Pentecost Establishment of the Body of Christ In This Issue Acts 2:1-21 Pastors Points of Light……….…………………………………….…….. 1 Luke 1:26-28 ~ April 7, 2019 Index………………………. …………………………..……………………... 1 2When the day of Pentecost had Publication Information…………………………………………….……… 1 Sunday School Graduation……………………………………………….. 3 come, they were all together in one Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church ….……………..….…….…. 4 2 place. And suddenly from heaven Gift From Armenia………………………………………………………….. 4 there came a sound like the rush of a Hye M'rtsoom Sports Weekend in Watertown………………………… 4 violent wind, and it filled the entire Parish Council Corner………..…...………………………………………. 5 nd house where they were sitting. 3 Divided 32 Ararat Open……………………………………………………………. 5 tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested Sunday School Graduation Essays…………………………………….. 6 4 Annual Tournament Hole Sponsors………………………………. 6 on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit Request A Service ……………………………………….…..……………. 6 and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them Coffee Fellowship Hour Donations……………………………………… 6 ability. 50th Charles Yaghoobian, Jr Memorial Sport Banquet……………… 7 5 Now there were devout Jews from every nation under Women’s Guild New Slate of Officers………………………………….. 7 heaven living in Jerusalem. 6 And at this sound the crowd Thank You…………………………………………………………………… 8 The Year of the Family-Family of the Month…………………………... 8 gathered and was bewildered, because each one heard them Save The Date....………. …..……………………………………………… 8 7 speaking in the native language of each. Amazed and Food Drive……………………………………….….………….……………. 8 astonished, they asked, “Are not all these who are speaking Photo Section……………………………………………………………….. 9 Galileans? 8 And how is it that we hear, each of us, in our own Photo Section…………………………….………………………………… 10 native language? 9 Parthians, Medes, Elamites, and residents Photo Section………………………………………………………………. 11 Ad Section…..………………………………………………………………. 12 of Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Annual Armenian Festival……………………….……………………….. 13 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya Home is Where the Heart Is - Service Project June 2020…………… 13 belonging to Cyrene, and visitors from Rome, both Jews and Journey to Armenia…………..………………..………….……………… 14 proselytes, 11 Cretans and Arabs—in our own languages we Meet the Doctors…….……..………………………………………………. 14 hear them speaking about God’s deeds of power.” 12 All were Women’s Saints Day………………………….. …….…………………... 15 amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “What does this First Saint Nersess Adult Conference………………………………….. 15 13 Letter of Condolence from His Holiness KAREKIN II ……………… 15 mean?” But others sneered and said, “They are filled with Annual Armenian Festival Donation Options..….…………………… 16 new wine.” Baptisms, Chrismation, Marriages, Funerals……………….……….. 17 14 But Peter, standing with the eleven, raised his voice and Father Shnork's Mission Statement……………………………………. 17 addressed them, “Men of Judea and all who live in Jerusalem, Remember the Church in your Will…………………………………….. 17 let this be known to you, and listen to what I say. 15 Indeed, Hokehankist/Memorial/Requiem………………………………………… 17 Save: the Date Bishop’s Visit……………..………..…………………….. 17 these are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only nine o’clock Membership / Stewardship……………………………………………….. 18 16 in the morning. No, this is what was spoken through the Newsletter Committee / Advertise in the Paros ………………..……. 19 17 prophet Joel: ‘In the last days it will be, God declares, that I Administrati ve Information………………………………………….….... 19 will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your Calendar of Events………………………………………….…………...... 20 daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see “Paros” visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.18 Even upon th Issued June 30 , 2019 my slaves, both men and women, in those days I will pour out 19 Published 4 times a year my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. And I will show portents in the heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood, and Issue 19-02 – FREE – Print Edition fire, and smoky mist. 20 The sun shall be turned to Saints Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church darkness and the moon to blood, before the coming of the 70 Jefferson St, Providence, RI 02908-4923 21 Lord’s great and glorious day. Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

