of Milford Family testify against her husband In court, Though^no 'o^eial Separately Turn Clock One Hour in the “ stuffy garret of a crowded , fK.:'Arrested in Hungary whole Ruhr district. the action of District Attorney Na­ thrown upon this Ahead^Father Got to Work on building managed by a non-pbysi- One Mbui Bunied to ^ Death ' Under than A. Tufts in summoning her Is Among the chief complaints of the cian” and told of filth which exists tion it is believed tost Time. Machine After it Was Stmok by considered udusual. French are that the Gernmn propos­ to support the United in other, government institutions. Train at Scranton., The list of 4 witnesses summoned r'Was Active Against the als are not concise and are too vague stand it may tslw. Milford, April 27.— Reputable ——— also inpludee the members of the liklliitg The War And Had to b eworthy of serious discussion. pointed out, Is nbr^ residents of Walnut Beach vouch for Scranton, Pa., Apr. 27.—^Arthur card party which ^ook place at the ^ ^Ibjiijpelledv From Switzerland. It is claimed that Germany has Communists Plot ested In repSratibas. ■■ ■ ■ -- the champion daylight saving story Walsh, 85, of Brooklyn. N. Y., and home of Mr. and Mrs. Caid F. Bow Outl^eak f or May 1 Biltoin not offered'sufficient gukrantees to here. George Carrack and family, George Smith, 8S, of this city, lost tT.^ohn De Kay, at No. 65 Rowe' street, Melrosp, “ the Great B ? i ^ ti provide France with proper safe­ well-known bpach residents, are all their lives today when a Delaware to be an Ameripan German and Preach BafeUeale XisM night of the shooting.” , pressed at the guards. Further more It is contend daylight savlag fans. Sunday night and Hudson train struck an automo- AUA been-irreeted by the ed that Germany c^ n ot be trusted Secretl}’ to iBwltmrli^ negotiations, m before retiring Mrs. Carrack adVane^ tiile in which they were riding. Smith Boston, April 27.— ^The summons dtej^oritiee, said an Ex- to carry out her promises, unless Fnato a Frogrfem. but apparently , ed She family clock one hour. Later Wfils killed outfight hut Walsh was for Mrs. Carl P. Dow tff 'Melroim has dispatch from she gives pledges 1 nmore .material ■ j . ^ ■ ■ from abroad*, r her sob came in and unaware of his burned'to death under the maclUne been withdrawn and she will hot ke ^ iUy Wae accused form than they exist at preseut.' Paris, April 27.— German .. and,; ment, how^rtiTi mothefs action also turned the clock firemen, fought tl|i« flamee; 'a witness before the Atlddlesex conn* ’Fr^feh ’’Defeatist” F ran^ Communists are p lo t t^ de]|ioa«y ------— T“ ■ ahead one hour. Still later Mr. Car- knodrx^ ly gntod jury tomoxiw^ in thO .4arih| the trar VDlutlbnafyL ditordara thr .ipffidii^i, propaganda :Dr.^ LeVerne Holmes’ mother-iff- ft^ck aiTJr ^ d and flndlhglthe rest b f .oori^iiff to agv and eliam^on midmeW^ht :'Ot itpn mhrder cassi y wto> Neljdier W ?>ttihwd w Uto, carried on in law, Mrs. Blmii^^WlswaU, at the fammy abed oareft^ adyanced (Msputidt' . Socjal- ^ 1, home. sakp fliia morniiig.;' ^ iThe the djiick aUlI. another'‘Be‘ -ddapato^'s^^i^af ■' x;;.ciatodce imd, ,bift fttbfeku not, bkeb tbfeethi^ap when he; arrive G«rd4ny'itnCrH>ho^ ''Pistrtdt.

- w!hs; 1 1 ^ - y V, r-' * ‘ *1/^0 '! : • . ^ ‘"H ■ ‘V'+’‘' \- <: , , , . S ix

D,V^NB8IW IY; APRIL ?7 ...... '.•,_ .'. V - .t r'...•: ••.•■■v-fc.-l.A .k ■■ •■: is.'- ^ ■ ^.1 -

ia i'fl i Of &eWtt«ka tewritoey OF INTBR&ST TO MANCHBE#^ i ' ' ' '■ ' j. M( to yT\. GOLFSai'^AT f X •. .. -Vk:' fiem ent M |t|ie #Bltlih .people ie-um- The executiye committee pt tiie v(terBt6 o(iito;in tfeppqpad to occupation WtllimaBtic Camp Meeting -;^ndoa, Apr. ,27.—2^*® Itfwdcan Preelient ^jdlndm ^okfhy of] ca^toj^ ^WwmpiL;; Stifling, American womin golf bhaffi- lata 'under circumstances. In ^viewr tlon held a meeting yesterday after­ No Quarter to Insmprecto I ’ Another and Hiem Turns pioff is bound for Livqrp(^,; the.natiQl^^:b?M»|i, of thWjfacts, France apparently noon in the Methodist church in (Continued from Page d..)' • Leaders. 1 Gun on Herself. the-.jnuN»t ...of Me®. Tea^^JD ahbel. ^ould hdM'the kfey to the situation.' W illlam antic fqr .the JJlWPQse. pf maJt-. not'he fori ing preliminary i gnhiigemahts tor in to assist with the text. He is said, It is 'khoiim that n considerable ele­ Mexico City, April 27.—Mexi«|ti»] Cmioagdr4Jprn»2f7i^^":buliet which after w!htfsyvho continueIs ^id,.to:be ^n a critical cqndl- years’ aettlejneftt rOmaRts to be seei^ their efforts to oyerthrow.the govern- tlon. • _ ., Gehelmrat Ruppel, chairman of li ja:: j: aa- 'At the State-;Department, it was- don of Hazardyille and Li S.'Bur'r of this town. At the meeting it was de­ ment although unconditional s u r r e n - Several days ago Miss Davis^ceiv- reparations .commission ' ffitimated .that the full text of the cided to hold the meetings August der of the subordinates wih be ac-1 s- letter from 'Miss .l|}ie Giote.Grocery and entered the defy the government and refuse to report that the Mexican railroads are I Miss Davis on the platform of an t^ploy of the Manchester Construc- surrender gold that was promised The Connecticut Business College to be militarized. eU-vated railway statir.u in the down ^tiep .company. i to the allies in the new proposals. is open during the summer. Stu­ “The project for spending ^50,- dlit-iot and shot her as she Some Of Allied Demands. dents are entering day and evening 000,000 upon the Mexican navy does Slighted from a train. The bulle'. Swedish - railroads are using peat school May 2nd.—Advt. “Some of the demands are al­ not meet with my approval,’’ said the ^mcfed Miss Davis side most unbelieveable,” declared Herr President. “I believe that modern Miss Hoy then fle l, «;rvn •>’. ii.i" ar. a ,,leyway and j fired oa bullet Inf.into norher Ruppel. ‘Ttaly demanded 5,000 gold . countries should demonstrate their 'lire for each of 1,420 cases wherein T'jck. moral strengt.h and not attempt to it was alleged that unsuccessful at­ build up a display of brute strength. tempts had been made by soldiers to This money wiH be spent for instruc- ] attack girls. Portugal derpanded tion and for agricultural purposes.” Daughter Given 6,000,000 gold marks on the ground “Bride 13’ Sunshine Comedy. Magazine. York Market to Strange Father that 300,000 negroes been, kill- 24 Maple Street. Just Around the Corner. Tel. 456 ' In the windows of the A. L. Brown. I , ed in the African jungles. Liberia de­ ft Co. are a pair of shoes an^a shoe Mother Had Disappeared With Girl $8,000 each for 200 Liberi- last which is drawing a good .deal of I' Nine Years Ago and iCqprt an negroes who were a^id to have TOMORROW AND FRIDAY—SPECIAL ATTRACTION ■attention. They are the property Orders Return. seen massacred. IWe were saved, from SEA FOOD FOB of Mrs. Henry Smith of North School / this expense when we found the ne­ street and have been handed ^own 1 Cleveland, O., April 27.—A daugh- groes hiding on an island. Many TWNtSIlAy AND FRIDAY from Revolutionary ancestors, . The Lgj. pj 13 -,^^3 given to her father French negroes are polygamists and slippers were originally patent leath- ^^om she had not seen for nine we were called upon to pay pensions “The Heart d FRESH CAUGHT ^MACKEREL ...... 35c LB. 'years, when Judge George P. Baer to harems full of dusky windows. ER ESH CAU GH T B U T T E R F IS H ...... 32c LB. ordered a decree Issued at that time We have contested the above and FRESH HALIBUT ...... 40c LB. At 4 % per cent, simple interest, I yj^g^ced many more cases and we are now money doubles in twenty-two years! ‘ ^ . ,n T^ _ L IV E L O B STE R S...... "...... 40c LB. and eighty-one days; at compound I The'father, Ori9 C. Davi , awaiting a corrected bill from the LARGE ROE SHAD ...... 45c LB., interest in fifteen years and 273 | a divorce in 1112 in which he was allies on or about May 1.” MBDfUM BUCK SHAD ...... 35c LB. days. :«ni given custody of his daughter. Fern. B O STO N B L U E F IS H ...... 20c LB. Shortly afterward the mother left Our milk shake® are as popular as :STEAK CODFISH ...... 2pc LB. Cleveland takinj, the daughter, and ever. They are the kl^d that are RLOUNDE3 JS ...... i 2q LB. Sure the father’s efforts to trace them different. Try them, and be coA- fH A U D O C K ...... ! ...... 14c LB. proved fruii.ess until a short time rlnced. QuInn’s .Fountain.—Advt. c h i l l e d s a l m o n ...... 35c LB. [ago when he met his former wife Just Before You Cross the Bridge. OPENED GLAMS ...... 35c P IN T and daughter on the street. When the case was called In court Hartford late yesterday the daughter declared -POLFS she did not kpow her father and E B B e U fANS wanted to stay with her mother.. t'The court can do nothing but en­ V j $ u r e R ® r i e f RRBE DEUVERY T E L . 456 force the decree already iMued,” said Jjv j : . ;i i ■. ? f -• 1 Judge Baer and the daugbter lelft the irtruom with--her father, -weeping.

; ibillcliuse erty Cut' l tin *w '4 Milford, April 27.— 'local real al 'Veiii estate firm announced today the pur­ lis, Jay Templetons. inh- chase of the plant of the Goodyear This theater wHl conduct- its Metallic Rubber Shod Company shhedule of perfenmances in' accord­ which susi^ends operations here Fri­ ance with DayUgbt Savliig. day. The frame buildings on the I-. property will be razed, one of the two large bflck factory buildings has e been'entatively engaged and part of the property, comprising ten acres, will be cut up into building lots, six I dwellings erected and other lots sold For Furs and roads extended through the property. M THE SEASON’S GREATEST OFFERING! Caught Boys But Fireproof, Sanitary and Modern Missed Burglar t ' " Stamford Police Arrest Youngsters for Breaking Into House Bat WE Wis h t o a n n o u n c e to Ma n c h e s t e r Miss Beal Goods. - f- ^ • THE MOST POWERFUL DRAMA OF MODERN MARRIAGEt AND ROCKVILLE PATRONS THAT WE ARE NOW Stamford, April 27.—Three hours after the police had arrested two - w I CONSTRUCTING A MODERN COLD STORAGE young boys for breaking into the home of Arthur W. Stark on Arling­ IF y o u a r e considering VAULT, WHICH WILL BE ABSOLUTELY FIRE- ton Road late yesterday, a regular burglar jimmied his way Into the m a trim on y- ^ O O F , FOR THE STORING OF FURS AND FUR house and stole several hundred dol­ lars’ worth of jewelry and valuables- WAIT! COATS. ! He was not, caught. Before you take the plunge, see ‘‘THE FURNACE/^ Ui i Mr. Stark and his family are away. IT WILL BE READY IN ABOUT THREE WEEKS It isar^jry of a couple who thought mamage would MADDBN.DQWD be a comfortable hearth fire, and it turned out tp AND WE SUGGEST WAITING FOR OUR COMPLETE bie^ roaring furnace. Miss Edith.Powd, daughter of Mrs. It is a picture which every man and woman shoidd ANNOUNCEMENT, WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS, Margaret Dowd of Newman street and Harrington J. Mqdden, j^on of fieeii It phrtrays some of the most vital BEFORE STORING YOUR FURS IN HARTFORD, OR Mr. and Mrp. Edwar|I Madden of terns in lifeo . . j* ■* ELSEWHERE. Bridgeport, were married at thf par Every persohiki this town will be the better for^seemg^ ■ sonage pf the South ^qthQdlst pharch “THE FURNACE.” by the Rev. Q. G. Serivener this ^fter noon at four o’clock. They were At­ tended by Miss EMna Crockett and Howard Dowd, brother of the bride. The couple left on a wedding trip to New York city. On their return they DayUght Saving Tim^ hns forced US to change the will make their home in Milford, starting^oiih* i^W9... J^e^:eai£ter: S O u TH M h NCH£:S T£R ^ CONN Conn. Miss Dowd was employed in 2 :1 5 , , EVENINGS: ;Cheneji|NBrother8’ mein pfl^ce.

