Studland Parish News MAY 2018

(Please colour me in)

St Nicholas Church

Note from the editor… I write this note being miles away from home, having needed time away for family commitments, hence the choice for the Blessing of the Month in the Gratefulness section. I certainly miss Studland and Purbeck, the area and the people and the community I live in. However, I would like to say that the time I have spent creating this May edition has helped to give me strength. Reading everyone’s news has given me hope that all will be well and I will be home by the time you are reading this. The words from John Mann about prayer and preparation and of waiting and expectation especially stick in my mind right now. *** *** *** As always, I would like to thank everyone for their contributions to the Parish News, you make it such a worthwhile magazine and I enjoy bringing it all together for everyone to experience. You will find so much in this month’s edition including good news stories, thoughtful and inspiring quotes, plenty of upcoming events and things to get involved in. There really is something for everyone. Have a great May and enjoy the warmer weather. Sharon Westman, Editor

To advertise in the Submissions for the JUNE edition need Studland Parish News to be with the editor by Please contact the

th Parish Secretary, Karon Quirey FRIDAY MAY 18 2018 Email: E-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 01929 450675 [email protected]

Any contributions received after this Telephone: 01929 421117 date cannot be guaranteed.

2 Swanage and Studland Team Ministry

Team Rector The Very Revd John Mann The Rectory, 12 Church Hill, Swanage, BH19 1HU Tel. 01929 422916 Email: [email protected]

Team Office Tel. 01929 421117 Email: [email protected]

St Nicholas Church, Studland

Resident Priest Rev’d Tony Higgins The Old School House, School Lane, Studland BH19 3AJ Tel. 01929 450691 Email: [email protected]

Church Wardens Barbara Matthews Old Harry, The Glebe, Studland BH19 3AS Tel. 01929 450218 Email: [email protected]

Mr Eric Stobart Knapwynd, School Lane, Studland BH19 3AJ Tel: 01929 450222 Email: [email protected]

Hon. Treasurer Mr Andrew Goodwin 5 The Green, Heath Green Road, Studland BH19 3BT Tel. 10929 450069 Email: [email protected]

Hon. Secretary Mr Iain Westman Westwood Cottage, Heath Green Road, BH19 3BY Tel. 01929 450675 Email: [email protected]

3 The Team Rector writes…

It seems strange to Helen and me that though we have been in Swanage for some months we have yet to experience a Summer here. The obvious changes are already happening, with more and more visitors arriving, but we are told that it is not until the music festivals occur and August comes when we will experience the town as the busy holiday place that we know that it is.

May in Ireland can often be the best month of the year in terms of weather, as in many years it is dry and sunny, and, the thought is, if this will carry on through the school holidays what a summer we will have. Sadly, only too often, the rain has arrived by mid-June and it carries on fairly relentlessly through July and August. The countryside is wonderful and green and beautiful, and the sunny days when they come in the summer are simply glorious.

This month in Church brings us Ascension Day (10th May) and Pentecost/ Whitsunday (20th May). The days between these two important events for the disciples of Jesus are days of prayer and preparation, of waiting and expectation. They lie between the 40th & 50th days after Easter, so the dates vary each year according to Easter Day. The reason why the Church has designated these nine days (traditionally called a novena) is in response to our Lord’s instruction to the disciples to “Wait in Jerusalem until they are endued with power from on high”.

“Thy Kingdom Come” has become the global title and focus of ten days of prayer at this time, concentrating on renewal and commitment, either individually or in public prayer events throughout this country and well beyond. I am sure that we shall hear much more as to what is happening all over the place, but most importantly, it is not events and gatherings which are crucial to prayer - far from it, they may just grab the headlines - it is how we approach a week such as this in the way that Jesus managed it himself and instructed his followers to pray.

So why not take the nine or ten days, depending whether you count it from the Thursday or the Friday, and give a few moments in the quiet of your heart - ideally in the same place each day, to mark it as special - and pray for the renewal and life of the Church in Swanage & Studland and across the Church universal.

