Australian Notices to Mariners Are the Authority for Correcting Australian Charts and Publications AUSTRALIAN NOTICES to MARINERS Notices 398 - 440

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Australian Notices to Mariners Are the Authority for Correcting Australian Charts and Publications AUSTRALIAN NOTICES to MARINERS Notices 398 - 440 2 June 2017 Edition 11 Australian Notices to Mariners are the authority for correcting Australian Charts and Publications AUSTRALIAN NOTICES TO MARINERS Notices 398 - 440 Published fortnightly by the Australian Hydrographic Service Commodore B.K. BRACE RAN Hydrographer of Australia SECTIONS. I. Australian Notices to Mariners, including blocks and notes. II. Hydrographic Reports. III. Navigational Warnings. SUPPLEMENTS. I. Tracings II. Cumulative List of Australian Notices to Mariners. III. Cumulative List of Temporary and Preliminary Australian Notices to Mariners. IV. Temporary and Preliminary Notices in force. V. Amendments to Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals (Vol K), Radio Signals (NP 281(2), 282, 283(2), 285, 286(4)) and Sailing Directions (NP 9, 13, 14, 15, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 44, 51, 60, 61, 62, 100, 136). © Commonwealth of Australia 2017 This work is copyright. Apart from any use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process, adapted, communicated or commercially exploited without prior written permission from The Commonwealth represented by the Australian Hydrographic Service. AHP 18 IMPORTANT NOTICE This edition of Notices to Mariners includes all significant information affecting AHS products which the AHS has become aware of since the last edition. All reasonable efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the information, including third party information, on which these updates are based. The AHS regards third parties from which it receives information as reliable, however the AHS cannot verify all such information and errors may therefore exist. The AHS does not accept liability for errors in third party information. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The substance of these notices should be inserted on the charts affected. Bearings are referred to the true compass and are reckoned clockwise from North; those relating to lights are given as seen by an observer from seaward. Positions quoted in notices relate to WGS84 which is the horizontal datum for all charts produced by the Australian Hydrographic Service. The range quoted for a light is its nominal range. Depths are with reference to the chart datum of each chart. Heights are above mean high water springs or mean higher high water, as appropriate. The capital letter (P) or (T) after the number of any notice denotes a preliminary or temporary notice respectively, which are contained separately at the end of the permanent notices. A star (*) adjacent to the number of a notice indicates that the notice is based on original information. REPORTING OF DANGERS Mariners are particularly requested to notify the AUSTRALIAN HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICE, Locked Bag 8801 Wollongong, NSW 2500 (Fax 02-4223 6599, e-mail [email protected] or, alternatively by filling in and submitting the Hydrographic Notes forms located on the web site –, immediately on