Cover St. Augustine AU REVOIR MONSIER DENNY! 2 Message from the Chief Conductor Manager of Old Town Trolley Tours of 4 From the Corner Office Washington but when the opportunity 5 Famous Faces arose he moved to St. Augustine to be the 6 Someone’s in the Kitchen With... first GM of our fair city. He served as the 7 Vendor Spotlight General Manager of Old Town Trolley 7, 17, 25 If You Only Knew... Tours of St. Augustine, Old Jail and the St. 8 Washington, D.C. Augustine History Museum for the last eight years with a small hiatus for a year as the 9 CAST Anniversaries interim GM in Savannah. He is close to me 10 Key West personally and we shared many triumphs 12 Savannah and failures together but even in the failures 14 Boston we always had fun. He truly turned work- 15 Key West Aqarium days into play days. He is also one of the few unshakable people I have met and 16 Tropical Shell and Gift even when the sky seemed to be falling 16 Conch Tour Train enny Axlen, a good friend Denny was always cool as a cucumber 17 CASTmembers of the Month and longtime colleague which is a good quality to have when a pop 18 retired from Historic Tours up charter or code red occurs. 21 Welcome Aboard of America, Inc. at the end I have to say that the CAST and commu- 22 Puzzles, Games, and Trivia D of August after serving from nity of St. Augustine threw one heck of a 1997 – 2009 as the GM of three different going away party “Old Jail Style” for 23 Pet of the Month HTA cities. He started his career with HTA Denny with an old fashioned southern style 24 Personality Profile in Washington D.C. as the General Cover Story continued on page 3...

Denny, Ellen and friends enjoy the festivities. Chris, Stacey, Mel & Dave at Denny’s party. FROM THE CHIEF CONDUCTOR If I Knew Today Was My Last Day on Earth I Would ______? BY: CHRISTOPHER C. BELLAND Chief Executive Officer, Historic Tours of America, Inc. have always been intrigued by the with cancer. A writer whose work I admire proposition of, “If you knew today e-mailed me after my column of July 19th was your last day on earth how (Oh Poor Pitiful Me) to relate a story of how would you live it?” Perhaps an even she, too, was, at the time, in the oncologist’s I more commonly used phrase is the office being treated. I felt small. Another nonsensical advice to, “Live every day like person with whom I used to work and for it's your last.” Honestly, if I woke up one whom I had an extraordinary admiration for morning and was told I had one day left to his skill as a craftsman and perpetually live I’m not really sure what I would do. sunny disposition was grievously injured What I do know is that I would not succumb recently in an accident. While I, of course, to the connotation of such a proposition can only hope with the utmost sincerity that which is to totally indulge oneself. I cannot these three individuals will recover and I imagine a more hollow activity. Besides will have the selfish pleasure of enjoying that, who wants to go out with a really bad their company, hope and good wishes are hangover and some regrets for things that all that I can provide as the outcome for such self-indulgence would involve? Rather, them is in the hands of others and their if I was pressed to answer such a question it maker. I owe them a debt of gratitude for the would be along the lines of communicating good things taken from our relationship for I with those about whom I care. Yet as I even was always glad to see them coming my say such a thing I realize I have that oppor- way. I now must add yet another measure tunity every day. of thanks to them for reminding me, yet I, like probably everyone who's reading again, how fragile our lives are and how our this, have lost someone either expectedly or existence can "turn on a dime". Accidents appreciating the breeze that makes the unexpectedly. I must admit that on both happen. Bad health surprises us. Sometimes leaves shimmer or noticing the extraordinary occasions there were many opportunities we're just in the wrong place at the wrong profusion of the flowers of Key West. I'm not that were missed and now that means forev- time. No truer words have ever been spoken smelling jasmine or even the comforting er. A young man with whom I used to work than, "Yesterday is a memory, today a gift, aroma of fresh brewed coffee at Five out at the gym when I was at the University and tomorrow an unfilled promise.” Brothers. I am cursing the noise of an un- of Pennsylvania and whom I greatly admired The most recent misfortunes of my three muffled moped and not hearing the singing was killed in a fraternity fire. I found out at friends has made me realize how important of birds or even the haunting call of the bells my last high school reunion one of those it is to acknowledge the gift at St. Mary’s. I will be at the office soon people in my high school days who, at of now. enough and, unless I discipline myself to one time, was my best friend and Unfortunately, we better recognize what the moment offers, I about whom I always won- humans and I cer- will be losing things that are only offered dered, died a few years tainly include once in their special moment. ago before we could myself, tend to We live in a continuum of moments with reconnect. My father project the this moment and even life itself as just passed away while I was traveling in things we between a before and after. We have a great Europe. My own mother courageously worry about in tendency, which may be the counterpoint of took her own life after a long and the future into our ability to reason, to fear and anticipate painful illness but it hurt just the the moment mak- far beyond what is rational. With this in same. No matter how prepared you think ing it impossible to mind, I have always said, “Things are never you are (or not), you always regret and fully enjoy. On my as bad or as good as you think they're going lament what you forgot to do or say. way to work, I am mentally to be.” I can be certain of only two things. More recently, a person I have known for organizing an agenda for the day that Tomorrow the sun will rise and some day I many years and who I will call a friend includes meetings, phone calls, challenges will pass on from this life and while today because of the common bond of the friend- and opportunities. In the process I am not may or may not be my last day, I hope I can ship of our children, has been diagnosed seeing the beauty of a unique sunrise, learn to at least appreciate the privilege.

2 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 3 Denny receiving engraved HTA wine glasses with years of employment 1997-2009. Au Revoir Monsier Denny (Cover Story) continued... cookout with over 400 people attending. Denny’s mother and sister, the Mayor and City Council member even make an appearance. The Triple Rock Blues band rocked the night away with tunes like Jail House Rock and the food was outstanding thanks to Aunt Kate’s on the River, The St. Augustine Independent Restaurant Association, and the St. Augustine Winery. A Special thank you goes out to Chef Mark who manned the grill with Jay and looked liked he lost 5 pounds in water weight by the end of the night. True to Denny’s nature he worked as hard as any of the staff keep- Triple Rock Blues Band Chef Mark at the Grill. ing his guests happy; from shaking hands to • In the absence of any clear communication, lugging a keg of beer even though we told you are expected to do the right thing. him to relax and enjoy the evening. • I don’t want to answer that at the inquisition. Chris Belland and Ed Swift III were in • Red wine with lunch every day. attendance and really had a good time from • You can’t make this stuff up. what I observed. At the end of the night • Ain’t no way, Ain’t no how. both Chris and Ed gave eloquent speeches • Ya pays yur money - ya takes yur chances. and thank you hugs that brought some to tears but the St. Augustine Leadagers and In Speaking about Denny with the CAST CAST stole the show by presenting Denny now and through the years there was with engraved beer mugs and wine glasses always one common theme and that was with all of his sayings or “Dennyisms” as that Denny was a nice guy. Even when he Ed Swift saying his goodbyes to Denny. we like to call them. had to reprimand someone or break some bad news you always walked away with a friends here at the Trolley when back in Here are the “Dennyisms”: sense that he genuinely cared about you town. • Never touch the same piece of paper twice. and how the news would affect your life. Au revoir Monsieur Denny! We will see • There is no “R” in Fee. Luckily for all of us here in St. Augustine you again soon. • We’ll print money. Denny is going to be home based out of St. • When Herschel stops calling, things are good. Augustine for a time as he travels the world • I’m under a lot of stress here! with his wife, Ellen. I believe that France, • I just want to say one thing, GOOD MORN- Argentina and Santa Fe are all on the list for EDWIN SWIFT IV ING. this year but he has promised to visit his General Manager; Old Town Trolley Tours

2 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 3 FROM THE CORNER OFFCE Let’s Keep Today’s Problems in Perspective! BY: EDWIN SWIFT III President, Historic Tours of America, Inc.

