Public Safety Commission Adjourned Regular Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

5:00 P.M0

City Hall - Multipurpose Room 23825 Stuart Ranch Road

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda

Report on Posting of Agenda — December 27, 2019

Ceremonial / Presentations

A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair

1. Written and Oral Communications from the Public and Commissioners

A. Communications from the Public concerning matters which are not on the agenda but for which the Commission has subject matter jurisdiction. The Commission may not act on these matters at this meeting. (30 minutes total time allotted)

B. Staff updates.

C. Commissioner reports, comments and inquiries. (15 minutes total time allotted)

2. Consent Calendar

A. Previously Discussed Items


B. New Items

1. Approval of Minutes — December 4. 2019

Recommended Action: Approve minutes for the Public Safety Commission Regular meeting of December 4, 2019.

Staff contact: Executive Assistant Linden, 310-456-2489 ext. 232 Public Saf~tv Commission Page 2 of 3 Janua,~ 8, 2020

3. Old Business

A. Traffic Calming Measures and Enforcement for Point Dume (continued from November 6, 2019)

Recommended Action: 1) Receive and file the traffic data collected during the period of September 2019 through December 2019 from the speed advisory signs installed in the Point Dume neighborhood; and 2) receive a presentation regarding the potential locations of additional speed humps in the Point Dume neighborhood; 3) provide feedback to staff; and 4) consider providing a recommendation to the City Council regarding possible locations for installation of additional speed humps in the Point Dume neighborhood.

Staff contact: Public Works Superintendent Aladjadjian, 310-456-2489 ext. 235

4. New Business

A. Public Safety Work Plan for 2020

Recommended Action: Receive and file report regarding the Public Safety Work Plan for 2020 and provide feedback to staff.

Staff contact: Public Safety Manager Dueñas, 310-456-2489 ext. 313

B. CERT Team Program Guidelines

Recommended Action: Receive and file report regarding the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program Guidelines and provide feedback to staff.

Staff contact: Public Safety Manager Dueflas, 310-456-2489 ext. 313

C. Public Safety Agency Activity

Recommended Action: Discuss recent Public Safety Agency activities and receive and file monthly activity reports from the County of Los Angeles Sheriffs Department, Fire Department and Lifeguard Division.

Staff contact: Executive Assistant Linden, 310-456-2489 ext. 232

Adjournment Future Meetings

Wednesday, February 5, 2020 5:00 p.m. Regular Meeting City Hall Multipurpose Room Wednesday, March 4, 2020 5:00 p.m. Regular Meeting City Hall Multipurpose Room Wednesday, April 1, 2020 5:00 p.m. Regular Meeting City Hall Multipurpose Room

Guide to the City Commission Proceedings

The Oral Communication portion of the agenda is for members of the public to present items which are not listed on the agenda, but are under the subject matter jurisdiction of the Commission. Although no action may be taken, the Commission and staff will follow up, at an appropriate time, on those items needing response. Each speaker is limited to (3) three minutes. Time may be surrendered by deferring (1) one minute to another speaker, not to exceed a total of (8) eight minutes. The speaker wishing to defer time must be present when the item is heard. In order to be recognized and present Public Safety Commission Page 3 of 3 .Jnrnjuirv 2 2fl20

an item, each speaker must complete and submit to the Recording Secretary a Request to Speak form ~ri~: to the beginning of the item being announced by the Chair (forms are available at the entrance to the meeting room). Speakers are taken in the order slips are submitted.

Items in Consent Calendar Section A have already been considered by the Commission at a previous meeting where the public was invited to comment, after which a decision was made. These items are not subject to public discussion at this meeting because the vote taken at the previous meeting was final. Resolutions concerning decisions made at previous meetings are for the purpose of memorializing the decision to assure the accuracy of the findings, the prior vote, and any conditions imposed.

Items in Consent Calendar Section B have not been discussed previously by the Commission. If discussion is desired, an item may be removed from the Consent Calendar for individual consideration. Commissioners may indicate a negative or abstaining vote on any individual item by so declaring prior to the vote on the motion to adopt the entire Consent Calendar. Items excluded from the Consent Calendar will be taken up by the Commission following the action on the Consent Calendar. The Commission first will take up the items for which public speaker requests have been submitted. Public speakers shall follow the rules as set forth under Oral Communication.

Old Business items have appeared on previous agendas but have either been continued or tabled to this meeting with no fmal action having been taken. Public comment shall follow the rules as set forth under Oral Communication.

Items in New Business are items which are appearing for the first time for formal action. Public comment shall follow the rules as set forth under Oral Communication.

Copies ofthe staffreports or other written documentation relating to each item ofbusiness described above are onfile in the office of the City Manager, Malibu City Hall, 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, California and are available for public inspection during regular office hours which are 7:30 a. m. to 5.30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 7.30 a. m. to 4:30 p. in., Friday. Written materials distributed to the Commission within 72 hours ofthe Commission meeting are availablefor pub/ic inspection immediately upon distribution in the City Manager’s office at 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, California (Government Code Section 5495 7.5(b)(2). Copies of staff reports and written materials may be purchased for $0.10 per page. Pursuant to State law, this agenda was posted at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.

The City Hall phone number is (310) 456-2489. To contact City Hall using a telecommunication devicefor the deaf(TDD), please ca/I (800) 735-2929 and a Cal~fornia Relay Service operator will assist you. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, ifyou need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Yolanda Bundy, Environmental Sustainability Director, at (310) 456-2489, ext. 229, or YBundv a~nialihucitv. org. Not(~flcation 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. [28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADD Title II]. Requests for use ofaudio or video equipment during a Commission meeting should be directed to Alex Montano at (310) 456-2489, ext. 227, or .4Montano a ,nalibucitv.or.g before 12:00p.m. on the day ofthe meeting.

I hereby cert~)5~’ under penalty ofperjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the foregoing agenda was posted in accordance with the applicable legal requirements. Dated this 27t~? day of December 2019. Public Safety Commission Meeting 01-08-20 Item 2.B.1. PubOic Safety Commission Agenda Report

To: Chair Frost and Members of the Public Safety Commission

Prepared by: Mary Linden, Executive Assistanf~~~

Approved by: Reva Feldman, City Manager~/’~(

Date prepared: December 27, 2019 Meeting date: January 8, 2020

Subject: Approval of Minutes — December 4, 2019

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve minutes for the Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting of December 4, 2019.

DISCUSSION: Staff has prepared draft minutes for the Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting of December 4, 2019, and hereby submits the minutes to the Commission for approval.

ATTACH MENTS: Draft December 4, 2019 Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting Minutes



Chair Frost called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.


The following persons were recorded in attendance by the Recording Secretary:

PRESENT: Chair Chris Frost; and Commissioners Keegan Gibbs, Dane Skophammer, and Doug Stewart

ABSENT: Commissioner Fred Roberts

ALSO PRESENT: Susan Dueflas, Public Safety Manager; Jerry Vandermeulen, Fire Safety Liaison; Arthur Aladjadjian, Public Works Superintendent; Sergeant James Braden, Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department; and Mary Linden, Executive Assistant


Commissioner Skophammer led the Pledge of Allegiance.


MOTION Commissioner Stewart moved and Chair Frost seconded a motion to approve the agenda. The motion carried unanimously.


Executive Assistant Linden reported that the agenda for the meeting was properly posted on November 21, 2019.


A. Administer Oath of Office to newly-appointed Commissioner

Executive Assistant Linden administered the oath of office to Commissioner Skophammer.

ITEM l.A. PUBLIC COMMENTS Malibu Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2019 Page 2 of 7

Steve Uhring discussed the Planning Commission’s recent action to approve the Civic Center Way Improvement Project. He stated the changes would make it even more difficult for vehicles to exit side roads onto Malibu Canyon Road. He stated the Southern California Edison (SCE) power pole at the corner of Harbor Vista Drive and Malibu Canyon Road blocked the view for motorists exiting Harbor Vista Drive. He stated the City Council and Public Safety Commission both recommended relocation of the power pole in 2001. He provided a copy of the July 23, 2001 City Council Agenda Report for the Malibu Knolls Traffic Study.


Public Safety Manager Dueflas stated the City would oversee the next homeless count on January 22, 2020. She stated the City would be recruiting volunteers, and she encouraged all Commissioners to participate. She stated the Planning Department was moving forward with the ordinance to restrict overnight parking on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), and the ordinance was scheduled to go to Council on January 13, 2019.

Fire Safety Liaison Vandermeulen reported he had completed 122 home assessments. He stated there was a new online booking system for scheduling a home assessment. He stated the City Attorney approved the hold harmless agreement for Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) and Arson Watch members. He stated he submitted an application today for a $50,000 CalFire grant. He stated he was contacted by the Los Angeles Department’s Brush Clearance Unit for a letter of support for its grant application for brush clearance funding. He stated the County was clearing some areas of land owned by Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (MRCA). He discussed a meeting Chair Frost, Public Safety Manager Dueflas and he had with Los Angeles County Fire Chief Smith regarding wildfire prevention.

Public Works Superintendent Aladjadjian discussed the Public Works Department’s storm preparation activities. He reported there were no major issues or road closures from recent rain storms. He stated the Escondido Slope Stabilization Project was nearing completion. In response to Commissioner Roberts’s inquiry at the November 6, 2019 meeting, Public Works Superintendent Aladjadjian stated he confirmed with Los Angeles County Department of Public Works that all lanes on Kanan Dume Road were open. Commissioner Skophammer and Chair Frost stated tunnels two and three on Kanan still had lanes closed.


In response to Commissioner Gibbs, Public Works Superintendent Aladjadjian stated the Caltrans pavement resurfacing project on PCH, from the McClure Tuimel to Cross Creek Road, was complete. Commissioner Gibbs stated gutters that had been dammed for that project were still covered. In response to Commissioner Gibbs, Executive Assistant Linden stated the Caltrans project to resurface PCH between Trancas Canyon Road and the Los Angeles/Ventura County line was moving to day work hours effective next week with Malibu Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2019 Page 3 of 7

completion expected by the end of January 2020. Commissioner Gibbs stated he looked forward to a resolution soon on the rodenticide issue.

