Western University TopSCHOLAR® Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Kentucky Library - Serials Society Newsletter

Summer 2011 Longhunter, Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Newsletter Volume 34, Number 2 Kentucky Library Research Collections Western Kentucky University, [email protected]

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Volume XXXIIil -Issue 2 Summer & Fall, 2011

ISSN 1067 7348

Southern Kentucky Genealogical Bowling Green, Kentucky Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society P.O. Box 1782 Bowling Green, Kentucky 42102-1782

2011 Officers

President: J. Mark Lowe, eG, FUGA 505 Josephine, Springfield, TN 37 172 [email protected]

Vice-President: Suell yn Lathrop Department of Library Special Co ll ections E308 Kentucky Bldg, Western Kentuoky Univ. Bowling Green, KY 42 101 suellyn. lathrop@wku,edu

Secretary: Cora Jane Spiller 1056 Oakland Road, Oakland, KY 42 159 Forest I 056@ao l.com

Treasurer: Rebecca Shipley 702 Eastwood, Bowling Green, KY 42103 rshi [email protected]

Longhunter Editor: Gail Jackson Miller, CG 425 Midcrest Dri ve, Bowling Green, Ky 421 01 gailmi ll [email protected]

Membership Membersbip in the Southern Kentucky Genea logical Society is open to anyone interested in research in the Kentucky counties of Allen, Barren, Edmonson, Logan, Simpson and Warren or their neighbors. Dues are $20 per year for an individual or family. The Longhunter is included with membership. Membership is extended from I January to 31 December.

Meetings The SKGS meets regularly at 6:30pm on the third Monday of the month at the Kentucky Library, Western Kentucky University. These meetings provide time for tbe exchange of ideas, di scussion of research methods, organizati on of data, and techniques for preservation of documents, as well as the study of historical events that affected th e li ves and movements of our ancestors. A cordial welcome is extended to all visitors and prospective members. The Longhunter Volume XXXIlIl . Issue 2 Summer & Fall, 2011

Table of Contents

1871 map view of Bowling Green with Christ Episcopal Church shown 2

Photograph of Christ Episcopal Church built in 1868, Bowl ing Green, Kentucky 2

Parish Records of the Christ Epi scopal Church, Bowling Green and Ru ssellvill e, Kentucky, 1861·1919 3

Photograph ofTrinity Episcopa l Church in Russell vi ll e, Kentucky 18

Warren County, Kentucky Marriage Book C: September I 853·February 1854 19

Richardsvi li e 22

Correcting Errors in the Identity of Obadiah Owen 23

Allen Lodge Female Coll ege, 1856, Barren County, Kentucky 24

Gleanings from Henri etta Benton Johnson's Scrapbook, 25 Warren County, Kentucky, 1869- 1922, Part 12

Kentucky Records: ewly Rediscovered Circuit Court Cases in 34 Logan County, Kentucky - Part 2

Logan County, Kentucky Courthouses 40

Amanda Bell e (Richards) Ayles Family Bible, Warren County, Kentucky 41

The Orange Family of Sugar Grove, Butler County, Kentucky 42

Birth Records in Mormon Church Records, 1908- 19 14 in Butler, 44 Edmonson, Logan, and Warren County, Kentucky

Logan Co un ty, Kentucky, 1897 School Census, District 84 46

Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Membership Form 20 12 48

Index 49

Submitting Infonnation For Publication in Th e Longhl/nler 60 T he C hrist Episcopal Church was located o n Summer Street between Washington and Shelby streets prior to 19 12 when the current building was constructed. In the map of Bowling Green, th e church is pictured in th e tOP center of the map with the numeral " 10" in front. This local ion would presently be on the left side ofCenler Street moving toward the rive r between th and 81h streets. [From A. Ruger. 1871 Bird 's Eye View oJ Bowling Green. Kentucky. on* line at www.bigmllpblog.com.}

The Christ Episcopal church was built in 1868 on what is now Coll ege Street It was a brick church with a steeple. The current building for Christ Episcopal C hurc h was built in 19 12 on State St reet. After th e new building was constru cted, the building on College Street then had other uses and was torn down in 1933. The Longhunter, Volume XXXIl II - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 20 11 , Page 3. Parish Records of the Christ Episcopal Church, Bowling Green and Russellville, Kentucky,1861-1919

Submitted by Sue llyn Lathrop, University Archivist and Nancy Richey, Image Librarian Kentucky Library Special Collections Western Kentucky University Bowling Green, Kentucky

This information was copied from a typewritten transcript of the Parish Records (1861-1919) of the Christ Episcopal Church of Bowling Green, Kentucky. Noted on the records: "The following paper has been furnished me by Prof. Jno. B. Preston: Oct. 1 , 1904-list of member (communicants) of Ch ri st Church Parish." "Copied from the first Parish Register, 1942" The typewritten transcript is housed as MSS SC2219 in Manuscripts in the Kentucky Building at Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky. The current location of the original records has not been determined.

The first two sections are baptisms and burials, Russellville. They use the following abbreviations: bapt. = baptized Curtis = Rev. J. M. Curtis, A. Obenchain bur. = buried A.E. Parker = Rev. C. P. Parker c/o = chi ld of Delearsy = A.T. Delearsy Perkins = Rev. D. Perkins dlo = daughter of Dobb = Rev. A. F. Dobb Phillips = Rev. Phil. dob = date of birth Dudley = Rev. T.U. Phillips, dod = date of death Dudley, DD Jr. Fairview = Fairview, Estill = Rev. Beverly Estill, Ringgold = Rev. S. Bowling Green, KY AW. Ringgold slo = son of Fitt = Rev. P. A. Fitt Rogers = George Rogers spons. = sponsors Galt = Alexander Galt Stocking = Rev. C. H. W . wlo = wife of Gee = Virginius O. Gee Stocking Grider = Jesse S. Grider Thompson = Rev. F. Benton = Rev. M. M. Halleck = E. W . Halleck, Thompson, PhD Benton rector Tschiffaly = Rev. l. P. Cornish = Rev. Joseph J. Hill = Charles W . B. Hill Tshiffaly, Dean, VBD, Cornish Jones = Rev. W . S. Jones rector Covington = R. W . of Erie, PA of Grace Church of Covington, lay leader Marshall = Wm. K. Marshall Louisville Craike = Rev. Charles E. Obenchain = Maj . William Waller = Rev. G. C. Waller Craike

Baptisms - Russellville. Each entry is arranged in the following format. Child, son, daughter or child of (s/o, dlo, c/o) parents surname not repeated, sponsored by (spons.), date of birth (do b), date of baptism (bapt.), minister who performed baptism. The Longhunter, Volu me XXXIlIl - Issue 2, Summer & Fall , 2011 , Page 4. Beni son, Charles Thomas s/o Peter & Frazer, James Cresens s/o T.A. , spons. Nannie, spons. James Quarner & Thos. M. parents & Lizzie Sevier, dob 9/3/1875, bapt. Hill, dob 20 April 1881, bapt. 9 July 1886 by Dudley. by Delearsy. Frazer, John s/o T. A., spons. parents & Beni son, Joseph s/o Peter & Nannie, spons. Lizzie Sevier, dob 4 January 1873, bapt. by James B. Quarrien, Thomas M. Hill & Ellen Dudley. Ryan, dob 23 July 1885, bapt. 9 Mayl 886 by DeLearsy. Frazer, Josephine dlo T.A., pons. Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Crawling, dob 22 March i 877, Benison, Ma ry Frances d/o Peter & Nannie, bapt. September 1879 by Estill. spons. Pattie Frazer & James B. Quarrien, dob 6 April 1883, bapt. 9 May 1886 by Frazer, Margaret Elizabeth d/o Thos. A. & Delearsy. J. M., spons. Mrs. E. B. Browder, Pattie Frazer & A.T. Delearsy, dob 12 ovember Brizendine, Mary Jost, d/o A. C. & E. A., 1879, bapt. 27 April1 886 by Gee. spons. Jennie E. Rhea & Mrs. V. O. Gee, dob 8 Decemberl 878, bapt. 20 July 1884 by Frazer, Martha, adult, spons. Josephine Gee. Frazer, dob I Apri11858, bapt. 4 July l 885 by Gee. Browder, Eugene Irvine s/o Wi lber F. & Bettie W., spons. Robert Irvine & Alice Harrison, John Todd s/o Thos. B. & Jennie Browder, dob 4 July1882, bapt. 4 T. spons. mother, dob 14 April 1884 bapt. March 1883 by Gee. by Dudley in Russell ville.

Browder, John Caldwell s/o Wilber F. & McCutchen, Alice Leedom, spons. Bettie W. Bettie, spons. parents & J. C. Caldwell , dob Bourden, bapt. 2 1 March 1886 by Gee. 6 June 1874, bapt. 27 March 1876 by DUdley. McCutchen, Harvey Slaughter, spons. his mother, bapt. 7 December 1884 by Gee. Browder, Lucian s/o Wilber & Betti e, spons. parents & Mrs. Wills, dob 6 Febmary 1878 Pratt, Margaret, spons. by Mrs. V.O. Gee, bapt. 9 May 1878 by Dudley. bapt. I I January 1885 by Gee.

Browder, Marion Comm dlo Wil ber F. & Rhea, Judith dlo O. C. & Judith A., spons. Bettie, spons. parents & Marion Corum, Bettie W. Browder, bap!. 2 1 September bapt. 1878 by Dudley. 1884 by Gee.

Browder, Wilbur Fisk slo Wilber F. & Rhea, Merrie Lee clo A.G. & J. L., spons. Bettie, spons. parents & Mrs. J. C. Ryan, Jennie Rhea, bap!. 29 June 1884 by Gee. dob 22 November 1872, bap!. I September 1873 by Ringgold. Roberts, C. Winn clo Jno. E. & Lucie M., spons. parents & Mrs. V. O. Gee, dob 15 Byrne, Orlando, adult, spons. Frank Monroe, May 1884, bap!. 17 May I 85 by Gee. bapt. 20 July 1884 by Gee. The Longhunler, Vo lume XXXlttl -Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011, Page 5. Roberts, Jessie Lee, adult, spons. Lucie Shephard, Stephen Wm. Plummer slo S. R. Roberts, bap\. 21 March 1886 by Gee. & Sarah A., spons. by Beverly Estill & Mrs. James Frazer, bap!. September 1879 by Ryan, Ellen dlo S. B. & S. C., spons. Mrs. Tschiffaly. V.O. Gee, dob January 1868, bap!. 29 June 1884 by Gee in Russell ville. Smith, Alice dlo Mr. & Mrs. Smith dec'd., Jane Rhea, wi!. , dob not given, bapt. by Ryan, Francis Blakey, s/o S. B. & S. C. Estill spons. B. W. Browder, dob 6 August 1873 , bap!. I I November 1885 by Gee.

Deaths - Ru ssellville Entries are arranged in the following format: Date, name, age, officiating minister, burial information.

July 1877, Mrs. irvin, no age, Estill. 25 ovember 1884, Judge Albert G. Rhea, 63, Gee, buried 25 ovember 1884 Maple 10 May 1878, Maj. John Todd, no age, Grove Cemetery. Estill. 15 February 1885, Eleanor M. Stephenson, 30 June 1878, James Madison Duncan, 94, 12, Gee, buried 2/18 Maple Grove Estill. Cemetery.

14 June 1884, Laurinda Hise Stockdale, 84, 18 September__ , Mary H.L. Byrne, 3, Gee, Perkins & Fill, buried 17 June Maple Gee, buried 19 September Maple Grove Grove Cemetery. Cemetery.

2 ovember__ , Eliza H. Wills, 58, Gee, 3 November buried Maple Grove Cemetery.

Burials Entries are arranged in the following format: Name, age, burial place, date, minister.

Adams, Samuel T., age 47, Fairview, 18 Bacon, Lucy E., age 77, Fairview, 7 March December 1893 , Gee. 1905, Marshall.

Arle, John, Bowling Green, 21 July 1864, Baker, Larkin F., Fairview, Bowling Green, Ringgold. 3 1 October 1873, Curtis.

Bacon, Levi L., age 80 years, 3 months, 17 Baker, Mary Eliza, age 61, Fairview, I days, Fairview, dod 14 June 1907, bur. 16 February 1884, Gee. June 1907, Marshall. The Longhunler, Volume XXXIIII - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 6. Bean, George Clayton, Fairview, Bowling Clarke, Roy, age 4 years and 7 months, Green, 3 November 187 1, Curtis. Fairview, I October 1889, Gee.

Bean, Mrs. Louise, W. Fairfield Huron Co., Coleman, Elizabeth Bell , Fairview, 16 May IS August 1872, was buried away from 1899, Cornish. home I January 1873. Coleman, William L. , Fairview, 29 Blackburn, Elizabeth S., Old Fairview, Octoberl897, Benton. 1877, Estill. Cook, Mary Jane, age 84, Fairview, 14 Blake, Rebecca W., age 13 months, January 1903 , Hill . Fairview, 3 ovemberl893, Gee. Covington, Dr. Albert, age 80, Fairview, 27 Brashear, Eliza D.B. , Fairview, 31 October 1887, Gee. January l886, Gee. Covington, Edward, Fairview, 19 May 1899, Brashear, Martha, Fairview, nd, Gee. Cornish.

Brashear, Nancy, age 36, Fairview, 28 Covington, Euclid M., Fairview, 17 Novemberl892, Gee. February 1888, Gee.

Brashear, Robert Lee, age 33, IS Covington, Fannie, Fairview, S November January I 894, Gee. 1898, Benton and Cornish.

Brashear, W.C., age 78, Fairview, II June Covington, James, age 40, Fairview, dod 23 1902, Hill. September 1908, bur. 25 September 1908, Marshall. Bromley, Horace 0., age 44, Fairview, 3 May 1894, Gee. Covington, Joseph G. , age 43, Fai.rview, dod 14 May 1908, bur. IS May 1908, Marshall. Buck, . N., age 48, Fairview, 7 October 1898, Cornish. Covington, Josephine, Fairview, Bowling Green, I January 1873, Curtis. Calvert, Mr. , Fairview, nd, Cornish. Covington, Kate age 77, Fairview, 22 Camp, Howard, Fairview, 17 March 1899, September 19 18, Galt. Cornish. Crosswaite, Bell, Fairview, 1915, Halleck. Clark, Ida, Bowling Green, 29 July 1864, Ringgold. Daughtry, Edward R., age 23, Fairview, dod 23 October 1907, bur. 25 October 1907, Clark, W. Hines, age 33, Fairview, 8 Marshall. October 1902, Hill. Daughtry, Julia Young, infant, Fairview, 10 Clark, W., Fairview, 7 November 1880, November 1876, Estill. Rogers. ------

The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlII - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 7. De eale, John E. , Fairview, 20 August Gilson, Minnie Ella, age 25, Fairview, 1882, Gee. 3/29/ 1898, Cornish.

Desobry, William Robertson, age 21, in Gorin, Helen M. , age 76, dod 26 May 1905, vau lt, 17 July 189 1, in Fairview later date, bur. 28 May 1905, Marshall. Gee. Gorin, Judge George, Fairview, 21 July Dulaney, Woodford, Fairview, 16 May 19 12. 1891 , Gee. Grider, Judge L. , Fairview, I October 1897, Dunavon, Kate, Fairview, 19 15, Halleck. Grider.

Durham, Benjamin, Fairview, 7 February Hackney, Alice H., age 77, Fairview, I 1916, Halleck. March 1916, Halleck.

Durston, Mrs. 1. A., Fairview, 191 7, Hackney, James, age 77, Fairview, dod 4 Covington. July 1906, bur. 6 July 1906, Marshal l.

Esti ll , Elizabeth Vasburgh, infant of Reston, Hackney, John F. , Fairview, 18 February Fairview, 26 August 1876, Tschiffaly. 1888, Gee.

Evans, Ed., Fairview, 7 September 190 I, Haley, Maude C., age 19, Fairview, dod 10 Hill. September 1909, bur. 12 September 1909, Marshall. Farrell, Agnes, age 6 mos., Fairview, dod 22 June 1906, bur. 22 June 1906, Marshall. Hare, Martha R., Bowling Green, 13 July 1869, Curti s. Ferrell, Henry, age 19 days, Private Cemetery, Bowling Green, nd, Corni sh. Herdman, John G. , Fairview, 19 October 1888, Gee. Ferrell, Hugh, age 5 days, Private Cemetery, Bowling Green, 16 May 1898, Corni sh. Herdman, Rachel, Fairview, dod 4 March 19 13, bur. 5 March 1913, Obenchain. Finch, Mary VanMeter, age 16, Fairview, 26 April 1884, Gee. Herrington, infant, Fairview, September 1912. Fowler, Edwin Story, age 50, Fairview, dod June 1908, bur. 17 June 1908, Marshall. Herrington, Elli s, age 4 months, Fairview, dod 15 September 1912, bur. 15 September Frazier, Pattie, Russell ville, 1916, Halleck. 19 12.

Galloway, Daisy, Fairview, 23 September Hilburn, Jacob J., Fairview, 1877, Estill. 1900, Cornish. Hilburn, Mary L., age 48, Fairview, 4 March Galloway, Jno. M., Fairview, 7 January 1893 , Gee. 1918, Halleck. The Longhunter, Vo lum e XXXIIII - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 20 11 , Page 8. Hines, Cornelia E., age 39, Fairview, 30 Laswell , Martha, Fairview, Bowling Green, December 1884, Gee. 29 December__ , Curtis.

Hobson, Col. A.G., age 82, Fairview, 6 Logan, Emmett G., Fairview, 19 May 19 12. January 1898, Obenchain. Logan, Lena Covington, Fairvi ew, 4 October Hobson, Co l. William E., Fairview, dod 10 1904, Marshall. September 1909, bur. 12 September 1909, Marshall. Long, infant of John, Fairview, II September 1876, Esti ll. Hobson, John, age 67, Fa irview, dod 7 December 19 13, Halleck. Long, Juliette Western, age 74, Fairview, dod 12 June 1909, bur. 15 June 1909, Hobson, unnamed infant of Annie R. & Marshall. George, Fairview, 22 January 1905, Marshall. Lucas, Mrs. , Bowling Green, 2 October 1868, Curti s. Holland, Ezra H., age 27, Fairview, 10 July 1893 , Gee. McCutchen, Harvey S. , Fairview, dod 13 September 19 12, bur. 16 September 19 12. Hollingsworth, Edmund, age 3 1, Fairview, 15 December 1888, Gee. McLure, Mrs. Liggett, age 39, Fairview, 8 October 1898, Corni sh. Jackson, infant of Edward S., Bowling Green, 20 November 1869, Curti s. McManus, Julia A. , Fairview, 10 January 1882, Gee. Johnson, Co l. C. F. , Bowling Green, 30 July 1867, Waller. McQuown, Dora Botts, wlo Lewis, age 59, Glasgow, dod 19 May 1909, bur. 20 May Jones, Mattie Robinson, age 46, Fairview, 1909, Marshall. dod 13 December 1904, bur. 13 December 1904, Marshall. McShee, Rush, Fairview, 19 10, Parker.

Jones, Seth S., Fairview, Bowling Green, 13 Minor, Dabney, Fairview, 19 15, Halleck. May 1872, Curtis. Minor, Frank Thomas, age 3 months, Knight, Eliza, age 55 , Fairview, 17 Fairview, 17 September 1892, Gee. September 1892, Gee. Mitchell , Albert, age 8 1, Fairview, 27 March Knight, George age 80, 19 December 19 19, 1893, Gee. Galt. Moore, Lee Ann, age 77, Fairview, dod 7 Laswell, Em il y, Fa irview, Bowling Green, Jul y 1905, bur. 8 Jul y 1905, Marshall. 28 December 187 1, Curtis. The Longhunler, Volu me XXXIII! - Iss ue 2, Su mmer & Fall, 20 11 , Page 9.

Mottley, Ann Elizabeth, age 6 years, 19 Price, Mary, Fairview, 19 14, Halleck. days, dod 15 November 1906, bur. 16 ovember 1906, Marshall. Ragland, Andrew J., age 54, Fairview, dod 2 Ju ly 1905, bu r. 3 July 1905, Marshall. Mottley, Co l. E.L., Fairview, 10 January 1918, Halleck. Ragsdale, Joyce Camp, wlo Reed, age 18 years,4 months, 22 days, Fairview, dod 6 Mottley, Euclid, age 55, Fairview, 15 June 1905 , bu r. 7 June 1905, Marshall. August 1898, Cornish. Renfrew, Jelinda Ross, dlo Byron, age 8 Mourn ing, Robert, Bowling Green, 7 August months, Fairview, dod 24 March 1908, bur. 1870, Curti s. 24 March 1908, Marshall.