he economy and that of the the 70’s and 12% unemployment and hyper world has been creating inflation and the 80’s recessions and of widespread fear and panic in course I remember 911. I bore witness to our financial markets and the flight of those risking their lives on T general populace. Our nation makeshift rafts, in treacherous seas between and many others are at war, news of bombs Cuba and Key West and the mass exodus inflicted on innocents and terror obsessed during the Mariel Boat Lift. organizations are the commonplace. Being I have lain awake at night many times dur- super connected has its drawbacks in that ing each economic crisis, each war, each we have a daily avalanche of negative infor- tragedy, and every personal crisis and I have mation. These seem to be the worst of times despaired. However, I don’t remember in in the brief history of my generation. I’m 62 my life being hungry or a lack of the love of yrs old born on the front edge of the baby friends and family or the opportunity to boom. I was raised in a trailer in the small, work or loss of hope or a threat of religious small town of Marathon, Florida (600 pop.) persecution or the ability to speak my mind and educated at Sue M. Moore school first or lack of encouragement or not having a through eighth grades with many of the helping hand or loosing a sense of commu- grades combined to make classes of less nity. I have traveled on business for over than 20 and our high school students bused 35 years to remote corners of our world to the 50 miles to Key West or 25 miles to the factories of Taiwan and China, to sweat- Tavernier on other islands. Looking back me shops in Hong Kong, and villages of the and many, many of my classmates grew up Philippines the streets and stalls of Haiti, the pened on Wall Street or in Washington and owned our own homes and raised fami- huts of Nicaragua, the mountain villages of (beyond our vote) but we can control how lies and enjoyed opportunities and luxuries Indonesia and the crowded streets of Seoul we react, how we treat each other, how we our parents and grandparents never imag- and I can say with a individual but yet inter- individually face the current crisis. ined possible. national perspective that my generation of Historic Tours of America relates every day I remember my grandparents Ollie and Americans have had it on the whole good, to our guests the history of this great coun- Freda saving tin foil and turning off lights really good. Much better than the rest of try. We tell of crisis and challenges met and and telling horror stories of the great depres- humanity. It is a fact that today we live in overcome. We tell about those who stood sion with five kids and a six day work week and enjoy the most prosperous country in tall and paid the sacrifice and with a $7.00 a week pay check and a truck the world. It’s better right now than our fore- allowed future generations to build upon the garden to get them by. I vaguely remember fathers ever imagined it could be. fact that they existed. Certainly it is our fate the Korean War, I was in grade school and Today as we see businesses close and jobs to struggle through these times and to pro- heard the conversation and opinions swirl disappear and regal institutions suffer cata- vide, each in our own way and in our own around in my dad’s store and at home at the strophic losses let us not forget who we are lives, fodder for future tour guides. So how dinner table. I remember the Cuban Missile and what a blessed country we live in. Our should my generation react to what seems to Crisis as a sophomore at Key West High forefathers paved the way and that the free- be the unending and relentless gloom of our School and driving by the newly dug-in mis- dom we enjoy and our success as a nation current global financial crisis and world des- sile placements on Smathers Beach on the did not come without overcoming despair, peration? For myself it shall be with the way to school. I remember the day in 1963 fear and those who opposed us. Our life most humble gratefulness for having lived in government class when Mrs. Almond style did not come easily. It was earned by through the past 60 plus glorious years as a received a note delivered by a wide-eyed sweat and struggle and patriots. Today we participant in and recipient of all who have student, read it and put her head down on have a new president and tomorrow we come before me. The present is not be easy, the desk and then slowly raising her have another opportunity to get up, put one but then it often isn’t., but let it be said of us tearstained face to the class announced that foot in front of the other and choose whether all that we persevered through this crisis, in the President Kennedy had been shot. I or not we will be positive or negative, the beginning of this new millennium, with remember Viet Nam, and the nation divided whether or not we will contribute or criti- on the war. I remember 18% interest rates in cize. We can not control what has hap- Continued on the next page..

4 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 5 FAMOUS FACES KERMIT THE FROG JIM HENSON’S MUPPET BABIES ow! When I heard that we Hyattsville, MD just a few miles away from the were chosen for famous nation’s capital. Having never seen a puppet faces, at first I was excited. show as a kid, his one hope was to have made There are so many famous the world a littler better for having been here. W faces in DC. But about Henson attended the University of Maryland which one should I write? There are so many College Park. He started his television career presidents, generals, heads of state, senators, with WTOP-TV. This is where the birth of the athletes and congressmen of which to choose. Famous Face of this month occurred. My head began reeling. My mouth got dry. Kermit was created with a green ladies’ coat, My eyes bulged out. I couldn’t make up my once owned by Henson’s mother, and two mind. I sought out intervention…I talked to my ping pong balls. In 1955, the croaker made his son. first appearance on the Sam and Friends show. I said to him, “Ethan, who’s a famous person At first he was more of a lizard like creature from DC who everyone, including children, making a few television appearances here and admires?” there, basically trying to make ends meet. “Cookie Monster,” my son replied. He’s two, From what I have gathered in my 31 years of what did you expect? Although, Cookie watching the frog evolve, as a tadpole in the

Monster is an interesting choice, Cookie is not swamp Kermit had 3,265 brothers and sisters. Kermit the Frog from DC. He’s from Milwaukee. His cousin He left the swamp at 12 years old and became and is the only amphibian to have addressed did however call DC home. one of the first frogs to talk to humans. When the Oxford Union. He was also given a star on Kermit the Frog has been a household name Kermit returns back to the swamp, he was dis- the Hollywood Walk of Fame. ever since he was a tadpole. His creator Jim covered by Bernie the agent while singing his And real quickly, Kermit proclaims he is still Henson was only a kid when he moved to famous hit Rainbow Connection. He again left a bachelor. Although Miss Piggy insists they the swamp to search out fortune and fame. are married, Kermie states that Muppets Take While on this journey, he met Miss Piggy, Manhattan was a movie and their relationship Fozzie Bear, and Gonzo the Great. They final- is strictly professional. ly arrived in Hollywood and all of the Muppets Kermit’s swamp is near Orlando, Florida. His signed a standard “rich and famous” contract movie career was in . But his big with Lew Lord of World Wide Studios. break, his love for the camera, his comic timing Kermit was one of the original Muppets on all stems from the time he served in Sesame Street, the longest running children’s Washington DC as part of the Sam and Friends show on television. He was given his own show. He currently resides here in the nation’s show in 1976 breaking away from the daily rig- capital making daily appearances at the ors of PBS, and the Muppet Show was born. It Smithsonian Institution National Museum of became one of the most watched sitcoms of its American History. There is also a statue of time. With the invention of DVD, brand new Kermit and his best friend, Jim Henson, on the families are enjoying the hilarity. Kermit went University of Maryland-College Park Campus. on to star in commercials, movies, and even wrote a book. He received an honorary doc- ABE BURGOS Jim Henson and Kermit at the University of Maryland. torate from Southampton College in New York Old Town Trolley Tours® of Washington D.C.

Let’s Keep Today’s Problems in Perspective continued... couraged by the balance in our checking incredible nation every to grace the face of gratitude for the past, an eye on a better account and our 401K and our near term the globe. We will, if we choose to redou- tomorrow and a steely determination to ability to make ends meet and we may live ble our efforts, continue to prosper. contribute and make our lives and our with the threat of terrorists and the hard fact The truest words ever spoken apply to country better still. of wars in our world but what we do have today, “This Too Shall Pass” and it’s going Momentarily we may not have as much here in the U.S. A. is yet a huge blessing, to make a great story. as we did yesterday and we may be dis- and a rare lifestyle, in what is the most

4 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 5 SOMEONE’S IN BBQ BAKED BEANS THE KITCHEN WITH...


1 large can of Van Camp’s pork and beans 1/2 lb of regular ground pork sausage 1/2 lb of hot or mild ground pork sausage 1 bottle of Bulls Eye BBQ sauce 1 large Vidalia onion DIRECTIONS Chop and sauté the onion in butter drain and set aside Combine both sausages and fry in a skillet until cooked Combine all in a large bowl Place in a baking pan Bake in a 400 degree oven for 25 minutes Richard Ware Maintenace Manager

Old Town Trolley Tours® of Key West


There is no shortage of wonderful salsas in Key West. We use both imported and local ingredients to highlight our fine local fish, lobster and crab. A basic fruit salsa, delish with any fish, pork or poultry is easily adapted to whatever is ripe and available in your area.

