JULY 2019 #39

Information Bulletin Centre of Documentation, Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution

FEATURE: In Situ Burning (ISB) © US Coast Guard Photo

Follow us on RESPONSE FEATURE Cedre NEWS Ulysse /CSL Virginia In situ burning • Cedre/IOWater Framework Agreement www.cedre.fr collisionm • Cedre granted IOPC Funds observer status FEATURE n°39 Printing: CloîtreImprimeurs Translation: Iconography: NataliePadey Formatting &GraphicDesign: Editor-in-chief: Publication Manager: www.cedre.fr Tel.+ 33(0)29810 CS 41836-29218BRESTcedex2FRANCE 715, rueAlainColas A bi-annualpublicationbytheCedre JULY 2019 Available for download at In SituBurning Cover photo: Legal deposit: ISSN: 1247-603X L Par 2 Vegetable oilslickduringanexperiment Title > Key

n > nom, métier, servicexxxx, auCedre.

Cedre xxxxx Sally Ferguson-AlbaTraduction

Information Bulletin , Gulfof Mexico July 2019 AgneseDiverres Nicolas Tamic www.cedre.fr n°39


- July 2019 This bulletininprinted onpaperfrom sustainably managedforestsby Im-


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© Cedre 715, rueAlainColas-CS4183629218BRESTcedex2FRANCE HazRunoff STUDY - Amoco Cadiz compilation, “Avis deFlashBlack” Operational Guide- Technical Newsletters NEW PUBLICATIONS NEW RECRUITS NEW HORIZONS ATLANTIC PROJECTAWARD MARINER PROJECTWINS FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT IOWater-Cedre - OCEANWISE EUROPEAN PROJECTS Sweden, 27 Spill response exercise BALEX DELTA2018 Funds OBSERVERSTATUS CEDRE GRANTEDIOPC SINKING OFTHE Ulysse /CSLVirginia IN SITUBURNING(ISB) EDITORIAL WestMOPoC STUDY Cedre basedat theport ofBrest > CLEANATLANTIC Tel.: +33(0)2983310-Fax:+449138 th Contents to30 Research andExperimentation

on AccidentalWaterPollution [email protected] -www.cedre.fr Centre ofDocumentation,

th August 2018 August

Grande America


12-13 08-09 04-07 19 18 18 17 16 15 15 14 14 11 10 03

© Cedre EDITORIAL O ships built) response to future disasters. Public andprivatedecision- vessels, Cedre’s workiscrucialforpreparedness and ( maritime threats generated by today’s colossal ships Given thesurge inshipping, new theemergence of and litter ontheshoreline. microplastics chronic pollution related totheinvasionof response andmore recently, in2014, venturinginto on toexpand itsscopebygainingskillsinchemicalspill in estuarineenvironments, Dongesin2008. Cedre went cited: atsea, theErika in1999andthePrestige in2002; which itwasregularly involved. A fewmajorspillscanbe and inlandwaters, consolidatedbythemanyspillsin both nationalandinternationalrenown, forbothoffshore Cedre quicklyrose from itshumblebeginningstoenjoy decades. numerous incidentswhichfollowedinthesubsequentfour river environments, settoplayaprominent role duringthe carrying capacity of 21,000 TEU forthelatestcontainer carrying capacityof , the risks related to this drive for ever-larger n 24 in the field of spill response in marine and in marine response spill of field the in protocol official akeymarked player thearrivalon thesceneof This time. first the for met th April 1979, Cedre’s Governors Board of

© Cedre awareness. a wideraudiencewithanever-increasing environmental with also but readership loyal its among favour find will The editorial team hopes that this redesigned bulletin allreaders. content tailored totheneedsof reading experience thanks tomore learning-oriented revamped, allowingmore spaceforimagesandaneasier a broader audience, itsgraphic designhasbeenentirely theInformationBulletin.of Drivenbythedesire toreach This thisnewversion isthebackground totherelease of knowledge onspillstoawideraudience. devoted toenvironmental protection whiletransferring regularly takes partinnationalandinternationalevents Cedre audience. possible widest the benefit to gathered Yet Cedre alsostrivestodisseminate theinformation ourconcerns. forefront of while ensuringenvironmental protection remains atthe we belong, weare constantlyimproving incidentresponse developing, togetherwiththestrong networks towhich to ourknow-howwhichweare continuallyupdatingand Cedre’s expertise issystematicallycalledupon. Thanks makers this. are wellaware of When anincidentoccurs, Cedre Information Bulletin for theeditorialteam. Nicolas Tamic,

n° 39

- July 2019


3 FEATURE W response techniquessuchasdispersant considerable storage capacities. Other and weather conditionsortheneedfor sea the viscosity, oil’s the to due difficult mers. In some cases, recovery can prove recover theoilusingspecialisedskim- B 4 In SituBurning(ISB) Title y

Fire-resistant boomdeployedintheGulfofMexico Ronan Jézéquel,Engineer, Research Department, Cedre.

n >

Cedre Information Bulletin to containtheslickand response technique is natural environment, one hen oilisspilledinthe n°39

- July 2019

technical parameters to be taken into con- procedure as well as to the multitude of this implementing in difficulties to due countries suchasFrance. This situationis rarely used, orevenprohibited, incertain offshore response techniquethatremains oilslicks isan the deliberate burningof operations.thorities incharge of However, may therefore beputforward totheau- the oil application or in situ burning of whether floatingorsinking. emissions (gases, soot)andburnresidues, atmospheric characterisation andfateof debated topic, the inparticulartermsof ing oilslicks intheopensea isstillahotly more, burn - theenvironmental impactof operation and responder safety. Further sideration in order toensure asuccessful - burning wasconducted, thistimeintensively: Mexico, of ter HorizonoilspillintheGulf insitu contain theslicks. In2010, duringthe naturally and fractions flammable most the of iceslow downtheevaporation the presence of ment toinsitu conditions, aparticularly well suited environ- lab-based andinsitustudiesfocusedon Arctic research programmes onthistechnique. These more promising, Exxon single burnattempt implementedduringthe ble toeffectively burnoilslicks. Thereafter, the processes andequipmentlia - development of 2013). This nonetheless triggered the study and spill (England)butproved unsuccessful (ITOPF, was madein1967followingtheTorrey Canyon operations burning implement to attempt first The fire. on it set even or burn, ship the let or strong temptationtoignitetheslicks spiltatsea a was there occurred, spills oil first the as soon or bunker fuel)isintendedtobeusedasfuel. As A theoiltransported bysea large(cargo share of Background Valdez spill(UnitedStates, 1989)was burning: lowtemperatures and

