STEAMERS OF The THE HARPSWELL AN OLD CRAFT NEARLY A CEN- Hamilton STEAMBOAT CO. ARE NOW TURY OLD TO BE EXHIBITED H. L. HAMILTON, Prop. COTTAGE GIVING SUMMER SERVICE. AT SOUTH HARPSWELL THIS 8EASON. Many Fine Improvements Made, and Chebeag'ue Island, Maine. Several Added to the Landings The Boat Is the Property of Com- Courses. Open June 25 to Sevt. 15. mander Robert H. Peary. The summer time table of the One of the most important attrac- steamers of the Harpswell Steamboat FURNITURE tions for summer tourists to Casco Co., went into effect Monday morning Bay this season will be the old fash- last and from now on. the company ioned "pinkey" boat. "Mary", which are in a position to give ac- has ample been recently purchased by Com- comodations and services to their mander Peary, the distinguished Arc- many The first boat from patrons. tic explorer, who with his Portland to the Orr's Island division family summers at Eagle Island. This his- leaving at 7 a. m.. then 10 a. m.. 1.30 toric "pinkey" was brought from Ten- p. m. and 5.10 p. m. The first morn- ant's Harbor to Eagle Island where ing boat from Orr's to Portland is at Commander Peary and family while 5.40 a. in then 9.25 a. m., 1.30 m., p. looking over the relic became great- and 3.40 p. m. This season the ly interested in its past history, and steamer will make a took Sebascodegan immediate action on it round trip daily from Portland to having reserved as a curiosity by purchasing Gurnet Bridge touching at all the it while have what you are for there. It will no doubt prove just looking outer islands and going direct up to be a big attraction for the many to fit summer the New Meadows river. Here up your cottage. Come ample excursionists who yearly visit Casco time will be given for the re- as dinner, Bay. those who spend their vaca- in and our different turn at 2 m. On the tions inspect departments trip, leaving p. at this noted resort use such South Freeport division, the first curiosities and see what we are new this sea- for photographs as sou- offering trip from Portland to the venirs of their travels. son. If islands of the inner is The you want to save and bay "Mary" is 97 years old. hav- money gee at 9.15 a. m. and in the after- ing been constructed in 1810. When the best, come in and see us. we noon 4.30 p. m. and from Mere Point Remember, built its first use was for fishing to Portland touching at all Islands are along the coast of but soon to show whether a. Maine, always pleased 5.50 m., 12.30 p. m. The company after was goods, changed into a freight ves- are at present a wharf at you or not. building sel. Later in its history after it purchase Harpswell Centre and when this is had become old and dilapidated it completed this will be added was landing left to go to ruin for some time. to this route. A time table complete At present there are the entire summer only giving arrange- three other "plnkeys" known ments can be found on the last page to be In use in this part of of this paper. the world. Soon after it was pur- chased it was towed from Eagle Is- land to the eastern side of Pott's The newest and R. Point finest hotel in Casco S. 6RAND SUCCESS. where it was DAVIS CO. anchored for a Bay. Complete few in detail of weeks. From there It was towed every modern appointment and appliance. Baths Portland's OVER 200 IN ATTENDANCE AT to Emore Allen's shipyard at Harps- and toilets on floor. Complete Homefurnishers well where it is to every Large rooms, wood THE OPENING OF THE CHE- be thoroughly re- [loors and polished paired before going into commission rugs. All chamber furniture of BEAQUE BOWLING ALLEYS. the best weath- Cor. and Federal for the summer off the eastern side ered oak finish, iron beds with National Exchange Sts. of Pott's Point. springs and hair All were the Guests of and felt mattresses. Manager F. A. Stephen A. D. Toothaker of Harps- Acetylene gas. 100 foot veranda fac- F. £. Merriam. well is to have HASKELL, Treasures*. Refreshment* Served. charge of this histor- ing the Bay and beach. Finest beach in ic craft after its On bathing Casco With an attendance of over 200 the overhauling. all on our own the arrival of the the Bay, private feet Chebeague Bowling Alleys held a "Mary" here, grounds only 500 from X residents of will have a the hotel. ar*Qd opening for the season on Frl Harpswell day evening last. "Much interest Ka/f awalftd the event, and all Chebeaguo. land* of the Bay will here The Store with small was present to extend their kind journey to Big profits inspect this unique craft. the best chefs in New wishes to Manager F. A. Merriam England. Rates and for a prosperous business. The Casino booklets, floor plans etc. on is completely fitted with four modern application. regulation Brunswlck-Balke-Collender SUCCESSFUL TRIAL TRIP a magnificent steamer. The Maehl- Home Week of Boston a bowling alleys, room, lee grand suc- reception gonne commenced on last cess. cream Sunday tables, cigar stand, etc. Also THE TRIAL TRIP OF THE MACHI- with a public sailing, leaving Portland it is brilliantly an lighted by indepen- QONNE SATURDAY LAST A Pier at 2.30 p. m., having on board dent actylene gas to which is over 800 P. plant, GRAND people. Monday she start* IRA CLARIS & SUCCESS. THE CO. attached a of over system fifty lights. pd on the Harpswell and Git's Island HAMILTON. The is finished In the building finely Division for the summer, leaving at interior In natural Over Six Hundred Invited 7 a. LEADING HOTEL IN wood, while the Guests on m.. running in connection with CA8CO BAY floors are of hard pine. The crowd Board. Manager E. L. Jordan in the newly remodeled steamer Auco- OPENED FOR THE 8EA8ON awaited for the first ball to be clsco. eagerly Charge. TUESDAY MORNING. thrown down the alley, and those who had that honor are as follows: Alley The successful maiden trip of the new Harry L. Hamilton, the No. 1, Mr. Robblns; alley No. 2, George Harpswell Line steamer Machi- Owner, Again was nf the 6em. In One Price Cash. Wyman Hamilton; alley No. 3. Bert Konne, which postponed from Opening Charge. was Curlt, and No. 4, Mrs. Harris. It was Thursday, held on Saturday last, The Hamilton, Casco Spot at PEAK I8LAND'8 Bay's leading a short time of five which there were over 600 guests CHARMING SUM- only minutes when summer hotel, which is so the first was made on board for their first sail down the MER THEATER delightfully spare by Chester OPENED MON- situated on the East End of Che- The are now for Hay on the magnificent ateamer. The Berry. alleys open DAY EVENING LAST. beague Island, opened for the enter* the and are to be new Machlgonne is classed as the season, In charge talning of summer tourists Tuesday of George and Winfleld of the Harpswell Line, and is The and Thompson "Empress the Soldier'* Was morning. With the first class reputa- Hamilton, with a by many feet the largest craft of its the lady assistant. The Piece Presented. tion that this hostelery enjoys from Clothiers, can be for kind. With her flrst-class engines Hatters, alleys engaged private par- boarders who have been registered ties and excellent she is Monday evening last the ever pop- at any hour of the day or evening furnishings, equal there since its two to of her class In ular Gem theatre opened its opening years ago, will be run In a first-class man* any Maine waters. doors for It is They the safe to predict that this year Th«» engines worked and regular summer season of ner and the many friends of Manager perfectly high many of them will be Kent rlass drama. This Is the back again to Merriam wish him success. the steamer along at a rapid tenth season grand Re- that this enjoy the and rale of the entire house has been for hospitality good cheer freshments of Ice cream, etc., were speed trip. the catering found here. Furnishers, the amusement lovers of always The Hamilton haa shnft 150 Portland and served. turning approximately revo- ever the £asco Bay, and we are enjoyed reputation of serving I it ions to the minute without being assured by the verdict of the best table In , and tha forced. The great size and steadl- all prenent Monday same chefs who have served here of the craft »venlng that Manager Godlng never for WHARF IMPROVEMENTS. (r.e*B immediately ap- two seasons are in sealed to the guests. brought a liner company of actors to past again charge Tim 26 ood 28 J this of their respective departments. Any Floors, Monument Sq. Invited guests who went on the playhouse. The play presented HARPSWELL STEAMBOAT CO. IS wss 'The little details that was to trial trip gathered on the pier at 2.15 Empress and the Soldier." necessary MAKING EXTENSIVE ALTER- t romantic drama complete matters for the comfort of o'clock. When the Machlgonne fi- In four acts. The presentation of this all. has been carefully attended ATIONS ANO IMPROVE- nally backed out of the dock It was piece called Into to, service all the members and many Improvements have been Tolman, Bradford Furniture MENTS. nearly 2.30 P. M. On board waa of the com- Co., pany, and as one made. The grounds and a distinguished party of guests. In- watched the per- shrubbery rorniance, he could surrounding the property never looked 17 and 17 1-2 H. A. in of cluding members of the City Govern- easily understand Preble St. Ballsy Charge Large Fore* the great care better, and Its nooks will fur- ment. railroad, steamship and other that had been given shady Dealers in of Workmen. to the selection of nish opportunity for those who desire transportation officials, and prominent this organization. New and Second-Hand For the tlx weeka Ml** Jane Kennark. the rest and comfort. Mr. Hamilton Mur- Furniture, Cooda of all pout the Harps- residents of Portland and as leading lady Antique well vicinity, >f the ray. the efficient clerk of last kind* bought and eold. Alao Auctioneere and Steamboat Co. haa been making veil as from several other places. company, never appeared to season, Appralaera. extensive better will again be found behind the desk Improvement a at Ita Shrieks of whistles, ringing of bells, advantage than on this occa- wharves a and the in the main and under his Ion* the different route*. and waving of handkerchiefs and ilon. applause that greeted lobby