Minutes of the Meeting of Fleggburgh Parish Council held on Thursday 19th December 2019 at 7:30pm in Fleggburgh Village Hall.

Present: June Pratt, Chairman Frank Brown Jonathan Roper (arrived at 19:42) Fran Dockerty Richard Sewell Keith Osborne Shaun Hacon Jimmy Miller, Clerk

Also present: Haydn Thirtle plus six members of the public.

Before the meeting, the Clerk read out the notice informing everyone at the meeting that it was being recorded.

1 Public Forum John Clarke read out a statement:

“I refer to the comments in the minutes of your last meeting regarding St Mary’s church ruin.

I am a member the Local Church. The Church Council has discussed this matter and does not want any involvement in either the raising of monies for this project, the works involved with this project or indeed the ongoing maintenance and operation of this site if and when this project is completed.

Bearing that in mind, and in any case, we would assume that you will need to advise and obtain the necessary authority from various church organisations concerning your plans and intentions including the future upkeep of St Mary’s tower.

At the present time the Church Council pays for the annual insurance on the three churches in Fleggburgh and Billockby.

We are aware that John Aves has spoken to Adrian on this matter but for the sake of clarity and to avoid any future confusion we would request that the Church Council comments on this matter are minuted in this meeting.”

John Clarke also mentioned that the Church Council is looking to install a toilet and a kitchen in St. Margaret’s Church though, so far, costs appear to exceed their expectations. They will be meeting with the surveyor and church architect in January to look at alternatives.

Cllr Pratt, referring to St. Mary’s, said that the Parochial Church Council were hoping to get it deconsecrated.

2 Reports from District and County Councillor and Broads Authority Haydn Thirtle informed the meeting that NCC have got permission for 137 houses on the Rd in and 44 of these will be affordable houses. This was approved by District Council.

NCC are hoping to get one million trees planted in within the next five years and these would be native trees.

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The James Paget Hospital has just received £4.5 million additional funding due to increased capacity needed over the winter period.

Great Yarmouth Community Trust, which provided six nurseries within the area, including , went into liquidation. NCC has set up two companies to take responsibility for them and the facilities which they ran are open and functioning again. NCC intend to return these facilities to the private sector.

Rachel Tait, on behalf of the Friends of Fleggburgh Primary School, mentioned that parents would like a crossing over the A1064 so that they can get to School in a safer manner. She mentioned that there is now a blind parent whose child attends the School and he has to cross the A1064 with his child. The Clerk said that he will contact Highways the next day and, once he has spoken to the blind parent, he will, with the parent’s consent, contact the Mercury to see if they could run a story on this.

The Clerk read out a report from Adrian Thompson:

“First of all, apologies for my absence. FPC’s meeting has clashed with Full Council at Great Yarmouth, and there are agenda items affecting us in the Fleggburgh Ward.

The SAM2 is situated at Billockby recording traffic in a Fleggburgh to Acle direction and will be there over the Christmas period. The Speedwatch team in Filby have seen a reduction in speeding traffic on the A1064 Main Road since the introduction of the SAM2.

To reinforce the good work being done by your speedwatch team here in Fleggburgh , the request for Gateway entrance signage for Fleggburgh, Billockby and has been submitted to County Hall under the Parish Partnership scheme. This is a £6,000 project, 50% funded by County Hall and 50% Parish Council. We will know in March if we have been accepted.

We have had some parking issues at St Margarets Way. The two trailers that were parked on the road have been removed and I have put a request into the Estates department to change a grass area into five car parking spaces. There is already a dropped kerb, so it should be straightforward. This should help the situation.

I would like to congratulate Fran and all parishioners on the progress of the Neighbourhood plan. It was a constructive meeting last night, and it is already good that some of the results of the Public survey being worked on, such as speeding traffic and gateway signage is progressing. Which brings me onto dog poo bins.

At the last Meeting the Parish Council agreed to order three bins, one of which I said I would purchase out of my council allowance. I find it hard to believe the events that followed. I have enclosed my contribution including extra to cover delivery. I hope the Parish Council can sort this out tonight and let’s get these bins in place. After all dog fouling was identified in the Parish survey as a problem, and it should be addressed.

Finally, I would like to wish you all a Happy Christmas, and a peaceful New Year. I hope we can enter 2020 in a constructive way, working together for the benefit of the parishioners.”

3 Report from local police

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No report had been received.

4 To receive and approve apologies for absence Apologies were received from Cllrs Peake and Greenwood and Adrian Thompson.