This section of the New Testament, in describing the appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them. beginnings of the early church after the Ascension of our 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to Lord, describes the inauguration of the Holy Church, the Body speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.”4 of Christ comprised by the Holy Spirit’s descent, indwelling, The church’s establishment is therefore very much the story inspiration, charisms and the works and missions of the early the church’s birthday. It is the establishment of the Church and the Acts of the Apostles. This watershed moment supernatural assembly5 of God’s people, comprised of those in the history of humanity is known as the Pentecost. who believe in Christ. Pentecost is the annual celebration of the fiftieth day following From the day of the Pentecost, her work has remained the Resurrection and 10 days following the Ascension of the unchanged and continues to our day, as she’s moved along by Lord. Following His glorious resurrection, our Lord appeared the Holy Spirit6, and will persist until the coming again of our to his apostles and disciples for 40 days when He ascended in Lord. As in the time of the Apostlic church, the Body of Christ great glory1 to receive His Kingdom established before the assembles on the Lord’s day and is devoted simply to the creation of the world. “apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to The book of Acts describes in some surprising detail the the breaking of bread and to prayer.”7 Pentecost therefore miraculous events that marked the “birth” of the church. always falling on a Sunday, 50 days following Easter, is Written by Saint Luke, his meticulous record of the church’s another foreshadowing of the New Creation and the early history describes the descent of the Holy Spirit, the expectation of the ultimate Second Coming and our eternal accompanying phenomena, Saint Peter’s speech, and tells of salvation! the effects produced by this event and how it transformed the No other “practice”, especially staying away from church, group of frightened disciples, who were filled with sadness , replacing it with other activities, “false” spiritual practices, remorse, regret, uncertainty and fear, and filled them with the philosophy searching for “wisdom” outside or apart from the Holy Spirit who empowered them to fearlessly and Divine Revelation of God in Christ, or avoiding the assembly confidently establish the beginnings of the Body of Christ! of the faithful, disregarding its spiritual benefits, can possibly This event, known as Pentecost, a Hellenic version of the replace the “gathering” of the faithful on the Lord’s Day. A Jewish Feast of Weeks, is very much a fulfillment of the Christian cannot remain or imagine that they can remain in a promises that Israel looked toward in the Messianic age, state of grace and be saved apart from their presence at and in where “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour the assembly of the Body of Christ. A person can only remain out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall in the gracious Communion of the church in the Holy Spirit prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men and in the apostolic practice of the church where the Holy shall see visions. 29 And also on My menservants and Spirit, “the fountain of life and source of mercy”8 is on My maidservants, I will pour out My Spirit in those days.2” confirmed. Like our souls, and our redeemed flesh, it is On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were gathered equally true also that our “mind is taught by the Spirit”9, together, rather “assembled3”, as both commanded by Jesus which is given to the church, and to each of the baptized and also, not coincidently, fulfilling that which was individually through Baptism and Chrismation. Each is given prophesied in the prescription by the law of God given to the promise of the divine sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit Israel in the Pentecost (Feast of Weeks) of the Old Covenant, who is sealed mysteriously in our person, body and soul and where they too were called to “assemble” before God and places us in communion with the divine, filled with all the gathered where “And suddenly from heaven there came a grace sufficient for salvation. Like the consummation of the sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire Holy Spirit at Pentecost, we too are grafted into the living house where they were sitting. 3 Divided tongues, as of fire, Body of Christ and given all the spiritual fruits as a precious and eternal gift. This gift is 9-fold comprised of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 1 Acts 1:30 1:3 To the same apostles also, after his suffering, he gentleness and self-control. While the gift is manifest in these presented himself alive with many convincing proofs. He was seen nine, they are all only made possible and present only through by them over a forty-day period and spoke about matters concerning constantly returning to the body in repentance and a desire for the kingdom of God. renewal within the life in Christ, by purity, by knowledge, by 2 Joel 2:28-29 long suffering, by kindness, by the Holy Spirit, by sincere 3 15 Leviticus 23:15-21 “‘From the day after the Sabbath, the day you love.10 brought the sheaf of the wave offering, count off seven full The gift of baptism comes with the promise of such 16 weeks. Count off fifty days up to the day after the seventh constant renewal through a sacramental gift of God’s love Sabbath, and then present an offering of new grain to applied by the Word of Jesus, through his chosen means and the LORD. 17 From wherever you live, bring two loaves made of two- empowered by the presence of the Holy Spirit. tenths of an ephah of the finest flour, baked with yeast, as a wave offering of first fruits to the LORD. 18 Present with this bread seven male lambs, each a year old and without defect, one young bull and two rams. They will be a burnt offering to the LORD, together with their grain offerings and drink offerings—a food offering, an aroma 4 Acts 2:2-4 5 5 pleasing to the LORD. 19 Then sacrifice one male goat for a sin The word for assembly in Greek being eccleseia became therefore offering[a] and two lambs, each a year old, for a fellowship the “name” of the gathering of all Christians everywhere to our present day, like the Apostles, on the first day of the week to offering. 20 The priest is to wave the two lambs before the LORD as a celebrate his supper (Surp Patarak). wave offering, together with the bread of the first fruits. They are a 6 See 2 Peter 1:21 sacred offering to the LORD for the priest. 21 On that same day you 7 Acts 2:42 are to proclaim a sacred assembly and do no regular work. This is to 8 Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church, p 42 be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you 9 Saint Anthony the Great live. 10 2 Corinthians 6:6 April/May/June 2019 2 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob This “gift “upon and among her faithful is confirmed and Sts Sahag & Mesrob Sunday School Graduation maintained through the regular participation and presence in May 5, 2019 the sacred mysteries. While salvation is objectively achieved Congratulations to our 2019 graduates Ana Avjian and Nadine by Christ in his sacrifice, it can only be comprehended and Toppi. Their graduation essays are included in this issue of the apprehended subjectively by a continued fidelity to Christ and Paros. Many thanks to their families for organizing a wonderful his Body, the supernatural assembly of believers, where one luncheon. The CEAB’s new initiative for Sunday School receives the very real presence and participation in the Graduates beginning with this graduating class is a full scholarship mysteries of the church. to participate in the High School Conference at St Nersess It is important to note that our church fathers in choosing Seminary (July 26-Aug 4). the words of the Divine Liturgy, refer also to the Holy Spirit Attendance Scholarships were announced for students with as “co-eternal and consubstantial”11. “Descending from outstanding attendance (and with at least one parent being a dues- heaven, (he) accomplishes through the mystery of him who is paying parish member) for either St Vartan Camp or St Nersess glorified with you, by the shedding of his blood”12 the Seminary High School Program. 100% scholarships: Raffi “fulfillment of the Holy Spirit”13. Mnatsakanian, Larisa Poghosyan, Ani Poghosyan, Allan Today is Pentecost, it is the Birthday of the Church. You Kevorkian, Eliz Ohanian, Susanna Ovsepian, Gohar Vorperian, are invited to the party, the Communion of the Lord Jesus’ Sophie Vorperian, Pete Megrdichian. 93% scholarships: Vanne Body and Blood. As with all birthdays, universally and Emdjian, Bedros Kevorkian. practically in all places and at all times it too is celebrated We recognize with much thanks and gratitude to our Sunday with the giving of gifts-- gifts given of a divine nature and not School faculty who volunteer their time and talent every Sunday as the world gives, “where neither moth nor rust destroys”14. morning from September to May to contribute to the faith These gifts include the “fruits” of the Spirit. These gifts were formation of our Sunday School students. We express our deep not limited only to the church of the apostles but many and all appreciation for all that they do. The CEAB presented a small gifts necessary for salvation are given to all in different token of appreciation for their work: Ally Koshgarian, Barbara measures yet all work in unison through the divinely inspired Ayrassian and Amanda Ayrassian for the pre-K class; Rosemary witness and work of the Body of Christ, through which people Sepe for Kindergarten; Mark Malkasian for grades 1-3; Steven will come to know God and call on the name of Jesus and be Zaroogian for grades 4-5 along with substitutes Amara D’Anuono, saved.15 and Lisa Zaroogian; Anna Robinson and Janice Rainho for grades Beloved in Christ, in celebration of this ecclesiastical 7-10 and Debbie Megrdichian for Special Needs students. birthday, I pray and ask the Holy Spirit, true God, to grant you The program ended with the drawing of names of eighteen the charisms and grace by the filling of the heavenly and students who were given gift cards for punctual attendance. spiritual “fruits” so that together we may pray, praise, experience and share in a dynamic way the gifts of the Holy The 24th Annual Children’s Talent Show Spirit exercising “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, June1, Saturday, June 1 23 16 goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control,” and “Reflections of Armenian Youth” may the “God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in …..again played to a capacity crowd at the Egavian Cultural believing, that you may abound in hope by the power Center. The show has brought together 80 young girls and boys 17 of the Holy Spirit, Amen. throughout the community to show their talents yearly in , dance and music. The evening began with greetings by the Church’s Parish 11 The orthodox faith of the Armenian Church highlights the Council Vice Chairman Jason Martesian. Many of the more than confession that the Holy Spirit is eternally generated from the Father forty performers are students in the Cultural Committee’s Arts without beginning and as a divine and distinct Person of the Holy Education Program, which is open to all youngsters in the Greater Trinity, equal in divinity with the Father and the Son, is of the very Providence area. It offers classes in art, music, song, and dance. same divine eternal and unchanging nature of God. This was Many of the students are multi-talented, performing on two or universally canonized at the Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople in the year 381AD. The Armenian version of the more musical instruments as well as participating in song and Creed pertaining to the Holy Spirit confesses, “We believe also in the dance. Holy Spirit, the uncreated and the perfect; who spoke through Serving as Mistress of Ceremonies for the evening, Ms. Lisa the Law and through the Prophets and through the Gospels; Who Zaroogian introduced students of the Drawing classes of the Arts came down upon the Jordan, preached through the apostles and Education Program. A stunning Art Exhibition of the talented dwelled in the saints.” students enrolled in painting, drawing and sculpture was displayed 12 Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church, Saint Vartan Press, NY, in the Egavian Cultural Center. During the concert’s program Ms. 1999, Hoki Asdoodsoh… or the hymn of the Epiclesis, p.34 Lisa introduced piano, guitar, vocal, violin, and Nazeli Dance The Epiclesis is the greatest mystery of the Christian faith whereby Groups. The Junior Choir of the Church sang familiar Armenian the Holy Spirit is called “upon all of the assembled faithful and on the gifts of bread and wine, to make them truly the Body and Blood songs to the delight of the audience. Father Shnork Souin of our Lord Jesus Christ..that in the Eucharist the Holy Spirit will thanked the multi-talented students and asked for a round of unite all the faithful together with each other and with Christ by way applause for their teachers, parents as well as Director Maestro of his Body and Blood so that we will truly come to constitute the Petrossian, Arts Chairperson Janna Guegamian. Church in its fullest sense.” P. 33 The parents, teachers and students are looking forward to 13 These are the priest’s words spoken inaudibly at the very breaking another fruitful year. of the Body of Christ and placing it into the sacred chalice of his Application for Arts Education Program is available on Church Blood. P. 45 14 website. For more information please contact Janna Guegamian at Matthew 6:20 401-861-3573, or email:[email protected]. 15 Acts 2:21 16 Galatians 5:22-23 17 Romans 15:13 April/May/June 2019 3 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob The Primate that could not extinguish the souls of one and a half million martyrs.”

