群利食品有 限公司素食 Qun Li Foods B.V. Vegetarian product series

Qun Li Foods B.V. Zilverstraat 23, 2544EJ Den Haag, the Netherlands [email protected] +31(0)704067660

群利食品有限公司 Qun Li Foods B.V.

随着社会的发展,素食越来越受到大家的欢迎,已不再是吃素者的专利。群利食品和素 质专家品牌益达兴合作,进口和提供各类素食来满足众多客户的需求。群利食品公司未 来计划销售素食产品到欧洲多个国家,让更多的人品尝到素食的美味。

With the development of society, the trend of having vegetarian food is keep increasing, and it is no longer a patent for vegetarians. Qun Li Foods B.V. and quality expert brand YI DAH XING cooperates to import and supply varieties of vegetarian food fulfilling the demand of significantly expanding vegetarian food market. In the future, Qun Li Foods B.V. going to introduce vegetarian products to many countries in Europe, thus more people can taste the delicious bites of oriental vegetarian food.

益达兴素食品厂(马)简介 Yi Dah Xing Vegetarian Food Factory (M) SDN. BHD Profile

益达兴素食品厂(马)有限公司成立于 1993 年,是马来西亚最大的冷冻素食制造商。主 要产品类别有蒟蒻,豆包,仿海鲜素食,素肉松,素火腿,素香肠,菇类,酱料,大豆 纤维,进口即食产品等系列产品。益达兴素食(马) 有限公司自成立以来,经营团队 秉持着“服务至上,品质第一”的理念,融合不同的种族,不同层次客户的需求,严选 100%素食材料。 推广优质且健康的素食是益达兴接近30年来的唯一理念,回顾二十多年前,茹素的人 口很少,生产制造商更是屈指可数,而现今各国茹素渐渐蔚为风尚,素食已不再是宗教 信仰的专利,素食产品更跳脱了豆腐、面筋的巢臼。我们融入了更丰富的食材(如: 蒟蒻、 植物蛋白、膳食纤维、酵素) ,以更健康且富有创意的样态,呈现给每个家庭,每个人。

Yi Dah Xing Vegetarian Food Factory (M) SDN. BHD. was founded in 1993, the largest frozen vegetarian manufacturer in Malaysia. The company is mainly engaged in Konjac, Duo Bao, Veg. seafood, Veg. meat floss, and Veg. sausage and Ham. Since Yi Dah Xing was established, the management team has followed the concept of “Best Service, Top quality” to satisfy the needs of different ethnic groups of customers by choosing 100% vegetarian raw materials to provide high quality products through continuous R&D.

Promoting high quality and healthy vegetarian food is our company’s principle over the nearly 30 years. More than twenty years ago, there were not many vegetarians and vegetarian food manufacturers in the world. On the contrary, there is an increasing number of vegetarians as vegetarian diet is becoming a trend to healthier diet. We, as a vegetarian manufacturer, are working beyond the limit of and gluten to produce vegetarian products that even suits meat lovers’ taste buds by using ingredients such as textured vegetable protein, konjac, , and yeast etc. To provide better and healthier to every families and every people.

益达兴素食产品 Yi Dah Xing vegetarian products


此产品为素食产品系列中最热销的产品之一,其产 品概念就如同品名所描述,模仿出香嫩的鸡肉口感。 为了达成这个目标,素香酥鸡是由组织性植物蛋白 (textured vegetable protein)为主原料,加上黄豆蛋 白、水、植物油高速搅拌达到乳化,再经过热处理 使其定形,从而模拟出近似于鸡肉的纹理与口感。 除了口感与鸡肉相近之外,素香酥鸡达到与鸡胸肉 相近的低卡路里,且同时也含有16.5%的蛋白质, 与低于7%的脂肪,令此产品能成为新时代健康取向 的肉类取代产品。 素香酥鸡在素食的菜肴上运用极为广泛,无论是做简单的油炸、爆炒、火锅配料,或是 经典的中式菜肴,如:宫保鸡丁,糖醋肉,也能运用在羹汤取代真正的肉品。 This is one of the most popular products in our vegetarian food series. Its idea is to imitate the tender and aromatic chicken pieces. To achieve the goal of meat-like texture and taste, the vegetarian roasted chicken is mainly made by textured vegetable protein, , water, and vegetable oil, then emulsifying and shaping by heat treatment. Besides its meat-like texture, the calories it obtaining is as low as chicken breast. In addition, it contains 16% protein and only less than 7% , causing this product to be a healthy alternative to meat in the new era. The vegetarian roasted chicken can be widely use in different dishes, such as simply deep fry, stir fry, wok, . Even making classic Chinese cuisines with Kung Pao sauce, sauce, and anything originally make by chicken pieces. Nutrition/100g 热量 Calories 195Kcal 脂肪 Fat 6.8g 饱和脂肪 Sat. Fat 3.3g 碳水化合物 17g 糖 Sugar <0.1g 蛋白质 Protein 16.5 钠 Sodium 0.76g