O'Bannon, Sarah E., Fairview, Bowling Renfrew, Vanmeter, Fa irview, 15 June 1893, Green, 29 September 1874, Curtis. Gee.

Obenchain, Major Wi ll iam A. , Fairview, 17 Rhea, Jud ith Grubbs, age 85 , Maple Grove August 19 16, Halleck. Cemetery, 4 July 19 18, Galt.

Perkins, Arthur, age 49, Fairview, dod 2 Roberts, John E., Russell ville, 1914, November 1905 , bur. 4 ovember 1905, Hall eck. Marshall. Robinson, Mary E. , age 66, Fairview, 1 Perki ns, Maggie, Bowli ng Green, 23 August January 1894, Obenchain. 1864, Ringgold . Rock, Mrs. W. B., nee Matilda Baker, age Perkins, Martha S. J., age 73 and 8 months, 62, Fa irview, bur. 4 February 1906, Fairview,8 April 1885, Gee. Marshall.

Perkins, Maude Carroll , age 42, 3 May Rock, Wm. B., age 69, Fairview, dod 7 July 1919,Galt. 1906, bur. 9 July 1906, Marshall.

Perkins, Mrs. J. S. , age 67, Fa irview, 2 1 Scott, Mr., Fairview, 14 December 1900, October 1902, Hil l. Corni sh.

Perkins, Stapleton, age 76, Fa irview, dod 27 Scott, Thomas, Fairview, 2 1 January 1903, May 1908, bur. 28 May 1908, Marshall. Hill .

Price, Alexander, Fairview, Bowling Green, Seely, Julia, age 58, Fairview, dod 3 3/ 1311875, Curtis. November 1909, bur. 5 November 1909, Obenchain. Price, Frederick Goodsell, Fairview, Bowling Green, 11 December 1873, Curtis. Settle, Moll ie, Russell vill e, 19 14, Halleck.

Price, Mari a F. , Fairview, Bowling Green, Settle, Victoria, age 62, Fairview, 13 March II September 1874, Curtis. 1902, Hill. The Longhunler, Volu me XXXIIII - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 20 11 , Page 10. Shafer, Margaret Baker, age 76, Fairview, Underwood, Lt. Gen. John C., age 73, 28 July 1918, Covington . Fairview, dod 26 October 1913, bur. 28 October 1913, Obenchain. Shields, Charles, Bowling Green, 29 July1869, Curtis. Underwood, Lucy c., age 76, Fairview, 10 December 1893, Gee. Simmons, Mary A. E., Fairview, 2 1 October 1892, Gee. Underwood, Mrs. Jno. C., nee Drusilla Duncan, age 61, Fairview, dod 7 May 1905, Sims, Jennie B., age 55, Fairview, dod 28 bur. 9 May 1905, Marshall. September I 909, bur. 29 September 1909, Marshall. Underwood, Warner, Fairview, Bowling Green, 17 October__ , no clergyman in the Smith, Calvert B. , Bowling Green, city and buried with lay services. December 1868, Curtis. VanM eter, Clinton Clay, Fairview, Bowling South, chi ld, of John F., Fai rview, 3 Green, 3 1 January 1875, Curtis. November 1890, Gee. VanMeter, infant, Fairview, 1877, Esti ll. Stephanson, George B. McC., Erie, PA , dod 29 June 1909, Jones. VanMeter, Mary E., age 65, Fairview, 15 June 1893, Gee, assisted by Craike. Stevenson, Cami lla, Russelville, 29 December 1882, Gee. VanMeter, Samuel K., age 68, Fairview, 16 January 1893, Gee. Stewart, Mary A., Fairview, dod 22 May 1910, Thompson. VanMeter, Wiliam S. , age 67, Fairview, 13 January 1884, Gee. Stocking, Rev. C. H. W. , Bridgeport, CT, dod 27 January 1913, bur. 28 January 1913, Vann, Annie Boothe, Fairview, 10 February Obenchain. 19 16, Halleck.

Stovalle, Wm . 8., age 33, dod 27 September Vann, Fred Jr., age 20 months, Fairview, 1906, bur. 28 September 1906, Marshall. dod 12 February 1908, bur. 27 February 1908, Marshall. Sullivan, T. J. , age 21, Fairview, 21 February 1902, Hill. Vann, Fred Sr., age 25, Fairview, dod 26 February 1908, bur. 27 February 1908, Underwood, Chas. Latham, age 21,9 Marshall. November 191 8, Galt. Vann, Fred. Wm. age 2 days, Fairview 18 Underwood, Eugene, age 75 , Fairview, 22 October 1904, Marshall. December 1893, Gee. Vann, John, Fairview, dob 27 ovember Underwood, Hon. Warner L. , Fairview, 1896,dod 10 December 1896, Phillips. Bowling Green, 13 March 1872, Curtis. The Longhunter, Volu me XXXIIiI - Issu e 2, Summer & Fall , 20 11 , Page 11 . Vaughn , Capt ., Ru sell ville, 19 15, Halleck. Wells, Hon. R.W., Bowling Green, 22 September 1864, Ringgold . Vaughn , Mrs. George, Fairview, 25 January 189 1, Gee. Western, William Wall ace, Bowling Green, 9 July 1870, Curtis. Vaughn , Orlinda, Russell ville, 19 16, Halleck. Wilford, Mary, nee Wilkins age 44, Fairv iew, dod 16 December 19 12, bur. 18 Walters, Charles, Bowling Green, 4 December 19 12, Stocking. September__ , Curtis. Wilkes, John, age 74, Fairv iew, 20 March Walters, Emily, Fairview, Bowling Green, 189 1, Gee. 12 November 1875, Curtis. Wilkes, Mary, age 72, Fairview, 23 April Walters, George Edward, Bowling Green, 26 1893, Gee. January 1868, Dobb. Wil kins, John, Fairview, bur. 7 December Watson, Lenoida infant, Fairview, Bowling 19 13, Halleck. Green, 24 September 1875, Curtis. Young, Fannie S., Fairview, 15 September Webb, Capt. James H., Fairview, dod 9 July 1888, Gee. 19 13, bur. II Jul y 19 13, Obenchain. Younglove, Joseph I. , age 75, 3 February 1894, Gee.

Communicants---with Remarks, Removals, or , Restored

Adams, Mi ss Caroline, moved away, July Brashear, Miss Dora, Christian Science. 1913. Brashear, Mi ss Jennie, Chri stian Science. Adams, Mi ss Lou, moved away, July 19 13. Brashear, Mi ss Mildred, married and Adams, Mrs. Ely H. removed.

Allison, Mrs. W. T., moved away. Brashear, Mr. R. L.

Bacon, Mr. L. L. , died, 14 June 1907. Brashear, Mrs. R. L.

Bacon, Mrs. L. L. , died, 4 March 1905 . Bro ml ey, Mr. Geo. A., moved away.

Baker, Mr. Arch. Camp, Mrs. Ada, removed with letter, 17 June 1908. Baker, Mrs. Arch. Carson, Mrs. Julia, died, 8 February 19 10. Blackburn, M iss Jennie. The Longhunter. Volume XXXIIiI - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011, Page 12.

Coleman, Mrs. Alice. Gorin, Mrs. Geo., moved away.

Cooksey, Mrs. Cora. Hackney, Mr. Jas, di ed, 4 July 1906.

Covington, Mr. Joe, died, 14 May 1908 at Hackney, Mrs. Jas. 12: 15 p.m. or paralys is. Harper, Mrs. T. K., removed, 25 September Covin g1O n, Mr. Well s, died, 4 July 1906. 1905. Removed with "certificate" address to Rector [of] Grace Church, Memphis. Covington, Mrs. Ed. Herdman, Miss Rachel, died 4 March 19 13, Covington, Mrs. Joe. long illness.

Crump, Mrs. M. H. Hines, Mrs. Sam. D., 77= Eighty-five in all , signed, Mr. K. Marshall , Rector (?). Dorsey, Mr. Chas. P., moved away. Hines, Mrs. Scott. Dulaney, Mr. Albert C. Hobson, Miss Mollie. Dulaney, Mrs. Clara. Hobson, Mrs. Anna. Durston, Mr. Jesse, this is Mr. J. J. A. Hollingsworth, Mr. G. S. Durston's son . Hollingsworth, Mrs. G. S. Durston, Mr. Reginald. Hurst, Miss Louise, married to Mr. A. M. Durston, Mrs. Jesse (This is a mi stake. This Garber, and removed to Alabama wi thout name should be Mrs. J. J. A. Durston. See letter. Mr. DUfston's name.). Jones, Miss Elsie (Now Mrs. Paul Cooksey), Eastland, Mrs. Catherine, moved away. moved away.

Evans, Mrs. Jane (Now Mrs. Selmer), Jones, Mr. Wm. Henry Jr., in the U.S. Army. removed with letter to St. John's Louisville, Ky., May 5 1908. Jones, Mr. Wm. Henry, moved away.

Ferrell, Mrs. Henrietta, should not be on this Jones, Mrs. Mattie, died, 14 December " list" as she has never been confimled. W. 1904. K.M. Krohn, Mrs. Karl, removed with letter, 9 Gall oway, Mrs. Judge Jno. M. January, (Epiphany) .

Gill, Mrs. Emmet. Kruger, Mrs. W. F.

Gorin, Miss Rebecca, moved away. Logan, Mr. Dulaney, moved away. The Longhunter, Vo lume XXXIIII- issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 13. Logan, Mr. Emmet. Preston, Mrs. J. B., moved away.

Logan, Mr. Wells. Price, Miss Mary, moved to Louisville.

Love, Mrs. Geo. M. Ragsdale, Mrs. Reed, died, 6 June 1905 , of heart failure. McCraken, Dr. W. H. Renfrew, Mr. Byron. McGehee, Miss Pearl (Now Mrs. Marshall), married 26 October 1905 , in Nashville, Renfrew, Mrs. Byron. Tenn., Dr. Louis Marshall. Richardson, Miss Emma Gertrude, moved McGehee, Mr. Rush, deceased, 1910. away.

McGebee, Mrs. M. M. , moved away. Richardson, Miss Rachel E., moved away

McGebee, Mrs. Mary (Now Mrs. Dorsey), Richardson, Mr. T. W., moved away. married, 15 February 1905 to Chas. P. Dorsey. Richardson, Mrs. T. W. , moved away.

McGebee, Mrs. Nan Bent, moved away. Sellers, Mrs. Maud, moved away.

Michie, Miss Mary, removed without letter. Settle, Mrs. Lucy, reported in the Press as ame removed 23 July 1910. having been married 16 August 1909 in Gallatin, Tenn. to I. A. Wooley, gone to Moore, Mrs. Lee Ann, died, 7 July 1905. Metropolis, Ky.

Mottley, Mrs. Chas. P., moved away. Shafer, Mrs. Mary, died, 21 July 1916.

Obencbain, Maj. W. A. , died. Simmons, Mr. Charles

Perkins, Mr. Arthur M. , died 2 November Simmons, Mrs. Chas. 1905. Sims, Miss Bessie. Perkins, Mr. los. C. Sims, Mrs. Jennie B. , died, 26 September Perkins, Mr. Lon 1909, at 12 :20 a.m., cause of death, heart failure. Perkins, Mr. Mit. Stewart, Mrs. Mary A. , died, 20 May 19 10. Poyntz, Miss Katie, removed with letter, 9 September 1907. Taylor, Mrs. Mattie Ben, moved away.

Poyntz, Mr. Jno., moved away. Vanmeter, Mrs. C. J., moved away.

Preston, Mr. 1. B., moved away. Vann, Miss Eliz. , moved away. The Longhunter, Volume XXXIIiI - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 14. Vann, Miss Mabel ow Mrs. Claxton), (from injuries received a few days before married June 28, 1905 to Wm. Claxton, when knocked down by a nmaway horse.) transferred to St. John's Loui sville, Ky., 16 November 1909. Westbrook, Mrs. Ethel Vann, moved away.

Vann, Mr. Fred, died in Louisville, Ky. on Wilford, Mrs. Mary Wilkins, deceased. 26 February 1908, cause of death, consumption. Wilkins, Mi ss Rebecca (Now Mrs. Barry), moved away. Vann, Mrs. Sam., moved away.

Webb, Mr. Capt. Jas. H., di ed, 9 July 1913

When received or restored Adams, John, 19 April 1914. Clopton, Brittain Drake, 29 August 19 19, from St. Peter's Church Columbia, Tenn. Adams, Mr. John. Coleman, Mr. Walter E., 22 November Adams, Mr. Julian P., 27 March 1910, 19 11. moved away. Colli er, Mr. Charl es H., 10 March 1907. Adams, Mr. Motley. Collier, Mrs. Charles H., 10 March 1907. Anderson, Mr. Harry C, 6 January 1907, by letter from the priest of Christ Church Couty, Mr. Norman M., 17 March 1907. Mission, Guthrie, Ky. Couty, Mrs. orman M., 17 March 1907. Anderson, Mrs. Harry C, 6 January 1907, by letter from the priest of Chri st Church Covington, Miss Margaret Stelle, 20 Mi ssion, Guthrie, Ky. February 191 0.

Baker, Hoyt Clifford . Covington, Mi ss Wickliffe Cooper, 20 February 191 0. Baker, Mrs. Marguerite Squier. Covington, Mr. Euclid Madi son. Bean, Mr. Harry C., 3 November 1907, by letter from dean of Christ Church Cathedral , Covington, Mr. Wells Jr. Lexington, Ky., removed without letter, I September 1908. Covington, Wells (Jr.), 19 April 1914.

Berry, Mi ss Kimley, 7 January 1906, Covington, William S., 3 1 January 1909, removed without letter. Name erased 7 confirmed. January 1908. Crump, Col. M. H. Brashear, M iss Kathleen Hope, 3 1 January 1909, confirmed. Crump, Mr. Malcolm H. Jr., 27 March 19 10. The Longhunter, Volume XXXIIII-issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011, Page 15. Dahlman, Miss Hazel, 16 January 1907, Herrington, Miss . removed without letter. Herrington, Mr. William. Dugdale, Alta Marie, moved away. Hines, Hugh, 19 April 19 14. Dul aney, Miss Eliza, 20 February 19 10. Hines, Margaret Jane. Dulaney, Mi ss Lena Logan, confirmed May, 5,1907. Hines, Mary Louise.

Durston, Mr. J. J. A. (Restored), 10 Hines, Master Harry Duncan (Son of Porter September 1908, this name was Hines), 4 June 19 12. unintentionally left off the list Mr. Preston handed me. Hines, Master Henry Duncan (Son of A. S. Hines), 28 January 1912. Eastl and , Miss May lnby, 29 March 1908, by confirmation. Hines, Miss Annie Fore, 28 January 1912.

Fife, Miss Margaret M., 24 ovember 1908. Hines, Mr. A. Scott, 28 January 1912.

Fi fe, Mrs. Elizabeth, 24 November 1908, Hines, Mr. Harold K. , 27 March 1910. moved away. Hines, Mr. Hugh. Fowler, Mrs. Edward S., 5 December 1908. Hines, Mr. Porter. Galloway, Judge John M., died January 1918. Hines, Mr. Samuel Downer, 28 January 19 12. Galloway, Mr. Joo. M., 19 April 1914. Hines, Mr. W. Underwood, 27 March 19 10. Gore, Mr. H. Rogers, moved to Pottsvill e, Pa. Hines, Mrs. (Margaret) Porter.

Gore, Mrs. Lucy Sassier, moved to Hogin , Mi ss lnamay, 19 March 1908, by Pottsville, Pa. confi rmation, removed without letter, 19 May 1909. Gore, Mr. Roger. Hollingsworth, Mr. Granville S. Jr., 27 Gore, Mrs. Roger. March 19 10.

Halleck, Mrs. E. U., transferred. Hood, Mi ss Margaret V., 14 November 1909, li ving at Smith's Grove. Hanna, Mrs. G. Clinton, 14 November 1909, at Smith's Grove, wife of Prof. Hanna. Hornbrook, Miss Sarah, 2 May 1908, letter from Dean Capers, Lexington, Ky. Herdman, Virginia Meyler. The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlIl - Issue 2, Summer & Fa ll, 2011 , Page 16. Jury, Miss Lucille D., 22 November 1911 , Mast, Miss Louise, 28 January 1912. moved away. Mast, Mi ss Louise, 10 ovember 19 11. Jury, Mrs. Mary Potter, 22 November 19 11 , moved away. Mast, Miss Lucile, married removed to New York. Krohn, Mr. Karl, 7 January 1906, removed with letter January 6, Epiphany, 1907. McMurray, Miss Belle, 18 March 1908, by letter from Rector ofSt. Ann's, Nashvi ll e, Lang, Mrs. Louisa E. (Dropped), 4 Tenn., removed without letter. ovember 1906, by letter from Rector in charge ofSt. Paul's, Winston Salem, N.C., Moore, Mr. Frank, 4 June 191 2 "Gone to Rome," dropped. Moore, Mr. Rogers, 14 December 1913 . Lanier, Miss Edith Morton (Name restored), 6 October 1909, lives at Franklin, Ky. Moore, Mrs. Belle Coombs (Wife of Mr. Frank Moore), 4 June 1912. Lanier, Mrs. Elizabeth (Name restored), 6 October 1909, lives at Franklin, Ky. Moore, Mrs. Rogers, 14 December 1913.

Lawrence, Mi ss Mary. Morford, Mrs. Elizabeth Stovall , name restored 25 October 1908, li ves at Leith, Mr. Edwin Earnest, 17 Apri l 1906 by McMinnvi lle, Tenn. letter from Rector of St. Stephen's Clifton Heights, Pa. , removed with letter to St. azro, Miss Lucy Dulaney, (Mrs. Albert) Stephen's, 23 January 1908. azro, Mrs. J. W. Leith, Mrs. Edwin Earnest, 17 Apri l 1906 by letter from Rector ofSt. Stephen's Clifton O'Brien, Mr. Jno. F. , 18 June 1905 , Heights, Pa. , removed with letter to St. removed without letter. Name erased 7 Stephen'S, 23 January 1908. January 1908.

Logan, Mrs. Emmett, 27 March 19 10. Obenchain, Major Wm. A., dead

Logan, Mrs. Ll ewell yn Payne, 3 1 January Parkman, Miss Marie Almarine, 7 January 1909, confirmed. 1908, removed without letter. Name erased 15 ovember 1909. Love, Mr. G. Marshall, 27 March 19 10. Perkins, Mr. Joseph C. Love, Mrs. Margaret, 22 November 19 11 . Perkins, Mr. Lon M. Lowe, Mr. Pau l. Perkins, Mr. Mi lton J. Ludington, Mrs. Helen, March 24, 1907 Perkins, Mr. Stapleton, name restored 2 May Marshall , Mrs. Wm. K. 1908, died 27 May 1908. ------.

Th e Longhunter, Volume XXXIl Il - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 17 . Perkins, Mrs. Joseph, died 3 May 19 19. Simmons, Mrs. Chanler.

Ragland, Hugh S. (Name restored), 19 Ju ly Sims, Mrs. Bessie. 1909, moved away. Stephenson, Mr. Geo. B. McC., 29 March Renfrew, Miss Jennie V. , 19 April 19 14. 1908, by confirmation, died in Parkersburg, W. Va., and 29 June 1909, Renfrew, Mi ss Mary Frances, 3 1 January 1909, confmned. Stephenson, Mr. Harold A. , 29 March 1908, by confirmation. Renfrew, Mr. Byron. Stevenson, Mrs, [rene, 7 January 1908, Renfrew, Mr. Reno B. moved away.

Renfrew, Mrs. Byron (Fannie S.). Sweeney, Mrs. Roy G. , 18 March 1908, by letter from Rector of St. Ann's, Nashvi lle, Renfrew, Reno B., 31 January 1909, Tenn . confirmed. Taylor, Miss Frances Osa, 31 January 1909, Roarch, Mrs, Charles, 17 April 1906, moved confirmed. to Franklin. Taylor, Mrs. Mattie Ben. Root, Mr. Edwin Hubbard, 22 November 191 1, moved away. Underwood, Mr. Charles L., 30 June 191 8.