IN .MOT^EB’-S III^IGINE QH,EST. m are stfihdard r^ edi^ ijrhich hake stood'" thd -test ‘bit *wne—-remedies tt which their .metUere snd grandmoth­ IF ers had used before them. Such Is JLiydia.E. Ptnkh^’s yegetable ,Cem- if pound, which for nearly fifty years ngs^been Iielping the wjpxfiw idii 'Atis i l F P l I H ^ I'-''.-;' I. country'to ovuriCQ^e mAoty forniS'of •i£l ifemale 'inBi'.mjecit iklone ooukl ibiive jjteed su^ i ^ t eif NEWS ‘TlGnilE? 11.-';' X ^4

-.-■•V''- S': ■-.Or'r L'» .AA kl.* ^ t „ V. • • , , . ■< L '‘ 1 ■ ' V ' k * U* F- ' ‘ ■’.I ^ . . . . . ■ ' ,<-VJ 7*~.i w-',. r' Vv , v : m ‘ X?; \ T > 3

'*'VT? ' V

s ... 7? : "r';'i ' ■ market ■oalee; I HAVE-SOME of thOv b e^ buUdlng ;q^ : at tUt ,0«nt«r; atraet.. South. iCadi- lota in town for sale on the Hlmalt and Vm9BAL AQCiifmS^, cheater. Rhlston. tract. These Ipts are levfel Sind there will be gas, water and sewer FOR SAIiiS—Large dump cart load as soon as the street is finished. This Boltg ax4 Pins Girl Between chestnut wood, stove length |6; bard is right in the center of the town and woo'd 18. Extra tor delivery at north on fine terms. James Rennie, 791 ^sJn BOo a load. L. T. Wood, BlsgeU St., A. Phone^ 488. street. Tinker building. WINDOW SCREENS made to order. Edith Purrln^tori of 79 Adams FOR SALE!—100 load of well season* Thomas Hooks, 151 Eldridge street. ed hard wood and chestnut slabs, 16.60 Tel. 51-28. street- had a narrow escape from for a large dump cart Ipad. A. I'a- serious Injury yesterday afternoop i.-h' ganl, Keeney street. Telephone 286-18, CANDYMAKING BUSINESS— Start at home. Everything furnished. MeO" when a horse owned by George She^ ^EAL ESTATE Women. $30 weekly. Bon-Bon Co., delphia Friday and Philadelphia, Pa. bert of North ' Coventry' became 1009 MAIN STREET. CORNER (WP MAFLB WANTED—Two family house on frightened at a passing freight tra^n Chestnut or Laurel street section. Give ATTENTION—Ladles and gents. < Conn. I FOUNl>—A new rubber boot on East neatly finished, walks and emriUng. plenty fruit'and wood. 5mdq«/|, pue sertion. The combined initials Center street. Owner may have same Nearly 500 Schools and Collates Will escaped with' but a few minor Price for quick sale $6,500. horse, 60 hens. Price onlg $6,509. FOR SALE!—30 acre wood lot near by calling Tel. 371 and paying for adv. bruises. She was taken to the homP p t a:^qme, jfr the figures, of a Bolton pond. Price $600, $300 cash Be RepreseiitOd o r ' the Historic num ]^ as one word. required. Box 205, Venon, Conn. of William Scrantoni In the Rose BUSSELL ST.—Neat» well built GARDEN ST.— Modeth hdOto o f tQ FrankUa Field in Famous Ahnnal roems, convenient'to-mfllst stords Mlnimnih cluirge 25 cents for block and given medical attention single house, very modem. An- ex­ I FOR SALE—6 room modern bunga­ Etent. ceptional opportunity. and trolley. Price reasenaUe. ' i first insertioiit three consecu- low pn Cambridge street, all improve­ TOWN ADVEPISEMENT by Dr. P. H. Whlton. Gve inserClOBS 60 cents. ments, including gas. Fireplace, sleep­ ing porch. For particulars see James The accident happened about 4.30. MAIN ST.— Large 12 'room flat anfi Rennie, Room 5, Tinker block. New York, April 27.— An idea of BISSELL ST.— Twp level boildlng improvements. Easy terms il dh- NOmOB OF Traffic at the north end during this lots, no rocks or stumps, fine soil. For the accommodation of the class and Importance of the 27'th' tired. . our patrons we will accept Tel> FOR SALE!—Two tenement 8 room time Is heavy. In company with two house north of the Center, large parn, THE TAX COLLECTOR. annual Penil relay carnival at Phila­ We Write for 15 Fire In­ ephohe advertisenyBots for this sxtra large lot. Modern Impppye- other girls Miss Purlngton had column flrom anf one whose lients, price $7,000. James Rennie, delphia Friday and Saturday can be surance Companies, inrind- {loom 6, Tinker block. All persons liable by law to pay alighted from the Green trolley and name is on oin* books, payment Town or Personal taxes in the had by scanning the entry lists. Ing Hartford’s Largest. T war hutrying to get the Rockville How About Insuring Your- • to be made at ei^liest cofaven- FOR SALE—Two family house with Town of Mancheeter More than 5,000 athletes repre­ lence. In other ' cases cash* store, improvements- in house, $1,000 car bound for Hartford. The switch­ self Against Accidents? stock in store, price for all if you want are hereby notified that I will have a senting nearly 500 schools and col­ must accompany order. rate bill for the list of 1920 of 12 er which was working In the freight a business of your own $7,600, lot leges throughout the country will 120x108, room for another house. Wal­ mills on the dollar, due and collec­ yard had occasion to back lip to the lace D. Robb, 853 Main St., Park build­ tible at compete on historic Franklin Field: STEAMSHIP TICKETS, CUNARD, ANCHOR, NORW^IAN- Kefid 12^000 People ing. crossing. Shebert’s buggy was w’alt- HALL OF RECORDS during the two days, '' ‘ Ing for the gates to be raised when tOR SALE!—West side, ^wo family 2® of the Olympic performers AMERICAN AND SWEDISH-AME|ltCAN’ LINES: house, 8 rooms. Just off trolley,-uprlco APRIL 1st, 1921. the hbrse bolted. The young' lady for quick sale, $4,500. Wallace D. Personal Tax Due February 1, 1921. scheduled to appear on Franklin Robb, '563 Main St., Park building. was caught between the wheel 'and Office hours for receiving said tax­ Field were members of the American FOR SALE FOR SALE—South,Main street,^two es through the month of April will team which carried Old Glory to vic­ the shaft and dragged about 7 S' ^Tf You Intend to Live on Earth Own a ^lice of It.” family house, half acre of land, price feet before she let go. $6,000. Wallace D. Robb, 858 Main St., be from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. I will tory, Another— Earh Thompson— FOR SALE—Bath tub, wash bowl Park building. also be at the office on Wednesday; She escaped with a few minor toiffet, kitchen sink and boiler never April 6. Wednesday, April 13, April- won points for Canada and four of used, at a bargain. Address Box B, FOR SALE—Large single house of the five French athletes entered In’ scratches and bruises. The accident h - South Herald Office. eight rooms with all improvements^ lex- 20, April 27 and Friday, May 1, from^ tra lot. Price $8,000. Clinton street. 9 a. m. to 9' p. m. the relays were members of France's attracted a large number of persona X'. FOR SALE—Two new milch cows. Wallace D. Robb, 853 Main St. All taxes unpaid after May 1st will to the scene and It was thought at Can be seen at Lone Oak Dairy, Fern Olympic team. / street. Robert Tedford. ■ E’OR SALE—Two family house 12 be charged Interest at the rate of f' first she might have been seriously rooms with all Improvements on* east In addition to Thompson there are per cent. injured. The accident was unusual FOR SALE—Utility Acorn range with side 2 mWiutes of Main street. Price GEORGE H. HOWE, Collectol tWo Olympic champions scheduled two shelves and water front in good $6,000. Wallace D. Robb, 853 Main St. owing to the fact that a horse in­ '■ condition, a five piece parlor suite and to compete. They are Allen Wood-' , one rocker. Call at 22 Pine street. FOR SALE—Bungalow on Pinehurst, stead of an automobile figured in It. six rooms, all improvements, s^eam ring, of Syracuse, and Dick Landon, PERFECTLY No damage was done to the horse FOR SALE—Jersey Cow coming in heat. Price $5,700, party leaving ’town. of Yale. Woodring won the 200 . calf April 25. Inquire 17 Dudley street. Wallace D. Robb, 853 Main St. PASTEURIZED MILK or buggy, ^ meter race In the Antwerp stadium FOR SALE!— Ford ton truffk, worm FOR SALE—Two family house, north end, flat, all Improvements, Including in 22 seconds. Landon made a new' t drive, fine shape, cab and stake body, FARM LABOR CONDITION. oySrhauled and -J’epalnted, 1920 motor. steam heat, price for quick sale $6,500. I am delivering this safe milk to Olympic record In the high Jnmp^ “Waitingfor your ship to come in?” ' Price 1460. ' B o x '205. Vernon, Conn. Wallace D. Robb, 853 Main St. progressive families In South Manches­ ter. Clean, rich and absolutely safe winning the event witha leap of 6; ■ FOR SALE-'—^All'kinds of potted flow­ FOR SALE—Bungalow Just north of milk. Best for your children's health. ^ l^ t y Of Help And Scores Seekinj; There is no use wishing or waiting for your ship to Center, excellent location, house only Ask your physician. Pasteurization f^et, 4 1-5 Inches. ers, vegetable plants, bulbs and bor- Jobs— Wage Scale $2.50 a Day. come in if you have not sent one out. You can sta^dne -■ during', plachts at the Manchester one year old, extra large lot, thi^ is an does not Injure the milk. It protects Other Olympic performers sched­ Heights Greenhouse on Oak street. excellent buy, for particulars, see Wal­ your health and keeps the longest in on its journey by investing in our eight per cent Preferred Jacob Senbeil. lace D. Robb, 853 Main St. warm weather. Prepared In a new, uled to appear on Franklin Field are: Stock Certificates, issued in sums of $100, $500 and $1,000. dairy with latest modern equipment. According to tobacco growers In FOR SALE—Oakland touring car in FOR SALE—Two new cottages on Tour Inspection invited. Phone your Tommy Campbell, Yale; Gus excellent condition, tires good for all Bolton lake front. Ideal location near trial order now. Desch, Notre Dame; Jake Driscoll, and around Manchester, there never Our various departments have invested millions of dol­ seasons. Rear of 18 Orchard street. Main road. Also a few very desirable TeL 245-4, lake front building lots. Easy terms Boston College; George Bretnall, has been*a better class of labor than' lars for our clients without a loss. if desired. Apply to Edward J. Holl, Lanrel 729-8 this year in a long time. Scores of FOR SALE!—1915 Buick touring car, Post Ofilce Block. J. A. BERGEN, Prop. Cornell College, Iowa; Vernon Clapp, Money invested today starts'immediately eamiiig 8 ie r good condition. Price J400. George Bnmelde, Conn. and E. B. Curtis, Annapolis; Jimmy men, desperate for some kind of cent interest. H. Williams, Center and Pitkin street. FOR SALE—Several very fine busi­ ness sites on and near Main stredt. Can Conolly, Georgetown; Bob Crawford, work, besiege farms in the vicinity be bought on very reasonable terms. Write or call for our booklet. FOR SALE—Furniture and household Lafayette; R. J. Dunn, Michigan; C. looking for any kinds of a job. They contents, practically new, people leav­ Apply to Edward J. Holl, Post Office PIANOS, PIANO PLAYERS AND ing town. Apply Room 9, Rogers IRlock. C. Furnas, Purdue; W- D. Hayes, No­ offer to work for $2.50 a day and In “Eight Per Cent On Your Savings With Safety.” Building, Hartford Road. Any even­ ing after 6 p. m. f 6 r s a l e —A very desirable build­ PIPE ORGANS TUNED A J^ tre Dame; A, B., Helffricji, Penn some cases there are those who will ing lot on Cambridge street near' Main. work for less. FOR SALS—1917 Paige touring car, Such lots are becoming very hard to REPAIRED. State; Bob Leg^dre, Georgetown; excellent tiurcmgbout. Car formerly find. Appl^ to Edward J. Holl, ffibst For the past four or five years Office Block. Frank Shea, Pittsburgh; J,ohn Sim­ The T. D. FauU mons, and L. G. Watso^ SyracuM,^^ tjhere haq been a- scarcity of Jaboi' gtreeh • ; GLAYTON B. WANTliD 67 Bigtiow Street. ^ Tek'SlM i and BIU Ypuag,. R^landa ynivqifi-] tobacco growers and farmers, Authorized ieetWt.,OoBii. . ' :ty; ■ rets h^’Ve had to go to tho hi /y-.v ■ V ^ - ^ 'fpi;; titllbr ^ anifi in

