DISTRICT RURAL-DEVELOPMENT AGENCY : SUNDARGARH District R.Ural Development Agency, S!Ndaroarh 770001 Tel / Fax No
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/t DISTRICT RURAL-DEVELOPMENT AGENCY : SUNDARGARH District R.ural Development Agency, S!ndaroarh 770001 Tel / Fax No. 06622 273813 E mai ori [email protected] Letter No. 5 3 ? o /DRDA (DMF Cell) oatea tne 2ft( september, 2016 From Shri Surendra Kumar 14eena, I.A.S. Proje€t Director, DRDA, Sundargarh To The Executive Engineer, RW Division, Rourke a (Executjng Agency under Df4F) Sub: Return of estimates under DlilF wlth Administrative Approval for the year 2016-17 (AAP- Phase I, il, IIi). Ref: Your letter No.1737 /WE dt.13.09.2016, Sir, With reference to your letter on the subject cited above/ I am to return herewith 17 nos. of estimates in original under DMF with Administrative Approval of Colector for necessary action at your end, subject to the terms and conditions given below, which should be fo lowed strictly before, during and after execution of these projects; Yours faithfully, DRDA, Sundargarh. Conditions to be followed strictlv before/during/after execution of the orolects: 1. The project should be taken up through Tender Process withln seven days f.orn the date of receipt of this letter. 2. The works of the p.ojects in question must be started within one month from the date of receipt of this letter, following due procedures as per OPWD Code like floating of tender, executlng F/2 Agreernent and other parafornias. 3. Technical Clause should be incorporated in the Agreenent thal no Extension of Time beyond Agreement Period will be allowed in thjs project, which means the project must be completed withln the Ag.eement Period. 4. For delay in completion of the project, Penalty will be decided by the Chalrnran and Chief Executive Officer of the Fxecutive Commlttee of Dist.ict Mlneral Foundation. 5. lf any Contractor/Agency/Vendor/Supplier will fail to execLrte two or more nos. of works under ' DMF within the stipulaled time period as per Agreement, they will be restricted and black-listed from execution of any works u nder DMF in Sundargarh district. 6- Copy to BDO, Bonai/ Lahunipada/ G!rundia/ Koida/ E.E.,RWD & R&B Divn., Rourkela for information. They are directed to ensure non dup icacy of these worLs in any ofthe schemes. Copv Comnunicoted ta : 1. For kind informatlon of Principal Secretary to €ovt., Steel & Mines Deptt., Odisha, Bhubaneswar, alongwith list of Adrninistratively Approved projects by the Co lector against the Agency. (E- Ma iI : dsm sec. o r@ n ic. In //Te / : 06 74-23 92 9 03/ FAX- 06 71 - 23 94 285) 2. For kind information of col ector, sundargarh. .' with Administrative / .'of nroiects aoDroved in favour of EE, RWD, Rourkela *. phase-t il' tttl ipJiovJ ui'oer ot"rr tor tne vear zoto-tz fAAp- Estlmated Cost as Per /,- 51. Name of the Project Adminlstrative Approved No. Aooroval.(Rs.ln lakh) project list. 3 4 1 2 Phase-l Con.tr*tion ot L"tudihi G P road to NH 213.51" pWD U: Barsuan (Kaleiposh- Koira Road of' ,// -L--rL-,- . D ,,-/ror 11^ira Rlo.k or )49.32 Phase-l ConstJuction of Khuntgaon Marlulata Hoao / l)) L LJ ;-'^,-^"^ ,,ndor r ihrninara Block. " " Pha5e I Construction of Mahuldihi to lalbanall Koau ur .J t87.20 t1) ;;,,^--.^. ,,na"i tahrrnioara Block. ? " " Hoao or J Ph.se I 4 lmprovement to Dumerjore to Jhurmur t z/!l''! ,",i"*" o.o. *r"r.munda Block ""a", Koao {r 14.92 Phase-ll 5. lmprovement to Nuagaon to Asanoeda ./ I Nuasaon Block. V ^,,;"".^" 'LndFr ^ " on Phase-ll 6. 6.t^r.tl"" of 2 x 60 x 30 [/] Boxcell I Baunsjore to Lahanda Road of Ankurpalj GiP, ,,-r^. Rl^.1? ^r,,---^. Phase'l1l l constrllction PWD road to Kullposh ot Kulrposn , 292.57 , -. ,,-,^.,-u,,^,^.- or^.r. \A V c.*t-f K""d"_ lh"rbeda road 6f Chandiposh 20e.e8 Phase-lll 9" - n ,,-i^..,,,,,^.lia Rt^.U V I uarl ng 363.26 Phase-lll fc\ Const. of NH 215 to Thiaberna road oi n ,!hn6r.h,,nin,rr Rl..k I 0tt ^ KaLeiposn 324.65 Phase lll da\ Const- of Kendudlhito Kenapali road ol r o ,,^r^. r "h,,ninrrr Rl6.k uH! 291 .J 2 Phase-lll (9, Const. of Eonai- Barharnusa Road ol bonal J Phase-1ll Const. of K.Bolang to lharbeda Road ol Kelnatu a]4.41 v, - b,,-r^.v^i/lr Rl^.L Koao 115.60 J Phase'lll fr^ Const. of Segasah Chowk to 5egasanl / Koira G.P. unde r Ko (rn TKOLVT 204.12 Phase-l1i 74 Bridge over Ladua Nallah at 11400 ,/ d K Bolang to lharbeda road of K Bolang G P und\, ol 626.43 Phase-lll 15 lTp'ovemert of {ua--nLnda to KdLharu roao , ".r". k,,:rm I nda Block 193.70 Phase lll lmprovement of Khuntgaon to Mitkundn road or / ,,",lpr NLlacaon Block- ! 9r ".,,-.-"^. ^ " t'lrugaon to Khuntgaon 430.49 Phase-lll Gpr*"a*t oi 'oa'd | w , ^r^, ^r,,"..^. Rln.! TOTAL 4803.38 Itr Project Directbr, DRDA, Sundargarh.