In response to Commissioner Stewart, Public Works Superintendent Aladjadjian stated the traffic signal at Civic Center Way and Malibu Canyon Road was a City signal. Commissioner Stewart asked if a right turn signal could be added to address the issues raised by Mr. Uhring. He stated he met with Sergeant Braden regarding 2020 summer traffic enforcement, concerns about private gate keys, and parking enforcement on PCH. He stated he attended a radio communications meeting regarding a repeater UHF radio station. He stated CERT was working to establish a radio system that would cover all of Malibu. He discussed the need for one-way communication to get emergency information to residents and visitors. He stated the Commission needed to see a unified evacuation plan. Public Safety Manager Dueflas stated she was working on the plan and explained the process. Sergeant Braden stated he was working with Public Safety Manager Dueflas on the plan. Commissioner Stewart displayed a battery-operated radio that included all National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather alerts. He requested Public Works staff keep the Commission informed about parking strategies. He discussed a meeting with City Manager Feldman regarding parking access near Nobu and Soho. He stated he heard on KBUU Los Angeles County Fire Chief Osby discussing training residents who want to stay behind in a fire and stating that mutual aid was essentially over. Sergeant Braden stated those comments may have come from the increase in call volume to the Fire Department with little change in the Fire Department’s staffing levels.

Commissioner Gibbs stated major agencies in neighboring areas and counties were more hesitant to release resources when they were experiencing the same fire weather conditions.

Commissioner Skophammer stated he was happy to be part of the Commission.

Commissioner Gibbs stated Commissioner Skophammer was an incredible community asset during the . He stated Commissioner Skophammer’s passion for the community was very strong, and he looked forward to working with him.

Chair Frost discussed the Fire Department’s request for a six percent parcel tax for additional fire resources. He discussed the changes in mutual aid, especially since the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFire) began to take charge. He asked if changing the timing of the signal at Civic Center Way and Winter Canyon Road could help provide traffic breaks for side streets along Malibu Canyon Road, especially between 3:00 and 6:00 p.m. Public Works Superintendent Aladjadjian stated the new signals at Civic Center Way and Webb Way might help. He discussed the effects syncing signals on side streets had on PCH traffic. In response to Chair Frost, Public Safety Manager Dueñas stated the Malibu Disaster Council would probably be scheduled to meet twice annually. Chair Frost discussed Carlsbad’s 72-hour, 500-foot parking ordinance. In response to Chair Frost, Fire Safety Liaison Vandermeulen explained MRCA’s exemption from private property brush clearance requirements. Chair Frost discussed the Los Angeles Malibu Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2019 Page 4 of 7

County heliport on Saddle Creek. He stated the traffic lanes by the Escondido Slope Stabilization Project needed work. In response to Chair Frost, Mr. Ubring discussed the Nobu, SoHo, and Malibu Beach Inn parking issues.

Commissioner Stewart requested updates on a safe parking program, speed data and speed bumps, and the Corral Canyon pedestrian crossing be included on an upcoming agenda.


MOTION Commissioner Gibbs moved and Chair Frost seconded a motion to approve the Consent Calendar. The motion carried 4-0, Commissioner Roberts absent.

The Consent Calendar consisted of the following items:

A. Previously Discussed Items None.

B. New Items

1. Approval of Minutes — November 6, 2019 Staff recommendation: Approve minutes of the Public Safety Commission Regular meeting of November 6, 2019.




A. Ad Hoc Committee Updates Recommended Action: 1) Receive and file updates from the Public Safety Newsletter and 2020 Public Safety and Preparedness Expo Ad Hoc Committees; and 2) Appoint one member of the Commission to fill the vacancy on the 2020 Public Safety and Preparedness Expo Ad Hoc Committee.

Executive Assistant Linden presented the report. She stated the ad hoc committees should report to the Commission regularly to keep the other Commissioners informed of progress and receive feedback.

Commissioner Gibbs reported that he and Commissioner Stewart met with Public Information Officer Myerhoff yesterday about the newsletter. He stated they determined that NextDoor would be an appropriate delivery method. He how the City communicated with the public. He suggested asking local newspapers about having a regular public safety column. He discussed possible topics, such as Botts’ dots that indicated locations of fire hydrants. He stated the plan was to prepare the Malibu Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2019 Page 5 of 7

newsletter and send it to Public Information Officer Myerhoff for posting on NextDoor. He stated Public Information Officer Myerhoff discussed possible issues, such as staff time and other Commissions expecting the same opportunity. Commissioner Gibbs suggested a monthly newsletter with each Commissioner being assigned to prepare one article plus finding one member of the community, including agency professionals, to produce another article for another month.

Commissioner Stewart stated the Commission needed assistance from the City for distribution. He discussed other possible topics. He agreed with trying to have the articles published in a local newspaper before being sent through NextDoor. He stated the intention was to start in early 2020.

Chair Frost suggested having only 10 editions per year. He suggested an article about golf carts.

Sergeant Braden stated many of the suggested topics were excellent choices that could help reduce crime.

Commissioner Gibbs nominated Commissioner Skophammer to fill the vacancy on the 2020 Public Safety and Preparedness Expo Ad Hoc Committee.

CONSENSUS By consensus, the Commission appointed Commissioner Skophammer to the 2020 Public Safety and Preparedness Expo Ad Hoc Committee.

Commissioner Stewart suggested merging the Topanga Public Safety Expo with Malibu’s event. Public Safety Manager Dueflas stated it had been discussed, but much of what was promoted at the two expos was very specific to each community.

B. Mid-Year Report to the City Council Recommended Action: Develop a list of Commission activities from the period of July through December 2019 to be included in the City Manager’s Mid-Year Commission Activity Report, scheduled to be presented to the City Council at its Regular meeting on January 27, 2020.

Executive Assistant Linden presented the report. She explained the process for determining the assignments each year.

Chair Frost asked when the last PCH Task Force meeting was held. He stated he did not receive notifications of the meetings. Executive Assistant Linden stated she would forward the next notification to him and would request that he be added to the distribution list. She stated if Chair Frost had not attended a PCH Taskforce meeting since July 1, she would remove the last bullet point from the draft memo before submitting it to the City Manager. Malibu Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2019 Page 6 of 7

MOTION Chair Frost moved and Commissioner Gibbs seconded a motion to submit the draft memo with Commission activities from the period of July through December 2019 to be included in the City Manager’s Mid-Year Commission Activity Report, scheduled to be presented to the City Council at its Regular meeting on January 27, 2020. The motion carried 4-0, Commissioner Roberts absent.

C. Review of Commission Assignments Recommended Action: Review the Public Safety Commission’s Assignments for Fiscal Year 2019-2020 and reprioritize, as needed.

Executive Assistant Linden presented the report. In response to Chair Frost, she stated this item was just to review the priority of current assignments, not to request additional assignments.

Public Safety Manager Dueñas suggested referencing the corresponding City Work Plan item number in future agenda reports and recommendations.

Commissioner Gibbs suggested working on the CERT Team protocols and VOP responsibilities in a disaster items at an upcoming meeting.

In response to Chair Frost, Public Safety Manager Dueflas stated there was a CERT team protocol approved by the City Council. She stated Public Safety staff was working to confirm the status of all CERT members.

In response to Chair Frost, Sergeant Braden discussed how VOP was used in disasters. In response to Chair Frost, Todd Prince discussed Arson Watch communications.

CONSENSUS By consensus, the Commission agreed to make no changes to the prioritization of its Fiscal Year 20 19-2020 Assignments.

D. Public Safety Agency Activity Recommended Action: Discuss recent Public Safety Agency activities and receive and file monthly activity reports from the County of Los Angeles Sheriffs Department, Fire Department, and Lifeguard Division.

Sergeant Braden discussed statistics in the October 2019 Sheriffs report. He discussed a Sheriffs Department operation in November to help reduce crime in shopping centers. He stated the newsletter was a good option for educating the community about how to prevent some crimes, such as thefts from locked or unlocked vehicles. Malibu Public Safety Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2019 Page 7 of 7

Commissioner Gibbs suggested including crime statistics in the public safety newsletters.

Sergeant Braden discussed ways the Sheriffs Department was trying to educate residents and local businesses about crime prevention. In response to Chair Frost, Sergeant Braden explained how the license plate reader car was utilized. He stated the car was deployed only in Malibu and other cities owned their own similarly- equipped patrol cars.

Commissioner Skophammer asked if there wa~ an assumed reason for the increase in thefts. Sergeant Braden stated one possible factor was the increase in visitors to Malibu.

Deputy Mike Treinen discussed how new legislation resulted in misdemeanor criminals being released sooner, which allowed them to commit more crimes.

Commissioner Stewart asked about the recent fatal accident near Las Tunas Beach. Sergeant Braden stated the victim had been travelling in excess of 85 miles per hour. He discussed how the Sheriffs Department communicated information about the closure of PCH for the accident investigation.

Commissioner Stewart discussed the number of fires in the Fire Department’s reports related to power lines.

Bill Armstrong thanked the Sheriffs Department for handling a problem with a transient in his neighborhood.


MOTION At 7:05 p.m., Commissioner Skophammer moved and Commissioner Stewart seconded a motion to adjourn. The motion carried 4-0, Commissioner Roberts absent.

