CENSUS 1981 cqllf XIII - i1 ~lliSER'ESv22 ~T~JfCW ~"rrt1f~l . "' ,,~ stt~· ijl~ UTTAR PRADESH Part XIII- 8, PRIMARY' CENSUS ABSTRACT

firm ~ i'rn(~l"T Wif1TUt'l' DISTRICT . ~t=t~ffd.a DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK

~tfttr T", ~sr~m", flfm, iif'i'I1T'PIT' ~w.r, . ft'{ml


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c H I-PART OF NAIIIADII "OCK .• ,_ .. _,_ .• 8fJIJHDARIES.- TAHSIl, V/KA$tHAND , HtGHIMY5-STATE •• , ,., ." _rANT 'ETAUIC IIflIDI • •• .•• • .• RIVER AND sr_ '" .... , .. ,. /EADalJilRT£RS:_ CfSTRICT, TAHSIL, V/KASK!WID' , u.... crNTRr.. ... ". ",r



1. 5I'~8'nr;rT

2. 'Sf~qrr v 3. f~ lfiT llr.rf:;r.r

4. ~ arlo!i~ ix 5. f;;rm ;;r;r'f"lTifT ~fff'fiT 'fiT qf~ xvii 6. f~T 'Sf~llr~ ;;r;m~T ~l1:-ffilWli ~;ffi!9l1'T 9

7. ar1~m ;jfTftp;if it; ~ f~~ srTlrlirCfi ~TfIlTifT ~l1: 14

8. ~ "A-~Tf({lfT ~ ft;r~ srT~fl1ifi ;;j"iftf1JTifT ~ 18 9. ID'l1'r1lT/ifTf-Uli srMl1Efi :.rF,Tfl/[ifT ij'T~ (o~~\lft it fJTl::rT/cT~;r it 1fTi' if; ar;_rrl1:) 23

1. ~~ (i) o~'h1lf1i{f~ (ii ) llTlfT 'fiT ~lf '[iff 24 (iii) llTlfTur srr~fi1ifi :::iA'iT"A"T ~n: 28 (iv) ifiT<:Tzr 5f~flfifi \if

2. "(T3(~ ~m~

(i) oi[ij"rn lf1i{f~ (ii) l11ifT

3. ~ql~)<;r

(i) (T~ij"T~ lfTiff~ 64 (ii) lATllT 'liT qlJfT¥l1 ~T 70 (iii) lAT~ 5I'fl!lfi:r

  • fTI'.ffl1'fi ~ifiTlJf;;T ij'l1: qf~f!1Ttc: m~;;

    4. 'q~ ~~({"tr-I

    (i) i;I~~ lfT'1f~ 88 (ii) llTilT 'fiT q1J'[T~Sfil1 ~'


    Page No.

    1. Foreword iii 2. Preface vii 3. Map of the district 4. Important Statistics ix 5. Introduction of District Census Handbook xxi 6. Analytical Notes 7. District Primary Census Abstract-General population 8. District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 9. District Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribe5 10. Rural/Urban Primary Census Abstract (by villages of a tahsil/ward of a town)

    1. Puraula Talisil

    (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical List of villages 2!i (iii) Rural Primary Census Abstract 28 (iv) Urban Primary Census Abstract with appendix

    1. Rajgarhi Tahsil

    (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical List of villages 44 (iii) Rural Primary Census Abstract 46 (iv) Urban Primary Census Abstract with appendix 60

    3. Dunda Tahsil

    (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical List of villages 67 (iii) Rural Primary Census Abstract 70 (iv) Urban Primary Census Abstract with appendix

    4. Bhatwari Tahsil

    (i) Tahsil Map (ii) Alphabetical List of villages (iii) Rural Primary Census Abstract (iv) Urban Primary Census Abstract with appendix

    mlI' ~ tt aiR ~ Gi'1'i ui"'li ~ tm ~ ~ Gi'1'i oi'1i ~{{'i'J;f~lfli, Gi"'l'IOIf'[i IflT tt'fi ~ qi{C4~oi SfcIiTllJ'1' t I ~ Gi""IOI'1r ~:if(O(j\ifi1 CfiT ~ 4IGii1IIflI(ifol, S('QTmifiT, fcI9:r;:ff am 1lITtiOflaiaif it; ir£'

    fGJm' G1'1 tJUJ'1J ~~ff(t

    'I11T "81'" if 'l11r ttct i\1T~ f

    1981 iIiT fimT iiJiftTOf'1T ilfd9)f~OflI ~

    ~ at,cwFfldlm!lfi¥(' Cfi'T OIlqll~CfiaTaIT

    ~ IV if If~ ~aff ~ ~ if ~a' ~/~ rtf iJli'Jd~1 (pfl ~ V if !l1mcr; ~ iti ~ sr1l mm 1' i5lT ~ t I ~ ~ if;pr't Sl'1llTWf

    Slltlf+lifl iiIff1T1Jfi'lT ij'R

    ~ if fiR;r1:;r if ~ t ~ u- 19 81 ~ firm iifit1T1IfflT ~$f~'I! , ifiT ~ SrIm: u- i('iJJlfJ' 'if'ij'J t fct; 'WI" "ar" CVi' if ~ ~ct 'W't maOllifif ~ arN aITt 'WI" 1Iij" if ;pr't/~~ ~~~.~. ~ \iITf(f/iIf'1~ iJlifi;ilfd ~ 5fPltf+lifl ~UfiIT m ~ m'I'~ Wlf avrr ;rm srrerfilCfj;J(ifif'GfifT ~ ft1n Gt11f I

    , fim;rr ISI'ifif'GfifT itfd$ffdifll it; srro:w if atCif'!llql'fr '1Rrman if mf4iifl '\ilii

    ,"0 4f\"I~ 1iT«f ~ +t(l,~f~f< FOREWORD

    The District Census Handbook (DCH), compiled by the Census Organiz_ation on behalf of the State Government is one of the:most ~aluable products of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners, administrators, aCademicians and researchers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constituencies, formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to district administra,~ion. The district census handbook is the only publication which provides PrimaCY Census Abstract (PCA) data upto village level for the rural areas ward-wise for each City or tdwn. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns, etc. . , \ " The djstrict census handbook· series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained impoI1ant census tables and peA for each village and -town of the district. During 1961 Census ~ ~ of the DCH was' enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory, including PCA. The 1971 DCR series was planned in three parts. Part-A related to village and town directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytical report, adminiatrative sta­ tistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. However, in some states it was confined to district census. tables and in a few ~ altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing. While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features along with the restruct­ uring of the formats of village and town directory have b~e:i attempted. At the same time, comparability witll the 1971 data has alsQ been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may _be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in local area planning but regulating the provision of goods and services as well as to minimise the regional imbalan­ ces in the process of development. A few new items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items of information as adult literacy centres: primary health subcentres. and community health workers in the village have been introduced in the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about the villages in the district which are inaccessible. A new column, "total population and number of households" has been introduced to examine the cbrrelation of the amenities with the population and number of house­ holds they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages where no amenities are available and according to the proportion of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes population to the total population has also been made with this view in mind. The formats of the town directory have also been modified to meet the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new state­ ment on civic and other amenities in Class-I and Class-II towns (Statement IV-A) has been introduced with this objective in mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk out programmes on provision of civic..amenities for the improvement of slums. The columns on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in statement IV relating to iv civic and other amenities and adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities in state­ ment V are also added inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town in all the -seven statements of the town directory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban ar~s of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of towns into consideration. The addition of the columns on civic administration status and population in a few statements also serves this purpose.

    lhe format of the primary census abstract for the villages and. towns has been formulated in the light of changes in the economic and other questions canvassed through the individual slip of 1981 Census.

    In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH series it has beeD: so ·oesigned that Part-A of the volume contains village and town directory and Part-B, the PCA (()f villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PCA upto Tahsil/Town levels. At the beginning of the DCH a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on PCA and, no~-census data in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its value. The District and Tahsil/Police Station/CD Block etc. level maps depicting the boundaries and other important features have been inserted at appropriate places, to further enhance the value of the publication.

    . This publication is a joint venture of the State Government and the Cens.us Organ~atjon" The data have been collected and compiled in the State under the direction of Sri Ravindra. Gupta, the Director of Census 'Operation, U. P. on behalf of the State Government wbich has borne the cost of printing. The task of platming, designing and co-ordination of this publication was carried out by Dr. ,N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my office. Dr. B. K. Roy, Deputy Registrar 'General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the prepa. ration or the maps. Data received from Census Directorates have been scrutinised in {the Social Studies Division at the headquarters under the guidance of Sri M. M. Dua, Senior . Research Officer. I am thankful to all who have contributed in this project:

    New Delhi P. PADMANABHA The 26th April •. 1982. ,Registrar General, .Cfi€41 0ICfilfl ~m WlTm if me) ~~Cfi ~1 % ~1 'fiT 1fiIi ~ ~.zyrr ~, ~M, ~ Cf?;fT ~ ~1 'tIT fll;:;r-N;:ir Sl'fiT'{ 'lit SlI'ttllllCfidldfT ctl' ~d' it dffdfffii ~ ~ , . \ c€t aHCjllq~dl SlIlf\ldlf..~Cfi ~~.:rrafi CfI1 "'iffl'Ft, ~ m.1R ~ ~ 5(1lTlWf ~ R~ ~~ t I lIT'f ~ ~ ~ rn Et; ~, f;rm \iRT(1rf;:rr ~Ht2lffdro; om: f.IilJ"r ~ I fq;'{ '1") ~ \ifi1~IOI'" ~~ ~'{fflT

    fOf~NlCfir ~ ~ if ~ em- ~ ,

    ~u iii" ~m 1f1lT liar" m d'~T 'f1T'{ ~MCfiT 'fiT if'I'r garr ~ ~~;:rr~' d'¥.fT 19811lf'1*IOI'11 ~ ~ \If"iTmr ~) qlfT t I 'q11f u~" if SRlt'fi ~ ~

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    ~ I 'q11f "iif"

    ~Rl1'fi ~ ~ ~ aT!ff ~"d' fCfitfT qtfT ~ I

    IDl:r f.:r~

    'f1T'( r.Rf!ll"fiT

    'I'ror ~ ~o (f"fo:3ft"o ;mr, ~q{fI

    ~ ij it P.U at1if.t; ~, anft~, ljj{llJ' ~ ~ ~, ~ sm-, ~TGfTif 01fT ~. m~ ''fir ~ lII'ftiirT %sr..q ~:;;nfw ij'~cr ~ ~ cq.:a ~fcitm, ~ f.r~ CI"IT 8TRo to~, crfWi ,ijCfii'f"t

    sNm ~ cntef

    ~'Igta f~

    ~ ~iftI'UIiIT q'(\I (\\1''1 ~ : 30 ¥Ili, 1983 ~smr PREFACE

    The micro level data are of a distinct importance in a welfare democratic set-up. They are needed for running democratic institutions, diStrict level planning and district admip.istration ~siqes catering to the assorted needs of researchers, scholars and common man. By presenting - census ~ta down to the level of villages, the District Census Handbook series occupies a place of prominence in the galaxy of census publications. The need for small domain data always prompted pUblication of village figures in some form or the other in most of the censuses. Yet it was only in 1951 census that the publication of village statistics acquired the well deserved ~lportan~J, by the introduction of District Census Handbook s~ries. These volumes-have been puWshed with unbroken regularity in Uttar Pradesh State smce 1951 census by the Census Organization on behalf of tile Government of Uttar Pradesh. The District Census Handbook was brought out for each District in two volumes in 1951/1961, three volumes in 1971 and is being brought out in two volumes part A and Part B in 1981. With the introduction of this seri~, it developed into a healthy tradition to collect village-wise information on amenities and infrastructure, taking advantage of the massive census operation and pubbsh it in the form 0 village and town directories i~ volume A of the District Census Handbook. Part'A' volume, in keeping with the tradition, consists of village and town directories, giving basic information relating to infra-structure and amenities and total population of each village and town as thrown up by the 1981 Census. The part B volume presents primary census data for each village and town giving total population with scheduled caste/scheduled tribe, literates, main workers by main category marginal workers and non-workers break up. The District Census Handbook part A and part C were published in English in 1971 Census, Part ~ volume was brought out in Hindi as well as in English in separate issues with a view to enlarging its utility. This, however, resulted in delayed publication of data;-erroding some of their topicality by prolonged time-lag. This time, therefore, the District Census Handbook are being brought out in diglot form in single volumes. The alphabetical list of villages is given in Hindi as well as in English to make the reference easier to both categories of users. The scope of analytical notes has been enlarged this time. They consist of (1) a brief introduction of the District (ii) analysis of data (iii) introduction to the census handbook; explanations of terms used in the village arid town directories and definitions of census concepts of general importance. Part B volume contains the analysis of data and the relevant portion of the third part of the analytical notes in Part A. The non-census information was collected through the agency of lekhpals the basic revenue functionany. The lekhpals collected information for each village under their charge. It has passed on the Census Directorate by the District Census Office after getting it duly vetted by the Land Records Inspectors and Tahsildars. The information for towns was supplied by the local authorities. I gratefully acknowledge their role in collection of information. We have also used material made available to us by the Collectors and District Magistrates in drafting intro­ ductory notes on districts, I am extremely thankful to them for their assistance. I gratefully thank Sri P. Padmanabha, Registrar General of India and Dr. N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General, Social Studies Division for theif inspiring guidance that came handy to me all through. lalso thank Sri Lal kishan, Deputy Director, Planning and Co-ordination, Sri Akhlaq Ahmad, Deputy Director, District Census Handbook· and Sri N. C. Sinha, Asstt. Director and Sri RP. Singh, Research Offioor, Map of Census Directorate, Uttar Pradesh for their hard work. viii

    In the end I am thankful to Shri Ashok Dar, Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, U.P. Allahabad and Shri M. C. Padalia, Assistant Director and Shri R. K. Sax~na, Senior Technical Assistant (Printing) with the team of Printing unit of this office who have kept a constant watch upon the printing of this publication.

    There is always some gap between what is desired and what is accomplished, both in terms of scope of the publication and. accuracy of the published matel'ial. Yet, I hope, the District Census Handbooks will largely rise to the expectations of the variegated users fulfilling some of their needs for micro level data.


    Director,I: . Lucknow Census Operorions, 30th March. 1983 Uttar Pradesh q~~,;'; .t., IMPORTANT STATISTICS

    fqq~ :am: SlitVI' ~~r Dcscripthl Uttar Pradesh Uttarkashi

    :;r;rtiilfT ~)tr ;l1fffi Population Total Person. 110,862,013 190,948

    ~~~ !\!,~ks 58,819,276 101,53)

    f~~l1f Female, 52,042,737 19,415

    ~Tmur ilff'ffi Rural Persona 90,962,898 177,676

    ~lil!f Males '(8,041,U~ 93.0S6

    f~t Females 42,921,763 84,590


    ~liq Males 10,778,141 11,441


    I!f~ ] 971-8 1 if; ~vrlfi fi 'lr.Jmr 'If'4 In: Decennial population growth rate 1971.81 25.49 29.19

    ~~ (CJlf f~omo) Area (Sq. Kms.) 294,411.0 1,016.0

    '3R~191IT or;w.r (ll'fuq;f fifiollTo) Density of population (per Sq. Km.) 377 24 f;;m aT2;crm (5ffa ~iitn: ~~qT qr f~T ~T tr@lH) Szx ratio (Number offemalc5 pcr 1000 malel) 885 881

    ~T~~T l::~ c!1fu Literacy rate Persons 27.16 2U2

    ~~q- Males ~8.76 ,(6.3:1

    ",~f Pemalea 14.04 9.17

    ~ iit'.;mr if ;rlj'~hr ::iI'mtrr i;fiT J;[fm Perceatage or urban populatIon to total POPuhi1io~ 17.95 6.1)5 x

    fcrcr~Of ~m ::re-~rm Description Uttar Pradesh Utta.rkathi p QI'~ it srfumt Pen:cntage to total population (i) ~ ~ I(iff~ 'l\f1{ rn ~ qfm Main worker. Persons 29.22 ~2.12

    ~~ Male. 50.31 ~1.80 w.fllf Females 5.39 45.119

    (ii) \ll+lIf"d~ Iti11f ~ ~ &trfu; Mara:inal workers Ponous 1.49 3.11

    ~ltI' Males 0.45 1.00

    f~f Females 2.117 5.63

    (iii) 1fiTlf;r ~ cffir i1Jfu; Non-worker, Persons 69.29 44.18

    ~ Males 49.24 41.20

    n:~ Females 91.94 48.68 "..r llirnrlfi IfiTlJ Ifi,{~

    ~ ~f~ IfiTlJ m

    (i) 'l'i'ml'ifiTZ qf'ffi Cultivaton Persons 58.52 18.71

    ~ Males 59.53 65.12

    f~~t Females 41.83 97.35

    (ii) ~~~ ~p ~fui Agricultural labourers Persons 15.98 0.57

    ~ Males 14.16 0.7S

    f~ Females 35.23 '0.'28 Xl

    r~ ~mrl~ ~~TWT Description Uttar Pradesh Uttarkashi

    (iii) qm:arrfuf: ~TlT o1:ffn:; Household industry Persons 3.70 LOa

    ~~q Males 3.56 1.41

    f~~f1lt Female! 5.21 0.61

    (iv) Itrlf ~ 'fi'~it~t{m o!Tfn:; Other workers PeT'

    ~ljl!f Males 22.75 32.09

    f;c~lTi' Females 11.73 1.76

    a{,!~f:qZ'T "frfij' if c1.ifml:[T 'liT ~t1 ;;rormr it srfffllrn Ollfm Perceatago of S~ltedule;l Ca'tel pJp.llation to total population Persona 21.16 21.93

    ~" Males 21.08 21.01 fn

    ~qf:qa' ;;r'l"'3fTre- ifi i!ffffillT 'tif ¥ ;;r';~~T it 5I"fcrner ilffm Percentage of Scheduled Tribes population to total population Person! 0.2\ 0.95 T!tf Males 0·21 0.95

    f~1:[T Femalos 0.21 0.95

    Ifftrtm anmfl

    ~h:: orrm Uninhabited 11,678 12

    ~nri~~rmr Number of towns 704 3

    ~ ;;r;:r'fll1"fT ~q$f~l ~ m it; ~ ~~ ~ ~1- ~ "ar" am 'il'Fr "ii''' it STCfllfitld ~ GIl ~ ~ 1'iI'J1T "ar" ~ it IDlT f;rtfl1TCf;T 1:1;cf 'ftT~ ~T =i, ~ SflTa' '3f;:ffi~ ~ ~ ~a' WCfa'Tt( 1:1;IldT~, 5T~ \if.i­ mT ~ it ~ '5A«~ it; w.r ~'.>TfUr1lT ifi ar~~ 12~lf: Cfi1lf rn crnff, m1tTRr~ Cfi1lf rn 00 ~ tfip:f if rn 00 it; ~-aRiI1T orfcI;~ rot ~ ~ I ~ it; ~ ~ ¥flfl:'4'i(ui ~ Ai ~ ;sr;;;ror;;r if; ~~ ~

    1. w.m:f{Qr am "i(~ltt U~ ;;r;:(lfur=rT ~ IDlITur m otm: el"ll it; ft;rQ: f~ i(1:1; t I Q.

    Iij'rflfOfi'fT if; f~ ;;q'ftlf ~ 'fiT f~ ~ ~ qrorrNCT f'PlfT iflfT ~ I qro:rmaiT CfI1 ,~ ~ it ~TI!T 3T'r.fTtrT lJtrT ~ mAi ~ Cfil' anq~ Cfil' ~ if; f~~ meT -'

    (ar) ;;;r{qlfwflf, mif ~T ID

    (Gf) ~ ~m ~ lilT f.I+:;;f~ illwiT CfiT 'i(u

    (i) ~ 5,000 \iI"I~~1 ~ I (ii) CfiTll

    (iii) 5fffi ~ f'110 iff 0 it

    ~ ~


    1971 ctft ;;rifqur;;T ~ ~~IH ~ ~~ ctft: ~T Ofif 1 98 1 if 1ft arq;rrq.r qlj'f ~ I 5TTlf: 'ii(U 'fIT ~ 'llT[U lfT ~1 ctT ~tfcrfa-

  • ~, ~~ ~, affiftflr~ ~?I' aTT~ ~ ~T «or~ an ~ ~ n:~ ~ ~ '[fir ffi if> tfflll ~ciT ~ I lJl 31Q,[f43Ii m it ~ ;rtT~ ~ tr)ilr ~ lfT A'f ~ ~ It ;:r~ &h' lff.r ~ "Trnr ~ Q;« 'lif~ OTc:rrrr :'arc:r~~lfl" ~

    (iii) ~ ~ . 3f't <: ~

    3 liA'if'JIirT q'tifiT"

    .... i1'ifUT'lT t:AiTi1' ~ 'm' ~ lrT' ~ 'fiT ~ miT ~ f'"ftf'li"T ~ «~ sr~!1T iH - "{~ lfT ~ t oru't~ lfT;;r~ ~ ~ ~ ~T ~tf'li"T ~lfttT ~ 3Tffif ~nt 'fiT cr~ ~r ~ lfT ~ g3fT ~T ~ ~ I

    4. qf~ .

    qf~ ~. OlffUilfT if; ~ ''fiT ~ ~ 'iT) ffiltFlffi: ~'fi m¥l' ~ @ aITl ~ Cfi1lr ~ 3Tr

    5. ~m iilT~/8Ii!~f';fa ~~~

    ':3'tf oll'fui 'fiT iJ'UT'lT armf

    6. tiT~

    ~ Olffu; i>f) ~T lfTQ'T it tflm if; tfT~ f~li ~ lfiJ tf'lim ~, m~H 'tTi1'T iflfT ~ I Cfi{ OlI'fOfCf \if) fuqi c:r~ ~CfiCfT ~ ~f'fii1' fuli 'li{1 tf"-liffi', tfT~ ~1 ltTi1'T iflfT ~ I tfT&H ~ if; ~ ~ ~'fi 'l~1 t f'fi tf~ormrcr Olffrli if atirp;fTf~'fi ~ it flil'l!lT srr:cr;tr ~ lfT lfiTf q"UIffi ~ CfiT ~ I.

    7. IfiTl{ Ifi~ CfR

    198 1 ctT ~Ofi1'T T.'t Q;'fi OlI'fm ctT 3Trf~ f~ iiIlT l:ij' ~ ~o ~T '11fT ~; (i) ~: 'ti1lr ~;r ~T

    I (ii) 'ffi4lf.:a'fl 'IiJlf rn CfmT

    fiii} 'fill{" ~ ~T xv

    1961 aiR 1971

    ~f anf~1.ifi ~~qT~"" ~ 'fi11i -

    CfirnfCflT~ q~ Glffn; lfT"I'T qlfT ~ '3I"T fCfi artm lfT qrorn: mm it; ~ if arq;:ft m OffT ~~[ .... , ~r ~~ ~ ~ lfT f.t;m ~ olffui lfT ~P:n ~ GR:T~ lIT ~rir ~ m~ 8NcrT ar.:lf STctiR ~ STJtQ ~ ~ m CfimT ~ J ~r rn if am:~ .... ~ ~ \It m+iJR1cr ~ I mvA ~~; m.... , 'iTctT"{, amm \T4)- ~T~, am: 3{rlf q;ri ~ q"IT, 1J:·qm, ~f~ 81'Ift ~ ~~, ifi:;:q'J' ~ aih: aR ~ ST~ WT

    9. ~ q'if~~

    '3il Olff$ .... ~ lfT ~~ t ~q ij 1i'3i"~ft ~iR fCfim ~ Olffu; iti ~ ij CfiT1i iRcrT ~ I ~ ~ ~ Cfi~m ~ I ~ m ijo m'ff ~.... ~ CfiT~ ~.r'1 ~T ~ ~, ~ m ~u t fi ij ~ CfmfT ~ I

    1o. ",f~Cfl' ;;~)"


    ~ ~ OTrnll ~ ~ 1.ifiT ~, ~~r'1rr lfT ~G ~ ~T ~, ~~ ~-mr ij" f'f~, ~qJ~. ~ rnr, ~ ;;r;:rm, f~it iti orij-;r GfifT .... r, ~

    11. ~ "iT1:Pli(i\' ~


    District Census Handbook is being brought out in two volumes-part A and part B for each district separately. The part 'A' volume consists of village and town directories, giving basic information relating to infra-structure and amenities and total population of each village and town as thrown up by 1981 Census. The non-census information relates to the year 1979:80/ 1980-81 making it almost synchronous with the 1981 population census. Part 'B' volume prese,nts primary census data, known in census jargon as 'primary Census Abstract' (FCA) for , each village and town. The PCA gives total population with scheduled castes/scheduled tribes, literates, main workers by main. categories, m,'trginal, workers and non-workers break up. It is important for the readers to acquaint themselves with census concepts of general importance and the scope of village and town directories as have been discussed under separate heads namely: (a) Census Concepts (b) Village Directory (c) Town Directoty.