BISHOP DANIEL’S “ANTRANIG “Come and join me in this new chapter in the life of our BADARAK” IN AMERICA Diocese,” he declared, his voice cracking with passion.

On May 18, the Primate of the Eastern Journey of the Spirit

Diocese, Bishop Daniel Findikyan, The journey had begun in Armenia on May 11, when three celebrated his first Episcopal Badarak in Vartabeds—Father Daniel Findikyan, Father Serope America before hundreds of worshippers Isakhanian, and Father Tiran Petrosian—had approached the at New York’s Saint Vartan Armenian Etchmiadzin’s outdoor stone altar flanked by the symbolic Cathedral. white and purple flowers, walking slowly on their knees. Excitement was palpable as people from all over the United They were accompanied by dozens of Armenian and sister States filled the cathedral on a Saturday morning to see their church clergy, including the Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Primate celebrate his “antranig badarak” as a bishop in Church, and clerical dignitaries from the Catholic, Syrian, America, marking the first time he would celebrate the Divine Ukrainian, American, German and Austrian churches. Liturgy among the people he leads. “It was a once in a lifetime moment for me,” related Bishop To the majestic strains of the Hrashapar hymn, Bishop Daniel. The fact that the episcopal ordination took place on Daniel was led by a large group of priests and deacons from May 12, Mother’s Day, was also very meaningful for him, the outdoor plaza into the cathedral. It was an inspiration to because six months earlier he had lost his dear mother, Ursula. hear the Saint Vartan Cathedral Choir, augmented with voices On Monday, May 13, Bishop Daniel celebrated his first from local Armenian parish choirs, all under the direction of Episcopal Badarakin the beautiful and intimate setting of the Maestro Khoren Mekhanejian. Florence Avakian provided 1500-year-old Saint Gayane Church in Armenia. Dozens of organ accompaniment. worshippers from America were on hand for that occasion, as Among the many dignitaries present were Armenia’s well, when his sermon again reflected his vocation. “Our Ambassador to the United States Varuzhan Nersesyan, responsibility is to confirm our calling—our new identity— Armenia’s Ambassador to the United Nations Mher every hour, every moment, with every breath in our church so Margaryan, Doctor Vartan Gregorian, and leaders of we can walk with our Lord into the kingdom of heaven.” Armenian-American organizations, including the AGBU, After the service on May 18 in New York, a reception held AMAA, AAHPO, and FAR. in Haik and Alice Kavookjian Auditorium welcomed many The badarak was also attended by dozens of clergymen— emotional attendees who wanted to express their feelings. from the Eastern Diocese, Armenian Church jurisdictions Among them were Srpazan’s 14-year-old nephew James, around the world, and from sister churches and the ecumenical and 12-year-old twin nieces Julia and Kira, who said: “We are arena. so terribly proud of our uncle, whom we love so much.” Also on hand for the service were members of Bishop Deacon Kuriakos of the Malankara Syriac Church said that Daniel’s immediate family, including his father Nurhan, “the legacy of Bishop Daniel is about giving love. He will brother Stephan, sister Tamara, and their families. multiply that love everywhere.” Bishop Daniel had only recently returned from Holy One of Bishop Daniel’s clerical godfathers, Father Karekin Etchmiadzin where the Catholicos of All Armenians, His Kasparian, who has taught hundreds of seminarians—among Holiness Karekin II, had consecrated him and two brother them a young Dn. Michael Findikyan—over more than 50 Armenian primates from Europe to the rank of bishop. More years at Saint Nersess Armenian Seminary, quietly voiced: “I than 100 American Armenians were on hand to witness that am very much moved.” occasion. Bishop Daniel’s lay godfather, Doctor Garo Garibian of Philadelphia, who was the generous donor of the reception, A New Vocation called the Bishop, “the perfect choice to lead our Diocese. He has been chosen to this higher calling in our church, and I feel In a sermon delivered passionately in Armenian and blessed by God to be a part of it.” English, Bishop Daniel described how a week earlier, “three By Florence Avakian of us vartabeds approached on our knees the outdoor altar at Etchmiadzin.” Gift From Armenia “We were referred to as hovabed: chief pastor. It’s an Maestro Konstantin Petrossian following his trip to audacious claim,” he stated quietly. “Jesus referred to himself Armenia brought a gift of a beautiful pectoral cross for Father as ‘the good shepherd,’ called to lead his flock. The good Shnork on his 35th anniversary of ordination. The gift shepherd cares for his sheep because he has a personal interest arranged by Archbishop NATHAN Srpazan, in Armenia. in them. The sheep are more precious than his own life, Maestro and Janna were in Armenia for the dedication of the because he loves them.” newly published book covering his life story and his many He continued: “My new vocation includes loving my flock accomplishments and compositions. to the extent of laying down my own life to raise you up and lead you to green pastures. You are under my care,” he said Hye M'rtsoom Sports Weekend in Watertown emotionally. “But you have also been called to be like the Good Allan Kevorkian and several of the ACYOA kids from our Shepherd. The Lord’s calling for you and me is to lift up one church went to the Hye M'rtsoom Sports Weekend in another, to love one another. Let us revive that calling that the Watertown on Memorial Day Weekend. Allan won 1st Place apostles Thaddeus and Bartholomew brought to us: the calling in the Beginner Tavloo Tournament, and Aren Antranik won the Sportsmanship award. April/May/June 2019 4 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Parish Council Corner This has been an exciting first six months at Saints Sahag

and Mesrob Church. It has been wonderful to see so many Too often, we do not take a few activities and engagement by our parishioners, both young and minutes to recognize and appreciate all old. We have a strong parish community and I am proud to be that we do as a parish community. As we a part of it. I am excited for the next six months and look head into the summer, I would like to forward to sharing it with you. – Jason Martiesian