Rose, Mr. Nathaniel Benjamin, 22 Underwood, Mr. Henry D" 30 June 19 18, November 19 11, received by transfer from St. John's.

Sanders, Dr. Herschel Elwood, 22 Underwood, Mrs. Mary, 30 June 19 18, November 19 1 I. church, in Knoxville, Tenn,

Sanders, Master Savier Elwood, 22 Wilkens, Mr. Larkin. November 19 1 I. Wilkens, Mrs. Larkin. Sanders, Mrs, Alice (Wife of above), 22 November 191 I. Wilkins, Benjamin.

Sanders, Mrs. Xavier Elwood. Wi lkins, Mr. Cooper.

Settle, Miss Piccola, 31 January 1909, Wilkins, Mrs. Jack. confmned. Wilkins, Mrs, Larken, 19 Apri l 19 14. Shafer, Miss Margaret, di ed 19 July 19 18.

Silbert, Elizabeth Carson. The Longhunte r. Vo lum e XXXIIII -issue 2, Summer & Fall , 2011 , Page 18.

Trini ty Church, Russellville, Ky. Rhea, Miss Jennie Eckstine Rhea, Miss Merri e Lee l885 Rhea, Mrs. Jane Laurinda Adams, Mi ss Tillie Roberts, Mrs. Lucie Browder, Mrs. Elizabeth Bevnard Ryan, Miss Ellen Browder, Mrs. Judith Shelton, Mrs. Emma Byrne, Mr. Orlando Wills, Mrs. Eliza H., dead Frazer, Mi ss Harriet Morton Frazer, Miss Martha 1886 Frazer, Mrs. Josephine Brizendine, Mrs. Eliz. A. Harrison, Mr. John Todd Frazer, Mr. Thos. A. Harrison, Mrs. Jane Hill, Miss N. o. Jones, Miss Margaret Eliza Quarrier, Mr. J. B. Legendre, Mrs. Mary Ann Roberts, M iss Jessie L. McCutchen, Master Harvey Slaughter Ryan, Master Frank B. McCutchen, Mrs. Jane Wayne Sevier, Col. Frank T. Monroe, Mr. Frank, R. Sevier, M iss Loui sa Monroe, Mrs. Jolinetta, R. Sevier, Miss Mary D. Perry, Miss Mary Sevier, Mrs. Frank T.

Trin ity Epi scopal Church is located at 326 S. Mai n Street in Ru ssell ville, Ken tu cky. The Church was organized in 1836. The current church was built in 1883. [Photograph co urt es y of Trin it y Episco pal Churc h. ] ------

The Longhunter, Vo lum e XXXIl II - Iss ue 2, Summer & Fa ll, 20 11 , Page 19. Warren County, Kentucky Marriage Book C: September 1853-February 1854

Abstracted by Gail Jackson Miller, CG 425 Midcrest Drive Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101

Marriages for Warren County, Kentucky have always been a bit of a puzzle. The early marriage books do not contain all of the marriages as evidenced by the loose marriage bonds and consents. The marriage books are at the Warren County courthouse and the loose marriage bonds and consents are housed in Manuscripts at the Kentucky Building at Western Kentucky University. The marriage index at the courthouse does not contain all the marriages from both sources. The book, Warren County, Kentucky Marriages, 1797-1851 from the Original Marriage Bonds and Consents by Helen Thomas, Mary Rabold , and Elizabeth Price [1970] attempted to include all the early marriages. The Longhunter also printed part of a manuscript by Patricia Reid in past editions containing both early marriages and later ones through about 1900. However, these were organized by letter of the alphabet and the printing never included the entire manuscript which is no longer available to the Society. With this in mind, the editor is beginning a project of printing the various re cords which re cord marriages in Warren County. The following marriages were abstracted from Warren County, Kentucky, Marriage Bond Book C, FHL microfilm, available at the Kentucky Library, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky.

These marriage records contain the names of the groom, bride, surety, and date of the marriage bond. That information has been abstracted. Handwritten on most pages were notes by the clerk about whether the couple was "of age" and consent information for the parents or guardians. These handwritten notes have been transcribed as they were written .

Page 56. him & fern twenty one years of age sworn to 20 September 1853. L. C. B . Hodges and by her and her affidavit filed." Miss Julia Ann Davison. Surety: E. M. Davidson. "Male 21 years of age and Page 59 . Certificate from fem s fatber proven by E M . 26 September 1853. O. P. Sims and Miss Davidson." Nancy J. Kerby. Surety: T. J. Kerby.

Page 57. Page 60. 20 September 1853. John H . Hurt and Miss I October 185 3. Thomas Bowles and Synthia A. Davidson. Surety: E. M. Prudence B. Rone. Surety: George Rone. Davidson. " M ale 2 1 years of age and " Male & fern 2 1 years of age ." Certificate from ferns father proven by E M Davidsen." Page 6 1. 6 October 1853 . William L. Rector and Miss Page 58. Mary Ann Demit. Surety: John J. Teel. 22 September 1853 . George W. Harmon and "Male 2 1 years old certificate from femes Miss Mary Goodrum. Surety: Thomas G. mother proven by John J Teel." Goodrum. " Male 2 1 years old sworn to by The Longhunter, Volume XXXIl II - Issue 2, Summer & Fa ll, 2011 , Page 20 . Page 62. twenty one years of age sworn to by her 17 October 1853. George W. Claypool and father Daniel Wheatley." Miss Mary J. Carpenter. Surety: William R. Dunn. Page 70. 31 October 1853. Thelbert B. Wheeler and Page 63. Eveline Porter. Surery: John Porter. "Male 5 November 1853. Daniel M. Barnett and 2 1 years old and consent of femes father America McMurry. Surety: Wesley Wright. given in person." " Mal e 2 1 years old sworn by him and consent femes guardian given in person." Page 7 1. I November 1853 . Pascal A. Burge and Page 64. Miss Lucy H. Bl ewett. Surety: Edward W. 18 October 1853. John A. Taylor and Miss Bl ewett. "Male 21 years old and consent of ancy Basham. Surety: Hiram S. Basham. ferns fa ther given in person." "Male 21 years of age [feme] 21 years of age proven [by] S. Basham." Page 72. 9 November 1853 . Moses A. Cheatham and Page 65 . Miss Susan M. Boswell. Surety: John H. 19 October 1853. Charles H. Counts and Boswell. "Male 2 1 years old and feme 2 1 Miss Ann Searce. Surety: William B. years old Sworn to by John H Boswell." Martin. Page 73. Page 66. 9 ovember 1853 . Pleasant Lewis and Miss 2 1 October 1853. Marcus L. Jackson and Elizabeth Booten. Surety: Robert Lewis & Miss Martha Ann Meredith. Surety: William Susan Grigory. "Consent of males father B. Martin. "Males 2 1 years of age & consent given in person and consent of femes mother of femes father given in person." given in person."

Page 67. Page 74. 22 October 1853. Thomas N. Witten and 9 November 1853. Thomas H. Blewett and Miss Martha Jane Ragland. Surety: Pettis Miss Sarah C. Smith. Surety: David H. H. Ragland. "Male 2 1 years old sworn to by Smith. "Males 2 1 years old & certificate him and consent of femes fath er Given in from femes father proven by Daniel H H person. " Smith."

Page 68. Page 75. 24 October 1853 . Samuel D. Miller and 12 ovember 1853. Wi lliam H. Howard and Miss Margaret E. Chastien. Surety: Bluford Sarah Howard. Surety: Will iam B. Bartin. J. Mi ll er. "Consent of B. Miller [?] of "Colored." Margaret E. Miller given in person." Page 76. Page 69. 19 ovember 1853. Gentry F. Watt and 3 1 October 1853. John M. Moore and Mary Miss Martha A. Mayhew. Surety: Hartford Wheatley. Surety: Daniel Wheatley. "Male Hack. 2 1 years old Sworn to by him and feme ------

The Longhunter, Vo lum e XXXIlII - Iss ue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 21. Page 77. males fat her given in person and certificate 23 November 1853. John W. Osborn and from femes father given proven by Jas Martha Jameison. Surety: Jacob Goodnight. Sturgeon. " "Male and fem 2 1 years old .' Page 85. Page 78. 26 December 1853. James Younger and 23 November 1853. Josiah Greathouse and Mi ss Loui sa Phelps. Surety: James R. Sarah Jane Mars. Surety: William B. Martin. Phelps. "Male and feme 2 1 years old ." Page 86. Page 79 . 26 December 1853. Thomas Hazell and 28 ovember 1853. Leander Dunn and Miss Miss Martha Martin. Surety: Luke Martin. Matilda Caroline Thomas. Surety: William "Thomas Haze ll known[?] certificate from R. Dunn. "Male 21 years old and certificate fe mes fa ther Luke Martin ." from fe mes father given by W R Dunn." Page 87. Page 80. 4 January 1854. Benjamin Harmon and Mi ss 2 December 1853 . Daniel C. Parri sh and Eliza Ann Pearson. Surety: John Harmon. Miss Elizabeth Wells. Surety: Hillory Wells. "Certifica te fro m males and femes fathers "Male 2 1 years old & consent of fems father proven by John Harmon." given in person." Page 88. Page 8 1. 9 January 1854. Lewis Sterne and Miss 9 November 1853 . Wi ll iam A. Cole and Labeth Rothchild. Surety: Isaac Wile. "Male Pasia Roberts. Surety: Phil ip Cole. "Male 21 2 1 years of age fe me 2 1 years of age proven years of age & Pasia Roberts age prove by to by Isaac Wil e." Phili p Cole before W B Martin." Page 89. Page 82. 10 January 1854. William R. Dodd and Miss 14 December 1853. Nathaniel Kimbro and Elizabeth Goodrum. Surety: John Pearson. Miss Ar[?]ny Jane Dearing. Surety: Wills "Male 21 years of old sworn to by him and Dearing. "Male 2 1 years of age and consent certificate from femes father proven by John offemes father given in person." Pearson."

Page 83. Page 90. 2 1 December 1853. D. Chaplin Nutting and II January 1854. John D. Dempsey and Miss Ellen J. Murrell. Surety: George Miss Louisa Jane Thomas. Surety: Daniel Graham. "Male 21 years old and consent of Thomas. "Male 21 years of age fe mes father ferns fa ther given in person." consent given in person."

Page 84. Page 9 1. 23 December 1853. Granville Wi lson and I I January 1854. Edwin Edwards and Miss Miss Hener Sturgeon. Surety: Woodfo rd Rhoda Beckham. Surety: Clayton S. Wilson and James Sturgeon. "Consent of Beckham. "Male 2 1 years of age and consent of fern s father given in person." The Longhunter, Volume XXXI IiI - Issue 2, Summer & Fa ll, 2011, Page 22 .

Page 92 . Page 98 II January 1854. John J. Goodrum and Miss [Blank.] ancy R. Madison. Surety: Joel R. Madison. "Male 2 1 years of age and consent of fems Page 99. father given in person." 6 February 1854. George P. Sharrer and Lucinda Cherry. Surety: Richardson H. Page 93. Manning. 12 January 1854. William Burke and Mrs. Carrilla Muncey. Surety: John H. Graham. Page 100. "Male & feme 2 1 years of age." 8 February 1854. Micajah D. Harmon and Miss Eliza Ann Rose. Surety: John R. W. Page 94. Rose. "Certificate from males [?] and femes 13 January 1854. David H. Schroader and father proven by John R W Rose." Miss George Ann Frances Breedlove. Surety: N. P. Lucas. "Consent of Richardson Page 101. Breedlove [?]ment given in person." 10 February 1854. James Davidson and Miss Ann Richard. Surety: Robert Kininmonth. Page 95. "Male 2 1 years of age certificate from femes 23 January 1854. Richard O. Turner and father prove by R Kininmonth." Miss Susannah 1. Blewett. Surety: Benjamin Young. Page 102 . 13 February 1854. Adison Lewis and Miss Page 96. Jemimah Booton. Surety: Pleasant Lewis. 3 1 January 1854. Benjamin F. Blackford and "Male 2 1 years old and certificate from Miss Mary E. Mahan. Surety: George W. femes mother proven by Pleasant Lewis." Mahan. "Male 21 years old and consent of femes father given in person." Page 103. 13 February 1854. John J. Alexander and Page 97. Miss Lucy J. Lively. Surety: William Lively. 4 February 1854. John A. Eddy and Miss "Male 2 1 years of age and consent of femes Mary Ann Hannon. Surety: A. M. Harmon. father given in person." "Male 2 1 years old and certi ficate from femes father given by A M Harmon."

Richardsville extends about Y, mile along KY 263 from a point 5 Y, miles north of Bowling Green, Kentucky. The post office was established 10 July 1872 by Granville E. Speck, the first post master, who named it for Thomas Richards (18 12-1896), an Engli sh-born wagon maker who settled in the area in the late I 840s. [Robert M. Rennick, Kentucky Place Names (Lexington, Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 1984)251 . The Longhunter, Volume XXXIIiI - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 23.

Correcting Errors in the Identity of Obadiah Owen

Submitted by Jim Owens 5213 Tinkle Drive Louisville, Kentucky 40258

Often our family trees contain errors that have been perpetuated with enough frequency that no one even suspects the error. It was only through the results of DNA testing that an error was fo und in my research . With the help of fellow Owen researchers, two unrelated men named Obadiah Owen have been identified and errors corrected.

Obadiah Woodson Owen, born about 1785 in Virginia entered Kentucky about 1802 with his mother, Eady Owen and hi s siblings. They settled in Barren County, Kentucky in the area now known as Merry Oaks.

Obadiah or Oby married Polly Bridges in 1807 in Warren County, Kentucky. The couple had the following children: Tabitha Owen , born about 1808; Edith Pigg Owen and Obadiah Woodson Owen, Jr., both born about 1820. About 1820 or 182 1 Obadiah Woodson Owen moved with his fa mil y to Graves County in western Kentucky joining his brothers, Hezekiah and David. This Obadiah Woodson Owen is a descendent of John Owen and Sarah Brackett. He al so is in Group I of the Owen Family Association DNA Project.

Surprisingly, at about the same time another Obadiah Owen, born about 1785 in Virginia, moved into Allen County, Kentucky. About 182 I or 1822, this Obadiah Owen and his wife, Martha (Rickman) Owen settled on a farm just .04 miles from the Warren County line. This is what caused the mix up. This Obadiah Owen would be listed in census records sometimes in Allen County and others in Warren County.

Obadiah and Martha Owen brought three sons with them to Kentucky: Abraham, born about 181 I; Thomas, born about 1817; and John B., born about 1818. My line descends through John B. Owen. All of these older boys were born in Virginia. Four more sons were born in Allen County, Kentllcky: William, born 1820; Coleman, born I 823 ; Allen, born about 1824; and Pharrow (Farro), born about 1825. Obadiah and his famil y settled on a farm near Martha' s brother, John Rickman.

The 7 Owen sons of Obadiah and Martha Owen married the following: Abraham and Rachel Bright in 1839 in Allen County Thomas and Elizabeth Hill in 1845 Warren County.· John and ancy Hardcastle in 1843 in Warren County William and Mary Cassady in 1844 in Warren County Coleman and Elizabeth Cassady in 1856 in Warren County Allen and Margary in 185 I in Allen County Farro (pharrow) and Elizabeth Hill in Allen County" The Longhunte r, Volume XXXIl II - Issue 2, Summer & Fa ll, 201 1, Page 24 . * The will of Allen Hill mentions his daughters. This Ohadiah Owen who married Martha Rickman is a descendent of Richard Owen, born about 1685 in Virginia and Elizabeth [?) Rowland. He is in Group 4 of the OFA, DNA Project.

Anyone wishing for more detai ls, my line is on, roots web.com., Family Tree, Owen, Obadiah, Sr.

Allen Lodge Female College, 1856 Barren County, Kentucky

Following is a list of stud ents in Allen Lodge Female College (Second yea r's list) term closing June 27, 1856 published in the Glasgow Times, 22 April 1937.

Barren County students: A. M. Gassoway, Betty Eubank, Fannie Bethel, E. G. Mosby, Mary T. Wade, Sarah Wade, A. P. Thompson, Fannie O. Rogers, E. L. Wall er, E. F. Edmunds, Martha Edmunds, M. C. Edmunds, Laura A. Davis, Eugenia Davis, Mary Davis, M. V. Nuckols, M. Kennedy, Jas.[sic) H. Neal, Amanda J. Hughes, M. E. Queasenberry, Sallie T. Barl ow, Virginia L. Newman, Ella Bybee, Martha Ellis, Moll ie Drane, Henrietta Wooten, Ann Allen, Eliza Watt, M il dred Ballenger, Pattie Wi lson, ellie Terry, Mollie Green, M. C. Yates, Julia Monroe, Jul ia Matthews, Bettie Matthews, S. C. Pemberton, Mary Page, Emily Gatewood, S. O. Gatewood, M. Watkins, Elizabeth Carter, Ann Snoddy, Eliza Parrish, Mary Parrish, A. A. Royalty, M. S. Royalty, Sallie E. Smith.

Glasgow students: Ella A. Depp, Ellen M. Garnett, Emma Reynolds, Annie M. Crenshaw, Katie S. Crenshaw, Mary A. Jourdan, Mary Munford, Katie E. Johnson, Sarah F. Johnson, Mary J. Bybee, C. E. Bybee, Sarah Bybee, M. S. Bybee, Emma C. Ganter, Bettie Hawkins, A. E. Hawkins, Mary Bell Hawkins, Josephine Ritter, Julia Ritter, Mary E. Kil gore, Fannie E. Reynolds, Mary S. Depp, Martha B. Depp, Sarah A. Depp, Sarah J. Terry, L. T. Wilson, Mary A. Wi lson, Katie Anderson, J. Lawless, Mary A. Dickinson, ettie Gorin, Martha Gorin, Bettie Gorin, L. J. Scott, C. Tooney, Amanda Bush, Josephine Sanders, Mary Saunders, Eli za Helm, Sall ie Helm, P. A. Heather, M. D. H. Winn, Eliza Musgrove, Bell Anderson, M. A. Bagby, Mary Dodd, Bettie Fi sk, Sallie Lewis, Jennie Herzog, Emma Herzog, A. E. Martin, B. Wade, Fannie Wade.

Bowlin g Green students: Nannie B. Smith, M. A. McFerran. Warren Coun ty students: M. L. McDaniel, Eliza Brents, P. J. Carter, T. B. Sweeney, Mary Dunn , Mary Wright.

Edmonton students: Emily E. Stockton, Mary M. Wood, E. C. Ford, E. A. Ford, Jennie Word.

Shelbyville student: Mary Ellington. Ru ssellvill e student: O. G. Nourse. Scottsville students: M. A. Mu ll igan, Laura A. Pull iam. Monroe County stud ents: Matilda Howard, Kate Howard . The Longhunter, Volum e XXXIIII - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 20 11 , Page 25. Gleanings from Henrietta Benton Johnson's Scrapbook, Warren County, Kentucky, 1869-1922, Part 12

Transcribed by Gail Jackson Miller, CG 425 Midcrest Drive Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101

This series of articles was started in The Longhunter, Volume XI , No.4, over twenty years ago and was never completed . The original series was typed by Sue Spurlock for The Longhunter with the following commentary.

On occasion , we as researchers get lucky. Genealogical sources we thought to have vanished from the face of the earth appear as if by magic. Such was the case when [a past] Society member, Patricia Reid, located and copied an area scrapbook from the post-Civil War period.

As far as is presently known , few Bowling Green newspapers have survived from the post-Civil War period . For that reason, The Longhunter staff was a bit ecstatic when the scrapbook of Mrs. Henrietta Benton Johnson (1846-1922), a Warren County resident, was brought to our attention and permission was granted by Mrs. Johnson's great great niece, Ora Calista Nicholls, to share the scrapbook with our readers.

This large scrapbook contains over 450 newspaper clippings, the majority of which are obituaries or announcements of wedding nuptials. As was the case with the keeping of most early scrapbooks, Mrs. Johnson failed to note the dates on her many clippings. However, the clippings appear to run the course of Mrs. Johnson's adulthood, 1869- 1922 (some few being dated). Because the genealogical material contained in these clippings is not known to exist elsewhere, The Longhunter staff has decided to print the clippings in their entirety, continuing the series until all clippings are printed .