Novenas are something that we may especially connect with the devotional practice of Roman Catholicism, but many Anglican, Lutheran and Eastern Orthodox Churches have used this simple cycle of days to enrich and enhance their patterns of individual and corporate prayer. In West Belfast, based at Clonard Monastery, just off the Falls Road, the Novena is inclusive, very well- organised and very big. They have moved it to June, away from the traditional days between Ascension Day and Pentecost. Thousands attend every day; the roads are blocked as people try to get to work through the crowds of novena pilgrims. Huge billboards announce it coming and are seen across the city in the days before it starts.

4 In the middle of these ten days in Swanage, at St Mary’s Church there is to be the Archdeacon’s visitation. This annual event for the swearing in of new churchwardens moves around deanery and archdeaconry but is coming to us this year. It is to be on the afternoon of Wednesday 16th May. I don’t suppose that it will stop the traffic, nor be the occasion for public advertising, but it is, nonetheless, an important occasion, as the work of our churchwardens is acknowledged and appreciated publicly. More details in due course!

John Mann

Rectory Ramblings

I have a feeling that I am not approaching the rectory garden with textbook planning. Partially it is because I look at a thing, decide what I am going to get done in a limited period of time, then go at it like a bull at a gate, put a spade in the soil and hit a bit of rock with a shuddering jar that travels from the tip of my spade to somewhere in the upper reaches of my shoulder, and I retire as a wounded animal to think about it all a little more carefully…. There are some very large stones lying just underneath the soil - so I have discovered.

Without wishing to make too much of a parable of this, I suspect that if I thought about it for a bit there may be some biblical precedence for trying to dig, imagining easy work and hitting the kind of intransigence of a half hundredweight rock. I am not sure where I was going with that thought, but coincidentally, on the day I am writing this, Psalm 114 happens to be appointed for Morning Prayer. It ends with “Who turns the hard rock into a pool of water, the flint-stone into a springing well.” Common Worship gives the following prayer reflecting on the Psalm:

Strike the rock of our hard hearts, O God, and let our tears of joy and sorrow mould us to bear the imprint of your love, given in Christ our risen Lord.

I’ll try and give that prayer some contemplation when I hit the next stone……

John Mann


12 April, 2018

FORMER Dean of Belfast Rev John Mann has been awarded the Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism for "courageous and visionary leadership" during his time in the city.

The award was presented by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby at a ceremony at Lambeth Palace in .

Rev Mann was based at St Anne's Cathedral in Belfast from 2011 until September last year, when he left to take up a post at a parish in . The citation states that he provided "courageous and visionary leadership which affirmed diversity, fostered healing and made Belfast Cathedral a place of welcome as a sacred, civic space at the heart of a divided city".

In 2016 Fr Edward O'Donnell, parish priest of St Brigid's in Belfast, was installed as an ecumenical canon, becoming the first Catholic priest to serve on the Church of Ireland cathedral's governing chapter. During his tenure, Rev Mann also raised more than a million pounds for charity through his annual Black Santa sit-out in the lead-up to Christmas.


Rota for MAY 2018 for St. Nicholas Church

DATE SERVICE SIDESMEN READERS Sunday 6th Holy Communion Eric Stobart 8.00am BCP Ginny Stobart Acts 10.44-end 6th Sunday after JM Easter Clergy John 15.9-17 Audrey Farrell 10.00am Holy Communion John Sanders Acts 10.44-end PB Clergy John 15.9-17 Thursday 10th Keith Tillyard Ascension Day Holy Communion Keith Tillyard Acts 1.1-11 6.30am AH Clergy Luke 24.44-end Sunday 13th Janet Watts Sunday after Family Communion David & Sallie Acts 1.15-17 Ascension With Baptism Hogsflesh 10.00am AH Clergy John 17.6-19 Sunday 20th Lesley Cocks 10.00am Holy Communion Robin & June Acts 2.1-21 Pentecost AH Hilton Clergy John15.26-27: 16.4b-15 Sunday 27th Holy Communion Joy Fildes Trinity Sunday JM Angela Isaiah 6.1-8 10.00am Myerscough Clergy John 3.1-17

Sunday 27th Pimm’s & Hymns To be Advised To be advised 6.30pm AH

JM Very Rev John Mann: AH Rev Tony Higgins: PB Rev Peter Burtwell:

Important: Please arrange for someone else to cover you if you are unavailable.