reflect on some of the activities in our

church over the past few months and also Last month we published an introduction to two look ahead to some exciting events of our new Parish Council members. happening over the summer and fall. Unfortunately Jeff’s introduction was mixed up I would like to begin with our Holy Week services. It was with Manny’s. Here is the correct entry wonderful to have Der Hayr back with us celebrating the Jeff Boghossian Divine Liturgy and leading us during Holy Week. Not long after Holy Week, we once again hosted the What do you do for a living? Armenian Youth Day activities sponsored by the Armenian I work for Crossmark Foods, a national Martyrs’ Memorial Committee. The day provided an food broker. My title is a Customer Business Manager opportunity for young Armenian students to learn more about working in the Convenience Store Division. their Armenian heritage, meet new friends and listen to Name your family members? Armenian music. Married to Dianne for 33 years. Daughter is Kimberly and The Cultural Committee hosted several concerts son is Jeffrey, Jr. showcasing the wonderfully talented singers and musicians we Biggest influences on your life? have in our parish and throughout the community. Maestro My biggest influence in my life are my mother and my wife. and his committee also have hosted several discussions in its My mother for her strong Christian faith in God. It helps me Meet the Doctors! series. These presentations have provided keep in focus on the positive things in life. My wife, Dianne, opportunities for our parishioners to learn from Armenian for her love and support. This helps me to get through the doctors in various specialties on how to practice healthy daily challenges of life. living. How does your faith play in to your everyday life? Over the past several months, the Armenian School and My faith has me put my total trust in Jesus as our Lord and Sunday School have held their year-end celebrations, talent Savior. I know that my plan is not always his plan which shows and graduations. It is always inspiring to see the young teaches me to try to be more patient and forgiving. members of our church displaying their talents and all that What is you greatest memory of Church? they have learned during the school year. My greatest memory of the church is having both my children Thank you to Shushan Hakopyan, Mariam Saribekyan and graduate from both the Sunday School and Armenian School all of the teachers for another fantastic year in Armenian at Saint Sahag and Mesrob. School. Also, thank you to Martha Jamgochian and the In what areas do you think you can best help the Church? Christian Education Advisory Board (CEAB) and the teachers I feel I can most help the Church is by supporting and working who gave so much time guiding our Sunday School students. on various committees. I also want to take a minute to say how blessed we are to Favorite Armenian food to make or cook? have our pastor back with us full-time. Der Hayr is an My favorite Armenian food is hard to answer because I like it all, but I guess I will go with pilaf. I can actually cook myself! inspiration the way he kept a positive outlook under such difficult health circumstances. Thank you Der Hayr for your courage and strength. In the prior edition of the Paros we bid farewell and said thank you to Fran Armstrong for so many dedicated years working for our church. In this edition, I want to recognize Nayiri Odabashyan, our new office assistant, who many of you have likely met already. Nayiri has done a wonderful job filling the big shoes left by Fran. As we look ahead, I would first like to share some exciting news. For the first time in our parish, we will have a Pastoral Intern through our Diocese. Deacon Michael Sabounjian will be joining us for a year beginning later this summer. This will be an opportunity for Deacon Michael to further his experience under the guidance of Der Hayr. In addition, our Annual Armenian Festival will be held Saturday, August 17th. There are numerous opportunities to volunteer on that day or to bake for the pastry table in advance. Please feel free to contact the church office if you are interested in volunteering at the picnic. Also, September 6-8 we are pleased to welcome our Primate who will be visiting our parish and celebrating the Divine Liturgy. Details on the Primate’s visit can be found on page 17 of this issue.

April/May/June 2019 5 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob

Sunday School Graduation Essay I have faced than with faith without having faith in God that

For the graduation from Sunday school, I was asked to he will guide me through tough times, like Peter, I would fall write about a story from the bible that meant the most to me into my own body of water. and inspires me. The bible story that I chose that meant the - Ana Avjian most to me is in Matthew 14:22-33, or Jesus Walks on Water. In the story, Jesus walks up to the disciples on the lake, and Sunday School Graduation Essay the disciples think that Jesus is a ghost because he’s walking I think that it is important to raise your children in the on water. Peter does not believe that the figure is really Jesus, Armenian church and teach them to live according to the so Peter has Jesus call out to him so Peter could walk on Gospel every day. I started going to church every Sunday, water. As Peter begins to walk on the water, Peter then falls when my grandmother would take me and my cousins since I into the water. Peter begins to panic and asks for Jesus’s help. was three. My mom and my aunt came to the Armenian Jesus then grabs Peter’s hand and helps Peter out of the water. Church, attended Sunday school and graduated. They raised Jesus then asks Peter who did not have faith in Jesus at the their children in the Armenian church, and I believe it is time, why he doubted. The rest of the disciples who were in important to do the same. In the church, I learned about God, the boat said that Jesus truly was the Son of God. and I also learned about many life lessons. I learned how to Especially throughout high school, I think of this bible treat people kindly and help people who are less fortunate. story. When I’m having difficulty in my classes, or if I have a When I volunteered at the soup kitchen through the church, it test coming up, I always turn to God for help. Whenever I helped me see people who are less fortunate and want to help have an audition or I’m playing my instrument in front of an them. Church teaches you to ask for forgiveness when you audience, I trust in God that I will perform with the fullest of receive communion each week. It proves to you that God can my abilities. Along with having trust in God that he will help help you through rough times in your life and to keep moving me with my academics and music, I also have faith that God forward. During my year-of-service in the church, I learned will give me the help and guidance that I need when moving how important it is to bring your children every week. I was into adulthood. I trust that God will guide me in choosing the lucky enough to help in a kindergarten class with my right college for me and that He would help me in pursuing grandmother, helping teach the children about Armenian my career of interest. The story, Jesus Walks on Water is tradition and God. We taught the children about several bible extremely meaningful to me. When I was younger hearing the stories and the lessons that could be learned by them. I would bible verse for the first time, I did not think much into the like to thank Der Hayr and my Sunday school teachers for meaning of the verse. However, after experiencing high school guiding my faith in God. I hope someday to have a family and and going through the stress of junior year, this bible verse has continue all of these wonderful Armenian traditions that I made a great impact on how I approach different tasks. I know would not have if it wasn’t for my grandmother. that God will help me and guide me through life. Without - Nadine Toppi faith, I would not have the same outcome of the situations that

Saint Sahag and Mesrob Annual Golf Tournament Hole Sponsors

Anne Mooradian Doctor Martin Paul Kazarian Capital City Gloria Casparian Father Shnork Papazian Janigian Retina Insurance (Greg Jay Kapur Souin Peter Jamgochian Associates Ayrassian) Morgan Stanley Craig Eranosian R.I. State Robert Janigian Lenny Mitchell Agnes Killabian Representative Arthur Ventrone Arzoomanian Mouradjian Marilyn Katherine Kazarian Lillian Papazian George Vartanian Art Yarumian Woolohojian Terry Martiesian Beverly Surabian Paul Surabian Alan Zartarian Louise Janigian Father Krikor Edward & Zvart Peter Vican Gary Taraian Ernest Shaghalian Sabounjian Onanian Homestead Baking Aram Garabedian Virginia & Spanish Law Offices of Chris DerVartanian Steve Zaroogian Peanuts Co. Parnagian & Bed Jet (the Whole Jake Harpootian Steve Megrdichian Marinelli, PC Hole) Jason Martiesian Marc Janigian (Steven K. Husenig Foundation Hermond Parnagian) Ghazarian

Coffee Fellowship Hour Request A Service Online At: Please consider sponsoring the Sunday Coffee Fellowship Hour when you arrange a 40 Day Karasoonk (Requiem Service) for your loved one, or for any milestone celebration, etc. Baptisms Pastoral Visits Cemetery Blessings Private Confession The church offers this service for your convenience and includes: Counseling Pre-marital  Choreg, Cheese, Olives, Fruit, and Coffee with Condiments, $225 Engagement Service consultation  Bagels, Cream Cheese, Peanut Butter, Coffee with Condiments, Funerals Prayers for the Sick $125 Both for 100-125 guests. Hokehankisd Visits to the Sick

Please speak with the church office (401-272-7712) to make arrangements Home Blessings Wedding and discuss your preferences.

