Revised Public Involvement Program Plan

Greens Corners Solar Case Number 19-F-0512

September 2019


Boralex, Inc. Tetra Tech, Inc. 36, rue Lajeunesse 3136 South Winton Road, Suite 303 Kingsey Falls (Quebec) J0A 1B0 Rochester, 14623

Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512


1.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...... 5 2.1 Company Profile ...... 5 2.2 Project Summary ...... 5 2.3 Study Area ...... 7 3.0 IDENTIFICATION OF STAKEHOLDERS ...... 10 3.1 Affected State and Federal Agencies ...... 10 3.2 Relevent Local Agencies ...... 11 3.3 Host Municipalities and School Districts in the Facility Area ...... 12 3.4 Municipalities and School Districts in the Study Area ...... 12 3.5 Additional Stakeholders ...... 12 3.6 Host and Adjacent Landowners ...... 13 3.7 Public Interest Groups ...... 13 3.8 Utilties ...... 14 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE AND LANGUAGE ACCESS ...... 15 4.1 Closest Environmental Justice Communities ...... 15 4.2 Language Access ...... 15 5.0 PROPOSED PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM ...... 17 5.1 Project Contact Information ...... 17 5.2 Proposed Public Involvement Program Plan ...... 18 5.3 Consultation with the Affected Agencies and Municipalities ...... 19 5.4 Pre-Application Activities to Encourage Stakeholder Participation ...... 20 5.5 Activities to Educate the Public on the Proposal, Process, and Funding ...... 20 5.5.1 Public Meetings ...... 20 5.5.2 Educational Materials ...... 21 5.6 Website ...... 21 5.7 Notifications ...... 22 5.8 Activities to Encourage Stakeholder Participation ...... 23 6.0 AIRPORT/HELIPORT PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION ...... 24 7.0 REFERENCES ...... 25

i Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512


Table 1: Most Prevalent Non-English Languages Spoken ...... 16


Figure 1. Regional Facility Location Figure 2. Facility Area Figure 3. Study Area


Exhibit A. Master List of Stakeholders Exhibit B. Potential Environmental Justice Areas in Jefferson County and in the City of Watertown Exhibit C. Meeting Log and Project Activity Log

ii Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512


Acronyms/Abbreviation Definition % percent AC alternating current CES Clean Energy Standard the Applicant Boralex, Inc. DC direct current FAA Federal Aviation Administration the Facility Greens Corners Solar Facility, an approximately 120-megawatt photovoltaic solar energy generation facility proposed in the Towns of Hounsfield and Watertown, Jefferson County, New York the Facility Area a portion of an area including approximately 1,642 acres of privately-owned land parcels located primarily west of Interstate 81 and southwest of the City of Watertown on which the Greens Corners Solar Facility is proposed GWh Gigawatt-hours GIS Geographic Information System Boralex Boralex, Inc. kV kilovolt MW megawatt MWh megawatt-hours NYCRR New York Codes, Rules, and Regulations NYISO New York Independent System Operator NYS New York State NYSDEC New York State Department of Environmental Conservation NYSDPS New York State Department of Public Service PIP Public Involvement Program POI point of interconnection PSL Public Service Law PSS Preliminary Scoping Statement PV photovoltaic Siting Board New York State Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment

iii Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

Acronyms/Abbreviation Definition Stakeholders defined by NYCRR 1000.2(an) as those persons who may be affected or concerned by any issues within the Siting Board’s jurisdiction relating to the proposed major electric generating facility and any decision being made by it

iv Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512


Boralex, Inc. (the Applicant) is proposing to construct the Greens Corners Solar Facility, an approximately 120- megawatt alternating current (MWAC) photovoltaic (PV) solar energy generation facility in the Towns of Hounsfield and Watertown, Jefferson County, New York (the Facility) (Figure 1). The Facility, proposed primarily west of Interstate 81 and southwest of the City of Watertown with an area totaling approximately 2,031 acres (Figure 2), will consist of solar arrays sharing some project features such as the site roads and the electrical interconnection to the utility grid. Not all the land included in the parcels will be included in the final Facility footprint; however, the project parcels in Figure 2 represent the general area within which selected areas will be developed with solar arrays.

As discussed below, the Applicant is a power producing company dedicated to the development and operation of renewable energy power stations including wind, hydroelectric, thermal, and solar facilities. The Applicant values its relationship with local stakeholders and intends to conduct public outreach to educate interested parties. The purpose of this Public Involvement Program (PIP) Plan is to introduce the Facility to the local community and other interested parties and to explain the public outreach and involvement efforts that the Applicant will pursue throughout the development of this Facility.

Given the proposed size of the Facility, it is considered a “major electric generating facility” under Article 10 of the New York State Public Service Law (PSL). Article 10 provides for the siting review of new major electric generating facilities in New York State (NYS) by the Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment (the Siting Board) in a unified proceeding instead of requiring a developer of such a facility to apply for numerous state and local permits. The PIP Plan is an important part of this process. The information that the Applicant receives through its public outreach program will assist in defining the scope of the studies that will ultimately form the basis of the Article 10 Application to the Siting Board. Throughout this process, stakeholder concerns, interests, local knowledge, and recommendations will be evaluated, addressed, and considered, where applicable and appropriate, by the Applicant.

In addition to Article 10, the Siting Board has also adopted regulations that must be followed in developing such a project.1 The Siting Board’s regulations require that project sponsors proposing to submit an Article 10 Application to construct a major electric generating facility under Article 10 initiate the regulatory review process by first submitting a draft PIP Plan. Under the Siting Board’s regulations,2 the PIP Plan must be submitted to the New York State Department of Public Service (NYSDPS) for review at least 150 days prior to filing a Preliminary Scoping Statement (PSS).

1 Copies of the Article 10 and Siting Board regulations can be found at: 2 16 New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) § 1000.4

1 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

This document describes the Applicant’s public outreach and involvement activities, which will be used throughout the Article 10 review process and is intended to serve as the required PIP Plan. The intent of this PIP Plan is to determine the interests and address the concerns of stakeholders as Facility development advances. Through this PIP Plan, the Applicant will: formally introduce the Facility; describe the Article 10 process to the local community, stakeholders, and other interested parties; outline future activities planned for sharing Facility-related information; and establish the means by which the public can participate in the stakeholder process by asking questions and providing comments.

More specifically, as required by the Siting Board’s regulations3, this PIP Plan includes the following components:

• Consultation with the affected agencies and other Stakeholders; • Pre-application activities to encourage stakeholders to participate at the earliest opportunity; • Activities designed to educate the public as to the specific proposal and the Article 10 review process, including the availability of funding for municipal and local parties; • The establishment of a website to disseminate information to the public and updates regarding the Facility and the Article 10 process; • Notifications to affected agencies and other stakeholders; and • Activities designed to encourage participation by stakeholders in the certification and compliance process.

3 16 NYCRR § 1000.4

2 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

Figure 1. Regional Facility Location

3 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

Figure 2. Facility Area

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The Applicant is headquartered in Canada and firmly established in the United States, and France as a developer of renewable energy power facilities including solar, hydroelectric, thermal, and wind. Founded in 1990 by a team of industry veterans, the Applicant’s team members developed and/or operate thousands of MWs of solar, wind, hydroelectric and thermal renewable energy projects, including several projects in NYS.

The Applicant owns and operates approximately 1,980 MW of renewable power plants globally, including seven hydroelectric projects in NYS, and more than a hundred in Canada and France. The Applicant has already been awarded 62 MW of Power Purchase Agreements by Niagara Mohawk Power Corp. in NYS.