INGREDIENTS 4 cups of fresh fruit: pineapple, mangoes or peaches, chopped into small dice 1 1/2 cups of chopped red, orange or yellow bell peppers, chopped into small dice 2-3 chiles in adobo, whirled in a blender or food processor ¼ cup fresh key lime or regular lime juice ½ cup cilantro 1 TBS sugar (or more, to taste) DIRECTIONS Mix all and let them sit for about an hour to meld. Sheila Cullen This recipe is adapted from a recipe Conch Tour Train Engineer volume 13, number 115 of great cookbook author Mark Bittman. Monica Munoz Editor in Chief SOME EXTRA TIDBITS Piper Smith Editor Emeritus GOT A PHOTO YOU WANT TO SHARE? From a new edition to the family or a graduation, we would love to hear and share what is going on in your Chief Executive Officer Christopher C. Belland life, with the company. It is simple, fast and easy. President Edwin O. Swift, III Just submit a high resolution photo and caption to Monica Munoz at [email protected] Sr. Vice President Gerald R Mosher Chief Operating Officer Herschel Hayo DON’T FORGET TO JOIN US ONLINE! Twitter: 201 Front Street, Suite 224 Facebook: Key West, FL 33040 (305) 296-3609 Copyright ©2009 Historic Tours of America ® Old Town Trolley Tours and Transportainment are registered trademarks of Historic Tours of America® . Ghosts & Gravestones, Frightseeing and Boston Tea Party Ship & Museum are registered service marks of Historic Tours of America®

6 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 7 VENDOR SPOTLIGHT Grande Villas Resort at World Golf Village ST. AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA

From left to right: Angela Gonzalez, Maggie Moore, Tina Bartholomew, Peter Pagan Located just a few miles outside of St. sell our daytime trolley tickets, they have a Center, several retail and dining establish- Augustine, in the heart of the World Golf Gateway system at their desk where they vend ments and PGA Tour Productions. An IMAX Village, is the Grande Villas Resort, part of the Ghosts and Gravestones, the Old Jail and sev- Theater is also located adjacent to the Hall of Blue Green Vacation Club organization. This eral St. Augustine attractions as well. This Fame. All of these are located around a large five building complex, with 214 suites is a full busy location has become one of our largest lake with a Walk of Fame promenade leading service resort where members of the Blue vendors in recent years. Peter, Maggie and from site to site. A great destination for golf Green Vacation Club may enjoy a golf get- Tina are always there with smiling faces to lovers everywhere, and Grande Villas is just away and all that historic St. Augustine and help guests plan their days. the spot to stay while visiting. the nearby beaches have to offer. Located in The World Golf Village was opened in the main lobby is the Tee Times and Ticket 1997, with the World Golf Hall of Fame as its desk, which of course, is where you will find pinnacle attraction. The complex is home to CINDY STAVELY Old Town Trolley Tours. Not only do they 2 resorts, the St. Johns County Convention Director of Sales; Old Town Trolley Tours® of St. Augustine

If You Only Knew... CHRIS JOHANSSON Manager, Sponge Market The five people I would like to have dinner with are William Faulkner, Abraham Lincoln, Mick Jagger, Thurmon Munson, and D.H. Lawerence. My five favorite movies of all time are Back to the Future, Animal House, The Good, The Bad and the Every, True Lies and Austin Powers. The four foods I refuse to eat are ham, liver, eggplant, and ham! Three things I am terrified of are brown recluse spiders, snakes, and ham. My two favorite books are As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner and The Stand by Steven King. The one thing I would do to make the world a better place is to have our stdents live one year with a rural third world family so they can learn what real problems are.

6 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 7 WASHINGTON, D.C.

Top Left: Charter rep Ava The Wi “Sunshine” Duckett and Ed Braman. BY: ABE BURGOS Top Right: Vendor Rep, David Orr (left) Director of Safety and Training, Old Town Trolley Tours® of Washington, D.C. is assisting Chafik Essakalli. hat’s going on in the past two years four people have been years I was here, that job tended to be the Washington, DC? The assigned to write for The Nation’s Minister of the Dark Arts job. Every year, answer is a heck of a lot. Storyteller. None of the four are still with someone new had it. For the past four First and foremost, allow us. To get the opportunity to write for this years, we’ve had the consistency needed for W me to introduce myself. newsletter is not only a blessing but also a the job, and hopefully Edge will continue My name is Abe Burgos. I’m the new Safety curse. on. We all know he’ll do fine. It’s a part of Officer in Washington, DC. Not only am I Our former Safety Officer Michael McKay the business that has the most growing the preserver of all that is safe, but I am your has retired. He was with Old Town Trolley potential. new Historic Tours of America® Storyteller DC for over eight years. The office staff This July hasn’t been as busy or as hot as reporter. This befuddles me. The fact is, in threw him a surprise retirement past Julys but that doesn’t stop us from doing party…course the only problem was that he our job. We have three new shuttle drivers: didn’t know and we had to call him to come Victor Martinez, Warren Mungro, and Angel to his own surprise retirement party. We Walker. We also have a few more had cake, it was a good time. He gave OTT Monuments by Moonlight conductors: Joey eight years, OTT gave him a watch. Welsh, Vincent White, Mark Mackesy, Also, Ava “Sunshine” Duckett is also leav- Michael Smith, and soon is Ellie Williams. ing us. She is moving on to greener pastures We have added a new office staff member, in the great state of Georgia. Ed Braman Chafik Essakalli. I’m sure David Orr appre- will now be taking over all things Charter ciates you more than words can describe. and Group Sales related. For the first few As our season draws to a close and the conductor schedules get lighter, my training team’s schedule is about to get hectic. Off season brings about We the People and new conductors. We also have the National Book Festival and Marine Corps Marathon coming soon as well. Before you know it, it’ll be the holiday season then cherry blos- som and we do it all over again. That is unless the curse gets to me first.

Mike McCay “Mr. Speaker” is holding the new HTA watch. Mike McCay’s retirement cake.

8 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 9 JULY AUGUST 24 YEARS Happy Anniversary! 4 YEARS Rosemary Pumar, TSG Edgard Pluviose, BOS 3 YEARS 29 YEARS 15 YEARS Linda Thompson, SAV Palma Hannel, SAV Eva Conaway, CTT Christian Belland, HTA Joseph Hilts, CTT Craig Tolson, SAN Graham Ilsley, BOS 25 YEARS John Wylie, BOS 12 YEARS James Nichols, DCD Charles Brazil, SAV Linda Cates, TSG Douglas Dorsey, WDC 2 YEARS 3 YEARS Michael Deich, SAV 24 YEARS 11 YEARS Pamela Perez, HTA Nancy Groover, SAV Alan Weeks, SAN Sherry Freed, STA Taron Higgs, CTT James Horton, KWAQ 18 YEARS 9 YEARS Michelle Larocco, STA Marie Jean, TSG Jeffrey Cullers, TSG William Meagher, HTA Rhonda Hastings, SAN Jeffrey Kline, STA Donald Newman, SAV 8 YEARS Ashley Robbins, SAV 13 YEARS Douglas Miller, WDC Debra Brinkman, HTA Arthur Smith, WDC Homer Gresham, SAV Norteshia Wilson, SAV Stacey Jackson, STA Carolyn Young, SAV 7 YEARS 12 YEARS 2 YEARS Glenn Evans, CTT 1 YEAR Stacie Locke, WDC Monica Munoz, HTA Kelli Adger, SAV Cruz Rioseco, HTA Rebecca Hardgrove, TSG Carole Christensen, SAV Kathleen Helland, STA 6 YEARS Teresa Hanke, CTT 8 YEARS Michael Tolosa Overly Jr., WDC Jack Houston, KW Gilbert Hartin, SAN Deborah Amole, HTA Pamela Reed, STA Charlotte Massingill, TSG Amanda Lamin, SAV Thomas DeFrancesco, CTT 4 YEARS Robert McCall, CTT Stanley Henson III, SAN Linda McCowin, STA James Cole, KW James Tuffy, BOS Melissa Rivero, HTA Lillian Wrighthouse, KWWC Antoinette Griffin, SAV Freddy Varela, HTA Anna Stefaniszyn, TSG Michelle Washington, WDC 6 YEARS 1 YEAR Namik Zeqolli, BOS Phyllis Bozarth, SAV Willie Caster Jr., WDC 5 YEARS Sonia Clark, SAV Ashley Brewer, STA Marice Covington, SAV Cheryl DeSimone, BOS Robyn Jones, SAV Marisol Diou, BOS Michelle Lawson, WDC Sabrina Johnson, CTT Kevin McDonough, STA Richard Milelli, HTA William Rayburn Jr., TSG Philip Starks, SAV Rosalind Redmond, WDC Jerome Roberts, SAV Maria Streath, TSG John Wilson, SAV “Who does your hair?”

