No online items Mount Lowe Railway souvenir album photCL 221 Suzanne Oatey The Huntington Library June 2021 1151 Oxford Road San Marino, California 91108
[email protected] URL: Mount Lowe Railway souvenir photCL 221 1 album photCL 221 Contributing Institution: The Huntington Library Photo Archives Title: Mount Lowe Railway souvenir album Creator: Mount Lowe Railway Identifier/Call Number: photCL 221 Physical Description: 1 Volume (12 photographs) Date (inclusive): approximately 1894-1900 Abstract: A souvenir photograph album of the Mount Lowe Railway, a tourist line to Echo Mountain and Mount Lowe in the San Gabriel Mountains, California. Language of Material: Materials are in English. Conditions Governing Access Open for use by qualified researchers and by appointment. Please contact Reader Services at the Huntington Library for more information. Conditions Governing Use The Huntington Library does not require that researchers request permission to quote from or publish images of this material, nor does it charge fees for such activities. The responsibility for identifying the copyright holder, if there is one, and obtaining necessary permissions rests with the researcher. Preferred Citation Mount Lowe Railway souvenir album, The Huntington Library, San Marino, California. Immediate Source of Acquisition Purchased from Cherokee Bookstore, December 1977. Biographical / Historical The Mount Lowe Railway was a scenic tourist line that opened in 1894 to bring visitors to the San Gabriel Mountains above Altadena and Pasadena, California. A portion of the railway was a cable-driven funicular, the Incline Railway from Rubio Pavilion to a hotel called the Echo Mountain House, which opened in 1894 at the summit of Echo Mountain.