Settlement Sensitivity Assessment Volume 1: Landscape Fringes of Ipswich

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Settlement Sensitivity Assessment Volume 1: Landscape Fringes of Ipswich Settlement Sensitivity Assessment Volume 1: Landscape Fringes of Ipswich July 2018 Alison Farmer Associates 29 Montague Road Cambridge CB4 1BU Tel: 01223 461444 [email protected] $OLVRQ)DUPHU$VVRFLDWHV 6HWWOHPHQW6HQVLWLYLW\$VVHVVPHQW9ROXPH/DQGVFDSH)ULQJHVRI,SVZLFK -XO\ Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 APPOINTMENT ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 THE BRIEF AND SCOPE OF WORK.................................................................................................... 1 1.3 BACKGROUND TO STUDY .............................................................................................................. 2 1.4 LIST OF SETTLEMENTS INCLUDED IN THE STUDY ................................................................................ 3 2.0 METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 5 2.1 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 APPROACH ................................................................................................................................. 5 2.3 SETTLEMENT PATTERNS WITHIN SUFFOLK ........................................................................................ 6 2.4 DEFINING TYPES OF DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................ 6 2.5 CRITERIA USED IN MAKING JUDGEMENTS ........................................................................................ 7 2.6 RECORDING FINDINGS .................................................................................................................. 8 2.7 HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ...................................................................................................... 8 3.0 BACKGROUND TO LANDSCAPES FRINGING IPSWICH .......................................................... 9 3.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 LANDSCAPE SETTING OF IPSWICH AND WIDER POLICY AREA ............................................................... 9 3.3 EXISTING STUDIES AND POLICY ..................................................................................................... 10 4.0 LANDSCAPES FRINGING IPSWICH ..................................................................................... 13 4.1 HISTORICAL GROWTH OF IPSWICH ................................................................................................ 13 4.2 LAND NORTH OF IPSWICH IP1 (MID SUFFOLK) ............................................................................... 15 4.3 LAND NORTHEAST OF IPSWICH IP2 (SUFFOLK COASTAL) .................................................................. 17 4.4 LAND EAST OF IPSWICH IP3 (SUFFOLK COASTAL) ............................................................................ 19 4.5 LAND SOUTH OF IPSWICH IP4 (BABERGH) ..................................................................................... 21 4.6 LAND SOUTHWEST OF IPSWICH IP5 (BABERGH) .............................................................................. 23 4.7 LAND WEST OF IPSWICH IP6 (BABERGH AND MID SUFFOLK) ............................................................ 25 5.0 OTHER MID SUFFOLK SETTLEMENTS ................................................................................ 27 5.1 BRAMFORD .............................................................................................................................. 28 5.2 CLAYDON AND BARHAM ............................................................................................................. 33 5.3 GREAT BLAKENHAM ................................................................................................................... 39 6.0 OTHER SUFFOLK COASTAL SETTLEMENTS ......................................................................... 44 6.1 WESTERFIELD ............................................................................................................................ 45 6.2 RUSHMERE ST ANDREW ............................................................................................................. 49 6.3 PLAYFORD ................................................................................................................................ 53 6.4 LITTLE BEALINGS ........................................................................................................................ 55 6.5 KESGRAVE ................................................................................................................................ 58 6.6 MARTLESHAM ........................................................................................................................... 62 6.7 NACTON .................................................................................................................................. 68 $OLVRQ)DUPHU$VVRFLDWHV 6HWWOHPHQW6HQVLWLYLW\$VVHVVPHQW9ROXPH/DQGVFDSH)ULQJHVRI,SVZLFK -XO\ 7.0 OTHER BABERGH SETTLEMENTS ...................................................................................... 72 7.1 WHERSTEAD ............................................................................................................................. 73 7.2 BELSTEAD ................................................................................................................................. 76 7.3 COPDOCK AND WASHBROOK ....................................................................................................... 79 7.4 SPROUGHTON ........................................................................................................................... 84 8.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................ 89 Appendix 1: Key Reference Documents Appendix 2: List of Abbreviations $OLVRQ)DUPHU$VVRFLDWHV 6HWWOHPHQW6HQVLWLYLW\$VVHVVPHQW9ROXPH/DQGVFDSH)ULQJHVRI,SVZLFK -XO\ Executive Summary 7KLV VHWWOHPHQW IULQJH VHQVLWLYLW\ VWXG\ ZDV FRPPLVVLRQHG E\ 6XIIRON &RDVWDO 'LVWULFW LQ SDUWQHUVKLSZLWK,SVZLFK0LG6XIIRONDQG%DEHUJK'LVWULFWV 7KHSXUSRVHRIWKHDVVHVVPHQWLVWRSURYLGHDUREXVWDQDO\VLVRIWKHVHQVLWLYLW\RIVHWWOHPHQW IULQJHVWRGHYHORSPHQWDQGFKDQJHLQRUGHUWR x 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WKDW FDSDFLW\ LV WKH LQWHUDFWLRQ EHWZHHQWKHVHQVLWLYLW\RIWKHODQGVFDSHWKHW\SHVDQGDPRXQWRIFKDQJHDQGWKHZD\WKDW
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    1. Parish: Bentley Meaning: Clearing overgrown with bent grass (Ekwall) 2. Hundred: Samford Deanery: Samford Union: Samford RDC/UDC: Samford RD ( - 1974), Barbergh DC (1974 - ) Other administrative details: Samford Petty Sessional Division Ipswich County Court District 3. Area: 2,875 acres (1912) 4. Soils: Mixed: a) Deep well drained fine loam and sandy soils, locally flinty and in places over gravel. Slight risk water erosion b) Deep often stoneless coarse loam. Some slowly permeable seasonally waterlogged coarse and fine loam over sand 5. Types of farming: 1086 12 acres meadow, woodland for 42 pigs, 8 cattle, 7 pigs, 42 sheep, 1 mill at Dodnash 1500–1640 Thirsk: Sheep-corn region, where sheep are main fertilizing agent, bred for fattening. Barley main cash crop. Also has similarities with wood-pasture region with pasture, meadow, dairying and some pig-keeping. 1818 Marshall: Wide variations of crop and management techniques including summer fallow in preparation for corn and rotation of turnip, barley, clover wheat on lighter lands 1937 Main crops: Wheat and barley 1969 Trist: More intensive cereal growing and sugar beet 6. Enclosure: 7. Settlement: 1 1953 Section of Roman road forms N.W. boundary. Railway crosses parish S-E with junction travelling W. Settlement well spaced with no obvious centre of development. Church isolated. Scattered farms Inhabited houses: 1674 – 39, 1801 – 55, 1851 – 94, 1871 – 94, 1901 – 96, 1951 – 157, 1981 – 309 8. Communications: Road: Roads to East Bergholt and Belstead 1891 Carrier passes through to Ipswich Tuesday and Friday Rail: 1891 Railway station. Bentley – Hadleigh line opened (1847). Closed for passengers (1932), closed for goods (1965).
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