Approved and adopted by the Public Safety Commission of the City of Malibu on


MARY LINDEN, Executive Assistant Public Safety Commission Meeting 01-08-20 Item 3.A. Pubhc Safety Commission Agenda Report

To: Chair Frost and Members of the Public Safety Commission

Prepared by: Arthur Aladjadjian, Public Works Superintendent

Reviewed by: Rob DuBoux, Public Works Director

Approved by: Reva Feldman, City Manager~”~

Date prepared: December 23, 2019 Meeting date: January 8, 2020

Subject: Traffic Calming Measures and Enforcement for Point Dume (continued from November 6, 2019)

RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Receive and file the traffic data collected during the period of September 2019 through December 2019 from the speed advisory signs installed in the Point Dume neighborhood; and 2) receive a presentation regarding the potential locations of additional speed humps in the Point Dume neighborhood; 3) provide feedback to staff; and 4) consider providing a recommendation to the City Council regarding possible locations for installation of additional speed humps in the Point Dume neighborhood.

DISCUSSION: At the August 7, 2019 Public Safety Commission Regular meeting, the Commission expressed concern about potential increased traffic in the Point Dume neighborhood, particularly following the combining of Juan Cabrillo and Point Dume Marine Science Elementary Schools, now known as Malibu Elementary School.

Staff provided a presentation at the November 6, 2019 Public Safety Commission Regular meeting regarding the traffic management plan for the Point Dume area. At the conclusion of the presentation, the Commission requested additional traffic data collected from the speed advisory signs installed in the Point Dume neighborhood for the period of September 2019 through December 2019. The traffic data, which will be provided in a supplemental report, will provide the Commission with additional information regarding the potential increased traffic adjacent to Malibu Elementary School.

The Commission also requested locations where additional speed humps could be Page 1 of 3 Agenda Item # 3.A. installed in the Point Dume neighborhood. New speed humps must meet the Public Works Department Speed Hump Policy (attached). This policy describes the procedures for requesting, evaluating and installing speed humps on residential streets. Some of the criteria for placement and design of the speed humps include:

o Speed humps must be spaced at least 175 feet apart. o Speed humps should be placed at least 250 feet from the nearest intersection, stop sign or traffic signal. o Only residential streets that are a minimum of 1/4 mile in length and have a speed limit of 25 miles per hour are eligible for speed humps. o The proposed street must not have more than one traffic lane in each direction and not wider than 40 feet. • Speed humps shall not be placed on streets that exceed a sustained grade of 6%. Exception for street grades may be allowed where the steeper grades prevail over relative short distances. • Speed humps shall not be placed closer than 250 feet before or after a steep grade of 6% or greater. o A speed hump shall not be placed in front of a driveway, ramp or crosswalk, or within an intersection. A speed hump should not interfere with any handicapped access, nor extend into a gutter or other stormwater conveyance which would restrict the flow. o Speed humps should be installed at least 10 feet from an existing driveway. • Speed humps should be positioned as close to property lines as possible. • Streets must have a minimum Average Daily Traffic volume of 500 vehicles per day and not more than 4,000 vehicles per day. • Speed survey that demonstrates that 60% of the vehicles are exceeding 25 miles per hour or at locations where the 85th percentile speed is found to exceed 35 miles per hour.

The following streets segments meet the above-mentioned placement criteria:

o Cliffside Drive (sections that do not exceed 6% slope) • Fernhill Drive from Cliffside Drive to Grayfox Street • Bluewater Road (sections that do not exceed 6% slope) o Birdview Avenue (sections that do not exceed 6% slope) • Grasswood Avenue (sections that do not exceed 6% slope) o Wandermere Road

Additional traffic data would be required for these streets to determine the average daily traffic volume and traffic speeds to determine the percentage of vehicles exceeding 25 miles per hour. If these street segments meet these requirements, they could be considered for new speed humps. Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item # 3.A. The following streets segments do not meet the placement criteria:

o Bison Court — street segment is too short

• Dume Drive — existing speed limit is 30 miles per hour

• Fernhill Drive from Grayfox Street to Wildlife Road — existing slopes exceed 6%

• Grayfox Street from Dume Drive to Fernhill Drive — existing slopes exceed 6%

• Boniface Drive — existing slopes exceed 6%

• Sea Lion Place — street segment is too short

• Greenwater Road — street segment is too short

o Heathercliff Road — not a residential street

• Wildlife Road from Zumirez Drive to Fernhill Drive — segment has slopes exceeding 6% and has too many curves

Streets that currently have speed humps in the Point Dume neighborhood:

• Wildlife Road south from Fernhill Drive o Portshead Road from Pacific Coast Highway to Boniface Drive • Selfridge Drive o Grayfox Street south from Fernhill Drive o Zumirez Drive

The Public Works Department Speed Hump Policy also requires a petition of the property owners that abut the street for the requested speed humps that must have signatures of 60% or more of the property owners. Upon staff verification of the signatures, the installation of the speed humps would be reviewed and approved by the City Council.

Staff requests feedback from the Public Safety Commission regarding the traffic data and the locations where additional speed humps could be installed. The Commission may also consider providing a recommendation to the City Council regarding possible locations for installation of additional speed humps in the Point Dume neighborhood.

ATTACHMENTS: Public Works Department Speed Hump Policy


Background The desire of residents to reduce the speed of vehicles along particular residential streets has created a need to prepare a speed hump policy for the Public Works Department. Speed humps are an accepted traffic calming device used to reduce vehicle speeds on residential streets. However, the use of speed humps needs to be reviewed and evaluated by the Public Work staff to determine if the speed humps will be an effective means of resolving this issue. The speed hump policy describes the procedures for requesting, evaluating andinstalling speed humps on residential streets.

Speed Hump Design and Placement Criteria The speed humps shall be constructed using asphalt concrete, striping and signage in accordance with the attached sketch. o Speed humps must be spaced at least 175 feet apart. Speed humps should be placed at least 250 feet from nearest intersection, stop sign or traffic signal. o Only residential streets that are a minimum of Y4 mile in length and have a speed limit of 25 miles per hour are eligible for speed humps. o The proposed street must not have more than one traffic lane in each direction and not wider than 40 feet. Speed humps shall not be placed on streets that exceed a sustained grade of 6%. Exception for street grades may be allowed where the steeper grades prevail over relative short distances. • Speed humps shall not be placed closer than 250 feet before or after a steep grade of 6% or greater. o A speed hump shall not be placed in front of a driveway, ramp or crosswalk, or within an intersection. • A speed hump should not interfere with any handicapped access, nor extend into a gutter or other storm water conveyance which would restrict the flow. Speed humps should be installed at least 10 feet from an existing driveway. Speed humps should be positioned as close to property lines as possible. o Streets must have a minimum Average Daily Traffic volume of 500 vehicles per day and not more than 4,000 vehicles per day. o Speed survey that demonstrates that 60% of the vehicles are exceeding 25 miles per hour or at

locations where the 85th percentile speed is found to exceed 35 miles per hour. o Speed humps shall not be placed over utility covers or survey markers and monuments.


Step 1 — Request A homeowner or a homeowner’s association or group must submit a written request/petition for the installation of speed humps on a specific street segment or segments to the Public Works Director. The request must identify the perceived traffic problem and must include contact information for a representative of the requester (individual or association/group). The request must be for a residential Street. Step 2 — Evaluate the Request Staff will evaluate the request to install speed humps based upon the written request. Upon the evaluation, staff will contact the requester to proceed or not to proceed with the petition.

Step 3 — Conduct Petition After the completion of the evaluation of the request, the requester shall circulate the petition to those property owners that abut the streetfor the requested speed humps. The petition shall include the following: • Description of the street area • Description of the proposed work • Name and address of the signator o Phone number or email address of signator (not mandatory)

The petitions must have signatures of 60% or more of the property owners that abut the street for the requested speed humps. Only one signature per property will be counted.

Upon staff verification of the signatures, the installation of the speed humps will be scheduled with an upcoming City pavement project. The pavement project will be reviewed and approved by the City Council.

Construction Speed humps will be constructed with asphalt concrete, Class D PG64-1O, in accordance with the attached detail. The dimensions shall be 12 feet wide and 2.5-inches in height. The speed hump will have appropriate signage and/or markings that include a 12-inch white reflective chevron striping. The chevron striping shall be centered in the travel lane and be positioned in the direction of traffic. W17-1 street signs shall be placed at the beginning and ending of the street segment containing the speed humps. The final location of the speed hump will be determined by the Public Works Staff 12








—~~T--~. Date STD DET NO

~ I CITY OF MALIBU Designed RD 3/14 ~ PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 1 00 ~ Orawn M 3/14

\\~ ~) SPEED HUMPS Checked RD 3/14 -~- Approved Public Safety Commission Meeting 01-08-20 Item 4.A. Public Safety Commission Agenda Report

To: Chair Frost and Members of the Public Safety Commission

Prepared by: Susan Dueñas, Public Safety Manager

Approved by: Reva Feldman, City Mana~erf~~

Date prepared: December 16, 2019 Meeting date: January 8, 2020

Subject: Public Safety Work Plan for 2020

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file report regarding the Public Safety Work Plan for 2020 and provide feedback to staff.

DISCUSSION: The City’s Public Safety Office oversees a variety of public safety and emergency preparedness programs, including maintaining the City’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and disaster notification systems, providing safety and emergency operations training for City staff, emergency plan development and maintenance, coordinating with outside agencies to develop and improve interagency response procedures, overseeing the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), providing public education opportunities, neighborhood fire safety and preparedness, providing support to the Sheriff’s Volunteers on Patrol (VOP), and implementation of the City’s Homelessness Strategic Plan.

The proposed work plan for 2020 is broken up into three primary categories: Community Preparedness, Emergency Management Enhancements, and Homelessness.

