The Volume 121 ISSUE 3 August 2012 Liberty Bell Kansas Society Sons of the American Revolution, a Patriotic, Historical and Educational Non-Profit Organization The Bill of Rights: Its History and its Significance What is The Bill of Rights? Why were the Bill or Rights enacted? How should they be interpreted?

Introduction & History of the Bill of Rights The original Constitution, as proposed in 1787 in Philadelphia and as ratified by the states, contained very few individual rights guarantees, as the framers were primarily focused on establishing the machinery for an effec- tive federal government. A proposal by delegate Charles Pinckney to include several rights guarantees (including "liberty of the press" and a ban on quartering soldiers in private homes) was submitted to the Com- mittee on Detail on August 20, 1787, but the Committee did not adopt any of Pinckney's recommendations. The matter came up before the Convention on September 12, 1787 and, following a brief debate, proposals to include a Bill or Rights in the Constitution were rejected. As adopted, the Constitution included only a few specific rights guarantees: protection against states impairing the obligation of contracts (Art. I, Section 10), provisions that prohibit both the federal and state governments from enforcing ex post facto laws (laws that allow punishment for an action that was not criminal at the time it was undertaken) and provisions barring bills of attainder (legislative determinations of guilt and punishment) (Art. I, Sections 9 and 10). The framers, and notably James Madison, its principal architect, (continued on page 16)

The Liberty Bell Patriot Award

Published by the Kansas Society Lyle Gibson teaches history courses at the Metro- politan Community College--Penn Valley campus; Sons of the American Revolution this year a new award was given at our 34th Annual MCC--Penn Valley Honor's Convocation; The Pa- Four Times a Year triot Award.

Feb - May - Aug - Nov The Patriot Award was awarded to Lyle Gibson for John Hoag, Editor outstanding service to veteran and military students" awarded on April 27, 2012. 2111 S. 49th Street Admissions counselors will oftentimes enroll vet- Kansas City, KS 66106 eran and military students in my classes because of my past military experience and the need to inden- 913-262-4468 tify with that cohort group of students. E-mail: [email protected] Lyle Gibson was inducted into the National Society BOG MEETING Sons of the American Revolution; Kansas Society, Delaware Crossing Chapter in August of 2006, The Board of Governors will meet November 3rd at through documented lineage to his patriot ancestor 10AM at the Best Western Motel, 3021 W. Highway Charles Sansing--contributing and donating supplies 50, Emporia, KS. Committee chairmen may call for to advance the American Revolution. Gibson also a meeting of their committees before or after the has a supplemental patriot ancestor Lewis Adkins BOG meeting. Lunch is at the hotel around noon. For that served in the Virginia Continental Line. Gibson has also served as the KSSAR Rumbaugh Orations the Kansas Society to better serve the chapters, it is Chairman since 2007. By Lyle Gibson important to have at least one representative from each chapter in attendance. President Represented KSSSAR at the 114th Kansas State LADIES AUXILIARY DAR Conference in Topeka, KS on 19 May 2012. The Ladies Auxiliary will meet November 3rd at 10AM at the Best Western Motel in Emporia in con- Attended the 122nd National Congress in Phoenix, junction with the Board of Governors meeting. AZ on 7-12 July 2012. Lunch is generally at a local restaurant. All wives, mothers, sisters, etc. of KSSSAR members are cor- Don’t forget the Center for Advancing dially invited to attend. America’s Heritage PLEDGE TO THE SAR The SAR Foundation welcomes your online gifts to We descendants of the heroes of the American Revolution the ADVANCE: Campaign for New Generations for who, by their sacrifices, established the United States of The Center for Advancing America's Heritage. You America, reaffirm our faith in the principles of liberty and may also send your gifts to the SAR Foundation at our Constitutional Republic, and solemnly pledge our- 1000 South Fourth Street, Louisville, Kentucky selves to defend them against every foe. 40203. If your company will match donations to the Upcoming Events SAR Foundation, please send your matching gift in- 24-25August - SCD Annual Conference, Branson MO formation to the SAR Foundation. Our new Library 28-29 Sept. - Fall Leadership Meeting, Louisville, KY is going to be GREAT!!! 3 November 2012 –BOG Meeting, Emporia, KS

2 Color Guard Commander June 1. Represented the SAR in uniform for the Natu- ralization Ceremony at the Frank Carlson Federal Represented KSSSAR at the 114th Kansas State Court in Topeka. DAR Conference in Topeka, KS on 19 May July 8 — 11. Attended the NSSAR National Con- 2012. gress in Phoenix, Arizonia. Attended the 122nd National Congress in Phoenix, July 27. Represented the SAR in uniform for the AZ on 7-12 July 2012. Naturalization Ceremony at the Frank Carlson Fed- eral Court in Topeka • Attended and participated in the NSSAR 122nd Congress in Phoenix, Arizona July 7 - 11th. Attended Webmaster the NSSAR Color Guard Breakfast. Attended the NSSAR Memorial Service and presentation of the Added Patriot & Graves Index to links page. Colors at the Tuesday and Wednesday evening ban- Updated cash awards for the orations, essay and Ea- quets. gle Scout contest. • Bob Capps has been named to the following NSSAR Committees by President General Leishman: Created web pages for Sons of the Plains and John 1. Strategic Planning Committee Seward chapters, and updated Fort Hayes Chapter 2. Historic Sites, Celebrations and Reenactments meeting location Committee. 3. Medals and Awards Committee Posted photos from past state conferences onto Face- 4. Information Technology Committee book page. 5. Color Guard Committee. Added 2012 SOD registration form to the SCD page 6. Patriot Index and Graves Registration Commit- and updated SCD leadership. tee 7. Retention and Reinstatement Committee Updated state handbook. and contest page.

• Attended Delaware Crossing Chapter July Break- Added May Liberty Bell newsletter. fast Meeting on July 21st in Color Guard Uniform.