8 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 9 KEY WEST

Where is Sloppy Joes? Left: Sloppy Joe’s Bar and Restaurant located on the corner of Duval and Greene Streets. BY: SARAH EVANS Right: Sales Rep Rocky Daleo at our Green Street booth, Operations Manager, Old Town Trolley Tours® of Key West otherwise known as the “Question Capital”. his is the question that everyone However, in amongst the general questions local artistes and street performers get together at the Old Town Trolley in Key there are, every once in a while, some real and put on a fabulous show in Mallory Square West hears throughout the day. gems. We have guests that come from all cor- timed with the spectacular sun setting over the We even hear it in our sleep! ners of the world but regardless of where you ocean. Guests can be expected to ask about the T Sloppy Joe’s is, after all, one of come from an island is, by definition, surround- times of sunset and the location of the celebra- the islands, best known landmarks. We are ed by water. So, when a guest asks, “is the tion but when we are asked “is sunset more happy to answer questions all day long – it is island surrounded by water?”, we have decided than once a day?” please forgive us if we raise part of what we do and we want to encourage that the best response is to smile, say “yes” and an eyebrow or two. our guests to explore our island armed with the then point them in the direction of Sloppy Joe’s. Key West is at the southernmost tip of a chain best information we can give them. Our renowned Sunset Celebration is when of islands called the Florida Keys. You can reach the island by plane, by boat, on a cruise ship or by road. An incredible feat of engineer- ing spearheaded by Henry Flagler enabled the railroad that went to sea and Key West was finally linked to the mainland. That railroad eventually became a road – US1. It is 157 miles to Miami and the road consists of 42 bridges, the longest being just under 7 miles long (not surprisingly named the Seven Mile Bridge). It is a beautiful drive down but folks please, there is one road in and one road out, don’t ask us “is there an alternate route?” Seven miles off shore the Florida Keys is home to the third largest living coral reef in the world. It is part of the way of life here today and has been throughout our history. It was the reef that made our wrecking industry which, in turn, helped make Key West one of the richest cities, per capita, in the United States. It is the Conductors Michael Pappas, Aaron Andes Head Conductor Cedric Humphrey and Steve Burress get ready to lead out for the day. performing a particularly animated boarding call. Continued on the next page..

10 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 11 Where is Sloppy Joes? continued... is “where is the Hemingway House?” This is an Lighthouse which was one of the reasons reef that has shaped our island by breaking big excellent question. The Hemingway House, Hemingway liked it so much. You see Sloppy waves away from our shoreline rather than where the famed writer scribed many of his Joe’s was one of his favorite spots in town and damaging it. Today it is a phenomenal under- most well known books, was originally owned after a good evening out he could always find water garden that can be snorkeled, dived, by Asa Tift one of the wealthiest wrecking cap- his way home by heading toward the light- fished or viewed from a glass bottom boat. The tains ever (see previous paragraph). You can house. Unless, of course, he just stayed at key here is that it is underwater so if you ask, see the stories of Asa Tift acted out at the Sloppy Joe’s. “are there shops at the reef” we will know that Shipwreck Treasures museum in Mallory So, where is Sloppy Joe’s? Well come to Key you are a tourist! Square. But anyway, back to the Hemingway West and we’ll help you find it. Just make sure My final question that I would like to address House….. it is situated across from the you think of some good questions.

OTT’s Tim Watson and CTT’s Bill Mcintyre are a team effort for answering Cruise Ship guests questions. Welcome to Mallory Square, home of the Old Town Trolley! FUN PHOTOS Seaport Village Tenant Event Tiawan Delegation SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA

A delegation of visitors from Taiwan visited with us to take our SEAL tour and inspect the Terri Zorn, Rod LaBranche, Erica Frost, Bob Ross and David Thornton all enjoyed an early amphibious tour vehicle. The Taiwan delegation just recently purchased two new vessels evening at the Seaport Village tenants association social event. Old Town Trolley and SEAL from Giljam for delivery back to Taiwan. They enjoyed the SEAL tour and were impressed Tours was recognized as the tenant with the top sales increase of +38% over last year. with the vehicle and the fun and enjoyable tour in San Diego.

10 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 11 SAVANNAH

Brian Strickland congratulates Dennis Morrison as Sales Rep of the Month Brian Strickland congratulates Adam “Tigger” Avey as Conductor of the Month. The Dog Days are Here Again! nate with the placement of a statue com- memorating Johnny’s centennial in our BY: QUINN MARTINEZ newly reclaimed “Ellis Square” on his birth- Sales Coordinator, Old Town Trolley Tours® of Savannah day- November 18 (which also happens to he dog days of summer is a their doors to both new and old students be the birthday of our General Manager- period that starts in August and and their families. Savannah will be getting Charlie Brazil). Our local museums, such as ends just as we enter October. ready to host events such as the Craft Brew the Jepson Center and the Telfair Museum, Most people say the season Festival and the ever popular Jazz Festival. will be exhibiting art work from 19th centu- T slows down here almost to a Both festivals are defining moments of ry paintings by Walter MacEwan and mod- stand still because of the very high heat and Savannah’s culture. During August, we will ern photography titled "Persian Visions". that there is nothing to do. But to the sea- be having “Mercer in the Squares.” This continual flow of events is just the lure soned Savannah visitor, the tempo and the Throughout the various Squares of the people are looking forward to in the current temperature is no reason to avoid our beau- Historic District, bands will be playing economic times. This has been the main tiful city. The local colleges are opening Johnny's acclaimed music. This will culmi- Continued on the next page...

Joann Barone Sales Joann Barone Sales Tracy Conradson- Conductor

12 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 13 Brian Strickland congratulates Teresia Scroggins as Supporting CASTmember Before the landscaping. The Dog Days are Here Again! continued...

reason we have yet to let up on our tempo as we see more and more people still com- ing to enjoy our beautiful and intriguing city!

Community Pride Community is very important to us here in Savannah. We were recently requested by the Savannah Pride Festival to show our support for their community organization. We were the only local tour company pre- sent the day of the festivities and we were a hit with our tour and city information. The Pride Festival took place at Forsyth Park this year. There were various local shops and restaurants present providing food and goodies. It was a pleasant experience. As an operation, Kenny Gresham, Training After the landscaping. and Safety, Jon Watkins, Human Resources, Adele Stein as Hotel Concierges. They are standing job representing us here in and Brian Strickland, Operations Manager, all making a very great impact to our day to Savannah. There have been many fans who are once again getting ready to start a new day operations. We came within 68 riders of have watched the show that evening have training class. We are continually striving to exceeding the largest single monthly total already come and complemented us on our perfect our operation and set the bar even ridership in our operation’s history in July- company and CAST. Kenny and our overall higher for our Staff and competition. From so close- great effort! Our Ghost and operation received their annual safety our previous training class we welcomed Gravestones staff are also having a great sea- inspection from Tim Atwell and Jim aboard Christopher Normand, Wanda son. The CAST and crew are consistently Lamberson. They passed with flying colors Rideout, and Joshua Hall as Sales Reps, running five loops a night. Recently, both with an outstanding improvement from last Jaimee Drayton and Claude Fleeman as our daytime and Ghosts and Gravestones year’s inspection. Kudos to all who helped Administrative Assistants, Linda Brown, CASTs were featured on the Style Network’s out on this! Tracy Conley, Sally Kruger, Shawn Simons, "Ruby" show. Kenny Gresham did an out-

12 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 13 BOSTON The Height of Season BY: MATTHEW MURPHY Old Town Trolley Tours® of Boston fter one of the rainiest Junes in designed the Trolley Stop Store, across from memory (Boston received the Boston Common, with new signage that heavier rainfall in June 2009 emphasizes with greater visual pizzazz the than Seattle, Washington), the various package tickets and tour products A month of July posed its own that we offer. Our sales reps have done a challenges, with fewer tourists in Boston due fantastic job of prospecting and focusing on to the tough economy. Those that did their sales goals, so that in spite of a down decide to visit “the Athens of America” were economy, we were nonetheless able to pull treated to terrific weather and to Boston’s out a good month. Special thanks are due to best sightseeing tour, Old Town Trolley! Ed Doerr, our Depot Sales Manager, for ral- In spite of the somewhat smaller number of lying his sales team to make every available tourists visiting Boston this July, Old Town sale. Trolley Tours of Boston took advantage of July is, of course, the height of Wally the Green Monster, along with our inflatable baseball new sales locations to make certain that we season, and our partnership with the Boston that we use to promote our Fenway Park Tours. captured every possible ticket sale. The Red Sox is allowing us to feature a special delivers and inflates the baseball every day.) addition of a new booth in Faneuil Hall Fenway Park “Twilight Tour,” sold exclusive- We had the pleasure of holding our July Marketplace, what we call the “South ly through Old Town Trolley. The Fenway CAST meeting at the Mary Baker Eddy Market” location, helped us to take advan- Twilight Tour takes place on all non-game Library, which is part of the Christian tage of a part of the Marketplace that has nights (i.e. when the Sox are out of town) at Science Center. Our CAST was treated to a seen increased foot traffic since the comple- either 5 or 6 o’clock, and is offered at a spe- guided tour of the “mother church” of the tion of the “Big Dig” project. We also re- cial discount price for Old Town Trolley First Church of Christ, Scientist (Boston is the guests. This has been an excellent addition world headquarters of Christian Science), to our menu of attraction packages, provid- and also got to see the world-renowned ing another powerful sales advantage. Mapparium. The Mapparium is a three-story Another tool in promoting our Fenway Park stained-glass globe of the earth, with a glass tours has been none other than Wally the walkway inside that allows visitors to view Green Monster himself….or at least an inflat- the various countries and geographical able version of Wally, who stands guard next boundaries all around you. The staff at the to our giant baseball next to our Stop #1 on Library also treated us to a delicious dinner the waterfront. Great job, Wally! (And in their “Quotes” café. thanks to John Welby for hiring Wally’s ser- Several CASTmembers were recognized at vices, and to Bob Gibson who dutifully Continued on the next page...