Community Preparedness • Host a Public Safety Expo in June o Conduct four CERT classes o Expand the Home Ignition Zone Assessment Program o Host a Tsunami Town Hall during Tsunami Awareness Week (March) to present the updated tsunami inundation maps from the State

Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item 4.A. o Host four educational workshops and forums during National Preparedness Month (September) • Conduct two preparedness workshops for adults 55 and older e. Conduct three Crisis First Aid Classes for the community • Provide safety and preparedness presentations to homeowners associations and community groups

Emergency Management Enhancements • Bring revised evacuation plan to Disaster Council and City Council for approval o Host an evacuation plan table-top exercise with agency partners • Provide four EOC training opportunities for City staff o Conduct one table-top exercise for the City’s EOC Team that focuses on the needs of vulnerable populations • Complete the installation of a repeater on Castro Peak • Identify and implement additional radio communication enhancements o Work with consultant to conduct a sound study for outdoor warning siren system o Develop a Community Wildfire Protection Plan • Implement enhancements to the CERT Team program • Support 12 CERT Team meetings and training opportunities Implement and evaluate Civic Plus notification system o Develop an Alert and Warning Plan o Implement a Spanish language alerting program

Homelessness • Conduct the 2020 Homeless Count • Hold 12 meetings of Malibu’s Homelessness Working Group • Continue to work with The People Concern outreach team to connect homeless individuals to housing and services • Host educational workshops on issues related to homelessness o Work with community partners to increase housing opportunities for homeless individuals


Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item 4.A. Public Safety Commission Meeting 01-08-20 Item 4.B. Public Safety Commission Agenda Report

To: Chair Frost and Members of the Public Safety Commission

Prepared by: Susan Dueñas, Public Safety Manager

Approved by: Reva Feldman, City Manager~

Date prepared: December 13, 2019 Meeting date: January 8, 2020

Subject: CERT Team Program Guidelines

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Receive and file report regarding the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program Guidelines and provide feedback to staff.

DISCUSSION: On August 28, 2017, the City Council formalized the Malibu CERT Team as a City-sponsored response organization and adopted the CERT Team Program Guidelines. The purpose of the CERT Team is to assist the City in providing aid, as needed, during emergencies, and to educate and promote disaster preparedness and awareness in the community. The Guidelines outline the requirements to become a member of the team, organizational structure, team responsibilities, ongoing participation requirements, and activation procedures.

Since 2017, CERT Team members have donated more than one thousand hours toward providing preparedness education to the community, assisting with CERT classes, maintaining the City’s emergency supply bins, researching communication enhancements, acquiring a site on Castro Peak for a radio repeater, responding during the Woolsey Fire, and assisting with storm response and Emergency Operations Center (EOC) activations during the 2019 winter storms.

ATTACHMENTS: City of Malibu CERT Program Guidelines

Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item 4.B. City of Malibu CERT Program Guidelines

PURPOSE The purpose of the Malibu Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) is to assist the City of Malibu in providing aid, as needed, for emergency disaster response and to educate and promote disaster preparedness and awareness in the community.

CERT activities during a disaster may include the following: o Basic first aid and multiple victim triage o Assisting with radio communications • Staffing of disaster shelters, pet shelters & evacuation areas Assisting with Emergency Operations Center setup and scribing o Assisting with traffic control o Convergent volunteer management o Small fire suppression o Assist with urban search and rescue • Serve as a local guide for outside agencies o Assisting with Initial Damage Assessment

CERT activities during non-disaster times may include the following: Staffing public education booths at large community events • Staffing first aid booths at large community events • Assisting with traffic control at large community events o Assisting with radio communications during large community events o Assisting with short term care and shelter after a significant structure fire with multiple displaced individuals o Assisting with EOC exercises and drills o Assisting with general safety training for city staff o Assisting with safety training for the community

BACKGROUND The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. The CERT concept was developed by the Los Angeles City Fire Department in 1985 and since its creation, numerous disasters have underscored the need for training civilians to meet the immediate needs of a corn mu n ity.

Malibu CERT Program 12/17/19 Page 1 of 4 CERT training graduates can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event in which professional responders are not immediately available. CERT graduates who wish to become a member of Malibu’s CERT Team are required to complete additional training and participate in emergency preparedness projects in the community.

MEMBER REQUIREMENTS The Malibu CERT Team is a critical emergency response asset in the city, and as such, it is important that members are dedicated to making the necessary commitment of time. To become a member of Malibu’s CERT Team, individuals must do the following: 1. Graduate from the Community Emergency Response Team training program; 2. Register with the City as a Disaster Service Worker; 3. Complete FEMA’s online courses: IS-i 00a (ICS) and IS-700a (Intro to NIMS); 4. Attend Standardized Emergency Management System training; 5. Be willing to attend periodic meetings, training sessions, and drills; 6. Be willing to support at least two community events per year; 7. Be willing to participate on at least one CERT committee; 8. Be willing to provide their own Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); 9. Be willing to serve at least 30 hours per year, including time at meetings, trainings and events; and, 10. Be willing and able to work in the potentially physically demanding and/or stressful environment that may be present in disaster situations.

MEMBER STATUS LEVELS Members are either Active, Auxiliary, or Retired: 1. ACTIVE Member is in good standing and meets ALL Member Requirements noted above. All Active members are required to display a current year sticker on their ID card. 2. AUXILIARY Any active member who has not achieved the minimum number of hours or other requirements by the end of any year without a satisfactory reason will become re-classified as an Auxiliary member and shall return their uniform. Auxiliary status will signify that the member may not be aware of the latest CERT skills, safety procedures and protocols, and may be considered potentially unsafe due to this lack of awareness. Those classified Auxiliary are welcome to participate in CERT activities, but may be restricted by team management in the role that they may play, due to the lack of proven training and my not be included in the initial deployment. 3. RETIRED If a member remains on the Auxiliary list for more than two years, a letter will be sent to the member to determine if the member wishes to continue with the team, or to officially retire. If a member indicates his desire to remain on the team, no further action will be taken and the member will remain on the Auxiliary list. In the case of a member choosing to retire, the official ID card must be returned to the City. The member’s status is changed to Retired and Disaster Service Worker coverage is no longer effective. The member’s personal file will be kept for one year and then destroyed.

Malibu CERT Program 12/17/19 Page 2 of 4 MANAGEMENT TEAM The Management Team works with the City Manager or designee to implement the CERT Team program, set goals and objectives for the organization, as well as manage committees to implement the goals and objectives. There will be at least one Management Team meeting each quarter. Members of the Management Team are appointed by the City Manager or designee based on the member’s prior experience and commitment to the Team. Appointments are a minimum of one year and follow the calendar year. Toward the end of each calendar year, new appointments will be considered to fill vacancies or other needs.

TRAINING Training js vital to the safe and efficient operation of the team. No member should attempt any action for which he or she is not trained. The safety of the individual, the other team members, and the victim(s) are all dependent upon each member knowing exactly what he or she is doing and capable of. It is each member’s responsibility to ensure that he or she is up-to-date with applicable training. Regular City sanctioned training opportunities will be provided, and only preauthorized City sanctioned training provides Disaster Service Worker protections.

CERT TEAM ACTIVATION & DEACTIVATION Only the City Manager or designee can activate and deactivate the CERT Teah,. Without this, members are acting as an individual member of the public, with no authority, and with no backup or support from the City. Additionally, there is no provision of Disaster Service Worker status. When activated, the City will designate Team Leaders to supervise activities of the team. Should a Team member need to leave an incident or exercise prior to being deactivated, it is the member’s responsibility to notify their Team Leader and check out. Should a Team Leader need to leave an incident or exercise prior to being deactivated, it is the Leader’s responsibility to identify a replacement, advise the City and then check out. Prior to leaving an incident or following deactivation, Team members should ensure that all equipment is returned to the appropriate places and documentation is turned in to the appropriate individual.

DISASTER SERVICE WORKER REGISTRATION All CERT Team members will be registered with the City as Disaster Service Workers (DSW) and managed in accordance with the State of California’s Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program regulations. A DSW is a person who is registered with an accredited Disaster Council for the purpose of engaging in disaster service without pay or other compensation. The City of Malibu has been an accredited Disaster Council since 1994. DSWs are eligible for State Workers Compensation benefits while performing activities under the direction of the City’s emergency management organization during the following situations: 1) A proclaimed emergency; 2) A search and rescue mission; 3) Approved, documented and supervised activities to mitigate an imminentthreat to life, property and resources; and 4) While participating in City sanctioned training necessary to engage in such activities. Additionally, DSWs are entitled to limited immunity from liability when acting in the course of their disaster service duties.

Malibu CERI Program 12/17/19 Page 3 of 4 UNIFORMS & IDENTIFICATION Active members of the Malibu CERT Team will be provided with a uniform to ensure that local first responders can recognize them and differentiate them from other community volunteers, including individuals who have completed the CERT class, but no other training. Team members will be issued the uniform once they have completed all required training. When Team members are no longer participating at the required level they will be asked to return their uniform. CERT Team members will also be issued an ID Card once they have completed all required training. Team members must wear their ID card when activated to respond to an incident or assist at a community event. Team members who are in good standing at the end of each calendar year, will be issued a sticker for the next year to be placed on their ID.

CERT CODE OF CONDUCT All CERT Team members shall abide by the CERT Code of Conduct. Any verified deviation from the Code of Conduct may result in dismissal from the team. A copy of the Code of Conduct will be included in the CERT Standard Operating Guidelines.

LIABILITY California’s Good Samaritan Law provides, “no person who in good faith, and not for compensation, renders emergency medical or nonmedical care or assistance at the scene of an emergency shall be liable for civil damages resulting from any act or omission other than an act or omission constituting gross negligence or willful or wanton misconduct.”

STANDARD OPERATING GUIDELINES All CERT Team members will be provided with a copy of the CERT Team Standard Operating Guidelines that includes detailed administrative information such as a copy of this program statement, training resources, personal protection equipment requirements, the Code of Conduct, Team Member contact information, operational check lists, and other important support documents.

Malibu CERT Program 12/17/19 Page 4 of 4 Public Safety Commission Meeting 01-08-20 Item 4.C. PubUicU Safety CommissionU U Agenda Report

To: Chair Frost and Members of the Public Safety Commission

Prepared by: Mary Linden, Executive Assistant\J~_/

Approved by: Reva Feldman, City Manager~~

Date prepared: December 27, 2019 Meeting date: January 8, 2020

Subject: Public Safety Agency Activity

RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discuss recent Public Safety Agency activities and receive and file activity reports from the County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department, Fire Department, and Lifeguard Division.