St Nicholas Church News

That is a very large Easter Egg for a little girl! The generosity of the person who gave the huge Easter Egg was matched by the delight of the winner of an informal raffle which raised £44.00 for the local “Toddler Group”. The only problem Elodie had was the basket on her toddler aid was too small to hold the Easter Egg.

This was much the same with the church packed out, every corner, nook and cranny full of joyful children and adults. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the wonder and joy of Easter. Record numbers of communicants caused us to overrun somewhat but nobody seemed to mind. “Auntie Lesly’s” Easter eggs were duly distributed to all children under the age of 99. The sense of joy was wonderful to witness, and why not indeed for Easter is the greatest celebration of the year for Christian people. We are reminded just how much we are loved through the sacrifice of one who loves us, but still more the Resurrection shows how unquenchable that love is. The Easter Season continues through to Ascension Day on Thursday 10th May when we gather at 6.30am to celebrate Jesus’ glorious Ascension. We will gather together after to enjoy Breakfast together as has become the tradition at St Nicholas.

On other fronts two weddings have taken place already and we look forward to the coming summer as all the excitement and activity which accompanies this time of year gathers pace. The last Sunday in April we will have had our first “Pimm’s & Hymns” service. A less formal form of worship, including some old favourites and refreshment in its widest sense. The remedial work to the path alongside the church hall is well under way as I write as is the refurbishment to one of “loos” hopefully making life easier for any who need wheelchair access.

The Annual PCC meeting will have taken place on Monday 23rd April, but as I write prior to this event I would like to record my own thanks to so many people in the Parish that contribute to the life of our beloved church. Remember it is YOUR church it there for everybody and you can be assured of a warm welcome or a sympathetic listening ear whatever your joys or sorrows may be, we are here for you. Studland is a busy parish and there a few people who put a huge amount of time and effort into supporting the work of the church. Naming might not always be appropriate, you hopefully know who you are and it appropriate 8 at this time to offer my heartfelt thanks for all that you do in the knowledge it is all appreciated. One of the things that is reviewed at this time is the Electoral Roll. If you are not sure if you are on it and would like to be please let me know. This year in the biennial cycle of Fetes and Flower Festivals it is the Village Fete on 30th June which needs support, if you can help give Julie Dyball a call on 450044. St Nicholas will be taking part as fully as possible.

Many will be saddened to hear of the death of Tony Shaver, though a resident of he was a familiar and popular face to be seen often in Studland. He was a kind man and although I was unable to attend his funeral I understand the Church of St John the Baptist was packed. A great tribute to a good man, we shall miss him.

Having hailed Spring previously only get freezing temperatures and snow I am cautious in my optimism for the weather but utterly confident in the new life we receive each Easter.

May you be warmed by that thought.

From the Registers


17th March - Alison Pibworth and Jonathan Jacomb

7th April - Natasha Lyons and Thomas Wright

Rev Tony Higgins Resident Priest


National Trust

We are grateful to the Purbeck Association of the for a donation of nearly £5,000 to help fund projects at , , Studland Beach and throughout the wildlife rich areas of Purbeck we look after.

PANT is an independent supporter group and all the money was raised through its year-round programme of social events for members. Among the projects benefiting in 2018 is the major renovation of a much-loved stone bench bearing the words ‘Rest and be thankful’ at Ballard Down. Six new oak benches are also planned at Corfe Castle, including on the Woodland Walk which links Castle View visitor centre with The Square via Ollie Vyes Lane.

The donation will also fund a new play trail at Knoll Beach in Studland, designed to get children outdoors and closer to nature. It will be created near the Discovery Centre using natural materials in keeping with the woodland surroundings.

The remaining money will be spent on equipment for the small but dedicated army of citizen scientists whose work recording flora and fauna is the cornerstone of how we look after our natural environment. Their shopping list includes small mammal traps and binoculars to help identify species. The detailed data these dedicated volunteers provide is vital when it comes to planning how we manage sensitive areas for nature while keeping them accessible for the public to enjoy.