The Facility is consistent with the New York State Public Service Commission’s proceeding implementing a Clean Energy Standard (CES), which supports the development of clean energy and renewable resources in NYS. The Facility will safely generate enough clean, renewable electricity to power over 30,000 New York households. The Facility will also provide a significant economic stimulus to the area during construction by providing jobs and local contracts for goods and services, and significant long-term economic benefits through lease revenue to local landowners and tax revenue to the community.

A critical factor for siting a solar facility is finding a transmission line with existing capacity to export the power from the Facility to the utility grid system without prohibitive cost or unacceptable environmental impacts. The Applicant will work closely with the utility company to determine the points of interconnection (POI).

Other important factors include the availability of open and appropriately oriented land, willing land lease participants, and minimization of impacts on sensitive wildlife habitat. The Applicant has conducted preliminary environmental screenings that have not indicated significant wildlife habitat or other environmental or cultural resources that would preclude development of the Facility.

The lands that are being evaluated for potential solar development are located in the Towns of Hounsfield and Watertown, Jefferson County, New York, and are identified on Figures 1 and 2 as the “Facility parcel boundaries.” The Facility will ultimately be sited within the approximately 2,031-acre project parcels area, which consists primarily of agricultural land. Not all of the land included in this area will be included in the final Facility footprint. Rather, the Facility Area represents the broader area within which selected areas will be developed with solar facilities. This provides flexibility during Facility development to minimize and avoid impacts to wetlands, cultural resources, visual resources, wildlife habitat, and other sensitive resources. The Applicant will be leasing land from private landowners, which will provide a stable and predictable revenue stream without having to sell the property.

The Facility will use the same type of PV panels installed on over one million homes in the United States. Solar equipment is a proven, safe technology in applications such as ground-mounted installations in fields, fixed rooftop

5 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 installation on homes, schools, and businesses, as well as canopy installation in carport areas. The PV panels for the proposed Facility will be ground-mounted on a low-profile racking system that will have a small post footprint, typically consisting of small I-beam posts driven into the ground. The Facility will consist of the following components:

• A solar field of PV panels producing direct current (DC) electricity mounted on fixed-tilt racking structures or single-axis tracking structures that will follow the sun throughout the day; • Inverters placed throughout the Facility to convert DC electricity to AC electricity; • A medium voltage cable collection system that will aggregate the AC output from the inverters; • An on-site substation where the Facility’s electrical output voltage will be combined and increased to the transmission line voltage of 115 kilovolt (kV) via step-up transformers and connected to the existing on- site utility transmission line; • Internal infrastructure including access roads and fencing; and • Temporary laydown areas for equipment staging during construction. In addition, the Facility may incorporate energy storage in the form of batteries and associated technical equipment. If the Facility incorporates energy storage, it is anticipated to host an approximately 1-acre footprint and be located adjacent to the determined POI.

The Facility will have a nameplate capacity of approximately 120 MW (AC) and is expected to generate approximately 274 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of energy annually4. According to the greenhouse gas equivalencies calculator on the United States Environmental Protection Agency website5, solar generation of 274 GWh of energy is equivalent to a carbon offset of approximately 193,759 metric tons of carbon dioxide. This will be enough electricity to meet the average annual consumption of over 30,000 New York households, based on the average annual electric consumption of 6.9 megawatt-hours (MWh) per household in New York State for 2017 (EIA 2018). Solar energy is most beneficial during the summer demand to meet air conditioning loads. Since solar energy generation uses no fuel, it offsets additional air pollution from burning fossil fuels.

The Facility will have positive impacts on socioeconomics in the region through local employment and service opportunities, specifically by generating temporary construction employment, a significant amount of which is expected to be drawn from County and the regional labor market. Based on scaled estimates provided for a similar large utility-scale solar project in upstate New York, the project will require a workforce equivalent of approximately 100 full-time equivalent (FTE) jobs during the construction phase. The Applicant’s approach to contracting will have a preference toward local hiring, with future job fairs to be held as the Facility enters the construction phase to support that objective. Local construction employment will primarily benefit those in the construction trades, including equipment operators, truck drivers, laborers, and electricians. Facility operation and maintenance activities will generate annual fees some of which will be local part-time employment and contracting

4 Based on the 2018 annual solar photovoltaic capacity factor (26.1%) presented in Table 6.7.B. of the U.S. Energy Information Administration Electric Power Monthly June 2019. 5

6 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 service opportunities for electricians, operations managers, laborers, fencing contractors, and landscaping maintenance crews. It is estimated that the project will require a workforce equivalent of approximately 2.5 full- time employees for the operation and maintenance phase of the project. The Facility will also result in increased revenues to county and local municipality tax bases (payment in lieu of taxes [PILOT] negotiations will begin shortly), purchase of local supplies and goods, and lease revenues to participating landowners. Though the PILOT amount is still under negotiation, it is reasonably anticipated to represent over a million dollars in revenue for local governments over the lifetime of the project (35 to 55 years).

Through deliberate site selection, followed by careful planning and design, and by the environmentally benign nature of the technology, the Facility will have minimal impacts on the surrounding community. Solar facilities have no direct air or wastewater emissions, are very quiet, and generate no vibration. The PV panels proposed for the Facility have a low height profile. Setbacks, fencing, and landscape buffering allow solar projects to have minimal visual impact on the community and natural setting of the area.

Responsibly sited solar facilities can provide a net benefit to the preservation of agricultural land. The nature of the Facility design avoids extensive disruption to the agricultural quality of the soil and thereby allows the land to be returned to its former use after the useful Facility life. Therefore, the land is not permanently lost to development, but temporarily converted to another productive and beneficial use. The Facility essentially provides a form of preservation for agricultural land by preventing other forms of traditional development and preservation of the farmland by improving soil quality with appropriate ground cover planting and maintaining permeable land surface. Additionally, a dual-use solar installation would allow simultaneous use of the land for renewable energy generation and agricultural uses such as growing crops or livestock grazing (i.e. “agrivoltaics”).

Solar projects generally have a useful life of up to 55 years. The Applicant will provide a decommissioning plan in the Article 10 Application that is in accordance with the Siting Board’s regulations. The Applicant is also exploring ways to incorporate agricultural-promoting features into the Facility such as pollinator-friendly seed mixtures for revegetation following construction.


The Siting Board’s regulations define the Study Area to be used for analysis of major electric generating facilities as “an area generally related to the nature of the technology and the setting of the proposed site.”6 A solar generating facility does not have any prominently visible components. The tallest components of the generating portion of the proposed Facility will be the PV panels and inverter equipment, which have a relatively low profile, and are not expected to be more than 10-15 feet above grade, less than a single-story residence. Therefore, the nature of the technology is such that visibility is anticipated to be relatively limited to those areas located adjacent or very close to the Facility Area.

6 16 NYCRR § 1000.2(ar)

7 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

With respect to setting, the Facility Area is sited in an agricultural and residential mixed area and adjoins industrial and manufacturing districts. The area is characterized by rolling topography, with gently sloped areas transected by small streams and/or wetlands in the low-lying areas between elevated landforms. The Taylor Concrete facility is adjoining the Facility Area in an industrial district to the north. The Watertown International Airport is located approximately 0.8-mile northwest of the Facility Area. Existing land use in the vicinity includes a mix of industrial, agricultural production, rural residential development, and sparsely forested areas. The Watertown city limits and the CSX railyard are each less than 0.25 mile east of the Facility Area. Based on the Facility’s geographic location and anticipated low profile, the Facility should not be visible from nearby, more densely populated areas. Each portion of the Facility will be surrounded by fencing.