DISCUSSION: The City contracts with the County of Los Angeles for public safety services, including Sheriff, Fire and Lifeguard services. Monthly reports summarizing agency services for November 2019 are attached for review.

ATTACHMENTS: 1. County of Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Year to Date Crime Statistic Comparisons for the City of Malibu for the month of November 2019

2. County of Los Angeles Fire Department Activity Report — November 2019 3. County of Los Angeles Fire Department, Lifeguard Services Activity Report November 2019

Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item # 4.C. I TYOF OS ES


0 ~ -~ December 13, 2019 Reva Feldman, City Manager ~ DEC ‘~2~19 ]A City of Malibu 23825 Stuart Ranch Road Malibu, CA 90265 CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE CITY OF MALIBU Dear Mrs. Feldman:

Listed below are the year-to-date crime statistic comparisons for the City of Malibu for the month of November 2019. I. CRIME STATISTICS CRIME CURRENT MTH YTD 2019 YTD 2018 CHANGE Homicide 0 1 1 0 Rape 1 4 8 -4 Robbery Armed 1 5 5 0 Strong-Arm 0 11 4 7 Assault 3 14 19 -5 Burglary Residential 3 39 39 0 Business 2 28 20 8 Garage/Out-Building 0 15 5 10 Vehicle (locked) 8 145 114 31 Theft Grand ($950 +) 4 49 53 -4 Petty 4 57 49 8 Vehicle (unlocked) 6 38 38 0 Grand Theft Vehicle 2 22 29 -7 Arson 0 3 1 2 Domestic Violence Felony 0 3 0 3 Total Part I Crimes 34 434 385 +49 Percent Change +12.7 % Domestic Violence 1 17 19 -2 Misdemeanor

211 WEST TEMPLE STREET, Los ANGELES, C o1~NL8~. 90012 d ~?i4a€h~,z ~/ i~I /- ATTACHMENT 1 3

Reva Feldman, City Manager -2 - December 13, 2019


A robbery was reported in the 21200 block of Pacific Coast Highway. The suspect entered the gas station, asked for cigarettes and then picked up some other items. The suspect then attempted to exit the location without paying. The employee approached the suspect and demanded payment for store items. The suspect stated to the employee that he had a firearm. The employee believing the suspect was armed was in fear of her safety. The suspect was described as a male Hispanic, 40 years of age, 5 feet 3 inches and 180 pounds. The suspect fled on a blue bicycle. (19-06638)

A resident of Malibu was arrested for assault in the 30800 block of Pacific Coast Highway. The suspect for unknown reasons approached the victim, who was sitting on a bus bench, and began to swing a golf club at the victim. A witness who came to the defense of the victim was also threatened by the suspect. (19-06324)

A Tujunga resident was arrested for possession of a dagger and narcotics and misappropriation of lost property in the area of Malibu Canyon Road and Pacific Coast Highway. The subject was contacted by deputies during an investigation of possible mail theft. The subject had two manila envelopes in his possession that were addressed to other people who lived in the 3800 block of Rambla Orienta and the 22200 block of Carbon Mesa Road. During the investigation, the subject had a concealed dagger and narcotics on his person. (19-06901)

III. TRAFFIC See attached.


V. AGENDIZED CAR See attached.

VI. JUVENILE INTERVENTION TEAM See attached. Reva Feldman, City Manager 3- December 13, 2019

VII. ARREST STATISTICS The numbers of arrests listed below are the most current available.

YEAR TO DATE CURRENT MONTH 2019 NOVEMBER ADULT JUVENILE ADULT JUVENILE Criminal Homicide 0 0 0 0 Forcible Rape 0 0 0 0 Robbery 8 0 0 0 Aggravated Assault 9 0 2 0 Burglary 12 0 0 0 Larceny Theft 15 0 2 0 Grand Theft Auto 4 0 0 0 Arson 0 0 0 0 Forgery 2 0 0 0 Fraud and NSF checks 7 0 0 0 Sex Offenses, Felonies 1 0 0 0 Sex Offenses, Misdemeanors 0 0 0 0 Non-Aggravated Assaults 20 0 1 0 Weapon Laws 9 0 1 0 OffensesAgainst Family 3 0 0 0 Narcotics 84 0 9 0 Liquor Laws 0 0 0 0 Drunk/Alcohol/Drugs 54 0 7 0 Disorderly Conduct 2 0 0 0 Vagrancy 0 0 0 0 Gambling 0 0 o o Drunk Driving Vehicle/Boat 52 0 5 0 Vehicle/Boating Laws 167 1 23 0 Vandalism 4 1 1 0 Warrants 256 0 11 0 Receiving Stolen Property 0 0 0 0 Federal Offenses W/O Money 0 0 o o Federal Offenses With Money 1 0 0 0 Felonies, Miscellaneous 7 0 0 0 Misdemeanors, Miscellaneous 65 0 5 0 ARREST TOTALS 782 2 67 0



Matthew S. Vander Horck, Captain Malibu/Lost Hills Station D Los Angeles County Malibu / Lost Hills Station ~1 5ker~ff~ Depc~rtnient City of Malibu

Consolidated Contract City Monthly Traffic Report November 2019

COLLISION SUMMARY* This Month Month Year Total Total Prior Change Prior Y~m YTD ÷1-

Total Collisions - Excluding Private Property 30 16 348 357 -9

Fatal Collisions 1 0 3 2 +1

Injury Collisions 11 4 120 122 -2

Property Collisions 18 12 225 229 -4

Private Property Collisions 3 4 47 60 -13

DUI Collisions with Injuries 0 0 8 2 +6

DUI Collisions with Property Damage 1 0 7 6 +1 J Total Pedestrian Collisions r______1 0 8 10 -2 Pedestrians Killed 0 0 1 1 0

Pedestrians Injured 1 0 8 10 -2

Total flit & Run Collisions 4 2 47 46 +1

Hit & Run Fatalities 0 0 0 0 0

Hit & Run Injuries 0 0 4 7 -3

Hit & Run Property Only 4 2 43 39 +4

CITATION SUMMARY~ This Mouth Month Yeai~ Total Total Prior Change Prior YTI) YTI) ÷1-

Traffic Total 1478 312 30879 22318 +8561

Hazardous Violations 412 123 5730 4704 +1026

Non-Hazardous Violations 137 36 2778 2668 +110

Parking Violations 924 152 22328 14919 +7409

DUI Arrests 5 1 43 27 +16

*Colljsion Summary and Citation Summary does not reflect all collisions and citations which were not entered into the database. 0

761551 N25A - SH - AD - 32A (2/72)


FROM: Scott Shean, Traffic Investigator TO: Matthew S. Vander Horck, ~aptai Malibu/Lost Hills Station Malibu/Lost Hills Station

SUBJECT: November Motor Activity Report City of Malibu

During the month of November the motorcycle officers wrote 457 citations. The citations break down into the following categories:

Unsafe Speed 278 Other Hazard 19 Other Non-Hazard 132 Signs and Signals 15 Unsafe Turning 5 Fail to Yield 2 Unknown 6

SWS: LA. County Sheriff’s Department Lost Hills & Malibu Station Monthly Traffic Safety Management Report

City of MALIBU Date Range Reported: 1 1/1/2019 to 11/30/2019 Total No. of Collisions: 30 Injury: 11 Non-Injury: 18 Fatal: 1 Private Property: 3

Total No. of Citations: 549 Hazardous Cites: 412 Non-Hazardous Cites: 137

Collisions by Reporting Districts Reporting District No. Location

1010 1 at Broad Beach Rd (W) and Pacific Coast Hwy 1012 4 at Separate Locations 1013 2 at Separate Locations 1014 2 at Corral Canyon Rd and Pacific Coast Hwy 2 at Separate Locations 1015 2 at Civic Center Wy and Malibu Canyon Rd 7 at Separate Locations 1016 3 at Separate Locations 1017 3 at Big Rock Dr and Pacific Coast Hwy 1 at Las Flores Canyon Rd and Pacific Coast Hwy 1018 2 at Separate Locations 1029 1 at Pacific Coast Hwy and Topanga Canyon Blvd

Collision Occurred Most Frequently On:

Street Name Number of Collisions Pacific Coast Hwy 23 3 at Big Rock Dr 3 at Corral Canyon Rd 2 at Carbon Beach Terrace 2 at Sweetwater Canyon Rd 2 at Topanga Canyon Blvd

1 0 11 at at Separate Locations Malibu Canyon Rd 2 2 at Civic Center Wy Civic Center Wy 1 1 at Vista Pacifica St Wildlife Rd 1 1 at Fernhill Dr

Primary Collision Factors:

Violations Description Number of Collisions 22350 Unsafe Speed 7 22107 Unsafe Turning Movement 4 21 801 (a) Left Turns Or U-Turns Yield To Other Vehicles 3 21703 Following Too Closely 3 21 658(a) Lane Straddling; Unsafe Lane Change 2 2 231 52(a) Dui; Alcohol 1 22109 Stopping Suddenly Without Signaling 1 221 00(a) Right Turn At Intersection, Improper Position 1 21 950(a) Yield To Pedestrian In Crosswalk 1 21 804(a) Failure To Yield Exiting Private Property Or Alley 1 21 802(a) Failure To Yield After Stopping For Stop Sign 1 21 755(a) Unsafe Passing On Right 1 21 453(a) Red Signal; Failure To Stop 1 0

Violations Most Frequently Cited:

