Census of Nova Scotia, Taken March 30, 1861, Under Act of Provincial
: REPORT STATISTICS STATISTIQUE OF THE CANADA CANADA SEP 10 J996 SECEETAEY LIBRARY U LtOTHfeQUE OF THE BOARD OF STATISTICS ON THE CENSUS OF NOYA SCOTIA, . 1861. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Hon. ADAMS G. ARCHIBALD, The Hon. JONATHAN McCULLY, The Hon. WILLIAM ANNAND. HALIFAX, K. S. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE GOVERNMENT. 1862. ; BOAED OF STATISTICS. REPORT. CENSUS OFFICE, Halifax, December 31, 1861. To The Honorable ADAMS G-. ARCHIBALD,) Members " The Honorable JONATHAN McCULLY, V of the Board of " The Honorable WILLIAM ANNAND; J Statistics. All tlie abstracts being completed, and placed in the hands of the printer, in compliance with the request of the Honorable the Chairman of your Board, I have the honor to present my report of the Census of Nova Scotia for 1861.- Before entering upon the results, I trust it will not be considered out of place to make a few observations, in reference to the machinery by which the information detailed in the various abstracts, has been collected and condensed. After carefully examining the forms used in Great Britain and Canada, it was decided to adopt so much of both, as was applicable to this Province ; and after such further additions as were necessary, a form of schedule was prepared, called the " Householder's Schedule," one of which, in conformity with the English practice, and partially that of Canada, was delivered by the Enumerators to each family, before the day fixed for taking the Census, viz.: the 30th March. In Canada the Census is taken by Townships ; but in many parts of this Province, there being no regularly defined Townships, the only practical mode was to take it by Polling Districts ; and while upon this part of the subject, I would respectfully suggest the propriety, before another Census is taken, of having every County laid off into Townships, or Census Districts, with boundaries properly denned and established.
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