PANT was founded in 1987 to support the work of the National Trust in Purbeck. Each year the group donates money raised from a packed programme of events including talks, outings and socials. Highlights of this year’s diary include day trips to Hampton Court and Balliol College in Oxford, a summer barbecue, a Scottish-themed dinner and regular Sunday lunches. Membership is open to any supporter of the Trust—see the website at for more information.

“Once again, I’d like to thank PANT for their generosity,” said Laurie Clark, the National Trust’s General Manager for Purbeck. “Their continued support really benefits our conservation and access work in Purbeck.”

STUDLAND WI - Meeting Wed 11th April including AGM

Members were greeted by the President, Doris Royal, and apologies were noted. The minutes of the February meeting were confirmed and signed. Our attention was drawn to the information on the table from County and National. It is the Centenary

10 of Beaminster Museum and an exhibition will be open until 21st June cost £2. The WI Annual meeting is in Cardiff this year and there are spaces available on the coach cost £24. The WI Resolution going forward is “Mental Health Issues”. There is strong support for ending “Plastic soup” and concern regarding the issue of “Loneliness”. There is a private screening of the “Plastic Oceans” film on Wed 16th May at Stratton Village Hall. Jill Scragg, WI, is offering places to the RHS Flower Show at Hampton Court on Thurs 5th July, £51.50 for coach and entrance. Pat Tillyard kindly offered to complete the helpers at the Cream Tea on Mon 23rd April. All is complete for the tea on Thurs 17th May and thanks were given to Annie for this. Members who attended the recent Murder Mystery evening thoroughly enjoyed it. Unfortunately, the Women Walk the World fund raising walk had to be cancelled due to bad weather. The tickets have arrived for Minterne House and gardens and lifts will be organised. 3 members will be attending the Literary Lunch at Milton Abbey on 1st June. An A4 was out for the summer outing to Fossil Museum, followed by tea at Clavells. The club will pay for the museum entrance. An A4 for the Alan Bennet play at the Tivoli at 2.30 Sat 19th May. The Village Fete is on Sat 30th June and there was an A4 out for helpers and bakers. The AGM followed and begun with our Secretary Barbara reading the minutes of the 2017 AGM, no matters arising. Christina Cook was standing down from committee, no other changes. Glenwyn Brickell had given the vote of thanks. The next item was the presentation of the financial statement, we had a copy from Harding & Redman. The budget showed a healthy balance and members were happy with it. Doris Royal moved and Ann Guppy seconded the adoption of the financial statement then Barbara Matthews gave the annual report. 2 members have moved away and 2 have not rejoined, so our total membership is 30, an ave. attendance of 24. Speakers were reviewed and found to be a good variety, members had enjoyed a number of trips and a BBQ at Doris and Barbara’s. Support for the Flower Festival had been valued as was help with the Harvest Lunch. The Skittles League had continued as had support for the Women’s’ Refuge. The Oct meeting at the Lighthouse was interesting. We reached the final of the County Quiz. Thanks, were given to Doris for all her work, we are lucky to have her. In her President’s Address Doris gave personal thanks to all committee members for their work and support especially to Sylvia Bromley who is standing down after 10 years as treasurer, Pat Tillyard will be taking over. Jill Bellamy will take over as programme secretary, Susan Clark will run the thrift club, Audrey continues as our Australian Link. Other roles - June Hilton on competitions, Angela Myerscough on the raffle, Annie on catering. Doris gave special thanks to Barbara and members applauded to show appreciation. Felicity gave the vote of thanks to our President, Secretary and all the committee. Doris then presented the Competition Cup to herself! The meeting concluded at 8pm and was followed by tea and cake.

11 Raffle winners; Jill Bellamy, Yvonne Downton, Bonnie Whittam, Audrey Farrell & Pat Tillyard. Competition was won jointly by Mary Logan & Sally Hogsflesh. The next meeting on Wed 9th May will be Resolutions for the AGM and David Beardsley on “Unlocking the Bankes Archives.” Competition Studland Photo.