Violations Description Number of Citations

22350 Unsafe Speed 242 22349(a) Speeding, Excess Of 65 Mph 60 5204(a) Current Month And Year Tabs Attached 46 16028(a) Proof Of Financial Liability-Traffic Accident 39 12500(a) Unlicensed Driver 27 4000(a)(1) Vehicle Registration Required 27 21461 (a) Obey Traffic Control Sign 23 5200(a) License Plates, Two On A Vehicle Front/Rear 21 14601 .1(a) Driving With Suspended License 19 23123(a) Using Wireless Hand Held Phone While Driving 15 4454(a) Registration Card Kept With Vehicle 11 12951 (a) Drivers License, Not In Possession 10 22450(a) Failure To Stop For Posted Stop Sign 8 231 23.5(a) Texting While Driving 7 22101(d) Req’d Or Prohibited Turn; Fail To Obey Sign 6 2 22107 Unsafe Turning Movement 6 22362 6 231 52(a) Dui; Alcohol 5 38300 Off-Highway Vehicle, Disobey Signs S 14601(a) Driving With Suspended License, Negligent Operato 4 21453(a) Red Signal; Failure To Stop 4 21651(a)( 4 22400(a) Minimum Speed Law; Impede Traffic 3 231 52(b) Dui, .08 Bac Or Greater 3 26708(a)( 3 11362.3(a) 2 17.12.320 Alcohol On The Beach 2 21802(a) Failure To Yield After Stopping For Stop Sign 2 22100.5 U-Turn From Left Lane 2 24252(a) Maintain Required Lighting 2 14600(a) Change Of Address Notification To Dmv Required 1 14601.2(a) Driving With Suspended License, Dui 1 14603 Violation Of License Restrictions 1 21201(a) Bicycle; Brake Required 1 21453(d) Pedestrian; Failure To Stop 1 21460(a) Double Yellow Lines; Drive To The Left Of 1 21651(b) Driving The Wrong Way On A Divided Highway 1 22100(a) Right Turn At Intersection, Improper Position 1 22348(c) Truck Or Truck Tractor Remain In Desgnated Lanes 1 23222(a) Possess Open Container While Driving 1 25620(a) Open Alcohol Container 1 26710 Defective Windshield & Rear Windows 1 307.6 1 4464 Altered License Plates 1 5201 (a) License Plates, Securely Attached And Visible 1 5201 .1(c) Altering License Plate To Avoid Detection 1 602.8(a) Trespass On Land Cultivated;enclosed Or Posted 1

Collisions Involving Pedestrians: 1 Most Frequent Violations

Collisions Involving Bicyclists: 1

Most Frequent Violations

3 it)

L.A. County Sheriffs Department Lost Hills & Malibu Station Monthly Traffic Collision Report

12/12/2019 City of MALIBU Date Range Reported: 11/1/2019 to 11/30/2019

Collisions Total Non-Injury Collisions 18 Total Injury and Fatal Collisions 12

Total Collisions (Injury + Non-Injury) 30

DUI Collisions Number of DUI Collisions with Fatalities 0 Number of DUI Collisions with Injuries 0 Number of DUI Collisions Involving Property Damage 1 Total Number of DUI Collision Deaths 0 Total Number of DUI Collision injuries 0 Total Number of DUI Collisions 1 Total Actual Number of DUI Arrests 5

Non-DUI Collisions Number of Non-DUI Collisions with Fatalities 1 Number of Non-DUI Collisions with Injuries 11 Number of Non-DUI Collisions Involving Property Damage 17 Total Number of Non-DUI Collision Deaths 1 Total Number of Non-DUI Collision injuries 16

Vehicle/Pedestrian Collisions Number of Vehicle/Pedestrian Collisions with Fatalities 0 Number of Vehicle/Pedestrian Collisions with Injuries 1 Total Number of Pedestrian Fatalities 0 Total Number of Pedestrian Injuries 1

Vehicle/Bicycle Collisions Number of Vehicle/Bicycle Collisions with Fatalities 0 Number of Vehicle/Bicycle Collisions with Injuries 1 Total Number of Vehicle/Bicycle Collision Fatalities 0 Total Number of Vehicle/Bicycle Collision Injuries 1

1 11

Hit & Run Collisions Total Number of Hit & Run Fatalities 0 Total Number of Hit & Run Injuries 0 Total Number of PDO Hit & Run Collisions 4

Traffic Citations Total Number of Radar Citations Issued 96 Total Number of Bicycle Citations Issued 1 Total Number of Pedestrian Citations Issued 0 Total Number of Safety Belt Citations Issued 0 Total Number of Child Restraint Citations Issued 0 Total Number of Financial Responsibility Citations Issued 39 Total Number of Hazardous Citations Issued 412 Total Number of Non-Hazardous Citations Issued 137 Total Number of Citations Issued 549

Parking Citations Total Number of Parking Citations Issued 0

Miscellaneous Child in Passenger Seat or Belts, Number of Fatalities Child in Passenger Seat or Belts, Number of Injuries Child Not in Passenger Seat or Belts, Number of Fatalities Child Not in Passenger Seat or Belts, Number of Injuries Number of Code 3 or Pursuit Collision Fatalities Number of Code 3 or Pursuit Collision Injuries Number of Patrol Vehicle Rear-End Collisions with Amber On

Enforcement Index Enforcement Index 34.3

2 L.A. County Sheriffs Department Lost Hills & Malibu Station From 1111/2019 to 11130/2019 Total Collisions: 30 Collision Summary Report 12/12119 Injury Collisions: 11 Fatal Collisions: I

Page 1 of 5

919-06278-1015- 11/1/2019 13:40 Friday 3896 CROSSCREEK RD - ‘ Direction: Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 250 Sideswipe Parked Motor Vehicle Other Improper Driving Hit & Run: Misde Property Damage Only # nj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver North Proceeding Straight Male Age: 76 2000 CHEVROLET CAMARO Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Parked Vehicle West Parked Age: 2016 BMW Xl Sport Utility Vehicle No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: Not Applicable Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use 919-06316-1018- 11/3/2019 05:40 Sunday PACIFIC COAST HWY-TUNA CANYON RD 35’ Direction: East Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 471 Head-On Parked Motor Vehicle Unsafe Lane Change 21658(a) Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain # lnj: 1 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver West Proceeding Straight Female Age: 32 2016 HYUNDAI SONATA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury

Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: Sleepy - Fatigued Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap Belt Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Parked Vehicle West Stopped In Road Age: 2001 CARSON RACER TRAKC No Injury Veh Type: Sobriety: Not Applicable Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06351-1016- 11/4/2019 14:40 Monday PACIFIC COAST HWY - RAMBLA VISTA (W) 302’ Direction: East Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:l 471 Broadside Other Motor Vehicle Auto R/W Violation 21804(a) Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain #lnj:1 #l

919-06432-1018- 11/8/2019 06:00 Friday PACIFIC COAST HWY - TOPANGA CANYON BLVD 0’ Direction: West Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 470 Broadside Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Speed 22350 Hit & Run: No Fatal #lnj:1 #Killed:1 Party 1 Driver North Traveling Wrong Way Female Age: 17 2008 HONDA ACCORD Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: Impairment Not Kno Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Not Stated Party 2 Driver South Proceeding Straight Male Age: 57 2002 NISSAN PATHFINDER Sport Utility Vehicle Severe Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06443-1017- 11/8/2019 15:38 Friday PACIFIC COAST HWY - BIG ROCK DR 2112’ Direction: East Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 250 Rear-End Parked Motor Vehicle Unsafe Speed 22350 Hit & Run: Misde Property Damage Only tt Inj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver South Proceeding Straight Male Age: 2001 NISSAN PATHFINDER Sport Utility Vehicle No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: Impairment Not Kno Assoc Factor: Violation Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Parked Vehicle South Parked Age: 2014 AUDI A4 Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: Not Applicable Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06459-1012- 11/9/2019 14:09 Saturday 3000 PACIFIC COAST HWY - PRIVATE PROPERTY Direction: Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 471 Broadside Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Speed 22350 Hit & Run: No Other Visible Injury # lnj: 1 # Killed: 0 Page 2 of 5 Party 1 Driver West Male Age:26 2005V0LV0 S40 Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: Assoc Factor: Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Party 2 Driver East Male Age: 58 2016 HONDA ODYSSEY Mini Van No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: Assoc Factor: Lap/Shoulder Harness Used 019-06461-1015- 11/9/2019 14:41 Saturday 22700 PACIFIC COAST HWY - PRIVATE PROPERTY Direction: Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 053 Other Other Motor Vehicle Improper Turning 22107 Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only 4* lnj: 0 4* Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver North Passing Other Vehicle Male Age: 38 2013 BMW Xl Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Unknown Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver North Proceeding Straight Female Age: 32 2018 SUBARU CROSSCREEK Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06463-1012- 11/9/2019 17:05 Saturday PACIFIC COAST HWY - WESTWARD BEACH RD 0’ Direction: Not Stated Dark - Street Lig Clear Pty at Fault:1 471 Broadside Other Motor Vehicle Auto R/W Violation 21802(a) Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain #lnj:1 #Killed:0 Party 1 Driver East Making Left Turn Female Age: 37 2020 HYUNDAI ELANTRA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver South Proceeding Straight Female Age: 24 2017 YAMAHA R3 Motorcycle Complaint of Pain