It appears that most of the clippings are from Bowling Green papers. Some few were obviously mailed from other towns or cities to Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Johnson also lived for a time in Carmi, Illinois during the 1850s. Newspapers which were printed in Bowling Green during the post-Civil War period were: Bowling Green Gazette (1853-1860?); Green River Pantagraph (1872-1878); Park City Daily News (first appeared in 1882 under the name Bowling Green News); The Evening Journal (established 1899) and the Park City Daily Times (established 1882) later formed the Times Journal which ran 1882-1942. Also the Louisville Daily News was published in Bowling Green for a few months during the War years of 1861-1862.

Mrs. Alice J. Hackney One of Bowling at the home of Mrs. John E. DuBose, 111 2 Green's Most Beloved Women, Passes West Chestnut Street, as a result of organic Beyond. heart trouble. She was taken suddenly ill on Mrs. Alice Herdman Hackney, one Thursday night last, when two physicians of Bowling Green's best beloved Chri stian were summoned to her bedside. women, died this morning at 12: 15 o'clock The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlIl - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011, Page 26. Mrs. Hackney was born in Bowling George M. Herdman $200 and his note of Green seventy-seven years ago, and was a $3 00; to hi s wife a watch and set of topaz daugbter of John Herdman and Sarah jewelry, and two trunks of clothing; to her Newton Herdman. She was the widow of cousi n, Mrs. Rufine DuBose, $75, bedroom James F. Hackney, who died several years furniture, bedding, etc., pictures, and books. ago. To this union there was born one son, James Hackney, who died many years ago. Will Burnam's Funeral. She had always li ved in Bowling Green with Will Q. Burnam's remains arrived the exception of a few years, which she here thi s morning a t 8 o'clock from Pueblo, spent in Memphis with her husband. She Colorado, accompanied by his mother and was the oldest music teacher in this city and cousin, All en Burnam. The casket was taken gave lessons up to the time of her illness. to the fam il y residence on Tenth and Center Mrs. Hackney possessed a beautiful streets, where hundreds of mourning friends Christian character. She always met her called. Thi s afternoon at 3 o'clock the friends with a smile and kind words, which funeral was conducted from the Main street made them fell like li ving better lives. She Baptist church, services by Dr. J. L. was unselfish and thoughtful to her loved Caldwell. The remains were conducted to ones. For many years after her husband and Fairview cemetery, where they were sister were invalids, she took care of both of consigned to their last resting place. The pall them with the proceeds received fro m her bearers were, Arch Wilkins, Jno. G. Cooke, music lessons on the pi ano. ln her death this Mike Hanley, H. P. Potter, Ely Adams and city has had taken one of its best women, Dr. J. O. Carson. who will be missed by everyone who came in contact with her. Sam McPherson Dead. Mrs. Hackney was a first cousin of The news comes that Sam Mr. John M. Herdman, of this city, their Mc Pherson of Loui sville, has been kil led­ fa thers being brothers. Mr. Herdman is the brutally murdered-in Oklahoma. Mr. last surviving member of the Herdm an McPherson was well known to many of our fa mil y. older citi zens. He got hi s start in a business Since the death of her husband and way in thi s county years ago, coming her sister, which occurred several years ago, when a young man and going to work for Mrs. Hackney has made her home with Mrs. Bill Brown, at Green Castle, in the capacity John E. DuBose. of overseer. He was in charge of the The deceased had been a Chri stian transportation of the stone brought here to all of her li fe and a consistent member of build the L.&N. Bridge over Barren ri ver. Chri st Episcopal Church. He afterwards went into business with Elihu Jenkins, at Hadley, and after being washed Mrs. Hackney's Will. away by a fl ood, they went to Louisville. The will of Mrs. Alice Hackney was Mr. McPherson there engaged in the probated today before Judge Denhardt. business of re-handling tobacco and made a Besides her household effects, Mrs. Hackney fortune which he afterwards lost. After this left $500 insurance policy. Her will provides he was tobacco inspector for some time. For fo r the payment of a $5 0 note, her funeral several years he has been in the real estate expenses not to exceed $ 125, and another business in Oklahoma and has made money. $5 0 due to another party, then the remainder The announcement of hi s death will be read to be di vided as follows: To her nephew, with regret by his old friends in this city and ------,

The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlII - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011, Page 27. county. He was a whole-souled, genial man of our State, and at her death had been a and generous to a fault. The Louisville Tim es member of the Baptist Church here longer gives the foll owing account of the manner in than any other person, having joined that which he was killed: denomination in early womanhood. Mrs. "Notice was received in this city this Thomas' maiden name was Elvira morning that Mr. Samuel McPherson, whose Morehead. She was born in Nelson County, death in Oklahoma City has been published, Ky., the I" day of June 1806. At an early age was the victim of an unprovoked murder in she moved into Logan County, where she that place on Saturday night. was reared in the vicinity of Russellvill e. In A letter was received by Mr. King, ber sixteenth year she married Mr. Joseph the undertaker, this morning, from a reliable Piper, wbich union resulted in one child, business finn of Oklahoma City which Eliza, wbo married A. D. Webb, and who is related that the well-known tobacco man had now deceased. Mr. Piper died within a year been shot and instantly killed by Read from the marriages. After the lapse of five McCarty, of Oklahoma City. Tbe letter also years she married Dr. S. W. Coombs and stated that tbe murder was very brutal and had by him one child, our Dr. S. W. entirely unprovoked, and that on the nigbt of Coombs, now deceased. Dr. Coombs also the killing the murder would undoubtedly died ere a year bad elapsed from the time of have been lynched bad he not escaped from their marriage. On the 21st of April 1835, the town. All that night a crowd of enraged sbe un ited in marriage to Judge H. K. citizens had searched for him, but McCarty Thomas, who survives her. escaped their vigi lance. Ten children, two ofwbom died in McCarty was afterwards caught, and infancy, one in young manhood, one, Dr. is now on trial for murder. Mr. McPherson Thomas, in the prime of life, and the other owned a number of val uable lots in six ofwbom are still living, were the fruit of Oklahoma City." this union. The living children are: Mrs. F. G. Ragland, Mrs. M. M. Gordon, Judge C. Mrs. Thomas Dead. M. Thomas, Mrs. J. D. Hines, Mrs. W. E. This morning at 4 o'clock Mrs. H. K. Hobson and H. K. Thomas, Jr. The family is Thomas died at her residence about three quite a large one, there being 34 living miles west of the city, aged 79 years and one grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren, day. For some months past she has been besides several who have died. The suffering from heart disease, superinduced genealogy of even the immediate family by the infirmities consequent upon old age, would fill a good sized vo lume. The brother and the sad even has been expected almost of the deceased, Hon. Cbarl es S. Morebead, at any time recently. The funeral sermon will was at one time Governor of the State. A be preached tomorrow morning at 10:30 first cousin, James T. Morehead, was o'clock, at the Main street Baptist Church, another Governor, while Gabriel Slaughter, this city, by the Rev. M. M. Riley, after another relative, also filled the Gubernatorial which, all that is mortal of the departed wi ll chair in this State. be consigned to its lasting rest in Fairview There are few people of this county Cemetery. The deceased was the last and who were unacquainted with Mrs. Thomas. yo ungest of a family of eight children, seven Many who did not know her personally were of wbom were daughters, who were aware of her deeds of kindness to the intermarried with the Briggs, Curds, oppressed and needy. Belonging to a fo rmer Wintersmiths and others of the best people generati on and born at time when untiring The Longhunter, Volum e XXXIII I - Is sue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 28. energy was indispensable, she continued for services and burial took pl ace yesterday nearl y a decade beyond her three score and afternoon, at Green River Union church, ten to oversee and regulate all her household near Ri chardsville. Mrs. Stephens was well affairs. She was absolutely unconquerable in known in the community where she li ved the matter of industry, and after once and was hi ghl y respected by all. She had determining to live with her children and been for years a devout Christian woman having given up housekeeping, she, little and died in the faith. Her husband, Mr. D. B. less than a year ago, moved down to the old Stephens, di ed not a great while ago, of heart place, where so many happy days had been disease. She was sister-in-law of Mrs. spent, and with her daughter, Mrs. Gordon, Bowman Stephens who was buried last who is in ill health, assumed control of the week. [Th e obituaty had the handwritten household. She was a devoted mother, an dale" 1891 "al the bottom.} exempl ary Christian and rejoiced, as did the Saviour in whom she trusted, in doing good. Mrs. Annie Rone Dead. Many hearts, in days now gone forever, Mrs. Anni e Rone, wife of Martin V. recollecting her benevolent and meek Rone of the Richardsvi lle neighborhood, charity, will drop a tear upon her resting died Friday after a short illness of typhoid­ place and preserve in their hearts a place pneumoni a. She was buried Saturday at the sacred to the memory 0 f her dear, sel f­ old Taylor burying ground near Ray's sacrificing sweetness. Only last week she Branch. She leaves surv iving her a husband was able to be with her fri ends in this city. and eight children, and some of them very Today, she has gone to swell the grand total small. Her maiden name was Taylor, she of the inhabitants who repose in the largest being a daughter of Henry Taylor, now of all cities- the city of the dead. deceased, and a sister of W. S. Taylor, formerly of this city, and Curran Taylor, Died of Consumption. who now resides here. Mrs. Rone was a Miss Thompson, a daughter of Capt. good woman, a kind mother, and a loving Jesse Thompson died this afternoon of and affectionate wife, and we tender to the consumption at her home on Woodford bereaved husband our most heart-felt street. sympathy. She was wi dely known in this Funeral arrangements have not been section where she lived and was respected made and the particu lars of the unti mely and admired by all for her blameless life and death are meagre. The deceased was an many worthy traits of character. exemplary young lady, and her death is a source of deep sorrow to all who knew her. John Hobson Died At His Home In This City Sunday Morning. I Child of C. E. Snell Dead I Mr. John Hobson one of the best The 16 month old child of C. E. known men of this city died at 9:40 o 'clock Snell of Green Castle, died Saturday night, Sunday morning at hi s home of Bri ght's and was yesterday buried at Barren Ri ver di sease. church. The funeral was conducted this afternoon at the residence by Rev. Dr. E. W. Death of Mrs. D. B. Stephens. Halleck, rector of Chri st Episcopal Church, Mrs. D. B. Stephens died Saturday at and the interment took place in the Fairview her home, near Green Castle, of La Grippe, Cemetery. in the 65'h year of her age. The fun eral The Longhunter, Vo lum e XXXIlIl - Iss ue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 29 . Mr. Hobson was born in Warren Mclnteer and Mrs. Claude Markham, three County in 1846, the son of the late Col. A. sisters, Mrs. H. E. Young, Mrs. Lewis G. Hobson and Juliet Vanmeter. Boulton, Mrs. Pete Miller, two brothers, A. P. and Charles Thacker. William M, Carr Dead. The deceased had been a resident of After an illness of several months this city for many years, being engaged in duration, Mr. William M. Carr, one of the the sewing machine business. He was liked best known and most popular men in by everybody and has always made a good Bowling Green, died Saturday morning at citizen, and hi s many friends wi ll regret to 9:20 o'clock of a complication of diseases. learn of his death. Mr. Thacker had been a Mr. Carr was born in Sumner member of the Chri stian church for thirty County, Tennessee but had been a resident years, and attended this church last Sunday. of Bowling Green for twenty-five years, and The fun eral services will occur while there was engaged in the li very tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, fro m business. He had been honored by election the residence of Mr. Markham conducted by to a number of offices and was City Dr. E. J. Feastermacher, pastor of the Tenth Treasurer when he died. Street Christian church, after which the He is survived by a wife and three interment will be made in Fairview children. cemetery. Mr. Carr was a consistent member of the Presbyterian ch urch and Dr. John Stagg, Prominent Christian And Business his pastor, conducted his funeral service Woman Caned Suddenly Into Eternity. Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, after which Death leaves a shining mark, and last the intemlent took place in Fairview evening at 6:30 o' clock the Grim Reaper cemetery. took from earth one of the noblest and best of Bowling Green's womanhood, Mrs. John W. Thacker Dead. Carrie Burnam Taylor at the age of sixty-two John W. Thacker, one of the oldest years. and best-known citizens in the city, was Mrs. Taylor was stricken on Friday found dead in bed this morning in the home with a severe spell of asthma from which of his son-in-law, Claude Markham, on the she was a frequent sufferer and grew rapidly Portage Railroad, caused fro m heart trouble. worse Saturday until death relieved her This morning Mr. Thacker's little suffering j ust at the close of day and she grand daughter went into his room to sank into a sweet and peaceful rest. Mrs. awaken him as usual, but she received no Taylor had more than a local reputation as a response, and called a member of the family, business woman, as she established here the who came and found Mr. Thacker dead, and nationall y known dressmaker house of Mrs. it is supposed that he died between 2 and 3 A. H. Taylor Co., that made fine gowns and o'clock. He had been in his usual good dresses for well-known peopl e all over the health and attended church Sunday, but United States. Mrs . Taylor at various times yesterday complained of something like going abroad in order to study the most indigestion. recent styles and modes. After having made Mr. Thacker was born October 6, a great arti stic and financial success of the 1842 and was married to Miss Mattie M. business she retired from acti ve work last Palmer, February 25, 1860, who sU.rvives spnng. him with two daughters, Mrs. W. B. The Longhunter. Volume XXXIlIl - Issue 2, Summer & Fall , 2011, Page 30 . The big mail-order dressmaking A great many handsome designs were sent establishment was a remarkable instance of and Roxie Lee was laid to rest yesterday in what one frail woman with a will and a Fairview cemetery in the presence of worthy purpose can accomplish, and she sorrowing friends and her grave was literally undoubtedly deserved the high praise, and covered with sweetest flowers. more, that she received. Her sterling Christian character shone even brighter than Two Tax Receipts. her genius for business and her striking Mr. John Campbell of thi s county individuality was one of the greatest forces has two tax receipts of his grandfather the in a city noted for strong and brilliant later John S. Campbell which show how a intellects. man can accumulate property by thrift and Mrs. Taylor was married thirty-five industry. The fIrst receipt is for the year years ago to Mr. Aaron H. Taylor the city, 1827 and shows that Mr. Campbell paid 94 and two children survi ve: Mr. Wi ll B. Taylor cents tax on $485 worth of property wh ich of the city and Mrs. Herbert Beckwith of comprised all hi s earthly possessions. The Pasadena, Californi a, and a sister, Mrs. H. B. other is for 1886 and shows that he paid Hines. She was a daughter of Mrs. Thomas $252.60 tax on $30, 938. This was made by Burnam and Mrs. Dee Hampton Burnam. hard work and attention to business and She was a true and charitable shows what can be accomplished by industry Christian, a faithful member of the First and frugality. Presbyterian church. The tru ly great and good such as Mrs. Carrie Burnam Taylor do W. M. Carr Sells O ut His Livery Business not die; they merely pass on into that higher to W. E. Davis. life for which they are fitted. W. M. Carr has sold out hi s livery The funeral will be conducted business on Tenth street opposite the court Monday afternoon from the residence on house to W. E. Davis. He will still retain Upper Main street at 2 o'clock by Dr. enough vehicles and stock to continue his Charles B. Loving. contracts for carrying the Star Route mai Is and has rented Dr. S. B. Johnson's stable on Death Relieves Suffering of Little Miss Eleventh street, but this is for his private use Roxie Lee Rabold Thursday. and he wi ll do no more li very. Roxie Lee, the thirteen year old Mr. Davis, the new proprietor, has daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Andrew Rabold, already taken possession of the stable and died Thursday night at her home near the will continue to do a general livery, feed and city. sale. He wi ll have everything strictly up to The death of this bri ght little girl cast date in the li very line and will unquesti on­ a gloom over the town as she was known ably do a good business from the start. Mr. and loved by a large circle of friends. She Davis fonnerly conducted a livery stable on had been a su fferer from fever for some College street and is an experienced man at weeks and was quite violent from the first the business. but her physicians hoped to pull her through until near the last. Every effort was made to Tribute of Respect. relieve the little girl and everything done for Richa rdsville, Feb. 23. her comfort during her illness. Our commun ity has just been The funeral was a large one and was shocked and caused to go into deep attended by a number of littl e schoo l frie nds. mourning by the death of one of the purest The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlIl - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 20 11 , Page 31 . and best women we ever knew. We allude to ground. Her maiden name was Good; she Mrs. R. B. F. Taylor, whose death occurred was born Aug. I" 1830; married R. B. F. on the 19'h iust. , at about the hour of II Taylor, Aug 2d 1855. They were blessed o'clock p. m. Mrs. Taylor was plain and with seven children, the oldest and youngest unpretentious, a strange to every character of of whom are dead. Her husband, three sons deception, honest in her convictions, true to and two daughters survive, and wi th many her principles, decided, free and open in her others mourn her departure. [Editor, actions, and being endowed with an Democrat.] unusually bright intellect, a strong mind and a heart brimming full of kindness, she was A Sudden Death. seldom known to err. She was a fait hfu l and The Sad Death of Mrs. T. T. Roup Which loving wife, an affection mother, and a good Occurred at an Early Hour This neighbor. Having been acquainted with her Morning. for many years, and lived very near to her Another good woman has given up for some time we feel that we can testify life's battle and crossed the dark river into trul y of her qualities. She was naturally kind, the great beyond, leaving behind husband loving, generous and noble; she had charity and children who are prostrate with grief by in its broadest sense; she possessed her sudden and sad demise. preeminently a Chri stian character, without a The noble woman who has cast as ide blemish. Her society was both pleasant and the burdens of a lifetime, is Mrs. Eli za J. profitable to those with whom she was Roup, the wife ofT. T. Roup, and mother of associated. Often have we been made to feel Mr. Oliver A. Roup, managing editor of Th e that we were benefitted by her association, Tim es. and very often have our hearts been made Mrs. Roup retired last night glad by her warm friendship and neighborly apparently in the best of health, but thi s kindness. She was truly a good woman, and morning at a 4 o'clock was stricken with was not only respected but loved by those apoplexy, and before the family physician who knew her. Notwithstanding her amiable reached the residence became unconscious disposition and her almost always pleasant and remained in that state until 7 o'clock and happy appearance, cousin Sarah had when she breathed her last. Her death was a seen much sorrow; she had had many shock to the community and a sad blow to bereavements and suffered much affliction her family. She was born in Baltimore, of body. Through all these troubles she Maryland, April 22, 1832 and was manifested the most remarkable patience consequently a few months over 58 years of and Christian fortitude. Her last illness was age. Years ago she joined the Christian short and painful, doing its work quickly, church and has for a life time been a true and but we have never known affliction borne devout member of the rel igious with more patience. denomination. On Monday, the 2 1" inst. her Besides a husband, Mrs. Roup leave remains were taken to the school house near to mourn her loss six children: Mrs. O. A. the fami ly residence, where a befitting Roup, Mrs. Dr. John L. Taylor, Mrs. Jno B. funeral discourse was delivered by the Rev. Rone, Miss Annie, Mr. Tom C. and Mr. Price of the Chri stian Church to a large Arch Roup all of whom are prostrate with assemblage of mourning relatives and grief. friends. Her body was then consigned to its As yet no arrangements have been last resting place in the old family burying made for the funeral but it is thought the The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlIl - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 32. interment will occur sometime tomorrow at the age of 14 he went into a drug store in Fairview cemetery. Johnstown to learn pharmacy. A fter three years there he went to Pittsburgh, Pa., where He Is Alive. he remained two or three years in a Great-Grandson of Patrick Henry drugstore and then came to Louisville. [n Declared Out of Danger. Louisville he was a pharmacist with the then Vanceburg, Ky., Sept. 24. well known drug firm of James George & Col. Jos. Henry of this city, great­ Co. He was there at the same time that grandson of Patrick Henry, who was Arthur Peter, Edward Wilder and others of believed to be dying Thursday, has rallied the best known of Kentucky'S druggists, and has, his doctors assert, passed the danger were clerks in different drug establishments. line. After remaining a couple of years in This remarkable old genius of 85 Louisvi ll e he and Augustus Starr came to years says he began to revive when a friend Bowling Green to go into business for of hi s called in the morning and pleaded themselves. This was in 1842 just after slack with him not to die until after the November water navigation had been opened on Green election, as his vote mi ght insure the and Barren rivers and when it was thought election of a Democratic Congressman. The that Bowling Green would in a few years be old man vows he will live to cast one more a big city. He and his partner, Mr. Starr, Jacksonian vote, ifhe has to go to the polls bought out a druggist named Lingow, who on a stretcher. conducted a drugstore in the old Green Ri ver Hotel Building, the one . .. [part of the Death's Call article appears to have been cut off] ... Joseph I. Younglove Passes Away Last house now occupied by [end ofline cut off]. Evening. .. John E. Younglove, when he was 17 years Joseph I. Younglove, the well known of age, came here from New York to learn druggist of this city, died last night at 6:50 the drug business and went into this store o'clock at his home on State street. He had and eventuall y became a partner and the firm been ill for some time of cancer of the has since been known as J. I. Younglove and stomach and for the last few days had been Bro. They have done business in the same declining rapidly and the end was by no house for the last fifty years, and the firm is means unexpected. The funeral services will one of the best known in this section. be conducted tomorrow morning at 10 The deceased was formerly a town o'clock from the residence by Rev. V. O. trustee and for twenty years was Treasurer of Gee, of Christ's Episcopal church, and the the board of Fairview Cemetery interment will fo llow in Fairview Cemetery. Commissioners. He was one of the very Mr. Younglove leaves surviving him and oldest citizens and business men of Bowling aged wife and four ch ildren-Mrs. Robert Green and was a man who was highly Underwood, of this city, Miss Susi e esteemed by everybody. He attended strictly Younglove, who is now teaching art at to business, concerned himself with nobody Johnstown, N. Y., Joseph C. Younglove, of else's affairs and was always the same San Francisco, and John M. Younglove of courteous, kindly gentleman. He was noted this city. for his generosity and many kindly deeds he He was born August 17, 1818 at did. Those who were most intimate with Johnstown, New York, and was him, know best how charitable he was. He consequently in the 76'h year of his age. At never refused aid to the suffering and the ------