and ledthewaytospecialised Deepwa-

© Photo© US Coast credit Guard Photo cal composition of theoil. cal compositionof a on case-by-case basis according to the exact chemi- refined be however should data These main prerequisites found inthe literature. the The followingtablesummarisesafewof water column). heat loss from theignitedslicksurfaceinto burn (theslickthickness formsabarrieragainst to oil of quantity sufficient a for need the and fractions) flammable of proportion (sufficient flammability oil’s the are conditions main two combustion and efficient burning over time, the and, what’s more, the toensure propagation of launching operations. Thus, toigniteanoilslick rameters must be taken into account before Once approval hasbeengranted, several pa- Prerequisites The burning technique techniques andtools(Allen, 2011). conditions, new promoting the development of and proved thetechnique’s effectiveness inreal 40days 411 burnswere conductedforatotalof >Deepwater Horizononfire • TorreyCanyon ENGLAND 1967 UNITED STATES KEY DATES • ExxonValdez Cedre 1989 © US Coast Guard Photo Wave height Weathering Conditions requiredforinsituburning Emulsion thickness

Information Bulletin >

Current Small scaleburntrial Wind Slick > • <2–10m/s(Buist, 2004) • <1m(Nordvik, 2003) • •  • •  • 

• <0.4m/s CONDITIONS REQUIRED < 48hours Time atsea (Buist, 2004) < 12.5 %water content Water < 20–35 % E (Buist etal., 1994) for weathered oil ~2 –5 mm (ASTM, 2003) > 2 mmforfresh oil vaporation 2010

• DeepwaterHorizon n° 39 GULF OFMEXICO

- July 2019


5 Weather Oil

FEATURE © Cedre FEATURE is required. less abundant, igniterfuel alarger quantity of are compounds flammable light which in oil, products suchasheavy fueloilorweathered in sufficient quantities above the slick. For heavy generally vapours flammable presencethe of to due indispensable not is fluid igniter of use the theslick’swhole of surface. For lightproducts, the across flames the of propagation rapid the lightfractions andpromotes the evaporation of accelerates locally which flow heat a generates system orbydrone). Onceignited, theigniter an aircraft (helicopterequippedwithahelitorch on theslickordirectly appliedto theslickfrom directly be placed can They flare. hand-held a comprise can and form gel in oil refined light a using igniters. These devicesgenerally contain Once theslickhasbeencontained, itissetalight •  •  •  • for insituburningsoasto: fire-resistantThe deployment boomsof is crucial weight workboats). opportunity) and slick ignition (light- (vessels of booms fire-resistant of towing and deployment equipment storage (oil spill response vessels), comprises aerialdetectionmeans, boatsfor ised equipmentsuitedtothistechnique. This A special- burnoperation requires theuseof Equipment 6

near theburn. guiding ittowards orawayfrom slicks drifting oil controlfuelling the the firequantities of by control slick movementsduringburning creasing towingspeed by increasing/de - intensity fire’s the control nition concentrate andthicken theslicks priortoig- Two fire-resistant boomare typesof n

Cedre inflatable water-cooled boom heat-resistant materials and rigid boom composed of rigid boomcomposedof available onthemarket: Information Bulletin n°39

- July 2019

oil, thesechemicalagentsrepel theoilmole- in thewater’s surfacetension. When around molecular) layer, leading toamajordecrease water, theyspread outinto a verythin (mono- onto released coefficient. When spreading high surface active molecules characterised by a very Herding agents, or herders, are composed of field. essential role bypromoting progress inthis Technology JIP (2012-2017)hasplayedan main developmentinwhichthe Arctic Response herding agents is the emerged and the issue of this spill, newresearch focuseshavegradually updates toguidesonburning. Inthewake of major as well as publications scientific of focus dataandexperience whichhasbeenthe of Horizon The 411 burns conducted during the Recent developments Advantages and disadvantages of insituburning Advantages anddisadvantagesof

>Pilot-scale burnset-up Effective oildisappears treatment: 90%of spill provided aconsiderable volume Less watercolumncontamination compared tochemicaldispersion Burn residue isless toxic from 1to4.5mm/min Rapid slicktreatment from watersurface than initialoil Deepwater

© Ineris 150 µl/m Association forOperating Companies) exercise. during the2016NOFO(NorwegianClean Seas This conceptwasalsotestedinreal conditions drones transporting herder aswellanigniter. has conductedpilot-scaleexperiments with for applyingherders. AlaskaThe Universityof aerialdronesin progress concerntheuseof interesting developments made and currently well asitspotential impact on birdlife. The main vironment, itstoxicity formarineorganisms as theagentinen- taken onthepersistenceof use,and limitsof research hasalsobeenunder In additiontostudiesonherders’ effectiveness Ross andDCE, 2015). for initiatingburning. Typically, adosageof the slick,ing the thickness of a key parameter cules andthus“herd” theoil, henceincreas-

>Releasing oil rapid evaporation of flammablefractions rapid evaporation of Very opportunitydueto shortwindowof atmospheric emissions (gasesandsoot) 2 Need forISB-specificlogistics ignited slicks (boomrupture) No (orlittle) residue recovery is sufficient to contract an oil slick oil an contract to sufficient is Secondary pollutiondueto Risk of losingcontrol of Risk of and trained personnel


© Ineris -

burns were conductedon6oils(2light, 2inter crudeoil.sions according tothetypeof To doso, burnresidues andatmosphericemis- impact of compositions and the assess thevariabilityof a project fundedby Total. This studyaimedto were performedatCedre andINERISthrough More recently, in2018, numerous burntrials oilinan Arctic environment.fate andimpactof field of burning of field research projects havealsobeenconductedinthe Alongside theseroutinely conductedtrials the burnefficiency. theoiland ing processes ontheignitabilityof weather of influence the assess to is trial burn in the Polludrome®. In this case, the the aim of ples which have undergone a weathering study burn trials are generally conducted on oil sam- oil.enclosure designed to burn100mlof These aforge hoodwhichrecovers sootandaburn of erator safety. The burntestbenchiscomposed small-scale burnswhileensuringcompleteop- This toolwas developedinorder toconduct 2012. tial experiments, a burn test bench was built in thistechnique.effectiveness of After someini- dataonthe thisstudypointedtothelackof of technical programme. the conclusions One of its ducting a state-of-the-art review as part of bycon- 1990s) the to back dated (which field In 2011, Cedre updateditsknowledgeinthis Work onISBatCedre crude oil as part of anIOGP crude oilaspartof at Cedre and INERIS at pilot scale on a North Sea