Veh Type: Motorcycle Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent M/C Helmet Driver - Yes Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06472-1015- 11/10/2019 00:50 Sunday CIVIC CENTER WY - VISTA PACIFICA ST 0’ Direction: Not Stated Dark - Street Lig Clear Pty at Fault:1 472 Hit Object Fixed Object Improper Turning 22107 Hit&Run:No Property Damage Only 4* nj: 0 4* Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver East Making Left Turn Male Age: 18 2017 HYUNDAI ELANTRA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: Unfamiliar With R Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use 919-06482-1015- 11/10/2019 13:25 Sunday MALIBU CANYON RD - CIVIC CENTER WY 500’ Direction: North Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 472 Other Other Motor Vehicle Following Too Closely 21703 Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only 4* lnj: 0 4* Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver South Slowing/Stopping Female Age: 16 2014 VOLKSWAGEN JETTA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver South Proceeding Straight Male Age: 55 2019 MERCEDES-BENZ E CLASS Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06514-1012- 11/12/2019 06:50 Tuesday PACIFIC COAST HWY - MEADOW CT 1056’ Direction: West Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 472 Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Following Too Closely 21703 Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only 4* lnj: 0 4* Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver East Proceeding Straight Male Age: 56 2001 CHEVROLET SILVERADO Pickups & Panels No Injury Veh Type: Pickup Truck Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap Belt Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver East Proceeding Straight Male Age: 51 2009 HONDA CIVIC Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap Belt Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 3 Driver East Stopped In Road Male Age: 35 2015 GMC SIERRA Pickups & Panels No Injury Veh Type: Pickup Truck Sobriety: HBD Under Influenc Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap Belt Used Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06546-1015- 11/13/2019 15:00 Wednesday PACIFIC COAST HWY - CARBON BEACH TERRACE 0’ Direction: North Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 472 Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Speed 22350 Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only 4* lnj: 0 4* Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver East Proceeding Straight Male Age: 19 2006 HONDA PILOT Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver East Stopped In Road Male Age: 24 2013 HYUNDAI SONATA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 3 Driver East Stopped In Road Male Age: 43 1999 FORD UNK Pickups & Panels No Injury Veh Type: Pickup Truck Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use C,) Page 3 of 5

919-06553-1015- 11/13/2019 17:35 Wednesday MALIBU CANYON RD - CIVIC CENTER WY 0’ Direction: Not Stated Dark - Street Lig Clear Pty at Fault:1 472 Broadside Other Motor Vehicle Traffic Signals and Signs 21453(a) Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only # lnj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver South Proceeding Straight Male Age: 53 2011 SUBARU OUTBACK Sport Utility Vehicle No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver West Proceeding Straight Female Age: 23 2018 JEEP CHEROKEE Sport Utility Vehicle No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use 919-06581-1014- 11/15/2019 11:55 Friday PACIFIC COAST HWY - SWEETWATER CANYON RD 1214’ Direction: East Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 471 Broadside Bicycle Auto R/W Violation 21801(a) Hit & Run: No Other Visible Injury #lnj:1 #Killed:0 Party 1 Driver West Making Left Turn Male Age: 57 2014 PORSCHE 911S Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Bicyclist East Proceeding Straight Male Age: 21 Bicycle Other Visible Injury

Veh Type: Bicycle Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent M/C Helmet Driver - Yes Cell Phone Not In Use 919-06611-1013- 11/16/2019 12:20 Saturday PACIFIC COAST HWY - CORRAL CANYON RD 2640’ Direction: South Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 471 Other Other Motor Vehicle Following Too Closely 21703 Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain # lnj: 1 It Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver South Proceeding Straight Male Age: 40 2004 NISSAN SENTRA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Complaint of Pain Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver South Stopped In Road Male Age: 79 2019 KIA SEDONA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 3 Parked Vehicle Stopped In Road Age: 2017 AUDI 07 Sport Utility Vehicle No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06617-1017- 11/16/2019 17:20 Saturday PACIFIC COAST HWY - LAS FLORES CANYON RD 0’ Direction: Not Stated Dark - Street Lig Clear Pty at Fault:1 471 Other Other Motor Vehkle Auto R/W Violation 21801(a) Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain #lnj:2 #Killed:0 Party 1 Driver South Making Left Turn Male Age: 41 2019 FORD F-150 Pickups & Panels Complaint of Pain Veh Type: Pickup Truck Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver North Proceeding Straight Male Age: 54 2O16JEEP GRAND CHERO Sport Utility Vehicle No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 3 Driver South Proceeding Straight Male Age: 48 1986 BMW 635CS1 Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 4 Driver South Stopped In Road Female Age: 69 2017 HONDA CIVIC Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use 919-06745-1015- 11/16/2019 18:00 Saturday PACIFIC COAST HWY - STUART RANCH RD 0’ Direction: Not Stated Pty at Fault: 472 Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only It lnj: 0 It Killed: 0

Party 1 Driver South Age: 2013 PORSCHE CAYENNE Sport Utility Vehicle No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: Assoc Factor: Party 2 Driver South Male Age: Pickups & Panels No Injury Veh Type: Pickup Truck Sobriety: Assoc Factor:

919-06618-1014- 11/16/2019 22:31 Saturday PACIFIC COAST HWY - CORRAL CANYON RD 0’ Direction: East Dark - Street Lig Clear Pty at Fault:1 471 Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Improper Turning 22107 Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain #lnj:1 #Killed:O Party 1 Driver South Making U Turn Male Age: 44 2007 TOYOTA COROLLA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Complaint of Pain Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver South Proceeding Straight Male Age: 25 2005 HONDA CIVIC Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Page 4 of 5

919-06641-1015- 11/17/2019 15:50 Sunday PACIFIC COAST HWY - SWEETWATER CANYON RD 905 Direction: West Dusk - Dawn Cloudy Pty at Fault:1 472 Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Other Hazardous Movement 22109 Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only # In]: 0 1* Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver North Stopped In Road Female Age: 21 2013 KIA RIO Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver North Proceeding Straight Male Age: 48 2013 FORD EDGE Sport Utility Vehicle No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06643-1017- 11/17/2019 18:20 Sunday PACIFIC COAST HWY - BIG ROCK DR 0’ Direction: Not Stated Dark - Street Lig Clear Pty at Fault:1 471 Broadside Other Motor Vehicle Auto R/W Violation 21801(a) Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain # In]: 2 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver North Making Left Turn Female Age: 54 2006 PORSCHE CAYENNE Sport Utility Vehicle Complaint of Pain Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HBD Not Under Influ Assoc Factor: Other Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver West Proceeding Straight Male Age: 25 2009 TOYOTA PRIUS Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Complaint of Pain Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06658-1017- 11/18/2019 13:58 Monday PACIFIC COAST HWY - BIG ROCK DR 0’ Direction: Not Stated Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 472 Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle Improper Turning 22100(a) Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only # In]: 0 4* Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver West Making Right Turn Female Age: 70 2017 BMW X3 Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap Belt Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver West Proceeding Straight Male Age: 40 2000 NISSAN FRONTIER Pickups & Panels No Injury Veh Type: Pickup Truck Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap Belt Used Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06709-1016- 11/20/2019 17:15 Wednesday PACIFIC COAST HWY - CROSS CREEK RD 1’ Direction: South Dark - Street Lig Clear Pty at Fault:1 472 Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Lane Change 21658(a) Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only 4* In]: 0 4* Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver North Changing Lanes Male Age: 24 2017 NISSAN MAXIMA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver North Proceeding Straight Female Age: 21 2011 NISSAN ROGUE Sport Utility Vehicle No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use 919-06739-1013- 11/22/2019 12:00 Friday WILDLIFE RD - FERNHILL DR 5280000 Direction: South Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 471 Vehicle - Pedestrian Pedestrian Ped R/W Violation 21950(a) Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain 4* In]: 1 4* Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver South Proceeding Straight Male Age:0 2O19EZGO RXV Misc. Motor Vehicle (Snowmobile, Golf No Injury Veh Type: Other Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: Inattention Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Pedestrian West Other Female Age: 21 Pedestrian Complaint of Pain Veh Type: Pedestrian Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Cell Phone Not In Use 919-06791-1010- 11/25/2019 09:40 Monday PACIFIC COAST HWY - BROAD BEACH RD (W) 1’ Direction: North Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 250 Vehicle - Pedestrian Other Motor Vehicle Improper Passing 21755(a) Hit & Run: Misde Property Damage Only 4* In]: 0 4* Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver South Proceeding Straight Male Age: TRUCK No Injury Veh Type: Sobriety: Impairment Not Kno Assoc Factor: Inattention Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver South Changing Lanes Female Age: 62 2020 CHEVROLET HATCHBACK Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use 919-06803-1014- 11/25/2019 17:54 Monday PACIFIC COAST HWY -JOHN TYLER DR 325’ Direction: East Dark - No Street Clear Pty at Fault:1 472 Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Speed 22350 Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only 4* In]: 0 4* Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver West Proceeding Straight Male Age:61 2004GMC YUKON Sport Utility Vehicle No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use

ci, Page 5 of 5 Party 2 Driver West Stopped In Road Female Age: 39 2012 JEEP RUBICON Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use 919-06819-1014- 11/26/2019 11:20 Tuesday PACIFIC COAST HWY - CORRAL CANYON RD 686’ Direction: West Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 472 Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle Improper Turning 22107 Hit&Run:No Property Damage Only # lnj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver West Entering Traffic Male Age: 19 2019 TOYOTA TACOMA Pickups & Panels No Injury Veh Type: Pickup Truck Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver West Proceeding Straight Male Age: 57 2015 HYUNDAI ELANTRA Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use 919-06818-1029- 11/26/2019 12:18 Tuesday PACIFICCOASTHWY-TOPANGACANYON BLVD 792’ Direction: West Daylight Clear Pty at Fault:1 250 Sideswipe Other Motor Vehicle Other Improper Driving Hit & Run: Misde Property Damage Only # lnj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver East Proceeding Straight Age: AUDI 05 Sport Utility Vehicle No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: Impairment Not Kno Assoc Factor: Violation Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver East Parking Maneuver Male Age: 34 2009 MAZDA 3 Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap Belt Used Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06833-1016- 11/26/2019 17:45 Tuesday PACIFIC COAST HWY - CARBON BEACH TERRACE 485’ Direction: West Dark - Street Lig Clear Pty at Fault:1 471 Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Speed 22350 Hit & Run: No Complaint of Pain #lnj:3 #KiIIed:0 Party 1 Driver East Stopped In Road Male Age: 52 2016 HONDA CIVIC Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep Complaint of Pain Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver East Proceeding Straight Female Age: 20 2011 FORD EDGE Sport Utility Vehicle Complaint of Pain Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: None Apparent Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06832-1015- 11/26/2019 17:50 Tuesday PACIFIC COAST HWY - PACIFIC COAST HWY 0’ Direction: South Dark - Street Lig Clear Pty at Fault:1 472 Rear-End Other Motor Vehicle Unsafe Speed 22350 Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only # lnj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver North Proceeding Straight Male Age: 48 2004 DODGE PICK UP Pickups & Panels No Injury Veh Type: Pickup Truck Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: Stop and Go Traffi Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use Party 2 Driver North Stopped In Road Male Age: 47 2018 DODGE RAM 1500 Pickups & Panels No Injury Veh Type: Pickup Truck Sobriety: HNBD Assoc Factor: Stop and Go Traffi Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use

919-06871-1012- 11/28/2019 03:01 Thursday PACIFIC COAST HWY - LATIGO SHORE DR 40’ Direction: West Dark - No Street Raining Pty at Fault:1 242 Hit Object Fixed Object Driving Under Influence 23152(a) Hit & Run: No Property Damage Only # lnj: 0 # Killed: 0 Party 1 Driver West Making U Turn Female Age: 24 2006 INFINITI G35 Passenger Car, Station Wagon, Jeep No Injury Veh Type: Passenger Car Sobriety: HBD Under Influenc Assoc Factor: Violation Lap/Shoulder Harness Used Cell Phone Not In Use

Settings for Query:

City: MALIBU Sorted By: Date and Time

0 17



LVUSD, SMUSD, LAUSD closed for the Holiday week.

