FOREIGN RIGHTS non fiction London preview 2020 Knesebeck Verlag | Holzstrasse 26 | 80469 Muenchen | Germany T +49 (0) 89 242 11 66-0 |
[email protected] | The Fascination of Research "AT THE END OF A SUCCESSFUL DAY, YOU MIGHT HAVE CHANGED THE WORLD BECAUSE YOU DISCOVERED NEW KNOWLEDGE AND MADE IT ACCESSIBLE TO MANKIND." – DAVID AVNIR (CHEMIKER) For her latest project, well-known photographer Herlinde Koelbl visited top scientists worldwide, who outlined their areas of research and related their experiences. Each researcher sketched the basics of his or her work on the palm of their hand, making science tangible in the truest sense of the word! A photographic project which conveys the fascination of science in an unusually accessible way and offers a unique insight into the world of science, where men and women, independent of their origin and nationality, are driven by the same motivations: curiosity and the thirst for knowledge. THE AUTHOR Herlinde Koelbl studied fashion in Munich and only became a photographer in 1976. She has worked for well- draft cover known newspapers and magazines such as Stern, Die Zeit Photographer/Author: Herlinde Koelbl and New York Times. Her first broad success came with the publication of the photo book Das deutsche Wohnzimmer (The German Living Room) (1980), which was followed by other works. From 1991 to 1998, for her biggest project to date, a long-term study, she photographed and interviewed fifteen leading figures from the worlds of politics and business once a year, producing the photographic volume Spuren der Macht (Traces of Power) and an exhibition of the same name.