This submission to the Human Rights Committee has been prepared by the National Association of Community Legal Centres, the Human Rights Law Resource Centre and Kingsford Legal Centre, with substantial contributions from over 50 NGOs. This submission is supported, in whole or in part, by more than 200 NGOs across Australia. The National Association of Community Legal Centres is the peak body for over 200 community legal services across Australia. Each year, community legal centres provide free legal services, information and advice to over 250,000 disadvantaged Australians. The Human Rights Law Resource Centre is a national specialist human rights legal service. It aims to promote and protect human rights, particularly the human rights of people that are disadvantaged or living in poverty, through the practice of law. The Kingsford Legal Centre is a community legal centre in Sydney which provides free advice and ongoing assistance to members of community in relation to a number of areas of law, including discrimination law. Kingsford Legal Centre also undertakes law reform and community education work. This publication does not contain legal advice and you should seek professional advice before taking any action based on its contents. Kingsford Legal Centre Operated by the Law Faculty of the University of National Association of Community Legal Centres Human Rights Law Resource Centre Ltd New South Wales Suite 408, 379-383 Pitt Street Level 1, 550 Lonsdale Street Law Building Sydney NSW 2000 Melbourne VIC 3000 UNSW NSW 2052 E
[email protected] T +61 2 9264 9595 E
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[email protected] T +61 2 9385 9566 F +61 3 9264 9594 F+ 61 3 9225 6686 F +61 2 9385 9583 Contents Contents ..........................................................................................................................................