Assisted Malibu High School re: possible narcotics incident.

Assisted Malibu High School re: social media incident.

Follow up with Malibu HS re: possible threat.


Assisted parent of Malibu High School student re: possible cyber bullying.

Two interventions via phone with parents of Malibu HS students re: possible safety concerns.

Counsel parent of Malibu High School student re: possible bullying.

Intervention with parents re: possible inappropriate content in kid’s cell phone.


1. We conducted a monthly parental resource class at Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station. This program was developed by our unit and is designed to educate parents about: 1) The current trends in juvenile behavior and delinquency, 2) Alcohol/narcotic awareness and recognition, 3) School policy and campus issues, 4) Gang awareness and negative peer relations, 5) Parental rights and responsibilities and, 6) Parental responses to incorrigible and/or delinquent behavior. We also address the specific concerns relating to the minor’s behavior. We educate the minor and their parents of possible criminal behavior and the legal consequences. We offer suggestions and make recommendations to improve the minor’s quality of life.

2. Spoke with numerous citizens and parents who called to question various juvenile concerns and issues in the community. We also provide the parents with various juvenile resource programs within our community.

3. We met with the Sylmar Juvenile Court District Attorney regarding the investigation and filing of criminal charges against juvenile offenders.

4. Met with Acting Captain Salvador Becerra throughout the month in order to keep him up to date regarding our unit’s investigations and current juvenile issues within our city. 18

5. Entered juveniles into the Juvenile Automated Index system for various violations.

6. Made court appearances to testify as witnesses on the part of the People of the State of California and attended court proceedings in cases generated from the City of Malibu. We also investigated, prepared, and filed cases with the District Attorney’s office. We additionally assisted other investigators in the preparation of cases for court.

7. We met with station narcotic detectives on a regular basis to exchange information regarding juvenile and drug related issues. We have worked with the narcotic detectives on several narcotic cases directly and indirectly involving juveniles. 8. Handled the processing and follow-up of various juvenile referrals brought to the attention of this unit (i.e., Juvenile Information Forms, Field Interview Cards, Juvenile Automated Index, and citations for various juvenile contacts with uniform personnel).

9. Conducted our normal checks ofjuvenile problem areas in the city during weekend evenings and responded to juvenile related calls for service.

10. Updated the Gang Book and briefed the captain on criminal activity trends

11. Registered 2 sexual predators and updated information in database.

12. Participated in the SST program.

13. Assisted station EOC re: , Easy Fire, Mureau Fire and red flag warning.

14. Station Orientation for new trainees.

15. Conducted Tobacco Sting Operations for LVIJSD and dean of student wellness and safety.

16. eSCARS system updated

17. Month End Reports completed.

18. Assist Detective Bureau re: cases for detained/non detained to file at Sylmar Court.

19. Assisted Records Sealing Unit with sealing records check.

20. Publish and submit STAR news article.

21. Burglary Suppression.

22. Prepare EAP for LVUSD Tobacco Sting Operations.

23. Assisted patrol re: uniforms 19

24. Follow up with LVUSD Dean of student wellness and safety for poss tobacco presentation.

25. HOJJ re: US Marine birthday ceremony

26. FLEET re: Loaner vehicle returned.

27. Van Nuys Court re: case

28. Uniform store re: station needs.

29. Assisted DB re: team building exercise.

30. Van Nuys probation re: citation drop off.

31. Assisted District re: incident.

32. Assisted Narcotics re: search warrant.

33. Wayside re: training and drop off material.

34. Henry Mayo Hospital for suspect security re: Saugus High School active shooter incident.

35. AR- 15 Certification Class PDC range

36. Assisted EOC re .

37. Follow up with Aimee Haber re: three files for Teen Court cases.

38. Assisted 290 clients and lawyer re: procedure and info on orientation.

39. Chatsworth court re: case.

40. Assisted DB re: court security on 187 case.

41. Assisted FBI re: incident.

42. Assisted patrol re: hit and run.

43. Assisted Records Unit for 290’s mailing new 290 info.

44. Santa Monica court re: case.

45. Entry! Tactical training with DB

46. Mental Health Training in Malibu. 20

Mary Linden

To: Mary Linden Subject: RE: Monthly report

From: Currier, Megan Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2019 12:27 PM To: Mary Linden Subject: RE: Monthly report

Hi Mary,

Attached is the November reDort.

Happy New Yeari

Megan Currier Community Services Liaison

Los Angeles County Fire Department — Division VII Fire Station 70 3970 Carbon Canyon Rd. Malibu, CA 90265 Office: (310) 456-7923 Cell: (213) 215-8787 ~an.currier~fire~.Iacountt’..~o’i



180 160 140 • Fires 120 Medical 100 Service 80 HazMat 60 • Hazardous Condition Lifeguard Assist 40 23 25 Good Intent 20 1 0 -I. Total Responses: 220

Patients Seen: 153* 25 21 20 16 15 11 10 4 4 5 5 11 0 DO 0 >. V) Cl) -~ 0.) C ~ E ~ C -~ DO DO Cl, c Cli D C ~ Cl) 3 CD U .E C 3 -~ 5 3 ~ U 3 ~) CD 3 -~ ~ ~- .C UI Q~~wgC~~ ~ Q40.~C •~30 DO .0 ~ D. 9 4-, Q Cl) 0 • 4-’ ~ ~w ~‘ CD 4 C c ~ CD Cl) CD ‘- ~- ~- U 0 v 0 > ‘- c ~0CD ~ LI ~,QJ C)) 0 0 CD > •— F—0 ~ c .0 U .!! ~ U CD LI ~l<6~ro >- ~ 0 ~ O~i ~ CD ~ D. U ~ i~D~ -öU ~ 3 U Cl) > Q, •— DU 0 0. ~ U F x F- LII H

70 60 50 40 28 •ALS BLS 30 20 10 0 Transports: 92 ALS Transports: accompanied by paramedic; BLS Transports: no paramedic on board

*patients Seen total will be higher than Medical Calls total in first graph if there were multiple patients at one incident. 22


MALIBU — November 2019 FIRE INCIDENTS: DATE JYPE ADDRESS NOTES LOSS 11/16/19 Trash Fire Encinal Canyon Road Outside Rubbish Fire Property: $0.00

. TOTAL: Contents: $0.00

OTHER INCIDENTS: DATE ~ ~1YPE ADDRESS NOTES LOSS 11/07/19 Haz Cond 3610 Serra Road Power line down 11/10/19 Haz Cond 4782 Encinal Canyon Road Arcing wires 11/13/19 Haz Cond 24958 Malibu Road Arcing wires 11/15/19 Haz Cond W Pacific Coast Highway Vehicle accident cleanup 11/20/19 Haz Cond 22509 Carbon Mesa Road Power line down 11/22/19 Haz Cond 29575 Pacific Coast Highway Arcing wires 11/24/19 Haz Cond W Pacific Coast Highway Vehicle accident cleanup 11/26/19 Haz Cond 20754 Cool Oak Way Power line down 11/27/19 Haz Cond 29106 Cliffside Drive Arcing wires


From: Rupe, Virginia Sent: Saturday, December 7, 2019 9:34 AM To: Mary Linden; Stephanie Berger

Subject: Lifeguard Activity Report - Nov 2019

Attachments: November 2019 - Lifeguard Activity.pdf

Attached is the Nov 2019 lifeguard activity report Happy Holidays H!

33-1 Malibu Surfrider 33-2 Point Dume 34-1 Zuma East-End 34-2 Zuma West-End

Attd - Attendance

Preys - Preventative Actions

Ords - Ordinance Education and Enforcement

EVR - Emergency Vehicle Responses

Meds - Medical calls

Rescues - Ocean Rescues

Agency Assists - Calls with other Agencies

Boat Warnings - Preventing boaters from coming with in 300 yards of shore

Missing Persons - Looking for or Holding missing persons

02 Therapy - Calls where 02 was administered

AED Applied - Calls where the AED was used

Virginia Rupe Captain Ocean Lifeguard Northern Battalion 310-457-2525

~ &(, P~i1’ ~

ATTACHMENT 3 11/112019 1113012019 Number of Days for which we Area: have reports Attd. Preys Ords EVR Meds Rescues Northern NSH/Day 29 250 206 146 20 7 1 NSH/Night 29 4,275 25 31 1 1 33-1 29 45,250 1,114 550 11 48 2 COR 10 13,250 245 135 3 33-2 29 29,000 870 310 59 11 2 NIC 2 1,000 30 20 34-1 28 48,400 1,142 430 92 12 1 34-2 29 42,750 892 364 81 18 5 Northern 184,175 4,524 1,986 264 100 11

Grand Total: 184,175 4,524 1,986 264 100 11