super- A driver and a ~v. WW! VI vi lirr mil* I vision the social affairs are pile crew of fifteen dans welcomed the Machlgonne on rfriiinp^ I HtVf certainly men made her realize to be a success. Is to be en- In charge of H. A. Bailey hare her maiden trip. The course chosen she wan meeting the Dancing been of joyed every and engaged In building new land- aas one of thr most beautiful In Casco ipproval her many fiienda present. Wednesday Saturday Prank L. evening and the set will cer- ings and making repalra on all other Bay. The run was down through Sylvester aa "Capt. Jack younger wharves which were Vfplvllle," had a tainly appreciate Mr. Hamilton's ef- Summer Note not In first claaa »>e harbor, through the Roads bet- part that gave him i chance to forts In their behalf. Mr. Walter condition. Lest week work waa com- ween the Diamonds and . dtaplay hla flne ability aa Paper. pleted on the in actor. He waa moat Rogers of Boston. Mass., the well addition at the Harps- ,>a»t I>ong. Little and Great Che- enthuslaa- are well received known Is to furnish music for We always prepared to furnish the new- landing, which pnta It In shape »eagne Islands, with Hope and Cliff Ically and several times dur- pianist na the these occasions. Miss Bessie Hamil- est and for many years" service. Thla addl Islands on the right. Then the performance waa compelled to most desirable note papers made ton. of the will by tlon la twelve feet long, which to- ! steamer waa headed for Bustin's and icknowledge hia deserved applause. dauichter proprietor, B. Ml the other ksslst her father at the hotel. To Crane, Ceo. Hurd or Eaton-Hurlbut. Notable gether with the large size of the old Bibber's Islands, passing on the out- members of the coro- j )anv rarintate matters between Mr. Hamil- among these are wharf gives the company ample room side of them, on past Williams Is- acquitted themselves In a most Hurd's "Aberdeen 1 ^editable ton's homestead and the a Plaid," for conducting Its enormous freight land to Mere Point and Birch Island, manner, and the perform- hotel, Eaton's ince was has been Installed. "Hot Pressed Vellum," Crane's "Linen and passenger traffic Since the work where she tnrned for her homeward given with a smoothness private telephone hat la seen IVIth weather conditions thft Lawn" and waa commenced on the wharvea the tflp. This waa changed about to a rarely on the opening proper Eaton-Hurlbut's well known light. The Hotel will the "High- following haa been completed: At Wtnsiderable extent so that much new production waa finely certainly enjoy great land Linen." nounted and the inccess It deserves. Cottage, Hotel or Camp headings Cushtng*s Landing, Long Ialand. an scenery was enjoyed. At the east work of the IV>s- onla orchestra waa a printed or upon addition of 20 feet, alao *0 feet to IJt- end of Long Island the Machlgonne flne treat to die-stamped note paper to order. he audience tlefleld'a landing, Cheheagne, and 20 made her only atop, which waa to land large present Mana- Paper the pound. ger C W. T. by feet to the pier at Real'a Ledgea. Re- the guest* who were to take the boat Godlng shonld be con- rratulated for Most Cniisi. palra have been made at Fenderson'a down the bay that evening on the giving the public such Eijoyibli i landing, and new wharvea 75 feet Aococlsco. Then the steamer went capable company of players. long at Qumet'i and ISO feet long at to Portland Pier, where she arrived PORTLAND YACHT CLUB CON. Cundy'a Harbor hare been conatract- at 530 o'clock. Daring the trial OLD HOME WEEK EDITION. DUCTSD A MOST SUCCESSFUL ed. From Harpswell the crew went trip mnslc was furnished by the CRUISB LAST WCKK. to WILLIAM W. Harpswell Center where a new American Cadet Orchestra. J. J. Nls- The Boston and Maine Messenger ROBERTS CO. feet landing 200 long will be con- aon catered, serving punch, cakes, I or June Is at hand. This month's rhe Weather Condition* Were Moat structed. and from there to Little chocolate and to I ssne crackers, cigars the Is given over to an elaborate Favorable for the Raeea Qlven. Chebeagoe to pat on an addition of guests. In addition to Capt. Long and < leacrlptlon of the Old Horn# Week STATIONERS. 10 feet. la The and moat successful When the work completed Engineer Doughty. William L Pur- i ;o be held In Boston. July 28 to Au- greatest the a 1 Yacht company's wharvea will be to lagton, will b« purser, and Herbert i gust 3rd. Many fln« half-tones of th« :rn!se of the Portland Club Middle flrat claaa mate. was on afternoon 233 St., PORTLAND, ME. condition. No expeneee Thompson, Manager Edgar | )Tinc1pal buildings, streets, etc.. of the finished Sunday last, baa been a L. when the fleet which started on spared hi giving the patron Jordan of the Harpswell Steamboat i netropolls of Maaaachusetts are Thvr* of thla company all they could desire Company received heartiest congrat* i ihof n. snd no doubt this pnbllcstlon lay afternoon returned, the yacht* for wharvea. Nations for the such ■ giving public n\W do much for making the Old Continued oo pin f. conduct the Seaside Cottage and in OCEAN VIEW HOTEL. Sleeper; Gladstone Jordan, son of ex was wry much enjoyed by the chil- a few days will open the house for Governor Jordan of New Hampshire; dren and Charlie Macdonald succeed- the summer. This Is the third year Lawrence Odlen. son of BAILEY'S ISLAND former Judge ed In pinning the tail In Its appropri- THe Ocean View SUMMER HO- at this house. Odlen of the Hotel Philippines; Arthur Tim ate position. Miss Cannell has re- TEL ENTERTAINED MANY Mr. Charles Mr. W. Sleeper was in berlake. Noonan. Miss Marias turned to her home in for Nona Naples , MC. QUESTS SUNDAY. Portland Tuesday. Smith. Balch. Alta Young, Eva her summer vacation. Stowell. Ida Stowell and Miss Gertrude M. Partridge. the Goldle Sher Mrs. Louise Davis wood. The and daughter WALTER D. CRAFTS. th< has been taking a muslcsl course. and thirty-six registered here foi leisure moments to sketching many island since April 22. Mrs. C. E. dinner. of the of Interest here. Cook of the West End points The Abner Johnson is cottage no* had as her guest over Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford of Portland Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Allen and ready for occupancy, the Sunday repairs and Mrs. George Joy of Portland. Me., with their daughter. Miss Bea daughter. Mrs. Lee Martin, and her painting, etc.. having been completed Mr. O. F. Hunt and W. H. Ham- trice A. Bradford, were among the little daughter Margaret are enjoy- by contractor Charles S. Thomas. Mr mood are Sufidav excursionists that lng the sea breezes from "Tip Charles T. Root of New stopping at the Seventh registered Top" York wh< Maine for where are is now the Regiment Mr. Eu- here dinner. Mr. Bradford is ol cottage they to spend the owner, has spared no ex Building. the summer mouths. gene Cummlngs and John Mullen well known furniture Arm, Tol The family made pense to make this one o ; property spent man, Bradford Co. of that the trip from New York on the North the most desirable summer Saturday and Sunday with city. homes 01 them. Star, one of the steamers the l( All are from Westbrook. Mr. Edward J. Tibbetts and Miss of the New island, and it is his intention 01 York line. that it each Mrs. L. Cummlngs of Portland were here foi Knowing the Sebas- renting season. The housi May Crltchett and daugh- codegan left before the arrival of this has a ter Viola, of the dinner Sunday, and were the superb location, and has everj Melrose. Mass., are here steamer. sent a possible for a few while guests of Mr. John S. Crowley of the Capt. Brag; wireless convenience for those de*lr days, some needed re- to the are Casco Bay Breeze, who is message the main office in Port- ing best. pairs being made to their cottage summering land. here for the present. notifying them that the Allen "Olive," prior to Its being let for the party would like to to Is- season. Mr. and Mrs. \V. get Bailey H. Davis of New that land evening. The North Star Mr. and Mrs. H. L. buryport. Mass.. were among those Crawford and was just making her at the here for dinner Sunday last. landing daughter of Portland have arrived for Portland pier when the Sebascodegan the season at the West L». Island End. J. Fobes and wife of Portland came alongside and took the Allen Long Mr. George A. Greene is now were here Sunday for dinner. Mr. pary aboard. per- is a manently located at the West End Fobes member of the well known Mr. Carl Lyman of Coatlcook. Que., and is to make The Ocean View as it's name indicates plumbing Arm of that F. and C. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ready estimates on commands a wide and city, accompanied by his mother arrived Mark ol houses or ▼lew of sweeping B. Nash Co. Boston are cottages. The two new Batley'a Island shores. three here last at Blde-a-Wee Only minntes walk to the Tuesday for a short vaca- cottage cottages. Seward's and Eaton's, wharf and the steamboat E. M. Bicknell. the marine tion at the spending their honeymoon. Mrs. Mark speak fine sand beach at the bead of artist Restablt cottage, the home for themselves on the Mackerel Cove. of New was Miss grade of work rooms. Beds Large airy York City, is here at the ho- of the Sleepers. Mrs. Is the Florence Weatherbee »hc with bair mattresses. Onr table is Lyman has he does: See advertisement In this unequalled, lobster and sea fish tel. Mr. Bicknell will mother spent many summers here. in endeavor to of Mrs. Sleeper and Mr. Ly- Issue. abundance. Excellent service. first class. secure some of the A Everything Four room bath fine views to be man is a brother of Mrs. party of young bouse free to Sleeper. peo Mr. Albert I. Barrett, wife and guests. Bathing suits to let. found here. His are both pie spent on the Long distance telephone in hotel. paintings R. S. Davis & Co.. Portland, the Saturday island. 