Received a supplemental which documented and ap- Added The SAR Colorsguardsman link to the color proved my 26th Patriot Ancestor. guard page. • Signed contract with Sheraton Hotel in Overland

Park for the KSSSAR Annual Conference March Sent a few e-mails asking chapter and state leadership 22nd & 23rd 2013. Room rate will be $99 per night. for updates if needed. There will be an opportunity to attend the New Thea- ter Restaurant 'On Golden Pond' starring Mike Far- Maintain the Facebook and Twitter social media sites. rell. Barney has arranged a block of tickets for $40 + It was asked at the last BOG about allowing members $2 gratuity = $42. Planning for the event continues. to upload files to the website using Cloud storage technology. I sent a ticket to the webhosting company National Trustee and they do not offer that function with our webhost- May 5. Attended the SAR BOG in Abilene. ing plan. They recommend using an online service May 16. Represented the SAR at the quarterly VAVS like or someone similar. meeting in the Topeka Colmery­O'Neil VA Medical Center. Everyone who's ever taken a shower has an idea. It's May 19. Joined with two Compatriots in uniform pre- the person who gets out of the shower, dries off and senting the Colors at the DAR State Convention in does something about it who makes a difference. Topeka. Nolan Bushnell 3 George Washington Endowment & CAAH KSSAR submission and due dates: To my knowledge no George Washington Fund members have been enrolled since the last BOG April 15, 2013 (Monday); information regarding chapter meeting. winners of the Rumbaugh Orations contest should be The facade of the new SAR National Headquarters submitted to Lyle Gibson so that information can be pre- has been completed. Compliments have been re- ceived from visitors and businesses in the area about pared for our state orations contest to be held on May 4, the improvement in appearance. 2013. Please ensure your chapter contests are held Planning continues on renovation of the remainder of prior to April 15, 2013. Each chapter will determine the the new headquarters building. Possible action will be date for their chapter level Orations contest however en- taken at Congress in Phoenix. sure that you have a cutoff time prior to April 15, The last report I received shows that 20% of Kan- 2013. sas SAR members have contributed to the CAAH building fund. GREAT AND THANKS. KANSAS STATE SOCIETY OF THE If you or any of your chapter SAR members have not participated in funding for the CAAH AMERICAN REVOLUTION building and would like more information, BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEET- please contact me — [email protected]. ING Highlights May 5, 2012 Membership Tim reports membership activities for the state Call to Order: By President David Comer, at the Best Western Motel, Emporia, Kansas. Presentation of the Genealogist Colors: By the Kansas SAR Color Guard under Com- The Captain John Seward SAR chapter in Liberal is mander Bob Capps. Invocation: By Compatriot Brian making progress on recruiting and obtaining new mem- Vazquez. ber applications. Pledge of Allegiance: Led by Compatriot Joe Warne. Genealogy workshop held June 9 for Washington Pledge to the SAR: Led by Compatriot Richard Chapter, Haysville, KS. Cox. Officers Reports: Presented membership certificates to 2 new mem- President: By President David Comer. *Vice President: By Compatriot Bob Capps. bers at Ft. Scott, July 14. Compatriot Capps mentioned his attendance at the Morris Creek Bridge Color Guard event Genealogy workshop held July 28 Hutchinson, KS for the and the March SAR Leadership Conference. Sons of the Plains Chapter. Also, he plans on attending the Kansas DAR annual conference in May. Contact genealogist for additional workshops. Recording Secretary: Minutes of the Febru- ary 4, 2012, Board of Governors meeting Rumbaugh Orations were presented by Compatriot Roger John- son. Compatriot Barney Ellis moved that the Our state orations contest was held in May following minutes be approved as presented. Compatriot st our BOG meeting; Anna Goodman was the 1 place Brian Vazquez seconded the motion and it was contest winner; Anna Mitchell was the 2"" place Win- approved by the members. ner's of the national Rumbaugh Orations; Treasurer: By Compatriot Dennis Nelson. 1st place: Phillip P. Cozzi of Illinois Compatriot Barney Ellis moved that the Treas- 2nd place: Rebecca C. Kneebone from Maryland urer's Report be approved as presented. Com- patriot Walter McBride seconded the motion 3rd place: Rachel C. Thompson from Alabama

4 and it was approved by the members. Membership: By Compatriots Barney Ellis and Tim Membership Secretary/Registrar: By Com- Peterman. patriot Tim Petennan. Americanism: By Compatriot Gary Shepherd. Genealogist: By Compatriot Barney Ellis. *Color Guard Commander: By Compatriot Bob Capps. Compatriot Ellis mentioned that a SAR gene- alogy workshop would be held in Wichita on See Vice-President's report. Louis Kessler Book Fund: June 9, 2012. Also, Compatriot Ellis men- See Treasurers report. tioned that additional information can be Medals and Awards: By Compatriot Barney Ellis. added to membership applications, which *Poster Contest: Photos presented by Compatriot were previously approved, by sending a letter Steven Crawford. to National SAR and the National SAR Patriot *Eagle Scout Essay and Knight Historical Essay Contests: & Graves Registry. President David Comer mentioned that James Manning President Corner then distributed approved membership application documents to indi- was the winner of both contests. vidual Chapters. Rumbaugh Historical Orations: By Compatriot National Trustee: By Compatriot Martin Lyle Gibson. Klotzbach. Compatriot Klotzbach asked that *Ladies Auxiliary: By President Comer. It was men- Chapters notify him of J/ROTC awards pre- tioned that the Auxiliary would be conducting a raffle sented last year and the number of medals that for a Kansas basket at the upcoming SAR National will be needed for next year. He also encour- Conference. aged members to attend naturalization cere- monies. Chapter Reports: Chaplain: By Compatriot Brian Vazquez. The report *Bennington: No report given. noted the passing of members Melvin Cottom, Orville Charles Robinson: By Compatriot John Sayler. Lykins, Wylie Brooks, Jr., James Bruno, George Mar- Delaware Crossing: By Compatriot Richard Cox. tin and Robert Crowther. *Chancellor: By Compatriot *Fort Hays: No report given. Jake Cox. Compatriot Cox reported that a quorum was Fort Scott: By Compatriot Gale Beck. present Henry Leavenworth: By Compatriot Brooks Lyles. Konza Prairie: By Compatriot Gary Naughton. Committee Reports: Monticello: By Compatriot Bruce Bowman. Audit: By Compatriot John Sayler. Sons of the Plains: By Compatriot Bobbie Hulse. By-Laws: By Compatriot John Sayler. Thomas Jefferson: By Compatriot Brian Vazquez. KSSSAR Handbook: By Compatriot Roger John- Washington: By Compatriot Joe Warne. son. *John Seward: Application for Chapter presented by KSSSAR Heritage Trust: By Compatriot Dennis Nel- President Dave Corner and Compatriot Ray Dee son Rinehart. Webmaster: By Compatriot Paul Whatley. Compatriot Note: An asterisk (*) indicates a written Richard Cox asked about the posting of photos on Face report was not provided. Written reports book, in the Liberty Bell, etc. It was the consensus that our will be attached to the official minutes. policy regarding this, as noted in the State Handbook, was Correspondence: None. adequate to address the matter. Compatriot Bruce Bowman Compatriot Barney Ellis mentioned that he has membership led a discussion about the State Society's web domain forms for the of the National SAR Library and that names. Compatriot Paul Whatley indicated that al- Patriot Plaques for the benefit of Kansas SAR youth activi- though the State Society has three web domain names ties can still be purchased. currently, only the name would be retained Compatriot Dennis Nelson mentioned that a deceased in the future. membership is now available from SAR National. George Washington Endowment/ CAAH: By Old Business: Compatriot Barnett Ellis. Compatriot Barney Ellis discussed the proposed new John Seward Chapter. Compatriot Ellis moved that