>Pilot-scale burntrial . In 2014, trials were conducted * project tostudythe , new

© Photo credit - © Cedre - PAHs). The secondphaseconsistedinassessing asphaltenes, of of and characterised (density, viscosity, distribution quantified recovered, were residues the pre-weathered inthelaboratory. After each burn, mediate and 2 heavy) which had been artificially *IOGP: Programme (JIP), pp.1-62. for In-Situ Burningin Arctic Waters. Report for Arctic OilSpillResponse Technology Joint Industry SL Ross andDCE. 2015. Research Summary: Herding SurfactantstoContract and Thicken OilSpills http://www.itopf.com/information-services/data-and-statistics/case-histories/tlist.html ITOPF, 2013. Case Histories: TORREY CANYON. Retrieved 11February, 2014from the2011International OilSpillConference.of Portland USA, vol. 2011, n°1, pp. 194. Mexico Deepwater HorizonMC-252OilSpillResponse”, of during theGulf inProceedings Allen A. A., D. Jaeger, N. J. MabileandD. Costanzo, Controlled Burning Useof 2011“The Cedre’s burntestbench to evacuate Diagram ofCedre’sburntestbenchandcontainmentring > saturates/ families of > REFERENCES exhaust Suction turbine International OilandGasProducersAssociation of gases

Glass case concentrations of n-alkanes and concentrations of aromatics/ resins and soot) to recover (with cycloneeffect Vent hood logger Temperature Cedre (Phaeodactylum tricornutum). fischeri)andonealga one bacterium(Vibrio impact wasmeasured with2marineorganisms: and biodegradability) aswelltheir impact. Their dispersibility potential, (emulsification theseresidues intheenvironment the fateof

Information Bulletin Continuous agitation n° 39

n - July 2019 seawater 5 litres of containing Beaker Containment ring


7 © Cedre © Cedre

FEATURE RESPONSE 550 Cap Corseof (Corsica), andwhichcaused ternational waters, 15nauticalmilesnorth 8 Emergency Response Coordinator. & AnneLe Roux, Operations ManageratCedre By NicolasTamic, A Cyprus-registered container ship (300 curred on Sunday 7 stage theincredible collisionwhichoc- These two protagonists were poisedto cruising at19knots. deep. A 160 m-long Tunisian ro-ro ship long), unladen, atanchorinwaters100 in bothonshore andoffshore operations. area. Cedre wascalledouttobeinvolved ranean shoreline, inparticularthe Var shore, thefueloilreached theMediter theoilwasrecovered offwhich someof - the resources deployedatsea, thanks to

collision Title Ulysse/CSLVirginia n Ulysse Légende àvenir

> > m

Cedre 3 of oiltospillintothesea. of Despite


Information Bulletin Virginia collision

th October2018in- n° 39

- July 2019

m m -

O on-site onMonday8 team. thepersonnelwassent A member of called upontojointhecrisismanagement operations atsea.(EGI) incharge of Cedre was response andaresponse managementteam the strategic crisis team (EGC) in charge of two teams were setup:acrisismanagement maritime environment. Against thisbackdrop, est level:crisismanagementsystemforthe maritime contingencyplan‘ORSEC’atitshigh- Mediterranean in Toulon activatedtheFrench On 8 ed north-westwards. bunker oiloccurred,a spillof whichthendrift- 19 at a speed of Cap Corsechor northof ininternationalwaters, dictions, theauthoritieswere abletoadjustthe forecast model, MOTHY. Basedonthesepre- lised Météo-France, whoran theirslick drift from itsheadquarters inBrest, Cedre mobi- dling marinepollutionincidents. Meanwhile, Maritime Prefect with Cedre’s expertise inhan- th October, theMaritimePrefect forthe container shipCSLVirginia , atan- ysse time, the Tunisian- Ul ro-ro vessel n 7 th knots. Following the collision, October2018, at07:04local rammed into Cyprus-flagged th Octobertoprovide the

operations more difficult. The numerous The difficult. more operations and mixture) drift, sometimes subsurface, final makingrecovery the in water 50% to (up emulsification rapid oil, the of part of oration weathering process involvesveryrapid evap- behaviour whichrequires quickactionasits fluctuating very has oil fuel This 180. IFO an 380. Analysis showed it to in fact be closer to identified in the vessel’s documents as an MFO criminated bunker fuel analysed by Cedre was in- The fine-tuned. and confirmed be to able arrived atCedre, theseinitialcalculationswere oil spiltatsea. When oilsamplestaken atsea the ADIOS (NOAA) topredict thebehaviourof Initially, Cedre usedamathematicalmodel, in caseoilshouldwashuponshore. the governmentservicesandlocalauthorities therecovery vessels andprepareposition of on the Mediterranean shores of France.on the Mediterranean shores of The theoil unfortunatelywashedup a share of the considerable resources deployedonsite, by French Navyand Customsaircraft. Despite the oil, with support from drones and guided Agency) were abletorecover themajorityof ian authorities response vessels





Maritime Safety


spill Ital- the initialclean-up operations. The workwas sonnel andsometimesvolunteers conducted thority personnel, militarycivilprotection per Faced with theemergency situation, localau- clean-upto monitortheprogress operations. of tuelle. The Var Prefect also commissioned Cedre Prefecture or incident command post in Rama- part inmeetingsandsituationreviews atthe management andsiterestoration. Cedre took collection andclean-up procedures, waste dations covered personnelsafetymeasures, to theresponders byCedre. These recommen- ommendations were drawn upanddelivered the surveyshadbeenconducted, technicalrec- cess, were alsoaffected by the pollution. Once ac- to difficult sometimes were which shores, sites. Inadditiontobeaches, numerous rocky theoiled pollution byconductingsurveysof area. Initially, the theyassessed theextent of Cedre’s the experts took to the shoresVar of response phase, this time on the shoreline. the second This marked the beginning of ourknowledge,the bestof were notanalysed. were tarballswhich, affected bystrandings of to Rhône, Gard, Hérault andnodoubtotherareas V ar area wasmostheavily hit. The Bouches-du-

- © Photo© Marine credit nationale ers were employed(around 150responders). ate thecollectedwaste. Locally recruited work helicopters to deliver equipment and evacu- of to pressure washing, sometimeswiththeuse techniquesranging from manualclean-up of Operations were pursuedusingabroad array thevessels involved.by theP&IClubsof replaced then were by aspillresponse company contracted responders first These vironment. fully toprevent causinggreater harmtotheen- slow, fastidiousandhadtobecarriedoutcare- Clean-up operations