cploted; V^kineri. With shops iniu&8, -onto In.klx mohtAB.;' Thla -M O k l 1b genuine and w^.aek .y o u r ‘ ihoifonL,-- ^ virC time and unrest among the iny^BtlgatibiL,' Good wagea from: htart. trade unions the farmers are en­ hens with 16 Give full particulars In first letter,'Ad­ ftipiBy house with four, acres :|l.60. Who is the first. dress The R R R Company, 407 Trum­ joying the best labor conditions . ^Reid, X0.I Main street, M ^- bull street, Hartford, Conn, of every foot tillable. Barn, that they have experienced for some WANTED—Strong and reliable wo­ time. ‘ >B BALE—Sevefal Ice cream tables, man for Janltress in our main office. Shed^ garage and hennery wood top, chairs to match. Apply Thursday morning at Cheney There has been some objection to fiST lers, 981 Main street. Brothers’ Employment Bureau. mill hands as they "are not hardened WANTED—An experienced cook for BASEBALL GAMBLERS 'V FOR SALE—Metz five passenger to this class of work and in the past Fr ie d m a n , M a r k e l s g n &, C o m p a n y u touring car. Can be seen at 36 W ood- our girls’ boarding house on 'Park v^'brldge street. Phone 518-4. street. Apply to Cheney Brothers’ Located Within a Few Hhnutes: it was unusual for mechanics to Employment Bureau. Members Consolidated Stock Exchange of New York FOR SAL&t—Gole-8, 1916 model. Several of Those Involved in 1919 seek empfoymont on farms on ac­ Very good condition. Call 854-13. WANTED—First class painter. Ap­ 45 BEAVER ST„ N. Y. ply at once to R. E. Morton, 54 Bus­ World’s Series' Sumdal Have Been count of the long hours. Now . men FOR SALE—Indian motorcycle, 1916 sell street. of the Cheney Mill& Arrested But Others Are Thought are begging for work and are not a ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF A BRANCH OFFICE model. Just overhauled and In good condition. Call after five p. m. 447 WANTED—Two first class painters to Have pied the Country 1 bit particular what kind of work it Street, South Manchester. and paperhangers. Apply Wm. Haus- AT 742 MAIN STREET man, 97 Bissell street. Ideal place for large family. Is. FOR SALE— 1916 electrically_____ equip- Chicago, Apr. 27.— George Gor­ The average weekly pay on the HARTFORD, CONN. ;ped Indmn motorcycle. cle In good run- WANTED—All kinds of carpenter -ning order., Cheap if taken at once, work to do. Thomas Hooks, 151 El- man, assistant states’ attorney In farms this.year will be about $15.00 5;'Call 57 Wadsworth street. Phone 19. dridfee street. Tel. 51-23. WILLIAM RUBINOW Phone Bushnell 2640 • *— ______charge of the. prosecution of those in­ for single.men, $19.00 for married Under the Management of ' CHOICE b a r r e l Plymouth Rocks, "WANTED— Good farm with istoclc dicted in the 1919 world’s series men and $21.00 for teamsters. One 12.00 setting. J. F. Bowen, 27 Mld- and tools. Can pay $4,000 down, also Room 9, Park Building. file Turnpike Eaat. Phone 737-2. small farm near railroad station, "VV. scandal, began an investigation to­ large grower has established this MR. LEWIS E.’ DOBFMAN R. Augsten, Merrow, Conn. day of repfirts that J. J. "Sport” Sul­ FOR SALE!—Second hand lumber, Wage scale and others are expected To Transact a General Commission-Business In ooors, window and brick. Also kindl- W.1VNTBD—HEMSTITCHING at 10 livan, of Boston, indicted as one of to follow suit. That is where there - log wood $1.00 per tload. Gospel Hall, cents a yard. Mrs. Manning, Room 2, THE LATEST IN STOCKS, BONDS AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE fipruce street. House & Hale Building. the gamblers involved in the plan to Is much work but on smaller farms buy the series, had fled to Canada. XOH SALE—Green------Mountain pota- WANTED—Ashes to draw and plow­ the wages will not be so high. Many /ou are cordiaUy invited to visit our bright, commodious 11.0%‘ 1.8% bushel,I seconds 65 cents ing to do. Apply to L. T. Wood, Bis­ MODERN DENTISTRY Gorman is rounding up all of those who have been employed In. machine yMd $1.20 delivered. W. E. sell street. Tel. 496. board rotuns containing every modem facility 8 »artford Road. Tel. 343-12. indicted who have not; appeared and shops and other places where war WANTED— cook and house maid. INLAYS AND given bonds. In trying to locate Sul­ , for rendering unexcelled service. Fo r SALE!—On Main street, two ten- Mrs. Olcott, corner Forest and gMaln material has been manufactured ' .kment 13 room house, all Improvements, streets. Telephone 367. livan apparently authentic Informa­ have found themselves without jobs large lot. Best residential section in tion that he had gone to Canada was FAST PRIVATE WIRES TO VARIOUS MARKETS. $9,000 takes it. James Rennie, WANTED—Graphanolas, clocks, fire­ REMOVABLE BRIDGES and are willing to work at anything , jTlnkes.a^ock. arms, locks, air rifles, heaters, irons, received. cleaners, fans, small machinery to re­ I make a special study of your so long as they" find employment. ,' FOR SALE!—BUICK— 1917 Buick, five pair, saw filing, key fitting, soldering, "Chick” Gandil, former White Sox ' oaasenger touring for sale. Good con- etc. Bralthwaite, 69 Winter street. mouth and my aim Is to make your , filtloft thfoughout. Call 854-13. teeth &S perfect as can be done. first baseman, was arrested last night NEW BARBER SHOP. TO RENT I have madb a specialty of these in Lob Angeles at the request of the The alterations at the National >awford one pipe fur- new forms of dental work. WATCH R E P M M M Pgain. New. Would In- Chicago authorities. Shoe Shine Parlors at 883 Main $• t6 quick buyer. Address, FOR RENT—Furnished front room Hal Chase also is under' arrest. ■r,.' -South Herald Office, 17 Oak at 19 Foster street. First house from All Work Absolutely street are nearipg completion. There RIGHT ____ East Center. Apply between 5 and 7 Extradition proceedings to bring evenings. « Guaranteed. were formerly two shops at this REGULATING ---- * $ALE— Sand, gravel and loam, them to Chicago will be started. Ar­ TO RENT—Four room tenement fur­ On parle fTancaia place, one a shoe shining establish­ G la sses Thirty years’ experience In rspaMi^ ellver anywhere. Also wood, rest of William Bu^ns, former big ’ c*. * ’ . -i- stove length or four foot. A Concord nished for housekeeping, electric ment and the other a repair shop. all makes of watches quallflos buggy-ahd a two seated carriage. In­ lights and all Improvements, 15 minutes league pitcher who la said to be in quire 416 Center street. Tel, 341-2. from Cheney mills. Inquire South Carpenters have been engaged for the willjsave give your watffh the careful attont|($i Herald' office. DR.-J.VEINTRAUB Texas, has been ordered. ' past *week in making extensive It needs. FOR SALE!—High grade fertilizer by No word has been received from th« bai*“ -g. ton or oar load, prices the low- TO REN’T—Furnished rooms for gen­ Tinker Block, Open Every Evening changes. The partition ^between Your Eyes eat. L..H. Knapp, 18 Starkweather St. tlemen. Apply 27 Bralnard Place. Lady in Attendance. Abe Attel, former pugilist, and Tel. 862 the shops was removed and a place TO RENT— Pasture in Andover for Rachel Brown, said to be an asso­ Distressing headaches and dizzi­ Vi- young stock, ,25 qents a^week per bead. Yes, that big blue furniture truck cut In the floor large enough for a ness will be but memory. ^ FORKf^E—Lot 42 Homestead Park, Call 442-4, ciate of Sullivan. Louis Levy, Ben & €. W. LBIDQUIST ♦ohn ^Sl^Bon, Box 120, Stafford still comes to Manchester. Do you stairway leading do'wn cellar. The '■■V . ; B|—•iPl^lngs,------Conn. Levy and David Zelser of Des Moines, A delightful change from dim TO RENT—Tenement of six rooms .at wonder, with the assortment we cellar has been entlreljr renoValed Watchmo^ahr and Jeweler r have notified the states attornsy they vision to good vision. FORSALE—Fertiliser fUr potatoes, 416 Center street. Phone 841-2. carry? The quality and prices would 26 State St., Hartford, i^lin ah'd vegetables, $2.76 per*hundredper hundred will give their bond on May 1. Eddie and the shoe repair shop will occupy Our experience, skill and accur­ August Casperson. Tel. FOR HIRE!—^Buick Six for theater keep any kind at a truck rufinlng. this part of the building when repairs •’f e ' " " - arbles and special occasions. Call D. Cicotte, former White Sox pitcher, acy assures you of satisfactory g. Potts. Tel. 286-4. Big cut on all kinds of rugs, dining also will give bond by May 1. have been completed. The part now service. M R #ALE—Green mountain poota- room furniture and living room fur­ $1.00 per bushel, few seconds at UOST occupied by the shoe shining estab­ F.R osnta. Ed'ward Boyle, Manchester niture. If you are in the market for lishment will be entirely renovated t!0«n. TeL 262-42. LOST^A squirrel neakpiece Sunday an oil stove, refrigerator, couch, RECREATION NOTES. and occupied by a mo'dern barber Walter Oliver on Orcfiiard or Center streat.. Find Finder Fan Blodc, 915 Main Street. ELECTRICAL l^ R SALE—Qladlolas and dahlias. please return to Southith HHertU' er^ ^ office. 'hammock or baby carriage, don't fail shop and the shoe shining' eitahBsh- ljttrs0ry ntqckstqck of all kinds. Ander- south Manchester. 4 W ^h ou se. l 68 Eldridge street. LOST—Between 169 Main street and to call 243-3 Or come to the store. ■The swimming pool will be open ment will occupy the paft ot the ji VEone 61-12. North Congregationq-l c^rch, child’s Hours.: M0.80 *. m. to 8.80 p.'to string of gold heads. vaflued- 'tCs' "a No account too big, none too small. for ladies tl)l^ evening from T.30 to bulld.'ng vacated by.the repair irtiop. Hense W mtt Rwiir’i't BALBl—Ail kinds of farmers’ keepsake. Fpider please return to E. Benson, Representative foV Louis nine o’clock. Ttitphone 89*8. Mrs. E. Fallow, LOO Main, street Modern- plumbing Is b0lng iristklled ,JK f e t f Herrup.— Advi. There will be open bowling for and a direct connection has 4>een Ho' Sunday calla_____ ^_____ LOST—An auto marker. Number' Wo* 8^ 49327. Finder please return to Dr. imjen this evening from seven to 10 made with the water mains so that iR^;8iClM-rS«lected seed potatoes. Le Verne Holmes, 267 Main street. o’Aock. >e and New York, state,,, will sell SPIRIT OF THE TIMES. the barber shop will have an ample 06 at $1.60 per , ^ushai. Inquire An attractive moving picture pro­ 2Q2L C i « ^ M ^ Bast Center strsht.' MISCELLANEOUS: >:■ - .1 .Vienna.— The Chancellor ot the supply of water. It •will be some Auktrlan Republic, Dr. Mayr, flally gram has bhen arranged for mem­ PAINTmU AND . VERANDA BOXES and trelllsek fqr time before the proposed changes are SALE—Baby chicks, pure bred iurned' dow'a an invitation c f '^tiiie ■> ~ .J., Ss, s4so Plymouth Rocks, bred t’W'lhlng vines made fo order. LetJiA bers and the public to he given on complete aa the proprietors are con­ •train, I60 each,. Deposit re- book your order for gerrahlums' iSr British 'Gdvemment to oomS; to JuoA4 .Friday avenlng in the big gymna­ PAPER HANGING U each order. J. Frawley, 888 Memorial Day. Anderson Greenhouse, don'for a conference whiiffi^ was 'to ducting thplr business while the re-, 9teK street. Tel si6-2a: . * 168 Eldridge street. Tel. naxlie a "committee tor vtho^ Investi-i sium. pairs are being made so this neces­ bhloki. -Sred-tc M0'TH!ERS of girls fr6m-12r-''yeiirs'aild: gallon of the Austrian question." sarily retards the progress of. the V A. G. up,.to know we have ' f f i d m prepaid, delivery len His r^ ly was tiist tba tlm» to«> ln- A, colp-operated 8ho0-pbll8hli)g ma-_ .26 O o o ^ Street teds. Send for oii Bepe Mlssee or Junior 5ftlEti Oftlall pa vestiliation kad Varisei^ that' Audtrta workmen. Brdodera f4,7i> Mra aln street. chihe pollsheB both shoes at thq isame^ rtford, Conn. needed prompt' help *‘in deeds, • not tlmie for a filoltel, requiring; only one ,u , |n Bpgland the statute mile is words," and that his goin$ to^ Lon- nnd a half tolniit^ ifor 'tli'e'OpelNiUQn. In Great Britain the sale of bread Harding Is the name 'h^ a ’ "ttfi-'yards ■■Xtlie aame as Js a w « ^ The dust ia 'remqyed^- the^ pollBfet:'ai^'{i ift *by -tho^ pound rUntC W o itowii squtlt of S4lt Lake 011^. ^t; tTnit^ States), while the gc the naming of a new committee >Ued iutoiYul^fed«otoeTery part ot; the il^uhd ’ .IbaL Arhich touiit '^tr^igiied e«iteln#4s4Wk_7«e $aetb-of effort. . v i shoe a1 iJfi 4hO ptosen'eO’ ot bt ir;^ 'xC.'v Jiv ■ lii - ■ 'i ■ -rJT- , . V I f - " . ^' < - ^ ’ . ■ . A'.. TSv.-" > i.T S ■'i. ".■’■ -.^y -• . .. vi\ . ■’•,r : - > ’S