It is important to note that, with the exception of some on-site roads and substation areas, the majority of the Facility components will not create impervious surfaces within the Facility Area, but rather will allow rainwater to fall to the ground through gaps between each row of panels. Additionally, the Facility will not generate excessive noise or air emissions of any type.

Therefore, due to the nature of the technology and the setting specific to this proposed Facility, the Applicant proposes a 2-mile radius Study Area from (and including) Facility components, which includes the host Towns of Hounsfield and Watertown. Figure 3 depicts the 2-mile radius Study Area extending from the Facility Area. Municipalities within this Study Area include the Towns of Hounsfield and Watertown, the City of Watertown and portions of the Towns of Brownville, Rodman and Adams, all of which lie within Jefferson County. The Applicant will consult with and provide additional information to NYSDPS Staff during the development of the PSS for the purpose of considering increases to the Study Area for certain studies, such as potential Facility visibility and the historical resources assessment.

The PSS and Article 10 Application will further define and describe the Study Area. For the purposes of the PIP Plan, the Study Area has been conservatively defined based on a Facility Area that is larger than the ultimate footprint of the Facility. As the Article 10 process continues, specific Facility component locations will be identified through the PIP Plan provided herein.

8 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

Figure 3. Study Area

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A first step in the public outreach process for the Facility is to determine the stakeholders that may be affected by construction and operation of the Facility. Identification of specific stakeholders for the Facility is informed by past experience and utilizes NYSDPS guidance, review of New York State Geospatial Information System (GIS) records, tax records, personal visits, and internet research. Additionally, the Applicant considered the following in compiling its list of affected agencies and other stakeholders:

• The anticipated locations of Facility components within the Facility Area; • The POI with the utility grid; • “Local Party,” as defined in the Siting Board’s regulations (16 NYCRR § 1000.2(s)); • “Affected Agencies,” as that term is used in the Siting Board’s regulations (16 NYCRR § 1000 et seq.); • Host Municipalities, which for the purposes of this PIP Plan, refer to those municipalities that are currently within the Facility Area and are anticipated to host Facility components (to be determined and further described in the PSS); • Public interest groups; and • State and federal elected officials representing the Host Municipalities and, if different, other municipalities within the Study Area.

The Master List of Stakeholders, which includes known, potentially interested stakeholders and parties, will be developed based upon the combination of efforts described above (see Exhibit A). The Applicant anticipates that the Master List of Stakeholders will be updated as necessary based on information and requests from interested stakeholders received during PIP activities. In addition, potentially affected or interested stakeholders include host landowners and who have a land agreement with the Applicant, as well as adjacent landowners, as defined in Section 3.6, and landowners who would normally be notified of a local Town land use action.

Sections 3.1 through 3.7, below, identify stakeholders by category.


Affected state and federal agencies are listed below.

• NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets • NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), Central Office • NYSDEC, Region 6 • NYS Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) • NYS Office of General Services • NYS Department of Economic Development • NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services • NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) • NYSDPS

10 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

• NYS Department of Transportation, Region 7 • NYISO • Regional Economic Development Council • Corps of Engineers • United States Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand • United States Senator Charles E. Schumer • United States House of Representatives, Elise Stefanik, 21st Congressional District • NYS Department of State • NYS State Senate, Patty Ritchie, 48th District • NYS State Assembly, Mark Walczyk, 116th District


Affected local agencies are listed below.

• Jefferson County Administrators Office • Jefferson County Airport Administration • Jefferson County Code Fire Prevention and Building Code Department • Jefferson County Community Services • Jefferson County Clerk • Jefferson County Department of Social Services • Jefferson County Highway Department • Jefferson County Office of the Aging • Jefferson County Planning Department • Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District • Town of Hounsfield Town Board • Town of Hounsfield Town Clerk • Town of Hounsfield Highway Superintendent • Town of Hounsfield Zoning Board • Town of Hounsfield Planning Board • Town of Watertown Supervisor • Town of Watertown Town Clerk • Town of Watertown Town Council • Town of Watertown Zoning Board • Town of Watertown Planning Board • Town of Watertown Highway Department • City of Watertown City Clerk • City of Watertown City Manager and Mayor • City of Watertown Department of Public Works

11 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

• City of Watertown Planning and Zoning • City of Watertown Parks and Recreation • Watertown/Jefferson County Area Transportation Council/Metropolitan Planning Organization


Municipalities and school districts in the Facility Area are listed below.

• Jefferson County • Town of Hounsfield • Town of Watertown • Sackets Harbor Central School District • South Jefferson Central School District • Watertown City School District


Municipalities and school districts in the Study Area are listed below.

• Town of Hounsfield • Town of Watertown • City of Watertown • Town of Brownville • Town of Rodman • Town of Adams • South Jefferson Central School District • Watertown City School District • General Brown Central School District • Sackets Harbor Central School District • Jefferson Community College


Additional stakeholders are listed below.

• Watertown International Airport • Samaritan Medical Center • Taylor Concrete Products, Inc. • Packaging Corporation of America • Salmon Run Mall

12 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

• Fort Drum • CSX Railyard • Jefferson County Farmland Protection Board • Ives Hill Country Club • Watertown Golf Club • Arsenal Street Cemetery • Brookside Cemetery Association • Glenwood Cemetery and Mausoleum • North Watertown Cemetery Association • Dry Hill Ski Area • Thompson Park Zoo and Conservancy • Alex T. Duffy Fairgrounds


Host landowners are landowners with whom the Applicant has entered (or will enter) into a lease or easement agreement. As defined in the Siting Board’s regulations,7 adjacent landowners are landowners with property within 500 feet of proposed Facility components. For the purposes of this PIP Plan, however, the Applicant is expanding the definition of adjacent landowners to include landowners with property within 2,500 feet of a solar collector array, or within 500 feet of other Facility components (e.g., collection lines, POI, operation and maintenance facility, etc.). Landowners who would typically be notified of local Town land use actions will also be included. The identities of potential host and adjacent landowners will be determined from county GIS records, tax records, and, if necessary, through personal visits by representatives of the Applicant.

The final Facility layout will be determined by considering further input from stakeholders, as well as processing data from fieldwork (e.g., avoidance of impacts to wetlands identified during field delineation efforts). Therefore, specific host and adjacent landowner information is not included with this PIP Plan. Participating and adjacent landowners will be included in mailings, outreach activities and notifications that are provided to the stakeholders identified in this PIP Plan and as the Facility progresses. However, for privacy purposes, the stakeholder list may include addresses or parcel numbers rather than landowner identification. A description of the Applicant’s property rights and interests will be provided in the PSS.8


Public interest groups in the Study Area are listed below.