    1. Rural and Uaban Areas The"census data are presented by rural and urban areas. A rural area is non-urban,cunsis­ ting

    2. Urban Agglomeration The concept of Urban Agglomeration of the 1971 is also' adopted for 1981 census. Very often the growth of towns over-lapped the statutory limits of the city or town. ~rge railway colonies, university campuses, port areas, industrial areas etc, came up outside the limits of the town but they form continuous growth with the town. These outgrowths mayor mllY not by . themselves qualify to be treated as separate tow~s but thet>e outgrowths deserve to be treated as urban areas. Such a town with their outgrowth areas is treated as one urban unit and c'alled 'Urban Agglomeration' and Urban Agglomeration may constitute: (i) A city with continuous outgrowths, (the part of outgrowth being outside the statu­ tory limits but falling within the boundaries of the adjoining village o~ villages) xviii

    (ii) One town with similar outgrowth or two or more adjoining towns with their out­ growths as in (i); or (iii) A city and one or more adjoining towns with their outgrowths all of which form a continuous spread. 3. Census House

    A 'census house' is a building or a part of a building haviag a separate m~ entrance from the road or common court yard or staircase etc., used recognised as. a separate unit. It may be vacant or occupied. It m1.y be used for residential or non-residential purpose or both. . 4. Household A household is a group of persons who commonly live together and who take theFt meals from a common kitchen unless the exigency of work prevents them from doing so. There may be a household ~f perso:lS related by blood or unrelated persons or having a mix of both. Examples of un:-elated household{; are boarding houses, messes, hostels, residential hotels, rescue homes, 'jails, ashra:ns etc. These are called institutional households. There may be one-member household, two-member households or multi-member households. For census purpose, each one of these types is regarded as a household. 5. Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes A person has been returned as belonging to a scheduled caste or scheduled tribe if caste or tribe to which be belongs is included in the schedule of the State. Scheduled caste can belong to Hindu or Sikh religion. However, a person belonging to scheduled tribe can profess any religion, 6. L!ferates A person who can both read and write with understanding in any language is to be taken as literate. A person who can merely read but cannot write, is not a literate. It is not necessary that a pers9n who is li.terate should have passed any minimum educational standard. 7. Workers In 1981 census, the economic status of a person has been classified as : ( i ) Main Worker ( ii) Marginal Worker (iii) Non-worker

    The di~hotomy of workers and non-workers or 1961 and 1971 census has been discarded in 1981 census and time disposition criterion in economic activity with one year reference period is adopted, A person who has engaged himself in economic aCliviLy for major part of the year (at least 183 days) is considered as main worker while those who have worked in for sometime during the last year but not major part of the ye~r have been treated margi­ nal worker. Those who have not worked at all during the' one year reference period are non­ workers. Work has been defined as participation in any economically productive activity. Such participa,ion may be physical or mental in nature. Work involves not only,actual work but \ . also effective su~rvision and direction of work. 8. Cltltivator

    A person is oonsidered a cultivator if he has engaged in cultivation as a single worker Or family worker of land owned or held from G~vernment, or held from private persons or ins­ titutions for payment in money kind or share. Cultivation includes supervision or direction of cultivation. xix

    Cultivation involves ploughing sowing and harvesting and production of cereals and millet crops and other crops such as sugar cane, ground nuts, tapioca etc. and pulses, raw jute and kindered fibre crops, cotton etc. and does not include fruit and vegetable growing or keeping of orchards or groves or working on plantation like tea, coffee, rubber etc. 9. Agricultural Labourer A person who works in another person's land for wages in money, kind or share should be regarded as an agricultural labourer. He does not have a risk in the cultivation but merely , wocks in another persons land for wages. 10. ' HODsehold Industry

    Household Industry is defined as an industry conducted by the head of the household

    himseili"/herselfI and or by the members of the household at home or within the precincts of the house where the household Ii ves in urban areas. The larger proportion of workers in a household indu&try shou1d consist of members of the household including the head. The' industry should not be run on the scale of a registered factory which would qualify or has to be registered under the Indian Factories Act. Industry implies production, processing, servicing or repair of articles or goods such as handloom weaving, dyeing, carpentry, bidi rolling, pottery manufacture. bicycle repairing, blacksmithy, tailoring etc.

    11. Other Workers All workers, who are not cultivators or agricultural labourers or engaged in Household Industry are "treated as other workers. This category covers factory and plantation workers, Government servants, Municipal employees, teachers, priests, entertainment artists, workers engaged in trad(!, commerce, business, transport, mining, construction etc•.


    Situated in the extreme north:west comer of the State in the mountainous terrain of upper Himalayas. carries within itself the geographical diversity ranging from snow free valleys and outer hills to the high peaks, perpetual snow and glaciers. Its 88 per cent of area is under the administration of forest department. Of this onJy 56 per cent is covered by vegetations and remaining is either nude rocks are covered by snow. The communication in the areas of the district IS poor with hardly any industrial development. Cultivation largely provides the means of sustenance. The uncongenial physical environment of the terrain, the extreme climate, high altitude and low economic viability make this area not very much inhabitable. The area of 8016 Sq. Kms. of Uttarkashi district sustains a population of 1,90,948 persons, giving a popUlation density of 24 persons a Sq. Km. While the total popu. lation of the district consitutes a partly proportion of 0.17 per cent of the total population of the State, its a"ea accounts fJr a substantial proportion of 2.08 per cent of the total area of the State. The density of p.)pulation of 24 persons per sq. km. in Uttarkashi district stands very luw in comparison with density of 377 persons in Uttar Pradesh State, making it the most sparsely populated district of the 56 districts in the State.

    The growth of population of the district shows. a greater vigour than that of the State. While the population of the State has risen by 25.49 per cent in 1981 over 1971, the population of the district has gone up by 29.19 per cent during the same period. The higher growth rate of population in the district has not made much of difference in population pressure due to smallness of the base population. The ratio of 881 females per 1000 males compares well with 885 females for every thousand male population in the State. On literacy front a slightly brighter picture emerges in U ttarkashi dictrict vis-a. vis Uttar Pradesh State. While literates account for 28.92 per cent of its population of Uttarkashi district, they constitute only 27.15 per cent of the population of Uttar Pradesh State This smarl edge in lIteracy rate has been brought about by substantially higher male literacy rate of 46.32 per cent in Uttarkashi district compared to 38.76 percent literate males in the State. This supremacy, however, is largely offset by poorer female literacy rate of 9.17 per cent in Uttarkashi district than 14.04 per cent in the State. In keepmg with the general backwardness of the area the degree of urbanisation has been on a much I')wer scale in the district than in the State. A total of 13272 persons distributed among three towns of the district make only 6.95 per cent of the total popUlation of the district against 17.95 per cent in the State. The pruportions of scheduled caste and scheduled tribes in the total population of the district stands almost in conformity with the States average. A little over one fifth of the total population belongs to scheduled castes which marginally varies up ward from the State average. The scheduled tribes constitute less than one per cent (0.95) of the total population of the district.

    An analysis of the p:lfticipating population in economi(~ activity reveals a few discerning features in Uttarkashi district. A far greater proportion of population is engaged in economic pursuits in Uttarkashi district than the average of the State. The females in this district do not lag far behind in participation in economic activity from their male counterparts as in the State. Thus the high participation rate of females in economic activity in comparison with State's average has pushed up the percentage of economically active population to a high level. While workers by their main activity constitute 52.12 per cent of the total popUlation of Uttarkashi district. They form only 29.22 per cent in the State. The participation rate of 57.79 per cent 2

    of male workers by their main activity in this district is also !ubstantially higher than 50.31 per cent in the State. However, participation of 45.69 per cent of female population as main workers stands far above the State average of 5.40 per cent. Another important feat~re is that most of the persons engaged in cultivation have returned themselves as cultivators and they account for 78.71 per cent of the total population in the district. The agricultural labourers hardly make their presence felt with their strength accounting for 0.51 per cent of the population of the district against the state average of 15.98 per cent.

    The following table presents tahsil-wise populatio!1 with rural and urban and male female break-up and number of villages and towns.

    Table 1: Population, Number or villages and Towns, 1981

    ~ ______Population--A. ______--:. No. of villages ,,-----"----, Name of Tahsil Total Rural Urban Tota! Inha· No. of ,,-----"----, r-----"- ----, ,,-----"---....., bitcd towna P M F P M F P M F

    2 3 4 5 6 7 g 9 10 11 12 13

    I. Puraula 40,367 21,S24 18,843 40.367 21,524 18,843 180 178 2_ Rajgarhi 40,540 21,544 18,996 38,468 20,231 18,237 2,072 1,313 759 182 179 3. Dunda 64,222 31.680 32,542 64,222 31,680 32,542 223 21& 4. Bhatwari 45,819 26,785 19.034 34,619 19,651 14,96' 11.200 7.134 4,066 96 94 2

    Total 190,948 101,533 89,415 177,676 93,08b 84,590 13,272 8.447 4,125 681 669 3

    Dunda tahsil with a population of 64,222 persons is the most populated tahsil of the district with its entire population distributed in 218 villages. A sq. km. of area of this tahsil, on an average, is inhabited by 87 persons against 24 persons in the district, making it most densely populated tahsil. There are two towns in Bhatwari tahsil namely Uttarkashi and Bhatwari and one town be named Barkot in Rajgarhi tahsil. Of 681 villages 14 are forest villages and remaing in 667 are revenue villages. Out of 681 villages 669 villages are inhabited. Of the 14 forest villages, 13 are inhabited.

    The table given below shows decadal variations in distribution of population.

    Table 2: Decadal Change in Distribution of Population

    Population % of decadal Name of A r------, variation 1971-81 Tahsil 1971 1981 -----"-----. r----.A----, ,_____ A ___--. Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    1. Puraula 32,917 32,917 40,.)67 40,367 22.63 22.63 2. Rajgarhi 33,123 33,123 40,540 38,468 2,072 22.39 16.14 3. Dunda 52,300 52,300 64,222 (;4,222 2280 22.80 4. Bhatwari 29,465 23,445 6,020 45,819 34,619 11,200 55.50 47.66 86.05

    ---~--- Total 147,805 141,785 6,020 190,948 177,676 13,272 29.19 25.31 120.47

    --~-----. ------~------3

    The urban population which was mere 6,020 in 1971 has more than doubled itself (120.47%) to 13,272 persons in 1981. This increase in the population was brought about -not so much by expansion of the existing urban areas but addition of two new towns namely Bhatwari and Barkot in 1981 Census. The rural population on rose by 25.31 per cent from 141,785 in 1971 to 177,676 in 1981. The largest increase of 47.66 per cent is witnessed in the rural areas of Bhatwari tahsil against the minimum of 16.14 per cent in Rajgarhi tahsil. The total population of the district rose by 29.19 per cent to 190,948. The following table presents distribution of villages by population ranges.

    Table 3: Distribution of villages by population ranges _------Range of population No. of villages Percentage of villages in each range in each range

    1 2 3 ------upto 199 323 48.28 200- 499 269 40.21 .500-1,999 76 11.36 2,000-4,999 0.15 5,000-9,999 10,000+

    Total 669 100.00

    The above table reveals that most of the villages have small population as could be seen from the fact that 48_28 per cent of the total inhabited villages have a population-size ofless than 200 persons while another 40.21 villages have a population-size of 200-499 persons.

    The table given below shows the distribution of villages by density ranges.

    Table 4: Distribution of vil\ages by Density

    Range of density Total No. of villages Percentage of villages (per Sq. Km.) in each density range in each density range

    1 2 3

    upto 10 13 1.94 11 -_ 20 5 0.75 21- 50 27 4.03 51-]00 65 9.71 101-200 177 26.46 201-300 141 21.08 301-500 120 17.94 501 + 121 18.09 Not known

    Total 669 4

    The above table reveals that one fourth villages have a density of popalation in the range of 101-200 persons per sq. km. of area. Most of the villages lump up in higher density ranges above 100 persons. The villages which have a density of more than 100 persons account for a lion share of 83.57 per cent. The villages with small density are few. Those which sustain a population pressure of 50 persons and less make a meagre proportion of 6.72 per cent of the total number of villages in the district. The distribution of villages by density ranges exhibits a peculiar phenomenon as on the one hand, most of the villages lump up in the high density ranges, the density of population in the district works out to a diminutive figure of 24 persons per sq. km. of area on the other. This peculiarity is attributable to the fact that while the villages by an 1 large, have small areas, bulk of the areas accounting for 88 per cent is under the management of forest department which is also included in the area of the district and therefore in working out the density of the district. The forest villages have very thin population most of them having a density of one or negligible density per sq. km. of area. The table given below shows the distribution of villages by ranges of proportion of scheduled caste population to the total population of villages. Table 5: Proportion of Scheduled Caste population to total population in the viUages Percentage range of Scheduled Number of villages Percentage of villages caste population to total in each range in each range population Nil 80 11.96 5 or less 63 9.42 6-10 75 11.21 11-15 74 11.06 16-20 75 11.21 21-30 98 14.65 31 and above 204 30.49 Total 669 100.00 It can be seen from the above table that as much as 30.49 per cent of total number of inhabited villages possesses scheduled castes population constituting the total population of villages 31 per cent and above. The villages which do not have any scheduled caste population or have a poor proportion (less than 5%) account for a little over one fifth of the total number of villages. The table given below sets forth distribution of villages by proportion of scheduled tribes population. Table 6: Proportion of Scheduled Tribe population to total population in the villages Percentage range of Scheduled Number of villages Percentage of villages Tribe population to total in each range in each range population NH 624 93.27 5 or less 35 5.23 6-15 4 00.60 16-25 1 00.15 26-35 3 00.45 36-50 51 and above 2 00.30 -Total ·669· 100.00 5

    It can be observed from the above table that most of the villages do not have any popula­ tion of scheduled tribes and such villages account for 93.27 per cent of the total number of villages in the district. Most of the villages having scheduled tribes population. Only ten villages have a scheduled tribes poportion of 6 per cent and above. Of these, two villages have returned a proportion of 51 per cent and above.

    The table given below shows the proportion of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in the towns of the district.

    Table 7: Proportion of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes population in Towns

    Name of the Total Total SC Total ST % ofSC % ofST town popUlation population population Population population to total to total popUlation popUlation

    1 2 3 4 5 6

    -~-~~- --- Barkot 2,072 222 10 10.71 0.48 Bhatwari 1,157 134 7 11.58 0.61 Uttarkashi 10,043 1165 35 11.60 0.35

    Total 13,272 1521 52 11.46 0.39

    Of the total urban population of 13,272 persons of Uttarkashi district, the persons belong­ ing to Scheduled Castes constitute 11.46 per cent and those belonging to Scheduled tribes 0.39 per cent. The constitution of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in the three towns does not show much variation from one town to another. The table given below presentli literacy rates by population ranges of villages.

    Table 8: Literacy Rates by population ranges of villages

    Range of Population No. ofviUages in each Literacy rate range

    2 3

    -200 323 20.39 200 -499 269 24.06 500 -1999 76 32.84 2000-4999 1 39.24 5000-9999 10,000+

    Total 669 26.21

    The table clearly demonstrates that with the rise in the population range of the villages, the literacy rate also rises. The villages in the population range up to 200 persons show a literacy rate of 20.39 per cent which rises with every rise in the population range of villages ceaching a level of 39.24 per cent finally. 6

    The following table presents literac:y rates in towns of the district.

    Table 9: Literacy rates Cor towns

    Name of the town Literacy rate


    Barkot 5:7.89 Bhatwari 71.82 Uttarkashi 65.54

    Ali towns 65.20

    The highest literacy rate of 71.82 per cent is witnessed in Bhatwari town which is the smallest town of the three in the district while the least literacy rate of 59.89 per cent is returned in Barkot. Between these two, the largest town Uttarkashi shows 65.54 per cent literacy in its population. The following table presents proportions of literates, workers, non-workers and scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes population in the total population of tahsils and the district.

    In reveals that the highest concentration of scheduled castes popUlation is found in Puraula tahsil accounting for 28.56 per cent of the total population of the tahsil. Rajgarhi tahsil with a proportion of 25.53 per cent and Dunda tahsil with a proportion of 22.93 per cent do not lag far behind. However, the proportion of sche ·uled castes drops to a low level of 11.50 per cent in Bhatwari tahsil-the least among the four tahsils. The scheduled tribes pop­ ulation constitutes less than one per cent of the total population in all the tahsils except in Bhatwari where they account for 2.50 per cent. Literacy rates as expressed in percentages to the total population varies considerably from one tahsil to another. People of Bhatwari are found to be the most literate. The literates in the tahsil account for 44.89 per cent. Puraula tahsil with over one fifth of its population literate shows the lowest literacy rate. The workers by their main activity constitute as much as 58.06 per cent of the total population in Puraula tahsil and the minimum of 46.37 per cent in Bhatwari tahsil. The participation rate of females as main workers is the highest in Dunda tahsil, accounting for 57.48 per cent of its female popUlation. 7

    Table 10 : Literates. Workers, Non-workers, Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes popu1ation in the district

    Percentage of

    Total Total Population scpopu-ST Popu- ----Lite-;;te;t~tot~- Name of Rural lation to lation to population ~ ____..A.- ___---, tahsil Urban total pop- total pop- r------"----._---, P M F ulation ulation P M F

    3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    1. Puraula Total 40,367 21,524 )8,343 28.56 0.87 20.72 33.52 6.11 Rural 40,367 21.S24 18,843 28.56 0.87 20.72 3B2 6.11 Urban

    2. Rajl:ar,li Total 40,540 21,544 18,996 25.53 0.19 21.10 43.86 8.09 Rural 38,468 20,231 18,237 26.33 C is 25.33 41.87 6.98 Urban 2,072 1,313 759 10.71 0.48 59.89 74.56 34.!!2 3. Dunda Total 64,222 31,680 32,542 22.93 0.37 23.83 42.86 5.31 Rural 64,222 31,680 32,542 22.93 0.37 23.83 42.86 5.31 Urban

    4. Bhatwari Total 45,819 26,715 19,U34 11.50 2.50 44.89 62.63 1985 Rural 34,619 19,651 14,968 11.46 3.19 38.00 57.74 12.09 Urban 11,200 7,134 4,066 11.60 0.37 66.19 76.31 48.42 Total Distt. Total 190,948 101,533 89,415 21.93 0.95 28.92 46.32 9.17 Rural 177,67(: 93,086 84,590 23.71 0.99 26.21 43.62 7.05 Urban 13,272 8,4-H 4,825 11.46 0.39 65.20 76.04 48.24

    Percentage of ______A.______------, Main workers to total Marginal workers To.al workers to total Non-workers to total population to total population population population ~ ___.A. ____---, ~ ____.A. __ -, ~ __ -"-___---, ~---"------.. P M F P M F P M F P M F

    11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

    58.06 63.40 51.96 1.73 0.35 3.31 59,79 63.75 55.27 40.21 36.25 44.73 58.06 63.40 51.96 1.73 0.35 3.31 59.79 63.75 55.27 40.21 36.25 44.73

    47.70 58.25 35.73 4.27 0.35 8.73 51.97 SR.60 44.46 48.03 41.40 55.54 48.36 S8.53 37.07 4.50 036 9.10 52.86 58.89 46.17 47.14 41.11 53.83 35.47 54.00 3.43 35.47 54.00 3.43 64.53 46.00 96.57 55.30 53.05 57.48 2.36 1.40 3.31 57.66 54.45 60.79 42.34 45.55 39.21 55.30 53.05 57.48 2.36 1.40 3.31 57.66 54.45 (,0.79 42.34 45.55 39.21

    46.37 58.S0 29.23 4.60 1.62 1.80 50.97 60.12 38.08 49.03 39.88 61.92 48.65 59.25 34.73 5.92 2.12 10.91 54,57 61.37 45.64 45.43 38.63 54.36 39.30 56.45 9.22 0.52 0.24 1.01 39.82 56.69 10.23 60.18 43.31 89.77 52.12 57.80 45.69 3.18 1.00 5.63 55.30 58.80 51.32 44.70 ,(1.20 48.68 53.12 57.95 47.82 3.38 1.03 5.91 56.50 59.03 53.73 43.50 40.97 46.27 3'_70 56.01 8.31 0.44 0.29 0.85 39.14 56.27 9.16 60.36 43.73 90.84

    SfT~q~ ijf""Gfi{T ~T~ -q~ Primary Census Abstract 10

    ~ 'lit snqfq ... DISTRICT PRIMARY

    arriilR ~ i;f'l'ffi<9l1T ij'~~<:r aTR ~';i~ arT nmlf qf~c[T\T ~~ ~l:l'T ij"~ ' ..wrjflTfffrrrj C!lT +flfiRT lfir ~ota:l p~pulation including fim:rT la~ffT~ j"ifrrUl:l' ififU

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    8016.00 37,441 38,174 190,948 101,533 89,415 41,875 21,332 20,543 7998.5 34,176 34,804 177,676 93,086 84,590 40,354 20,419 19,935

    17.5 3,265 3,370 13,272 8,447 4,825 1,521 913 608

    2963.0 7,377 7,446 40,367 21,524 18,843 11,530 5,604 5,926 lfT4'for 2963.0 7,377 7,446 40,367 21,524 18,843 11,530 5,604 5,926 ifrrUtr lim 1279.0 7,631 7,663 40,540 21,544 18,996 10,351 5,420 4,931 m+rfur 1274.0 7,120 7,151 38,468 20,231 18,237 10,129 5,302 4,827 ifrrUIf 5.0 511 512 2,072 1,313 759 222 118 104 5.00 511 512 2,072 1,313 759 222 118 104

    1036.0 12.423 12,572 64,222 31,680 32,542 14,727 7,302 7,425 3. s~Ta~~ mrr lJl1TITJ]' 1036.0 12,423 12,572 64,222 31,680 32,542 14,727 7,302 7,425 i'fif"Wf

    2471.0 10,010 10,49~ 45,819 26,785 19,034 5,267 3,006 2,261

    wfTur 2458.5 7,256 7,m 34619 19,651 14,968 3,968 2,211 1,757 12.5 2,754 2,858 1! ,200 7,134 4,066 1,299 795 504

    12.02 2,445 2,548 10,C43 6,385 3,658 1,165 706 459 ~'!iTm "if~qTf~T 0Q.45 309 310 1,157 749 408 134 g!) 45 m:cr~T rrrr"\aT'!f ij'fufu

    ~'fQ'{i'fT ~T~ CENSUS ABSTRACT ~oii.fllf

    ~ ~ifi'rf~ifi' ~Tr:r ~~

    13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 3 2

    1,817 963 854 55,225 47,030 8,195 99,529 58,674 40,855 Total UTTARKASHI DISTRICT 1

    1,765 931 834 46,5/1 40,607 5,964 94,392 53,938 40,454 Rural

    52 32 20 8,654 6,423 2,231 5,137 4,736 401 Urban

    353 186 167 8,365 7,214 1,151 23,436 13.645 9,79\ Total Puraula Tahsil

    353 185 167 8,365 7,214 1,151 23,436 13,645 9,791 Rural Urban

    78 55 23 10,985 9.449 1,536 19,337 12,550 6,787 Total Rajgarhi Tahsil 2

    68 50 18 9,744 8,470 1,274 18,602 11.841 6,761 Rural 10 S 5 1,241 979 262 735 709 26 Urban 10 5 5 1,241 979 262 735 709 26 Urban Barkot T.A.