The Longhunter, Volum e XXXIl II - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 33 . needy were never pennitted to pass him Saturday morning at 9 o'clock in St. empty handed. He was unobtrusive in hi s Joseph 's Church, with high mass conducted charity and performed his acts of by Rev. Father T. J. Hayes, and the benevolence from a sense of humanity and interment was made in St. Joseph's bro therl y love. Cemetery by the side of her late husband, Mr. Younglove was scrupulously Mr. John Vogel. The fl oral designs were honest even in the most trivial affairs of life, numerous and handsome ones. The pall­ and he did what he conceived to be ri ght bearers were: Messrs. Frank and John under all circ umstances, and could not be Gotwall is , John Hobson, D r. J. L. Topmiller, swerved a hair's breadth from the plain path Gus Bardmaker, Emile Roemer, John Moran of duty. He commanded the respect of all and Frank L. Kister. who knew him, and his death is to be deeply regretted. Miss Cunningham Dead. Passed Away The pall-bearers at the fu neral Yesterday Morning at Leitchfield. tomorrow morning will be the fo llowing Miss Nanni e Cunningham, sister-in­ druggists of the city: Mayor John H. law of Mr. D. B. Dearing, died at her home Mallory, Dr. G. E. Townsend, Dr. W. P. at Le itchfield yesterday afternoon at 3 Beauchamp, Dr. J. M. Farnsworth , Dr. Geo. o'clock of consumption, with which she had T. Wilson and Dr. E. G. McConnack. suffe red for years. Miss Cunningham had spent a good deal of her time with her sister Several Funerals Conducted in the City and was well known and much liked by all Yesterday. who knew her. She was 44 years of age, a The funeral services over the remains consistent member of the Baptist church and of Miss Victoria Jackson occurred yesterday a good wo man whose death will be deepl y afternoon at 3 o'clock at the residence on regretted by all. College street and were conducted by Rev. E. B. Kuntz. An impressive incident in IWallace Irwin Jenkins Dead.1 connection with the funeral was that about Wa llace Irwin, the little sixteen twenty-five children, who had known and month old child ofMr. and Mrs. James loved Miss Jackson, passed by the bi er to Jenkins, di ed Wednesday at 5:40 p.m., after take a last look at her face and each one a few days' illness of pneumonia. The deposited a bouquet of pretty fl owers. Later fun eral took place at the residence, 553 they all went together in a wagonette to the Tenth street, services by Dr. R. B. Grider. burial, which occurred at Fairview cemetery. The pall-bearers were: J. Whit Charles Hestlow Died in the Philippines Potter, Judge W. L. Dulaney, W. M. Kirby, [Paper datedl December 14, 1904. R. C. Posey, J. A. Mi tchell , Dr. S. B. The remains of Charles Hestl ow, Johnson, Capt. M. O. Andrews and Dr. J. F. who died in th e Philippines while serving in Hendrick. Uncle Sam's anny, arrived here Thursday and were buried Sunday at Barren ri ver Funeral of Mrs. Vogel. church. His parents li ve several mi les fro m The funeral services over the remains the city. He was good soldier and died in the of Mrs. Frances Elizabeth Vogel occurred discharge of his duty. The Longhunter, Volume XXX Il II . Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 34. Kentucky Records: Newly Rediscovered Circuit Court Cases in Logan County, Kentucky - Part 2

Abstracted by Gail Jackson Miller, CG 425 Midcrest Drive Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101

The following records were abstracted from an original record book labeled "Kentucky Records" housed in the Logan County Archives in Russellville, Kentucky and from photocopies of the records provided by the Logan County Archives and Judy Lyne. They appear to be some of the earliest Logan County, Kentucky Circuit Court Cases.

The Circuit Courts in Kentucky were first formed in 1803. The current cases often were carried across time with some beginning before 1803 but carrying through that time period. They contain complaints, judgements, depositions, summons, etc. entered in their entirety into the book. It appears that the loose papers for a particular case may, at some point, have been entered into this book by the clerk. These particular cases no longer exist as loose papers and are thus not part of the Ind ex of Circuit Court loose papers created by the Archives.

The circuit court case files give details that are often not available in any other record . The records continue to reveal some relationships, movements of the individuals, personal detail, and associates that would be difficult to obtain from any other single source. These documents, in general, contain a wealth of information and the hope is that these abstracts will be useful to readers, if not as particular cases, then as a guide to what this type of record might contain.

Page 46. on 23 January 1805 attested by exhibits. Richard John McPherson West and William West knew of the claim but vs in confederation with other persons unknown Richard and William West entered the greater part of the claim for their benefit and have obtained a patent. They refused Spa to permit McPherson to populate the land 22 May 1806, John McPherson by William claiming that it was their patent and that it was Wallace, attorney, appea led to court to subpoena of an older date. McPherson stated that the West Richard West and William West to appear in patent was several years youn ger than his. court on first day of June next tenn to answer McPherson claims he bad infonned the Wests of bill in chancery exhibited against them by John his claim at the time of his survey. Then and McPherson. since, McPberson warned them to leave the land. They promised to leave in the fall after Page 46-47. harvest but have since refused to leave. Bill To Honorable Judges of the Logan County McPberson wants court to compel Wests to Circuit Court by John McPherson. On 30 April appear and answer his claim that they knew of 1792 Zachariah Aikey entered 100 acres of land his entry and claim on the land in 1795 and that on the far fork of Red River by virtue of a part he had informed them of hi s rights on several ofa military warrant No. 1525 which was occasions. He asks to receive legal rights to the afterwards surveyed on 20 September 1795 and land and the rents and profits from the land returned to the Registers Office and assigned by while the Wests possessed the land. Aikey to your orator. McPherson patented land Wallace Th e Longhunter. Volume XXX ll lt - Issue 2. Summer & Fait. 20 11 . Page 35.

Page 47_ on the fa nn in February 1793 and has li ved on Spa same ever since. The re spondent 's son, the other 25 August 1806. McPherson by hi s attorney defendant, William West had resided with entered an ali as spa against the defendants defendant on the land. William West applied for returnable to the September court. Sheriff to grant under claims to settlers south of Green summon Richard West and William West to Ri ver and received a cenificate fo r 200 acres of appear before Circuit Coun judges to answer land including part of the above land. William bill in chancery from John McPherson. West was at that time nearl y age 21 . William Annd Morehead West entered the land and had 200 acres of Sh eriff executed on William West. second rate land surveyed by virtue of certificate o. 2699 lying on north fork of Red Ri ve r. Page 47-48. " Beginning on a post oak running eastwardly to Survey Ordered. James Wests line and to run with said li ne to the 22 September 1806. Logan County Surveyor comer thence Southwardly thence westwardly ordered to survey the land at least twenty days thence northwardly to include his improve ment before next March tenn. to the Beginning entered March I3'" 1799."

Page 48_ A patent was issued by the Registers Office of On motion o f complainant, two Justi ces of the Kentucky on 7 December 1802. The patent Peace of Stewart County, Tennessee to take should be made part of thi s answer. Beli eves depositions of James Tigert and two Justi ces of compl ainant had not surveyed the entry of 100 the Peace of Montgomery County, Tennessee to acres and should not be able to disturb yo ur take depositions of David Stanl ey to be read as orator's claim. Defendant denied that evidence. complainant's survey "laid an express claim to said land ." Stated that a claim set up by 27 March 1807. defendant which was deri ved from Richard Complainant by counsel. John Tigert, Roben Maulding was prior to the said complainant's Tigen, Robert Pri nce, James Leeper, and Robert and complainant appeared to abandon hi s claim. Ne lson or any three o f them of Montgomery Defendant denied that he agreed to give lip and County, Tennessee to take the depositions of move off the land. Demanded that complainant James Tigert and David Stanley. prove titl e. He denied fraud and asked for case to be di smissed with costs. Page 48-49. Richd West Robert West Answer. Ri chd West proved answer before Aaron Lewis, States that bill of complaint has many errors. JP of Logan County. 25 March 1807. Admits that Zachari ah Aikey did about 30 April 1792 enter 100 acres of land on the far fork of Page 50. Red River by virtue of pan of a mili ta ry Warrant William West Answer. No. 1525 and that the same mi ght have been Stated he obtained from the commi ssioners a surveyed on 20 September 1795. Sometime after certificate for 200 acres in Logan County on complainant had survey made, defendant asked Red River. Wished to enter the entry and if he meant that survey should be pennanent. certificate as part o f his answer. Stated that he Complainant informed him that he did not. assigned his certi fi cate by endorsement to Richd Further stated that complain ant had several West, the other defendant. Stated that he has no other surveys made which all proved aborti ve. in terest or claim to any part of the land After respondent had settled on said land mentioned in the complainant' s bill. Wished complainant resorted to first survey and had it claim against him to be dismissed with costs. returned to the Registers Office to procure his William West by L. Caldwell patent. Beli eving that first survey would not be William West proved answer before Aaron returned to Registers Office, respondent settled Le wis, JP of Logan County. 12 May 1807. The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlII - Issue 2, Summer & Fall , 2011 , Page 36.

Page 50-51. Page 52. June 1807. Complainant' s Entry. 30 April 1796. Complai nant fil ed an order fro m Will iam Zachariah Aikey assignee enters 100 acres of Wall ace one of the Judges of the General Coun land on the fa r fork of Red River about 3/4 changing the venue in this cause to the Circuit miles above the Spring fork . Beg at the lower Court of Barren County. Order obeyed and end of the firs t bottom on the north side running papers transmitted. off 300 yards on the same side and the across running on each side of the creek for the Page 51. compli ment to include the pawpaw bottom. Said Patent. 23 January 1805. Aikey enters 100 acres on the line that di vides John McPherson, assee of Zachariah Aikey by the continental and state lands beginning on the virrue of Mi litary Warrant o. 1525 bearing west side of the Grove on the south side of pi lot survey 20 September I 79 5, granted 100 acres in knob running up the line east 80 poles thence the district set apart for the Offi cers and down the branch for the compliment. Soldiers of the Virginia State line on the far fo rk of the Red River. Bounded as foll ows: Costs of both complainant and defendant listed. Beg on the S bank thereof at 3 white oaks about ertified 10 September and transmitted to 3/4 mi le above the mouth of the Spring Fork. Barren Ci rcuit Court. S 70 E 140 poles cross the Ri ver to a red oak and 2 whi te oaks. S 20 W 11 8 poles crossing the Page 51. River to a stake. N 70 W 140 poles to a take. Pleas before the Honorable inian Edwards N 20 E 118 poles to Beg. and Reuben Ewing and Willia m Reading at Russell ville 19 March 1805. Page 51. W illiam W est Survey. 2 October 1799. Page 52. Surveyed for William West 200 ac res of 2" rate Capias .. land by vi rrue of an entry made on the 19 March 1804, Writ Returned. Commissioners Certificate No. 2699 lying on Wi ll iam Scott by Mathew Lodge, his attorney the north fork of Red Ri ver. Beg on the s side at sent out capias aga inst John Shannon, 2 white oaks. N 70 W with Richd West's line of administrator of Patri ck Boyle, deceased, to be his 148 acres survey 30 p to 2 small black oaks. brought to Russell vi ll e 3'" Monday in March S 60 E 185 P to a post oak and hi ckory. 65 E next to answer Will iam Scott in a plea of debt 185 P to a stake. N 70 W 155 P to Beg. for £86. 17.1 plus damages for ten doll ars. 14 Surveyed 2 October 1799 February 1804. Action of debt, no appearance James West and Wm West: Chain Carriers bail required. Wm Steward, DS Sheriff return. Executed. [lncludes rough plat.] Wm Reading, SLC Page 53. Page 51. March 1804. Logan County, Kentucky. William West entry. 13 March 1799. W illiam Scott Complaint. William West entered 200 acres of2" rate land William Scott brought complaint against John by virrue of the commissioner's Certificate No. Shannon, administrator of Patrick Boyle, 2600 lying on the north fork of Red River. deceased, for £86. 17. 1. On II September 1802, Beg on a post oak runn ing eastwardly to James in Logan County, Kentucky Court Patrick Boyle West's line to ru n with same to the corn er. had signed an obligati on promising to pay the Southward ly. Westwardly. No rthwardl y to complainant within six months by the date of II include the improvements to the Beg. March 1803. 0 payment received of Boyle or Entered 13 March 1799. his estate. M. Lodge for pltff ------

The Longh unter, Volu me XXXII II-issue 2, Summer & Fall , 20 11 , Page 37. Plaintiff did plea for a judgement in Apri l and the sum of $68 1.08 due four months after the May 1803 Court . date of the bill . Neither Patrick Boyle nor John Shannon, hi s admini strator, had paid the debt. In June 1803 Court, judgement for debt wi th John Shannon was ordered to pay debt plus damages to the plaintiff, inquiry to be heard by interest to John Hart and son, in September jury at next court. 1804 Logan County Court. John Shannon further stated that he had full y administered all Pages 54-57 the goods and chattels which belonged to 20 September 1803 Patrick Boyle at the time of his death and did Logan County, Kentucky C ircuit Court not have "any Goods or chattles which belonged John Shannon Answer by his attorney to the said Patrick Boyle." Stated that the John William Wallace_ Shannon named in the action brought by Obligation signed by Patri ck Boyle and William Scott is the same John Shannon as in witnessed by Ezekiel H. Field read. John the above action. Shannon stated that William Scott ought not to have maintained his action because a certain Pages 58-59_ George Sample had taken out a writ of capias ad 19 March 1805_ respondendum against John Shannon, [Arguments continued by attorneys about debts.) administrator of Patrick Boyle, deceased, to be returned to the courthouse the third Monday in Page 59_ March 1804 in a plea of trespass. A certain John Pl ea that defendant recover costs of the plaintiff. Allen, according to " the custom of merchants," on 10 February 1803 at the court of Logan A jury was seated containing: Chri stian Counry had written a note requiring Patri ck R[?) iger, John Gibbs, Lawrence McKown, Boyle to pay to George Sample of Logan Hezekiah J. Balch, Stephen Hopton, George County the sum of $200 on 10 May next. Patrick Caldwell , Amos West, Robertson Ewing, John Boyle, in hi s li fe time and John Sharmon after Boyd, Thomas Wilson, William Harrington, and his death had denied payment. Stated th at Thomas Lewis. They heard the evidence. damages for non-payment be $3 00. Pledges for Considered by the court that the pl aintiff the prosecution were John Doe and Richard recover of the defendant the debt through a levy Roe. In the June 1804 Court, John Shannon by 0 11 the goods, chattels, and credits of the his attorneys Samuel Caldwell and Mathew decedent in the hands of the defendant. 30 Lodge, stated that he would not deny the action January 1808. of George Sample and that he had the $200. Court decided that George Sample should Page 60_ recover from Shannon with damages for Logan County Circuit Court nonperfonnance in the sum $2 13.50 plus costs 23 September 1807_ to be levied out of th e estate of the deceased. At a court held 14 March 1804, Joseph Stated that Patrick Boyle in hi s li fetime on 26 Ku ykendall by Samuel Caldwell , attorney took May 1803 promised to pay hi m, John Shannon, out a writ accusing John McPherson of $343.52 on or before 15 October next. He stated trespassing with damages of £200. Sheri ff that in July 1804, Patrick Boyle di ed intestate charged to issue summons to appear before without paying the note. Since the estate of Superior Court for Logan District at Logan Patrick Boyle was not able to pay the debt, the Courthouse in Ru ssell ville on 4" Monday in current acti on should not be ma intained. May next. 13 December 1803. Sheriff return; executed. Pages 57-58_ 23 September 1804_ Pages 60-6 '­ John Shannon stated that Patrick Boyle on 18 Bill_ April 1803 signed a note to pay Thomas Hart Joseph Ku ykendall compl aint agains John ,------

The Longhun ter. Volume XXXIlII - Issue 2. Sum mer & Fall. 2011 . Page 38.

McPherson for trespassi ng. McPherson on I Page 64. March 1798 was indebted to the plainti ff for 20 March 1806. £240 for goods, wares, and merchandise, Arguments by tbe attorneys. Mentions writ specifi cally "horse creatures." Defendant has commanding sheri ff of Logan Coun ty to not paid debt. Plain tiff asks for payment and apprehend John McPherson for Court of Quarter damages. Session on February next to answer charge of Jn Doe trespassing made by Josepb Kuykendal l. 6 Ri chard Roe, pledges. S. Ca ldwell for pltf. October 1798. Joseph Ku ykendall stated that he ought not be barred from hi s acti on against John Pages 61-62. McPherson. Defendant fa iled to plea to the acti on. Pl aintiff mo ti oned that judgement be entered for plainti ff Burgess Phelps for Ewing, then sheriff of Logan against defendant unless defendant makes a plea County, stated that a copy of the writ bad been at next Court. left at th e house of John Tigert, the defendant 's place of abode, but the defendant was not fo und. Page 62. John Mc Pherson di d not appear February 1799. May Court. On 14 March 1799, Joseph Kukendall fi led an Defendant fa ils to make plea. Judgement attachment against the estate of John McPherson awarded to plaintiff plus damages. Since amoun t for £250. The sum shoul d be forth coming at of damages are unknown, a jury was to be call ed next court of quarter session, 2" Tuesday in for next court. Apri l 1799. The sheri ff returned the endorsement wit h land and property attached. Pages 62-63. 24 March 1804. Pages 65-68. On court held on 24 March 1804, came the Declaration by Plaintiff. parties by thei r attorneys. Pl ainti ff moved to Joseph Ku ykendall complained of John continue cause. Court ordered continuance at Mc Pherson where estate was attached by virtue costs of pl ai nt iff. Ordered by the court that of a judi cial attachment of a plea of trespass. On defendant recover of the plainti ff his costs I March 1798, the defendant was indebted to tbe plaintiff in the sum of £200 for goods, Issued order to Henderson County, Kentucky wares, and mercbandise and £40 for a mare. Justices to take deposition of Benjamin Frye. Another mare was also delivered. No payme nt or damages have been paid. 19 Septem ber 1804. Continued. Issued order on behalf of defendant In May 1799, judgement was entered by default to gentlemen of Indiana Territory to take against John McPherson in favor of Joseph deposition of Sampson Trammell. Kuykendall. At June 1799 court, the judgement was set aside. The case was continued. Then in 21 June 1805. October 1800, on the moti on of the defendant 's Continued. Issued order on behalf of plaintiff to attorney, the sui t was dismissed. Then in April John Waggoner and Fielding Jones, justices of 180 I, Joseph Kuykendall had sheriffs of Logan Henderson County, Kentucky to take the County issue writ for John McPherson to appear deposition of Benjamin Frye. before the court to answer the pleas of trespass and damage of £200. 17 September 1805. Continued. Issued order on behalf of defendant Case continued and then dismi ssed. Joseph to j usti ces of Livington Coun ty to take Kuykendall stated that it had now been five deposition of Zacbariah Aikey and Fanny Aikey. years since the issuing of the first writ again st John McPherson. Prays for a judgment and damages. Case continued . Th e Longhunter, Volume XXXIlIl - Issue 2, Summer & Fall , 20 11 , Page 39 .