April/May/June 2019 6 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob

50th Charles Yaghoobian, Jr community to help further their educations. Please remember Memorial Sport Banquet that the scholarship grants are not based on recognition in Saints Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church Sports Banquet sports but are primarily based on academic achievement. was held on May 17th 2019 in the Egavian Cultural Center. Thank you to the members of the Scholarship Selection This year marked the 50th year of honoring Rhode Island Committee: Janet Hammond, Donna Ferguson and Jeremiah Armenian Athletes in Memory of 1st Lt. Charles Yaghoobian, Ryan. Jr. who was killed on the fourth day of his Vietnam tour of This year the Past Recipients of the RI Armenian duty. Yaghoobian was a graduate of the University of Rhode Athlete of the Year/Charles Yaghoobian Jr. Memorial Island, and a master’s degree in physical education from Award were invited to attend the dinner and 17 were present Bridgeport University. and recognized at the banquet. Welcoming remarks by Jason C. Martiesian, Master of Special thanks are extended to the Ararat Association for Ceremonies. Invocation its continued supports; Ara Boghigian for once again donating Rhode Island Armenian Athletes of the Year the co- the banner for the evening; Philip and Andrea Martiesian recipients of the award for this year were: Gor Bagumyan a Doughty for designing and preparing the flyers; Sonya Taraian member of the senior class at Barrington High School where for the continued support on the Armenian Radio Hour; Mary he has been a three-year letterman on the school’s Ann Rossoni of Second Story Graphics for designing the team, and a member of the First Team All-State 200 medley program booklets; and Homestead Bakery for once again relay team. Gor will be attending Clark University in the fall. donating the bread. Thanks to the businesses and individuals Gor is the son of Ana Sargsyan. for their generous donation raffle prizes: AAA Northeast, The Grayson Goolgasian a member of the sophomore class at Butcher Shop, Stephanie and Michael Cogliandro, Nabisco LaSalle Academy where she has been a standout on the Biscuit Company, Omni Hotel & Resorts, Providence school’s hockey team. This past season, Grayson was the Marriott, Sonia’s Near East Market and Deli, Studio Hop and sixth leading scorer in the state with 10 goals along with 21 Twin Oaks Restaurant. assists for 31 total points. In the playoffs, Grayson scored five Sports/Scholarship Committee: Terrance S. Martiesian, goals including four in the finals leading her team to a State Chairman; Ann Ayrassian, Ara Boghigian, Zita Butler; Jack championship. She received All–State Second Team for her Chakoian, George Hanoian, Myron Kuzirian, Rosemary play on the ice. Grayson is the daughter of Warren Kuzirian, Dorothy Martiesian, Jason C. Martiesian, Jennifer Goolgasian and Karen Goolgasian. Martiesian Ramos, Paul Vartanian and Nathalie Yaghoobian.

Gregory Grigorian a member of the senior class at Women’s Guild New Slate of Officers LaSalle Academy where he has been a member of the school’s Elected on March 11, 2019 team. This past season Gregory was the State th Submitted by: Leona Thovmasian-Bailey runner-up in the 182-pound weight class and finished 5 in New England. His achievements were recognized in his being Chair: Stephanie Masoian named Second Team All-State. Gregory will attend Vice Chair: Leona Thovmasian-Bailey Muhlenberg College in the fall. Gregory is the son of Gary Rec.Secretary: Rena Megrdichian Grigorian and Hasmik Tatian. Corres. Secretary: Kathy Seropian Nikki Kanis a member of the senior class at East Tresurer: Zita Butler Greenwich High School where she has been a member of the Asst. Treasurer: Nathalie Yaghoobian school’s , and teams. Nikki was The Women’s Guild is made up of all ages and named tennis team captain and was recognized for her play in backgrounds who are united through their faith and service in doubles being name to the All-State Tennis Team. Nikki will the Armenian Church. Our members are dynamic, friendly, attend the University of Rhode Island in the fall. Nikki is the hard-working and fun to be with and our mission is to promote daughter of Michael Kanis and Armine Kushigian Kanis. a Christian life established on the gospel through worship, Outstanding Performance in High School Sports fellowship, service, outreach and charity. awarded to: Hannah Baronian, Portsmouth High School, The first meeting was held on Sunday, April 7, 2019 after Soccer; Skylah Chakouian, East Providence High School, church services and was attended by 22 women. Stephanie ; Levon Dakessian, East Greenwich High School, welcomed everyone and especially the new faces. Football; Grace Ferrara, LaSalle Academy, Lacrosse; Lia To make it more convenient for members to attend Klanian, Middletown High School, Lacrosse; Caroline meetings, it was agreed that Women’s Guild should meet Krekorian, South Kingstown High School, Cross Country; after church and for those events that require more time, meet Rebecca Masoian, Tolman High School, ; Zachary in the evening; opening up the possibility of involving others Semerjian, Smithfield High School, Track; and Victoria the opportunity to participate with us. Tatewosian, Pilgrim High School, . Saintly Women’s Day: Chaired by Debbie Megrdichian Special Recognition Award, Andrew Avakian, for his was held on March 30th .It was a huge success! Doctor Fotini contribution to Youth Sports. Dionisopoulos was the guest speaker. All that attended had a Charles Yaghoobian, Jr. Memorial Scholarship awarded great time and no one went home hungry! Many thanks to to: Armen Eghian, Bryant University; Amara Elizabeth Debbie and her committee for a job well-done! D’Antuono, Burrillville High School, she will be attending Women’s Guild Day: Was celebrated on Sunday, June 9th. Salve Regina in the fall; Olivia Carole Kooloian, North Women’s Guild deceased members were honored. Stephanie Providence High School, she will be attending Catholic Masoian and Rena Megrdichian read bible passages during University; and Carrie A. Minassian, University of Rhode Divine Liturgy. Coffee hour was sponsored by the Women’s Island. To date the Scholarship committee has award Guild. $202,500 in scholarships to the young men and women of our (Continued Page 18) April/May/June 2019 7 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob THANK YOU The Year of the Family-Family of the Month "Well done, good and faithful servant." The Odabashyan Family