1c the Circular* with rates in water colors and the daughters, Misses Sarah EL and on application. Hotel oil. After his well known home party were Misses Grace Horton open all the year around. furnishers. are Isa C.. of Melrose. are cial rates to Spe- work is finished here, he will Marion Nelson. Martha Mass., now winter tourists. Journey showing some new styles in cottage Gardiner. Mil settled In their to Bar Harbor. dred Chase and summer home, Mar- furniture. Ceramea Harris, Mr riners Landing Mr. Barrett Is gen- Albert Paul Willis of Arthur Patterson. Joseph Neales and Philadelphia. Harold E. Cram, the well known eral Inspector of the M. P. de- Pa., and Frank C. Mathewson of New Stanley Carney. book and magazine artist of 6 Bea- partment of the Eastern and Western York are here at the house, Miss Vena Thrasher of L. having con street, Boston, has closed his Portland Divisions of the B. & M. R. R.. and M. YORK arrived on the boat. was the last Sunday evening studio for the summer and is here guest week of Mrs. Wll spends his here. are at Ham Sundays They the present time getting on the island with his A. Rohr. Beach avenue. Bailey's Island, parent at the Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Morrell and Mr. Willis' yacht into commission •"Seaside." Next Mr. Cram spent the Sunday night will be observed Lola Mr. Charles Maine. which during the winter Is stored at Record, Curtis and greater part of last year here on the as Children's night at the Is Orr's Island. Long daughter. Mvrna. all of East Auburn, island. land M. E. church and a Cisco pleasing pro are spending the week at their cot- Bay's Leidiig gram is prepared. Mrs. Frank Overton of Montclair. tage. Marrlners Landing. General Store. N. J., with her two children are Mrs. Ella F. Nash of AU60CISC0 HOUSE. visit- North Ber Mr. George W. Long of Long wood ing Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Woodman wick. Me., Miss Daisy Knight of cottage. East End. had to return to Yon will find at their summer Portland. Mr. and every- THIS WELL AND home. Mrs. Everedge Boston for a few or until FAVORABLY days, the here that is Mrs. wife of True and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hox end of thing sup- KNOWN SUMMER HOTEL Steward, Dr. J. L. the Massachusetts legislature, ON of New from a first Steward of Orange. 7*. J., is here at Gloucester. Mass.. were guests as Mr. Long is the representative plied class NOW OPEN. at the Brown her home on Maiden Lane. The oth- cottage the past week from Cambridge. Mass. grocery and p-ovision er members of the are ex- Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hamilton ol The store. fresh F. M. Prescott Will family Long Island M. E. church holda invoices Manager Con- pected soon. Portland with their family are now services every Sunday. of Meat, duct the Hotel Thie Summer. located at the Preaching FojI, Game, The fishing schooner "Albert D. Jones cottage for the the Rev. Mr. by pastor. Nye, at 11 a. m.. Provisions and Fruit re- The Aucoclsco Frank summer. House, Cliff Island's Wlllard", Capt. W. Doughty Sunday school at 12, Junior uui \«. * * ** League muj. prices are low, the of and returned here the —. a. ncnu ttuu considering quality goods recei\-ed. We large up-to-date summer hotel, past week after laillliy oi at close of Sunday school and preach- carry now an are Hardware, Paints. Oils Etc. is open and catering for the sum- unsuccessful three weeks* cruise Portland as usual at their cot- ing at 7.30 p. m. All are cordially Hardwood for open fireplaces a to the specialty. Dry Goods, mer tourists. This season the ho- Georgies for swordfish. After tage. Marriner's. iavlted. Boots. Shoe*. Rubbers and fishermen's supplies. Oar teams visit all tel is under the of Mr. fitting up with supplies the boat sailed Mr. parts cf the island. management Walter A. Morgan and family Mrs. C. A. Wood and daughters. Public F. M. Prescott of a away once again, and we trust when are at telephone station. House lots for sa'e. Excellent Maiden. Mass., their cottage at the West End. Bertha and Mabel, of Portland are Sites. business man known all over the next heard frotn will have se- Walter he they says has the finest gar- now pleasantly located at their sum- the cured a of country among traveling public. large cargo swordfish. den on the island and we second the mer home. ~Camp Anchorage." In order to meet the rush that Is an- William D. Porter of motion. Castine, Me., Mr. Arthur F. WOODBINE AND COTTAGE. here Breed, a prominent ticipated during the months of with a party of friends was here at Mr. and Mrs. C. J. MacNutt and lawyer of Boston, and son. Melvln BAILEY'S ISLAND, MAINE. July and August, Mr. Prescott has anchor at Mackerel Cove. last Sunday son. Donald, of Berlin. N. H.. have P.. and Mr. Sherman H. Calderwood. Mrs. secured the large cottage in the rear In his "Mabel." Humphreys. Sinnott, pleasure yacht The taken Clinton for season of the cottage the constable Boston, were guests of Proprietor. of hotel which will be used ex- party are the coast and An Ideal cruising along have as their guests. Miss M. L. Mrs. F. J. Downs at the East End Summer Home with a table that is with clusively for sleeping accommoda- for pleasure. supplied the best on the market. MacNutt and Miss Cathie MacNutt over Sunday. Fish, Clams. Lob-ters. etc. Fine bathing and tions. of the of last walk biatiug privileges. Beach only one minutes' Many guests Mrs. E. S. Leeman was noticed In of Wilkesbarre, Pa., and Miss Cath- from the house. from to October. season have Mrs. E. B. and Mr. Open June already secured rooms Portland erine Lange son. Tuesday. MacNutt of Dobbs Ferry. L. B. Rates on appliration. and daily a large number of applica- Lange, have as their guest Miss Dinners a Mr. Rhys Carpenter of New York now has specialty tions are being received. Shore din- Juniper Lodge its usual C. C. Waters of Boston at their cot- City is here on the island for an in- summer Mr. ners are to be a specialty from occupants G. L. Bru- tage at the East End. "Underdid." and^ definite sojourn. nell and sons of Portland. the menu which was setved Mr. Frank J. Smith says the new Sunday Mr. and Mr4. A. Miss Flora and which Is printed below, we can vf Hathaway of Sle- and Edie 8ofnm«V# of la-tmcb. "Motes" is all O. K. and chanlc Falls. are here Portland are easily see where the dining room ac- Me., at their guests of Mrs. H. L. several moonlight parties of the CHARLES past S. summer THOMAS home commodations are to be taxed to the on the extreme east Smardons at her new cottage. "Grey week can vouch for It. end limit Mr. Prescott will of the island. The Shingles." and give the ho- Hathaways Miss Ruby Wallace is now at her Carpenter Builder tel his were among the first of summer va- Mr. personal attention, and this Charles Schonland and family parents' home for the summer, Mr. is a that cationists to build here, their present of Me. guarantee everything will Portland moved down to their cot- and Mrs. James Wallace, of the Home Balley'slsland, home having been erected in 1887. certainly be first class. tage, Tuesday. Estimates on Each season will Bakery. cheerfully given all kinds of find them here for and Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schonland Mr. Frank Pierce and wife building repairing. All work under my personal several short trips. They are to re- of East supervision. Cucumbers and family of Portland moved down Deering turn home July 4. and until Septem- spent Sunday with his broth- to their summer home. Sunset cot- er. Mr. James Soups ber 1st the cottage will be occupied Pierce, of the East Consomme au tage. Tuesday, and are now End. Rlz by Newark, N. J., parties who have enjoying G. life entertaining. JAMES STETSON. Clam Chowder rented it. However, during Septem- Mrs. H. M. Breen has taken Owl- Fish Mr. and Mrs. E. Island lee Cream ber they are contemplating coming Atherton of lck cottage for the season and her Bailey's Parlor. Fried Lobster Fried Clams a South Sun- Oar lea Cream is made down for week t>r two. June 13. Lawrence, Mass., spent daughter. Melville, returned from from pur* dairy cream and selected crushed fruit. Delivered in h^-lr. at by quart or «al)on. Stetson a famous caramels are Baked Sea Trout the of the day Sunny Slope cottage. West Bern Athen made on the premises daily and are for day Hathaways arrival Academy of Philadelphia. by all the lead stores hi the uli Broiled Mackerel Potato End. in* bay. No flner candy mad*. Fines tlmTofci^ Croquettes here, they celebrated the 31st anni- Pa., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nuts. *tc. Try our cool soda, all fruit syrups- We ar* the Roast e^usirra^en^f^^^I^ ^ versary of their marriage. Mr. George Hodgdon and family o( R. Glennister and daughter of New Marazinee.Sourenir PosfsU. Novelties. Etc Our teaSTSis^ Leg of Spring Lamb Portland are now York are Mrs. Sarah G. Starr, accompanied pleasantly located city guests at the Owllck Mint or Brown Sauce at summer here. by her daughter, Miss Minnie their home. Entrees Starr, of Springfield, are here at their sum- "Verona Villa" Is now occupied Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Downes Filet of Beef with Mushrooms by mer home. "The Tides," on Maiden Mr. and Mrs. George E. Harrlman, and family of New Haven, Conn., Peach Fritters—Wine Sauce Lane. Miss Starr Is one of the Miss Mabel B., Miss Alta E. and Ml*s have arrived at the East ROBINHOOD INN. Plain Lettuce End and most popular young ladies of the Grace E. Harrlman. opened their for the season. Vegetables cottage summer colony and is a young woman Mr. Fred W. Ford Mrs. Downs is her BAILEY I3LAND. Lima Bean) Stewed Corn of the Boston entertaining of rare attainments. has brothers and the Boiled or Mashed Potatoes Transcript moved his family sisters, Jordans, of Mitt J. E. Mrs. C. S. here for the season Peaks. Massey, Prop. Pastry Eldrldge and family of and has taken are at one of the Seward Mr. W. Th« most delightful and exclusive a pot on Rhubarb or Pie Philadelphia here the Symonds cottages. Mr. Fred S. Canning and wife of Apple at W. the island. Situated on the east end in full Dessert cottage the extreme end of this Jr.. George and Theodore and th« Troy, N. Y., have taken "Hiawatha" Island. Misses ▼lew of the ocean. Beautiful pine rove* and Strawberry I.