• Neighbors of Watertown, Inc. • Jefferson County Agricultural Society

7 16 NYCRR § 1000.2(a) 8 See 16 NYCRR § 1000.5(l)(7)

13 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

• Jefferson County Agricultural Development Corporation • American Legion Post 61 • Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization • Norther New York Audubon Society • Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter • Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust • Jefferson County, NY Economic Development • Drum Country Business • New York Farm Bureau, Jefferson County • Cornell Cooperative Extension Association of Jefferson County • Northern NY Community Foundation • The Greater Watertown North Country Chamber of Commerce • Jefferson County Historical Society • Rails to Trails Conservancy ( Trail)


Best management practices will be followed regarding design, construction, and operation of the project to provide safe accommodation of utility infrastructure. Utilities that operate within the study area include:

• Niagara Mohawk Power Corp./National Grid USA Service Company, Inc. • Watertown Water Department

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The Facility will also be subject to NYSDEC regulations for the analysis of environmental justice issues associated with projects subject to review and approval under Article 10 of the PSL.9

Per NYSDEC Environmental Justice Policy CP-29, Potential Environmental Justice Areas include census block groups featuring populations that meet or exceed at least one of the following statistical thresholds:

• At least 51.1 percent of the population in an urban area reported themselves to be members of minority groups; • At least 33.8 percent of the population in a rural area reported themselves to be members of minority groups; or • At least 23.59 percent of the population in an urban or rural area had household incomes below the federal poverty level.

Based on data obtained from the NYSDEC’s GIS Tools for Environmental Justice website (, there is one Potential Environmental Justice Area within the Study Area. Maps showing the Potential Environmental Justice Areas in Jefferson County and in the City of Watertown obtained from the NYSDEC website are provided in Exhibit B. A portion of a Potential Environmental Justice Area lies within the Study Area within the City of Watertown (11.29% of the population of this census block group are members of minority groups and 43.76% of the population of this census block group have a household income below the federal poverty level).

Further discussion on Potential Environmental Justice Areas will be provided in the PSS and the Article 10 Application pursuant to the Siting Board’s regulations.10


The Siting Board’s regulations require a PIP Plan to identify: (1) any language other than English spoken by 5,000 or more persons residing in any 5-digit zip code postal zone in which any portion of such zone is located within the Study Area for the Facility; and (2) any language other than English spoken by a significant population of persons residing in close proximity to the proposed Facility, alternative locations or interconnections.11

The Study Area includes a portion of Jefferson County. According to the United States Census Bureau data from 2013 – 2017, 7.1% of Jefferson County residents age 5 or older speak a language other than English at home (US

9 See 6 NYCRR Part 487 10 16 NYCRR § 1000.5(l)(2)(xi) 11 16 NYCRR § 1000.4(d)

15 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

Census 2017). With a 2018 population estimate of 111,755 persons, this means approximately 7,934 people in the County speak a language other than English at home.

The Study Area contains portions of four 5-digit zip codes. Table 1 summarizes the most prevalent non-English languages spoken in each of these zip codes.

Table 1: Most Prevalent Non-English Languages Spoken

Zip Code Language Number of Speakers 13601 Spanish 1,333

13634 Other Indo-European Language 190

13606 Spanish 32

13615 Spanish 7

The information presented in Table 1 is based on the data provided by the United States Census Bureau. As shown above in Table 1, no language other than English is spoken by more than 5,000 people residing in any zip code within the Study Area. Based on these findings, the Applicant is not required to disseminate Facility and Article 10-related materials in a second language.

16 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512



Facility contact information is provided below.

• Boralex, Inc. 39 Hudson Falls Road South Glens Falls, NY 12803 Main Telephone: (518) 480-3967 Email: [email protected]

• Toll-Free Number: 1-844-990-9146

• Facility Representative: Rosanne Fortin Phone: (819) 363-6354 Email: [email protected]

• Facility Website:

• Local Document Repositories: Flower Memorial Library 229 Washington Street Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315) 785-7705

Hay Memorial Library 105 South Broad Street Sackets Harbor NY 13685 Phone: (315) 646-2228

The Facility contact can be reached via email or phone during normal business hours Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm. Email inquiries will receive a same-day automated response acknowledging receipt of an interested party’s question or comment. A voicemail will collect calls received during out of office hours. This voicemail will be checked each business day (Monday through Friday). The Applicant intends to respond directly to applicable, substantive inquiries and comments submitted to the Facility contact, and will appropriately document the stakeholder’s issue. Received calls and comments will be responded to within three days of receipt. If

17 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 documents are requested, a prompt response will be issued including an estimated mailing date of the requested materials.

Document repositories for the project will be located at the Flower Memorial Library in the City of Watertown and the Hay Memorial Library in Hounsfield. The Applicant does not propose establishing a local office at this time. Following the public open houses, the Applicant will re-evaluate and adjust, as necessary.


The Applicant’s proposed PIP Plan provides for communication with Host Municipalities, including the Towns of Hounsfield and Watertown, and Jefferson County. The PIP Plan will be made available at the document repositories listed in Section 5.1 above. The Siting Board’s regulations provide that a PIP Plan must include:

• consultation with the affected agencies and other stakeholders; • pre-application activities to encourage stakeholders to participate at the earliest opportunity; • activities designed to educate the public as to the specific proposal and the Article 10 review process, including the availability of funding for municipal and local parties; • the establishment of a website to disseminate information to the public; • notification; and • activities designed to encourage participation by stakeholders in the certification and compliance process.12

It is anticipated that this will be an ongoing, evolving process throughout the phases of the Article 10 review process (pre-Application phase, Application phase, hearing and decision phase, and post-Certification phase), intended to disseminate information regarding the Facility to stakeholders, solicit information from those stakeholders during public outreach events, and generally foster participation in the Article 10 review. The Applicant will establish a user-friendly website in plain English that describes the Facility. This website will describe the Article 10 process and will provide Facility updates throughout the development and construction phases of the Facility to keep the community informed of the Facility’s status (see Section 5.6 below for additional detail). To the greatest extent possible, the Applicant will use electronic communication, through email, email blasts and the like, to communicate with the Master List of Stakeholders. Where requested, US mail will be used.

Additional outreach to host landowners and municipal officials will take place during decommissioning and restoration activities. Outreach will include a written notification submitted at least two weeks in advance of the commencement of decommissioning activities. Details will be provided in decommissioning plan, to be included in the Article 10 Application.

12 16 NYCRR § 1000.4(c)

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Affected agencies, listed above in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, were identified through review of the Article 10 regulations in consultation with the Facility’s permitting counsel and environmental consultant. Affected municipalities are identified in Sections 3.3 and 3.4 above. Consultation with affected agencies and municipalities will include the following general steps:

• The Applicant will make initial contact with each agency or municipality to make certain they are aware of the Facility and inform them of the Article 10 process, including steps for intervenor funding, and provide information on who to contact with questions or comments about the Facility and/or about the Article 10 process; • Subsequent interaction with the agency or municipality, as needed, to identify stakeholder interests and concerns with the proposed Facility, and to answer specific questions about the Facility; • Regular consultation with applicable agency staff, as needed, during early development of the PSS; and • Other specific consultations as required by the Siting Board’s rules, or as needed to inform the process. Other consultations may include solicitation of input from stakeholders.

With respect to intervenor funding, the Applicant is required to deposit funds for intervenor participation. Funds are deposited with the NYSDPS at the time the pre-application PSS is filed in an amount equal to $350 for each 1,000 kilowatts (i.e., 1 MW) of generating capacity of the Facility, but no more than $200,000. Pre-application funds are dispersed to qualifying parties to aid in their participation in the scoping phase of this proceeding. Each request for pre-application funds are submitted to the presiding examiner assigned to the proceeding before the Siting Board, and at least 50% of the pre-application intervenor funds shall be reserved for potential awards to municipalities. Additional funds for intervenor participation will be deposited with the DPS at the time the Facility Application is filed in an amount equal to $1,000 for each 1,000 kilowatts of capacity, but no more than $400,000. Funds deposited with the Application may be used by parties for qualifying consultants and activities in the post-Application phase of the proceeding.