— IHE EVENING HERALD, VS®DNESDAy,AHtn;2r,102t; ■ ■ •<■■■■ ■'>’.•■ ■ X -. . _'x- "'^t.’.v ; ^;- ■; < i'

safe, (Iropping unconscious at the Slu^ lE iiin ^ Jftrallt feet of his manager. / PACfflC COACT IS FIRST . I There are probatSy other interest­ ■"'-/'I at the Office at Man- ing instances of A similar nature go­ •eetar at Sebona Clast Mail Matter. m AUTOMOBILE DENSITY ing to show that the wave of banditry ^ V ' which has swept the country during PabUsheA by New England Atlantic Seaboard the last year oV so is meeting with States Rank Second— Middle TKe Herald Printiiig Company increasing resistance. Postmaster Southern, Third. r M c t Sale o f General HaVs says he is going to stop ,r-r* f, •, |!rx>i:*” Brery Bvenlns Except Sundays » ' • i j mail robberies. The amount stolen The Pacific Coast and the North­ I atad Holidays. New York, April 2^.— There are V ^ last year was $6,000,000, of which west rank first in automobile density if V handicaps when it comes to prosecut­ By Mall, Postpaid. $3,000,000 was recovered. The loss is based on population; New England and Atlantic seaboard states rank ing deaf mutes., for ^lander. Albert '■N", pf*' 16 a year in advance. serious enough, even to Uncle Sam. 60 cents anaonth for shorter period .second; the Middle Southern states De Mantone discovered them when Mr. Hays has armed postoffice, em­ Silk Floss Mattresses 18 cents ^week hy carrier. take third •position. For the entire he tried to have three men arrested S iu le colnes liiree Ci^nts. ployes in some of the disturbed cen­ couhtiy^ there are 11.4 persons per the other night for “ talking about” 1 I & Office— Herald Bnildlng, ters and they have instructions to automobile. This information comes him and his wife with their fingers Manehesfer; Branch Office, Ferris shoot to kill. Like Cole Younger, the from the',.B. F. Goodrich Rubber Block, Oak St.. South Mandiester. Company whtek^Ss just completed on a subway train. They went cheer­ James Boys and iffilMr noted "khights a nation-wifle .survey of automobile fully 'with him to the police station, , W e d n e s d a y , J^p r iI , . of thd highway, the modern bandit dpnsityr f 27 1921 where they explained in writing that always gets re^jt^jj^rouiijjji th^ ele­ in the first group, —------:------they were talking in’ Latin and that ment of surprise.'^'ff he is brought to wmch ihcludos Ohio, Indiana and A LEGISLATIVE MISTAKE. probably confused Mr. De Mentone. believe that he will meet resistance in Michigan, have*'more care in pro­ STiat the legislators have acted portion to population than the coun­ Their accuser admitted the difficulty a certain place he will not go there contrary to the wlfihes of a large ma­ try’s general average. Every state of proving his charge since there and, if Euch instances as we have jority of their constituents in for­ excepting the three mentioned can were no available witnesses who un­ quoted are multiplied, highwaymen be classed as an agricultural state, bidding municipal bodie^ including derstood fchei'sfgn 'ranguage^to say will become as scarce as hens’ teeth. The average runs from five to ten public schools, to advance the clocks nothing of Latin. He declared, how­ They^ are too careful of their skins persons per car. to conform to the daylight saving A close race between South Da­ ever, that he and his wife did under­ not to be intfimidated by the determi­ schedule is shown by 4iie almost uni­ kota, Iowa and Nebraska has been stand it and that the youths bad nation, of the people to be ready jto waged for greatest proportion­ versal action 'to the contrary of the spoken of his wife as a “ swell kid,” Genuine Linen Tick, full size, in one piece. Made defend their property. ate automobile ownership. South Da­ manufacturers, merchants, banks, kota boasts one car for every 5.2 which he insisted was not- Latin at places of amusement, churches and persons; Iowa has one auto for eveiy J.11. The station desk man urged all by the Robinson-koders Company, the largest and most private individuals. Keeping public MR. HOOVER ON THE BUILDING 5.5 persons; and Nebraska possessef parties to “ forget it,” because of the SHORTAGE a car for every 5.9 persons. Fully §5 congested condition of the courts, reputable makers of bedding. schools on the old" tihie Mn places per cent of the cars in these state? » where almost everything else is on Secretary of Commerce Hoover are owned by farmers who purchased which they reluctantly agreed to do. : daylight time causps families in may be expected to deal understand- their cars principally for business which there are children great in­ tngly with any question of domestic purposes. Restaurant owners believe there Only one to a customer convenience. NoW' ih order to make or foreign policy that coihea within While Ohio, Indiana and Michigan should be limits to amiability or his province. He has been studying are. quasi-agriculture states, their its foolish law still more binding the' dignity vanishes. Consequently, they the shortage pf one million homes in dense automobile ownership probab­ are posting on their walls, signs read­ legislature is asked to pass a bill ly can be traced to the fact Make your selections now! this country and the adequacy of the / withholding stkte -aid for those that -over 90 per cent of the coun­ ing as tactfully as possible, suggest­ steps now being taken to remedy this ing that while it may be quite the schools which may,^>for convenience, try’s total motor vehicle output is grave condition. Lower prices of ma­ manufactured within their confines. thing to carry one’s lunch, the advance their clocks. terials have produced more activity New York state which leads the restaurant is not the place to which country in registration has more A far more sensible thing for the in building operations but, judging to carry it. Some little headway was WATKI NS BROTHERS, In c . legislature to do would be to repeal motor vehicles than South Dakota from reports to his department, he has inhabitants,, although South Da­ gained by the lunch-carrying move­ its former action opposing daylight can see nothing in the nature of a kota le^^ds the country in auto dens­ ment last winter, but the carriers saving thus permittiiig communities building boom. i ity. New York has 658,155 motor found that they missed their coffee t to .suit their own convenience. Then vehicles while South JDakota has a and they didn’t want it later; they There must be a recession away population of 653,047. New York if a rural farming ooramunity pre­ from the war level of costs before has 15.8 persons per automobile. wanted it along with their sand­ iiOl ferred to retain standard time for all there can be any substantinl.revival Florida and Texas are the only wiches. Sa recehtly it has become no lini ItEactivlties it could do so, and indus­ in construction work to relieve the southern states in the second group strange thing to see one come into /W trial communities which preferred to congestion felt over the whole coun­ which comprises states with 10 tc a lunch room, order a cup of coffee, 15 persons per car. In this group are operate on the daylight saving could try. Prices of materials are still de­ also the New England states, Penn­ and pull forth the sandwiches from ha,Ve that privilege without restric­ clining and experts agree that they sylvania, Illinois, Missouri and Utah pockets to eat with the lone cup of tion. There would .be far less con­ will drop a good deal more. The last named states Igads the coffee. “ They seem the slowest eaters fusion under that plan, than ifow But the workers are clinging group with 10.6 per sons per auto; we have, torf,” said one proprietor, Vermont ranks second with 11.1; “ And it makes me nervous to see a exists as the,result of'the attempted tenaciously to war wages, even Illinois and Missouri are tied for regulation by legislative enactment. threatening strikes if reductions are third with 11.4 people to a car. table and half an hour taken up for a Things had gone badly with the fami­ and countenancing no destructive , This has been exceeded hjf.ft: number ' put into effect. Thiq situation is as The third group has 15 to 20 per­ five cent cup of coffee.” The signs ly, Tony explained, and they had to practices sets an example for truck of previous months; bub the e lti^ operators. Tests reecntly completely transiting the canal in i»er4 FAIR PRICE ilSTS. noticeable throughout Connecticut as sons per car and includes the follow are the result. choose between food and shelter. ing states: New York, Virginia by the U. S. Bureau of Public Roads of larger average net ipfci Official announcement that a fed­ in other parts of the country. It is a “Da rent” , he said, “ she keep a-get- show that a truck traveling at the cargo carried in the comm' North and South Carolina, Georgia ting upper and upper.” So h^ bought eral bureau of statistics is contem­ formidable obstacle in the way of a ajid New Mexico. New York leads The first tourist hotel for women rate of 15 miles per hour exterts aggregated 1,086,463 tons»?witidl twice the force on the road as when plated means'^little until w.e know building reviv^ and, as long as it this ..group. in the country has been opened. It is a plot of swampy land raised, the been exceeded in only, near thb' main'”fe'ntrance ^df Yellow­ twelve-foot room, ba^t almost, ‘tfaveling at the rate of six miles per month, January, 1921, the purposes n>ln^. One 1 would exists, will react not artdne on the 'The'fourth ,-group— more than 20 By overloading trucks the own- persons per car— contains all the tirely of stu4^, go amounted to have thought %hat there were more prosperity of the country, of the con­ stone Park, at Livingston, Mon., and (destroying a piece of phblic middle’ Southern states. They are: dealer. The total numbeiv'U^ ^ep,^Ugh statistics issued by the tractors, of the railroads Is the enterprise’ ef the ^Youug Wo- and invites the enmity of vessels, QoyemniII|rtl t the comm^ ' il |UppUes~ of^ materials ...... ‘ i 'and