-e C'eam They arrived on Friday Lillian, Ruth, Esther and Mac cottage for the season. last the walk* around the house. The house is mod- • evening and It Is understood compose family and are a nr. O. Choco'ate Cak Jolly H. wife and ern Lange, chil- in every rwspect. toilets, baths and sew Coffee that they are here for the entire sea- party. Oh! yes, Rags, also, accom- dren of Cocoa Tea ann Portland moved down to their panied them. en«. Rates and circulars on application. cottage, "Harllcon." at the East End Joslah Mrs. E. Norrls of Wayne, Me., Is J. L. Burke and daughter, this week. They have one of the the 0f Miss most guest his cousin. Mrs. James Louise, of New York City have sightly cottages at this end of Seaside Annex, Island, Me. DAVID P. G. Stetson at her home here. Mr. taken one of the Seward cottages for the Island. Bailey's SINNETT, Norrls arrived last we^k and Is en- the season and are Ml** Mr*. Chester But Island entertaining Mf. E. M. Cushlng and daughter Slnnett, Prop. SilMtr, BUlei't bliri, Ih. Bailey joying every minute while here. Annie Henderson and Miss M. K Motor and are bow located at their home at the pleasure boats of all also of New Id«l lodtdinc hoaw with klnda Mrs. W. H. Hall of New York Pettlt, York City. East End for the summer. fine. Unre. *4ry made to order. We have our room*, fomnumllnf ■ flrve view of tlx ontn. with her two Hons Mr. A. W. own wbsrf at and daughter are Keirstead and wife of Mr. O. L. Rate* t2 00 to S4.00 per week, accord in* to private Mackeral Harold Winfleld Fogg and family are toe*> Core Goodwin of Bev- here at the Brown on the Lisbon Palls several at now don of mim. Board can be had at the Seaaide Boata to let tbe week cottage spent days settled for the summer at by daj, erly. Mann., In on the staff of the shore their CeCtMre adjoinin* the Annex. See our rooms or season. Wbarf front, having arrived here last the West End the past week. cottage on privilege* at rea- Caaco Beach avenue, and are before enncinf elaewhere. Bay Breeze this season, and woek. Mr. Hall Is to sonable charges. join his fam- Mrs. Sarah B. Taylor and Mr*. making additions to the is at present registered at the same. Ocean ily In a short time. The family has of View Hotel. Bryant Allston. Mass., arrived W. H. will not Mr. Goodwin was in been coming to this Island for Ixx>ney occupy his attendance many Tuesday and will spend the summer cottage, **Sans yesterday at the gradua- years, but last season Soucl." but will let It TENNIS they were tour- as usual with their Mr. Geo. for SHOES tion of his class which took brother, the season. He has White and Brown. Good place at ing In Europe. R. at just had Black, wearing tennla at low prlcea. Men'a Seward, Allston cottage. They built a line new Ladies', the City Hall In that city. Por two home on Longfellow Yoaths' and Cblldren'a. Miss Myrtle York and Miss Orr both add much to the social life of Boys', Beat White Bole Good-year years he was hi charge of the busi- Highlands and will spend his summer Tennla, High were In Portland on busi- the West End. and Low Cat. for the famoaa Terhane Shoe for ness the Saturday there. Agente Men. department of "Aegis," the ness. publication Mrs. Carrie Blocklinger and Mr. connected with the high family A. M. Soule and of Hiram P. Johnson was confined to of Bast Dee ring have moved down family school there. to Portland will spend the FARR'S hla home a few their summer at TH.Tojyy.xr days of last week, cottage at the East End. Mm the West End. George Coutreau of Portland spent Mr. Soule Is con- and wan attended by Dr. Mansur of Blockllnger's daughter and husband. nected Sunday on the Island, the of with the Portland guest Orr 'a Island He la alowly Improv- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mitchell, will Pmm Dally Mr. John a. Crowley of the "Breeze." ing. and we trust he will soon be him- spend the summer aa usual with her Granite Andrew Merrlman and Herman Sto- self Spring Hotel and Cesino again. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Brackett and ver of Brunswick were here at the Mre. John Webber was In Portland danahter I>»na of Mas* LONG House over Cambridge, ISLAND Spring Saturday and Sun- arrived at their day. The Saturday. pleasant summer 21. Spring House Is the prop- home last PONOD, Mrs. Chester 8. Slnnett has com- week. Prop.• erty of Mrs. Ann Merrlman of Bruns- Is. Hotel on wick and It pletely renovated and overhauled the Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lunt and Littlejohns UrgMt the Bij. Ou end Is used for a summer Interior of her home for her family. home, "The Seaside" son. Master Eugene, of the Deerlnx •very accommodation. Mineral Spring cottage which she has again rented Mstrlct are ramping out at the East Water. Rate* on Roscoe Jacob* of Melroae application. Open High- thla neaaon to Mrs. Cram of Port- End and are having a time. lands. Hebron jolly They Th« little log cabin which ha* been Jnne IS to 16. Shore Academy. 1907. was land. who la arrive have Sept. dinners a the expected to any appropriately named the camp, more*! to the haa » guest of Miss Elsie M. York over point, been put In day. and will again open the houae "Mosquito speciality. Sunday. Camp." repair and la now occupied Mr. for the of summer tour- by entertaining The Wigwam boys will be greatly Callowhlll of Beaton, who haa Granite Bprinc Dinln* Room. The Periwinkle has been lata. Mrs. Slnnett haa to pur- cottage removed missed this summer at the West End. chaaed the cottage. rented to Dr. A. 8. Sawyer and fam- the Seaside anne*-where she will rent They have let their camp and are not Mr. and Mra. ily of Uttleton. N. for the Brerett Olorer H., month msny of her better rooms. coming down. Other and of attractions Mr. and Mra. 8. Morae of Brock- July. Dr. Sawyer Is one of tha drew them Mrs. Charles W was elsewhere. ton. Maaa.. are a leading dentists of his place, and he Sleeper chap- apendlng abort vaca- eroning twelve from the Mr. and Mr*. B. L. tion at the new TWO CUSTOMERS Is Intending Inviting several of his young people Sawyer and Olorer cottage. friends graduating claas of the J«ancaater danghters. Miss Emily and Mlaa Mil- Mra. Kiln™ to visit him during his sojourn and friend of Melroaa for one How? hav- here. N. H. high school to New York, Phila- He. and sons, Bennl? and William, are today yesterday. By Hlghlanda, arrived Saturday from a delphia. Pa., and where now at their summer home, brief want Mr. R. H. Washington "The atay at the Kllma cottage. what people and them Woodman Is her« were the Birches'" ing giving on they seeing points of Inter- Mr. the Island, having arrived last F. C. Nlchola of Woburn with ask for. est. Wednesday the party came to The the West what they week to join his wife and last day of End school two frienda iipent a few just children the Inland and were entertained daya on the who finely was very happily observed, when the inland laat week preceded him a week previous.. Mr. taking their meala at by and Mrs. 81eeper at their home. children all united In The Woodman cottage Is sit- presenting their the Rock mere Houae. finely A trip to the different nearby Islands Miss BROWN & uated on Maiden Lane and Is an teacher. Alice J. Cannell with a Dr. TURNER, Ideal was made In the and and Mra. Preacott arrived at summer home family's launch, very pretty gold seal ring, garnet of the were their nummer home young people delighted with all kinds were indulged In. In the Friday, bringing Mr. and Mra. F. E. Cram of Port- the shown with them their Infant aon for hta hospitality them. Follow- bean gathe Mlaa Geneva Blckford first APOTHECARIES, land. Me., arrived last are the cap- Tlalt to the Island. Tuesday for ing party: Miss Do^ B. tared 1st the They were alao the summer. prlxe and booby went to s« Congress Strrti. Portland. Maine. Mrs. Cram will again Sleeper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. accompanied by the nurae and one of Charlie Cashing. The donkey party the matda. tlllon at each. 1 910 Ton think lit is too much? I can show you on my : HOW THE Kid LITE books where Mrs. I ■ Havemeyer at s DO YOU WANT recent CASCO BAY TO OWN A ball me paid $15 each for on« HOUSE I The lost Expensive City in the World. hundred and twenty floral favors. That made $1800, without even start- TALKING MACHINE ing the decorations." CLEVELAND IOFFETT. If to, fill oat blank below and mall It to as By Then he described snother famous and we ball «ill send you, free of all charge. "Newport is the most expensive where the walls were festooned Illustrated and sheets catalogue descriptive city in the world: it's twice a« ex- with laurel wreaths, and at each of special outfits we bare made up for .In- as of the stalment purchasers, coating pensive New York," declares a loop wreaths hung an enor- mous friend of mine, who pays $8000 a gilt basket filled with ex- $14, $15, $25, $27, $38, and Upward season for the rent of his cottage. quisite pink roses, among which To be sure this "cottage is a hand- sparkled dozens of tiny electric lights. some stone house in attractive That item alone cost a thousand dol* «• grounds, perhaps the costliest of lars.—New York Journal. Ellison Victor Machines those that are rented regularly vary- Phonographs ing from $3000 to $7000 for the VALUABLE COLONIAL COINS. Including Records, Largo Horn, and Support three or four months is an ordinary affair in and Issued SOLD ON YOUR OWN TERMS OF PAYflENT Newport, occasionally Money Before Revolution when one of the millionaire villas is Worth More Than Gold. ANYWHERE IK MEW ENGLAND to let—one of those splendid places If there is by the sea. with stables and green- any one who possesses a houses and the collection of coins of the • uc glamour of impos- country's eastern lancing nacnine Co., Boston. 3 -colonial Leading house on this a ing names. "We've taken Granite period that person is very island, commanding fine view of th« 17? TKKMOMT STREET Pine grove the Point, my dear, from the Edgar J.'s" fortunate. If at any time a pinch bay. alongside honse where rockers and hammocks should are for the use of Mail to —then the price is $12,000 or $15,- come, making it necessary for guests. Bathing, boating and fishing. 