*contains egg


素冬菇焖鸡就是以素香酥鸡加以延伸,再加工的其中一道经典粤菜,除了把鸡肉换成素 香酥鸡外,其他的材料与工序都沿袭传统。除了冬菇之外,主要还添加了木耳,姜,酱 油,和香油。此产品只需经过加热就能轻松摆盘上桌。

Nutrition/100g This product is a classic cuisine made by 热量 Calories 138Kcal replacing chicken with vegetarian roasted chicken. 脂肪 Fat 4.2g Except for chicken alternative, all the ingredients and 饱和脂肪 Sat. 1.9g process obey the traditional style. The main Fat ingredients are 碳水化合物 15.7g Shiitake, jew’s ear, Carbohydrate ginger, oatmeal, soy 糖 Sugar <0.1g sauce, sesame oil. It 蛋白质 Protein 9.4g can be served to 钠 Sodium 0.62g tables while simply reheating. *contains egg


此产品是因应现代的速食潮流而研发,其口感近似于目前速食快餐店使用的鸡肉排。已 预先裹好炸粉,只需开袋后油炸加热就可食用。 此一系列的产品已成功在多家马来西 亚速食店发售,且与马来西亚的连锁素食速食店合作。

This product is introduced due to the trend of fast food market. The taste is exactly similar with the chicken burger meat. Bread crumbs have been coated as the out layer of the product, thus it can be fried then served immediately. These products of series have been successfully launched in several fast food restaurants and supplied to a vegetarian specialized fast food chain catering. Nutrition/100g 热量 Calories 180Kcal 脂肪 Fat 7g 饱和脂肪 Sat. 5g Fat 碳水化合物 16g Carbohydrate 糖 Sugar 1g 蛋白质 14g Protein 钠 Sodium 0.5g

*contains egg


此产品为常温即食产品,源自于传统的中国肉类加工品。南瓜以及黄豆被用来取代动物 纤维,从而创造出”绿色”且更加营养的素肉松产品。

It is a room temperature ready to eat product, imitating from a traditional Chinese topping, which originally made by meat fiber. It is now prepared by pumpkin and . To create a “green” and nutritional version of imitating meat floss. Nutrition/100g 热量 Calories 454Kcal 脂肪 Fat 15.5g 饱和脂肪 Sat. 7.2g Fat 碳水化合物 55.6g Carbohydrate 糖 Sugar 12.4g 蛋白质 Protein 22.9g 钠 Sodium 0.98g

*Vegan product


主原料采用蒟蒻制作,热量低且含有丰富的膳食纤维。经过特殊制程工艺,达到了肉类 丸子的弹性与口感。无论是吃火锅, 煮汤, 干煎,或是油炸,此产品皆是非常好的选择。

Konjac is the main ingredient applied on this product. It provides low calorie and dietary fiber-rich features. Producing through a unique procedure, it gives it a kind of meatball- like firm and springy texture. It is suitable to serve it as hotpot, soup, pan fried and deep fried. Nutrition/100g 热量 Calories 135Kcal 脂肪 Fat 2.9g 饱和脂肪 Sat. Fat 1.5g 碳水化合物 18.1g Carbohydrate 糖 Sugar 0.1g 蛋白质 Protein 9.2g 钠 Sodium 0.81g

*contains egg


素鱼豆腐是另一种添加蒟蒻的产品,其松软又富有弹性,就犹如真正的鱼糜制品。由于 使用了蒟弱,此产品每100g仅含有76大卡的热量并含有丰富的膳食纤维。无论是火锅、 炖卤、炒菜、炒菜、油炸,皆可以搭配。

Veg. fish cake is another product made from konjac. Its taste is soft but springy, just as a real surimi product. Due to konjac applying, it only contains 76 Kcal per 100g, and it obtains rich dietary fiber. It would be a tasty dish no matter cooks in hotpot, stew, and several other methods. Nutrition/100g 热量 Calories 76Kcal 脂肪 Fat 2g 饱和脂肪 Sat. Fat 1g 碳水化合物 8g Carbohydrate 糖 Sugar 0g 蛋白质 Protein 6g 钠 Sodium 0.32g

*Vegan product


酿豆腐是客家三大名菜之一,常见于广东、福建的客家地区,以及在印尼、马来西亚、 新加坡、泰国皆受欢迎。常见的馅料为绞肉馅或是鱼浆。 此产品的外皮是使用自制的豆腐泡,再填入以素肉碎、红萝卜、芫荽、辣椒、木耳制成 的馅料,蒸煮定型制成。酿豆腐有许多种吃法,常见的有干煎、油炸、蒸煮,再佐以淋 酱,亦可以当成配料放入汤中。 Stuffed tofu () is a Hakka consisting primarily of tofu filled with ground meat mixture or fish paste. Variation of this food include vegetables and mushrooms stuffed with ground meat or surimi. Yong tau foo is eaten in numerous ways, either dry with a sauce or served as a soup dish. It is commonly found in parts of China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand. Our product is used self-made fried tofu, and filled the paste made with vegetarian ground meat, carrot, coriander, chili, jaw’s ear, and cooked by steaming. Its taste is flavorful, crispy but tender and juicy in the inner part. Nutrition/100g 热量 Calories 160Kcal 脂肪 Fat 3g 饱和脂肪 Sat. Fat 1.2g 碳水化合物 Carbohydrate 16.7g 糖 Sugar <0.1g 蛋白质 Protein 16.5g 钠 Sodium 0.37g