5 the John Seward Chapter be approved as a new SAR Recessional: By President Dave Comer. Ad- Chapter of the Kansas Society. Compatriot Martin journment: By President Corner. Klotzbach seconded the motion and it was approved by the members. Good management is the art of making problems so Compatriot Barney Ellis discussed Directors and Of- interesting and their solutions so constructive that ficers insurance for the Kansas Society. After a everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. Paul Hawken lengthy discussion it was decided that a copy of the National SAR insurance policy would be forwarded Bennington Chapter to Compatriots Richard Cox and Jake Cox for their Meets at noon in Salina Senior Center, 249 North review and to report their findings at the August 9th Street Dates and Times as announced. 2012, BOG meeting. Compatriot Robert Capps will also obtain a copy of the Missouri SAR insurance Charles Robinson Chapter policy. The Charles Robinson Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution, does not meet during the months of April, Back-up of membership data was discussed. Back-up May, June, July and August. Our next meeting will be of membership data files is operating and back-up files held at 6p.m. on Monday, September 17, 2012 at Per- have been transferred from Compatriot Tim Peterman kins Restaurant, in Lawrence, Kansas. to Compatriot John Hoag. The files can only be al- Our club has two new members since the May Board of tered by Compatriot Peterman. Governors Meeting in Emporia. The new members are The Rumbaugh Historical Orations contest was then Jeffrey Ingles and Jerry A. Taylor of Lawrence. conducted with Anna Goodman, representing the Jeff is an 8th generation descendant of Elihu Ingalls, Monticello Chapter, awarded first place and Anna who served as a 1st Lieutenant in the Dutchess County, Mitchell, representing the Delaware Crossing Chap- New York Militia at the time our nation was fighting ter, awarded second place in the contest. for independence from Great Britain. Jeff and his wife, Sherry, have two sons Tad and Trevor. Jeff is Branch New Business: Manager for Wells Fargo in Lawrence. President Dave Comer noted that the Kansas Society Jerry is an 8th generation descendant of Phineas Putnam, has a George Washington fund balance in excess of who served as a Sergeant in the Danvers, Essex $1,000 and asked for suggestions for a member to be County, Massachusetts Militia during the American honored with a George Washington membership. Revolutionary War. Jerry and his wife, Laura, enjoy Compatriot Bobbie Hulse was nominated and chosen living in Lawrence where Jerry is owner and operator to be honored with the George Washington member- of Hillcrest Wrecker and Garage, Inc. ship. Both Jeff (his sister) and Jerry (his daughter) were al- Open discussion concerning members changing their ready members of the Daughters of the American membership to other Chapters. Revolution.

John G. Sayler President/Secretary/Treasurer Important Dates: President David Corner noted up- coming meeting dates including the KSSSAR BOG Colonel John Seward Chapter meeting in Emporia, Kansas on August 4, 2012, the Meets Saturday 9 a.m. at the Memorial Library. nd 122 National SAR Congress in Phoenix, Arizona Third Tuesday's 6:30 p.m. at Liberal Inn, Saturday on July 6 to 11, 2012, the South Central District An- Meetings held every third month at Liberal Air Mu- nual Conference in Branson, Missouri on August 24 seum (proposed place) 10 a.m and 25, 2012 and the Fall Leadership Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky on September 28 and 29, 2012. Colonel John Seward Chapter Benediction: By Compatriot Brian Vazquez. welcomes new member

6 Friday, 20 July 2012 09:12 Henry Leavenworth Chapter Meets 4th Thursday of the month, June’s Cottage, Leavenworth, Kansas.

Have maintained an active HL Chapter Face Book page that is now getting up to 100 hits a week.

Chapter President Brooks Lyles did a presentation on the Battle of Princeton and the Princeton Battlefield