01am the owner of a Bake House 000 from June to September. And such collection to dis- accommodates 400 with At of dancing privileges. Clam pose it in order to procure the ne- Bakes and Shore fall people glad to pay it! DiuDers served here. June 15 to information regarding Talking Machines as advertised in this cessities Open Sept. 15. paper. It is of life, a sum of money could Two steamboat lines. Bates and understood that 1 am under no obligation to buy. A Dollar a Foot For Land. circulars ou be obtained for the collection that application. would As a matter of fact, $15,000 is a make the seller Independent of the world •mall enough rim to pay when one for a lifetime. It is Weather Lore of the Southwest. Colorless Proper Names. considers what the owner has al- doubtful, however, if there is a complete collection of George B. Keeler has lived In this There is a if ready paid for the land, the house the coinage fascinating considerably of this part of the tsd the grounds. I no sum- country of the days before the Cherokee Nation longer discredited branch of .philology in suppose mer in Revolution than any other white man. and he which the facts city the world can show such anywhere within the bor- of language are. In ders knows weather lavish In so small an of the land, in signs as well as any the absence of other documents, made expenditure though many of the area, for fashionable or museums, public as well as people who were here even to imply the facts of history. Many of Newport, private, before him. He the heart of it, is within there is a goodly representation. remarked last week us preserve from college days a com- comprised PEAKS I8LAND HOU8E on the two or three miles The coins of and and Annexes—Just across fact that the wild ducks and plete and engaging picture of that square at one Maryland Vir- from corner of a little island. ginia in the time of their the Gem Theatre gese are stopping in the Choctaw Na- Aryan race which descended from the colonial tion Over all the rest of existence were and Famous for Its Shore Dinners to breed, a thing are not plateau of Iran to rule the and this island you quaint peculiar in they world, Served known to may pick up land for a but their way. They included daily from 6 to 8 p.m. have done before. that linguistic pastoral still imposes song, shillings, here on Orchestra conducted bv Mrs. Robert The bees are their itself in this southwestern point you six-penny pieces, pennies and half- Ely. killing drones, the face of a more skeptical formerly of the Gem Theatre an old will pay, roughly one dol- penny pieces. Among those that orchestra, Indian sign that honeymaking science. Now, a phllologer who stu- speaking, material will be lar a square foot, which means abounded in Maryland was the Lord very scarce this sum- died the development of proper names $43,- mer. 000 an acre; and none of these show Baltimore groat, called after the According to this the summer from this point of view would not old will be places less than one English groat, which was worth hot and dry. burning out much fail to note their melancholy tendency occupies acre, while most of them have four or about four pence in the Id vegetation.—Bartlesville Examiner. to bleach out in the wearing. At any country. five and a few ten or twelve. These coins, as well as those of Vir- early period, and indeed well toward havef So the unimproved land alone ginia at that time, were coined In THOUGHT the beginnings of modern history, repre- CHILD WOULD DIE. sents a small fortune (it was farm England for the colonies. One that proper names told something as to land years in the circulated very in and habitation thirty ago Ochre extensively Virgin- Whole Body Covered Willi Cuban paternity, occupation •a Point region, now worth millions) was ine "Uiocester token." and Itch—Cuticura Remedies Cure today they are quite colorless. A new cost half a million or a of a there were multitudes of would no be quarter half-pen- at Cost of "•V. Ulysses longer Laertldes; nies In million each, and some a full million those days, all with more or no Peter indicates he is the son little when an that less "My boy, only infant of —real palaces—with another million peculiar stamps upon them. three months, caught the Culwn of Paul. A Carpenter or a Weaver Itch. Inside in furniture and objects of Anions the coins of the period be- Sores broke out from hi* head to the bot- is likely to be a lily-flngered stock- fore art. The simple stone wall around the Declaration of Independence tom of his feet, lie would itch and claw broker. Even the place names have one of New or New 4 these million-dollar places (it York, Amsterdam, as it himself .d cry all the time. He could not pretty much disappeared, except in to E. was then sleep day or night, and a lisht dre*s is all belongs J. Berwind) cost $100,- known, spread broadcast the case of nobility, and since the her he could wear. 1 called one of our 000. Its gates and carvings shilling pieces stamped with a bo*t average gentle family has not for kept doctors to treat him. and his treatment did the stonecutters busy for a year. Sig- pine tree, and they were as good as not do years lived on its titular estate, or in any good, but he seemed to get nificant is it not? —$100,000 for a gold the markets. Massachusetts none at our new Gas- worse. He suffered so perhaps has all. also had terribly that my stone wall! her pine tree shilling, and husband said he tons de Foix give us a name about believed he would have to it was Rood anywhere, as die. Trees at Nine they camo I haegan to cestral beeches and cedars, one branches and stars and mottoes of HAMILTON.Prop. and in at Sudbury to make the award of an- dry up, just two weeks from the would say, all grown to order over- various kinds appeared on the ob- day I commenced to use the Cuticura nual premiums for long service in hus- Rem- night by the flat of "Money wills it." verse and reverse sides of those old edies my baby was entirely well. The treat- bandry it was announced that James Here, for instance, is a fine horse coins, from shillings down to half- ment only co«t me 75c.. and I would have Fletcher had been who recommended, chestnut, its branches spread sitty pence. The old coppers of those days, gladly paid £100 if I could not have got it had been seventy-four years employed feet and your etxended arms particularly those minted in any chea|>er. 1 feci safe in satins that the scarcely the New upon the sajne farm, ljui as his master compass its girth ICneland Cuticura Remedies saved his life. He i« Surely, you sav. region, and the three penny had never been a member of the asso as now a boy of five years. Mrs. Zaua Miller, this tree has stood here for genera- coins, well, are of inestimable val- elation his case could not be j Seashore Union R. F. consid- tions. Not at ue Land No. it has stood but the few of them Co. City, D., llranch all; to-day, 1, Co, here that offer their located Mich., May 17. 1!**." ered. for two or three months. And do exist are as finely lots; Cousins Isl- tho carefully guarded, to There were same is true of and, at the low of tw*nty-one competitors those maples down wheresoever they are, as the crown early purchasers price $75 in the class for laborers in the to each. Feminine Judgment. husbandry driveway and of that rare old diamonds of any empire under the $100 Charming- Scenery, Good Bath- whose rent does not exceed £5 who tree the Woman must learn not to pronounce tulip by hedge, and of yon- sun.—Washington Post. ing:, Spring Water, Beautiful Shade Trees. 50 feet have worked longest on the same farm der of on Judgment on men without having giv- group sturdy red cedars. Cne Promenade shore front reserved for use of all. or en for the same master or mistress, year ago the ma;»les were reasonable consideration to the growing Definitions. to and the were: William miles Amazing Applv two tides of each case; for almost prizetakers twenty away, the horse chest- recommended Sir nut Tho American every woman conceives it to be her Dunnett, by Cuth- thirty miles away, and the tulip schoolboy has no bert whose tree of especial province to decide offhand— Qullter, length of service fifty miles away. Then the order monopoly blundering answers, as Seashore Land Co. was sixty-three years; Charles came that these trees is shown by the following answers in according to her temporary and per- Payers, must shade sixty-one William and this a school examination sonal condition of mind—any matter years; Carter, fifty- beautify lawn and fra-ne written by somo a of our that presents Itself—Truth. seven years; Robert Gill, fifty-three picture of the sea for the plar.za cousins across the water: years, and Walter Clow, fifty-three people. So two gangs of Italians "John Wesley was a great soa cap- years.—London Standard. were sent forth with picks and shov- tain. He beat the Dutch at Waterloo, els, and under each chosen tr^e and by degrees rose to bo Duke of two He was The THE EYE BE- Japanese Rifle Rett. they dug tunnels, leaving the Wellington. buried near Nel- roots in a son in the Poets' Chebeague Corner at An Austrian military organ draws great ball of solid earth* Westmin- Bowling Then ster attention to one of the minor details they skidded it up on heavy Abbey." timbers and moved "The sublime Is a and o/ Japanese musketry practice during it on rolleis, and porte very fine Alleys Casino made it fast on a old wine." the late war which seems to have es- special truck, and "The Jr Dr. William'* Booklet on |»tiou Hociu. Don't fail to vinit the Era TroaUot mailed penses are much more tants acre. For Casino Van Oft Arts in than that— per Its ln« application. Important Life. 2,731,000 while yon are in Casco All ar»» one place in habitants an area Hay. welrom« Hteamera land particular where half a of only 19,27$ often. A million has been on acres Is so Mrrrirm Pt.. WILLIAMS OPTICAL CO. Mass. doctor says: "Our health spent the available, that each acn East End Chebeague Colonial Theatre ftal «tlng grounds and has 142 and physical and mental where twenty mcii are , Inhabitants. IOO happiness 1 Boyiston St.. Boston, Mass. are so required for the mere Berlin Is as largely under our con- details of almost thickly Om FHgfct—lleveter-Teiefkea# personal popu- trol that the proper selection of food landscape gardening. lated, Inasmuch as Its city ground should be and is one (now almost entirely built of the most Im- Florists Mast Live. up) com- portant acts in life. prises only 15,569 acres, and In this House Lots at It might be ex- ■ pare Island "On this subject, I may say that I supposed that, with 2,034.000 people live, or 131 t< Chebeague tensive The Llttlefleld at know of no food equal In greenhouses to draw apon, each acre. property Cbebeacae bland, Maine, comprising digestibility the • boat two hundrrd wrw, in now on the market in lota tosait the •nd more mistress of one of these hand- Tho par- powerful In point of nutri- conditions are ehwer. Our ha* (Iw ahore with kitchen! hand some considerably property privilfgen excellent spring place* would have flowers in better In ment than the modern ndon. where 4.536.000 water, *nd the locatKO la unsurpassed on this Island. Lots sold subject abundance for all to condition of contract. Oar are low rind It four heaping teaspoons of which Is ocraslon*. but such people live In an area of 75,370 prices wjil be for yotii ad- vnsquaiiea. la acres, vantam to see r nr before sufficient for the not the case. The greenhouses or 60 to the acre. property deciding- Correspondence attended to ceresl part of a personally. Address Cleans merely supply the Vienna has meal, and experience demonstrates family's dally only 39 Inhabitants pet Cleans needs, and a aid Polishes that the user Is perfectly nourished florist Is callcd upon acre, the city ground A. R. LITTLE FIELD. Croat and for comprising 42,* ChebeaKUC. Me. from one meal to another. elaborate dinner*, halls and fetes. 