wdrkers themselves. If tbe wheels of industry by insisteiice bn ______/PUla- tivities of the’WureauP v^hh% iij es­ tion in iJie United States m luabama ,,, _ Aie retention of the war w^ge stand­ New York, is already’bii^ Ige Ijrnck, anr^WSWiS of’ the-^otbr Uni tablished ajjpears to have consider­ with 31.5 people per qar. «atlstic8 for 1929 shoV that ard they are curtailing the amount of That the Southern states rank last out the posters 'which are to declare truck operator to the use of "better 4rm&diti able merit.'^he bureau will issue motor trucks' carried more tonnage work available and eventually their in the density column is attributed the existence and attractions of the tjhan either inland waterways or in- business methods. Launcliss,'under fair price lists at periodical inter­ tons ...... lillt own renumeration. They must choose to the fact that this section has'poor hostelry, aU. aJoPfi r-the. roads of the terurban trolley lines. Motor trans­ vals as a guide to the ultimate con­ roads. However, the South is now PANAMA CANAL’S RECORD between steady work and lower great park. The hotel faces the moun­ port now ranks second only to rail Total vessels & cruf 1. 202 sumer and a protection against* ex­ engaged in a gigantic road building transportation. •UT wages or intermittent work and war campaign and has now available for tains of the Park and is said tc have March Tonnage and Tolls, Exceeded A comparison of tol^ eargeA tortion, (^fficjals at Washington say In less than ten years ’time motor wages. With a resumption of steady expenditure"^ on good roads over wonde«|ai,,ffgjkU(^^ But transportation has grown from'-noth­ Any Pi-eceding Mi.: infiatibn. bers of the less-money-earning sex ly solved and its leaders face the ment was less than in previous scent has just been made by Mawt line. The shortsighted resistahce to Imonths.' no .w i^ to the’ working of economic laws is one In the opening game of the season who still yearn to travel. Only a few task of retracing some of their strides T. Orde Lees. / \ in order to perfect weak spots in the The aggregate net tonnage of the in^^fere with^the ordinary give apd of the main stumblijig. blocks.4n .the tjtgs State Trade school easily defeat­ years ago any kind df hotel which Taking two Guardian Angel structure. g^ommercial ships passing through chutes with him in his airplane, he takjs ot'biiSihess but it considers that way of industrial recovery. Mr. ed Stafford High school Tuesday afer- was maintained for women was a the canal in March, according to the distinct novelty. The next thing, there The Travel and Transport Bureau jumped with one of them/ from aV; ' an. accurate ^determination of manu­ Gompers and his 150,000 well paid noon at Mt. Nebo. of the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Com­ rfiles of measurement for the Panama height of 1,500 feet. When abqut ■ facturing costs and their nationwide will be obsfrvatisn cars f(^ us alone, pany points out four problems that States, was 924,309 tons, as com­ 000 feet from the ground he cut bilhr assistants purposely blind themselves Trade School started off with sev- pared with 1,094,323 tons in January ■■■-:<’,"3 publication would enable the cus­ to conditions and strive to put blink­ veral errors and a sub-battery pre- maybe. ■ are up for solution now. They are: self free and began a new fall udtBP*; _ formation of local associations to 1921, the month of high record pre- the other, which opened after. a'(iroF><:^^ tomer to judge for himself whether ers on the men they. lead. They are senVing Stafford with five runs in the jfious to March. The net tonnage of No mere burglar alarm on his eliminate rate cutting and other of only 100 feet. Major Lees lande^-"?? he was paying a fair price for com­ not hurting themselves. They have first inning, their total for the en­ harmful practices; expanding in the the ships under the rules for meas­ in the topmost branches of a tree..^,^-.^ urement for registry in the United modities or was being gouged. It is no intention of doing that. But they tire game. Before the inning was safe would satisfy Eugene Grebert, field of junction terminal transfer of garage owner. “WJxy liayeta bell that freight; to break shippers of the “ ex­ j^tates was 924,309 t ons, as com­ an interesting adventure in patern­ are harming the interests of every over the “ Smith” battery got in pared with 8^,689 torih in January. NEW SHIMMY JS APPROVB®, J " only gifeb'‘fibtic6 to Wmeone-to como clusively railroad hftbil/iand” and alism and if successful, will be uni­ real worker in the nation. motion and the entire Trade school educate tjhem to use motor trucks The yglsteredtgross and net tonnages Paris— A new form of '^Shlintoy- versally commended. team braced up and played in mid­ with a gun?” argued Mr. Grebert. of the ships in March were 1,417,220 less shimmy” has been approved hy;'? for short hauls; andito warn truck the Association of Paris Daneinff--. season form. “ Why not have the'gUn itself for an operators against overloading and and 917,432, .as compared with 1,- NEW PLATOON’S DRILL. alarm?” Finding no negative /'re­ 383,778 and 883,362 tons respective­ Masters, who include ballet 1: TURNING THE TABLES ON The battjng of R. Smith, L. Smith, overspeeding in order not to antag­ tors at the Opera. After sponse, he perfected and rigged up onize highway authorities. ly in January. BANDITS Wetherell and Cussons featured. L. demning the shimmy altbgetH^' The newly organized Seventii Rifle a charge of buckshot which would ' Local organizations of truck opera­ ' The tons earned in March amount­ If all highwaymen, footpads and Smith got the best and longest drive ed to $1,105,529.05, as compared experts bowed to pubtle oplnloak; -,company, Connecticut National tors are springing up throughout the put their O. K. on a dance in banditS;,got as little for their pains as seen at Mt. Nebo in some time. be released' on the opening of the country and are devoting much with $1,095,857,46 in January. Guard, held its first drill last even­ safe door. In consequence, poor March was the fourth month in which only the feet execute the shim . the tjhree who attacked a Staten Barrett, Reily, R. Smith and Ab­ thought and action toward stabiliz­ movements, the hip and shbuide ing in the big gymnasium at the Re­ Joseph Schmidt is in the hospital un­ ing the .industry. The spirit of co-' the tolls were in excess of $1,000,000 Island groceryman the other night bott featured in the fielding. Two wriggle being eliminated.' creation Centqr under command of der a charge of burglary because he operation has been marked ' and is and the first in which they exceeded the present popular trade of rob­ double plays were the sensation for certain to become a powerful factor $1,100,000. The previous million dol­ Lieut. John Pentland. Last evening appeared at- the hospital, asking for bery with violence would languish. I / the ■■■afternoon. ih advancing the industry, says the lar months were September, 1921 The British India natives’ reIigiOTii^#;i was the first night that active drills treatment for buckshot, wounds. It’s ($1,010,150.63), December, 1920 The grower had not even the incentive The wonderful pitching of R. Goodrich bureau. scruple against killing t^y livin'"^ were held. • very hard on votutine. t^rglars when Many of these local organizations <$1,007,849.32), and January. 1921 of a big roll in his pocket to cause Sij^ith was highly commended by all creature, even a venomous reptUOri^-^^x^ For the most part the neiy com­ riovelties of that kind are introduced. are represented on the transporta­ ($1,095,857.46). a potent cause of the. higl^ mortaltti?^v.^ him to put up a stout fight. All h® present. He allowed only twtf hits tion committee of the Federal High­ pany is.made up of oldAmers who New York had more or less of a The number of commercial ships in that country each year from had was $2.80, having sebt his days the entire game he had Stafford at way Council which is composed of making the transit in March was 255. attacks of serpenfs and wlM beuanir'^T^r.^^^ receipts home an hour before he have .seen active service. About 20 ?his mercy. blow when Albert, Prince- of Monaco, represenlatl^ves of \ railroad; motor .truck, waterways, express companies, closed his store. But it is probable or 25 new members were under their Trade School journeys to Windsor “ the man , w,h9 .owns thp bank at instruction last evening and the Monte Carlo” ,'arrived in town. De­ electric *lines and shipping interests. that, he ’ objected to the holdup on this afternoon to play the fast This committee is materially aiding spite any reports to the contrary, all gen ial; principles, with the result drill hall was a busy scene. The re­ Loomis Institute nine. in co-ordinating • the transportation 't>f us, in ^ w heartji. expjected';a dash­ that two of the gang received such cruits were coached in the funda­ Following is the score: •agencies. / . .i, ing interestingly Wicked-looking, per­ In the transfer of less than car­ a tTMtiljg from him that they took mentals and no doubt the “ rookies” Trade School— R. H. E. thought that phase of the work was son, whose conversation would be load freight between, railroad stations to their;heels while he held on to the . ,0 1 0 1 1 2 0 6 X— 11 12 5 at large Junction terminals the motor uninteresting. It will take some time concerned with the great subject of PULVERIZED thirA: and turned him over to the Staffed High-^ truck is effecting a .great Mving- in life— ChaficQ! And behcfliR Hsre is a polij^' \t|io arrived in time to gather to get the men in trim so that thOy > I 5 0 b 0 0 0 0 0 0— 5 5 3 time and expense. For Instance, at are familiar with the rules. pleasant, quiet, studious, serious, Cincinnati 14 motor trucks with de- in (^her two m well. 'mountable bodies have replaced 115 it was voted last evening to take eldie^ly gsntlSman in -bur midst, Thbre was also an interesting NORWALK EDUCATORS slow moving horse, drays and release part in the Memorial Day parade if whose chief concern in life is to l^arn SHEEP MANURE FOR PHILIPPINES over 75 cars daily f6r main line ser­ episjbde a day o‘r two ago in an Illi­ what sort of things abound in the thd ' equipment of ,the company ar­ .Norwalk, Apr. 27.— Prof. Dean S. vice. Over 25 per cent of the total nois’? totvn when .-Ave bandits armed bottom of the sea—-not pirate treas­ less- th»n-carload freight handled at FOR THE LAWN AND FLOWER GAROE^. » rives here before that day. A special Fanaler ofjthis city, formerly of the to the t6eth walked into the principal ures— but little fishes and gentle Cincinnati was transported by these invitation has been extended to the English department ‘ in Columbia bank, herded the ^ p loyes into the ‘things like that. In spite of a general- 14 motor trucks. Wi^TCH THE GRASS GROW AFTER YOU USBrlT,?* company to take an active part- in Univ^t'slty, and his wife, who is al­ To establish, this service in other vault and started, th l^^ve with $4,- ■ly moral outlook." 1 couldn’t help Jae- $3.00 A BAG the day’» celebration. so al professor •wflll leave here May cities is liie‘problem before the motor’ 000/ !a ^oung cashier grabbed a gun Tng-disappointed. trupkins( interests as .well as th»rail t kept .in vthe vault and opened fire on ‘26 to take up work ih the English TON PRICE ON APPLICATIW. LONDON-PARIS AIR ROUTE department of the government uni­ 1.. theffi/a|, they were leaving, wound­ % la extreme niQdern' ofvllizatidn After, years o f ro^tiag sbipmehts versity at Manila, P. I. Both Prof. exclusively over rail liifes shippei J.- ■ ing th r^ and recovering the money. bent on driving aB,bs£k ,li(>\t^e aton,e. London— Capable of travelling at ; andJ Mrs.^Fanslbr formerly taught In have' hfeen- slow to accept the motor The other two were jrohndhd up later. double speed of the fastest express- agei? Charles H. Wieu-ner. superinten­ *>,t ' the Manila institution. truck for the short haul( An extensive Ii^D(i|ther case in Middle l^est, train, what is claimed to the word, dent of a New York welfare organiza- educational campalga Us the one way a b^E^Behgpr, returning from the the De Haviland 10, has Just made tton, inhlinej^o W ie™ in s,cj. t is BO efflcimit that, given a full load sine Carnet de la Semaine., The tii^ l^ijldren l i v ^ to .a unb^room/ but from terminalvto con(tfgnee<;fi&: saeh- loM klB aebses of eight persons, the cost of carrying republic of San Marino>"^ lying n e ^ this cuy tor less _w»th«^ h S S jv ^ S '& S fl.S ^ hgera is only one. cent more and comfortable than the r . . y e ^ ' 'faftroao 'nie care exercised by the rallroade; Jm A*' /'A:' ' ‘ B||WSrE'-MIGBNBRY. said W. S. Brqwn> h e ^ o (^ .the i' ' mortpal value a^ rafle^ted !q the per-^ and Incidents of Miss Mildred Hose Migenery bf Engineers* Associatioin.' centage drop in th^ 4MMt of Uvliig. Danbury and Robert Dewey of this **The Shipping Baard.4a^ not de­ lleto^liQiie town were married last Saturday aft­ sire arbitrary Wage reductions based . Admir^' Benaon said he felt that ernoon at the home of thq bride in ed States, canh^ Early Days in Manchester [qolely on the present industrial de­ Danbury. Rev. Harry Meserve, an wages, of seamen since 1914 - have principle, declared *B(fyi

