THE PENDULUM STYLE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2011 // PAGE 1 7 Rip_Chord rocks campus FASHION COLUMN Out and about discoveries in the with V-Day a cappella grams Burlington area

Kit Arfouckle unique way to connect with their fans Reporter One of “When (Brokaw) got down on one on campus. The 15 members of Rip_Chord the best knee I almost died. I thought it This is the third year that the boys deliver their grams during Valentine’s things of Rip.Chord set up a table in Moseley was wonderful. It was the perfect weekend — this year, Friday, Feb. 11 about to sell Valentine’s Day A Cappella song.” and Saturday, Feb. 12 from 5 p.m. to 8 fashion Grams. For a fee of $10, one of eight p.m. is having songs could be chosen to be performed -Lauren King A few years ago, they sang something for a friend, significant other, coworker that no one Junior “Milkshake” in Brown & Co., the or anyone else to whom they wished to else has. predecessor of Town Table restaurant. Alexandra spread some love. According to junior “There were parents there,” senior Greg Johnston But in our Rip_Chord president Chris Kilgore, sung to Octagon employee Lynne Flis said. “It got awkward.” Fashion Columnist increasingly they’ll sing to “anyone, anywhere on McGee. They met when McGee worked The person who buys the gram fills global world campus.” at Danieley Center earlier this year, and out a sign-up sheet with the name, time, it is getting This year, the songs for sale were Johnson visited her frequently after she date and location of their recipient. “If more “Hollywood,” “I Want It That Way," “Lay transferred to Octagon. you buy an a cappella gram, you’re difficult to be original. Instead ‘Em Down,” “Can You Feel the Love “He told me he had a surprise," responsible for where they’re going to of hitting up the mall for Tonight,” “Good Old A Cappella,” “Will McGee said, “but 1 had no idea what it be,” Kilgore said. something new, try looking to You Be There,” “Down” and “Teenage was." Rip_Chord’s next Midnight Meals the past. Shopping secondhand Dream.” The second gram was delivered to performance is scheduled for March 3, is a great way to get unique People buy a cappella grams for their junior Lauren King, a head staffer at New and their spring show for April 9. They items at a reasonable price. roommates, their suitemates, their Student Orientation, from her fellow also have an upcoming CD release that It is no secret that boyfriends and girlfriends, Octagon head staffers. Rip_Chord sang “I Want Kilgore said is the culmination of the Burlington, N.C., isn't really the workers and sometimes even for a It That Way," with a solo by sophomore last two years. fashion capital of the world, but member within Rip_Chord. Bert Brokaw who, incidentally, lives it has many hidden treasures to “They’re popular with sorority girls across the hall from King. offer. Take the time to get out for their Littles,” sophomore Chase “When (Brokaw) got down on one MORE ONLINE: STYLE of the ‘bubble' and check out Pitman said. knee I almost died,” said King. “I these great thrift, antique and Rip.Chord started delivering the thought it was wonderful. It was the consignment shops in the area. grams in the spring of 2008 by popular perfect song.” Video: Watch Rip_Chord NestIt might seem a bit demand. Both Octagon performances were deliver their special out of place among the drab colors, but this bright blue “We are just continuing the met with enthusiastic applause from Valentine treats. tradition," Kilgore said. onlookers. house-turned-shop is a for Most of their grams are delivered The money they make goes toward the eclectic. Nest is a vintage to dorm rooms, but they began their producing the group's new CD, travel Maddie Carlin and Katy revival boutique specializing in rounds on Friday with two deliveries in expenses, new uniforms and other club furniture and home goods, but Octagon. expenses, but Kilgore said they don’t do Steele, Multimedia it also has cute gifts. Located Freshman Tyler Johnson led Rip_ it for the money. According to him, the Contributors just past downtown Burlington, Chord with his solo in “Lay ‘Em Down,” money’s necessary, but the grams are a Nest is a great place to get already refurbished vintage items. Since the repairs have been made, the pricing can be WSOE CD REVIEW higher than a thrift shop, but the quality of the items reflects that. Their sister store. The Cottage at Nest, sits right next Decemberists revert to roots with new door and houses a variety of small clothing items, jewelry and gifts. Both stores feel like a dream, with lights strung British-folk, alternative rock-based album from the ceilings and the walls decked in light pinks and creams, ( Hunter Ertel Reviewer Granddaddy’s Antiques- Lauded as the largest antique mall in the Carolinas, It's the late ’60’s and the Granddaddy’s has everything British folk revival is In full from furniture to assorted bloom. Troubadours are novelties. But among the stalls descending on the towns from of seemingly random items the woodlands singing the are shelves full of vintage and sea shanties and labor songs costume jewelry, scarves and of yesteryear: combining the accessories. Ranging in price, messages of living simply and these pieces are great additions in harmony with ones fellow to any wardrobe. Vintage man with more decade specific jewelry can bring new life to messages like tune in, turn on, old outfits when paired with drop out or make love, not war. basics or used to enhance an Fast-forward 20 or so years evening ensemble. Colorful silk and the future seeds of the and cotton scarves are great as alternative music movement loosely tied headbands or as an were budding under the mask adornment tied around a basic of college rock, with bands like bag. ( R.E.M. and The Smiths getting Salvation Army Family airtime at college radio stations Store- Not only does the as a new generation was casting ALBUM ART COURTBSY OF TUESDAYQUIDE.COM Salvation Army Family Store off the burden of their parents The Decembrists new album “The King is Dead” is a mix of British folk and classic benefit a good cause, but aesthetic tastes. college rock influences and connects strongly with its previous releases. its racks are brimming with Both genres have been changing stock of men’s and long-time influences for The rattle. The same sort of pastoral strong. “Calamity Song" tells of women's clothing. Since ’ front man and moaning is familiar in his pre- two young people fighting in the clothing here is donation based, master wordsmith , Decemberists band, Tarkio, war at the end of times as the there isn’t a fashion filter on who displays strong affinity for which achieved some mild world falls apart, and although what is good and what doesn’t both these traditions on his new success on college radio stations it seems the Decembrists have need to see the light of day album “The King Is Dead." across Montana. taken a break from concept again. But, if you feel up to it, Those who follow The Both the college-rock and albums, this theme seems to be some of the best finds can be Decemberists will notice a strong British-folk-revival influences explored further in songs like had here. Try looking for shirts connection between “The King can be seen on the album's guest “This is Why We Fight” and “Rox in larger sizes and cinching is Dead" and their earlier works musicians. Appalachian and in the Box.” them with belts; just make sure like "Castaways and Cutouts" or Bluegrass songstress Gillian With such dark undertones, that the fit in the shoulders is the five-song EP. After wandering Welch lends her voice to the the melody of the album is right. (260 W Davis St). through the dark forests of single “Down by the Water," and mostly up-tempo, suggesting the Secondhand shopping can be prog-rock and sprawling cities of Peter Buck, guitarist for R.E.M., old Sun-Tzu saying that it is the time-consuming and tedious. pop, Meloy has returned to the strums his 12-string for three of facing of annihilation that makes Since there is usually only one romantic valley of folk. “The King is Dead’s” songs. people strive for greatness, and item of each, sizing can be Born in the rustic hills of For such beautiful pastoral the prospect of destruction that difficult and less convenient Montana, Meloy can croon of music, the theme of annihilation leads to success. than shopping at the mall. But a barony of ivy or an ancient and terrible misfortune - a This album seems pretty the payoff of having a unique riverbed so as to make the subject that runs deep in all The optimistic about the end of all look is worth it every time bones of the bucolic poets of old Decemberists’ music - remains things. someone praises it.