Many thanks are extended to so many of our Parish Grigor and Nayiri (Najarian) Odabashyan live in Johnston Members for All their help, time, special talents and Rhode Island and are the very grateful and proud parents of cooperation for the recent Saintly Women's Day Liana 7 and Narek 6. They were married on 10/10/10 at St. Commemoration hosted by our Saints Sahag & Mesrob Gregory illuminator Armenian Cathedral in Montreal Quebec. Women's Guild on Saturday, March 30, 2019. We thank Der Naiyiri, born in Beirut Lebanon, but growing up in Montreal Shnork for his loving and Spiritual Guidance. We thank the Canada, and Grigor born in Yerevan, Armenia and who came Men of our Parish, namely Peter Megrdichian, Steve Masoian, to the US settling in Rhode Island at 20 years of age, met Ken Nahigian, Marc Janigian, Jason Martiesian, Terry through family acquaintances. Martiesian and Gary Dombrowski. Not only did these Grigor is a Senior Accountant and graduate of Bryant wonderful dashing men serve dinner in a careful, cheerful and University and Nayiri is an Interior Decorator having got a timely manner, they stayed to clear the tables and make sure degree in Montreal. the women didn't have to do any heavy lifting. Oh my, that Their children were both baptized at Saints Sahag and was a wonderful sight for our ladies to see. Thank you so very Mesrob and attend both the Sunday and Armenian Schools of much from all of us. As I said that day, 'We really could not our parish. Nayiri, who sees the providential Hand of God in have done it without you". her new “calling” to serve the church, has only recently been We thank Eric Stickler who spent the day with us and hired as the Administrative Assistant at Saints Sahag and captured wonderful pictures for our special day. These Mesrob Armenian Church. She enjoys her time with her pictures will be shared with our guests from the other churches family, participation in the worship life of the church and her in attendance and will be a part of our church history. A very yearly visits to her family in Canada. Along with Father special thank you to the very talented and skilled ladies who Shnork, she is proud to form the new “Team Canada” in the starting making our favors in January. Sarah Arzoomanian and offices of Saints Sahag and Mesrob. She is proud to tell Gloria Church made the silk crosses. Leona Bailey, Sylvia people, that her nephew (sister’s son) is a priest of the Dulgarian, Naomi Marsh, Melissa Megrdichian, Zita Butler, Armenian Church, and next to Der Shnork, the second Krista Janigian and I knitted the cotton knitted dish cloths, Canadian born priest! Hayr Hrant is presently serving at the which received many favorable responses. Holy See in Antelias Lebanon. To the ladies who graciously said yes, when I asked if they Der Hayr and the Parish Council feel very thankful and feel would stand in front of the congregation and read the from the very blessed to have a wonderful and faithful young woman gospel in English and Armenian: Laurie Onanian, Sona like Nayiri to be the new voice and face of Saints Sahag and Taraian, Yn. Natasha Aljalian, Sylvia Tavitian, Rouzan Mesrob, after the retirement of the much beloved Fran, Gevorkian, Ida Nersessyan and Yn. Lusine Gyozalyan. especially with her well known “sign off” “have a blessed To the amazing ladies I call 'A God Send'- Louise Janigian, day”. Dorothy Masoian and Margo Vartanian, who made the Peanut Grigor and Nayiri are a blessing and bring new life and Butter Koufta, the Vospov Kheyma and rolled the Yalanchi. vitality to our community and parish. God grant them and their Last but never least - To our wonderful committee members children many years. from our Women's Guild, whose talents of preparing, cooking, decorating, creativeness and assistance in the kitchen are tops and deserve a huge Thank You. These wonderful ladies, SAVE THE DATE ! namely - Stephanie Masoian and Faith Danielian took the lead Saturday, October 26, at 7 pm in the kitchen; Anahid Ayrassian kept all reservations and Egavian Cultural Center table assignments organized; Diana Barsountian took on the huge responsibility of table set-up; Joyce Avedisian created ARMENIAN POP SONGS & MUSIC: the programs and centerpieces; Rena Megrdichian was the hostess and organist during our worship service; Leona Bailey, Popular singers from Armenia, California Nathalie Yaghoobian and Zita Butler helped everywhere needed; Lillibeth Kooloian, the Women's Guild Chair was there in spirit, home with a broken foot helped with details FOOD DRIVE from a distance. Every time you come to church, for Badarak, church Thank you to Virginia & Spanish Peanuts for their school, a meeting, an event - make a donation of one donation and to Fran Armstrong, our church secretary helped nonperishable food and/or personal hygiene item. We with printing and mailing. Our guest speaker, Doctor Fotini deliver an average of 100 cans every 10 - 12 weeks. If we Dionisopoulos, DMD, we appreciate her time preparing and could collect just one can from every man, woman, and agreeing to share her story with us. Her memories growing up child each time we step through the doors of the church it Armenian were so relevant and relatable to ALL. Her words would mean a donation of 400+ items each month. The were so inspiring and heartfelt, she brought tears to our eyes food pantry supports the unemployed and working poor by as we remembered our own similar upbringing. Her amazing offering them a place to get a bag of groceries one or two words were like a gift, resulting in a standing ovation. times a month. Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church is one of You have truly been a blessing to this congregation! several groups who contribute to this effort. Drop-off bins Thanks for helping us make a difference. are located in the Church foyer and at the elevator entrance.

With Sincere Gratitude, Debra Megrdichian

April/May/June 2019 8 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Photo Section

Bishop Daniel's Return Badarak, Saint Vartan Cathedral, New York City, May 18, 2019

Liana Odabashyan, the daughter of Nayiri & Grigor was awarded the Bible Memory Award at school!

90th Birthday Celebration for our Very Devoted and Faithful Parishioner Aida Avagyan ACYOA 2019 Saint James Hye M’rstroom During Coffee Hour on June 9

St. Nersess Adult Conference

ACYOA Sports Weekend Sportsmanship Award Greg Grigorian

Women’s Guild Meeting

April/May/June 2019 9 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Photo Section

Holy and Great Thursday

RI Orthodox Clergy Association Retreat

Nazeli Dance Group

Odabashyan Family

A Lovely Visit and Prayer with Lovely Gloria

Memorial Concert in Rhode Island Gift From Armenia

April/May/June 2019 10 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Photo Section

Armenian School Hantes

Aren Dawood wins Sportsmanship Award Hye Mrtsoon!

Meet with Doctors - Doctor Steven Kasparian

Nayiri, Our New Pastoral Intern Deacon Michael Sabounjian and his wife Lucine, Der Hayr

Meet with Doctors - Doctor Sevak Stepanian

Golf Tournament Winning Foursome Martin Hanoian, John Kalian Paul Surabian, Larry Miller

Meet with Doctors - Doctor Raffi Calikyan

Sunday School Graduation Bishop’s 5K Race April/May/June 2019 11 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Ad Section

Peanuts ~ Nuts ~ Trail Mixes ~ Dried Fruits ~ Snacks ~ Brown Bear Peanut Butter 260 Dexter Street ~ Providence, RI 02907 ~ 401-421-2543 Kaloostian Family 5th Generation Traditional Nut Roasters