Page 69_ fraudulently sold him land in lJIinois County to 25 March 1807. J. P.'s of Livingston County, whi ch he had no good title. McPherson claims Kentucky directed by defendant to take that the note was for the purchase of the land. depositions of Zachari ah and Fanny Asky. J. Asks for action to be dropped. P.'s in Stewart Coun ty, Tennessee directed to Wm Wa ll ace for Deft. take deposition of Sampson Trammell and wife . Pla intiff denied defendant 's claim. Davidge & Caldwell 23 September 1807. Defendant produced an for pl ff order from Honorable William Wallace, one of the Judges of the General Court, changing the 20 March 1805 . Cause continued. venue to the Circ uit Court of Barren County, 24 June 1805. Cause continued. Kentucky. 17 September 1805. Cause continued. March 1806 Court. On motion of defendant, Page 70. depositions to be laken in "upper Pleas befo re the Honorable the judges of the Louisianna."Cause continued. Logan Circuit Court at the Courthouse in Ru ssell vill e on the 20" day of January Page 74. 1808[ 1807 written over it. ] 23 June 1806. Cause conti nued. 20 September 1806. Cause continued. At a court held 19 March 1804, Robert Herald, by his attorney Samuel Caldwell , issued writ for 18 March 1807. the sheri ff to summon John McPherson to Papers in cause ordered to be removed to the appear at court in Ru ssell ville to answer Robert Barren Circuit Court. Herald assee of Stephen Ray of a plea of covenant broken damage $200. 23 Jan uary 1808. Wri t returned 20 June 1806. John Tyler by hi s Sheriff, J. McGready, executed summons. atty, Samuel Caldwell sued John McPherson for Defendant, came by his attorney. Benjamin Frye a broken covenant, damages, and $100. came and stood as surety. Pages 75-76. Page 70-71. Complaint. Bill of John Tyler. Plaintiff brought into court hi s bill which read Complai ns that John McPherson had signed a as foll ows: "Logan Coun ty Sct Circuit Court note on 29 March 1797 to pay to John Tyler 16 1804 Robert Herril assignee of Stephen Ray pounds in "good trade" by I May 1798. Did not complains of John McPherson in Custody of a pay. plea of covenant broken to wit" .. .J ohn McPherson on 6 December 1797 agreed to pay Jul y 1806 Court. Stephen Ray $ 100 before I May 1798 to be McPherson did not appear. Plainti ff motioned discharged in good trade such as horses, cattl e, that judgement be entered for plaintiffagainst etc. Stephen Ray assigned the ri ghts to the defendant and William Stewart, his appearance agreement to " Robert Herrill " on 23 April 1798. bail, for damages. Pledges: Jn Doe Richd Roe S. Caldwell for pltff August 1806 Court. Continued across courts to 25 Septe mber 1804. Defendant did not appear. Plaintiff moti oned for judgement and damages. Since court does not Pages 72-73. Answer. know what the damages are, a jury was ordered McPherson said that the plaintiff ought not to hear the case and determine damages. maintain his action because since the making of the agreement, he had fu lfilled the agreement. 20 March 1807. Continued until next court. McPherson claimed that Stephen Ray had 16 September 1807. Conti nued. The Longhunter, Volume XXXIIII ·lssue 2, Summer & Fall, 20 11 , Page 40 .

23 January 1808. Defendant produced an order Recvd June 17" 1805 full satisfacti on for all the from William Willace, a judge of tbe General amount of the Within Note from John Court changing the venue to the Circuit Court of McPherson except ten Dollars and if said Barren County. McPherson will produce vouchers that any part of that is paid or the whole it shall stand good Page 76. against the ten Dollars reed by me. Note. John Tiler 1 promise to pay John Ti llier the sum of sixteen pounds in a good trade by the first day of May A plea was transmitted, but not admitted a part nex t being for value received of him as witness of the record . my hand and seal this 29 day of December 1797. Test: James Tiler John McPherson James Staton, his mark

Logan County, Kentucky Courthouses. The first courthouse for Logan County was a cedar log building erected in 1792 . The second courthouse was located on the north side of the present town square in Russellville. It was constructed in 1822 of brick. The third courthouse, shown above, was built on W. 4th Street in 1904. A new Court of Justice bas been recently completed. The Longhunter, Volum e XXXIII I -iss ue 2, Summer & Fa ll , 201 1, Page 41 . Amanda Belle (Richards) Ayles Family Bible, Warren County, Kentucky

The Bible was transcribed by Gail Jackson Mill e r on 27 Octobe r 2011 from a photocopy of the Bible contribute d by Ge neva (Huffines) Cassidy of Bowling G reen, Ke ntucky, grand daughter of Amanda Be lle Ayles. Four pages we re photocopied wi th no title page included. The current location of the Bible was not included . The Bible itself include d a number of dillo ma rks for repeate d words in the li nes above. Information implied by these dillo marks has been included in [ ]. Information adde d by the editor is also included in [ ]. Otherwise, spelling and punctua tion have been retained from the photocopied origi na l.

[Page I. Th is was a farm filled in by handwritten information. Th e printed part has been written in bold print. The handwritten portions of the Bible are in regular print.}

T his Is To C ertify Tha t Eliza F. Herrod and E. R. Richards W er e United By Me In Holy M atrimony At residence ofThos. Richards on the fo urteenth day of November In the year of our Lord 1867 In Presence of C. H. Miller and J. Crit A lexander. Signed Rev. Peak.

[Page 2.} Births Edward R. Ricbards was born May 24'h 1848. Eliza F. [Richards was born] Aug. 29'h 1848. Jesse Tbomas [Richards was born] Feb. 15'h 1869. Amanda Belle [Richards was born] Dec. 23'd 1870. Alpha Edward [Ricbards was born] June 26'h 1873. Anna Della [Richards was born] March 3 1" , 1877.

Will iam Monroe Ayles was born in Cave Springs neighborhood near ew Tazewell Tenn. Aug. 22'd 1868. Amanda Ricbards Ayles was born at Richardsville, Warren Co. Ky Dec. 23,d 1870 . Pa sed away Jan 3 -63. Mari on Jessamine Ayles was born at H untsville, Ky. Feby 15'h 1896. Liza Marie Ayles was born at Huntsville ("at Hun tsville " written above the line) Aug. 18'h 1898. Will Edna Ayles was born at Huntsville ("at Huntsville " written above the line) Oct. 18. 1902. Shirley Louise Mc-Ginnis Born ov. 1. 19 18 Marie Christine McGinnis was born Oct 19 1920 Thomas Shirley McGinnis was born May 30'h 1924.

[Page 3.} Marriages Amanda Richards and W. M. Ai les were united in holy matrimony at Huntsville, Ky. on Thursday evening Apr. 26'\ 1894, the Rev. B. T. Mayhugh officiati ng.

Marian Jessamine Ayles and Hubert Mc-Ginnis were united in marriage at the Home o f Dr. The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlIl - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 42. Strother near Bowling Green, Ky. on Sunday afternoon May 17, 19 14. Bros Frashure officiating.

Marie Ayles and Shirley McGinnis were married at the home of Dr. Strother on Saturday, 3 P.M. Dec. 25, 19 15, Bro Frasure performing the marriage ceremony.

Edna Ayles & Walter B. Hu ffines were married at Mitchell vi lle, Tenn. Sunday Feb. 20, 1921 by Mr. Fred Groves.

[Page 4.} Deaths Edward R. Richards departed this life in great peace, September 14'h, 1880. Eliza F. Richards passed from this world Oct. 14'", 1925. She said she was ready to go. She was great sufferer, but oh, so patient, altho' she lingered nearly five months. Another expression of bers was, "It will be all ri ght over there." Anna D. Ri chards Brownfield passed Jan. 18, 1928.

Alpha E. Richards passed Mar. 7- 1937 (Sunday night) near Broken Bow Okla. {"near Broken Bow Okla. " written above th e line.} Jesse T. Richards died Sat. eve Oct. 9-1937 (In Waxahachie, Tex.) W. M. Ayles passed Sept 27-1957

The Orange Family of Sugar Grove, Butler County, Kentucky

Written by Amanda (Richards) Ayles (1870-1963) from stories given to her by her mother, Eliza (Herrod) Ri chards. This story was a hand-written document contributed by Geneva (Huffines) Cassidy of Bowling Green, Kentucky, grand daughter of Amanda (Richard) Ayles. The story has been transcribed retaining the spell ing and punctuation of the original document.

I Amanda Richards Ayles wi ll write in this book a true story of the Orange famil y as given to me by my mother-Eliza Herrod Richards.

April I", 1958 Many, many years ago, there lived in Smith County, Tenn. a man by the name ofYerb Orange and his wife's name was Sophronia. He was a farmer & a slave owner. They had eight children, 3 sons, Benjamin, Albert, & New1on, 5 daughters, Nealy, Nancy, Amanda, Sophronia, and Catherine Greene.

Orange sold his home in Tenn. & bought a farm in Sugar Grove in Butler Co. Ky. They had an old slave they called Aunt Hannah and she had a son, so they sold her son and she did not want to go away & leave him, so the morning tbey were to leave, they found ol d Hannah The Longhunter, Volu me XXXIlII - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 20 11, Page 43. hanging, dead, in an old apple tree.

They got moved alright but in those days people had a tinne moving their stock. Orange went back to Tenn. to get his sheep, of course, they must be dri ven, & the weather was very cold, so he stopped at a house on the way home to warm. He sat down in front of a fire -place and another chair was by his side, he asked the lady of the house thi s question, "how far is it to the little red brick meetinghouse?" Just as the woman looked 'round to answer him, he fell over into the chair, by hi s side, dead. We can image the sorrow and trouble this caused. Those days conveyance was awful.

One daughter, Nealy, married & stayed in Tenn. The other children married & li ved around Sugar Grove, all but Catherine Green & she married a "rover." He was a Methodist preacher, a shoe maker, etc. He never owned a home, but just moved from place to place. Hi s name was John Herrod.

They were li ving close to Richardsvi lle when hi s wife died. They had 4 sons & their names were, Yerb, John, Frank & Tom. They had 6 daughters, Susan, Callie, Josie, Eliza, Amanda, & Greenie. John became a Methodi.st minister, Josie became a very noted doctor for women. The night was never too dark or stormy for her to get on her horse & go if called. Eliza married Edward Rapier Richards. They had 4 children , 2 boys, Jesse Thomas & Alpha Edward, 2 girls, Amanda Belle & Annie Della.

("Jessie Thomas, Amanda Belle, Alpha Edward & Annie Dell.")

Edward clerked at the vi llage (Richardsvi lle) store for several years, but when the merchant got ready to sell whiskey, he quit & went to farming. He said, "I wi ll not sell whiskey." He built a good log house for his fami ly (4 rooms). He died at the age of32 from a tumor of the brain. He passed through a low door & struck the top of his head as he went out, and for several years suffe red from head-ache which finally caused thi s tumor.

1 (Amanda Belle) was 9 years old when my father passed, and ifhe ever gave me an unkind word, 1 can't remember it. My father did not drink intox icants. My mother (Eliza Richards) was an active member of the Methodist church. She prayed in public & some of the time had fami ly praye r. She was a Baptist but joined the Methodist Church because my father belonged to it.

After my father had been dead about 14 years, my mother married a Baptist minister, Rev. B. T. Mayhugh, then she went back to her church-the Baptist church. Bro. Mayhugh was a good Stepfather, was always kind to me.

[Note: Th ere will be more stories and bits ofgenealogical information published in the next issuejiwll Amanda Richards Ayles ' papers.} ------

The Longhunter, Volume XXXIIII-issue 2, Summer & Fall, 20 11 , Page 44 . Birth Records in Mormon Church Records, 1908-1914 in Butler, Edmonson, Logan, and Warren County, Kentucky

Submitted by Gail Jackson Milller, CG 425 Midcrest Drive Bowling Green, Kentucky 42101

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Mormon Church had few organized congregations prior to 1920 in Kentucky. There were individual members spread throughout the State. Traveling missionaries often spent time with these families as they moved across the south. Records were submitted to the Southern States Mission Office in Louisville, Kentucky during this period. Birth dates were commonly part of membersh ip records and the births of children of members were also often recorded.

Births, birthplaces, and parents were transcribed from birth and baptism record recorded in the Annual Genealogical Reports, Form E, submitted to the Southern States Mission Office in Louisville, Kentucky for the years 1908 through 1913 available on Family History Library microfilm 0001833. The mother's maiden name was listed instead of her married name. Spelling has been retained from the original document.

A . S. Meacham John son, born I Ju ly 1908 in Wm Commodore Johnson, born I September Morgantown, Butler, Kentucky. Parents: Rado 1887 in Morgantown, Butler, Kentucky. Johnson and Idina Fleener. Parents : C. C. Johnson and Mary Ann Johnson.

Samson D. Overstreet, born 4 February 1893 in Wm Martin Addison, born 24 March 1863 in Logan County, Kentucky. Parents: Geo. L. Adairville, Logan, Kentucky. Parents: Wm F. Overstreet and Merilla Baldwin. Addison and Servi Ida V . Shephard.

Fannie Johnson, born 3 1 August 1909 in Mary E. Basham, born 23 July 1893 in Morgantown, Butler, Kentucky. Parents: Richardsville, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: John Co lumbus Johnson and Lillie Fteener. R. Davis and Lettie Johnson.

Mary Alice Woosley Decker, born 2 April 1879 Zu la Era Davis, born 14 January 1896 in in Edmonson County, Kentucky. Parents: Aaron Greencas tle, Warren, Kentucky. Parents : John Woos ley and Elizabeth Huff. R. Davis and Lamarquet Johnson.

Atlanta Georgia Johnson, born 2 1 August 1895 John Robert Davis, born 18 March 1868 in in Morgantown, Butler, Ken tucky. Parents : C. Richardsville, Warren, Kentucky. Parent s: C. Johnson and Mary Ann John son. Thomas Davis and Mary Hazel.

Mary Ann Johnson, born 27 July 1890 in Butler Henry Ward Beecher Davi s, born 6 April 1876 County, Kentucky. Parents: D. B. Johnson and in Richardsville, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: H. E. Johnson. Thomas Davis and Mary Hazel.

Noah Johnson, born 22 July 1890 in M ary Margaret Davis, born 6 September 1876 in Morgantown, Butler, Kentucky. Parents: C. C. Richardsville, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: Johnson and Mary Ann Johnson. Luther Lamastus and Fannie Davis. The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlII - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 45.

James Davis, born 6 October 1866 in William Gaines Robertson, born 6 May 1856 in Richardsville, Warren, Kentuck-y. Parents: Rockland, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: Tandy Thomas Davis and Mary Hazel. Robertson and Sall y A. Slinker.

Eli za Jane Davis, born 2 April 1853 in Alexander Webb, born 6 March 18 19 in Richardsville, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: Brownsville, Edmonson, Kentucky. Parents: George Glenn and Mattie Milen. Mi ll Webb and Mary Davi ess.

Robert Edward Davis, born 18 December 1897 Asa May Johnson, born 4 December 19 12 in in Greencastle, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: John Morgantown, Butl er, Kentucky. Parents: Ezra R. Davis and Lettie Johnson. Cardwe ll and At lanta Georgia Johnson.

Fanny Jane Glass, born 27 February 1873 in Thomas Washington Davis, born 14 April 1913 Richardsville, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: in Richardsville, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: Thomas Davis and Mary Hazel. Henry B. Davis and Eli za J. Glenn .

Delores Houchens, born 3 December 1900 in Etha May Bullock, born 9 October 1900 in Brownsville, Edmonson, Kentucky. Parents: A. Glenmore, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: Jas. J. Houchens and Jennie Lay. Wash. Bullock and Jane Prescott.

Georgia Ann Hazel, born II February 1862 in Mary Bullock, born 17 June 1897 in Rudyville, Galloway Mills, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: Kentucky. Parents: Jim W. Bullock and Jane George W. Cox and Na ncy Jane Stogna. Prescott.

Nancy Beatrice Hazel, born 18 April 1894 in Cora Francis Burton, born 12 February 189 in Rockland, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: Wm Nick, Edmonson, Kentucky. Parents: Jas. M. Thomas Hazel and Georgia Ann Cox. Poteete and Martha J. Reynolds.

Fielding G. Hightower, born 10 September 1849 Cephi a Ion Goodwin, born 9 July 1889 in in Greencastle, Warren, Kentucky. Homer, Logan, Kentucky. Parents: Wm Parents: John A. Hi ghtower and Dorenda Goodwin and Mahala Glasgow. Runner. Henry L. Hightower, born 17 February 18 80 in Louvinie Hightower, born 21 March 1857 in Benleo, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: Fielding Greencastle, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: James Gatewood Hightower and Luvina Maha n. Mahhan and Fanny Young. Bertha M. Hi ghtower, born 5 August 1893 in William Thomas Hazel, born 14 February 1848 Ri chardsville, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: in Bowling Green, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: Henry Turner and Harriet Young. George W. Hazel and __ Whalen. Speed Guffey Johnson, born 2 December 1898 Lucy Bryan Ha zel, born 10 March 1898 in in Brooklyn , Butler, Kentucky. Parents: Rado Rockland, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: William John son and Dinna Flener. Thomas Hazel and Georgia Ann Cox. Julia Ann Johnson, born 20 February 1897 on Effie Ruth Hazel, born 28 August 1890 in Morgantown, Butl er, Kentucky. Parents: Daniel Greencastle, Warren, Kentucky. Parents: B. Johnson and Hannah E. Johnson. William T. Hazel and Georgia Ann Cox. The Longhunter, Volume XXX IIII - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 46 .

Newton M . Kinser, born 27 March 1859 in Louisa A. Reynolds, born 22 January 1870 in Asphalt, Edmonson, Kentucky. Parents: Jackson Nick, Edmonson, Kentucky. Parents: Jno. D. Kinser and Poll y Heath. Poteete and Loucia Logsden.

Wm Claude Lay, born 2 1 Jan 1886 in Edmonson Girlee Smith, born 30 May 1899 in County, Kentucky. Parents: Jno. D. Lay and Morgantown, Butler, Kentucky. Parents: Robt America Graham. Smith and Veanney Johnson.

Eunice A. Lay, born 29 February 1888 in Butler Ernest Vincent, born [no date] in Graassland, County, Kentucky. Parents: Jno. Hawks and Edmonson, Kentucky. Parents: Jno. Vincent and Onnie Ellen Gabbard. Nancy E. McQuillen.

Mirtle Jane Minton, born 4 January 1897 in [?]ompey W. C. Adkins, born 5 Apri l 1894 in M illshed, Butler, Kentucky. Parents: Silous R. Allen County, Kentucky. Parents: Elisha Adkins Minton and Martha L. Ward. and Annie Adkins.

Logan County, Kentucky, 1897 School Census, District 84

Transcribed by Gail Jackson Miller, CG 425 Midcrest Drive Bowling Green, Kentucky

The ce nsus was transcribed from FHL microfilm 0364 54 5 . Colu mns in clud ed : Names of Parents or Guardian, Names of Ch ildren, Sex, and Age. Each column has been separated by a coma. Information in [ ] was implied by the record but not actually written . Spelling has been retained from the original document.

James A. Marion, Hulett Marion, m, 16. Frank L. Marshall , Edna Henderson, f, 7. [J ames A. Marion], Minnie Marion, f, 14. [James A. Marion], Bertha Mari on, f, 12. James Kertley, Claud Kertley, m, II . [James A. Marion], Otee Marion, f,8. [James A. Marion], Hurshell Marion, m, 6. W ill ie W. Moss, Bradie Moss, m, 7. [James A. Marion], Lewis Furel, m, 14 . L. M . White, Bertha White, f, 13. Mote Hines, Vergel Hines, m, 18. [L. M. White], Virgil White, m, 10. [Mote Hines], Lenet [Hines], f, 14 . [L. M. White], Fodie White, m, 8. [Mote Hines], John [Hines], m, 12. [L. M . White], Arie W hite, f, 6. [Mote Hines], Herald [Hines], m, II . [Mote Hines], Howard [Hi nes], m, 7. Charles Stinson, Ettie Stinson, f, 17.