Sales rep Deb Kelley doing her best Vanna White imitation at our re-decorated Trolley Stop Store.

Veteran sales rep Andrew Quinney is happy to be showing off the new “South Market” ticket booth, located in Faneuil Hall Marketplace. The booth faces a busy pedestrian thor- oughfare. Cheryl DeSimone’s doggies, Champ and Calli, showing their support for the Old Town Team!

14 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 15 KEY WEST AQUARIUM

A new Moon Jellyfish exhibit was open long before the dinosaurs and long after. this summer at the Key West Aquarium. Jellyfish use their tentacles to capture food Featuring live moon jelly’s found here in our which have thousands of cnidocytes with local waters. Conversion of one of our 1000 stinging capsules or nematocysts containing gallon marine fish exhibits began in July venom. Sometimes humans come in con- 2009 in order to make room for a special tact with these tentacles and pending on the tank custom built for the keeping of jellyfish. jellyfish can have anything from a light Jellyfish seem to be a very popular item in burning sensation to muscle aches and to other aquariums around the world and with even death. their numbers on an increase in the wild it is The increase in jellyfish numbers maybe only right to educate public awareness. directly based by the amount of pollution in Education has always been the Key West Jellyfish are a very simple organism with our oceans. Ocean “Dead Zones” or areas Aquarium’s goal and having the new no brain, no nervous system and no eyes where the oxygen level is less and does not Jellyfish exhibit will highlight areas most of their mobility is based upon the ocean cur- necessarily support most marine life, seems our visitors take lightly when visiting the rent, what little mobility they have they are to be a breeding ground for jellyfish. Large Florida Keys and the surrounding waters. not in most cases able to stir in the water on population of jellyfish can cause many their own. Jellyfish lived on this planet for future problems in many industries and mil- GREG GERWIN more then 650 million years and were here lions of dollars in revenue. Key West Aquarium

The Height of Season continued... very successful in the month June. that they can have on the guest’s experi- the meeting for their standout efforts in the Jean Gordon was recognized as ence. Huzzah and bravo to our entire month June. Jeff “Diesel” Duesel received Supporting CASTmember of the Month, for CAST! the Tour Conductor of the Month award. all the hard work she did during a challeng- Although a rookie this year, Diesel quickly ing month of June: training a new reception- established himself as a real pro, and ist, handling myriad duties such as filing throughout the season has been a “go-to” and handling drug test paperwork, answer- guy. He has also received numerous rave ing hundreds if not thousands of phone calls comments from our guests! and guest email inquiries, etc. We appreci- The Sales Rep of the Month was also a ate everything Jean does to support our rookie, Fred Gefteas. Fred ran a family- operation! owned restaurant for many years, so he is What a great CAST we have here in no stranger to customer service and sales, Boston! In a city as competitive as this one, and he is excelling in his new role with Old with several different sightseeing tours to Town Trolley. Fred possesses a natural choose from, I’m convinced that it’s our enthusiasm and optimism, as well as a sin- people that make the biggest difference, and cere concern for the guests that they pick up that differentiate us from the competition. on right away. Fred has also displayed an I’m very proud to come to work with people impressive ability to “upsell” attractions that truly care about what they do every Matthew Murphy does his celebraton dance along with trolley tickets, that made him day, and understand the positive impact after receiving his new laptop in the mail.

14 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 15 CONCH TOUR TRAIN Stay-Cation Season away downtown is broiling in the tropic sun. For the drivers, a major concern is rain and its BY: SHEILA CULLEN Conch Tour Train Engineer effect on our fragile electronics and radios. ife has been quiet here in Cayo caution our visitors and fellow CASTmembers Drivers all have systems to quickly cover up at Hueso, despite being blessed to drink plenty of water and keep themselves the first splat of rain on our trains. They hand with more ships than usual for well hydrated. Each day the first tour engineer out ponchos to our passengers, and quickly this time of the year. Lots of drags a large cooler full of ice to our Front throw plastic covers on the gear. The drivers Floridians seem to be planning Street Station, a handy place for drivers, sales are usually pretty damp by the time they are L back up to speed on the tours, and the constant more “Stay-Closer-to-Home” vacations this reps and supervisors to replenish their water year, and enjoying the beautiful ride down the bottles. flow of rainwater from the loco roof into the Keys to our island paradise. Lots of our guests Late summer in Key West brings our usual back pockets of the drivers’ shorts insures that tell us they are first-time visitors, even though heightened focus on weather. Although being they will be slightly moist for the remainder of they have lived in the Sunshine State all of their on a small island requires a bit more vigilance the warm day. lives. We are pleased to welcome them and try than on the mainland. Squalls can bloom The height of our hurricane season is upon us to make certain that their visit to Key West is quickly when the water surrounding the island and on a steamy August weekend the storm one of the highlights of their summer. warms up. Because of our unique weather pat- count went from zero to three named storms in Although nearly constant sea breezes caress terns, drivers can report torrential rain at the a 24-hour period. our island, the temperatures are still high. We beach, while the dispatcher a mile-and-half TROPICAL SHELL AND GIFT August 1 Celebration of the Sea Music & Film Festival 2 Schooner Wharf Battle of the Bars 6 First Day of Lobster Season 7-9 Lobsterfest (YUM!) 12 Third Annual Midsummer’s Night Dream and Salon Spectacle 20-23 Tropical Heat – Gay and Lesbian Celebration

September 8-13 Womanfest 11-13 Mercury S.L.A.M. Celebrity Tournament (Fishing, of course. This ain’t Myrtle Beach.) The dog days are upon us, and while and re-merchandised, Mr. Whipple and the 17-10 37th Annual Poker Run (Vroom Northerners (most everyone else in the U.S.) buyers attended the Atlanta Gift Show for a Vroom! Bring your earplugs.) are in prime time, Key West is not. In spite peek at all the latest trends—remember 17-10 Florida Keys Birding Wildlife Fest of the floundering economy and the end of peace signs? In the stores and in the Square our season, April and May were profitable. work continued. Signage was repainted, As you can see, we have something for June was pretty good, too, but on July 1st, arms were repaired on giant fiberglass men, everyone in Key West— Anglers, Bikers, someone somewhere flicked the “don’t ACs replaced, and merchandise shifted. Birders, Boozers, Gays, Lesbians, and come to Key West” switch. As much as Now, we’re spic and span for the rest of Lobster Lovers. All are welcome, and we we’d like our stores to be packed with the summer. “Bring ‘em Down!” we shout. hope they’ll all be wearing peace signs. tourists every day of every month, we’ve “We’re ready!” turned this challenge into an opportunity. August promises five more cruise ships This was our time to re-focus on presenta- than last year and as always, the City of Key LEAH BENNER tion, housekeeping, and maintenance. West has packed its calendar with events. Tropical Shell and Gift While fixtures were emptied, wiped down,

16 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 17 CONCH TOUR TRAIN July: Sales Rep: Kevin Delahanty

KEY WEST June: Conductor: Mark Patterson • Sales Rep: Kenny Berlin • Supporting: April Camarena July: Conductor: Michael Pappas • Sales Rep: Dave Roland • Supporting: Willie Webster

SAN DIEGO June: Conductor: Bill Fix • Sales Rep: Mark Lohman • SEAL: Tom Smart • Supporting: Dale O’Brien July: Conductor: Jim Fraley • Sales Rep: Craig Tolson • SEAL: Linda Florentino

SAVANNAH May: Conductor: Phyllis Bozarth • Sales Rep: Jeanene Gresham • Supporting: Sue Kocis June: Conductor: Tracy Conradson • Sales Rep: JoAnn Barone • Supporting: Brenda Middleton July: Conductor: Adam “Tigger” Avey • Sales Rep: Dennis Morrison • Supporting: Treasia Scroggins

ST. AUGUSTINE June: Conductor: James “Matt” Pinkerton • Sales Rep: Kevin McDonough Supporting: Melinda Vargas • Historyteller: Amy Brackett • Golden Pickle: Michael Loy July: Conductor: Edward “Ted” Sage • Sales Rep: Danielle Mangrum Supporting: Scott Gastineau • Historyteller: Elizabeth Cardy • Golden Pickle: Gerry O’Donnell

If You Only Knew... HOLLIE KEPLER Manager, Key West Shells and Gifts / Southernmost Trolley Stop The six people I would like to have dinner with are my Key West family. My five favorite movies of all time are Spaceballs, Goonies, Robinhood Men in Tights, Princess Bride and Christmas Story. The four foods I refuse to eat are cow tongue, pigs feet, liver, and cabbage. Three things I am terrified of are cold weather, cloudy days, and snow. My two favorite books are Cobra Event by Richard Preston and Catcher and the Rye by J.D. Salinger. The two things I would do to make the world a better place is if I bought the world double chocolate donuts.