The goals of the initial consultation with each municipality or agency will be to consult with representatives, disseminate information, identify stakeholder interests and concerns, request information, and schedule follow-up meetings and/or consultations, as appropriate. Specific information provided to the affected agencies and municipalities will include a description of the Facility and location; explanation of the phases of the Article 10 process and how the agency or municipality can participate in each step; description of the available intervenor funding and the process for obtaining funding; description of the ad hoc committee process and local municipality responsibility; information about other planned consultations; and sources of additional information about the Facility and the Article 10 process (e.g., the Facility and Siting Board websites). Information to be requested from affected municipalities and agencies may vary by the involvement of each but may include topics such as local ordinances and regulations, emergency response contacts and procedures, environmental impact review, and determination of news sources to be used for official notices.

19 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

Stakeholder consultation meetings will be documented and summarized in the PIP Plan Tracking Report. Concerns and questions raised by the public, as well as the Applicant’s responses, will be documented in the PIP Plan Tracking Report. This PIP Plan Tracking Report will be updated and provided to NYSDPS on a quarterly basis.

It should be noted that in accordance with the Siting Board’s regulations,13 public comments on the PSS are due within 21 days after filing with the Secretary to the Siting Board. The Applicant intends to engage municipalities, agencies, and stakeholders throughout the PIP Plan implementation process in order to identify their respective interests, and obtain information regarding particular resources, locations, concerns and recommendations of the affected communities, agencies, and interest groups. Prior to filing the PSS, this will be accomplished through a variety of methods, including direct correspondence, review of comments submitted through the website, and targeted meetings with some of the individual stakeholders identified herein.


The Applicant will engage in pre-application activities to encourage stakeholder participation. The Applicant will notify various State and local agencies (e.g. the Town of Hounsfield and Town of Watertown Supervisors). The Meeting Log (Exhibit C) will be regularly updated each quarter as consultations and stakeholder participation activities take place, and additional means of engagement are identified (as necessary). In addition, the Applicant has a Pre-Application meeting scheduled for October 3, 2019 with NYSDPS Staff, as well as NYSDEC and Ag and Markets in Albany to discuss the project and development of the PSS.


The Applicant plans to attend one or more Town meetings, as appropriate, and are planning Applicant-sponsored public information sessions. The Applicant will be distributing educational materials, and will provide the Facility website, which will offer information on the proposed Facility, as well as links to and information on the Article 10 process, intervenor funding, and other important stakeholder issues. These efforts will allow the Applicant to engage with stakeholders regarding the proposed Facility and will offer multiple avenues of information distribution so that stakeholders and the public have multiple, varied opportunities to obtain information on the Facility and participate in the proceedings. These efforts are further detailed below. The Applicant has already met with the Towns of Hounsfield and Watertown to introduce the proposed Facility and plans to attend board meetings in the City of Watertown, as appropriate. Exhibit C includes a summary meeting and public relationship log.

5.5.1 Public Meetings

The Applicant intends to hold open-house-style public meetings prior to submittal of the PSS and meetings following submittal of the Article 10 Application. The meetings will include several events likely held at different times on the same day (i.e. a daytime and an evening event) and on at least two different days of the week to provide ample opportunity to accommodate the work schedules of interested participants. Representatives for the Applicant

13 16 NYCRR § 1000.5(g)

20 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 will be present to provide Facility information and answer questions. It is anticipated that these meetings will be held at a public meeting space in reasonable proximity to the Facility Area. The public meetings will be announced through public notices in the Watertown Daily Times and the Jefferson County Pennysaver, two local newspapers in advance of the scheduled events. The Applicant will also mail notices of the Applicant-sponsored public meetings to adjacent property owners. Notification of public meetings held by the Applicant will also be mailed or emailed to residences and businesses within the Facility and Study Areas, as well as to the host and adjacent landowners and the List of Master Stakeholders in Exhibit A and updated as public engagement proceeds. The updated list will then be used for future mail and email notifications and the list will be further updated based on additional requests. In addition, meeting announcements will be posted on the Facility website. The Applicant will provide NYSDPS Staff with informal notice of scheduled public meetings. After the Applicant has completed a mailing as described above, the Applicant will provide an affidavit stating that it used its stakeholder list including host and adjacent landowners and will file a copy with the Secretary to the Commission. This applies to mailings, invitations and document submission notifications.

Facility outreach materials, including the invitations to the open houses will reference the Facility contact information, and will provide instruction on how the public can obtain additional Facility information, and how to be included as a stakeholder.

5.5.2 Educational Materials

The Applicant will develop educational materials to inform the public about solar energy, the proposed Facility, the Article 10 process, and intervenor funding. These materials will include poster-sized maps and graphics to be displayed at public meetings. Additional materials (e.g., factsheets and brochures) will be distributed at public meetings, via local libraries and public gathering places, and/or in e-mailings to stakeholders and interested parties obtained through public meetings and the Facility website. Materials will be made available at the local repositories including the Flower Memorial Library in the City of Watertown and the Hay Memorial Library in Hounsfield, and they will also be available on the Facility website.

These materials will allow the public to learn more about the Facility and will include links to the Siting Board and Facility websites. The materials will also reference the Facility contact information and will provide instruction on how the public can obtain additional Facility information, and how to be included as a stakeholder.


Boralex has established a user-friendly website in plain English that describes the proposed Facility. The website URL is This website will provide information regarding the Article 10 process and will continue to provide Facility updates throughout the development and construction phases of the Facility to keep the community informed of the Facility’s status. For example, notices will be posted to the website prior to various milestones and public meetings/outreach events.

The website will include:

21 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

• A Facility description; • Maps of the Facility, including the figures included in the PIP Plan until more detailed maps become available; • Facility benefits; • Summary of permitting requirements; • Links to the Siting Board Article 10 Public Information Coordinator, the Siting Board home page, and case- specific documents; • Information on the Article 10 process and opportunities for participation; • Summary of the Intervenor Funding process and how to apply; • Facility contact information, including email address and toll-free telephone number; • Copies of Article 10 and related licensing documents; • Addresses of local document repositories; • Link to request stakeholder status; • A schedule that lists dates/times/locations for outreach events and key milestone dates, such as when the Application will be filed; and • Reports summarizing the Facility’s PIP activities to date.

As indicated above, the website includes Facility contact information (email address and telephone number). Interested parties may request stakeholder status through the website. The Applicant intends to respond directly to applicable, substantive inquiries and comments submitted to the Facility contact, and will appropriately document the stakeholder’s issue. Email inquiries will receive a same-day automated response acknowledging receipt of an interested party’s question or comment. When feasible, a response will be sent within three days of receipt of the inquiry or comment. If documents are requested, a prompt response will be issued including an estimated mailing date of the requested materials.


The Siting Board’s regulations establish the notification requirements for serving documents. The Applicant will publish required notices in the Watertown Daily Times and the Jefferson County Pennysaver and will also provide notice in accordance with standard notice requirements for actions of the Towns of Hounsfield and Watertown.14

No less than three days prior to filing the PSS and the Article 10 Application, the Applicant will: publish notice of submission in the Watertown Daily Times and the Jefferson County Pennysaver; serve each member of the State Legislature in whose district any portion of the proposed Facility is to be located; provide written notice to those persons who have filed a statement with the Secretary within the past 12 months that wish to receive such notices; and provide email and mail (if email is not available) notification to parties on the Master List of Stakeholder. In addition, notifications will be posted on the Facility website. An updated stakeholder list will be provided with the

14 See 16 NYCRR § 1000.7

22 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 filings, including host and adjacent landowners and parties identified through the Applicant’s outreach efforts, as well as proof that the mailing has occurred.