    239 118 121 15,306 13,577 1,729 35,512 16.808 18,704 Total Dania Tahsil 3

    239 118 121 15,306 13,577 1,729 35,512 16,808 18,70~ Rural Urban

    1,147 604 543 20,569 16,790 3,779 21.244 15,671 5,173 Total Bhatwari Tahsil 4 1.105 577 528 13,156 11,346 1,810 16,842 11,644 5,198 Rural

    42 27 15 7,413 5,444 1.969 4,402 4,027 375 Urban 35 22 13 6,582 4,824 1,758 3,894 3,597 297 Urban Uttarkashi M.B.

    7 5 2 S31 620 211 508 430 78 Urban Bhatwari T.<\.

    NOte: 1. Provisional "Geographical Area' figures of state/districts are supplied by the Surveyor General. Figures for Urban area are those supplied by the Local Bodies. Area figures for rural area are derived by substracting the urban area from the total area of the district. The area figures totalled over all the tahsils in a district will not tally with the district figures because the former are those supplied by the Director of Land Records (Board of Revenue). 2. The villagewise areas are as reported by the Tahsild:lr, while the rural areas of each tahsil (in District Primary Census Abstract) has been derived by deducting the sum of urban areas from the total area figures of the tahsil furnished by the Board of Revenue, U.P. 12

    t~ if;T snll.lfllifi DiSTRICT PRIMARY ~ ifiIT\1'{i ~T+f om- iifrn- Main Workers

    ------______...A.._~ ____ ~--~ ___

    -.:i 'lTf~Tf~ ~ \1~

    2 3 22 23 l4 25 26 27 23 29 30

    J.~~iifi'lqq l:I);r 78,337 38562 39,765 572 459 113 1,075 827 248 mQ'l1rT 77,737 38.202 39,53'; 483 371 112 936 694 242 ;;;T~", 600 360 240 89 88 1 139 133 6

    1. crU~ Cf@''ffi lITtr 20,201 10,608 9,593 137 118 19 65 60 S ~r.r"til{ 20,201 10,608 9,593 137 118 19 65 60 5 iftfU

    2. mnT1ft Q~m~ .m 16,462 9,779 6,683 160 128 32 43 46 2 l1nffur 16,263 9,600 6,663 160 128 32 47 45 2 ;:mir11 199 179 20 ~ofu' ;:rlT\~ ~f1:rfq ;rrfti1 199 179 20

    3. 31J~r ~lJrn lfl

    4. '1e"!f~T ~m~ mlT 10,080 5,059 5,021 145 138 7 658 4S9 169 mr.r"tor 9,679 4,878 4,801 56 50 6 520 357 163 ~lf 401 181 220 89 81 138 132 (j ~rm ifrr<:q-mr ;mUrtn:I'lF 127 '57 70 2 2 13

    iiI;rnUl~ ~~ CENSUS ABSTRACT

    o 0 .It- Z 3T;tf 'fiTll lfi~

    31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 3 2 1

    19,545 18,826 719 6,060 1,025 5,035 85,359 41,834 43,525 Tolal UTTARKASHI DISTRICT 1 1:,236 14,671 565 6,002 1,008 4,994 77,282 38,140 39,142 Rural 4,309 4,155 154 58 ' 17 41 8,077 3,694 4,383 Urban

    3,033 2,859 174 700 76 624 16,231 7,803 8.428 Total Puraula Tahsil 1 3,033 2,859 174 700 76 624 16,231 7,803 8,428 Rural Urban

    2,667 2,591 70 1,733 74 1,659 19,470 8,920 10,550 Total Rajgarhi Tahsil 1 2,131 2,068 64 I,m 74 1,659 18,m 8,316 9,817 Rural 535 529 (i 1,337 604 733 Urban S3S 529 6 1,337 604 733 Urban Barkot T.A.

    3,484 3,385 99 1,519 442 1,077 27,191 14,430 12,761 Total Dunda Tabsil 3 3,484 3,385 99 1,519 442 1,077 27,191 14,430 12,761 Rural Urban

    10,361 9,9~5 376 2,103 433 1,675 22,467 10,681 11,786 Total Bhatwari Tahsil 4 6,587 6,359 228 2,050 416 1,634 15,727 7,591 &,136 Rural 3,774 3,626 148 58 17 41 6,740 3,090 3,650 Urban 3,39j 3,255 140 26 15 11 6,123 2,773 3,350 Urban Uttarkashi M.B. 379 371 S 32 2 30 617 317 300 Urban Bhatwari T.A. 14

    a{~f:qtr ~Tf~l ~ f~~ PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

    o 0 fif';;rr /~~,:iffi/ ~);r/Wffrsr/ ar o;;rT 0 mlfl ~;;rrf

    2 3 4 5 6 1 8 9 10

    1 :a 'E1 (qi(~n iiI'Pf!R r.rm 8,473 41,875 21,332 20.543 6,473 5,855 618 '1r'llur 8,098 40,354 20,419 19,935 5,950 5,438 512 ;rrrr.l<1 375 1,521 913 608 523 417 106

    2,291 11,530 5,604 5,926 1,425 1,290 135 1 ,!~'ffi" ~\1' llT;r lJfl:ftur 2,291 11,530 5,604 5,926 1,425 1,290 135 'f~

    1,449 1,322 127 2 u;;r;r~ ij~T~ lim 2,105 10,351 5,420 4,931 IDl1frsr 2,036 10,129 5,302 4,827 1,390 1,275 115 47 12 'f.ro~ 69 222 118 104 S9 59 47 12 Gf9"ifi'tc: 'frr<: ~3f m+rfCT 'flfm 69 222 118 104

    2,080 1,944 136 3 ~lJsT ij~ij'1~ zrm 2,963 14,727 7,302 7,425 1,944 IDl1fur 2,963 14,727 7,302 7,425 2,('80 136 ;:Ff<:rzr

    4 ~qT~T ij~T~ ~m 1,114 5,267 3006 2,261 ],519 1,299 220 lJm1ur 808 3,968 2.211 1,757 1,055 929 126 37J 94 'frrr'hr 306 1,299 795 504 464 706 459 384 305 79 ~ifiT!1Tr 'f'T\G"rfi'f'fiT 'f'TfpJ 263 1,165 43 134 89 45 80 65 15 ~~r "1''11: ~'f ij'f+rfij 'f'T

    WSrr lfi'11l' lfi'~ 'fR r------Main Workers ~~l];~lfi'~~q~ ~11: ~llr ImQ')1lr I ~T!~~~fml Q 0 Total roam workers Cultivators ;Fr~1zr l{1'~~/~T 'I>Z (I-IX) ( I ) Total/Rural! District/Tahsil/ Urban CityfTown ~~ r------A------, , ______A- ______, i~ ol:fo '1 0 ~'lfT Ol:J'o ';0 ~T P M F P M F 1i.s

    11 12 13 14 15 16 3 2 1

    23,004 13,072 9.932 20,298 10,642 9,656 Total UTTARKASHI DISTRICT 1 22,364 12,534 9,830 20,200 10,579 9,621 Rural "640 538 102 98 63 35 Urban

    6,795 3,773 3,022 6,379 3,410 2,969 Total Puraula Taflsil 6,795 3,773 3,022 6,379 3,410 2,969 Rural Urban

    5,039 3,286 1,753 4,595 2,877 1,718 Total Rajgarhi Tahsil 2 4,945 3,213 1,732 4,556 2,844 1,712 Rural 94 73 21 39 33 6 Urban 94 73 21 39 33 6 urban Barkot T.A.

    8,747 4,258 4,489 8,107 3,701 4,406 Total Dunda Tahsil 3 8,747 4,258 4,489 8,107 3,701 4,406 Rural Urban

    2,423 1,755 668 1,217 6~4 563 Total Bhatw8ri Tahsil 4 1,877 1,290 587 1,158 624 534 Rural 546 465 81 59 30 29 Urban 491 416 75 45 21 24 Vt1:Jan UUarkashi M.B.

    55 49 6 14 9 5 Urban Bhatwari T.A. 16

    8{ft:f.. ~ ~Tfatl" ~ f~ PR1MARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

    ~ ~T~ ~'f.t CfR Main Workers

    -----~ ______..A______.-----~

    o 0 f~~T/ij~~ft~1 m.r /lAllftll'f I ~~~~~ qfuTfu; ';3'o:iTlT, ~;mlf~~ 'It";l; Agricultural Other workers is~~<:/'fiRT ;:rlfo ~o rn p M F P M F P M F

    2 3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

    1 ~T~;:rq, r.n.r 239 173 66 492 399 93 1,975 1,858 117 \l1lftuT 187 125 62 416 341 75 1.561 1489 72 ~ 52 48 4 76 58 18 414 369 45

    1 ~mT~m l1Fr ~4 38 6 35 32 3 337 293 44 ll1+ft'1lT 44 38 6 35 32 3 337 293 44 ;:r

    2 <:pjj1T~r <:r~ffi l1Fr 68 49 19 54 42 12 322 318 4 m+ftur 61 46 15 38 37 290 286 4 ;:r

    36 198 166 32 374 359 3~~T~ l1Fr 68 32 1.5 m+ftur 68 32 36 198 166 32 374 359 IS ~

    4 'lTCCf~r ~ffi l1Fr 59 54 5 20S 159 46 942 888 54 llIliPr 14 9 5 145 106 39 560 S51 9 ~ 4S 4S 60 53 7 382 337 45 60 7 341 297 i3 '«('!lIm ;:r

    ;~~ ".. "0,,,, m FOR SCHEDULED :'CASTES

    ~i+rtfuifi ifiTl1 ifif.r cmr ifiT+r if ifif.r CfA lJTlT /~T+r"turI ~\'IT/~~'f1 G ci Marginal worken Non.workers ',," ;Z iflT~"tq l!TF/~T ~~ TotallRural/ District/Tahsil/ Urban City/Town '!f8 -it" g 1i..sJ:~ ,.-----..)<...------, ,------..)<...------, OtI'o '2 0 "T oqo ~o ~::fr p M F P M F

    26 27 28 29 30 31 3 2

    1,373 185 1,188 17,498 8,075 9,423 Total UTTARKASlU DISTRICT 1 1,366 183 1,183 16,624 7,702 8,922 Rural , 2 5 874 373 501 Urban

    300 18 282 4,435 1,813 2,622 Total Puraula Tahsil 300 18 282 4'435 I,m 2,622 Rural Urban

    544 8 536 4,763 2,126 2,642 Total Raj&arhi Tahsil 2 544 8 536 4,640 2,081 2,559 Rural 128 4S 83 Urban 128 45 83 Urban Barkot T.A.

    319 101 218 5,661 2,943 2,718 Total Dunda Tahsil 1 319 101 218 5,661 2,943 2,718 Rural Urban

    210 58 152 2,634 1,193 1,441 Total Bhatwari Tahsil 4 203 S6 147 1,888 865 1,023 Rural 7 2 5 746 32' 418 Urban

    2 2 672 28& 384 Urban Uttarkashi M.B. S 5' 74 40 34 Urban Bhatwari T.A. 18

    a:!'2~r~a~" :mfatfT ~ f~ PRIMARY (,ENSUS ABSTRACT

    • 0 f;;rm/~~T~ ~Trr/mrrri Ofo;jfo:;:rTo rn~r OT~ ~ :;:rTftr:rr 0/r"Z I CI) m-~i'fi"CfT "rrUlf m~ qf{qr~r 'Ii!" ~ ~1§lfT ~T~ District/Tahsil! Total/Rural/ 'liT ~ISlfT Total population of Literates ~8 CityjTown Urban No. of house- scheduled tribes holds with ST H·i members r------'------, r---..A...---~ O

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    1 :amotiroT iififlR ~Trr 346 1,817 963 854 742 SS4 188 l1Tlfrur 33() 1,76'; 931 834 711 531 180 ififU

    62 353 186 167 133 1 ~um~~ l1Trr 101 32 '.JTlrrur 62 353 186 167 133 101 32 iflTUl1

    2 mm~T~T~


    3 ~r~lJr~ l1Trr 38 239 118 121 120 80 40 111l1TIJT 38 239 118 121 120 80 40 iflT~"t

    4 'lcq~T Q~" ~)rr 223 1,141 604 543 458 347 111 l1Tlifor 209 1,105 577 528 434 329 lOS ifrrUlf 14 42 27 15 24 18 6 :a~mm rrm:qrf~ifiT iflTUlf 11 35 22 13 20 14 6 ~r .,.rr~ ~ lJfl:rfu if'firlf 3 7 S 2 4 4 19

    5f('lfqiti ~~'" ~Tt FOR SCHEDULED TRlBES

    --_...... _, ~-~ - ... _...... ,,_ - ~'- --- .----.--.... - . ._~-~ ~'lifll'~~ ,------Main Workers ~ ~ !fir:t" rn

    781 SO? 274 154 97 57 Total UTTARKASHI DISTRICT 1 7!1J 489 270 154 97 57 Rural 22 18 4 Urban

    158 112 46 135 89 46 Total Puraula Tahsil 1 ISS 112 46 135 89 46 Rural Ul'ban

    36 32 4- 3 l 1 Total Rajgarhi Tahsil 2 35 31 4 3 2 Rural 1 1 Urban 1 Urban Barkot T.A.

    81 <43 38 S 2 3 Total Dunda Tahsil 3 81 43 38 S 2 3 Rural Urban

    SOo 320 186 11 4 7 Total Bhatwari Tahsil 4 485 303 182 11 4 , Rural .21 17 4 Urb8.Il 18 14 4- Urban Uttarkashi M.B. 3 3 Urban Bhatwari T.A. 20

    OTW"a- ~1f' iJfitatit, t: fWt.t PR1MARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

    WSlT 'lifl'l" ;:;'f,t

    2 3 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

    1 ~'6~"'r :or

    2 2 1 '2~T q¢t~ trrr 21 21 lXTlftf1f 2 ~ 21 21 ;:rrR"'ror

    2~"'r~~ ll'Tll' 2 31 29 2 mlfTur 2 30 211 2 rmUtr ~lfilc rm'\ ij"f+rftr ~"?f" ifll'Utr

    3 :S~r cr~~ 'lfm 2 2 54 21 33 20 18 2 " iATllfur 2 2 54 21 33 20 18 2 i!lTU'l:f

    4 'l1CCfT~1 ij~ij"1~ ll"TlT 321 197 124 174 119 55 iAn:ITOr 321 197 124 153 102 51 rmfr

    ~ ~;:rt(""f ~ FOR SCHEDULED TKIBES

    G ci ~"nri'fui!; ;PIll' '!ir.t crf.:r 'liTlT ;:r '!i,\;:r crrn- <[TTT /'lrrf'rrrr / RCiT /(f5_m~/ .It"Z Marginal workers Non-workers ;mUll" 11T~;::/ifi~orr TotallRural/ District/Tahsil/ Urban City/Town ~~ !.~ ~~ ,--____..A.. ______...... ,------""'------1 i~o go ~T (ill" 0 ~o HT P M F p M F

    26 27 28 29 30 31 3 2

    34 8 26 1,002 448 SS4 Total UITARKASHI DISTRICT 1 34 8 26 972 434 538 Rural 30 14 16 Urban

    18 2 16 177 72 105 Total Puraula Tahsil

    18 2 16 177 72 105 Rural Urban

    7 2 5 35 21 14 Total Rajgarhi Tahsil

    7 2 ~ 26 17 9 Rural 9 4 5 Urban 9 4 5 Urban Barkot T. A.

    I 3 5 150 72 78 T()tal Dunda Tahsil 3

    8 3 5 ISO 72 78 Rural Urban

    640 283 357 Total Bhatwari Tahsil 4 619 273 346 Rural

    21 10 11 Urban 17 8 9 Urban Uttarkashi M. B. 4 2 2 Urban Bhalwari T. A.



    ,.,r o .. ,'


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    ~ .. , .. ... :'~~~j~\<. o ,

    ~1!r~~~:"1 1\11111. .: ::!~~~~~~~';~:~C:r::~ ,'[j~ . ~ I !, liEorXJ/.JARtlllS rAils~ VII.A· -k~I/(J.. I 0 31 I IVlH,"ElI'IrIlPfI'fIIAr~~taI R· •. iI'_:tO fJf .' !Is /,1~.a'T~D •• ! IItI'('1rA~r .ottmrrD .. "\~ ,p~,'j\'VRfA" ~ r-- ..-,- ___ -----,)' I :~;:;,itr'R ,tIIlm ! "IL ' SHEET REFERENCE I POi.la~'~·IQ~fX'lL'IlI,,"PLfPl'lIctsqrIQN I ~~~lrAL,f'q!Ji~~r/IEN.IHC'VRf Cl$/'€~~AR' 1"$ ~ TMISIL ~UlllolJl~ ~~rEII:NiTr·/IO ell/LG II'tLFA.I'E J Cf.ru .. I/IPrJIITANr ~ILlJU !/4MH' ! -~------o


    \ \. 5 , ,



    en "'"


    /", /", (' .... " '~" ....)

    "" ,i ., ""


    VIK~! KH.ND, NYArA ""~CH4YAr ~II_LMif FOR[rl" II'ITN cOO! NU~9E11 [j_;, II.~ HOI)~UARr£"S, W,.Sh. V~A' '~j!rO • I VI({.AM II'Ir~~rlOl

    POSfe{FI(! SIliOCH:lOUfl'EJl:tO!!Hif r----;;:::,=-==---,)' POuce s'.no~ fXW.:l)~" Pi~PI)IIrt: ~'Arlllll SHfET ~EFE~ENCE ~lr.'fRIJ(ARrk(j'T~(nrll£(JI5P(~SjP, T~H~l PVR~ULA HliTt.ltlfr INt> CHILO IH"APr Cf~T~E «(PO~hllT ~fL'.~( NIA~n

    0 \ ,-' ) \ ) c 'v

    t \ \. S i

    ~~~T~. Puraula Tahsil 24

    ~ql ~T q't~ \1:;:,(1

    r<)~T ~~

    ~~ ~ <1~"f iilnt. mil' 'fiT l'fr+l' 'tiTs ;j 0 lOlt ij'o mil' 'fiT

    1 2 3 2 3 2 3

    1 ar~T 115 36 ~'f~llT<:: lTTCf 97 71

    11 IfillTU 85 46 fffi 4 81 ~ft 37 12 ~r 162 ~ij;:)cT 41 112 82 cr~<:: 126 13 'fi'Jm'fT 58 48 m~r 114 83 crTU 10 14 ifiT*1l 107 49 '!9Tf'lifiT 110 84 crm 55 15 109 f'lil1$m 50 fuqrm 129 85 i'fTi]'~ 98

    16 fifi'U1lJ 1 51 ;jfliJT(1" 53 86 'ffif~ 75 11 f.!;~)m 21 52 "fFTCT 3 87 ~UJ 68 18 ~t 24 53 furqTUJ 84 88 76 19 ~ 86 54 mcr~t 9 89 :: 155 20 ~'1iro 145 55 o'fi<::F?,f 138 90 .r~ 70

    21 ~ifila" 124 56 °3';r 160 91 .r~T 168 22 ~~T 135 57 §'fi<:T 149 92

    26 ifiTr-rT 134 61 RlTTsf 108 96 lHq+r~T 49 27 ~'PfT~ 123 62 i'tl9"f~T1!fr 103 97 q-rofr 20 28 19"·.,r 36 63 :stl9"U 144 98 trim" 74 29 li"iTIij'Ir[f 43 64 sl'l1i115T 146 100 ~~fr 133

    31 ~T6f 154 66 ~+rT"<:: 62 101 ~(~T;fr) 156 32 I9"r~r ~ru 130 67 f~ffllTfcr 102 102 ~ - 131 33 ~lft 81 68 1!l'<1f 21 103 141 34 ~ iflTT6 61 69 ~~r 173 104 ~ 31 35 ~ <1TTi~) 18 70 ~ffi" 5 105 q~~ 89 25

    m~11fiT Cl'uri~~ ~:aT

    '3~J~T ~~T(f

    ~!IFf ~T~11T'f ~Tif;11T'f jfiq lifo lIT+r

    2 3 2 3 2 3

    10!l riwU 88 136 1TT~cl ~T (<:f\;f'~ \1T 'fiT) 101 166 m~ 47 107 q'tu 99 137 1TmT~ 65 167 ~r1lfr 54 108 q)atT 112 138 1TraS'T 6 168 ~r.=

    111 q~r 33 141 ~r1TT 95 171 ~scfT~T 32 112

    116 fCflfT ?ru a~T 163 146 fc;fCn~T 60 174 'fiT2:TlfTs ('fiffGT ) F .. l 117 fOfUfT{ 169 147 ~r::rnT 87 175 ~qaT (cfslTT<::) F.. 2 118 ~f[<'f 23 148 ~Cf~T 106 176 ;rTifTCf (TT<:: ~;:C1r) F.. 7 119 ~;ftOf 61 149 f!IT~~ ISO 177 ~~TOfT F.. 6 120 ~tT q-~r 94 150 ?;fr~Tc 116 178 ~fq

    121 ~Rr~m 93 151 ~C:T 38 179 fuif~ ("R~) F-3 122 ~'fiCfTS' 25 152 ~iit 51 180 ,!fq;:r ;fci.f~ F-5 123 ~'fi)c;IT 171 153 ~\lfjq 105 124 'llim 122 154 mT~ 30 125 f~T 40 155 ut~<::r 46

    126 ~C:T~ 17 156 ui

    131 1TTlfi:sr 14 161 ~"ir1Jj 'TtC)' 90 132 ~;;;:rraft 19 162 ,!~r 52 133 ~f<::



    S.No. Name or village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of village CodeNa.