16 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 17 SAN DIEGO

Top Left: David Thornton and Rod LaBrance at the National New Bob Hope Tribute in San Diego Salute to Bob Hope and the Military. BY: DAVID THORNTON Top Right: Travelocity’s roaming gnome visited San Diego and Old Town Trolley Tours® There was a contest online to General Manager, Old Town Trolley Toursçof San Diego where his next vacation adventure would take him. ob Hope, the actor, entertainer he dedicated himself to entertaining soldiers, In terms of raw page hits per month, and comedian, is almost univer- sailors and airmen of the armed forces in the Facebook is the fastest growing social net- sally known around the world many battle fronts and remote outposts work in the world. ComScore reports that for his long career as a star of where they've served throughout the world. Facebook attracted 132.1 million unique B film and television. Yet it is in His overseas USO tours, which often took visitors in June 2008. Among social network the hearts of generations of U.S. servicemen place over Christmas, were deeply appreci- users, 68 percent visit Facebook weekly. that his most enduring legacy resides. For a ated and fondly remembered by countless This makes it a great place to look for fami- span of over fifty years beginning in 1943, thousands of servicemen on protracted tours ly, friends, or that travel and hospitality des- of duty, often under combat conditions, far tination and attraction you have been think- from their homes and families. ing about visiting. A growing number of Now the legacy of Bob Hope is commem- travel and attraction destinations are finding orated by a major sculptural artwork titled Facebook to be a key asset in getting in “A National Salute to Bob Hope and the touch with their fans and guests. Military,” Located in a tranquil waterfront On our Facebook pages, you will find the park on San Diego Port tidelands, with com- latest information on our tours, photos, manding views of San Diego Bay, the blogs, reviews. You can post your own pic- National Salute is a fitting tribute to not only tures and reviews and share your stories Bob Hope but to the legions of servicemen with all our Fans. Our business partners and women he entertained over the years. post their latest news, information and pho- For the public, the National Salute is intend- tos on current events and stories in San ed to be interactive and personal. Visitors Diego. In August, read and see pictures of are meant to be part of an intimate connec- Travelocity’s Gnome visit on the Old Town tion with Bob Hope and to experience some Trolley and visit to Old Town Market. sense of the bonding that Hope had with the Facebook is free and easy to join, become a service people he entertained. Fan today at

We are on Facebook New Old Town Visitors Center San Diego Trolley Tours, San Diego SEAL The Old Town Chamber of Commerce tours and Old Town Market San Diego are opened its new Visitor Center. Old Town Bob Hope Statue. now all on Facebook! Continued on the next page...

18 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 19 Rod LaBranche with Jackie Williams, The proposed Broadway cruise ship terminal is scheduled to be completed in 2010. Marketing Manager, for the Port of San Diego.

New Bob Hope Tribute in San Diego continuted... Construction is scheduled to be completed Gilligan’s Island, submarine dive sequence, Trolley was an active partner in helping in December 2010. underwater sounds of dolphins and whales, organize and set up the new Visitor center. and General Quarters. Just to mention a The Visitor center provides information and San Diego Safety few. We also have initiated Sea-lion ‘Bark’ by Bob Ross; Safety Officer brochures to not only local Old Town busi- wars. People all along the streets & shore- My Safety Officer responsibilities of acci- nesses and attractions but for all of San line can hear the guests doing their best to dent report management and Safety / Tour Diego. Visitors have been averaging about out “Bark” the other passing SEAL vessels. Quality Ride Along evaluations, I still man- 75-100 a day. Who needs quackers! We are beating our age to drive shuttles when necessary and act last summer ridership numbers and out did as either SEAL Capt. or 1st Mate a couple of New Broadway the trolley tour ridership during the weekend days a week. Getting out on the water on of 4th of July. Beginning last Spring, we Pier Cruiseship Terminal San Diego’s Big Bay as a SEAL concentrated our efforts at Seaport Village Work officially began Tuesday, August CASTmember is my Hydro-Therapy. with a new ticket booth. May ticket sales 4th, on a $22.4 million cruise ship terminal Ahhhhhhhhhh. at the Broadway Pier along the downtown are up +38% over LY and the largest sales waterfront that officials say is needed to SEAL Tour Update increase of any tenant at Seaport Village. handle the growing industry in San Diego. by Terri Gaughan-Zorn; SEAL Tour Operations Manager We also began staging at our Harbor ticket The 52,000-square-foot, two-story steel It’s finally here – SEAL Season and the sea- depot to improve the visibility of the SEAL and metal-framed terminal will be able to battles have begun. We go to battle stations vessel. When asked, “why are you taking handle 2,600 passengers and will include onboard, thanks to brand new SEAL sound- the SEAL tour?” 75% of the response is spaces for ticketing and baggage and U.S. bytes from Bob Ross. We now have includ- “Because we saw it and it looks fun!” The Customs & Border Protection. ed new soundbytes of Jaws sound track, Continued on the next page...

Norm Niles, California State police auditor, Carmen Thulin and Bob Ross. San Diego received a fully satisfactory compliance from its 2-day audit. Our new Seaport Village ticket depot is performing with +38 % higher sales from last year.

18 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 19 New Bob Hope Tribute in San Diego continued... forward to August business, when we get International Visitor Information Center has our best weather with a slightly extended reported increased SEAL ticket sales just season due to Labor Day weekend falling because of our new efforts to billboard the later than usual. SEAL along Harbor Drive along the Embarcadero before going out on tour. Old Town Market Summer fun with the SEAL – great crew, by Sandra Gracia; Leasing Manager happy guests. The Market has been pretty busy this sum- mer. Despite the economic impact that the Trolley News tourism industry has felt, we are doing fairly by Becky Cramer; Old Town Trolley Operations Manager well - there are no complaints! With the June and July have been really good this grand opening of Fiesta De Reyes complex year despite all the reports of our troubled of restaurants and gift shops in the Old economy. I think a lot of people decided to take vacations closer to home where San Diego benefits from the surrounding ‘drive market’ from LA, Riverside and Orange County and from Arizona. June began with the Rock-n-Roll marathon. This 12th annual marathon event is huge for Harold Henson-Dozier, Head Conductor San Diego with over 21,000 runners running and Marie Pedringivoni, volunteer, a course of 26.2 miles with 45 bands along at the new Old Town Visitor information center. the race route. Although the day of the race its departure from Seaport Village. The is always a challenge due to road closures increase in SEAL ticket sales are noticeable, from the bay to Old Town to downtown, it KUSI filmed the mariachi group at the Old Town Market. up +26% at the Harbor ticket depot. The brings people from all over the country and Town State Park, we have seen more people International Visitor Information Center world. Many take tours in the days follow- meandering through in the late evenings. across the street has also seen an increase in ing the run. We were also very lucky to get There is a definite change in the influx of their SEAL ticket sales. There is no doubt a huge group of educators attending a con- people coming through the Market as they the SEAL attracts questions and interest, and vention in San Diego at the end of June and stroll through Old Town and into the state in turn, generates guest ticket sales. The beginning of July. I haven’t seen this many park. On June 11, 2009 we were excited to phrase “The SEAL sells itself” is really evi- people on the streets or on the trolley in host a Mariachi group of high school and dent in this case. years. They all had a free, fun day their first junior high students. The Mariachi Festival We reviewed the cost for the Trolley/SEAL day in town and we were literally having to in San Juan Capistrano was promoted at the combo ticket and have readjusted it to back to back our tours all day! There were Old Town Market. KUSI (channel 9) came $54.00 from $50, a $10 dollar savings. 16,000 educators and their spouses in San out for their morning news show and filmed Combo ticket Trolley/SEAL ticket sales are Diego for this convention. on our property. They came in at 5am and still exceeding LY even with the price There have been the usual events in town were here until 7:30am. The Mariachi increase. Trolley 2-day Combo ticket including the San Diego Pride Celebration, group performed 3 songs and did an amaz- remains the same at $50.00. the San Diego County fair and all the events ing job! We have added new attractions and connected with the San Diego’s Big Bay 4th Combo package attractions. We now sell of July fireworks display, the largest fire- Sales Department combo tickets for Trolley/Zoo, SEAL/Zoo, 2- works display west of the Mississippi river. by Carol Harrison; Head Sales Rep day Trolley, Trolley/Midway and June and July have been very productive All these great events bring people to San Trolley/Balboa Park museums. We have months for the Sales Department. Our SEAL Diego and helped fill hotels benefiting local added 6 individual attractions which include sales and Trolley sales have met or exceed- restaurants and attractions. The biggest San Diego Harbor Excursions, Hornblower ed budget goals for both months. SEAL busi- event of the summer is always Comic-Con. Cruise, San Diego Maritime Museum, ness was up + 9.8% while Trolley business This year’s Comic-Con turned 40 with over Balboa Park Passport and The Whaley was up + 4.5% over LY. In June, every Sales 130,000 in attendance, the largest of its kind House - all at discounted prices. These Representative exceeded their goal!!! in the world. It is a great event for the city additional attractions have all helped ticket We now have a SEAL “staged” at our bringing in thousands of guests to the city for sales. a week’s worth of events. We are looking Harbor ticket Booth in the mornings prior to Continued on the next page...