5 Declarations of interest for items and applications for dispensations None.

6 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 21st November 2019 Cllr Osborne asked for three changes to be made: (1) Page 6, 2nd paragraph from bottom: “application” should be “planning application” (2) Page 7, last paragraph: “trustees are appointed” should be “trustees appear to be appointed” (3) Page 8, 3rd paragraph up: “in Clippesby from Repps” should be “in Clippesby coming in from Repps”

Cllr Brown proposed that we approve the minutes for November; Cllr Hacon seconded. Majority decision to approve the minutes with Cllr Sewell abstaining as he hadn’t been at the November meeting.

7 To receive and note the Clerk’s monthly report The Clerk’s report had been circulated and was noted.

8 Planning a) Applications received (i) 06/19/0670/F Marsh Road (Site off) Fleggburgh GREAT YARMOUTH NR29 3DE Development of site to create a plot for detached 4 bedroom bungalow and detached garage

Richard Coleman informed the meeting that the garage on the plans was actually a cart lodge.

Cllr Brown said that drainage may be an issue.

Cllr Hacon questioned whether this was on greenbelt land and would this development be pushing the boundaries out for future development.

Cllr Osborne proposed that FPC support this application; Cllr Brown seconded. Majority vote in favour of the development with Cllr Hacon abstaining.

(ii) 06/19/0638/F Broiler Farm Mill Lane Fleggburgh GREAT YARMOUTH NR29 3AW Demolition of 3 Broiler Houses and replacement with 3 No. 3 bed detached bungalows, associated private and visitor parking

Cllr Dockerty said that this site was outside of the development area.

Cllr Brown proposed that FPC support this application; Cllr Roper seconded. Majority decision in favour of the motion. Cllrs Brown, Roper and Sewell voted in favour; Cllrs Osborne and Dockerty voted against; Cllrs Pratt and Hacon abstained.

Planning decisions BA/2019/0370/TPOA, W1 and W2: T174: Alnus-fell, T176: Aspen-fell, T177: Alnus-fell, T311: Salix

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caprea group-coppice to ground, Alder sapling-coppice to ground, Alders-crown raised to height of 4.5m. The Lodge Bridge Farm (track) Fleggburgh Norfolk NR29 3AE. Part approval by Broads Authority.

9 Correspondence Regarding the bike lane, NCC have contacted Authority as it was the Broads Authority who were responsible for getting the permissive path between Acle bridge and Acle.

NCC contacted the Clerk regarding Town Road by the Kings Arms. There are to be improvements to the road there but this is in NCC’s forward programme so won’t be done immediately.

Neatishead School informed the Clerk that Fleggburgh Primary School would be joining with the Neatishead and Salhouse CE VC Primary School Federation.

Rachel Tait contacted the Clerk about if there was a possibility of getting a pedestrian crossing over the A1064 to the School. In her e-mail she mentioned that a blind gentleman was taking his child to school and was having to cross the road.

GYBC contacted Clerk regarding a site visit regarding planning application 06/18/0436/O.

NCC informed the Clerk that footpath 17 will be closed from 1st January 2020 until 30th April 2020.

Nplaw contacted the Clerk regarding TPO 17 2019 for trees on land at Tretts Lane, Fleggburgh.

10 Finance

a) To note Bank Reconciliation to 29th November 2019 b) To note Accounts to 29th November 2019 c) To approve items for payment:

J. Miller Salary for December 2019 £247.28 J. Miller Mileage* £9.00 J. Miller Mileage~ £11.70 J. Miller Home office for December 2019 £10.00 J. Miller Stamps £15.72 Garden Guardian Grass cutting for 2019 £4,608.00 * One twenty-mile round trip for meeting at 45p per mile (December); ~ one 26-mile round trip to Wroxham to pick up litter bin

It was decided to defer payment of £11.70 to next month as this item would be discussed later in the meeting.

Cllr Osborne proposed that FPC approve the accounts and bank reconciliation and also the payments excluding the £11.70. Unanimous decision in favour of the motion.

Clerk investigated further the investment of Parish Council money into 32-day account with Cambridge & Counties. He found that FPC would not be able to take money out at all in the two-year period and he also discovered that the interest rate had been lowered to 1.8%

Cllr Osborne suggested that FPC look at putting the money into a one-year CCLA account which gives 4.5%.

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11 Budget 2020 and precept FPC looked at the budget and how this would affect council tax. It was agreed to keep everything on the budget the same except for “Repairs” which had been £1,500 in the budget and this was lowered to £500, and “Contingency” which had been £2,090 and this was lowered to £1,600. The Clerk would adjust the budget accordingly and, from the budget, would submit the precept application to GYBC.