the discovery of new dangers or suspected dangers to navigation. For changes or defects in aids to navigation notify AusSAR (Fax 02-6230 6868 or email [email protected]). AUTHORISED USE Copies of Australian notices are available free of charge from the Australian Hydrographic Service (AHS) website ( and through the eNotices (email) service ( Individual Notices may be copied for the purpose of inserting Notice substance on official charts and publications. Paper copies may be printed by chart agents and distributed to customers on a cost recovery basis. Participating chart agents are listed on the AHS website as providing a 'Paper Notices to Mariners’ service ( Copies of the notices may not be sold for profit without prior written agreement. I NUMERICAL INDEX OF NOTICES TO MARINERS Edition No 11 Notices Aus Chart, INT Chart, ENC Cell, AHP, BA Pubs 398 Aus 4060, 4074, 4601, 4643, 4644, INT 60, 74, 601, 643, 644 399 Aus 4060, 4604, INT 60, 604 400 Aus 264 401 Aus 299 402 Aus 490, 819, 820 403 Aus 367, 822, 823, 4060, 4602, 4620, 4621, 4635, INT 60, 602, 620, 621, 635 404 Aus 256 405 Aus 293, 299 406 Aus 15 407 Aus 315, 4721, INT 721 408 Aus 68 409 Aus 119, 762 410 Aus 64, 69 411 Aus 777 412 Aus 357, 4644, INT 644 413 Aus 793, 794 414 Aus 173 415 Aus 169 416 Aus 171, 174, 766 417(T) Aus 256, 827, 4620, INT 620 418(T) Aus 252, 253 419(T) Aus 252 420(T) Aus 235 421(T) Aus 236 422(T) Aus 236 423(T) Aus 236 424(T) Aus 256, 827 425(T) Aus 260, 261, 367, 822 426(T) Aus 269 427(T) Aus 256 428(T) Aus 379, 386, 387, 392, 393, 396, 397, 398, 399, 507, 508, 509, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 539, 543, 545, 546, 547, 548, 554, 628, 631, 635, 637, 642, 643, 644, 653, 665, 666, 668, 669, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 677, 678, 679, 680, 683, 684, 4620, 4621, 4622, INT 620, 621, 622 429(T) Aus 316, 724, 725 430(T) Aus 26, 28 431(T) Aus 112, 113 432(T) Aus 81, 332, 751 433(T) Aus 328, 329, 744, 4723, 4725, INT 723, 725 434(T) Aus 55, 740 435(T) Aus 112 436(T) Aus 485, 780 437(T) Aus 139, 781 438(P) Aus 132, 778 439(T) Aus 154 440(T) Aus 177, 792 2 June 2017 3 I NUMERICAL INDEX OF CHARTS AFFECTED Edition No 11 Aus Chart Notices Aus Chart Notices Aus 15 406 Aus 515 428(T) Aus 26 430(T) Aus 516 428(T) Aus 28 430(T) Aus 517 428(T) Aus 55 434(T) Aus 518 428(T) Aus 64 410 Aus 519 428(T) Aus 68 408 Aus 520 428(T) Aus 69 410 Aus 521 428(T) Aus 81 432(T) Aus 522 428(T) Aus 112 431(T), 435(T) Aus 523 428(T) Aus 113 431(T) Aus 539 428(T) Aus 119 409 Aus 543 428(T) Aus 132 438(P) Aus 545 428(T) Aus 139 437(T) Aus 546 428(T) Aus 154 439(T) Aus 547 428(T) Aus 169 415 Aus 548 428(T) Aus 171 416 Aus 554 428(T) Aus 173 414 Aus 628 428(T) Aus 174 416 Aus 631 428(T) Aus 177 440(T) Aus 635 428(T) Aus 235 420(T) Aus 637 428(T) Aus 236 421(T), 422(T), 423(T) Aus 642 428(T) Aus 252 418(T), 419(T) Aus 643 428(T) Aus 253 418(T) Aus 644 428(T) Aus 256 404, 417(T), 424(T), 427(T) Aus 653 428(T) Aus 260 425(T) Aus 665 428(T) Aus 261 425(T) Aus 666 428(T) Aus 264 400 Aus 668 428(T) Aus 269 426(T) Aus 669 428(T) Aus 293 405 Aus 670 428(T) Aus 299 401, 405 Aus 671 428(T) Aus 315 407 Aus 672 428(T) Aus 316 429(T) Aus 673 428(T) Aus 328 433(T) Aus 674 428(T) Aus 329 433(T) Aus 677 428(T) Aus 332 432(T) Aus 678 428(T) Aus 357 412 Aus 679 428(T) Aus 367 403, 425(T) Aus 680 428(T) Aus 