Felicity Higgins Studland History Group

The next meeting is on Wed 16th May at 2.30pm in the Village Hall. Popular speaker, John Patrick, returns with an illustrated talk on “Shopping in Bygone Swanage”. Sure to evoke some memories of long gone shops! All welcome. Visitors £3.50, to include tea/coffee and biscuits. Annual membership is £17 which covers all meetings.

On the 20th June we will be visiting Swanage Brickworks and on 18th July the speaker will be Jan Marsh, “Place Names, their meanings and origins”.

Joyce Meates. Secretary. 01929 439245


The Bring and Buy Plant Sale will be on Sat 5th May at 2.30 in the Village Hall. The success of the sale depends on having plenty to sell, so please look out for any surplus seedlings, cuttings or “thinnings-out” and bring them along. The Hall will be open from approx. 12 o’clock for donations. If you have any produce spare, such as jam, pickles, vegetables or cakes these are equally welcome. We also depend on having plenty of “customers” - the doors open at 2.30 prompt, and from previous experience it’s best not to leave it too late after that if you want a good choice of what’s on offer. We see the plant sale principally as a good opportunity for people to obtain plants at a very reasonable price; but just as importantly the annual sale is our main money spinner and the money raised helps subsidise all our other activities during the year, so please support it.

The Studland gardens wander (Members only) is on Sunday 13th May. Meet at the Cross at 2 o'clock for a stroll up to the Glebe. If you would prefer to go straight to the first garden please get in touch with me or Geoff Willcocks for directions.

We hope everyone enjoyed the Spring Show. We had a wonderful display, with a record No. of entries, and several new entrants. Thanks to all who entered and attended, particularly to those who donated raffle prizes and cakes for the tea. The prizewinners were: The Dowty Cup - Matt Etherington; The WI Produce Cup - Julie Smith; The Cocknowle Cup - Anna Buckley and Julie Lomas-Smith; The

12 Floral Cup - Vikki Fooks; Diploma for Horticulture - Yvonne Sühr; DFHS Guild of Show Judges Certificates - Sally Hogsflesh and Jacqui O'Connell; Certificate of Merit for Floral Art - Vikki Fooks; The Daffodil Cup (children under 5) - Dexter Pearson; The Primrose Cup (children aged 5-8) - Chloe Sanderson; The Junior Cup (children aged 9 to 12) - Rhys Smith. These prize-winners will be entered into the Prize Book.

Stephen Yeoman, Secretary (450587)

Welcome to our new members: Noel, Eileen and the Knoll House staff – thank you for supporting our Club.

May is a great time for popping over to the bar for a Bank Holiday drink and game of pool. Or maybe a pizza to eat in or take away.

We are open to all - non-members just need to be signed in by a member.

Guests leaving on a Sunday? Need something yummy for the ferry queue - swing by for a Pizza to take away and beat those ferry queue blues... only £8!

Our members' draw was won in April by Harriet Bridges, who scooped £200! It's now building up again at £10 a week, but remember you have to be there at 9pm on Saturday evening to claim your winnings.

Studland Breakfasts are now raffled every Friday at 9pm.

Opening Hours in May: -

Mondays from 7pm Thursdays from 7pm Fridays from 7pm Saturdays from 7pm Sunday afternoons

Next month we’ll have exciting news about the Village Fete and our mini beer festival. Watch this space. 13

Notes from the meeting of Studland Parish Council held on 16th April 2018

The National Trust reported on conservation work relating to the heath-gates and fences replaced, cattle returned, and the spraying of invasive species. The gate lock to the entrance to Harmony Farm field has been cut. The Wiggle cycle event will take place on 19.05.18. It will not be on National Trust land yet it will be on the Corfe Castle to Studland road. Work is taking place at the National Trust beach cafe including a marquee. The slipway has been repaired, the gabions at the Little Beach have been repaired and sand will be moved to the eroded area of the Big Beach close to the beach toilets.

The District Councillor reported on the reappointment of the former head of the planning department, a letter of objection to the proposals for fare tolls by the ferry company, forthcoming discussions concerning the potential transfer of District Council assets, and tax harmonisation under a new unitary authority. The County Councillor reported on initiatives to reduce the carbon footprint, a doubling of fines for littering, additional support for children with special educational needs, and pothole repairs. Subject to a legal challenge from Christchurch, Local Government Re-organisation will be proceeding. There will be information activities and events outlining the changes involving the creation of a new Council. The changes may take up to 4 to 5 years to be implemented. It is possible that the new Dorset Council will have the powers of a District Council.