Preservation Society for the DX Chapter on 16 June

At the 24 May meeting LTC(R) Bernard Harris gave a presentation on James Armistead Lafayette, volun- teer spy and black American patriot. On 27 June Henry Leavenworth Chapter members attended a The Colonel John Seward Chapter of the Sons of the presentation and book signing at the Kansas City American Revolution met Tuesday at the Branding Public Library, Plaza Branch on President James Iron Restaurant in Liberal for a meal and its regular Madison entitled, James Madison, a Son of Virginia monthly meeting. Pictured is Kevin Ivey, center, new and a Founder of the Nation, by Jeff Broadwater. member of the SAR and the Colonel John Seward Chapter. His membership application was accepted Konza Prairie Chapter and approved at the national level. His certificate of membership was presented by Ray Dee Rinehart, The monthly meeting convened at 7:30 pm in the President, and pinned by Jeff Fowler, Secretary, Meadowlark Hills conference room, with 5 members completing his induction. At the current time, the present; Heitman, Lindgren, Mack, Meloan and G. Colonel John Seward Chapter of the Sons of the Naughton. Groh sent regrets. American Revolution has 10 applications pending. Anyone interested in becoming a member of the SAR is encouraged to contact Ray Dee Rinehart or Officer's Reports: Karen Rinehart. Courtey photo Pres: Absent; convalescing at home from a heart catheter procedure earlier this week. He also indi- Delaware Crossing Chapter( cated that he will not be able to attend BOG on 4 Kansas City & Johnson County) August. The Secretary will attend. Richard Cox, President V. Pres: Absent. Meets 3rd Saturday monthly for 9:00 AM Breakfast, Holiday Inn, 87th & Highway 69, Overland Park Secretary: The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved. Our DAR connection has pro- Fort Hayes Chapter (Hays) duced a request from the State Regent of the Wiscon- Carrol Christian, President Meets 1st Thursday monthly, 5:30 PM, sin DAR for assistance in registering her son, James Fort Hays State University, Forsyth Library, Room 132 K. Lewis, Junction City, as a new member of SAR. Fort Scott Chapter (Ft. Scott) Treasurer: Our bank balance was $1,392.90 at the Gale Beck, President end of June, with no outstanding accounts. Meets 2nd Saturday in January, April, July and October at 10:00 AM at Fort Scott Community College Committee Reports: Americanism: Compt. Peter Grassi has agreed to

7 print Flag Certificates for Randi Hamden, 1821 May meeting, Rolland Love presented imaS- Browning and Craig Beardsley, 1209 Hudson, in This is a web site that prompts people to Manhattan, and they may be ready for presentation write family histories. at our August meeting. John Hoag is the editor of the new Monticello Chap- Boy Scouts: No change. ter newsletter. Knight's Essay: No change. Monticello Chapter sponsored Anna Goodman who Living History: The most likely date for the annual won the Kansas Rumbaugh Orations Contest. Anna Constitution Day ceremony in Abilene for elemen- represented Kansas at the 2012 SAR NationalCon- gress held in Phoenix, Arizona. She placed 3rd in her tary school students is Friday 21 September 2012, group. and we should plan ahead for that. Lindgren indi- Monticello Chapter Sponsored Sage Hammond who cated that his daughter, Kathi Teeter, has been ap- won the Kansas Poster Contest. Sage represented pointed Principal for the new Lincoln Elementary in Kansas at the 2012 SAR National Congress held in th Junction City, and this should give us a scheduling Phoenix, Arizona. Sage placed 5 nationally. opportunity there for classroom presentations. June meeting, John Turpin and Dennis Martin th Poster Contest: No change. gave a demonstration of 18 century weapons.

ROTC Awards: No change. July meeting, Tim Refiner gave a presentation about the effect of Order Number 11 on the Missouri coun- Rumbaugh Orations: No change. ties of Cass, Bates and Vernon. Unfinished Business: 1. None. Monticello was awarded the “President General’s New Business: Activity Award Streamer” for our flag. 1. None. Program: Meloan discussed his current reading Monticello received a letter from the US District Court thanking Monticello for participation in the of "The Federalist Papers" of 1787, written by Naturalization Ceremonies. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Bill Mellott is the Chairman of the USO Christmas Jay, 225 years ago. Their purpose was to clarify, Gift Program and to help secure the passage, of our Constitu- Peter Grassl was elected Vice President General of tion. We had an interesting discussion! the SAR South Central District.

Gag Nalfiton, Sec:y Peter Grassl, Barney Ellis and David Comer at- tended the 2012 National Congress MONTICELLO CHAPTER (Shawnee) Robert Matthews, President Meets 3rd Thursday, 6:00 PM dinner & 7:00 PM meeting, "A general dissolution of principles and manners eggtc, 7182 Renner Rd, Shawnee, KS will more surely overthrow the liberties of America Six members attended the August BOG meeting. than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but Bruce Bowman and Robert Matthews switched when once they lose their virtue then will be ready positions. Bruce Bowman became President and to surrender their liberties to the first external or in- Robert Matthews became Vice President. ternal invader." ...Samuel Adams, 1779 8 Sons of the Plains Chapter Use .530 pure lead round balls with .015 patching or Meets 2nd Saturday at 9:00 AM September through thicker. Pillow ticking works good also. In comes in about .018 thicknesses. Patches can be brought pre May Hutchinson Community College, Student cut and dry or lubed or use 100% pure cotton tight Union, Walnut room. weaved cloth. Balls can be brought or molded with Barney Ellis Chaired a Genealogy Work shop for us the mold provided. Lubricant: there are many brands 28 July at the McPherson Library. We had eleven in out there but the best for plain plinking is human sa- attendance and the head librarian, Steve Read liva. showed us the thing the library had to aid in our re- search Loading and safety instructions are provided in the additional instructions. Thomas Jefferson Chapter Load and clean the barrel with the long start pro- Meets at Topeka Public Library, 1515 SW 10th vided. It is easier to load and clean with than using Ave. 9:00 AM on 2nd Saturday of month during the ramrod that is part of the pistol. September to November and February to June. The cleaning of your pistol should be done within 24 hour after shooting the pistol. Use plain water to Washington Chapter clean your pistol. Clean off all fowling carbon. If Chapter meets on the third Saturday at 2:00 PM. not, the gun barrel bore will rust. Remove the lock and plug the touch hole with a tooth pick. Force wa- Participated in Citizenship ceremonies on 18 May and ter out through the touch hole by ramming a cleaning 20 July. There were 182 and 205 new citizens sworn patch on the jag of the long start. That forces the in on those days fowling out of the cone in the touchhole. Clean the inside of the lock. Then oil all metal surfaces and down the bore to prevent rusting. Reassemble the pistol.

I have zeroed the pistol at about 25 yds but the owner may have to adjust the front sight to their selves by drifting the sight left or right for windage and filing down the front sight for elevation.

If the ball hits to the left drift the sight to the left. If the ball hits low when shot, file down the Black Powder Pistol Raffle front sight a little at a time.