> Cyprus-registered containership• IN SHORT of fueloilspilt Approx. 550m 3

CSL Virginia -

Cedre IFO 180 Oil the damagesuffered. n tions andmanaginganydisputesarisingfrom learnt from bothoffshore andonshore opera- The focuswillthenbeondrawing thelessons are expected tobecompletedbyearly April. them litter anddebris.large quantitiesof Operations with carrying floods and winds easterly strong its with season winter access, the difficult slicks alonganoften verysteepshoreline with of the scattering 2000), Natura classified were sites affected (some up operations: the type of A 7 number of factors slowed the progress of clean- factorsslowedtheprogress of numberof TH

Information Bulletin OCTOBER2018: Tunisian ro-rovessel•U OFF CAPCORSE CORSE CAP Ajaccio n° 39 CORSICA Figari COLLISION Bastia

- July 2019 mobilised 150 responders COLLISION lysse n

9 © Cedre

© Halynea.com RESPONSE RESPONSE joined thespillresponse set-up. European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) soon French Navy, theSpanishauthoritiesand response vessel. Othervessels provided bythe mobilise the bunker tanks, causingtheFrench authoritiesto The followingday, oilleaked from thewreck’s A cargo 12 onboard ontheafternoon of not becontrolled, and thevessel sankwithits the Despite intenseefforts bytheFrench Navyand and sound. took allmembersaboard toBrest safe ate whichwaspassing nearby andwhich the stricken vessel byaRoyal Navyfrig- issued, thecrew were evacuatedfrom incident. Very soon after a mayday was Prefecture for the Atlantic to handle this activated bytheMRCC EtelandtheMaritime maritime emergency organisation ORSECwere 10

Abeille Bourbon Abeille


Cedre rine pollution) components of the rine pollution)componentsof vessel indistress) andPOLMAR(ma- Rescue), ANED (assistance toa And gainst thisbackdrop, theSAR (Search Argonaute, a specialised oil spill

Information Bulletin salvage tug, the fire could fire the tug, salvage n° 39 th March. Grande America SINKING

- July 2019 of IFO 380 in its bunker tanks as well as a cargoof “The Grande “The America wascarrying2,200 m of over2,000vehiclesand365containers,of ca onthemarineenvironment. the chemicalstransported bytheGrande Ameri- Cedre wasinvolvedinanalysingtheimpactsof theoilslicksto forecastatsea. thedrift of Finally, remer, Météo-France, SHOM and Cedre, in order mittee, If- which comprises representatives of French authoritiesalsoactivatedthedrift com- and itsanalysislaboratory playedakey role. The Polludrome®, the as known tank, Cedre’sflume components andpredict itsweathering. To doso, oil inthevessel’s bunker tanks todetermineits Cedre the fuel analysed numerous samples of ities withexpert adviceanddecision support. Prefecture forthe Atlantic, toprovide theauthor agement process implementedbytheMaritime Cedre wasrapidly includedinthecrisisman- On 10 ly sank to a depth of 4,600 metres on the abyssal plain of the Bay of Biscay. theBayof 4,600metres ontheabyssal plainof ly sanktoadepthof when a fierce fire broke out and could not be brought under control. The vessel ultimate- 140 nauticalmilesfrom theFrench Penmarc’h coast, thetipof inBrittany, south-westof ca (Morocco) from Hamburg (Germany), suffered majordamage. The shipwasaround By NicolasTamic, Operations ManageratCedre.

including 45 of hazardous goods.”including 45of th March 2019, theItalianro-ro cargo shipGrande America, boundforCasablan- of the

- ed inCedre InformationBulletinn°40. n still called for. An in-depthreview will be provid- and Inclusive Transition (MTES), decentralised ration withtheFrench MinistryfortheEcological the French coastline. Working inclosecollabo- oil on strandings of response in anticipation of was alsoactivatedinrelation totheshoreline In addition to the offshore response, Cedre 3 IN SHORT

CARGO: 365containersand2,000vehicles DESTINATION: Casablanca CARGO SHIPGrande America DIMENSIONS: TYPE: Ro-ro cargo ship NATIONALITY: Italian 10 ORIGIN: 27,965 tonnes TH MARCH2019:FIREONBOARD tions are nowcompletedbutvigilanceis writing,At thetimeof offshore opera- their shores. stakeholders tohandleoilpollutionon took partinpreparing therelevant local the South-West DefenceZone, Cedre State servicesandthePrefecture for


more info www 213 m longand32 cedre.fr m wide, O optional the Supplementary FundMembership of is available underthe1992Fund Convention. additional compensation over and above that lowing theErika andPrestige The Supplementary Fund was established fol By NicolasTamic, Operations ManageratCedre. of theoil. of theowners thenationality of for thespillandof responsible tanker the of flag the of pendently and clean-up operations are thuscovered inde - Civil Liability Convention is inadequate. Salvage when the compensation under the applicable establishes aregime forcompensatingvictims mentary to the 1992 Civil Liability Convention, The 1992Fund Convention, whichissupple- theUnitedNations. specialised agencyof isa Maritime Organization (IMO)whichitself theInternational operate undertheauspicesof ing theTorrey Canyon pensation, anissue whichcametolightfollow- international agreement on liability and com- an funds came intobeingdue to theabsence of oilpollution.tion tovictimsof Historically, the Supplementary Fund) whichprovide compensa-

>1992 IOPCFundmeetinginLondon,April2019 . On 30 isations (the1992Fund andthe are twointergovernmental organ- major oilspills, theIOPCFunds ften mentionedinthewake of th November2018, theInternationalOilPollution thegoverningbodiesof Compensation Funds (IOPCFunds) Cedre’s observerstatusstrengthens itspositionasan internationaltechnicalexpert recognised spill in1967. The funds decided togrant Cedre observerstatuswiththe1992Fund andtheSupplementaryFund. spills. Itprovides by intergovernmental bodiesspecialisedin marine pollutionincidents. - IOPC Fundsobserverstatus

been settled out of court. been settled outof cases,In thegreat majorityof allclaimshave varyingsizesallovertheworld.150 incidentsof ment, theIOPCFunds havebeeninvolvedin (again including France). Since their establish- States were Parties totheSupplementaryFund France) were Parties tothe1992Fund and32 On 31 oilcarriedbysea.types of certain on levies by financed Fundsare IOPC The