379 428(T) Aus 683 428(T) Aus 386 428(T) Aus 684 428(T) Aus 387 428(T) Aus 724 429(T) Aus 392 428(T) Aus 725 429(T) Aus 393 428(T) Aus 740 434(T) Aus 396 428(T) Aus 744 433(T) Aus 397 428(T) Aus 751 432(T) Aus 398 428(T) Aus 762 409 Aus 399 428(T) Aus 766 416 Aus 485 436(T) Aus 777 411 Aus 490 402 Aus 778 438(P) Aus 507 428(T) Aus 780 436(T) Aus 508 428(T) Aus 781 437(T) Aus 509 428(T) Aus 792 440(T) Aus 512 428(T) Aus 793 413 Aus 513 428(T) Aus 794 413 Aus 514 428(T) Aus 819 402 2 June 2017 4 I Aus Chart Notices Aus 820 402 Aus 822 403, 425(T) Aus 823 403 Aus 827 417(T), 424(T) Aus 4060 398, 399, 403 Aus 4074 398 Aus 4601 398 Aus 4602 403 Aus 4604 399 Aus 4620 403, 417(T), 428(T) Aus 4621 403, 428(T) Aus 4622 428(T) Aus 4635 403 Aus 4643 398 Aus 4644 398, 412 Aus 4721 407 Aus 4723 433(T) Aus 4725 433(T) INT Chart Notices INT 60 398, 399, 403 INT 74 398 INT 601 398 INT 602 403 INT 604 399 INT 620 403, 417(T), 428(T) INT 621 403, 428(T) INT 622 428(T) INT 635 403 INT 643 398 INT 644 398, 412 INT 721 407 INT 723 433(T) INT 725 433(T) 2 June 2017 5 I 398 AUSTRALIA - TASMAN SEA - Cascade Guyot - Depths northeastwards Geoscience Australia Aus 4060 (INT 60) [358/2017] Insert depth, 3827m, enclosed by contour 39° 31'.6 S 158° 29'.3 E Replace depth, 2163m, and enclosing danger circle with depth, 1424m, enclosed 42° 55'.7 S 151° 30'.4 E by contour Aus 4074 (INT 74) [324/2017] Insert depth, 3827m, enclosed by contour 39° 31'.6 S 158° 29'.3 E Replace depth, 2163m, and enclosing danger circle with depth, 1424m, enclosed 42° 55'.7 S 151° 30'.4 E by contour Aus 4601 (INT 601) [368/2017] Insert depth, 3881m, enclosed by contour 42° 01'.8 S 151° 45'.0 E depth, 3796m, enclosed by contour 41° 49'.9 S 152° 21'.7 E depth, 3827m, enclosed by contour 39° 31'.6 S 158° 29'.3 E Replace depth, 2163m, and enclosing danger circle with depth, 1424m, enclosed 42° 55'.7 S 151° 30'.4 E by contour Aus 4643 (INT 643) [196/2017] Insert depth, 3827m, enclosed by contour 39° 31'.6 S 158° 29'.3 E depth, 3856m, enclosed by contour 39° 28'.1 S 158° 46'.0 E contour, between 39° 31'.7 S 158° 58'.2 E 39° 27'.8 S 158° 59'.0 E 39° 30'.0 S 159° 05'.2 E Delete contour, between 39° 31'.7 S 158° 58'.2 E 39° 30'.0 S 159° 05'.2 E depth, 4213m 39° 27'.8 S 158° 59'.5 E Aus 4644 (INT 644) [368/2017] Insert depth, 1424m, enclosed by contour 42° 55'.7 S 151° 30'.4 E depth, 3881m, enclosed by contour 42° 01'.8 S 151° 45'.0 E depth, 3796m, enclosed by contour 41° 49'.9 S 152° 21'.7 E Delete depth, 3634m 42° 57'.0 S 151° 26'.0 E 399 PACIFIC OCEAN - Melanesian Basin - Depth Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and NOAA Aus 4060 (INT 60) [398/2017] Insert depth, 2808m, enclose by contour 4° 36'.3 S 170° 37'.1 E Aus 4604 (INT 604) [1104/2015] Insert depth, 2808m, enclose by contour 4° 36'.3 S 170° 37'.1 E Delete depth, 3403m 4° 36'.0 S 170° 23'.0 E 400 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Cairns - Smiths Creek - Wreck Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 1021(T)/2011 Aus 264 [1198/2016] Move wreck 16° 57'.51 S 145° 46'.26 E to 16° 57'.515 S 145° 46'.256 E 2 June 2017 6 I 401 AUSTRALIA - QUEENSLAND - Ellis Channel - Anchoring prohibited areas Maritime Safety Queensland Notice 183/2017 Aus 299 [316/2017] Insert anchoring prohibited limit,
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