April/May/June 2019 12 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob

HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS - SERVICE PROJECT JUNE 2020 – GOAL $8,000 The collection for my Service Project-Armenia ’20, in thanksgiving for the gift of my new heart and in memory of my donor and the miraculous prayers of Father Hetum Terverdyan, raising $8,000 for the rectory and renovations of the Holy Mother of God Church in Akht’ala Armenia where Father Hetum is the abbot. So far you have raised $4,550 with an outstanding balance as at March 24, of only $3,450. Thank you to those who have contributed. If you can make a donation, I would so greatly appreciate it. God bless you. Saint Mary Mother of God Monastery in Armenia. Name______Address: ______Phone:______E-mail:______To the glory of God (your name), In memory of______In honor of:______Will be inscribed on permanent plaque at the Monastery. Donations can be made in whole or in part with a one-time payment, or monthly based on a pledge basis ( ie. Pledge $250 over 2 months with 2 payments of $225.) * If you want to help the project in Armenia (ie. Painting, restoration) please consider adding either $10, $25 or $50 to you Signature______*Payments can be made in full or part until August 2019, by cash, check, credit card, payable to Saints Sahag &Mesrob Armenian Church. NOTE: Service Project-AKHTALA on your check. To process credit card call office. Send to: Saints Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church, c/o Father Souin-Service Project 2020, 70 Jefferson Street, Providence, RI 02908

April/May/June 2019 13 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob April/May/June 2019 14 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob Women’s Saints Day stories, and film presentations, including "Does Life Have A

Hi Debbie, Purpose?" facilitated by participant Arthur Asadorian. A deeply satisfying session was the morning during which My heart stopped yesterday when your SWD check arrived – participants were to remain in silent contemplation and then THANK YOU so much! We have received many generous share a silent meal. After exploring the importance of silence contributions, but your region was incredibly generous. On for hearing God's voice in our lives, participants went on their behalf of the Women’s Guild Central Council, thank you for silent walks or meditated in their rooms or on benches your leadership, and please thank your Guild members for outdoors under the lush campus trees, with some of the many their fabulous work. questions God asks in Scripture such as "Where are you?

Hope to see you in Watertown. (Genesis 3:9); "Why are you afraid?" (Matthew 8:26); What do you want? (John1:38); "Do you believe I am able to do Sincerely, this?" (Matthew 9:28); and "Who do you say I am?" (Mark Debbie DerAsadourian 8:29). Women’s Guild Central Council Evening candlelight walks (on one, the group burst into SWD Coordinator spontaneous song; on another they held their candles overhead

First Saint Nersess Adult Conference a Success in an impromptu reenactment of Pentecost), daily journaling and occasional creative assignments for worship, rounded out "Be Still and Know That I Am God!" the mind-body-soul effort.

The success of this conference guarantees another for next The inaugural Adult Conference will be remembered for summer and, under consideration, spiritually-focused one-day two important reasons: it was the first conference for multi- programs throughout the year, including guided days of generational adults in decades and the very first focused on the silence, prayer workshops, and book discussions. "spiritual journey". Twelve participants assembled for four To the 2019 Saint Nersess Adult Conference attendees: days last weekend, June 6-9, ending on Pentecost Sunday thank you for making this a memorable summer for everyone! which commemorates the "sending out" of the Twelve to share the Good News. And that Good News was ample from morning through late evening during the conference. Mornings began with brief worship services in the chapel led by seminary dean and conference chaplain the Rev. Father Mardiros Chevian. During one morning service, participants offered up to God the crosses they crafted from walks during a silent contemplative morning -- crosses made of twigs, wild berries, leaves, stones, and flowers -- pledging to take up Christ's cross and walk with Him in prayerful conversation throughout their lives. The spiritual journey theme was reflected in each of the instructor's presentations: Doctor Roberta Ervine's words and on-screen images evoked the life and prayers of Saint Gregory of Narek; Father Arshen and Yn. Sirarpi Aivazian reviewed the Armenian lectionary and techniques for praying with Scripture; and Father Mardiros spoke about the Church as a nourishing mother, a topic that prompted memories of the group's own experiences. Daniel Srpazan graciously joined the conference on Saturday afternoon -- after running in the morning's 5K race benefiting the ACYOA -- for an enlightening talk on The Divine Liturgy: God's Word/God's Body. He explored the centrality of Holy Communion and the bigger picture of a Badarak that is clearly described in its own prayers as taking place "for the salvation of the whole world," followed by an open general discussion. Other sessions were presented by conference directors Nancy Basmajian and Elise Antreassian and explored the various ways of engaging in quality time with the most important person in our lives - Jesus Christ. On Saturday evening, Father Mardiros celebrated the Divine Liturgy at which the Primate offered a rousing Pentecost message on that same fiery Spirit that can ignite our faith today and always. Thanks to the choir directors, singers, and organist among the conference attendees, heart-felt solos, and spirited sharagans, the Badarak was visually touching. Creative avenues for expressing faith weren't forgotten, and included an art session of collage-making (which formed the Letter of Condolence from His Holiness KAREKIN II on the focus of that night's journaling), informal skits on Bible passing of Edward Onanian

April/May/June 2019 15 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob April/May/June 2019 16 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob BAPTISMS (Continued From Page 7) Women’s Guild Ryan Jonathan Lambert (6/2/2019) Jaiden Matthew Lambert (6/2/2019) New and Upcoming Events:

May these children be raised in the love and care of the Lord.  Stitched with Love: Knitting and Crocheting; baby

CHRISMATION blankets, hats, scarfs and gloves for newborn and young children in Armenia sponsored by the Armenian Ryan Jonathan Lambert (6/2/2019) Missionary Association of America (AMAA). You don’t Jaiden Matthew Lambert (6/2/2019) have to be a pro: Linda Grant and Naomi Thovmasian-

May the anointed bask in the love and care of the Lord. Marsh both have the patience of saints!  Book Club: Starting in July 17th see a Guild member for MARRIAGES details Zachary Bilodeau & Lisa Zaroogian 06/07/2019  Friday, July 12: Kheyma Dinner more details to follow Brother of the Cross: Charles Zaroogian  Sunday, November 24:Thanksgiving Dinner  Monday, December 16:Annual Cookie Stroll Best wishes and prayers are extended to the couple for a long and happy life together. Coming in 2020:

FUNERALS  Powerpoint presentation to parish Armenian

Allan H. Kevorkian (3/31/2019) Ancestry/Genealogy Edward Onanian (4/1/2019)  Chinese Auction James L. Baronian (4/15/2019)  Painting and Wine class  Soup for Lunch after church John Eghian (4/20/2019)  Bingo Expressions of sympathy and prayers are extended to the families  Plus lots more!!! that their loved ones may be at peace in the care of the Lord. Women’s Guild, with your help and input, can continue to be Marriages: Arrangements for weddings are to be made at church organization that will help promote fellowship for least eight months in advance. Marriage preparation and women of all ages…You are not too old or too young! counseling often called Pre-Cana, is required before the celebration of the sacrament. The Best Man (Khachyeghpayr) We welcome you to join us…. must be a confirmed communicant of the Armenian Orthodox We really do have fun working together!!! Church. The parish office will make all necessary arrangements for the deacon, organist and soloist. Marriages Stephanie: 401-862-6322 [email protected] are not celebrated during Great Lent. Leona: 401-862-6322 [email protected]

Baptisms and Chrismations: All baptisms must be scheduled at least two months in advance. Pre-baptismal preparation for the parents and godparents is strongly encouraged. At least one of the godparents must be a member of the Armenian save the date Orthodox Faith.