This Black powder Pistol is modeled after the one Do not file or move the rear sight. George Washington owned. It is a working gun One French amber flint is included with the pistol and completed with instructions It is being raffled at it is in the cock jaws of the lock. Replacement flints $10 a ticket or 3 for $25. The drawing will be at the either French or English can be purchased from 2013 KSSSAR Annual Conference with money go- Track of the and the size needed is for a ing go to the Kansas Heritage Youth Fund. So far small Siler flintlock or 5/8". French flints are amber $700 in tickets have been sold. Anyone interested in and last longer. English flints are dark grayish black. owning such a fine pistol contact Dave Comer or Any question please contact me at 785-258-2886 or e-mail at your chapter president. groh [email protected] Enjoy your pistol either by shooting it or just displaying it on the mantel. Instructions to the owner Your servant. G a r y G r oh This pistol was made to be shot and can be very accurate. The barrel has been proofed with 60 grs

9 of FFF black powder and two patched round balls. cil and was, in 1215, already a memorable It has a light BUT safe trigger pull. spot. Here under an ancient and venerated oak, whose boughs and branches had looked down on the Use only FFF black powder for both the main charge ceremonies of Druids, at a spot where the valley of and priming. Some shooters like FFFF BP for prim- the Thames widens out in quiet beauty, the Saxon ing but FFF BP will work just the same. That is what kings had been wont to gather their people about I have used for years. DO NOT use smokeless (your them to discuss questions of more than usual impor- barrel will turn into a bomb) or black powder substi- tance. tutes. Pyrodex will NOT ignite when used as prim- ing powder. SO stay with black powder only. On the side of the Barons came a great concourse of the nobility of England. With the King came some The suggested charge is about 30 grs or less. The four-and-twenty-persons, most of whom despised flask provided throws 15 gr charges. There is no him, and were merely his advisers in form. need to load higher than the proof load. You will The Barons embodied their demands in the form of a only waste your powder. The lighter the load the Royal Grant. When the draft was read out to him, more accurate your shots will be. John swore furiously. But the only alternative was the loss of his kingdom. So, on that great day, and in that great company, the King conceded, and sol- KNOW YE THAT: emnly set his seal to Magna Charta. Posted Fri, 2012-05-25 09:00 by SAR.ORG webmaster In doing so, he pledged himself: Last updated: Fri, 2012-05-25 10:06 1. To maintain the Church in its rights

2. To relieve the Barons of oppressive obligations as vassals of the crown—of which the Barons, in their turn, pledged themselves to relieve their vas- sals, THE PEOPLE

3. To respect the liberties of London and all other cities and boroughs

4. To protect foreign merchants who came to Eng- land

5. To imprison no man without a fair trial

To sell, delay, or deny justice to none.

As the Barons knew his falsehood well, they further required as their securities:

1. That he should send out of his kingdom all his foreign troops 2. That for two months they should hold possession of the city of London Eight centuries ago, your ancestor, a gallant knight, came with a group of knights as gallant as he, to 3. That five-and-twenty of their body, chosen by challenge King John and to wrest from him the themselves, should be a lawful committee to watch crushed liberties of his Anglo-Saxon subjects. the keeping of the charter, and In the meadow of Runnemede they assembled, To make war upon him if he broke it. dauntless and determined. This place had for genera- tions been a favorite meeting place of kings in coun- All this he was obliged to yield. He sealed the char-

10 ter and departed from that splendid assembly. When Supports the NSSAR he got home to Operation Ancestor Search Windsor Castle, it is said he was quite a madman in Posted Sat, 2012-07-21 11:00 by webmaster his helpless fury. Last updated: Sat, 2012-07-21 11:00 One may not change the intellectual or spiritual qualities of his ancestors, but may emulate those that were worthy, and lay foundation for the most exalted characteristics among his descendants. Shall we be careless of this heritage? Shall we not prize and honor it? Shall we not hold it as a sacred trust from which glo- rious results shall continue to stimulate the world? Lest the world forget, let us pause and remember: The Barons’ success changed the outlook for all mankind, and the lineal descendants of those knights brought later to America the priceless results of that day, and so handed down this heritage to their de-, the world’s largest online family his- scendants, keeping alive the memory and spirit of tory resource, and Fold3, the web's premier collec- tion of original military records, presented a grant of JUNE 15, 1215. $180,000 to the National Society of the Sons of the (Image from Wikipedia: John of England signs Magna American Revolution for the development and sup- Carta. Image from Cassell's History of England - Century port of Operation Ancestor Search, a genealogy Edition - published circa 1902) training program provided to US wounded warriors, their families and care givers. Brian Hansen, gen- eral manager of Fold3, presented the check on behalf of Fold3 and during the 122nd Con- gress of The Sons of the American Revolution in Phoenix, Arizona.

Conducted at military hospitals around the country, Operation Ancestor Search is free to U.S. wounded warriors, their families and care givers and it is oper- ated by volunteers from local chapters of the Sons of the American Revolution. Operation Ancestor Search provides injured service members with the knowledge and tools that enable them to conduct family history research as they recover from their injuries. A key aspect of the program is the ability to offer genealogy resources to the injured service members, and this grant will provide access to An-’s online databases for the participants’ use as well as funding for a national program admin- istrator.

11 "Who Do You Think You Are?" Posted Tue, 2012-05-01 09:54 by m_scroggins

Last updated: Tue, 2012-05-01 09:54

The program is a tremendous success at military healthcare facilities including the Walter Reed and Brooke Army Medical Centers. Captain Samuel Hoffman, U.S. Army, has participated in the program NBC's acclaimed alternative series "Who Do You at Walter Reed since early 2011. Through the assis- Think You Are?" follows some of today's most be- tance of Operation Ancestor Search volunteers, Cap- loved and iconic celebrities as they embark on per- tain Hoffman discovered his ancestors served on sonal journeys of self-discovery to trace their family both sides of the Civil War and also in the Revolu- trees. From Ireland's freedom fighters to the Ameri- tionary War. can Revolutionary War, and from the African nation of Cameroon to Bulgaria, this season will reveal the fabric of humanity through everyone's place in his- “The information I have uncovered about my family tory. through Operation Ancestor Search has helped me learn a tremendous amount about my ancestors and The celebrities featured in the third season are Mar- exceeded my expectations,” said Captain Hoffman. tin Sheen, Marisa Tomei, Blair Underwood, Helen “I have a new found respect and understanding for Hunt, Reba McEntire, Jerome Bettis, Rita Wilson, family heritage and the impact that family history Edie Falco, Rob Lowe, Rashida Jones, Jason can have on a person’s sense of self-worth and desire Sudeikis and Paula Deen. for personal growth.” During each episode, one of the celebrities is taken More information regarding this program will be on a surprising and deeply emotional quest into his forthcoming as plans are finalized. or her family history, resulting in a compelling real- ity format. Each week, viewers follow some of America's best-known celebrities into their ancestral pasts, as they uncover stories of heroism and tragedy, love and betrayal, secrets and intrigue that lie at the heart of their family history. At the same time, "Who Do You Think You Are?" celebrates the twists and turns of a great nation and the people who made their way here in search of freedom and opportunity. As each celebrity discovers his or her unknown relatives - most of whom over- came hard times, the show will take viewers back through world history to expose how the lives of eve- ryone's collective ancestors have shaped our world today. From executive producers ("Friends,"