>Cedre’s firstattendance atthe1992IOPCFundmeeting inLondon,April2019 Cedre granted st December 2018, 115States (including compensation tovictims “The aimistoprovide “The of oilpollution” of

Cedre Information Bulletin Cedre isabletooffer theFunds. n technicalcontributions presented therange of in April 2019, Cedre’s Director Stéphane Doll theFunds.of DuringthemeetinginLondon will be able to contribute actively to the work two organisations andisconvincedthatCedre he hopes for valuable collaboration between the Maura, the IOPCFunds, Director of states that In aletter dated30 regularly collaborates. Cedre which with (Cefic), Council Industry ical tion (ITOPF), Sea Alarm and the European Chem- International Tanker OwnersPollution Federa- server status withtheIOPCFunds, includingthe non-governmental organisations granted ob- Cedre joinedtheranks alongsidethe16other th n° 39 November2018, José

- July 2019 n

11 © IOPC Funds

INTERNATIONAL © IOPC Funds INTERNATIONAL Marine InterventioninChemicalEmergencies Network, ercise. operational marinepollutionresponse ex the involved in the the different aspects of participants, stakeholders andobservers and onehelicopteraswellover450 scale exercise involved19ships, oneplane August 2018.in thelastweekof This large- was heldinKarlskrona (southernSweden) pollution response exercise BALEX DELTA 12 Finnish Border Guard. Expert inmarinepollutionresponse, “Response” WorkingGroup, theHELCOMChair of By HeliHaapasaari, 1 The annualHELCOM International Tanker OwnersPollution Federation as theHelsinkiConvention. theBalticSea Environment of Area, alsoknown Convention theMarine ontheProtection of more info www n Adriatic Training andResearch Centre Hazardous andNoxious Substances

Cedre Information Bulletin balexdelta2018.helcom.fi atrac.hr Search And RescueSearch And Pollution Report ACRONYMS * * MAR-ICE BALEX DELTA2018 POLREP * * ATRAC * ITOPF * ? HNS SAR

1 operational marine Sweden 27 -

Operational marinepollutionresponseexercise, n° 39

- July 2019 -

T members, SAR for hull inspection, injured crew evacuation of HELCOMnot partof cooperation suchasdiving This exercise alsoincludedelements thatare exercise. atable-top response aspectstooktheformof oped. The onshore response andoiledwildlife sea-shore cooperation are stillbeingdevel- highlighted astheHELCOM procedures for sea-shore coordination wasthereforetance of in shoreline pollutionresponse. The impor was recently amendedtoincludecooperation en containers of HNS en containersof grounded vessel, aswelldrifting andsunk bothoilandchemicalsfrom the a leak of The BALEX DELTA 2018scenariocomprised ellists intheobserverseminars. to observebutalsoparticipateasexpert pan- ganisations suchasITOPF pollution response experts from different or demonstrations. The organisers also invited included seminars, sitevisitsandequipment all overEurope. observersfrom inviting agreater numberof scaled up, forinstancewiththepossibility of EU DG-ECHO funding, BALEX DELTA 2018 was 30

29 >Obervers’ seminar,panelsession, th th August August2018 observers totheexercise. Thanks to with recovery vessels andoften send pate intheBALEX DELTA exercises he BalticSea coastalstatespartici- * onboard a chemically contam-

A dedicatedobserverprogram * . The HelsinkiConvention * , ATRAC * andCedre - - © BALEX DELTA - ICE formation System (CECIS)wasused. The MAR- Common Emergency Communication and In- EMSA'sSafeSeaNet andDG-ECHO's nation of was used. Inthesecondalarmphase, acombi- phase thePOLREP which was conducted in two phases. In the first The exercise alsoincludedanalarmexercise coming BALEX DELTA exercises. theseelementsare includedintheup- low if fol- to procedures operational which define to Group meetingwillbeinvitedtodiscuss how inated shipetc. The next HELCOM Response Handling acasualty *

> implementing oilrecovery EMSA oilspillresponsevessel,theNorden, networkwasalsoactivated. A pre-exercise > * formatdevelopedbyIMO

© BALEX DELTA dures defined in the HELCOM Response Manual objectives were fulfilled and how well the proce- while thePET evaluatedhowwelltheexercise erational and technical fulfilment the of exercise (PET). theEETThe role of wastoevaluatetheop- uation work package Project Evaluation Team addition totheEET, averycomprehensive eval- Contracting Parties. pollution response experts from theHELCOM ercise Evaluation Team (EET)thatconsistsof The BALEX DELTA exercises alwayshaveanEx thetwophases. cise results of report wascompiledtocompare thealarmexer

on thedeckof Turva >The Norwegianresponse team BALEX DELTA 2018had, in

© BALEX DELTA - - © BALEX DELTA sinki, Finland on 9 the BALEX DELTA 2018 project was held in Hel- of seminar final and identified lessons cise.The as wellobservationsmadeduringtheexer self-evaluation forms, anonlinequestionnaire were followed. The PET evaluationwasbasedon ECHO. n Similar proposals willbeputforward toEU DG- ercise framework ortheoperational framework. proposals onhowtoenhancetheHELCOM ex the seminarandwillbedevelopedintoconcrete the evaluation teams will be discussed during of The GunnarSeidenfaden(Denmark) in thecourseofresponse teamtransfer >The Finnishvessel Turvaduringtheexercise > th -10 th April 2019. The findings - © BALEX DELTA - Cedre Information Bulletin © BALEX DELTA Swedish Coast Guard. thank SYKE, theFinnish Border Guard andthe lessons leant from theexercise. Cedre wishesto Cedre wasinvolvedinapanel session about other experts andthecrew. The following day, containersatsea with ures following theloss of role asan observer todiscuss response meas- its aside set briefly Cedre demonstrated. and ties inhazardous atmospheres were explained response vessel Turva, whose response capaci- leagues (SYKE andBorder Guard) onboard the exercise, we were invited by our Finnish col- ers intheoperational phase. the OnDay1of alarm phase. We were theninvolvedasobserv- activation bythePolish authoritiesduringthe For Cedre, BALEX DELTA beganwithaMAR-ICE TA2019,30 celebrating the be will we DEL BALEX as,at year special a be will 2019 and theobserverprogram. exercise table-top the in involved those as well as helicopter, aircraft, vessels, recovery centres,command the DELTAin of BALEX 2018 participants the all thank to also wish I exercise andwellconductedproject! successful the for Institute) Environment ish (Finn- SYKE and Service, Rescue and Search Maritime Polish the Secretariat, HELCOM the Skåne, of Board Administrative County the Agency), Contingencies Civil (Swedish to like MSB Guard,Coast would Swedish the congratulate I Group “Re- Working HELCOM the sponse” of chair as role my “In Group. theHELCOMChair of “Response” Working Heli Haapasaari COM operational exercise.” Emergency Response Coordinator, Cedre ABOUT n° 39