20 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 21 TROPICAL SHELL AND GIFT Adiel Gonzalez SHIPWRECK Aimie Hallberg TREASURERS MUSEUM Mary Palumbo William Brockway Matthew Kessler Kathy Barlow KEY WEST Diane Thibodeau Randy Crouch Tetyana Gubchakevych Stephen Burress Pable Pradas Bergnes Bridget Woods Maritza Wilder Sarka Sebestova CONCH TOUR TRAIN Willergine Morin Bozena Paprocka Geancarlo Nunez Velez SAN DIEGO SEALS Oksana Semashko Behzod Ibragimov Ilona Knight Colleen Corliss Jurgita Prunskyte Frank Porter John Shea IV BOSTON Nanea Perez KEY WEST AQUARIUM William Mullen Danielle Kibodeaux Tomas Czernek Robert Francis Hanton Svetlana Kruglova Genya Yerkes Natalie D’Agostino Tiffany Earnest Rebecca Crawford Carol Darnell SAVANNAH Michael DePalo Deborah Fenstermacher Andrew Creswell Brenda Guttierrez Veronica Garmas Tana Walker Roberto Ventura Robert Guyot Michael Flynn SAN DIEGO Joel Arrington Sheila Colon TRUMAN LITTLE WHITE HOUSE Melanie Bonhomme Robin Johnson Christopher Normand Leticia Hall Gordon Ward Wanda Rideout Nancy Stock Michelle Moss Marta Wolney ST. AUGUSTINE Jaimee Drayton Suellen Croteau Christopher Hebert Claude Fleeman Jr. Scott Gastineau WASHINGTON D.C. Shawn Simons Jeannette Demonch-Killo Sally Kruger Warren Mungro Elizabeth Smith Linda Brown Victor Martinez Sandra Silver Tracy Conley Melanie Allen Jane Frazzetto Adele Stein Angel Walker Stephen O’Brien DC DUCKS Thomas Austin St. Clair Charles Diedrich

New Bob Hope Tribute in San Diego continued... Charter Department We had our 2nd Bridal Bazaar show for In July, we added a new position to the by Erica Frost; Charters and Group Sales Manager the year in July at the San Diego sales force. We now have a representative June & July were super busy months for Convention Center and the Felicity wedding in Old Town from 3:30pm until 8:30pm. the charter department overall, which we trolley was a huge success! By the time I left Although trolley operations end at approxi- love! Weddings were a huge part of the the show, I already had five signed con- mately 7pm, we have found having a sales business over these summer months and, as tracts, which more than paid for the booth rep in the area has increased next-day sales. a matter of fact, there were a total of 24 of itself. Evening foot traffic at the Old Town Market them throughout June & July (a significant All in all, combined sales for Trolley & is a great opportunity to promote our increase from 19 from June/July 2008), ‘tis SEAL were 50% over last years’ June num- Trolley & SEAL tour businesses and gain the season I suppose! In addition, we had bers and 15% over LY July numbers. additional sales. several family reunions and numerous Business is great and we’re happy! SMERF (Social, Military, Educational, Religious, Fraternal) groups.

20 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 21 PUZZLES, GAMES AND TRIVIA TRIVIA TEASER SCHOOL DAZE

HOLD STILL Arts Language Band Locker 1. "Rhinestone Cowboy" was a #1 hit on both Bell Lunch the pop and country charts in 1975 for which singer? a-Kenny Rogers, b-Glen Campbell, c- Board Math Merle Haggard, d-Willie Nelson. Books Paper 2. Who was the first guest host when NBC's Bus Pass Saturday Night Live made its debut in 1975? Chalk Pens a-Howard Cosell, b-George Carlin, c-Billy Choir Pep Rally Crystal, d-Buck Henry. Class Principal 3. Who was last seen alive outside a Bloomfield Desk Prom Township, Michigan restaurant in 1975? a- Exam Quiz James Hoffa, b-Francisco Franco, c-Elvis Presley, d-Howard Hughes. Fail Read 4. In 1975, pitchers , Glenn Abbott, Fire Drill Recess and shared in a Grades Science no-hitter for which baseball team? a- Gym Semester California Angels, b-Minnesota Twins,c- History Teacher Boston Red Sox, d-Oakland A's. Homeroom Test 5. King Faisal, the ruler of which nation, was Homework Tutor assassinated in 1975? a-Egypt, b-Kuwait, c- Iraq, d-Saudi Arabia. ANSWERS TO PUZZLES, GAMES AND TRIVIA ON PAGE 6. Euell Gibbons appeared in a series of TV commercials showing that some wild plants BREAKTIME SODOKU were edible. In 1975, the Federal Trade Commission banned them because they To solve a sudoku, you only need logic and patience. No math is required. Simply make sure that each could lead children to eat unknown plants. 3x3 square region has a number 1 through 9 with Which cereal was featured in these ads? a- only one occurrence of Alpha-Bits, b-Grape-Nuts, c-Corn Flakes, d- each number. Cheerios. Each column and row 7. Which word was spelled out by the Bay City of the large grid must have only one instance Rollers in their #1 hit song of 1975? a- of the numbers 1 Respect, b-Flowers, c-Saturday, d-Trouble. through 9. 8. Which NHL team filed for chapter 11 bank- Here’s a tip for play- ruptcy in 1975 and again in 1998? a-Buffalo ing. We call the 3x3 squares “regions.” With Sabres, b-Phoenix Coyotes, c-L.A. Kings, d- a highlighter, color in all Pittsburgh Penguins. the rows and columns 9. In 1975, the filly Ruffian broke an ankle in an with a 4 in them. Note "equine battle of the sexes" against what that in the middle region of the first column, the Kentucky Derby winner? a-Foolish Pleasure, only place for a 4 is in b-Swaps, c-Riva Ridge, d-Secretariat. the top right square. 10. In which city did Paul Allen and Bill Gates This is called scanning. found Microsoft in 1975? a-Albuquerque, b- You usually do it with your eyes. Seattle, c-Dallas, d-Boston. The difficulty rating on this puzzle is easy.

22 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 23 Hawkeye Orion PET OF THE MONTH Beans Belland Ode to Bella SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA Her small fat body, Her fur is brown and gray Her scrawny cat legs That's Bella She playfully bites me A hundred times She jumps from couch to couch Like a frog on a lily pad She can be cute When she kneads her paws On soft fuzzy stuff But she changes her moods Back and forth like a swing As I try to catch her she Is a cheetah thinking her Hawkeye Orions Beans Belland was born on April 15, 2009. He is a golden retriever whose comes from a long line of champi- Next escape plot on golden retrievers. The only thing Hawkeye is a champion at It looks like she's fighting this stage in his life is biting and we think he will continue to excel at this as his adult teeth keep coming in. He was brought With a stuffed polar bear home by his new parents, Chris Belland and Piper Smith on When she gets her little June 12th. He and his sister, Callie the calico cat, have a lovely cat and dog relationship. Paws on it Her hairs jump in Hawkeye’s hobbies include beating Callie up, swimming, bit- Fright When she hears the ing, terrorizing Callie, riding in the car, biting, going to the office, boating, stealing things out of Monica’s office that he Blow Dryer even though JENA NUNEZ shouldn’t have in his mouth, taking walks, relocating every- Daughter of Carrie Nunez thing in site and biting. She is very weird she is Hawkeye loves to write, you can catch his blog online at Still my cat Bella Old Town Trolley Tours® of San Diego FUN PHOTOS San Diego Turns 240! It Makes “Dollars and Sense” SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA

Old Town Trolley participated in the United Way of San Diego County 2009 Day of Action event. The United Way’s “Dollars & Sense” Trolley stopped at six different locations throughout San Diego ringing out the good old-fashioned common sense news to children promoting financial education. George Washington, Abe Lincoln, and their team of financial San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders with Old Town Trolley HR admin assistant, coaches handed out free piggy banks, United Way T-shirts and smart advise about saving, Jessica Hiatt, at San Diego’s Old Town 240 birthday event. credit and budgeting. The event was sponsored by San Diego National Bank.