    2 3 2 3 2 3

    Agora 115 36 Dewal 41 71 Kalich 22 2 Adasu ~ 37 Dewara 72 72 Kamara 85 Arakote 15 38 Dewra Laga Kharkya Sem 120 73 Kamarha 162 4 Bainol 67 39 Dewra Laga SunaJi 118 74 Kandiayal Gaon 142 5 Balawant 7 40 Dakara 146 7S Kantari 170

    6 Bamasu 28 41 Dhampur 126 76 Karda 151 7 Bari 33 42 Dhara 10 77 Kasla 58 8 Bamati 12 43 Dhara ~5 78 Kaslaun ]07 9 Bengal 23 44 Dhat Mir 62 79 Khabali Sera 130 10 Besti WaUi 93 45 Dhikalgaan 102 80 Khaladi ]54

    II Besti Palli 94 46 Dingari 108 81 Khanna 36 12 Bhadrali 122 47 Dobhalgaon 78 82 Khanya Sani 43 13 Bhankwad 25 48 Dokhari 144 83 Kharkaya Scm 123 14 Bhakoli 171 49 Dokhariyani 103 l!4 Khar Sari 79 15 Bhitari 40 50 Doni 37 85 Kherami 81

    16 Bhutanu 17 51 Duchanu 2 86 Kimdara 109 17 Binai 169 52 Faintadi ~6 87 Kiranu 18 Bingadhera MalTa 164 53 Gain Chawangaon 71 88 Kiroli 21 19 Bingadhera Tafla 163 ~4 Gaind 165 89 Korna 134 20 Bingsari 77 55 Gamary Laga Majyan; 18 90 Kotgaon 44

    21 Chande!i 157 56 Gangar 61 91 Koti 127 22 Chaptari 153 57 Gaul III 92 Kurara 145 23 Chhada 114 58 Ghundada 117 93 Kukrera 24 24 Chham Rota 172 S9 Gokal 11 94 KumarKot 124 25 Chhanika 110 60 Gudiyat Gaon 97 95 Kumo!a 135

    26 Chhiha~a 129 61 Guradi 73 96 ;Kunara i6 27 Chiwan 4 62 Gwalgaon 35 97 Kurara 113 28 Dagoli 13 63 FIadwadi 32 98 Lai Wari 60 29 Damti 16 64 Haltari 92 99 Lamkoti 139 30 DandagaOl1 82 65 Hudoli 166 100 Lewtari 106 31 Dangangaon 91 66 Jagatha 3 101 Ludrala 87 32 Danmana 152 67 lakhol S3 102 Mahar Gaon 143 33 Deojani 83 6S Jhotari 9 103 Maijyani 19 34 Deoti 26 69 Jibanu 84 104 Mairiyana 148 35 Dewadhung 128 70 Kalap 69 105 Makhan!l (Makhan) 132


    ~;;r ;;r;r.r1;1l'T UP'[FT'l ill), h, OfjlJ:f"l

    r--__A.--, f-..A..---. ,--.A._. ol:fo ~o ~3fr ~. ~T ~o tofT P M F M F M F

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    ~ ~~~ !Ir( riTtT 168,035.80 1,377 7,446 40,367 21,524 18,843 5,604 5,')26 186 167 7,214 1,151

    1 fCfilim fi ~\)~T ~T lIlll 13,161.41 6,904 6,973 37,730 19,813 17,911 5,331 5,635 172 163 6,660 1,114

    ;tfTlf q"ttrn anmla' 2,830 49 909 931 6,154 3,227 2,927 751 164 11 1,336 336 lIiT ~);r

    256 43 i07 24 1 f'fi~r~ 218.54 77 77 544 288 42 99.56 33 253 119 134 33 43 51 4 2 ~ 33 89 36 39 23 6 3 ~rFTU 32.38 24 24 171 82 4 Riifr 3(J.:i5 20 29 169 79 90 11 8 55 22 5 ~'1t1'T 9.71 3 3 13 7 6 7 6 4lJ.S7 20 20 143 68 75 26 3 6 i~r 27 3 7



    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 25 27 23 2

    13,645 9,791 10,603 9,593 U8 19 60 5 2,859 174 76 624 7,803 8,428 Total of PurauIa 1 Tahsil 12,302 9.334 10,213 9,216 104 16 59 5 1,926 97 65 593 7,446 7,990 Total of Puraula 1 Block 1,739 1,232 t,369 1,225 37 1 18 315 6 14 84 1,474 1,611 Total of Arakot 1 Pallchayat

    166 63 123 63 42 2 13 120 180 Kiranu 65 67 43 67 22 54 67 Duchanu 2 52 49 41 49 5 5 37 33 Jagatha 3 45 56 22 56 3 7 13 34 34 Chiwan 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 Thapli 5 31 11 23 11 4 4 37 64 Monda: 6 40 47 40 47 22 24 Balavant 7 3 3 2 Adasu 8 49 61 49 61 48 29 Jhotari 9 24 21 22 21 2 11 12 Dhara 10 45 46 44 46 11 24 Gokal 11 22 20 22 20 10 12 Barnali 12

    92 32 37 31 54 64 75 Dagouli 13 81 73 66 73 14 50 46 Makuri 14 183 104 101 101 82 3 141 160 Arakot 15 ., 86 68 74 68 , 5 9-'1 91 Damti 16 67 62 53 62 12 2 9 72 56 Bhutanu 17 41 13 38 13 2 47 50 (1amary Laga Majyani 18 27 16 3 8 15 14 19 Maijyani 19

    42 36 42 36 35 39 Pawali 20 18 S 15 8 2 10 32 20 Kiroh 21 57 5 55 5 2 64 98 Kalich 22 71 2S 60 24 4 6 8 21 99 84 Bengal ::II 30

    2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    24 ~~r 42.09 39 42 274 150 124 64 62 43 25 ~~Cff6 212.87 50 51 304 142 162 66 88 23 26 m1 111.71 18 18 119 59 60 28 26 32 5 133.96 27 l!J~r 45 45 329 164 165 11 18 75 5 28 ,nqij" 68.80 12 12 123 72 51 9 10 32 " 29 affirm 123.03 29 ~ lU % n 57 59 27 30 ~t'9' 153.79 23 n In ~ M 38 31 trn~T 54.63 9 10 72 31 41 18 5

    2 ~Tq q~ ~T ~l ltTtt 141 ... 83 599 599 3,557 1,815 1,742 663 677 248 4

    159.05 46 46 275 142 133 27 25 32 ~* 14 33

    3 ntttl' q~tf i'l(l§'m It>T Q"A 1l6S.11 1,031 1,032 5,623 2,866 2,757 653 667 S04 33

    105.22 69 44 ~rrhr 69 367 191 176 36 37 53 212.87 49 50 268 141 127 45 fw~\r 32 34 3D 5 14.97 7 7 49 23 26 46 ~~fT 9 87.42 59 47 m~ 59 314 188 126 25 27 71 11 86.20 41 41 48 fu<:IfT 227 114 113 28 25 10 8.09 22 22 l()O 51 49 25 24 49 q-tonmrr 8 50 ~~T 4.45 23 23 121 59 62 10 15 7 14.57 28 28 143 64 79 32 3D 51 ij"~r 4 32 ¥~uir 9.71 22 22 136 71 65 3 53 ~ 21.85 155 155 805 403 402 143 144 78 9 54 mlT!"T 12.95 12 12 72 38 34 8 9 55 urn 9.31 44 44 239 112 127 16 20 1(; 56 f~~ 11.33 86 86 489 252 237 64 61 46 31


    2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

    24 66 20 S3 20 5 8 14 83 90 Kukrera 25 86 79 77 79 2 6 56 82 Bhankwad 38 Deoti 26 33 22 17 21 16 26 27 81 94 77 93 2 7 77 71 Thali 28 ' 38 30 38 30 34 21 Bamasu 29 56 51 54 51 2 40 27 Odata 46 47 46 47 42 37 Sarans 31 11 17 15 17 2 14 24 Peteri

    1,249 1,040 1,215 1,039 2 32 ( .. 566 702 Total of Doni 2 Panchayat

    99 110 97 110 2 43 23 Hadwadi 32 100 85 99 85 32 26 Bari 33 72 64 66 63 2 4 34 47 Sewa 34 18 22 18 22 9 11 Gwal Goan 35 6:! 70 62 70 22 36 Khanna 36

    113 149 155 149 18 63 79 Doni 37 106 99 106 99 64 55 Satta 38 157 1".9 156 129 86 111 Masri 39 239 125 235 125 4 124 214 Bhitari 40

    19 10 19 10 4 16 Dewal 41 61 47 59 47 2 36 30 Pujeli 42

    143 130 14-3 130 49 54 Khanya Sani 43

    2,(137 1,891 1,912 1,890 19 106 829 866 Total of Jakbol 3 Pancbayat

    146 121 126 121 6 14 45 55 Kot Goan 44 102 81 87 81 3 12 39 46 Sindari 45 14 11 13 11 9 15 Sankari 46 142 82 85 82 10 47 46 44 Sour 47 77 1J 76 11 37 42 Sirga 48 35 33 34 33 16 16 Paun Mal1a 49 40 39 39 39 19 23 Paun Talla 50 40 52 40 52 24 27 Satudi 51 48 38 48 38 23 27 Sunkundi 52 279 294 267 293 12 124 109 Ja\<.hol 53 25 21 25 21 13 13 Sauni 54 7S 8& 74 88 37 39 Dhara 55 187 198 183 198 4 65 39 Faintadi 56 32

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    57 ~~ 18.21 42 42 234 126 108 23 24 10 9.71 37 S8 ornr~T 37 23J Jl2 119 17 14 9 S9 mIT 16.19 11 11 71 36 35 6 6 2 60 f~~ 19.02 8s 15 527 256 271 28 32 25 179.28 61 61 293 154 139 61 ITff~ 30 33 40 6 2 GR:li"n: 112,51 77 77 426 208 218 44 44 43 2 63 IfCfJllTr 76.89 27 27 112 63 49 10 5 9 64 arr'J~r 134.36 74 74 399 204 195 76 83 25

    4 ~ q'ifl1«l" ~ 2.071.24 1,041 1,057 6,006 3,216 2.790 738 789 2 5 899 108 ~ 1:1"\11' "

    58.68 6S 11~ 41 41 249 137 112 57 58 26 8 117.36 66 ~u 64 64 418 214 204 62 65 30 54.63 67 ir.r)~ 18 1& 140 73 67 10 11 13 611 ?:UU!. 61.51 28 ~ 1~ 100 ~ 23 17 17 67.99 69 ~T!f 56 56 279 150 129 21 25 23 25.90 34 70 rR:


    16 17 18 19 20 15 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 2

    92 92 92 92 34 16 Rengcha 57 84 84 84 84 28 35 Kasla S8 29 24 29 24 7 11 Rala 169 17S 168 175 5' 87 9.1 Laiari 60 111 93 107 93 4 43 46 Gangar 61 156 138 152 138 4 52 80 Dhatmir 62 45 40 45 40 Ii 9 Pawani 63 141 116 131 116 3 63 79 Osala 64

    2.011 1.501 1.757 1.490 13 3 304 8 7 37 1.128 1,252 Total of Madugad 4 Panchayat

    84 36 72 36 12 53 76 Maular 65 113 64 112 64 101 140 Salra 66 44 13 44 13 2') S4 Bainol 67 12 63 SO 63 21 19 Nuranu '8 102 93 100 93 48 36 Kalap 69 65 51 46 51 30 41 Nataiwar 70 170 92 114 3 '1 2 74 71 Gaanchwan Gaon 71 S3 48 51 41 45 S2 Dewara 72 74 88 71 IS 3 3 2 31 33 Guradi 73 37 34 37 4' 11 23 2S Pasa 74 239 152 100 149 4 US 3 132 130 Nanai 75 3l 33 31 33 1 13 7 Netrasu 76 88 91 77 89 11 2 57 52 Bingsari 77 94 64 63 64 31 48 40 Dobhal Gaon 78 107 104 92 H'4 3 12 81 38 Kharsari 79 28 32 26 32 2 22 23 Ramal Gaon 80 34 32 34 n 28 18 Kherami 81 32 29 31 29 25 19 Danda Gaon 82 194 186 194 186 69 61 Deojani 83 28 19 :za 19 g 9 Jibanu 84 3 2 3 2 01 1 Kamara 85 30 11 28 11 2 3 12 19 27 Kunara 86 39 16 1.7 15 3 9 15 14 15 Ludrala 87 43 30 43 30 21 15 Pokhari 81 152 47 62 47 24 25 PainnT 89 27 21 27 21 10 10 Siuchiln Gaon 90 34

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14

    91 <{;:PTR

    5 FlfT'Q' q:qT'Q'ff lJr.a:lfR' 1884 63 822 823 3,933 2,071 1,862 574 648 816 124 ~lfiTlfm

    9.3 ifftTCfF~T 17,81 15 16 73 37 36 4 5 18 5 31.56 44 256 94 ~m~ 44 147 109 34 39 29 3 95 <:TlfT 67.18 76 76 405 216 189 140 154 lQ8 8 96 ~f.f 74.06 28 28 147 74 73 :2 25 42 2 9 7 ~~I1'T~ '1t"l' 153,79 172 172 789 410 379 151 169 205 45 25.50 16 16 62 31 98 ;rrrm~T 31 1 18 4 99 QT'\T 104.80 94 94 474 248 226 60 66 136 33 86.20 71 71 348 179 100 ~n;T 169 23 28 8.5 10 24 101 lfT~T?_'r <:T~ ~r 25.09 24 81 43 38 20 3 102 fG''lif

    6 RfItl q:qTIlCf 1314.84 1,526 1,528 6,969 3,785 3,184 J ,038 1,121 29 27 1,849 4C8 l.I::"OfTit'l' ~f lfTrr

    50.18 113 ~~~ 49 49 248 121 127 40 44 40 3 114 ~rsT 14.57 21 21 132 60 72 42 49 3 4 23 3 115 3l'IfTGr 10.93 19 19 91 ~8 43 24 27 15 15 11 8 116 m~ 17.40 38 38 170 94 76 134 76 33 03 117 ~;:~m 13,76 34 34 163 80 83 62 68 28 4 11 8 it'l'<:T


    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    126 124 2 72 188 Dangan Goan 91 43 46 43 46 7 29 20 Haltari 92

    1,267 1,203 1.121 1,184 15 4 6 3 125 12 61 804 598 Total of Guudiyar 5 Gaon Pauchayat

    2~ 25 20 25 2 15 11 Best i Walli 93 102 8S 102 85 45 24 Besti Palli 94

    124 127 lOS 124 2 18 92 62 Rama 95 40 45 34 44 5 3~ 27 Roun 96 238 253 119 247 8 41 4 172 126 Gudiyar Gaon 91 1& 17 19 13 12 N agjhalla 98 131 146 103 143 4 24 3 117 80 Pora 99 93 99 89 96 3 4 81 70 Sukadalla 100

    20 2 19 l 21 23 15 Moltari Rajputoki 101 21 21 20 21 22 Dikal Goan 102 45 37 28 34 17 3 35 15 Dokhariyaui 103 91 88 91 88 46 34 Syaluka 104 56 S3 51 53 19 11 SarGoan 105 SO 40 49 40 11 9 Lewtari 106 28 23 28 23 9 S Kasali 101 55 52 48 52 7 13 IS Ding.ri 108 29 31 29 31 19 9 Kimdara 109 31 16 31 16 8 17 Chhanika 110 23 21 22 23 .5 13 Gaul til 45 4S 58 2.5 18 Paunti 112

    2,279 1,033 1,377 1,024 21 ]0 2 4 871 53 19 322 1,487 1,779 TotalofKbadkya 6 sen Panchayat

    13 43 75 41 2 2 5 20 18 64 Kurda 113 41 22 36 21 5 a 19 42 Chhada 114 30 18 12 18 18 25 Agoda 115 61 60 31 33 45 Shri Kot 116 42 6 28 14 23 38 54 Ghundada 117 34 14 32 14 2 1 30 41 Dewara Lalla 111 Sunali 12 12 12 12 15 11 Suranu-Kiseri 119 37 15 36 15 28 39 Dewra Laga 120 Kharkya Sen 128 33 79 32 6 4 39 25 56 103 Sunalj 121 40 08 36 7 3 31 24 27 Bhadrali 122 36

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 to 11 12 13 14

    123 ~ij-q 29.54 28 28 146 68 78 31 36 IS 124 prt~ 9.31 10 10 65 28 37 2 14 2 125 ~n:r 23.26 21 21 98 57 41 33 34 23 5 126 grll1"<: 21.04 26 26 136 59 77 59 77 2Z 127 lfi1c:r 19.32 35 35 212 136 76 8 10 38

    128 ~q''1' 19.33 40 40 238 129 le9 38 44 58 13 12 9 f~ifT(:Il MO 23 23 117 56 61 16 16 33 11 13 0 limfr ij--u 20.64 212 212 624 401 223 14 14 273 82 131 ~ 56.59 319 319 \,152 70S 447 98 97 10 II 546 185 132 1I'IRT 13 36 32 32 144 73 71 36 38 3:2 9

    133 ~ 24.28 35 35 206 104 102 21 23 41 6 IH ifiTvrr 15.38 18 18 106 56 50 12 16 24 135 ~ 25.67 84 83 394 198 196 70 75 73 4 136 ~ 6.88 1 2 2 2 21.52 137 ;:iM 43 43 187 86 101 40 11 13 8 i!'Ii\,~"r 11.74 12 12 64 34 30 16 19 14 2 139 ~"liRr 44.61 27 27 147 71 77 13 19 33 126.27 69 69 358 194 164 140 ;roq~ 52 58 99 11 141 ~"Zir 28.33 6 4 2 4 2 297.89 109 109 527 269 258 142 ~m-rn ~tor 74 77 92 10 69.62 77 77 :;9& 209 189 143 11~\.,.f9 38 40 76 4 127.13 11 11 68 36 32 144 ~)~r 14

    3086.27 976 ),003 5,488 2,833 2,655 928 969 130 131 1,008 101

    26.71 24 24 222 113 109 43 145 ~qrru 38 70 71 41 10 50.59 47 47 331 170 161 146 "Iflnr 'l1 66 51 58 70 4 8.09 9 9 63 31 32 147 ~~r 18 4 27.11 24 14 8 ~f"(l1rarr ~ 1~ " M 25 22 2 29 33.99 13 13 60 30 30 149 '1'\liRr


    IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    42 48 42 48 26 30 Kharkaya Scm 123 12 23 10 23 2 16 14 Kumar Kot 124 29 21 8 24 28 17 Moltari 125 28 26 2 47 31 30 Dhampur 126 97 43 54 2 47 37 28 Koti 127 96 7 51 4 44 3 2 33 100 Devdhung 128 21) 18 18 18 02 9 27 43 Chhibala 129

    270 43 56 38 2 212 3 131 180 Khabali Sera 130 420 121 74 101 345 20 285 325 Purola 131 37 38 29 38 2 6 36 33 Makhna 132 43 55 39 55 4 61 47 Pujeli 133 34 25 18 25 16 2 3 20 22 Koma 134 115 119 101 116 13 3 83 76 Kumola 135 2 2 Molkat 136 39 47 27 43 11 4 9 21 38 33 Nauri 137 22 23 21 23 12 7 Thakaradi 138 3S 12 32 12 2 35 65 Lamb koti 139 103 38 71 33 31 5 19 86 107 Math Malia 140 3 1 2 Puseli 141 169 175 151 173 3 15 2 100 83 Kandiayal Gaou 142

    118 120 113 119 4 91 69 Mahar Goan 143 25 14 15 9 10 5 11 18 Dokhari 144

    1,650 1,384 1,462 1,364 16 3 171 17 25 89 1,158 1,182 Total of Chancleli 7 Pancbayat

    70 31 68 31 2 11 43 67 Kufara 145

    97 42 90 42 7 73 119 Dakara 146

    16 6 13 6 3 8 14 18 Ratairi 147 42 8 30 8 3 9 2 42 55 Mairiyaua 148 14 4 14 4 15 15 11 Thukara 149 34 31 33 31 19 14 Sikaura 150 6() 96 60 87 9 7 12 67 80 Karda 151

    23 22 22 22 15 16 Danmana 152 50 40 46 39 4 25 13 Chaptari 153 138 145 116 146 20 126 93 Khaladi 154 113 123 90 117 6 2 17 73 82 Netri 155 29 29 27 29 2 15 15 Pujeli Rajputo ki 156 38

    2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14

    157 'iI'~~T 37.23 69 69 359 181 178 32 32 88 7 158 t

    ~ f

    8 fIl'TIPi'Cfrmr ~)liq ~ 1,635.79 151 151 1,001 517 4117 162 180 2 112 13

    171 'l'¥~f 1,2C3.9'& 87 S7 567 In 276 83 90 fA) ~ 172 I§Il-:Nr 281.67 26 U 1~ M ~ 44 49 5 2 23 7 173 qm \50.14 38 38 270 141 129 35 41 29 2

    CA' ~T~llliT ~ l:{\1r 152,632.60 322 322 1,633 1,194 439 111 111 9 2 442 24

    F 1 'l1fol'trre (ilim-r) 13,~06.09 21 21 119 96 23 2 5 5S 35 90 3 F2 ~


    IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 211 2

    105 102 78 9,q 26 2 2 74 74 Chandeli ]57 n 69 69 69 2 48 50 SW11 158 29 33 27 33 2 24 25 Saundari 159 92 64 92 64 51 72 Thadunga 160 38 31 36 3t 14 11 Sa;:khala 161 '2.7 25 25 2S II 14 Kamarha 162 25 22 24 22 17 n Bmgadhera Talla 163 Uninhabited Bingadhera Malla 164 46 34 46 34 16 18 Gaind 165

    169 143 119 142 50 86 91 Hudoli 166 98 83 94 8) 4 2 9 29 95 95 Pani Gaon 167 30 31 28 31 37 31 Nailari 168 6\) 53 53 47 7 6 5 h 56 39 Binai 169

    138 151 135 I52 2 l()2 66 Kantari l70

    349 323 326 32.1 8 :2 15 168 1M 'Iotalof Nllll Gaon 2 Block 349 32.3 326 321 ~ 2. 15 168 164 To]al or Nau Gaon 8 Panchayat

    190 179 176 179 '6 8 101 97 Bhakoli 171 56 4& S1 48 5 29 34 Cham Rota 172 103 96 99 94 2 2. 2 38 33 ThaIi 173

    994 134 69 56 6 918 71 11 31 189 274 'rotal 0{ Forest Charge

    88 8 88 8 8 15 Kothigad (Kada) F 1 190 46 25 23 165 23 6S 83 Deota (Thadiyar) F2 91 91 Singtur (Nanien) F3 550 74 43 33 4 502 40 10 28 94 lSI Rupin (";\{aitwar) F4 29 29 3 9 2 Supin (Naitwar) FS Uninhabited Puraula F6

    46 6 2 4~ 6 13 23 Naugaon F7 MU5ars~r,ti


    ..­ r \ I


    5""-.o~"" :lISTlilCr r~"~iL

    ".\""~ .... IIC~·~~T ~I~,!: r~"HI 'I'lT~ ~~il.( ...... Il<~ [~~(- -­ IIIIh,o ...... ","'J., ",,~riilW CI!-CH! ..... ~II'f18:r.~_YII<~t~...... , " ~:_:::-_i: o "'~;~.:r:""~::~~:c~~~:f~:~I' 0 .•" _"'~.a.'~ ," ~ ~I,;r,l' .-.ttn.-."


    ... -. '"'.- () I\]: ,...... ~ () ( S'I; R \ C

    U~~(Wf Rajgarhi Tahsil 42

    ~,~1 ~T qvtf~ ~~T

    ~Ti;l+r~r ij~~r~

    ,.___ ""..,"<~" .. ,,~, ..... """~.-:'"'I""""" '.-,." ""...... ,., ..