A draft Strategy for Trees will be resubmitted and presented at the May meeting of the Parish Council

A theft of a canoe kept outside of a beach hut on the Big Beach has been reported to the Police.

The blocked drain at Heath Green Road has been reported to the Highways Authority.

A community volunteer of the year award was presented to Councillor Steve Smith at a recent meeting at the HQ of Council.

Historic England has refused the application for listed building status for the Knoll House Hotel.

A report from a volunteer on the review of all footpaths in the Parish will be made to the next meeting on the Parish Council on 21.05.18.

Representations have been made against the proposed increases in toll fares by the ferry company have been made at meetings of Swanage Town Community Partnerships, and Purbeck District Council.

14 The Purbeck Runners Studland event will take place on 26.08.18 and will involve the use of the Playing Field and the Village Green.

Discussions on the transfer of any assets of Purbeck District Council are likely to take place in the next few months. Currently the “assets” of Purbeck District Council in the Parish include the toilets at Watery Lane and the area for the bins outside of the Beach Road toilets. The Parish Council has been advised to wait for further developments on this issue.

A reminder that the Annual Parish Meeting will take place in the Village Hall at 1800pm to 2000pm on 05.05.18. Updates and showcases of local organisations and businesses will be available. There will be the opportunity for residents to meet councillors and to raise any matters with the Parish Council. Refreshments will be supplied. Please take this opportunity to attend the meeting.

Peter Bowyer - Chairman Studland Parish Council Studland Parish Clerk contacts; Jose Parish 07931 325243 [email protected]

Studland Toddler Group

Wednesdays 1–2:30pm - £1 per family

If you care for a child under 5 and would like to meet others, please come along!

We do weekly craft activities for both children and adults.

Tel: Mandy - 01929 450520 / 07709701807 or Emma - 07512706325

Next Dates: APRIL 25th MAY 2nd, 9th, 23rd JUNE 6th, 13th, 27th JULY 4th, 11th


Brew & Biscuit Page

A puzzle page to give your brain a challenge. Sometimes easy sometimes more difficult, but a challenge of any sorts is good for the brain.

After the Ascension - The disciples had spent 40 days with Jesus and now they were called to share that experience with others. Jesus told them to wait for the gift of the Spirit to empower them as witnesses. ‘Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.’ The Spirit also equips us to display Jesus’ character (fruit) and enables us to witness (gifts). How does our life demonstrate the difference Jesus makes? The early Christians were called to witness for Jesus in ever-increasing circles of influence. For us, this will mean family and friends, workplace and community, and the wider world. Where is God calling us to serve Him? .

Find the words – Ascension, Disciples, Forty, Jesus, Share, Experience, Wait, Gift, Spirit, Empower, Equip, Witnesses, Jerusalem, Father, Early, Christians, Demonstrate, Difference, Family, Friends, Workplace, Community, World, Calling, Serve



“Grateful living is a way of life which asks us to notice all that is already present and abundant – from the tiniest things of beauty to the grandest of our blessings – and in so doing, to take nothing for granted. We can learn to focus our attention on, and acknowledge, that life is a gift. Even in the most challenging times, living gratefully makes us aware of, and available to, the opportunities that are always available; opportunities to learn and grow, and to extend ourselves with care and compassion to others. Grateful living is based in, and reinforces, values such as respect, responsibility, and generosity. Small, grateful acts every day can uplift us, make a difference for others, and help change the world.”

I hope this section is a source of contemplation each month.

Blessing of the Month

You bless us with the Internet – The mind web that spans the earth and gives us access to the vast treasure-house of information; it connects us with friends and allows us to work with people we will never know. May I take up the challenge of those who laid this technical foundation and help build on it an invisible temple for sharing and healing.

Question for the month

Ask yourself – What does your doubt teach me about my faith?