The Applicant will publish other notices required by the Presiding Examiner or other section of Article 10 in the manner prescribed by the Presiding Examiner or under the procedures contained in Article 10.


The activities described above in Sections 5.1 through 5.7 will seek to encourage stakeholder participation during the Article 10 Certificate process. It is anticipated that this will be an ongoing, evolving process throughout the phases of the Article 10 review process (pre-application phase, application phase, hearing and decision phase, and post-certification phase).

The Applicant will track the PIP Plan and provide regular quarterly (or more often upon request) updates to the NYSDPS Staff. Specifically, the Applicant will maintain a Meeting Log (Exhibit C) that will provide relevant summaries of meetings, including dates, locations, attendees, purpose, and applicable discussion topics.

23 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512


Evaluation of potential Facility impacts on aviation is governed by the rules of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). FAA regulations15 require notice for the Facility because of proximity to the Watertown International Airport. Watertown International Airport is located approximately 0.8-mile northwest of the Facility Area. In addition, the Samaritan Medical Center heliport is located approximately 1.7 miles east of the Facility Area and the Wheeler-Sack Army Air Field at Fort Drum is located approximately 12 miles northeast of the Facility Area. The public airport, heliport, and military airport listed have been identified as Stakeholders and will be consulted.

15 See 14 Code of Federal Regulations § 77.9(a-e)

24 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512


EIA 2017. 2017 Average Monthly Bill – Residential (By State). United States Energy Information Administration. Last updated October 26, 2018.

US Census 2017. American Fact Finder. United States Census Bureau. Accessed May 21, 2019.

25 Greens Corners Solar Preliminary Public Involvement Program Plan


Greens Corners Solar Preliminary Public Involvement Program Plan


Greens Corners Solar Preliminary Public Involvement Program Plan


Greens Corners Solar Preliminary Public Involvement Program Plan


Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 Master List of Stakeholders


New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets NYS Energy Research and Development Authority Richard Ball, Commissioner Richard Kaufmann, Chair 10B Airline Drive 17 Columbia Circle Albany, NY 12235 Albany, NY 12203 Phone: (585) 457-8876 Phone: (518) 862-1090 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets NYS Office of General Services Matthew Brower, Environmental Analyst RoAnn Destito, Commissioner 10B Airline Drive 41st Floor, Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza Albany, NY 12235 Albany, NY 13342 Phone: (585) 457-2851 Phone: (518) 474-3899 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

NYSDEC New York State Department of Economic Development Basil Seggos, Commissioner Howard Zemsky, Commissioner 625 Broadway 633 Third Avenue, Floor 37 Albany, NY 12233-1011 New York, NY 10017 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

NYSDEC, Central Office NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Daniel Whitehead, Director Services Division of Environmental Permits, Major Project Jerome Hauer, Commissioner Management 1220 Washington Ave 625 Broadway State Office Campus, Building 7A, Suite 710 Albany, NY 12233-1750 Albany, NY 12242 Phone: (518) 402-9167 Phone: (518) 242-5000 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

NYSDEC, Region 6 New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Randy Young, Acting Regional Director Preservation 317 Washington St Regional Director Watertown, NY 13601 45165 NYS Route 12 Phone: (315) 785-2239 Alexandria Bay, NY 13607 Email: [email protected] Phone: (315) 482-2593 Email not available NYS Energy Research and Development Authority John Rhodes, President New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic 17 Columbia Circle Preservation, State Historic Preservation Office Albany, NY 12203 Director, Technical Preservation Bureau, Agency Phone: (518) 862-1090 Preservation Officer, Email: [email protected] Peebles Island State Park, P.O. Box 189 Waterford, NY 12188 Phone: (518) 268-2166 Email: [email protected]

Page 1 of 8 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 NYS Department of Transportation, Main Office NYS Department of Public Service Arvind Salgam James Denn, Public Information Officer 50 Wolf Road Empire State Plaza, Agency Building 3 Albany, NY 12205 Albany, NY 12223 Phone: (518) 457-6195 Phone: (518) 474-7080 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] New York Independent System Operator NYS Department of Public Service Michael Bemis, Board Chair Lorna Gillings, Outreach Contact 10 Krey Boulevard Office of Consumer Services Rensselaer, NY 12144 3 Empire State Plaza, Agency Building 3 Phone: (518) 356-6060 Albany, NY 12223 Email: [email protected] Phone: (518) 474-1788 Email: [email protected] North Country Regional Economic Development Council Stephen Hunt, Regional Director NYS Department of Public Service Dulles State Office Building Heather Behnke, Assistant Counsel 317 Washington St Empire State Plaza, Agency Building 3 Watertown, NY 13601 Albany, NY 12223 Phone: (315)785-7935 Phone (518) 474-5474 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] US Army Corps of Engineers NYS Department of Public Service Buffalo District David Solimeno, Excelsior Fellow Andrew Kornacki, Chief of Public Affairs 3 Empire State Plaza, Agency Building 3 1776 Niagara Street Albany, NY 12223 Buffalo, NY 14207 Phone: (518) 486-6764 Phone: 1-800-833-6390 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

NYS Department of Public Service – Office of Electric, US Senate Gas and Water Kirsten E. Gillibrand, US Senator Andrew Davis P.O. Box 273 3 Empire State Plaza, Agency Building 3 Lowville, NY 13367 Albany, NY 12223 Phone: (315) 376-6118 Phone: (518) 486-2885 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] US Senate NYS Department of Transportation, Region 7 Charles E. Schumer, US Senator Steven G. Kokkoris, P.E.., Regional Director Leo O’Brien Building, Room 420 Dulles State Office Building Albany, NY 12207 317 Washington St Phone: (518) 431-4070 Watertown, NY 13601 Email not available Phone: (315)785-2333 Email not available US House of Representatives Elise Stefanik, 21st Congressional District 88 Public Square, Suite A Watertown NY 13601 Phone: (315) 782-1291 Email not available

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NYS Department of State Rossana Rosado, Secretary of State One Commerce Plaza 99 Washington Avenue Albany, NY 12231-0001 Phone: (518) 473-2293 Email: [email protected]

NY State Senate Patty Ritchie, NY State Senator, 48th District Albany Office 188 State St, Legislative Office Building, Room 302 Albany NY 12247 Phone: (518) 455-3438 Email: [email protected]

New York State Assembly Mark Walczyk, Assembly Member, 116th District Albany Office LOB 940 Albany, NY 12248 Phone: (518) 455-5545 Email: [email protected]


Jefferson County Administrators Office Jefferson County Office of the Aging Robert F. Hagemann III, County Administrator Louise Haraczka, Interim Director 195 Arsenal St, 2nd Floor 175 Arsenal Street, 2nd Floor Watertown, NY 13601 Watertown NY 13601 Phone: (315) 785-3075 / Fax: (315) 785-5070 Phone: (315) 785-3191 / Fax: (315) 785-5095 Email not available Email: [email protected]