    ~!!Ff mE!i11f'rr miti!lrrr ~~;:fo lfiif li 0 lAm 'fiT rrm 'fiTs ;To lfiif ~o lAm 'fiT rrT+r 'fiTs ;:fo !fi+r ~ 0 m q 'fiT rrm

    2 3 2 3 1 2 3

    1 arlflJf 13 36 'fiToT~ 62 71 f~~ "Tor 165 2 ~s'fl 31 37 ~'lTcff 177 72 ~:{l::rusr 21 3 -3'qU~T 90 38 lETitifT 80 73 ir~°'iil 124 4 al'ts'fiq 163 39 lET~sT ij~T 170 74 ~1VTt'f 35 5 !fiIETTrr 173 40 ~~1l5T 11

    6 ip1Jsd 117 41 ~~r~t 67 '/6 S"rmT 155 7 ip1Jsl"U 169 42 IETrrG' 50 77 sTsrl'ftcr 40 8 'Ii<'~I"~ 9\ 43 ~tm 95 78 tgT 22 9 !firrel'ifT 100 44 IETT'f~r 133 79 ~o~'l 174 10 lfiCfii1)~ 123 45 f~ 159 80 fcmr 120

    11 'fi<:T 15 15 ~F 150 50 ~~r 20 85 G:f~'Tt'f 70

    16 'firm 24 51 lj~ 1 1 86 ~l~~T 136 17 'fiPl~T 176 52 ~~ 137 1<;7 Rv.nor 180 18 f'fiTIfr 114 53 m

    21 ~"s 8 56 'T)~

    26 ¥t 130 61 :q)'1ifT 152 96 ;:r;:<::'fTcr 83 27 ~'1~r 75 62 'i9cTm &4 96 ;:f1~;FJ:~!fiT 126 28 ~ 138 63 '(9sT 128 98 if~ 6 29 ~fu~ 53 64 'i9cr<:T 18 99 f.r~1 68 30 'fTT?T 110 6S ~C:T 38 100 fifl;rrr 140

    31 ~mOf 157 66 ;;r~mr 2 101 ;HI" 112 32 ~cm 4 67 ;;r~T 118 102 'fflri<1: 106 33 'liTful:fr~ ilio!", 99 68 'ift<::1lf 158 103 ilTlTtq 161 34 !fi1cTcr'lm 16 69 ~tSCr~T 26 104 ;:li\ifT 149 35 Cfi)cr+r'f~r 47 70 ~'TiflT[q l66 105 flCT'T'fT 46 43

    ~T"T CfiT q1lfi~ \J:;:fT

    <:T'ifIT~ cr~r'l

    _.....--~.------, ~ --~-.~--- -""'-'"T' --~- 'lr1j;11Tif ~l!1'if 'lr1j;l!1'if

    lfi11 tf ~ lJTll 'llT ifTll 1fiTs

    2 3 2 3 2 3

    106 tflIT6f 132 136 fGflf;:~H 119 166 ffilJllTf 145 107 ~3T 97 137 fi1T 116 167 flif~'fi 32 108 q-m 61 138 f

    111 fq~'fiT 71 141 'l1ifijT~r 82 ] 61 fl3ijTi1T 10 ]12 fql3T3i 113 142 'l1Tfcl1T 94 172 ~'fiif 52 113 If'iff<: 'Tter 77 143 'l1Hr 19 ]73 ~ifT':r 102 114 ;YoT 87 144 ~if~lTtcr 178 174 ~ifT(.>:sr 41 1] 5 'iT~T 27 145 li)";:a-f 147 175 ljT~r 108

    116 'llHr 49 146 >!';:r;;:llTi1r 101 176 ~llT'lerT 81 1] 7 fq;q:1HU 144 147 '1"fcl1mf 107 177 ~l1T~;;r 56 118 '!'lm"<: 55 148 '1"arsf 162 178 ~\1ifT 79 119 wn1lf'Tfcr 146 149 '1"liffl1"'Trer 51 179 fQ:mJI1"T 122 120 mit 12 150 ~T~ 60 180 f"'llSll1"f 74


    126 ~"\lrrs 139 156 ~~T 86 127

    131 CfTfsl1T 69 161 l11G"if 164 132 fOflTl3f 111 162 mT 105 133 f


    S.N". Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of Village Code No.

    2 3 2 3 2

    Arun 13 36 Danda Gaon 40 71 Jandanu 158 2 Bachan Gaon 44 37 Daadal Gaon 85 72 Jarara 118 3 Badogi 172 38 Dangur Gaon 70 73 Jestari 26 4 Bagasu 98 39 Darogi 155 74 Jhimar Gaon 165 5 Bajari 72 40 Darson 136 75 Jhumrara 21

    6 Bajlari 131 41 Delda 22 76 Jugar Gaon 166 7 Bakhareti 1Z 42 Dewal 148 77 Kakhon 173 8 Balari 96 43 Dharali 33 78 Kalogi 121 9 Banas 65 44 Dhari Palli 125 79 Kaloj Gaon 160 10 Bariya 69 45 Dhariwalli 109 80 Kanda 24

    11 Bamigad 139 46 Dhavnsali 81 Kandari 169 12 Barnigad Khata! 141 47 Dhuink 174 82 Kandaun 117 13 Basrali 45 48 Diyari 180 83 Kandi 176 14 Beef 66 49 Durbil 64 84 Kanseru 91 15 Bhani 19 50 Fari 49 85 Kansola 100

    16 Bhansari 82 51 Fifyara 144 86 Kaphuau1 123 17 Bhatiya 94 52 Fuldhar 55 81 Karnali 25 18 Bhaunti 147 53 Fuwan Gaon 146 88 Kaslana 150

    19 Bhunar Gaon 178 54 Gadoli 2~ 89 Kisala 54 20 Bigradi 23 55 GaiT 11 90 Keval Gaon 157

    21 Bijori 143 56 Gair 137 91 Khabla 133 22 Billa 116 57 Gangtari 48 92 Khamundi Malli 171 23 Bingasr 111 58 Garh 142 93 Khamundi Talli 170 24 BinyaJi 5 59 Gattu 153 94 Khaaati 177 2S Biyantha 119 60 Gaul Banal 9 95 Khand 50

    26· Bisat Gaoa 17 61 Gaul Thakra! 51 96 Khanera 80 27 Bursi 156 62 Ghandala 14 97 Khansi 95 28 Chakra Gaon 89 63 Ghund 3 98 Kharsali 67 29 Chaptari 43 64 Godii\ 154 99 Kbirmu 159 30 Chhatri 18 65 Gona 37 100 Kimmi 114

    31 Chhatanga. S4 66 Gulari 20 101 Kisna 29 32 Chheti 38 67 Halna 79 102 Kothar 62 33 Chhari 128 68 Himrola 122 103 Koti Banal 16 34 Chopra t52 69 Irak 31 104 Koti Manpa 47 35 Dakhayat Gaon 35 70 Jakhali 2 105 Kotla 4 45



    S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No.

    2 3 2 3 2 3

    106 Kottiyal Gaon 99 136 Naugaon 161 166 Slrak 32 107 Kufan 138 137 Nather Gaol} 7 167 Sisha1a ]0 10& Kuni 30 13~ Neuri 149 16& Sl!kan 52 109 Kundinda 39 139 Nishani 68 169 Sunaldi 4] 1]0 Kucsala 73 140 Nishani 140 170 Sunara 102

    111 Kunwa 130 141 Odgaon 163 171 SyaJab 56 112 Kupra 75 142 Palar 61 172 Syalna 81 113 Kund 8 143 Paletha 97 173 Tera 129 114 Kursil 53 144 Paliya 76 174 Than 59 115 Kuthnaur 78 145 Paluka 135 175 Thanki 15

    116 KwalGaon 36 141) Panmari 132 176 Tholiyunka 124 117 Kuwari 110 147 Pat a Gani 46 177 Tiyan 120 118 Lodan 164 143 Puunth; 81 178 Trikhali 74 1]9 ManarGaon 127 ]49 Pauri 21 179 Tunalka 93 120 Manjyali 101 150 Pindaki 71 180 Uprari 90

    121 Masal Gaon 51 151 Pinsaun 113 122 Massu 60 152 Pujar Gaon 77 Forest Range 123 Matla 175 153 Rajgarhi 34 124 Matari 162 154 Rana 63 Rawain F-I

    125 Matiyali 107 1~5 Rastari 115 2 Mugarsanti F-2

    126 Molda 86 156 Rikhaon i68 127 MullaGaon 167 157 Saphetha 105 128 Mungara 103 158 Sara 88 129 Murari 104 159 Saran Chak 151 130 Nagan Gaon 58 160 Sarnol 42

    131 Naini 112 161 Sauli 108 132 Nalda 6 162 Sitwari 179 133 Nand Gaon 83 163 Siguni 145 134 Naruyunka 126 164 Semalsari 134 135 Naugaon 106 165 Sina 29 46

    'l'fcr 'liT arTiI~ ~i'f "f'f«'2ll"r ~'1i1;f awn"!lll '" #t'lT'I'f "'T~ ~'1~ ",?;,);f'qff a{1~f"iJ IJI~H :::! (~'1il"!": it) q'i>f'l] 'i>l ~ 0 '"'Hr1$llr'Tfijit" ;;rrfiilfT 'if'!;rrfiiIfT Literates A,rea of

    ,----"---., "

    2 3 4 5 6 7 s 9 10 11 12 13 14

    2 ~'ttII' "O'5flTcJ1 ~ tlf'l' 96,934.34 7,120 7,151 38,468 2(),231 18,237 5,3)2 U27 51) 18 8,470 1,274

    frrcrnr ~ ;:il ifTq 24,710.77 7,064 7,094 38,307 20,094 18,213 S.2S! 4,825 50 18 8,315 1,266 IliT


    2 i;fl[rm 88.22 15 15 88 50 38 20 14 11 3 ~~ 64.75 9 9 47 22 25 10 4 'liTem 178,47 9 9 48 23 25 20 21 i2 5 f 13 ~ 17.00 8 8 45 27 19 26 19 6 14 qQ:ST<'TT lC8.46 22 22 82 49 33 8 lJ 15 IS ~T'f

    2 1 ll!~<: r:sr 0.40 33 33 171 95 76 95 76 39 6 22 :gi_;~ 31.97 16 16 79 42 37 23 19 15 47



    tr'TliifffiJi 'f>TI1 q;rlTi'fq;~ q;~ crTn­ "ITiir Marginal Non-workers workers lfr'f ~;r illll Name of village

    ,---Jo.---1 '!~ t;rf M F

    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 2

    11,SH 6,7,,1 :>,5)) G,553 32 2 2.058 64 74 1,659 8,316 9,S17 Total 1f Rajgarhi 2 Tahsil 11,731 6,759 9,600 6,663 124 32 45 2 1,962 62 74 1,5S9 81.89 9,795 Tot:!.! of Nau Gaon 1 Block 1,665 1,119 1,397 1,126 3 3 262 3 9 213 1,483 1,648 Total of HadoIi Pancbayat

    19 19 23 28 2~ 1I DhJ:/[lsali 30 10 30 10 2 19 26 Jakhali 2 10 9 10 9 2 11 14 GhUild 3 16 10 16 10 7 15 Kolla 4 29 21 29 21 12 19 Binyali 5 13 12 13 12 14 17 Naida 6 31 28 28 31 13 18 Nather Gion 7 39 26 39 26 32 42 KLmd 1:1 20 17 20 I7 11 11 . Gaul Banal 9 5 8 5 ~ 4 7 Sishala JO 90 69 86 69 4 55 85 Gair 11

    42 51 38 51 3 5 39 31 Bakhareti 12 15 8 15 8 12 11 Arun J3 40 27 13 9 33 Ghalldala 14 44 22 22 17 43 Thanki 15 103 97 98 97 4 38 71 58 Koti Banal 16 52 20 32 10 II 28 Bisat Goan 17 51 39 12 38 65 Chhatri 18 8 7 9 18 Bhuni 19 61 6, 48 67 13 58 43 Oulari 20 50 S3 50 53 45 23 Jhumrara 21 18 7 17 7 24 30 Delda 22 48

    2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    23 f1{lru~r 146.10 45 45 2011 107 101 8 10 5S

    24 ifiTij$T 108.46 34 34 176 84 92 44 46 26 25 'fi~Tffi" 37.64 11 11 67 34 33 15 2 26 ~ 16.19 10 10 S4 27 27 27 27 3 27 qliT 19.02 7 7 28 13 15 12 14 3 28 ~rm 66.37 36 3~ 161 81 80 36 39 36 16 29 fliFH 14.97 8 8 32 19 13 17 12 5 30 ~rr1 47.75 20 20 129 70 59 4 20 2 31 -q'f;' 10MI 25 25 260 121 139 21 26 43 10 32 fu~ 71.63 28 29 144 75 69 IS 20 25 2 33 !1-um 165.12 73 73 350 196 154 54 57 76 4 34 ~mifT K@ ~ ~ ~ U 5 12 67 2 35 s~Te m.r 372.73 141 141 675 327 348 44 S3 164 19 3 6 'fGfTi1l' lJ't

    37 lTT'l'T 131.93 50 50 251 115 136 46 58 53 2 38 ~tr 19.83 g 8 33 17 16 17 14 7 39 ~n 21.85 5 5 33 17 16 5

    40 sIsT iffer 106.03 ~O 50 263 122 141 18 1& 49 12 41 l1:ij'~r 275.20 82 82 444 221 223 24 19 116 20

    2 Otrrtf q~ ~ ~ 2289.38 1,051 1,067 5,515 2,851 2,664 627 SS3 1,568 97 !,fftr 426.55 130 130 614 317 297 69 42 m;fu;r 64 184 43 'fcrcrir 127.89 46 46 233 124 109 53 50 88 2 44



    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2, 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 1

    51 47 46 47 4 56 54 Bigradi 23 42 39 42 39 42 53 Kanda 24 11 Hi 16 16 17 11 Karnali 25

    17 12 17 12 10 15 lestari 26

    5 6 5 6 II ') l'auri 21

    44 23 25 22 19 37 57 Gadoli 28 11 9 10 9 8 4 Shina 29 30 32 29 32 40 27 Kuni 30

    63 57 57 56 6 58 82 lrak 31

    34 31 3 li 40 41 Sirak 31

    109 104 85 104 24 4 86 46 Dh~tali 33 31 2 29 43 Rajgarhi 34 145 149 102 148 43 182 19& Dakna)'at Gauu 3S 46 36 10 43 57 54 Kwal Gllon 36

    63 58 5 67 52 68 Gona 13 10 12 10 4 6 Chbeti 8 8 6 9 10 K.undinda 56 19 52 19 4 6 66 116 Danda Gaon

    94 83 85 83 2 7 127 1,w Suua.ldi

    1,558 881 1,456 818 4 107 2 9 2lS 1,274 1.5~' Total of Gangtari 2 Pancbayat

    2()3 205 189 205 14 114 92 Sarnol 42 85 73 n 73 1:1 39 36 CJlaptari 43 10 67 68 67 2 41 38 Bachan G

    S6 54 55 54 18 25 Basrali 45

    33 35 33 35 19 11 Pata Gani 46

    122 88 118 88 4 125 107 Ko\i Manpa. 41 65 61 4 5 SI 103 Gangtari 48 77 3 67 3 10 6 71 125 Fari 4' SO 53 12 12 2 4 38 58 Khand 50 100 19 9S }8 s 9 79 155 Masa] Gaon 51 45 25 45 25 31 49 Sukan Sl 62 43 62 43 72 94 Kursil 53 55 17 50 17 5 9 52 64 Kisala ~4 3t 31 3 2 21 43 Fuldhar S5 50

    2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    65 56 ~;;rcr 63.13 ;5 55 317 160 157 31 28 22 4 51 lltr oiflU\1 34,40 18 18 81 38 43 205 25 58 iflTTIlfITfGf 123,84 145 145 694 360 334 53 47 62 12 59 ~ 96.72 43 43 218 10& 110 8 5 59 14 60 'l'r~ 44.52 46 46 253 130 123 26 22 61 'fM 203,56 91 91 437 220 217 35 38 137 14

    3 l'l:O'l:fq'trlmf~~ 1748.30 603 601} 2,908 1,554 1,354 370 310 601 49 ~" 180,(;9 54 54 273 155 118 59 38 74 2 62 ~on: 261.44 106 108 461 l55 206 41 41 102 16 63 'UilT 151.76 51 51 244 j26 118 47 40 14 64 ifif(1' 177.26 40 40 172 86 86 67 53 21 2 65 ~rn 153.38 48 48 221 J:!5 96 ;0 37 44 6 66 orT'fi 389.73 115 ilS 650 343 307 75 12 171 12 67 !i~m~l.'r 90,25 48 48 219 116 103 4 5 73 1 68 f

    4 il(T!f q~('f ;p{ ~ 2117 7S 8011 808 4,395 2.338 2,057 444 413 8 1 1,092 141 'tiT 'lilt! 135,57 20 20 139 74 6S 21 20 35 2 7z if~ 73 OWBTffi 48, 6 31 31 160 89 71 10 16 53 14 j4.63 23 23 53 44 30 4 74 ~~ n 22987 65 65 347 187 160 15 11 72 8 75 ~~T 264 07 85 85 474 245 229 62 64 6 96 3 76 IfTf<;f!fT 45.73 8 8 34 17 17 7 77 ~:;:m: 1Ti'f 258.60 123 123 7<'5 317 328 14 15 198 21 78 ~~;ft't 67,99 21 21 115 61 54 60 54 19 79 ~T 25.90 51 51 244 123 121 13 11 52 80 ~~r 384.47 76 76 439 234 205 50 47 49 81 ~T(1ilT 82 ~;:n:r~r 91.87 70 70 265 152 Il3 26 19 72 8 3 ;;r~ITT9 4tr).84 164 164 972 524 448 134 120 305 76

    84 ~tlTr 59,09 13 13 ~ 31 M 17 6 8 5 1";:6'T(1' ITi



    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 ------

    91 20 91 20 69 137 Syalab :0 2 19 2 ] 8 40 Gaul Thakral 57 157 51 137 50 19 8 108 195 175 Nagan Gaon 53 51 3 36 3 15 44 57 63 Than 59 72 21 62 21 10 34 5& 68 Massu t)O

    120 140 114 139 2 4 2 100 15 Palar 61

    1,010 833 &76 827 24 4 7 103 2 1 544 514 Tobil of Barhiya 3 Pancbayat

    102 72 100 72 53 46 Kothar 62

    168 140 125 138 3 40 2 87 66 Rana 63 93 69 90 89 2 33 29 Durbil 64

    60 51 56 51 4 26 35 Banas 63

    81 55 50 ~3 2 2 24 44 41 Jleef 66 2M 182 176 182 8 2 18 139 125 Kharsali 67 82 65 66 63 9 2 7 34 38 Nishani 68 15 71 81 71 3 52 62 BaTiy. 69 65 51 65 51 -... 7 29 23 Dangur Gaon 7Q 70 57 67 57 3 47 49 PiI.daki 71

    1,333 716 1,1)69 701 24 7 fI 2.12 2 6 148 999 1,193 Total of Nan. 4 Gaon Pancbayat

    49 46 3 17 25 47 Eajari 72 63 34 2 27 9 26 62 Kunsala 73 37 35 2 16 44 Trikhali 74 122 2 118 2 3 6 65 152 Kupra 75 143 57 112 51 20 6 II 27 ]02 145 Pahya 76

    7 7 4 12 Pujar Ga~n 77 21') 46 164 4S 41 74 166 20S Kuth Naur 7i

    25 12 24 12 ~6 42 Halna 79 77 67 77 67 46 54 Khanera 80

    l~O 113 138 118 2 94 81 Syllla 81 91 40 55 40 41 2 9 53 64 Bhansari 82. 267 260 170 258 96 3 2 254 186 Nand Gaon 33 16 21 15 21 15 15 Chhatanga 84 80 91 74 91 6 91 75 Dandal Glon S5 52

    2 4 5 6 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    5 1qTQ' q;fltffi ~T lIiT 1474.33 721 722 4,211 2.1&4 2,021 118 657 1,()43 273 r.fttT 86 +r)m 216.92 54 54 323 162 161 56 54 69 12 221 46 87 qi'~r 417.65 204 204 1,154 601 553 209 279 41 24 88 ~T 45.33 25 ~5 186 81 105 12 10 89 'lfilirrN 53.42 33 33 199 104 95 5 4 61 9 90 ;aq;;:rsT 91 06 65 65 369 207 162 13 7 122 54 155 36 91 iIi.~~ 185.35 78 78 474 250 224 25 25 70 5 92 f'f'lITifT 107.65 50 50 296 148 148 86 82 105 24 93 WfRiIil 135.17 85 86 456 227 229 84 77 221.78 127 Il7 754 404 350 148 119 199 63 94 'I1lfi'J.l"T

    16 7 1,418 444 6 flt'~ f(:;;n~o 'I'lfT 'Il 16.19 4 39 92 98 31 24 IS 114 f'linrr 126.27 32 32 190 12 12 75 33 42 9 14 11 115 ~ijTGr 50.99 6 31 15 16 11 6 f' 42.49 19 19 53



    IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 :z

    1,091 683 87S 676 20 :2. 7 186 5 420 1.(}93 924 Tetal of Tunlaka 5 Panchayat

    83 101 73 1\)\ 2 3 79 60 Molda 86

    m 319 244 318 7 69 250 234 Paullthi 81 32 26 26 26 2 " 49 79 Sara 88 4:'. 21 35 27 7 61 68 Chaicra Gaon 89 [10 69 59 67 50 2 97 93 Uprari 90 III 108 % 107 7 139 116 Kansero 91 71 12 66 12 S 69 ?7 67 Kisna 92 111 3 92 18 2 145 116 81 Tunalka 93 209 18 187 18 17 206 195 126 Bhatiya 94

    1,737 611 1,111 641 7 3 10 549 21 42 174 1,217 1,733 Total ()f Nava 6 Gaon Pandlayat 115 147 134 147 99 59 Khansi 95 41 45 3:; 45 7 54 51 BaJari 96 67 66 42 106 Paletha 97 121 46 117 44 4 6 III 137 Bagasu 98 75 38 70 38 94 135 Kotyal Gaon 99 23 22 20 44 Kanso[a 100 184 156 28 43 97 lD9 Ma3.jyali 101 78 39 39 37 54 99 Sunara 102 149 10 15 8 2 131 2 3 s 43 93 Mungara 103 71 63 32 58 44 5 92 113 Murari 104 2.1 27 19 27 2 22 16 Saphetha 105 341 83 116 68 4 221 14 228 353 Naugaon 106 71 35 41 30 4 26 4 37 71 Matiyali 107 2() :', 3 3 2 15 13 17 Sauli 108 42 28 :z 14 33 30 16 Dhariwalli 109 60 2 55 2 5 58 35 36 Kuwari 110 54 15 SO 15 3 15 38 59 Bingasi 111 30 31 30 31 10 31 16 Naill,i 112 13 11 11 13 9 6 Pinsaun 113 S9 73 59 73 33 25 Kimmi 114 24 11 22 11 2 9 31 Rastari 115 11 6 11 6 4 10 Billa 116 42 20 42 20 17 30 Kandaun 117 54

    2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 ]0 II 12 13 14

    7 ~ ~ fff~ 3253,19 689 690 3,932 2.108 1,824 580 536 5 444 37 Il'iJtO;r 34723 53 28 118 ~~T 53 319 177 142 6 4 55.44 119 fulf;:~H 5 5 26 12 14 6 4 120 fum 199.11 52 52 311 183 128 53 47 66 3 121 lIi~ilft 532.l9 41 41 212 116 96 2 41 54.63 23 41 36 8 126 't~.~ 24 131 68 63 115.74 15 15 94 50 44 10 12 7 lJT;:r~ mer 11 15 6 128 ~"ft 76.08 10 10 66 34 32 65.97 7 4 7 129 ~T 15 15 94 49 45 172.81 23 23 133 72 61 36 3S 20 5 }30 f'fT 89.03 27 27 158 76 82 50 47 9 131 ~~T 1~3.43 27 27 149 74 75 2 11 132 qllT~T 93.49 21 21 134 70 64 41 37 2 133 ~or<1T 60,71 22 22 121 54 67 52 64 2 1 34 ~li<1'ij"n:T 29 157 99 58 38 25 12 2 135 tfT1'f>T 73.25 29 136

    8 I'l:fTtf ~'<{TtfCl' ")~1' 2504.69 325 327 1,!lS7 966 891 267 208 304 23 (~~) ~ to" 32.78 11 6 5 138 ~q:;i'f 91.06 ~r 3'fTCfR 139 ~rl'fTG ~<.: arT

    RURAl- PRIM,\RY CENSUS ABSTRACT ------RAJGARHI TAHSIL (RURAL)-2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    1,394 710 1,180 704 2 2 210 6 5 163 709 951 Total of Tinyan 7 Panchayat