12 "") and ("Lipstick Jun- cans of Japanese descent during World War II in the gle," "The Comeback") in conjunction with their pro- name of "national security." duction company, Is or Isn't Entertainment, and Shed Media U.S., the series is an adaptation of the award- As Benjamin Franklin observed in 1759, those who winning hit British television documentary series give up their liberty in exchange for government from Wall to Wall Productions, created and execu- promises of security, end up with neither liberty nor tive-produced by Alex Graham. Jennifer O'Connell security. and Al Edgington also serve as executive producers. Countries which deny liberty to their citizens are the The program contacted the National Society of the most brutal, poor, and miserable places on earth. In Sons of the American Revolution as part of the pres- the end, tyrannies fail because they are based upon entation for the celebrity Rob Lowe coercion, and coercion is fundamentally incompati- Liberty Bell editor note: ble with human nature To view some of the shows on your computer you Coercion vs. Voluntary Association can use the link below We need others for most of what we want out of life: companionship, friendship, family, recreation, and wealth. A hermit living alone on a desert island may be able to survive, but his living standard and life- style will be little better than that of an animal. There Without Liberty, No Other Human Values are only two basic ways of getting what you want Are Possible from others: voluntarily or coercively. When you deal with others voluntarily, others deal with you be- Liberty is the freedom to act as you please so long as cause they want to, because they receive some bene- you don't coerce others. Liberty means you can asso- fit – material or psychological – by dealing with you. ciate with others voluntarily, you can speak and pub- The tools of voluntarism are friendship, trade, com- lish freely, you can practice the religion of your passion, and love. In coercive association, you get choice (or none at all), keep what you earn, run your what you want from others by deception or fear. The own business, and love and live as you please (so tools of coercion are intimidation, threats, fraud, and long as you don't violate the rights of others). physical violence. Voluntary association promotes We need liberty to think, to create, and to fulfill our trust and respect, and provides benefits for everyone. individual and unique potential. Liberty is as much a Coercive association creates fear and distrust, and requirement of our psychological nature as food and victimizes some at the expense of others. A guiding air are requirements of our biological nature. When liberty is denied, economies stagnate, cultures dete- Freedom Is Practical As Well As Moral riorate, science declines, living standards fall, and the human spirit languishes. Liberty is essential for Socialists often argue that liberty won't feed a starv- any decent and humane society. ing man – implying that liberty is less important than government-guaranteed security. But it is the ab- Liberty is such a compelling and important value sence of liberty that produces starvation and poverty. that even brutal dictatorships claim to support it. Ty- The freer a country, the more prosperous it is. The rants say they are promoting "higher" freedoms – poorest, most miserable countries in the world – such as "national security", "economic equality" , or Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, etc. – have an abun- "the common good." The graveyards of history are dance only of government promises, fear, and suffer- filled with the corpses of those deceived by such ing. claims. Editors Note The above was taken from In Pursuit of The Soviet Union, Communist China, Nazi Ger- many and other totalitarian nations, murdered and Liberty by Jarret B. Wollstein You can find more of the work at : tortured over 100 million people in the name of "economic equality" and "the common good". Even resources/lit/in-pursuit-liberty.html the United States imprisoned over 115,000 Ameri- 13 Sample Tile of Wyatt Earp’s Ancestor William Earp 1729 – 1778 Maryland Signed Oath of Fidelity & Support 1778

Note: Tiles can contain up to 7 lines with 18 characters and spaces per line.

Patriot’s Name Military Unit / Type of Service Colony Date(s) of Service Name of Donor or Organization Extra Notes:

*This area used for donor information* Will you join us in Name of Donor or Organization Address of Donor or Organization funding this Memorial Phone and or Email project to honor the pa- DAR/SAR Chapter & Membership # (If applicable) ______triots who fought for NOTES:

* A Patriot is defined by the SAR/DAR as one who worked to promote the cause of liberty and independence of the colonies, American Revolutionary War not necessarily military. Operation AMREV reserves the right Memorial, Inc. to verify and approve all submissions. *501(c)3 organization

*Consult with your tax advisor regarding deductible contribu- PO BOX 75417 tions.

Wichita, KS 67275-5417 Please send your donation check(s) for $100.00 per tile, payable to OPERATION AMREV, PO Box 75417, Wichita, KS 67275-5417

14 Home of the American Revolutionary War Memorial at Veterans’ Memorial Park 339-399 Greenway Blvd, Wichita, KS mural that is being built by PWD Design Studios artist Ann Zerger and Chip Parker. The mural will consist of salt- fired Announcing a new memorial dedicated to the men and women clay tiles to reflect life in Colonial America. The surrounding whose courage and valiant services created the United States of circular wall will be covered with black ceramic tiles engraved America! It will be located in Veteran’s Memorial Park, Wich- with gold lettering, with information on your Revolutionary ita, KS. Patriot’s name, service, rank, colony & donor.

This will be a fitting tribute to those colonists whose honor, Don’t Wait! There are only 521 tiles available. This is a once courage, vision, genius, foresight, and sacrifice shaped the in a lifetime offering for you to honor a Revolutionary War country we love today. Patriot. , service, rank, colony & donor.