Jefferson County Airport Administration Jefferson County Planning Department 195 Arsenal St, 2nd Floor Michael J. Bourcy, Director Watertown, NY 13601 175 Arsenal St # 3 Phone: (315) 785-3075 / Fax: (315) 785-5070 Watertown, NY 13601 Email not available Phone: (315) 785-3144 / Fax: (315) 785-5092 Email not available Jefferson County Code Fire Prevention and Building Code Department Town of Hounsfield 753 Waterman Drive Timothy Scee, Town Supervisor Watertown, NY 13601 18774 County Route 66 Phone: (315)786-2654 Office Watertown, NY 13601 Email not available Phone: (315) 782-7159

Jefferson County Community Services Town of Hounsfield Highway Superintendent Timothy Ruetten, Director 18774 Co. Rt. 66 175 Arsenal Street Watertown, N. Y. 13601 Watertown NY 13601 Phone: (315) 782-6380 ext. 1 Phone: (315) 785-3283 Email: [email protected] Email not available Town of Watertown Supervisor Jefferson County Clerk Joel Bartlett, Supervisor 195 Arsenal St, 2nd Floor 22867 County Route 67 Watertown, NY 13601 Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: 315-785-3075 / Fax: 315-785-5070 Phone: (315) 782-8248 Email not available Email not available

Jefferson County Department of Social Services Town of Watertown Town Council Teresa Gaffney, Commissioner David Renzi 250 Arsenal Street 22867 County Route 67 Watertown, NY 13601 Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315) 785-3000 Phone: (315) 782-8248 Email not available Email not available

Jefferson County Highway Department Town of Watertown Highway Department 21897 County Rd 190 Bruce Rohr, Highway Superintendent Watertown, NY 13601 22851 County Route 67 Email not available Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315) 782-2781 Email not available

Page 4 of 8 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 City of Watertown Mayor’s Office Joseph Butler, Jr. Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation City Hall Lee Westerlind, Manager Public Awareness 245 Washington St, Rm 302A 25 Hub Drive Watertown, NY 13601 Mellville, NY 11747 Phone: (315) 785-7720 Phone: (631) 755-3806 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

City of Watertown Department of Public Works Jefferson County Community College Patrick Keenan, Superintendent 1220 Coffeen Street 557 Newell Street Watertown, NY 13601 Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315) 786-2200 Phone: (315) 785-7842 / Fax: (315) 785-2320 Email not available Email: [email protected] Sacketts Harbor Central School District City of Watertown Planning and Zoning Jennifer Gaffney, Superintendent Michael A. Lumbis, Planning & Community Development 215 S Broad St Director Sackets Harbor, NY 13685 City Hall, 245 Washington St Phone: (315) 646-3575 Watertown, NY 13601 Email not available Ph: (315) 785-7734 Email: [email protected] South Jefferson Central School District South Jefferson Central School Dist. City of Watertown Parks and Recreation/ Alex T. Duffy PO Box 10 Fairgrounds Adams, NY 13605 Erin Gardner, Superintendent Phone: (315) 583-6104 Watertown Municipal Arena Email not available William T. Field Drive Watertown, NY 13601 Watertown City School District Phone: (315) 785-7775 1351 Washington St Email not available Watertown, NY 13601

(315) 785-3700 Watertown/Jefferson County Area Transportation Email not available Council/Metropolitan Planning Organization

317 Washington St General Brown Central School District Watertown, NY 13601 17643 Cemetery Rd Phone: (315) 785-2354 Email not available Dexter, NY 13634 Phone: (315) 779-2300 Watertown Water Department Email not available Vick Murphy, Water Superintendent City Hall, 245 Washington St, Rm 202 Watertown International Airport Watertown, NY 13601 22529 Airport Dr Phone: (315) 785-7757 Dexter, NY 13634 Email: [email protected] Phone: (315) 639-3809 Email not available

Samaritan Medical Center 830 Washington St Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315) 785-4000 Page 5 of 8 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 Ives Hill Country Club Taylor Concrete Products 465 Flower Ave West 20475 Old Rome State Rd Watertown, NY 13601 Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315) 775-4653 Phone: (315) 788-2191 Email not available Email not available Watertown Golf Club CSX Transportation 1 Thompson Park Kurt Miles, Industrial Development Watertown, NY 13601 500 Water Street Phone: (315) 782-4040 Jacksonville FL 32202 Email: [email protected] Phone: (302) 354-2243 Email: [email protected] Arsenal Street Cemetery 722 Arsenal Street Packaging Corporation of America Watertown, NY 13601 20400 Old Rome State Rd Phone: (315) 788-3306 Watertown, NY 13601 Email not available Phone: (315) 785-9083 Email not available Brookside Cemetery Association 190000 County Route 165 Salmon Run Mall Phone: (315) 788-1411 21182 Salmon Run Mall Loop West Email not available Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315) 788-9210 Glenwood Cemetery and Mausoleum Email not available 23348 County Route 67 Watertown, NY 13601 Fort Drum 10th Mountain Division Phone: (315) 782-4419 Public Affairs Office Email not available Building 10000 10th Mountain Division Drive North Watertown Cemetery Association Fort Drum, NY 13602 811 Bradley Street Phone: (315) 772-5461 Watertown, NY 13601 Email not available Phone: (315) 782-5960 Email not available Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District 25451 State Route 12 Dry Hill Ski Area Watertown, NY 13601 18160 Alpine Ridge Road Phone: (315) 782-2749 Fax: (315) 782-3054 Watertown, NY 13601 Email: [email protected] Phone: (315) 782-8584 Email not available Jefferson County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board Thompson Park Zoo and Conservancy Michael Bourcy, Director of Jefferson County Department 1 Thompson Park of Planning Watertown, NY 13601 175 Arsenal Street Phone: (315) 782-6180 / Fax: (315) 782-6192 Watertown, NY 13601 Email: [email protected] Phone: (315) 785-3144 Email: [email protected]

Page 6 of 8 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 Neighbors of Watertown, Inc. Jefferson County, NY Economic Development 112 Franklin St 800 Starbuck Ave, Suite 800 Watertown, NY 13601 Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315 782-8497 / Fax: (315) 782-0102 Phone: (315) 782-5765 Email not available Email: [email protected]

Jefferson County Agricultural Society Drum County Business Robert Simpson, President 317 Washington St P.O Box 8003 Watertown, NY 13601 Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315) 661-3200 Phone: (315) 782-8612 / Fax: (315) 782-3268 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] New York Farm Bureau, Jefferson County Jefferson County Agricultural Development Corporation 159 Wolf Road, P.O. Box 5330 Jay M. Matteson, Agricultural Coordinator Albany, NY 12205 P.O. Box 838, 21170 NYS Rte 232 Phone: (518) 436-8495 / Fax: (518) 431-5656 Watertown, NY 13601 Email: [email protected] Phone: (315) 782-1806 / Fax: (315) 782-1944 Email: [email protected] Cornell Cooperative Extension Association of Jefferson County American Legion Post 61 Watertown Dick Halpin, Executive Director 138 Sterling St Mike Hunter, Agriculture Program Leader Watertown, NY 13601 203 North Hamilton St Phone: (315) 788-0911 Watertown, NY 13601 Email not available Phone (315) 788-8450 Fax: (315) 788-8461 Email: [email protected] Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization 120 Washington St, Ste 230 Northern NY Community Foundation Watertown, NY 13601 131 Washington St Phone: (315) 755-2020 / Fax: (315) 755-2022 Watertown, NY 13601 Email not available Phone: (315) 782-7110 / Fax: (315) 782-0047 Email: [email protected] Northern New York Audubon Society P.O. Box 1172 The Greater Watertown North Country Chamber of Saranac Lake, NY 12983 Commerce Email: [email protected] 1241 Coffeen St Watertown, NY 13601 Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter Phone: (315) 788-4400 / Fax: (315) 788-3369 744 Broadway Email: [email protected] Albany NY 12207 Phone: (518) 426-9144 Jefferson County Historical Socieety Email: [email protected] Jordan Walker-Rodriguez, Executive Director 228 Washington Street Tug Hill Tomorrow Land Trust Watertown, NY 13601 P.O. Box 6063 Phone: (315) 782-3491 Watertown, NY 13601 Email not available Phone: (315) 779-8240 Email: [email protected]