- July 2019 Anne Le Roux,

th HEL n

13 - -

INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIPS France. opment andtraining materialproduction, for behaviour analysis, response protocol devel- processing; andCedre, chemical incharge of the Tunisian Environment National Agency of co), theSpanishMinisteriodeFomento, and Mines andSustainableDevelopment (Moroc- Energy,ble Developmentunder the Ministry of Sustaina- State in charge of the Secretariat of d’Algérie, TransportMalta, Littoral du National Ricerca Ambiantale,Italy), theCommissariat la e Protezione la per Superiore (Istituto ISPRA Commission, theHELCOM Commission, Cedre, also involvesIMO(REMPEC), ITOPF, theOSPAR the 14 2 Oil &HNSPollution Cooperation) began on Co (Western Mediterranean region Marine (DG ECHO), thetwo-year project WestMOPo- Funded bytheEUCivilProtection Mechanism By ArnaudGuéna, Production ManageratCedre. company Health andSocialCare fortheUK;German the Department of for Spain; representatives of dering the Tage estuary, forPortugal; CETMAR Loures, themunicipalityof resentatives bor of well as the company Bentley Systems and rep- and nuclear technologydepartment (CTN) as mechanical engineeringdepartment(Maretec) partners from 5countries: modellers from IST's project draws together scientific and operational Lisbon.the Universityof This DG-ECHO-funded (Instituto Superior Técnico) whichbelongsto 2018. Itwasorganised bytheproject leader, IST washeldinLisbonon28thFebruaryHazRunoff The kick-off meeting for theEuropean project Project launchinLisbon By Florence Poncet, Engineer, Research Department, Cedre. nd January 2019 under the coordination of January 2019underthecoordination of n ertra Gnrl e a Mer.project This la de Général Secrétariat

This project aims to improve prepared Cedre EOMAP Information Bulletin specialisedinsatellitedata for early detection and follow-up of hazmatandfloodhazards for early detectionandfollow-upof n° 39 -July 2019 “Integration of sensingandmodellingtechnologies “Integration of - - organisation of varioussubregional workshops. organisation of aspillandthe tween countriesintheeventof area synergies be- and the reinforcement of mechanisms foremergency procedures inthis them, internationalcooperation thestudyof recommendations to improve establishment of the countries involved and, necessary,of if the thenationalcontingencyplans assessment of REMPEC’s MIDSIS-TROCS andMedERSys), the tools (HNSresponse guidelines, toolssuchas pollution response support ment andupdateof terranean region mainlythrough: thedevelop- international cooperation inthe Western Medi- The WestMOPoCo project aimstostrengthen naco which will also contribute to the project. Protection, as well as the Principality Mo- of the toolsdeveloped. times. Four pilotareas havebeenselectedtotest identify therisks andreduce alertand response behaviour models in order to development of tools (drone, remote sensing)combinedwiththe newdetection in particularthrough theuseof conditions andpollutioninriversestuaries, flood of case in capacity response the and ness in transitional andcoastalwaters. WestMOPoCo project HazRunoff study more info www hazrunoff.eu "

running thesubregional workshops. n sisting thedifferent partnersinorganising and national contingencyplans. We willalsobeas- anew assessment toolfor the developmentof tions for improving the REMPEC tools and for specifica- the defining manual, response HNS with ITOPF andISPRA, tasked withdrafting the collaboration specifically, in more be will Cedre 12 flooding, turbidity, slicks, chemicals, etc.). n anemergency (waterlevel/ ing anddetectionof remote sensingtoolsliabletoallowearly warn - ject, EOMAPisresponsible fortestingdifferent etry andwaterqualitymonitoring. Inthispro- bathym- of fields the in notably waters, inland lite-derived aquaticinformationinmaritimeand AP, satel- theleading globalserviceprovider of ject meetingwasorganised bythe partnerEOM- planned upcomingactivities. This secondpro - reviewed the progress the tasks and in each of ny). Overthesetwodays, theproject partners pean project washeldon11 HazRunoff The second coordination meeting forthe Euro - Coordination meetinginSeefeld th July 2018 in Seefeld near Munich (Germa-   and Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection European Union Funded by th and ing from 3 Cedre alsohostedthethird coordination meet- From 9 in particular:capitalisation, EPS knowledgeof the different actionswere movingforward and how the opportunityforpartnerstotake stockof methods. This second coordination meeting was use, thecircular economyandparticipatory based on the concepts moreof efficient resource (EPS use, manufacturing, recycling and uptake) among professionals sectors across arange of op bestpractices andmore sustainablepolicies Spanish and Portuguese partners seeks to devel- ment. 13Irish,The consortiumof British, French, EPS and XPS inthe Atlantic Area marineenviron- on concrete solutionstoreduce theimpactof rene (XPS) marine litter. Itisparticularlyfocused panded polystyrene (EPS) and extruded polysty- led by thePortuguese DGRM, is dedicated to ex programme.TERREG AtlanticArea OceanWise, 3-year project co-funded by theEuropean IN- second coordination meetingforOceanWise, a Cnr Tcnlgc dl Mar, del Technológico (Centro led byCETMAR programme.INTERREG AtlanticArea project, This CleanAtlantic project, co-funded by the European

>Partners oftheCleanAtlantic project th TWO EUROPEANPROJECTMEETINGSINBREST to11 rd to5 th October2018, Cedre hostedthe th December2018forthe3-year Cedre HOSTS CleanAtlantic Europeanprojectmeeting - OceanWise Europeanprojectmeeting ternatives inmarineenvironments andlastly, EPSanditsal- into theageingandimpactof alternativesolutions,and circularity of research and regulations, thesustainability evaluationof and impact), identifying stakeholders, policies production,and itsalternatives(intermsof use the Atlantic area bystrengthening preventative to protect biodiversityandecosystemservicesin partners and5associated partnerswithanaim the Atlantic Area. This project bringstogether13 Spain), isdedicatedtoreducing marinelitter in