503 acres and the population So that a being j "I am convinced that the extensive fashionable family will 1,675,000. Copper Restores easily a and general use of high class foods of spend thousand dollars a Of the great cities New York has month In the season the this character would increase the simply on flow- smallest ratio of population to Brass A ers "'"of for small the acre. term of human life, add to the sum dinners, such as are Its 3,716.000 Inhabitants given say once a have an R. H. CLEAVES total of happlnens snd very consider- week. A thousand area of 202,*66 acres (by Tin Paint dollars does not far the M ably Improve society In general. I go far when )onr largest city territorially In the Chebeague's Home Bakery and Ice Cream Parlors am guests alt under of so that We are belter t re pa red tbi« inenn than erer to aerTe otir <.r«•••». I'alnf, Kl»rliln( »imI *11 Imparl- free to mention the food, for I canopies Ameri- world), there are 18 many patrons with »»«»• can people eren t bin* In oar line. Remember si I our work ia done on IIm frwm han«l« tl |« nnrqiialM, personally know of Ita value." Beauty roses, spresdlng over the to an acre. the preml«ea and gnsr- l'*»lnf lh»- akin «of|. wtitlrand arnnoth. snteed flr*t-cla*«. Oar Icecream and leea are oar own make and we tsble like trees In deliver In large +** Grape-Xuts food can be used by apple fall bloom, or amall io any of the Islsnd. Oar BEWARE OF IMITATIONS vt and quantities part dellrery w*(on will dellrer st babes In arms or when the tables themselves are abort notice l/incbfi aerred stall h

By President Alderman of the University Largest Summer. Retort Journal in New England °f Virginia. Published HE Every citizens of the South who had reached manhood's estate Thursday Afternoon In 1860 and who is alive today has lived In two worlds. The world of his youth was a rural, conservative. Isolated From June to September and on the Last in Kach Month land, Thursday without cities or centres of population, to a few from October to May clinging central ideas, holding Itself proudly sloof from the fer- ments CROWLEY <&> of modern society and creating Its own dominant LUNT, Editors and Publishers social system. It was a land of contrasts and lights and 14A Middle Offtc*. Street, Portland. Maine shadows. It was a land wherein a tumultuous love of lib- erty and of chartered rights existed side by side with human TERMS slavery; wherein culture and refinement touched elbow with dense and bar- On* Year, Summer barous Ignorance; wherein SI.00; Season. SOc; Single Copy, 5c aristocracy and democracy went arm in arm to- gether for the last time in human history. ADVERTISING RATES This system did not produce In any Just degree either wealth or letters. fl.00 inch fir*t week: additional at per insertions induced rates. Beading Notices, It arrested Immigration, it branded it minimized 15 cents line. A labor, inventions, it empha- per postal our n...n sised the caste and brings advertising feeling It set the badge of pauperism upon the schools of the plain Yet it did people. some things remsrkably well. It produced an up- per class of and Advertisers striking splendid virtues, out of which issued the desiring changes must send in on or befcre smallest, copy Monday prtceding but the most alert and powerful foree in day of publication to insure insertion. political Christendom. The force was compact of a steady group of daring and resourceful leaders, so grounded tdte—Hotels and Boarding Houses in the Bay fcrfourcrmoTcincl-.es in unflexlble contracting public probity that one may search the line of public men of tf space per issue for displayed lmc the «f in*vr- advertising, pri\i!»ve *ukly tho South from Calhoun to Ben and the lon of names under the classification of of Tillman, inclusive, succession is free guests* Register Toutists, free of charge from Our boose is located. The personal dishonor or self-seeking and so in finely view frtm the large, broad piazzas and chamber* weighty political thinking is Toi on that Patrick and delightful. et'rooms each floor. Fine, large room Henry Calhoun may be read with Demosthenes and Burke. 100 The Uble is dining accommodating guests. supplied witti tne best in tbe market, ana THURSDAY, JUNE 27, This aristocratic South the cream direct from our vegetables 1907. really trained democratic union for its ultl- own farm. Tennis court on lawn in front of house. Fine beach mate for and victory over the-alien system of thought created by southern life. bathing boating. Two lines of suatners direct from Portland. House only For the three minutes from Hamilton's Landing. of forty years South was another its so- Plenty amusement, dancing, card pax* practically nation, building ties and etc. Book with us if want to ifornla is $1 15 per 100 pounds, which cial order on the musicals, you enjoy your vacation. MINIATURE ALMANAC basis of an inherited economic misconception. For another equals about 80 cents a box. contain- Rates ob forty years it has been striving to retain its best traditions. Its Idealism and Application. Accommodates ICO. Oh* June 10 to OctoNr 1. ing from eight dozen large to Its to Week of June 27 to 3 eighteen simplicity, recover the industrialism In commerce and education which July dozen Sun small oranges, and there is a It had lost and to achieve length High Tide nationalization in politics and liberalism in opinion. Seasin of 1907, June 15 to 15 Rises Sets of refrigeration charge of 20 cents a box South has Sept. Day day morn even The regained the spirit of industrialism with which it started in the 27 4.09 7.25 15.16 11.48 The price of oranges at the New York 12.18 early days. Many details remain to be worked out, but the spirit is here. I SU1IMT HOUSE 28 4.09 7.25 15.16 12.33 1.03 auction now ranges from $2.25 to $4.5cation. 2 4.11 7.25 15.14 4.18 4.48 Commercialism Is a mere sordid theory of life. Indus- Overlooking the c.cean sels bring oranges at 30 cents a box. trialis is the and the restful island 3 4.12 7.25 15.13 5.18 5.48 scientific mastery of the raw material and Its wise distribution scenerv but there is a of 70 of field and wood. No duty cents. Per- according to the laws of trade. better spot for eomplete rest and recre- haps 2000 cases of oranges still come The EDITORIALS. southern boy of this generation has found himself at last in American ation. Table and service first- annually from The how- Spain. shoe, life and made himself at home at the moment when the republic has most MRS. CLINTON No ever. in the last fifteen years has been need M. HAMILTON, Pre prietor t#Kf, 40Kue>t«. Rates reasonable. telephones at Chebeague yet. of his tempered strength. He is a fine, hopeful figure, this southern on the boy placed other foot. In 1892 was whom I know so well, of strong, high political Instincts, facing tardily a fierce boats the first exportation from this country passing through now and it's a industrialism and a new democracy with its and his Island View to grandeurs temptations, Cottage June but we Europe of Florida oranges. Of the weather, think it is. ambitions and dreams moving about them and vet fast the Creat Me. of holding through Chebeague, crop 5,000.000 boxes there are now conservatism in his blood to the noble concepts of public probity and scorn of L. F. HAMILTON, Proprietor From Portland to Bailey Island in exported three or four thousand. Of dishonor LOCATION and everything first an hour and a half is a the California crop of 14,000,000 boxe3 gratifying re- FINEclass. Verandas and large airy rooms. duction from winter running time. two or three thousand are exported. Kates on application. Cottage annex built Sicily supplies almost all of the lem- this season for rooms only. Open June 15 to 15. Shall we not need a "turn out" at ons that are used in the United States. Sept. Potts channel? There are so many The quantity averages about 2,000,000 are thriving beautifully. Of course the boxes a year, which pays a vessel The Paranoia "single track" line there, perhaps the freight of 30 cents and a duty of 70 Spread of HAMILTON VILLA CIislandUE government could be induced to dyna- cents a box. The California lemon At the popular east end, adjacent to all hotels and amusements. mite 50 feet or so off the end of the supply has grown to about 3000 cars of By H. S. D Fresh farm and ocean in 3 jaws and straighten the channel. 