Page 7 of 8 Greens Corners Solar Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 Rails to Trails Conservancy Northeast Regional Office 230 South Broad St, 17th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19102 Phone: (267) 332-4267 Email: [email protected]

Flower Memorial Library 229 Washington Street Watertown, NY 13601 Phone: (315) 785-7705 / Fax: (315) 788-2584 Email not available

Hay Memorial Library 105 South Broad Street Sackets Harbor, NY 13685 Phone: (315) 646-2228 / Fax: (315) 646-2228 Email not available

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Potential Environmental Justice Areas in Jefferson County, New York Click on any Potential EJ Area outlined in blue for a detailed map



I-81 - 2 6

2 -1 N Y I-81

I-81 US-11 I-81


I-81 NY-26 & NY-37 I-81 2E Y-1 N I-81


I-81 NY-3 US-11 & NY-26

I-81 NY-26 Y-3 N


COUNTY NY-37 N Y-3 NY-12F Y N -

1 NY-3 2 NY-3


1 - S N U Y- 12 I-81


1 NY-177






This computer representation has been compiled from Miles supplied data or information that has not been 0 2 4 6 8 10 verified by NYSDEC. The data is offered here as a general representation only and is not to be used for Legend SCALE: 1:400,000 commercial purposes without verification by an independent professional qualified to verify such data or information. For questions about this map contact: Potential EJ Area New York State Department of NYSDEC does not guarantee the accuracy, Environmental Conservation completeness, or timeliness of the information shown and County Boundary Office of Environmental Justice shall not be liable for any loss or injury resulting from reliance. 625 Broadway, 14th Floor Albany, New York 12233-1500 Data Source for Potential Environmental Justice Areas: Approximate Facility Area (518) 402-8556 U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 U.S. Census (figure modification by Tetra Tech) [email protected] Potential Environmental Justice Areas in the City of Watertown Jefferson County, New York

Gardner Dr TOWN OF BROWNVILLEClick Here for rrock Cir Mu Katie Ln County Map White Rd State Route 12 ± VILLAGE OF TOWN OF GLEN PARK Teal Dr PAMELIA 1 1 Patterson Rd er Ci r h r e D t is u a F B o z

a R l r

a P S State Route 12F d Oak St

l U Fisher Rd e


S S u p t E D ion St P e ivis u r r r io d D W Mainr St y State Route 283

S Mill St A y N Hycliff Dr t E Hoard St v e e n G f Leray Stal f Coffeen St e St e 3 a Rand Dr ut G W Lynde St o Tilden St Pearl St R Unnamed Street t E te Emmett St n S ta ai S t M M S S Hycliff Dr a Court St Water St r rble Howk St ble St Ma Arsenal St

Stateway Plz Cross St N Massey St d JEFFERSON Gill St e R R i dg CITY OF High St COUNTY Ohio St ColemanAve WATERTOWN Columbia St Haney St Central St Boyd St t State St S Franklin St ey Nellis St ss Gotham St a Hunt St M Dimmick St S Sherman St Hannum Dr t

S WeaverState Rd Route 126 Ward St Massey St b Ives St 63 Washington St ute Jewell Dr m o o R Green St S lc Elm St Walkway ty t n o a u Cosgrove St H t o e C d


R o

I 81 Loomus Dr u e l


e d

d i C 1 o 2 u M nt Overlook Dr I 81 County Rte 65 y R oute 159 Hillside Dr E G Spring Valley Dr o th a m

TOWN OF Marzano Dr R 1 d 1 WATERTOWN te ou R US Gillette Rd County Rte 65

This computer representation has been compiled from Miles supplied data or information that has not been 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 verified by NYSDEC. The data is offered here as a Legend general representation only and is not to be used for SCALE: 1:40,000 commercial purposes without verification by an independent professional qualified to verify such data or information. Potential EJ Area For questions about this map contact: New York State Department of NYSDEC does not guarantee the accuracy, Environmental Conservation completeness, or timeliness of the information shown and County Boundary Office of Environmental Justice shall not be liable for any loss or injury resulting from reliance. 625 Broadway, 14th Floor Waterbodies Albany, New York 12233-1500 Data Source for Potential Environmental Justice Areas: (518) 402-8556 U.S. Census Bureau, 2000 U.S. Census Approximate Facility Area [email protected] (figure modification by Tetra Tech) Greens Corners Solar Preliminary Public Involvement Program Plan


Greens Corners Solar Facility Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 Meeting Log Revised Public Involvement Plan Greens Corners Solar Facility Notification Notification and Follow-Up Action Items / Sent to Date Location Attendees Mailing List Filed Purpose Concerns Presented Applicant Response to Comments Stakeholder w/ Secretary Concerns List April 23, 2019 Town of Timothy Scee, Town No, not N/A Meeting to introduce Town of Hounsfield None None None Hounsfield Supervisor required to Boralex, Boralex team members, Offices proposed Greens Corners Solar Facility (the 18774 County Andrew Buckley, “Facility”), and intention to bid project in Route 66 Boralex 2019 NYS Energy Research and Salt Point Road Rosanne Fortin, Development Authority (NYSERDA) Watertown, Boralex Renewable Energy Standard Request for N.Y. 13601 Proposals (RES RFP). May 11, 2019 Town of Pamela Desormo, No, not N/A Meeting to introduce Town of Watertown None None None Watertown Town Planning Board required to Boralex, Boralex team members, Municipal Co-Chair proposed Facility, and intention to bid Building Tom Boxberger, project in 2019 NYSERDA RES RFP. 22867 County Town Planning Board Route 67 Co-Chair Watertown, NY 13601 Andrew Buckley, Boralex

Page 1 of 2 Greens Corners Solar Facility Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512

Notification Notification and Follow-Up Action Items / Sent to Date Location Attendees Mailing List Filed Purpose Concerns Presented Applicant Response to Comments Stakeholder w/ Secretary Concerns List

Page 2 of 2 Greens Corners Solar Facility Revised Public Involvement Program Plan Case Number 19-F-0512 Project Activity Log Revised Public Involvement Plan Greens Corners Solar Facility

Date Activity Comments April 23, 2019 Meeting between Town of Hounsfield and Boralex None

May 11, 2019 Meeting between Town of Watertown and Boralex None

July 17, 2019 Preliminary Public Involvement Plan (PIP) filed with the New Comments received York State Department of Public Service (DPS)

August 16, 2019 DPS Letter providing comments on the PIP Boralex shall address DPS comments within 30 days (September 16, 2019) August 19, 2019 DPS Letter providing correction to the PIP recommendations Boralex shall address DPS comments within 30 days (September 16, 2019)

September 13, 2019 Revised PIP filed with DPS Addressed DPS comments

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