--\ ■* '^'i7 ' *i i Lfc r M' ■♦ .1.V vw ,\ ley and skirting the Cascade Range. Bakersfield, covering; the sontk ohswtM’, lipver«di >over Another patrol flew front the auh- of the Sahara .aad,1j actually^ djfccectpd- the moimmeiifs of base at Medford by way of Suinmj^jr esta. r , \ hpdi^a of, forest ..fl^tefj| by;,, U.A' Lake, to Alturasj Calif, and reiurhe'd is-i -is ■ ■ ■i' . llhe March Field detachment pro^ ih^s^eg received rijght, on J;ha fire" Medford. tectedttl^ entire sontherpi ipart of the line, m addition, this plane patrolled / The entire army personnel was in state. One patrol covered the Angeles twice each day. some fourteen miles charge of Captain Lowell Smith sta­ and C^veland Ppr^etfi, landing at San at cpo^ipl^ted fire lines, from ^hich , . ’-.r: K IN II. $. tioned at Eugene. A Forest Service Die.ge> and the second fiew north to ail m,ep .kadi been removed. If repoi;ts representative was also stationed a.t Santa * Barbara. 1. . , 1 * , from the air showed the line to' be clear, the. fire fighters were kept at Eugene, who acted as a liaison officer At each base a liaison bfiicer was Airplane patrols guarding the na- worth of lumber each year, not count­ between the Air Service, the Forest work elsewhere, but if the observer tiODAi > tprests during the season of ing the damage done to privte prop­ located. This officer in each case was wirelessed in that the fire had broken Service, the State Forest, and the an experienced forester, detailed for A ^eat assortment of hardy \ perennials, read^^ 192t) fep.ve'ff japproiimately $35,000 erty, the eagerness of the Forest Ser­ private owners. Each plane was near­ away, then a force of men was rush­ OOO worth of standing timber. Be­ vice to be permitted to Use airplanes this special vfork. All matters in con­ planting out of doors, will^loom thfe ly always in communication by wire­ nection with airplane patrol out of ed to the spot and the fire coralled tween 900 and. 1000 fires were report­ is readily appreciated. less with the main or sub-^;)aae. again.’’ . through the ■winter. ^ ed from a few airpljines lent to the each.base in question were-taken up Hardy Asters, Dianthus, German Iris, v^anterl^ai^)^ The importance of adequately pro­ The northern patrol covered daily with and, through this officer, who At each base of operations of the Forest Service by the Army Air Ser­ tecting our t^mberland against fire a route of 860 miles and the Westerr airplane, forest patrol there is a send­ Belles, Aegoi^um , Phlox Sunset, Phlox vice. Most pf the forest fires were ex- also aefed as a.clearing hdhse for all can be appreciated fr9m statistics patrol from Eugene covered 3.2t fire reports. At each.base the liaison ing and receiving radio set and a Sweet Williams, etc. ^ i tinguisbed^'hy ground forces directed compiled by the Department of Agri­ wireless' telephone attachment. There from the air. It is pointed out that miles, each with one landing for fuel officer received fire reports by radio culture, w^ch show that sbrne 10,- and (jil. A total of 719 fires were dis­ or from the pilots after landing. He are also maps, covered with bright- Uie timber thus saved from destruc­ 000,000 acres of standing forests are qolered pins. For every fin reported tion is worth more than the total covered and reported during the sum­ in turn transmitted the report to the Timje to Set Evergreens,, ' burned each year. As the entire area mer by tjle Oregon aerial patrols Forest Supervisor. a pin is inserted In the correct loca­ Army Air Service appropriation for of the .Unit,ed States is 463,000,000 Evergreens of all sorts, including Blue SnrliCe. Two forced landings were made, re­ Paul G. Eedington, Forester in tion. "When the fire is a day 'old a tie fiscal year. acre!, and reforestation takes about sulting in serious damage to the pin of a different color is put in its Vitae,^Biota, TKuyas, etc. i i t. During the last season army pilots twenty years, it follows that, at an charge of the California district, planes bilx causing no injury to the states that 8-3r per - cent of the 196 place, "When the fire is ex^nguished Lilacs, Magnolias, Japanese Red Maples, J{q>anese assigned to the Forest Service patroll­ average of 10,000,000 acres destroy­ the pin is exchanged for one of black; occupants. fires discovered and'reported by that Azaleas, etc. ed th^ national forests of Oregon and ed annually, our timber resources The California airplane patrol of- Fires reported from other sources California. will not last long. The problem is part of the 9th Aero Squadron operat­ the national forest started about ing out' of Mather Field this year, than the fore^ airplanes are marked If the Department of Agriculture further complicated by the ever in­ with another color pin. Thus the map creasing use of lumber and of pulp June let. 1920. Headquarters were were accurately located. “ And ’ac­ secures favorable action from Con­ located at Mather Field, near Sacra­ curately’, ’’ said Mr. Bedington, “ in is an up-to-date and accurate history I gress regarding fhe recommendations in the manufacture of paper and al­ iof the season’s airplane patrol. so by the fact that we have always mento. Practically all of this work this case means ^lat t,heee locations ^ade in the'^summer of 1920, the was carried on by the 9th Aero given up by the airplane, fire patrols, P a rk H ill F lo w e r Shq$it aerial forests patrol will be extended used more timber" than we have per­ Squadron, Army Air Service. It was Watkins Old Buflding, Main Street ' . Phone 78£i-;&,/ mitted to grow. were all within one-fourth mile of the Circle Theater to include all national and private divided into detachments and these exact location as later determined by ^ 0. 1 timber lands in the United States. Plans for the work to be carried detachments were located as follows: actual surveys on the ground.' The Air Service desires to give fur­ out in 1920 were formulated at a One at Buff with eight planes; “ This record, when supplemented Marguerite Clark in “ ETasy to ther aid and the Operations Group conference at March Field, Riverisde, one atj Fresno and one at Mather by the further facts that an addi- Get,’’ a special feature, will be the has recommended that five squadrons Calif., between representatives of the Field. Each detachment consisted of tioilal 19 per cent of the fires, dis-- headliner of the Circle bill tonight. be made available for duty with the Air Service and of the Forest Ser­ about 25 officers and men. covered were reported within one- Forest Service. vice. As a result, the organization of Three patrols were "operated out half mile of their actual location, On the same bill will be the serial H r - ^ Although Forest Service reports t^he Aerial Forest Patrol was so modi­ of Red Bluff,— one went to Alturas that 10 per cent of the total num­ “ Bride 13,’’ the Paramount Maga-< have for some time urged immediate fied as to make it an integral part of and returned, coveting Mt. Lassen, bers were discovered by the air patrol zine and a two reel Sunshine com­ action, Congress appropriated in the Forests Service activities, though the east half of Mt. Sh&sta and the before the rangers knew they even edy entitled “ Monkey Business.’’ Artistic Cards 1919 only $50,000 for aerial forest still operating under the direction of, Modoc region; the second, to Mon­ existed; and that 42 per cent of 83 of patrols, which sum was not even suf- the Army Air Service: tague and return, by way of the th«L fires were reported by radio, One "of the big pictures of the CONGRATULATION CARDS ----- ficent'for providing hangars, repair Near the end of June a mam base Coast slope, coveting the west half while the ships were in flight, demon­ year will be shown at the Circle to­ BIRTHDAY CARDS shops, or personnel. All these were was established at Eugene, Ore. Dur­ of Shasta, the Klamath and the strates without a.doubt that airplane morrow and Friday. This is a visu­ ANNIVERSARY CARDS , lent to the Forest Service by the ing suitable weather one plane, leav­ Trinity regions; while the third fire patrol in California has been suc- Army Air Service and the Army pilots ing the field at 8:30 A. M. fiew north covered the California Forest, by way 'bessful. alization of David Belasco’s famous GRADUATION CARDS and observers were paid out of the over the Cascade mountain range to of Vovelo and Lakeport. “ Besides acting as lookouts to de­ stage production, “The Heart of MOTHER’S DAY CAI DS ' , Army appropriation for • their work a point opposite Fortlahd, where it Two patrols operated daily out of tect and report fires, airplanes were Maryland.’’ The play was a phenom­ A new and attractive line. in behalf of forest conservation, al­ changed course to the west and land­ Mather Field. One flew to Red Bluff, used this year to direct fire fighting enal success, but the film has though this appropriation in itself ed at the Portland municipal airport. covering the north half of the Eldo­ operations and to patrol fire lines was inadequate for our nalioi^al de­ Atl 2 P. m! the return journey was be­ rado, Tahoe, Plumas and p^rt of the which have been established, but achieved even greater triumph, for fense. gun, the course being laid over the Lassen forests; the second to Cooper- which needed watching to see that with the camera it is impossible to W. A. Smith, Jeweler The Department of * Agriculture western .part of the Willamette Val­ I town, covering the south half or the the flames did not get beyond con­ obtain scenes, locations and settings j Post Office Block estimates that 100 airplanes in daily ley and the Coast range, the airplane Eldorado and the Stanislaus. Two trol. The case of the' Mill Creek for­ that could not be reproduced with South Manchestef service would keep the Pacific Coast arriving at Eugene about 4 o’clock. j planes were operated out of Fresno est} fire, on the Lassen National For­ forests safe from fire, an area which Also, one ship flew south to Medford, j each day, one flying north to Coopers- est, were 25,00_0 acres were burned painted canvas. contains 52 per cent of all the tim­ skirting the Coast range of moun­ town, covering" the Sahara, Yosemitb over, is an example. Here a special re­ Tom Terriss, who directed the ■'"f > 1 ; >■-* ber in the United States. As fires des­ tains and returning to Eugene bn the National Park and the Stanislaus-, connaissance plaii^ equipped with production, has made every effort to troy approximately $20,000,000 easterly side of the Willamette Val­ forests; and the second, south to radio and with a forest officer for produce a picture which would have a historic value and be of interest to the pupils of the public schools. He has secured^ for the purpose many LION BRAND authentic locations which played im­ PURE MALT EXTRACT portant roles in the conflict between Contains no molasses, glucose or preservatives. Made L861-1865. from choicest western barley malt. Look for the LION He u^ed such sites as The Briars, label None genuine without it. peneral Grant’s headquarters; the Avoid Substitutes. / ^ mansion in which Jefferson Davis Branch Store, 55 Bissdl St., South Blanchester was married and where great balls were given in honor of Henry Clhy. EASTERN MALT EXTRACT CO. \ % For the chape^ scenes he secured a ^ Largest Dealm Mah Extract fn C

expanse of teiMrltOBy. A starahge yet, mAr.velous location which is shown oF'ohs.olpbOM yjo^’a l e h i g i in the picture is known Knut’s , C0NVOJGB YOU TH AT IT IS THE BBSTi Folly, a mlagniflcent building, com­ menced during the Cii^l War and never completed. This furnishes , an RlCHARDSOii COAL rires ideal spot for the hero to hide while 7 ■ V. within the . Confederate lines and Phone 425—Office and Yard, 258 Center St. l o n g about this time o f year a man finds his motor- makes a striking background for the A• ing neighbors getting anxious about their tires. scene in which he is captured. The W ith folks expecting old tires to “pop” any minute, picturesqueness of the background is as important almost as the stir­ there*bomes the question of w hat kind of new ones to buy. ring action, and surely no film upon *U. S. Tires are answering a lot of questions like this the screen today has a more draina- nowadays. . ^ THE U. S. NOBBY TREAD tic or entertaining story than that V * ♦ Where the going is specially heavy with snow,^ furnished by “The Heart of Mary­ mud or sand, in hilly ^untry where miazimum land.” The U. S. Tire following embraces two kinds of traction on the road is a factor, no other tire CO This feature was shown for three tire buyers. tread yet devised is quite so effective, or so wholly approved by motoring opinion, as the days at the Capitol in Hartford, only T h o se w h o s ta r te d with quality firs and have never U. S. Nobby Tread. last week. bought anything else but the quality standard tire. Its very simplicity— two diagonal rows of ob­ long studs, interlocking in their grip on the road FACTORY NEARING COMPLETION THE W. G. GLENNEY CO,:,- Those who came to quality first only after dabbling —is the result of all Jhe years of U. S. Rubber ex­ perience with every type of road the world over. Allen Place ^ Telephone !^ with “bargains,” “rebates,” “job lot” and “surplus stock” Work on the new macaroni factory tires. on Spruce street is progressing rapidr * « * ly. The building is of wooden frame construction two stories high. Thd Getting one hundred cents value on the dollar in tire ground floor is'divided into two bu 5ring is a straight-forward business proposition— not stores of considerable size and the guess-work or a game of wits. upper floor will be used as the The most essential man for you to know today is the macaroni factory. The store fronts -The Chandler chassis combines ih an nnusoal d^ree^ ..these four.-' kx:al U. S.Tire dealer who is concentrating on a full, have been finished and are ready for plate glass. The interior^is being evgineeriiig essentials— simplicity, compactness, accessibility completely sized line of U . S. Tires. finished in hard plaster. The exterior strength. A clean,'ftrong, perfectly- braced and riveted finayup’ H e gets his U . S. Tires straight from his neighboring of the building is clapboarded and the motor set squarely into the frame. , -.r.v., • ' • lAUSBnmci U . S. Tire Factory Branch— one of 92 such Brafiches the roof is covered with iareproof established and maintained all oyer the country by the asbestos roofing. The building is U . S. Tire makers. quite a sizeable addition to the busi­ GARTER, ROOD & * * * ness places on Spruce stareet. 23 MAPLET STREET. TEL.

He is the man who can give you fresh, live tires— not The Brooklyn Bridge, which was, stuff shipped to him from some point where it did not begun in January 3, 1870, was open­ ed May 24, 1883,'cost $25,095,577*. sell, but n ew tires of current production. Giving the same quality, selectionand price-advantage y to the owner of the medium weight car as the big car "The most, essential man fot owner gets. W ith equal service and buying opportunity you to know! today in the tire business is your local U. S V See How whether he lives in the smaller localities or the greater Tire Dealer," Qiriddy It R^Hevee centers of population. Ton jdatxttbMOf&DraiDitnfariaUy. and The oddest knd best known storage b a t t ^ 6(n t' QRiaUy the pain ia aooe—a d ^ o tn i , ket. ^ loOdagiCQiiifiDctc^^ Standard Factory Equipment on 35 per cent of ' Musterole la &