Margett E. Duncan, O ll ie Duncan, f, 18. John Borrow, Annie Borrow, f, II . [Margett E. Duncan] , Carie [Duncan], f, 14. [J ohn Borrow], Tinie Bo rrow, f, 14. [John Borrow], Ethel Borrow, f, [?]. Issac Marshall, Elvira[?] Marshall , f, 12. Jackson J. Brooks, Newton Brooks, m, 15. The Longhunter, Volume XXXIIII-issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 47 .

[Jackson J. Brooks], Archie Brooks, m, 13. [Alonzo S. Gibson], Nannie Gibson, f, 12. [Alonzo S. Gibson], Lizzie Gibson, f, 9. Wesley Williams, Albert Baggett, m, 14. [Wesley Williams], Milam Baggett, m, 9. [The above students began with the designation of Charles P. Jowns, Pruma Jowns, f, 14. District o. 84 and were numbered [Charles P. Jowns], Louis Jowns, m, 12 . consecutively [Charles P. Jowns], Rosco Jowns, m, 10. throughout. The numbering of the students [Charles P. Jowns], Gerald Jowns, m, 8. below [Charl es P. Jowns], Gertrude Jowns, f, 8. started over but continued to th e next district numbered District No. 85. The meaning of the Fred Wood, Eunice Wood, f, 15. two [Fred Wood], Bertha Wood, f, 12. sets of numbers in District 84 has nOi been [Fred Wood], Lucy Wood, f,7. determined.]

Onie Pursley, Lend Pursley, f, II . Christopher S. Williams, Morgan E. Williams, [Onie Pursley], Julia Pursley, f,9. m, 18. [Onie Pursley], Clarance Pursley, m, 7. [Christopher S. Williams], Virgil Williams, m, 15. J. C. Brooks, Burten Brooks, m, 19. [Christopher S. Williams], Hubert H. Wi lli ams, (J. C. Brooks], Charles Brooks, m, 16. m, 13 . [J . C. Brooks], Betty Brooks, f, 14. [Christopher S. Wiliiams],R. Clarence William, (J. C. Brooks], Ada Brooks, f, 10. m, II. [Christopher S. Williams], Phillip Williams, m, Spurlin Johnson, Walter Johnson, m, 7. 7.

J. A. Harrison, Lonnie Harrison, m, 9. H. B. Page, Arther Page, male, 16. (J. A. Harrison] , Ezra Harrison, m, 8. [H. B. Page], Dora Page, female, 14. [H. B. Page], Lula Page, female, 12. John Marion, Ruth Marion, f, 14. [John Marion], Rena Marion, f, II . Charles Bodine, Eupha Bodine, f, 19. (John Marion], Charles Marion, m, 10. [Charles Bodine], Vi mer Bodine, m, 17 . (John Marion], James Marion, m, 8. [Charles Bodine], Ema Bodine, f, 15.

John Page, lIa Page, f, 18. Will Wood, May Wood, f, 13. [John Page], ellie Page, f, 16. [Will Wood], Fird Wood, m, 7. (John Page], Issac Page, m, 12. J. M. Pursley, Docia Pursley, f, 8. John Wood, Katie Wood, f, II. T. W. Welch, George A. Welch, m, 15. Alonzo S. Gibson, Lisha Gibson, m, 15. [T. W. Welch], John Welch, m, 12 . [T. W. Welch], Goldy Welch, f,8. Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society Membership Form, 2012

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Membership - $20.00. Includes two issues of Til e Longil l/Il ler for 201 2.

Library Fund - IPlease consider a SI - 510 donation. I This money is used to purchase microfilm and books fo r th e Kentucky Library.

Vniled Slales Censl/s Warren COl/nly Kenlucky 1860, by Patricia Reid. Onl y two copies left. Annotated, soft-bound, 386 pages. $45.00 postage paid.

Th e Burgess Funeral Home Records, Bowling Green, Kentucky, 1930-1969. Soft-bound, 82 pages. $ 13.00 postage paid.

Th e Long/limIer, 19 78-1986, on CD. lmages of the ori ginal quarterlies in PDF fonnat.

Total Enclosed

Please make checks payable to the Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society. Bring your check and fonn to the monthly meeting on the 3" Monday of each month or mail them to the Socie~ address:

Southern Kentucky Genealogical Society P. O. Box 1782 Bowling Green, Kentucky 42102-1782 The Longhunler, Volume XXXIII! - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 201 1, Pa ge 49. Index

Adams Marguerite Squier 14 Caroline...... II Mary Eliza ...... 5 Blake Ely ...... 26 Matilda ...... 9 Rebecca W ...... 6 Ely H ...... \I Balch Blewett John ...... 14 Hezekiah J ...... 37 Edward W ..... 20 Julian P...... 14 Baldwin Lucy H ...... 20 Lou ...... II Meri ll a ...... 44 Susannah J. . . .. 22 MOlley ...... 14 Ballenger Thomas H ..... 20 Samuel T ...... 5 Mildred ...... 24 Bodine Tillie ...... 18 Bardmaker Charles ...... 47 Addison Gus ...... 33 Ema ...... 47 Wm F...... 44 Barlow Eupha ...... 47 Wm Martin ..... 44 Sallie T ...... 24 Virner ...... 47 Adkins Barnett Booten Annie ...... 46 Daniel M ...... 20 Elizabeth 20 Elisha ...... 46 Barry Jemimah 22 [?]ompey W. C. . . 46 Rebecca ...... 14 Borrow A ikey Bartin Annie ...... 46 Fanny ...... 38,39 William B ...... 20 Ethel ...... 46 Zachariah 34-36, Basham John ...•..... 46 38, 39 Hiram S ...... 20 Tinie ...... 46 Albert Mary E...... 44 Boswell Lucy Dulaney 16 Nancy ...... 20 John H...... 20 Alexander Bean Susan M...... 20 John J ...... 22 George Clayton ... 6 Boulton All en Harry C ...... 14 Lewis ...... 29 Ann ...... 24 Loui se ...... 6 Bourden John ....•..... 37 Beauchamp Bettie W ...... 4 Alliso n W. P ...... 33 Bowles W.T ...... II Beckham Thomas ...... 19 Anderson Clayton S...... 21 Boyd Bell ...... •. . . . 24 Rhoda ...... 21 John ...... 37 Harry C...... 14 Beckwith Boyle Katie ...... 24 Herbert ...... 30 Patrick .... 36, 37 Andrews Benison Brackett M. o ...... 33 Charles Thomas .. 4 Sarah ...... 23 Arle Joseph ...... 4 Brashear John ...... 5 Mary Frances .... 4 Dora ...... II Bacon Nannie ...... 4 Eliza D.B...... 6 L. L...... II Peter ...... 4 Jenni e ...... I I Levi L ...... 5 Benton Kathleen Hope . 14 Lucy E ...... 5 M . M ...... 3,6 Martha ...... 6 Bagby Berry Mildred ...... I I M. A ...... 24 Kimley ...... 14 Nancy ...... 6 Baggett Bethel R. L...... I I Albert ...... 47 Fannie ...... 24 Robert Lee...... 6 Milam ...... 47 Blackburn W.C...... 6 Baker Eli zabeth S ...... 6 Breedlove Arch ...... I I Jennie ...... II George Ann Hoyt CIi fford . . . . 14 Blackford Frances ... 22 Larkin F ...... 5 Benjamin F. 22 Richardson .... 22 The Longhunter, Volum e XXX IIiI - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 50.

Brents Will Q ...... 26 C herry Eliza ...... 24 Burnam Lucinda ...... 22 Bridges Dee Hampto n . . . 30 Clark/Clarke Poll y ...... 23 Thomas ...... 30 Roy ...... 6 Briggs ...... 27 Burton W ...... 6 Bright Cora Francis .... 45 W. Hines ...... 6 Rachel ...... 23 Bush Claxton Brizendine Amanda ...... 24 Mabel ...... 14 A.C...... 4 Bybee Wm ...... 14 E. A ...... , .. . 4 C. E ...... 24 Claypool Eliz. A...... 18 Ell a ...... 24 George W ...... 20 Mary Jost ...... 4 M. S ...... 24 C lopton Bromley Mary J ...... 24 Bri ttain Drake .. 14 Geo. A ...... I I Sarah ...... 24 Cole Horace O ...... 6 Byrne Phi lip ...... 2 1 Brooks Mary H.L...... 5 Will iam A . . . . . 21 Ada ...... 47 Orl ando ...... 4, 18 Colema n Archie ...... 47 Caldwell Ali ce ...... 12 Betty ...... 47 George ...... 37 Elizabeth Bell . . . 6 Bunen ...... 47 J. C...... 4 Walter E ...... 14 Charl es ...... 47 J. L ...... 26 Will iam L...... 6 J. C...... 47 S...... 38 Collier Jackson J . ... 46, 47 Samuel .... . 37, 39 Charles H...... 14 Newton ...... 46 Calvert ...... 6 Cook/Cooke Browder Camp Jno. G ...... 26 Alice ...... 4 Ada ...... II Mary Jane ...... 6 B.W ...... 5 Howard ...... 6 Cooksey Bettie W ...... 4 Campbell Cora ...... 12 E. B ...... 4 John ...... 30 Paul ...... 12 Elizabeth Bevnard 18 John S ...... 30 Coombs Eugene Irvine .. . . 4 Capers S. W ...... 27 John Caldwe ll . ... 4 Dean ...... 15 Cornish Judith ...... 18 Cardwell Joseph J . . . . 3,6-9 Lucian ...... 4 Ezra ...... 45 Corum Marion ...... 4 Carpenter Marion ...... 4 Mari on Corum . . . . 4 Mary J ...... 20 Counts Wilber F ...... 4 Carr Charles H...... 20 Wi lbur Fisk ...... 4 W. M ...... 30 Couty Brown Will iam M ...... 29 Norman M ..... 14 Bill ...... 26 Carso n Covington Buck J. O ...... 26 Albert ...... 6 N. N ...... 6 Julia ...... I I Ed ...... 12 Bullock Carter Edward ...... 6 Etha May ...... 45 Elizabeth ...... 24 Euclid M ...... 6 Jas. Wash...... 45 P. J ...... 24 Euclid Madison . 14 Jim W ...... 45 Cassady Fannie ...... 6 Mary ...... 45 Eli zabeth ...... 23 James ...... 6 Burge Mary ...... 23 Joe ...... 12 Pascal A ...... 20 C hastien Joseph G...... 6 Burke Margaret E...... 20 Josephine ...... 6 William ...... 22 C heatham Kate ...... 6 Burnam Moses A ...... 20 Margaret Stell e . 14 All en ...... 26 R. W ...... 3, 7, 10 The Longhunter. Volume XXXIIiI - Issue 2. Summer & Fall. 2011. Page 51 .

Wells ...... 12 W. E...... 30 Dunca n

Wells Jr...... 14 Zula Era ...... 44 Carie 0 •••••••• 46 Wickliffe Cooper 14 Dearing Drusi ll a ...... 10 Wi ll iam S ...... 14 Ar[?Jny Jane .... 2 1 James Madison . . 5

Cox Do B ...... 0" 33 Margett E. .... 46 Georgia Ann . .. . 45 Wills ...... 2 1 Ollie ...... 46 George W ...... 45 Decker Dunn Craike Mary Alice ..... 44 Leander ...... 2 1

Charles E.. . .. 3, 10 Delearsy Mary 0 ••••••• • 24 C rawling A.T ...... 3,4 William R.. . 20, 2 1 J.T...... 4 Dempsey Durham

C renshaw John D ...... 2 1 Benjamin .. 0 •••• 7 An ni e M ...... 24 DeNcalc Durston

Katie S ...... 24 John Eo 0 •••••• • • 7 J. A. 0 ••• 0 •••••• 7

C rosswaite Denha rdt ...... 0 26 J. J. Ao .... . 12, 15 Bell . .... _ ...... 6 Depp Jesse ...... 12

C rump Ella A ...... 24 Reginald ... 0 • • 12 M . H ...... 12,14 Manha B ...... 24 SOD ...... 12 Malcolm H. Jr... 14 Mary S ...... 24 Eastla nd

C unningham Sarah A .... 00 •• 24 Catherine...... 12 anni e ...... 33 Derritt May tnby ...... 15

Curds 000 0 000 0 00 0 0 0 000 27 Mary An n ...... 19 Eddy C urtis Desobry John A ...... 22 JoM ... 3, 5,6,8- 11 Will iam Robert son, 7 Edmunds Dahlman Dickinson E. F ...... 24 Hazel ...... 15 Mary A ...... 24 Mo C...... 24 Da ughtry Dobb Martha ...... 24

Edward R...... 6 A. F. 0.00 0 •• • 3, II Edwa rds

Julia Young ...... 6 Dodd Edwin 0 •••• • •• 21 Davidso n Mary ...... 24 inian ...... 36 EM ...... 19 William R ...... 21 Ellington

0 0' ••• James .. 0 ••• 0 •• 22 Doe Mary ... 24 Julia Ann ...... 19 John ...... 37-39 Ellis

Synthia A. .. 0 • •• 19 Dorsey Manha ...... 24 Daviess Chas. Po ..... 12,13 Estill

Mary .... '0' ••• 45 Mary ...... 13 Beverly ... 3-8, 10 Davis Drane Elizabeth Vasburgh 7 Eliza Jane ...... 45 Mollie ...... 24 Reston ...... 7 Eugenia ...... 24 DuBose Eubank

Fanni e ...... 0 44 John E...... 25,26 Betty ..... o ... 24

Henry B ... 0 •• •• 45 Rufine ...... 26 Evans Henry Ward Dudley Ed ...... 7 Beecher . 44 T.Uo ...... 3,4 Jane ...... 12

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 James 0 • • ••• • •• 45 Dugdale Ewing 38

John R...... 44, 45 Alta Marie ... 0 • 0 15 Reuben .. 0 • • •• 36 John Roben . ... 44 Dula ney Robertson .. . .. 37 Laura Ao ...... 24 Albert Co ...... 12 Farnsworth Mary Margaret .. 44 Clara ...... 12 Jo M ...... 33

Mary . . 0 ••• 0 ••• 24 Eli za ...... 15 Farrell

Roben Edward . 0 45 Lena Logan ..... 15 Agnes ...... 7 Thomas .. ... 44, 45 W. L...... 33 Fcastermachcr Thomas Wash- Woodford ...... 7 E. J ...... 29 ington ... 45 Th e Longhunter, Vo lum e XXXI IiI - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 52 .

Ferrell Gassoway John ...... 33 Henrietta ... ,... 12 A. M ...... 24 G ra ham Henry ...... 7 Gatewood America ...... 46 Hugh ...... 7 Emi ly ...... 24 George ...... 21 Field S. O ...... 24 John H...... 22 Ezekiel H...... 37 Gee Greathouse Fife V. O ...... 4,5,32 Josiah ...... 2 1 EIi zabeth ...... 15 Virginius O. .. 3- 11 G reen Margaret M. . ... 15 G ibbs Molli e ...... 24 Finch John ...... 37 G rider Mary VanMeter .. . 7 Gibson Jesse S ...... 3, 7 Fisk Alonzo S ...... 47 L...... 7 Bettie ...... 24 Lisha ...... 47 R. B ...... 33 Fitt Lizzie ...... 47 G rigo ry P. A...... 3,5 Nannie ...... 47 Susan ...... 20 Fleener/Flener Gill Hack Dintta ...... 45 Emmet ...... 12 Hartford ...... 20 Idina ...... 44 Gilson Hackney Li llie ...... 44 Minnie Ell a ...... 7 Alice ...... 25, 26 Ford Glasgow Alice H ...... 7 E. A ...... 24 Mahala ...... 45 James .... 7, 12,26 E. C ...... 24 Glass James F...... 26 Fowler Fanny Jane . . ... 45 John F ...... 7 Edward S ...... 15 Glenn Haley Edwin Story ..... 7 Eliza J ...... 45 Maude C...... 7 Frazer George ...... 45 Halleck Harriet Morton . . 18 Good E. U ...... 15 J. M...... 4 Sarah ...... 3 1 E. W ... 3, 6- 11 ,28 James ...... 5 Goodnight Hanley James Cresens ... 4 Jacob ...... 2 1 Mike ...... 26 John ...... 4 Goodrum Hanna Josephine .... 4, 18 Eli zabeth ...... 2 1 G. Clinton ... .. 15 Margaret Eli zabeth 4 John J ...... 22 Hardcastle Martha ...... 4, 18 Mary ...... 19 Nancy ...... 23 Pattie ...... 4, 7 Thomas G ...... 19 Hare T.A ...... 4 Goodwin Martha R ...... 7 Thos. A ...... 4, 18 Cephia Ion ...... 45 Ha rmon Frye Wm ...... 45 A. M...... 22 Benjamin ... 38,39 Gordon ...... 28 Benjamin ..... 2 1 Gabbard M. M ...... 27 George W ...... 19 Onnie Ellen ..... 46 Gore John ...... 2 1 Galloway H. Rogers ...... 15 Mary Ann .. . .. 22 Daisy ...... 7 Lucy Sassier .... 15 Micajah D. . ... 22 John M .... 7, 12, 15 Roger ...... 15 Harper Galt Gorin T. K ...... 12 Alexander 3,6, 8- 10 Bettie ...... 24 Harrington Ganter George ...... 7, 12 William ...... 37 Emma C...... 24 Helen M ...... 7 Harrison Garber Martha ...... 24 Ezra ...... 47 A. M ...... 12 Netti e ...... 24 J. A ...... 47 Garnett Rebecca ...... 12 Jane ...... 18 Ell en M ...... 24 Gotwallis Jenni e T ...... 4 Frank ...... 33 John Todd ... 4, 18 The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlIl - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 201 1, Page 53.

Lonnie ...... 47 Herzog John .... 8,28,33 Thos. B...... 4 Emma ... , ..... 24 Mollie ...... 12 Hart Jennie ...... 24 W. E...... 27 Thomas ...... 37 Hestlow William E ...... 8 Hawkins Charl es ...... 33 Hodges A. E ...... 24 Hightower L. C. B...... 19 Bettie ...... 24 Bertha M...... 45 Hogin Mary Bell ...... 24 Fielding G...... 45 lnamay ...... 15 Hawks Fi elding Gatewood 45 Holland Jno .... , ...... 46 Henry L...... 45 Ezra H...... 8 Hayes John A ...... 45 Hollingsworth T.J ...... 33 Louvinie ...... 45 Edmund ...... 8 Hazel/Hazell Hilburn G. S ...... 12 Effie Ruth ...... 45 Jacob J ...... 7 Granvill e S. Jr. . 15 George W ...... 45 Mary L ...... 7 Hood Georgia Ann .... 45 Hill Margaret V. . . .. 15 Lucy Bryan ..... 45 Allen ...... 24 Hopton Mary ...... 44, 45 Charles W. B Stephen ...... 37 ancy Beatrice .. 45 ...... 3, 6,7,9, 10 Hornbrook Thomas ...... 21 Elizabeth ...... 23 Sarah .. . , ..... 15 William Thomas. 45 N. O ...... 18 Houchens Heath Thomas M ...... 4 A. J ...... 45 Poll y ... , ...... 46 Hines Delores ...... 45 Heather A. S...... 15 Howard P. A.... " ..... 24 A.Scott ...... 15 Kate ...... 24 Helm Annie Fore .... . 15 Matilda ...... 24 Eli za ....•.. .. . 24 Cornelia E ...... 8 Sarah ...... 20 Sallie .. . • , . ... 24 H. B...... 30 William H. . . .. 20 Henderson Harold K ...... 15 Huff Edna .... , . . ... 46 Harry Duncan ... 15 Eli zabeth 44 Hendrick Henry Duncan . .. 15 Hughes J. F...... , .. ... 33 Herald ...... 46 Amanda J. 24 Henry Howard ...... 46 Hurst Jos...... " . ... 32 Hugh ...... 15 Louise ...... 12 Patri ck ...... 32 J. D...... 27 Hurt Herald John ...... 46 John H..... , .. 19 Robert ...... 39 Lenet ...... 46 Irvin/Irvine" "" , . ", 5 Herdman Margaret ...... I 5 Robert ...... 4 Alice ...... 25 Margaret Jane ... 15 Jackson George M ...... 26 Mary Louise ... . 15 Edward S ...... 8 John ...... 26 Mote ...... 46 infant ...... 8 John G ...... 7 Porter ...... 15 Marcus L...... 20 John M ...... 26 Sam. D ...... 12 Victoria ...... 33 Rachcl ...... 7, 12 Samuel Downer .. 15 Jameison Sarah Newton .. . 26 Scott ...... 12 Mart ha ...... 2 1 Virginia Meyler .. 15 Vergel ...... 46 Jenkins Herril W. Underwood .. 15 Elihu ...... 26 Robert ...... 39 Hobso n James ...... 33 Herrington A. G...... 8,29 Wallace Irwin 33 Ellis ...... •. .. . 7 Anna ...... 12 Johnson in fa nt ...... • , ... 7 Anni e R ... . , .... 8 A. S. Meacham 44 Virginia . ... " .. 15 George .....• ' . .. 8 Asa May ...... 45 William . ..• " . . 15 infant .... . , .... 8 The Longhunter, Volume XXXIIII -issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011, Page 54 .

