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Oracle® Services for Microsoft Trans‐ action Server Developer's Guide ODAC 19c Release 1 (19.3) for Microsoft Windows F19463-02 July 2019 Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Developer's Guide, ODAC 19c Release 1 (19.3) for Micro‐ soft Windows F19463-02 Copyright © 1996, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Primary Author: Maitreyee Chaliha Contributing Authors: Janis Greenberg, Patricia Huey, Mark Kennedy, Roza Leyderman, Janelle Simmons, Alex Keh, Valarie Moore, Vivek Raja, Eric Wang, Yong Hu This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your li‐ cense agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. 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Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, prod‐ ucts, or services, except as set forth in an applicable agreement between you and Oracle. Contents Preface Audience viii Documentation Accessibility viii Related Documents viii Conventions ix Changes in This Release for Oracle Services for Microsoft Transac‐ tion Server Developer's Guide Changes in Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server in ODAC 12c Release 3 x Changes in Oracle Database 12c Release 1 (12.1) x 1 Using Microsoft Transaction Server with Oracle Database 1.1 Microsoft Transaction Server Overview 1-1 1.2 Microsoft Transaction Server and Oracle Integration Overview 1-1 1.2.1 Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Support for DTC 1-2 1.2.2 Distributed Transactions on Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) 1-2 1.2.3 Promotable Local Transactions 1-3 1.2.4 Read-Committed and Serializable Transactions 1-3 1.3 Getting Started with Microsoft Transaction Server and Oracle 1-3 2 Installing Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server 2.1 Installation Introduction 2-1 2.2 Installation Requirements for Microsoft Transaction Server 2-2 2.2.1 Oracle Products 2-2 2.2.2 Non-Oracle Products 2-2 2.3 Distributed Transactions 2-3 2.3.1 Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator Integration 2-3 2.3.2 ODP.NET, Managed Driver Setup 2-4 2.3.3 ODP.NET, Unmanaged Driver Setup 2-4 iii 2.4 Manually Creating an Oracle MTS Recovery Service 2-5 3 Managing Recovery Scenarios 3.1 Microsoft Transaction Server Configuration Requirements 3-1 3.2 Microsoft Transaction Server Transaction Recovery Overview 3-1 3.3 Scheduling Automatic Microsoft Transaction Server Transaction Recovery 3-2 3.3.1 Creating an Access Control List (ACL) 3-2 3.3.2 Configuring Automatic Transaction Recovery 3-3 Setting and Starting Up Database Job-Queue Processes 3-3 Creating and Scheduling Automatic Transaction Recovery 3-4 3.4 Viewing Microsoft Transaction Server In-Doubt Transactions 3-6 3.5 Modifying Registry Values for Oracle Fail Safe Configurations 3-7 4 Programming with Microsoft Transaction Server and an Oracle Da‐ tabase 4.1 COM Component Integration in a Transaction 4-1 4.2 Microsoft Transaction Server Application Development 4-4 4.2.1 Microsoft Transaction Server Component Registration 4-4 Types of Registration Components 4-4 Registration of Components 4-4 4.2.2 Microsoft Transaction Server-Coordinated Component Transaction 4-5 4.2.3 Microsoft DTC-Coordinated Component Transaction 4-5 4.3 OCI Integration with Microsoft Transaction Server 4-6 4.3.1 Integrating COM Components 4-7 COM Components Running in an MTS-Coordinated Transaction 4-8 Non-Transactional COM Components Running with OCI Connec‐ tion Pooling 4-8 COM Components Using MS DTC and OCI Connection Pooling 4-8 COM Components Using MS DTC and Nonpooling OCI Connec‐ tion 4-8 4.3.2 Using OCI Functions 4-9 4.3.3 OraMTSSvcGet() 4-9 4.3.4 OraMTSSvcRel() 4-11 4.3.5 OraMTSSvcEnlist() 4-12 4.3.6 OraMTSSvcEnlistEx() 4-13 4.3.7 OraMTSEnlCtxGet() 4-13 4.3.8 OraMTSEnlCtxRel() 4-15 4.3.9 OraMTSJoinTxn() 4-15 4.3.10 OraMTSTransTest() 4-16 4.3.11 OraMTSOCIErrGet() 4-16 iv 4.4 ODBC Integration with Microsoft Transaction Server Overview 4-17 4.4.1 Setting the Connection Attribute 4-17 4.4.2 Using Oracle ODBC Driver 4-17 4.4.3 Using Microsoft Oracle ODBC Driver 4-19 5 Tuning Microsoft Transaction Server Performance 5.1 Improving Microsoft Transaction Server Application Performance 5-1 5.2 Managing Microsoft Transaction Server Connections 5-1 5.2.1 Connection Pooling Registry Parameters 5-2 5.3 Increasing the Transaction Timeout Parameter 5-3 5.4 Changing Initialization Parameter Settings 5-3 5.5 Additional Parameters 5-4 5.6 Starting MSDTC 5-5 6 Troubleshooting Oracle Microsoft Transaction Server 6.1 Tracking Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server Performance 6-1 6.2 Correcting Oracle Net Changes that Impact Connection Pooling 6-2 6.3 Designing an Application that Uses Multiple Databases 6-3 6.4 Working with Different Types of Connection Pooling 6-4 6.5 Working with In-Doubt Transactions 6-4 6.6 Dropping the Microsoft Transaction Server Administrative User Account 6-5 Glossary Index v List of Figures 4-1 Component Integration in a Transaction 4-2 6-1 Distributed DML Statements from MTS Applications 6-3 vi List of Tables 2-1 Supported ODP.NET Type and .NET Framework Version for Distributed Transaction 2-4 4-1 Summary of OCI Functions for Integrating MTS and Oracle Database 4-9 4-2 OraMTSSvcGet() Parameters 4-9 4-3 OraMTSSvcRel() Parameters 4-11 4-4 OraMTSSvcEnlist() Parameters 4-12 4-5 OraMTSSvcEnlistEx() Parameters 4-13 4-6 OraMTSEnlCtxGet() Parameters 4-14 4-7 OraMTSEnlCtxRel() Parameters 4-15 4-8 OraMTSJoinTxn() Parameters 4-15 4-9 OraMTSOCIErrGet() Parameters 4-16 6-1 ORAMTS_CP_TRACE_LEVEL Trace Registry Parameter Values 6-2 vii Preface Preface This manual explains how to install, configure, use, and administer Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server that apply to operating systems. It covers the features of Oracle Database software that apply to the Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Win‐ dows Server 2003 operating systems. This preface contains these topics: • Audience • Documentation Accessibility • Related Documents • Conventions Audience This guide is intended for anyone who performs the following tasks: • Uses component object model (COM) components with Microsoft Transaction Server • Registers COM components as transactional and has Microsoft Transaction Serv‐ er control the transaction • Uses client-side connection pooling in Microsoft Transaction Server • Uses .NET applications with Oracle Services for Microsoft Transaction Server to access Oracle Database instances. Documentation Accessibility For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibili‐ ty Program website at Access to Oracle Support Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit‐ up?ctx=acc&id=info or visit if you are hearing impaired.