Cllr Brown proposed to accept this precept application; Cllr Pratt seconded. Unanimous vote in favour.

Cllr Hacon asked whether Clerk could change the accounts to include “events”. Clerk said this would be fine.

12 Complaint about Clerk acting without authorisation with respect to ordering dog poo bins and getting a litter bin Cllr Pratt said that NALC had advised that the complaint should initially be discussed at an FPC meeting to decide whether to take the complaint further.

Cllr Pratt read out the complaint from Cllr Peake.

Cllr Roper proposed that FPC stand by the Clerk on all counts and not uphold the complaint; Cllr Osborne seconded. Unanimous vote in favour of motion.

13 Offensive e-mails and the effect this is having on the Parish Council Cllr Pratt said that she agreed with Cllr Osborne regarding FPC having a code of conduct and standing orders. She said that Cllr Peake is quick to point out when someone is breaking a rule but he is a great offender as he writes offensive e-mails. She said that having no respect for other councillors is not good for FPC and that councillors must respect each other.

Cllr Roper said that he’d told the Clerk that he was to receive no e-mails when he joined FPC again earlier this year but he still receives e-mails from one particular councillor. He said that this must be a breach of the code of conduct. He said that the person who accuses others of breaking the code of conduct and standing orders seems to be breaking them more than anyone else. Cllr Sewell reiterated this by saying that he’d told the Clerk he didn’t want to receive any e-mails, the Clerk sent this out to all councillors, yet he still receives e-mails from the one councillor.

Cllr Pratt concluded that FPC has a code of conduct, it has standing orders, and that everyone should respect each other.

14 Code of Conduct and Standing Orders Cllr Pratt said that the Clerk had sent out the code of conduct and the standing orders because the Norfolk Parishes website, which hosts the FPC website, has not been functioning correctly recently.

15 Dog poo bins plus litter bin Cllr Roper proposed that FPC have the litter bin that the Clerk picked up from Wroxham; Cllr Pratt seconded this. Unanimous vote in favour.

FPC could sort out another time where it could be sited.

16 Neighbourhood development plan

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The meeting on 18th December went well. Cllr Osborne will put up a draft of the Plan on the FPC website. One aspect that came up is that planning will be looked at as a whole so that, for example, if someone applies for permission for nine houses, to avoid having to build affordable housing, if they apply for permission for more houses, the previous nine will be included so that they would need to build some affordable houses.

The next meeting of the working group will likely be in March 2020.

17 Recycling – whether to continue to host recycling bins Cllr Osborne was concerned about the mess and wondered if the income justified the mess. Clerk said that, to date for this financial year, the net income from recycling was £115.50.

Cllr Hacon said he liked the idea of recycling but thought that the bins could be arranged better. The councillors agreed that new bins would look better and asked the Clerk to contact the recycling company if they can update the bins. Cllr Brown suggested that volunteers could help clear up the area around the bins.

18 Parish council noticeboards Nothing to say this month but will put it on next month’s agenda.

19 Fencing Cllr Hacon says he has spray should the fence need touching up. Cllr Dockerty said that the fence was safe now. Clerk said he’ll wait for reply from Steelway but is happy to leave things as they are.

20 X1 bus service via Fleggburgh/Filby - update There is a survey form available if people would like to fill it out and return it to Adrian Thompson. Cllr Osborne will put the form on the FPC website.

21 Bike lane between Billockby and Acle - update Covered earlier.

22 Speedwatch and SAM2 Cllr Osborne received an update earlier in the week. He will summarise this and post it on the FPC website.

23 Highways – including signage and crossing Clerk will contact NCC to ask if they can re-do the white lines near the junction at Road/Tower Road and the bend at Town Road/Rollesby Road where the entrance to the St Margarets Way footpath comes out. Both of these bends require centre lines to stop vehicles crossing over onto the other side.

24 Footpaths Adrian Thompson has spoken to the Starkings regarding having a permissive footpath between Pound Lane and the cemetery and they are considering it.

25 Tree planting in the Parish plus wildflower planting. Application period for trees with Woodland Trust for delivery in March 2020 has already passed. Applications will now be for delivery in November 2020.

26 Items for the next agenda Investment of funds into a one-year account with CCLA plus other possibilities.

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Tree planting in the Parish plus wildflower planting.

Cllr Peake has requested FPC look at FOI pricing again but Cllr Osborne said that he believed the standing orders prohibit a decision that has been made being overturned within six months. The Clerk will look into this.

Date of next Parish Council meeting: Thursday 16th January 2020

Cllr Pratt wished everyone a happy Christmas.

Meeting closed at 21:33

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