Poem – Shared by the Editor

From prophecy to fulfilment, from fear to courage, from confusion to conviction, from despair to certain hope, from head to heart, from longing to knowing, from weakness to strength, from paralysis to power. What a difference a day makes - The Day of Pentecost when the Spirit came and everything was different and possible… by Daphne Kitching

17 Something for the children….


Concert to support Bandstand Appeal - The Belvedere Singers Spring Concert in support of the Swanage Bandstand Appeal, is under the baton of their new Music Director, Clive Watkiss, and has a distinctly transatlantic flavour.

On the centenary year of Bernstein's birth, the choir sings a selection from his popular musical, West Side Story. Also, on the American theme are folk songs arranged by Aaron Copland, including the familiar Simple Gifts (also recognisable as Lord of the Dance). On the British side, there are some beautiful madrigals, together with traditional songs on a countryside theme. To complement this pastoral theme is Vaughan Williams well-loved piece, The Lark Ascending, played by violinist, Todor Nikolaev. The young local soprano Miro Vosper will be soloist in Stanford’s The Blue Bird, and also joining the choir for solo performances will be 2 prize-winning musicians from St. Swithun's school in Winchester, a saxophonist and a viola player.

The concert is at St. Mary's Church, Swanage, 7:30pm, 12th May. Tickets available from choir members (Inc. Stephen Yeoman in Studland) and Albury & Hall, Estate Agents in Station Road. Tickets are £10; under 18 free. Interval refreshments available. There will be a retiring collection for the Swanage Bandstand Appeal. John Mann

Enjoy Dorset Wild Flower Week - This year’s Dorset Wild Flower Week will be the eighth. It runs from Saturday 26th May to Sunday 3rd June. There are 17 walks spread over interesting habitats in Dorset; seven are in or near Purbeck – at Wareham Common, Durlston Country Park, Brownsea, Corfe Common, Studland and Little Sea, Ballard Down, and Three Barrows. Most walks are two hours long and are designed for beginners and improvers. Please pick up a leaflet about them from the Tourist Information Centres, the libraries, or Durlston and the National Trust Visitor Centres; or go online to Dorset Flora Group. Ted Pratt

Are you interested in booking to see the Passion Play in Oberammergau in 2020? I am hoping to take a group to see the Passion Play in Oberammergau and have provisionally arranged via McCabe Travel to lead a party of up to 25 (the number of tickets for the play that have been allocated to me) leaving on Wednesday 17th June and returning on Wednesday 24 June 2020. We will be flying from Gatwick to Munich and staying in The Tyrol, except for one night in the village of Oberammergau itself, having seen the play that day. I have taken parties in 2000 and in 2010 and can highly recommend this once in every ten years’ experience. However, it is not cheap. The week away, including a number of excursions, and, of course, the ticket to the play, will £1,565 per person. More details soon. John Mann 19

Local Advertisements Help to support your local businesses and the local people within them.

To advertise in the Studland Parish News Please contact the Parish Secretary, Karon Quirey Email: [email protected]


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------31 Studland Shares…

The Wildlife Year – Shared by Joy Fildes

…In May hawthorns green up with leaves and then glow bright with creamy white. Horse chestnut candles are lit in cream and red. Birches’ bud are purplish brown and sallows glow with greyish green while willows a covered with yellowish cream from all their pusseyflowers seed. So, woodlands are many paint box tints from all these colours bred.

To be continued monthly…

Big thank you - Shard by Mandy Best

For the raffling of the Easter egg down at the church with Tony Higgins & everyone who bought to raise the funds. I will be buying some compost and sunflower seeds & more craft items ready for Father’s Day in June at the Toddler Group.

April Fool – Shared by Pat Lawler & Manor Farm

Did you get caught out by the April Fool last month?

A huge thanks to Patrick Lawler for supplying the photograph which gave me the inspiration for writing the ‘Orbital Debris Hits Studland’ story.

Also, a big thank you to Manor Farm for their contribution which gave the article its authenticity.

The picture is actually of a grain store dryer that had caught fire. The fire brigade was called and some residents did need to take refuge, however it was not due to any orbital debris.

Julie and Steve, we all hope that the fire did not cause too much damage or inconvenience and thanks for being sports about the April Fool.

Wish to share something? Please email [email protected] 32