22 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 23 PERSONALITY PROFILE MICHAEL “THE PROFESSOR” CHANDLER Conductor; Old Town Trolley Tours® of Boston strayed from that tions in Marriott. We finally settled 23 years beginning. ago in Boston. My wife resumed her career in Six years later, on retail brand management with Waterford Saturday night in Wedgwood…both of us had offices in the May, Harvey talked home, we lived next to the ocean and things me into going to a Bat were calm….however, we both traveled exten- Mitzvah party. I was sively for business ….values change…objec- working at The A & P, tives and agendas are altered….sometimes just got off my shift, proactively and sometimes passively…and in hot and tired, but our mid-fifties, we decided to stop getting on Harvey wanted to see airplanes unless we paid for it! That decision Donna and this is gave me the opportunity to take advantage of what best friends the greatest idea in American business history-- do…so we walked to -the golden handshake! The Professor was Donna’s house… a about to be born…. couple of miles, up After a year of relaxation and airport shuttle So I am walking down the hall in the Old hill, lovely…but, as they say, “Who knew?”...... driving (they went bankrupt), I answered an ad Town Trolley offices here in Boston and Sue would be there….hit her in the nose with for Old Town Trolley, put on a very nice 3- Matthew Murphy, our General Manager, inno- my elbow dancing to Runaround Sue that very piece suit (how else does one dress for an inter- cently asks me if I would do the Nation’s night….going steady in six months, married six view?), French cuffs, etc….and met Matthew Storyteller “Personality Profile”. Matthew asks years later and unless she has retained counsel Murphy…..saw a trolley and fell in love for the this of a guy whose wife swears he can do 15 in the last couple of hours, we still are. second time in my life. So, let me get this minutes of stand-up in front of an open refriger- In the early years, we graduated from college, straight…I can drive the giant orange and green ator door at 2 AM…this will be a snap…I will rented small bad apartments all over the East thing around Boston, I get to talk endlessly…in knock this out in 10 minutes…what an opti- Coast….a few good ones, even a couple of fact you encourage me to do so…talk history, mist… houses… building in the Sixties, baseball, restaurants, culture, art, Boston (oh, a In an April blizzard, at the end of WWII Seventies, Eighties required movement….son script, how fascinating)….meet people from (Roosevelt was still alive, though not for long), and daughter Bradley and Rachel followed at Topeka, Toronto and Turkmenistan….and go in the lovely little New England village of appropriate intervals…and lots of dogs, chick- home at night without a briefcase? the Providence, RI, I arrived on the ens, a few goats, birds, lizards, other reptiles, words of one of my grandsons, I am sooo OTT. scene….according to Mom, happy, wide-eyed, hamsters…we actually reached a point in ani- Seems simple enough…April 2001, boy from noisy, insistent and generally physically perfect mal husbandry, where the key question was Baltimore hits the big time driving trolleys in in every way. We didn’t stay long, went right to relative to how the particular animal relieved Beantown…took awhile to get certified, maybe the family home in Baltimore and where all the itself and what impact that act would have on the longest in Boston OTT history…still a stand- aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins, etc. lay in our furnishings and the home’s air ing story by my classmate, Ted Galo (Head wait, as did two life-shaping events. quality….and I couldn’t be more serious! Conductor)…….it was a difficult period, One guy was at the center of both, Harvey, Over the years I worked in the restaurant and though, those 10 weeks…my mother-in-law my best childhood friend ….the first, the hospitality field with Aramark, McDonald’s, passed away, a week after I started; our daugh- Rovlander Corporation….we were nine, it was Dunkin Donuts and Marriott…I am one of the ter got married 5 weeks later and my father hot, a cart selling Italian Ice was the perfect few graduates of both HU and DDU with passed away a week after the wedding….and it business…we sold shares for capital, we Master’s degrees from both…extra credit points wasn’t as if nothing happened to the Boston bought material, our fathers helped build our if you know what those letters mean. At one operation in the next few months…the Boston cart, we sold Ices on a regular loop/route (sense point, we bought our own Dunkin Donut fran- Tea Party fire was August 4 and of course, a theme?)…and at the end of the summer, we chises…..yes, I got up every night to make the September 11 followed shortly. Obviously a returned our investor’s share cost, a dividend donuts and my wife came in every morning to traumatic time for Boston, the nation and on a and kept a couple of hundred dollars each…I serve the coffee….eventually it was simply too personal company level, for Old Town Trolley. still have a framed copy of one of our Stock much time away from our children, we sold My alternate personality, The Professor, Certificates…and an entrepreneurial, hospitali- the franchises and I returned to the corporate began dispatching in the Fall of 2002; in the ty-based career was born …. I have never hospitality field and senior management posi- Continued on the next page...

24 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 25 Michael “The Professor” Chandler Continued... I had served as the Head Sales Rep)…the some ways and on some days, I make a differ- Spring of 2003, I was asked to take care of the advertising position was a natural and comfort- ence in our guests’ experience with Boston costume process; managed not to hit anything, able fit. It also allowed me to make a more sig- and OTT; my family is healthy (accept the so I won Safety Awards (and continue to do so) nificant contribution to the Boston operation’s Professor’s advice, don’t ever take that for and in December was named the Conductor image and profitability. granted; our daughter is a breast cancer sur- of the Year for 2003. Ted had won it in 2002 So, at a certain stage in life, you think you vivor); we have a great team in Boston, people and I have always liked the synergy of our are going to sit back and glide blissfully into I enjoy working with every day….we are close back to back…Mantle and Maris, Washington the sunset or as I had said to my wife a few to being a family, everyone has been here for and Jefferson, Ramirez and Ortiz, Rocky and years ago….I will glide blissfully and you will several years, we know our jobs and mesh Bullwinkle, Teddy Ballgame and The support us in the style I always thought we together perfectly….and more than 8 years Professor. deserved! Instead I find myself taking care of later, Matthew Murphy’s almost first words are Then in the Fall of 2005, Matthew asked me costumes, dispatching a couple of days per still right on the nose…. “flexibility is one of to assume responsibility for our advertising week, still driving loops and doing charters the hallmarks of our profession” and my career relationships…working with the OTT map, our and handling the advertising responsibili- at Old Town Trolley certainly proves the truth coupon card and later the Souvenir ties….the only thing missing is the airplane of that statement. Guidebook. In past lives, I had done a lot of travel. Just by reading this, rest assured, you now work with marketing, advertising, brand man- Couldn’t be happier…I am always busy; in have a friend in Boston….thx, The Professor! agement, sales, etc (in fact for the 2004 season If You Only Knew... LILLIAN WRIGHTHOUSE Manager, Key West Welcone Center The six people I would like to have dinner with are Elvis Presley, Lisa Marie Presley, the President, John Travolta, Kris Kristofferson, and Barbara Streisand. My five favorite movies of all time are Saturday Night Fever, Grease, Frequency, A Star is Born and A Walk to Remember. The four foods I refuse to eat are brocolli, peas, seafood, and asparagus. Three things I am terrified of are the ocean, dying, and losing one of my kids. My two favorite books are most romance novels know to women, by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss. The one thing I would do to make the world a better place is to promote peace and harmony; and stop violence.

Puzzles, Games and Trivia Answers from Page 22

TRIVIA TEASER BREAKTIME SODOKI SCHOOL DAZE WORD SEARCH Answers to 'All About 1975' 1-b, Glen Campbell 2-b, George Carlin 3-a, James Hoffa 4-d, Oakland A's 5-d, Saudi Arabia 6-b, Grape-Nuts 7-c, Saturday 8-d, Pittsburgh Penguins 9-a, Foolish Pleasure 10-a, Albuquerque

24 the nation’s storyteller® July/August 2009 25