Two steadfast Minutemen will stand guard over the Bicenten- nial Flag Pavilion just as they defended the Old North Bridge at Concord, MA. Don’t Wait! There are only 521 tiles available. This Memorial will feature three black granite panels featuring This is a once in a lifetime offering for you to artwork from Wichita artists Phil Lovechik and Roger Dakin honor a Revolutionary War Patriot depicting two proud Minutemen, the Concord Hymn, excerpts from the Constitution of the United States, and a map of the original thirteen colonies. It will be surrounded by a bas relief

Surrounding the center trefoil piece “A Depiction of Life in Colonial America.” © Design Sketch by PWD Design Studio’s, Ann Zerger and Chip Parker.

15 of rights, calling it a "parchment barrier." (Madison's believed that the Constitution protected liberty pri- preference at the Convention to safeguard liberties marily through its division of powers that made it was by giving Congress an unlimited veto over state difficult for an oppressive majorities to form and laws and creating a joint executive-judicial council capture power to be used against minorities. Dele- of revision that could veto federal laws.) Despite his gates also probably feared that a debate over liberty skepticism, by the fall of 1788, Madison believed guarantees might prolong or even threaten the that a declaration of rights should be added to the fiercely-debated compromises that had been made Constitution. Its value, in Madison's view, was in over the long hot summer of 1787. In the ratification part educational, in part as a vehicle that might be debate, Anti-Federalists opposed to the Constitution, used to rally people against a future oppressive gov- complained that the new system threatened liberties, ernment, and finally--in an argument borrowed from and suggested that if the delegates had truly cared Thomas Jefferson--Madison argued that a declaration about protecting individual rights, they would have of rights would help install the judiciary as included provisions that accomplished that. With "guardians" of individual rights against the other ratification in serious doubt, Federalists announced a branches. When the First Congress met in 1789, willingness to take up the matter of a series of James Madison, a congressman from Virginia, took amendments, to be called the Bill of Rights, soon upon himself the task of drafting a proposed Bill of after ratification and the First Congress comes into Rights. He considered his efforts "a nauseous pro- session. The concession was undoubtedly necessary ject." His original set of proposed amendments in- to secure the Constitution's hard-fought ratification. cluded some that were either rejected or substantially Thomas Jefferson, who did not attend the Constitu- modified by Congress, and one (dealing with appor- tional Convention, in a December 1787 letter to tionment of the House) that was not ratified by the Madison called the omission of a Bill of Rights a required three-fourths of the state legislatures. Some major mistake: "A bill of rights is what the people of the rejections were very significant, such as the are entitled to against every government on earth." decision not to adopt Madison's proposal to extend free speech protections to the states, and others somewhat less important (such as the dropping of Madison's language that required unanimous jury verdicts for convictions in all federal cases).

Some members of Congress argued that a listing of rights of the people was a silly exercise, in that all the listed rights inherently belonged to citizens, and nothing in the Constitution gave the Congress the power to take them away. It was even suggested that the Bill of Rights might reduce liberty by giving force to the argument that all rights not specifically listed could be infringed upon. In part to counter this concern, the Ninth Amendment was included provid- ing that "The enumeration in the Constitution of cer- tain rights, shall not be construed to deny or dispar-

age other rights retained by the people."

Decades later, the Ninth Amendment would be pointed to by some judges, such as Justice Goldberg in his opinion in Griswold v Connecticut (a case rec- James Madison reads his proposed Bill of Rights in ognizing a right of privacy that included a right to the First Congress use contraceptives), as a justification for giving a broad and liberty-protective reading to the the spe- cifically enumerated rights. Others, such as rejected Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, would dismiss James Madison was skeptical of the value of a listing the Ninth Amendment as analogous to "an inkblot on

16 the Constitution," a provision so unclear in its sig- THE FIRST 10 AMENDMENTS TO THE nificance that judges should essentially read it out of CONSTITUTION AS RATIFIED BY THE the Constitution. Most of the protections of the Bill STATES ("The Bill of Rights")** of Rights eventually would be extended to state in- fringements as well federal infringements though the (continued on page 18) "doctrine of incorporation" beginning in the early to mid-1900s. The doctrine rests on interpreting the Amendment I Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment as Congress shall make no law respecting an es- prohibiting states from infringing on the most funda- mental liberties of its citizens. (For more, see page tablishment of religion, or prohibiting the free on INCORPORATION DEBATE.) In the end, we owe opponents of the Constitution a debt of grati- "Soldier's Prayer" tude, for without their complaints, there would be no Bill of Rights. Thomas Jefferson wrote, "There has "I saw a soldier kneeling down, for this was the just been opposition enough" to force adoption of a first quiet place he had found. Bill of Rights, but not to drain the federal govern- ment of its essential "energy." George Washington He had traveled through jungles, rivers and agreed: "They have given the rights of man a full and mud. His hands were scarred and toil-worn. He fair discussion, and explained them in so clear and folded his hands and looked to the sky, I saw his forcible manner as cannot fail to make a lasting im- tears as they welled in his eyes. pression." LINKS He spoke to God, and this is what he said: "God Bless my men, who now lie dead; I know not what National Archives: History of the Bill of Rights Bill of Rights You have in mind, but when You judge, please be Institute kind. Whey they come before you, they will be poorly dressed but will walk proudly, for they have done their best. The U. S. Constitution Online: Bill of Rights

Bill of Rights Golf Their boots will be muddy and their clothes all torn, but these clothes they have so proudly worn. Their KEY DOCUMENT: hearts will be still and cold inside, for they have Resolution of the First Congress Submitting fought their best and did so with pride. Twelve Amendments to the Constitution (March 4, 1789) So please take care of them as they pass Your way, for the price of freedom." The Rejected Rights Guarantees Included in James Madison's Original Bill of Rights: 1. "No person religiously scrupulous of bearing arms shall be compelled to render military service in per- son." 2. "No State shall violate the equal rights of con- science, or the freedom of the press, or the trial by jury in criminal cases." [Madison called this guaran- tee, extending protections of the First Amendment and the jury trial right of the Sixth Amendment to the states, "the most valuable amendment in the whole lot." It passed the House, but was rejected by the Senate.]

Please remember your Ancestor.