>Participants atanOceanWiseprojectmeetingheldCedre

© Cedre Cedre

their impact. n put forward alternativematerialsand/orreduce holders, includingindustryprofessionals, to stakeawareness-raising- andinvolvementof circular economiccontext. n tion, reuse etc.)andlastly, wasteupcyclingina to reduce litter in marine environments (collec- measures vessels), leisure and fishing dustrial, maritime sector (ports and ships, including in- the project, such as: waste management in the thethemestackledby stakeholders onsomeof cussion betweenproject partnersandFrench were toraise awareness andtoencourage dis- invited byCedre. The objectivesforthisday project partnersandselectlocalstakeholders stakeholders workshop thatwasexclusively for ject actions. The meetingwasfollowedbyalocal thedifferentthe progress CleanAtlantic of pro- semi-annual project partnermeetingtoreview the to dedicated were days two first The posal. capability, monitoringandmarinelitter dis-

Information Bulletin n° 39 -July 2019 n

15 © Cedre


On 12th June 2018, Eric Tardieu, Director General of IOWater and Stéphane Doll, Director of Cedre, signed a framework agreement outlining the scientific and technical cooperation between the two organisations in the fields of water, aquatic environments, biodiversity and waste. This agreement is expected to foster synergies between the two organisations. © Cedre

> Signing of the IOWater agreement Response demonstration on drums of chemicals at Cedre's facilities By Arnaud Guéna, Production Manager at Cedre. By William Girauld, Engineer, Research and Training Department at Cedre >

Two highly complementary A broad array of fields Initial concrete actions All the partners in the MARINER project (En- University of Vigo), the United Kingdom (Pub- from 12 different nations as well as experts in hancing HNS preparedness through training lic Health England) and Portugal (CIIMAR and pollution response unanimously recognised organisations The framework agreement lays out the collabo- This partnership has already been put into and exercising) won recognition when the pro- Bentley Systems). the usefulness of the training materials devel- The International Office for Water (IOWater) and ration arrangements between the two structures action through: ject received an Atlantic Project Award in the oped through the project. This occasion was the Cedre, both non-profit associations, have com- and details the specific focuses of this agree- ▶ the hosting by IOWater of Cedre’s e-learn- The running theme of the project was to improve chance for the project partners to fine-tune the plementary missions, know-how and expertise. ment, including: ing platform and cooperation in creating a International Cooperation category. The award cooperation in terms of planning, preparedness rd training materials as well as for Cedre to high- ▶ training of professionals, module on chemical pollution, ceremony was held on the 23 October 2018 and response to HNS spills. Cedre brought ex- IOWater has at its disposal: th light its strong links with the Finistère Fire and ▶ expert assessment and advisory missions, ▶ drafting by IOWater of an article on GEMAPI alongside the 5 Atlantic Stakeholder Platform perience and expertise to different stages of the ▶ a national water training centre comprising Rescue Service. All the project deliverables are ▶ R&D programmes involving trials relating to for Cedre Information Bulletin n°38, Conference. With this prize, the European Union technological and pilot facilities and equip- project. We participated in the compilation and available free of charge on the MARINER project technologies and processes, ▶ support from Cedre in the organisation of an recognised the relevance of the project and its ment, specially designed to rapidly build transfer of knowledge and existing response website with the aim to raise awareness and en- know-how and technical knowledge, as well ▶ contributions to national and international “IOWater Day” on the theme of accidental numerous outputs, which are now available on protocols. We then contributed to preparing n th courage information sharing. as to conduct pilot trials on processes and recommendations in terms of documentation pollution of surface waters, held on 13 No- the MARINER website. As a reminder (see Cedre training documents which were supplemented materials, and data management systems vember 2018 in Paris, Information Bulletin n°35), the MARINER pro- with a training package on modelling by the Por- ▶ extensive experience and references in lead- ▶ participation in EU and international projects ▶ the joint promotion of IOWater and Cedre train- ject was funded by DG-ECHO and led to close tuguese partners and a tool to generate exercise n ing international projects, and promoting networking among players in ing courses in our respective catalogues. collaboration between research centres in four scenarios by the English partners. All the train- more info ▶ considerable capacities in information system the global water sector, European countries: France (Cedre), Spain (CET- ing materials were tested during a workshop at www mariner-project.eu management, running of stakeholder net- ▶ design and provision of tools boosting the MAR, the project’s coordinator and INTECMAR, Cedre in September 2017. The 35 participants works and international promotion of water visibility of the water and biodiversity sectors. management methods and techniques. more info www iowater.org

About IOWater The International Office to facilitate exchanges between the and private organizations and to “The conclusion of this agreement for Water (IOWater) is a various decision-makers, designers, carry out projects and programs is expected to develop collaboration in terms non-profit association managers, industrialists, trainers, of common and collective interest under French law researchers, users concerned, to in order to better respond to the of the exchange of information and declared to be in the better solve together their problems, requests and needs requiring the good practices, promotion of activities public interest by the coordinate their actions, disseminate multiple and more and more Decree of 13 September 1991. The their information and to pool their complex know-how of the and involvement in regional, © Cedre Association's objectives in the field skills and develop partnerships "International Water Community".

national and international projects.” of water and related activities are between French and foreign public Source: IOWater > Atlantic Project Award Trophy

© Cedre > Participants at a MARINER project workshop in September 2017.

16 n Cedre Information Bulletin n° 39 - July 2019 Cedre Information Bulletin n° 39 - July 2019 n 17 NEW HORIZONS NEW RECRUITS NEW PUBLICATIONS INFORMATION INFORMATION Operational Guide: Cedre Technical Spill Response Newsletters in Ports (111 pages) AVAILABLE Christophe Rousseau Annie Tygréat Alma Chambord French only IN ENGLISH FREE FREE After 10 months as an officer on the ocean minesweep- After two years in England, Annie began her career as After a technical diploma in management, Alma com- DOWNLOAD DOWNLOAD er Ouistreham, Christophe was assigned to Cedre as a an assistant salesperson in the automotive industry. pleted her training with a level II diploma in business from our website from our website representative of the French Navy in September 1979. She then ran a restaurant in Brest for 5 years. A few years management and organisation. With the experience In January 1980, a few months after the organisation later, with a diploma specialised in office tools in hand, she gained from working as an administration and ac- was created, he was hired as an engineer. He was one Annie joined Cedre in 1991 as an assistant in the Train- counting manager in the industrial sector in the Paris www cedre.fr www cedre.fr of the founding directors who launched and nurtured ing then the Information Department. She completed area, she set off for , joining CER in Lesneven