Atlanta Georgia ... Kertley Robert ...... 20 44, 45 Claud ...... 46 Salli e 24 C. C...... 44 James ...... 46 Thomas ...... 37 C. F...... 8 Kilgore Lingow ...... 32 Columbus ...... 44 Mary E...... 24 Lively D. B ...... 44 Kimbro Lucy J ...... 22 Daniel B...... 45 Nathaniel ...... 21 Wi ll iam 22 Fannie ...... 44 King ...... 27 Lodge H. E...... 44 Kininmontb Mathew . .. 36, 37 Hannah E...... 45 Robert ...... 22 Logan Henrietta Benton . 25 Kinser Dulaney ...... 12 Katie E...... 24 Jackson ...... 46 Emmett . ... 13,16 Julia Ann ...... 45 Newton M ...... 46 Emmett G ...... 8 Lamarquet ..... 44 Kister Lena Covington.. 8 Lettie ...... 44, 45 Frank L...... 33 Llewell yn Payne 16 Mary Ann ...... 44 Knight Wells ...... 13 oab ...... 44 Eliza ...... •... 8 Logsden Rado ...... 44, 45 George ...... 8 Loucia ...... 46 S. B...... 30, 33 Krohn Long Sarab F ...... 24 Karl ...... 12 , 16 infant ...... 8 Speed Guffey . . . 45 Kruger John ...... 8 Spurlin ...... 47 W . F ...... 12 Juliette Western 8 Veanney ...... 46 Kuntz Love Walter ...... 47 E. B ...... 33 G. Marshall .... 16 Wm Commodore . 44 Kuykendall Geo. M...... 13 Jones Joseph ...... 37,38 Margaret ...... 16 Wm. Henry .. . .. 12 Lamastus Loving Elsie ...... 12 Luther ...... 44 Charles B...... 30 Fielding ...... 38 Lang Lowe Margaret Eliza. .. 18 Louisa E...... 16 Paul ...... 16 Mattie ...... 12 Lanier Lucas ...... 8 Mattie Robinson . . 8 Edith Morton . . .. 16 Ludington Seth S ...... 8 Elizabeth ...... 16 Helen ...... 16 W. S...... 3, 10 Laswell Lyne Wm. Henry Jr. ... 12 Emily ...... 8 Judy ...... 34 Jourdan Martha ...... 8 Madison Mary A ...... 24 Lawless Joel R...... 22 Jowns J ...... " . • ... 24 Nancy R...... 22 Charles P ... , ... 47 Lawrence Mahan/Mahann Gerald ...... 47 Mary ...... 16 George W ...... 22 Gertrude ...... 47 Lay James ...... 45 Louis ...... 47 Eun ice A ...... 46 Luvina ...... 45 Pruma ...... 47 Jennie ...... 45 Mary E...... 22 Rosco ...... 47 Jno. D, ...... 46 Mallory Jury Wm Claude ..... 46 John H...... 33 Lucille D...... 16 Legendre Manning Mary Potter. . . . . 16 Mary Ann ...... 18 Richardson H ... 22 Kennedy Leith Marion M ...... 24 Edwin Earnest. .. 16 Bertha ...... 46 Kerby/Kirby Lewis Charl es ...... 47 Na ncy J...... 19 Aaron ...... 35 Hulett ...... 46 T. J ...... 19 Adison ...... 22 Hurshell ...... 46 W.M...... 33 Pleasant .... 20, 22 James ...... 47 . ------

The Longhunter, Volu me XXXIlII . Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 201 1, Page 55 .

James A...... 46 Pearl ...... 13 M oore John ...... 47 Rush ... , ...... 13 Belle Coombs 16 Minni e ...... 46 MeG ready Frank ...... 16 Otee ...... 46 J ...... • . .. .. 39 John M ...... 20 Rena ...... 47 Mclnteer Lee Ann ... .. 8, 13 Ruth ...... 47 W. B...... 29 Rogers ...... 16 Markha m McKown M oran Claude ...... 29 Lawrence ...... 37 John ...... 33 Mars McLure Morehead Sarah Jane ...... 21 Liggett ...... 8 Armd ...... 35 M arsha ll M cM anus Charl es S...... 27 Elvira ...... 46 Julia A ...... 8 Elvira ...... 27 Frank L...... 46 McM urray James T ...... 27 Issac ...... 46 Bell e ...... 16 Morford Louis ...... 13 McM urry Elizabeth Stovall 16 Pearl ...... 13 America ...... 20 Mosby Wm. K .. 3, 5· 10, 16 McPherson E. G..... • . . .. 24 Martin John .... 34, 36-40 Moss A . E...... 24 Sam ...... 26 Bradie ...... 46 Luke ...... 21 Samuel ...... 27 Willie W ...... 46 Martha ...... 21 McQuillen Mottley W. B...... 21 ancy E ...... 46 Ann EI izabeth . .. 9 Wi ll iam B .... 20, 21 McQuown Chas. P...... 13 M ast Dora Botts ...... 8 E.L...... 9 Louise ...... , .. 16 Lewis ...... 8 Euclid . ..• .. ... 9 Lucile ...... 16 McShec Mourning M atthews Rush ...... 8 Robert ...... 9 Bettie ...... 24 Meredith Mulligan Julia ...... 24 Martha Ann . . . .. 20 M . A ...... 24 Maulding Michie M uncey Ri chard ...... 35 Mary ...... 13 Carri ll a ...... 22 M ayhew M ilen M unford Martha A ...... 20 Mattie ...... 45 Mary ...... 24 McCar ty M ill er M urrell Read .... . , .... 27 B...... 20 Ell enJ ...... 2 1 McCormack Bluford J ...... 20 M usgrove E. G...... 33 Margaret E ...... 20 Eliza ...... 24 McCraken Pete ...... 29 Nazro W. H ...... 13 Samuel D ...... 20 J. W ...... 16 McCutchen Minor Lucy Du laney .. 16 Alice Leedom . ... 4 Dabney ...... 8 Neal Harvey S ...... 8 Frank Thomas .... 8 Jas. H...... 24 Harvey Minton Nelson Slaughter ..... 4, 18 Mirtle Jane ..... 46 Robert ...... 35 Jane Wayne ..... 18 Silous R ...... 46 Newman McDa ni el M itchell Virginia L...... 24 M. L...... 24 Albert ...... 8 Nicholls McFerra n J. A ...... 33 Ora Calista .... 25 M. A ...... •. ... 24 Monroe Nourse McGehee Frank ...... 4 O.G...... 24 M. M ...... 13 Frank, R ...... 18 Nuckols Mary ...... , ... 13 Jolinetta, R...... 18 M.V...... 24 an Bent ...... 13 Juli a ...... 24 The Longhunte r, Volum e XXXII II- issue 2, Summer & Fall , 2011 , Page 56 .

'utting Eli za ...... 24 Preston D. Chaplin ...... 2 1 Mary ...... 24 J. B ...... 13 O benchain Pearso n Price ...... 31 W.A ...... 13 Eli za Ann ...... 21 Alexander ...... 9 William A ...... 3 John ...... 21 El izabeth . .... 19 7- 11, 16 Pem berton Frederi ck Goodsell 9 Osborn S. C...... 24 Maria F ...... 9 John W ...... 2 1 Perkins Mary ...... 9, 13 Ove rstreet Arthur ...... 9 Prince Geo. L...... 44 Arthur M...... 13 Robert ...... 35 Samson D ...... 44 D...... 3, 5 Pulliam Owen J. S ...... 9 Laura A. 24 Abraham ...... 23 Joseph ...... 17 Pursley Allen ...... 23 Joseph C. . . .. 13 , 16 Clarance 47 Coleman ...... 23 Lon ...... 13 Docia ...... 47 David ...... 23 Lon M...... 16 J. M ...... 47 Eady ...... 23 Maggie ...... 9 Julia ...... 47 Edi th Pigg ...... 23 Martha S. J ...... 9 Lend ...... 47 Hezeki ah ...... 23 Maude Carroll ... . 9 Onie ...... 47 John ...... 23 Milton J ...... 16 Q uarner! Q uarrien! John B...... 23 Mi t ...... 13 Q uarrier Margary ...... 23 Stapleton .. ... 9, 16 J. B...... 18 Martha ...... 23 Per ry James ...... 4 Obadiah .. .. 23 , 24 Mary ...... 18 James B ...... 4 Obadiah Woodson 23 Peter Q ueasenberry Oby ...... 23 Arthur ...... 32 M . E...... 24 Pharrow ...... 23 Phelps Rabold Ri chard ...... 24 Burgess ...... 38 Andrew ...... 30 Tabitha ...... 23 James R...... 21 Mary ...... 19 Thomas ...... 23 Louisa ...... 2 1 Roxie Lee 30 William ...... 23 Phillips Ragland O ' Bannon Phil...... 3, 10 Andrew J ...... 9 Sarah E...... 9 Piper F. G ...... 27 O ' Brien Eli za ...... 27 Hugh S ...... 17 Jno. F ...... 16 Joseph ...... 27 Martha Jane .. " 20 Page Porter Petti s ...... 20 Arther ...... 47 Eveli ne ...... 20 Ragsdale Dora ...... 47 John .... . •... . 20 Joyce Camp . . . .. 9 H. B...... 47 Posey Reed ...... 9, 13 lI a ...... 47 R. C ...... 33 Ray Issac ...... 47 Poteete Stephen ...... 39 John ...... 47 Jas. M.....• . .. . 45 Reading Lula ...... 47 Jno. D... .. • . .. . 46 Wi ll iam 36 Mary . . . . •... . . 24 Potter Rector ell ie ...... 47 H. P...... •... . 26 William L...... 19 Palmer J. Whit ...... 33 Reid Mattie M...... 29 Poyntz Patricia . .. . 19,25 Parker Jno ...... 13 Renfrew C. P...... 3,8 Katie ...... 13 Byron . . . . 9,13, 17 Parkman Pratt Fannie S ...... 17 Marie Almarine .. 16 Margaret ...... 4 Jelinda Ross ... . 9 Parrish Prescott Jennie V...... 17 Daniel C...... 21 Jane ... • ...... 45 Mary Frances .. 17 The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlIl -Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 201 1, Page 57.

Reno B...... 17 Roe Vanmeter ...... 9 Richard ..... 37, 38 Schner Reynolds Roemer Jane ...... 12 Emma ...... 24 Emile ...... 33 Schroader Fannie E ...... 24 Rogers David H. 22 Loui sa A...... 46 Fannie O ...... 24 Scott ...... 9 Manha J ...... 45 George ...... 3,6 L. J ...... 24 Rhea Rone Thomas ...... 9 A.G ...... 4 Annie ...... 28 William ... 36, 37 Alben G ...... 5 George ...... 19 Searce J. L ...... 4 Jno B ...... 3 1 Ann ...... 20 Jane ...... 5 Martin V ...... 28 Seely Jane Laurinda ... 18 Pmdence B...... 19 Julia ...... 9 Jennie ...... 4 Root Seilers Jennie Eckstine .. 18 Edwin Hubbard .. 17 Maud ...... 13 Judith ...... 4 Rose Settle Judith Gmbbs .... 9 Eliza Ann ...... 22 Lucy ...... 13 Merrie Lee .... 4, 18 John R. W ...... 22 Mollie ...... 9 O. C...... 4 Nathaniel Benjaminl 7 Piccola ...... 17 RichardlRichards Rothchild Victoria ...... 9 Ann ...... 22 Labeth ...... 21 Sevier Thomas ...... 22 Roup Frank T. 18 Richa rdson Anni e ...... 31 Lizzie ...... 4 Emma Gertrude .. 13 Arch ...... 31 Louisa ...... 18 Rachel E ...... 13 Eliza J...... 31 Mary D ...... 18 T. W ...... 13 O. A ...... 3 1 Shafer Rickma n Oliver A...... 31 Margaret ...... 17 Manha ..... 23, 24 T. T ...... 3 1 Margaret Baker. 10 Ri ley Tom C ...... 3 1 Mary ...... 13 M.M ...... 27 Rowland Shannon Ringgold Eli zabeth ...... 24 John ...... 36, 37 S ...... 3-6,9, II Royalty Sha rrer Ritter A. A ...... 24 George P ...... 22 Josephine 24 M. S ...... 24 Shelton Julia .... 24 Runner Emma ...... 18 Roarch Dorenda ...... 45 Shephard Charl es ...... 17 Ryan S. R ...... 5 Roberts Ell en ...... 4, 5, 18 Sarah A ...... 5 C. Winn ...... 4 Francis Blakey ... 5 Servilda V. . ... 44 Jessie L ...... 18 Frank B ...... 18 Stephen Wm. Jessie Lee ...... 5 J. C...... 4 Plummer 5 John E...... 4,9 S. B ...... • . . ... 5 Shields Lucie ...... 5,18 S. C...... 5 Charl es ...... 10 Lucie M ...... 4 Sample Silbert Pasia ...... 21 George ...... 37 Elizabeth Carson 17 Robertso n Sanders/Saunders Simmons Tandy ...... 45 Alice ...... 17 Chanler ...... 17 William Gaines .. 45 Herschel Elwood. 17 Charl es ...... 13 Robinso n Josephine ...... 24 Mary A. E ... 10 Mary E ...... 9 Mary ...... 24 Sims Rock Savier Elwood. .. 17 Bessie ..... 13, 17 W. B ...... 9 Xavier Elwood 17 Jennie B. ... 10, 13 Wm. B...... 9 O. P...... 19 ------~------

The Longhunter, Volu me XXXIl II - Issue 2, Summer & Fall, 2011 , Page 58.

Slaughter Stocking John ...... 35, 38 Gabriel ...• . ... 27 C. H. W ... 3, 10, II Roben ...... 35 Slinker Stockton Tiler Sally A...... 45 Emily E ...... 24 John ...... 40 Smith Stogna Todd Alice ...... 5 Nancy Jane ..... 45 John ...... 5 Calven B ...... 10 Stovalle Tooney David H. H ...... 20 Wm. B ...... 10 C...... 24 Girlee ...... 46 Sturgeon Topmiller Nanni e B...... 24 Hener ...... 2 1 J. L...... •. ... 33 Robt ...... 46 Jas ...... 2 1 Townsend Sallie E ...... 24 Sullivan G. E...... 33 Sarah C ...... " 20 T. J ...... •... 10 T rammell Snell Sweeney Sampson ... 38,39 C. E ...... 28 RoyG ...... 17 Tschiffaly Snoddy T. B ...... 24 L.P ...... 3, 5,7 Ann ...... 24 Taylor Turner South A . H ...... 29 Henry ...... 45 child · ...... 10 Aaron H ...... 30 Richard O...... 22 John F...... 10 Annie ...... 28 Underwood Speck Carrie Burnam 29,30 Charles L...... 17 Granville E ...... 22 Curran ...... 28 Chas. Latham .. 10 Spurlock Henry ...... 28 Eugene ...... 10 Sue ...... 25 John A ...... 20 Henry D...... 17

Stagg JohnL...... 3 1 John C. o • ••••• 10

John ...... 29 Mattie Ben . .. 13, 17 Lucy C. 0 •••••• 10 Stanley R. B. F ...... 3 1 Mary ...... 17 David ... 35 Sarah ...... 3 1 Roben · ...... 32 Starr W. S ...... 28 Warner ...... 10 Augustus 32 Will B...... 30 Warner L...... 10 Stephens Teel Vanmeter Bowman ...... 28 JohnJ ...... 19 C. J...... 13 D.B. · ...... 28 Terry C linton C lay . .. 10 Stephenson Nell ie ...... 24 infant ...... 10 Eleanor M. . ... 5 Sarah J ...... 24 Juliet . .... - ... 29 George B. McC. 10, Thacker Mary E...... 10 17 A. P...... 29 Samuel K...... 10 Harold A...... 17 Charl es ...... 29 William S...... 10 Sterne John W ...... 29 Vann Lewis ...... 2 1 Thomas Annie Boothe . . 10 Stevenson C. M ...... 27 Eli z...... 13 Camilla ...... 10 Daniel ...... 2 1 Fred ...... 14 Irene · ...... 17 H. K ...... 27 Fred Jr...... 10 Steward H. K., Jr...... 27 Fred Sr...... 10 William ...... 36 Helen ...... 19 Fred. Wm...... 10 Stewart Louisa Jane . ... 2 1 John ...... 10 Mary A ...... 10, 13 Mati lda Caroli ne. 2 1 Mabel · ...... 14

William ...... 39 Thompson ...... 28 Sam. o • • • • • • • • 14 Stinson A. P ...... 24 Vaughn ...... II Charles ...... 46 F...... 3, 10 George ...... \I Ettie ...... 46 Jesse ...... 28 Orlinda ...... \I Stockdale Tigert Vincent Laurinda Hise .... 5 James ...... 35 Ernest · . . . . , . . 46 The Longhunter, Volume XXXIIII -issue 2, Summer & Fall , 201 1, Page 59 .

Jno ...... 46 Western Mary A. ... . 24 Vogel William Wallace. I I Pattie .... 24 Frances El izabeth 33 Whalen ...... 45 Woodford ..... 21 John ...... 33 Wheatley Winn Wade Daniel ...... 20 M. D. H ...... 24 B ...... 24 Mary ...... 20 Wintersmiths ...... 27 Fannie ...... 24 Wheeler Witten MaryT ...... 24 Thelbert B...... 20 Thomas ...... 20 Sarah ...... 24 White Wood Waggoner Arie ...... 46 Bertha ...... 47 John ...... 38 Bertha ...... 46 Eunice ... 47 Wallace Fodie ...... 46 Fird ...... 47 William 34,36,39 L. M ...... 46 Fred ...... 47 Waller Virgil ...... 46 John ...... 47 E. L .... . , ...... 24 Wilder Kati e ...... 47 G. C...... 3, 8 Edward ...... 32 Lucy ...... 47 Walters Wile Mary M. 24 Charles ...... II Isaac ...... 21 May ...... 47 Emily ...... I I Wilford Wi ll ...... 47 George Edward .. I I Mary ...... I I Wooley Ward Mary Wilkins ... 14 I. A ...... 13 Martha L...... 46 Wilkes Woosley Watkins John ...... II Aaron ...... 44 M ...... 24 Mary ...... II Mary Alice .... 44 Watson Wilkins Wooten Lenoida ...... II Arch ...... 26 Henrietta ...... 24 Watt Benjamin ...... 17 Word Eliza ...... 24 Cooper ...... 17 Jennie ...... 24 Gentry F ...... 20 Jack ...... 17 Wright Webb John ...... II Mary . . . 24 A. D ...... 27 Larken ...... 17 Wesley ...... 20 Alexander ...... 45 Mary ...... I I Yates James H ..... 11 , 14 Rebecca ...... 14 M. C...... 24 Mill ...... 45 Williams Young Welch Christopher S .... 47 Benjamin . . .. . 22 George A ...... 47 Hubert H...... 47 Fannie S ...... II Goldy ...... 47 Morgan E ...... 47 Fanny ...... 45 John .... , . . ... 47 Phillip ...... 47 H. E ...... 29 T . W ...... 47 R. Clarence ..... 47 Harriet ...... 45 Wells Virgil ...... 47 Younger Eli zabeth 21 Wesley ...... 47 James ...... 2 1 Hillory 21 Wills ...... 4 Younglove R.W. ... . II Eliza H...... 5, 18 J. I...... 32 West Wilson John E ...... 32 Amos ...... 37 Thomas ...... 37 John M ...... 32 James ...... 35,36 Wilson Joseph C...... 32 Ri chard ..... 34-36 Geo. T ...... 33 Joseph I. ... II , 32 William .... 34·36 Granville ...... 2 1 Susie ...... 32 Westbrook L. T ...... 24 Ethel Vann ... . . 14 The Longhunter, Volume XXXIlIl - Issue 2, Sum mer & Fall, 2011 , Page 60 .

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