300 boxes each, and is expected In two { products plenty. Only minutes' walk from two steamboat or three years to reach an aggregate of landings. Fine cool groves and walks. Beat of references shady Basket Island given. Rates on application. Accommodates with cottage 40. has passed into the 10.000 cars. When that happens lemon I T seems to me that the lawyers and the witness-experts io ALFRED E. possession of the wife of Commander growers of Sicily will probably be HAfllLTON, Proprietor the Thaw trial have given us a broad of Robert E. Peary. It could not be in obliged to find other markets. Scatter- reading paranoia; so broad, indeed, that American society at this time teems better hands to Insure the preservation ing shipments of lemons are received Arthur XX. Hamilton with examples. The recent investigations by state and na- of its natural scenery. as early as November 1 and as late (successor to A. R. Littiefield) tional into the authority methods of great life insurance Cash Store. as October 1, the height of the season Chebeagae Grcoery Having had several years' experience in the gro- companies, railway coiporations, the cery business, it will be earnest aim to The inner bay trip on the steamer being from May to July. petroleum industry, my give my patrons tne best goods at the and the lowest possible cash reduction will is a etc., late movements in stock circles have certainly prices. Special be given to camping and Maquoit better sail than ever. There was once a fruit called shad- parties, orders. Our fishing been in this purchasing large teams will visit all sections of thr island The steamer's deck forward now was illuminating connection. Applying the princi- for orders and daily upper lock. It bitter and nobody delivery. We will greatly appreciate an order and will do our best to ples of analysis in the courtroom to the all. gives a grand for passen- of It. Then it employed operations satisfy opportunity thought eating received of our emineDt masters of finance, our captains of and the schemes gers to enjoy the view. The Maquoit a degree of domestication and was Industry, and practices of the kings and of Wall is it is making fast time these called the Now It princer street, not clear that the days. pomelo. is very <1 incase attributed to the young homicide is a prevalent affliction? The highly esteemed as the grape fruit. very Several have atmosphere on this side of the Atlantic has been charged for years with iti parties tried setting There are three sources of supply, Ja- out and contagion, and while its victims generally have not shown a raising deciduous trees on the maica in October, Florida during the virulent malig- treeless nity of the intense and deadly type of young the parts of some of the islands. orange season, and California. At th»* Thaw, yet destructive and effects of The success of a well known baleful their paranolan maniis were so evident that Bailey beginning of the season grape fruit becoming peo- Islander in this pic of average sanity had for the most concluded that was respect is encouraging. brings $2.50 a box, but from November part it full time to se* on He has foot measures for their own protection. Treatment of a maples and chestnuts which to February the price sometimes disciplinary are nature has been applied to some eminent cases, with results that thriving beautifully. Of course the reaches $10 for a box of from forty- seem bene- conifers are more ficial to the general class; yet in order to secure a state of truly native to our six to eighty fruit. The freight is the healthy mental shores and balance in those affected with either an advanced or grow in most profusion, same as on oranges.—New York Sun. incipient form of the nmcrosis the but elms and oaks are plentiful where medicine must be continued for some time to come before the have on public peace and safety be assured. There is a class in they sprung tip the more pro- ouitntnT ur uikds. large whom the views of is tected islands. At Cousins, for in- paranoia working with alarming activity, to whom reference should stance, there are be made In this connection—the automohilists. We almost wonder that many large elms and An Imported Industry that Ought to the oaks. experts for the Thaw defense did not illustrate their Route the Audubon Society. points with examples from the ranks of the men and women who have contracted The Italian women who cut the the automobile The wise ones are getting their tAania. Had they done so would not the average reader of the elaborate tes- dandelions In fields and street grass- more SUMMER rooms at the hotels timony readily have grasped the and of the reserved. No tak- borders and even !n meaning gravity dreaded HOSIERY private lawns ing ehances for them. know a malady? A and They Greater Boston, says a writer In the Large Complete Line of Best thing or two about Casco in Bay July Boston Evening Transcript, form Mil- ami August. If are and you coming write let-like figures In the landscape; In Foreign Domestic Makes and get your and rooms, be sure and their bungling rigs, short skirts, ker- engage them for a good long period for chiefed heads and clumsy footwear store an-1 our It is going to be hot this summer un- Every gooil grow* Section i* they give the conventionally foreign Hosiery less all signs fail. more than its «hare of Massachusetts has touch and air to the scene. But their Timber the getting growth. Our lines this been sweltering In a temperature of Cutting ^.ir are more extensive thnn men-folks, the opera-chorus-looking ever-more of a &0 to 95 In the shade for ami nearly two sort of bandits with a variety who go out gun better elioice. in e weeks with a few Cause Hosiery la days exception. to shoot our song birds, should re- of Floods charming stripe effects, in fashionable colois in What prevails in New York and Phila- edva no anil last black*. hospitality. By Gilford Pinchot, the Chief of the good delphia we can Imagine well enough In' Italy there Is no check placed Forestry without going there to And out. on the depredations on bird life, and ^Service. HOSIERY It Is figured that 10,000,000 wild birds HK (treat flood which has wrought devastation and ruin in * OUR ORANGES HOME GROWN. a year in Italy fail a prey to Indis- Upp°r Ohio valley is due fundamentally to the Fancy Embroidered Black Cotton Plain Black Lisle criminate gun-butchery until Italy has cutting away with hemmed or of the forests on the watersheds of the and Mon- Hose, Special 25c pair garter top. double 8paln and Sicily No Longer *he become almost a land without birds. Allegheny sole, hitch spliced ongahela rivers. These streams hare their source In the Tan Cotton Hosiery in gauze and heel. all black or Maco Chief Sources. The peninsula of Italy forms an im- split sole. Jieart of the Allegheny mountains, which are high and medium weight*, double sole, high Half a century ago when citrus fruits portant route for the migrant birds steep 50c pair and receive a heavy rainfall. The spliced heels, 25c and 35c pair which, coming from the north and valleys through which Silk were first sold at auction, oranges and Hosiery, including plain black west these mountain streams flow are narrow and deep. Extra flne line of Women's Black lemons came from and of Europe, pass back and forth In gauze and medium only Sicily The ruin of the mountains now weights, across the Is accomplishing the Cotton Hose, gauze or medium drop Spain. Not so very many years ago a Mediterranean to Northern stitrh. la«es and hand ruin of the valley. All along the and double embroidered in man took Africa, Egypt and the Nile So Allegheny Mononga- weight, sole, high spliced self and slips of the seedless orange Valley. hela rivers colors. the and far down the Ohio valley are wreck and devastation. heel, black or Maco sole. from South America to Italians for centuries have been Disease split California. will come later wh»»n Its Prices. $1.50 to $10.00 not their fruitful germ* shall have multiplied over foot 25c Now the Sicily oranges find their mar- killing only own birds, but every pair of the Inundated valley. An extenslre line of ket In other those which belong equally to north- Tan Hosiery In plain gauze, clocked, White Silk and lands, principally In the The value of the I.Isle ern and southern nations. property destroyed In this one flood is probably sufficient laces, and embroidered d«>sigiis, Hosiery In fancy embroidered countries of Europe. The California boot It is to buy enough land at the headwaters ivt these streams to patterns, gauze and Is easy to get up a prejudice fully protect them. 50c, 75c, $1.00 pair medium production expected to Increase In The area | against of of the Allegheny and Mononashela watersheds Is weights, drop stitch, the next few any set foreigners. It Is given by the Unit-, Extra flne Black clocked and all* years to 40,000 carloads ed Cotton Hose, dou- over easy to States geological survey as about 19,000 square miles, or laces, 50c to for the season. declare that the Italians about ble $3.00 pair acres. Not more 12,000,0001 sole, high upllccd heel, among us do not feel than half of this arm would necessarily have to be The shipments begin Id November anything of th<* Id 35c 3 pair for $100 Hoys' Flno Hlack sentiment of forest. Cotton Hose, dou and the of the friendship and affection Fine ble sole height season, which is Blark Cotton Hose In gauz»* and knee. 50c for the song birds of the that pair In May, Is being extended from year country and medium weight, we natives feel; but It Is certain that Hoys* Hlack to year. From Florida shipments be- Special, 3 pairs for $1.00 Cotton Hose In one one may see In the markets and one gin in reach of any ribbed and two and one rib- October, their height In Plain Black Cotton gauze or of the larger towns In all sorts llose, bed. double December and cease In Porto Italy sole and knee. February, of and medium weight, with Maco *p1lt sole, Rico Is song game birds with no dis- comparatively a small source 50c Special 25c pair crimination of size or kind. String* Our pair Misses' of supply at present, but Is so rapidly Bodies Machines plain and ribbed IJsle Hose, of little birds are hawked about the Medium or Gauze Cotton Hosiery, double developing that shipments are expected sole and knee, 50c streets and hung In the windows of rib bod garter top. doub? sole, hkrh pair In a few years to reach *0,000 boxes shops, especially In the or spliced heel, regular or out aires, Misses' White l^lsle a month. The season begins In Octo- rotlcerle, By