*contains egg

• 素台湾小香肠 VEG. MINI SAUSAGE / 素火腿片 VEG. HAM SILCE 由于香肠与火腿在各个文化与国家中都是经典美食,此产品在世界各地皆广受欢迎。我 们的素香肠,令许多不愿意或不能食用肉品的人,有机会可以享用到好吃的香肠。其肠 衣是使用植物纤维素制成,与目前市面上大部份的肉类香肠相同。所以口感极为相似。 填充物以植物组织蛋白为主原料,赋予其如同肉类香肠般的扎实口感,搭配台式的辛香 料配方,使其味道浓郁,完美的模仿真正香肠的风味。 Nutrition/100g Sausage and ham are classic and popular in 热量 Calories 136Kcal lots of cultures and countries, so our 脂肪 Fat 1g vegetarian sausage is accepted and popular in 饱和脂肪 Sat. Fat 0.5g the whole world. It provides a good 碳水化合物 25.1g opportunity to let people, who cannot or do Carbohydrate not want to consume meat have a chance to 糖 Sugar <0.1g enjoy sausage. 蛋白质 Protein 6.6g Its casing is applied with vegetable cellulose, 钠 Sodium 0.30g which is the same with most of commercial

*Contains milk and egg meat sausage on the market. It gives the same taste when having a bite of the veg.-sausage, compared with true sausage. The Filling is mainly made from textured vegetable protein; thus, the texture is as firm and juicy as true sausage.


豆包,源自中国的传统美食,采用台湾现代工艺,呈现阳光般金黄原色,选用非基改黄 豆,保留最原始的自然风味,让厨房阵阵飘香,不管是成片料理、切片拌炒、细丝羹汤、 手作素鱼、包饺馅料都能让你的菜肴令人垂涎三尺。 Dou Bao, which is derived from traditional Chinese food, uses modern production process to present the perfect taste and sun-yellow color. It is produced by non-GMO , and preserved the original and natural soya flavor. Whether it is sliced cook, stir-fry, sautéed soup, reprocessed to make veg. fish, or to be the stuff of dumpling, Dou Bao has infinity possibility to develop into numerous cuisines. Nutrition/100g 热量 Calories 141Kcal 脂肪 Fat 0.7g 饱和脂肪 Sat. Fat 0.3g 碳水化合物 13.8g Carbohydrate 糖 Sugar <0.1g 蛋白质 Protein 19.8g

钠 Sodium 0.17g

*Vegan product

• 如意卷 RU-YI ROLL

如意卷是以新鲜豆皮卷入预先拌好的青菜、素鱼浆,再蒸煮定型而制成。简单油炸过后, 其感觉近似春卷,却比春卷更富有口感及层次。外皮酥脆带有黄豆香气,内馅鲜香多汁且富 有弹性。除了简单油炸食用之外,也可以用来入菜,如做成茄汁,黑椒,三杯味的餐厅料理。 Ru-yi roll is produced by fresh bean curd sheets filled with mixture of vegetable and vegetarian surimi, then well cooked by steaming. When Ru-yi rolls served by simply frying, its taste is similar with loempia, but it tastes richer and layering. Its outer layer is crispy and full of soya aroma, and the inner filler is juicy and springy. Besides deep fry, it can be served as traditional Chinese cuisines such as stir-fry in tomato sauce, black pepper sauce. Nutrition/18g (1pcs)

热量 Calories 30Kcal

脂肪 Fat 0.68g

饱和脂肪 Sat. Fat 0.32g

碳水化合物 2.3g


糖 Sugar 0.32g

蛋白质 Protein 3.8g 钠 Sodium 0.038g


素鳕鱼片是一种经典的仿荤素食,利用植物性拉丝蛋白制作出近似鱼肉的食用口感,外 层包覆紫菜,模仿鱼皮散发的大海鲜味。 此产品的使用上,可以用来烹饪所有使用真 正鳕鱼片的料理。 Veg. codfish slice is a classic imitation vegetarian. The textured vegetable protein is applied to imitate the fish-liked taste. It is wrapped by seaweed to imitated codfish skin. It is not only for the look, but the flavor from sea is appeared. Veg. codfish slice can be used into every cuisine where real codfish is used to be applied.

Nutrition/100g 热量 Calories 232Kcal 脂肪 Fat 8g 饱和脂肪 Sat. Fat 3g 碳水化合物 25g Carbohydrate 糖 Sugar 3g 蛋白质 Protein 15g 钠 Sodium 1198mg

Contains milk and egg