    121 86 118 86 2 11 56 4S Jarara 118 7 3 7 3 5 11 Biyantha 119 129 85 51 51 44 4 24 SO 53 Tiyan 120 131 28 75 26 ~6 2 46 85 Kalogi 121 69 2S 58 25 11 30 44 ?6 Himrola 121 239 251 229 250 10 122 117 Kap~maul 123 58 51 55 51 3 39 24 Tholiyunka 124 73 21 51 20 22 43 75 Dhari Palli 125 44 20 39 18 5 2 14 24 29 Naruyunka 126 30 30 22 20 22 Manar Gaon 127 22 21 2 12 30 Ch:lari 128 30 30 19 45 Tera 129 39 17 37 17 2 33 44 Kunwa 130 49 48 40 27 42 Bajlari 131 47 44 2 16 27 S9 Panmari 132 47 48 11 11 22 S3 Khabla 133 36 34 2 18 65 Semalsari 134 86 39 46 13 58 Paluka 135 75 90 73 90 2 60 33 Darson 136

    61 55 60 5S 3 29 34 Gair 137

    634 290 514 280 8 1 2 110 9 2 18 330 583 Total of Godad 8 (GaiT) Panchayat

    3 3 5 Kufan 138 Uninhabited Barnigad 139 Uninhabited Nishni 140 5 2 3 2 2 Barnigad Kbata! 141 85 69 50 62 35 7 54 33 Garh 142 20 36 18 36 2 18 16 Bijori 143 3S 39 33 39 24 41 Fifyara 144 114 77 71 76 42 1 42 61 SigUni 145 4S 40 40 47 31 29 Fuwan Gaon 146 66 20 53 20 12 17 29 46 Bhaunti 147 69 7 57 S 3 9 22 100 Dewal 148 56

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    98.34 24 24 101 48 53 27 26 6 174.43 26 26 163 92 I J 14 150 ifi"F",.;:rr 71 18 1943 6 39 24 15 151 m'fT "'ififi'i> 6 23 14 312.02 35 35 247 135 112 26 17 9 152 "f)q~T 2,137.21 232 232 1,452 739 713 169 162 207 19 9 ~flf 4f'i!fflfff ~:sm~ ( m&T'~ ) 'l'T lilt( 153.79 25 25 189 104 85 21 18 42 9 153 lT~ 46 SO 22 154 ~Ti=f 123,43 19 19 96 22 14 155 ~~T

    173 ifi!9T;:r 69.61 q-,:: afTOI'R 174 ~·t'fi 412.39 39 39 266 119 147 50 45 18

    175 liT~r 207.61 7 7 58 26 32 7 2 176 ifiruiT 356.54 ('9 69 299 188 111 47 42 17 9 77 7 303.53 23 177 ~'frtt 23 164 81 77 8 10 4 18 6 6 40 17 8 'fi? lTT1f 180.90 6 20 20 2 3 4 17 9 fUc!1fT9T 217.32 20 20 170 79 91 28 20 25 3 180 f&'lfT¥T IOU7 10 10 93 58 35 51 32 8 57



    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    41 39 2 7 53 Neuri 149

    56 51 S 36 71 Kaslana 150 11 11 13 15 Sarna Chak 151 84 83 51 112 Chopra 152

    531 453 473 447 s 4 1 1 52 1 208 260 Total of Sal\dgar 9 (Godhar) Panchayat

    72 3S 29 33 4 2 39 32 50 Gattu 153 29 22 27 21 2 17 28 Godin 154 38 36 38 36 18 21 Dalogi 155 24 17 23 17 2 6 Bursi 156 22 31 21 31 13 11 Keval Gaon 157 71 64 70 64 27 38 Iandanu 158 70 49 70 49 22 19 Khirmu 159 /

    28 26 27 26 6 8 Kaloj Gaon I 160 /

    69 70 66 68 22 19 Navugaon I 161

    16 13 16 13 10 10 Matari 162

    38 4S 33 44 5 17 28 OdGaoa 163 52 44 51 44 22 22 Lodan 164 2 2 JgimarGaon 165

    768 393 S86 377 27 10 4 1 151 5 1 291 432 431 Total of Tunik 10 Panchayat

    33 38 33 38 17 7 Jugar Gaon 166

    37 49 37 49 12 II Mulla Gaon 167 48 32 37 31 10 19 32 Rikhaon 168 140 115 86 107 10 7 3 41 96 104 Kandari 169 36 36 32 36 3 24 22 Khamundi Talli 170

    59 44 56 44 3 31 51 Khamulldi Malli 171 41 28 34 28 7 25 32 Badogi 172 Uninhabited Kakhoa 173

    76 2 69 2 6 90 43 S5 Dhuink 174 16 6 15 5 15 10 11 Matla 175

    129 15 46 11 9 74 4 58 59 38 Kandi 176 57 11 46 9 11 43 30 23 Khanati 177 10 2 10 2 12 10 6 Bhunar Gaon 178 47 13 46 13 48 31 30 Sitwari 179

    39 2 39 2 24 19 9 Diyari 180 58

    ;;m:ftur ~"!fi ~rrur;rT ~ 2 ~ \T;;rlT~T ~m (wftur)

    2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    137 24 21 2 CA 'il'1\i1'l ~T r@'T 72,223.57 56 57 161 95 8

    F-l "{

    F-2 l!lT<:: ~T 11,695.83 22 23 ;5 49 6 6 41 4 59


    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    110 2 4 106 2 27 22 Total of Forest Charge

    70 4 66 18 18 Rawain Fl

    40 2 40 2 9 4 Mugarsanti F2 60

    ifm/crri aTfinG" ~ or;ffi"II"T

    , __.A __ ....._ r-_.J...--~ r--A--.~ ,,--A---.. C:lfo ~o ~T ~o ~"r ~o ~"r ~:;fT P M F M F M F t F

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    ~~ i'liR ~ ~f1mr 5.00 511 512 2,072 1,313 759 118 104 5 5 979 262 ~T tfTtT 1 crTi;:to I N.A. 147 147 497 357 140 18 9 293 91 54 54 176 113 2 orri rio 2 " 63 5 98 47 39 39 139 95 44 3 6 3



    ~'li1fu'!\" q>f1l" 'Ii~it ' Non-workers Z if; f1l" r1:~ ~~"tJ 0'1 workers .~.g Cultivators Agricultural ~1-.d Total IVItr :I 0. d t\!: Ii+' 0- iflTr/' -.l<:" \C Ward It'.S iiII' :2 B'~;- Ii 'is~ "" ... Ou ... 1:+ ;r;' 3: oS .!h'~ ~ ft" ___ i~ ~.= ~ h:l() ~j hr/!::lIrg;a-'" ~ It' '-'0 oj gpo. "".fll..; l;:'1V on::r: S·;;;~ ~...)O,..) ,....---A.--, ,--A-l r--"------\ ,----J<---. r-_.L-l r--,A__." 9;0 ~;fl' ~o ~?fT ~o ~?fT ~o ~T ~o ~T ~o ~"T ~o rn M F M F M F M F M F M F M F

    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ,4 25 26 27 28 2

    709 26 179 20 1 529 6 604 733 Total of Barkot T.A.

    223 3 2 2 221 134 137 Ward No.1

    61 2 61 2 52 61 Ward No.2 2

    62 62 33 44 Ward No. 3 3 73 2 71 131 59 Ward No. 4 4 42 35 7 47 98 Ward No.5 5 46 39 7 39 69 Ward No.6 6 50 42 7 56 75 Ward No.7 7

    61 46 15 54 109 Ward No.8 &

    91 18 13 Hi 78 2 58 81 Ward No.6 9 62

    o:tm:"N SlNfqcyi ~ifiJVf"T m~ URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT qf\:f'llTtC if1 >jfif;ff!§l:fr - iflT<:1

    0 ~ .0 Z , .~Z "" <:) u ::r

    2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

    m ~Gr "fRT<: "f~ lT19 Motor Adda Bazar I 497 27 6 Barkot Gaon 6 154 6

    lfg"\ ~:sr OfRT<: ~mcr 2 Motor Adda Bazar 2 176 6 7 Barkot Gaon 7 182 84 2

    ~~Ofnm: ~mcr 3 Barkot Bazar 3 139 9 8 Barkot Gaon 8 225 32


    iiT~.mr iiT~ iflT"{ ar;r ffiT lim 5 Barkot Gaon S 188 6 Total of Barkot T. A. 2,072 222 10 N TAHSIL DUNDA DISTRICT UTTARKlSHI


    .,. w A 1\


    \ I / "I' o / F- 3 '''\ i l-

    .' / L.

    ~ J 4 I ?-

    c Co

    ~ oetIW7l'...... r ..,.. ,.~

    Hl"AQCIUAItr...... ,_._At...... ~. \ljj,t.AII.ITH~""'''ZI ..1JIIr_ ...... $oo.tt'.rG9II"4f"·.~TrD· .. ".".·

    P.•. UP. e,·,·S..p,·IUO

    '§G~T ~)~ Dunda Tahsil 64

    "",1 'fiT Cf"~ 'l:~


    ~ ~ <=r)qif Ii1I' ~o m 'fiT

    2 3 2 3 2 3

    1 ~r 150 36 ~?T 114 7I ~r 22 2 iIT~t; 159 37 limi 25 72 ~T 7'1$ 3 ~ 30 38 lSTO~ 152 73 ~OTtrT 81 4 ~T flTct 134 39 'ilmJr 175 74 ~lf~ 71 5 ~ 48 40 ~ifiT~ 19 75 ~1 123

    6 m 210 41 ~ll1m 63 76 ml1IOfr 122 7 ~~l'itc 17 42 ~'fTG 179 77 'Sft'To ~ 177 8 ~ 190 43 IT 176 10 ~ 15.! 45 rr~ 9 80 'SfTll;I'~T 113

    11 ro 20 46 tr~R:l 218 81 ~ 99 12 ~r 96 47 -11FT 195 82 wm 80 13 ~ 204 48 lJqTOfT 34 83 f~u 116 14 lfi~ lftcr 47 49 rrfi5"r

    .16 ~~i 164 51 7p.jm 23 86 ~jlr 65 11 i'.I'i

    21 !fiTlro' 97 56 "ffi:nnrT 193 91 ~ 112 22 f1w.r lftcr 36 57 'ifR~ 197 92 ~(>ITT¥T 155 23 ~1 129 58 f'fi'fTIIJ T lTT

    26 p~T 112 61 'qif~lJlG m1f 200 96 ~ 110 21 ~n:~ 201 62 ~ 94 97 fl!:lfi~

    31 'fi)c: 151 66 ~ 64 101 ~'



    tif~ ~ ~rr ~ t{o fi1Tr .,.' V'A ~;:rm ~~;:f0 m~ ~ <1111' q;lS- ;:fa ~ij'o lITJr ~T 'ifT~ ~ ;jo

    2 3 2 3 2 3

    106 &P:l!lT

    ! 11 ~T~T 144 146 'IlfGlcrT 127 181 ;rfi;ftfi 28 112 ;n:r 149 147

    116 q~r 189 151 orJlTT 205 186 ~i'f)~ 75 117 q"T~ 74 152

    121 ~mCf 95 156 ~'lfT11T'fi

    126 q.~. 76 161 ~

    131 ifmrl1:T 42 166 'l!~r<::T 141 201 ~rCfi'tc 171 132 ortr)6r 163 167 ~lT

    136 iiIi~ 70 171 ;f~lTrcr 55 206 finrTIlT ifN 105 137 ri~r 139 172 ;r<:lTt'f 19 I 207 f~o;r Ig4 138 if~~ 26 173 +R' c:1 lTTcr 21 I 208 RTl'fTcT 14 139 or~ 109 174 +rci) 'i9Tcr 181 209 fuiflo 2 Cf'CITUT ;rjq 140 161 175 +rilfT ar~T 183 210 ~ro 119 66

    lIT'" iii) C(olf~" ~~)


    ~iJ ~ mWiJ !Ii" do mll 'fiT iJr+r mifo !Iilf do mll 'tiT iJTJJ

    1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

    211 ~"r I II 216 ~f~~r 160 i(iffl 212 ~)11iJ 84 217 ~r 82 213 ~~ 199 218 f~T~ '+I~~fr 31 1 ~ F-l 214 ffi'r~ iTi



    S.Ns,- Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of Village Code No.

    2 3 2 3 2 3

    Adani 150 36 Bhar Kot 206 71 GadoJi 120 2 Anal 159 37 Bhatiyara 208 72 Gailari 158 3 Asta1 30 38 Bhatusera 3 73 Gamari 195 4 Badlda 109 39 Bhatwari 52 74 Ganda Banda 186 5 BadhanGaon 161 40 Bhunyara 141 75 Garath 121

    6 Badli 92 41 Birpur 13 76 Garh 9 7 Badsi 156 42 BudhanOaon 11 77 Garhthati 218 8 Bagi 108 43 Chalcon 40 78 GlldwalGad 179 9 Bagi 145 44 Chamiyari 193 79 Gorsara 214 10 Bagi 205 45 Chandpur 197 80 Gawana 34

    11 Bagiyal Gaon 46 46 Chaundiyat Gaon ZOO 81 Genwala 67 12 Bagori 163 . 47 Chhajyula 94 82 Genwala 23 13 Ba~ari 42 48 ChhamroJi 60 83 Gyaonoti 57 14 Baldogi 174 49 Cbiloth 126 84 Hadiyari 160 15 Bamneti 127 50 Chinana Gaon 38 85 Hareti 82

    16 Banari 118 51 Chinyali 148 86 Hitanumai Bhalsi 31 17 Bandu 83 52 Danda Gaon 29 87 Hitara 140 18 Ban Gaon 91 53 Danda Gaon 113 88 HuJdiyana 220 19 BanKot 165 54 Dang 65 89 lar 48 20 Banota Palla 98 55 Dargarh HO 90 Indra Gaon 134

    21 Banota Walla JOO 56 Darhmali 32 91 Jagar Gaon 166 22 Baret 133 57 Dhaneti 21J 92 Jakhari 89 23 Bareth 70 58 Dhanpur 142 93 Jalang 203 24 Bareth 217 S9 Dharasu 131 94 Jaspur 64 2S Barcthi 139 60 Dhar Kot 49 95 Iaspur 192

    26 Barethi 26 61 Dhar Kot 117 96 lestwari 123 27 Barol 180 62 Dungal Dhar 188 97 Jibya 103 28 Bafsali 15 63 Dtl1lgalGaon 39 98 Jineth 77 29 Baun 5 64 Dhungi 185 99 Jogal Biehla 178 30 Bhadra\i 73 65 Dlkholi 198 100 Jogal Malia 176

    31 Bbagwal Gaon 168 66 Dikthoal 53 101 logat Talla n7 3:: Bhaint 215 67 Dlk UrUlijapur 43 102 Jogyara 173 33 Bhaldu Gaon 182 68 Diwali 35 103 Jokhani 122 34 Bharan Gaon 18 6'} Dunda 12 104 Jugaldi 22 35 Bhar Kot 157 70 Fold 41 105 Jugyara 78 68



    S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No.

    2 3 2 3 2 3

    106 Jemar 71 141 Loldu 85 176 Paturi 189 107 Junaga 81 142 Magan Gaon 106 177 Pipal Khanda 194 108 Kainthogi 125 143 Mainola 7S 178 Pipali Rajak 44 109 Kali Gaon 47 144 Malna 87 179 Pokhariyal Gaon 219 110 Kalyani 88 145 Mali 162 180 Pujar Gaon 33

    111 Kamad 204 146 Mandya Sari 68 181 Pujar Gaon 86 112 Kamda 97 147 Mangali Sera 7 182 Pujar Gaon 95 113 Kandla 138 148 Mani Bari 183 183 Pujar Gaon 154 114 Kandi 124 149 Mani Chhoti 181 184 Ramoli 107 ll5 Kansi 146 150 ManjGaon 55 18S Ranari 27

    116 Kaprada 96 151 ManjaC 28 186 Rangri Sera 1 117 Katkhan 153 152 Mar Gaon 191 187 Raturi Sera 16 118 Kawda 130 153 Mason 72 188 Raun Tal 196 119 Kawagadi 164 154 Matali 24 189 Resgi 79 120 Kanwa 20 155 Mathali 101 190 Rikhan Gaon 104

    121 Kawata 93 156 Matholi 136 191 Sangon Sera 8 122 Khadara 114 157 Matti Gaon 211 192 Sarap 170 158 Maugb 137 123 Khalsi 175 193 Sartali 62. 124 Khand 152 15~ Morgi 132 194 Sayndh <'hon 6 125 Kharwan 25 160 MusarGaon SO 195 Saundh '9

    126 Khur Kat 19 161 NagaI 58 196 Saur 199 127 Khur Mola 63 162 Nagani Bari 144 197 Shri Gaon 209 128 Kiruna Gaon 36 163 Nagani Chbotj 143 198 Sbri Kot 128 129 Kot 147 J64 Nag Gaon 6J 199 Shri Kot 171 130 Kot 151 165 Naipar 212 200 Sigoti 14

    131 Kotimaya Bhat Gaon 37 166 Neri 14' 201 Singan Gaon 105 132 Kuleth 51 167 New Oaon 216 202 Singoth 2 133 KumarKot 201 168 Odkhola 11S ~03 Singuni 184 134 Kumrara 69 169 Pab 4 204 Sira 119 135 Kumrara 172 170 PeniBbawan 187 205 Soman 84

    136 Kunsi ]0 171 Painthar 76 206 Suri 111 B7 Kythaldi 129 172 Panchan Gaon S4 207 Tandola 99 }38 Kyari 102 173 Panjyala 21 208 Tara Kot 112 139 Kyari 169 174 Panoth 74 209 Thandi 202 140 Lodara 207 175 Patara 90 210 Thati 45 69



    S.No. ~ame of village CodoNo. S.No. Name of villalle Code No. S.No. Name of village Code No.

    2 3 2 3 2 3

    211 Thati Dichali 167 216 Udari 210 Forest Range 212 Tipari 116 217 Ulan 190 213 Tipari 135 218 UpriKot 17 Dharasu F-l 214 Tipra 80 219 Walya 66 2 Dunda F-2 215 Tulyara 155 220 Wan 56 3 Mukhom F-3 70

    ~~ mflTlf ant· ir"" ~'il1r ~'if;r ~ ;;'f.HilS'-lT 'Tf&ff ;;'fIre-liT 'lfil;;'flftfliT Literates Total popUlation Scheduled Scheduled _m 3i!_;rTi!',~ (including institutional castes tribes Name or village and houseless popu­ lation)

    r--...... _--, ,------A---, CilTo ~-o rn '3 0 ~r P M F M F

    2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14


    3 ~ §Ui'I ~llWr 72,728.49 12,423 12,572 64,222 31,680 32,542 7,302 7,425 U8 121 13,577 1,729

    1 f!f~ ~'iT !liT littl 24,574.46 12,311 12,445 63,522 31.142 32.380 7,264 7,407 117 121 13,325 1,717

    ~~i'fT~f' 1,350,08 967 1,000 4,847 ,2,431 2,416 463 472 117 121 1,331 368 lIiTlfTrr 1 'Utr~r ~n:T 7.28 2 fum; 153.79 73 73 413 213 200 38 40 lOS 10 3 ~~U 2-83 4 ITI"I 101.98 55 55 287 129 158 24 23 61 7 5 orR 268,32 192 193 953 SOl 452 101 80 218 15 6 W!Itri

    2 ;mtf 1i:;mm lfT~it Iil'iT 1,421,31 839 850 3,931 1,972 1,965 635 626 928 169



    l:ftllifo'li lIITll' lIITIl'qrn 'li\i't

    ,----"----. ,--..'---. ~" l,';fr ~o t'!ifT M F M F

    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    16,808 18,704 13,116 18,478 75 55 232 72 3,385 99 442 1.077 14,430 12,761 TotalofDunda 3 Tahsil

    16,367 18,634 13,050 18,425 75 55 232 72 3,010 82 441 1,014 14,334 12,672 Total of Dunda ' 1 Block 1,222 1,077 738 1,000 16 16 52 44 416 17 39 156 1,170 1,183 Total of Nakuri 1 Panchayat

    Rangari Sera 130 121 lCO 121 30 83 79 Singoth 2 Bhatusera 3 75 100 71 100 4 54 58 Pab 4 258 137 213 133 3 43 25 137 218 178 Baun 5 2 3 3 2 Saundh Gaon 6

    28 61 23 61 4 67 71 Mangli Sera 7 3 3 3 2 2 Sangaon Sera 8 18 37 9 37 9 28 20 Garh 9 36 75 36 75 45 43 Kunsi 10 Budhan Gaon 11

    287 321 187 30~ 9 11 8 3 83 3 2 315 341 Dunda 12 215 49 7 8 36 33 172 7 5 4 166 207 Birpur 13

    10 11 7 11 2 8 8 Singoti 14 122 130 68 121 2 5 5 47 3 6 11 144 143 Barsali IS 38 29 16 26 2 20 3 40 32 Raturi Sera 16

    1,064 1,249 914 1,231 16 14 12 122 4 20 32 888 684 Total of Maldi 2 Panchayat

    116 136 114 136 59 55 Uperi Kot 17 117 105 105 105 5 7 12 27 58 61 Bharan Gaon 18 28 27 28 27 5 16 23 Khur Kot 19 94 99 88 99 5 -,- 65 46 Kanwa 20 71.