Crlttmnden Marriott. Hose In plain grill houses, as was once the custom 50c pair and allorer lares. ber and continues until the latter part 50c pair In our Southern cities from Baltimore Fancy Colored IJsle Hose In plain of March. Cuba Is also developing as Misses' flne to New Orleans (and probably has no* gauze and laces. Including the newest ribbed White Cotton a source of supply. Hose, double sole wholly ceased In In of OW many I erer shades and heel, 25c pair are sold by auction Immedi- Boston), spite people wonder p»u»e to consider thnt their of tans, slate*, grays, modes, Orange* the efforts of the Audubon 8oc1ety to bodies are merely machines to do work, furnaces In pink, blue, lavender, *W>1et, navy and ately upon receipt at the North River which Misses' flne black Cotton Hose, suppress It by local laws. necessary foel li In Dresden 50c and 75c piers. The Florida oranges are packed bamod, workshop* which worn-out blues, pair double sole and knee. The picture for the Imaglnstlon of parts are snd storerooms In in the crates the grower. In Cali- supplied, which fu«l and food Fancy Llsfa embroidered by a Hosiery Special 25c pair blrdless land should be to are laid use ar« taken enough away for when needed. Further, like other In the latent clocked and floral de- fornia they to packing any Misses' and Tan Cotton put a stop to this Imported Italian piece of the works Boys' Hose, one of which is at apparstus body better under certain cir- algns, 50c, 75c, $1.00 hotzaee, nearly every Industry. double sole and knee, 25c pair cumstances; Its fires burn better with fuels of certain railway station. The fruit has been sorts, r mixed In certain and carefully picked and put In field boxes proportions, It cannot keep In perfect The Simple Life. condition unless with from which it Is taken at the station, furnished proper materials. Mao A Uttle Somervllle was girl who thinks be eats because he Is eats and and hungry; he really because his body Is cry- re-assorted. graded sited, taken into * Boston reeu^rant and ing out for building materials with which to repairs the waste that is shipped aaat, not changing ownership told could always she have her choice of any- going on, and for fuel to until It baa reached tha receiver at keep Itself warm—and It la rather "finicky" as to the thing on the bill of fare, deliberated It wants supply for each of these purpose*. At a It can use the eastern market. a and pinch. almost any- Eastman while, then choee Brothers corned-beef & for Bancroft thing digestible either, but It groans and complains, and The transportation charge from Cal- hssh—Somervllle Journal. punishes Ita un- fortunate possessor If It Is not properly treated.—From St. Nicholas. Enormous Hidden Treasure. Commonwealth Hotel By H. G. HUNTING. A stocking fall of gold—a stocking Candy's Harbor W. & JORDAN & CO., Portland State House that holds millions of dollars—is hid- Opposite den away somewhere in the rural dealers in districts of America. It Is a tremen- BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS dous stocking and It Is certainly Mrs. C. A. Percy of Bath is here known to hold so many millions in visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. L*. GROCERIES—PROVISIONS Uncle Sam's money that, if it could Thompson. Mrs. H. Catiin and be found and appropriated by any in- Leroy little Fishing Tackle Anchors Oars Cordage daughter Gladys, were in Brunswick dividual treasure seeker, Mr. Rocke- Oiled a day of last week. Clothing Dories Skiff* feller would lose his claim to the Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Small of New Punts Sow Boats much heralded title of "richest St. Lawrence Mirer Skiffs man," York City were here and we and Monday Captain Kldd's fabled deposits of hope 'twill be but a short time when Motor Launches doubloons would forever Spanish af- they will come to us every year, as ter seem an insignificant bait to the we understand Mr. Small has pur- dreamer's cupidity. chased land whereon he will soon But it is neither tainted nor blood erect a summer home. stained money that is in this great Capt. E. D. Percy passed the great- er part of last week in 7th stocking. It is good money, clean Bath and Anniversary Sale ofOPTICAL GOODS Phippsburg. the letter town his money, money that has been honestly being Lowest and where he had not Prices Ever known Until 10 earned and that birthplace, Sept. saved; money repre- been for 18 years, and though many sents patient, persistent toil and S3 Rimless SI changes had taken place, yet he had Eyeglasses steadfast virtue, of which money a most enjoyable visit. WAKKAMED lO TEAKS America has a right to be Mrs. Gold Filled Frames proud Edward Hoi brook and Miss 70C Solid Gold Mountings $|,60 above any other of her Anne fl.00Eyeglass Chains Offers rates portion Mulcahy were in Brunswick SOS AlaminamF.«ro^> 35C (or rooms with hot and aold water of and rooms L^nsrs fl per day op; with wealth. Tuesday of last week. Special 60S and up. private bath fl.50 per day and suites of two rooms and Oculists' Prescription* tilled at 33 cent ai«count from usual np; private bath |3 per day It is a figurative stocking, however. Miss Bessie Catiin of East Harps- per prices. and np. Offers rates on rooms with hot and cold Eye* Kxamlned Free—To oelebrate the weekly water and shower baths of Its actual shape is multiform, and in- well has been here recently seventh anniversary of my to rooms with visiting location 'n Portland, I sull quote tbete low 96 private baths f8 to fl2; suites of two rooms and bath to cludes not at her uncle's H. L. Catlin's. prices. |15 only many of these old- UN I IL. §22. Absolutely stone wood but Miss SEPTEMBER IS ONLY fireproof; floors; nothing the doors. Equipped fashioned. time honored. Insecure Angle B. Watson is expected And with Its own vacuum home Remember, although my prices are the lowest in New England, I cleaning plant. Long-distance In banks of the which very soon from Rochester, New never deal in telephone every people justify the any goods excepting those of tbe very best qustity. I examine room. Strictly a temperance hotel. 8TORKR F. York, where she has been since last the eyes and tit thetn CRAFTS, Manager. name we have applied to the whole, carefully correctly; and I warrant an my glass* s to fit. Send for September, studying music and china I make any needed in tbe lenses, a booklet. class, but all the other and change uhin one year, absolutely free of possible charge. I aceurate record painting. keep ••of nil prescriptions m> that if your impossible form of unsafe deposit re- glasses are I can Mrs. Levi Eastman has been quite broken, replace tbem without lurth* r « xaminatkn. iJur- ceptacles that Ing the pa«t neven yewis I have Railroads apprehensive ingenuity ill the past few days, but is litted the eyes of one-sevvnth the en- Railroads reported tire popu atlon of C'uu>iM*rland « has been devised. And the American as much better. ounty. Renumber the place, over h Trust Preble farmer owns the stocking and the rTom letters and iuclity Co., opp. House. cards received M. money in it. Organized effort is be- from and Mrs. J. E. T. Jr. Capt. Skolflnd and ^.alME'SWORTHL^T. made to son. who are ^ LE^DINC OPTI'-AM ing induce him to bring the Ansel, on their way south •470 1-2 Congress t. in s< Both'Phones. gold from its rusting place and allow h<»oner. Isabel B. Wiley, they hav»> visited the it to be used for his own and others' Jamestown exposition and are now for profit, and that he is beginning to do sailing Jacksonville. Fla. & G. W. Sinnett has so far recovered BOSTON so has revealed more MAINE fully the half- from his recent sickness as to be able c w'w*'"" guessed secret of his wealth. to go out of doors. WATSON BROS. Certain of the big banks of the Nearest to Mrs. S. B. Trufant. who has been the Steamboat Landing RAILROAD larger cities are out to make reaching visiting relatives in this section re- the farmers their clients. Realisa- j GROCERIES cently. went to Brunswick last Thurs- | AND PROVISIONS FRESH CANNED tion has come to them that the farm- day. where she was MEATS. GOODS. PRODUCE joined by her , and Fine ers' unused millions Cigars Tobacco, CV>nfec;ionerv, Ice, Coal and Gasoline TO THE are wasting their daughter. Mrs. W. E. Gordon, and to- Fre>b Wood, BEAUTIFUL gether FIsH, Complete rishing Outfits power—an untold, uncomputed pow- they have gone to We call Chebeague. | for and deliver orders in Harbor and East er—and where will visit Cundy's liar) swell, and it is their effort now to es- they W. A. Trufant boat and ship goods by to any landing tablish, in the owners' a sub- family. minds, Baggage Moving Souvenir Postals Thomas Holbrook Is home a Cundy'8 Harbor, Me. WHITE stitute for that deep rooted fear for few MOUNTAINS days after a seven weeks' which has prevented their hoard from trip sword- Ashing on the Sadie into Nunan. from Cape passing others' custody. A rea- Porpoise. soning confidence, the farm- Low Rates and Fast Trains among There are few small places where ers. in sound institutions, that' will the housewives take the pains to beau- about a ABNER J. HARRIS bring mutual benefit is grow- tify the surroundings of their homes Excellent as a as CUNDY'S ME. Parlor, Sleeping, Dining and Buffet Cars ing result. do those of this village. The early I HARBOR, W/ mail as» lUC |HI|IUiar flowering bulbs are now giving way | We carry a full stock of first-class Groceries, Meats and Pro- name of to those of a D.J.Flanders the new service the big later kind and soon the visions in season. Also Lobsters and Sea Foods. Fishermen's C.M.Burt banks many beautiful rose bushes extend and which offers the hereabouts , Shoes and Hlibber Pass. Traf. Geu. will cheer the ken of Supplies. Boots, Goods, Candies, Souvenir Mgr. Pass. Agt. farmers and all other classes of peo- passersby. Es- pecial mention should also Postals and Souvenir „\ovtlties. Our teams visit all of ple who live at a distance from bank- be made of parts the the geranium bed of Mrs. island rates made for excursionists ing centres, not only safety for their Elbrldge daily. Special and camping Thompson. This good has many funds, but interest at a rate some- lady parties. Boarding j