Regulation of Sacramental Services: In accordance with Diocesan discipline mandated by the Primate, Archbishop Episcopal Visit by His Grace, Khajag Barsamian, all sacraments, e.g. weddings, baptisms and rites of Christian burial, can only be administered in the church sanctuary which has been consecrated for the Bishop Daniel Findikyan, celebrations of these sacred rites.

Father Shnork's Mission Statement Primate

My mission is to proclaim the Good News of Jesus ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH IN AMERICA Christ according to the holy apostolic teaching, practice AND and doctrine of the Armenian Church in order to equip the 25TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ORDINATION OF parishioners of Saints Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church with faith, hope and love, to live and to serve as members THE REVEREND FATHER SHNORK SOUIN of His Church in a wholesome Armenian Christian Family.. SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 2019


ARMENIAN CHURCH 70 JEFFERSON STREET Hokehankist/Memorial/Requiem You can make your requiem request by calling the PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND office @ 401-272 -7712 or online @ -service/

April/May/June 2019 17 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob

Membership / Stewardship Have You Paid Your 2019 Membership?

Let’s Start Building Our Future! Become a member If you have not paid your dues for 2019, please and/or a steward of Saints Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church of Providence, RI. complete the form below and send your donation to the church office. It only takes a few minutes to complete the 00 00 Membership form and $175. ($100. for students and Now you can pay your membership and/or $125.00 senior citizens) to become a dues paying member stewardship with your MasterCard or Visa of Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence. While many churches of other faiths use the method 2019 Membership Application Saints Sahag of tithing, Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church simply asks and Mesrob Armenian Church of Providence, a minimum fixed amount to be a dues paying member of RI the church, and that amount is $175.00. That’s only

$3.37 a week! Membership for senior citizens and I/WE would like to be year 2019 dues-paying students is even less: $125.00 a year or $2.40 per week. member(s) of Saints Sahag and Mesrob Please fill out the form, print it out and mail it, along Armenian Church of Providence. with a check (unless you choose to use your credit card), to the church office: $175.00 Adults; 00 Please mail this completed form and payment $125. Senior Citizens; 00 information to the church office: $100. Students)

Saints Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church Members #1 Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms: 70 Jefferson Street Providence, Rhode Island 02908 ______Members #2 Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms:

You can now pay Dues/Stewardship on-line at: ______ Address: ______Stewardship

The logo depicting a stylized ______

Armenian Cross with the

threefold elements of City: ______State: ______stewardship was created by

Father Shnork Souin, Zipcode: ______showing that all 3 elements

are required of the life in Phone: (______) ______


(DSS Der Shnork Souin) Email: ______

Check enclosed Charge my MasterCard/Visa/Discover/AE Membership and Stewardship of Time and Talent and Treasure, are the building blocks of your commitment to the Credit Card Number: church. By your membership you are an architect in the life and building of the church and community ______Your dues are not only essential, but facilitate the realization of the day to day operations of the mission of Expiration Date: ____/____ Saints Sahag and Mesrob Armenian Church. In conjunction with your dues, your annual stewardship pledge is a way to (Membership and/or Stewardship donations are tax deductible.) express support of, involvement in and concern for the welfare ______and growth of our church with her many ministries offered. For Office Use Only:

We kindly ask that you that you fulfill your dues and Account No(s): ______stewardship pledges now. Date Received: ______Amount Received: ______Point your smart phone here to pay your dues! Check # ______Amount: ______


The Newsletter Committee Editor-in-Chief Reverend Father Shnork Souin, Advertise in "Paros" Pastor Full Page $500/4 Issues Half Page $300/4 Issues Quarter Page $150/4 Issues Business Card $75/4 Issues Editor  1100+ newsletters mailed 4 times a year Leonard J Arzoomanian  Predominantly Rhode Island addresses

Proofing  Predominantly Armenian Subscribers Ponsonby Britt O.B.E.  Ads accepted on a first come, first serve basis For more information please call the Church Office 401-272-7712 [email protected] No promotional material for credit cards, commercially available insurance and travel arrangements accepted per USPS Layout and Design Leonard J Arzoomanian

The Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church Newsletter is a publication of Saints Sahag and Mesrob Church of 70 Jefferson St., Providence, RI 02908. Submission of news articles, photos, essays, poetry, book reviews, and letters are welcomed and should be sent to the church office ([email protected]). All text must be submitted in electronic format, preferably in Microsoft Word, as a text file or as e-mail. Please note that the editorial board reserves the right to modify and/or reject articles, photos, etc. All materials must be received no later than the published submission deadlines per issue as published in the church bulletins.

Church Office Hours

The Church Office is open from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you would like to meet with the Pastor or submit items for the Sunday Bulletin, please contact the office at 401-272-7712 or [email protected]. If you call after hours, please leave your requests on the answering machine, and the administrative assistant will be happy to process them promptly. For emergencies, please contact Joyce Avedisian @ 401-724-3978.

Administrative Information

Pastor Martha Jamgochian Armenian School Investment Committee Reverend Father Shnork Souin, 401-723-3344 Mariam Saribekyan Doctor Robert Janigian 401-272-7712 [email protected] Cell 401-714-6327 [email protected]

Cell 201-306-4304 Marc Janigian [email protected] Memorial Dinner Committee [email protected] 401-523-3276 Arts Education Program Marc Janigian Administrative Assistant [email protected] Janna Guegamian Cell 401-523-3276

Nayiri Odabashyan, 401-272-7712 Home 401-861-357 [email protected] John Megrdichian [email protected] [email protected] 401-944-3201 Newsletter/Website/Kiosk

Parish Council Chairperson [email protected] Leonard J Arzoomanian, Bazaar Committee Stephen Megrdichian Ernest Shaghalian Marc Janigian Cell 508-958-7391 Home 401-464-9004 Cell 401-465-9775 Cell 401-523-3276 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Sports Committee

Vice Chairperson Terrance Martiesian Diocesan Delegates Building Rentals Jason Martiesian 401-272-0269 Marc Janigian Home 401-455-3975 Ann Ayrassian [email protected] Home 401-272-4743 Cell 401-523-3276 [email protected] Membership/Stewardship [email protected] [email protected] Secretary Jason Martiesian Dorothy Martiesian Zita Butler Gary Nahabedian Home 401-455-3975 Cell 401-749-0269 401-728-8015 Cell 401-871-8331 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Women’s Guild Treasurer Stephanie Masoian Choir and Junior Choir Stephanie Masoian Jeff Boghossian, Home 467-6202 Konstantin Petrossian 401-862-6323 Cell 401-340-7053 [email protected] Home 401-861-3573 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Stephen Megrdichian

Assistant Treasurer Home 401-464-9004 Church Library

Manouel Emdjian [email protected]

401-529-0102 Sunday School [email protected] Christian Education Organizations

Advisors Advisory Board (CEAB) ACYOA

Len Arzoomanian Christina Parnagian Cultural Committee Cell 508-959-7391 Home 401-256-2686 Konstantin Petrossian [email protected] [email protected] Home 401-861-3573

Altar Guild [email protected] Margret Chevian 401-368-9234 Ann Ayrassian [email protected] Home 401-272-4743 [email protected]

April/May/June 2019 19 “Paros” Saints Sahag and Mesrob