17 exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of wherein the crime shall have been committed, speech, or of the press; or the right of the peo- which district shall have been previously ascer- ple peaceably to assemble, and to petition the tained by law, and to be informed of the nature Government for a redress of grievances. and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have com- Amendment II pulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel security of a free State, the right of the people for his defense. to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Amendment VII Amendment III In suits at common law, where the value in No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the in any house, without the consent of the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexam- be prescribed by law. ined in any Court of the United States, than ac- cording to the rules of the common law. Amendment IV Amendment VIII The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against Excessive bail shall not be required, nor exces- unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not sive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual pun- be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but ishments inflicted. upon probable cause, supported by Oath or af- Amendment IX firmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain seized. rights, shall not be construed to deny or dispar- age others retained by the people. Amendment V Amendment X No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a pre- The powers not delegated to the United States sentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or States, are reserved to the States respectively, in the Militia, when in actual service in time of or to the people. War or public danger; nor shall any person be **Because the Ninth and Tenth Amendments are not specific subject for the same offence to be twice put in guarantees of individual liberties, in some usages "The Bill of jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled Rights" refers only to the first eight amendments. in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, with- out just compensation. Amendment VI In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district

18 Welcome to These New Compatriots of the Sons of the American Revolution:

Last First Middle Address City St Zip NSSAR Ks Ch Sponsor Approved Ancestor Nixon Cole Jay 9161 NE Jones Rd Cameron MO 64429 183553 2895 DX Fry, H 05/14/12 John Michael Garner- Taylor Jerry Albert 2605 W 27th Ter Lawrence KS 66047 183626 2896 CR Sayler, J 05/17/12 Phineas Putnam Covington Michael William 10007 Carrie Ln Merriam KS 66203 183691 2897 MC Bowman, M 05/23/12 Benjamin Bass Ivey Kevin LeRoy 1207 N 9th St Garden City KS 67846 183832 2898 JS Ellis, I 06/07/12 Arthur Scott Mehrhof Craig Edward 444 E Flint Hills Dr Alma KS 66401 183866 2899 TJ McReynolds, R 06/13/12 Josiah Gates Sibley David Spencer 530 Mohawk St W Lake Quivira KS 66217 183905 2900 MC Bowman, M 06/18/12 Timothy Sibley McCormack Paul Ridgely, III Junior Member 184097 2901 HL Aaron, JB 07/05/12 Reuben Harris Armes Steven Dewayne 13343 Palmer Ave Grandview MO 64030 184347 2902 DX Ellis, I 07/30/12 James O. Barham Hill Thomas Clark 14034 Hayes St Overland Park KS 66221 184371 2903 MC Ellis, I 08/01/12 Thomas Hill Welton Richard Frederick 1008 Brianna Ct Manhattan KS 66503 184407 2904 KP Naughton, G 08/02/12 Zerubbabel Jerome

Service Anniversaries (May-Jul.)

Last First Middle NSSAR Ks Ch Years Anniversary Briscoe Harry James 111819 1193 TJ 35 05/04/12 Reilly Edward Francis, Jr. 120440 1449 MAL 30 06/29/12 Heide Robert Kay, MD 120618 1453 MAL 30 07/28/12 Huntley Patrick Ross 138862 2105 TJ 20 05/07/12 Skelton John Loring 139086 1960 WA 20 06/16/12 Scott Donald Ross 139114 1961 TJ 20 07/01/12 Helphrey Lynn Harman 139116 1963 WA 20 07/01/12 Lynn Robert Livingston 139154 1965 WA 20 07/08/12 Nelson Richard Allen 148395 2109 DX 15 06/11/12 LeMasters Richard Leslie 148754 2113 WA 15 07/29/12 Evans Thomas Griffith 158028 2306 DX 10 05/06/12 Cook Richard Austin 158202 2308 BN 10 05/17/12 Bruington Larry Leon 158203 2309 SP 10 05/17/12 Steinke Jeffrey Jay 158245 2310 DX 10 05/20/12 Mulkey Grant Eugene 158642 2315 WA 10 06/28/12 Amed Jody Ray 158643 2316 SP 10 06/28/12 Sturm Harold Dean 158644 2317 WA 10 06/28/12 Sturm Ryan Dale 158646 2319 MAL 10 06/28/12 Malinowsky Samuel Deering 158773 2320 CR 10 07/29/12 Cress Dennis Lane 169405 2561 TJ 5 05/31/12

Proven Supplemental Ancestors

Last First Middle NSSAR Ks Ch Approved Ancestor Capps Robert Neil, Jr. 164464 2446 DX 05/16/12 George Gabbert Capps Robert Neil, III 164465 2447 DX 05/16/12 George Gabbert Boyer John Michael 165189 2863 SP 05/16/12 Richard Shipp Schatzel John Arthur 182022 2864 HL 05/16/12 Jonathan White Christian Carrol Ray 169957 2582 FH 05/25/12 James Kennedy Lunt Philip Duane 97706 930 MAL 06/27/12 Joseph Lamb Lunt Claron Shane 182949 2887 SP 06/27/12 Joseph Lamb Lunt Ryan Michael 182950 2888 SP 06/27/12 Joseph Lamb Dillavou Allen Craig 170543 2597 MC 07/26/12 Squire Reed Dillavou Allen Craig 170543 2597 MC 07/26/12 Wilson Preston Vest Jerry Wayne 174730 2717 MC 07/26/12 Samuel Vest Lunt Christopher Todd 182948 2886 SP 07/26/12 Joseph Lamb

Farwell to our departed compatriots

Last First Middle NSSAR Ks Ch Member Died Ottinger Christopher Mark 124084 1566 MAL 1984 01/30/11 Craft Dennis Neil 156343 2257 2001 03/27/11* Lee John Edwin, Jr. 82373 747 1959 03/28/12* Schwartz Veryl Dean, MD 124314 1575 1984 04/12/12* Whiteker Lonnel Harlan 166068 2486 2005 05/18/12* Reynolds William Arthur 134536 2371 DX 1990 05/28/12 Glenn Clay Henry 119552 1421 1981 06/16/12* Clement Gregory Vance 130883 1792 1988 06/25/12* *inactive +demitted 19 The Kansas Society

Sons of the American Revolution

2111 S 49th street

Kansas City, KS 66106