this wonderful venture! Since then, his career and her training in 2007 with a specialisation in scientific then KPMG in Brest as a senior account manager. In s s Resources/Publications section Resources/Publications section professional responsibilities have been focused on all and technical graphical design, a technical diploma in 2010, she was appointed as Administrative and Finan- forms of spill preparedness and response. Beginning business communication and a technical diploma in cial Manager for the Bretagne Vivante association, with as deputy, he took over responsibility for the Response secretary to management skills. Annie was then able a portfolio of 300 projects per year. She began her role In December 2018, we published management centres and a response Our biannual “Sea & Shoreline” and preparedness, oil recovery, response and Training Department in 1986. Two years later, he to put her creative skills to use at Cedre, broadly con- as Administrative and Financial Manager at Cedre in an operational guide targeting op- manual for field teams. Regulatory “Inland Waters” Technical Newslet- techniques, response products, com- became manager of the Training, International Coop- tributing to the graphic creation of documents such as June 2018, also joining the Management Committee. eration and Public Relations Department. In 1995, as the bulletin, guides, catalogues, brochures, the logo erators involved in spill response in aspects are addressed then recom- ters, available in both French and pensation, environmental impacts, Deputy Director, he was placed in charge of the Co- and more. She also handled organisation for commu- ports. This guide acts as a toolbox mendations are made based on the English, are a gold mine of infor- lessons learnt and slick drift, as ordination of Training, Planning, Auditing and Infor- nication events, such as Information Days and Open for professionals in ports, fisheries, expertise of Cedre, the Loire-Brittany mation. They provide a summary of well as details of recently published mation/Documentation Division. In the early 2000s, Days as well as creating and managing 273 editions of trade, pleasure boating, cruises and Water Agency and numerous part- our technology intelligence activity guidelines and recommendations. he managed crisis communication during the Erika Cedre’s monthly newsletter! In late 2018, she decided military sectors. Produced through ners in terms of methods, analysis on past and recent spills in marine and Prestige spills. In the 2010s, he worked tirelessly to set sail for new professional horizons. We thank her cooperation between Cedre, the and response to spills in both river and inland waters around the world. to enable Cedre to obtain ISO 9001 and 14001 certi- and wish her every success for the future. Loire-Brittany Water Agency and the and marine environments. They include data on past incidents, fications. With 40 years of unanimously recognised French Ministry for the Ecological This guide is currently available in a review of spills around the world, expertise, Christophe showed an unfailing devotion Nicolas Tamic and Inclusive Transition, this doc- French only. An English version is statistics, information on response to the marine environment cause, acknowledged as After obtaining a Master’s in public law in Brest, Nico- ument is both a decision support scheduled to be released in the near much by the scientific community as the media and the las went on to graduate from Paris V with a Master’s in tool for decision-makers in incident future. maritime and terrestrial authorities alike, in France and crisis management in 2008. He has 22 years of expe- internationally. He is now set to enjoy his retirement, rience in the French Navy, with half of it as a marine spending time with family and friends, and indulging stationed at the Lorient naval base and the other half in his lifelong hobbies of fishing and DIY but above devoted to law enforcement at sea, in Brest and in all, passing on to his grandchildren his passion for the Martinique where he worked in the fight against drug ocean, which forges great men. trafficking, marine pollution response and sea rescue. Nicolas joined Cedre last September as Operations Manager, Deputy Director and a member of the Man- Christine Ollivier agement Committee. In 1976, after a year in Edinburgh, Christine joined Prieur jewellers in Brest. Thanks to her excellent level of English, she was then recruited by Brittany Ferries, where she worked for 8 years as a ship stewardess. After 4 years as a personal assistant at CEDEM in , with a diploma in desktop publishing in hand, she Michel Mellaza joined Cedre in 1993 as the Training Department’s assistant. In her 25 years with Cedre, she assisted 4 De- Michel began his career in a chartered accountan- partment Managers and saw a near three-fold increase Agnese Diverres cy firm in Brest in 1979, before going on to become in the department’s workload. She was responsible for Administration and Accounting Manager in the super- producing training and logistical materials for some After a technical diploma in Management and the This 64-page book is an original are two goals: to unite and to share. market sector in the Brest area for 10 years. It was in 350 training courses at Cedre. Her dedication to a job equivalent of a Master of Business Administration, Ag- compilation produced through a col- Many of Cedre’s partners, together 1994 that he joined Cedre as the Administrative and well done and her kind manner in welcoming and nese began her career in an auditing and technology lective effort in the wake of the event with known or anonymous artists, Financial Manager. He greatly contributed to Cedre’s tending to trainees contributed to Cedre’s good repu- assessment firm in Switzerland. She then returned to marking the 40th anniversary of the took up our invitation to contribute administrative and financial organisation during the tation internationally and will be fondly remembered! Finistère, where she worked for 18 years for the agri- Amoco Cadiz disaster. Entitled “Avis to this project, producing unique construction of its headquarters in Brest, which was She is now able to enjoy her newfound free time to gar- cultural cooperative Coopagri Bretagne, then Triskalia, de... Flash Black”, this richly illustrat- works of art and texts. funded within the State-region planning contract. He in the successive roles of micromarketing manager, den and spend time with those close to her. ed publication showcases 40 years of €12 minimum was also heavily involved in preparing and processing deputy IT manager in the procurement division, man- Amoco Cadiz change(s) since the oil at the donor’s discretion. compensation claims after the Erika and Prestige oil ager for NITC (New information and communications spill on the coast of Brittany. It offers French only tanker catastrophes. 25 years on, the budget has dou- technologies) and lastly as a web manager in the com- a combination of editorials, witness bled, and the workforce has risen from 35 to 55 staff. munications department. She was then appointed IT accounts and artistic creations. Be- Order online at This new chapter of his life will be the opportunity for Research Manager at the Cogedis group, a post she hind this book "like no other", there www cedre.fr > Extracts from the compilation him to pursue his travels around the world and to fully held for 3 years. In June 2018, Agnese joined the team devote himself to photography and the Saint-Renan at Cedre as the Information Department Manager. photography club.

18 n Cedre Information Bulletin n° 39 - July 2019 Cedre Information Bulletin n° 39 - July 2019 n 19 Cedre AT A GLANCE contingency plans Based in 60 BREST delivered in the past 10 years for countries 40 years 20 50 staff visited

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715, rue Alain Colas - CS 41836 - 29218 BREST cedex 2 - FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 98 33 10 10 - Fax: + 33 (0)2 98 44 91 38 [email protected] - www.cedre.fr