    3- ~T ~ (mlft'dr)

    2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 ' 12 13 14

    21 ~ 146.50 114 115 523 262 261 86 101 109 9 i 22 ~1f~~T 150.14 86 85 390 186 204 24 21 85 2 23 iTq~T 49.78 71 71 327 163 164 58 S4 98 14 24 +mr~r 225.82 175 175 769 380 389 90 80 223 83 25 ~ 89.84 37 37 190 123 67 33 32 62 7 26 qt~ 140.84 109 109 S85 287 298 131 113 126 43

    3 rltltl' q"'iiI'TtItf f~ 2,31326 1,438 1,474 7,801 3,766 4,035 820 825 1,831 163 tl''ifili iIil lit'! 27 ~~r 67.58 36 40 228 123 105 S5 53 50 28 m~ 5LBO 22 22 125 64 61 44 38 30 1 29 ~F~ tTi

    40 '"I'Iir.r t'U3.20 82 83 452 268 184 64 39 134 4 41 't~ 1'37.60 151 151 760 372 388 50 53 158 42 "flTij"TU" 220.66 82 82 497 223 274 10 7 138 14 43 ~~i 41.68 39 4t 220 135 85 2 62 4 45 I>ffift 31. 97 109 109 529 246 283 127 135 l1S 48 46 'fnfR lli



    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2g 2

    157 179 122 178 4 30 105 82 Panjyala 21 89 133 78 127 5 6 2 4 1 97 70 Jugaldi 22 81 113 64 106 8 7 9 82 51 Genwala 23 154 214 11' 211 34 3 226 175 Matali 24 87 44 79 44 7 2 34 22 Kharwan 25 141 199 117 198 24 146 99 Barethi 26

    1.827 2.361 1.2'13 2.344 13 1 36 10 565 6 28 32 1.911 1.642 Total of Pipli Rajak 3 Panchyat 70 57 61 57 4 4 53 48 Ranari 27 30 36 29 36 34 25 Manjaf 28 21 28 21 28 27 21 Danda Gaon 29

    72 ~2 53 71 19 43 29 Astal 30 220 138 108 138 11 101 123 111 Hitaunmai Bhalsi 31 49 63 43 63 (} 56 47 Darhmali 32 102 219 97 219 5 145 149 Pujar Gaon 33 77 104 56 100 7 4 14 80 84 Gawana 34 32 60 32 60 37 21 Diwali 35 19 42 19 42 25 21 Kirun Gaon 36 74 94 56 94 7 11 16 4 88 99 Kotimay Bhatgaon 37 17 11 11 10 t'i 6 17 18 19 Chinana Gaon 38 41 92 32 91 2 6 66 62 Duugal Gaon 39 147 115 85 115 62 121 69 Chakou 40 195 256 108 253 11 3 75 2 177 130 Fold 41 73 158 55 157 17 150 116 Bagsari 42 15 21 13 21 2 23 24 Dik Urf Bijapur 41 93 42 17 39 76 3 42 43 Pipali Rajak 44 125 178 106 111 19 121 105 Thati 45 35 59 3S 59 41 50 Bagiyal Gaon 46 38 65 35 65 3 50 25 Kali Gaon 47 49 83 40 83 8 53 55 Iar 48 8 26 5 25 2 20 24 Dhar Kot 49

    29 86 25 86 3 79 65 Musar Gaon 50 2 7 2 7 3 2 6 4 Ku]eth 51 50 74 34 74 16 67 57 Bhatwari 52 34 51 29 51 5 40 32 Dikthoal 53 110 124 66 123 44 2 S 126 101 Panchan Gaon 54 74

    3 4 s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    3,801.75 1.703 1.717 8,701 4,245. 4,456 1336, 1,~ 1,715 204 4 ;!;fl'1t q''''''tf ~t~T "" li\1r 98.15 83 83 419 195 214 31 35 110 17 55 ~ 55.85 34 M 1~ ~ m 42 4 56 CfTIJf 67.58 44 44 245 lIS 130 29 26 57 ~1I11it 54 2 56.25 21 21 146 57 59 10 6 58 rm'C1 15 2 71.63 39 39 228 106 122 31 36 59 W 50 10 40.07 16 16 88 42 46 4 60 ~ 111.29 61 69 375 173 202 19 22 48 S 61 ;rrr l'fi 1Wf~ M,~ ~ B 1M n ~ 76 87 1-1- q;:iN S3 3 1!4.S3 ~4 54 262 140 122 95 83 15 It.tY(1f 35 49 174,83 49 49 251 127 124 51 49 4 16 q~ 13 81.75 45 45 205 88 117 13 32 7 77 f~it~ 45.73 I) 13 77 37 40 19 78 ~~11IlT 40.07 12 12 71 37 34 6 S 10 79: 'Writ 52.61 37 37 183 94 89 24 23 22 80 fC:q"u 564.56 172 172 941 437 S04 162 J70 131 18 U 'f'{1'f11 ] 14.53 55 57 29() 141 149 36 47 78, 17 '62 &m 34.40 22 22 134 69 65 7 5 30 2 83 qt~... '10.01 2 2 6 2 4 8'4 ~;r 26.71 13 J3 78 40 38 20 8:5 ~<1i S~9 34 34 In n " 14 21 41 4 86 ~;;rr\ m



    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    2,079 2,124 1,693 2,111 15 5 54 1 317 7 211 625 1,955 1,707 Total or Jinwala 4 Panehayat

    81 5 52 5 9 19 36 146 78 73 Manj Gaon 55

    36 18 34 17 2 10 23 42 29 Wan 56 24 9 14 44 62 47 68 Gyaoneti 57 37 21 34 21 2 5 21 15 17 NagaI 58 53 32 43 32 4 6 11 42 42 48 Saundh 59 25 25 1 30 16 16 Chhamroli (;0

    83 72 4 7 131 90 71 Nag Gaon 61 42 41 40 41 31 19 Sartali 62 113 159 83 156 29 3 6 6 165 124 Khura Mola 61 70 84 68 84 2 2 57 33 Jaspur 64 100 121 85 120 6 9 103 88 Dang 65 24 46 23 46 42 37 Walya 66 55 84 38 82 6 11 16 20 81 64 Genwala 67 120 84 35 82 2 83 2 26 9 '77 57 Mandya Sari 68 9 15 4 15 2 3 3 7 11 11 Kumrara 69

    61 67 56 67 5 25 32 Bareth 70 63 73 61 73 2 61 43 Jemar 71 45 81 41 81 4 S3 45 Mason 72 Bhadrali 73 42 48 33 48 9 4 4 31 35 Panoth 74

    68 72 65 72 3 72 50 MainoJa 75 59 52 53 52 2 4 16 23 52 49 Pai Nthar 76 42 17 39 17 3 48 45 52 Jineth 77 )6 23 14 23 2 20 17 Jugyara 78 17 17 17 17 20 17 Resgi 79 54 40 44 40 2 8 8 15 32 34 Tipra 80 242 326 212 324 5 2 25 5 194 173 Junaga 81 68 89 S9 89 2 3 4 72 60 Hareti 82 30 41 26 41 3 3 36 23 Bandu 83 2 Soman 84 11 12 It 12 6 15 23 11 LoJdu 85 44 46 32 4S 7 5 10 11 24 38 Pujar Gaon 86 47 67 37 66 9 49 31 Malna 87 100 93 69 93 31 78 78 Kalyani 88 76

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lO 11 '12 13 14

    34.80 37 89 ~U 37 ,19'3 87 106 87 106 26 54 90 qcr{T 3.)5.90 113 113 587 280 307 58 117 8

    5 i!M f{:;ntm f~ 2179.80 848 848 4,427 2,212 2,215 687 713 691 66 IItT ~\Tr 53825 120 120 605 294 311 48 47 91 ~ 62 3 92 if$';;r') 237.95 ~4 54 280 133 147 47 57 34 98.34 23 23 168 84 84 47 45 93 if)cfT~ 26 25~.37 83 83 401 209 192 133 lIS 66 9 94 ~ 119.39 41 41 223 109 114 20 22 5() 2 95 ~fli


    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    S5 53 60 2 32 44 Jakhari 89 142 189 m 189 5 11 138 118 Patara 90

    1,343 1,431 1,216 1,429 2 6 1 59 1 1 869 783 Total of Jiviya 5 Panchayat

    211 221 209 2'U 2 83 90 Ban Gaon 91 62. 90 62 90 71 57 Badli 92 45 46 44 46 39 38 Kawata 93 \ 127 i 110 123 110 4 82 82 Chhajyula 94 51 68 48 68 3 58 45 Pujar Gaon 95 .60 58 60 58 17 16 Kaprada 96 105 106 98 106 7 53 36 Kamda 97 29 27 29 27 9 13 Banota Palla 98 111 73 100 72 2 9 40 79 Tandola 99 8 3 8 3 3 Banota WaUa 100 83 90 83 90 73 50 Mathali 101 ·5-3 57 SO 57 3 32 24 Kyari 102 86 111 70 110 16 73 59 Jibya 103 28 36 26 36 2 34 22 Rikhan GaoD 104 13 12 13 12 6 6 Singan Gaon 105 12 26 12 26 14 8 Magan Gaon lOCi 58 81 52 81 6 46 14 RamoJi 107 12 17 12 17 19 10 Bagi 108 53 72 53 72 31 35 Badlda 109 21 24 21 24 17 Q Dargarh 110 58 44 50 44 4 3 41 66 Suri 111 57 59 53 59 3 31 21 TaraKot 112

    1,267 1,340 1,079 1.333 3 1 4 121 6 2 825 695 Total of Dharkot 6 Pancbayat

    11 13 11 13 6 7 Danda Gaon 113

    99 95 95 95 4 79 43 Khadara 114 38 36 33 31 5 5 22 15 Odkhola 115 90 105 76 105 13 2 85 91 Tlpri 116 244 234 185 234 2 57 163 134 Dhar Kot 117 88 108 77 108 11 78 58 Banari 118 50 52 47 51 2 19 34 Sira 119 56 56 52 56 4 47 45 Gadoli 120 78

    2 3 4 s 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    235.54 .7 56 24 6 121 i[~ 46 46 237 115 122 122 '"flwfT 170.38 56 S6 365 177 188 71 92 36 123 ~i!f~r 295.03 92 92 550 272 278 102 109 132 5 1 24 lfiT1!ST 64.75 15 15 91 45 46 16 17 7 125 ~TlfT 86.61 28 28 147 66 81 11 11 10 126 f'f~ 339.14 78 78 376 182 194 81 79 80 2

    7 ~ r:j'llf~ ~ 2645.91 1,426 1,434 7,035 3,733 3,302 878 866 1,666 299 ~T rim 127 ma-T 67.18 SO 50 229 112 117 43 42 40 7 128 ~ijiTe 189.40 72 72 386 180 206 39 41 82 3

    .29 ~OTt'6r 95.10 40 40 184 81 103 10 11 38 9 130 ~n 103.20 36 36 204 97 107 48 46 33 8 131 a-mr 55.44 50 50 212 119 93 12 9 62 )4 132 ~1 176.45 60 61 309 143 166 27 30 41 3 133 q~ 108.46 36 TI ro4 ~ 1m 14 15 18 134 ~ ifT" 151.76 48 48 265 129 136 31 25 33 2 135 f~u 184.54 44 44 277 134 143 22 23 49 2 136 ~W 10482 39 39 224 105 119 22 23 46 5 137 liN 44.11 14 14 81 34 47 3 4 14 138 'liRz:rT 84.18 36 M 1% % 100 8 12 50 S 139 iIi~T 77.70 134 134 587 338 249 80 81 156 38 140 f~ru 21.04 20 20 119 6~ 51 7 2 27 7 141 'l!~ro 52.21 15 15 105 55 50 15 17 17

    142 ~ 23.06 29 ~ I~ ~ M 28 30 35 5 143 i'fTif1lTT~) 38.45 19 19 109 51 58 27 31 19 144 ;:nifllft or?" 23.47 2S 25 148 70 78 3 7 33 3 145 '!'TIft 91.06 38 38 201 91 110 38 46 44 3 146 '!iT<~r 216.92 67 67 400 200 200 24 26 88 8 147 ifiT, 308 38 39 39 257 123 134 51 52 50 148 f'filTl\'[T 428.93 515 521 2,207 1,347 860 326 293 691 175

    8 ilfTtI' ~ 1484.84 608 608 3,215 1,558 1,657 308 295 606 69 ~ft:n.tm ~l ~1tt 149 ~U 129.50 54 54 245 154 91 4 4 51 6 150 3J~T 167.55 55 55 287 143 144 48 44 31 1 5 I 'liTe 25.90 14 14 56 23 33 J2 118.58 176 152 ~T~ 78 78 343 167 78 74 74 6 1H:fRurl:. P~... t CENStIS ABSTRACT


    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2J 24 25 26 27 28 2

    95 72 95 42 2:7 Garatl, 121 S lOS 134 100 133 69 54 Jokharii 122 12 1611 191 154 191 106 87 Jestwari 123 ]7 14 Kandi 28 32 28 32 114 41 52 41 52 25 29 Kainthogi 125 2 5 67 ~7 Cbilotli 115 B1 lOS 137 126

    8 32 2 858 25' 39 ~5 1,526 J ,4&0 Total of Barethi 7 2,1~ 1,827, 1,216 1,792 Panchayat 2 18 40 45 BalllJleti 72 12 52 72 121 19 2 93 126 74 124 5 80 77 Shri Kot 128 2 JJ 51 56 3S 54 30 47 Kutltaldi 129 2 43 44 Kanda S4 63 51 63 130 16 42 42 .55 Dbarasu 77 38 18 36 . 1 131 S 60 57 Morgi 78 109 7~ 109 132 2 2 2 39 46 Baret Sl 53 50 53 133 ~7 44 Indra Gaon 72 n 71 92 134 2 57 .52 Tiparj 71 91 75 91 l3S 7 50 77 48 42 Malholi 57 17 136 2 13 14 Maugh 21 33 19 33 137 . 3 63 3 52 37 KandJa 44- 63 38 138 126 3 117 131 Batethi 221 1\8 95 115 139 17 36 31 Hi!ar& 32 20 15 19 140 3 29 26 Bhunyara 23 2.4 22 24 141 9 3 36 29 Dhanpur 28 45 19 39 142 2 Zg 25 Nagni ChoU 23 33 10 33 143 34 32 Nagani Bari 36 46 34 45 144- 13 2 29 36 Bagi 49 72 49 72 145 5 107 88 Kamj 93 112 88 112 146 ]1 4 46 42 Ko( 66 88 6S 88 147 584 18 4 503 460 ChiniYali 844 396 260 378 N8 1 14 4 165 1 .2 2 11J 617 TatalofBoliyarll 8 833 1,1l3S 654 1,031. Pancbayat 75 44 50 Ntri 110 41 3S 40 149 47 32 Adalli 96 112 96 112 150 6 11 Kot 151 17 22 17 22 13 94 73 Khand 152 82 94 64 94 5 80

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 14

    34.80 ]6 16 80 34 46 9 153 ~ s 57.87 20 20 107 47 60 29 12 154 ~m" 279.24 89 89 458 227 231 47 52 80 8 155 ~~r 96 6 156 iIT<::«T 152.57 70 70 384 169 215 33 26 47 7 157 'l~ 154.19 44 44 322 143 179 32 43 21 3 158 q~~ 19.02 12 12 75 159 3"FIR 72.04 49 49 272 135 137 30 25 %9 29 164 77 87 11 18 72 3 160 ~re'I' 89.84 29 21 161 i.fmuT ITfcr 59.90 37 37 202 97 105 22 46 10 30 26 59 7 162 'fffi 123.84 41 41 220 101 119

    9 ~ ~ ~r 2687.19 1,506 1,506 7,184 3,498 4,2116 59S 650 '" 1,350 125


    163 ~r 27843 99 99 499 238 261 47 4S 114 164 'fiOf~T 97.1) 57 57 296 137 159 13 8 46 165 ~ 76.013 60 60 271 122 149 8 6 24 180 262 8 166 ~ lJiq 106·03 92 92 442 6 92 6 217 256 153 166 16 7 t:I1ffl ~'ifflI' 43.30 94 94 473 67 17 1 68 WrClTiPITq 79.13 32 32 15& 73 85 5 6 26 169 ffiU 42.W 34 34 176 64 112 33 H 170 ~cr 70.82 52 52 274 t33 141 2 3 76 171 m'ilR: 32.38 6 3 3 306 310 S3 172 'lilt~r 457.31 110 110 616 47 117 6 173 ;;i)lq~r 28.33 30 30 166 78 88 3 6 24 4 174 ~fflf 98.75 41 41 196 90 ]06 7 5 37 3 175 ISmffit 356.14 230 230 1,181 538 643 84 92 208 4 176 orr'Ff ~ 126.67 ]40 140 731 298 433 3 7 209 66 177 :il"tm if~i{r 156.21 114 114 593 268 325 67 69 82 I 78 ;;f\lRr f

    ~1l41L ~y €ENS1:JS ABSTRACT


    115 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 1

    13 23 13 23 21 23 Katkhan IS3 18 36 8 36 10 28 24 Pujar Gaon 154 116 122 91 121 25 111 109 Tulyara ISS 60 135 53 135 7 109 80 Badsi 156 75 i lI)~ 73 107 2 2 67 70 Bhar Kot 157

    l~i 30 12 30 3 17 13 Gailari ISS 82 101 75 99 7 2 53 36 Anol 159 51 59 40 59 11 26 28 Hadiyali 160 41 73 29 73 12 56 32 Badhan Gaon 161 57 81 48 81 9 2 44 36 Mali 162

    1,556 2,592 1,448 2,587 5 4 10 93 1 53 130 1,889 1,564 Total of KllaIluii 9 Pancbayat

    125 154 120 154 4 113 107 Bagori 163 67 90 61 90 6 70 69 Kawagadi 164

    60 97 58 97 2 62 52 BanKot 165 53 161 48 161 5 127 101 Jagar Gaon 166 125 157 115 157 10 92 !i9 Thati Dichali 167 29 48 29 48 44 37 Bhengwal Gaon 168 26 59 22 59 4 3 38 50 Kyari 169

    62 83 58 80 3 4 2 71 56 Sarap 170 Z 2 2 Shri Kot 171 135 172 127 171 4 4 171 138 Kumarara 172

    3~ 64 39 63 39 24 Jogiyara 173 46 64 32 64 2 12 44 42 Baldogi 174

    354- 4~3 241 453 6 7 284 190 Khalsi 175 68' 198 52 198 15 230 235 Jogat Malia 176 137 205 136 205 131 120 Jogat Talla 177 4; 1\9 47 69 56 40 Jogat Bichla 178 94 224 90 224 4 2 127 102 Gadwal Gad 179

    11 23 17 23 12 6 10 5 Barol 180 89 145 80 145 9 28 55 III 56 Mani Chhoti 181 231 46 28 46 8 9 4 8 Bhaldu Gaon 18l 7) 46 79 6 5 53 64 31 Mani Bari 183 82

    2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    10 «tTt1' q''ifll«f 1073.66 592 594 2,899 1.350 1.549 123 138 525 22 ~"'~ 184 f«~ 103.60 57 57 303 136 167 38 37 36 2 185 ~.~ 97.53 80 80 331 207 124 24 27 90 9 186 ~T~ 11.85 4 4 34 21 13 12 181 ~ufT \l'imr 112.91 61 61 330 157 173 5 6 49 3 188 ~~ 32.78 7 7 53 19 34 11 189 q~ 100.37 43 43 223 107 116 66 3 190 \ffl

    196 ~ 176.04 93 93 438 173 265 6 10 83 197 ~ 62.73

    11~~~ 1614.73 1,005 1,012 5,248 2,626 2,622 385 396 1,086 99 lfiTl'.I)q 198 ~ 69.20 39 39 201 97 104 47

    199 ~ 48.56 50 50 267 138 129 57 4 200 ~rc:~ 62.32 28 28 153 74 79 42 201 'PT~ 'liTe 93.08 S4 S4 288 159 129 2 6 36 202 ~T 91.46 94 94 546 273 273 32 38 92 a 203 ;;rT*r 222.99 9 9 61 34 27 4 204 'li1P.: 73.25 94 94 453 245 208 53 38 98 7 205 OfI1TT 61.11 54 54 306 154 152 100 206 ~lfiTc 246.06 143 143 710 344 366 90 109 95 4 207 'iIlnu 62.32 34 34 220 102 118 52 18 208 ~fll1T\T 162.28 146 146 623 311 312 70 63 174 44 209 ~ ~~ 251.32 149 156 824 408 416 80 71 194 13 210 ~ 170.78 111 111 596 287 309 58 71 9S

    897.64 629 644 3.559 1,719 1,840 173 169 12 PlfIli ~m ~ '" 932 104 til" 120.20 71 71 429 226 203 2 I 1 llft ifT


    1 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    8 8 143 7 22 40 606 S58 Total of Chamyari 10 121 951 571 931 s Pancbayat

    66 51 Singuni 184 10 116 70 116 61 47 Dhungi 185 146 77 46 71 100 6 13 5 Ganda Banda 186 8 8 8 8 83 64 Peni Bhawan 187 74 109 74 109 ]0 10 Dhungal Dhar 188 9 24 9 24 37 32 Paturi 189 48 44 40 39 5 8 22 40

    , •• 1 20 15 Ulan l~ 15 22 8 21 6 69 65 Mar Gaan 191 81 102 64 98 5 4 12 59 62 Jaspur 192 78 82 74 81 3 24 Chamiyari 193 11 26 8 23 2 2 13 75 Pi pal Khanda 194 35 79 30 79 5 51 31 Gamari 195 59 74 59 74 39 88 188 81 188 7 85 77 Rau Tal 196 Chandpur 197

    1 1 1 113 4 20 9 1,024 920 Total of Matiyara 11 1,582 1,693 1,467 1,688 Panchayat

    198 SO 67 48 67 2 47 37 Dikholi 62 48 Saur ]99 76 81 73 81 3 26 Chaundiyat Gaon 200 45 53 45 53 29 61 32 Kumar Kat 201 98 97 98 97 94 Thandi 202 178 179 170 178 6 95 9 9 Jalang 203 25 18 25 18 91 58 Karoad 204 154 150 147 149 7 77 63 Bagi 205 77 89 75 89 2 9 110 117 Bhar Kot 206 214 240 194 240 20 20 58 58 Lodara 207 44 60 41 60 3 2 137 143 Bhatyara 208 174 169 120 167 54 159 146 Shree Gaan 209 249 210 243 269 6 89 89 Udari 210 198 220 188 220 10

    3 1 98 3 7 30 948 8S9 Total of Bareth 12 764 951 661 947 2 Panchayat

    78 Matti Gaan 211 ]06 ]25 106 125 120 66 Naipar 212 43 75 36 75 7 82 8"

    '11'""" SfNfft" ~, (' i'it ,iiI'J"'PIl it 1 . m 3-~T ~ (lWfTaT)

    2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    213 Q'1iTi\' 118.17 74 74 417 220 197 35 28 127 3 61.11 68 68 314 160 154 8 8 114 19 214 ~.. 215 'I1ra' 78.92 41 56 319 145 174 3 7 53 3 114.13 142 16 216 ~m'f 104 104 '93 266 327 17 16 217 i(G'q'" 63.94 69 69 369 176 193 31 32 117 36 218 ~ 43.71 36 36 247 130 117 3 5 104 9 21.9 qlmrn-rrf'f 103.20 30 30 206 104 102 9 9 18 220 ~r 104.01 80 80 398 167 231 8 9 81 , tr.r ",,19if '" f.I)tr 48154.03 112 127 700 538 162 38 18 1 252 12 15636.39 31 48 170 lIZ 58 21 18 24 F 1 ~ 23967.95 39 42 275 230 45 3 137 10 F2 ~ 37 25S F3 ~ 8549.69 36 196 S9 14 91 2 85



    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2S 26 27 28 2 1

    95 98 80 98 IS 125 99 Dhaneti 213 73 60 58 59 15 87 94 Gorsara 214 62 89 59 89 3 83 85 Bhaint 215 114 183 96 182 2 16 152 144 New GaoD 216 8:! . 83 43 82 2 37 7 87 110 Bareth 217 69 80 69 80 61 37 Garthati 218 56 33 55 33 29 48 40 Pokhriyal GaoD 219 64 12' 59 124 4 103 106 Huldiyana 220

    441 10 66 53 315 11 1 3 96 89 Total of Forest Chage

    78 27 39 27 39 34 31 Dharasu FI 208 28 13 11 195 17 3 21 14 Dunda F2 ISS 15 14 15 141 41 44 Mukhem F3


    I; I , ) ~ ~ I 1 I I.

    ,p.I..~Gt Ftl.TA.i.,,...... ' .¥A/.r~fn':PC {lYfISA('r I "'''~TYIIlOCfIILO'''i,J~''L.r:r,<1!f • ! ,~~"'T~\I..)I4lIOU'Hlt,,"'T L-...-.. ______--_._ -.- 1

    j .. \ \ ~ \ ( j / l- I

    _, .. ':':;" n .." .. '"". • , I I'" • '-~ -

    ~a~«M Bhatwari Tahsil 88

    t;mIT ~ "''fi~ ",)


    ,,~. ~ ~ Ii1I' ~o U"'l:f ifiT ;:m:r ~;:fO iIi1!'~o W1f ifiT rrIl:f i!ft:s- ;:to ifil1 ij'o iTl1 iIiT ;:m:r ~;:fO

    2 3 2 3 2 3

    1 am~T 53 36 ~~ 85 71 ~~ 89 2 atmft 69 37 ~~ 52 72 ~ 4 3 ~ 93 38 rnr 21 73 ~tffl 17 4 ar'Mt 30 39 fc::~ 10 74 ~r 75 5 ;a-ffiT 55 40 ~iC~ 92 7S liI'rcr 24


    tt f~'!"t 94 46 ~mlil'T 60 81 ~ 38 12 ~;; 14 47 ~if 2 82 ij"~~;rfq 64 t 3 'glTrr;C:f 25 48 'l")lrfcr 48 83 fmR 59 14 wn~ 87 49 11m 58 84 fm:trT"I' 81 15 ~T~ ifTcr 76 50 qreT~) 16 85 R=r~T 45

    1'6 ~;:;rr 49 51 ~r 22 86 ~m 10 11 if+rf~? ifTcr 63 52 fq~ 46 87 TflT~ 12 tS ifcrtUTT 57 53 ~mft 7 88 Uf 54 19 ifr-nrroIT 26 54 qT~ 71 89 <:f'3f 28 20

    21 ~~ ~OR"!~ 91 56 GfTifTU 6 91 ~ZfTiCr 37 22 \iJ'lif~ 29 57 ~~l1fr 19 92 ~ 61 23 ;;rn,!~ 9 58 ;;p:rf'llT 34 93 ~1 44 24 ;;rn;:p: 79 59 ~~lJT 66 94 '" ~T 65 25 ~r

    26 ;;r~'if I 61

    31 m 73 66 ~ fcq<:r 41 :;2 , mr9'T 51 67 +r.ru 32 33 ~ff 33 68 llFfT 23 34 f;;~ 78 69 1ffiIT:sr 83 35 f~T~ 13 70 llT~ 80 89



    S.No. Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of Village Code No. S.No. Name of Village Code No.