L f'. ■ ■ . ' ; V J- ^ •’ t-i • '• 'Vi pi: t .v-, -i l-u ■h a s ® .■-J*5 'iiv y>v • .V ^tw X- ■ •’

mm m May 82. Amartcan Chain, of Bast- Manc|iyaatar. Brau- by, HartfjD<4« Ma|ichester, [''San 4SIIIIIIW . B lu 29, TfltyUtef Mjanchester. ■ ■ "f ^ ..... r^Vn ulnwlfl ' iitfi.y 2o, tiQUl^le" BeadOr at Meti- M o tifis OB Maryborough, Newington, Rocky den (Penning). “ Bunty Pulls the.iSbclngs”^w411 be Siliusbury, ySouth W inder, &if- shown at Cheney Ball this Friday Bht iHIfU^ to Old Posltdcm— Second Time Rrofessionals Visit Dr, fleld. West Hartford;. Wethetsfleld> evejilng for the benefit of the Spin­ Maine’s Office—-Digenlons Man­ Windsor, and Windsor Locks in the :in Sunday afternoon when th ^ between l^ t Saturday afternoon and rural Scotland peopled by country Bethany, Brani^ord, Cheshire, East '7 h e y a r e Q O O X i neetj the Rosebuds of Bridgeport at Monday morning and completely raiiT ' CHATTER folk in whom flourish the traditional Haven, Guilford, Haxnden, Madison It.'Nabo. The game will be called at sacked his office. They were in quest Scotch tiualitiek of thrift, and humor. of gold used for fillings and they New Haven, North Branford, NprtK 1.80, new time, with “ Wing” Mur- In this novel setting takes place the “ Babe” Ruth has annexed his Ufth made away with a considerable quan­ Raven, Oramse, P roject, Wa)Ung4 and “ Mul” McCarthy officiating. story in which the radiantly, re­ home run of the season. The “ King tity. ■ ’ ■ • ford and Wopdbridgq iji 'the countj 2 0 forl5 <: . EMie Munson coach of the team sourceful Bunty, daughter of Tam of New Haven; district number four of Swat” surely Intends to beat his From the evidence left it is very i^l^aa ^te^n men to select from. He Piggar, pulls the ,,ptrlngs. She ,to consist of the towns of Bridge­ last year’s record if possible. He certain that the man or men in the •Tactically the same outfield as saves her father from ’disgrace, mar-' port, Fairfield, Shelton, Stratford, has a better chance as the pitchers party wereVno amateurs'. They enter­ year with the exception of “ Pop” Ties him off to ' an old sweetheart, Trumbull and Westpbrt in the epun- are not, giving him transportation to ed the office by springing the door idgar. The first base position has captured her own “ Weelum” and ar-; ty of Fairfield and the towns of An- first base as often as they-did last strip away from the frame and insert­ ot yet been decided and a pretty ranges a double wedding.at the price ing a case knife so that the point sonia, Derby, Milford and Seymour f ^ g h t between Brennan, Pay andyear. b - of one. came in contact with the Yale lock in the county of Ne-w Haven; district lnnson is in progress. Lamprecht There will be ^ other numbers on number five to consist of the county Conran meets Sterback of Bridge­ on the inside of the door. The side nd Sniith are out for catching and the program. Tickets may be ob­ of Litchfield and the towns of Beth­ f port at the North End this evening of a Yale lock bolt facing the outside ^ ost who will draw the assignment tained fioni different people in the el, Brookfield, Danbury, Darien, in a state duckpin game. At pres­ of a door is cut at a 45 degree angle not known. Lamprecht did not go Spinning mill. Easton, Greenwich, Monroe, New ent the- Manchester entrant to the and it was an easy matter for the^ ‘^outh, as planned. theives to spring'the bolt back in to Canaan, New Fairfield, Newtown, league is trailing, but hopes to pick > Sammy iMass^ will coi«»er second Khe lock and enter without making Norwalk, Redding' Ridgefield, Sher­ up a few points in the standing at :j}ase and Billy Dwyer will be at IVIENU AT RESTAURANT- any nuise or defacing the door or man, Stamford, Weston and Wilton the visitor’s expense. .^hbtt. “ Breck” Wilson, last year’s The menu at the Weaving Mill frame. Dr. Maine said that he had in Fairfield county and the towns of ^hortstop has been shifted to the Restaurant-for, Thursday will be: never realized before that this stunt Middlebury, Naugatauck, Oxford and Bang! • The Atlas baseball team ^idi^zy comer. Bronkie played third ' 35 Cent Dinner. could be done but he saw how it hap­ Southbury in the county of New refuses to be guided by the treat­ Why 2 Cents? ^ast year but as the club has se- Bean soup pened and demonstrated the method Haven; district number six to con­ ment accorded to the Manchester !^ured the service of Billy Dwyer, Hamburger roast to a reporter. sist of the towns of Meriden, Water It would cost you hundreds of thousands of team last year in Rockville, and the y*Breck” will be found back at his Mashed potfitoes bury and Wolcott in the county o f management of the Atlas has secured Aft^r gaining admittance the dollars a year to keep in touch with farm pfog- ipld position, where he originally Green peas ' • thieves showed that they knew their New Haven and the towns of Avon, * rt a game with the Federals of the ress the country over if you were the only d|)layed with the Trumps and other Corn fritters business and wereyaware of the prob­ Berlin, Bristol, Burlington, Farm­ Windy City. It is hoped that the farmer who wanted to read ^^ocal teams. He has a strong whip Bread and butter able places that a dentist would keep ington, New Britain, Plainville and local team will escape from the city ^cross the diamond. Tea or coffee his gold for fillings and all kinds of Southington in the county of Hart of hills with whole skins. But if Y Another new twirler will be giv- Strawberry fruit dental work. They first went through ford. past performances indicate anything, ^^n a chance to show his wares to the 30 Cent Dinner. a set of drawers in a cabinet beside they will be \uc^y if they ever get 9Se COUNTRY i^ans wiien the gong sounds, Gallag- Bean soup i^he chair. In one of the drawers they home. Stay away from Rockville ia Park Theater <^er former pitcher for the Universi­ Beef eroquettes found two and*one half books of the best advice. . t y of Vermont. He is a south paw Bread and butter gold leaf, a glass tube of rolled gold Everyone has possibly read of the GENTLEMAN i^ith a fast one. “ Art” Johnson 1!ea or-coffee and much loose gold formed into wise old owl who sat in an oak, who 1|yhb pitched a number of games at This afternoon the Hartford base­ Strawberry fruit fillings. The glass tube had never held his own tongue but saw and But there are 800,000 other farmers who feel close of the season last year will ball team of the Eastern League been opened and measures about heard a great deal, yet few of us per­ that they couldn’t be v/ithout it— that’s why pried off the lid on that circuit open­ three inches long by a half inch in haps realize the virtue of such advice the other man for Coach Mun- One Death And 13? Sick Claims Out this unmatched farm service costs you but a ing the season against the Worcester diameter. They next went through as “ think more and say less” until to select. Manager Chambers Of a Membership of 3,416. single dollar for a whole year— less than 2 team. Arthur Irwin, former scout his work tray that is suspended on as. received no ward from Hyman, we have had the lesson brought home cents a week! for the New York Yankees, will guide an arm and swivel over th^ chair. In year’s pitching sensation. One death claim and one' hundred to us in some impressive way. ^ The following men will be used the destinies of the Capitol City team this there was a small box about ha^ The new picture at the Park Your lone dollar couldn’t buy each issue contains. It couldn’t this year. • • Irwin is rated as one of and thirty-tw(^ sick claims out of a full of old gold fillings. These were the ser-vices of fifty trained in­ buy the time and thought of the ^ y the Rosebuds in Sunday’s game; Theater which is entitled “ The Fur­ vestigators who travel all over many experts on farm home the shrewdest men in organized base­ total membership of 3,416, Is the taken. The value of this amount was *}’ Sandy, ss. record of the Benefit Association of nace,” and is a new Realart Special the United States in search of economy who are always ready Siapelton, 1st. ball. about $40. In this same tray was a Production by William D. Taylort just the ideas and plans that to help your wife with herprob- Cheney Brothers for the month of will be most useful and profit­ v‘; Ollcheney, r. f. little drawer that contained a large lems— or the work of widely- March. This makes 3.9 pen cent of the smashes this lesson home in a way able to you. It couldn’t buy known artists and cartoonists. *.y The annual interClass meet of the quantity of good gold, that was Kohout, c. f. total members ill during the month. that many will remember for a long ^he genius and effort of master But because 800,000 other Newbauer, c. South Manchester High school was moulded in the forms of teeth and time to come. *tory-tellers — men like ZANE farmers also want these very Just 2,2*20 meiTAhd 1,196 WOfidfeu bridges. This was untouched as if GREY, HENRY OYEN, AL­ things, you can get them rdl ■X Sauk or idebor, 3b. held yesterday afternoon under the In that production, which is based belong to the Association as com­ the thieves were caught this proper­ BERT PAYSON TERHUNE for just $1.00—52 big, helpful Greeyy, 1. f. direction of Physical Director Walter on the new novel by the English —who write the distinctive and issues. Let ine haye yqur order pared wUh -2,107 me'n and 117 wo- ty ^ould be identified. S i^ p « AT Oasey, 2b. Olson of the Recreation Center. It author “ Pau,’’ the idle threat made int^est-compelling fiction that today. S' lAttk a ' jiAAT AgP- The Velvet Mill Q5. R00I;, p. will be necessary to continue , Jintil The next pJacA.ih^y visited was just before her iparriage by Folly s c o ^ ^ J ^ . largest meinbeTship ihrap will select the team today as the h^rge number of entries jtia laboratjory, ,ii^*adjoiniiiig room, ytUlftnce, a popular London actress There*8 no better buy for one dollar men-, members And owing men: from both classes made it impossible y went'Dirouj^, all the drawen the bride-to-be of, Anthony-^qiid, tellpw# clbsfl^y rCpUtdtltS of ^ .or Sadth^ c. to fiplsh yestdrdiay. ^ .junior .classij and .ji^Ithy social fayorlte, is th^; b^Sis ' ' ' WM. K. SUlVOiilt 1 tube xDlatjtabmpi: er, R. was leadlnK-by two piolnts "When .thea 1 the, trage^^ t^ t follbv^ 14 N^ P ^k St, bAve liilhHF that jilted ;e the the. tube> An authorired subscripticn ing £1 ihe would sue him for breach of 127^80.36 of th« $3^' TksC< lenlkssaa Tke Ls£es* Hoaieilimnii)’ flit jiaromise. This was said in jest,’ hut -$L«S 12'unM-$2.M paid ouVrfer-dmtth ;^hd sick daim i. ^ e r e were nttm' sets of old falM: Warnock, Sipples, Business Manager Thomas Cham­ the girl’s fiancee-heard of the^ teeth lying about and these all com iBdgar, outfield. bers of the Manchester baseball rfraark, just before the wedding, he Ha!IiL DATES. talned a large bumher’’ ot^platinum ..'T.pm Chambers club has secured the services of ‘ ( pins but they were untouched as they interpreted it as meaning that the " MJl'• V**-' “^j^bevrfoUowttig schedule Gallagher^ a former University of girP^id npt really love him. He ' Vermont varsity pitcher. The new­ April 27, Eve., Lodge Meeting, did not want to take the time to Manchester Grange. Dance, Manches- break them and ■ remove the pins. goes ahead with the marriage but i, ^ Rosebuds, Bridgeport, comer is a southpaw and is said to tei\ Rifle club. They did not dare to take them with repudiates her as his wife. Some of ancl^ter. have a fast one that fairly hops. April 28,Eve., Meeting, Get-to- them as if caught.Jt would be in­ the most powerful dramatic situa­ Ice Cream ^ May 8, All Insurance, of Hart- Should Hyman, last year’s ace, de­ Gerher Club. * criminating evidence. ItTs very plain tions ever screened follow the ’IbTd, Manckeeter. cide to return to Manchester, the April 29, Eye., Movies, “ Bunty to be seen that the thieves were pro­ estrangement. to 15, Elm City Giants, of New club will have two good pitchers. To Take Home Pulls the Strings,” Spinning Mill fessionals and th^ they were taking A^n^eu, Manchester. The schedule jfor the local club, is a PRICE^ REDUCED ON OUR QUALITY CREAM Athletics. no chances by taking anything that May, '21, At Palmer (Pending) hard one. QUARTS ...... 60c P I N T S ...... 30c x April 30, Aft., Rehearsal; Eve., ^ould be of a dangerous nature if All Sundaes...... 17c, tax included Play, Ma-nchester Grange. 'caught. Milk Shakes ...... 13c, tax included May 1— Date open. They also overlooked some twenty Ice Cream Sodas...... 15c, tax included May 2, Eve., Meeting-Mothers club. to carat solder that was in one of the Plain Sodas...... 7c,. tax included May 3, Rally— Girls’ Athletic Asso. drawers in the laboratory. The value You ivin always find the finest display of Fruits May 4, Eve., entertainment. King of the stolen goods will mount up to ■ Take an JW? Tonight s 9 David Lodge, I. O. O. F. Lodge meet­ nearly $100. SfiST TRY IT AMD SEE how much hotter yon fool In tho morning. That "lo o v .' ing S. W. V. heOiaohT. tiro«l. don't-know-what'a-tho-matter foolin' v/111 be {one—you’ll fool fino. This is the second time in the past Farr Brothers May 5, Eve., M^iistrel Show, Young 40 years that Dr. Maine has had hiS TROUBLE IS, your system is Women’s Club, St. Mary’s Church.* office robbed. The last tfme the 981 Main. Next Door to Post Office. cfcggl^ wit6 a lot of impurities that your May 6, Eve., Movies, Rec. Div.; thieves were In town they also visited over-wprked digestive and eliminative organs V" Ciur't get rid ef. Pills, oil, salts, calomel and ordi- Supper and Meeting, First Aid Work­ Dr. Dolan’s office. Dr. Maine said that nary la^tives, cathartics and purges only force the ers. he lost more the last time than he bpjfreb and prod the liver. May 7, Eve., Lodge Room, Franco- did this time. He says that he does’nt r - I te m ^ d y (NR Tablets) acts cn the stomach, May 8, Hall reserve^ for repairs. expect to recover his property as the ’ Uvi^^wels and even kidneys, not forcing, but ton- y. ing and strengthening these organs. The result is American Club. gold they took is like money, it all V' ; prpinpt relief and real, lasting benefit. Makp the -test. May 9, Lodge meeting Ladles Aux­ looks alike and would be hard to MOST women are very Even with the Naih^’s .Remedy will act promptly, tlioroughV, yet iliary to A. O. H. identify. particular about the .4 so mildly, so gently, that you will think nature hcr- May 10.Eve., Play, “ The Farmer-- quality and purity of , setf ^ come to the rescue and is doing the work. ette,” Ready Helpers of 2nd Congre­ their Bread. They And oh, Tvhat arclicf! o i | :^ t to be— You’ ll be , snzniiwd to .. gational Church, N. Coventry. NO OPPOSITION find how much bettor yon May 11, Lodge meeting, Manches­ "Youll need plenty led—biichter, better every uey. ‘ilit none of them are If habitiully or stubbornly con- ter Grange tti;ated, tsko one RR Tebtct TO BOWERS’ BILL half as particular as we of exercise and good each ,aiabt for a week. Then May 12, Dance West Side Athletic are. shsuUIrtotluvo to teke lacdtcinc Club. every dry. Just an occarional food to reach the top. NR 'Tablet after tbat will be May 13. Entertain, Rec, Div. Provides For Six Congressional Dis­ Only the best and tuiBcient to keep your system tricts Instead of Five as at Pre­ -in e6«d-condition —keep May 14-15, Dates open. purest of materials ever you fecline your best. May 16-18, Dates open. sent. . , „ enter— .Cotaas^ .y ______Box. May t9. Lodge meeting, AuxUiarj' .. _ . abid GuArantoo^ ta Spanish W*. V.; Weaving Mill, When Senator A. E. Bowers in­ '^WfiljNf«D»n«ndoa ^ ypur. AUNT BETTY’S /• Supper and Dance. ' ' troduced his bill yesterday which es­ BREAD May 20, Entertainment Red. Div tablishes six Cpngressional districts May 21-23, Dates open. in Connecticut, it was met with no is a robust hlend of wheat aiRl inalt’ TONIGHT- May 24, Neighbors’ Night, Mab- oppositiop. It is expected that Con­ —-And then it’s baked ed barley, sweet w ith its ovm sugar Tomor row Airi^hl ch ester Grange. gress will make provision for the ^iU used by Aunt Betty G e t rt 2 5 X B o x May 25, Hall reserved. change within the next few months. with the . same pride and and containing^ valuable May 26, Meeting Get-to-gether club Senator Bowers said that the five HI her j own kitchen. elements necessa;]^ to f. H. QIHNN & iCd;, MUQCaSTS!? May 27, Entertainment, Rec.-Diy. present districts are far from equal i^ ed bodies,hrains and neW ei In population and that Hartford apd Result, the AUNT For reservations cfiil SerVlce Dept. B E T T Y Ta«te You’rei Manager’s Office, Cheney Bros. Fairfield counties, for^indtabce, have n^rly 100,000 more inhabitants the judge-of \it. . D on’t forget, too, that - V-J HOIKING HIGH SCHOOL than the other districts. Aside from Aak Your grocer. Grape=NutS is partiahj jM^igesO; ULt iBHirsr OF JOItK STUDENTS ARBES'EED chimges In the bouni^aries of the ex­ twhrxjitesrtiitynest weight. These are isting districts the bilL proy|de(d for 8 prices. Long Branch,* N. J., Apr. 27.— Fol­ a sixth district which wjjulrf include lowing their ^isai^earaqoe lastT^i- Waterbury, New Britain, Bristol and P a p e r s ...... 30c lOO L bs. M oh r's day in an AUtcim^lle, Ruth I^ te, Meeliden, Senator Bowers explaineid ilQ C 2 t S ...... 1 cent apowd IF year

