The Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of California is presenting a new one-act play by Antoinette J. Kuhry, entitled FREEDOM’S SONG, on November 16 and 17, 2019 at Hanna Boys Center Auditorium in Sonoma, California.

The play concerns the Pilgrims and their search for religious freedom and how their journey helped to bring into being a new civil society in America that eventually led to the First Amendment to the US. Constitution.

The period of the play ranges from the mid-1580s to the arrival of the Pilgrims in Plymouth, in 1620. It was written as part of the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower landing in 2020.

Producer Antoinette Kuhry and Director Eric Thompson are in the midst of casting the play and will hold auditions on Saturday August 17, 2019, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM, at Hanna Boys Center Auditorium, 17000 Arnold Drive, Sonoma, California. There are several important male roles available, with some actors taking on more than one part, as well as Chorus/Pilgrim roles for both men and women. All cast members will receive a stipend.

Roles available are the Pilgrim leader William Brewster, Pastor John Robinson, Edward Winslow, Thomas Brewer, William Davison/, William Bradford, and 13 year old Mary Chilton. The Chorus, in the ancient Greek tradition, will have an important role to play as narrator and commentator on the action, and the Chorus’s speeches are in verse. Chorus members may also serve as Pilgrims.

If you would like to audition, please contact Antoinette Kuhry at 707-996-3357 or send an email to [email protected] and Ms. Kuhry will send you a copy of the play and set up an audition time. If you can’t make the August 17 audition date, please call and another date can be arranged.