WHAT’S NEW IN ISO 22000:2018 ? Ready for risk One significant change to the standard was the introduction of the High-Level Structure (HLS) common to all the ISO management systems standards. As Faergemand explains, “ this will benefit the organizations using more than one ”. It also benefits organizations to take a different approach to understanding risk. “ As a concept, risk is used in various ways and it is very important for businesses to distinguish between the well-known hazard assessment on the operational level and the concept of business risk (presented in the new structure), where opportunities also form part of the Top concept.” management Big business The new version of ISO 22000 also clarifies the Plan-Do-Check-Act PDCA( ) cycle commitment by having two separate cycles in the standard working together. “ The two PDCA circles operate one inside the other – one covering the management system and Broader look has been paying at supply chain the other, within it, the operations, which simultaneously cover the principles (from supplier of HACCP defined by Codex, ” Faergemand says. to customer) attention. HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), referred to above, is a system of principles that helps food business operators look at how they handle food and introduces procedures to ensure that the food produced is safe to eat. According to Hanne Benn Thomsen, a Senior Quality System Specialist at Chr. Hansen A/S, a global bioscience company that develops natural solutions Improved for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries, the revised readability ISO 22000 standard goes beyond the “ classical ” HACCP principles, “ increasing Targeted to the focus on the risk elements when producing a food, to look at the supply the modern chain more broadly ”.

More clarity in terminology

More focus on stakeholders

KEY ! Adoption of High-Level KEY ! New approach to risk Structure (Annex SL) The standard now distinguishes This new core structure makes it between risk at the operational easier for organizations to combine level (with Hazard Analysis and ISO 22000 with other management Critical Control Points approach – system standards (ISO 9001:2015, HACCP) and at the strategic level ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018). (business risk) of the management system, where opportunities form part of the concept. KEY ! Two PDCA cycles The two PDCA (Plan-Do-Check- Act) cycles operate one inside KEY ! Critical control points the other, the first covering the Users get a clear description management system, the second of the differences between Critical the operations (described in Clause 8), Control Points (CCPs), Operational which simultaneously cover the Prerequisite Programmes (OPRPs) HACCP principles. and Prerequisite Programmes (PRPs).

16 | ISOfocus_129 ISOfocus_129 | 17 She believes the strength in ISO 22000 is that the developed and developing markets laws and subsequent official control or inspec- it is acknowledged worldwide. “ All compa- – to push public-private cooperation on tions. The purpose of ISO 22000 is to support nies within the food chain, directly as well building a portfolio of protein solutions food-business operators to comply with these as indirectly, can be certified against this to meet tomorrow’s demands in line with laws, to meet customer requirements and to standard and it is issued by an independent, the United Nations Sustainable Develop- continue and improve their business.” non-governmental organization. By using ment Goals (SDGs). The new version of this standard, we have a shared ISO 22000 is playing a key role in helping to Building trust language, which is commonly accepted meet SDG 17 : “ Partnerships for the goals ”. worldwide.” Paul Besseling of Précon Food Management, Besseling says the new version of the standard and the official liaison officer from SC 17 in has a better focus on external stakeholders of Partners in food , says : “ For consumers the food business. “ This will help operators to and society as a whole, it is very important understand the risks of unsafe food in terms Benn Thomsen says that the new version of that authorities and businesses are using the of their business risk and will strengthen their ISO 22000, as “ a very generic standard ”, is same principles and approaches towards position in the food supply chain.” In turn, for helping to set the framework for the systems food safety. Alignment between laws and food safety authorities, the alignment is impor- that must be implemented to ensure food business standards must have high priority tant because “ it will support their work and safety. Equally important, she adds, “ it is in food safety policy. The European Union makes their job easier ”. also giving food organizations the tools to supports the developments in ISO 22000.” And finally, he says, for food-business oper- assess, identify and evaluate food safety He underscores the significance of ators, “ it is very important that they can hazards and, if an unlikely hazard should ISO 22000’s alignment with the Codex trust that their food safety management sys- occur, how to reduce the impact on consum- Alimentarius General Principles of Food tems comply with relevant legislation and, ers as much as possible by being able to gain (GPFH), despite their inherently ideally, legislative authorities are confident control of the impacted products ”. different roles. He says : “ The purpose of that food-business operators comply with the It is clear that government policy and inter- the GPFH is to support and harmonize food legal requirements when using ISO 22000 as national cooperation are key – in both safety authorities worldwide in creating their their management system ”. ■

Government policy and international cooperation are key.

18 | ISOfocus_129 ISOfocus_129 | 19 Dynamic control of food safety hazards through HACCP* and PRPs** is a cost-effective way of controlling food safety, from Discover how ISO 22000 takes a new Better ingredients to production, storage and distribution. processes **PRPs *HACCP (Prerequisite Programmes) approach to food safety management. (Hazard Analysis and stipulate the prerequisites Critical Control Points) for producing safe food. requires that potential hazards Here’s a snapshot of how it helps. are identified and controlled at specific points in 07-18 08-18 09-18 the process. 10-18 11-18 12-18 13-18

A clear project plan defines Workers learn good hygiene practices through in-house how, when and by whom Sites, product flows and training programmes. Better risks and objectives factory layouts are arranged planning should be managed. logically for satisfactory sanitary conditions. Better Better competence infrastructure Relationships based on effective communication help employees work towards the same goal of food safety.

Better MY FOOD team work FACTORY Better performance with ISO 22000 Management shows commitment to Better Food safety policies, food safety through leadership procedures, work Management reviews ensuring policies, Better instructions and performance and resources and actions. objectives regularly documentation records are carefully to drive continual documented for improvement. further reference.