' . ^ . 'S • * . • . , k i p >

Cbinpany 'Wili ‘ office ■•wa. M t l »«T lack Monday, May 9 'at'£Ve p.* na. ' The Herald prints today on anoth­ er page the first of ’a series of articles William Happeny who conducts on old days in Manchester written by the news stand on DCpQt 3qnkre’ has a native who was a schoolboy here sold his busings to Fred W. Hills W r ANNUAL half a century ago. In these articles of the South'end. Mr, Hills intends ' Glren by tbe * he gives an enjoyable pictpre of to continue the business at the Manchester about - the time of the fiOUTH Mi^OHESTfiR RIFLE CLUB stand on Depot Square. The. deal was Civil War. The first installment con­ made through the agency of William CHENEY WALL cerns the South Main street public Rublno^. hV.' school which even then was an old MT. Happeny who recently leased Widniesday Evening, April 27 building, although neither the Ninth the Cowl^'Hotel from Mrs. Kather­ \ district school, nor the district it­ ine Tammany intends to devote his self were in existence at that time. I „ Music try Clontlav' Novelty whole time to the hotel business. Be­ The Installments will be continued fore'taking up his new duties, how­ Orcbes^rs. daily. ever, Mr. Hajipeny will take a much needed vacation as he has been in OILING l^ I N STREETS. the ^arness foifjthe past twelve years. ThP state road forces have been The busings acquired by Mr. Hills 'engage#- for the past twenty-four has long beear established and last hours in oiling Main and West Cen­ summer g ndw soda fountain was ter streets. The oil comes from the installed. It is considered to be the IN OUR BASEMENT New Haven Gas Works. The sand is best location for a news dealer in mostly dirt and stones. They are towri^ No wonder many women are able to make a lark out of honsecleanlng. They surround themselves with dozens of conveniMew—. spreadingi'this stuff over the tar. As all sorts of things that simplify matters greatly. Among the articles which they find Indispensable to housecleaning and wblck maFMW a result for some tim e' to come MRS. CORNELIUS FOLEY. a ; be seated here at ra<^sonable prices are: Carpet Sweepers, Brooms,. Brushes, Pails, Ladders, Polishes, etc. ' ' pedestrians will be apt to hear stoned Mrs. Cornelius Foley of 167 Cen­ whizzing around their heads when, ter street died Monday evening at WAYNE W.^DROpES 30c O’Cedar Qil ...... 25c a bottle automobiles pass at any great rate of the home of her sister in Shelton, Time to put away your winter 60c O^C^ar O il ----- . . . 50c a bottle speed. . I Conn., according to reports received : clothes. Complete line of Wasnie Thomas Wright of Pearl street has When' the state fitst began to oil last evening. Mrs. Foley had not been t wardrobes, lllese are Cedared pa- 30d Liquid V eneer...... 25c a bottle purchased a Dodge touring car from the roads the men were very particu4 feeling well for some time and left wardrobe bags which ' are air 6Qc Liquid Veneer...... 50c a bottle ■the Stephen-Filiere Auto Co., at the lar and tried to keep the stones out for the home of her parents for tight^ moisture, dust and germ proof. Center. of the sand. Another feature of the. treatm ent. about two weeks ago. Do not confuse these with the cheap­ $1.50 OTedar Mop ...... $1.25 The Manchester Grange Sewing rdad oiling was the sweeping of the She underwent an operation about er makes. These are the genuine This is what is known as the Bat­ . Society will meet at the home of Mrs. street by the huge brush drawn by ten days ago and failed to rally, Wayne wardrobes. All sizes $1.25 tleship model. death coming last Monday evening. to $2.85. J. H. Walker on 503 Center street, one of the highway trucks. This $2.00 Liquid Veneer .M<^ ...... $1.49 Thursday afternoon at 2 o’clock. sweeping revealed many deep holes Besides her husband she is sur­ Cmnplete assortment of flower and vived by one son Clarence, her The swab comes off with a pull. Can The Manchester Christian En­ in Main street. There are holes id garden seeds, 10 »* will be F. "E. Duffy of'West Hartford. inches in circumference. Willow Carpet Beaters ,59c 19c Louis L. Hohenthal, Field Service Gorman of this town, and also one Garden Fpportunity.v; ' ■ ning, April 28. An interesting pro­ the other pai*t bf; the street one Window' Screens, size 24x33Jiu. ’. 79ip Door Jflqte Wi^w Sememe size $14^ The golf toiniiament at'th e Coun- gram has been arranged, including; darkness by the eon- postponed- last orchestra selections .|and both vocal; 3 6 v ^ W ^ . € ^ ^ itutday ibb' abcount of the rain, will a’nd iixsti’.iinie'iiflhlflilibliM^^ ^ played, this week" To avoid con- Foilbwing the social there will bei ii^g^ai^d vaitfed tinlil^he street Ugbt6 were ‘ turned on' so that ‘ they estion.cm the course Saturday play­ dancing for those who care to danCeV inch Oil Opaque oottid see Manchester’s real White e r s will be iwmitted to play off their niusic being fhVn^bed‘'by^a'threer Shades • • • - * • Way,-6ak street has been before, the patches Thursday or Friday‘’if it is piece orchestra. fThose who do not . All the wanted a^ es, ,. ./ public more or less for the papt convenient for them to do so. For care to dance will find cud tables ih. : . 36 inch Blemlin Shades . .$1.98 each month or‘so and is the main artery phe same reason junior members are the ladies’ rest room. . There, pro­ T h^ are the natvu^ advertise for the business houses ^long Main requested'to keep off the links Satur- gressive whist may be played. Prize's window shades which db not criack. will be given to the gentleman and street. The new lightning system The swab is detach­ ' day afternoon. . lady .having the highest scoresj whlcb has been installed certainly HALE’S CEDAR OIL POLISH \ > Main street merchants are having Those wishing to play cards are re­ improves travel on the strieet. able itheir troubles this week owing to the SPECIAL 39e quested to make up a table of four Quart size regular price 50c [oporatlcqis pf the street oilers. First before J'hursday evening, so that alt WRECIONO GOSPEL HALL. $ 1 .4 9 m la,’ power sweeper sweeps the street, tables may be full. The wrecking of Gospel Hall on 3 sizes stirflng UP a cloud of dust, and then A good time is promised to both Spruce street is proceeding rapidly. aftfr the streets.have been oiled and old and young. Admission to danc-^ The building was sold at auction re­ sanded the people cafry . the. mixture ing and whist will be by membershiii cently to. enlarge the grounds sur­ .into the stores on their shoes. The ticket...... rounding the new Nathan Hale trouble will be over in a day or two school. The hall was originally built and after that the benefits of the oil-, Italy is importing spaghetti frcwn by the Salvation Army and used by A SALE OF Specials for Thursday Morning ing will be appreciated all summer. the United States, - them as their headquarters until its ------^------present quarters were constructed on Mala street. After the buUding In Our was vacated by the Salvation Army Liberty Cooking Glass the Gospel people had It for their meeting place and has been used by Auction of Neponset used them more or less ever since. The Self Serve G roc^ men who are wrecking the building 7 9 c e a on sidewalk test are attempting to save as much of the and serve in sam6 dish. WHAT’S YOUR OFFER FOR lum'ber as poesible but much of it is dry and cracked, and is only second Best Granulated Sugar lb. 8c 22 yards in front of the store. grade at the best. The only salvagre In fam ili^ 2 and 5 lb. I^i^es. All you wi 7 yards in front of the Park Theater. • they, will get ’froip the building that 6 yards used in front of the Circle Theater. will be of any value will be the tim­ bers and studding and the sheathing YOUR BIDS OR CALL AT THE STORE. in the interior of the building. Puffed Wheat

/Shake off that tired feeling. Take Peptona, the Ideal spring tonic Medium Red Salmon 3 cans 2Se Special price 98 cents. Quinn’s Watkins Brothers, Inc Special 79c Sale This is the standard Columbia River packuig, in’ the f Drug Store—Ad.vt. OF low flat can. Liberty Glas6ak Coeinnt uid S«Tinf Ww. fiezniit—rf egahiil bm^ng* in Soap 10 bars THURSDAY MORNING SPECIALS ‘ *iHeelpr**r glow beldaf MlomHk VALUES UP TO'.IZjOO. . C raco, H>. «.«* ^7c Ivory BioaK . ..flS'; Three exceptiohal bargains on worth-while merchandise, frofh Lenox Soap, A la ^ ban'. .85c Earjje MB? [,...... 9 to 12 Thursday morning. Begnlar 7c bar. ' Hale’s Famous Wheat ••••...... r. 10c Ere ad, ^loaf »* .j** Men’s Blue Chambray Shirts...... 75c EyqftasseB atid Spectacles of thi Cream Com StartOi, 1-lb^ Hale^Mtlk Attached collar, faced sleeves, 4 buttons with pocket, sizes hii^est quality made and fitted i^^a* ‘.. ,.... ** Oc dozen ''ii4 ‘J:-2 to; 16 1-2, $1.25 value. On sale from 9 to 12 Thursday, at the lowest p r i^ Everything Lard, Hale’s Home Bfipe forenoon only. Not more than 2 to a customer. a lb. Pall ...... 8 8 c nuts . . . .donen , . . . m ./, reduced. Libby’s Corned Beef, Kellogg’s Oewd S9a i ^ Peguot Sheets, 81x90...... $1*39 • ♦■«•••••••»» 18c Pkg. Regular f 2 ’value, not over 2 to a customer. On sale Thurs­ Lewis A. Hines, Ref. S w Naptha Soap, Hale’s Moraiag day morning from 9 to 12 only. . Small pkg...... 6 149c lb. 85