    2 3 2 3 2 3

    1 Agora 53 36 Jarnak 35 71 Pala Marari 16 2 Aleth 93 37 Jaspur 9 72 Pilaug 46 3 Athali 69 38 Jaspur 79 73 Purali 4 AUqgf 30 39 Jaurau 47 74 Raitnal 17 5 Ba80ri 6 40 Jbala 8 75 Sainj 28

    6 Bagyal Gaon 68 41 lokani 27 76 SaIang 42 7 Bandrani 19 42 Joshiyara 74 77 Said Maujya Gaon 64 8 Bongari 86 43 Kamar 36 78 Salu 38 9 Barsu 15 44 Kaneth 31 79 Sangrali 67 10 Bas!U)ga 66 45 Kankrari 88 80 Sarag 84

    Bayana It 34 46 Kansain 72 81 Sari 39 12 lIhangeli 11 47 Kishan pur 94 S2 Sara 90 13 BbanKoli 50 48 Kiyark 20 83 Saura 40 14 lIhe];i Tipri 41 49 Koliyal Gaon 76 84 Seku U 15 Bhukki 43 50 Kujjan 14 85 Silla 45

    16 Donga 77 51 Kumalti 25 86 Silyan 81 17 Chbaplur urfDhanpur 91 52 Kuroli 87 87 Siror 59 18 pandalka 52 53 Ladari 75 88 Sukki 10 19 'Dang 73 54 Lata 24 89 Syaba 37 20 Dansra 51 55 MalIa 23 90 Sunagar 12

    21 DharaJi 5 56 Mandoun 80 91 Thalan 85 22 Didsari 33 57 Maned ~2 92 Tihar 13 23 Dilsaur 70 58 Manpur 89 93 Tiloth '18 24 Dohah: 92 59 Mastari 83 94 Uttaraun 5S '25 Dwari 21 60 Mukhaba 4

    26 Gajoli 49 61 Nald urfBondhar 56 Forest Range 27 GamdirOaon 63 62 Natin 18 28 Gangotri 3 63 Naugaon 48 95 Bara Hat R.ange F-2 29 Gawana 57 64 Nelang 2 96 Taknore Range F-l SO OonaIi 26 65 Netala 60

    31 Oyanja 65 66 Nira Kot 8l 32 lIenna 61 67 Nismore 62 33 Burri 44 68 Pahi 22 34 Jadunga 69 Pokhari 71 3S JakhoJ 29 70 Pata 58 90

    lfiq ;;r 81l'lTlI: J"I'~ ~q;<'I' arr,mftll' ~ ~~l1l'(fai't;:m armf'ulatil)n Scheduled Scheduled vJllage occupied ;::I (including institutional castes tribes (In heet- residential 'if: _g and houseless popu­ are) Houses ~ 'S lation) Itr • ~~

    r-----A--.., r--~ o!j'o 2;0 ~r 9;- ~r P M F M F

    2 3 4 5 6 7 10 . 11 12 13 14

    4 ~~)

    1 ~ ~ ~t!fiT 15543,31 7,110 7,465 33,432 18,593 14,839 2,133 1,749 572 526 10,746 1,770 lim '

    1 ;t('{tf q'~ ~\;r 2607,07 6SO 730 3,601 2,019 1,588 264 464 447 1,352 269

    1 ;;rT~'lT 232.48 2 W. 401.06 3 ~ 12.14 49 51 123 117 4 4 ~'n 322.14 168 190 958 593 365 76 54 35 41 475 116 5 ~rm 328.62 95 95 517 271 246 38 27 lS2 23 6 0flTh:) 201.12 137 191 9a3 498 485 71 81 425 403 312 93 7 ~ 172,81 30 31 161 85 76 2 3 36 9 8 ilmIT 262,25 80 80 381 202 179 52 45 3 3 105 13 9 ~~ 192,64 41 42 213 III 102 53 4 10 ~r 431.81 50 50 271 142 129 17 10 72 7

    2 ;tf~ q"'if'P«f ~~ 2649.98 799 822 3,707 1,949 1,758 285 250 951 115 !fit lim 11 ~ 288,55 34 40 156 76 80 12 11 24 2

    12 ~~ 39,26 18 18 98 48 50 33 12 13 fu~n: 405.91 73 75 34~ 190 158 9 5 79 2 200,33 45 45 221 111 110 47 3 14 ~" 15



    ~l+!ifil'li IliTIf 'fiTlfi! Ili~ 'fi~q"T~ '!T~ Marginal Non-workers workers t{fq 'liT ilTlf Name of village

    ,--_--A. __., ~D tfl' M F.

    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    11,644 5,198 4,878 4,801 51) 6 357 163 6,359 228 416 1,634 7,591 8,136 Total of Bhatwari 4 Tahsil Total of Bbatwari 1 10,707 5,198 4,871 4,801 6 354 163 5,432 228 416 1,634 7.470 8,007 Block

    1,252 661 559 510 271 148 422 3 45 109 722 818 Totol of HarsH 1 Panchayat Uninhabited Jadunga Uninhabited Nelang :I 87 87 30 6 Ganiotri 3 438 231 147 204 12 25 279 2 3 152 133 Mukbaba 4 170 139 158 138 8 4 101 107 Dhara1i S 235 116 229 116 6 263 369 Bagori 6 48 37 44 37 4 7 36 32 Purali 7 120 31 80 24 13 6 27 21 86 61 62 JhaJa 8 63 40 47 40 3 13 20 15 28 47 Jaspur 9 91 67 83 67 6 2 51 62 Sukki 10

    1,137 879 747 867 17 1 11 1 362 10 30 92 782 787 Total of lndra- 2 nagar Panchayat

    40 16 32 16 8 10 18 26 <46 Bhangeli 11

    29 26 15 26 2 2 10 19 24 $unagar 12 133 80 77 80 55 4 56 74 Tlhar 13 64 67 63 67 47 43 Kujjan 14 76 79 60 79 16 60 57 Banu 15 -114 27 39 27 4 6 65 10 36 43 60 Pala Marari 16 149 156 114 155 8 27 134 114 Raithal 17 48 19 33 18 2 13 13 16 Natin 18 50 43 35 43 15 35 26 Bandrani 19 46 57 33 56 13 41 34 Kiyark 20 92

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    21 am 227.04 55 59 242 140 102 13 11 56 3 76.49 39 S9 4 22 ~ 41 205 115 90 101.18 115 140 2S 23 ~ 115 526 260 266 115 111 24 <.mT 78.92 62 64 269 146 123 11 7 90 5 54.63 22 25 ~llWtt 23 96 43 S3 55 24 1 3 iQ'Ff q;mm ~'Rr !fiT 5457.38 1,435 1,583 6,444 3,562 2,882 439 430 5 1 2,223 367 ~ 26 'l'ron~ 663.30 98 125 616 297 319 71 72 183 27 27 ~ 83.37 13 15 67 34 33 21 28 ij'~ 150.95 60 69 336 189 147 9 128 17 29 ;;r~ 276.81 W " 1~ ~ 1M 85 49 30 aWrr 104.01 20 29 109 54 S5 9 31 2 31 '!jiit~ 54.23 2 2 7 3 4 220.97 305 389 1,345 837 508 g9 157 3 648 215 32 ~~"r 58 7 33 fnmit 220.97 53 53 219 99 ]20 26 30 233.51 83 S3 302 153 149 12 7 81 1 3 4



    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    84 75 60 66 24 9 56 27 Dwari 21 &5 56 46 56 19 50 34 Pahi 22 141) 166 99 166 2 39 120 100 Malia 23 81 8 27 8 53 6 20 59 95 Lata 24

    18 4 14 4 4 1 12 23 37 Kumalti 25

    2,223 1,368 1,138 ),290 15 3 1,069 75 33 136 1,306 1,378 Total of Sari 3 \ Panchayat \ \ 161 138 129 138 31 13 33 123 148 Gaorsali 26 it 8 IS 8 2 8 16 17 Jokani 27 123 91 64 91 59 7 8 59 48 Sainj 2& 47 84 40 84 7 36 22 Jakhol 29 29 20 9 2 36 23 19 Aungi 30 2 2 3 Kaneth 31 494 1t3 93 103 6 1. 395 8 343 394 Maneri 32 S5 68 SO 68 5 44 52 Didsari 33 7~ 95 69 95 6 78 54 Bayana 34 520 152 5S 86 .. -: 3 462 66 105 174 Jarnak 35 70 78 6S 78 5 6 4 57 45 Kamar 36 54 58 53 58 56 34 Syaba 37 41 36 40 36 7 42 38 Salu j8

    86 S1 83 51 3 19 56 S9 Sari 39 115 54 59 53 56 2 64 83 Saura 40 24 31 22 3i 2 26 30 Bhela Tipri 41 80 61 79 76 14 2 58 55 Salang 42 19 31 19 28 3 II 16 15 Bhukki 43 41 38 40 38 4 30 20 Hurri 44 74 76 74 82 6 32 34 SilIa 45 60 73 56 73 3 33 22 PiJang 46 20 27 18 27 2 8 14 Jaurau 47

    1,957 895 891 838 4 1 8 5 1,054 51 198 461 1,457 1,550 Total of Nagoti 4 ~j:hayat

    3 76 3 58 109 Nau Goan 48

    99 72 93 72 5 76 126 Gajoli 49 97 8;) 79 7 67 59 Bhankoli 50 35 36 33 33 23 12 Dansara 51 21 16 19 16 17 8 Dandalka 52 94

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 13 14

    145.29 50 66 272 139 133 26 19 48 4 53 ~T 145.29 33 36 178 88 90 14 9 30 54 ~'.. 183.33 123 123 726 351 375 7 7 229 75 55 ~r 175.24 92 92 486 238 248 4 4 124 7 56 ;:rm~

    5 ilfTtI' q''ifT~ ~ qiT 641.44 477 479 2,839 1,587 1,252 143 9S 1 877 145

    ~ ]67.95 86 87 485 240 245 8 7 106 62 f.n:rm~ 97.53 63 63 352 158 194 69 30 6 3 il"l1f~ il"ief 76.89 106 107 495 262 233 62 59 144 22 64 ~T~ m~T ifTq 89.03 53 53 283 138 145 62 4 65 :n~T 90.25 24 24 168 82 86 2 4 51 30 66

    6 «ntI' q'~ ~1i\1m.l 849.08 1,620 1,645 6,688 4,034 2,654 381 240 100 77 2,447 548

    ~fr.Wl' 162.69 96 96 492 248 244 34 37 6 11 108 6 69 a:roT'11 79.32 24 24 154 70 84 9 9 22 70 ~r.;ro-)~ 28.73 29 ~ 1m Q Q 5 6 51 8 7l q)1i~t 42.09 76 97 572 435 137 72 14 229 28 72 Cfi'firur 36.42 47 47 267 160 107 8 12 88 13 73 m 12.95 187 187 639 427 212 36 12 323 102 7 4 mr!1fliT~ 43.71 109 109 409 248 161 33 23 176 35 75 ~r:ft 45.33 91 91 440 254 186 IS 10 166 15 76 'liTfu'lfTW ifT'!' 172.00 122 122 672 337 335 61 52 195 27 77 .ft-rf 65.16 423 423 1.428 883 545 63 45 94 66 495 158 78 fa11)''f 17.84 324 326 1,023 665 358 42 20 432 121 79 ~~, 119 22 80 muif M~ MM. ~ ill 19 105 50 55 41 3 81 fu~1"T 37.24 19 9 48 27 21 2 8 2 f.r~l'Iilc 10.93 9 95



    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Tl 28 2

    7,1 69 2 67 68 66 Agora 53 1 46 4S 49 42 41 Seku S4 156 217 IJ7 215 39 2 21 3 174 ISS Uttara(m 5S 12$ 110 114 110 2 9 45 113 93 Nalde uri BOlldhar 56

    178 115 90 108 4 88 2 145 146 Gawana 57 34 75 129 41 129 134 129 Pata 58 3 227 261 29 64 131 165 164 Siror 59

    59 2 16 3 . 40 112 159 145 116 Netala 60 656 117 51 73 599 44 6 230 326 Henna 61

    3 5 506 512 463 561 5 26 182 584 498 l'utal of SaId 5 Paachayat

    3 106 127 103 127 134 118 NisD10r 62 4 91 131 87 131 67 63 Gamdir Goan 63 154 121 151 28 3 21 20 91 150 59 SaId MaUjYll 64 Goan 102 57 102 16 65 13 43 Gyanja 65 53 35 53 3 2 5 41 39 28 BasUoga 66 S ~O 3 4 425 2 470 79 106 132 Sangrall 67 20 27 2 78 8() 48 55 Bagyal GOal! 68

    5 1,&73 2,434 509 501 420 25 4 3S 80 37 224 1,563 1,921 Total of Jotim3l'a 6 Panchayat

    81 16 126 81 109 122 163 Athali 69 1 31 :2 28 39 82 Dilsaur 70 22 2 2 20 7 34 24 12 34 31 Pokhari 71 2 298 8 321 21 5 106 132 Kansain 72 30 2 71 102 33 30 28 58 46 Dang 73 7 2 253 265 17 10 10 162 194 Joshiyara 74 61 3 108 13S 64 27 3 11 0 97 Ladari 75 143 48 51 48 7 84 111 138 Kotiyal Goan 76 7 43 129 152 77 148 3 8 2m 175 Booga 77 ~ 557 582 74 20 12 62 3Ql 471 Tiloth 78 457 4 24 20 S 408 4 10 48 198 306 Jaspur 79 70 58 12 16 94 76 53 Mandolin 80 23 25 2 2 33 23 22 Silyan 81 11 10 11 10 16 11 Nirakot 82 96

    ~ srNfiTifi i'ftit'lurif' ~m: 4-'f~1 ~~~ (~nr1ur)

    1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    7 ,~I~ q'tl'1'l«t !!fm; 1J(f1.72 665 668 3,629 1,830 1,799 190 170 956 50 ~ ~q)tr 83 ~r 95.10 21 21 126 57 69 30 84 i'l'roT 21.04 1l 11 59 33 26 15 5 85 ~i.1if 67.58 83 83 372 165 207 11 12 80 86

    ~ ~sff Ifif ~ 415337.13 146 170 1,187 1,058 129 78 8 5 2 6011 40

    F-l ~~Gf 373200.58 19 27 373 373 33 199 F-2 ~~Gf 42136.55 129 143 814 685 129 45 8 5 2 401 40 97



    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    727 314 5'1Z 309 9 1 146 4 47 430 1,056 1,055 Total of Mustik 7 Saur Panchayat

    21 16 19 16 2 36 53 Mastari 83 16 8 14 8 2 17 18 Sarag 84 60 53 30 53 29 28 105 126 Thalan 85 76 21 59 20 17 72 98 Bongari 86 99 97 88 94 11 3 I 2 147 152 Kuroli 87. 61 45 55 45 5 2 98 109 Kankrari 88 113 6 78 6 5 30 25 110 167 167 Manpur 89 33 25 7 9 38 62 33 Sara 90 40 48 39 48 42 57 Chhaplur.urf 91 Dhanpur 2 2 2 3 5 Dobab 92 57 34 22 76 36 54 Aleth 93 149 18 131 18 18 11 173 221 183 Kishanpur 94

    '1J'I 7 3 927 121 129 Total of Forest Charges 364 364 9 T~l)re Range F·I 573 7 3 563 112 129 BaraiJat Range F·2 98

    q'f'{J'ifTt OfTiflG: ~iif ;;r;rnl91[i!OITfffijT Literates ij) lj

    ,----'------, . r--J'---. - ,....-.A---o. ~lI'o ~o ~r ~o ~r ' ,f ~o ro p M F M F t F M F

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    12.02 2,445 2,548 10,043 6,385 3,658 705 459 22 13 4,824 1,758 'ltl(ifilllfT ~~ ItiTtmT N.A. 169 192 888 551 337 69 47 401 136 1 CfIi ifo 1 417 417 1,515 1,051 464 54 13 3 869 274 2 crri' ifo 2 298 299 1,194 777 417 94 61 565 239 3 ~ifo 3 " 103 103 339 221 118 31 10 3 154 75 4 .m ifo 4 471 482 1,872 1,139 733 133 103 6 , 921 237 5 Cfli if. 5 " 127 131 Sll 328 183 13 6 25S 119 6 cni ifo 6 264 317 1,057 672 385 40 18 4 3 555 229 7 CfIi ifo 7 141 152 624 412 212 49 39 274 94 8 crri rio 8 " 199 199 839 S1l 328 95 81 6 308 127 9 crri ifo 9 " 1,204 723 481 128 81 :2 521 228 10 'f1i ifo 10 256 256 99



    ,----- «rIltRr'li 'fifl{ 'liTif if 'Ii~ ~;r 'fr.r 'ff?r ;J~ ~.ijlfiTfi'flli 11IfCl~ Marginal Non-workers ifiTlf iI>f.Ilfri:[ 'fiT~","T~ :q'i[~~ workers Total Cultivators Agricultural ;rrr .. ja:f'i 'liT ifflf main workers Jaboures Name of Town/ (1 to 9) (I) (2) Ward

    ~ .~ ~o f'Jff ~o m ~o ro M F M F M F

    15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

    3,597 297 124 150 88 1 130 6 3,255 140 15 11 2,773 3,J50 Total of Uttarkashl M.B.

    344 82 27 74 6 310 7 207 255 Ward No. 1

    567 31 5 16 6 556 15 3 3 481 430 Ward No. 2 443 32 6 10 4 2 433 20 333 385 Ward No. 3 126 20 3 123 19 95 98 Ward No. 4 598 18 15 4 10 573 24 3 7 538 698 Ward No. 5 197 4 6 191 4 131 179 Ward No. 6

    367 20 2 4 361 20 304 364 Ward No. 7 237 5 22 3 215 2 4 m 207 Ward No. 8 303 26 13 10 2 32 256 16 208 302 Ward No. 9 415 49 53 35 80 45 237 13 3 305 432 Ward No. 10 100

    ~ 'ffli~I:rr ~atRm ~f"~ at~ mrl. OIifam trf~ff 'ilTfffllT 'iI'I'ilTfffllT Literates Total population Scheduled Scheduled castes tribes 'ffll./'ltri 'liT ifllf (including institutional Name of townfward lind bQuseJess popu­ lation)

    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

    00.45 309 310 1,157 749 408 ~~WJf~ 89 45 5 2 62Il 211 ~f.()q 1 crri;:fo 1 N.A. 54 55 132 104 28 6 87 15 2



    '1,Uf'I!T1\;.l; ~ ""'~ '"~ MAIN WORKERS flTIITIlI'Ii 'lillf 'Ii!1f ;r 'Ii"f.t Iv , 'Ii.if iffi1 cmr ~t;~t;lfi 1?rf1l~ , tr- It.. 0 ~~ Marginal Non-workers ;<: ~mr'liT, ~'" 'lillf 'Ii~ iff<; l1;;j~' 0- workers Cultivators Agricultural ~ed.... """ t::s Total ~: :sAt'l ~ ill: a- tl! ." \=l.~ '-' ~,..:.~'" Ward If? ~ ]o;:~ -!-t;r. ~o ... !lII:;e. i~

    ci ci oZ oZ '" ., ;;lJ\l

    lj'q) ~n:: 'llTm 6 Jar Bharat Gango 479 62 12 IS5 2 13 326 2 4()9 54 17 ~

    7 <29 19 ~f{ 'fiR" til

    ilfTif~ crrt ;fo 5 10 Jansu 21 529 108 2 5 Ward No,S 9 459 17 12 22 675 101 10 876 66

    ~N SfNf"" 'ifottT'JTOfT m URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT crRf.ntc ~ ~'fiT{ 'fiT ;:rm - 'llG

    2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

    ~;fO 1 'Oim

    ~-7iti <4i,.n .... fa'~ District-Uttarkashi ERRATA

    ; '.err ~ ~m itifWQ; ~ ~NO. Particulars Col. No. For Read ,I 2 3 4 ,

    ct~-~ 2 ,~ Ttl-Puraula 5 40,X6'7 40,367 1 11 'l-Bhatwarl 4 26,'115 26,985 'H . /' 'd'd (C!fi 14ft 'I'if1R' l!)rr I-l UttUkasbJ Di.trict Total 24 39,765 39,"IV' I" ;:qt1f q"~ arro;ftc !fiT ~ 2St Total or Aratot Nyill' Panchayat 9 '157 '3'1 I I' \ ~ q"oqyzra' ~ ifiT lim 33 ~otal of Madugad Nyat, Panchayat 23 304 ,306 VIlrtiN«o 92 34 Village Code No. 92 8 72 93 3S Total or IChadkYa Nyay Panchayat 20 10 4 35 Total of ICbaclkya Nyay Paucbayat 21 2 10 3$ Total otKhadkya Nyay Panchayat 22 4 ~ m ifiT6 ~o 138 36 Village Code No. 138 4 12 11 1ITlI' ~ «0 139 ,36 Village CDde No, 139 6, 147 148

    11'111 ~ ~o 155 37 Village-Code No. US 24 4 l;lllPli'~' «0 7 3 ~o _ Villaae ('.ode No. 73 3 ~ 48.56 mm~o 95 ,_" Village Codo No. 95 • 7 274 234 ir,;r ifo 60 q~ 61 it ~ it ~- ~ R.ural Urban ,'\ - 'llJiq' «0 220 til' 81. No. 220 1 200 220 Rn1f ~(lfQ ~ IIiT lIW' Total of lIowala Nyay PaDehayat 1 3,801.75 3,800.75 ~t m i!filc ~o 58 74 'Village Code No. ,a 6 146 116

    V1lr 'lil1' ~ 0 82 74 Village Codo No. 82 4 5S S2 (li)

    11 3 _ 4 S

    ~~~o 121 78 Village Code No. 121 9 'I 57 '.,,' •. ~ 7fur \~~ .,'fiT 82 Total of Chamyari Nyay Panchayat 3 1,073.66 1,0tI3.66 ~\~~o 25' 92 Villa~ Code No. 2S 10 \ 5 ~~tfo'29 " 92 ViUage'Code No. 29 9 8S 5 ~nf~ ~o 32 !}2 fillhg" Code No. 32 : , 9 1-9 159 ®T iI6~o 60 . 94 Village Code No. 60 10 33 53 ~.~ ~ 'fir lfTq 94 tofal of Jaolimarba Nyliy Panchayat 3 849.08 849.11 IDlf m \to 69 94 tillage Code No. 69 5 96 98 lfT1f ~ ~o 93 96 Village Code No. 93 ~ 38 ~.L",","""""'_~V__ -.i---'. II ';...... --,~~--"""-' " .,' '. vf""";~T!~4"r' l)h~I<:'t' (